
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
TheMusoWoa! Oneiric open already. That was quick./01:53
lifelesshow long would you like it to take?01:55
TheMusoI don't care how long it takes  or how short a time it takes, I'm just used to it being half a week or so.02:00
jbichayeah I'm used it to taking a few days but it was open within hours of release02:01
TheMusoRAOF: When you use tmpfs for sbuild, do you give any particular mount options for the tmpfs filesystem?03:33
RAOFTheMuso: “none on /var/lib/schroot/union/tmpfs-overlay type tmpfs (rw)”.  So, no :)03:34
RAOFTheMuso: Are you seeing some problem?03:34
TheMusoRAOF: Ah ok, you use a unionfs setup for it as well?03:34
TheMusoRAOF: No, I'm looking to set it up.03:35
RAOFTheMuso: Yeah.  aufs merges the chroot underlay and the tmpfs overlay.03:35
TheMusoNow that I have more RAM in my desktop, I can use some of it for fast building.03:35
TheMusoRAOF: Is there a guide on how to do this somewhere?03:35
RAOFTheMuso: Not that I'm aware of, no.03:36
TheMusoAh ok03:36
RAOFhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/602092/ is my relevant sbuild-natty-amd64 snippet in /etc/schroot/chroot.d03:37
TheMusoah ok thanks03:37
RAOFThe top entry is exactly what mk-sbuild produces, the subsequent entries are that + customisations.03:37
TheMusoSO which one of the tmpfs ones do you use, or do you use all of them?03:40
RAOFI use all of them.03:51
RAOFThere are basically two variants there; natty-amd64 and natty-local-amd64, and both of those has a tmpfs and non-tmpfs config.03:52
RAOFnatty-amd64 is simple.  natty-local-amd64 is natty-amd64 + a local repository of my build output, which makes it nice for X transitions.03:52
TheMusook thought as much.,03:55
TheMusoI am going to leverage this a little differently.03:55
TheMusoA combination of tmpfs overlay, or LVM snapshots.03:55
RAOFIncidentally, if you're interested in local-packages, it just containst http://paste.ubuntu.com/602098/ as fstab and http://paste.ubuntu.com/602099/ as config03:56
TheMusooh ok thanks.03:57
TheMusoI think mk-sbuild-lv needs to be extended to do all this stuff I think.03:57
RAOFYeah, probably.03:59
RAOFNow that I *look* at local-packages it's entirely possible to make mk-sbuild-lv do a tmpfs overlay really easily.03:59
RAOFBuild-against-built-packages is a little bit more difficult, as it requires bind-mounting the build output directory somewhere.04:00
TheMusoProbably recommending/checking that the user has minimum 2GB RAM, maybe more.04:01
TheMusoHoowaaahh! THis kicks LVM snapshots to the curbe and back 5 times over. :)04:06
TheMusoI guess my only other question is whether the RAM allocated to tmpfs can be used for other things if needed without having to unmount the tmpfs.04:13
TheMusoBut a good google should answer that.04:13
TheMusoAh, dynamically allocated.04:15
TheMusoThats good.04:15
RAOFIt'll by default only grow to 50% of your total ram.  That can be a bit annoying.04:17
TheMusoYeah I see that. Well my desktop and new thinkpad both have 8GB, so I don't think that will be a problem for a while.04:17
TheMusoI also plan to set up VMs for some various testing a11y wise, so that RAM will be gobbled up in various ways in time.04:18
RAOFYeah, and you're not building mesa or the kernel.04:18
RAOFFor sufficiently small things (most of the mono packages we have) I've benchmarked building on tmpfs to be ~3 times faster than the lvm snapshot route.  dpkg really, *really* likes unpacking on a tmpfs :)04:19
TheMusoI noticed.04:20
TheMusoEatmydata, eat your heart out.04:20
* micahg has had fun with /dev/shm and seamonkey/xulrunner04:20
RAOFOh, hey.  That ubuntu-dev-tools branch moving mk-sbuild chroots into chroot.d hasn't landed?04:22
TheMusoIs that something new that schroot supports? If so, very nice.04:25
TheMusoAnyway, oneiric and natty chroots set up for tmpfs overlay support for now.04:25
RAOFOooh, and that branch properly supports debian-experimental?  Yes please.04:28
TheMusoRAOF: You should have the privs to review/merge that right?04:28
* TheMuso -> lunch04:29
RAOFLet's see.04:29
TheMusoRAOF: Thought you had the privs to do that. :)06:29
TheMusoSince you are an ubuntu-dev.06:29
RAOFTurns out I do :)06:29
pittiGood morning06:32
* pitti waves from Augsburg06:32
TheMusoHey pitti./06:33
cdbshi pitti06:33
RAOFHey pitti :)06:34
pittiit's nice to unpack boxes for a change :)06:34
cdbsTheMuso: Facing problems with integrating SpamAssassin in mailman?06:35
TheMusocdbs: No, I just wish that the canonical list servers were better integrated with spam asassin.06:35
TheMusoI moderate some a11y lists, and mail that is spam makes its way into the moderatino queues, even though the reason given is that the mail is possible spam.06:36
TheMusoSo just venting my frustration I guess.06:36
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:03
TheMusoHey chrisccoulson.07:03
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?07:03
chrisccoulsonhi TheMuso, how are you?07:03
TheMusochrisccoulson: Well thanks, yourself?07:04
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, i'm good thanks, how are you?07:04
pittichrisccoulson: did you enjoy seeing the world breaking out in tears when the new couple kissed? :-)07:04
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, yeah, good thanks. although, my daughter woke me up at 5.30 this morning ;)07:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - no, i didn't watch it ;)07:04
TheMusoI watched that service, and the music was really beautiful.07:04
pittichrisccoulson: I'm quite well, thanks! sore muscles due to the moving, but it all went well07:04
pittiI caught 10 minutes of it when we had lunch in a Chinese bistro on Friday07:05
TheMusoTO me, the wedding service was the best part of the day, everything else was secondary.07:05
chrisccoulsoni had quite a productive day on friday07:09
chrisccoulsoni've got firefox building its own language packs now :)07:09
toabctli had a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop and want to find the packaging stuff for gtk3 but found different branches named gtk3. what's the main branch used for oneiric?07:17
toabctlthere are: lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gtk/ubuntugtk3     and lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-desktop/ubuntu-gtk3    and lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-desktop/ubuntugtk307:18
seb128hey desktopers09:13
seb128hey rodrigo_09:13
rodrigo_hi seb12809:14
pittibonjour seb128, ca va?09:26
pittiseb128: are you already in Budapest?09:26
seb128hey pitti, bien et toi ?09:26
seb128pitti, no, going there tomorrow09:26
pittiseb128: *me waves to you from Augsburg*09:26
pittiseb128: moving went well, just my muscles are aching :)09:26
pittiwe are sitting amongst a huge pile of boxes still, of course :)09:27
seb128pitti, so you have a week to unpack a bit and UDS then? ;-)09:27
pittiseb128: we'll need more time for that, we still need to buy a lot of furniture (we threw most of our old and shabby stuff away)09:28
pittiseb128: but the kitchen is complete, and working desk and clothing closet are done09:29
seb128right, I didn't suggest you would be done with the moving at the end of the week, just that you will have to time to relax ;-)09:29
pittiand this evening we should get DSL09:29
pittiso the most basic stuff is working :)09:29
* pitti hugs his laptop's builtin 3G antenna; 3G on the mobile phone is rather weak09:30
rodrigo_hey pitti, how was the move?09:33
rodrigo_seb128, for merging the gnome3 branches, do we merge the whole history to ~ubuntu-desktop branch, or just do an update with all the changes?09:35
seb128rodrigo_, that's what I was asking on friday, not sure if you read, what I went for is merging the gnome3-team commits i.e keeping the vcs history but cleaning the changelog and summarizing in one entry09:37
seb128well I suggest rebasing on debian at the same time and we do summarize the remaining diff usually when doing that09:38
rodrigo_althouugh, well, if we don't keep the changelog history, do we really need the bzr history?09:38
rodrigo_yes, I'm first merging the gnome3 branch with debian changes, and then with the ~ubuntu-desktop branch09:38
seb128I did it the other way around, I merge the gnome3 vcs in the ubuntu-desktop one09:39
xclaesserodrigo_, will the gnome3 natty ppa be kept up to date? or will you push only in the natty+1 repository?09:39
seb128then reviewed the diff09:39
rodrigo_xclaesse, I guess I'll do both09:40
seb128xclaesse, the ppa will keep being community maintained, contributions to keep it updated are welcome09:40
rodrigo_seb128, ok09:40
pittirodrigo_: I don't think the PPA bzr history is that interesting in bzr, but if you merge the branches, we'll retain it anyway?09:41
pittirodrigo_: I don't think the PPA bzr history is that interesting in bzr, but if you merge the branches, we'll retain it anyway?09:41
seb128rodrigo_, on whether we really need the gnome3 vcs history, not sure but it's somewhat nice to keep record of community contributions there09:41
rodrigo_pitti, yeah, was not sure how to do the merge, since I need to review it (because of disabled patches, etc)09:41
seb128but I've no strong opinion either way09:41
seb128what I did is merge as a first commit09:42
seb128clean as a second one09:42
seb128rebase on debian as the next one09:42
rodrigo_but yes, makes sense to merge the gnome3 ppa and then the debian one09:42
seb128well "merge, clean, diff and rebase"09:42
xclaesseseb128, ok, I hope that will be enough :)09:44
jbicharodrigo_: what should I do with my merge requests? should I wait for the PPA to be merged into oneiric?10:01
rodrigo_jbicha, what pending requests do you have?10:01
rodrigo_jbicha, if the gnome3 branch hasn't been merged yet to oneiric, go ahead and propose for merging into the ~gnome3-team branch10:02
rodrigo_if it has been merged, I guess it's ok to propose a branch for both the ~ubuntu-desktop one and the ~gnome3-team one10:02
rodrigo_so that we keep the ppa up-to-datew10:02
jbichaand https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/gnome-session/gnome3-support-ubuntu-session/+merge/5960410:02
jbichathey haven't been merged yet10:02
rodrigo_jbicha, right, I'll merge them to the gnome3-team branches10:03
jbichaok, thanks10:03
jbichajust curious if they will get pushed back to the PPA since the ability to launch other sessions10:03
jbichais important for the Natty users also10:04
rodrigo_I guess once we have everything merged, we can just dput natty versions to the PPA10:04
rodrigo_although we0'll soon start getting 3.1.x updates, so not sure if we want those in the PPA10:05
jbichaprobably not but I don't think people are using the PPA for stability, lol10:05
cassidykenvandine, seb128: you probably want to backport that fix in natty: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=648842   Or I can do a 2.34 release if you prefer10:05
ubot2Gnome bug 648842 in Notifications "Notifications are delayed if contacts send messages too fast" [Major,Resolved: fixed]10:05
seb128cassidy, backporting a commit is fine no need to roll a tarball, thanks for pointing it10:07
cassidyseb128, there are few other fixes in 2.34 that you may be interested in10:07
seb128cassidy, if you feel like you have enough fixes there to roll a tarball feel free to roll one ;-)10:08
cassidyoki :) I'll consider doing one but for now you can already backport the fix I think10:11
rodrigo_jbicha, your nautilus branch is now merged and package uploaded10:25
rodrigo_jbicha, will merge the g-session one later, I need to run some errands now10:26
jbicharodrigo_: thank you!10:30
chrisccoulsonhey seb12810:38
chrisccoulsonhow are you?10:38
seb128hey chrisccoulson, I'm fine thanks, what about you?10:39
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, good thanks. enjoying another public holiday in the UK ;)10:39
chrisccoulsoni'm starting to feel like a slacker with all these long weekends ;)10:39
seb128oh right, is that the first of may which happened to be on a sunday that you get back on monday?10:39
chrisccoulsonare you in budapest yet?10:40
seb128no, going there tomorrow10:40
chrisccoulsoni hope my laptop charger lasts for UDS. the connector started falling apart yesterday :/10:43
seb128what do you do to your laptop, you would almost make people believe dell laptop are not robust ;-)10:47
seb128rodrigo_, bug #728803 is another bug with vm and gsd11:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 728803 in gnome-settings-daemon "Ubuntu theme switches from partially broken to gnome default on VirtualBox guest" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72880311:20
seb128just for info11:20
seb128rodrigo_, could you add bug #760523 to your list?11:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 760523 in gnome-panel "clock-applet: clicking on a calendar date opens the same number one monther earlier in Evolution" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76052311:24
rodrigo_seb128, yes11:36
seb128rodrigo_, bug #752040 as well seems worth investigating11:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 752040 in evolution "Evolution setup label not visible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75204011:38
seb128rodrigo_, bug #773763 as well, I think you are set for week ;-)11:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 773763 in evolution "evolution freeze on startup with the plug-in "evolution-rss"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77376311:42
rodrigo_seb128, :)11:42
seb128rodrigo_, those are things I spotted in the weekend backlog that might be worth sru-ing, just try to look at those when you some time, they are not very high priority but still would be nice to investigate11:43
rodrigo_seb128, yes, looking at them now11:43
seb128rodrigo_, it don't drop other work you do for those but try to get some worked between 2 GNOME3 updates ;-)11:43
seb128rodrigo_, thanks11:43
seb128rodrigo_, oh and bug #773063 ;-)11:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 773063 in gnome-control-center "[Natty] gnome-about-me box doesn't remember contents" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77306311:47
seb128really done then ;-)11:47
seb128time for lunch11:47
rodrigo_seb128, heh11:47
seb128rodrigo_, welcome to the team :p11:47
seb128this one seems around for a while but I didn't really put it on any list before since the capplet goes away next cycle11:48
seb128but since some users seem to be bothered by it, maybe let's fix it in natty if it's easy11:48
seb128ok, lunch, bbl11:48
rodrigo_seb128, enjoy11:50
rodrigo_mvo, I see there's an UNRELEASED entry from you in gnome-panel's ubuntu-desktop branch, so have you already submitted that for natty-proposed?12:07
rodrigo_mvo, I have a fix to submit, so if you haven't, can I submit both your fix and mine?12:10
seb128rodrigo_, was that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/1:2.32.1-0ubuntu6.412:10
rodrigo_yes, seems so12:11
seb128ok, so he probably forgot to push the update when he uploaded12:11
rodrigo_yes, ok12:11
rodrigo_seb128, the fix for #760523 coming then12:12
seb128rodrigo_, thanks12:12
rodrigo_seb128, so, for natty-proposed updates, if we still haven't merged the 3.0 version in ~ubuntu-desktop branch, we use those branches, right?12:12
seb128rodrigo_, don't upload, I will include another git commit to fix applets on dual xorg server configs12:12
mvorodrigo_: ups, sorry for the forgotten push12:12
seb128rodrigo_, yes12:13
rodrigo_seb128, ok, do I leave the changelog entry with UNRELEASED?12:13
seb128rodrigo_, yes12:13
mvoseb128, rodrigo_: will one of you add my changelog entry (from the upload) or should I do that now12:13
rodrigo_also, I need to subscribe ubuntu-sru to the bug, right?12:13
seb128rodrigo_, the other commit is http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-panel/commit/?id=cb969e989477e2671d1e0cdd1519866d61d0c98c12:13
rodrigo_mvo, doing it myself now with the push12:14
seb128rodrigo_, do you want to backport it as well or do you want me to do it?12:14
rodrigo_seb128, I'll do it12:14
mvothanks rodrigo_12:14
seb128rodrigo_, you can subscribe ubuntu-sru yes12:14
seb128rodrigo_, thanks, bug #774427 is the one that the commit close12:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 774427 in gnome-panel "Cannot add applets to second X server display in 11.04" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77442712:14
rodrigo_seb128, ok, including that in my commit, so do I upload then?12:15
seb128rodrigo_, yes please12:15
rodrigo_seb128, and push without the UNRELEASED thing, right?12:15
seb128rodrigo_, well as you want, usually what I do is "fix 1 bug, commit, fix second bug, commit, check that things are ready for upload, dch -r, debcommit -r, push"12:16
seb128rodrigo_, that's an sru so usually it's -proposed target for upload and .1 version, i.e ubuntu6.5 for that one and natty-proposed12:17
seb128rodrigo_, once you have uploaded make sure ubuntu-sru is subscribe to both bugs and set the natty bug to "fix commited"12:17
rodrigo_vuntz, ping12:25
rodrigo_seb128, only one thing not clear, do I build the .changes with the UNRELEASED string in changelog?12:29
seb128rodrigo_, no12:29
seb128rodrigo_, dch -r should change it to natty, you might need to manually change to natty-proposed12:30
rodrigo_that was confusing me, I thought you said to upload before dch -r12:30
seb128dch -r; debcommit -r and push before uploading basically12:30
rodrigo_ah, ok12:30
seb128rodrigo_, well I said ""fix 1 bug, commit, fix second bug, commit, check that things are ready for upload, dch -r, debcommit -r, push""12:31
seb128the "upload" is after that sequence12:31
seb128sorry if that was not clear ;-)12:31
rodrigo_seb128, sorry, my fault :)12:33
seb128no worry! ;-)12:33
rodrigo_  Uploading gnome-panel_2.32.1-0ubuntu6.5_source.changes: 2k/3k550 Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ["(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')"] : Permission denied.12:34
rodrigo_Note: This error might indicate a problem with your passive_ftp setting.12:34
rodrigo_      Please consult dput.cf(5) for details on this configuration option.12:34
rodrigo_ah, but it's in the queue12:36
mvorodrigo_: known issue12:36
rodrigo_so I guess this error is harmless12:36
mvorodrigo_: misleading12:36
mvobut harmless12:36
rodrigo_ok, I think I didn't break anything then :)12:37
seb128rodrigo_, heh, congrats on your first desktop upload! :-)12:56
Sweetsharkseb128, pitti: Anyone having a minute to counter-check a blogpost?13:04
pittiSweetshark: hey Bjoern, how are you? sure13:04
seb128hey Sweetshark, can do yes13:05
Sweetsharkpitti: everything is fine. Just wondering about planning for O. Estimating efforts is always tricky ...13:08
pittiSweetshark: btw, can you please rename your specs to have an "desktop-o-" prefix?13:08
Sweetsharkseb128, pitti: https://pastebin.canonical.com/46989/ <- blogpost text, seems innocent enough to me but is one of my first statements and will end up right at planet documentfoundation ...13:10
seb128Sweetshark, seems fine to me as well ;-)13:11
Sweetsharkpitti: sure, but maybe a wait another day as jasoncwarner might click on the links in the mail right now?13:11
pittiSweetshark: "are consistently used" -> "are consistently being used", I think13:11
pittiSweetshark: and Rene might not be happy to see his name in an Ubuntuish announcement?13:11
pittiSweetshark: otherwise it sounds nice to me13:12
rodrigo_ok, lunch time, bbl13:22
bcurtiswxgood morning13:45
rickspencer3hi bcurtiswx13:46
rickspencer3quiet today13:46
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, could be the sprint this week in Hungary13:47
rickspencer3bcurtiswx, yeah13:47
rickspencer3also, I think in UK it's a holiday too13:47
bcurtiswxah, didn't know that13:49
kenvandineshould be quiet :)13:50
kenvandinegives me time to prepare specs :)13:50
rickspencer3hi kenvandine13:50
kenvandinehey rickspencer313:50
bcurtiswxgood afternoon (right?) kenvandine13:51
kenvandinemorning :)13:51
kenvandinei haven't left yet13:51
bcurtiswxah, OK13:51
pittihey kenvandine13:51
kenvandinehey pitti13:51
* pitti waves to rickspencer3, too13:51
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i am traveling wed13:51
* rickspencer3 waves to pitti13:52
hyperairpitti: ping. got time for an SRU upload?14:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 529714 in samba "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in _nss_wins_gethostbyname_r()" [Critical,Triaged]14:08
pittihyperair: there's currently a samba in -proposed already for bug 771305, which needs testing first14:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 771305 in samba "smbd does not start on first boot with 20110426" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77130514:09
hyperairhmm, okay.14:09
* hyperair sighs14:10
hyperairwhy didn't the patches just go together..?14:10
pittihyperair: if it's urgent, you can merge this version, and prepare a source with debuild -S -v2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2 to include the previous changelog14:10
pittithen we can test both in parallel14:11
hyperairah, okay, thanks.14:11
hyperairpitti: aside of that, could you syncpackage libgpod 0.8.0-3 from debian? there's a LP bug linked in there, something about the mono bindings and stuff getting synced wrongly14:12
hyperairpitti: thanks.14:14
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
hyperairlooks like the armel buildd is broken.14:33
hyperairsh: gcc: not found14:33
ogra_hyperair, bug 77417514:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 774175 in apt "apt segfaults on armel in oneiric" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77417514:34
ogra_cant install anything in the build root atm...14:35
hyperairogra_: that's weird, my build log shows that apt succeeded.14:35
ogra_yeah, the logs are a bit weird14:36
ogra_the root cause is apt though14:36
hyperairhmm i see.14:36
hyperairhow very strange.14:36
Sweetsharkpitti: I would need you to shamelessly lie a bit about me not breaking stuff all the time at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BjoernMichaelsen/DeveloperApplication15:05
* Laney takes notes15:09
hyperairLaney: for PPU applications, can i transplant the endorsements from my MOTU Application, or do i need new fresh ones?15:12
Laneyhyperair: I'd like to see ones specific to the application15:13
Laneyi.e. from your sponsors of libgpod15:13
hyperairLaney: ah, like directhex? =D15:13
hyperairpitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/529714/+attachment/2106114/+files/debdiff-debuglevel-2.patch15:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 529714 in samba "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in _nss_wins_gethostbyname_r()" [Critical,Triaged]15:14
lamalexbryceh, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/762343 :P cool picture15:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 762343 in unity "Can't drag window by titlebar if launched from .xprofile" [Undecided,New]15:15
hyperairLaney: do i need other endorsements, or only those specific to the package?15:15
Laneyhyperair: i'd be happy with just specific ones15:20
pittiSweetshark: with pleasure15:22
dobeywhat tz is jason in?15:22
pittidobey: Sydney usually, but he works odd hours15:24
lamalexbryceh, are you using default theme?15:26
dobeyok, that's what i thought.15:27
dobeyand i was wanting to beg for blueprint approvals :)15:28
dobeypitti: can i beg you to get packages from natty-proposed into natty-updates?15:29
pittidobey: sure! I accept beer and shoulder massages15:31
pittior making the Telekom engineer appear who is supposed to enable our phone/DSL connector :)15:32
dobeypitti: great; ubuntuone-storage-protocol and ubuntuone-client are all verification-done :)15:32
pittidobey: you want the ubuntuone-* stuff?15:32
pittidobey: we usually wait for 7 days, but right now a lot more people are testing -proposed, so we can be lenient; copying now15:32
dobeypitti: well, these were supposed to be 0-day SRUs, but alas :)15:33
Sweetsharkdobey: iirc jasson said is is working in "san francisco timezone" hours ...15:50
Sweetsharkdunno if that is still valid though.15:50
seb128vuntz, hey16:27
seb128vuntz, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=649176 do you have any pointer on how,where it got fixed? would that apply to 2.32?16:27
ubot2Gnome bug 649176 in notification area "QT app icons are one pixel in notification area" [Critical,Needinfo]16:27
vuntzseb128: 41d0e690edfe952a4ff8b8f6ea01cb9cb09695f716:31
seb128vuntz, thanks!16:32
vuntzseb128: that could fix it, but I'm not sure if that's the same issue. At least, same symptoms16:32
ftajcastro, hi, are you able to reproduce bug 775657?16:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 775657 in unity "unity can't raise right-aligned chromium windows" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77565716:34
jcastrofta: I get something even weirder16:36
jcastrofta: I get a white box on the top left that say chromium, I have to click the icon again to get it to work16:36
ftanever got that one16:37
jcastrofta: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5720/chromium.png16:43
jcastrofta: that's when I have chromium windows running16:43
jcastro(I have chrome windows on another desktop so don't let icon confuse you, I tested this with a daily)16:43
ftajcastro, hm, could it be an extension? do you also see that with --temp-profile?16:44
jcastronot sure, I'm busy with OW and UDS right now, I'll ping you -mozillateam when I get a chance to mess with it16:46
ftajcastro, sure (but you should be able to test without touching your existing sessions, it just start a new instance with a new volatile profile, and trash it when you close it)16:47
rodrigo_oh, no mterry16:54
rodrigo_seb128, do you know anything about the diffs in NTP between debian and ubuntu?16:55
rodrigo_or anyone else?16:55
seb128rodrigo_, gsd you mean?16:55
rodrigo_I'm trying to rebase the patch we have in 2.32, but there's code in upstream gsd to deal with debian -> http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/tree/plugins/datetime16:56
rodrigo_so I wonder if we can just use that and remove the patch in our package16:56
rodrigo_if not, it'd be better to write an upstream patch16:58
rodrigo_but don't worry, I'll ask mterry when he's around16:59
pittigood night everyone!17:08
seb128'night pitti17:08
seb128rodrigo_, he's away this week17:08
pitti(FYI, I'm shifting my work hours to be a bit earlier, as my wife gets up at 6)17:08
seb128rodrigo_, I think mterry forwarded his patch upstream17:08
rodrigo_seb128, ok, will look for it in bugzilla17:08
rodrigo_ok, so only 3 more patches to rebase left, almost done! :-D17:09
Sweetsharknight pitti!17:12
cdbsseb128: ping, can I also claim a few GNOME3 work items this cycle?17:43
dobeyseb128: for the gnome/gtk 3 session, should we discuss webkit2+gtk3 by default?17:44
micahgdobey: what webkit2?17:44
dobeymicahg: ./configure --enable-webkit2 in the webkit source. it does plug-ins in external process and some other improvements17:45
cdbsdobey: Does GNOME 3 or 3.2 use it or plan to use it?17:45
micahgdobey: webkit2 isn't stable yet AFAIK, I'd want to stick to the stable branch17:46
dobeycdbs: it's not a separate library. it's just a "how you build webkit" thing; eventually it will be the default upstream in webkit17:46
dobeycdbs: so if you build with it enabled, epiphany/yelp/etc use it, afaik17:47
cdbsdobey: niche17:47
cdbsbut we don't want unstable components in17:47
cdbsprobably, just my guess17:48
ftapitti, fyi, bug 74888118:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 748881 in chromium-browser "Update SVG logo" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74888118:35
ftahow can i disable dh_scour?18:36
stgraberhey guys. I'm currently working on bug 436936. I have the SRUs ready to be uploaded and will likely do so tomorrow. As for Oneiric, I was wondering if you prefer I upload gdm directly with just that change or if you prefer it to be commited somewhere so it's included next time you upload.18:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 436936 in kdebase-workspace "gdm upstart job checks /proc/cmdline for single user mode, won't start on post-boot runlevel change" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43693618:46
bcurtiswxnigelb, whats the latest?18:47
stgraberseb128: ^ you are the lucky one who's marked as maintainer :)18:48
jcastroseb128: pitti: a bunch of multitouch stuff just got proposed to the desktop track btw, they need to be approved, just an FYI if you see jasonwarner around19:11
jcastro(or if he has you guys approve them, not sure how your team does it)19:12
dobeyjcastro: i think he's been doing it anyway. we (u1) still have a few pending approval as well19:29
seb128stgraber, you can upload but update the vcs as well if you do19:31
seb128dobey, not sure webkit requires an UDS session, seems like the sort of technical decision that could be taken offline by people who have an opinion on the topic19:32
seb128well offline -> online, i.e list discussion19:32
seb128cdbs, there is plenty of updates, merges, workitems etc to do so yes feel free to claim any if you work on it (don't take a lock for something that you will not work and block others though)19:33
dobeyseb128: i wasn't asking if it needed a session. just if it was worth discussing in the gnome/gtk3.x session19:34
stgraberseb128: ok, will do.19:34
seb128dobey, if you have an opinion feel free to raise it, I'm not sure we have anybody in the team which tracks webkit and will have useful clues during the session though19:35
rickspencer3_woah, lots of updates today, and I don't have proposed enabled on this 'puter19:35
rickspencer3_hmmm, maybe I didn't update to final Natty19:36
dobeyseb128: ok. i just randomly thought of it. no big deal really :)19:36
seb128rickspencer3_, we have some sru rolling as usual19:36
rickspencer3_seb128, ya' of course, but this had some stuff I wasn't expecting, like xorg19:37
rickspencer3_'sall good19:37
seb128rickspencer3_, ok, no worry if there is an issue we will just blame it on you as usual ;-)19:38
rickspencer3_thanks seb128, I would expect no less :)19:38
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stgraberseb128: uploaded and pushed. SRU for natty will follow very soon.19:53
chrisccoulsonhi rickspencer3, seb12819:58
chrisccoulsonand hi stgraber too ;)19:58
rickspencer3hi chrisccoulson19:59
chrisccoulsonhi rickspencer3, how are you? looking forward to UDS?19:59
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, indeed19:59
stgraberhi chrisccoulson20:00
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* cyphermox cries -- cat pulled out the power cable to the cable modem ;)21:28
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achiangis there any way to export gconf settings?21:42
cyphermoxachiang, you mean to just print or to apply them to another system after?21:43
cyphermoxachiang, you have --load and --dump to help with saving/reapplying things -- see gconftool-2 --help-load21:44
achiangcyphermox: more like the latter. i'm trying to figure out where the gconf key for the default screensaver hides, and my thought was to take the brute hammer approach: export gconf, set screensaver, export gconf again, and diff21:45
achiangcyphermox: ah, i can just gconftool-2 --dump /apps21:45
cyphermoxyeah , but isn't all the screensaver stuff in /apps/gnome-screensaver ?21:46
achiangcyphermox: while i have you here, how hard do you think it might be for NM to autoconnect when a 3G dongle is plugged in?21:46
achiangcyphermox: that is what i thought too, but my pre-seeds have not been working21:47
cyphermoxachiang, it should already do it if there is a profile to connect to that exists21:47
achiangcyphermox: really? even on lucid? :)21:48
cyphermoxachiang, maybe lucid is special ;)21:48
cyphermoxbut I think it might... I guess you're seeing that doesn't work?21:48
achiangcyphermox: yes, the behavior i see is that after hotplug, the profile then appears in nm-applet, but you still have to click on the indicator, and then click on the profile to actually make it connect21:49
cyphermoxis it set to autoconnect?21:50
achiangderp. is there such a setting? :)21:50
* achiang needs to go double-check apparently21:50
cyphermoxyeah, in the profile's config there is a checkbox... usually21:50
achiangcyphermox: got it. i will go check, thank you for the hints21:51
cyphermoxachiang, if it's any use I'm working on backporting nm 0.8.4 for lucid in the NM stable PPA, but it's taking me forever, partly because the PPAs are still hugely backlogged and partly because my local buildds had small configuration mistakes21:52
achiangcyphermox: ah, cool. i would really like NM 0.9, because i heard a rumor that all connections there are system connections21:53
cyphermoxachiang, it's the next one I'll do this for21:54
cyphermoxbut first 0.8.4 ;)21:54
cyphermox0.9 shouldn't be a huge issue once I'm done getting the other dependencies, I think21:54
achiangcyphermox: ah ha, i was setting /apps/gnome-screensaver/themes correctly, but forgot to set 'mode' as well22:07
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kenvandinebcurtiswx, i have updated most of the empathy patches for the gnome3 ppa22:32
kenvandinenot all of which are uploaded though22:32
kenvandinethe libindicate one is a bit mad at me right now22:32
kenvandineshould be able to fix it up in the morning22:32
* kenvandine heads out22:32
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