
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
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TheMusoThats weird. I used zsync to update isos on the weekend and had no problem.00:33
arandTheMuso: Yea, it worked for me, on the cdimage server at least, if it working for you atm, or care to confirm Bug #775192 ?00:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 775192 in Ubuntu CD Images "zsync images not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77519200:37
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highvoltageslangasek: howdy. any chance of a keysigning party again at UDS-O?01:35
cjohnstonlifeless: I have a bug that's been tagged apport-crash and has apport retracing since 4/8/1101:49
* RAOF could do with actually getting into the strong set.01:51
serge_should this have happened?  I 'update from 11.04 to 11.04' using desktop cd;  it preserved /opt, but it wiped out /var/mail!  (I had a backup, but that seems a horrible decision)02:09
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Bsimsstupid question lsmod shows pcspkr is available but when I try to modprobe it in it shows module not available04:04
slangasekhighvoltage: there's certainly chance for a keysigning party, but I have no energy to organize one this year :)04:37
slangasekScottK: bug #764096> hngh, cursed chroots04:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 764096 in postfix (Ubuntu) "DNS hostname lookups fail in chroot after natty upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76409604:38
ScottKSince it's our default configuration, it kind of ought to work ....04:39
slangasekyes, yes it should04:39
slangasekcome to think of it, I'm using postfix and haven't seen this problem, I wonder why it works for me04:40
slangasekbut yeah, I'll poke the package04:40
pittiGood morning06:31
pittijcastro: seems cjwatson beat me to it06:32
micahghi pitti, could you please copy chromium-browser from -proposed to -security/-updates for lucid-natty (bug 771935)07:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771935 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu Natty) "10.0.648.205 -> 11.0.696.57" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77193507:06
pittimicahg: will do in a bit07:18
micahgpitti: thanks07:19
speakmanmornin' folks!07:26
speakmanHow does Debian/Ubuntu handles packages using /var/lib/package - is the directory specified in debian/ directory, or how does the package know that it has to mkdir it? My package using GNU Autotools.07:28
StevenKLikely specified in debian/dirs, and therefore created by dh_installdirs during the package build process.07:31
speakmanStevenK: Looks like a proper place. Just wondering how pure Autotools packages creates the dir at "make install" time.07:40
StevenKspeakman: My knowledge of autotools is sadly spotty, but I'd think they'd have a mkdir call in the install target07:42
speakmanlooks like a install-data-hook target is the way to create it at install time07:49
RAOFDo you need the directory to exist, or for the directory to contain a file - if it contains a file, just add it to an autotools install target.  Otherwise, install-data-hook is good.07:50
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cjwatsondoko_: it looks like you did a sync of db_5.1.25-10 but didn't flush it08:08
cjwatsondoko_: (I guess we're just going to hope that the Java bits will cross-build now?)08:08
dholbachgood morning08:18
mvohey dholbach, good morning08:19
dholbachhey mvo08:19
speakmanRAOF: Just to create the dir. Files will be created by the program when running08:20
speakmanIs there a debhelper tool to upgrade packages from upstream?08:20
dholbachspeakman, check out uscan and uupdate08:21
speakmandholbach: thanks!08:21
dholbach(a devscripts tool)08:21
speakmanit's here. But no upgrades available on mcelog unfortently :(08:22
speakman(having sporadious machine check exceptions, causing kernel panics. very annoying)08:23
RAOFspeakman: Yeah, then you probably want to use install to create the directory in the -data-hook.08:24
speakmanand OnTopic again; the mcelog daemon doesn't start at boot, even though it's symlinked in /etc/rc[2-5].d/. Running /etc/init.d/mcelog start manually works perfectly. No entries in log either. Is there a way to look at startup messages in retrospectively, or do I have to reboot to see if there's any error?08:26
speakmanRAOF: thanks alot, mate!08:27
cjwatsonspeakman: /var/log/boot.log08:28
cjwatsonif anything was printed at startup, it should be thre08:29
speakmancjwatson: wow, thanks!08:29
pittimvo: is bug 767776 fixed in oneiric as well?08:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 767776 in apt (Ubuntu Maverick) "apport report blocking of dpkg I/O errors is incomplete" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76777608:37
mvopitti: yes, let me update that, fixed with the most recent apt upload08:39
pittimvo: nice, thanks08:39
cdbspitti: ping, when does the 'copy of all SRUs to dev release' happen?08:51
pitticdbs: in the first days of opening a new release, when the versions are still the smae08:52
cdbspitti: So I guess it means, now/08:52
pittiI'm doing that for the first round of 0-day SRUs, as when they got uploaded it wasn't possible to do an oneiric upload08:52
pitticdbs: right08:52
pittiwe'll stop doing so for future uploads, though, to have the updates be built against the oneiric toolchain08:53
pitticjwatson, SpamapS: FYI, I committed an sru-release script (using launchpadlib) into ubuntu-archive-tools, and disabled the one on cocoplum; so Clint can now release SRUs without shell access08:55
cjwatsonpitti: noted, thanks09:04
cjwatsoncdbs: I have already been copying SRUs to oneiric when I notice them09:05
cjwatsonperiodically, in bulk09:05
cjwatsonI have a script that looks for packages newer in natty-updates than oneiric09:06
cdbscjwatson: okay, thanks09:06
cdbscjwatson: We don't move -proposed packages?09:06
cjwatsoncdbs: I don't09:07
cdbsI thought it was done, I sure was wrong09:07
cjwatsonI never have09:07
cjwatsonother people may have done, or it may have happened in certain cases09:08
cjwatsonI don't consider it obviously safe to do in bulk09:08
pittiI usually copy them to -updates and devel at the same time, i. e. when they got verified09:10
pittiit's easiest from a workflow perspective and reasonably safe09:10
cjwatsonright, I think that's sensible09:10
cjwatsonthe ones that I catch with my bulk runs are generally security updates09:10
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speakmanAre there any predefined paths for autotools parameters in debian/ubuntu? like --sysconfdir is probably defined somewhere?09:52
cjwatsonspeakman: that depends on what tools you're using.  If you're using dh_auto_configure (usually via dh), then it defines several default parameters, yes.  See /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/autoconf.pm09:56
cjwatsonThere are no universal defaults because debian/rules is entirely entitled to call ./configure directly if it likes.09:57
talatHi i want to rebuild/repackage python2.6 package. is it possible ?10:03
speakmancjwatson: thanks alot! again! :D10:04
tumbleweeddoko_: talat wants http://bugs.python.org/issue1813 fixed in python2.6 (apparently you applied a patch for it in python2.5)10:07
talatdoko_: yes i want to apply isssue1813 patch in 2.610:08
talatdoko_: and other newer version :(10:08
talatdoko_: is it possible ?10:09
tumbleweedtalat: with most packages i'd say just post a patch and go through the sponsorship process, but for python you probably want to talk to doko (although he may not be around right now)10:10
talattumbleweed: ok. Thnx. I will wait doko :)10:11
seb128is there anything that need to be run manually to get germinate datas on the ubuntu-archive people page for oneiric?10:49
seb128(just asking because the ubuntu-desktop version tracking use those to determine what to list in the desktop set)10:49
cjwatsonseb128: oh, I forgot to update that script.  done now10:51
cjwatsonyou'll get output in a couple of hours or so10:51
seb128cjwatson, thanks10:52
cjwatsonI'll create oneiric package sets tomorrow10:52
cjwatson(not actually at work today despite appearances)10:52
lucidfoxseb128, have you seen that email about easytag?10:54
seb128lucidfox, hi, sort of, I read through it quickly, I've not been maintaining easytag for some years and I've no real opinion so whatever people thing is right just do it10:56
drdozerhi - I just upgraded to natty using the upgrader in maverick via kde11:05
drdozernow I can´t boot11:06
drdozerI´ve not had any feedback in #ubuntu so thought I´d ask here11:06
drdozererror: symbol not found: `grub_env_export´.11:06
drdozergrub rescue>11:06
lucidfoxseb128, my idea is to rebase easytag to stsquad's github fork as the new upstream, since the sourceforge version is basically dead. And if you have no time to maintain the package on your own, you could perhaps contribute it to the Debian Multimedia team11:21
seb128lucidfox, you are welcome to take over the package and put it under debian multimedia if you want11:22
lucidfoxOkay, thanks11:22
seb128is there any known issue with qt softwares and systray?11:27
seb128we received some gnome-panel and unity bugs about systray icons being 1 pixel icons, seems specific to qt applications, I'm wondering if that could be a Qt issue11:28
directhexam i the only person using natty with a laptop plugged into an external monitor, with the internal laptop screen turned off? and by "using" i mean "failing to use"11:32
RAOFdirecthex: What's broken about that?11:33
seb128likely bug #73789111:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 737891 in xf86-video-intel "[Arrandale] gnome-display-properties unable to correctly enable monitors connected to VGA" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73789111:34
RAOFdirecthex: If I were to guess that your external monitor stops updating when you turn off the internal monitor, would that be correct?11:34
RAOFAhh, Intel.  Where would we be without your modesetting bugs.11:35
directhexRAOF, as soon as i log in, BOTH screens go blank? and if i badger it into letting me in by un-docking during login, as soon as i disable the internal screen, BOTH screens get disabled11:38
directhexseb128, similar, but i'm using displayport not vga. so my symptoms are different11:38
RAOFdirecthex: Then you're probably seeing…11:39
* RAOF hunts for the Arrandale+DP black screen bug11:39
RAOFdirecthex: That might be bug #745112 but I recall another one that's DP specific.11:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745112 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[arrandale] desktop is messed up (goes black) when laptop is docked with two external 1920x1200 monitors (x86_64)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74511211:42
directhexRAOF, i'm reading that one, but i'm not exceeding the intel 4096x4096 limit11:43
RAOFdirecthex: The take home message?  drm-intel-next-proposed kernels from our friend the kernel team PPA are quite likely to fix the problem :/11:43
directhex771344 ?11:44
directhexi'll try a newer kernel from that ppa11:44
directhexa desktop!11:55
directhexfirst time!11:55
directhexit didn't even apply my thinkpad ICC profile to my dell monitor this time!11:55
dupondjethe Ubuntu MoM isn't updated anymore ?13:12
pittiit's supposed to update, but apparently got stuck13:18
dupondjegive it a kick :)13:19
pitti(and -ECLUE too)13:19
mvodupondje: just having a look, but it seems like its just very busy13:22
mvodupondje: i.e. lots and lots to work on13:22
dupondjeThe html pages are updated 17-Apr-2011 23:0213:24
dupondjebut dirs are indeed up-to-date it seems13:24
Sweetsharkseb128, pitti: http://sweetshark.livejournal.com/857.html13:24
diwicSweetshark, hmm, headline says "10.04"13:27
Sweetsharkdiwic: thanks.13:27
* Sweetshark mumbles something about breaking things with last minute changes being never a good idea.13:29
Sweetsharkdiwic: fixed.13:29
diwicSweetshark, it's all about fixing errors :-)13:29
dupondjeAny idea when Gnome3 gets pushed into Oneiric ? :)13:58
dholbachdupondje, check out the oneiric-changes list - a lot of 3.0 gnome stuff got uploaded already14:03
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dokojanimo: could you make the rebuilt apt available somewhere?14:37
janimodoko, I will shortly14:39
mvojanimo: oh?14:47
mvojanimo: its just a rebuild that is needed?14:47
janimomvo, ARM only. Relax :)14:47
mvoI was just looking into it on the porter machine but its *slow*14:47
mvoso did not get even close to diangosing it14:48
mvojanimo: what is the issue? gcc-4.6 incompatible changes?14:48
janimomvo, I do not know yet, the only thing so far is that a rebuild with -O0 does not crash14:48
mvojanimo: cool, thanks!14:49
janimoit crashes in libapt-pkg in some printf-sytle function. If -fshrink-wrap was not disabled until fixed I would suspect that14:49
dokojanimo: hmm, is shrink-wrap in Linaro 4.6 at all?14:50
janimodoko, no idea14:51
dokojanimo: please wait with an upload until we know the reason14:52
janimodoko, I am not uploading anything14:55
janimoespecially since I don't see how it will not FTBFS itself. Would it not?14:56
dokojanimo: sure, but even a manual build would require an upload15:01
janimodoko, right15:01
pittibarry: hey Barry, how are you?15:48
barrypitti: hi, good, and you?15:48
pittibarry: quite well, thanks! successfully moved to Augsburg over the weekend15:49
* barry looks up augsburg15:49
pittibarry: Tomeu just asked whether you would have an opinion about my patch in gnome bug 64916515:50
ubottuGnome bug 649165 in introspection "Enumeration symbols are LC_CTYPE specific" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64916515:50
Sweetsharkpitti: augsburg? try not to forget how to speak proper german then ...15:54
pittiSweetshark: FSVO "proper" -- I'm from Saxony15:55
barrypitti: hi okay, i'll take a look15:58
Sweetsharkpitti: hehe, that has not gone unnoticed when we had some phone calls.16:01
pittiSweetshark: nu glar16:01
stgraberLaney: ping16:12
stgraberLaney: can you update https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-o-dmb-meeting to be something else than "Complete" ? that might be why it doesn't appear on the schedule ...16:13
barrypitti: i have some comments16:17
stgraberjono: ping16:17
jonostgraber, hey16:17
barrypitti: let me know when you're ready :)16:18
stgraberjono: do you have a sec to look/approve two UDS specs in the community track ? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/edubuntu/+spec/community-o-debian-edu-edubuntu-collaboration and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-edubuntu16:18
jonoone sec16:18
stgraberjono: they have special scheduling needs but I'll take care of that once they hit the summit website16:18
jonostgraber, done :-)16:18
genisapparently for python-qt4-sql there is no support for postgresql16:20
genisQSqlDatabase: QPSQL driver not loaded16:20
genisQSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QMYSQL3 QMYSQL16:20
genisfrom the defaul deb packages16:21
genison 10.1016:21
DoctorPepperhi  guys!!!16:21
geniswhere can I find out if it will be supported16:21
genisin a future update?16:21
pittibarry: perhaps we should discuss that in the bug, so that the upstream guys can follow?16:21
Laneystgraber: do you mean 'informational'?16:22
stgraberjono: thanks!16:22
stgraberLaney: I'd at least change the "Complete" status for something else as I doubt completed specs appear on summit.u.c, changing to something else than informational may also be a good idea16:23
stgraberI don't know the exact criteria, but the current spec is approved and wasn't imported on summit.u.c, so something is wrong :)16:23
LaneyI can't edit the Status bit16:23
barrypitti: okay.  i'll go get an account :)16:23
Laneybut I changed Implementation and it made Status go to 'Not started'16:24
Laneywe'll see what that does16:24
pittibarry: oh, you don't have one? thanks16:24
barrypitti: actually, i do!16:24
stgraberjcastro: ^ can you change the status ?16:25
jcastrostgraber: on it16:27
stgraberjcastro: thanks16:28
barrypitti: comment posted16:40
davidmjcastro, we need to send map info to proximalabs folks or should we just skip map info?16:40
jcastrodavidm:  wait I thought marianna sent you a map?16:41
jcastrolet me reping16:41
davidmjcastro, I can't find an email with a map attached16:43
hallynSpamapS: re bug 719448, when you say 'accepted to sru', does that mean you're pushing the package, or that you're waiting for me to push the fix to lucid-proposed and maverick-proposed and you'll allow it when I do?16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 719448 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu Maverick) "The "once" parameter does not work with "-boot"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71944816:45
jcastrodavidm: I have a PDF they sent me on april 1st that I forwarded to you that day, do you have that?16:45
pittibarry: ah, thanks!16:55
pittibarry: so you generally agree to the approach, just the implementation could be more robust?16:56
SpamapShallyn: that means its accepted for the series as a valid SRU (as opposed to being too intrusive for instance)16:58
hallynSpamapS: do i need to push the package to the -proposed archives?17:01
SpamapSI swear, UDD is just plain broken. :( 50/50 chance the package branch will be out of date17:02
SpamapShttp://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/bash-completion.html#2011-03-15 20:29:05.39236117:02
SpamapShallyn: yes thats the typical workflow (step 4 at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates :)17:03
SpamapSjames_w`: is there anything someone in my position can do to improve UDD? Should I be manually importing/fixing branches?17:03
hallynSpamapS: james_w`: yes, that's been killing me lately.  bzr checkout rarely gives me the actual current archive copy17:07
hallynSpamapS: yeah, sorry, i'm to queezy about uploading things.  will push those then, thanks much.17:09
SpamapShallyn: its good to be hesitant in this case. :)17:09
jcastrodavidm: ok she sent one better than what I sent you before, in your inbox.17:14
davidmjcastro, thanks I'll forward now to proximalabs17:14
jcastrosorry about that I thought I had closed that loop17:15
j1mcpitti: i have marked you as an approver for my blueprint, but i'm not sure if you're the right person. i picked you because you were signed up as the approver for several desktop-* blueprints.17:23
j1mcpitti: here's the link: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs/+spec/desktop-o-ubuntu-docs-strategy17:23
j1mcif someone else should be assigned, please feel free to re-assign17:23
jcastrodavidm: any idea when the app will suck in the schedule?17:24
dupondjethanks to the guy who fixed the MoM :)17:27
stgraberpitti: for bug 436936 should I upload the suggested fix to Oneiric for both gdm and kdebase-workspace and upload the same to natty-proposed for testing (bug will need extended testing with a range of graphic cards to make sure we don't get any regression)17:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436936 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Karmic) "gdm upstart job checks /proc/cmdline for single user mode, won't start on post-boot runlevel change" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43693617:34
dupondjesomebody should accept openssl into oneiric :) cant build half of packages because of it now :)17:35
micahgdupondje: it's in binary new17:36
dupondjemicahg: I know. but pbuilder can't build alot now because ca-certs depends on it17:38
micahgjdstrand: do you have time to look at openssl in binary new?17:41
jdstrandmicahg: not atm-- possibly later today (another aa who is on duty today may be able to)17:42
jdstrandmicahg: that said armel is ftbfs17:42
micahgjdstrand: ugh, should that be fixed before going through binary new, it's blocking most of the archive?17:42
jdstrandmicahg: meh17:43
* jdstrand looks17:43
jdstrandit is a weird error in armel, I don't know how to fix it. might be a chroot problem17:43
micahgjdstrand: I only pinged you in case it needed some sort of security team review, was going to ping the AA on duty17:43
jdstrandlamont: ^17:43
lamontit's arm.17:44
jdstrandmicahg: cjwatson did the upload, so I don't think it needs anything special17:44
micahgjdstrand: k, I'll ping another AA17:44
jdstrandmicahg: I'm already doing it17:45
micahgjdstrand: oh, heh, sorry then, but thanks :)17:45
* jdstrand was thinking the armel thing would need to be fixed, but since it is blocking everything, let's not17:45
lamontapparently apt needs a recompile to survive what 4.6 did to it17:47
lamontso don't expect oneiric arm builds until I get poked to do the bootstraporama17:48
lamontjdstrand: and it'll require me to deal with it17:49
lamontfor some value of "me"17:49
stgraberLaney: ping17:49
Laneystgraber: hi17:50
stgraberLaney: hi, spec still didn't appear on the summit website ... can you try setting Definition to new maybe ?17:50
Laneymaybe someone can tell us how this was done in the past? ;-)17:50
stgraberLaney: scheduler should run in 10 minutes, if it still doesn't appear, I'll just add it manually in the DB :)17:50
stgraberLaney: comparing with other specs I registerd and that got approved, only the Definition is different, so if changing it doesn't work, I don't know what will :)17:52
j1mcstgraber: you might not be the right person for this, but i think i registered my blueprint under the wrong project. i can't change the project, should i just create a new one, and mark the old one as superceded?17:53
j1mcstgraber: here's the link: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs/+spec/desktop-o-ubuntu-docs-strategy  if you go to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs/ it says, "Launchpad does not know how Ubuntu Documentation tracks feature planning or documentation."  that the project17:54
j1mcwhich isn't good.  : )17:54
stgraberj1mc: don't you see a "re-target" button ?17:54
jdstrandlamont: heh, ok :)17:54
j1mcah, got it... thanks.17:54
stgraberyeah, for whatever reason it's not in Edit details :)17:55
j1mci thought that might be just for re-targeting to a new sprint or release milestone17:55
stgraberLaney: did you change the Definition to new ? scheduler is supposed to run in ~5 minutes17:56
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Laneystgraber: rushing, lost network17:57
jdstrandmicahg: done18:00
micahgjdstrand: thanks18:01
stgraberLaney: thanks18:01
micahgdupondje: openssl should be done, there might be other issues though18:02
Laneystgraber: no good?18:06
stgraberLaney: just appeared on the schedule!18:06
stgraberI'm going to move it to the right slot now18:06
stgraberLaney: ok, scheduled at 16:15 in a 20 slots room. Now to solve the conflicts :)18:08
stgraberLaney: we still have multiple conflicts but next run of the scheduler should move some stuff around to fix that18:18
ScottKDid someone look into perl 5.12?18:25
ScottKI'm not volunteering to do it, but with the transition started in Debian, I think the sooner the better.18:25
SpamapSScottK: nah, lets just hold off until 6.00 ;)18:27
ScottKPython3 will be default befor that happens.18:27
stgraberScottK: I'm currently looking at bug 436936 and preparing the new upstart job for kdebase-workspace. Is that something you want uploaded to Oneiric as soon as it's ready or do you prefer to wait until someone has something else to upload ?18:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436936 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Natty) "gdm upstart job checks /proc/cmdline for single user mode, won't start on post-boot runlevel change" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43693618:33
ScottKstgraber: kdebase-workspace is a huge build.  It's probably better just to commit it to bzr.18:34
stgraberScottK: what's the right place to commit that ? apt-get showsrc tells me lp:~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu but bzr tells me it doesn't exist ...18:35
ScottKstgraber: Should be ~/kubuntu-packagers.18:35
ScottKWe just moved them and the packages aren't updated yet.18:35
ScottKYou should have access there.18:35
stgraberok, I'll also make sure debian/control has the rights Vcs field then :)18:36
keesjcastro: how do I mark a blueprint to _not_ be auto-scheduled for UDS? i.e. I want to keep it as a work-item tracker but not have discussion.18:57
slangasekkees: have it rejected for the sprint18:58
slangasekit can be targeted to oneiric without being accepted for uds-o18:58
jcastrokees: what he said ^18:58
keesslangasek: ah-ha! okay18:58
stgraberScottK: ok, pushed to ~kubuntu-packagers/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/. Was just wondering how you're dealing with SRUs though as I noticed a natty-proposed changelog entry in that branch (not sure you want to mix -proposed and oneiric changelog entries)19:03
ScottKstgraber: We normally just keep a 'trunk' so building you change on top of natty-proposed is good.19:04
SpamapShmmm.. LP shows openssl 1.0 in oneiric, but my mirror does not..19:30
Laneyit is/was in NEW19:30
SpamapSmaybe just need to wait for a mirror update?19:32
micahgSpamapS: yeah, it was freed about 90 minutes ago19:32
SpamapSwhere is that time? the package in LP says 17 hours19:32
micahgSpamapS: check scrollback here :)19:33
macopitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/494141 im lost. a 10.10 user says this still happens for them, yet it's marked fix released in karmic and discussion continues... any idea what the next step is?19:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 494141 in cups (Ubuntu Lucid) "CUPS starts after SAMBA; printers are not available (convert cups to upstart)" [Medium,Fix committed]19:37
SpamapSmaco: IIRC it was converted to an upstart job in 10.10 .. maybe the start on needs work?19:40
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macoSpamapS: yes it was converted, and there's also a comment in there with pitti sru'ing something...and i dont know what the patch was that he sru'd19:49
SpamapSmaco: I believe the fix was to send smbd a HUP whenever cups starts19:59
stgraberScottK: ok, now for the SRU. I see that there's already a kdebase-workspace in proposed. Should I upload the upstart job SRU now or do you prefer to wait for the current one to hit -updates and then upload the upstart job fix in -proposed ?20:00
SpamapSmaco: actually no, what happens is smbd starts cups in its pre-start20:01
SpamapSOh wait, no.. ugh.. ok.. so confused .. thats not done either.20:02
ScottKstgraber: I'd prefer to let the current one get to -updates first.20:04
ScottKEntangled SRUs get complex.20:04
bbigrasI made a branch and a debdiff to fix a little bug I got with pnopaste on Lucid (bug 771421). What should I do next?20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771421 in pnopaste (Ubuntu) "problem with the cronjob : Can't locate conf/debiandb.pm in @INC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77142120:05
SpamapSScottK: +1 .. one at a time please. :)20:05
stgraberScottK: ok. I'll have the gdm uploaded in a few minutes, so we can probably do the testing with this one and if it works fine, the kdebase-workspace one should be easy (as the diff is identical)20:06
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spartan-11510I've a little proplem20:43
spartan-11510I can't upload my pgp key on launchpad20:43
micahgspartan-11510: try #launchpad for support with that20:44
spartan-11510Ok thx20:44
cjwatsondupondje: I just finished fixing MoM this morning, so it was probably running when you asked about it.  the first successful run for ages completed at 13:58 UTC21:04
cjwatsonit required backporting patch 2.6 in order to successfully unpack banshee, and then running pack-archive to free up some disk space21:06
geseris there enough free space or do we get "disk full" during oneiric?21:07
* micahg hugs cjwatson for fixing MoM21:07
cjwatsongeser: I think it should be OK; the problems typically arise if it breaks for a while and nobody notices21:07
cjwatsonbecause it uses temporary space proportional to the size of the packages it needs to operate on in a given run21:07
cjwatson/dev/cciss/c0d0p1    557446636 472874300  78953604  86% /21:08
cjwatsonalso the more merges get done the fewer base revisions it has to keep21:08
jcastroScottK: try to edit the schedule now21:11
ScottKTrying ...21:11
ScottKI have the edit button now.21:12
ScottKjcastro: Thanks.21:12
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dupondjecjwatson: :) nice21:33
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sorenYay. First server upgraded to oneiric.22:58
ajmitchas long as it's not a critical production server22:59
* highvoltage will try for oneiric+1 then :(22:59
KeybukI wish the Ubuntu dch would recognise "unstable" ...23:08
sorenajmitch: Hardly :)23:22
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