
=== arand_ is now known as arand
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
IlluminarchBom dia!12:39
=== Illuminarch_ is now known as illuminarch
nisshhhello all16:32
nisshhthis is the correct place to ask to get my cloak removed isnt it?16:32
m4vI don't think you need authorization from GC for get your cloak removed, pinging staff would do I guess, nhandler niko marienz?16:40
nisshhm4v, yes, thanks16:42
nikonisshh: do you want to replace it with unaffiliated ?16:44
* Pici reminds nisshh that switching cloaks isn't something done lightly.16:45
nisshhniko, yes please16:50
nisshhniko, i realise that16:50
nisshhi have good reasons why i am doing it16:50
nikonisshh: cloak updated16:54
nikojussi: see above please16:54
nisshhthanks niko16:54

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