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keesorange you glad we have a meeting?18:02
* sbeattie groans hello18:03
jdstrandok, sorry for the slight delay-- I was distracted by something18:05
MootBotMeeting started at 12:05. The chair is jdstrand.18:05
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:05
jdstrandThe meeting agenda can be found at:18:05
jdstrand[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting18:05
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting18:05
jdstrand[TOPIC] Review of any previous action items18:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Review of any previous action items18:05
jdstrandwe don't have any explicit action items from last week18:05
jdstrand[TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report18:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly stand-up report18:05
jdstrandI'll go first18:06
jdstrandlast week I was on triage and I went through a lot of old bugs. the work isn't done, but things are somewhat better18:06
jdstrandI've started a script to help me see what is going on with ubuntu-security bugs, so hopefully it will be easier to see trends, etc going forward18:07
jdstrandI may continue some of that work this week, if I have time18:07
keesnice; I skimmed a bit of that code. cool stuff18:07
jdstrandthanks! it's pretty rough atm18:07
jdstrandbut hopefully it'll turn into something useful18:07
jdstrandas next week is UDS, we need to discuss our blueprints and get them into LP18:08
jdstrandsince this is my first time working on all that stuff, and there is a lot to do, that is my focus for this week18:08
jdstrandI also seem to have been signed up for a 4-6 hours manager training session tomorrow18:09
jdstrand(along with a bunch of others)18:09
jdstrandso, I guess I will be doing that too :P18:09
jdstrandI am also on community this week18:09
jdstrandthat's it from me. kees, you're up18:09
keesjdstrand: I'm happy to continue to help with the blueprints. I already added our roundtables to the schedule18:09
jdstrandkees: thanks-- I appreciate that. I'm going to be picking your brain this week to be sure :)18:10
jdstrandkees: and leaning on you :)18:10
* jdstrand hugs kees18:10
keesI spent some time getting apparmor into shape for Debian. translations have started to trickle in, and I've got a bunch of things to upstream too.18:10
keesI'm going to be at the canonical summit, so my week consists basically of today since I'll be flying tue and wed18:11
keesI'd try to get some useful work in between the flights and jet lag :)18:11
* jdstrand makes note to pick kees' brain *today*18:11
keesI may also relocate my patch pilot to today (it's scheduled for thursday) since I doubt I'll have much time to focus then.18:12
keesowch, netsplit. I think we're all still here?18:12
jdstrandah jeez18:12
jdstrandI am18:12
* jdstrand is also patch piloting this week18:12
keesI'm still trying to coordinate an embargoed thing, but that's stuck upstream atm.18:13
keesanyway, that's about it from me.18:13
jdstrandmdeslaur: you're up18:16
mdeslaurI just published a couple of updates this morning18:16
mdeslaurfor some reason, sis-generate-changes is exploding right now on my second release,so I'm trying to figure out why18:17
mdeslaurafter that, I have perl to test, and possibly publish this week18:17
mdeslaurand after that, I'll go down the list18:17
mdeslaurand I also will prepare my travel laptop and stuff18:17
mdeslaurthat's it from me18:17
mdeslaursbeattie: you're up18:17
sbeattieI finally got php5 out the door last week; discovered a regression over the weekend (bug 774452), and am preparing fixes and updates to qart to fix it.18:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 774452 in php5 (Ubuntu) "php-pear: pecl install reports Call to undefined method PEAR::raiseErro()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77445218:19
sbeattieI also need to do some UDS prep, and hopefully, later this week will be moving to a new laptop (*crosses fingers*)18:19
sbeattieI'll probably look for another update to pick up as well.18:20
sbeattieI think that's it for me.18:20
micahgso, I need to get thunderbird out, then do EOL tasks for karmic18:21
micahgwebkit after that18:21
micahgI skipped piloting last week, so Friday I might do double pilot duty if that works out18:22
micahgw/travel this week for UDS, that's about it18:23
jdstrand[TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions18:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Miscellaneous and Questions18:24
jdstrandAs mentioned, AppArmor userspace is now in Debian! People still need to recompile their kernel to use it, but the tools are now available. Thanks Kees!18:24
keeswooo! and everything but the parser even compiles under kfreebsd. ;)18:24
sbeattiekees: when do you think you'll push patches upstream for that?18:25
keessbeattie: today for sure. I'm trying to get out from under a mess of other little things that have collected18:25
sbeattiekees: okay, cool, happy to review.18:25
keesalso, randomly:18:25
keesopenssl | 1.0.0d-2ubuntu1 | oneiric/main18:25
keesthis has sslv2 _actually_ removed.18:26
keesas in, it's a library transition since the symbols for v2 are plain gone.18:26
keesjust something to point out as a possible gotcha in oneiric18:26
jdstrandprobably more of a server team item...18:27
jdstrandDaviey: ^ fyi only18:27
keesbut we'll be sharing it with Debian, so it shouldn't be too terrible.18:27
* jdstrand nods18:27
jdstrand(server team item in that they would probably be affected the most)18:27
mdeslaurkees: did upstream disable sslv2 in openssl v1, or did debian?18:27
keesmdeslaur: debian (kurt) disabled it, at my (and other's) request.18:28
stgraberwin 6118:28
stgraber(oops :))18:28
jdstrandthat might make python ftbfs iirc18:29
jdstrandwell, we'll see :)18:29
keesyeah, though I think we'll have a softer landing because of the anti-v2 hack I pulled in natty (or was it maverick?)18:29
jdstranddoes anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?18:29
* jdstrand nods18:30
micahgmeeting next week replaced by roundtable?18:30
keesmicahg: I think so, yes18:31
micahgso, that'll be 08:00 UTC for anyone interested18:31
jdstrandsounds good to me18:31
keesjdstrand: let's do blueprints in #u-h?18:32
micahgcheck the UDS schedule to figure out which irc channel to join18:32
jdstrandalright, thanks everyone!18:34
keesthanks jdstrand!18:34
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:36.18:36
micahgthanks jdstrand18:37
jdstrandsure thing!18:37
Davieyjdstrand, thanks for the fyi!19:33
jdstrandDaviey: sure!19:33
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