
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
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dholbachgood morning08:18
iulianG'morning dholbach.08:28
dholbachhey iulian08:28
talatHi i want to rebuild/repackage python2.6 package. is it possible ?09:49
directhextalat, why?09:55
talatdirecthex: i am turkish locale user. Python2.6 now not work in Turkish locale. i want to aplly this patch http://bugs.python.org/issue181309:59
talati found patched in python2.5 by doko. But i dont know why he is not apply this patch in 2.6 i want to aplly this patch09:59
talatdirecthex: you can see python2.5 issue 18143 patch in debian patch list http://patch-tracker.debian.org/package/python2.5/2.5.5-1110:00
talatdirecthex: can you help me rebuild python2.6 package ?10:00
directhextalat, it's a sufficiently major package not to come under -motu remit. try #ubuntu-devel10:03
talatok directhex thnx10:03
dupondje  ca-certificates: Depends: openssl (>= 1.0.0) but it is not going to be installed.15:49
dupondjebut openssl is in oneiric ? Or am I missing something :)15:49
Laneyit's in NEW15:50
dupondjeah ok15:50
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achiangfta: hey, do you know what gconf keys chromium sets in order to be known as the default browser?17:22
ftaachiang, it's not a gconf key, it uses xdg-mime17:24
ftaachiang, xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/http17:25
achiangfta: ah! that's why setting /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/[http|https] is ineffective. :)17:25
ftaxdg-settings is supposed to do the right thing depending on the DE17:26
ftaachiang, ^^, do you have a problem with it? it's supposed to work fine (it sure works fine here)17:27
achiangfta: well, i'm working on a derivative, and just trying to preseed chromium as the default browser, and it's not working, so trying to figure out why17:27
achiangfta: hm, that xdg-mime invocation returns back an empty string17:28
ftaachiang, xdg-settings set default-web-browser chromium-browser.desktop  should do the job17:31
ftaachiang, in natty, or /usr/lib/chromium-browser/xdg-settings in older releases17:31
achiangfta: you mean, use chromium-browser's copy of xdg-settings? (yes, this is an older release)17:32
* micahg wonders why we're shipping chromium's xdg-settings17:33
ftaachiang, yep, the copy should work everywhere17:34
achiangfta: ah, thank you. one more dumb question, should that be safe to run from a maintainer script?17:34
envygeeksDoes Ubuntu use an orphan adoption round like Debian?17:35
micahgenvygeeks: no, ubuntu doesn't have maintainers, all packages are shared17:36
ftaachiang, hm, the maintainer script runs as root, right? the xdg stuff is per user17:36
achiangfta: yeah, it runs as root. i already have a mechanism to do things on first boot (as the user) so i can just call the script from there.17:37
achiangfta: thank you!17:37
ftaachiang, good. anyway, if it doesn't work as a user, it means xdg-utils is broken (as the copy is basically what natty has)17:39
achiangfta: got it. i think it should be fine though17:40
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dupondjewhy did this fail ? :s21:35
geserdupondje: armel is broken21:38
geserdupondje: bug #77417521:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 774175 in apt (Ubuntu Oneiric) "apt segfaults on armel in oneiric" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77417521:39
BlackZcdbs: there's no point in merging amsn from Debian (and I'm going to upload a fix for the FTBFS soon)22:06
BlackZcdbs: I'd rather wait for the next Debian revision22:06
dupondjegeser: thx :) was thinking that I did smth wrong22:23
tumbleweedbdrung_: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-dev-tools/+spec/other-o-udt-debian (if we want a discussion)22:23
dupondjeto bad I don't have upload rights :( will have alot of sync / merge requests :P22:24
micahgdupondje: how do you think you get upload rights? :)22:25
dupondjeby stalking :D22:25
dupondjelots of syncs / merges to do :)22:26
bdrung_tumbleweed: thanks for creating it. it was on my todo list :)22:32
tumbleweedbleh, that title was bad, renamed.22:35
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