
chrisccoulsongood job you don't use epiphany, you need nspluginwrapper to use flash on *all* architectures ;)00:01
chrisccoulson(even i386)00:02
micahgchrisccoulson: huh?00:27
OmegaI think he means that epiphany uses nspluginwrapper even if you're on i386.00:32
* micahg knew about konqueror, but didn't think epiphany did that00:33
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chrisccoulsonmicahg, yes, epiphany does that now because it uses gtk301:00
chrisccoulsonand you can't run gtk2 / gtk3 in the same process01:00
chrisccoulsonso, flash player is blacklisted in epiphany01:00
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, ok01:02
j1mcfta -just wanted to say 'thanks' for all of the mozilla and chromium work.  :)06:28
fta2micahg, sorry but i plan to shut the bot down.07:15
micahgfta2: can you please keep it going until the end of the month?  we'll see if we can find somewhere else to house it07:16
fta2micahg, you already asked me that 2 cycles ago, and nothing changed since07:17
micahgfta2: that was chrisccoulson's task that never materialized07:17
micahgI wanted to run it on my server, then we thought we might be able to get it in the canonical DC somewhere07:18
Omegawhat bot? what does it do?07:18
chrisccoulsonyes, we can do it from the datacenter. do you want me to do that?07:18
chrisccoulsonjust let me know what I need to do ;)07:18
chrisccoulsoni'm seriously tired today, I wish my daughter did not wake at 5.3007:19
fta2well, i don't plan on maintaining the code either07:19
fta2i wrote that in 2007, no one ever helped, now i'm done with it07:20
micahgOmega: https://launchpad.net/drobotik07:20
micahgfta2: I wasn't aware that it needed a lot of maintenance07:21
Omegathat does seem like it would be helpful07:21
fta2it doesn't, expect for respins/branch renames/new dists07:24
fta2Omega, it helped spread millions of builds07:24
fta2but it competes with the launchpad recipes so no one ever cared to help me07:25
chrisccoulsonwell, i'd still rather use your bot ;)07:25
chrisccoulsonit's been pretty reliable, there's no compelling reason to change that tbh07:25
chrisccoulsonlaunchpad doesn't offer any additional benefit07:26
micahgfta2: BTW, I think we're going to start pushing chromium arm separately, so we have faster turnaround07:27
fta2micahg, too late for me, i'm also done with those07:28
fta2i've been complaining about that for years07:28
fta2that's the main reason why i'm retiring of ubuntu07:29
micahgfta2: well, I just started handling it 2 months ago and I saw this was a way I can help07:29
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micahgfta: re default browser setting for chromium, it's still broke in natty17:30
micahgwell, on a clean install it doesn't, I cannot click set as default and make it go away17:35
* micahg will hunt for/update a bug later17:35
ftafeel free to fix it, i won't, i'm backing off17:40
micahgI'll track it and report upstream17:42
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