
OnryoA co-worker informed me that a Mr. Alan Pope (alan@ubuntu/member/popey) from the LoCo Council and the Ubuntu Community Council had instigated contact with me. Apparently Mr. Pope insinuated that I should come to this channel and “work things out”. I left a rather dull party full of drunkards and will be going to bed in the next 20 minutes.01:27
OnryoThere seemed to be some concern about the possible repercussions from further development from  factions of the Nordic development. I have not read what was fully said during that discussion as my co-worker had the discussion. If I understand right Mr. Pope, Linda and Markus Lindström spoke on Skype.01:28
OnryoIs there anything that needs/should be said. I am not in the mood for sarcastic/arrogance01:32
Jordan_UOnryo: Your ban in #ubuntu is not going to be lifted any time soon. Is there anything else that we can help you with (within the domain of IRC and the ubuntu channels)?01:39
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ioy89oy89 appears to be abusive - 5.5)01:41
IdleOneOnryo: Please do not idle in this channel.01:46
OnryoJordan_U have perfectly illustrated my position on the matter. You have lost the holistic view on the matter can only wonder if other decisions are made on the same permissions as yours.01:47
Onryotake care and good luck01:48
IdleOneOnryo: Please stop wasting our time. the decision has been already made and the ban will not be lifted. Please part this channel.01:48
IdleOne!appeals > Onryo if you wish to appeal.01:49
ubottuOnryo, please see my private message01:49
Onryocome over to #OpenBSD and see if it looks like this.01:49
ubottuIn ubottu, Onryo said: <popey> My name is Alan Pope. I'm on the Ubuntu LoCo Council and the Ubuntu Community Council.01:53
IdleOneThis behaviour supposedly from the "boss" at some company.01:56
elkyI'm still at a loss to understand what positive influence we gain from their presence.03:06
Jordan_UIs calamari the same person that we banned for telling users to use sudo with graphical apps before?03:29
Jordan_USeems not.03:32
Flannel211.56.233.161 concerning anyone else? or am I being paranoid? (#u)04:14
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()04:22
Madpilotso, have we founded #ubuntu-yes-we-know-you-hate-unity yet?06:26
bazhang<POOPHAMMMER> when i installed ubuntu it told me i would need to install linux06:33
Jordan_U22:38 < POOPHAMMMER> flooding is for the japanese06:44
Jordan_UAny reason not to ban them?06:44
Jordan_UIt's a bit after the fact but still.06:44
bazhangJordan_U, he's +q, have him in PM06:45
Jordan_Ubazhang: Ahh, carry on then :)06:45
bazhangban forward taint_ here?06:51
bazhangthanks IdleOne06:51
IdleOnerage quit after you warned about language.06:52
IdleOnehe knew exactly what he was doing.06:52
elky<photon> you're a moron07:21
elkyHe's not getting unmuted in a hurry.07:21
IdleOneI tried :/07:21
elky<photon> banning people for speaking their mind without any comment just outed you as a big big moron07:23
elkyI'm pretty sure "no" followed by "just, no" is commenting. Kthx.07:23
elky(for log watchers, he wanted us to agree that wanting to torture osama is perfectly ok.)07:24
IdleOneelky: his current nick in -ot is bad imo07:24
IdleOnewell the previous one07:24
elkyNow i'm being told I suck dick and am muslim.07:27
elkyby 'osamadeadyay'07:27
Madpilotthis will, of course, lead you to unban him immediately...07:27
elkyI'll get /right/ on that.07:27
IdleOnethreat to ban evade did not sit well07:30
Madpilotthat was either a threat to ban-evade, or a threat to bot flood. either way, not smart.07:32
IdleOneI understand his position and I have felt the same way in the past about similar issues.07:33
elkyMadpilot, the latter is also the former, so yeah, epic smrts07:33
IdleOnebut that doesn't mean it is acceptable in ubuntu channels07:34
IdleOnemaybe banning him is not the right solution right now.07:35
elkysuggesting there ought to be exemptions to morality for certain people is the slipperiest slope evar.07:35
IdleOneemotions are certainly running high for some07:35
IdleOneI'm not saying exemption but maybe talking to him and trying to explain our point of view regarding the Ubuntu IRC aspect of it all.07:36
IdleOneI am going to remove the ban, if someone else feels it needs to be replaced that is up to you.07:40
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
=== LjL2 is now known as LjL
bazhang p5790677F.dip.t-dialin.net lars is back14:49
Piciyou sure?14:49
PiciWhich channel?14:50
bazhang<dasfefg> hello i  dont like gnome 3 and unit14:50
PiciWell, it sucks that Deutsche Telekom users get dynamic addresses, but the wildcard ban I just set seems to match only him, although I only checked some of his recent joins.14:58
PiciI don't think there is anything that freenode could do to help us with this, as a kline won't really take any more arguments than a ban will.14:58
bazhanghe clearly would just evade klines14:59
bazhangthis h4xors fellow was running a really nasty bot in ##linux the other day.15:15
PiciHow nasty?15:16
bazhangwaaaaay outside the freenode rules and code of conduct15:17
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (yuyu appears to be abusive - 5.5)16:55
PiciThat people think that those are real?17:00
ikoniathat people do it and that people think it's real17:02
DexterFis that spambot/unregged thing for real or a scam? sounds fishy to me17:17
Tm_Twhat where?17:17
LjLDexterF: which one? we had a real spambot in #ubuntu. the ones asking question in #ubuntu-unregged are our legitimate bots17:18
LjLyou're unlikely to get scammed by just answering a question anyway ;)17:19
DexterFLjL: ah. ok. so there's a flood attack on ubuntu?17:19
LjLthere was some 20 minutes ago17:19
DexterFLjL: well - a channel window get's opened without me opening it. if that can be automated I guess a lot more can, possibly by not much more that sending data. I prefer paranoia.17:20
LjLDexterF: it's called channel forwarding, it's a freenode feature. you join #ubuntu, but since #ubuntu is +r and +f #ubuntu-unregged, you client gets directed to the latter instead.17:21
DexterFLjL: I know of fwd, but I never seen it happened while in the channel before, only on joining. so I assumed that happens in the join process or not at all. well, learned sth new.17:23
LjLDexterF: it does happen when you join17:23
DexterFLjL: exactly. and I was forwarded while being around for quite a while already17:24
LjLDexterF: that is strange. maybe you were disconnected and didn't realize?17:24
DexterFLjL: oh, you're right! didn't notice. mystery solved.17:25
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (qwerty1234 appears to be abusive - 6)18:44
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (18))18:44
LjLi'm going to test some important change in the floodbots, they might mode-spam a little, and possibly even msg-spam (though i hope not). namely, the change is that they're staying all opped, since i think each given one of them doesn't always react very quickly18:56
Tm_Twhy idoru isn't on #u ?19:24
IdleOnewas removed19:27
Tm_Tyes, why19:30
IdleOnenot entirely sure to be honest but I believe there was some questions about false positives and reaction time19:30
Tm_Twell, the latest spammer didn't get any boot19:31
Tm_Tit did stay over a minute on the channel and parted19:31
tsimpsonsee http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/04/24/%23ubuntu-meeting.html19:32
IdleOneTm_T: I think that is probably what LjL is working on with the floodbots19:33
* IdleOne guesses19:33
Tm_Ttsimpson: ah, thanks19:55
LjLno, it's something else about the floodbots19:56
LjLand a warm welcome to jaaaason ribeeeiro!20:31
ikoniahello Customs21:29
Customswhy did i get banned??21:29
ikoniaCustoms: I asked you not to do the "hack the planet" stuff, you responded by doing "hack the planet", I banned you from the channel21:30
Customsand how can i get back onto the channel??21:30
ikoniawell, you're going to take a break from the channel for now, as if you can't follow simple requests you're going to have a problem21:30
ikonia!guidelines | Customs21:30
ubottuCustoms: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:30
ikoniaCustoms: reading those links on how to behave in the channel is also a good start21:31
Customsso how long do i have to wait??21:31
ikoniawell, read the URL's and come back to me21:31
Customsi dont need to read links on how to behave im not retarded21:31
ikoniathen why did you do repeat the line I asked you not to repeat21:31
Customsi dont know21:32
ikoniaif you know how to behave why did you do the opposite of what I asked you to do ?21:32
ikoniathen you don't know how to behave/control your self, therefore you can't use the channel21:32
LjLuhm - any idea why Carlos| got banned by the floodbot?21:32
CustomsI think i know how to behave, im sorry can i go back on now?? because i want to ask questions about setting up an apache server on my machi9ne21:33
ikoniaCustoms: sorry no, you can take 24 hours from now to think about what to do next time someone asks you to do something21:33
Customscan i get banned from the banned section??21:34
ikoniaLjL: no idea21:34
ikonianothing untoward21:34
ikoniaCustoms: sorry, I don't understand21:34
Customsis it possible to get banned from ubuntu-ops21:35
ikoniayes, but that would be unwise21:35
Customslol then where do you go to??21:35
ikoniajust take 24 hours to think about your response to requests and how to behave in the channel, come back to #ubuntu-ops and we'll resolve your ban21:35
ikoniaCustoms: if you come back in 24 hours someone in here will be more than happy to resolve your ban21:36
ikonia(myself included but not everyone is always active at the same time)21:36
ikoniaCustoms: do you understand ?21:36
Customslol im 14 can i not have any fun??21:36
LjLnot at the expense of #ubuntu21:36
Customsthis is like school man21:37
ikoniado you understand21:37
ikoniaCustoms: do you understand the terms I've laid out to you ?21:37
Customsdo you even work for ubuntu??21:37
Customsand yes i do21:37
ikoniaok, if you understand, please leave this channel and return in 24 hours and we'll resolve your ban21:37
Customsdo you work for ubuntu??21:37
ikoniawhere I work is not relevent21:38
ikoniaCustoms: to show you can take instructions, please leave the channel and return in 24 hours21:38
ikoniaCustoms: I'll ask you one more time, please leave the channel and return in 24 hours21:38
CustomsHack the planet??21:39
ikoniathe ban has now been extended to a week21:39
Customsto a week!!!!21:39
ikoniaCustoms: could you please leave this channel now and return in a week21:39
Customsawww cmon not a week!!!21:39
LjLCustoms: it's entirely your call. it could have been 24 hours had you not behaved "smart" in here.21:40
ikoniaCustoms: if you do not follow the instruction to leave the channel, I'll just keep increasing the ban,21:40
ikoniaplease leave now and return in a week21:40
Customsbut i need ubuntu!!!21:40
ikoniaCustoms: then you should have not behaved so foolish21:40
Customsi was having fun!!121:40
ikoniaCustoms: please leave the channel now (last time I'll ask) and return in a week21:40
Customsdo you know what it feels like to be banned??21:42
ikoniaok - enough now, 2 weeks21:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!21:42
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()21:42
Customsi dont get it21:42
Customswhat did i do!!!21:43
Customsi have the right to know the terms!!!21:43
ikoniastop wasting my time - I could not make it clearer, leave the channel and return in 24 hours, fail, leave the channel and return in a week, fail21:43
ikoniadon't play dumb, stop wasting my time and others,21:44
Customsam i banned from all channel??21:44
ikoniajust #ubuntu21:44
LjLCustoms: you're banned from #ubuntu, and you're honestly not making your ban any shorter21:44
ikoniathank you tomaw21:45
ikoniaCustoms: it would be unwise for you to continue this21:45
ikonialeave the channel now21:45
CustomsI want to know why i am banned for so long21:46
topyliCustoms: please don't get banned from this channel too, as it will make resolving your #ubuntu ban more difficult21:46
Customswhat will happen then??21:46
LjLCustoms: because you refused to read the guidelines and kept arguing, simple enough21:46
topyliCustoms: please leave this channel for now, read the ubuntu irc guidelines and return in a couple of weeks as instructed21:47
LjLi think i have fixed the thing that caused Carlos| to be banned when you banned Customs, please apologize to them on my behalf if they come back21:49
ikoniaLjL: sure thing21:50
DexterFwow. being played by a 14 yo troll and then ban some random guy by accident while playing wannabe guru. that's rich.22:56
macoDexterF: do you need assistance, or are you just rubber-necking?22:56
DexterFjust gadflying rather22:58
DexterFwell, whatever.22:59
LjL^ why we have to keep this channel closed to people23:28
bazhang* [H4x0rs] (~hacker@adsl196-146-43-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma): hacker23:56
bazhangban evading23:56
LjLthought as much23:56

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