
=== vraa__ is now known as vraa
storrgieWhy is my login MOTD saying I need to perform updates when my system is up to date? (10.04.201:11
SinnerNyxWas working in 10.10, not working in 11.04. Running "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" gives the following output: (deprecated message)... SIOCSIFADDR: no such device   eth0: Error while getting interface flags: no such device01:13
qman__means you don't have an eth001:14
jenkinSeardoes eth0 show up if you do a /sbin/ifconfig -a ?01:14
qman__might be a driver issue or a udev one01:15
uvirtbot`New bug: #775239 in samba (main) "loop device over samba breaks filesystem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77523901:16
DAVdaBRAVAnyone actually here?01:31
jenkinSearI'm not01:32
DAVdaBRAVSounds promising01:32
DAVdaBRAVanyone here or not know where to go from "it works" to get to phpbb?01:33
MTecknologyhow can I check available updates?01:33
MTecknologyI've always been in the habit of just updating everything01:34
qman__DAVdaBRAV, sudo apt-get install phpbb301:34
DAVdaBRAVthat easy? really? 0_001:34
DAVdaBRAVoh my it appears to be working! :O01:35
qman__FYI, I found the existence of that package by running 'apt-cache search phpbb'01:36
qman__you should do this whenever you intend to install software, just to see if someone else did the hard work for you01:37
DAVdaBRAV:D Thanks so much.01:37
JanCMTecknology: you aren't using byobu on your server?  ☺01:38
MTecknologyJanC: no.. never got into playing with it and most systems i work with can't even get it01:38
JanCwhy can't they get it?01:39
JanCanyway, if you use it, you get a useful indicator at the bottom that shows up when there are upgrades available01:40
MTecknologyJanC: systems are too old01:50
MTecknologyJanC: what command would i run to see the packages available for update and which are security updates?01:51
MTecknologyJanC: anything that wouldn't make me install 85 packages?01:53
MTecknologyeh.. update-manager-core instead of update-manager :P01:54
MTecknologylied - it's not available from that01:55
MTecknologythat's just too many deps01:55
JanCupdate-manager-text is a package here, but probably not available in older versions01:55
MTecknologyoh, 5 deps, still a bit01:56
MTecknologydefinitely not the list I was looking for...01:56
MTecknologyI'm looking for something I can use in scripts01:57
JanCwell, wajig has a command to list available package upgrades01:58
JanCcat /var/lib/dpkg/status | egrep '^(Package|Status|Version):' | awk '/^Package: / {pkg=$2}      /^Status: / {s1=$2;s2=$3;s3=$4}     /^Version: / {print pkg,$2,s1,s2,s3}' | grep 'ok installed' | awk '{print $1,$2}' | sort -k 1b,101:59
JanCthats' what it uses to get that  :P01:59
JanCeh, more or less01:59
MTecknologyI was hoping something like.... aptitude available-updates :P02:00
JanC"apt-get upgrade -s" will list what packages it would normally upgrade02:02
JanCyou'll have to parse that though  ☺02:02
JanCMTecknology: you could also use python-apt of course02:04
MTecknologyJanC: ☺02:05
MTecknologypython-apt may be a pretty good idea for this02:05
JanCor update-manager-core02:06
JanCwhich should contain everything you need to get that list02:08
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DAVdaBRAVQuestion: does Ubuntu have a modified package for phpbb?02:12
tonyyarussoOkay, I give up.  Can someone explain virtual networking with KVM / libvirt / virt-manager to me?02:35
DAVdaBRAVnope. apparentally not.02:35
tonyyarussoThe goal:  Have my VMs directly-connected to the network, getting IP addresses from the same DHCP server & pool as all of my physical machines.02:35
qman__then you want a bridged configuration02:35
tonyyarussoqman__: I know that much, but can't manage to get it working.02:36
tonyyarussoyeah...already read that.02:36
qman__I haven't dealt much with virtualization in a while02:36
qman__only used KVM once, briefly02:36
tonyyarussoalso, it's unclear how current that wiki page is.02:37
twbIs it safe to run pvck on an active LVM PV?02:37
* kthomas_vh_ searches for how to install prce.h for APC02:37
AzelphurIs there any way in ubuntu-server to do a rebootless distribution update/kernel update?02:37
tonyyarussoIt seems like virt-manager tries (and fails) to create its own bridges and stuff, thus breaking everything you had set up.02:38
qman__Azelphur, yes, with ksplice02:41
qman__the update service isn't free for servers, though02:41
Azelphurhmm, why would you have to pay for it?02:42
qman__because writing kernel patches takes time and effort02:43
qman__the technology is open source, it's the update service they charge for02:43
Azelphurdo they have to do something majorly special to do rebootless updates?02:44
qman__it requires writing binary kernel patches02:44
qman__it's different from compiling a new kernel02:44
AzelphurI see :p02:45
Azelphurwhat's the difference between desktop and server?02:45
Azelphuror do they just charge for server for the hell of it :p02:45
qman__the package set02:45
qman__the free service requires the GUI app02:46
AzelphurI see :p02:46
qman__though I'm not sure on the legalities and their terms of service02:47
AzelphurNo FOSS alternatives to it?02:47
qman__it is FOSS02:48
qman__the software they use is all open source02:48
Azelphuroh :p02:48
qman__they simply charge for the patches and service02:48
qman__like how canonical charges for support services02:48
qman__if you want to write your own patches, you can02:48
Azelphurwould ksplice allow me to go through a complete distribution upgrade without a reboot?02:49
Azelphuror would it only get me through kernel updates02:49
qman__ksplice only applies to kernel updates02:49
qman__but kernel updates are the only ones that require a reboot02:49
qman__all other updates can be applied by restarting services02:49
Azelphurso that's a yes? :)02:50
qman__I used it on 9.04 before they started charging, didn't reboot my router for well over a year02:50
AzelphurI have a server that really wants 24/7 uptime, so it's interesting to me :p02:50
Azelphurstill on 10.04 would like to update it :)02:51
qman__well, the service isn't very expensive, it's just a matter of whether that feature is that valuable to you or not02:51
qman__if I was running a business that depended on uptime, I'd buy it02:52
Azelphuryea, I'm tempted to, I'm mostly just being a cheap-ass at this point xD02:52
qman__but a few minutes to reboot on occasion is perfectly acceptable for what I'm running02:52
AzelphurI pay $150 a month in server hosting, I should really invest $3 xD02:52
qman__well, I can tell you it works well and it's very convenient02:53
Azelphurit sounds it :)02:53
MTecknologywhat would a person generally pick for an rpc port?03:02
qman__people generally don't pick RPC ports, that's how the protocol works03:09
qman__and that's why it's a huge pain and should be avoided if possible03:10
twbportmapper is pre-internet tech, so it assumes that it's expensive to set up a new computer on the network, and you'll be the only one with root on any machine03:11
twb(I assume by "RPC" you mean portmapper and not, say, ajax.)03:11
DAVdaBRAVhelp! how to open a tar?!04:14
DAVdaBRAVsudo tar -xvjf file /dir isn't working... :(04:15
shauno-j is specifically for tar.bz2; does that match the file you're trying to open ?04:17
shaunodo you get any error messages?04:18
DAVdaBRAVRecord size = 8 blocks04:18
DAVdaBRAVtar: /var/www: not found in archive04:18
DAVdaBRAVexit with failure due to errors :/04:18
twbDAVdaBRAV: by passing /var/www you are asking it to extract only /var/www from itself.04:18
twbDAVdaBRAV: to specify a destination, pass -C04:19
twbDAVdaBRAV: or simply cd to it first04:19
DAVdaBRAV:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D04:20
twbYes, quite.04:20
DAVdaBRAVthank you, twb!04:20
jgouldOk, here's an odd one: I just ran sudo apt-get update, and then sudo apt-get upgrade on my server running 10.04. there were no updates. when I logged back in, I was greeted with: 45 packages can be updated, 30 updates are security updates.  What am I doing wrong?05:26
twbjgould: I have that behaviour05:32
twbjgould: for some reason my motd update isn't happening05:32
twbjgould: I haven't investigated yet; let me know what you find05:32
twbThe virsh manpage says "For remote access see the documentation page on how to make URIs." -- which document is it referring to?05:40
twbI have users running virt-manager on their laptops.  I'm trying to work out if/how to give them read-only access -- virt-manager doesn't seem to have an option for this, where virsh does05:41
=== zz_eagles0513875 is now known as eagles0513875
uvirtbot`New bug: #775343 in tftp-hpa (main) "package tftpd-hpa 5.0-11ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: el paquete tftpd-hpa no está listo para configurarse  no se puede configurar (estado actual `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77534307:07
Macerwow bind is a pain07:25
Macertook me forever to realize that ubuntu-server and apparmor automatically change write permissions to dirs07:26
Maceri couldn't figure out why i couldn't to the log file.. ugh07:26
Macercouldn't write07:27
twbMacer: +1 for nsd and unbound07:36
twbOh wait, bind is isc dhcpd07:37
twbI was thinking named07:37
Macerbind = named ;)07:37
twbRight right07:37
Macerthe apparmor stuff was making me pull my hair out07:37
twbme love nsd307:38
jgouldCoffee is good07:38
twbjgould: one too many o's07:38
Macerthis tyan board is flawed07:45
MacerCore1 Temp:  +80.0°C07:46
Macerit is hovering 5C below its thermal shutdown temp07:46
twbprobably worse if you turn it on07:48
twbO'course it could just be that lm-sensors is poorly calibrated for that unit07:48
twbIt's not uncommon for sensors to report with a 20 degree offset or so07:49
Macerthat is maxed out07:51
Maceri was runnning boinc on it to burn it up a bit to make sure it would stay up under a heavy load07:51
twbNot cpuburn?07:51
Macercpuburn? :)07:51
Macerdidn't even know there was such a thing07:52
Maceri figured boinc would use the cpus maxed out07:54
Macerwhich it did.. one cpu hovers in the low 60s which is pretty normal.. cpu2 hovers around high 70s07:54
Macerah well. i will just run boinc full speed for a day or two and see if it melts.. if it doesn't then hopefully it can stay up07:56
twbUnless it's a hot day or the A/C dies or the fan dies...07:58
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Maceryeah i suppose that can happen. ah well. it will give me a reason to make a new one ;)09:02
Macerit's a dual opteron 285... clocking about 6 years old now09:02
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_johnnyany users of mod_python? i have a question about embedded python, which - according to docs - is <% # code %> - however this is not recognized by my setup (i only have .py added as a handle). <?php ?> tags work, so my question is, how do i enable this for mod_python?11:45
_johnnyi've tried adding .psp and using that extension, however those file are reported as not found (and yes, the filename is correct)11:45
_johnnyas per http://www.modpython.org/live/current/doc-html/pyapi-psp.html11:46
soren_johnny: Have you done any configuration at all?11:48
_johnnyyes. http://pastebin.com/j6k4BaAz11:49
soren_johnny: I think you need an "AddHandler mod_python.psp .psp" line.11:51
reisihi everyone! after the last upgrades on 10.04 the tools have automounted (mount -a during boot process) an lvm2 snapshot instead of the logical volume (they have the same blkid UUID); any ideas how to fix this permanantly?11:51
sorenreisi: Wow, that still happens?11:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 460906 in lvm2 "disk/by-uuid/foo symlink points to snapshot rather than the origin" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:54
sorenreisi: Oh, on Lucid?11:55
reisisoren: this is in 10.0411:55
_johnnysoren: thanks! :)11:55
_johnnyeller tak ;)11:55
sorenvelbekomme :)11:56
_johnnysoren: you wouldn't happen to know if it's possible to add *two* handlers, or a generic handler which supports both .py and .psp would you? i could of course add the dir twice, but it's a bit messy ;)12:04
_johnnyah, sorry, nevermind. just needs a pipe seperator12:06
_johnnyPythonHandler mod_python.publisher | .py12:06
_johnnyfor delegating12:06
reisiwhile doing rsync --dry-run [to] [from]; is it possible to get a file listing what should go to->from and from->to etc?12:37
reisiaah, itemize-changes12:40
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uvirtbotNew bug: #775572 in cyrus-sasl2 (main) "Sync cyrus-sasl2 2.1.23.dfsg1-8 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77557214:32
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kirklandairtonix: hiya!  if you're using the latest byobu (either in 11.04, or from the ppa:byobu/ppa), you can use "shift-f2" and "ctrl-f2" to split your terminal14:59
kirklandairtonix: and then you can use shift-f3 and shift-f4 to move between the terminal splits15:00
airtonixkirkland: pimping!15:00
kirklandairtonix: and shift-f5 will collapse all of the splits back down to one single pane15:00
airtonixkirkland: is that all in the byobu docs installed by the ppa ?15:02
kirklandairtonix: definitely in the manpage15:03
kirklandairtonix: http://manpg.es/byobu15:03
kirklandairtonix: scroll down to keybindings15:03
lynxmanhey kirkland, morning15:07
lynxmankirkland: did you action into this merge? http://bit.ly/kW4ls7 Brian is asking for a SRU15:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #775596 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: underproces installerede post-installation-script returnerede afslutningsstatus 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77559615:11
zullynxman:  that needs to be fixed in oneiric first as well15:19
lynxmanzul: I imagine so, was waiting for 1.2.0 release (which will happen next week)15:20
zullynxman: hopefully the debian maintainers will package it ;)15:20
lynxmanzul: yeah, they're pretty fast15:21
RoAkSoAxzul: how did they like the powernap idea at the openstack?15:31
zulRoAkSoAx: good i think, it was the very last session of the week so it wasnt well attended15:32
RoAkSoAxzul: cool15:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping15:36
RoAkSoAxzul: and were you present in the HA session?15:55
zulRoAkSoAx: for a bit of it, it was more of a presentation15:55
RoAkSoAxzul: oh ok! so nothing interesting there then15:56
zulRoAkSoAx: not that i remeber ;)15:56
reisihmm i just installed 8GB more ram, bringing the system total to 13GB; now i'm seeing that 6GB is used to buffers; is this ... normal? under no load?16:07
patdk-wkreisi, define, normal :)16:07
patdk-wkif you have 6 gigs of ram, not being used for something else, linux will claim it for disk cache16:08
reisipatdk-wk: well the system does not have a *lot* of connections16:08
patdk-wkand even if it's used for something else, it could swap it out and claim it for disk cache16:08
reisipatdk-wk: but that's the 'cached' value from free?16:08
reisipatdk-wk: i've got 3GB cached, but 6GB in buffers16:09
patdk-wkcached is read disk buffers16:09
patdk-wkthey can be instantly reused16:09
patdk-wkbuffers are write caches, mainly, they need to be cleaned, before reuse16:09
reisiaah; well my system most definetly is not capable of flushing 6GB in anywhere near instantly16:10
reisiwe only write peaking somewhere between 150..200 MBps16:10
ssureshotthe grub menu that will appear after a failed shutdown ,, is this considered the recovery menu?  Screen is all black and will not bypass without user intervention?16:13
reisissureshot: grub menu is the menu of grub, it'll allow you to for example select a different kernel image to start; recovery mode is implemented through kernel parameters and as such is selectable as a different menu item16:15
reisissureshot: you'll automatically enter the recovery menu upon kernel and minimal services startup when you select a "linux ......... (recovery)" grub menu item16:16
ssureshotreisi: my problem is this... I had a power outage over the weekend and the server stopped at the grub menu... Black with grey lettering ect.. why does it just decide to do that sometimes?16:18
ssureshotI needed to come in to reset the server when it should have just booted16:18
JasonMSPhow do i keep the color highlighting available after piping 'less' at the end of this 'find . | grep string'16:18
reisissureshot: hmm not sure; you'd have to know more about what happened; with the info you just gave me, it'd think that the computer came back too early, perhaps there still was some electricity problems and not all components (hard drives) started properly; who knows16:20
reisissureshot: buy an ups16:20
reisissureshot: disable automatic power-on from bios if you wont buy an ups16:20
ssureshotreisi: as far as the ups thats what blew up lol.... when I had the systems all plugged into a backup ups I started the server... .. I know this contradicts what I said before but I said that just to get the easy point across.. point bing I have proper power ,, this happens I've noticed after an improper shutdown..16:25
reisissureshot: hmm have to admit that now when i think about it, i've never seen a unclean shutdown on 10.04 ubuntu servers; it's been a while since we last let ups shut down the servers but that went clean as well16:28
reisissureshot: perhaps there's some grub feature in use with the latest ubuntu servers, but i doubt it; i'd still blame electrical problems (i've got a box that has 4 hdd's, and psu cannot afford to boot them instantly, and as such, powering up fails some times, especially with suspend to ram)16:29
reisi(md does not like if not all harddisks wake up instantly :D)16:35
patdk-wkif you have 4 drives, that start up, overload the psu16:36
patdk-wkyou are seriously underpowered16:36
patdk-wkcause 4 drives starting up doesn't take much power16:36
* SpamapS stretches and prepares for the final push of blueprints16:37
reisipatdk-wk: i haven't diagnosed it any further, that's my home "workstation", just a hunch again.. perhaps it could be that some of those drives just have a difficulty of starting up?16:37
reisipatdk-wk: actually the hunch is based on some article discussing the consumer psu's having low per line capabilities16:38
patdk-wklow per line?16:39
reisiper voltage lines16:39
patdk-wkna, a 800watt psu, will give you 800watts, be it a server psu, or not16:40
patdk-wknow if you go buy a 4 channel psu, and load all your drives on one channel, that is your issue :)16:40
patdk-wkpersonally I would only buy single channel ones16:40
SpamapS>: damnit, do they have to use the loudest possible weed eater *every* monday, right outside my window?16:41
reisipatdk-wk: have to admit that i haven't had any energy to tinker with that box, just threw it together from parts that i was able to get the day i decided to get a new one16:41
ssureshotI found this in the /etc/default/grub file #GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_RECOVERY="true" wonder if that would stop that meny from displaying,, I guess Ill have to test it16:42
reisissureshot: i'm pretty 99.99999% sure it's a switch for generating the recovery items to the list or not, defaults to true16:43
ssureshotI am not too familiar yet with grub2 so I've found this to read http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html16:43
ssureshotah roger that16:43
reisi/etc/default/grub is read by the update-grub (or something like that) script .. its pretty straightforward to read16:44
ssureshotthat would make sense since that probably isn't mounted yet when the menu is displayed16:45
amokpauleHello, i have an ubuntu hom server and a non linux network printer. if i install windows 7 or windows server 2008 as an ve on my ubuntu server could i make it that my printer is installed on that ve and can i give it free over something like samba so that my linux clients can print?16:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #775676 in quagga (main) "Please sync quagga 0.99.18-1 from Debian Unstable." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77567616:56
kpettitis there anything on a default ubuntu server setup that tries to send out emails?17:17
nealmcbkpettit: well, there are internal things like cron will mail root with errors17:17
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kpettitdo you know where I can find those things?  I'm trying to audit system to see what would try to email.  I'm going through cron now but it's slow17:18
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping?17:22
kirklandRoAkSoAx: pong17:22
RoAkSoAxkirkland: so it works!! squid-deb-proxy + preseed17:22
kirklandRoAkSoAx: :-)  you da man!17:22
kirklandRoAkSoAx: how long does an install take?17:23
RoAkSoAxkirkland: not much on nqa17:23
RoAkSoAxkirkland: it seems a bit slower as if we were using a local mirror though17:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: can you time it?17:23
RoAkSoAxkirkland: sure, let me start another install17:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: cool17:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: also, is it ext3 or ext4?17:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: note that ext3 will be 2x faster17:23
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ext3 as per your preseed17:24
kirklandRoAkSoAx: cool17:24
RoAkSoAxkirkland: I'm using your nqa preseed with the modifications required for the mirror17:24
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hopefully we'll get that dpkg/ext4 bug fixed one day17:24
nealmcbkpettit: I just mean that the cron system itself will send mail when there is any output (presumably to stdout or stderr?)17:26
RoAkSoAxkirkland: hehe... yeah!! anywyas, there's seems to also been some kind of weird behavior17:26
kirklandRoAkSoAx: how so?17:26
RoAkSoAxkirkland: i got it working friday night, and today I tried to do it again and couldn't install17:26
RoAkSoAxkirkland: appeared that it didn't pass through the proxy17:26
RoAkSoAxkirkland: after a will of try/retry checking if config was ok and restart squid-deb-proxy then17:27
RoAkSoAxkirkland: it started working again17:27
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm, weird... do you have logs from both?17:27
RoAkSoAxkirkland: so I'm not sure what might be going wrong17:27
RoAkSoAxkirkland: the installation logs show that couldn't download from the specified mirror17:27
RoAkSoAxkirkland: the proxy's didn't show any logs17:27
kirklandRoAkSoAx: do you have instructions for me to test it here?17:28
ScottKrobbiew: I would appreciate it if you would accept https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-o-postfix-enhancements for UDS.17:28
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yeah17:28
kpettitnealmcb, thanks.  Gives me a good spot to look17:28
RoAkSoAxkirkland: install squid-deb-proxy in youir cobbler server17:28
robbiewScottK: ack17:28
RoAkSoAxand I'll paste you the preseed17:28
robbiewScottK: seems to be already approved...I'll make sure it's scheduled17:29
RoAkSoAxkirkland: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/602369/17:30
RoAkSoAxkirkland: so jsut either netboot or use koan17:30
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay, and where exactly do i put that?17:31
kirklandRoAkSoAx: are you testing this on real hardware, or in vm's?17:31
RoAkSoAxkirkland: cobbler/squid-deb-proxy is real hw17:31
RoAkSoAxkirkland: installations are in VM's in two different laptops17:31
kirklandRoAkSoAx: cool17:31
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay, so i'll give that a try in a little bit17:32
RoAkSoAxkirkland: paste the preseed in /var/lib/cobbler/nqa-mirror.seed17:32
RoAkSoAxkirkland: and modify the profile of the imported mini ISO you'll use17:32
kirklandRoAkSoAx: my main laptop is really hosed, so i'm going to reinstall 11.04 from scratch17:32
RoAkSoAxand point to that seed17:32
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ok ;)17:33
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ok, so it took almost 4 mins and 30 secs since. This is in a VM on my x201, and takes way less time than mother laptops thanks to the SSD17:38
kirklandRoAkSoAx: perfect, that's what i was hoping for ... 4-5 minutes17:38
RoAkSoAxkirkland: I'd like to see how it would behave when there's various systems using the proxy though!17:39
RoAkSoAxkirkland: I guess that the only thing now is to generate a template preseed, that automatically sets the proxy IP/port and archive to be used. And obviosly install squid-deb-proxy by default to use the proxy after installation17:41
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koolhead17hi all17:56
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NikolasrHello, i got problem on ubuntu server 11.04 anyone can help me?18:27
rizzuh_laptopHow suitable is btrfs on top of mdraid 5 for four drives (up to 3TB each) on a media/storage home server, in comparison with ZFS?18:28
Macerzfs is most likely better than md any day18:32
Macerbutt in your config you may wish to go true hw raid18:32
Macera 4 drive raid card isnt that expensive18:33
Macerand they have nice things like a backup battery to keep writes in memory so  nothing is damaged on powering back up18:33
Macerhonestly... other than a couple features zfs  doesnt really offer much compared to a real raid minus the cost of the controller18:34
NikolasrAnyone having problem with graphich...after installation LOGIN SCREEN isnt readable..Whats that?18:35
_johnnyMacer: compression?18:35
_johnnyand dupes18:35
Macerwell... dedupe too18:35
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, I've lost data with btrfs before, keep backups (I do)18:35
Macerall the other stuff you can already do18:36
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, in what scenario?18:36
Maceralthough datasets are also nice18:36
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, eg, your failure, btrfs` failure or a combination?18:36
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, plain desktop usage, corrupted itself, was also using compression18:36
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, circa 2.6.32, it's better now but it still has bugs18:37
Macerbut in linux without zfs you can just bind mount if it is that serious18:37
_johnnyMacer: so your selling point has become a jibberish subjective statement? :(18:37
Macerwell.. zfs does  have cpu overhead18:37
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, alright.18:37
rizzuh_laptopMacer, should have highlighed me, just saw your messages.18:37
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, I agree with Macer for the most part. It's easy to get distracted by storage bling. remember, it's all about the integrity of your data18:37
_johnnyyou shouldn't use zfs on mac, obviously18:37
rizzuh_laptopMacer, hardware RAID doesn't address silent data corruption, which on 2-3TB drives can be a pig PITA. And it's far too expensive for a home server.18:38
_johnnyppetraki: every zfs maillist agrees18:38
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, you can use MD as the backing store for LVM BTW18:38
NikolasrAnyone to help on my question?18:38
Macerrizzuh_laptop: solar winds?18:38
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, MD has a "check" function for bit rot18:38
Macergamma rays? :)18:38
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, true, but I need the filesystem to support data checksums, so data corruption is detected.18:38
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, I can't check every day, gotta have it automatic when the file is accessed.18:39
rizzuh_laptopMacer, no, with big drives it's a noticeable issues, more so on big files.18:39
Macerjournaling doesnt catch bitrot"18:39
_johnnyNikolasr: what's the question?18:39
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, basic checksums are already written to disk18:39
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, again, a good HW raid covers you pretty well18:39
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, nope, they're blissfully unaware of bit rot.18:40
Nikolasr@_johnny: Anyone having problem with graphich...after installation LOGIN SCREEN isnt readable..Whats that?18:40
rizzuh_laptopMacer, not journaling. ZFS does data integrity tests.18:40
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, netapp?18:40
Nikolasr_johnny: Anyone having problem with graphich...after installation LOGIN SCREEN isnt readable..Whats that?18:40
_johnnybad gfx driver mabye? only noticed it a time when i had a buggy disk inserted, but onlye 1 time on startup18:41
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, home media/storage server.18:41
NikolasrWhen its booting from cd its requring to choose what display mode i want to choose..18:41
rizzuh_laptopMacer, ZFS checksums on block level and upon hash failure it restores from redundant locations.18:41
NikolasrI have tried 11.04 server edition disk..But i have 818:42
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, can't have it all :), and a fancy filesystem is no substitute for regular backups18:42
NikolasrBut i have 8.10 and its readable screen18:42
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, yeah, you go tell Joe to backup. Best alternative is to make the storage part very solid.18:43
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, I do storage at the kernel level for a living, for years, I can't remember the last time I encountered a bit rot event18:43
Nikolasr_johnny ?18:43
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, yes, it happens, but it doesn't keep me up at night18:44
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, perspective is everything, just having a MD based raid puts you ahead of most18:44
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, I have today in fact.18:44
_johnnyNikolasr: which one's readable?18:44
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, backups?18:44
* ppetraki backs up weekly to cloud and local storage18:45
Nikolasrthat one 8.10 server edition18:45
Nikolasrbut i want newer one18:45
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, SATA?18:45
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, well it was from a freshly ripped disk. After-rip check passed, then a few hours later it went kaput.18:45
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, not really. All decent NAS solutions use mdraid.18:45
Nikolasr@_johny Its like having phyroglipies..18:45
_johnnyprobably bogus gfx driver18:45
NikolasrWhat you prefer to do18:45
_johnnyget the latest driver. install with aptitude or some other ssh way18:46
_johnnytry booting in safemode, maybe that'll give you a gnome way in18:46
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, sorry to hear about the loss, but using SATA is basically asking for bad things to happen18:46
NikolasrMy driver is on my compaq onboard vga..so i dont think its driver..I have compaq deskpro EN18:47
_johnnyoki, dunno :>18:47
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, why? What would you suggest?18:47
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, the quality gap is deliberate, it's not because SAS/SCSI is a superior protocol, sure that helps, but the field has decided to put lower quality everything on the ATA side of the fence18:49
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, because it's cheaper. SAS isn't an option in this though - home media/storage server.18:49
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, really? It doesn't cost what it used to18:49
rizzuh_laptopit does abotu $100, which is not an option.18:49
rizzuh_laptop(for LSI 1068e, which is like... dirt cheap)18:50
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, yeah, nice old design :)18:50
rizzuh_laptopAnd SATA drives with SAS controllers don't help.18:50
NikolasrAnyone other to help me?18:50
rizzuh_laptopThe geeks might stick in a SAS card and use nice drives, but Joe won't care.18:50
RoyKrizzuh_laptop: SATA drives work well on SAS...18:50
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, SATA on SAS controller is literraly a forked device, there's a separate firmware stack that does just ATA, I don't recommend it, the support varies18:51
rizzuh_laptopRoyK, but you don't get the SAS advantage.18:51
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, LSI has good support for that.18:51
rizzuh_laptopBut I know that.18:51
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, yeah they do, earlier adaptec SAS didn't, up until the aic94xx18:51
RoyKrizzuh_laptop: you don't get the full SAS advantage, no, but support for SAS expanders etc is good18:52
Macertigerdirect sells fake plants18:52
Moobyfr_sata drives aren't made to work 24h a day 365...18:53
ppetrakithat's right18:53
rizzuh_laptopRoyK, for home media/storage server... that's useless, heh.18:53
RoyKMoobyfr_: some of them are, but not all18:53
ppetrakithe "enterprise" SATA ones18:53
rizzuh_laptopMoobyfr_, some are, eg hitachi's 7K line is the same as the Ultrastar, except warranty.18:53
rizzuh_laptop7K3000 == A7K3000 - warranty18:53
Macermy wd 1TB drives have been running since 200718:54
ppetrakiI literrally refer to SATA as just another 4 letter word, it's caused me so much grief with customers cutting corners.18:54
Macer24 hrs a day without a hiccup18:55
ppetrakiseen people buy 12K servers only to populate it with the worlds cheapest disks. insane18:55
RoyKMoobyfr_: I read a test done over several years with about 100k drives of all sorts of makes, from desktop to enterprise, SATA, SAS, FC etc, and the end result was there wasn't possible to determine which drives were better in terms of reliability18:55
RoyKMoobyfr_: we're using desktop drives for some 350TB net storage, and it works18:55
Moobyfr_I can provide my stats about HD :)18:56
ppetrakithat's wonderful, it doesn't compare to my first hand experience :)18:56
Moobyfr_on several yers there is no choice :)18:56
RoyKMacer: no haha - that was the numbers - several very large datacentres were involved - the same result came from google's internal report a few years ago18:56
RoyKimho the only way to be safe, is to have good redundancy18:57
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, so I get where you're coming from, you want to do more with less. If ZFS is that important to you, and this is basically a well purposed appliance you could go with one of those open sourcy solaris distros and call it done18:57
RoyKenterprise drives fail just as quickly as desktop drives18:57
RoyKsay WD - the only difference between a WD Black and the 'raid level' aka 'enterprise' drive, is the firmware - same build, same production line18:58
MacerRoyK: money talks18:58
RoyKperhaps some burn-in for the enterprise, but you can do that easily yourself18:59
Macerwhich is why datacenters are redundant18:59
RoyKand which is why many datacentres uses desktop drives, because they work just as well18:59
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, it's important because it offers a solid advantage over competitors, and is a legitimate need.18:59
Macercheaper short  term to replace a cheap disk here and there than to pay for the more expensive ones in one shot18:59
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, Linux has been doing "we need a super FS" for almost a decade now, XFS, JFS, reiser, and  now finally btrfs19:00
RoyKfor our 350TB setup, the price would be more than doubled if we chose enterprise drives, so we didn't19:00
RoyKppetraki: you need ZFS :)19:00
MacerRoyK: no point with proper redundancy19:00
rizzuh_laptopppetraki, yeah, I've seen that.19:00
ppetrakiRoyK, I need multipath to work better19:00
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, at the high end, they just throw an EMC or NA at it and call it done19:01
* RoyK has moved to openindiana for storage - linux simply isn't good enough19:01
Maceroi was a letdown19:01
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, but with everything getting cheaper, more can be done in software to bridge that gap19:01
Maceri loved osol19:01
Maceroi is stunted19:01
ppetrakirizzuh_laptop, so btrfs/zfs have arrived at the right time19:01
Macerdamn you  oracle!19:02
RoyKMacer: really?19:02
RoyKworks for me (tm)19:02
ppetrakiI have to get going, hope you get your data sorted out19:02
* SpamapS starts the neverending erlang compile19:14
andygraybealRoyK, i agree with you about openindiana for storage.  i've been considering nexentastor for a while now.  (it's opensolaris now. but they are moving to openindiana)19:22
RoyKandygraybeal: nexenta is ok, but nexentastor is incredibly overpriced19:23
andygraybealtrue, i don't have that many resources, so it was free for me19:24
RoyKwith 100TB, you'll pay more for the license than for the hardware, and you won't get any guaranteed support or onsite help, so imho it's rather worthless - better spend more money on redundancy19:24
andygraybeali'm not at the point where i have the knowledge to do any of that stuff with out a webform prompting me.19:24
andygraybeali was proud when i got ZFS permssions working!!@ (not posix pos in linux)19:25
RoyKandygraybeal: if you're using zfs, whatever platform, and the shit hits the fan, you need knowledge and good support personenl inhouse, not someone to call19:25
andygraybealit worked like a dream,and just like the documentation said.19:25
RoyKzfs-fuse is ok, but it's a bit on the slow side on writes, last I checked19:26
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_SHuN_after upgraded my kernel, the motd is showing dupplicated...19:51
ignarps_SHuN_, edit /etc/motd.tail ?20:02
ruben23hi guys20:02
ruben23hi guys do i need x server installed on my ubuntu server to used virt-manager..?20:03
ruben23for KVm virtualization..?20:03
pmatulisruben23: i use virt-manager remotely (over ssh) and the remote host does not have a desktop interface.  just install 'virt-manager' on the remote host20:04
ruben23pmatulis: ok thanks20:05
_SHuN_ignarps: thx20:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #775810 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77581020:11
RoyKsomeone should teach bug reporters to post in English20:13
genii-aroundOr internationalize the bug reporting or something20:16
RoyKheh - run it through google translate? that can introduce a few issues :P20:16
genii-aroundYeah maybe20:17
bsodmikehello :)20:18
bsodmikehey RoyK20:24
bsodmikeI had to run mount -t devpts /dev/ptmx /dev/pts on my box20:24
bsodmikeany ideas how I can get this to persist at boot?20:25
bsodmikethis was to get screen working right again20:25
bsodmikeelse it'd whine about no more PTYs20:25
RoyKbsodmike: strange - the ubuntu servers I've installed haven't had a problem with PTYs20:27
bsodmikemine's running as VPS @ media temple20:27
bsodmikejust had this one issue after a container restore20:27
RoyKwell, add it to /etc/fstab20:27
_johnnyhi. i officially give up so now i come to ask for help. i've installed apache2, php5(.3.3) and phpmyadmin. apparently php5.3.3 packaged with ubuntu packages isn't built with mysql support (built-in for 5.3+). any ideas how to fix this? i've tried compiling myself and installing... however, apache2 still loads the 5.3.3 one (as opposed to 5.3.6)20:29
RoyK_johnny: apt-get install php5-mysql20:30
RoyKyou may have to restart apache after that one20:31
_johnnyRoyK: i already have that20:31
bsodmikeRoyK: it's listed in mtab already?20:32
RoyKphp5 mysql support has been working for ages20:32
RoyKbsodmike: mtab shows what's mounted, fstab shows what's supposed to be mounted at boot20:32
bsodmikethis is my fstab20:32
bsodmikeproc  /proc       proc    defaults    0    020:32
bsodmikenone  /dev/pts    devpts  rw          0    020:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:33
bsodmikeis that correct?20:33
bsodmikenone should be /dev/ptmx ?20:33
_johnnyRoyK: i'm aware. and it works on my mac just fine, however, not on ubuntu. and judging from phpinfo() my best guess is that php isn't built with mysql native driver enabled20:34
hallyn_afkyes there's no device20:34
RoyKbsodmike: never seen that issue, sorry20:34
hallyn_afkbsodmike: it's correct20:34
RoyK_johnny: check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled20:34
RoyK_johnny: there should be a symlink there to /etc/apache2/mods-available for the php module20:35
RoyK_johnny: on which ubuntu version are you running?20:35
_johnny10.10, and which module should i look for? the "php5" is enabled, there is no php5-mysql20:37
RoyK_johnny: mysql is part of php20:40
_johnnyi know! :P20:40
_johnnybut the apt-get install php5 does NOT have mysql built in20:41
RoyK_johnny: also, keep in mind that most servers should be running LTS releases unless there is some cutting edge software needed20:41
bsodmikejohnny, a2enmod rewrite don't forget that too20:41
RoyKbsodmike: which is the same as changing symlinks......20:41
bsodmikeok nn all20:41
bsodmikeindeed :)20:42
_johnnybsodmike: i have that enabled (and working) too, but thanks20:42
_johnnyRoyK: sorry, LTS?20:42
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:42
_johnnyfair point, but the php i have is not experimental, and it hardly looks like a bug20:42
_johnnyyou have to enable mysql when you compile php, so it looks (to me) more as if it just isn't built-in the "php5" package20:43
kpettitCan you have multiple apache ssl virtualhosts on the same IP address?  I keep hearing you can and that you can't.  Would love to find some good docs for it20:43
_johnnywhich gives merit to php5-mysql. however, the output from php is the same with or without20:43
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ruben23hi guys i have a linux server with a publci ip of - then i have a domain of itselction.com = how do i configure my server to used those domain since its already pointed to my server ip21:22
JasonMSPruben23: google apache virtual server21:23
ruben23 JasonMSP: do i need to setup virtual server to used the domain..?21:23
ppetrakiruben23, if its just the web, then yeah vhost is what you need, however you should already be able to ssh to your box using the DNS name21:26
_johnnyRoyK: i took this screenshot in case it sheds any light on things (note the missing A) for php5-mysql21:27
ChrisBuchholzHey guys. On ubuntu 11.04 server, when i add a ppa with add-apt-repository and then apt-get update, it doesnt list the ppa in the output of the repositories it reads, and i cant install the software from the ppa either. Its like it "ignores" it. Isnt add-apt-repository the way to do it?21:38
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, it is, but not all PPAs support the distro you're running21:39
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: but this one does: https://launchpad.net/~jerome-etienne/+archive/neoip?field.series_filter=natty21:39
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, so what does your /etc/apt.d look like then?21:40
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, err, /etc/apt/sources.d21:40
ruben23 hi guys if i create a guest VM on kvm- and its using NAt to guest VM are ther any chances i can access the guest Vm outside network or remotely..? how do i do that..?21:41
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, yeah, that one :)21:41
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: theres a jerome-etienne-neoip-natty.list and jerome-etienne-neoip-natty.list.save files inside21:42
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: and they seem to contain what they should21:42
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, so it's deb.... natty main ?21:42
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: yes indeed21:43
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, then the cache would be the next diagnostic step21:45
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: can i do a "update-no-cache"?21:45
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, I'm no apt expert :(21:46
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, I think it's apt-get clean && apt-cache gencaches21:46
ppetrakiHmm... what would be the right channel for this particular question?21:46
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, #ubuntu-packaging ? that's a guess21:47
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: hmm, i will google a bit for how to empty cache first21:48
ChrisBuchholzthe commands you gave didnt work21:48
ChrisBuchholzor, yes, they worked, but ... :P21:48
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, that's odd, yeah, if you can resolve that URL (I can), and the list file is correct and you don't see it in the updates then something silly is going on21:50
ChrisBuchholzyeah, indeed21:50
ChrisBuchholzhavent had this problem before21:50
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, an strace of apt-get update would be useful, dump it to a file. atleast then you would see if it actually opened the new list file or not21:54
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: https://gist.github.com/95234521:56
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: you see?21:58
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, yeah21:58
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, try this instead, "strace -o out.list apt-get update"21:58
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, http://pastebin.com/rQ5mXiSk21:59
_johnnyok, i give up. i'll run the interface for mysql on a different OS :P21:59
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, so there I can verify that it's actually read my ppas21:59
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ChrisBuchholzppetraki: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602496/22:02
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, what language locale are you running?22:07
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: i would guess english?22:08
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, I'm just trying to make sense of this, it finds your sources file, allocs a fd to it and does real work22:09
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, open("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jerome-etienne-neoip-natty.list", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 422:09
ppetrakiread(4, "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jer"..., 8191) = 14022:09
ppetrakiread(4, "", 8191)                       = 022:09
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, that's around line 18322:10
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: yeah. So it should wok?22:10
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, correct22:10
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, so this could be a gpg fumble (silently) or something else, but apt knows it's there, and it's been discounted for some unexplained reason22:11
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, sounds like you've got an interesting little puzzle :)22:11
ChrisBuchholzin this case, i dont like puzzles! :P22:12
ChrisBuchholzjust tried with another ppa - some thing22:12
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, well, atleast it's consistent22:13
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, I think bringing this to more of an admin channel would be of better use to you22:13
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, seeing that no one has jumped up to help you except for a kernel engineer who has a disdainful relationship with userspace :-p22:14
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, it got the distro right too, see natty in the filename22:14
ChrisBuchholzyes i see that22:15
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, <05:15:25>tmp$ echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jerome-etienne/neoip/ubuntu natty main" | wc -c22:16
ppetraki<05:15:29>tmp$ echo "deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/jerome-etienne/neoip/ubuntu natty main" | wc -c22:16
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, 72+68=140, so the read is probably accurate22:16
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: alright. Dont know what that mean but i trust you :)22:17
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, see this? read(4, "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jer"..., 8191) = 14022:17
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: yes22:17
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, it means the read call succeed in acquiring 140 chars22:17
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: ah right22:18
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, I went to the PPA and replicated what the deb, deb-src lines should look like if they're correct, and the two lines add up to 14022:18
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, simple checksum :)22:18
ChrisBuchholzyes ;22:19
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, so we know apt isn't ignorant of the data, it's discarded it for some reason. You might have found a bug :)22:19
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: but i dont need a bug right now! :D22:19
ChrisBuchholzppetraki: well, thank you so far. Have to get to bed now, school tomorrow!22:19
dob_what will i have to allow in iptables to remove this log message: IN= OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=84 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=47324 PROTO=ICMP TYPE=0 CODE=0 ID=15983 SEQ=222:21
ppetrakiChrisBuchholz, bye22:22
dob_SRC is my servers address, dST is the host i ping from22:22
dob_Tried iptables -A OUTPUT -p ICMP --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT22:22
ppetrakidob_, -A INPUT ?22:24
david5345Can I set asterisk global variables from /etc/default/asterisk ?22:24
dob_tried that too22:24
alamardob_: dont append but insert22:25
alamarif you somewhere above the new rule already -j DROP icmp stuff the rule will never be reached within your input chain22:25
dob_ah alright22:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #775906 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.4 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77590622:26
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dob_alamar: thanks! that was the reason *sigh*22:28
dob_if i have a -P OUTPUT ACCEPT and create a -j LOG, will then the accepted connections be logged?22:37
dob_is that correct?22:37
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Macerwhy doesnt the motd change?22:56
Maceri changed it  with sudo and it keeps going  back to the default22:56
Macerseriously? must motd be this complicated?  lol23:00
sorenMacer: Look at /etc/update-motd.d23:00
sorenMacer: Short version: Put something in /etc/motd.tail and it'll get appended to motd. That's probably the easiest, but may not be what you're looking for.23:01
Macerok thanks23:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #775946 in cobbler (universe) "debmirror fails to execute due to not set HOME env variable" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77594623:26
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping23:28
reyeryshsI need help on my ubuntu E. cloud23:50
reyeryshsI've try entering my server ip and :8443 and it gave me "Invalid Server CertificateA request failed because the server's certificate was invalid."23:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #775965 in dnsmasq (main) "package dnsmasq-base 2.52-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77596523:52
SpamapSugh we need to get on our Triage horses23:53
RoAkSoAxlynxman: ping23:54

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