
nhainespleia2: ping00:20
nhainespleia2: Would you prefer I make a natty CD request here or on list?  :)00:20
crashsystems1Anyone know if one must tag off when leave a vta light rail?00:59
pleia2nhaines: doesn't need to be on the list, but an email will be best (that way I don't lose track of it, I don't expect the CDs to arrive for at least another week)01:03
DarkwingDuckWe finally did it...04:12
akkyeah, amazing04:12
DarkwingDuckDid 7 years of deployments looking for this day04:13
nhainesI only care if I can fly without a minimun wage TSA angent touching my genitals.04:17
akkAlas it's not common to give us back freedoms after they've taken them away. :(04:19
nhainesakk: yeah :(04:20
MarkDudenhaines, +104:24
akkHey MarkDude! I have little gooseberries starting to form.04:24
akk(on second thought, that sounds like maybe too personal information to share on IRC. :)04:25
MarkDudeI have at least 10 small plants started04:25
akkI have three pots each with 10+ seedlings (that I guess I should try to thin out somehow).04:26
MarkDudeI plan to have at least a large bowlfull by end of summer04:26
akkI think I planted too many seeds, being pessimistic about what would sprout.04:26
MarkDudeMe too04:26
MarkDudeThe quick ones really grow taller04:26
akkI get so excited about plants. Silly thing, but ... creating new life!04:26
MarkDudethose that lag dont do much for a while- but seem to take off the next year04:27
MarkDudeIheartubuntu tomatoes have started04:27
akkI still haven't planted tomatoes this year. Been so busy with other stuff.04:28
MarkDudeI have an extra plant04:29
MarkDudeAs well as spices04:29
akkI have sage and chard left over from last year. Ate some of the chard last week.04:30
philipballewi am curious as to how exactly this opp went down. great for american forces04:49
philipballewDarkwingDuck thanks for helping make this happen!04:50
akkHopefully there will be more details over the next few days.04:50
philipballewi guess the opp went down today04:50
nhainesphilipballew: guess again. He's been dead for a week.04:50
philipballewhum, obama said something about today in his specech. wonder why so long to get the word out?04:51
nhainesphilipballew: they have to positively ID him and DNA takes two weeks.04:52
philipballewthat makes sense. this will probably cause osama's troups to fight even harder04:52
akkIt really takes that long to do the actual test? It's not just labs not getting around to it?04:53
nhainesakk: I think electrophoresis only takes a few hours but I'm sure analysis takes some time. I'll bet there was a lot of other things to verify, too.04:54
philipballewdental records, and such. I wonder how hidden his hideout was04:58
nhainesphilipballew: it wasn't. He was killed in a mansion in Abbottabad.05:00
philipballewthe mension was most likely hidden i would assume though.05:00
philipballewif not he was most likely hiden by other means05:01
nhainesOne doesn't hide mansions.05:01
philipballewhaha. this is true. the town he was hiding in maybe supported him, who knows?05:03
MarkDudeDarkwingDuck, all other stuff aside, Ty for your service. People that are willing to put their ass on the line for others - very cool05:09
philipballew^ agreed!05:19
DarkwingDuckThanks MarkDude philipballew05:48
philipballewanytime dude!!!05:50
jdeslipJust watched the LAS's review of 11.04 - they pretty much destroyed it17:50
jdeslipThese guys have been so positive about every other Ubuntu release up to this one :/17:50
crashsystemsSoon they'll use it without thinking about it, just like buttons on the left.17:54
pleia2http://ubuntu-california.org/chat/ now has the embedded chat19:42
EureCAwiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Menu edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11May22 edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11April24 edited19:51
iheartubuntuApparently I have someone downright copying my website at http://www.guideubuntu.com/19:54
MarkDudeThat is way cool on the web-chat19:54
pleia2I wouldn't say "downright copying" it looks similar but the content seems original19:56
* pleia2 has seen cases where sites were actually copied into foriegn languages19:56
pleia2post for post19:56
iheartubuntumain point is to get ubuntu word out there19:57
iheartubuntuAhhhh, Eureka changed her name.21:10

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