
itnet7what's happeing pak33m ?00:59
mhall119evening everyone01:18
pak33mitnet7: hey man01:20
pak33mitnet7: look over here01:54
pak33mitnet7: bye bye, gotta go home now01:56
bluebAnyone there?02:16
=== jahsun is now known as munz
munzanyone around?02:20
bluebI am.02:21
bluebHello, again!02:21
bluebAre you in Melbourne?02:21
munzinstalled 11.04 much yet?02:21
munzno daytona02:21
bluebI haven't done that yet.02:21
bluebI'm working from a Mint computer right now.02:22
munz:( tring to get some unity working after driver update02:22
munzu like mint02:22
bluebYep. Laptop runs Ubuntu, though.02:22
bluebYes. I love them both.02:22
munzjeorge does that was w/me02:22
bluebMint is like an incremental upgrade to Ubuntu.02:22
bluebIt's all aesthetic IMO.02:23
bluebI'm looking for an IRC admin.02:23
bluebSomeone to kickoff bluebomber. At the risk of sounding like Eminem, I'm the real bluebomber.02:23
munzlol :)02:24
bluebI think I left an IRC client somewhere connected and now I can't join the room as bluebomber. Either that or someone's masquerading as me.02:24
munzitnet7, u around?02:24
munzttyl blueb gonna try a few things &reboot, good luck02:27
mhall119blueb: type: /msg nickserv ghost bluebomber02:53
mhall119that'll let you try and reclaim the nick02:54
bluebAhh, thanks, I will.03:04
bluebDidn't work :(03:04
mhall119hmmm, is that nick registered?03:05
mhall119if it's not registered, you'll probably need to get help in #freenode03:05
bluebIt said I may not ghost bluebomber.03:06
bluebI don't remember if I registered that.03:06
bluebI don't think so.03:06
mhall119did you identify with nickerv?03:06
mhall119ok, ask in #freenode then03:06
bluebNot that I recall.03:06
bluebWhat should I ask?03:06
mhall119tell them that you left that nick signed in on another computer, and you want to get the nick back03:07
blueb<offtopic> I'm not understanding the ubuntu-unregistered FloodBot1. He asks simple questions to validate, ummm, my humanity, but I can't answer him.03:10
hiyaHi, Sophiie03:40
hiyaThis is blueb2 from #freenode.03:40
Sophiieahh ok :)03:41
hiyaSo, bluebomber's there X-(03:41
hiyaAnd that's me, but I'm the real bluebomber!03:41
Sophiiedo you have any other nicks with the bluebomber account or just the one?03:42
hiyaSee, I don't even know what you mean by "the bluebomber account." Don't you just pick a nick when you join a room?03:44
hiyaIn other words, what account?03:44
hiyaIf there's an account, I should be able to get some admin somewhere to reset it, right? Or send me my password or something, right?03:44
Sophiieyou can keep the same nick from room to room, thats why im Sophiie in both here and in #freenode03:45
Sophiiewhen you register a nick, you register it to your account which is what you use the password to access for things like clocks and room permissions03:46
hiyaHmmm. When and how does the registration occur?03:47
Sophiieand yes, if you forget the password, you can ask in #freenode to have it reset, they send a password reset email to the one you used when you registered the nick03:47
hiyaDoes the registration happen in IRC via IRC commands?03:48
Sophiieyou register a nick when you typed in  /msg NickServ REGISTER <nick> <email>03:48
hiyaI don't recall doing that at all :-?03:49
hiyaOK, so I guess I should reset my password. Is there an IRC command for requesting that, or do I just type a polite request in English?03:49
Sophiiemy bad, its /msg nickserv register <password> <email>03:49
Sophiiefor the reset, you ask in #freenode and a staffer will sent it03:50
Sophiieyou just say "can i have a password reset for the nick bluebomber please"03:51
hiyaOK, thanks. One last question: How come I can connect using whatever nick I want via this web client without registering?03:52
Sophiieto use the bluebomber nick, you put as the nickname "bluebomber", the channel which channel you would like to go, click the box for "Auth to services" then the username is bluebomber and the password will be your password03:53
Sophiieusing the registered nick means people can give you permisions from channel to channel03:54
Sophiieif you want to use any nick, but in an avilable nick for the nickname and the channel you want to join, but leaving the "Auth to services" part out03:55
Sophiieyou also dont need a new nick for every different room you want to go in, you just have to type /join #channel-name and you join it :)03:56
Sophiieso if you did /join #wikimissing, you would join my channel03:57
Sophiieto leave, its /part #channel-name03:57
Sophiiebut you can also have a custom exit message so "/part #channel-name bye" would leave the message bye when you left03:58
hiyaThanks for all the help, Sophiie!04:01
Sophiienp :) if you need me, send me a memo04:02
hiyaI will!04:02
Sophiieim also in #freenode from time to time :)04:02
Sophiiespeak soon :)04:03
=== adrian is now known as Guest47060
zoopsterbluebomber: missed your call last night...was out to dinner. We can catch up anytime today14:16
zoopsterok...who's the unity expert already?14:17
munz_werksup zoopster?14:29
zoopstermunz_werk: hey Chris...obviously we scrubbed the balloon launch along with the shuttle  launch scrub14:57
chaynie_itnet7: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/75/detail/17:44
chaynie_itnet7: can you work your chanops magic to update the MOTD?17:44
pak33mzoopster: i heartell that itnet7 is the unity master ;)18:25
zoopsterpak33m: heh.. itnet7 won't talk much anymore!18:54
pak33mme either, lwals19:06
jamaltahi all19:18
jamaltahow's it going? :)19:19
mhall119hey, it's jamalta!19:21
mhall119when do you come back here again? End of May?19:21
jamaltamhall119: yeah, may 25-31? something of the sort19:22
mhall119we should plan a meetup or something19:23
jamaltai'll be going to visit family in so. fl during the weekend though19:23
jamaltamhall119: yeah!19:23
mhall119are you going to be in Orlando at all?19:23
jamaltai'm thinking of just going to stardust on monday evening if anyone is up for it.19:23
jamaltamhall119: except for the weekend, i'll be in Orlando.19:23
mhall119put in on LD, you should still be a -fl member19:23
jamaltamhall119: alright, sure :)19:25
jamaltaHm, no one has done an event at stardust since the new loco directory went up?19:28
mhall119jamalta: I thought they had....19:30
jamaltai couldn't find it, so i just made a new entry19:30
mhall119ah, that's yours19:31
jamaltamhall119: yeah :)19:31
mhall119I guess nobody's ever put it in then19:31
jamaltaOh cool! LD uses the browser's geo stuff :D19:32
mhall119it does now, yeah19:40
mhall119we had a guy make a lot of improvements to the maps stuff19:40
itnet7chaynie sure20:44
chaynie_itnet7: thanks!20:46
chaynie_bluebomber: Hey, you messaged me earlier?20:46
bluebomberHi, Chaynie20:46
chaynie_Who's this jamalta guy?20:46
bluebomberYeah, let me try to remember why... :-(20:47
bluebomberOh, yeah! I was having problems with IRC. Problems I have since resolved, so no biggie anymore.20:47
jamaltachaynie_: heh :P20:47
bluebomber(I left a client connected with my nick somewhere and I was trying to reclaim it.)20:47
chaynie_bluebomber: ok, cool.20:48
chaynie_In case anyone didn't see it from earlier.20:49
chaynie_oops, forgot to update the time.20:50
chaynie_now it's properly set to start @ 9pm.20:50
itnet7chaynie_: yeah, 20:50
chaynie_itnet7: utc, dude.20:50
itnet7I know20:50
=== itnet7 changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Florida Local Community IRC Chat !! || Our Next Team Meeting: Tuesday, May 24th, 9:00 pm EST || Please add agenda items to our LoCo Directory Meeting Page located here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/75/detail/ || http://www.ubuntu-fl.org
itnet7zoopster: Why not... ROFL20:52
bluebomberHey, Zoopster!20:52
chaynie_jamalta: I added your meetup to the meeting agenda so we won't forget to mention it to anyone who might be interested.20:52
itnet7pak33m not the master, just don't seem to mind the change as much everyone else it seems ;-)20:53
jamaltachaynie_: oh cool, that's awesome.. thanks!20:53
zoopsterhey bluebomber20:53
itnet7Hey there bluebomber !20:53
zoopsteritnet7: where are some good tidbits about using unity?20:53
bluebomberHi, Chris. Hi, John. How went the Melbourne part yesterday?20:54
chaynie_zoopster: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell20:54
itnet7omgubuntu site has a lot of good customization links20:54
* chaynie_ kids.20:54
itnet7chaynie_: ROFL20:54
itnet7Stuff like adding quicklists20:55
zoopsterchaynie_: I have the new and improved gnome shell!20:55
bluebomberSo Ocelot will include GNOME3 I hear.20:55
itnet7bluebomber: it was awesome, pak33m came over, and we had a bunch of new people come and celebrate20:57
itnet7with us20:57
itnet7I will hopefully get a chance to blog about it tonight! And post the Pictures :-)20:57
bluebomberFantastic re Melbourne.20:58
bluebomberitnet7: Yes, I'd like to have a copy of the group shot and any other good shots to post to our IEEE-CS web page, if you would be so kind to provide me them :)20:59
itnet7No problem21:00
jamaltachaynie_: gnome-shell? please :P21:08
chaynie_jamalta: don't hate.21:19
jamaltaI haven't actually tried it.. but I don't really like how it looks.21:21
mhall119bluebomber: yes, 11.10 will be based on Gnome3+Unity21:21
bluebomber\me celebrates21:22
* bluebomber celebrates21:22
bluebomberDang slashes :-D21:22
bluebomberI would think it a great mistake for Canonical to depart completely from the GNOME project :)21:23
bluebomber(as cool as Unity is)21:23
chaynie_it'd be impractical, as the entire toolset written by ubuntu people is mostly gtk+python21:24
mhall119Unity is just a shell on top of Gnome21:26
mhall119using Unity instead of Gnome Shell is no different than using Compiz instead of Metacity for window management21:27
mhall119or using docky/awn instead of gnome-panel21:28
chaynie_mhall119: you're correct, as you usually are. However, public perception often marries a desktop environment to its shell of choice.21:30
mhall119true enough, and there is definitely a perception problem to overcome21:31
DammitJimdocky sounds too cool of an app21:35
crashsystemsdocky is what I was using until unity replaced it21:35
mhall119got your nick back I see22:06
munz_werkitnet7, mhall119, have a unity question...22:12
munz_werkwas installing 11.04 last evening for a friend,22:12
munz_werklogging in it said it could not use the video and went in to classic mode22:13
munz_werkthen it found the nvida drivers and in installed them22:14
munz_werkit still will only load classic even whan selecting ubuntu22:14
munz_werkany ideas? do i need to re-enable unity22:14
munz_werkor does his comp just need a new vid card22:15
zoopsteris there a unity reset option?22:17
zoopsterI thought I heard of that22:17
munz_werkthat is kinda what im thinking22:17
munz_werkhave not found it yet22:17
zoopsteropen a terminal and type "unity -reset22:17
zoopsterw/o quotes obviously22:18
munz_werkooooohhhhhh, ok22:18
zoopstertry it...ymmv22:18
munz_werk:) will give it a shot22:18
munz_werkthanks zoopster22:18
zoopsterweird that it bailed out on just video...it "should" have simply gone into 2d mode22:18
munz_werkyea, that was what i thought, but i heard the 2d is flakey22:19
bluebomberCould we blame Optimus for munz_werk's problem?22:24
munz_werklol i like :)22:32

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