
snap-lHmm... natty runs like crap in a Virtualbox vm00:09
snap-lI'd love to know why gnome settings is completely hung as well00:14
snap-lUgh, the compiz settings don't work with UNity 2D00:28
snap-lI guess that shouldn't come as a surprise, but it is disappointing00:29
jjessesnap-l i've seen a couple of posts on planet.ubuntu.com on using vbox and unity01:05
snap-lYeah, i saw one that brousch shared, but nothing seems to work very well for me.03:24
jjessepresident speaking tonight on national security, rumors are we killed osma bin laden03:37
Blazeixmsnbc is confirming the rumor03:51
jjessepretty crazy on twitter right now03:51
_stink_crap, really?03:56
jjesseconfirmed by a ton of different sources03:56
jjesseand we have the body03:56
jjessehis wikipedia page has been updated all ready w/ death03:57
Blazeixit also appears it was US ground forces responsible for it.04:00
jjessesuprised twitter hasn't blown up yet04:01
jjessepretty impressive04:01
ebarchsnap-l: i was just trying to get ubuntu classic 11.04 to run decently in virtualbox...doesn't even want to use the ambiance theme properly...04:09
Blazeixah, http://www.whitehouse.gov/live is staring04:35
snap-lWell, that's a bombshell04:49
wolfgerstill? You didn't get enough at Penguicon?13:13
rick_h__heh, didn't stay at PC long enough I guess to get it out of me13:13
brouschyou went to pcon?13:14
rick_h__I was there for the release party13:14
brouschsee any furries13:15
brouschother than snap-l?13:15
rick_h__one 'cat', but sure if it was furries or not13:15
wolfgerI, surprisingly, saw no furries at all13:23
wolfgerof course, I was not there during masquerade, and did not really do any partying13:24
wolfgerI'm getting old, and was unable to stay up partying all night :-p13:24
tameek_Morning all.  Just wanted to quickly introduce myself.  My name is Tameek.  I moved to Michigan about a year ago. Comptia Linux+ certified, work as a support analyst. Love wine, and recycling. I've been using Linux for about 4 years off and on. I run Ubuntu in a vm.13:49
ColonelPanic001I'm ColonelPanic001. I sit and BS on IRC.13:49
brouschhi, I'm Ben. I sit on IRC and make fun of ColonelPanic001 for BSing13:50
wolfgerHi. I'm wolfger. I kvetch and troll and generally try to be funny (and sometimes even succeed)13:51
wolfgernow do you love "wine" or "WINE". Significant difference there.... ;-)13:52
ColonelPanic001I like whine.13:52
brouschyou obviously don't have a kid13:54
wolfgerof course... I'm slow in processing this morning. Would be kind of silly to use WINE when running Ubuntu in a vm13:57
brouschunless that VM is running on osx13:58
wolfgerI make an assumption that the primary system is Windows. i could be wrong13:58
snap-lHello, I'm snap-l. I sit on IRC and make random and sarcastic comments about just about anything. Oh, and I work with computers. :)13:59
snap-l(wrote that one time for my high school alumni questionaire: "works with computers"13:59
snap-lIt was pretty funny sandwiched between the other ones that were waxing eloquent on their jobs and families.14:00
snap-lBut, yes... welcome to #ubuntu-us-mi14:00
snap-lMake yourself at home. There's chips and dip on the table.14:01
wolfgerI liked the 3-bullet resume for the "writing bad code" panel on Sunday... can't remember exactly how it went, but it was like, "1) I write code, 2) I've worked for some companies, 3) I've written some software"14:01
tameek_Thanks!  Yes, primary system is Windows 714:01
tameek_dual monitor with Ubuntu/VM14:01
snap-lwolfger: I so didn't want to miss that panel. :)14:01
snap-lrick_h__: You weren't trying hard enough to see furries at Penguicon14:02
rick_h__snap-l: no, that was intentinoal14:02
snap-lThere was at least two that I saw14:02
snap-lNot sure about the cat ears / tail thing, though14:02
rick_h__I had my back to most of the hotel during the event14:02
snap-lif that's a "furry", then I saw a myriad more14:03
rick_h__yea, that cat ears/tail seems a bit light for full furri-level14:03
rick_h__might just be "i'm cute pay attention to me"14:03
snap-lrick_h__: Aw, that's the fun of it. seeing things that you can't un-see.14:03
snap-lThe whole "are you going to see Rocky Horror picture show, or the drag show, or ... ?"14:03
rick_h__so I sent an angry email with a lot of links to my benefits company that sent me my password in email14:04
rick_h__that was fun14:04
ColonelPanic001half the reason I like pcon is the general weird stuff I can't see normally. Doesn't matter if I'm "into it" or not.14:05
ColonelPanic001rick_h__: good14:05
wolfger3 people came to "bad code" on Sunday who evidently participated in the drag show. Or should have....14:05
wolfgeractually, I can only say for sure two of them were.... the third was either legitimately female, or did a really damn good job.14:05
ColonelPanic001it happens.14:06
rick_h__grumble, and about to send a nasty one to att14:06
snap-lwolfger: There were a few folks that were doing some good Genesis P-orridge transformations14:06
rick_h__snap-l: you need to tell jody to be careful14:07
rick_h__if I wasn't tired, I could have had a lot of fun with her steamroller tweet14:07
snap-lShe knows onl a handful of people read her twitter stream14:07
ColonelPanic001no such thing14:07
snap-land do you really want JoDee on your bad side? :)14:07
ColonelPanic001it's twitter14:07
rick_h__"I got steamrolled at pcon and all I got was this t-shirt" lets the imagination run a bit wild14:07
snap-lShe will find you.14:08
snap-lwolfger: Yeah, she said that she felt like she was hit by a steamroller at pcon14:08
* wolfger goes in search of JoDee's twitter account.14:08
snap-lhttp://twitter.com/#!/saganfan1/status/64171083884007425 <- I like this one14:10
rick_h__I didn't get that one14:10
rick_h__is it against the rules to talk about your research?14:10
snap-lNah, you can talk about it all you want14:11
snap-ljust funny that folks would talk about their research while drunk14:11
snap-lit's like talking about the deeper parts of your work while drunk14:11
ColonelPanic001not if they find it interesting.14:11
ColonelPanic001btw, anyone else?:   https://twitter.com/#!/0x241/status/6434217955177676914:12
snap-lA little. Looks more like Sauron's ballroom to me14:13
ColonelPanic001hah, also can see that14:13
rick_h__damn, where's tjagoda when you need him14:13
rick_h__or however his nick is spelled, I need my tab completion14:13
snap-lrick_h__: What did RIM do now?14:14
rick_h__they're completing the prophecy, turning into a software/services company14:15
snap-lrick_h__: So they're going the way of Palm, then.14:21
snap-lThat doesn't surprise me, honestly. ;)14:22
wolfgerspeaking of t-shirts, what did anybody think of this year's shirts?14:29
_stink_oops, late to the party14:30
_stink_hi tameek_, i'm _stink_.  i work with ColonelPanic001 and we mostly sit and BS.14:30
snap-lwolfger: I think they were a bundle of awesome. Had to buy one.14:30
wolfgersnap-l: sweet. Happy to hear it. (the artist is a good friend of mine)14:32
wolfgerthe printing on the cycle's screen was my idea14:34
snap-lYeah, it was pretty sweet.14:36
tameek_hey _stink_14:41
tameek_sounds like fun14:41
_stink_it is14:42
ColonelPanic001he's lying.14:43
_stink_down for a nap14:43
ColonelPanic001for one, I work here.14:43
_stink_buh dum chh14:45
greg-gg'morning tameek_ ! Welcome to the channel. I'm Greg. I live in Ann Arbor and work at the University of Michigan Library.14:55
_stink_greg-g is our fearless leader.14:55
greg-gnot to worry, the bear is still attached14:57
greg-gbut I will probably be trimming it tonight, just to forewarn you, _stink_. It is pretty long (ie: I can comb it, a bit), so it is about time. :)15:01
_stink_well, i'll withhold judgement15:02
_stink_i am shaven myself, though.15:02
ColonelPanic001I'll probably trim mine soon a little15:03
snap-lListening to the OMC that I recorded at Penguicon.15:11
snap-lShould be up tomorrow15:11
wolfgersnap-l: What's the weirdest thing you ever saw at CTC?15:33
wolfgerBecause I just saw a hooker carrying two golf clubs walking down the hall.15:34
snap-lyou win15:34
wolfgerand I think that's got to be near the top of the list15:34
snap-lSeriously? A hooker?15:34
rick_h__that likes golf?15:34
rick_h__no way15:34
snap-lSounds like a Mindless Self INdulgence song15:35
wolfgerwell... she was headed towards the exit, and wearing a long heavy coat, but.....15:35
snap-l"One hooker and two golf clubs"15:35
wolfgerstilleto heels, skin tight faux leather pants, and big hair15:35
snap-lwolfger: Wow15:35
wolfgera purse in one hand, two golf clubs in the other15:35
snap-lMaybe it's someone's wife?15:35
rick_h__little driving range practice15:35
rick_h__heels/leather is how I do my practice15:35
snap-lShe was going to surprise her hubby with a round of golf.15:36
wolfger_stink_: no camera policy at work :-p15:36
_stink_of rick_h__ at the driving range :P15:36
wolfgerI'm not sure who worries me more... _stink_  or rick_h__15:37
* rick_h__ breaks out the 7-iron15:37
wolfgerand they were irons, not drivers....15:37
_stink_70% of golf shots are inside 100 yards15:38
_stink_smart woman15:38
snap-lNo putter though, means she wasn't working on her short game15:38
snap-lShe was going for distance.15:38
rick_h__must be pitching day in class15:38
rick_h__9 and a SW probably15:39
snap-lEither that or someone got called in to pick up some golf clubs15:39
rick_h__ooh, security?15:39
_stink_maybe she's the nanny and models herself after Fran Drescher15:39
snap-lIn any event, that's definitely pretty high on the weirdness magnet scale15:39
rick_h__"unauthorized devices of fun located in 3E"15:39
snap-lWorst I've ever seen are people's desks at CTC15:40
rick_h__I'm going to have to stop listening to TWiT network stuff, going to give me high blood pressure15:40
snap-lthe ones that look like arboretum15:40
snap-lrick_h__: What now?15:40
wolfgerrick_h__: LOL15:40
rick_h__more of the same "what? People are suprised at the tracking on their phones? What did you expect, it's a spy device"15:40
wolfgersnap-l: Yeah, the flora is odd, but understandable. It's hard to live in a cube farm.15:41
wolfgerI haven't listened to TWiT in forever15:41
wolfgerdon't remember why I stopped15:41
rick_h__for more time to listen to lococast and OMC?15:42
wolfgerI've got a little catching up to do on Lococast, for sure15:43
wolfgerwaiting for another scream-free edition of OMC15:44
wolfgerlove metal instrumentals, but loathe so much of the metal that has lyrics15:44
ColonelPanic001most death metal growling is terrible.15:44
ColonelPanic001but the good stuff is very good15:44
snap-lYeah, it's something you get used to, rather than enjoy15:46
snap-lThough some of them really turn it up a notch and make it enjoyable15:46
snap-lThere's a new Club Metal episode that I released just before Pengiucon15:46
wolfgerYeah, you mentioned. I still haven't gotten around to listening to it15:48
wolfgerSorry. When I think of "metal", I think of Led Zepplin.15:48
wolfgerIf it's not as good as them, it sucks. :-D15:48
snap-lwolfger: We've had over 30 years to screw with that definition. ;)15:50
snap-lThat is awesome.16:03
jrwrenWTF?  http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Operating-Systems/Linux-Distributions/Ubuntu-Enterprise-Cloud-Natty-Narwhal-62885.shtml16:08
rick_h__jrwren: ?16:13
* snap-l is uploading his Penguicon pictures16:27
jrwrenwhy is there a separate UEC download?16:39
rick_h__jrwren: because they have to provide it for dell to put on those cloud servers they're selling16:39
jrwrenoh, interesting.16:40
jrwrenbut how is it different than just ubuntu server?16:40
rick_h__preconfigured basically16:40
rick_h__it's like how you can choose on install time you want a lamp server16:41
jrwreni see.16:41
rick_h__so it does the installs/setup for you vs you getting into the fresh system and doing the apt-get install XXX16:41
* rick_h__ is afraid to click16:51
rick_h__snap-l: oh, loved jcastro's blog post with the pic lol16:52
ColonelPanic001I am a growth on snap-l's head16:53
rick_h__http://www.mister-wong.com/payments/upgrade/ hah16:55
rick_h__so who's leaving bookie to pay $2/mo for your 10 bookmarks16:56
ColonelPanic001...10? wtf would you bother?16:56
ColonelPanic001I had something 300 on delicious16:56
ColonelPanic001which admittedly needs some pruning, but stull16:56
rick_h__300? wow that's light16:57
ColonelPanic001oh, nm. 49616:57
rick_h__lol, I'm testing bookie with 16,00016:57
rick_h__and my site is 1,60016:57
ColonelPanic001I haven't been using it as much in the last year or two, that's part of it16:57
rick_h__you try out the FF extension yet?16:57
ColonelPanic001I haven't even set up a server end for it yet. Must do that16:58
ColonelPanic001was going to get started on this yesterday, instead was lazy and just "recovered"16:58
rick_h__yea, well warning working on releasing 0.2 on MUG16:58
rick_h__so install will have an upgrade shortly16:58
rick_h__great, I sneak into you photos16:59
snap-lhttps://picasaweb.google.com/craigmaloney/Penguicon2011#5602143548380050258 <- Anyone have a name for the lady on the left?16:59
snap-lI think it's Mary, but I'm not 100% sure16:59
rick_h__strange lady that comes to each release part16:59
jrwrenthat penguicon restaurant looks swank.17:14
snap-lYeah, it was an update from last year17:14
jrwren64pople in the natty panel?  was it a positive crowd? or haters?17:17
snap-lMostly positive17:19
snap-lthough a lot of undecided17:20
rick_h__that's fair though17:20
snap-lIt wasn't nearly as caustic as one might think17:20
brouschsame experience i had17:20
snap-lyeah, welcoming change is not natural17:23
snap-lbut I definitely want to check out lenses17:23
snap-lrick_h__: I think the point on TWiT is that you're carrying around a radio. You can triangulate on any radio broadcast17:25
snap-lexpectig 100% while broadcasting is foolish17:25
snap-l100% privacy, rather17:25
rick_h__snap-l: right, but comparing it like that drives me bonkers17:25
rick_h__"law enforcement knows where you are, they can request that easily" is different than any dude that picks up my phone can see my entire travel plasn for the last 2 years17:26
rick_h__it's still a gaping hole that even apple says requires 3 'bug fixes'17:26
rick_h__and they keep playing it like "well ATT knows where you are..."17:26
snap-lrick_h__: And one patent application. ;)17:26
rick_h__so the #@$@%$ what if ATT does, I know that. I don't want it available to someone that grabs my wife's lost laptop17:26
rick_h__short sighted apologists imo17:27
snap-lOh no doubt17:29
jrwrenzomg... why did I stick with vmware server for so long? KVM via virt-install is soooo easy.17:30
rick_h__yea, kvm is supposed to be good stuff, but does it have the extras stuff for native-like graphics/etc?17:30
rick_h__I think that was the big hang up last time I was prepping to go the kvm route17:30
jrwrenno, but neither does vmware server.17:30
rick_h__ah, ok17:31
jrwreni was not using vmware desktop or virtualbox.17:31
snap-lkvm isn't too good re: video cards, though17:31
snap-lperformance is not good (At least 6 mo ago)17:31
rick_h__snap-l: I think the thing that bugs me is that these guys have a huge stage and explain a lot of things to 'normal' people and when the blow it I get cranky17:31
jrwrenperf in general, or do you mean video?17:31
rick_h__their coverage of the AWS stuff pissed me off because they didn't get the tech/etc right17:31
rick_h__jrwren: just video, supposedly good low level performance for a server or something17:32
rick_h__though at work we're going xen :(17:32
rick_h__stupid RH based systems17:32
jrwren"law enforcement knows where you are, they can request that easily"  is also false... any idiot who watches NCIS regularly, knows that when you are on the run, you turn off your cell phone.17:32
rick_h__easily == pen register17:32
rick_h__most carries have a website police can go enter their id and look your location up17:32
jrwrenlibvirt confuses me with how it mixes xen, kvm and qemu.17:33
jrwrenright, but they can't see that if your phone is off.17:33
rick_h__I need more tunes to cheer me up, come on cloud player17:33
wolfgerkvm.... if it starts with a K, it's got to be good!17:33
jrwrenand I mean OFF, like pull the bat.17:33
rick_h__right, but the idea is they compare police access as easy, therefore it's not a big deal to have these location leaks17:33
wolfgerOh, wait, that was what I *used* to say before KDE turned to suck. Nevermind.17:33
snap-lsorry, but if you're on the run, do not touch a cell phone17:33
rick_h__poor wolfger, jumps ship from kde to gnome17:33
rick_h__and then gets reamed again via gnome3/unity17:34
wolfgerI'm just biding my time. E17 will hit 1.0 one of these days....17:34
jrwrene17 might as well be 1.0.17:35
jrwrenit ships in production on some samsung phones.17:35
jrwrenso far perf in kvm seems very good.17:38
wolfgerReally? Which ones?17:38
jrwrenI'm not sure, but the main e guy - is that rasterman - has been working for samsung for a whiel.17:39
jrwrenoh, my bad... maybe it is not out.17:39
snap-lYay! Got my order from Robot shop in the mail.18:02
snap-lBeginners kit. Got a bunch more sensors, and a case to put them in18:03
snap-las well as a LCD screen18:03
rick_h__yay, robot time18:04
snap-lPlus I have post-Penguicon energy.18:05
snap-lIt's a win-win-win-win18:05
rick_h__Blazeix: ping, do you use dropbox on arch?18:19
brouschsnap-l: interesting, the guy in black in the middle of this photo is from my side of the state. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-HwfT7g4eo2U/Tb7SAbuFaqI/AAAAAAAABN0/SRtsYDQdn_A/s720/img_3187.jpg18:31
gamerchick02cool, snap-l.18:54
snap-lThank you. :)18:58
Blazeixrick_h__: yeah, think I have the aur package installed19:02
rick_h__k, yea I got the userspace one going19:03
rick_h__I had issues with just the normal dropboxd19:03
rick_h__actually kind of cool: http://www.hilarymason.com/blog/how-to-get-a-random-line-from-a-file-in-bash/19:10
snap-lThat's awesome19:35
Blazeixhow about sed -n "$(($RANDOM % $(sed -n '$=' test.txt)))p" test.txt19:35
Blazeixthat way you don't have to deal with awk, like FireFighter's solution does19:36
Blazeixnothing against awk, I just never managed to wrap my head around it19:36
snap-lFrankly, heading to awk is just a stone-s throw away from python / perl19:36
rick_h__I liked the dd answer19:36
rick_h__wouldn't have thought of that one19:36
rick_h__and works with any size file19:37
wolfgerthe best command available in bash is "perl -e"19:43
snap-lperl -e 'srand;rand($.) < 1 && ($it = $_) while <>;print $it' < testing19:45
jrwren<3 awk19:47
jrwrenwait... dd?19:47
jrwrenhow did they set a RS ?19:47
jrwrenor do you mean do ?19:48
jrwrenI like the od solution.19:48
jrwreni'd have never thought of that too19:48
rick_h__od was used in an example as well19:48
snap-lI love how people 'misuse' tools for a common good.19:49
jrwrenok, i grok the dd now. that is kinda cool.19:49
snap-lAnd I put that in air-quotes, because I love rube-goldberg solutions19:49
snap-lOh geez19:52
snap-lcraig@lister:~$ echo `cat /dev/urandom | od -N4 -An -i `' % '`wc -l < testing`19:52
snap-l1623132144 % 519:52
snap-lWhich then gets fed to bc19:53
snap-lcraig@lister:~$ echo `cat /dev/urandom | od -N4 -An -i `' % '`wc -l < testing` | bc19:53
snap-lomg, that's a hack19:53
jrwrenis it?19:54
jrwrenI like it.19:54
jrwrenalthough I think you can use base for the modulus19:54
snap-ljrwren: Hack as in something very clever19:55
jrwrenI was thinking Hack as in something doing something it was not meant to.19:56
jrwreni see each of those as doing exactly waht they are meant to.19:56
jrwrenand composing these things is why i like unix.19:56
snap-lYeah, same here19:58
snap-lUNIX is like a big box of productivity legos19:59
rick_h__but there's no gui for any of these19:59
rick_h__surely you can't do something that a gui can't20:00
snap-lrick_h__: I banish you20:00
* rick_h__ hides in shame20:00
jrwrenyou are dead to me rick_h__ :)20:04
rick_h__oh geeze, I do a little channeling of jcastro and you guys get on me :P20:04
* brousch welcomes rick_h__ with open arms20:04
brouschgimme a hug big guy20:04
rick_h__yea, how does that work on a mac is what I want to know lol20:04
brouschit seems to have dd available20:05
rick_h__I want a unity quick menu, thingy...right-click "random line from file"20:05
wolfgerWhat button can I click to display a random line from a file? :-)20:06
wolfgerwhat is this "dd" everybody keeps referring to? "dd" is the command to delete a line. :-p20:07
Blazeixrick_h__: someone should totally make a 'core-util' icon for the unity dock.20:07
Blazeixwhere you right-click and every core-util is an option20:08
snap-lQuick poll: Has anyone found anything from an archive.org netlabel that isn't more painful than sticking your head in a dryer?20:44
brouschwell the dryer turns off when you open the door to stick your head in it20:45
snap-lI mean if you took your head off to put it in the dryer.20:45
ColonelPanic001this is too complicated20:45
brouschwhich head?20:45
snap-leither one20:46
snap-lThat's what I thought20:48
gamerchick02*blink blink* i walked in at the wrong time.21:30
ColonelPanic001no such thing.21:30
gamerchick02i saw something about putting your head in a dryer...21:37
ColonelPanic001I don't comment on how you dry your hair, Ms. Judgemental.21:39
gamerchick02it air dries. ;)21:46
ColonelPanic001same thing in the dryer.21:46
gamerchick02it was the "which head" comment that threw me. ;)21:46
ColonelPanic001that needs drying, to21:47
gamerchick02oh well.21:47
brouschwell some of us have 2 heads, like zaphod beeblebrox21:47
gamerchick02Zaphod is awesome. :)21:48
fdvalerohello everyone, after pinguiton which is the next event in michigan?21:59
ColonelPanic001Well, I went to work today.22:00
snap-lfdvalero: I don't think there's anything really planned yet.22:20
snap-lThe next big event that we're part of is Ohio Linuxfest22:20
snap-lsome of us also go to PyOhio22:20
snap-lPretty sure we'll also have a release party for 11.1022:20
snap-lThat'll be in October.22:21
greg-gfdvalero: what snap-l said.22:22

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