
fisch246alright i am now upgrading my server to natty :D00:06
tsmannGood Luck with your server. I gtg00:36
fisch246oooo! i love the new calculator :D00:41
fisch246yea um...00:59
fisch246don't upgrade to natty yet on server >.>00:59
fisch246i can't sign in anymore due to the fact that i can't read it anymore01:00
=== AndChat is now known as Guest40832
fisch246hey jeff :P01:22
=== Guest40832 is now known as FloatingGoat
fisch246there you go :D01:23
FloatingGoatGotta stop doing that. Those Mac people don't like me.01:23
FloatingGoatHad some funny things happen to my network when that was the only channel I was in.01:26
FloatingGoatAnyways hi01:26
FloatingGoatNo one here02:04
FloatingGoatCept me02:25
fisch246was working on my homework03:14
fisch246for those out of the loop do to compiling :P04:01
fisch246Osama Bin Laden is dead :)04:01
TakyojiThere's some focus issue, that I can't make Firefox (which is fullscreen on my right screen) focused, thus when I try to type ANYTHING, it'll end up being typed into a different window that's active.04:01
fisch246that sucks04:02
Takyojiand I can't close Firefox because I can't focus it, thus I can't get to the "File" menu.04:02
fisch246ah so i assume you're in natty04:02
TakyojiYus. :P04:03
fisch246try just bringing it onto your main screen04:03
TakyojiBut I can't, because it's fullscreen and top bar takes place of the window border and buttons. :P04:03
TakyojiHowever I managed to close Firefox from the Unity Dash.04:04
fisch246o crap...04:04
fisch246sounds like they need to extend the panel04:04
fisch246or split it off, and only have the dock on the main screen04:04
fisch246it would be nice if Ubuntu focused on dual monitors more04:07
Takyojiit's moreso just a bug that occurred04:10
fisch246o it doesn't happen all the time?04:10
Takyojiand just right before it happened, I was contemplating installing 11.04 on my parent's desktop which is currently on the LTS. xP04:10
Takyojiand also thinking, "it would be nice if you could have a small text overlay on the icons in the panel as well"04:11
Takyojisuch as "Internet" for Firefox, "Email" for Evolution04:11
fisch246i think the pics are simple enough04:11
Takyojior at least as some plugin or modition04:11
fisch246plugins exists04:11
fisch246or something like it04:11
TakyojiJust for the sake of old people that know their application's icons. :P04:12
Takyojithat don't know*04:12
fisch246but i won't use them cause i never see the dock anyway04:12
fisch246i really love natty04:16
fisch246it destroyed my server, but the desktop version is amazing :D04:17
TakyojiI'm starting to get a feeling, that, the more I bicker about it, the more you seem to love it. xP04:17
fisch246well i've never had a problem with it04:17
fisch246i had the dev version, but got rid of it, cause i never had a problem with that either04:18
fisch246and i had gotten alpha 204:18
FloatingGoatOsama is dead04:18
fisch246jeff we know the newss04:18
fisch246lulz i knew it04:18
fisch246so is he going to get on the air or what... :/04:20
FloatingGoatSeriously what I'm thinkg04:20
FloatingGoatFox news spelled it "usama"04:20
fisch246Obama is probably pulling a facepalm cause of this leak04:21
FloatingGoatIts all over Facebook and its on ever channel04:23
fisch246i'm watching it online, on msnbc04:23
FloatingGoatSe its even online04:24
fisch246they're the news i prefer cause of the fact that they have national, and local news04:24
fisch246and WCCO got boring after Paul left04:24
FloatingGoatOh. Also I'm getting bored of this newscast. Imma watch Jimmy fallon04:26
fisch246i'm making sure nate knows, and not off the grid playing minecraft XD04:27
FloatingGoatYeah its one of this moments where you'll know where you where when you heard04:30
FloatingGoatI remember 911, my mom was dropping me off at school in first grade.04:31
fisch246"where were you when you heard about Osama's death?" "i was watching queen of the damned, while on facebook" XD04:33
tonyyarusso"I was sitting at home, not caring."04:35
FloatingGoatHere he s04:36
fisch246nice observation sherlock :P04:36
fisch246obama: s/bing/bring04:37
fisch246is there a battery applet for natty?04:47
* Takyoji wonders what tonyyarusso's primary news source as of Linux/Ubuntu-related things, if OMG Ubuntu is allegedly still unreliable. :P04:52
tonyyarussoTakyoji: Identi.ca and Planet.04:53
FloatingGoatI thing the applets are the only things about The panel that you can add or remove04:54
fisch246i only pay attention to OMG Ubuntu05:01
TakyojiI regularly view: Slashdot, Ars Technica, OMG Ubuntu.05:08
fisch246ah yea i've gone to ars technica05:09
fisch246tonyyarusso: just saw your status... i agree05:12
tonyyarussoso I see :)05:12
* Takyoji curiously peers at mysteriousdarren05:34
* mysteriousdarren peers back at Takyoji05:56
fisch246shutter island is actually a fairly good movie06:00
mysteriousdarrenI agree.06:00
fisch246kinda reminds of me of the style of the shinning06:03
fisch246well i'm off to bed06:54
fisch246i'll make sure to setup another party for 11.10 :)06:54
fisch246i just need a place that's easier for everyone to get to06:54
fisch246night everyone :)08:40
FloatingGoatHere I am17:22
ColinHarringtonHow were the parties?17:23
FloatingGoatHi collin17:38
FloatingGoatThe parties where great17:39
FloatingGoatDang its cold, know what I'm saying?17:42
TakyojiYaay; my DVDs of 'Revolution OS' and 'Pirates of Silicon Valley' arrived just a couple minutes ago.19:28
TakyojiHeh; so apparently Linus is about as old as Unix, and I'm about as old as Linux. xP19:42
fisch246i'm proud of you guys...21:31
fisch2462 women showed up to the party, and no one made any sexist remarks, or made them feel awkward :D21:31
fisch246though one was under 18, and the other was obviously taken... still...21:32
Takyojithen again, they weren't within the intricate circle of technological discussion. :P21:43
fisch246i've had to hold back quite a few times when a gal would talk about using VI or writing python scripts >.>21:45
TakyojiI think it would have been optimal to have the table as a square layout, rather than a long end-to-end configuration21:47
TakyojiShoulda met the man at the TIES installfest that wanted Emacs installed, and the keyboard layout to be Dvorak, while saying they're not a very tech-savvy person. :P21:48
fisch246yea well... wasn't my decision...21:48
fisch246i use nano >.>21:48
fisch246being as i don't understand using anything else21:48
Takyojias everyone has said. :P21:49
fisch246changing your keyboard layout makes sense21:49
TakyojiThe physical keyboard layout was QWERTY though. :P21:49
fisch246yea i figured21:50
fisch246i would have to move the keys to do so21:50
Takyojibut yea, it's a necessity to know vi for LPIC cerification21:51
TakyojiLPIC-1, even21:52
TakyojiIt's a requirement of any Unix-like system to have vi provided21:53
TakyojiEven my smartphone, which doesn't even have bash, has vi.21:53
fisch246yea i don't know VI at all21:53
Takyojihttps://twitter.com/#!/llebecire/status/65154598935085056 :P23:37
fisch246i just got back from the store23:39
fisch246i used to hate california, until i heard about north cal...23:59

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