
ChinnoDogdarn Banshee, being difficult again03:08
andrewsilence broken03:10
freelancer317now we can all talk03:10
ChinnoDogWas I supposed to be silent?03:10
andrewfreelancer317: How's it going?03:10
ChinnoDogNow that the silence is broken I can blame lamalex for my Banshee being broken03:11
freelancer317andrew:  pretty good.  been busy with family stuff (tball, honors society (kids), etc)  how about you?03:11
freelancer317we blame alex for almost everything anyway... so why not Banshee not working!  lol03:12
ChinnoDogooh. Banshee unstable is not helping03:14
ChinnoDogIt won't let me manage my music on my phone03:15
ChinnoDogIt shows the music, it plays the music, but i can't delete stuff or add stuff03:15
andrewbeen well03:23
ChinnoDogoh. its my phone. It has decided to make my fs read-only?03:25
ChinnoDogFixed. The fs on my phone was corrupted.03:36
ChinnoDogGuess i can't blame lamalex after all03:36
andrewwhy note?03:38
ChinnoDogBecause my fs was corrupted and idk if Banshee did it or not03:38
ChinnoDogSo... we haz Natty release party?03:45
ChinnoDogI suggest Buffalo Wild Wings in Easton.03:46
JonathanDMorning PA.11:24
rmg51  morning JonathanD11:32
JonathanDHello rmg5111:34
JonathanDhow goes11:38
JonathanDI woke up thinking it was sunday :(11:38
rmg51I wake up hoping it is always Sat. :-D11:44
rmg51breakfast time11:44
InHisNameBreakfast Morning  Y'all14:10
knightzeroMorning everyone.14:58
JonathanDHowdy knightzero14:58
JonathanDGood morning.14:59
andrewFetching files for the upgrade at 3,123 kB/s15:06
andrewI can live with that15:06
andrew(for now)15:07
PennBot<pleia2> we haz logs, http://ubuntupennsylvania.org/PennBot/ or What happens in #ubuntu-us-pa stays in the logs15:14
andrewhence the for now, someday, when installs are done off some sort of holographic, multi-petabyte, pinky-nail sized thing, this speed will feel "like dial-up"15:16
InHisNameCould always try booting win3.0 for comparisons15:17
andrewwould first need win3.015:17
JonathanDI have it.15:18
JonathanDOn CD, no les.15:18
jrmyhello everyone15:20
rhpot1991andrew: squid-deb-proxy if you want faster :)15:29
InHisNameI have 3.0, 3.1 and many more.  Not sure if floppies are still readable though.15:31
jrmyknightzero: figure out that ram thing?15:31
InHisNameIs there a txt mode command to uninstall the propriatary nvidia drivers ?15:31
ssweenyInHisName, ^^15:34
knightzerojrmy: you should have an email waiting for you in the gmail account you provided me, as of this morning.15:36
ssweenyjockey-text -l to list drivers, jockey-text -d <DRIVER> to disable the one you don't want15:36
jrmyknightzero: ok havent checked it in a few hours15:51
InHisNameGtkWarning  could not open the display etc.         is jockey-text need gui ?15:51
InHisNameWorks fine in my main box terminal window, but gui is running.15:57
InHisNameTried with sudo but same error.15:57
InHisNametest box has problem.15:57
ssweenyjockey-text should not require a gui. that would be missing the point16:00
InHisName@later tell SamuriAlba Buy everything bacon here http://www.thinkgeek.com/caffeine/bacon/16:15
PennBotInHisName: The operation succeeded.16:15
ChinnoDogandrew: elaborate on synergy problem please16:47
andrewwhen I try to unautohide the unity bar, it doesn't, because my mouse has already left the screen16:47
andrewI'm assuming you are familiar with synergy16:48
andrewand unity16:48
ChinnoDogSynergy yes, Unity not so much16:48
ChinnoDogI run Synergy+ all the time16:49
andrewUnity has a bar on the left side, by default, it autohides16:49
andrewbut this bar is critical as it's kind of the taskbar of the system16:49
JonathanDI can see how synergy would cause issue with that.16:49
ChinnoDogRight, I saw that when I installed Natty on my laptop while doing btrfs tests16:49
ChinnoDogIt wasn't autohiding though16:50
andrewmove the mouse to the first column of pixels on the left of the screen, ideall, unity bar appears, but synergy takes the mouse off the screen and puts it on the next when you reach that point16:50
andrewI've disabled the auto-hiding16:50
andrewwhich appears to be a compiz thing16:50
ChinnoDogAh, I understand now. So either you have to disable autohide or you have to put your Unity screen on the left16:51
ChinnoDogIs the Unity bar movable?16:51
waltmanDoes it come with almonds?16:52
andrewChinnoDog: unity is on the left, but so is my XP system16:52
JonathanDandrew: it's not autohiding on my install16:53
andrewJonathanD: do you have compiz (aka: desktop effects) enabled?16:54
ChinnoDogwaltman: huh? almonds?16:54
waltman"Unity bar" sounds like some sort of new candy bar to me :)16:54
waltman"hershey bar". "wonka bar". "unity bar".16:55
andrew"college bar"16:55
waltmanandrew: It sounds like what you really need is a "corner bar" :)16:56
andrewthere's a side bar right up the street16:57
waltmanis it a shot and a beer bar?16:57
JonathanDandrew: probably not.16:58
andrewbut probably16:58
JonathanDI haven't figured it out quite yet.16:58
rhpot1991andrew: I have the same unity + synergy issues17:00
rhpot1991if you disable autohiding the unity bar then things end up under it anyways, so that doesn't fix the issue17:01
jedijfrhpot1991: did hotkeys help? like super...super tap17:01
rhpot1991there is a setting for corner instead of left side for displaying the bar, that helps, but going to a corner is a pain17:02
andrewyeah, for now I've set it to not hide17:02
rhpot1991jedijf: slightly, if you use super + w or get rid of the delay for alt+tab its helpful17:02
andrewbut I'd love to have it at half the width it is now17:02
rhpot1991but the lack of gnome applets or xchat tray icon burnt me then, so I went back to classic again17:02
jedijfsuper + s did something too, but i can't remember now17:03
rhpot1991andrew: no issues with things hiding under it then?17:03
rhpot1991jedijf: displays the desktops I htink17:03
andrewsuper + s is expo17:03
rhpot1991all of those work in classic mode too17:03
andrew(used to be super + e)17:03
rhpot1991super + e does nothing now17:03
andrewrhpot1991: nothing is hiding under it now17:03
rhpot1991andrew: when maximized?17:03
rhpot1991how'd you get that to happen17:04
jedijfsuper tap or super hold...can't remember does the gnome-do'ish thing17:04
andrewI miss having the workspace chooser as one-click to change17:04
andrewand of course, super+space no longer brings up gnome-do17:04
jedijfandrew: super tap or hold17:04
andrewrhpot1991: most of my windows are maximized17:04
jedijftry it17:04
jedijfquick hit17:04
andrewI don't have a tap/hold key17:05
jedijfjust tap the super key17:05
andrewand I'm not a fan of the unity super thing, it's too slow17:05
rhpot1991superhold makes it show up17:05
andrewalso, it fails to search the way gnome-do did17:05
rhpot1991and then you can hit 1-x for the shortcuts in order17:05
andrewI had gnome-do trained to accept 'e' (or 'erm..') for terminal17:05
rhpot1991let me log out and see if I have issues with it covering stuff when autohide is off still17:06
rhpot1991hmmm thats working17:08
rhpot1991weird wonder why it was doing that on my other pc17:09
rhpot1991could be twinview or something17:09
rhpot1991I need to find a replacement for timer-applet then17:10
rhpot1991andrew: you can resize the icons in the experimental tab in ccsm17:11
rhpot1991backglight toggle is useful too17:13
andrewrhpot1991: thanks, set down to the minimum of 3217:57
rhpot1991andrew: super + numbers works out well17:58
rhpot1991and super + w17:58
rhpot1991for switching quickly17:58
andrewmost of my switching is between workspaces17:59
andrewnot liking super+w, there is very little difference between the highlighted window and the others18:00
* jedijf might not have enough dexterity for that one18:16
andrewso... anyone else expereincing internet troubles today?18:19
JonathanDfreenode just had a minor split...18:19
JonathanDand another one.18:21
JonathanDnm, that was the same one.18:21
teddy-dbearsee I was right, it's all JonathanD fault :-D18:23
ChinnoDogSo now that Amazon has had major downtime, who has the most reliable public cloud?18:30
JonathanDPerhaps sony can make one.18:30
rhpot1991andrew: go disable the delay for alt+tab too18:31
rhpot1991that makes that much better18:31
ChinnoDogJonathanD: Sony is going to make a cloud?18:34
rhpot1991s/cloud/open directory of personal information for the interweb to share/18:42
JonathanDno, I sure hope not ChinnoDog :p18:46
ChinnoDogOk, well, if Amazon is big but not reliable enough... I thought I had read about a way extend EC2 into your own data center18:49
andrewrhpot1991: where?18:58
rhpot1991andrew: ccms -> static application switcher > behavior > popup window delay19:00
rhpot1991its a paper cut now apparently so hopefully they change that19:00
andrewrhpot1991: is there a list of paper cuts for this release?19:17
rhpot1991andrew: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts19:20
PennBotTitle: Bugs in One Hundred Paper Cuts (at bugs.launchpad.net)19:20
ChinnoDoggobble gobble20:25
ChinnoDoghi lamalex20:35
ssweenylooks like lamalex made it to hungary safe and sound20:45
pleia2hopefully he doesn't ruin it before we get there20:45
lamalexyou guys it rules here20:47
lamalexi have a hot date with a hot german girl in an hour20:47
ssweenywell done my friend20:52
lamalexi just washed my shirt in the bathtub to wash the bo smell out of it and now im drying it with a hair dryer20:54
* ssweeny takes notes20:56
MutantTurkeylamalex:  date with a german girl? pffft the all smell distinctly european, she won't be able to notice your shirt21:10
ChinnoDogoh yea, MutantTurkey? You would know?21:12

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