
cyberangerthey all seem to have artwork now00:00
cyberangerIt takes alot not to start mixing them up00:00
cyberangersounds like denver00:00
chibihogoshinothat one00:01
cyberangerI'll have to pull that one up in a moment00:02
cyberangerbooting two cli only live discs, getting every thing onto natty00:03
cyberangerand rsyncing backups00:03
cyberangeryour sure that mural is in denver?00:06
cyberangerI don't recall that one00:07
cyberangerhowever denver was awhile ago, a blow thru00:07
chibihogoshinothat airport i dont think is being used00:08
cyberangeryou think it's stapleton international then?00:11
cyberangerwhich was used in Die Hard 200:11
cyberangerand is no more00:11
cyberangerDenver international replaced it, and is what I flew through00:12
chibihogoshinoits still around00:12
cyberangerthen it's neither00:12
cyberangerstapleton is torn down for a new development00:13
cyberangerand DEN is still around00:13
cyberangeridk it's been a long time, pre 9/1100:13
cyberangerbut I know I went via DEN00:14
cyberangerDEN has a ton of art though00:15
cyberangerI bet I just didn't see that one00:15
cyberangerso cyberpunk looking, I'd recall that00:15
cyberangerand it was a blow thru00:15
cyberanger15 minutes between wheels down and wheels up00:15
cyberangeryeah, quickest and cleanest I can recall00:17
cyberangerO'Hare too that trip come to think of it00:17
cyberangerwhich is really odd00:17
chibihogoshinoi guess its called the denver international air port00:19
cyberangerthat was my best trip and my worst trip through both airports (DEN only happened once, so kinda unfair, O'Hare however, that hurt)00:20
cyberangeryep, FAA code DEN, Denver International Airport00:21
cyberangernicknamed DIA00:21
cyberangerstapleton was the old one closed in '9500:22
cyberangernever saw it00:22
cyberangerbut would have liked to, due to my die hard fandom00:22
cyberangerseeing all that though, kinda a shame it was so quick00:25
cyberangergate to gate in under 5 minutes00:25
vychunesee ya guys00:27
cyberangerbye vychune00:27
chibihogoshinoi wish there was info on how to theme plymouth00:36
cyberangerstep one, try00:37
cyberangerstep two, fail00:37
cyberangerstep three bang head into keyboard00:37
cyberangerstep four try again00:37
chibihogoshinoyeah i have been failing for the last 3 hours00:37
cyberangerstep five, give up00:37
chibihogoshinoi cant00:38
chibihogoshinoits like half done ..00:38
cyberangerwhich half00:40
chibihogoshinoi have the logo pulsing or fading.. what ever you want to call it.. i just cant figure out how to change the fading background color from the purple to black00:41
chibihogoshinoits a logo with a black background and it fades to purple..00:42
chibihogoshinoim i the only person still using xdm ?01:29
cyberangerchibihogoshino: perhaps02:11
cyberangergdm is more common here02:11
chibihogoshinoi like the old gdm02:12
cyberangerbut I either use slim or nothing lately02:12
chibihogoshinoi did try slim02:13
cyberangerdidn't like it?02:13
chibihogoshinoi could get it to fit my theme02:13
cyberangerdead simple to theme02:14
cyberangerseconds to fit my openbox theme02:14
chibihogoshinoyeah .. i didn mess with it that much since xdm is alredy setup02:14
chibihogoshinobut i think plymouth is fucking with it ..02:14
chibihogoshinoi put my user name in and it kicks out of the xdm session before i can put my password in and then starts back up..02:16
chibihogoshinoi dont even know why that would happen02:17
cyberangerand that does sound likely02:17
chibihogoshinoalso when i hit ctl alt f1 x still runs and logs in when i put my name and password in the vt .. it dosnt let go of they keybord02:18
cyberangerwoah, that's really bad02:19
cyberangerwhat about f2?02:19
chibihogoshinohmm.. i dunno. didnt think about trying it ..02:20
cyberangerit might just be one tty02:20
cyberangerso idk02:20
cyberangerthe last thing called plymouth I liked was a tavern in Erie02:20
chibihogoshinoi think it has something to do with plymouths login thing that never showed up on this install02:20
chibihogoshinomaybe if i disable f1 it will work02:21
cyberangersince really it shouldn't be tied to that02:21
chibihogoshinois plymouth supposed to have a l/p ?02:22
cyberangersorry, an l/p?02:22
chibihogoshinologin / password02:23
cyberangerno, it's integrated with gdm02:25
cyberangerperhaps not as well with slim, xdm02:25
cyberangerbased on what I read, that could be it02:25
chibihogoshinoodd it has a section for it tho02:26
cyberangerrotten link02:26
chibihogoshinoi thought it just loaded a image and then passes the graphics to X02:26
cyberangerit fires before xorg02:26
cyberangerdoes that sound similar to your case02:27
cyberangerI mean parts of the issue02:27
cyberangerthe plymouthd and xdm conflict02:28
cyberangerchibihogoshino: are you lucid or newer?02:29
cyberangerthere's your issue02:29
cyberangerxdm isn't an upstart job02:30
chibihogoshinoit donst use 30% cpu tho02:30
cyberangerand therefor isn't signalling plymouthd02:30
cyberangerand due to that, plymouth is running over xdm02:30
chibihogoshinoand i dont really have a problem logging in unless its the first time at boot02:30
cyberangerthe 30% bit was due to plymouth still running, stalled, that isn't the bug itself02:31
chibihogoshinoso i should have a kill plymouth in the xdm script ?02:31
cyberangerbut your login issue? explain that a bit more02:31
cyberangerno, it's more of a pulse, a signal to plymouth, saying the computer equilavant of02:32
cyberangerhey buddy, quit talking and grab me a beer02:32
cyberangerand without that signal, plymouth won't shut up02:32
chibihogoshinothe system loads up plymouth runs through and then xdm starts up .. i type my username and then xdm restarts . then i just retype my user name and pass and its all good02:33
cyberangerare you planning on upgrading to maverick or natty?02:33
cyberangerwhat about gdm instead of xdm>02:34
chibihogoshinoi dont like it02:34
cyberangerI hear ya, just it's your version of xdm02:34
cyberangerif it was using upstart, it'd be solved02:35
cyberangernot sure how to fix it otherwise02:35
chibihogoshinoi wonder how smooth a update would go02:35
cyberangerit's fine in maverick, and it's fine in gdm02:35
cyberangerbackup first02:35
chibihogoshinoyeah ..02:36
cyberangerotherwise ....02:36
chibihogoshinoill have to see if i can find some dvds or something02:36
cyberangerThe World is Coming to an End02:36
cyberangerPlease Log Off02:36
chibihogoshinoi only have a cd burner in here02:37
chibihogoshinoand its broken02:37
cyberangeryou only need a cd though02:37
cyberangeroh, uh, yeah02:37
chibihogoshinooh well..02:38
cyberangerI've tried to remove plymouth more than anything02:41
cyberangerperhaps after some tinkering I can be of more help, but with what I read, plymouth, xdm and lucid doesn't mix02:42
chibihogoshinoyeah ..02:42
chibihogoshinoits not that big of a problem as what i have been reading .. its just feels a bit buggy02:42
cyberangerbecuase it is02:43
chibihogoshinoits odd when i hit alt f2 it sometimes kicks me to a vt and i cant get back to Xs display02:43
cyberangerlucid was trial by fire, to some extent02:44
chibihogoshinoits still running tho ..02:44
cyberangerchibihogoshino: f7 should02:44
chibihogoshinoyeah.. it should02:44
cyberangerf1 - f6 is tty's f7 is a system buffer & xorg runs on it02:44
chibihogoshinoi can get back to X that way but its all black02:44
chibihogoshinocant see any windows02:45
cyberangerbefore or after login?02:45
chibihogoshinothe mouse cursor changes tho if i run it over window edges02:45
cyberangertry f8 then, f7 might be dead02:45
chibihogoshinoafter log in02:45
cyberangeroh, wow02:45
chibihogoshinosame thing02:45
chibihogoshinof7 seams to be the input .. a bunch of random characters from the keyboard and mouse02:46
chibihogoshinobut only when i cant get back to X02:46
chibihogoshinoright now f7 is normal x02:46
chibihogoshinohit alt f1 and then alt f7 and i got kicked out of X02:48
chibihogoshinogotta love bugs02:52
chibihogoshinohi vychune03:06
vychunewhatcha up to03:06
chibihogoshinonot liking how ubu is doing stuff03:07
cyberangerchibihogoshino: I take it you don't use irssi or weechat03:10
cyberangerx don't matter (tm pending ;-))03:11
chibihogoshinoi like my gui03:13
chibihogoshinobut its my gui.. how i want it ..03:14
chibihogoshinofor the most part03:14
cyberangerthat's why I theme mine03:14
chibihogoshinoi did03:14
cyberangerbut I'm in the terminal for a ton of tasks03:14
chibihogoshinoi just dont like being forced to use plymouth03:14
chibihogoshinoi tried turning off the gui boot but that didnt work03:15
cyberangeryour not, but it's a real huge pain03:15
cyberangeror it's debian03:15
chibihogoshinoits like they forgot that simple is best03:16
cyberangerubuntu or debian?03:16
cyberangerubuntu was never really about simplicity in that sense03:17
cyberangerthey were a dumbing down simplicity03:17
cyberangervs debian or slackware or arch KISS simplicity03:17
cyberangeror the middle ground of some others03:17
wrstyeah cyberanger debian, slcakware, arch are simple, ubuntu is easy to use huge diference03:18
cyberangerand honestly, they've strayed from that too, linux mint and crunchbang taking over to an extent03:18
chibihogoshinotill recently i saw ubuntu as a deb remix03:18
cyberangerwrst: yeah, difference in views, KISS vs complex development, but ease of use03:19
cyberangerand chibihogoshino that's exactly it, a ease of use, debian remix03:19
cyberangertill lately03:19
wrstyes from a users standpoint debian, arch etc aren't simple03:19
cyberangerfrom a 'new' user standpoint03:19
cyberangerI think once you've used linux for say 6 months, really use it03:20
chibihogoshinolast time i tried debian and fedora it would boot on my system03:20
cyberangeryou've gotten to a point of choice03:20
cyberangerchibihogoshino: that's good, they're supposed to boot03:21
chibihogoshinowouldnt boot03:21
cyberangerreally, it was a live image? or installer? downloaded clean and burned slow?03:23
wrstcyberanger: my thing with debian if you use stable, its just stale not just stable, and if you use arch which i like you will have isues, really ubuntu is a nice middle ground in not stupid on new packages but being up to date03:24
chibihogoshinoi think it was the debian live cd and fedora installer03:25
wrstchibihogoshino: i have always had issues with fedora just being a pain03:25
cyberangerwrst: debian testing is a nice middle ground, not much stability lost, kinda a misnomer to call it testing really03:26
cyberangerand there is a point where they're stale too03:26
cyberangerin ubuntu03:26
wrstcyberanger: might try that out on my server sometime03:26
wrsti'm upgrading it right now to 10.10 so if i disappear you will know why :)03:26
cyberangerfirefox 4 wasn't in a stable ubuntu for how many months03:26
cyberangerand I recall the same for oo.o awhile ago03:26
cyberangeroh boy03:27
chibihogoshinowrst: good luck03:27
vychunelibre now cyber03:27
cyberangerwrst: sudo do-release-upgrade ?03:27
wrstcyberanger: yes there needs to be a way to get packages like that going say in 10.0403:27
wrstyes cyberanger i usually stay a release behind on my server and it works well and keeps quassel, finch etc fairly up to date03:27
wrstif this were a "production" server of course i would stay with 10.0403:28
chibihogoshinowould anything even change if i updated tho ?03:28
cyberangervychune: not really, oo.o exists still too, but at the time it didn't exist (wrst probally recalls my complaints for using an outdated inferior version for a few months due to that)03:28
wrstyes cyberanger and agree03:28
cyberangervychune: however I prefer the libre fork, oo.o still exists, and they both share alot with each other03:29
cyberangerchibihogoshino: change, yes, break, perhaps (you do backup your data, right?)03:30
cyberangerit's worth a vm to look at least03:30
wrstcyberanger:  i prefer libre also its really what ubuntu had installed anyway because ubuntu more or less had the go-oo installed and that is pretty much what libre started with03:30
cyberangerwrst: a version behind is a version behind stable though, since lucid is stable now, right?03:31
cyberangerchibihogoshino: no? no backups?03:31
chibihogoshinoi dont have anyway to03:31
wrstwell its the LTS i think technically 11.04 is now stable but on the download it says for production you might want to consider 10.04... i wish ubuntu would just call the LTS stable03:32
cyberangerthat's never good03:32
cyberangerwrst: both are stable, one is just older03:32
cyberangerboth are supported03:32
cyberangerthey err on the side of caution03:32
cyberangerbut idk, they seems odd in that, two faced of sorts03:33
wrstno way 11.04 is as stable as 10.0403:33
cyberangerwell, they favor the latest lts for new users03:34
wrstthe download page should i think then focus on the LTS03:35
cyberangerdue to their use of the other releases, this case maverick and natty as an additional testing layer03:35
wrstof course i think unity wasn't ready for release and they should have used gnomeshell03:35
cyberangerwell, they don't do that for desktops based on download numbers and other statistics03:35
cyberangerwhich has allways suggested people grab the very latest03:36
* wrst watches the packages update and hopes he doesn't regret it03:36
cyberangerwrst: sudo do-release-upgrade ? is that what your doing from lucid to maverick?03:37
cyberangerit worked for me, I think (had a glitch, minor, but I think it was just due to it being partial, with the google and ubuntu-gis repo's disabled, re-enable and update I'd have been good)03:39
wrstmy upgrades of server have always been super easy03:39
cyberangerhowever I had a snafu on to natty, power down in the middle03:39
wrstone reason awfully hard for me to use any other server os03:39
cyberangerserver seems to work, and my builds are more like that honestly03:39
cyberangerdebian isn't much of a difference, really03:40
cyberangergo with testing, for your non-critical needs, you just gotta change the sources.list when testing changes each release03:41
cyberangernever had an issue yet03:41
* cyberanger knocks on a dead tree03:41
chibihogoshinoi cant find my usb stick03:43
* cyberanger suddenly wonders why that'd be good luck, knocking on a tree that took out power here03:43
cyberangerchibihogoshino: ouch?03:43
chibihogoshinothat was the only working install i had03:44
cyberangerand you use the word was, something tells me things took a nosedive?03:45
chibihogoshinoit was the custom live iso i made03:46
chibihogoshinoi still have a regular ubuntu cd.. but the cd drive in my laptop is dead03:46
cyberangerI knew a friend that kept his keys near his vodka, so he'd always know where they were, but one of two things kept happening03:48
cyberangerone, he'd forget where he put the vodka (down his throat usually) or he'd move the keys so he wouldn't go anywhere while drunk, but with a killer hang over03:49
cyberangerhe'd forget where he hid them while drunk03:50
cyberangerhopefully that isn't what you did with your usb key03:50
chibihogoshinona .. its in my room somewhere03:50
* wrst waits for grub to configure.... 03:52
cyberangerwrst: grub 2 to configure03:53
wrstwell its the only configuring one OS sosurely it will work!03:53
wrstfunny thing cyberanger arch still uses grub .9703:53
* cyberanger waits for the punch line03:54
* cyberanger realizes it just drove past 5 minutes ago, drat03:54
cyberangerwrst: didn't you have it grab your external once?03:55
wrstyes i've had it to do all sorts of crazy crap03:55
wrstbut no external drive now03:55
wrstfinally put it internal03:55
cyberangerso if there is an issue, we know it's related to 4 letters03:56
* cyberanger wonders if anyone wants to play wheel of fortune, the only letters left are bwusrtg ;-)03:58
cyberangersorry, that joke stunk, I'll go grab the air freshener03:59
cyberangerwrst: well, good luck03:59
wrstyeah i'm wanting to reboot before bed04:00
cyberangersame here04:02
cyberangerbut it won't happen for all machines04:02
vychuneok what i miss04:03
vychunehad a runin with a wasp04:03
wrstouch who won vychune?04:03
cyberangerdamn, natty tweaked my system, minor tweak, but one nonetheless04:03
vychuneoh osama bin laden is dead04:03
cyberangerautomount enabled, tweaked pcmanfm some04:04
wrstvychune: really?04:04
vychunewell usama on fox news LOL04:04
cyberangerdoesn't suprise me04:05
cyberangerwrst: and it's not a joke04:05
wrsthate those alt. spellings, well hate to hear that most people have died, but that's a good one04:05
wrstthanks for the heads up vychune watching the news now04:06
cyberangerBBC, wall street journal, the gardian, globe and mail04:06
cyberangerUS Gov't is in possession of his body04:07
cyberangerqustion is when did the pulse stop?04:07
cyberangerPresident Barack Obama is due to make a statement shortly :-(04:07
wrstcyberanger: not excited about the statement? :)04:08
cyberangernot a joke, just a matter of how long he hasn't made a confirmed statement (osama that is)04:08
cyberangermany analyists thought he was dead awhile ago04:08
cyberangerand I saw some of the intel04:08
cyberangernever painted a real clear picture, but of all the intel (or lack of, for that matter)04:09
cyberangerit looked like he was dead and some never wanted that04:09
cyberangerthey wanted him in a court of law, then a firing squad at least04:10
cyberangerso until I hear the statement, not really04:10
cyberangerjust cause it doesn't answer much right now04:10
cyberangerhis pulse stopped, we have his courpse, that's all I hear now04:11
cyberangerand it's a shame, better alive than a courpse (alive in custody I should add)04:11
cyberangerdue to how much conspirisy this'll enable04:12
cyberangerthere was already a ton as it was04:12
vychuneoh yeah04:13
cyberangerin the intel circles you had to be careful in phrasing when going against the offical views04:13
cyberangerand it was hard to have an offical view, the guy was smart, when it came to staying off the grid04:14
cyberangerdropped his sat phone in 97, thinking we could intercept and track it (he wasn't wrong)04:14
cyberangerfirst major sucessful attacks in 9804:15
cyberangerafter 9/11 he wasn't leaving much of a trail04:15
cyberangerand despite our increased efforts and presense, his trail got quieter even, the guy was a ghost as far as sigint went04:16
cyberangerand even knew how to make humint nearly impossible too04:16
vychunehey i just thought about something, now that he's gone, all the store owners from that area gonna catch hell. thats messed up04:17
cyberangerthe fact he's dead also makes him a maryter in islamist extrimist circles, which isn't too helpful04:18
wrstyes cyberanger that has concerned me also04:18
cyberangerbut compared to a cell, securing a trial and such, this should be the better of two outcomes04:18
* wrst rebooting04:19
cyberangerbut with a decentralized al-qudia04:20
vychunewhat the heck:bquain:‎ John Cena just confirmed to the ST. Pete Times Forum that Osama Bin Laden is dead. What?! Weeeeirdest way to find out. Wow!04:20
wrstwoot its alive!!!!04:21
cyberangerhard to say, how much of a role he had in things lately, since that decentralization of sorts04:21
cyberangerwe've been more focused on yemen, al-quida in the arabian penn. and somili's al-shahab04:22
cyberangerthan pakistan and afganistan's al-quedia04:22
* wrst goes to bed04:22
cyberangersee you wrst04:22
cyberangerI guess I'll have to see what I can dig up04:24
cyberangermake some calls perhaps, hrm04:24
chibihogoshinoso .. i have to use arch to make a custom arch install iso ..04:40
cyberangerworking nicely?04:40
chibihogoshinoi didnt even start04:41
chibihogoshinoi dont have arch installed04:41
cyberangerconflicting reports, drone strike vs human operation, and various versions of a human operation too05:20
cyberangerthis doesn't sound too good05:20
cyberangeron top of that, lack of any message from al-quedia05:21
cyberangerearly reports can explain this now, but it's also conspiricy fodder too05:21
wrstgood morning everyone12:51
wrstgood morning!12:54
=== wrst_Quassel is now known as wrst
XpistosWhat up yos!16:02
=== wrst_ is now known as wrst
wrsthello cyberanger18:27
cyberangerhi wrst18:28
wrstcyberanger: having a good day?18:29
cyberangerso far18:35
cyberangerlate start though18:36
wrstwell if you are just now getting up... :)18:36
cyberangergetting online18:37
cyberangercat $tired > /dev/null18:39
cyberangermuch betterr18:39
cyberangerecho $tired18:48
cyberangertoday's lesson, careful how you define your variables18:49
cyberanger(and that caffine was just a waste of money today, goes too quick)18:50
cyberangerwrst: how's your day18:51
wrstpretty well cyberanger for a monday :)18:51
* cyberanger looks at calendar18:52
cyberangerthat explains alot18:52
cyberangera few things changed in natty22:01
cyberangersome might be bugs22:01
cyberangerapt-get ignoring $http_proxy22:01
cyberangerfor example22:01
cyberanger(a workaround if anyone else needs it is to set it in /etc/apt/apt.conf however for me, this is less ideal)22:02
wrstpace_t_zulu: you will be glad to know you are no longer left out: http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2011/05/fake-mac-defender-antivirus-app-scams-users-for-money-cc-numbers.ars22:03
pace_t_zuluwrst: its about damn time...22:04
wrstha ha well i'm just waiting for the linux version22:04
wrstseems like a waste of time pace_t_zulu unless somone is totally stupid to try that on a mac since you must eleveate user privelages to install something22:04
cyberangerwhoever falls for that, I've got a bridge to sell22:06
pace_t_zuluwrst: it would not be hard at all22:07
pace_t_zuluwrst: people always want to install antivirus... makes them feel like they own a  computer22:07
wrstno and I'm sure some will do it but if you think things through it should not happen let me put it that way22:07
cyberangerwrst: in windows now you elivate privs for AV software too22:08
wrstdo you run any antivirus on your mac pace_t_zulu?22:08
pace_t_zuluwrst: did you hear about the iphone tracker file?22:08
cyberangerI heard too, I cannot say I was suprised22:08
pace_t_zuluit is trivially easy to get that data off a mac (and probably a pc as well)22:09
pace_t_zuluthe source code is publically available...22:09
pace_t_zuluwrst: i sent you a pm22:11
pace_t_zuluhere's a link to the iphone tracker22:11
pace_t_zului've run it on my data.... it's pretty interesting22:11
pace_t_zuluapple is preparing a fix ... http://www.bgr.com/2011/05/02/apple-to-fix-location-tracking-bug-in-ios-4-3-3-due-out-soon/22:22
cyberanger-torhey vychune23:22
vychuneenjoying the rain stoppage23:22
vychunewhats the tor for?23:23
cyberanger-toryes I am enjoying the lack of rain23:24
cyberanger-torI'm connected via tor software https://tor.eff.org23:24
cyberanger-tortrying out new versions of irc clients, connecting to mutiple networks, documenting ease of use and such23:25
cyberanger-torfigured since I'm not trying to hide what I'm using, adjust my nick, make it real clear23:26
vychunesounds good23:26
cyberanger-torI'm kinda suprised the only network I'm on every day that has a problem is the North American Pirate Party Network23:27
cyberanger-torconnected to irc.pirateparty.ca (one of the (at least) three servers) and see a DNSBL flag me, they seem to EFNET's list, which does explain some of it23:30
cyberanger-torbut compare it to this https://www.pirateparty.ca/uncategorized/press-release-pirate-party-secure-browsing23:30
cyberanger-torso I'm bugging the admins about it, after all, that won't look good on a blog23:30
vychuneyou lost me at DNSBL23:31
cyberanger-torDNS based BlackList23:31
vychuneoh ok23:31
cyberanger-tora filter, commonly used with email and irc servers, reduce spam23:31
vychuneso whyd you get flagged?23:32
vychuneor burned rather23:32
cyberanger-torand tor is considered an open proxy on some lists, freenode actually enhanced their setup for tor23:32
cyberanger-torefnet decieded tor was a bad idea, and yeah23:33
vychunemight have to download that23:33
cyberanger-torsince the NAPPN seems to use EFNET's blacklist, shared data, shared ban23:33
cyberanger-torvychune: nothing wrong with tor, your welcome to try it23:33
cyberanger-torhowever something is wrong with abusive pricks (I don't call them users) hiding behind anon. systems like tor23:34
cyberanger-tormight I suggest installing a seperate system in a VM and trying23:35
cyberanger-torkeeps things lightweight23:35
cyberanger-torand easy to clean up if your just wanting a trial run23:35
vychuneok then23:36
cyberanger-torbrb, gonna renice rsync a little, it's a hog23:36
cyberanger-torthat helped a bit23:36
cyberanger-tortor requires some usage changes and a little understanding of how it works for the best effect23:37
cyberanger-torbut once that occurs, with careful setups, you could blog from china and iran with a higher degree of safety23:38
vychunefinally found a good linux game on OMG Ubuntu23:38
wrstwhat is it?23:39
vychunehex a hop23:40

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