
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
RAOFthopiekar: I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do, or what the actual problem is.  Pastebinning the complete error message is generally useful.00:16
thopiekarRAOF: got it now working.. I want to build Xorg 1.9 with ABI 8 on natty..00:17
thopiekarbasicly a downgrade for emgd drivers..00:17
thopiekarsee ppa:thopiekar/emgd00:17
thopiekarI still needed to downgrade libxi and some other x11proto packages..00:18
thopiekarxorg-server will follow when the deps I uploaded are built00:18
RAOFAh, right.00:18
RAOFYeah, to actually install xorg 1.9 you'll need to rebuild all the drivers.00:19
thopiekarsure worked well, too. I set as version xorg-server-dev (uploaded version)  as dep for the drivers..00:20
thopiekarfinally I'll add a meta-package keeping these packages from upgrading to nattys packages..00:21
thopiekarhere Xorg 1.10 with ABI 1000:21
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sorenAre these USB<->VGA things supposed to "just work"?12:48
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RAOFsoren: No, in *so* many ways.13:01
RAOFsoren: The kernel DRM doesn't know about them, and until recently didn't accept anything not hanging off something which looks sufficiently like a PCI bus (although Dave Airlied has done some work here) and X doesn't know how to probe USB devices.  An xorg.conf is mandatory.13:02
sorenRAOF: ..but it can be made to work?13:08
sorenRAOF: I mean, without writing a driver myself :)13:08
RAOFsoren: In theory, yes.13:08
sorenI have a Lenovo USB port replicator with a DVI output on it. I'm trying to work out which driver it's supposed to work with.13:09
RAOFMaybe displaylink?13:10
RAOFBut it's entirely possible that the Lenovo USB port thingy doesn't currently have a driver, actually.  All USB video devices are not necessarily the same.13:11
sorenRAOF: Darn it. I went with the Lenovo in spite of the lacking details on chipsets, because Lenovo stuff tends to be very well supported.13:12
RAOFDoes it only plug into USB, or does it plug into the docking port thingy?  Presumably you've tried just plugging it in and seeing if it works? :)13:13
sorenJust USB.13:15
soren...and yeah, just plugging it in doesn't do much (in terms of video).13:15
sorenat all.13:15
sorenOh, well.. I guess I could use another door stop.13:18
RAOFThere either might already be a driver or it might be easy to modify an one to work.13:21
sorenSmells like something that needs both time *and* motivation. Two scarce resources.13:22
RAOFGoogling for whatever chipset's on the other end of the USB tree might yield a low investment reward.13:26
sorenRAOF: Information seems very, very limited.13:47
soren17ef:3033 is the USB id of the port replicator. http://paste.ubuntu.com/602251/13:47
sorensearch for "USB Video".13:48
sorenOk, since I declared it a door stop anyway, I decided to void the warranty and take the thing apart to find out which chip is in it.14:00
sorenSilicon image 164ctg6414:04
tjaaltontry setting up the -sisusb driver14:06
sorentjaalton: I tried. It just said it didn't find any supported device, but I guess that could just mean it didn't recognize the USB vendor/product.14:07
sorenHm.... /me treis14:10
sorentries, even14:10
tjaaltonis sisusbvga module loaded?14:10
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