
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:09
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:09
* Maaz puts the kettle on06:09
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!06:13
KilosMaaz, thank you06:13
MaazKilos: No problem06:13
KilosMaaz, whats for breakfast06:24
MaazWheatbix today Kilos, and if you are still hungry maybe bacon and eggs.06:24
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as nlsthznwork
=== nlsthznwork is now known as nlsthz-nwork
* nlsthz-nwork waves07:14
superflymôre oom Kilos07:39
superflyen nlsthz-nwork07:40
nlsthz-nworksuperfly: g'day mate07:56
=== nlsthz-nwork is now known as nlsthzn-work
Squirmhow's natty treating everybody?08:41
superflyKDE 4.6 is awesome08:43
mazalMorning everyone08:47
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: Got to agree.... it is super slick08:51
* nlsthzn-work waves @ mazal 08:51
mazalI did a Kubutnu build last night. Must say it is really beautiful 08:51
SquirmI'm more of a gnome fan08:51
Squirmbut it doesnt look like gde anymore08:51
mazalanybody else use ps3 media server ?08:53
mazalMine refuses to work on 11.0408:53
* acherv said hi @all08:53
mazalHi acherv08:53
achervmazal: what's up?08:53
mazalBit tired & wired but I be good thanx :)08:54
achervmazal: I would like to know the news about the natty party in pretoria08:55
mazalI don't know much , incoming mail broken so haven't received much on the mailing lists for a while08:55
Kiloshi all. LTS is for 5 years hey?10:18
Kiloshope i got it right10:18
mazalYep , think you are right10:20
mazal3 years on LTS Desktop10:24
mazal5 Years on LTS server10:24
Kilosah. ty10:25
KilosMaaz, give the man a cuppa10:25
MaazKilos: Sorry...10:25
Kilosaw i didnt read properly on lists again. apologies10:28
* Kilos wonders who is that domdonner on the lists. every time he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it10:57
mazalWe have any handbrake users here ? I'm struggling with a setting11:03
* nlsthzn-work used handbrake many moons ago... so doubt he will be of use...11:07
tumbleweedmazal: it would help if you just asked your question11:07
mazalI convert to mp4 (for PS3 streaming) I created my own settings set. Now after re-install I put back all my settings , put it on mp4 , but the filename refuses to take .mp4. Keeps going to m4v11:20
mazalPreviously it took .mp411:21
Kilosmazal, there is a #handbrake channel11:37
Kilosmaybe they not as busy11:38
Kilos50 peeps there11:38
Kilosyou know how to get there hey?11:39
mazalThanx Kilos , yep I know , will check it out thanx11:39
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 11:59
Kiloslo nuvolari  gaain dit goed11:59
Kilosgaan ook11:59
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom12:00
nuvolarihet gister getrek12:00
nuvolariwas amper dood12:00
nlsthzn-worknuvolari: where too?12:01
Kiloswat het gebeur12:01
tumbleweedmazal: mp4 and m4v are the same file format, just different extensions12:01
tumbleweedmazal: you can rename the one to the other12:01
tumbleweed(incidentally, they are also the same format of .mov, well, a subset of .mov)12:02
mazalI tried , but it automatically puts in the m4v12:02
tumbleweedmazal: no I mean you can rename it after its encoded12:02
tumbleweedalso the name really shouldn't matter12:02
mazalI wonder if the PS3 wil play it as m4v though12:02
tumbleweedit's the same thing12:02
nuvolarinlsthzn-work: about 600m from where I used to stay :P12:03
mazalFirst have to get ps3 media server working as well. another thing not working in 11.0412:03
Kilosso nuvolari why you nearly died?12:03
nuvolariKilos: dis baie werk oom! lol12:04
Kiloso lol;12:04
mazalek hoor net die woord trek dan wil ek weghol LOL12:04
nlsthzn-worknuvolari: lol, I hope it was a step up then :)12:04
Kiloswag tot jy n vier slaap kamer huis met 30 jaar se gereedskap moet skyf12:05
nuvolarinlsthzn-work: definitely12:05
mazalAmazing the amount of rubish one can accumulate12:05
Kilosgood. hopefully no more all night parties12:05
nuvolariKilos: oom, ek kan dit glo... 'n mens sal seker huil ook van al die memories12:05
Kiloseish. ons het gesukkel. 3 trips met n 5 ton trock12:06
Kilosbaie bly dis verby12:06
mazalEina !!!12:06
Kilosmazal,  did you win with renaming the .mp4's12:15
Kilosthose #handbrake peeps dont seem to be very helpful hey?12:16
mazalNope , nobody in #handbrake answering. Will follow tumbleweed's advice12:16
Kilosluckily there is #ubuntu-za12:16
Kilostumbles been spot on every time i needed help12:17
mazalWill have to look into Mediatomb first though. Need to get the streaming working first12:17
Kilosalso remember when you need help try explain your problem as thoroughly as possible12:17
Kilosi have noticed just asking for help upsets most geeks12:18
* Kilos ducks12:18
mazalI tend to fist check if someone is around before typing the whole story hehehehe12:19
Kilosno , better to say what help you need12:19
Kilosotherwise everyone just lurks12:20
nuvolaribleh. hanging curtains is almost just as much work as moving13:49
* acherv find someone who use ubuntu in pretoria14:39
superflyacherv: are you on the mailing list?14:42
superflyacherv: have you looked at the site?14:42
mazalWhy acherv ? You need cd ?14:47
achervmazal: i would like to assist Natty release in pretoria and i have to some problem14:48
mazalhave to some problem ? 14:49
achervwith my graphic card14:51
inetprogood evening17:11
mazalLo inetpro17:19
Kiloslo inetpro howzit17:22
Kilosyou been very quiet here lately hey?17:25
superflyme or him?17:25
inetproKilos: I guess I've been afk way to much17:26
mazalTruecrypt also not working on 11.04. Gives the error "device-mapper: remove ioctl failed: Device or resource busy. Command failed" Any ideas ?17:26
Kiloslol him17:26
Kilosyou always here17:26
Kiloseven when you erent17:26
KilosMaaz, define afk17:27
MaazKilos: AFK   [MUD] Abbrev. for ?Away From Keyboard?. Used to notify others that you will be momentarily unavailable online. eg. ?Let's not go kill that frost giant yet, I need to go AFK to make a phone call?. Often MUDs will have a command to politely inform others of your absence when they try to talk with you. The term is not restricted to MUDs, however, and has become common in many chat situations, from IRC to Unix talk. , AFK Away from17:27
KilosMaaz,  ty17:27
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure17:27
superflyKilos: true :-)17:27
* inetpro lol17:28
Kiloshmmm afk supposed to be used to notify peeps you gonna be away for a while, not you were17:28
Kilosma define MUDS17:29
KilosMaaz, define MUDs17:29
MaazKilos: I don't know about MUDs. Maybe you meant Mus, Mud, Duds, Suds, mods, Muss, mus, mud, musd, duds, suds, muss, mds, mtds or mmds?17:29
KilosMaaz, define MUD17:30
MaazKilos: Mud \Mud\ (m[u^]d), n. [Akin to LG. mudde, D. modder, G. moder mold, OSw. modd mud, Sw. modder mother, Dan. mudder mud. Cf. {Mother} a scum on liquors.] Earth and water mixed so as to be soft and adhesive. [1913 Webster]  {Mud bass} (Zool.), a fresh-water fish ({Acantharchum pomotis} or {Acantharchus pomotis}) of the Eastern United States. It produces a deep grunting note.  {Mud bath}, an immersion of the body, or some part of it, in17:30
* Kilos forgets MUDs17:30
inetproKilos: eish, sorry17:31
Kilosgp boet17:31
Kilosjou beurt is jou beurt17:32
inetproKilos: I will be back later... need to get ready for dinner 17:32
Kiloshee hee hee17:32
* nlsthzn waves19:04
* Kilos waves back19:09
Kiloswhats that mean21:09
Kilos .-- .... .- - ...   .-.-.-   -- . .- -.   .. -. . - .--. .-. ---21:10
Kiloshehe he members21:12
SquirmMaaz: morse .-- .... .- - ...   .-.-.-   -- . .- -.   .. -. . - .--. .-. ---21:16
MaazSquirm: Decodes as WHATS  .  MEAN  INETPRO21:16
inetproKilos: . = E21:18
inetproor short for heh21:19
inetproor I'm here21:19
Kiloswhere you guys learn all this stuff21:20
inetproKilos: or I'm here but don't want to disturb you21:20
Kilosoh you so thoughtful21:20
Kilosjust finished chatting to my chick21:20
inetproKilos: I'm just making it up as I go :-)21:20
Kilossense of humour too21:21
Kilosthings looking good21:21
Kilosi really wish we would start growing here agin21:24
Kilosso sad this tiny channel21:24
KilosSquirm, you membered the morse bit with maaz hey21:25
Kilosdo you still member how o get mxit on karmic21:25
Kiloshow to21:25
Squirmsudo apt-get install aptitude21:26
Squirmsudo aptitude purge empathy21:26
Squirmsudo aptitude install pidgin21:27
Kiloswow thats different21:32
Kiloswill give it a go ty21:32
Kiloslwekker about maverick its already in there21:32
Kilosbed time for senior citizens21:34
Kilossleep tight all21:35
inetproKilos: what's so different there?21:35
inetprohmm... hy gaan slaap?21:35
Kilosdidnt do it that way the first time21:35
inetproahh ok, lekker slaap Kilos21:35
Kiloshad to get purple or something21:35
inetproKilos: no, pidgin has been pidgin for ever21:35
Kilosok all. see ya morrow21:35
Kilosno man21:36
Kilosmxit in pidgfin21:36
Kilosnot pidgin itself21:36
inetprowell, not quite but it was pidgin ever since it was renamed21:36
Kilosyes but in karmic it doesnt have mxit21:36
inetproKilos: but mxit is just an addon21:36
Kilosyes but not easy to find back then21:37
inetprooh yes and the addon came later21:37
Kilosonly Squirm  helped me21:37
Kilosand now i still got one karmic going but without mxit21:37
* Squirm ponders21:37
Kilosyou missed karmic Squirm 21:38
Kilosmember you helped me a year ago or more21:38
SquirmI did21:38
SquirmI remember21:38
Kiloswas actually quite a simple command but so long ago21:38
Kilosmavericks pidgin got everything21:39
Kilosim  not an empathy fan21:39
inetprook maybe I'm wrong about mxit being an addon21:40
inetpromxit should just work together with gtalk if I remember correctly21:41
Squirminetpro: mxit is an addon21:41
SquirmKilos: did we have to update libpurple?21:41
Squirmwas it libpurple 1.6 or something?21:41
Kilossomething like that yes21:41
Kilosi remember it was somewthing to do with purple21:42
Squirmare you at that pc now?21:42
* inetpro just can't seem to find the mxit addon right now21:42
Squirminetpro: it's built into libpurple21:42
Kilosinetpro, where are you looking?21:42
Kiloson karmic?21:43
inetproI looked in the plugins as well as in the protocols and in the ubuntu repositories21:43
* inetpro is running maverick21:44
Kilosit was something we had to add to purple for karmic21:44
Kilosmaverick has it in already21:44
Kilosjust go accounts21:45
Kilosadd account and its in the list there21:45
Kiloswith aim and all the others21:45
Kilosi love maverick21:45
inetproKilos: ahh, I missed it21:46
Kiloswill keep it and install natty alongside if it will21:46
Kilosyou need glasses lad21:46
inetproeish, maybe I need sleep21:47
Kilosok guys. sleep tight. we look morrow for how to update libpurple on karmic21:48

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