
FanControlacicula: acicula: thanks for the percistancy! i suck at all this advanced stuff, but i simply have followed these instructions: "http://crunchbanglinux.org/wiki/howto/aspireone", regarding the section 'fan control'. will check dmesg now!00:00
JackslapsAight uh... is it possible to change the colors around?00:00
JackslapsOr does it rely on the colors I choose for the terminal?00:00
GneaPaidSupport: gotcha, well Linux by itself is open source, it's free, and the support, particularly for the kernel, is free. there are people who take care of the kernel setup for Ubuntu, and then there are the people who take care of the kernel itself.00:00
FanControlacicula: oh, and that link says it's loadable, yes!00:00
shcherbakJackslaps: Sure, try: /j #irssi00:00
crusI have an ubuntu server and the normal MOTD text started doubling up.. i removed the /etc/motd file.. how do i regenerate it?00:00
aciculaFanControl, did you custom build the kernel module or?00:00
JackslapsAlright, thanks00:00
aciculacrus, there is a script that generates it00:00
aciculacrus, lets see if i can find it00:01
crusacicula: excellent! which script would that be?00:01
Omegadios_mio: What is the problem exactly?00:01
Omegayou don't want new windows to start with a different layout?00:01
aciculacrus, good question!00:02
aciculacrus, still looking, heh00:02
crusacicula: thanks, me too! :D00:02
GneaPaidSupport: unless you're some sort of corporate entity that requires a business-only solution where money is more important to getting a certain job than treating people with respect, then yes, perhaps paying conanical would be a better way to approach the situation.00:02
isarlAnybody around to help troubleshoot nouveau and graphics issues with 11.04?00:02
frio80Question.  I always get confused on permissions to use.  I want to create a APache accessible folder in /var/www but I always have to sudo which makes the user/group root.  What is the appropriate method or configuration to do this?00:02
aciculacrus, man update-motd00:03
ocxi am not ablre to install sqlite3 saying cant find package using apt-get install sqlite300:03
PaidSupportGnea: I'm not. Just a home user with a laptop that the new kernel breaks00:03
ocxbox is connected to the internet\\00:03
ocx\any hints?00:03
crusacicula: cheers!00:03
FanControlacicula: no, not at all! not on purpose, at least. eventhough i have modified the system some - due to a lot of bugs with ubuntu on acer aspire one! but anyways:00:03
FanControlacicula: [    0.000000] ACPI: SLIC 7f6bbe8a 00176 (v01 ACRSYS ACRPRDCT 06040000 acer 00000000)00:04
FanControl[   17.810201] acerhdf: Acer Aspire One Fan driver, v.0.5.2500:04
FanControl[   17.810294] acerhdf: unknown (unsupported) BIOS version Acer            /AO751h           /V0.3204, please report, aborting!00:04
FloodBot3FanControl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
isarlThis is the xorg.conf file I'm using, but nouveau isn't working properly: http://pastebin.ca/2052662  Any ideas?00:04
aciculaFanControl, it seems that is the cause for your error00:04
GneaPaidSupport: okay, then I would most certainly NOT recommend that you attempt to pay for support, but rather to take the time to listen to the help that people have to give, and hopefully take your own turn to try things out. If they break, they break, that's all part of the learning process.... and so is fixing those problems. :)00:04
escott!info sqlite00:04
ubottusqlite (source: sqlite): command line interface for SQLite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.17-6build2 (natty), package size 16 kB, installed size 88 kB00:04
aciculaFanControl, so your specific model is not, yet at least, supported by that driver00:04
FanControlacicula: it does, yes! thanks for all the help!00:04
p896gbmwhat should i use to run ubuntu in a vm on ubuntu for development purposes?00:05
PaidSupportGnea: Oh, I'm more than willing to do whatever it takes to get the bugs fixed. I'll type anything, and break anything, if the end result is a working linux laptop00:05
Lesterwoodguys i need some networking help00:05
GneaPaidSupport: of course, it's extremely beneficial to explain your situation clearly so that people have a better idea of how to help.00:05
Lesterwoodhow can i get a map of a network00:05
Lesterwoodon linux00:05
Aginorp896gbm, I find that it works nicely to run ubuntu in virtualbox00:05
FanControlacicula: and have a nice evening or day! bye!00:05
hiexpop896gbm, i like vmware myself00:05
PaidSupportGnea: It's an acpi backlight issue. I've brought it up here a few times, but no one has any ideas00:05
=== daystrom is now known as derp
escott!VirtualBox | p896gbm00:06
ubottup896gbm: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:06
GneaPaidSupport: Awesome, then let's begin!  What kind of laptop is it and what version of Ubuntuare you on?00:06
PaidSupportGnea: Gateway NV78. Ran 10.10 with 2.6.35 for a few days, all was good. Upgraded to 11.04 with 2.6.38 and I no longer have a backlight00:06
Chipzzzocx: try "apt-cache search sqlite3"... maybe you don't have the repo available00:06
PaidSupportGnea: Did a reformat and reinstall from the iso (on CD). Same problems00:06
=== djfksld is now known as Captainkrtek
guest___Has anyone noticed how mouse clicks sometimes don't register in 11.04?00:07
aciculaPaidSupport, can you adjust the backlight at all using the function keys?00:08
jenkinSearLesterwood: try lanmap - http://www.parseerror.com/lanmap/00:08
PaidSupportGnea: Nope. Only way I can see the screen at all is with a flashlight pointed at it00:08
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:09
hiexpohehe did ya get some more batteries ?     :)00:09
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
PaidSupportacicula: Nope. Fn keys didn't work in 10.10 at all, but I had a backlight. After the upgrade I lose even that.00:09
rcmaehljust checking to see what the ubuntu ot channel was00:09
sine_has anyone installed ubuntu with an ASUS G53J gaming laptop00:09
Jordan_UPaidSupport: Can you see hte backlight while booted from the LiveCD?00:09
GneaPaidSupport: I haven't tried 11.04 yet, but I'm willing to bet that there's something going on with it in the ACPI/Power Management settings... have you checked those?00:09
rcmaehlPaidSupport: did you install the package for FN key support00:10
aciculaPaidSupport, are you saying the backlight is completely off, or just set really low00:10
hiexporcmaehl, #ubuntu-ot00:10
aciculaPaidSupport, ie if its off you have to shine a light at your screen to make out anything at all00:10
PaidSupportacicula: I am positive the backlight is completly off. The only way to get it to work is with a nomodeset grub option, but that destroys my support for unity, and for anything over 1024x76800:10
hiexpomaybe in power management00:11
PaidSupportrcmaehl: I did not.00:11
mjnok...so, slowly getting the of unity...00:11
escottPaidSupport, also check /sys/class/backlight to see if it is recognized at kernel level00:12
mjnnot as bad a i thought00:12
PaidSupportescott: after upgrading to 11.04 I lose /sys/class/backlight   It isn't there00:12
Jordan_UPaidSupport: On nvidia hardware the nomodeset option should not change whether you can use Unity or not.00:12
Gnearcmaehl: do you mean fnfxd?00:12
escottPaidSupport, well thats the real source of the trouble, can you boot the old kernel00:12
=== JoshDreamland is now known as NarkPvermars
PaidSupportJordan_U: Intel Mobile Express 4, not nvidia00:12
Jordan_UPaidSupport: Sorry, had you confused with someone else.00:13
hiexpohola Jordan_U00:13
Jordan_Uhiexpo: Hi.00:13
PaidSupportescott: after fresh installing I lost the old kernel. Only have 2.6.38 installed00:13
ocxi have put a process in sleep mode over ssh session1 , how can i take over the process over ssh session 2?00:13
Jordan_UPaidSupport: Can you see hte backlight while booted from the LiveCD?00:13
ocxi cant see the job in session200:13
=== NarkPvermars is now known as NbskPvfsmbsr
escottocx, you would have to reparent the process, i don't think that is possible, you would have to have started it in something like screen00:14
PaidSupportJordan_U: Haven't tried the liveCD. Though I do know it works with the alternate installer (up until I reboot). Lose backlight after grub00:14
GneaPaidSupport: out of curiosity, is your name David?00:14
PaidSupportGnea: Correct00:14
Jordan_Uocx: The only practical way to do that type of thing is to start the process in a screen session to begin with.00:14
Jordan_U!screen | ocx00:14
ubottuocx: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen00:14
GneaPaidSupport: then this must be you: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi/+question/15467500:14
PaidSupportGnea: Also correct.00:14
Chipzzzocx: I think "bg" should work00:15
PaidSupportGnea: I know of two other NV78 laptop users with the same issue.00:15
GneaPaidSupport: yeah, I'm seeing that...hrm...00:16
=== NbskPvfsmbsr is now known as TheFckingPope
JaxxdrewIs there a way to test unity from ubuntu iso disc?00:16
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PaidSupportGnea: I was really looking forward to migrating my network away from windows =\00:16
* Gnea notes that actionparsnip tends to frequent this channel quite a bit00:16
GneaPaidSupport: I'm sure you still can, but keep in mind that doing so on a brand new release is not always the wisest decision... I'm still using 10.04, if that tells you anything00:17
escottPaidSupport, the fact that there is nothing in /sys/class/backlight means you will never get the backlight through userspace, i would try force installing the old kernel00:17
=== TheFckingPope is now known as LudwigVanFknBeth
PaidSupportescott: sadly, as a very new user, I would have no idea where to begin00:17
=== LudwigVanFknBeth is now known as Alaska
GneaPaidSupport: I think escott maybe onto something there... do you still have the old kernels from the 10.10 install laying around?00:17
escottthen you can see if there is maybe a module in lsmod on the old kernel not in the new kernel and going from there00:17
ocxi need a good pop connector for ubuntu any good ones?00:17
=== Alaska is now known as Hawaii
=== Hawaii is now known as Arkansas
PaidSupportGnea: I figured if I was going to learn it from scratch, I may as well do it with the newest version, as Unity looks awesome (from what I can see by flashlight)00:18
Gneaocx: what's a 'pop connector'? please be specific.00:18
Cairo|Machas anyone ever seen anything like this? It's kinda annoying...00:18
=== Arkansas is now known as NewYork
escottPaidSupport, i would download the .deb of the kernel from 10.10 and installing it directly00:18
=== NewYork is now known as NewYorkSucks
=== brianl is now known as brianl|a
ocxwant to trigger my email server to download msg from google00:18
JaxxdrewWhy is the iso only in gnome is there a way to change to unity00:18
PaidSupportescott: would installing the 10.10 iso be the easiest way to do that?00:18
GneaPaidSupport: No offense, but I think unity is pure crap. ;) but, we'll see what we can do to get it working right... it seems to be less of a unity issue than it does an X configuration issue00:19
escottPaidSupport, if you wanted to drop down to 10.1000:19
escottbut it may be easier to just install the kernel00:19
escottPaidSupport, you had intel graphics?00:19
jenkinSearocx: check out fetchmail00:19
ocxit does conflict with zimbra i think00:19
PaidSupportescott: intel graphics, yes. And sorry to be such a noob, but can unity run on the older kernel?00:19
ocxcurrently running zimbra00:19
escottPaidSupport, having intel graphics makes things easier00:20
GneaPaidSupport: there's an easy way to check for the older kernel... when you reboot, bring up the grub menu before it boots the system and see how many are in the list00:20
=== NewYorkSucks is now known as JoshDreamland
escottGnea, he did a fresh install so he doesn't have those anymore00:20
PaidSupportExactly. Just 2.6.38 right now00:20
escottPaidSupport, 32bit or 64bit00:20
Gneaescott: ah okay, thought maybe he migrated.... it's about dinnertime :)00:20
nukemis ubuntu 1 cd distro or 1 dvd distro?00:20
nawkSo unity is a shell for gnome, so what is the underlying/default WM in 11.04?00:21
Gneanukem: yes00:21
nukemgnea it wasn't yes or no question00:21
david8732Nawk: compiz00:21
Gneanukem: sure it was, yes to both00:21
PaidSupportescott: I have not tried installing from the 32 bit, though I have the CD. Would that change anything?00:21
david8732There's a 'unity plugin' for compiz installed.00:21
nukemgnea it can be only one or the other00:21
chrome_what are the hardware requirements for the unity?00:21
Gneanukem: you can install ubuntu from a cd or a dvd, therefore it's both.00:21
LjLnukem: not really. a CD is offered, and a DVD is also offered.00:21
escottPaidSupport, no but you have to get the right kernel im trying to find a package for you00:21
PaidSupportescott: appreciate all the help00:22
Jordan_Unawk: Compiz.00:22
=== arand_ is now known as arand
kingofswordsnewbie question: how do i disable compiz?00:22
kingofswordsis it ccsm --disable00:22
nukemhow big is ubuntu dvd  all 4.7 gigs?00:22
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:22
Gneanukem: it's about 4.3 gigs00:22
kingofswordsGnea, thx00:23
Gneakingofswords: cheers00:23
nukemgnea then what is  cd for00:23
Gneanukem: putting it on a CD00:23
donkeyinspacewhen internet connection fail do i need to reconnect xchat?00:23
escottdoes anyone know where the actual ubuntu .debs are mirrored00:24
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!00:24
WhitePelicanmy webcam doesn't work with Skype but works with cheese, I'm running natty. any ideas?00:24
Gneanukem: the difference is, of course, that there are less programs on 1 cd than there are on 1 dvd00:25
FutileFreedomHello, I've been searching for a while on how to install Server 11.04 over the network and have turned up nothing. Could someone point me in the right direction?00:25
Gnea!netboot | FutileFreedom00:25
ubottuFutileFreedom: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:25
lcbWhitePelican, just an idea. check if any other application using the camera is running, even if you closed; on skype test and configure it.00:26
nawkdavid8732, rats.  There is a reason why I ask.  B/c currently I have a multi-monitor using an nvidia card, due to current limitations I had to forgo compiz in order to get it working (as confirmed with the boys in #nvidia; it has to do with TwinView unable to support the rotation of individual screens)00:26
WhitePelicanit works with Cheese00:26
Gloopie   b b00:27
swebi have an old lap top sony ram 256, 1800 amd cpu .... wich ubuntu version good for that ?00:27
hiexponawk, what nvidia card you have?00:27
WhitePelicanI close cheese and try the skype test00:27
Zibernawk: If you can get used to that (connected cubes) its still useful, imho00:27
GneaWhitePelican: okay, but have you verified that cheese it NOT running when you try to launch skype?00:27
kingofswordserm just disabled compiz now i have big black bar across bottom of screen00:27
kingofswordswill it go when i re-enable it?00:27
Gneakingofswords: then logout/login00:27
WhitePelicanyes gnea00:27
kingofswordsGnea,  you mean reboot?00:28
escottjenkinSear, is the kernel-ppa going to be the same as what was released with 10.10, and do you know what else might need to be grabbed with the kernel?00:28
GneaWhitePelican: what error do you get from skype, exactly? are you expecting it to auto-detect the camera?00:28
aciculasweb, xubuntu 10.04 perhaps, or something specially trimmed like lubuntu00:28
Gneakingofswords: no, logout, then login again00:28
david8732I went into ccsm and screwed with compiz's settings. How do I get it so that Unity isnt crazy?00:28
WhitePelicani get no error, I just don't see anyhing on the test00:28
sweb acicula, ubuntu netbook /00:29
escottPaidSupport, try downloading this: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.36-rc8-maverick/linux-image-2.6.36-020636rc8-generic_2.6.36-020636rc8.201010150908_amd64.deb00:29
GneaWhitePelican: then check skype settings. where did you install skype from?00:29
WhitePelicanyes I expect it to auto-detect the camera00:29
jenkinSearescott: sorry, not sure- but I'd expect that dpkg will trip up any dependencies00:29
WhitePelicanactually, check that00:29
GneaWhitePelican: good answer (about medibuntu)00:29
escottjenkinSear, except we are planning to force install it...00:29
WhitePelicanit was in the repoitory00:29
PaidSupportescott: ok, got that downloaded and copied to my linux partition. Is there a command to install it?00:29
arandescott: They'll need three packages rom mainline in total... right?00:29
WhitePelicanso I guess it was from medibuntu00:29
GneaWhitePelican: right, medibuntu becomes part of the repo00:29
aciculasweb, nah, ubuntu netbook is just normal ubuntu with a different gui, same minimum hardware reqs too00:29
escottwell if you just apt-get install linux-image.*.deb that will install it00:30
lcbWhitePelican, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure skype_or_the_name_of_package00:30
PaidSupportescott: alrighty. Taking off to give this a shot.00:30
escottarand, im not sure, ive not actually forced down a kernel before00:30
escotthe has intel graphics so that takes care of one potential problem00:30
Gneasweb, acicula: netbook remix is a bit more than just a different gui, it's got some special modules for the kernel built to handle the hardware properly00:30
jeffrashWhy can't Ubuntu keep Broadcom B43 support stable?00:31
jeffrashSTA doesn't work in 11.0400:31
aciculaGnea, yes but thats not really relevant here, hes just wondering if it will use less ram, which it wont00:31
arandescott: Read the mainline kernel wiki, it is all described there, three packages are needed in total to install a new kernel..00:31
lcbWhitePelican, see first on System Monitor if chesse or butter or whatever uses cam is working... because if cheese detects skype should00:31
Gneaescott, PaidSupport: don't you mean dpkg -i?00:31
jeffrashIt worked fine me both 10.x versions00:31
WhitePelicanlcb, it works fine in cheese00:31
arandescott: Unless you are doing something out of the ordinary, of course.00:31
WhitePelicanno issues00:31
escottarand, is kernel-ppa a different kernel than what is shipped?00:31
ubyvtcjust fresh-installed 11.04: nouveau are useful for me and I need proprietary drivers from nvidia; blacklisted nouveau module, installed nvidia-current, There is no more "nvidia-xconfig"... Help please00:31
lcbWhitePelican, ok, but goto system monitor and see... or logout and login00:32
escottjust want to try forcing his natty kernel back to maverick to see if his backlight comes back00:32
Gneaacicula: good point, but using remix on an actual netbook may mean the difference between the system working out-of-the-box and not having everything working00:32
Jordan_Uescott: Yes. The mainline kernel ppa contains no Ubuntu specific patches.00:32
arandescott: Well, I assume so, since that would be the whole point..00:32
escottPaidSupport, if you are still there then lets download something different :)00:32
WhitePelicanI ran reconfigure as suggested and nothing happened. what next?00:32
Jordan_Uarand: See my answer to escott above.00:32
PaidSupportescott: I'm still here00:32
kingofswordsGnea, didnt work but i was only installing wine so enabled it and everythings ok00:33
lcbWhitePelican, read above the suggestions :p00:33
Gneakingofswords: okay00:33
aciculaGnea, didnt they drop the netbook edition altogheter as of 11.04?00:33
arandJordan_U: Right, I wasn't sure if that was the case for all versions there.00:33
Gneaacicula: no idea, it'd be a silly move if they did00:33
escottPaidSupport, there is a kernel ppa team that provides a mainline kernel (no patches) and we should try that but using the natty version so we need three things apparently im reading here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam00:34
Gneaacicula: which wouldn't be surprising, they did go all-in with unity00:34
ubyvtcNVIDIA-XCONFIG help---> just fresh-installed 11.04: nouveau are useful for me and I need proprietary drivers from nvidia; blacklisted nouveau module, installed nvidia-current, There is no more "nvidia-xconfig"... Help please00:34
Jordan_UGnea: They did as Ubuntu Desktop now uses Unity, which is what made netbook edition unique.00:34
=== cMad is now known as Guest40591
PaidSupportescott: If you can get me prepared, I'll test anything.00:34
=== paint- is now known as paint
pericynthionHi all - got a problem with 11.04 on a MacBook, is this a good place to ask for support?00:35
Jordan_Upericynthion: Yes.00:35
escottarand, Jordan_U would you recommend just adding the kernel-ppa as a ppa?00:35
Gneaacicula, Jordan_U: on the download page, I'm seeing ubuntu-11.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent00:35
nawkdavid8732, so, is there a way for me to (a) disable unity (b) choose a different WM for unity (i.e. will unity work if compiz is not the chosen wm)00:35
nawkhiexpo, gtx295, but I don't think it makes a difference00:35
nawkZiber: are you saying Unity will work with compiz disabled?00:35
Gneaacicula, Jordan_U: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download00:35
nawkZiber,  I am downloading natty narwhal now, and if it's going to be a pain in the *, then I guess I'll go with status quo00:35
nawkw/with/& the/00:35
FloodBot3nawk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:35
Jordan_Uescott: It's not a real PPA, it can't be added as such.00:35
ubyvtcNVIDIA-XCONFIG help---> just fresh-installed 11.04: nouveau are useful for me and I need proprietary drivers from nvidia; blacklisted nouveau module, installed nvidia-current, There is no more "nvidia-xconfig"... Help please00:36
pericynthionSummary: I was triple-booting OSX/Win7/Ubuntu 10.10 using rEFIt, and all was working pretty well.  I did a distribution upgrade to 11.04, and now only OS X will boot.  Choosing anything else from rEFIt gives a black screen with blinking cursor.00:36
Jordan_UGnea: Try clicking on the link :)00:36
escottPaidSupport, then lets delete the previous download and download these instead00:37
pericynthionI've tried: reinstalling rEFIt, booting from livecd and reinstalling grub2, neither of which helped.  To even get it to boot from the live cd I had to choose acpi=off00:37
Jordan_UGnea: That page should definitely be fixed though. Could you file a bug report?00:37
ubyvtcNVIDIA-XCONFIG help---> just fresh-installed 11.04: nouveau are useful for me and I need proprietary drivers from nvidia; blacklisted nouveau module, installed nvidia-current, There is no more "nvidia-xconfig"... Help please00:37
Jordan_Upericynthion: Did you install grub to the mbr?00:37
pericynthionJordan_U: I'm not sure. How do I tell?00:37
Jordan_Upericynthion: How did you re-install grub2?00:38
PaidSupportescott: Ok, have those all downloaded00:38
escottand then you can dpkg -i them00:38
PaidSupportso just type that in terminal when I'm in the right folder?00:38
escottPaidSupport, yes (but with sudo)00:39
PaidSupportcan do00:39
nawkjust one simple question, will unity work properly w/o compiz?  (Or can I have a convenient way of disabling unity after install)?00:39
pericynthionJordan_U: I mounted /dev/sda1, which is the ~200MB EFI partitition, to /mnt/root and /dev/sda5, which is the linux root partition, to /mnt, and then did grub-install —boot-partition=/mnt/root /dev/sda00:39
Stameniwhen i minimize geany *python IDE* it disapears somwhere and i can't get my project back, when i click on louncher in unity=s toolbar it just starts me new geany/ How to bring back geany that disapeared from backgraund ?00:39
hiexponawk, check and see if your card is supported   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia00:39
Stameniubuntu 11.0400:39
pericynthionJordan_U: first time I tried that it complained about lack of a bios partition, or something along those lines involving blocklists, so I marked sda1 as grub/bios using gparted and then it installed00:40
pericynthionbut no change in boot symptoms00:40
lcbnawk, or use Classic Desktop00:40
hiexponawk, i think it is00:40
Jordan_Upericynthion: Do not mark a partition as being a BIOS boot partition unless you want any data on that partition to be destroyed.00:41
yunioDoes anyone know of a linux distro that has a better caps lock reaction time??00:41
escottPaidSupport, when that is done try grep 2.6.39 /boot/grub/grub.cfg and see if the kernel is listed there. if not we need to run grub-mkconfig00:41
Stameniwhen i minimize geany *python IDE* it disapears somwhere and i can't get my project back, when i click on louncher in unity=s toolbar it just starts me new geany/ How to bring back geany that disapeared from backgraund ?00:41
nukemis it possible to enable/disable identd on user base  meaning  user1 = disable identd   user2 = enable identd on same box00:41
Stameniplease, i need to save my work00:41
pericynthionok - oops, I guess.  I don't think anything important was on there, AFAIK it is just for EFI firmware updates00:41
mikeconceptsI just want to say thanks for a great distro 11.04 is awesome00:42
pericynthionshould I have used a different grub-install command?00:42
AMAGIs there a version of that nvidia FAQ which applies to 11.04?  I upgraded from 10.10 and I am having nothing but trouble.00:42
hiexpoAMAG, see this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia00:43
AMAGhiexpo:I just read that, but I don't see an 11.04 section00:43
Jordan_Upericynthion: 1: Don't mount the EFI partition at all, we're not dealing with EFI in this case 2: grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot/ /dev/sda00:43
hiexpoAMAG, it does not matter click to see if your cardis in there00:43
Jordan_Upericynthion: You probably want to create a separate small partition for the BIOS boot partition though so that firmware upgrades still work.00:44
AMAGMy card worked fine with 10.10.  What I have now is that the driver is "green" or activated under Alternative Drivers (?) but that tool says "..is activated, but is not currently being used."00:44
hiexpoAMAG, it takes you to nvidia site00:44
ChilaquilesDoes someone knows in what directory are the iso images mounted in ubuntu?00:45
toad__why does ubuntu 10.04 always log out?00:46
GneaChilaquiles: there's no concrete answer to that00:46
toad__after like 30min?00:46
toad__itboots me to the login screen00:46
toad__closing all apps00:46
FloodBot3toad__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:46
Gneatoad__: never had that happen...00:46
toad__I cant find anything anywhere in the control panals00:46
ChilaquilesGnea: what?00:46
pericynthionJordan_U: ok, if I create such a small partitition should I mount that into /mnt/boot before issuing that grub-install command?00:46
toad__or settings00:46
Stameniwhen i minimize geany *python IDE* it disapears somwhere and i can't get my project back, when i click on louncher in unity=s toolbar it just starts me new geany/ How to bring back geany that disapeared from backgraund ?00:46
abadadontoad__: I'm using 10.04, never had that problem. :(00:46
Jordan_Upericynthion: No.00:46
Stamenii can see it in system monitor, hot to bring it back on desktop ?00:46
Jordan_Upericynthion: The BIOS boot partition does not contain a filesystem, it cannot be mounted.00:47
drcAMAG: Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what driver is actually being loaded and used...it's probably the correct nvidia driver...the "not being used" is not unusual in 11.0400:47
toad__what the shit00:47
toad__its so annoying00:47
jenkinSeartoad__: check your screensavers setting, make sure "lock screen when screensaver is active" isn't checked00:47
FloodBot3toad__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:47
pericynthionso /mnt/boot will exist as a part of my main root partition?00:47
toad__cause it closes everything00:47
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Jordan_Upericynthion: Yes.00:47
pericynthionok, thanks.  I'll try that.00:47
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ChilaquilesDoes someone knows in what directory are the iso images mounted in ubuntu?00:48
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mr_orangeI have installed 11.04 on my desktop along side windows 7 and when i try to boot up ubuntu it just sits on a blank screen and does nothing. Can anyone tell me my problem00:48
pericynthionback in 15 mins or so (no wifi support on the livecd)00:48
diglettHi all, I have a quick network question, I've got a wireless connection that I use for internet and an ethernet connection that I have connected to another router for an ftp server. Problem is, i can only connect to one at a time because all my traffic gets defaulted to the ethernet connection, which doesn't lead anywhere. Is there a way to bind certain applications to a specific network connection?00:49
HyperShockStameni: hit super + w, then click on it00:49
nibblynHi! While installing Natty final, custom partitioning, the box for setting the mount point only gives options and it is NOT possible to set custom mount points. Confirmed? Quite annoying... How to rename "/dos" after install? [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10752998]00:49
StameniHyperShock, what is "super" ?00:49
HyperShockStameni: (windows key)00:49
aciculadiglett, you can set routing options under network preferences00:49
escottdiglett, man route00:49
nawkJordan_U, what is a "BIOS boot partition"?00:50
tjiggi_foChilaquiles, which iso images?00:50
StameniHyperShock, i don't see it that way00:50
acicularight click the network applet and then select edit connections, then find your connection and edit it. it should have a tab where you can edit routes00:50
StameniHyperShock, it is like when some aplication go in system tray that is no more in unity00:50
HyperShockStameni: oh, hmm00:50
StameniHyperShock, and now i can;t pick it up and save my work00:50
Hoythi , anyone tried ubuntu dvd ? does it support LVM during installation00:51
LomionHey...I was wondering if anyone has had panel applets crash when using Gnome in Ubuntu 11.0400:51
escottStameni, you can't alt-tab to it00:51
DeveloprHey can someone here help me setup a daemon process on my server? Not quite sure how to do it ><00:51
Chilaquilestjiggi_fo: any *.ISO image00:51
HyperShockStameni: is it not listed in the unity bar anywhere?00:51
LomionIf so, does anyone know how to correct it?00:51
aciculaHoyt, alernative installer supports lvm00:51
tjiggi_foChilaquiles, downloads00:51
Jordan_Unawk: It is a partition where grub's core.img can be embedded on GPT partition tables. On msdos partition tables grub embeds itself between the mbr and first partition. Since no such gap exists with GPT, and since partitions are pretty much free with GPT, a partition is used instead.00:51
litropyI'm considering installing medibuntu on top of my existing Natty. Is this action typically a problematic process?00:51
HyperShockStameni: like with a white right pointing triangle next to it00:51
mr_orangeI have installed 11.04 on my desktop along side windows 7 and when i try to boot up ubuntu it just sits on a blank screen and goes into sleep mode. Can anyone tell me my problem?00:51
HyperShockStameni: also what shows up when you run geany again?00:51
Chilaquilestjiggi_fo: is not there00:52
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Jordan_Unawk: The important part about the embedding area is that it won't move or be overwritten.00:52
StameniHyperShock, escott its not in unity bar, when i click on new geany it just open new geany00:52
tjiggi_foChilaquiles, is it an iso file you downloaded?00:52
Stameniescott, i can't alt-tab it00:52
Hoytacicula: i'll try00:52
escottStameni, i know but can you alt-tab00:52
Chilaquilestjiggi_fo: yeah00:52
PaidSupportescott: You still around?00:52
HyperShockStameni: what did you do to make it disappear, i'm going to duplicate it and see if i can get it back00:53
escottPaidSupport, yes no success?00:53
fisixwow so i updated to the narwhal, but reverted to classic cus it's balls. the network manager applet isn't working..00:53
Cairo|Maci got it to boot to the text screen properly :D00:53
dijonyummyhow can i tell if i installed the beta vs the release version of 11.04?  when i do a "about unbuntu" does the beta display "beta"?00:53
StameniHyperShock, just hit the "_" minimize button00:53
PaidSupportescott: The install went flawlessly. Upgraded to 2.6.39. Still no backlight00:53
mr_orangeI have installed 11.04 on my desktop along side windows 7 and when i try to boot up ubuntu it just sits on a blank screen and goes into sleep mode. Can anyone tell me my problem?00:53
Cairo|Macbut does anyone know what causes this?00:53
Chipzzzmr_orange: one possibility is that the grub parameters are wrong00:53
Cairo|Macor rather how to fix it00:53
PaidSupportescott: saved the output from everything I did in case it was important00:53
mr_orangeChipzzz, how do i fix that or check that00:53
escottPaidSupport, well at least we know its not correct in the most recent upstream kernel00:53
tjiggi_fothen, if you downloaded it as "your_user_name" it should be in the downloads folder of your home directory00:53
PaidSupportescott: That's one more solution tried00:54
escottPaidSupport, you could try any of these upstream kernels http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/00:54
GneaCairo|Mac: looks like PAM became foobared... is that a new install?00:54
nawkJordan_U thanks, b/c I've never worked with GPT, I've always stick to the good ol MSDOS partition table00:54
aciculaCairo|Mac, if i had to guess it looks like the smb configuration file is corrupt00:54
StameniHyperShock, it's over, my work is gonne, there is no more geany process in the system monitor :/ ... i don't know what happend00:54
escottPaidSupport, the same process, download the debs, install them, maybe run grub-mkconfig00:54
Cairo|MacGnea: no i was an upgrade00:54
Cairo|Macacicula: any idea on how i would fix that?00:54
GneaCairo|Mac: okay, so is this a fresh upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?00:55
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Jordan_Unawk: You're welcome.00:55
Cairo|Macthough the upgrades never worked properly for me00:55
Cairo|Macthey always killed my computer in some way00:55
tjiggi_foChilaquiles, you can search for it. Go to Applications, Accessories, Search for Files00:55
escottPaidSupport, im trying to find the debs from maverick, you could get them off the cd perhaps, but im not sure how the mirrors store stuff00:55
Chilaquilestjiggi_fo: I already did thats why im here00:55
Gneaacicula: my guess is that the problem isn't with samba, since it got the green light when it started00:55
Cairo|Macthis is the latest00:55
escottPaidSupport, since you know those work I would try them next00:55
PaidSupportescott: so back to 2.6.35?00:56
escottits going to be 2.6.37 right?00:56
tjiggi_foChilaquiles, then sorry, but I can't help00:56
escotti dont remember00:56
aciculaGnea, it may be that it green lights, but those keywords look like they came from smb.conf00:56
PaidSupportescott: could be 37, not sure. I know 10.10 was running 35 I think00:56
escottok 35 then00:56
Gneaacicula: it's possible00:57
aciculaCairo|Mac, try purging samba and then installing samba again?00:57
Cairo|Macapt-get purge samba400:57
Chipzzzmr_orange: here's something that might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116967000:57
Cairo|Macapt-get install samba400:57
PaidSupportescott: Alrighty. Downloading the three for .35. I'll give that a shot.00:58
aciculathink the default aready is samba 4 so shouldnt have to specify that or00:58
escottPaidSupport, i think this is the most recent http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick-updates/linux-image-2.6.35-28-generic00:58
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Cairo|Macacicula: jsut so you know, samba4 has some problem upgrading when i upgraded to 11.0400:58
Cairo|Macthat's probably the cause00:58
escottPaidSupport, and you will want the matching headers00:59
HyperShockStameni: you mean to tell me that you did like hours of work with out making any incremental saves?00:59
aciculaCairo|Mac, are you sure it did not just prompt you as to what it should do with the configuration file?00:59
StameniHyperShock, i have tried again and i was able to alt-tab it alltought i didn't saw it anywhere and it did not dock in unity's bar.00:59
escottPaidSupport, and of course make sure to select the kernel from the boot menu00:59
Cairo|Macacicula: yes00:59
AerosonicGuys? I know you're not the devs of Ubuntu 11.04, but if you know the devs, tell them to 'not fix what ain't broke' I am getting errors from everywhere00:59
Cairo|Macit it ok if it has lots of "ignored unknown paramater:"?00:59
StameniHyperShock, no,01:00
aciculaCairo|Mac, probably not01:00
timClickscan someone help me with my AWK syntax?  dpkg -l |  awk print $101:00
Cairo|Maci am01:00
AerosonicI get this: *ERROR* atombios stuck on loop for more than 5 seconds. aborting01:00
AerosonicUnable to andle kernel NULL pointer dereference01:00
AerosonicUnexpected exit with status 0x000901:00
Cairo|Macyou can see lots of them in http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/9931/img3504o.jpg01:00
Cairo|Macup the top01:00
StameniHyperShock, my work is mostly saved and part that gonne is not so big, but anyway, this should not happen01:00
escotttimClicks, awk '{ print $1 }'01:00
aciculaCairo|Mac, though as Gnea pointed out it may still be starting samba given it shows a green light01:00
timClicksescott, perfect thanks01:01
Cairo|Macso it might be ok?01:01
escotttimClicks, you can always remember because awk has a beginning middle and end code blocks that need to be in curly braces01:01
jukebox-zeroSo I noticed today that ecryptfs appears to be eating half of my diskspace. Been reading the man pages to see why, and since it's on the fly encryption, it would seem this should not be. In the disk analyzer it appears in the home directory ecryptfs has duplicated my home directory, but it's copy is actually larger than the original. That seems strange. Am I just looking at this wrong?01:01
isarlThis is the xorg.conf file I'm using, but nouveau isn't working properly: http://pastebin.ca/2052662  Any ideas?  Has nvidia released drivers for 11.04 yet?01:01
escottjukebox-zero, the encrypted filesystem is loop mounted back on top of /home/username01:01
fisixwhy are there lines all over my right click options for indicator applets...01:01
HyperShockStameni: ok, i just installed geany, it asked me if I wanted to add it to my launcher, i said, no. I opened it and them minimized it, it then showed up at the bottom of my unity bar. My suggestions to you is to uninstall geany via the soft center and then reinstall it so that it will have the necessary unity elements in place.01:01
litropyI'm considering installing medibuntu's packages on top of my existing Natty install. Does this action typically cause problemss?01:01
aciculaCairo|Mac, idk, does purging and reinstalling solve the problem?01:01
escottjukebox-zero, so it may duplicate your du count, but its not double the disk usage01:01
Cairo|Macim abiut to rebiit01:01
Cairo|Macand ffind out01:01
WhitePelicanGnea, I remembered there were a couple of libraries I had to reference prior, now it works. but now i have no system tray and it doesn't remember my password01:02
StameniHyperShock, maby thats the problem, geany is docked by default in unity bar on my system !01:02
StameniHyperShock, and if it is so, than the minimized geeany just desapear01:03
aciculalitropy, you mean to add the medibuntu repositories?01:03
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litropyacicula, yes01:03
HyperShockStameni: and maybe you have unconfigured packages too, i had tons of them during the upgrade, as my upgrade failed. sudo dpkg --configure -a01:03
chipmenkwhat is samba 24?01:03
jukebox-zeroescott, that's what I was hoping to hear. Thanks.01:03
HyperShockStameni: then i ofcourse had to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-broken01:04
litropyacicula, and at that point, I'm going to install ... please hold01:04
HyperShockchipmenk: me thinks that is the ipv6 variety01:04
SicorIn unity, for some reason the top bar where the close, minimize, and the maximize button dissapears01:04
StameniHyperShock, i had clean install01:04
fisch246alright so upgraded to natty on the server... and now i can't read the text anymore... i upgraded by doing "do-release-upgrade" did i do something wrong? is there a way to fix this?01:04
aciculawell they are just addon packages for the most part, so i dont see why you should run into problems01:04
nikos719hi guys01:04
Sicordoes anyone know why this is01:04
nikos719newone in ubuntu01:04
aciculafisch246, doing a remote upgrade?01:05
litropyacicula, alrighty thank you01:05
StameniHyperShock, and freshly installed geany, and then i set system from the scratch01:05
fisch246acicula: yes, i did not use SSH01:05
Cairo|Macacicula: no, that doesn't fix it01:05
StameniHyperShock, and freshly installed geany, and then i set system from the scratch01:05
Califwhen I run some commands like make, I frequently get an error - notifications.c:744:13: warning: ignoring return value of âasprintfâ, declared with attribute warn_unused_result01:05
HyperShockStameni: try the dpkg command just in case01:05
nikos719well I have an archos 9 tablet pc with a 9" touchscreen01:05
Califwhat does this mean?01:05
Cairo|Macthis is waht i got when i reinstalled samba401:05
SicorAlso, my screen resolution is not properley set in 11.0401:05
aciculaCairo|Mac, weird, do you have some custom samba packages or other samba packages on the system?01:05
escottPaidSupport, still there?01:05
SicorAll of the other distros work fine01:05
Cairo|Macacicula: not afaik01:06
StameniHyperShock, I did it01:06
Cairo|Macunless they were automatically installed01:06
nikos719I installed ubuntu 10.10 about 2 hours ago and everything went fine but the 11.04 upgrade was in update manager so I decided to upgrade my ubuntu but01:06
isarlDoes anybody know if there are official nvidia drivers for 11.04 yet?01:06
nikos719my tablet stuck on boot about 15 minutes now01:06
PaidSupportescott: I am. trying to figure out what a header file is01:06
lcbWhitePelican, did you get skype recognizing the cam?01:06
PaidSupportescott: Only found just the one .deb at that link01:07
WhitePelicanlcb, yes01:07
Sicoridk, i have a gts 250, and my video is messed up01:07
escottPaidSupport, i think you could skip the header file... just make sure to install it if this works01:07
nikos719should i still wait for it or should i reformat my tablet?01:07
lcbWhitePelican, what did you do? restart?01:07
StameniHyperShock, thank you for help and info, I think that that needs to be fixed, it is some kind of bug if geany is docked in the unity's toolbar01:07
hiexponikos719, 10.0401:07
Cairo|Macacicula: i dont think so01:07
Cairo|Macnot unless they were installed automatically01:07
escottPaidSupport, some things may not work correctly without the headers but you should know immediately (as soon as the kernel gets booted) if it detects the backlight01:07
nikos719hiexpo what do you mean?01:08
WhitePelicanno, I remembered I had a script that referenced a couple of v4l liraries and then it runs skype01:08
diglettthanks for the help guys, networks been kinda spotty, have any idea on a good guide for manually setting the network preferences?01:08
escottPaidSupport, and the header files are not architecture specific so there is only one file (no amd64 vs i386)01:08
nikos719please help me guys01:08
PaidSupportescott: ok, I'll be back01:08
mister2opening sound prefrences has a major issue with speech something on my machine... i get a bunch of randomly opening and erroring terminals complaining about python something something. any idea how to make sound prefrences work again?01:08
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Sicorwhats your problem nikos71901:08
hiexponikos719, ubuntu 10.0401:08
lcbWhitePelican, ahh ok, great.01:08
SinnerNyxWas working in 10.10, not working in 11.04. Running "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" gives the following output:01:08
nikos719I installed ubuntu 10.10 about 2 hours ago and everything went fine but the 11.04 upgrade was in update manager so I decided to upgrade my ubuntu but my tablet stuck on boot about 15 minutes now01:09
fisch246no ideas then?01:09
Jordan_USinnerNyx: sudo service networking restart01:09
SicorWhat tablet do you have01:09
WhitePelicanbut now, no sytem tray icon, and it forgets my password, lcb01:09
aciculaCairo|Mac, Well the errors are related to the configuration file, either the purging didnt reinstall the maintainers version or the maintainers version is corrupt. Any reason why you are using samba4 instead of the samba default?01:09
StameniHyperShock, eaven if i set that geany is nod in louncher by default, it still doesn't minimize it there ...01:09
lcbWhitePelican, i just installed and looks ok...01:09
Cairo|Macacicula: i assumed that 11.04 installed that by default...01:09
StameniHyperShock, there is some problem with my system alone, probably01:10
Cairo|Macif i purge samba4 again and install samba would that wrok?01:10
HyperShockStameni: considering we're all just like you, please goto launchpad.net and report the bug so that we may all benefit when some volunteer programmer makes a patch. :)01:10
aciculaCairo|Mac, nope, you have to explicitly enable samba401:10
aciculaCairo|Mac, its worth a try01:10
WhitePelicanlcb, from medibuntu or the skype webite?01:10
Cairo|Macacicula: oh01:10
HyperShockStameni: although my geany is behaving correctly.01:10
Cairo|Macacicula: ill try that then01:10
StameniHyperShock, are you rrunning 64 or 42 bit ?01:10
fisch246i only get visual issues when using it remotely... which is fun unless i want to upgrade again01:10
SicorI need help01:10
HyperShockStameni: 3201:10
Stamenithe same ...01:11
sebsebsebwow very lacking the 11.04 repo's for Identica/Twitter clients it seems!01:11
lcbWhitePelican, from the regular repos. but that version is for maverik, btw01:11
nikos719HELP ME PLEASE!I installed ubuntu 10.10 about 2 hours ago and everything went fine but the 11.04 upgrade was in update manager so I decided to upgrade my ubuntu but my tablet stuck on boot about 15 minutes now.what can I do now?reformat to 10.10 or do somethin else?01:11
StameniHyperShock, anyway, thank you, by01:11
hiexpocan you still install mediabuntu repos in 11.04?01:11
Sicornikos719, what specs does your tablet have01:11
nikos7191.3 ghz 1 gb ram01:11
nikos71960 gb hdd01:12
SinnerNyxWas working in 10.10, not working in 11.04. Running "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" gives the following output: (deprecated message)... SIOCSIFADDR: no such device   eth0: Error while getting interface flags: no such device01:12
nikos719sicor help me buddy01:12
Sicoryeah, just looking at what specs are needed01:12
lcbWhitePelican, when you start doesn't say "another skype instance may exist"? probably your prob w the pass is there...01:13
nikos719in ubuntu 10.10 everythin went right with no errors01:13
WhitePelicanit did but then I kiled it from the command line01:13
WhitePelicanalso, why no system tray icon?01:13
fcuk112i've setup a keyboard shortcut to create a new (second) instance of chromium, but is it possible to do this via the launcher?01:13
escottnikos719, is plymouth running? (the graphical boot)01:13
lcbWhitePelican, nooo.... is at the top panel, on the right... should be01:14
nikos719nope a black screen i can see01:14
SinnerNyxany ideas?01:14
WhitePelicanI'm looking and it' not there01:14
SicorCan't find the system requirements01:14
lcbWhitePelican, quit all you have there. probably more than 1 instance, even01:14
ipwntechis there a way to set a keyboard shortcut for the workspace switcher in ubuntu 11.04?01:14
Sicordoes anyone know what the system requirements are for ubuntu 11.04 with unity01:14
WhitePelicanI'll try01:14
escottnikos719, can you boot into recovery mode01:15
lcbWhitePelican, check system monitor, if for any reason you don't have the indicators01:15
fcuk112ipwntech, try <super>-S01:15
Sicorfound it01:15
ipwntechis there a way i can change it to something else?01:15
nikos719escot no I cant01:15
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ipwntechthanks i had been looking for that for 30 minutes01:15
WindowNumOneHey guys I need help!01:15
lcbSicor, basically a computer :p01:15
nikos719sicor I found the reqs01:15
Sicoryeah, gotta have 1gb ram01:16
Sicorand 1ghz cpu01:16
nikos719I have em01:16
WindowNumOneI have like three problems that are bugging me bad!01:16
ChipzzzSpeak up, WindowNumOne... what's the problem?01:16
fcuk112ipwntech, haven't found the need for it - but i would check compiz config settings manager01:16
tim__hi guys01:16
WhitePelicanI did a ps ax and there is only one instance of Skype01:16
fisch246well i'll post on the forums then i guess01:16
OY1RQ> why wond Ubuntu 11.04 live mode work on a dell inspiron 9400? it hangs(stoops loading)  after i press Try Ubuntu, but seems like it s running since i cann connect to my wlan and the ubuntu power button works01:17
lcbSicor, about the ram.. you could tweak it, kill some processes you don't need. about 11.04 itself, with no unity, doesn't require too much, i mean, much less.01:17
ipwntechFCUK112 They all say none01:17
SinnerNyxnvm, googled it01:17
ipwntechfcuk112 They all say none01:17
WindowNumOneOk for some reason Grub was showing up, and then all of a sudden it stopped and goes str8 to ubuntu01:17
tim__i love the unity interface01:17
escottnikos719, it would help if you disabled the boot splash to identify the problem01:17
WindowNumOnehow do i get grub back?\01:17
mr_orangeChipzzz, how is grub going to be my issue. The menu for me to choose which os i want to boot into shows up and lets me get into windows just when i try to boot into ubuntu it sits at a blank screen.01:17
drawhlaneed help please, just installed 11.04 using gnome classic desktop with effects enabled. how do I get the exact settings as they where standard in 10.10?01:17
nikos719escott how can I do that?01:18
escottnikos719, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Editing%20Menus%20During%20Boot in particular you want to set nosplash instead of splash01:18
Sicornikos719, do you have an x86 processor?01:18
binoyubuntuone is not working. please helpme out.01:18
tim__anyone know when work starts on 11.1001:18
nikos719sicor yeah01:18
mr_orangeI have installed 11.04 on my desktop along side windows 7 and when i try to boot up ubuntu it just sits on a blank screen and goes into sleep mode, but it lets me boot into windows no problem. Can anyone tell me my problem?01:18
binoyubuntuone is not working. please help e out.01:18
lcbWhitePelican, write the nick so ppl can see who are you talking to :p that's another matter - the indicator.01:18
SicorWhat tablet did you buy01:18
WindowNumOneGrub stopped working how do I restore it anyone?01:18
escott!grub | WindowNumOne01:18
ubottuWindowNumOne: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:18
Chipzzzmr_orange: the grub entry for Ubuntu may not be pointing to the right place on the partition or may have another incorrect parameter01:18
WhitePelicansorry lcb01:19
victorhugo289I made Unity in Ubuntu 11.04 work!! I don't know how but it works now!01:19
nikos719archos 9 60 gb01:19
binoyubuntuone is not working. please help me out.01:19
binoymr_orange: try reinstalling grub2.01:19
lcbWhitePelican, matter of fact i scrolled back, just in case .. and i saw it. are you on unity or classic desktop?01:19
pericynthionJordan_U: That worked.  Thanks for the help!01:19
mr-richis ANYBODY else having problems with dbus-deamon sucking up 30%+ cpu usage?01:19
WindowNumOneOMG I just bought a Archos 10 the one with Android on it, but I sat on the screen /:01:19
binoyubuntuone is not working. please help me out.01:20
WindowNumOneANYBODY help me restore grub?01:20
SicorDoes anyone know of any good Nvidia drivers for 11.04, because the ones i got don't work very well01:20
WhitePelicanxubuntu, lcb01:20
Sicorbtw, i have a GTS 25001:20
escottmr_orange, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Editing%20Menus%20During%20Boot in particular you want to set nosplash instead of splash01:20
uRock!grub > WindowNumOne01:20
ubottuWindowNumOne, please see my private message01:20
escottmr_orange, that should give us a bit more information01:20
lcbWhitePelican, oh... but you know, i'm not running from medibuntu. yours probably is different and, besides having medibuntu repos i don't see skype in synaptic01:20
binoyubuntuone is not working. please help me out.01:21
ChipzzzWindowNumOne: grub has a timeout delay that may now be set to 0 rather than 5... hold down the shift key while the machine boots & you can edit the grub menu01:21
Jordan_Upericynthion: You're welcome. One last thing though, to be sure upgrades will work in the future can you pastebin the output of "debconf-show grub-pc"?01:21
Jordan_UWindowNumOne: Hold shift during boot to see the grub menu.01:21
victorhugo289Pentium 4, @2Ghz, 1GB ram, 128MB ATI radeon 9250 >> Unity works very nice!01:21
uRockbinoy, what about ubuntu one isn't working?01:21
lcbWhitePelican, sometimes is better if we stay with normal releases...01:21
LeDDhi, im trying to use ndiswrapper to get a PCI wireless card installed on ubuntu. this is the error i get when i try to make install it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602055/01:21
WindowNumOneNO I didn't lose it after installing windows I dont have windows installed yet it just stopped poppin up01:21
sebsebseb 01:22
binoyuRock: nothing. It cant be launched01:22
lcbWhitePelican, but i don't mean by this yours could be buggy. it could be also something elese, the issues you are having01:22
binoyuRock: i tried purging and reinsatlling. still doesnt work.01:22
Jordan_UWindowNumOne: It's normal for the grub menu not to show at boot with Ubuntu.01:22
uRockbinoy, does it give any error messages when you start it via terminal?01:22
ChipzzzWindowNumOne: you can reinstall it with grub-install01:22
escottPaidSupport, how about now?01:22
PaidSupportI'm on natty this time =)01:23
binoyjust "aborted"01:23
lcbwell, time to sleep, bye WhitePelican. good luck with that. nite all01:23
WindowNumOneIts installed I tried to install another bootmanager Lilo? over it but it did not work01:23
muleformycashCan someone please help me? I'm using libreoffice on gnome3, and after I click print for a document, gnome3 immediately says printing cancelled for that document, and i have no idea why01:23
PaidSupportEscott: Running 2.6.35 and I have a backlight, and unity01:23
WhitePelicanty lcb and goodnight01:23
escottPaidSupport, excellent01:23
binoyuRock: just "aborted"01:23
Cairo|Macacicula: it gets further now..01:23
Cairo|Macthough it throws a failed error01:23
PaidSupportescott: so, about that header file thing you were talking about. Is that something I need to do?01:23
Cairo|Macand it turns out i had samba AND samba4 installed01:24
uRockbinoy, honestly I have never used ubuntuone, but I was hoping for a usable error message01:24
escottPaidSupport, you'll want to track down the patch that turns on your backlight by trying a few kernels and finding what ones work and then talking to the kernel team01:24
ChipzzzWindowNumOne: Are you installing it in the correct partition?01:24
escottotherwise you are stuck on the old kernel forever01:24
aciculaCairo|Mac, whats the error01:24
PaidSupportescott: where can I find the kernel team?01:24
Cairo|Macjsut amo01:24
escottPaidSupport, without the headers some applications won't be able to be installed correctly01:24
Cairo|Macpcis uploading01:24
aciculaCairo|Mac, having them both installed does explain it a little01:24
binoyuRock: yeah.  me too.01:25
WindowNumOneI have ubuntu as one big drive01:25
nubwhoneedshelpIn 10.10 my web browser (firefox) automatically redirected to web pages.( Facebook would go to http://www.facebook.com) In 11.04 it dpesn't any reason why?(Not that big a deal though)01:25
LeDDHello, im getting the following errors while trying to install ndiswrapper. I dont not have an internet connection so i had to download ndiswrapper and then bring it over by a usb stick. http://paste.ubuntu.com/602055/01:25
binoyuRock: thanks for reply bro. Is there someone who can help?01:25
WindowNumOneI couldnt boot into my windows drive so I delelted it01:25
uRockWindowNumOne, are you dual booting?01:25
Cairo|Macacicula: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/9358/img3507sk.jpg01:25
escottPaidSupport, #ubuntu-kernel also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel, but you will want to narrow things down to be able to say "this particular kernel works, this one doesn't, this is my hardware" as best you can01:26
aphexcoilhow's everyone enjoying Unity?01:26
nzashadowhow do I allocate drive space to install ubuntu without affecting the other OS?01:26
isarlaphexcoil: Very funny. :(01:26
WindowNumOnegrub-install just gave me a bunch of options would uninstalling  then reinstalling via ubunto software install work01:26
uRock!ot aphexcoil,01:26
PaidSupportescott: sounds like an adventure.01:26
aciculaCairo|Mac, thats a different and unrelated error01:26
aphexcoilactually it was a real question ... I'm about to upgrade :)01:26
Cairo|Macacicula: ok01:26
ner0xIs there a way to go back from using unity? and stick with gnome?01:26
isarlaphexcoil: My advice: DON'T.01:26
aciculaCairo|Mac, id start looking in syslog or messages to see what that is about01:26
escottPaidSupport, you've done it enough you see how its not that bad, just a bit of downloading and testing. also please update your launchpad bug (i think someone said that was yours)01:27
isarlaphexcoil: Nothing but problems since I have.  I'm about to decide to back up ~ and then wipe it and do a fresh install.01:27
aphexcoilyou can still use Gnome, right?01:27
PaidSupportWill do01:27
binoyubuntuone is not working. please help me out.01:27
escott!classic | aphexcoil01:27
ubottuaphexcoil: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.01:27
aphexcoilthanks escott01:27
uRockUnity has been awesome for me01:27
ChipzzzWindowNumOne: are you planning to reinstall Windows & dual boot?01:27
escottPaidSupport, im done for the night so goodnight and goodluck01:28
dios_mioaphexcoil, unity BLOWS lol01:28
isarlaphexcoil: I guess my advice is only tangentially related to your question, seeing as my drivers are so borked that I haven't even been able to use Unity yet.  But my advice is that if you're upgrading, do a fresh install.01:28
PaidSupportescott: thanks again!01:28
aphexcoilI upgraded to Beta using the switch to show alpha and beta releases ... hopefully I can go from beta to the real release without any hitches01:28
aphexcoilare you guys recommending a fresh install?01:28
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isarlaphexcoil: I am, but I don't speak for the rest of #ubuntu.01:28
aphexcoilall my files are on dropbox, so it isn't a hassle to do a fresh install01:29
SteelaBut I was going to install windows first then, ubuntu new one01:29
binoysomebody help me with ubuntuone01:29
dios_mioaphexcoil, only difference in a fresh install is that it makes your grub screen purple lol01:29
uRockpurple grub screen, awesome01:29
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=== JesusChrist is now known as JebusChrist
aciculaaphexcoil, i've not needed to do that01:30
WindowNumOneIf it wasn't for Ubuntu Software Center I think I would install OpenSuSe01:30
kusanagihow to disable the snap to middle grid?01:30
aphexcoilI'm using a PHC edition of the current kernal so that I can undervolt my laptop's CPU ... I'm assuming I'll lose that ability until they can compile something for 11.0401:30
ner0xAlso, any way to go back to firefox 3.6? Selenium isn't compatible with 4.*01:30
isarlThe other difference, if you're "lucky", is that your drivers are borked and your system freezes.01:30
aphexcoilthe undervolting really helps keep the laptop cool01:30
Cairo|Macacicula: but i still get the inverted color and text screen in a normal boot01:30
mr-richHello, is ANYBODY else having problems with dbus-deamon sucking up 30%+ cpu usage?01:30
binoysomebody help me with ubuntuone01:30
rocketsThrough messing with my system too much in 11.04, I managed to lose my clock01:31
LeDDif the ndiswrapper im using insnt installing when i bring it over to linux by usb is there any other options? i dont have internet working on ubuntu01:31
rocketsAny ideas how I can get it back?01:31
rocketsE.g. there is no clock in the upper right of my screen. I'm using the unity desktop01:31
aphexcoilwhy can't we add devices to the bar at the top or bottom in unity?  I miss the CPU monitors and weather, etc.01:31
kusanagiaphexcoil, just login without unity01:32
WindowNumOneI need to go back to the OLD ubuntu, that why I need GRUB I saw that option, new Ubuntu not allowing me to burn ISO's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:32
aphexcoilthat defeats the purpose of having Unity01:32
WindowNumOnewhat do i do01:32
aphexcoilI'd like Unity to include those things01:32
uRockUbuntu without Unity is like a car with no fuel01:32
fisixhow am i supposed to switch windows easily in unity?01:32
kusanagiubuntu without unity is like a car WITH fuel01:32
rocketsNobody makes you use unity, just pick the ubuntu classic desktop and stfu01:32
jbagin unity, open Time & Date, go to the clock tab and check the box "show a clock in menu bar"01:32
aphexcoillol kusanagi01:32
uRockWindowNumOne, hit the shift key while booting to get the grub menu01:33
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rocketsjbag, thanks, I managed to remove that package, but clicking on it opened up its page in ubuntu software center <301:33
uRockkusanagi, change is inevitable01:33
aphexcoilI'm just suggesting an enhancement for unity, Rockets01:33
kusanagiunity is not ready yet... forcing it to users is the dumbest move ive seen from ubuntu01:33
rocketsaphexcoil, I know, I was talking to uRock mainly01:33
ZiberRunning 10.10, my laptop fan seems to be a bit louder than when I ran windows01:33
rocketsaphexcoil, but I agree that that sort of defeats the purpose of unity dude.01:33
WindowNumOneWhat if it wont let me go back to old version ubuntu, and what if old version doesn't allow me to burn ISO's either for some reason?01:33
jbagHas anyone else come across File roller issues in 11.04 with CBR files; they open fine, but cannot extract file contents?01:34
calamarikusanagi: nah dude.. this happened all the time.. one release you couldn't even edit the menu01:34
aphexcoilyou can still use Gnome in 11.0401:34
aeon-ltdkusanagi: wait till you start using ground up distros, you start to hate that distros bundle anything you have to remove anyway :)01:34
uRockrockets, what is your issue?01:34
kusanagiuRock, unity is cool idea, but is not ready yet... and hope you dont think it is...01:34
evertonBoa noite01:34
rocketsjbag, I don't see that option now that it's installed :(01:34
passthruBoa noite01:35
uRockkusanagi, it is ready, if you want stable, then stick with LTSes01:35
kusanagiunity should had been turned on as a test by whoever who wants it... and dont make it default :/01:35
aphexcoilUnity is ready for some people ... it's going to take time to adapt to it like any new release01:35
jambandhow can i revert back to the desktop in 10.10? please01:35
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.01:35
WindowNumOneDO you think having the new version of ubuntu is what causing me not able to burn ISO?  should I go back?01:35
aphexcoilno Window01:35
evertonestou com problema na minha placa wirelles no 11.0401:35
uRockrockets, why did you tell me to stfu? I think it was uncalled ofr01:35
maxjezyhello, is there an msn client that works with CAM?01:36
passthruUnity rulez :)01:36
aphexcoilyou should be able to burn ISOs in the new version01:36
passthrui'm using the Unity 2D version01:36
rocketsuRock, I apologize good sir.01:36
xeodoxHow do I stop dovecot? I did "service dovecot stop" , and it returns stop: Unknown instance:01:36
xeodox.  But it's still in "ps aux"01:36
Califaphexcoil, hello again lol01:36
Barzoghmaxjezy: empathy works or try amsn01:36
passthruand it appears to be lightweight even in a legacy pc01:36
aphexcoilhey Calif!01:36
aphexcoilI had to log into a different server01:36
kusanagiuRock, you sound like an apple fanboy lol01:36
aphexcoilthe other one was too quiet01:36
passthrueverton, try #ubuntu-br01:36
CalifI was wondering what happened01:36
Califfreenodes awesome for that01:36
aphexcoillol at apple fanboy01:36
uRockkusanagi, I have never touched an Aplle01:36
litropyAny idea why Youtube video plays just fine, but hulu video is choppy?01:36
aphexcoilI loved Apple back in the IIgs era01:37
kusanagiuRock, well, change apple for ubuntu... and you can hang out with them01:37
yeracneed help01:37
WindowNumOneDO you think having the new version of ubuntu is what causing me not able to burn ISO?  should I go back?01:37
uRockkusanagi, old gnome looks too much like XP01:37
wipmonkeyI read "!Classic" as "Not Classic"01:37
aphexcoilWhy can't you burn an ISO, Window?01:37
uRockkusanagi, why you trolling?01:37
aphexcoilinstead of repeating the same thing over and over, why don't you tell us what the problem is?01:37
kellnolaso has the unity hate died down since thursday?01:37
WindowNumOneIt just say ERROR or something.  I can get it go through simulation but thats it01:37
WindowNumOneIt sucks01:38
yeraci have enabled one click option to open files, but how to just select it? ubuntu 10.1001:38
passthrucouse trolls like to be fed01:38
passthrudon't feed the trolls :)01:38
aphexcoilare you trying this under Unity or Gnome, Window?01:38
kusanagiuRock, im not against unity, but it has big bugs yet to make it default... they should had put it as optional...01:38
aphexcoilit is optional01:38
aphexcoilit's default, but optional01:38
kusanagiuRock, i actually enter to make a question, but nobody answer it01:38
kusanagihow to disable the snap to middle grid?01:38
uRockkusanagi, if they never implement it, then the bugs will never get reported and fixed01:38
kellnolait shocks me the number of users that think they "have" to use GNOME with ubuntu01:39
isarluRock: the better way is to do propper debugging and testing before releasing to your users.01:39
Flannelkusanagi: Can you please take the unity-as-default discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.01:39
evertonThank you. I'll try.01:39
WindowNumOneI tried 10 different ISO with 10 different DVDS, and brand but it did let me burn a CD once WinXP but I got a blue screen starting up01:39
Cairo|Macdoes anyone know what causes this error?01:39
uRockisarl, people who want rock solid stability, really should stick to LTSes01:39
aphexcoilwe used to always debug in production ... Like Bill O'Reilly said, "F it, we'll do it live!"01:39
WindowNumOneIma shoot myself if I can get windows back01:40
isarluRock: People who are willing to deal with bugs in production should be using alpha releases.01:40
yeracno1 knows how to do that? ubuntu users....01:40
kusanagisure... Flannel, i was actually making a question :/ I just answered a guy to turn off unity to get back panel icons... ^^01:40
isarluRock: the occasional bug is obviously impossible to prevent, but the fallout from Unity is probably a pretty good indication that it wasn't ready yet.01:40
aphexcoilI've been using software since Dos 1.0 ... everyone knows that when you install the latest and greatest, you're part of the debug team01:40
isarluRock: business as usual for Ubuntu, though.01:40
Artariannever use 11.04 version pls01:40
ioy89oy89[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   ioy89oy89 scrooloose Artarian solid_liq Infoverload nit-wit amrinz QaDeS_ Castor arand yerac damicita jesterwj kingofswords maxjezy moes sharky paissad jrib everton nawk PW-toXic_ passthru kavurt MACK1E sechrist Jasonn jbag altin dubs01:41
ioy89oy89[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   DecodedFromSpace jhay P4R4N01D marrusl yepitsme19 exchgr samplezt zbrown l1nuxman mmokrysz andrewjames Elv13 asq Guest4694 JebusChrist achromat fisix Fireblasto Benek crakdmirror mr_orange Chelsea Lommi deuterium Auv5 toad__ tarik aeo01:41
ioy89oy89[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   ghost_ nukem dtcummin zenrox cached coz_ alazyworkaholic Jaxxdrew nha Lesterwood Walzmyn sine_ gnugr LinuxMonkey pew-pew Claudinux jgould xlogik juxta cfchris6_ paint mkaay isarl ki__ ogra_ vanmik meebey_ crus nzashadow BrerTortoise s01:41
uRockisarl, I have had zero bugs and issues with Unity01:41
isarluRock: You are one data point.01:41
aphexcoilevery time a new version of anything comes out, people are going to bitch about something01:41
Flannelkusanagi: I'm aware of that, and appreciate it.  Support is here, other discussions belong about #ubuntu-offotpic.  Thanks.01:41
ChipzzzWindowNumOne: I've read that if you plan to dual boot with a window$ partition, you must install window$ first or anticipate great difficulties01:41
amrinzI am still using LTS :-), but I already finish Natty Release Party yesterday01:41
isarluRock: Here's another one for you: when I upgraded, I could barely boot.01:41
uRockisarl, clean installs for the win01:41
isarluRock: average our experiences and it's still pretty terrible.  that's why I used the term "fallout" earlier.01:41
amrinzkusanagi: upgrading is option01:41
exchgris that true, what that spambot said?01:41
Flannelexchgr: No.01:42
exchgrgood stuff01:42
cachedIs the point of that floodbot just to have us spam #freenode, or is it that someone will impersonate an admin on there and try to steal passwords?01:42
isarluRock: it's not just me that's had issues with the new version.  it seems to me that there's been more than usual.01:42
FlanneluRock, isarl: Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.01:42
uRockFlannel, NP 8)01:42
SteelaI swear I die if I cant burn a dvd01:42
kusanagianybody knows how to dissable snap to grid?01:42
isarlFlannel: I'd rather just stop talking about it.  But thanks.01:42
Flannelisarl: That works too, thanks.01:43
aphexcoilI have a question.  Where can I find a list of minimum hardware requirements for Unity 3D?01:43
isarlAnybody have any idea how to get nouveau working properly on my system?01:43
kallisti5any reports of ubuntu 11.04 not booting completely from the install cd?  i get an ubuntu boot background and a cursor... thats it.01:43
amrinzkallisti5: maybe the boot media corrupted?01:44
kallisti5amrinz: just burnt it01:44
kallisti5on new cd-r media01:44
yeracis there a way just to select file when one click to open is enabled ubuntu 10.10????????????????????????????????01:44
kallisti5*sigh* who's idea was it to disable ctl+alt+f1-f8 ?01:44
amrinzkallisti5:I already burnt 50 cd for release party yesterday, and it did well01:44
yeracplease answer, it is annoying01:45
eossive got some kind of flash playing right now event hough mozilla was closed01:45
kusanagianybody knows how the effect of maximizing a window when moving next to the border is called so i can google it?01:45
eosshow i kill the process01:45
Lesterwoodwhy is vlc so glitchy in ubuntu 11.401:45
amrinzexcept for toshiba netbook (i dont remember the series)01:45
Lesterwoodit is glitchier than anything i have ever used01:45
KM0201Lesterwood, because 11.4 doesn't exist most likely01:45
kallisti5amrinz: hmm.. ok will try to reburn01:45
isarlKM0201: That was really, really helpful. Good work.01:45
KM0201isarl, i strive01:45
isarlKM0201: :P01:46
yeracto kill proces go to shell, type top, remember process id and type kill <id>01:46
Cairo|Macdoes anyone know how to fix this?01:46
Cairo|Macor at least a pointer in the right direction01:46
kellnolayerac, you can kill from top01:46
isarlCairo|Mac: Not sure what you mean.  What's wrong with that screenshot?01:46
yerachow to kill from top?01:46
rocketsIs there a way to make sure all the base install ubuntu packages are really there? I've already made sure to install ubuntu-desktop but that's not enough.01:46
Cairo|Macisarl: starting load fallback graphics devices [fail]01:47
nit-wityerac, install htop for that01:47
Cairo|Macand it just stalls at hwere it is01:47
Chipzzzhtop is better than top... lets you choose the kill signal01:47
uRock+1 for htop01:47
Cairo|Macso it doesnt get past "checking battery state"01:47
isarlCairo|Mac: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues? or can you not even ctrl-alt-f1 into a VT?01:47
SteelaOh Shoot01:47
Cairo|Macyeah i can01:47
isarlCairo|Mac: that might give you some clues, then.  but aside from that, I don't know much about it.01:48
Cairo|Macwhats the name of hte command line text editer again?01:48
uRocksteela, you have a question?01:48
Cairo|Macisarl: ok, thanks01:48
isarlCairo|Mac: there are many. I use vim; you're probably looking for nano.01:48
Chipzzznano, vi, vim...01:48
Cairo|Macyeah thats it thanks01:48
yeracor start processor (widget)01:48
SteelaHow do I COMPLETLELY get rid of firefox.. I downloaded an extension and played with about: section and its so messed up I can even type in URL's..01:48
Cairo|MacStameni: sudo apt-get purge firefox01:49
hiexpowhy use nano and vi01:49
SteelaWhen I remove and reinstall it, it is just the same01:49
Cairo|Machiexpo: i dont have access to the graphica lstuff atm01:49
jenkinSearsteela: rm -r ~/.mozilla in a shell01:49
rocketsNo way to do it :(01:50
uRockSteela, open Synaptic Package Manager and select to completely remove Firefox01:50
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox401:50
isarlhiexpo: I like vim because it uses only the keyboard, and has a lot of good mechanisms for navigating text and manipulating it.  Many of my reasons would be repeated by users of emacs.01:50
jenkinSearuRock, doesn't that leave the crap in the home directory?01:50
Cairo|Macisarl: it says it can't find any screens... lol01:51
Steelajenkinsear I remeoved .mozilla myself but just going around and deleting files and crap but it fugged it up more01:51
uRockno, it shouldn't. complete removal is supposed to remove that01:51
uRockjenkinSear, your way is faster and easier01:51
isarlCairo|Mac: That's probably not good!  If you copy it into a pastebin somewhere, somebody else might be able to help you, but I'm not very familiar with Xorg, sorry.  =X01:51
Maaheswhat's a good web frontend for a caldav server?01:51
Cairo|Macisarl: ok np01:52
Cairo|Macnot sure if i could pastebing it using nano and lynx...01:52
Cairo|Macor w/e that text browser is called01:52
kallisti5amrinz: seems the unity interface isn't starting01:52
MaahesCairo|Mac: sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:52
kallisti5amrinz: i started the cd on another system and it worked fine01:52
isarlCairo|Mac: yeah, it's lynx.  but you might be able to copy the file to another computer and pastebin it there.01:52
Maahespastebinit should really be installed by default01:52
Cairo|MacMaahes: thanks01:52
isarlCairo|Mac: or, use Maahes suggestion..!01:53
kallisti5i hear the ubuntu start up sound... then things just sit there01:53
Maahesand all you do is pastebinit file and it gives you a link01:53
KM0201kalleth2, how much ram does that system have?01:53
kallisti5will the live cd / unity fail if it is using a non-accelerated video driver?01:53
Maahesthere's options too, but I've never really needed to use them ^_^01:53
ayrtonguys i got a stupid question, if i move something to the trash and delete it can i ever get it back?01:53
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kallisti5KM0201: if you ment me... 5GB01:54
KM0201kallisti5, a lot of times, yes.. it will not default to the 2d desktop... you can use the alt. cd01:54
Maahesalso instead of lynx try: elinks, links2 or w3m01:54
KM0201kallisti5, yeah, i did.. thank you01:54
KM0201kallisti5, whats your graphics device?01:54
kallisti5Ati radeon HD01:54
kallisti54350 i think01:54
Chipzzzkallisti5: you can boot into a failsafe graphics mode that will work with anything for testing purposes01:55
kallisti5k.  is there any way to see syslogs or access a terminal?01:55
kallisti5ctl+alt+fX would be *inifitely* useful atm01:55
KM0201kallisti5, i'm really not sure.. but as said, you can try booting into the failsafe.01:55
kallisti5thanks for the infos01:56
XuMuKkalleth2, sudo less /var/log/auth.log01:56
KM0201kallisti5, i'd be really surprised if that ATI device supported the 3D desktop on the live CD.01:56
jhayAnyone else who sees their Global Menu/Status Menu freeze every once in a while?01:56
Karen_mmwell done on the 11.04 and the wireless.  My laptop is actually usable with ubuntu now!!  where 10.10 it was not.  Thanks a lot eh?01:56
kallisti5KM0201: aren't radeon's pretty common?01:56
Stameniwhat ? <Cairo|Mac> Stameni: sudo apt-get purge firefox01:56
KM0201kallisti5, yes, they are, but radeons linux support sucks.01:57
KM0201always has01:57
Cairo|MacStameni: he was having trouble with firefox01:57
kallisti5not any more.. the recent radeon xorg drivers work pretty well01:57
Cairo|Macoh its you01:57
jhayLike right now, I can't access the Banshee, Calendar, etc it's frozen01:57
Cairo|Macthat should get rid of hte config files and stuff for it01:57
Cairo|Macdo that and then reinstall it01:57
StameniCairo|Mac, so what that has to do with me ? :)01:57
Cairo|Macor was it someoen else?...01:57
kallisti5are there plans to move away from unity towards gnome 3 at any point?01:58
StameniCairo|Mac :)01:58
kallisti5cause thus far it has been hit or miss... and gnome 3 is pretty awesome01:58
sebsebsebkallisti5: no Unity will stay the default for a long time01:58
kallisti5ok.. back to debian i go01:58
zacharyalexsternIs there a keyboard shortcut to maximize windows without taking over the top bar or hiding the dock?01:59
Cairo|Mackalleth2: you can use gnome still you know...01:59
KM0201Cairo|Mac, i've heard a lot of complaints that the live cd will not fall back to gnome, when the 3D desktop fails to load02:00
itaylor57KM0201: o/02:01
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Rehanhas anyone experienced the bug where 11.04 all of a sudden just logs out, saving nothing, and presenting the login screen?02:01
KM0201itaylor57, o/02:02
jenkinSearrehan that sounds like an X crash02:02
nawkJordan_U I was having a little connection difficulty earlier.  Did you get see my question ? :-)02:02
uRockRehan, what did you have running when it happened?02:02
Jordan_Unawk: No.02:02
RehanuRock: libreoffice this time, but before its been terminal02:02
nawkJordan_U may I ask for your permission to pm it to you b/c last time I typed it, the bot kicked me.  (I think the spambot has gotten too sensitive lately, really heh)02:03
Jordan_Unawk: I'd prefer if you used pastebin for the question.02:04
Rehanhow can I see the error logs of what happened?02:04
nawkokay, I'll do just that :-)02:04
johwilHi all. Is this the right place to talk about an idea for a program?02:04
jenkinSearRehan should be in /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:04
Cairodoes anyone know waht might cause this?02:05
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Jahootyi just upgraded to the latest version of ubuntu.  something or other elephant.  How do i prevent the 'taskbar' from autohiding and can i put it on the bottom of the screen?02:05
Jordan_Ujohwil: No, but you can try #ubuntu-offtopic.02:05
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CairoJordan_U: were you talking to me?02:05
Logan_Jahooty: It is currently impossible to put it at the bottom of the screen.  However, using ccsm, you can turn off auto-hiding.02:05
Cairooh no02:05
Logan_!ccsm | Jahooty02:05
ubottuJahooty: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz02:05
Cairoi didnt see that first word lol02:05
Jordan_UCairo: No.02:06
Logan_Jahooty: You'd want the first package in ubottu's response.02:06
claudiometgreetings ! I have problems with my printer Cannon iP2700 series the error message is File '/System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/sRGB Profile.icc' not found" in Ubuntu natty02:06
johwilok Thanks Jordan_U02:06
RehanjenkinSear: here's mine -- any look weird in it? http://pastie.org/185516602:06
Jordan_Ujohwil: You're welcome.02:06
Jahootymoving a panel/taskbar is now in compiz?02:06
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Jahootyseems like needless complication02:07
Cairodoes anyone have any idea on how to fix this?02:07
ichigo100thats ubuntu for ya02:07
Guest1224can i install libreoffice alongside with openoffice02:08
jenkinSearRehan, looks like your nvidia drivers are acting up, may be out of sync with your kernel02:08
jenkinSearI'd suggest reinstalling them02:08
RehanjenkinSear: any other log files i should look at?02:08
DrGrovHow do I easily backup my 10.04 so I can easily do a direct upgrade to 11.04?02:09
ChipzzzCairo: I think the url is still ng02:09
HyperShockclaudiomet: have you tried reinstalling it yet?02:09
claudiometnop, it's a natty fresh installation02:09
HyperShockclaudiomet: ok, just because ubuntu says it sees it doesn't mean you have the drivers, you are going to have to go get the ppd file and get installed.02:10
RehanDrGrov: you could use the dd command, thats what I do02:10
claudiometI reinstalled the printer twice with the same results02:10
tomatobroshi guys why flash player unstable with natty and fglrx ?02:10
DrGrovRehan: Do explain more throughly02:11
Stravhe. I just finished creating a ext4 raid array on ubuntu 11.04, problem is: it does not mount automatically, regardless of my fstab. Anyone can shed some light on this? (in mdadm.conf, I have ARRAY /dev/md0  metadata=1.2 name=strav-nas:0 UUID=somethingsomething.... If I check /dev, I have a md folder where there's a file named strav-nas:0; don't exactly know what I should do about it)02:11
HyperShockclaudiomet: priv msg me and tell the exact steps you took to install it02:11
RehanDrGrov: ok one sec02:11
Guest1224can i install libreoffice alongside with openoffice02:12
CairoGuest1224: why not?02:12
HyperShockGuest1224: yes02:12
Cairoyou could try02:12
Cairo!nick Guest122402:12
HyperShockGuest1224: but why would you, libreoffice is far superior to openoffice02:12
RehanDrGrov: you can backup the entire ubuntu partition to either another partition or an external hard drive02:12
DrGrovRehan: Sure, no hurry. Please take it in a PM. Would be good to save it as well02:12
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Guest1224!nick wilson02:13
Cairoanyone have any idea?02:13
SteelaIM Screwed02:13
tomatobrosanyone have same issue with fglrx and adobe flash ? i mean high cpu usage02:13
ChipzzzCairo: the url is paste.ubuntu.com/602073 ... the www was messing it up02:13
Guest1224hypershock: ok, so how do i remove open office>?02:14
Cairopaste.ubuntu.com/602066 then02:14
Cairocaio: lol02:14
nawkMan, spam must be getting out of hands lately.  I tried to pastebin something simple on paste.debian.net and it's asking me to 'do this,  do that'02:14
SteelaI can not get back firefox the way it was at all.  I did everything sudo apt-get remove , sudo apt-get purge, Tried to remove from ubuntu software center, Synaptic.....NOTHING02:14
Cairotry deleting the .firefox folder in your home directory02:15
Silentmysthey guys, i got a new 6 button mouse, standard left right middle, then 3 on thumb forward back and thumb middle. i can't get linux to detect the middle thumb02:15
Strav(I should also add, my array is visible from nautilus, it gets mounted using it's UUID)02:15
zacharyalexstern!unity > zacharyalexstern02:15
ubottuzacharyalexstern, please see my private message02:15
Silentmysti even downloaded btnx in hopes it would detect and configure the buttons, but didn't02:15
Silentmystany ideas?02:16
SteelaI can not get back firefox the way it was at all.  I did everything sudo apt-get remove , sudo apt-get purge, Tried to remove from ubuntu software center, Synaptic.....NOTHING02:16
Steelahow do I remove firefox02:16
SteelaI mean .firefox02:16
newb_My gnome shell stopped working after some system restarts and is running only default gnome interface. How can I back to gnome-shell interface?02:16
calamariSilentmyst: you could try cat on the mmouse device and see if the kernel is seeing the events02:16
zacharyalexsternIs there a simple way of creating a Unity 2D session?02:16
kill_joyhey, if anyone is having issues with synaptic in ubuntu 11.04, I posted a forum thread that solves the issue:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174648502:17
calamariSteela: *mouse02:17
SteelaI deleted .mozilla its in my trash02:17
nawkJordan_U, http://paste.debian.net/?show=115718;lines=002:17
SteelaYeah I think its gone02:17
LinuxMonkeySteela,  what do you mean by "I can not get back firefox the way it was at all"02:17
sakurambooSteela: rm $HOME/.mozilla/firefox02:17
nawkJordan_U it's a lil follow-up question.02:17
ChipzzzCairo: I think the answer lies in line 11502:17
caioHello Everybody....02:17
kill_joyello, ello02:18
Hoythi , i tried alternative cd , it didn't support root partition encryption ?02:18
kill_joywell, just wanted to post that thread.  Hope it helps.  bye all02:18
SteelaIT worked fine, I downloaded too much extensions and then changed some setting in about:  Now I cant click on anything, there no extensions cuz I deleted .mozzilla , I cant type in websites02:18
calamariSilentmyst: don't pm please02:19
StravAnyone here with some experience with raid5 on ubuntu >= 10.1002:19
CairoChipzzz: ok thanks02:19
renegaidubuntu 11.04 does not install broadcom drivers02:19
caioIs possible upgrade the backtrack 4 for a Ubuntu 11.04 in aptitude, without change the toolkit02:19
calamariSilentmyst: open a terminal.. cat /dev/input/mouse002:19
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renegaidis there anything that i can do to make things faster? things load so slow02:20
Jordan_Unawk: "Installing" grub using the grub shell is grub legacy, and it only ever actually wrote to areas outside any filesystem. GRUB2 always uses grub-install which installs its modules to the directory specified in the --boot-directory= argument, or /boot if no argument is given, and creates a core.img with those modules needed to access /boot/ and embeds it.02:20
Cairo|Maccaio: i have a one letter different name :P02:20
SteelaSaku I delete .firefox with mouse do i still need too  rm $HOME/.mozilla/firefox02:20
calamariSilentmyst: might need sudo for that02:20
Cairo|MacChipzzz: would that mean that i cant use my driver?02:21
Cairo|Macwahts with all the floodbots/02:21
soreauWhere is the menu in 11.04? For example, I just want to find Internet applications (in gnome-panel menu it is Applications>Internet>)02:21
Hoythi , is it possible to remove all sort of things related to Unity interface , and get my gnome interface back ?02:22
ZiberAt an interval of about 30 seconds, my computer fan seems to increase in volume and intensity, lasting for 2-3 seconds. Running 10.10... This has happened on most other linuxes that I have tried on this computer. Anything I can do about it?02:22
soreauHoyt: Yes, choose classic gnome from the session menu before logging in02:22
xanguaHoyt: in the login screen, select 'classic desktop'02:22
Silentmystyep, ok so i sudo cat, this is where its wierd - its not detecting middle thumb, but nor is it detecting scroll wheel left and right tilts, however btnx detected wheel left and right tilts02:23
calamariSilentmyst: so you're seeing the gibberish when you push the buttons, except middle thumb?02:23
HyperShocksoreau: put mouse in unity bar, touch bottom of screen so it scrolls all the way down fast, about 1 or 2 icons above the trash can, it says applications and folders, click that icon, in the new window in the upper right corner you can navigate to the other sections, or you can just use the search box at this point02:24
Steela This is what I got , rm: cannot remove ' /home/juz/,mozilla./firefox':  Is a directory02:24
Silentmystyes, but nothing for left and right wheel tilts either, yet btnx detects left and right tilts as buttons - wierd...02:24
ChipzzzCairo: I'm not sure... I would start by removing any traces of the proprietary driver that may be present (although I don't see any mention of it in the log) & reinstalling the default drivers02:24
xanguaSteela: because there is no ",mozilla." directory02:24
isarlWhile trying to activate an nvidia driver in the Additional Drivers dialogue, I got an error. /var/log/jockey.log says "modinfo for module nvidia_current failed".  How do I fix this?02:25
Guest1224hypershock: ok, so how do i remove open office>?02:25
luisgmarineHello anyone here experiencing slow graphics performance with 11.04?  I have a macbook pro with an nvidia GT 9600 and I'm trying to play a simple bubble game and it just lags like crazy.02:25
SteelaI mean .mozilla02:25
MACscrok, this is frustrating. Ever since upgrading to natty, im getting a lot of popup errors when clicking on shortcuts of mine or even some files. Basically it shows the the correct path to the file, but then says: "Cannot display......The location is not a folder". Why the heck is it thinkings its a folder in the beginning?02:25
calamariSilentmyst: maybe those are a different mouse device like mouse1, 2, 3?02:25
damadprof_Is there a program where I can simply drag vob's into and click burn? I've tried Devede and Brasero but neither seem to play nice :(02:25
Silentmystim not sure, i just haven't been able to get that middle thumb button working, its like linux is not seeing it at all, the mouse is brand new but the software is windows only so im kinda at a loss02:26
soreauHyperShock: I dont see what you are talking about02:26
killer_What is the default IRC program with Ubuntu?02:26
calamariSilentmyst: I meant, try cat with the other files02:26
xanguakiller_: empathy comes installed, but is very limited for it02:27
isarlWhen trying to activate an nvidia driver in Additional Drivers, I get this message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602077/  How do I fix this?02:27
Sonjaaaremote desktop viewer doesn't seem to work in natty. i can click around and see the background, but the menus don't pop up and it doesnt' update the screen properly02:27
doc|homekiller_: try x-chat02:27
calamariSilentmyst: yeah02:27
Sonjaaacalamari: my favourite is konversation02:27
ArtarianLESSON OF THE DAY: Dont ever ever upgrade your ubuntu to 11.0402:27
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Silentmystk 1 sec02:27
SonjaaaArtarian:  wait for 11.10 eh :)02:27
a111How would i limit the cpu % a user can use?02:28
calamariArtarian: if something was working for you, why upgrade?02:28
Cairo|MacChipzzz: default as in noveua?02:28
isarlSonjaaa: or do a fresh install.  but don't upgrade.02:28
ArtarianSonjaaa, he*l yea02:28
ChipzzzSilentmyst: have you read this?02:28
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Artariancalamari,  to experience new feature?02:28
ChipzzzCairo: yes02:28
killer_doc|home: ok.  currently using XChat.  I wanted to see what other options there were and prefer to start with 'default' apps in the various *buntu flavors.02:28
soreauHyperShock: I see what you mean now.. this upper right menu is not visible at first until clicking more applications or anything02:28
calamariArtarian: you're experiencing the new features lol02:28
Chipzzz(if memory serves)02:28
HyperShockGuest1224: in your ubuntu software center, you can find and remove open-office there or you can from shell do sudo apt-get remove open-office02:28
nawkJordan_U in grub legacy, I was given the impression that when 'root (hdX, Y)' it installs the '/boot/' stuff into the filesystem on the partition.  So, when you say that "it only ever actually wrote to areas outside any filesystem", I would think that "area outside of the fs" would be an area in the beginning of the partition, before the fs starts?02:28
laterallinka111,  ulimits  perhaps02:28
HyperShocksoreau: yeah....02:29
Artariancalamari, trust me i am ! lol nvidia and ATI graphic cards are just hell now02:29
Jordan_Unawk: Your impression was incorrect.02:29
doc|homekiller_: most people use that or irssi (console based)02:29
HyperShocksoreau: and then a strange thing starts to happen, this unity it grows on you like ringworm, only you are not scratching.02:29
soreauHyperShock: Way more to do just to see the menu than in gnome 2.0/maverick02:29
nawkJordan_U Is my latter assumption somewhat closer to reality?02:29
RehanjenkinSear: how would i reinstall my nvidia drivers?02:29
HyperShocksoreau: for instance i've figure out how to cull my unity and reorganize it already02:29
Jordan_Unawk: No.02:29
calamariArtarian: but seriously.. that's why I'm running a frankenbuntu of kde3.5 and lucid02:30
l1nuxmanwhy am I getting "apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}" when I run 'apache2 -S' ??02:30
HyperShocksoreau: yeah, cept you should put your commonly used items on the unity bar02:30
killer_doc|home: are there addons for XChat?  I can't put my finger on it but there is just a few things I don't like about it.02:30
soreauHyperShock: I just want an easy way to access the menu02:30
Silentmystcalamari, ok so i cat 1-2-3, nothing happens at all with mouse1 - and mouse 2 and 3 aren't found02:30
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doc|homekiller_: yep, haven't used many though02:30
doc|homeback later02:30
calamariSilentmyst: k.. well that was my only idea. basically those should be showing whatever linux sees02:30
Jordan_Unawk: extN and most other linux filesystems only have one free sector at the beginning, not enough to embed enough code to read said filesystem and load the rest of your code from. Btrfs does have such an embedded area reserved though.02:31
calamariSilentmyst: however it's possible that the additional functions are in a different device as well that I don't know about02:31
HyperShocksoreau: however you are missing other things too, for instance get your mouse off the unity, minimize your apps and check out that default menu to the right the unity ubuntu icon on the top panel, it's not there, hidden by default, but when you mouse over, well, and you can access system settings and places from it02:31
Sonjaaaisarl:  what part of the upgrade fails when fresh install is fine?02:32
calamariSilentmyst: there are a number of /dev/input/event# devices in mine02:32
Maaheshow big is the ubuntu server cd?02:32
isarlSonjaaa: Well, for me, my graphics drivers are totally broken.  But it's different in every situation.  Fresh installs are just generally more headache-free.02:33
Silentmystguess i'll just be stuck with out it sadly - dunno what else to do02:33
Silentmystthx for your help cal02:33
calamariSilentmyst: yw.. btw is it usb?02:33
gonzaloHello, I am trying to install a program called ROOT. I did: ./configure and it says: libX11 MUST be installed. I ran the command: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev and it said it is already installed. What is wrong here? Thank you.02:34
Silentmystuse wireless02:34
ChapterNZHi all, anyone else having issues with pidgin not showing in the notification area after a dist-upgrade? (I've reinstalled pidgin-libnotify)02:34
HyperShockSilentmyst: what seems to be the problem?02:34
mathboy2600Wubi doesnt seem to be updating my boot.ini on windows xp. is xp no longer supported?02:34
Silentmysti can't get 1 of 6 buttons on my new mouse to be seen by linux02:34
Silentmystits got 3 normal left right middle, and 3 thumb forward back and middle02:34
HyperShockwow, was there room for the optical eye?02:34
Silentmystlinux doesn't see middle02:35
HyperShockso 5 out 6 are working?02:35
Jordan_Umathboy2600: XP is still supported. You're saying that it didn't modify your boot.ini during install?02:35
HyperShockwhat is make and model of the mouse?02:35
ErezCohenI thought i won't hear XP in this room :-)02:35
gonzaloHelp, please!02:36
foodstampthat a gopher02:36
mathboy2600thats correct. it didnt modify it02:36
HyperShockErezCohen: (offtopic) think of the our braille readers, they had to actually touch those two letters! sorry for them. ick.02:36
Silentmystsome cheap brand i got a best buy lol - rocketfish ergo - its a 2.4ghz wireless laser - model no. rf-mse1402:36
nawkJordan_U: okay.  it would answer what I had in mind if you could explain where grub legacy puts the stuff when the user specifies 'root (hdX, Y)'02:37
tripelbI have XP. How else would I run photoshop if I wanted to, or skype with my webcam, or deal with an antivirus program, or compare font-goodness, or use a version of Picasa that works.  (but I havent been there in months)02:37
RehanjenkinSear: how would i reinstall my nvidia drivers?02:37
Silentmystthe software it came with is windows only, no linux support02:37
calamaritripelb: picasa works fine in linux btw.. it's a hellish mix of wine but it works02:37
gonzaloHelp me, please :)02:37
HyperShockwow, tripe, so many good thinks in linux exceed what you are keeping ecks pea for02:37
nawkJordan_U just the gist of it, to keep it short :-)02:37
HyperShockthinks = things02:37
ErezCohenif u really need to run photoshop, use MAC!!! :-)02:37
gonzaloCan somebody help me with a linux question?02:38
ErezCohenany way, serious question....any admins over here? i really need help02:38
MACscrtripelb: photoshop cs5 runs pretty decent for me in wine.02:38
Jordan_Unawk: Nothing happens when you specify 'root (hdX,Y)', it's 'setup' that actually does the writing. If you don't already have the stage files in /boot/grub/ (on the filesystem specified by 'root (hdX,Y)') then setup will fail.02:38
MACscrErezCohen: define "admin"02:39
HyperShockgonzalo: uh, duh, this is ubuntu channel, so please ask the question... :)02:39
isarlgonzalo: read the topic.  Don't ask to ask a question, just ask it.02:39
Silentmystgonzalo: just post ur question02:39
calamarigonzalo: what is this ROOT program.. thats the key here02:39
gonzaloI asked it02:39
openbeeshow can i change my default gdm login theme..?02:39
gonzaloI'll copy02:39
ErezCohenok...i will define my question, maybe it will be better :-)02:39
ChapterNZAnyone else having issues with pidgin not showing in the notification area after a dist-upgrade? (I've reinstalled pidgin-libnotify, whitelisted 'all' in gsettings.... any pointers anyone?02:39
gonzaloHello, I am trying to install a program called ROOT. I did: ./configure and it says: libX11 MUST be installed. I ran the command: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev and it said it is already installed. What is wrong here? Thank you.02:39
openbeeshow can i change my default gdm login theme..? i am using ubuntu 11.04 ....02:39
xanguaopenbees:  you can change the gtk them , but don't know how02:40
gonzaloROOT is a program developed by a Physics laboratory: CERN. http://root.cern.ch02:40
ErezCohenjust installed my brand new 10.04 server (full install by myself from scratch for the first time)...and every thing went pretty good02:40
bth1202I tried to install Ubuntu with ubuntu CD on a latest computer system02:40
openbeesxangua: i needs HOW ?02:40
ErezCoheni am doing it because i need to let other develop with me on a django project...02:40
Rehanhow can i find out which driver i have installed for my display?02:41
xanguaopenbees: perhaps google knows02:41
gonzaloI installed ROOT successfully on Ubuntu 10.10 a couple of weeks ago02:41
ErezCohendo i installed everything02:41
WindowNumOneCan some1 help! This is my biggest prob EVAAaAAAA02:41
ChipzzzRehan lsmod02:41
ErezCohennow..i am working on a MAC and trying to open the project on the server from eclipse from my mac02:41
bth1202However, It shows some error message, DVI-D recognition error, and then stopped installing.02:41
ErezCohenand i am getting permistion denied all the time....02:41
caioOpenbees : type in termina gdmsetup with root02:41
ErezCohenbut i did mount the directory on the server02:42
caioopenbees: terminal*02:42
openbeesxangua : unfortunately  NO .....i read on many tutorial that this feature is disabled after 9.1002:42
ErezCohenso i don't understand how can i mount the directory but not able to do other stuff?02:42
bth1202my graphic card is "ATI Radeon 5750" series. How can I solve this problem?02:42
gonzaloHello, I am trying to install a program called ROOT. I did: ./configure and it says: libX11 MUST be installed. I ran the command: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev and it said it is already installed. What is wrong here? Thank you.02:42
ddilingeranyone familiar with configuring wireless through a console?  specifically i'm using wpa_cli, wpa_supplicant is running, but after adding a network to wpa_cli, setting the ssid, and setting the network passphrase, all i can get is 'pre-shared key may be invalid'.  Key is verified working from my phone02:43
openbeescaio : i just some kind error msgs...nothing else02:43
WindowNumOneEverytime I go to burn a ISO on DVD it says in K3B "cdrecord has no permission to open this device"  I had same prob with other prog, other dvd, other brands everything.02:43
openbeescaio : GOT*02:43
Silentmystgonzalo: are you running 11.04 now?02:43
calamariWindowNumOne: you need to grant your user account permission02:43
gonzaloSilentmyst: Yes02:43
RehanChipzzz: hmm ok so i see a nvidia, uvesafb, vesafb, and video. Does that mean I'm using proprietary or default?02:43
WindowNumOneTo burn a dvd02:43
WindowNumOnehow do i do that02:43
laterallinkgonzalo, it could be looking for a diffrent version of libx11, you're running the ./configure with sudo or under root correct?02:43
Silentmysttry switching to ubuntu classic at log in and try to play with your program02:44
ErezCohenNo one about my problem :-(02:44
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WindowNumOnecalamari: I will love you forever plz tell me how02:44
calamariWindowNumOne: patience, I'm looking02:44
gonzalolaterallink: I was doing it without sudo, I'll try with sudo now02:44
xanguaWindowNumOne: with brasero02:44
Silentmysti know i've had a few problems with a few programs not liking the new unity system02:44
WindowNumOneIt don't work with brasero either02:44
bth1202By the way, I've been trying to upgrade my ubuntu box from 10.10 to 11.04.02:44
thauriswulfaQUESTION:how to stop the ubuntuone-syncdaemon process, because i don't need that as i have poor internet connection and it eats like 25 mb of ram,02:44
Chad__How do I make rsync back up Truecrypt files incrementally. As of now, it rewrites the file completely.02:45
KM0201WindowNumOne: try gnomebaker, it's alwys burned ISO's just fine for me02:45
caioopenbees : what msg??02:45
WindowNumOneI tried that prog, it gives error im not sure if it says anything about not having permission02:45
xanguathauriswulfa: uninstall ubuntu-one02:45
bth1202It still have problem during the job. What's the matter there?02:45
litropyis xorg.conf still here: etc/X11/xorg.conf ? Mine is empty ...02:45
WindowNumOneI tried that too KM020102:45
KM0201WindowNumOne: if all those programs are failing, you have some other malfunction going on there02:45
calamariWindowNumOne: it's in your preferences or admin under users and groups02:45
bth1202The error message was " package downloading time is expired" .02:45
Viking667I seem to be having trouble with Unity a bit... I can't right-click on any of the panels on either of my monitors... as a result, I can't add indicators or remove them... nor can I figure out how to start them up.02:46
Silentmystthauriswulfa: system settings > startup apps, just uncheck it and it won't load up any more02:46
openbeescaio : ya i got login screen setting window ..but how can i change login theme using this window02:46
calamariWindowNumOne: there should be a cdrom group and you need to add your user to that group02:46
WindowNumOneI never had error until I updated to new ubuntu02:46
Viking667In addition to that, (another problem) how do I persuade Ubuntu One that I actually _have_ an internet connection even though it swears black and blue I don't?02:46
bth1202Is there any specific trouble in there, ubuntu mirrors?02:46
HyperShockSilentmyst: wow, seems to be no linux support for that mouse (directly). you might be on your own here unless someone else here is good at configuring mice with 6 buttons or more. anyone?02:47
ChipzzzRehan: I don't have a machine with an nVidia card to check right now but I think you need the nouveau driver... here's the step-by-step from Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:47
gonzalolaterallink: I tried "sudo ./configure" but it gives me the same message: "libX11 MUST be installed"02:47
openbeescaio : ?????02:47
ChapterNZViking667: I'm having troubles with the indicators too! Sorry I can't help ya though..02:47
Silentmystlol yea thats what i was thinking, its just not supported at all, btnx and sudo cat doesn't see it, dunno what to do /sigh02:48
ChapterNZAnyone else having issues with pidgin not showing in the notification area after a dist-upgrade? (I've reinstalled pidgin-libnotify, whitelisted 'all' in gsettings.... any pointers anyone?02:48
nawkJordan_U: that would mean grub legacy needs to know how to read the from the filesystem on (hdX, Y)02:48
dijonyummywhats the diff between installing a package with apt-get, aptitude, synaptic? which one will install icons in gnome besides ubuntu software center02:48
calamaridijonyummy: usually not much difference02:48
xanguaChapterNZ: it does show on the envelope02:48
caioopenbees : Have one title called theme02:48
Jordan_Unawk: Yes.02:48
calamaridijonyummy: they might resolve dependencies differenly02:48
caioopenbees : sorry02:48
HyperShockgonzalo: why are you trying to install a program called ROOT?02:48
dijonyummyi want to script installing all the packages i use, for stuff like example... 11.0402:48
ChapterNZxangua: I've removed the icon02:48
gizmobayI had problems booting so I removed the nvidia drivers and I'm using Nouveau drivers but it only works in classic mode. Am I missing something? Glxgears works.02:49
ChapterNZxangua: indicator-messages is the package i removed (I hate the little envelope)02:49
gonzaloHyperShock: I work in the Faculty of Physics of the Catholic University of Chile, and we work with data from the LHC particle accelerator. I need ROOT to process that data02:49
gizmobay11.04 that is02:49
HyperShockgonzalo: regardless, you need to sudo apt-get install build-essentials if you plan do any sort of serious compiling and installing.02:49
dijonyummyi dont think apt-get installs icons02:49
bth1202Hello? is there anyone who can support me with the install problem on the newest computer?02:50
gonzaloHyperShock: ok, I'll install that02:50
calamaridijonyummy: to get a list of packages in some sort of installed or not fully uninstalled state, use dpkg -l02:50
WindowNumOne:calamari i'm sorry but I still dont really understand02:50
mr-richHello, is ANYBODY else having problems with dbus-deamon sucking up 30%+ cpu usage?02:50
WindowNumOneI was able to burn a cd ISO but when it comes to DVDS im screwed02:50
calamariWindowNumOne: sorry, I'm not running Gnome.. ask for help on how to get to the Users and Groups settings02:50
caioopenbees : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WXoU3O0vgs02:50
litropyIs it normal for xorg.conf to be empty?02:51
WindowNumOneOk I was under user and groups02:51
WindowNumOneWhat was I supposed to do there02:51
gonzaloHyperShock: E: Unable to locate package build-essentials02:51
calamariWindowNumOne: then go to groups02:51
HyperShockgonzalo: lol, but ROOT has so many connations, like becoming "root" and the "root" directory and the "root" sector of the driver. Personally I think making a problem called "root" is asking for it.02:51
bth1202DVI-D recognition trouble during the first step of installing.02:51
codex84what are good themes02:51
codex84for ubuntu02:51
HyperShockgonzalo: let me double check what they are calling it now02:51
WindowNumOneAnd select what under groups02:51
calamariWindowNumOne: you should have a cdrom group02:51
caioopenbees : sorry, but not called theme, but local02:51
xangualilstevie: yes02:51
gonzaloHyperShock: the official page of the ROOT software is at root.cern.ch02:51
xanguacodex84: google gnome look02:51
Viking667hm. Seems that once I install the applet (the deb) and type in its name, then it appears on the panel...02:52
litropyxangua, was that "yes" meant for me?02:52
caioopenbees : i do confusion =D02:52
HyperShockgonzalo: my bad, i added an 's'. do sudo apt-get install build-essential02:52
frybyehi - I installed startup-manager with ubuntu software center but it does not show up in the gui and dosen't work from the terminal either? Any tips?02:52
calamariWindowNumOne: is there a cdrom group?02:52
Viking667can't do diddle about the panel though to hide it. The closest I've got is when an app is fully fulscreened.02:52
frybyethis startup-manager problem relates to natty02:52
openbeescaio : i appriciate ur effort but the video was for ubuntu 9.10 .....02:52
HyperShockgonzalo: yep, just expressing my concerns over the name of the program02:52
ArtarianLESSON OF THE DAY: Dont ever ever upgrade your ubuntu to 11.0402:52
gonzaloHyperShock: build-essential is already the newest version. (thanks for your help, by the way)02:53
xanguafrybye: because there is no 'startup-manager' , there is 'startupmanager'02:53
ChapterNZViking667: can you define "type in its name"02:53
FlannelArtarian: Please stop that.02:53
HyperShockArtarian: lol, what makes you say that02:53
calamariHyperShock: he's trolling02:53
WindowNumOneyes, the cdrom group has my name checked there is not really any more options .. should I uncheck it and check  it again or something02:53
Viking667Artarian: actually, once I cured the two or three errors I did have, it was good to go.02:53
caioopenbees : what your ubuntu??02:53
HyperShockcalamari: is there no one to ban him?02:53
ubottuIf you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops02:53
WindowNumOneNo Ban02:53
FlannelHyperShock: There is.02:54
jbaganyone able to offer troubleshooting advice on archive manager (file roller) in regard to CBR files, they open but cannot extract the internal files.  worked fine in 10.1002:54
Viking667ChapterNZ: ahh, sorry. Unity. Click on the startgear thing, huge window pops up with all the applications listed, and a searchbox at the top02:54
openbeescaio : changing gdm theme using login window is disabled by ubuntu team since 10.04 release....i am using 11.04 so wanna know if any new way to change gdm llogin screen02:54
calamariWindowNumOne: then that is fine the way it is, don't change it02:54
calamariWindowNumOne: is there a dvd group or cdrw or something liek that?02:54
ChapterNZViking667: Ahhh right! And after you do that it "sometimes" shows the icon in the indicator ?02:54
dijonyummywhere is the config for the gnome panel layout stored?  i want to copy it from 10.10 to 11.04 gnome, after running a script to install all my apps02:55
WindowNumOneShoot Calamari can I use a live cd to boot up then accesss my files and try burning a cd like that02:55
ChapterNZViking667: all the time?02:55
WindowNumOneoh yeah I will need my cd in it .lol02:55
gonzaloHyperShock: Is there any way to make the configure file recognize my libX11 package?02:55
calamariWindowNumOne: doubt it unless you hgave more than one cd drive02:55
ChapterNZViking667: (unfortunately never for me haha)02:55
Viking667hang on. I'll log out, log in - then I'll see if the indicators load THEN.02:55
WindowNumOneWait I think I do have extra cdrom02:55
fisixwhy does the network manager applet not have the up/down arrows for a direct connection in natty?02:55
caioopenbees : sorry02:55
WindowNumOneNo CDR or DVD group02:55
Viking667sorry - won't exactly cure the Ubuntu One program's problam.02:55
openbeescaio : it was so simple to change gdm in 9.10 ....its out of my imagination that way developers disabled this features02:55
ChapterNZAnyone else having issues with pidgin not showing in the notification area after a dist-upgrade? (I've reinstalled pidgin-libnotify, whitelisted 'all' in gsettings.... any pointers anyone?02:56
nawkJordan_U: that way, once grub legacy verifies that the stage files exists on 'Y', then it can identify the real location of where on the disk to read after it finish reading the first 440 bytes of the mbr.02:56
isarlDear #ubuntu, after running the nvidia installation script from the commandline and restarting my system, Additional Drivers informs me that nvidia_current is "activated but not currently in use."  how2fix plz02:56
openbeescaio : no dear its ok ..no need for sorry...we all hear for something to learn...and u got a lesson too02:56
Chad__Help with rsync and Truecryot files?02:57
Jordan_Unawk: If it's not using an embedded area, yes.02:57
caioopenbees : tanks!02:57
openbeescaio: u welcome !02:57
fisixwhy does the network manager applet not have the up/down arrows for a direct connection in natty?02:57
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
frybyexangua - somtimes called one - somtimes the other - hang on pse..02:58
calamariWindowNumOne: you were wanting to use k3b, right?02:58
mister_misarl, I see the same message in the additional drivers under the system menu02:58
WindowNumOneCalamari Coudl I add a DVD group or do I need Drivers or something02:58
openbeesanyone hear ...have any idea how to chane gdm login theme in ubuntu 11.0402:58
isarlmister_m: so any ideas how to fix it?02:58
HyperShockgonzalo: what version of ubu are you on?02:58
Viking667the weather applet didn't appear, and neither did the other applets I installed packages for...02:58
mister_misarl, none - but you aren't the only one02:58
isarlmister_m: thanks anyway.02:58
HyperShockgonzalo: PM me02:59
gonzaloHyperShock: 11.0402:59
mister_misarl, I was going to try removing it, and adding it again02:59
calamariWindowNumOne: actually, wait a sec.. I have an idea02:59
CheBuzz_I am trying to install 11.04 on my Asus G51J laptop.  There are definitely some problems.  The splash screen shows, but afterward my screen is only showing black and white bars.  Anybody know what is going on or how to work around this?02:59
WindowNumOneCalamari I am using anything and everything, I think I have every burning program, but I usually try KB3 or basero02:59
KM0201fisix: the icon for network manager/applet, is set by the theme.02:59
gonzaloHyperShock: How do I PM you?02:59
caioopenbees : have you installed ubuntu-tweak ?02:59
calamariWindowNumOne: do you know the name of your cd device.. like /dev/...  ?02:59
WindowNumOneCan you add DVD to the "admin and group" it ask for a number when I press add02:59
calamariWindowNumOne: don't add that03:00
openbeescaio : i dont want to just change background wallpaper of my login screen.....03:00
frybyexangua: got it - thanks...03:00
openbeescaio : i already have03:00
thejonbi just bought a 6 button mouse with tilt and i can't get the buttons on the side of the mouse or the tilt to work at all. how do i activate those buttons?03:00
ddilingeranyone familiar with configuring wireless through a console?  specifically i'm using wpa_cli, wpa_supplicant is running, but after adding a network to wpa_cli, setting the ssid, and setting the network passphrase, all i can get is 'pre-shared key may be invalid'.  Key is verified working from my phone03:00
WindowNumOnethe cd is under burn:///03:00
isarlhooray, another kernel panic. =/03:01
calamariWindowNumOne: okay that's not right but I'm going to take a guess.. open a console and type ls /dev/sg*03:01
Viking667I'll forget about the indicators, but I really want Ubuntu One working, so I can evaluate the silly thing properly...03:01
CheBuzz_I am trying to install 11.04 on my Asus G51J laptop.  There are definitely some problems.  The splash screen shows, but afterward my screen is only showing black and white bars.  Anybody know what is going on or how to work around this?  Looks like it may be a driver issue with the nVidia GTS 360M card.03:01
Viking667Don't tell me I have to have the NetworkManager installed???03:01
WindowNumOne Calamari Permission Denied03:02
fisixKM0201, sure, but it should change to the up/down arrow when i have an ethernet connection no?03:02
openbeesi am totaly messed with ubuntu 11.04 ....and totaly unsatisfied ....while friends of mine enjoying gnome3 with there fedora and opensuse...i am just getting bugs and problems with unity03:02
calamariWindowNumOne: sudo ls /dev/sg*03:02
KM0201fisix: again, it all depends on the theme...03:03
WindowNumOne /dev/sg* = permission denied03:03
WindowNumOneok lemme try03:03
KM0201fisix: what is it now, unplugged ethernet cable?03:03
calamariWindowNumOne: you typed the original command wrong03:03
calamariWindowNumOne: it should be "ls /dev/sg*" ... no quotes03:03
joeyeyeopenbees, and you expected what ? It's a beta - it has defects...03:03
Jordan_Ujoeyeye: 11.04 has been released.03:04
OmegaViking667: Ubuntu comes preinstalled with NetworkManager03:04
WindowNumOneCalameri this is what came back03:04
fisixKM0201, now it's the empty wireless wave03:04
WindowNumOne/dev/sg0  /dev/sg103:05
joeyeyeJordan_U, because it's released doesn't make it good. It was beta last week ... it's still the same03:05
KM0201fisix: dunno man, does changing your theme change it?03:05
thejonbhow can i get ubuntu 10.10 to recognize the buttons on the side of my mouse?03:05
Jordan_Ujoeyeye: Howerver you may feel about its stability it is none the less no longer in beta.03:05
KM0201!mosue | thejonb03:06
openbeesjoeyeye:  its  a stable release .....thats why i upgrades from my 10.04 lts ...and now only i am getting is error with everything03:06
KM0201!mouse | thejonb oops03:06
ubottuthejonb oops: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto03:06
calamariopenbees: okay put in a cd that already has data on it and browse it .. then go to the console and type "mount" (no quotes). tell me if you see /dev/sg0 or /dev/sg1 in the list03:06
fisixKM0201, how do i change my theme..03:06
WindowNumOnecalamarij /dev/sg0  /dev/sg103:06
calamariopenbees: sorry typo03:06
calamariopenbees: wrong person03:06
joeyeyeopenbees, so it's a stable unstable release03:06
calamariWindowNumOne:  okay put in a cd that already has data on it and browse it .. then go to the console and type "mount" (no quotes). tell me if you see /dev/sg0 or /dev/sg1 in the list03:06
MoleMancan anybody help me with phpMyAdmin and MySQL in Ubuntu 10.10 server?03:06
KM0201fisix: probably in your system settings, i'm not using gnome/unity anymore.. so i'm not 100% sure03:06
caiogood night for all =D03:06
fisixKM0201, are you on kde?03:07
WindowNumOneis a dvd ok03:07
KM0201fisix: negative.. lxde03:07
calamariWindowNumOne: yes03:07
wobblyonionscrap just upgraded to new Ubunut and the desktop is shit how do I get back to the old layout03:07
openbeesjoeyeye: may u have more knowledge than me ....but i said what i felt .....its seems like broken dreams....03:07
IdleOne!classic | wobblyonions03:08
ubottuwobblyonions: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.03:08
IdleOnewobblyonions: please mind your language03:08
wobblyonionsah great thanks03:08
wobblyonionsthis one is gay03:08
wobblyonions:-) sorry03:08
Flannelwobblyonions: Please don't use that term pejoratively.03:08
fisixKM0201, how would i go about switching to lxde or something else?03:08
MoleMananybody help me with ubuntu server?03:08
calamariwobblyonions: kerep in mind that shuttleworth had some fight with gnome devs and so next ubuntu won't have gnome at all03:09
KM0201fisix: you can install those GUI's from the repositories03:09
joeyeyeopenbees, agree. In general the OS is fine, the Unity UI is not ready for prime time. Stick with the "classic" as a desktop UI.03:09
Jordan_Ucalamari: That's not even close to true.03:09
WindowNumOneshoot calamari is there a paste bin site03:09
wobblyonionsthanks guys much better now  :-)03:10
Jordan_UWaycloud: Hi. Welcome to #ubuntu :)03:10
WindowNumOnethats free u dont have to sgin up03:10
fisixKM0201, is it just me or is the lxde site down03:10
richukcalamari, you know 11.04 is due to have Gnome3 rite??03:10
richuk11.10 lol03:10
karthick87How to make natty boot in verbose mode?03:10
KM0201fisix: lxde.org is    but lubuntu.org   is not03:10
KM0201or at least i don't think it is03:10
calamariJordan_U: true: In April 2011 Mark Shuttleworth announced that Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot would not include the classic GNOME desktop as a fall back to Unity, unlike Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal.03:11
openbeesjoeyeye : thanks but i am using classic since very next hour of 11.04 installation lolz03:11
Omegacalamari: classic GNOME desktop == gnome-panel03:11
Omegacalamari: We're still a GNOME distribution03:11
Jordan_Ucalamari: Because GNOME has moved on to Gnome Shell, not because of any argument.03:11
KM0201calamari: i thought it was gonna have unity-2d as a fallback.. .there needs to be some sort of fall back, to many peope having probs booting 3D03:11
calamariWindowNumOne: just look in the list and find the info, no need to paste it03:11
Omegacalamari: We use GNOME rechnologies, GTK applications03:12
richukthat doesnt mean its not gona have Gnome3 tho calamari03:12
IdleOneKM0201: there is. see /msg ubottu !classic03:12
KM0201IdleOne: thanks.03:12
Jordan_Ucalamari: GNOME no longer supports the "classic" desktop, and neither will Ubuntu (unless an upstream appears). Ubuntu 11.10 will let you use GNOME shell or unity.03:12
KM0201IdleOne: i was actually referring to 11.10 though03:12
frybyewtf is this #ubuntu-unregged ?? I am registered.. this "channel" opens just as the identify process is being done..?03:12
MalMenhello, my ati driver is not working on ubuntu 11.04.. anyone can help me please ?03:13
IdleOneKM0201: 11.10 is 6 months away and off topic for this channel03:13
KM0201IdleOne: i was just saying what i read03:13
SteelaCalamai 190-134-154-254.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy) has joined #ubuntu03:13
Steela* cached has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)03:13
Steela<MalMen> hello, my ati driver is not working on ubuntu 11.04.. anyone can help me please ?03:13
Steela<IdleOne> KM0201: 11.10 is 6 months away and off topic for this channel03:13
Steela<KM0201> IdleOne: i was just saying what i read03:13
FloodBot2Steela: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:13
Jordan_Ufrybye: Configure your client to send your nickserv password as a server password.03:13
dijonyummyman that sucks, unity (and gnome 3) seem so restricting03:13
Steelawait one sec03:13
thauriswulfa1The Purple 8 Ball says:  Ask again later03:13
Omega!paste Steela03:13
SteelaI didnt copy that03:13
Omega!paste | Steela03:13
ubottuSteela: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:13
Viking667Ubuntu One. Who the heck knows something about that? I badly want it to use the network I've got, and not play silly beggars telling me it can't find one... when I'm typing IRC on it.03:14
Viking667(the network, that is)03:14
frybyeJordan_U: this was never a problem untill 5 mins ago...?03:14
calamarithanks for correcting me.. I am glad to hear that I am wrong about Gnome in 11.1003:14
OmegaSteela: I think you highlighted it and middle clicked, that happens to me too sometimes.03:14
frybyeJordan_U: and with konversation how do i do this change?03:14
Jordan_Ufrybye: Race conditions are by their nature not always reproduceable.03:14
Omegacalamari: We're here to help :)03:15
SteelaCalamari   http://pastebin.com/hppW8wcE03:15
MoleManI am stuck installing phpMyAdmin can somebody help me, or redirect me to somewhere more suitable please?03:15
Jordan_Ufrybye: I don't know, I don't use konversation.03:15
karthick87How to make natty boot in verbose mode?03:15
calamariSteela: are you the same and that WindowNumOne guy?03:16
litropySo, wonder what kind of banter is about in #ubuntu+103:16
Steelaoh yeah yes03:16
calamariSteela: I don't see a mounted cd or dvd in that list03:16
=== necromancer is now known as necromancer`bzy
SteelaI wonder why does it matter what type of cd or dvd it may of been blank03:17
brous-keekarthick87, on the grub options  remove  quiet03:17
cloud9any one can help me installing google earth package03:17
Omegalitropy: No one is saying anything there :)03:17
KM0201cloud9: just download the .deb, double click and install?03:17
calamariSteela: all I wanted to know was the name of your cd device .. it is probably /dev/sg0 .. lets just guess03:17
IdleOnecloud9: sudo apt-get install googleearth-package03:17
SteelaI dunno!03:17
karthick87brous-kee: Changing option GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash quiet to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" in /etc/default/grub doesn't effect in natty.03:17
litropyOmega, yeah, that's what you _want_ us to think :P j/k03:17
KM0201is google earth in the repos now?03:18
KM0201!info googleearth03:18
ubottuPackage googleearth does not exist in natty03:18
calamariSteela: pastebin this: ls -l /dev/sg* /dev/sr*03:18
KM0201!info googleearth-package03:18
ubottugoogleearth-package (source: googleearth-package): utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.6.1 (natty), package size 9 kB, installed size 68 kB03:18
IdleOne!info googleearth-package03:18
brous-keekarthick87, on the grub options  remove  quiet -- did you try this yet?03:18
litropy!info xorg-edit03:18
ubottuPackage xorg-edit does not exist in natty03:18
KM0201hmm, didn't know that03:18
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:18
MK``Can I resize a partition with the disk utility or do I have to use something like gparted?03:18
karthick87brous-kee: will try that03:19
brous-keeMK``, if it has data you would want to use gparted03:19
MK``ok thanks03:19
litropy!What to do when  youtube is smooth and hulu is choppy03:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:19
wdbli have a fairly fresh install of 10.04 and I am getting permission-denied trying to mkdir /usr/local/src/xyz Isn't this where you're supposed to keep source code?03:19
litropy!Upgrade to AI03:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:19
KM0201litropy: stop03:20
litropyKM0201, Yes, sir03:20
SteelaHere it is :  http://pastebin.com/CNL8VRxz03:20
KM0201litropy: you can /msg ubottu something here... and he'll PM you all the factoids you want (if you want to just ask it various questions)03:20
litropyKM0201, thanks!03:21
Guest94632just received the new update and now I have no wireless networking... I have the third party bcm43xx drivers installed but I do not remember what to type to bring up the wireless networking... thought it was something like ifconfig wlan0 up...but not sure03:22
calamariSteela: that looks good then. and you said you were already in the cdrom group.. well I don't know at this point. I can get you working in a "wrong waqy" if you just want to burn03:22
Jordan_Ukarthick87: Did you run "sudo update-grub" after making changes to /etc/default/grub ?03:22
calamariSteela: if you run "sudo k3b" you should probably be able to burn03:22
litropyGuest94632, check out iwconfig as well03:22
karthick87Jordan_U: Yes03:22
Steelathats when I put in a CD look what happens when I type mount after putting in DVD03:23
KM0201calamari: i can't imagine a situation where any burning utility, would need sudo.03:23
Jordan_Ukarthick87: Can you pastebin your /etc/default/grub and your /boot/grub/grub.cfg?03:23
litropyGuest94632, also make sure the card is enabled in BIOS03:23
jhayAnyone else experiencing the Applications menu freezing up every once in a while?03:23
Jordan_U!gksudo | calamari03:23
ubottucalamari: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:23
calamariKM0201: it told him permission denied.. I used to get that all the time until I got my permissions sorted out03:23
karthick87Jordan_U: Sure wait a min03:23
calamariKM0201: but if he just needs to burn something he can use sudo and get it done03:24
litropyGuest94632, Network Manager should do the rest.03:24
KM0201calamari: hmm, thats strange.. i've never had to use sudo w/ a burning utility.. sounsd like he's got more issues than not being able to burn something unless he's root03:24
Guest94632litropy, it is enabled in the bios... the only change that I made to the system was to upgrade to 11.04... from 10.03:24
calamariKM0201: it's not the right solution, but i can get him going in a crunch03:24
=== jason is now known as Guest17770
Guest17770Man I thought ubuntu was light weight. It runs really slow compared to win 703:25
litropyGuest94632, ifconfig to find your card; ifconfig [card] up03:25
SteelaCalamari http://pastebin.com/ixwprTBh03:25
calamariKM0201: I'm pretty sure you need to be able to access the /dev/sr0 (etc) device in order to burn.. and the permissions are root.cdrom.. so either root or in the cdrom group03:25
Guest94632this is on my laptop and the wireless is not coming up when I press the button03:25
Guest94632i will try that03:25
litropyGuest94632, but it sounds like there's something going on with that driver, because it should bring itself up automatically03:26
Steelawhat is sudo K3b going to do03:26
calamariSteela: did "sudo k3b" work to burn your cd?03:26
SteelaI already tried to burn over a thousand times using k3b!03:26
calamariSteela: it'll run it as root03:26
Jordan_Ucalamari: Please stop suggesting the use of sudo with graphical programs.03:26
MoleManis there a command for search?03:26
Guest94632litropy, i guess i could uninstall and reinstall...03:26
Jordan_U!gksudo | calamari03:26
Guest94632[the driver]03:27
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SteelaOk lets see this03:27
calamariJordan_U: if you wnt to take over and help him, go ahead03:27
calamariJordan_U: there is nothing wrong with using sudo to run a program03:27
isarlHi all, although Alternative Drivers says my nvidia-current is "activated but not currently in use", glxinfo and glxgears seem to suggest that it actually is.  My problem: "Detect monitors" is not showing my second monitor.03:27
litropyGuest94632, yeah, that's an option.03:27
KM0201calamari: actually...03:27
Jordan_Ucalamari: Read the link from ubottu. It could lead to Steela no longer being able to log in.03:28
calamariJordan_U: and I haven't kept up on the grpahical sudo of the week03:28
Jordan_USteela: Do *not* run "sudo k3b".03:28
Steela*americans, president obama on tv to talk it supposed to be a national security issues*03:28
calamariokay well I don't want to get banned for helping so sorry Steela you're on your own03:28
litropyDoes anyone _not_ have problems playing hulu?03:28
Jordan_U!ot | Steela03:28
ubottuSteela: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:28
calamariJordan will help you03:28
wdbldoes anyone know why you don't have permissions to /usr/local/src by default? where do you keep your code?03:29
Hoythi , where can i download hard drive boot needed vmlinuz and initrd.gz ? i just forgot about the url03:29
litropyJordan_U, why is sudo k3b a bad idea?03:29
isarl#ubuntu, why is my second monitor not getting detected?03:29
Jordan_U!gksudo | litropy03:29
ubottulitropy: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:29
litropy(not that I don't think it is)03:30
calamaribtw your ubtu command never sent me any kind of link03:30
ChapterNZAnyone else having issues with pidgin not showing in the notification area after a dist-upgrade? (I've reinstalled pidgin-libnotify, whitelisted 'all' in gsettings.... any pointers anyone?03:30
KM0201!gksudo | calamari03:30
ubottucalamari: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:30
litropyJordan_U, thanks.03:30
Jordan_Ucalamari: It did the first time I used it and directed it to you.03:30
Jordan_Ulitropy: You're welcome.03:30
Darrenhey i have a problem03:31
calamarilol that's funny.. I guess I never thought about that.. if .ICE got messed up I'd just fix it03:31
calamariwell good to know I guess03:31
calamariSteela: I guess your command now would be gksudo k3b03:32
Jordan_USteela: Are you using Ubuntu 11.04?03:32
DarrenCan anyone help me with an upgrading problem>03:32
killer_I'm looking for a file manager program that when copying a file from one system to another, it gives the transfer rate. I have tried Thunar and PCManFM 0.9.7.  What other options are there?  I am running Crunchbang which is why I do not have naudiaus(sp?) and am on a netbook so I prefer to stay away from resource hogs.03:33
KM0201calamari: of course, the issue becomes, if someone doesn't know how to fix it03:33
Viking667How do I ADD workspaces to the four that exist from the Unity workspace switcher?03:33
Logan_!ask | Darren03:33
ubottuDarren: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:33
xanguakiller_: only ubuntu support here03:34
trismViking667: in ccsm under general options on the desktop tab03:34
calamariwdbl: I was thinking about that the other day ... actually with /usr/src. if a regular user had write access to /usr/src.. a malicious user could fill up the partition /usr . I don't know if that is THE answer, but just a possibility03:34
DarrenWhy is it that after i have upgraded, the backlight doesnt turn on?03:35
=== oneliner_ is now known as oneliner
killer_roger.  Can someone verify naudiaus has the transfer rate?  An example of such is with any Windows where there is a rate of 11.7 mb / sec (or whatever values depending on cpu usage/network/etc)03:35
Viking667hm. CCSM being ... the compizconfig?03:35
wdblcalamari: thanks, I didn't think about that. I think I will just make a src directory in my home.03:35
wdblwe'll see what happens I guess03:36
trismViking667: yes compizconfig-settings-manager03:36
Bsimsdumb question but how to I turn off the disappearing slider feature for gtk apps?03:36
calamariwdbl: if it's just your system you could also change the permissions03:36
Viking667looking there now...03:36
Logan_killer_: /join #crunchbang03:36
Viking667THANK you. I was looking in the wrong places.03:37
MoleMananybody tell me what the 'omitting directory' error is caused by when attempting to use a cp command?03:37
josefighello, I want to start my ubuntu on console mode how may I do this ? I mean not in gdm and when I want to start the X doing it by console.03:37
wdblcalamari: I guess I'm just wondering what the best practice is. I don't do any coding on *nix ever.03:37
* Viking667 ticks another thing off his list03:37
calamariMoleMan: it means it detected a directory and you didn't use -R03:37
SteelaI have this something about error , then it said try "TAO" the error was a number but I didnt get it03:37
Jordan_UMoleMan: cp will only copy directories if given the '-r' option.03:37
Viking667now, how do I actually change DESKTOPs, not virtual spaces?03:37
MoleManJordan_U: thanks03:37
Stelpauhh crap03:38
calamariwdbl: I'm not sure either03:38
Jordan_UMoleMan: You're welcome.03:38
Darrenis my backlight not turning on due to a kernel bug?03:38
StelpaI think I might have deleted my trash03:38
killer_Can someone explain Unity.  I don't understand what it is.  I use ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop and I don't think it's there.  After looking at screenshots, it appears to be a fancy speed list to open applications. Is there more to it?03:38
wdblcalamari: you know what though, it's probably better to change the permissions because sometimes you want a different user to have access, like build services or whatever03:38
Stelpalike, the trash "folder" itself03:38
StelpaI did "sudo rm -r /home/userID/.local/share/Trash/"03:38
wdblcalamari: so, /usr/local/src is better03:38
bromide_brois there some particular reason why this ubuntu installer is telling me i need 4.4 gb of hard disk space when the boot disk is only something like 600mb03:39
eiriksvinwell i finally found out whats been going on with my Natty, it was the graphics driver, problem is i have it but dont know how to activate it, it just says its not in use what do i do?03:39
BsimsGrrr system bell isn't working anyone have any idea why?03:39
calamariwdbl: cool then. I just hacked mine with chown username.username /usr/src   .. defininely not the best practice but it worked for me :)03:39
bromide_brobecause this is an old asus netbook and it only has 2 gb of hdd03:39
Jordan_Ubromide_bro: The CD is compressed.03:39
BsimsGrrr system bell isn't working anyone have any idea why?03:39
SteelaCalami I think I know what wrong when I typed sudo k3b I got this long message want to see03:39
Viking667bromide_bro: and the deb packages expand to bigger than 600Mb when uncompressed03:39
calamariSteela: ok03:40
Darrenwhy is my backlight not turning on in 11.04?03:40
bromide_broreally... i wonder what the heck they added that makes the new install so huge03:40
Jordan_Ubromide_bro: The space requirement hasn't changed.03:40
Viking667bromide_bro: what's on the CDROM is a single compressed filesystem, and the contents (usually) gets copied over uncompressed.03:40
bromide_broat any rate, i guess i can't install 11.04 on this netbook03:40
calamariSteela: I thought I said to use gksudo because they corrected me.. guess you missed it03:40
calamariSteela: but still.. the program should have loaded03:41
=== Ttech is now known as The_Doctor
bromide_brojordan_u:  it must have; i've had more than enough disk space to install ubuntu on this netbook before03:41
Jordan_Ubromide_bro: How big is your hard drive?03:41
Steelawant me to re try03:42
Steelaso "gksudo k3b" then burn to iso03:42
calamariSteela: well did k3b load ?03:42
Steelait loaded last time03:42
bromide_brothe last version on this was probably something like 10.04, but i don't remember exactly... it didn't have this new installer03:42
Guest17770Bib laden dead03:42
tully8 inches03:42
gonzaloThank you, Ubuntu Community, and thanks to HyperShock!03:42
calamariSteela: did it work to burn?03:42
Jordan_Ubromide_bro: That would not be "more than enough" space for any release of Ubuntu, except maybe netbook editions which may be smaller than Desktop.03:42
_Neytiri_how do i add a user with a home directory different than /home03:42
StafngrimrLast version was 10.1003:42
chris_008Help room--What program can I use to open a DOS executable file to change some parameters?03:43
Steelait still didnt work it gave me that message about klauncher when i looked back in terminal03:43
calamariSteela: so it still complained about permissions03:43
bromide_broi definitely only installed the netbook versions03:43
Jordan_U!ot | Guest1777003:43
ubottuGuest17770: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:43
SteelaNo it said I had root03:43
Viking667chris_008: err, you can't.03:43
bromide_broit's  a shame they discontinued that line (did they?)03:43
SteelaIt was a number03:43
Viking667... not without a hex editor. And that's not covered by Ubuntu support.03:43
calamariSteela: oh cool.. guess k3b got smarter since the lasty time I tried that hack.. lol03:43
chris_008Viking: Hrmm, what about a PC program in Wine to do the edit?03:44
calamariSteela: I want to see it here, 1 min03:44
Rehancould anyone help me solve the problem of my Virtual Terminals not working? If I do ctrl+alt+F1 i get a black screen and then the only way I can get back to my screen is by doing ctrl+alt+F803:44
FlynsarmyHey usually I install msttcorefonts but apparently in natty there's only ttf-mscorefonts-installer and it's already insatalled yet reddit fonts look pretty different. any ideas?03:44
Bsimsanyone know why I can't turn on the system bell, and how to get sliders visible in gtk2 apps?03:44
hidn_shadowsHey guys, Brasero's giving me a bit of trouble. It's asking for two packages, "mplex" and "dvdauthor". The problem is, they don't seem to exist. What alternatives do I have, or what server are the packages on?03:45
bromide_broi'll try netbook edition 10.10, then03:45
Steelahey guys I know this is an ubuntu room, but Osama Bin Laden has been caught and he is dead03:45
xanguaSteela: stop that03:45
calamariSteela: so it gives the warning and lets you close the warning. does it then let you burn?03:45
CairoSteela: who?03:45
HyperShock_Neytiri_: open users and groups, then select user, then select advanced button, then in popped up windows, hit 'advanced' tab, tell the new directory there03:45
SteelaSorry, I just heard it on CNN03:45
Steelait some big news03:46
_Neytiri_HyperShock, i am runung CLI only03:46
dibshats off to the devs. I just got Natty running and just wanted to come and say thanks to all involved in unity and natty's dev. I love it!03:46
bromide_bro...can you even download netbook 10.10 from the ubuntu site anymore?  it's not showing up03:46
StafngrimrUnity is great03:46
calamariSteela: good luck with your probs, I'm out for a while03:47
Cairobromide_bro: i would think so...03:47
Cairowhy not 11.04?03:47
^Phantom^I got asked the language of england before I could join?03:47
bromide_brothe non-netbook versions require too much disk space for my netbook03:47
hidn_shadowsAnyone know about the two missing packages from Brasero? Mplex and Dvdauthor03:47
StafngrimrTheres only one version of 11.04 I think isnt there03:47
hidn_shadows^Phantom^, they're just checking to make sure you arent' a bot03:47
bromide_broand the netbook edition has been discontinued03:48
^Phantom^hidn_shadows, ah03:48
Steelacalami please03:48
^Phantom^i had to restart03:48
samplezthow can i make more desktops on ubuntu 11.04?03:48
bromide_brosince i guess most netbooks these days have more than 2gb hard drive space03:48
Cairobromide_bro: so just use the 11.04 netbook edition03:48
mrdebis 1104 good now?03:48
Steelano one to help me03:48
bromide_broit hasn't got one03:48
^Phantom^I guess my system does restart pretty quickly when I boot to ubuntu, XD @ hidn_shadows03:48
xanguabromide_bro: just got unified03:48
Cairobromide_bro: oh...03:48
^Phantom^It's a nice OS to have alongside windows03:48
Cairothere should be one...03:48
StafngrimrSomeone has a 2gb hdd?03:48
HyperShock_Neytiri_: after you use 'adduser' to add the user to the system use 'usermod <username> --home <directory_path>'03:48
tullyBIN LADEN IS DEAD!03:48
Cairo^Phantom^: wInDOws!@#%(&*@03:48
xanguatully drop it03:48
^Phantom^Stafngrimr, they still make 2GB HDDs?03:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:49
^Phantom^Cairo, i'm running the superior OS right now03:49
tullywe did drop it, right on his face hold03:49
eigba_Why are the complaints about unity? You can revert back to Gnome to by choosing Ubuntu classic from gdm login manager correct?03:49
eiriksvinanyone have any luck getting Rune of Magic to work?03:49
Rehancould anyone help me solve the problem of my Virtual Terminals not working? If I do ctrl+alt+F1 i get a black screen and then the only way I can get back to my screen is by doing ctrl+alt+F803:49
BrotherJAre there any good games on Ubuntu?03:49
mrdebeigba_: nothing real. unity works well03:49
SteelaI know I announced that already tully I got int trouble03:50
FlynsarmyAnyone else noticing VLC icon rarely appears in classic 11.04?03:50
mrdebdoes anyone know how to install unreal tournmane 2004 on ubuntu x64?03:50
=== wilson is now known as Guest39437
Rehancould anyone help me solve the problem of my Virtual Terminals not working? If I do ctrl+alt+F1 i get a black screen and then the only way I can get back to my screen is by doing ctrl+alt+F803:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:50
eigba_mrdeb: I like unity, however many are complaining about it, but choosing ubuntu classic from gdm login manager loads gnome 2 correct?03:50
bromide_brothis is unusual.  i could've sworn the ubuntu website used to host all of the old versions03:50
mrdebeigba_: yes it loads gnome 203:50
StafngrimrYeah you can load gnome203:50
Steelaxangua most not live anywhere near where he killed 3,000 + of our ppl03:50
xangua!ot | Steela03:51
ubottuSteela: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:51
StafngrimrI dont have any problems with Unity personally. I quite like it03:51
=== Guest39437 is now known as bison
eigba_Stafngrimr: You know its growing on me alot actually, Its nice to have a new Desktop enviroment to play with03:52
bisonwhat kind of error is this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/602096/03:52
beachbum_Bobhow do i upgrade from clamtk 4.30 to clamtk 4.32 ?03:52
eiriksvinim trying so hard to get Runes of Magic to work, everything is good, but my screen stays black, i saw a picture once, but i cant seem to even get that repeated03:52
isarlHow do I move the Unity bar around? I have multiple monitors and would like it on the far left edge, not the left edge of the right-hand monitor.03:52
Cairoisarl: someone said that you couldn't03:53
eiriksvinyou cant03:53
nawkis it a normal behaviour to experience choppiness in flash video playback using the 64-bit Adobe Flash Player for linux?03:53
isarlwow, that's awesome.  For real?!03:53
xanguabeachbum_Bob: use the clamav ppa03:53
mrdebnawk: depends on te website03:53
eiriksvin<isarl>you cant not == supported yet03:53
xanguanawk: yes03:53
beachbum_Bobthanks xangua03:53
AI need to make an announcement03:53
=== A is now known as Guest50073
nawkxangua: and I do mean *choppy03:53
eiriksvingive it another month somone will find a way!03:54
eigba_Well you can play with your video driver settings an rotate screen, but then you will have to browse and such with everything else sideways :) hahaha03:54
bisonwhat kind of error is this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/602096/03:54
eigba_All joking aside I wish you could move the bar03:54
=== The_Doctor is now known as Ttech
solid_liqyay! bin laden is dead!!03:54
Romanceany good about 11.04 ?03:55
nawkxangua: I am referring to the "Square" release, if you know which version of adobe player for linux I am talking about03:55
nfmHi, I tried installing KDE on the default Ubuntu 11.04, but then switched back. Unfortunately the splash screen at boot up  still says "Kubuntu". Is there an easy fix for this?03:55
hidn_shadowsHey guys, Brasero's giving me a bit of trouble. It's asking for two packages, "mplex" and "dvdauthor". The problem is, they don't seem to exist. What alternatives do I have, or what server are the packages on?03:55
kazuhi, could you teach install ubuntu-server 11.04(amd64) about uEFI architecture ?03:55
eiriksvinyeah, itll happen, there are plenty of people wanting to do that03:55
isarlRomance: No.  Nothing.  Don't use it.  Unity should die in a fire.  Stay on 10.10 while you still can.03:55
damonnawk: I installed square via apt-get or something and it works fine03:55
=== meisth0th is now known as meisth0th_zzz
isarlRomance: I'm not being sarcastic.  I've had nothing but trouble since I updated.  AVOID.03:55
isarlRomance: The term "bleeding edge" comes to mind.03:55
AADFSWehn selecting graphics for Nivida drivers, select version 173 version03:55
nawkdamon: square is in which repo?03:56
nawksquare: restricted?03:56
eigba_Brb I just farted out a butt turd03:56
nawkdamon, restricted?03:56
spiderXhi, is there any free mysql gui client for ubuntu?03:56
damonnawk: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/adobe-flash-player-square-102-64bit.html03:56
BsimsWTH is pcspkr not found as a valid kernel module on natty03:56
Romanceisarl : thanks for reminded me. I'll stick with 10.04 :)03:56
MoleManwould it be possible to move the contents of a folder up a directory? something along the lines of 'mv /var/www/citrix/wordpress/* /var/www/citrix/' ?03:56
eiriksvinbut the way i see it, why change your GUI from classic to natty on your release and knowing the huge mods i have done to my old screen, id have to say that was a bad call03:56
isarlRomance: That works, too.  =)03:57
damonnawk: think that's the directions I followed.  I'm no ubuntu pro though03:57
spivwaqHi all,  there's a Windows Chrome "new tab redirect" extension that lets you change the default new tab location...does such a thing exist for ubuntu?03:57
bisonwhat kind of error is this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/602096/03:57
eigba_Anyone running gnome 3?03:57
spiderXplease tell me any mysql gui client for ubuntu~03:57
xanguaeigba_: gnome3 may breack your system if that is what you are asking03:57
astrobusgnome 3 is on fedora beta03:57
AADFSNot yest03:57
damonhey all, does anybody know how to enable dragging and dropping files through a gnome-panel?  This definitely worked through older versions of ubuntu03:58
xangua!mysql > spiderX03:58
ubottuspiderX, please see my private message03:58
eigba_spiderX, You may want to search for a mysql gui client for linux in general.03:58
nawkis add-apt-repository new?  I've always had to edit the source.list myself03:58
tamara__i have a kolke cam03:58
bisoni can't use my ubuntu software center, the error is here "http://paste.ubuntu.com/602096/"03:58
tamara__and i cant make it work in ubuntu03:58
xanguanawk: as new as ubuntu 9.1003:58
tamara__a cant find any driver on internet03:59
xanguatamara__: installed cheese ¿03:59
eiriksvinmy thoughts is that they should have went with an ultra easy custimisable desktop03:59
AADFSGnome 3 =/= Unity03:59
AADFSNot compatible03:59
yangeri'm probably doing something not right, apt-get remove apache2 to remove the apache server (replacing it with lighttpd) but apache still exists in start scripts [binds port 80]03:59
AADFSAnd you cant downgrade to unity after going to GNOME 303:59
MoleMancommand for delete?04:00
tamara__kolke webcam04:00
eiriksvinall set with the tools to let any user design their desktop in a smooth and seamless way04:00
spicytacocan anyone read this?04:00
xanguaAADFS: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge <ppa's name>04:00
eigba_AADFS, Why not? It can be done, just maybe not easy04:00
isarlspicytaco: No, I can't.  I'm illiterate.04:00
hidn_shadowsHey guys, "old school" 10.04's brasero is giving me trouble about not having two packages, "mplex" and "dvdauthor" Are there alternative packages, do I need to update something, anyone know?04:00
tamara__can u readme?04:00
eiriksvin<spicytaco>not so loud but clear:)04:01
taglasseiriksvin: I disagree.  That's asking for a support nightmare, and support is one of the few ways CAnonical makes money.04:01
BsimsI can't enable system bell, or make gtk app sliders visible at all times any ideas?04:01
celthunderBsims: pulseaudio oss or alsa?04:01
bisoni can't use my ubuntu software center, the error is here "http://paste.ubuntu.com/602096/"04:01
eiriksvinthey could easily have made the GUI ultra custom and offered ends to can04:02
celthundertamara__: i could read that line04:02
Bsimsin a terminal04:02
spicytacoisarl:i am having difficultis you see i click join this one channel and it said if you do not consent to proxy search leave now then it said you have been banned i did no wrong04:02
eiriksvinfor support04:02
OY1Rnow on 11.0404:02
Bsimscelthunder: terminal I am running pulseaudio but its configured to use pc speaker and worked before Natty04:02
OY1Rhow messed up the layout ! :P how do i switch to gnome ?04:03
isarlspicytaco: well, we can all see you just fine. =)04:03
xanguaOY1R: for 'classic' desktop on your login screem04:03
HercIf I upgrade my Ubuntu right now do I need to modify my symlinks settings in apache?04:03
OY1Rwhat if i autologin ! heh04:03
eiriksvinim just sick, i cant play Runes of Magic:(04:03
brous-keeupgrade as oppose to fresh install causes so much headaches04:04
celthunderbsims ok try load-sample-lazy x11-bell /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/dialog-error.oga04:04
celthunderload-module module-x11-bell sample=x11-bell04:04
spicytacoisarl: isarl: why can i be banned for nothiing?04:05
Bsimscelthunder: I don't want to comeout via the speakers, I want it to use the beep on pc case04:05
dreamsforgottenhello everyone, looking for some support in Natty anyone successfully running 32bit scripts?04:05
isarlspicytaco: couldn't tell you.04:05
newb_My sound (and microphone) isn't working on a EEEPC 1005-HA netbook. Somebody could help me to identify the problem?04:05
celthunderBsims: ah that does exactly the opposite to it lol04:05
taglassspicytaco: I'm guessing that you're behind a proxy04:05
codeshahhey guys, I want to add a user to the www-data group - how do I do this? can the user be part of his current group and www-data?04:05
Bsimscelthunder: gets better I can't even modprobe the damned module I need04:05
eiriksvinHerc if you update, you might not find it all that04:05
celthundernewb_: do they show up as hardware, pulseuadio oss or alsa and what're you using to test did you check if muted04:05
spicytacotaglass:i am on a university wireless network I get banned for this?04:06
celthunderBsims: can it find it? whats the error from modprobe04:06
eiriksvinim thinking on going back to 10.10, until they open this whale up04:06
taglassspicytaco: apparently so, and this really has nothing to do w/ ubuntu support.04:06
Bsimsgreat now it found it04:06
dibsI get the odd redraw issue with windows untill I either move or resize them, anyone else get this?04:06
white_geckohey hello, is in 11.04 netbook and desktop the same or where can i find the download for a netwook image?04:06
xanguawhite_gecko: the same04:07
Bsimsbut still no beep04:07
white_geckoxangua: so i should put desktop on my usb stick04:07
spicytacotaglass:oh i see, what channel has to do with chatzilla support?04:07
J_ez_2coolUSB ACCESS ON 11.04 HELP04:07
celthunderspicytaco: #chatzilla ?04:07
eiriksvinanyone know where i could go for some help getting Runes of Magic working?04:07
dreamsforgottenAny takers on troubleshooting ADB in natty:  Getting no file or directory in platform-tools/ folder please msg04:08
celthunderdreamsforgotten: is it in your path?04:08
dreamsforgottencelthunder yes and it's not working in the actual directory either04:08
spicytacocelticthunder: that room is empty!04:08
celthunderdreamsforgotten: permissions?04:08
white_geckothere is a link to http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent on http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#bt but it doesn't work04:08
celthunderspicytaco: what're you trying todo with chatzilla i hate it as it's a terible client but ...04:09
celthunderluthfi: hi04:09
dreamsforgottencelthunder r+w04:09
celthunderdreamsforgotten: set it +x lol04:09
celthundersince most of the stuff in there you're executing04:09
kazuhikohi, could you teach install ubuntu-server 11.04(amd64) about uEFI architecture ?04:09
taglassspicytaco: http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#proxies04:09
celthunderkazuhiko: ?04:09
dreamsforgottencelthunder going to try now did that once.  Then installed ia32-libs04:09
celthunderwhat about installing it04:10
spicytacocelthunder: well i have a moral objection to paying for irc software i will not try mIRC, i tried pidgey its nice04:10
celthunderspicytaco: weechat/irssi or xchat04:10
dreamsforgottencelthunder chown or chmod04:10
newb_celthunder: I'm trtying use alsa, but alsamixer don't show the sound input, and the audio output is strange (wheezing). The input it's muted for audacity and skype.04:11
celthunderdreamsforgotten: chmod04:11
dreamsforgottencelthunder k04:11
celthundernewb_: is pulseuadio taking over it?04:11
newb_celthunder: I've installed pulseaudio, but I don't know how he works to test...04:12
luthfican i upgrading 10.10 to 11.04 by using dvd install??04:12
spicytacotaglass: i do not think the channel was from freenode network-what I did was googled 100 largest irc channels and clicked one04:12
kazuhikoI try install ubuntu-server 11.04 to IBM X3550M304:12
celthundernewb_: i'd bet if the mixer looks wierd and wierd sounds come from alsa that pulse took over the device (or that's what happens for me if i use alsa for something s while pulse is using the hardware04:13
celthunderkazuhiko: ok where did you get stuck?04:13
spicytacocelthunder: from xchat wikipedia article, "but the official Windows version is Shareware"04:13
celthunderspicytaco: silverex.org -- free version for windows04:13
dreamsforgottencelthunder still no go No command 'adb' found, did you mean:04:14
spicytacocelthunder: what differences between the two besides one is free?04:14
newb_celthunder: Then I should not try use aplay or something more who uses alsa directily?04:14
dreamsforgottencelthunder been at it 3 hours had it working fine in 10.04 is it supported?04:14
celthunderspicytaco: not much lol it's literally the same04:14
spicytacocelthunder: great I have no moral objectiion to that!04:15
celthunderdreamsforgotten: chmod 777 adb then do ./adb04:15
celthunderdreamsforgotten: if it still doesn't find it something is majorly wrong (like your 32 bit lib's04:15
damonhey all, does anybody know how to enable dragging and dropping files through a gnome-panel?  This definitely worked through older versions of ubuntu04:15
kazuhikocelthunder:installation process was completed. but...04:15
dreamsforgottencelthunder your a godsend!!!  so for now on the ./ is a must right04:16
xanguadamon: if you use unity, you are no using gnome panel04:16
Guest55198how to change my name04:16
damonxangua: I'm in ubuntu classic04:16
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
newb_celthunder: Hey!!! Banshee player is playing the audios correctily!!! :D04:16
_genuser_hello people04:16
_genuser_anybody using netbuntu?04:16
sjmikemWhy don't I have update-rc.d on my ubuntu installation?04:16
sjmikemubuntu 13 to be specific04:17
newb_celthunder: There are no way to do this work for aplay too? And now for audio input?04:17
Guest55198how to change my name from guest55198 to any other name?04:17
Flannelsjmikem: There is no such thing as Ubuntu 13.04:17
celthunderdreamsforgotten: add it to your path and chmod the entire directory like this chmod -R 777 ./04:17
celthunderand then you can skip the ./ whenever (as long as its in your path04:17
tamara__hi all04:17
sjmikemFlannel: oh duh04:18
celthundernewb_: yeah you can make it work do tthis ps auxf |grep pulseaudio any results oether than your grep command?04:18
tamara__i have a kolke webcam04:18
tamara__and i cant make it work in ubuntu04:18
Guest55198hi is there any change between ubuntu and sabily04:18
celthunderGuest55198: /nick changes your nick04:18
kazuhikogrub2 was not find kernel at the time of  boot after the installation.04:18
dreamsforgottencelthunder Thankyou very much!!!  I'll let you get to those that need it now!04:18
wolfricanyone see osama is dead04:18
dreamsforgottenwolfric watching it now04:18
celthunderdreamsforgotten: lol i'm useless...just helping a few that i can04:18
celthunderwolfric: do we care?04:19
FlannelThat's offtopic for here, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.04:19
harushimofor android development in ubuntu, is it better to do the plugin for eclipse or the actual sdk04:19
=== Guest55198 is now known as change
celthunderkazuhiko: what drive did you install grub to and whats the error and what version of grub/etc04:19
taglassharushimo: You have to have th esdk to use the plugin04:19
celthunderharushimo: that's up to you but you need the SDK either way04:19
harushimothat is what I thought04:19
Froq_where can i get the needed driver for the magic touchpad that apple sells?04:20
harushimoI just want to make sure. Thank you04:20
_genuser_guys anyone using netbuntu? the new launcher is too annoying. how to turn it off?04:20
wolfriccelthunder: you may not.04:20
celthunder_genuser_: launcher for what?04:20
unforgiven512Is there a known solution or workaround for the "deadzone" in the middle of my screen (using Ubuntu 11.04)?04:20
* WebDawg http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/osama-bin-laden-killed/story?id=13505703&page=204:20
newb_celthunder: I will not paste now because I'm in another pc (the error is at netbook). But yes, I have 3 process for pulseaudio04:20
FlannelWebDawg: Not here, thanks.04:20
celthundernewb_: kill them all04:20
=== change is now known as ahmad
xangua_genuser_: only ubuntu support here04:20
kazuhikocelthunder: the error message is ..  "error: invalid arch independent ELF magic:04:21
Froq_where can i get the needed driver for the magic touchpad that apple sells?04:21
celthunderkazuhiko: did you install 64 bit version on a 32 bit machine04:21
=== ahmad is now known as fateh
WebDawgFlannel, I think #ubuntu can make it.04:21
newb_celthunder: They start again with another PID :-S04:21
FlannelWebDawg: #ubuntu-offtopic please, not here.04:21
=== fateh is now known as faateh
kazuhikocelthunder: 64bit04:21
newb_celthunder: Maybe gnome is starting them?04:22
celthunderkazuhiko: is the processor 32 only?04:22
kazuhikono ,04:22
faatehIs there change between ubuntu and sabily. plz inform04:22
_genuser_xangua: not even netbuntu?04:22
WebDawgFlannel, If you think I did that on purpose.04:22
celthunderfaateh: ? depends on your hardware/what you use04:22
dibsWhy do people think ubuntu users care about american political bs? I have redraw issues I need to reolve ffs04:22
kazuhikoI use install to server IBM X3550M304:22
_genuser_xangua: #netbuntu is empty.04:22
_genuser_I figured ubuntu users would be the ones using netbuntu.04:23
celthunder_genuser_: launcher for what? X? your WM? your question is a bit generic04:23
_genuser_celthunder: that is why I specifically said NETBUNTU.04:23
Flannelfaateh: You're better off asking sabily people, they'll know what they changed.04:23
tamara__kolke drivers for ubuntu ?04:23
_genuser_it has a launcher that comes with the install for the netbooks. for easy app launching.04:23
faatehthanks Flannel:04:24
tamara__webcam kolke, i cant found drivers and i cant make it work04:25
ZiberSo, my laptop (toshiba) is running extremely hot, at about 94C. Any ideas for fixing this?04:25
celthunderZiber: laptop-mode-tools04:25
celthunderalso acpi/apm04:25
celthunderZiber: i'm not on ubuntu so idk the relevant package names but acpi is pretty common service for monitoring stuff like temp/battery and laptop-mode-tools conrols fans/etc04:26
marca311i have a problem with my hotkeys and reassigning them, thanks in advance04:26
ZiberWill it monitor it, or solve it tho?04:27
DrMaxthe upgrade (to 11.04) crashed while building the kernel, leaving my boot disk without a usable kernel04:27
DrMaxhow do I recover from this ?04:27
newb_celthunder: Well, I've done some progress with your help. Now I need go, it's 00:26h and I need be up at 6:00 to work. I will let the other tests to tomorrow. Really thanks for your help :)04:27
DrMax(without reinstalling from scratch)04:27
BsimsHow do I disable the disappering reapperaring slider in gtk04:27
axisyshow do I enable automatic security update ?04:27
celthunderDrMax: boot to a cd and chroot to your system04:27
celthunderDrMax: then build your kernel and should be fine04:28
DrMaxhow do I do that?04:28
marca311I need to reassign a hotkey on my tablet pc, however, it seems to be hotwired into the occupation of turning my touchpad on and off04:29
kazuhikocelthunder: usind cpu is Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E562004:29
kazuhikoi use04:29
marca311(the ironic part is, i don't have a touchpad)04:29
celthunderDrMax: uhm boot to usb/cd ...go to a terminal instead of using the setup then type mkdir /tmp/a /tmp/b then do mount /dev/<yourhddwith/boot> /tmp/a  then mount /dev/<yourhddpartitionwith /> /tmp/b04:29
* Bsims grrs and hates the Unity changes to gtk, how do I disable the now you see it now you don't slider bars04:29
celthunderDrMax: then chroot /tmp/b04:29
celthunderer shit sorry drmax change /tmp/a to /tmp/b/a04:30
celthunderin all above references04:30
dreamsforgottencelthunder on my other version 10.04 I get this  E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.04:30
DrMaxok, I only need one04:30
celthunderthen chroot to it04:30
hidn_shadowsHey guys, Brasero keeps telling me that I need a nonexistent package, two actually. DVDauthor and MPlex, but I can't find them anywhere04:30
Spaz_Dynamicwhere is the #ubuntu log kept?04:30
Bsimssomething chaged pan and other gtk2 apps you have to hold your mouse and hover to make the slider appear now how do I fix it to the way it was04:30
celthunderdreamsforgotten: ok did you check for held packages ? someone i weas helping the other day i remember the solution for if not04:30
dreamsforgottencelthunder how do I04:31
celthunderDrMax: from the chroot finish ompiling your kernel04:31
DrMaxok, I have / (and /boot) as /tmp/a04:31
celthunderDrMax: chroot /tmp/a04:31
celthunderdreamsforgotten: ?04:32
DrMaxok, done04:32
celthunderDrMax: now either reinstlal the kernal package or go to kernel.org in links/lynx /using wget and dl a kernel source and start compiling04:32
Bsimshow do I disable the now you see it now you don't slider bars...04:32
trismBsims: sudo apt-get remove liboverlay-scrollbar-0.1-0; will disable the overlay scrollbars04:33
celthunderDrMax: to reinstall the package dpkg -i /var/apt-cache/whateveryour kernelpackage is04:33
celthunderdreamsforgotten: no held packages?04:33
DrMaxok, thanks04:33
eiriksvin there, now its all smooth but my graphics drivers are saying: This driver is activated but not currently in use.< it was fine before i updated, i could run it perfectly in the highest setting04:33
dreamsforgottencelthunder check for held packages.  escuse me been drinking a lil tonight confused right now :)04:33
DrMaxlet met try this04:33
marca311bsims: try this solution i found on google: http://ubuntu4beginners.blogspot.com/2011/04/disable-overlay-scrollbars-in-ubuntu.html04:33
DrMax(first must finish the update/upgrade)04:33
redgonejoin #backtrack-linux04:33
redgonejoin #backtrack04:33
trismBsims: and sudo apt-get install overlay-scrollbar; will bring them back04:33
redgonevery sorry04:34
celthunderredgone: backtrack is cool...kind of shitty for a daily distro though04:34
celthundergood for what it's made for though04:34
DrMaxcelthunder : that would avoid me restoring backups ...04:34
shigutsohow can I configure Unity's sidebar to always wiggle/pulse icons until I click it? didn't find this option in Compiz Manager :(04:34
DrMax(I do have backups :p)04:34
Froq_where can i get the needed driver for the magic touchpad that apple sells?04:34
celthunderDrMax: ?04:34
multipass_is there any way to properly re enable "edge flipping by cursor and window dragging" in 11.04?04:34
DrMaxcelthunder : if I can't restore the kernel, the other option is a clean reinstall04:35
DrMaxwhich I don't want to do04:35
ZiberRather than installing more system monitor tools, does anyone have a fix for it overheting?04:35
marca311shigutso: What are you talking about?04:35
eiriksvin there, now its all smooth but my graphics drivers are saying: This driver is activated but not currently in use.< it was fine before i updated, i could run it perfectly in the highest setting can someone help me?04:36
dreamsforgottencelthunder forgive me for this long post:   Err http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com fiesty/non-free Sources                          Sub-process /bin/bzip2 returned an error code (2) Fetched 2,376B in 7s (323B/s)                                                   W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com fiesty Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2 W: Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dis04:36
shigutsomarca311, when a window receives the Urgent state, Unity's sidebar makes the icon pulse or wiggle. But it does only once. I'd like to keep animating until I click it, because it's hard to notice the tiny blue arrow to know new stuff is going on, like IM messaging, etc04:37
eiriksvinim in classic mode because the other one is a little sluggish04:37
crlcan81eiriksvin a lot of us are having that issue too.04:37
dreamsforgottencelthunder is that it?04:37
eiriksvinnVIDIA not doing good?04:37
crlcan81I'm in unity right now, just because I've gotten used to the setup.04:37
crlcan81I have a GTS 250 too so it's not a ram issue.04:38
napster00i was upgrading to 11.0404:38
hidn_shadowsBrasero is giving me trouble, it's requesting 2 packages that I can't find. Can anyone actually help me? Or should I come back another time? It seems everyone's watching the news04:38
crlcan81if you haven't really gotten a chance to look at the unity setup, you may want to before you do.04:38
napster00but in betwwen i run a command apt-get clean04:38
marca311shigutso: ah, hmm, i don't know, have you tried the almighty google?04:38
celthundercrlcan81: gts 250's shouldn't lag just loading the ui...04:39
dreamsforgottencelthunder or this The following packages have been kept back:   linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic04:39
shigutsomarca311, yes, but no success :(04:39
napster00how to fix04:39
crlcan81ahh, loading the interface no, but moving windows around.. compiz is laggy.04:39
CoinOpI updated from Update Manager and I'm getting a Stopping automatic crash report generation fail.04:39
drAgCompiz isn't laggy04:39
celthunderdreamsforgotten: idk i didn't read the first link04:39
crlcan81Well moving my windows around is.04:39
drAgCompiz isn't laggy04:39
drAgWobbly Windows goes fast04:40
cb-linuxhaving trouble with gnome304:40
drAgMe too04:40
linuxuz3rwhats a good way to remove packages and unused dependencies04:40
crlcan81I don't use wobbly windows.04:40
dreamsforgottenhidn_shadows be patient wait a sec then re-post the ?  They are ppl in here getting around, you should get help04:40
hroianybody know how I can get the good old normal gnome desktop,04:40
marca311shigutso: k, maybe try someone with some more compiz experience, because i don't know much about it04:40
drAgI do04:40
hroiI have this funny notebook one04:40
drAgEvery second, someone joins04:40
n-iCeOk, this is really annoying, how the heck do I go to my desktop without minimize windows04:40
dreamsforgottencelthunder i did sudo apt-get upgrade and it's actually running04:40
napster00how to undo the previous command04:40
dreamsforgottencelthunder seems just the gui was erroring04:40
cb-linuxwhen strating your session choose from a lista on the botom af the screen Ubuntu Clasic instead of just Ubuntu04:40
hidn_shadowsdreamsforgotten, alright. I'm just kinda stressed, I need brasero because I have a deadline to burn these dvds... but thanks.04:41
drAgIm glad I turned that off04:41
eiriksvini guess ill just go play Regnum:(04:41
marca311n-iCe: i don't see how anything else would be possible04:41
drAgWhats Regnum????04:41
n-iCemarca311: I found how04:41
eiriksvini wanna play RoM so bad04:41
marca311n-iCe: k04:41
linuxuz3rwhats a good way to remove packages and unused dependencies04:41
shigutsomarca311, ok thanks :)04:41
crlcan81it's snapping windows that's lagging it.04:42
dreamsforgottenhidn_shadows I only say that because I had to ask a few times.  Glad I stayed I got the help I needed!04:42
cdgWow I'm impressed, I think unity blows away gnome shell.04:42
crlcan81I just disabled snapping and enabled wobbly, it's running a lot smoother.04:42
marca311linuxuz3r: sudo apt-get autoclean04:42
drAgIts sudo apt-get clean04:42
cb-linuxquestion, I did some updates and now my gnome shell tryes to open files and directories with Archive manager04:42
cb-linuxhow can I fix04:42
drAgi know how04:43
hroicb-linux:   I dont have any lista desktop choice on my login screen04:43
napster00can anybody help me04:43
hidn_shadowsHey guys, Brasero package question on 10.04. I try to burn a video DVD, and it says I need packages "MPlex" and "DVDauthor". Where can I find said packages, or alternatives? Or where can I find a video burning program that works with DVD+RWs?04:43
drAgjust message me privately04:43
_genuser_oh well.04:43
cb-linuxhroi: when you select the user one will appear below04:43
drAgMPlex and DVDauthor source: deb http://archives.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty universe04:44
hidn_shadowsdrAg I use lucid, not natty...04:44
hroicb-linux:  you just saved my life, and earned me an hour sleep, thanks!04:45
marca311i need to remap a hotkey that is currently assigned to touchpad disable, however i do not have a touchpad and this is really annoying when using the screen rotate button04:45
cb-linuxno problem04:45
cloud9my googleearth now working.....04:45
CoinOpIs there an ubuntu help channel?04:46
drAgFor Lucid, the source is: deb http://archives.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid universe04:46
drAgAKA: 10.04 LTS04:46
drAgim using 10.1004:46
marca311coinop: this is the ubuntu irc help channel04:47
hroicb-linux:   ahh but unfortunately this did not fix my problem with starting ooffice applications ...04:47
Froq_so what is a good launcher for 11.04?  I want to hit a combo key and bring up a launcher.04:47
CoinOpmarca311: Ah, I thought it was just a general channel. Thanks.04:47
napster00marca311: is there any way to undo apt-get clean command :P04:47
drAgSorry mate04:47
crlcan81it works.04:47
=== eliezer is now known as clik
Cairoi can run desktop using vesa04:48
Froq_drAg, you saying compiz is a good launcher?04:48
drAgtheres a feauture called keyboard shortcuts04:48
hroiall my soffice applications hang on oosplash.bin  ... and nothing happens04:48
Froq_drAg, how do I install it?  is it just sudo apt-get install compiz?04:48
drAgexample I set it up04:48
ferris-how do I get to "System-->Administration-->Networking" in Natty?04:48
CoinOpI updated from Update Manager and now I'm stuck on a diagnostics screen after booting from grub. Whats my next step?04:48
marca311napster00: yes, look at the terminal you just used, and reinstall the things that dissappeared by mistake04:48
* crlcan81 wonders if anyone here using unity has tried using desktop cube?04:48
marca311napster00: or look at a log04:49
napster00marca311: where i can find the logs04:49
tamara__kolke webcam drivers for ubuntu?04:49
FatsDTIs there somewhere on the net that explains the differences between the different kernel image packages in the repos?04:49
ferris-I do not have the old gnome desktop... it is the new one with the icons on the side but there are no system or administration icons04:49
_joeyI want to increase time before gnome sessiion is locked. How do I change it?04:49
_joeylocked by password04:50
drAgWho needs help here?04:50
crlcan81I'm curious as to unity working with desktop cube.04:50
drAgOk whats your problems????04:50
CoinOpHere also.04:50
ZiberAlright, so I fixed the fan problem, now my sound (I'm listening to music) is scratchy every few mins...04:50
drAgOK, what are you're problems????04:50
drAgJust pm me04:50
cb-linuxgot gnome 3 and i cant open my directories04:50
ferris-as with navigating the new system and also getting my wifi card to work(which is the real prob)04:50
CoachJfor those of you buried in ubuntu and not watching the news osama bin laden has been killed by USA troops--justice is done04:50
marca311napster00: hmm, i seem to have made a mistake, there is no log for terminal unless you count the command history04:50
CoinOp I updated from Update Manager and now I'm stuck on a diagnostics screen after booting from grub. It says automatic crash report generation FAIL.04:51
OY1Rtrying to scan an image but as soon as i click scan i get "job done" and nothing happens. (11,04)04:51
napster00marca311: i have almost done 90% upgraded , i don't want to reinstall 400 mb again with ma 5kbps speed:P04:52
napster00marca311: please help , if there is any way to get all back04:52
marca311napster00: however, if you go to /var/log/apt, you can find the history of all apt commands04:52
kingofswordsmy download speed kepts dying after a few minutes?04:53
marca311napster00: sorry, no, unless you spend several hours attempting data recovery04:53
marca311Hello, I need to remap a hotkey that is currently assigned to touchpadtoggle, however I do not have a touchpad and this is really annoying when using the screen rotate button, thanks in advance04:54
jw_bin laden is dead. :)04:55
marca311jw_: ?04:55
ayeceejw_: #ubuntu-offtopic04:56
drAgWho needs more help???04:56
drAgI'll be here until 11:00 PM so be quick04:56
crlcan81I do drAg04:56
crlcan81IF you have used unity and desktop cube04:56
drAgI have used Unity and Desktop Cube04:57
drAgand Desktop Wall04:57
crlcan81so it's possible to disable desktop wall and still use unity fine?04:57
multipass_is there any way to get edge flipping working in 11.04??04:57
jw_wish there was more options to customize unity, any plans to release an update?04:57
CoinOpdrAg: I updated from Update Manager and now I'm stuck on a diagnostics screen after booting from grub. It says automatic crash report generation FAIL.04:58
tamara__drivers for kolke webcam?04:58
celthunderCoinOp: what else does it say04:58
jw_Also how do you get the additional plugins to work, ie Burn and Explode?04:58
itsTORENanyone have luck with xcompmgr and fluxbox?04:59
drAgwell not much04:59
cb-linuxtxs to drAg for helping me04:59
aauthorjw_: Are you talking about window effects?04:59
drAgno problem mate04:59
cb-linuxone more thing not much of a problem justa  doubt05:00
drAgYou have compiz???05:00
aauthorjw_: Are you using the ccsm?05:00
itsTORENim trying to get a dock that requires transparency05:00
CoinOpcelthunder: Well its says everythingthing else is okay. Just that one fail, and then nothing progresses.05:00
cb-linuxanybody knows if i can have compiz work in gnomoe shell05:00
jw_drag: yes Aauthor yes05:00
Soupermanyou have to activate compsition itsmegb05:00
itsTORENno im running fluxbox05:00
Soupermanyou have to activate compsition itsTOREN05:00
aauthorjw_: Do you not see the options or are you having trouble getting them to work?05:00
crlcan81What all besides enabling unity after compiz disables it, logging back out and back in do I have to do to get desktop cube working normally drAg05:01
DrMaxcelthunder : did not work :/05:01
itsTORENill run xcompmgr and then my dock but no transparency, just a black bar05:01
crlcan81It won't let me use the controls it used to.05:01
jw_I had to download the additional effects plug in, I see the options, but they're not working. When I enable them the file menu bar disappears05:01
celthunderDrMax: what didn't?05:01
crlcan81itsTOREN: you using unity 2d, ubuntu, or ubuntu classic?05:02
karthick87Any guide to setup apt-get cacher server ?05:02
DrMaxjust chrooting and reconfiguring the kernel05:02
celthunderDrMax: did you make your initramfs?05:02
DrMaxit failed because it could not mount /proc/05:02
DrMaxhmm no05:02
celthunderDrMax: ok05:02
crlcan81weird.. you should be able to get a 3d effect then. That's using unity05:02
DrMaxbut the problem is that it did not build the modules (or something)05:02
crlcan81is the third party driver enabled for your graphics card?05:02
celthunderand in /etc/fstab your line for proc is waht05:02
celthunderDrMax: mkinitcpio05:02
crlcan81..ok really weird.05:02
celthunderDrMax: ? that?05:03
DrMaxlet met see, it's rebooting05:03
tamara__anyone have any idea about kolke webcams drivers?05:04
celthundertamara__: what's the issue with them?05:04
aauthorjw_: Which window effects in particular are you trying to use?05:04
DrMaxnothing for /proc in fstab05:05
drAgBut Im helping 4 people05:05
furousanyone know why unity would work from a live  cd but not when the system is upgraded on the hdd?05:05
drAgright now05:05
crlcan81I'll just deal with wall..05:06
drAgIm helping 4 people please wait until I tell you when 1 person was helped05:06
celthunderDrMax: mount proc /prpc05:06
adymitrukStuck on sh:grub> after upgrade to 11.405:07
drAgNow I helped the 4 people05:07
celthunderDrMax: mount proc /proc sorr05:07
adymitrukCan any one help?05:07
drAgI can05:07
DrMaxmust specify type05:07
celthunderdrAg: i need help05:07
celthunderDrMax: -t procfs05:07
taglassIt's much better if you help people in channel instead of through PM because a: People can verify if you're BSing and b: other people might have the same questions.05:07
celthunderdrAg: i need help05:07
adymitrukdrAg: what do I do?05:08
DrMaxtype is wrong or procfs not supported05:08
celthunderdrAg: do you provide psychological help for the demented05:08
celthunderDrMax: you compiled your kernel wrong then05:08
celthunderDrMax: put yes for procfs support05:09
aauthorfurous: What kind of graphics card do you have?05:09
sheldonanyone know what is up with Dual monitors on Nvidia drivers, on  11.04? My dual monitors have not worked correctly since the upgrade05:09
drAgIf you want grub to be fixed, you need to re-install05:09
furousThe graphics on the motherboard is Intel GMA X450005:09
tamara__celthunder it cant work05:09
drAgIf you dual-booted with another OS05:09
Soupermansheldon, all the people is having problems whit nvidia drivers, check the forums05:09
drAgjust use the other OS to make to resuce CD05:10
tamara__cant find drivers in internet05:10
drAgI can help05:10
paideiahi I'm trying to use the Tor network with firefox (torbutton plugin) and when I switch it on and I attempt to connect to any website I get "the proxy is refusing connections" error. Then when I check Firefox's Connection Settings I see that it changed to manual proxy configuration 8118. What am I doing wrong? I have tor and polipo daemons running and I have saved the polipo rc file into my home folder.05:10
aauthorfurous: Did you get an error telling you that Unity cannot work during this session?05:10
celthunderdrAg: you don't necessarily need a rescue cd to fix boot issues05:10
sheldonI spent some time on forums earlier today, but wasn't able to find any posts about this problem05:10
celthunderDrMax: how did you reinstall the kernel05:10
DrMaxcelthunder : I booted from live CD. mkdir /tmp/a, mounted dev/sda onto it05:11
sheldonanyone have a link to something official?05:11
crlcan81When you're available drAg, do you have any experience with g110 usb keyboards and pnp audio using headphones on 11.04? It did it on 10.04 through to this too.05:11
DrMaxdpkg-reconfigure linux-image-generic05:11
furousunity worked perfectly from the live cd, no errors...05:11
celthunderDrMax: mount /proc and /dev in your chroot then redo the kernel05:11
drAg4 SLOTS FREE05:11
drAg0 ACTIVE05:11
celthunderDrMax: sorry i probably should have said that05:11
DrMaxhmm ok?05:11
Jordan_UdrAg: Please stop.05:11
crlcan81Have you ever had the sound preferences crash when logging out back in when using headphones on a usb keyboard's headphone jack?05:11
furousThe system on the hdd did not come from the live cd though, it was an upgrade...05:12
drAgIM FULLY AVAILDABLE which means that I can help 4 people05:12
celthunderdrAg: help me..stop spamming the freaking channel05:12
crlcan81Every time I log out and log back in for something the pnp audio doesn't work, drAg, sorry to keep pestering.05:12
=== Rick___ is now known as Atomicspin
aauthorfurous: Did you get an error message when you tried to log in?05:12
AtomicspinDoes anyone know of an issue where the backlight on a laptop screen won't come on?05:12
AtomicspinIs there a fix?05:13
drAgJust go to Monitor Preferences05:13
celthunderAto/b 2205:13
drAgan select use backlight05:13
paideiahi I'm trying to use the Tor network with firefox (torbutton plugin) and when I switch it on and I attempt to connect to any website I get "the proxy is refusing connections" error. Then when I check Firefox's Connection Settings I see that it changed to manual proxy configuration 8118. What am I doing wrong? I have tor and polipo daemons running and I have saved the polipo rc file into my home folder.05:13
itsTORENanyone running fluxbox with a dock like awn or cairo-dock05:13
furousWhen logging in to the hdd system, it said the system couldn't display unity.  But why would i display via the live cd?05:13
multipass_is there some kind of compizconfig for 11.04?05:13
drAgAdvanced Compiz Settings Manager05:13
NisstyreOsama Bin Laden was an ardent user of gnome3 according to Al Jazeera05:13
aauthorfurous: Have you checked to see if you have any propriety driver available?05:14
AtomicspindrAg:  I don't see that option in there.05:14
multipass_isnt there a built in one?05:14
Sharpshooter761hello world05:14
* crlcan81 has cairo on unity Toren05:14
celthunderSharpshooter761: hello05:14
aauthorHello Sharp:05:14
DrMaxcelthunder : how do I mount / without mounting /proc/ as well?05:14
LULLING_HARDNisstyre: yeah and I heard he didnt like Unity, it got in his way..05:14
celthunderDrMax: you need to mount /proc...05:14
furousno extra hard ware drivers listed for this hardware...05:14
celthundernot unmount it05:14
AtomicspindrAg:  There's nothing referring to it.05:14
DrMaxwhen I chroot /tmp/a05:15
DrMax/proc stops working05:15
taglassAtomicspin: Check under Power Management05:15
itsTORENunity is stupid05:15
crlcan81what's fluxbox like?05:16
_genuser_when doing an upgrade, can't you upgrade to the latest?05:16
celthunderDrMax: mount it before joining the chroot hang on05:16
itsTORENsimple and minimalistic easy to config05:16
_genuser_I just did an upgrade and it says there's another. which would suck 'coz that's two of them in a row.05:16
multipass_what is the feature that makes a winodw maximize when u drag it to the top of screen?05:17
celthunderDrMax: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1156240.html read that05:17
DrMaxcelthunder : thx05:17
DrMaxlet's see05:17
Atomicspinmsg drAg Still don't see it in Power Management.  On Natty btw.05:17
AtomicspinThat's what I get for using BitchX05:17
aauthorfurous: Hmm... I'm sorry, I don't think I have an answer for you.  (Though that certainly doesn't mean that one doesn't exsist.)05:18
taglassAtomicspin: Some people are reporting success in this thread by booting with nomodeset option.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173031405:18
kaushalwhats the other name if its not a classic mode ?05:19
kaushalin 11.0405:19
cb-linuxhow can i set the number of workspaces in gnome 305:19
DrMaxcelthunder : getting somewhere :p05:19
celthunderDrMax: sorry...i shoulda specified you'd need those the first time05:19
taglasscb-linux: Gnome 3 autocreates workspaces as you need them.  I'm not sure that you can set a specific amount.05:20
DrMaxwell, maybe you forgot05:20
furousall indcations suggest that it should work and the live cd demonstrates that, perhaps I should do a reinstall instead of the upgrade, perhaps something went wrong during the upgrade05:20
DrMaxI just didn't know how to do this :p05:20
_genuser_hello people.05:20
celthunderDrMax: more like i just didn't think about mentioningi t05:20
DrMaxok, so grub seem to have found my previously installed kernel05:20
cb-linuxtaglass i ment in order to have the compix cube working05:20
_genuser_can you not upgrade to the latest one shot?05:20
Atomicspintaglass:  Can you send the link one more time?  lost it.05:20
_genuser_after upgrading once, it now says there's a newer version.05:20
_genuser_that's like two upgrades.05:20
aauthorfurous: I did encounter problems during the upgrade, and ended up doing a clean install which worked out fine for me.05:20
DrMaxI should be able to boot from an older kernel05:20
aauthorfurous: I looked it up, and your graphics card is supported.05:21
crlcan81what did you upgrade from/to the first time?05:21
celthunderfurous: what's your issue sorry wasn't paing attention05:21
celthunder_genuser_: what version did you start out on when upgrading05:21
aauthorcelthunder: furous is getting and error when he logs in that Unity can't start in this session.05:21
_genuser_10.04 netbuntu edition. it might be a regular install with special gnome reconfigured.05:22
celthunderaauthor: is there a conflicting entry in .xinitrc or in xsessions05:22
aauthorcelthunder: But it worked fine for him in the liveCD05:22
_genuser_to 10.10. and now it find 11.xx.05:22
furouscelthunder:unity worked via a lie cd but when the system was upgraded unity no longer worked...05:22
celthunderaauthor: furous conflicting entry in xsessions/xinitrc/etc05:22
hroihow do I find out if my ubuntu has Java JRE ?05:22
taglasshroi: which java05:23
celthunderfurous: aauthor also login manager being used?05:23
furousHow do I fix a conflictin entry?05:23
DrMaxcelthunder : THANKS A LOT05:23
LLStarksamerica! **** yeah!05:23
celthunderDrMax: sarcastic or happy?05:23
celthunderlol ok05:23
taglasshroi: should say /usr/bin/java if you do05:23
LLStarkskill -9 osama05:24
DrMaxwell, lost minor settings, but, meh, whatever :p05:24
kyubutsuhroi: type about:plugins in the browser05:24
furoushave auto login for the main user... but  when switching user, same problem...05:24
hroitaglass:   java jre for the open office05:24
celthunderfurous: ok login manager used?05:24
drAgI dare everyone to run this in Terminal: killall Compiz05:24
mdeldrAg: really dude05:24
drAgand killall Metacity05:24
cb-linuxi guess the compiz cube does not work in gnome shell05:24
mdelwhat a fucking nboob05:24
celthunderdrAg: why? i don't even use compiz and it sucks but if people want to use it let them05:24
mdelyes thats right. nboob05:24
drAgthen do killall bash05:25
crlcan81you're a masochist.05:25
hroitaglass: ok I have java 1.605:25
celthundermdel: he's being a douche anyway, pming people etc...05:25
Rehanif I have Xorg.0.log, Xorg.0.log,old, Xorg.1.log, and Xorg.1.log.old , which one is the latest one?05:25
IdleOne!language | mdel05:25
ubottumdel: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:25
DrMaxcelthunder : I did say thanks a lot, not "thanks a lot, <expletive>" :p05:25
drAgWho uses openOffice.org here?05:25
taglasscb-linux: Compiz cube requires compiz which is mutually exclusive with gnome shell.05:25
crlcan81I used to.05:25
drAgopenOffice.org sucks05:25
furoushow do I know if I use login manager?!05:25
kaushalwhats the other name if its not a classic mode in 11.04 ?05:26
crlcan81hey I use whatever ubuntu has installed.05:26
drAgIn 11.04 theres five options05:26
aauthorfurous: Have you done anything to change how you log in since you installed ubuntu?05:26
drAgwhich are:05:26
crlcan81kaushal: how so? on login it's either Ubuntu, or Ubuntu classic05:26
drAgUbuntu Classica05:26
DrMaxcelthunder : I upgraded a couple of machines, but that was the first one that crashed during the building of the kernel05:26
drAgUbuntu No Effects05:26
DrMaxbut now it works much better05:26
cb-linuxtxs taglass05:26
drAgUbuntu Safe Mode05:26
drAgand Ubuntu Desktop05:26
crlcan81recovery console :P05:26
taglass!spam | drag05:26
drAgI was helping05:26
celthunderaauthor: furous uhm can you boot to init 3 and type startx please05:26
_genuser_man internet going nuts.05:27
celthunderaauthor: furous you can just telinit 3 otherwise and do it from there05:27
_genuser_rather connectivity05:27
drAgWho needs help???05:27
furousI was using 10.04, auto login for main user, upgraded to 10.10 today and then onto 11.04 with no change to the auto logi05:27
aauthor!spam | drAg05:27
celthunderfurous: aauthor try the above05:27
celthunderaauthor: can we get someone to kick him?05:27
furousSorry, i dont quite understand what boot to init 3 means?05:28
marca311Hello, I am having trouble regarding hotkeys in the way that my screen rotate key is primarily mapped to touchpadtoggle, this is rather annoying when rotating the screen, thanks in advance05:28
drAgI do05:28
celthunderfurous: ctrl alt f1 login type telinit 305:28
celthunderfurous: then type startx05:28
celthunderwhat's the result05:28
drAgFor the Windows LOSERS, I don't be scared to run /con/con05:28
Sharpshooter761oh, i realized a neat trick in unix, the middle mousebutton can act as a cop-paste key for text, but is not in ubuntu 11.0405:29
celthunder!kick drAg05:29
crlcan81drAg stop, you're being a unbelievable dooouuuuu$$^05:29
celthunderRockj: hi05:29
taglassSharpshooter761: Sure you can.  I middle paste all of the time.05:29
DrMaxcelthunder : srly, that made my day05:30
DrMaxthx again05:30
furousi have done this05:30
Sharpshooter761hmm, now all of a sudden it works fine. :/05:30
celthunderDrMax: np05:30
taglassSharpshooter761: The problem you might be having is that their are actually 2 clipboards under X05:30
celthunderSharpshooter761: that's because you complained about it :)05:30
celthunderSharpshooter761: so it had to work05:30
celthunderfurous: and result?05:30
furous.xauthority does not exist05:30
Dice-Manhi there05:31
Sharpshooter761no no no, tell me more, what are these two clipboards, and what are the differences, tell me everything05:31
celthunderfurous: so make one05:31
taglassSharpshooter761: One that stores stuff that you use ctrl c ctrl v on and one that holds the last highlighted text.05:31
Dice-Mani'm on ubuntu lucid lynx i want to compile the last rhythmbox version05:31
celthunderSharpshooter761: you can make as many clipboards as you want..theres 2 by default though05:31
furousso just create the folder?05:31
celthunderDice-Man: install build-essential and go to rythmbox's site get the source extract and compile or use git/svn05:31
Rehanwhy does my X keep crashing like a mofo?05:32
furoushow do I get out of init 3?!05:32
celthunderfurous: it's a file so touch .xauthority05:32
celthunderfurous: telinit 505:32
taglassfurous: telinit 505:32
_genuser_man internet connection is going nuts05:32
celthunderfurous: note telinit 5 won't work if startx didn't05:32
celthunderor it shouldn't05:32
Sharpshooter761thanks a tonne, celthunder, you are a very nice stranger.  and no, i will not accept candy05:32
taglasscelthunder: It will work, but it might not start X :)05:33
celthunderSharpshooter761: i have apple pie and caramels?05:33
furoustelinit 5 does indeed not work...05:33
Sharpshooter761im canadian, for some reason i do not like apple pie. any other pie is great05:33
celthundertaglass: lol true enough telinit 5 without starting x kind of is telinit 3 though (unless he added something to his int05:33
crlcan81has anyone ever had an issue logging out and logging back in with headphones on a usb keyboard not being recognized? I've had that since 10.04, b ut only had this keyboard since 10.0405:33
Sharpshooter761i tend to choose pie because the cake is a lie05:33
soreaumy panels aren't working in unity and I just want to log out (not reboot). How can I logout from CLI?05:33
Sharpshooter761panels are totally removed in unity :(05:34
furousSo I should reboot to get out then?05:34
eigba_celthunder, Runlevel is the word your looking for05:34
_genuser_soreau: you could just kill X.05:34
drAgPanels, being destroyed by Unity since October 201005:34
celthundereigba_: telinit just switches between runlevels05:34
Eric__ubuntu 10.10 wireless  adaptor not ready firmware missing.have now connected to the net with wir adaptor,how do I get the firmware please?05:34
_genuser_the ole panels were nice in unity, eh?05:35
soreau_genuser_: I started gnome-panel to access logout05:35
celthundereigba_: though yeah i worded that badly05:35
_genuser_soreau: so you logged out finally?05:35
celthunderEric__: what wireless adapter?05:35
_genuser_it's taking a while but the new unity in 10.10 is making sense.05:36
_genuser_and 11.04 is upgrading05:36
Eric__Celthunder_ intel mini adaptor05:36
biffsharpanyone have RTL8187 wireless chipset?05:36
Omega!wifi | biffsharp05:37
ubottubiffsharp: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:37
celthunderEric__: so install intel-firmware or i2600 or whatever its called i think it's something i2600-fm?05:37
Eric__ineed something like device manager in windows05:37
celthunderEric__: lshw05:37
Sharpshooter761question, how would i go about setting up an irc chat myself,05:37
Sharpshooter761i have a server and domainname already05:38
celthunderSharpshooter761: ircd?05:38
_genuser_the rtl818x is pretty common. it should have kernel support.05:38
celthunderSharpshooter761: pick an ircd software to run (preferably not unreal ) and install it configure it and start it05:38
Sharpshooter761sorry you guys have to put up with my lame questions XD05:38
celthunderSharpshooter761: if you want services install those to05:38
biffsharpi can't figure out how to patch RTL8187 for aircrack05:38
celthunderand then link05:38
drAgNo, Broadcom STA is more common on most laptops05:38
furousOK, so reboot it is then!05:39
Sharpshooter761cool, thanks once again05:39
celthunderfurous: ?05:39
itsTORENbiffsharp : can u get the device into monitor mode?05:39
furouswell I couldn't get out of that init 3 screen...05:39
soreauugh, I selected ubuntu classic but it's still loading unity05:39
celthunderfurous: stay there05:39
soreauWhat is the deal?05:39
=== lance is now known as Guest13794
biffsharpwell yes i can get it to do mon0 and airodump fine but not on a specific channel. its always fixed channel: -105:40
celthunderfurous: ok so while you're there....touch .xauthority05:40
celthunder(as your user in your users home dir05:40
eiriksvinis there a way to get a transparent screensaver?05:40
itsTORENairodump --channel 705:40
itsTORENor what ever channel05:40
biffsharpyeah it doesnt work05:40
coz_ok guys,, I have a question:)  started gimp on this fresh install for the first time and it was a bit weird,, creatd a new user account and all was fine,  will the old command to purge gimps settins work on natty?05:40
biffsharpit will say fixed -105:40
celthunderfurous: capitalize the X .Xauthority sorry05:40
celthunderfurous: then try05:40
coz_rather gnomes  settings05:40
soreaucoz_: Hey, me first: I selected ubuntu classic but it's still loading unity05:41
celthunderfurous: try running startx after doing that05:41
soreauWhat is going on with this thing?05:41
celthundersoreau: change it in xsessions or .xinitrc?05:41
coz_soreau, whoa... is the unity plugin enabled?05:42
soreaucelthunder: Am I supposed to have to do that?05:42
soreaucoz_: probably05:42
coz_soreau,  that would do it :)05:42
celthundersoreau: uhm its probably what your gui stuff is changing anyway05:42
soreaucoz_: It doesn't start gnome-panel though05:42
coz_soreau,  restart x it s hould come back up05:43
furousit won't even go back to the prompt so that I can write anything!05:43
soreaucoz_: I rebooted and it's still broken05:43
coz_soreau,   or  in terminal  gnome-panel & disown05:43
Rehanwhat log should I look at right after all of a sudden Ubuntu logs me out in the middle of something?05:43
soreaucoz_: Well yea I know how to start it.. I just want to know why 'Ubuntu Classic' is still loading unity. It worked the first time I tried it but it's broken now05:44
celthunderRehan: uhm what were you doing05:44
Rehancelthunder: thanks for helping05:44
coz_soreau,  that's puzzling,, it did happen to me once but it was because of the Unity plugin in ccsm05:44
eiriksvindoes natty have a way to make classic ubuntu have transparent menus?05:44
soreauRehan: /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:44
Rehancelthunder: i was trying to get my virtual terminal to work... :/05:44
soreauRehan: Or .old05:44
celthunderRehan: not enough tty's?05:44
Rehancelthunder: i'm not sure what that means...05:45
crlcan81god so many choices in shells05:45
celthundercrlcan81: welcome to linux05:45
celthunderRehan: uhm if you ran outo f vtty's your virtual terminal won't work05:45
Rehancelthunder: if I do CTRL+ALT+F1 it shows my regular desktop, on ctrl+alt+f2 it goes to a black screen05:45
Rehancelthunder: but its a blank screen, nothing on it05:46
* crlcan81 nods, I just hadn't really done as much with it in Ubuntu as in Windows Xp, LOVE to alter shell in XP.05:46
celthunderRehan: ...that's messed up... f6 should be your desktop and 1-5 should be terminals05:46
Rehancelthunder: yeah...it should be F7 was my desktop05:46
Rehancelthunder: err it used to be F705:46
celthunderf7 f6 close enough05:46
Rehancelthunder: could i PM you if you're not terribly busy?05:46
celthunderRehan: you could and if i were busy i wouldn't be idling here05:47
ngc604hello all05:47
celthunderngc604: hi05:47
ngc604i have a quick question05:47
celthunderquick answer05:47
furousrebooted, did ctrl alt f1 again, did touch .Xauthority, and startx gives me"xauth: (stdin):2:unknown command05:47
celthunderthere you go05:47
celthunderok what's the permissions on your home dir05:48
celthunderfurous: what's the permissions on your home dir an files in it...this is starting to look like it's having problems accessing those files05:48
eiriksvindoes natty have a way to make classic ubuntu have transparent menus?05:49
ngc604i recently had my laptop stolen and i am very mad about it.  i dont have money to buy a new one.  but i do have money to buy something cheep.  i am looking at a rack mount server from pacificgeek.com.  a dual 3.06 zeon.  now i know server will run fine on that but will desktop run fine on it with being able to use it for daily activities?05:49
furousbare with me, rebooting again...05:49
celthunderngc604: depending what you consider daily activities05:49
drAgGood Bye Everyone05:50
ngc604internet, viewing pics, and going as far as recording music05:50
celthunderngc604: if you consider resursive compiling gcc a daily activity no if you consider normal things...you'd be fine05:50
drAgIm going offline since people think Im spamming05:50
tmp__hi all. does not display thumbnails of video files in Nautilus. How to fix this?05:50
celthunderdrAg: good05:50
Eric__is there a add new hardware in ubuntu 10.10 to automatically find anad install hw?05:50
d4gg3rhey, I am new to unity, how can I get network manager applet back? or how can I manage applets?05:50
celthunderEric__: ?05:50
paideiahi I'm trying to use the Tor network with firefox (torbutton plugin) and when I switch it on and I attempt to connect to any website I get "the proxy is refusing connections" error. Then when I check Firefox's Connection Settings I see that it changed to manual proxy configuration 8118. What am I doing wrong? I have tor and polipo daemons running and I have saved the polipo rc file into my home folder.05:50
furouspermission is to create and delete files, there is an .Xauthority file there [now?] and it has read and write permission05:52
Eric__cwlthunder_i am new to ubuntu,trying to get the wireless card going.don/t know where to start05:52
crlcan81xfce or lxde?05:52
d4gg3rhow can I get network manager back?05:52
celthunderd4gg3r: install it05:52
d4gg3rit is installed, but does not show up!05:52
celthunderEric__: lspci and look for it05:52
drAg\ignore celthunder :D05:53
celthunderd4gg3r: sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager start05:53
celthunderd4gg3r: then run network manager05:53
celthunderor whatever the executable is called05:53
stercorWhere are the firewall settings in Ubuntu 10.04LTS?05:53
bazhangstercor, iptables05:54
bazhangstercor, or install gufw if you need a graphical UI05:54
d4gg3rcelthunder, the job is already running!05:54
celthunderd4gg3r: then run the executable for it whatever it's called05:54
stercorI'm trying what's been suggested.05:54
cyrexthis ubuntu hlp?05:54
bazhangcyrex, yes05:55
Gloopie+   - + ~    ~ jihadgloopx05:55
tmp__Who knows to fix my problem? thumbnails of video files doesnt display in Nautilus.05:55
celthunderstercor: iptables -L05:55
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binoxintel 82852/855  is it blacklisted?  can i enable the drivers by altering x11/xorg.conf?  do i need another command after editing the file.05:55
cyrexi want my 10.10 bak  N i wiped hd 2 put on 11.405:56
cyrexcan sum 1 hlp me05:56
binoxim on maverick05:56
bazhangcyrex, then install it05:56
cyrexwehow do i get 2 the wine folder in 11.405:56
celthundercyrex: cd .wine05:57
interpolatecd ~/.wine05:57
soreauHey guys, where is the 'Home' button in chromium?05:57
icerootcyrex: can you use normal english please instead of "sum 1" "2" and so on?05:57
cyrexi wanna copy wow over 2 windows b4 reinstalling ubuntu05:57
=== wolf is now known as wolf__
soreaufound it in settings05:58
celthundercyrex: i agree with iceroot and install ntfs-3g and mount your windows drive and cp it over then05:58
soreauNow where is the Reload button in chromium?05:59
samw3Hello all.  Anyone know where Gnome stores the menu items in the Applications menu?06:00
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soreauoh no wonder, it's 'under' the stop button06:00
stercorI installed gufw and ALLOW port 22 IN from Anywhere.  I opened up the router for port 22.  When I ssh localhost the message is: ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused.06:01
celthunderstercor: hosts.allow sshd: ALL: ALL06:02
cyrexactually how do i get t0 the c drive in wine on ubuntu 11.406:02
stercorcelthunder: where?06:02
furousso i should focus on Xauthority as being the problem?06:02
binoxafter editing a .conf,  do  i need to chmod or anything like that to activate those changes.  im trying to enable the intel drivers on a 82852/855 video card on maverick.  do i need to  and may it cause system instability06:02
celthunderfurous: what's your file permissions can you pastebin ls -al ~ please as your user06:02
d4gg3rcelthunder, what executable should i run? there is nothing other than the service...06:03
celthunderstercor: vi /etc/hosts.allow06:03
celthunderstercor: and add sshd: ALL: ALL06:03
stercorcelthunder: Ah. OK.06:03
celthunderd4gg3r: one moment i'll look it up06:03
d4gg3rcelthunder, ok :)06:03
samw3cyrex: ~/.wine/drive_c06:03
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furouspermission is to create and delete files, there is an .Xauthority file there [now?] and it has read and write permissio06:04
samw3Anyone know where Gnome stores the menu items in the Applications menu?06:04
glacemanhey guys ! anybody knows if there's any channel for the playstation ?06:05
celthunderd4gg3r: nmcli06:05
celthunderfurous: how about write permissions on other files?06:05
celthunderglaceman: somewhere on somenetwork yes06:05
glacemancelthunder: any specific server in mind maybe ?06:06
glacemancelthunder: all i know is irc.ubuntu.com06:06
d4gg3rcelthunder, nmcli: error while loading shared libraries: libnss3.so.1d: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:06
d4gg3rcelthunder, this was the problem06:06
Viking667ah well. Finally got Ubuntu One working, though not without having to kick up a browser first.06:06
celthunderd4gg3r: so install the libraries networkmanager relies on06:06
cyrexo0k that said it was a directory06:06
Viking667i.e. add libnss306:07
d4gg3rcelthunder, it is odd that ubuntu does not install it by itself06:07
Viking667You might want libnspr4 in addition06:07
celthunderd4gg3r: ? why should it?06:08
* Viking667 blinks...06:08
stercorcelthunder: I added ssh: ALL: ALL and sshd: ALL: ALL No change. still refuses the connection.06:08
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Viking667hmmmm. Could I submit a bug report? Heh...06:08
d4gg3rcelthunder, because it installs one package by default, without its dependencies?06:08
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d4gg3rcelthunder, it should work on a fresh installation06:09
furousother hidden files in the home directory seem to have read and write permissins too...06:09
celthunderViking667: what's the bug?06:09
celthunderfurous: ok06:09
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ZykoticK9stercor, did you install ssh server?  is it running "ps aux | grep ssh"?06:09
brous-keestercor umm you may have to parse the PAM configs for those06:09
=== Rehan is now known as rehan
celthunderd4gg3r: blame the package manager and just becauase YOU need those libraries doesn't mean everyone else wants them06:10
stercorZykoticK9: Another thing to look at :-)06:10
stercorbrous-kee: That's over my head.06:10
d4gg3rcelthunder, network manager is not something that I only want!06:10
Eric__celthunder sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o returns command not recognised06:10
Viking667When starting up Ubuntu ONE for the first time, it tells me I need an internet connection to use it. Does'nt allow me to click on anpthing else except the website... i.e. I can't click on the "I already have an account" lisk.06:10
CoinOpUpdated from Update manager. Restarted and now after grub boots im stuck on a screen that has *stopping automatic crash report generation06:10
furousdoes it matter what permissions the group has if the owner has read and write?06:10
celthunderfurous: no06:11
celthunderViking667: yeah sounds like a bug to me06:11
ZykoticK9Viking667, there is an Ubuntu One channel... probably #ubuntuone (but i didn't check)06:11
stercorcelthunder: /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session06:11
DrMaxhmm How do I disable the stupid auto-maximizing of windows whenever I place a window near a screen edge?06:11
celthunderd4gg3r: i didn't say that06:11
binoxfrom my understanding the intel 82852 is blacklisted and i need to edit the x11/xorg.conf  to reenable them.  anyone know how,  or after i edit the file,  do i need to chmod or anything to activate my changes06:11
celthunderbinox: why are you editting xorg to blacklist/unblacklist modules?06:12
Viking667well, I found that if I ran "u1sdtool -c" I could connect... finally...06:12
celthunderbinox: /etc/modprobe.d06:12
binoxi created /etc/x11/xorg.conf  and entered this.        Section "Device"06:13
binox        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"06:13
binox        Driver          "intel"06:13
binoxSection "Monitor"06:13
binox        Identifier      "Configured Monitor"06:13
FloodBot3binox: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:13
Viking667now I'm happy. But I think the text is misleading, so's the inability to click on the "I already have an account"06:13
daniel_heyhow would i make byobu terminal my default terminal so when i push ctrl alt t it will open that instead of the regular one06:13
zetsuboukittehhey, any thoughts what might be the problem; updgraded to natty and a game I could play flawlessly before (xmoto) lags quite a lot now06:14
celthunderdaniel_: what wm/de06:14
zetsuboukittehoh, on xubuntu btw06:14
daniel_celthunder, ?06:14
celthunderdaniel_: window manager/desktop environment you're using?06:15
binoxcelthunder:    i thought that is what i needed to do since maverick ships with those drivers to not install06:15
semitonesIs it possible to start programs before gdm? I'd like to start redshift before gdm starts so that my login screen is more gentle on the eyes at night06:15
daniel_celthunder, im running 11.04 out of the box i think untiy?06:15
^Phantom^How long until 11.10 LTS?06:15
binoxi cellthunder:  i installed xorg but that is not solving my opengl problem for games,  even something simple like supertux206:16
daniel_celthunder, unity or gnome 3 idk for sure what ever ships with 11.0406:16
celthunderdaniel_: ok idk then...i use xmonad06:16
celthundersemitones: yes it's entirely possible06:16
daniel_celthunder, oh ok06:16
Peddyhow can i view a 'dynamic' version of dmesg that updates are the kernel displays new messages?06:16
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=64606:16
CoinOpHere is a photo of my issue if anyone can help http://i.imgur.com/Q0DEW.jpg   I cannot get past this.06:16
MK``there. That's not an LTS, ^Phantom^06:17
daniel_would anyone know how to get wireless working i dont know whats wrong with it it worked before i updated06:17
binoxdaniel:  what wireless card do you have06:17
celthunderPeddy: dmesg | less06:18
^Phantom^I thought the .10's were?06:18
celthunderdaniel_: does wlan0 or similar show up in ifconfig06:18
semitonescelthunder, awesome! any idea how?06:18
^Phantom^@ MK``06:18
mah454Hello ...06:18
celthundersemitones: edit /etc/inittab06:18
celthunderdaniel_: or whats wrong with your wireless06:19
celthunderxyq: english?06:19
tensorpudding!cn | xyq06:19
ubottuxyq: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk06:19
binoxold intel 82852/855 video card here,  3d acceleration is slow.  how can i enable the blacklisted drivers in maverick06:19
xyqi am chiness06:19
furousthanks for your help, I will keep searching to find the answer...06:19
binoxflash works dvd works,  but opengl is slow06:19
mah454I have problem with printer , I can not share printer , receive this message "Not published Server Setting"06:19
theloraxis anyone having problems with their topbar in 11.04?06:20
CoinOpHere is a photo of my issue if anyone can help http://i.imgur.com/Q0DEW.jpg   I cannot get past this.06:20
semitonescelthunder, there's nothing in that file06:20
celthunderbinox: /etc/modprobe.d06:20
celthundersemitones: ok edit whatever replaced that then06:20
daniel_celthunder, http://paste.ubuntu.com/602121/06:20
binoxcelthunder:  thanks06:20
MK``no ^Phantom^ it's the other way: alternating non-.10s so far. 6.06, 8.04, 10.0406:20
celthunderdaniel_: is usb0 your wireless?06:21
MK``so the release after 11.10 will most likely be 12.04 LTS06:21
mah454I have BIG problem with printer , I can not share printer , receive this message "Not published Server Setting"06:21
theloraxanyone able to help?06:21
daniel_celthunder, no its my phone tether that i am usign so i can talk on here should i turn it off for asec ? then try it agian ?06:21
celthundermah454: edit your cups setting06:21
celthunderdaniel_: no06:22
celthunderthelorax: perhaps06:22
^Phantom^MK``, ah, okay06:22
xyqmy english is bad    who can speak in chiness06:22
celthunderdaniel_: ok lspci do you see your wireless card?06:22
^Phantom^night all06:22
MK``!cn | xyq06:22
ubottuxyq: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk06:22
xyqthank you06:23
daniel_celthunder, http://paste.ubuntu.com/602122/06:23
celthunderhi MK`` sup06:23
MK``hi celthunder06:23
celthunderdaniel_: Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)06:24
theloraxceltthunder: i just upgraded from 10.04 to 11.04 and my topbar isnt visable06:24
celthunderdaniel_: did you loadthe broadcom drivers/firmware?06:24
celthunderthelorax: i think that's supposed to happen no idea though...06:24
daniel_celthunder, yeh it says there in use i went to avaible drivers and it says it is in use06:25
tmp__sudo pat-get install b43-fwcutter06:25
tmp__i have bcm431206:25
celthunderthanks tmp__06:25
CoinOpHere is a photo of my issue if anyone can help http://i.imgur.com/Q0DEW.jpg   I cannot get past this.06:26
daniel_celthunder, my wifi worked before i updated and it just doesnt now is there someone i should type into the terminal to tell it to lol ?06:26
tensorpudding!ot | photon06:26
ubottuphoton: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:26
celthunderdaniel_: did you read tmp__ 'scomment on it?06:26
celthunderdaniel_: also modprobe b4306:26
tensorpuddingCoinOp: what do you mean by "cannot get past this"06:27
tensorpuddingdoes the shutdown halt then06:27
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daniel_tmp_, should i type that in the termianl?06:27
CoinOptensorpudding: it just stays on that screen indefinately06:27
neil_whenever I start a torrent download I get "/tmp/xxx.par cound not be saved, because the source file could not e read...." even from http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download .... why?  ... is my isp blocking all torrent downloads?06:27
CoinOptensorpudding: not for over five minutes.06:28
tmp__daniel_ yes, sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter and go to system administration addtional drivers06:28
Zeeofuneil_: yes, try using proxy06:29
CoinOptensorpudding: I just upgraded from 10.10 on update manager, after the restart this is as far as I get past grub.06:29
daniel_tmp__, ok its done downloading and im at additional drivers now what06:29
tensorpuddingCoinOp: try rebooting, does it do it again?06:30
Zeeofuis there any cloudapp application for ubuntu06:30
CoinOptensorpudding: Every time06:30
SerialMDKcan anyone tell me how to load a video driver with an 11.04 install?06:30
bazhangZeeofu, ubuntu one?06:30
Zeeofubazhang: can connect to clouapp using ubuntu one06:30
tmp__daniel_ there must  activation on Broadcom B43 wireless drivers06:31
theloraxis there anyway to switch back to 10.04 from 11.04? i dont think 11.04 loaded properly06:31
tensorpuddingCoinOp: not sure then06:31
bazhangthelorax, full reinstall06:31
POOPHAMMMERso guys i got ubuntu installed of vmware and i am chatting from vmware06:31
POOPHAMMMERdoes that mean i did it right06:31
tmp__thelorax only reinstall, will be simple06:31
Zeeofuis updating to 11.0 worth updating06:31
daniel_tmp__, yeh its been activated and been in use the networking tool just wont take notice of it06:31
celthunderPOOPHAMMMER: did what right?06:31
CoinOptensorpudding: Well thank you for looking06:31
celthunderPOOPHAMMMER: sure why not06:31
celthunderZeeofu: personal preferences06:32
theloraxhow to i do that from terminal? will it erase my photos and mp3s? or will it be fine like when i upgraded?06:32
daniel_Zeeofu, no dont do it unless u want a head ache wifi dont work for me i get random reboots now and unity isnt better then gnome or w.e06:32
bazhangthelorax, a full reinstall wont be from the terminal06:32
neil_Zeeofu, is there a howto on setting this up?06:33
daniel_tmp__, u have any ideas why it wont notice its there?06:33
tmp__daniel_ what message iwconfig ?06:33
POOPHAMMMERwhen i installed ubuntu it told me i would need to install linux06:33
POOPHAMMMERhow do i do it06:33
celthundersomeone kick poophammer06:33
theloraxbazhang: im new to all this..can you explain?06:33
celthunder.votekick poophammmer06:33
POOPHAMMMERno im serious06:33
POOPHAMMMERim chatting from irssi06:33
POOPHAMMMERhow do i install linux06:34
tensorpuddingyou installed it in vmware?06:34
daniel_tmp__, it says lo eth0 and usb0 all followed by no wireless extension06:34
POOPHAMMMERyes i installed it in vmware06:34
POOPHAMMMERnow what06:34
bazhangthelorax, a full reinstall means getting the 10.04 iso, burning it to cd and reinstalling from that06:34
celthunderyou spam the hell out of the channel until a bot bans you poophamme thats how06:34
tmp__daniel_ rfkill list in terminal06:34
CoinOpHere is a photo of my issue if anyone can help http://i.imgur.com/Q0DEW.jpg  It does not progress beyond this point. Tried multiple reboots.06:34
bazhangPOOPHAMMMER, please stop. Ubuntu = Linux06:34
theloraxbazhang: my notebook hasnt a cd drive06:34
POOPHAMMMERno it is linux06:34
POOPHAMMMERhow do i install it06:35
ejvPOOPHAMMMER: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation06:35
celthunderthank you bazhang06:35
daniel_daniel@Shiela:~$ rfkill list06:35
daniel_0: dell-wifi: Wireless LAN06:35
daniel_Soft blocked: no06:35
daniel_Hard blocked: yes06:35
FloodBot3daniel_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:35
bazhangthelorax, then unetbootin with a flash key06:35
ejvi didn't know u had powerz bazhang06:35
Zeeofuneil_, do you have windows installed?06:35
tmp__daniel_ blocked on hard, not in linux06:35
daniel_tmp__, whats that mean ?06:36
tmp__daniel_ on of on notebopk\pc06:36
bazhang!usb > thelorax06:36
ubottuthelorax, please see my private message06:36
neil_Zeeofu, no, ubuntu 10.1006:36
lwizardldoes anyone know of any good applications for making music beats on linux ?06:36
Zeeofuneil_, if yes then install uTorrent and go to proxy settings, there are hunderes of free proxy servers avilable, google it.06:36
daniel_tmp__, ok they both say yes now06:36
daniel_tmp__, i mean no06:36
theloraxbazhang: i dont know what that means...when installed 10.04 about 6mo. ago i just downloaded it to my hardrive and it installed alongside windows 706:37
daniel_0: dell-wifi: Wireless LAN06:37
daniel_Soft blocked: no06:37
daniel_Hard blocked: no06:37
bazhangthelorax, wubi install?06:37
Zeeofudaniel_, thanks bro06:37
daniel_tmp__, still same exact thing06:37
theloraxbazhang:then a few days ago i upgraded to 11.04 thru my update manager or whatever..06:37
theloraxbazhang: yeah wubi06:37
POOPHAMMMERhow do i install linux06:38
theloraxbazhang: now i cant see my menu bar on the top of my desktop06:38
ZeeofuBye everyone, Have a nice day!06:38
POOPHAMMMERi installed ubuntu and irzzi06:38
daniel_Zeeofu, well unity is ok and awesome if u like06:38
bazhangthelorax, there is no downgrade in wubi either as far as I know06:38
FloodBot3POOPHAMMMER: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:38
POOPHAMMMERim not flooding06:38
POOPHAMMMERflooding is for the japanese06:38
Viking667yeah, you are fl00ding06:38
theloraxbazhang: so how would i go about accessing my applications and such?06:38
tmp__daniel_  see your wifi adapters06:39
daniel_tmp__, how do i do that ?06:39
Viking667anyhow, I'm glad I got Ubuntu One installed, and working... though really, it looks entirely like a clone of DropBox plus syncing of Firefox bookmarks (which firefox already offers, I think) and Evolution contacts06:39
Applebyconnect irc.synirc.net06:39
tmp__daniel_ in documentation name of adapter06:39
theloraxbazhang: you know? on the top of the screen? the menubar with applications and system and administration and all that?06:40
daniel_tmp__, hmm this ?This package contains Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driverfor use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4313-, BCM4321-,BCM4322-, BCM43224-, and BCM43225-, BCM43227- and BCM43228-basedhardware.06:40
ZykoticK9!panels | thelorax06:41
ubottuthelorax: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:41
CoinOpHere is a photo of my issue if anyone can help http://i.imgur.com/Q0DEW.jpg   I cannot progress beyond this screen. Any help would be appreciated.06:41
tmp__daniel_ nonono, sorry for my english. Broadcom 43xx, your xx?06:41
aLeSDhi all06:42
aLeSDI am using gnome 2.32.1 on ubuntu 11.04 ... I am tring to replace the panel with awn. I run this line "gconftool-2 --type=string --set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel 'avant-window-navigator'" .. but, on login, the gnome-panel is still here . someone could help me ?06:42
theloraxZykoticK9: oh menu bar is really called "panel"?06:42
richiefrichhow can i block the upgrade, as i dont want unity06:43
rageI've got a weird bug after upgrading to 11.04. All text that should be displayed by compiz is missing06:43
daniel_tmp__, sorry idk were to find that ? but i think its 1106:43
theloraxubottu: that will make my menubar..or "panel" show back up?06:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:43
richiefrichand i dont wanna run it on accident06:43
=== carlos is now known as Guest94653
daniel_tmp__, http://paste.ubuntu.com/602122/ i think this should say right ?06:43
_genuser_wait richiefrich uses ubuntu also?06:43
tmp__daniel_ You have brcm 4311, havent you?06:43
richiefrich_genuser_: i use them all06:43
_genuser_richiefrich: hey there. see you in gentoo too06:43
Taint_richiefrich: Good question. Someone told me Unity is a piece of shit so I would rather stick with regular GNOME hehe.06:44
daniel_tmp__, yes i belive so06:44
richiefrich_genuser_:  yeah06:44
bazhangTaint_, no cursing06:44
richiefrich_genuser_: i work at a datacenter and i need to help others06:44
Taint_bazhang: Oh my bad.06:44
richiefrichi need to bnlock the 11.x upgrade though06:44
richiefrichi dont want unity06:44
tmp__daniel_ "on" on notebook06:44
richiefrichTaint_: it trys to be OSX06:45
Guest94653sorry for bad english, but I'm having problems with the file libgtk-1.2.so.0, someone help me?06:45
richiefrichTaint_: the icons and the panels are not even editable06:45
_genuser_richiefrich: nice to see someone from gentoo chan. :) I'm using netbuntu on a netbook and it's the unity thing that's bugging me too. I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 and now I don't like unity. Upgrading to 11.04 to be able to use newer autohide crap....06:45
tmp__daniel_ sudo apt-get --purge remove b43-fwcutter06:45
richiefrich_genuser_: that is it, i dont want it, so now i will never upgrade06:45
daniel_tmp__, yes i use a notebook06:45
naptasticI just upgraded to Natty. How do I change the number of workspaces?06:46
Taint_richiefrich: Well I just started using linux ubuntu recently, so far it is nice. I used OSX cause my mom is a big OSX fan I don't know must be a woman thing06:46
richiefrich_genuser_: i know i can bnlock it but i am used to emerge not apt-get06:46
tmp__daniel_ and install b43-fwcutter06:46
rageIs anyone else experience a bug where text that compiz should be displaying is missing? e.g when alt-tabbing the window title should be disabled. I have two machines freshly upgraded to 11.04 with this bug06:46
tmp__daniel_ go to additional drivers and activate them< if it not activation06:46
_genuser_my the rain storm is kicking my internet in/out.06:47
richiefrichTaint_: http://www.splitbrain.org/blog/2010-10/25-ubuntu_unity_sucks06:47
richiefrichTaint_: see it is no good06:47
CoinOpHere is a photo of my issue if anyone can help http://i.imgur.com/Q0DEW.jpg   I cannot get past this. Any help would be wonderful thank you.06:47
bazhangrichiefrich, lets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic06:47
daniel_tmp__, ok i did everything u said and it says its activated06:47
tmp__daniel_ your version of linux?06:48
daniel_tmp__, ubuntu 11.04 natty06:48
tmp__daniel_ i dont know, it may not work in natty06:48
rageCould anyone running 11.04 please alt-tab and tell me if the window titles are appearing in the app switcher correctly?06:48
rageI have three machines doing it and I would like to know its not just me06:49
daniel_tmp__, i hate natty :(06:49
tmp__daniel_ see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:49
cmdbbqI am a bit new to unity (it didn't run well on my netbook in the last release, but it does now) I have a few questions about it to help me get it set up . first off, I was able to swap banshee for rhythmbox in the sound meenu, but i am having trouble accomplishing the same effect with empathy/pidgin in the messaging menu. can anyone help me to do this?06:49
theloraxcan anyone tell me how to reset my "panel" in terminal?06:50
theloraxi cant see my applications menu or anything06:50
_genuser_cmdbbq: in the new toolbar?06:50
tmp__daniel_ and you may to try sta driver06:50
ZykoticK9!panels | thelorax06:50
ubottuthelorax: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:50
_genuser_cmdbbq: just drag the thing you want off, off ot the side till is shows you X. it will remove it.06:50
Taint_richiefrich: Fuck Unity. Godamnit why is Ubuntu starting to suck! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:50
bear_hi ever one06:51
_genuser_the main thing with unity on a netbook is it's trying to command 1" of a 10" screen. don't care what the devs were thinking, they were wrong.06:51
eiriksvinhow do i get Natty to stop loading in the top left?06:51
Viking667eiriksvin: hmm? how do you mean?06:51
cmdbbq_genuser_: i am speaking of the revamped notification are, and my side panel autohides or else it would have been a dealbreaker06:52
eiriksvinall the programs load in the top left, and the new natty bar keeps dissappearing, i want to change those 2 thing06:52
richiefrichso no way to block unity?06:52
_genuser_cmdbbq: that's why I'm upgradin to autohide the sidepanel.06:53
_genuser_cmdbbq: don't even know about the revamp on the auto notification area.06:53
theloraxthelorax@ubuntu:~$ gconftool--recursive-unset/apps/panel&&killall gnome-panel06:53
theloraxbash: gconftool--recursive-unset/apps/panel: No such file or directory06:53
bazhangrichiefrich, choose classic at the login window06:53
thelorax? am i typing it wrong?06:53
eiriksvini want everything to load in the center, and i want the natty bar to stay there, how to i fix that?06:53
rageI think there is a bug with alt-tab in 11.04? Could someone please press alt-tab and confirm it for me?06:54
rageThe titles of the windows should be displayed06:54
ragebut they're not06:54
theloraxeiriksvin:are you having problems seeing your topbar?06:54
_genuser_richiefrich: http://askubuntu.com/questions/6302/how-can-you-remove-unity06:54
Viking667rage: titles displayed where?06:54
katselphrimeyep im having same problem w/ rage06:54
_genuser_richiefrich: haven't tried that yet. STill upgrading to 11.04.06:55
rageViking667: The window title should be displayed immediately under the selected application when you alt tab06:55
AtomicspinWireless was working fine in 10.10, now it's not in 11.0406:55
AtomicspinI have the STA drivers installed.06:55
Viking667ahh, no i don't get that either.06:55
theloraxrage:can you see your top menu bar?06:55
Viking667I get the icon for the application showing on the snapshot window though...06:55
ragethelorax: I'm not running unity06:55
eiriksvintry switching an app to another workspace then alt tab06:55
Viking667Oh. I am.06:55
rageViking667: So you are getting the title?06:56
Viking667rage: which application switcher are you using?06:56
rageViking667: Static application switcher06:56
Viking667ANd I'm using Unity, I don't get the title of the window.06:56
rageViking667: However the problem is compiz wide06:56
Viking667ahhhhh. I'm not using static. I can start it up and try that out.06:56
ZykoticK9thelorax, are you using 11.04?06:56
Viking667ah huh.06:56
theloraxrage: im new to all this..i just upgraded from 10.0 or whatever..and now i cant see my menu bar at the top where i chose my applications and such06:56
rageViking667: All of compiz seems incapable of display text06:57
Viking667Checked your theme?06:57
ZykoticK9thelorax, disregard the !panel factoid then!06:57
theloraxZykoticK9: yeah i just upgraded from 10.0 or whatever06:57
rageViking667: I have two vanilla machines display these symptoms. One ati the other nvidia06:57
theloraxZykoticK9: and now i cant see my menu bar on the top of the screen that used to be there in 10.0 so i could choose from my applications or go to my software center or change my backround and themes and all that06:58
_genuser_richiefrich: you see the link?06:58
ZykoticK9thelorax, welcome to unity ;)06:58
rageViking667: I'm hoping its not just me who has this bug06:58
rageViking667: So Compiz text display okay for you?06:59
Viking667Yup. I can concur that with the "Static application switcher" I don't see titles either.06:59
rageViking667: Okay, phew,06:59
Viking667ATI card, HD345006:59
richiefrich_genuser_: yeah06:59
Viking667... if we're talking about the snapshots06:59
richiefrich_genuser_:  one last thing, if you know06:59
rageViking667: Yeah, its very annoying. I use Scale Window Title filter frequently, its nearly useless if you cant see any text06:59
richiefrich_genuser_: how can i get it to stop asking me if i wanna upgrade06:59
richiefrich_genuser_: i dont see that in cron07:00
theloraxZykoticK9: FUK! haha...i just want my old ubuntu back..how can i go about getting my menubar to show..or how do i use my applications..i can only see my desktop icons and my "dockY" at the bottom..so the only applications i have access to are the ones saved in my docky07:00
richiefrichi dont want to click yes on accident07:00
ZykoticK9thelorax, i repeat - welcome to unity.  I've stopped using Ubuntu because of Unity myself.  Good luck.07:00
theloraxwhat do you use now?07:01
theloraxi dont want to go back to windows07:01
fisixwhy does plugging in my ethernet cord not change the wifi icon in the indicator applet panel?07:01
ZykoticK9thelorax, debian / trisquel07:01
Viking667fisix: why should it?07:01
Garryrichiefrich. Do u see ? Don't Upgrade, Ask later, Upgrade07:01
fisixViking667, it used to change to an up/down arrow07:01
fisixViking667, after updating to 11.04 with classic gnome, it does not07:02
richiefrichGarry: i see that, but i mean i dont even want it to ask07:02
theloraxZykoticK9:how do i switch without altering my files on ubuntu? is that possible?07:02
Viking667oh. Then I apologise. I thought it'd not change because it's wireless, and you'd plugged in a wired link.07:02
Mrokiihello. I have heard to Gnome 3 will break Unity and/or Compiz. But will it also break the "Ubuntu Classic"-GUI (where I use compiz).07:02
richiefrichlike ever07:02
richiefrichoh i know07:02
ZykoticK9thelorax, have you tried "Classic Mode" from the GDM screen?07:02
richiefrichill disable apt-get07:02
_genuser_richiefrich: lol, that upgrade part I don't know. In the update-manager windows in Settings, you can at least set it to only show LTS release or something. I think that's for upgrade. For updates, I guess I just always say no....07:02
neil_I am having trouble setting up a proxy for 'Transmission' torrent program.. I found this list http://torrentproxy.org/ ... I have tried several .. when I click on the 'download' torrent button I still get the "/tmp/xxx.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read." error07:03
Viking667for updates/upgrades, don't run into the problem I ran into a while ago... couldn't upgrade packages because the release was no longer present at any of the Ubuntu mirrors.07:03
fisixViking667, oh haha that's alright. any idea on wat to do?07:04
richiefrich_genuser_:  chmod 0 /usr/bin/apt-get /usr/bin/aptitude-curses ; chattr +ai  /usr/bin/apt-get /usr/bin/aptitude-curses07:04
richiefrich_genuser_: i fixed it07:04
theloraxZykoticK9: GMD screen?07:04
foodstampViking667  so i should sty on main server?07:04
Hoytanyone here using GrSecurity kernel patch ?07:04
_genuser_richiefrich: lol. There's the Startup Application Preferences. That has a line saying Update Notifier, you can uncheck that too.07:05
richiefrich_genuser_: i will fix it on my own, like that :P07:05
ZykoticK9thelorax, GDM = the login screen, select your user name, then at the bottom click Session07:05
richiefrich_genuser_: where is that07:05
_genuser_richiefrich: that fix will work nice too. :)07:05
theloraxok ill try07:05
richiefrich_genuser_:   There's the Startup Application Preferences. ??07:05
richiefrich_genuser_: i see it07:05
_genuser_richiefrich: from unity, Applications -> System -> Startup Application Preferences07:05
aLeSDhi ... why ubuntu 11.04 doesn't follow gconf-editor configurations ?07:06
eiriksvinwhats the name of the program i gotta download to stop the launcher from moving and or disappearing?07:06
nit-witaLeSD, ?07:06
cmdbbqso that is a no on adding pidgin to the messaginn menu on right side of the top panel thing? my second question is this then, the top panel thing shows the name of the focused window, but can be made to switch to the menu bar for said window via the alt key or moving the mouse over it. I want it to always be the menu bar. possible?07:06
fisixdoes anybody know why ifconfig shows a connection for eth0 but iwconfig doesn ot?07:06
aLeSDnit-wit: I set panel to avant-window-navigator but gnome-panel is still there07:06
richiefrich_genuser_: nice07:07
_genuser_fisix: iwconfig shows wireless ones, no?07:07
aLeSDnit-wit: I remove the panel entry and gnome-panel is still there07:07
_genuser_richiefrich:  you like? :)07:07
richiefrich_genuser_: i do, i am so not used to gui's07:07
_genuser_richiefrich: getting ready to reboot and see what 11.04 looks like and then disable unity if possible....07:07
eiriksvinwhats the name of the program i gotta download to stop the launcher from moving and or disappearing?07:07
richiefrich_genuser_: good luck07:08
richiefrich_genuser_: just chaneg from gnome, to like awesome07:08
_genuser_richiefrich: hehe, I would really use gentoo on the netbook that's why I bought it, to play with gentoo more for lean setup. but then I thought who wants to compile gtk on a 1.66GHz single core....07:08
richiefrich_genuser_: use archlinux07:09
nit-witaLeSD, not sure what you have done but here is the installation wiki.http://wiki.awn-project.org/Installation07:09
richiefrichit is nice and fast for a netbook07:09
fisix_genuser_, yeah the wireless is shown07:09
nit-witaLeSD, I have never used awn sorry,07:09
aLeSDnit-wit: thanks anyway07:10
_genuser_richiefrich: would be fun those to install gentoo using distcc with a faster one around. :)07:10
rick_2047hey guys have acer 5742G and everything working just great but the internal mic is not working07:11
rick_2047it is detected by aplay07:11
drhe1sktso unity any good? are people staying with gnome?07:11
theloraxZykoticK9: THANK YOU! it worked!07:12
Garryrichiefrich. Have sorted to disable upgrade option yet?07:12
ragedrhe1skt: Staying with Gnome here.07:12
richiefrich_genuser_: install it in a chroot on the main box and then just rsync it. I mean use sys-devel/crossdev07:12
theloraxZykoticK9: classic mode homie07:12
richiefrichGarry: yes ty07:12
ZykoticK9thelorax, glad to help07:12
eiriksvinwhats the name of the program i gotta download to stop the launcher from moving and or disappearing? it had Unity in the name i know that07:13
_genuser_richiefrich: I guess most of the things would work fine that way. Using rsync... the wifi stuff is the only thing to worry about....07:13
drhe1sktrage, did you check out unity though?07:13
_genuser_richiefrich: cool idea07:13
richiefrich_genuser_: trye07:13
DrMaxcelthunder : still there?07:13
ragedrhe1skt: Still using it on my main desktop.07:13
ragedrhe1skt: However until its stable, I'm not staying with it07:14
_genuser_richiefrich: if the wifi is supported in kernel, it would be super.07:14
_genuser_well then, mission gentoo might be a go.07:14
ragedrhe1skt: I'll give it another go when 12.04 LTS comes out, hopefully the bugs will be sorted by then07:14
MadRobotHi all.07:15
ScallWhat version of Firefox uses Ubuntu 10.04 LTS? (sorry for my English)07:16
richiefrich_genuser_: only thing i would like on this is FF407:16
richiefrich_genuser_: but i can install that manually07:16
richiefrich_genuser_: since i diabled apt-get07:16
_genuser_richiefrich: FF4 is out already?07:17
MadRobotI'm having this weird problem with changing the keyboard lay-out. I use the the Alt-Shift combination to change the layout. I can change it from USA to Arabic (the second language), but when I try to change it back it doesn't work unless I do that manually with the mouse. How do I fix that?07:17
_genuser_only if there was internet explorer for linux that worked fast.07:17
richiefrich_genuser_: it might be in beta07:17
MadRobot_genuser_, FF4 is awesome if you ask me?07:18
MadRobotahh, ignore the question mark..07:18
_genuser_I really like FF3 on linux. Just that I'm used to IE8 on my win machine and switching between the two is kinda one of those things where I want to just have the same browser.07:18
_genuser_but FF is pretty cool in what it does. it has definitely beat chromium into it's place07:19
htekwhat the hell would someone use IE for07:19
htekyou like zeus?07:19
MadRobothtek, Exactly.07:19
_genuser_I use windows also and IE is already on it. And it just works. better than any other browser on there. So I use it.07:20
mysteriousdarren_genuser_: why IE? most people hate it07:20
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MadRobotSo can anybody please help me with me layout problem?07:20
_genuser_meh, I don't really worry about what someone might think of it. It just works and works nice.07:20
_genuser_now like FF works the best on linux. and I tried chromium and again use FF. 'coz chromium was just blah.07:21
_genuser_last command of an upgrade... says upgrade has failed.07:21
_genuser_2hrs spend for .... no upgrade.07:21
mathews-genuser: this is not a place to make windows slogan.Pls leave this place for Ubuntu lovers07:21
_genuser_mathews: oh you and your fake ubuntu love. We were just discussing browsers and I explained why I use IE. put a sock it bud.07:22
MadRobotI can change my layout from English to the other language using the keyboard, but I can't change it back unless I do it with the mouse. What could be the problem?07:22
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DrMaxmy nfs mount (still recovering from upgrade to 11.04) shows all file owners as 4294967294 (-2)07:22
DrMaxhow do I fix this?07:22
alokarHello, I'm running 10.10 and would like to go for firefox 4.0. How do I do that?07:23
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ZykoticK9alokar, mozilla PPA07:23
richiefrich_genuser_: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop07:23
richiefrich_genuser_: i guess it is the old school07:23
richiefrich_genuser_: maybe not07:24
_genuser_richiefrich: lol, the upgrade failed and I gotta now figure out if the system is usable lol.07:24
alokarZykoticK9,  I googled, is this one? ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa07:24
=== TortureIsGood is now known as OsamaIsDeadNow
_genuser_only if there was a way to reboot without doing that.07:24
richiefrich_genuser_: really, how did it fail07:24
ZykoticK9alokar, i couldn't tell you for sure, but i'm sure that would work - i believe there is a stable (vs daily build) PPA though07:25
alokarZykoticK9,  Or do you have a good link I can check out.07:25
_genuser_lol, new message upgrade complete. right after message saying upgrade failed. it will not run rollback package cleaner some thing.07:25
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alokarZykoticK9,  4.0~b13~hg20110323r63531+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1    isn07:25
alokarZykoticK9,  isn't this a beta?07:25
_genuser_richiefrich: it just said some stuff was probably unstable didn't say why it failed. the main thig that failed that I saw was samba. let's just hope it was the only package.07:25
=== KNUBBIG_ is now known as KNUBBIG
ZykoticK9alokar, the daily ppa is built each night07:26
mathewsalokar: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa07:26
alokarZykoticK9,  I found some info on help.ubuntu.com Thanks:)07:26
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Romancedo you like 11.04?07:27
ZykoticK9Romance, a question for #ubuntu-offtopic07:27
OsamaDeadYayhow long will 10.04 be supported, security-update-wise?07:27
richiefrichthats a year old now07:28
ZykoticK9OsamaDeadYay, for desktops until 2013 April or so07:28
elkyOsamaDeadYay, Please change your nickname if you wish to continue using this channel07:28
OsamaDeadYayZykoticK9: and after that I'm on my own?07:28
ZykoticK9OsamaDeadYay, after that?  I guess so?!?!07:29
OsamaDeadYayelky: oh, so you can talk, and not only ban without saying anything like in #ubuntu-offtopic.07:29
elkyOsamaDeadYay, "no" and "just, no" count as commenting. It's not my fault you ignored that.07:29
elkyOsamaDeadYay, now, change that nickname or you're out of here.07:29
IdleOneOsamaDeadYay: if you have a problem with the ban issued in -ot join #ubuntu-ops to discuss it. Please remember that we do have !guidelines and !codeofconduct.07:30
OsamaDeadYayelky: no, I'll return with a few hundred copies of mine and we'll see who wins. :)07:30
KNUBBIGyou certainly won't07:30
KNUBBIGso silent :o07:31
tbfhow again do i re-arrange launchers in the sidebar?07:32
tbf...thought i've done it once, but cannot remember how07:32
richiefrichwhat panel are you using07:32
tbfrichiefrich: the unity thing07:32
richiefrichoh then idk07:32
richiefrichi dont think you can move things around07:32
richiefrichat this time, could be wrong07:33
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)07:33
richiefrichyou used to be able to right click07:33
tbfrichiefrich: pretty sure i did07:33
kezzawdalokar - try this - http://bit.ly/knlNcZ07:33
KNUBBIGrichiefrich: I think you're mostly right, you can change some but not all07:33
richiefrichKNUBBIG: yeah you cant even put the launcher on the bottom07:33
linux_probeteh richiefrich ish teh failz07:33
richiefrichor top07:33
kezzawdtbf - do you have Ubuntu Tweak installed07:33
richiefrichKNUBBIG: needs to be on the side07:33
tbf...but right now right click pans that dock07:34
tbfkezzawd: wtf... ubuntu also comes with such mess now?07:34
tbfare we back at windows 95?07:34
tbf(with it's infamous tweak ui)07:34
linux_probewin 3.1!07:34
KNUBBIGI think there was something you could do but I can't find it anymore07:34
kezzawdtbf - if you have Ubuntu Tweak then make sure you have show desktop icons checked07:34
bullgard4!enter | tbf07:34
ubottutbf: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:34
kezzawdthat will stop right-click on desktop if not checked07:35
xion56how do I make share internet connection with playstation 3 with Linux Mint? (with is based in ubuntu)  I have put ethernet cable between them07:35
kezzawdtbf you can re-arrange all launchers by dragging them off and then replacing them where you want07:36
tbfubottu: emotions. emotions. it __really__ upset's me that suddenly both unity and gnome-shall resort to ux mess like windows 95's tweak ui. it's a really bad sign.07:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:36
tbfkezzawd: "dragging off".... hmm.... let's see07:37
KNUBBIGkezzawd: woot? Since when can I drag the launcher icons?07:37
bullgard4xion56: Please put this question in a Linux Mint channel. This is #ubuntu.07:37
KNUBBIGkezzawd: lol thanks07:37
kezzawdKNUBBIG my pleasure07:37
JosesordoI can use compiz and some docky in XFCE?07:37
tbfkezzawd: that was the trick! thanks alot!07:37
xion56bullgard4: I have tried there, I figured if here people can help as its based in ubuntu07:38
ZykoticK9Josesordo, i was just looking at http://www.ghacks.net/2010/07/11/run-compiz-with-xfce4/07:38
tbfso now i only have to figure out how to edit launchers, unity imported from gnome shell. have one with horribly upscaled icon.07:38
JosesordoZykoticK9, xfce4 is with xubuntu 11.04?07:39
tbfwell, alternative: how do i add custom launchers (without pre-installed .desktop file)07:39
ZykoticK9Josesordo, ?07:39
kezzawdtbf - try right-click to remove launcher, then open the application and pin the launcher again ?07:39
tbfkezzawd: don't have a desktop file for this app... but let's try07:40
JosesordoZykoticK9, its ok.. google answered me xD07:40
bear_hi   is theere  a " all in one codec  pack"?07:41
tbfkezzawd: no, that's the wrong instance07:41
IdleOnebear_: ubuntu-restricted-extras07:41
cmdbbqok, i got pidgin into the messaging menu by enabling the libnotify plugin, now i just need to get empathy (listed as "chat") to go away. any ideas on how i would do that?07:42
bullgard4bear_: No.07:42
tbfkezzawd: (not surprisingly) took the app it found in path (or however) - not the shell script07:42
richiefrichtbf: lol switch to xface :P07:42
richiefrichi mean07:43
KNUBBIGanybody knows why eclipse in the repos is still 3.5 not 3.6?07:43
kezzawdtbf - try this thread - half way down - http://bit.ly/msZLwR07:43
ZykoticK9bear_, if u-r-e doesn't have what you're looking for check out w32codec (or w64codec) from Medibuntu07:43
tbfrichiefrich: why? unity is pretty cool. just needs a bit polish. guess we finally have to admit, mark is a visionary07:43
M13upUmm, just put on ubuntu 11.4, looks OK.  where do i get the admin menu from?07:43
richiefrichtbf: oh i wasnt a fan07:44
bear_will that cover most of it , and its there more of them , i dont feel like trying to mess up on this oreder for this customer...07:44
jamzedIs somebody have a problem with iPhone tethering on Ubuntu 11.04? Look's like problem with DHCP server.07:44
kezzawdM13up Hit super key then check out the dropdown menu you see to the right07:44
kezzawdM13up - take that back sorry - if you get the application 'lens' up then you should see a dropdown menu to the right07:45
M13upkezzawd: I have shortcuts from super, and a dock on the left.07:45
M13upkezzawd: is there still a menu for admin tools and another for applications i can access.07:46
ZykoticK9bear_, u-r-e should cover "most" of it07:46
bear_then what am i missing?07:47
keeferunity looks nice07:48
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linuxuz3rthere are tons of website that has ios app reviews07:48
linuxuz3ris there an app review for linux apps07:48
Rehanwhat does the vga=795 mean in grub kernel options?07:48
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tbfrichiefrich: of unity or mark? :-D about unity? sure, not entirely polished yet - what do you expect for a first release. but then a big step forward over the old panel and much saner ux story than gnome-shell07:48
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cmdbbqM13up: if you click the ubuntu logo or tap super you get an integrated menu geared towards search and then as you type stuff in it will find whatever program you want07:49
ZykoticK9Rehan, vga= is deprecated07:49
richiefrichtbf: yeah unity07:49
richiefrichtbf: i just switched to another window manager07:49
kezzawdM13up: the closest I've come to it is the method I described - although I prefer to just hit 'Super' and then type the name of the application / tool I want followed by return07:49
cmdbbqor there is an "applications" entry in the dock on the left and you can look for see all applications or something like that07:49
RehanZykoticK9: how comes its in there by default? should I just remove it? I don't want my resolution to be 795 if thats what it does07:49
tbfvery big fan of how it turns each maximized app into some kind of full screen app, by moving titlebar and menubar into the top panel07:49
mathewslinuxuz3r: http://linux.softpedia.com/07:49
cmdbbqinstalled: 91 more results is what it says M13up07:50
tbf→ goodbye F11 fullscreen shortcut, you  are redundant now07:50
Jordan_URehan: It's a depricated way to pass information to grub about what video mode to set. GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX in /etc/default/grub is the replacement and takes a simple resolution specified like "800x600".07:50
ZykoticK9Rehan, what version of ubuntu did you find that by default?  it's not directly translated to a 795 pixel resolution BTW.07:50
M13upcmdbbq: yeh but sometimes i want something i can't remeber the name of.07:50
dualcore11.04 doesn't see a partition on another hard drive that i need access too. i think it has my old users permissions07:50
RehanZykoticK9: 11.0407:50
tbfkezzawd: feared i'd have to manually create a .desktop file. well. ok.07:50
ZykoticK9Rehan, lol figures.07:51
bullgard4Rehan: You can change it to another value.07:51
_genuser_ok that's the last time I do upgrade on ubuntu.07:51
_genuser_after 11.04 upgrade when I log it, it07:51
M13upAlso for someone new to the features of ubuntu they don't have the chance to play with items. they have to find them a very hard way. it's nice just to see the admin tools in a list sometimes.07:51
_genuser_ust shows a black background and nothing. Anybody seen that before and how to fix it?07:52
Rehanbullgard4: i can comment out GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX and instead put in GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX ?07:52
kezzawdtbf - if you right click desktop and use 'Create Launcher' it's simpler - then you just need to move the launcher created into .local/share/ applications, and then drag it out of that location into the dock - it works07:52
_genuser_having ot login to netbuntu 2D session.07:52
ZykoticK9 _genuser_ i don't think many of the experienced users in this channel would recommend upgrading ubuntu.07:52
kezzawdtbf: for dock read launcher lol (OSX !!!)07:52
bullgard4Rehan: I did not implay that.07:52
bullgard4Rehan: I did not imply that.07:52
bear_whats the command to plaay dvds... the ones you get at the store07:52
cmdbbqM13up: I don't know how to get the old catagories view, if that is even still possible, but Applications on the menu bar and then clicking on where it says see more results next to installed should get you a full list to look at07:52
_genuser_ZykoticK9: lol, I wouldn't either now. I'm experienced too.07:52
RehanJordan_U: : i can comment out GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX and instead put in GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX ?07:53
bp0yes, upgrading is a mistake07:53
Jordan_URehan: What are you trying to accomplish?07:53
_genuser_now, important topic.07:53
_genuser_does anyone know how to downgrade?07:53
_genuser_to 10.10?07:53
tbfkezzawd: thank you07:53
nat__how do i change name07:53
_genuser_short of install fresh install from 10.10 media/07:53
RehanJordan_U: just cleaning up my grub file that i was editing around07:53
KNUBBIG!downgrade | _genuser_07:53
ubottu_genuser_: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.07:53
Jordan_U!downgrade | _genuser_07:53
tbfhey, the x-chat icon shows when i got pinged on irc... sweet!07:54
ZykoticK9_genuser_, sure, downgrade = fresh install07:54
_genuser_ah, so basically ubuntu is too busy trying to be new windows they don't care about users....07:54
cmdbbqM13up: on the left side dock, it looks like a magnifying glass with an addition sign in the lense07:54
M13upOK thanks everyone07:54
_genuser_thanks guys.07:54
bullgard4_genuser_: There is no "downgrade". You will need to re-install another Ubuntu release.07:54
Jordan_URehan: Then just remove "vga=795" and don't replace it with anything. It shouldn't be needed.07:54
RehanJordan_U: ok thanks, whats the 'splash' mean on the same line?07:55
_genuser_bullgard4: hehe, it's probably faster too. the upgrade took 4hrs from 10.04 to 10.10 and then 3 hr to 11.0.07:55
Jordan_URehan: Show a boot animation rather than scrolling text during boot.07:55
d4gg3rany aidea how to install this? libplds4.so.0d07:55
RehanJordan_U: very informative, thank you. Is quiet the opposite of splash?07:55
KNUBBIGNow that I read it, does the plymouth splash screen thingy still exist in natty? Doesn't seem to work for me07:55
bullgard4_genuser_: Yes. A quite common phenomenon.07:55
phonex01Oh god today they killed bin laden !!07:56
RehanKNUBBIG: doesn't work for me either :) just see a black screen until the login screen07:56
M13upOH yeh it's possible from the super/icon browse section.07:56
_genuser_bullgard4: you konw I kept thinking on every update/upgrade waring ot just ignore it. and then I hit upgrade.07:56
bp0phonex01, yesterday.07:56
phonex01in my time it is today07:56
Jordan_URehan: No, quiet means to show less messages during boot. They generally go together.07:56
M13upyou can change options search result on the right and select system.07:56
bullgard4_genuser_: I know this temptation too.07:56
pasproQuestion: Gwibber throws notification messages on the screen with twitter/facebook events. However, when I try to click on these notifications I they fade out. Is there any way for them to become clickable?07:56
KNUBBIGRehan: I see my GRUB background and that's it :) but I think the opposite of splash is nosplash07:56
cmdbbqhow do you go to the desktop/minimize all windows in unity?07:57
M13upthen then a few come up you click system again and the full list will appear.07:57
RehanKNUBBIG: yeah i see my grub page perfectly but then after that its black screen until login. Its because of stupid nvidia drivers or something from what I've read07:57
MoL0ToVhi to all! i just upgraded to 11.04, where i can find the normal/basic/advanced compiz graphics effects?07:57
Jordan_U!ccsm | MoL0ToV07:57
phonex01they just opened the hell gate in pakistan , they have no idea what they can do there ...... US gov did the most stupid thing that will really make them suffer ..07:57
ubottuMoL0ToV: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz07:57
Jordan_U!ot | phonex0107:57
ubottuphonex01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:57
pasproM13up: I know that, I was just wondering if I can click directly when the notification message pops up07:57
_genuser_bullgard4: anyway, thanks. :)07:57
phonex01ok ok im sorry07:58
KNUBBIGRehan: mh dunno, had to fix sthing in 10.10 as well, but splash also doesn#t work on my 11.04 ATI notebook so it might just be all proprietary drivers ...07:58
bp0is someone making a natty faq? somthing better than those bot factoids, all in one place?07:58
bp0that would be handy07:58
bp0i remember someone did it with lucid07:58
bp0that was great07:58
kezzawdMoL0ToV: if you install ccsm and not simple-ccsm you also get some options for tweaking unity07:58
d4gg3rany aidea how to install this? libplds4.so.0d?07:59
bullgard4paspro: Be careful. Gwibber is fairly safe. If you mingle it with Twitter/Facebook you will abandon some security.07:59
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tbfkezzawd: thanks for all your help. i am happy for the moment :-)07:59
RehanKNUBBIG: this may work for you: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/07:59
RehanKNUBBIG: it didn't work for me though07:59
kezzawdtbf: np07:59
KNUBBIGRehan: yes, it worked vor me in 10.04 and 10.10 but not anymore :(07:59
d4gg3rI wanna run nm-applet in 11.04, but it didn't work... with this error: nm-applet: error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so.0d: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:59
d4gg3r 07:59
M13uppaspro: I didn't know, thats why i was here asking. thanks to others i found it, so I just put up my findings.  If you knew you could have said!! :) - no point after iv'e solved it.08:00
RehanKNUBBIG: do your virtual terminals work?08:00
purveshcan some one help me for upgrading from alternate iso, i had already mounted iso to cdrom0 but when i try to to run: gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" it wont show any effect or any upgrade screen what to do ?08:00
Rehanpurvesh: try it without the quotes08:00
pasprobullgard4: I am just wondering if I can click directly on gwibber's pop up notifications to open the gwibber interface directly.08:00
ichbinderHey there. When I start Skype from a link as an application it crashes after a few seconds. When I start it from a terminal or as application in terminal, it works smoothly. Any idea what could be the problem?08:01
purveshRehan, no any changes without quotes ... same issue ...08:01
usr13purvesh: ls /cdrom/cdromupgrade08:02
kezzawdd4gg3r - try http://bit.ly/mRxybs08:02
usr13purvesh: If you mounted to cdrom0, wouldn't it be  sh /cdrom0/cdromupgrade  ?08:03
greenithi, i have a problem with my network-manager.... the indicator in the upper right corner doesn't work correctly... i can't click it.... can any1 help me plz? :S  (natty)08:04
=== phonex01 is now known as Bin
usr13purvesh: ls /cdrom0/cdromupgrade08:04
purveshusr13, nope not working even i had also tried cdrom0/08:04
Rehanhi usr1308:04
usr13greenit: sudo apt-get install wicd ; sudo apt-get remove network-manager08:04
greenitusr13: what is wicd?08:05
purveshusr13, m trying at run (alt + F2)08:05
usr13purvesh: ls -l /cdrom0/cdromupgrade08:05
usr13greenit:  Wicd - Wired and Wireless Network Connection Manager08:05
Rehancould anyone help me with why my tty's dont work? If I do "telinit 3" it returns nothing.08:05
usr13greenit: Try it, you'll like it.08:06
ichbindernope, I start it not as root. Normal priviliges.08:06
greenitusr13: is it better than the normal networkmanager?08:06
usr13!upstart | Rehan08:06
ubottuRehan: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/08:06
disappearedngwhats the best tool to do mock ups on ubuntu (other than gimp)08:07
d4gg3rkezzawd, ok08:07
purveshusr13, nothing happened now what to do bro ?08:07
usr13Rehan: Since we started using Upstart, runlevels are pretty much irrelevant08:07
Rehanusr13: do you know what could be causing my virtual terminals to just give a black screen?08:07
usr13purvesh: ls -l /cdrom0/cdromupgrade  returns nothing?08:07
_genuser_ok ubuntu about to get unstable.08:07
d4gg3rkezzawd, could you please provide me with the full link, bit.ly is filtered in iran :D08:07
_genuser_just changed a bunch of lines.08:07
purveshusr13, yup ...08:07
_genuser_errrr they let you have linux in iran?08:08
usr13Rehan: Well, I suppose they could be turned off.08:08
usr13purvesh: ls -l /cdrom/cdromupgrade08:08
greenitusr13: does wicd also have an indicator?08:08
usr13greenit: yes08:08
Rehanusr13: i didn't turn them off...my plymouth doesn't show either, i'm thinking its some video driver issues...could you help?08:08
usr13purvesh: mount |grep cdrom08:08
greenitusr13: do i have to log out to see it?^^08:08
dualcoredo you guys like 11.0408:08
dualcoreor gnome 308:08
greeniti like it08:09
usr13purvesh: What command did you use to mount the ISO?08:09
usr13greenit: Me too.08:09
greenitthx 4 help, cya :)08:09
purveshusr13, sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom008:09
kezzawdd4gg3r: here you go http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5987637&postcount=11 - the problem you are having is related to Flash08:10
purveshusr13, and cd is mounted also08:10
bullgard4paspro: I do not know. I just opened my Gwibber to test this but at this moment there does not appear a notification.08:10
usr13purvesh: sudo sh /media/cdrom0/cdromupgrade08:10
purveshusr13, i can also see that cdromupgrade file08:10
usr13purvesh: the tab key is your   friend08:10
purveshusr13, Thanx a lot now it works08:10
_genuser_anybody on lucid?08:10
usr13purvesh: NP08:10
bullgard4dualcore: I do like 11.04 but I do not use GNOME 3 yet. I consider it too early to use it. I am using GNOME 2.08:11
Baskakhi, i have a failure following upgrade to 11.04. after the upgrade was on its way for some time, i have found the system in the following state: https://picasaweb.google.com/108748234852103512253/U1104upgradefailure#, and nearly frozen. no other option than "skinny elephants" seemed to work. now it doesn't start, halts on something called "plymouth", also in recovery mode. ps. fresh install...08:11
Baskak...is really not a possibility to me.08:11
usr13_genuser_: Yes08:11
=== Bin is now known as bin
_genuser_usr13: can I ask you to please post your /etc/apt/sources.list file? please?08:11
_genuser_usr13: using pastebin.08:11
=== bin is now known as Bin
richiefrich_genuser_: all ok?08:11
=== Bin is now known as Bin_Laden
_genuser_richiefrich: hehe, the install is gone to heck. So either gotta use 10.04 sources.list to install all packages from it, OR re-install.08:12
richiefrich_genuser_: do you like it :P08:12
pasprobullgard4: every time you put the mouse on top of a gwibber notification it fades out and cannot be clicked.08:12
Bin_LadenI changed my name08:12
richiefrich_genuser_: =o08:12
_genuser_usr13: thanks so much. I apprecaite your help.08:12
ichbinderso, nobody has an idea why skype works when it's started from terminal but not as an application?08:12
_genuser_richiefrich: no, it doens't even load ANYTHIGN>08:12
usr13_genuser_: NP08:12
_genuser_richiefrich: just a blackscreen.08:12
bullgard4paspro: You mentioned this before.08:12
richiefrich_genuser_: wow nice08:13
richiefrich_genuser_: lol08:13
_genuser_richiefrich: but that's why you don't upgrade. which is what you just did.08:13
richiefrichi didnt upgrade08:13
greenithey usr13: how can i create a wireless network with wicd?08:13
_genuser_richiefrich: meaning you restricted the upgrade.08:13
usr13Rehan: You have only tty 7 ?08:13
richiefrich_genuser_: i win \o/08:14
_genuser_richiefrich: yeah, I won't be upgrading either once 10.04 is installed.08:14
_genuser_richiefrich: lol, i win. that's funny.08:14
bear_i have xubuntu 10.10 amd 64, 1.5ghz  2 ddr2,dual boot.. what do i do for a os ?08:14
usr13greenit: Create a wireless network?08:14
Rehanusr13: yeah i guess so, everything else is a black screen.08:14
usr13greenit: You mean connect to one?08:14
greenitusr13: i wanna open an ad-hoc wireless network... how can i do this with wicd?08:14
richiefrich_genuser_: what i dont get is when i cat /etc/debian_version  i see -> squeeze/sid08:14
richiefrich_genuser_: you would think it be different on ubuntu08:14
Rehanusr13: not sure if its because of driver display issues or what08:14
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_genuser_richiefrich: nah, it's the same thing. like firefox, netscape, and tons others used to get in to the office in the morning run source checkout of mozilla and rebrand it and release it. And they all had same security bugs. lol.08:16
usr13greenit: Click on Network ->08:16
Rehanusr13: crazy how you're multitasking, sorry about the PM, i mistook you for someone else08:16
ben21i an stuck at "Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support" in tthe upgrad process from maverick what should i do now ?08:16
usr13greenit: Click on Network -> Create an Ad-Hoc Network08:17
ben21if i reboot i die?08:17
bkerensa /join #ubuntu-us-or08:17
usr13Rehan: May not be a mistake.08:17
bullgard4ben21: What do you mean by "I am stuck" precisely?08:18
greenitusr13: where is network?08:18
_genuser_richiefrich: ok, so I just fixed up all the sources.list file to lucid ones and now update manager says run a partial upgrade. errr partial upgrade to what? lol.08:18
wonginator1221Is there a hotkey I can press/set to restart unity if it crashes without doing a hard shutdown?08:18
usr13upper left corner08:18
_genuser_richiefrich: running that. since I think I miht have to reinstall anyhoo.08:18
usr13greenit: Did you reboot after installing wicd?08:18
greenitusr13: nope, i just logged out and in again08:19
richiefrich_genuser_: wish you luck08:19
ben21bullgard4, it doesn't progress anymore, i don't now more08:19
usr13greenit: and did you add our user to netdev08:19
_genuser_richiefrich: it's a fun experience. if it works or if it's a re-install. I might get to finally luks encrypt the /. :)08:20
usr13greenit: and did you add your user to netdev08:20
bullgard4ben21: So all your intervention cannot make that your upgrade process will progress?08:20
richiefrich_genuser_: =o  i never played with encryption like that08:20
greenitusr13: i hope so... as the window in the terminal appeared, i made a star at my user so that it looks like that: [*] greenit08:20
richiefrich_genuser_: i wonder how slow it is08:20
ben21ben21, what all my intervention? i don't know what to do08:21
greenitusr13: this window was for netdev afais08:21
_genuser_richiefrich: I'd be curious too. Using truecrypt for windows, I was noticing on AES, it was noticeably slow. Very noticeable. On linux those I'd only do the swap and home partition on a slow computer.08:21
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)08:21
richiefrich_genuser_: ahh08:22
richiefrich_genuser_: let me know, if you try it08:22
_genuser_richiefrich:  will do. if not here in #gentoo. :) looking to get the raid1 server to LUKS eventually08:23
usr13greenit: What?08:23
richiefrich_genuser_: yeah or you can join my channel :P08:23
_genuser_richiefrich: you have a channel?08:23
richiefrich_genuser_: oh yeah08:23
brandonc503if i have a sftp users and im trying to give them one folder to upload to, is that what im reading is jailing?08:23
_genuser_richiefrich: lot of work to keep it going no?08:23
richiefrich_genuser_: ill pm you08:23
ben21bullgard4, what all my intervention? i don't know what to do08:23
usr13greenit: In the wicd install process, it should have asked what users you wanted to add to the group netdev.  RIght?08:23
greenitusr13: yeah, and i checked my user08:24
greenitusr13: like that: [*] greenit08:24
bullgard4ben21: What happens if you simply press the Enter key?08:24
ben21bullgard4, i get a new line08:24
alib-da-morning all08:25
bullgard4ben21: But that is all? Ubuntu does not continue upgrading?08:25
usr13greenit: Ok, you should be good to go then.  Should work for you.08:25
ben21bullgard4, yes exactly08:25
greenitusr13: and how can i create an ad-hoc wireless network?08:26
ben21bullgard4, also the upgrad windows seems frozen since i can"t hide/display the terminal part08:26
greenitusr13: in natty narwhal, so i don't have the 3 menu-buttons in the upper left corner^^08:26
pasproQuestion: is there a GNOME irc client that is better than xchat and similar to kvirc in features?08:27
ben21paspro, better than xchat ?08:28
pasproben21: yes08:28
ben21paspro, ok08:28
bullgard4ben21: If the upgrade windows seems frozen, this seems normal because the upgrade process  should not be interrupted.08:28
pasproben21: xchat is rather primitive08:28
ben21bullgard4, ok that's a releaf so what now ?08:29
ben21bullgard4, i sould avoid rebooting ever, maybe i'get a nice uptime then08:29
_genuser_ok, time to rsyn /home and re-install.08:30
bullgard4ben21: I  do not know how to help you. This never happed with me at my many upgrades. --  I am afraid that you will need abandoning the upgrade process. This is very deplorable.08:31
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alib-da-how do i register my nickname? is it the same as xchat?08:31
Guest3380alib-da-, type /msg NickServ help08:32
bullgard4alib-da-: Join #freenode and ask there again.08:32
=== dave is now known as Guest89799
alib-da-Guest3380: cheers08:32
ben21bullgard4, i there a clean/safe way out ?08:32
bullgard4ben21: No.08:33
tyrezahow to check my filesystem ?08:33
usr13alib-da-: /msg NickServ help08:33
Jordan_Uben21: Try ctrl+c08:33
Guest89799Hello there08:33
Romancewas there some issue with 11.04 and nvidia ati card?08:33
bullgard4Romance: Yes.08:34
usr13tyreza: fsck08:34
tyrezaanyone there ?08:34
usr13tyreza: But not while it's mounted.08:34
tyrezaare you fool ?08:34
Romancebullgard4, this guy Rehan have problem with his 11.04 and nvidia ati card08:34
tyrezai m asking you for a command to check for filesystem08:34
botcity!fsck | tyreza08:35
ubottutyreza: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot08:35
llutz_couldn't someone fix that ubottu factoid please, shutdown -F won't work since upstart came into ubuntu08:35
tyrezano is there any other method to check ?08:35
_genuser_dang it.08:35
_genuser_using ctrl-w in console for word delete and in firefox has totally different reaction08:36
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
usr13tyreza: fdisk -l08:36
Jordan_Uben21: Or try killing the process that's hung, like "sudo pkill binfmt"08:36
=== KNUBBIG_ is now known as KNUBBIG
MrokiiHi. When I open a Gnome-Terminal, the scrollbar on the right works as usual (plus the scrollwheel. But if I open a GNU-screen-session, the scrollbar (the button within it) is always as high as the window and I can't scroll with the mouosewheel anymore. Can this be fixed?08:36
Jordan_Uben21: You should also know that if needed you can re-install while preserving your home directory, even if it's not on a separate partition.08:36
brandonc503from https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/appendix-chroot.html did sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd edgy /var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ and got Failed getting relase file http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/Release08:37
usr13tyreza: What exactly do you need to do?08:37
SerialMDKanyone got a minute to help a linux noob?08:38
usr13tyreza: sudo fdisk -l08:38
KNUBBIG!ask SerialMDK08:38
tyrezai simply want to make sure that my filesystem is ext3 instead of ext4 usr1308:38
ben21Jordan_U, the killing the specific process worked the upgrad process resume08:38
KNUBBIG!ask | SerialMDK08:38
ubottuSerialMDK: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:38
llutz_tyreza: sudo blkid08:38
ben21Jordan_U, maybe i'm not that doomed now08:38
SerialMDKhaving a problem on install i pick the partition to use and it says no root file system is defined08:39
MK``SerialMDK: you need to specify a partition as /08:39
frater_sxhello everyone. I'd like to disable dbus to let signals from an application pass directly from the app to the hardware, withuot sharing its processes. is this possible and where can I find more information regarding that?08:40
usr13Is anyone else missing /etc/event.d/   ?08:40
tyrezathanks working llutz08:40
tyrezathanks working llutz_08:40
SerialMDKmk'' and where it says device for boot loader installation what do i pick?08:40
tyrezabut i don't why fdisk -l not df -h not giving that info about filesytem08:41
MK``SerialMDK: how many operating systems? Do you have windows installed?08:41
MK``and how many drives08:41
kezzawdusr13: try /etc/init as the alternative08:42
Maxudhi, how to pen USB drive throw the terminal?08:42
aks_wahihello everyone I am new to Ubuntu and installed 11.04 ver.. but at start time i get INPUT NOT SUPPORTED error plz help...08:42
botcityMaxud, ?08:42
Maxudwell I dont have any of graphic enviroment08:43
Maxudhow to open USB throw the terminal08:43
KNUBBIGMaxud: cd /media/xyz ?08:44
bullgard4aks_wahi: Try 'Ctrl+Alt+F1'. Does this work?08:44
Maxudxyz is name of drive?08:44
KNUBBIGMaxud: yes08:44
usr13kezzawd: You don't have  /etc/event.d/tty1 ?08:44
KNUBBIGMaxud: cd /media/ and then double-tap TAB08:44
usr13kezzawd: Or do you....?08:44
Baskakhi, i have a failure following upgrade to 11.04. after the upgrade was on its way for some time, i have found the system in the following state: https://picasaweb.google.com/108748234852103512253/U1104upgradefailure#, and nearly frozen. no other option than "skinny elephants" seemed to work. now it doesn't start, halts on something called "plymouth", also in recovery mode. ps. fresh install...08:44
Baskak...is really not a possibility to me.08:44
usr13kezzawd: Or do you have /etc/init/tty1  and tty2   etc...?08:45
Maxudi think there is no such folder :(08:45
usr13anyone else?08:45
tyrezabut i don't why fdisk -l not df -h not giving that info about filesytem  llutz_08:46
usr13ls /etc/init/tt*    or   ls /etc/event.d/tt*08:46
kezzawdusr13: I have /etc/init/tty*.conf08:46
KNUBBIGusr13: I'm having /etc/init08:46
llutz_tyreza: fdisk prints partition-ids not filesystems08:46
Maxudwell i am on fresh compiled Gentoo08:46
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
usr13KNUBBIG: kezzawd but no tty1  tty2  tty3  or ttyS1  ttyS2  etc?08:47
=== Vladislas_ is now known as Vladislas
kezzawdusr13: only .conf files08:47
minsik_i need help with my wireless driver.08:47
usr13tyreza: What is your native language?08:47
usr13kezzawd: Are you on 10.10  or 11.04  or????08:48
minsik_i have a broadcomm wi-fi on natty.08:48
CircuitBugmy nautilus is not generating thumbnails on gnome 308:48
llutz_tyreza: df -T      prints fs too08:48
kezzawdusr13: 11.04 - the tty*.conf files all point to /sbin/getty tty*08:48
CircuitBugmy nautilus is not generating thumbnails on gnome 308:49
FordPrefectI need help  with creating a directory.08:49
CircuitBugplease help08:49
FordPrefect"mkdir ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/" returns cannot create directory no such file or directory exists.08:50
FordPrefectWhat is going on?08:50
usr13kezzawd: Thanks08:50
aks_wahi_ctrl+alt+f1 i got to command mode and then restarted ubuntu but still it showed the error....08:50
CircuitBugtry sudo mkdir ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/08:50
FordPrefectAnyone have any clues?08:50
ycatFordPrefect: Did you check the permissions? And if it exists?08:51
FordPrefectI checked if it exists. It doesn't. I'll try and do it as root08:51
ycatFordPrefect: you might need to sudo08:51
llutz_FordPrefect: mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins08:51
usr13kezzawd: They are symlinks?08:51
CircuitBugmy nautilus is not generating thumbnails on gnome 3....can someone please help??08:51
ejvis gnome3 supported here?08:52
oetzihi guys08:52
tyrezaas i got lots of native  i don't know which one is "mine" usr1308:52
ejvnot sure it is...08:52
usr13Actually, I need to move Rehan back over  here, he does not have any console terminals and I'm trying to figure out why.  I think his monitor just does not support the outupt.08:52
greeniti have a problem with ubuntu 11.04... i can't create a wireless ad-hoc network.... and i can't even click the netwok-indicator... any1 knows what to do (and i won't install wicd)?08:52
oetzisince yesterday I have problems with gdm login screen, first I thought my keyboard crashed but then i noticed that I have to press each key for 1 or 2 seconds to make them work08:53
vakhi all08:53
Rehanbut usr13 what resolution would the console terminals be displaying in? Could it be that its requiring some 2D driver or bios video driver and since I have nvidia 3D proprietary drivers its causing issues?08:54
vakHow to get Eclipse and its icon pinned to Launcher in Ubuntu Unity?08:54
oetziafter login everythings ok again08:54
oetziusing 11.0408:54
aks_wahi_plz help i am getting INPUT NOT SUPPORTED error what to do ? I  am new to ubuntu and know nothing about the commands and terminal...08:54
g4hi, how can I remove that unity bar and get the old menu back? I tried to log in with classic, but didn't get the old menu?08:54
wolfreak@oetzi try restarting, going to the recovery mode at the beginning menu then hit "Failsafe graphics mode"08:54
blackbitwhy everything I read is double?08:55
wolfreak@blackbit you have doublevision?08:55
blackbitno, other rooms are fine. Its just this room: each message is displayed twice08:55
oetziwolfreak thank you I will try this08:56
greeniti want to set up an ad-hoc network, how can i do this in natty?08:56
ycatblackbit: restart your client?08:56
wolfreakOr just use an online client. http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu is what I'm on08:56
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norbert_hi all08:57
norbert_I just dist-upgraded the Ubuntu on this machine08:57
norbert_I'm looking for a way to get back the overview of what windows are open08:57
norbert_in the south I had a bar that had like a window switcher08:58
kezzawdnorbert: try 'Super' and 'W'08:58
zniavresomebody knows why handle grip is so visible ?08:58
norbert_kezzawd: I mean an overview that's always there, that I can directly click on the button/tab (application) I want08:58
wolfreak@norbert are you on 11.04?08:59
kezzawdgreenit: you could try http://bit.ly/mnjCoK08:59
norbert_I don't know what version I'm on08:59
norbert_this is Ubuntu, but it has a /etc/debian_version with squeeze/sid in it08:59
aks_wahi_plz help i am getting INPUT NOT SUPPORTED error what to do ? I  am new to ubuntu and know nothing about the commands and terminal...09:00
kezzawdnorbert_: not sure there is such a thing09:00
wolfreak@norbert do you have 2 bars at the top and bottom? or just one at the top?09:00
norbert_it just updated and there's now a list of icons on the left09:00
norbert_wolfreak: just one at the top09:00
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norbert_and I'm looking for a way to get the bottom (south) bar back09:00
brandonc503so if i had version 10 and did sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd lucid/var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/     and now im getting lots of retrieving and validating things.. did it just upgrade to 11?09:00
norbert_because it had a list of buttons with the applications09:00
norbert_I want to be able to see what I have open09:00
wolfreak@norbert log out, at the bottom hit "Ubuntu classic mode", that'll give you the old look back09:01
norbert_and it allows me to quickly select the application I want09:01
norbert_without pressing Alt+Tab or Super+W09:01
norbert_wolfreak: thanks :)09:01
kezzawdnorbert_: as far as I'm aware the panel in unity doesn't have a window menu app -  which I think is what you're after09:01
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ar71kAnyone know how to get a rss feed for reddit.com/r/ubuntu?09:02
norbert_there's another problem that hopefully will be gone when I go to Ubuntu classic mode09:02
norbert_which is that if I press the "Terminal" icon, it cannot launch twice09:02
norbert_I know I can pick a new Terminal from the top in the menu, but that takes a lot more time than just clicking the icon09:02
botcitynorbert_, unity uses the bar to the left. "sort of like that"09:02
kezzawdnorbert_: in Unity default keyboard  shortcut for a terminal window is Ctrl Alt and T09:03
ar71kGNOME 3 BABY09:03
norbert_botcity: yeah, but it doesn't allow me to launch the Terminal twice09:03
feyisayo_Hey everyone, I running natty and have get installed on it. But I cannot get the kget window to display. Any ideas?09:03
ar71ksure u can u just drag and drop09:03
norbert_botcity: it only allows me to pick from the menu File -> Open Terminal09:03
norbert_kezzawd: ok, but I prefer the icon :P09:03
ar71kapplications drag terminal into session09:04
norbert_anyways, thanks, going back to the old version... logging out... :)09:04
botcitynorbert_, i use ctl + alt + t .. pressing twice !09:04
ar71khowkey still works09:04
ar71kopens two terminals09:04
ar71kjust testd09:04
kezzawdnorbert_: you can still create desktop launchers from a right-click which will give you what you arte after09:04
Axlinpersonally, i still think they should have a "open new instance" option when you right click an icon on the launcher... at the very least :)09:05
SerialMDKi installed 11.04 along side win 7 and i dont get grub09:05
kezzawdAxlin: I agree09:05
ar71kdont need desktop cause the applications menu is a desktop, gnome do, google and wiki search and a dash09:05
ar71kAnyone know how to get a rss feed for reddit.com/r/ubuntu?09:05
ar71kcame in here for that lol09:05
usalabsyeah, the launcher/sidebar only allows single instances, and there's no taskbar that's relied upon by progs such as cryptkeeper09:05
ar71knah u can open multiple with a drag and drop09:06
ar71kyou can open multiple programs on multiple workspace with one mouse click09:06
SerialMDKany one help me with that problem?09:06
ar71kper program09:06
Axlinyeah that's the other thing. i don't get what's up with the systray whitelist. at least they allow you to add "all" to the whitelist09:06
ar71ki dunno at first i hated it but after using it for a day and playing some games in it... i like it a lot now09:07
unreal_Hey.  I was curious, where could I find a list of the necessary dependencies for the latest version of wine?09:07
usalabsok, I have Xchat open right now, but if I click on the Xchat in the launcher, another instance does NOT happen09:07
wolfreak@ar71k  on any reddit page, type ".rss" at the end of the url and you'll get the rss feed. for ubuntu, it'll be http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntu.rss09:07
kezzawdar71k: How do you open multiple instances of an application with one click ?09:07
ar71kthats the latest09:07
ActionParsnipusalabs: you can find that at http://packages.ubuntu.com09:07
Axlinunreal_: if you want to see dependencies, you can find the package in synaptic package manager, right click, choose properties, dependencies tab09:08
ActionParsnipar71k: latest doesn't mean better when it comes to wine09:08
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)09:08
ar71kkezzawd: drag application into workspace09:08
llutz_unreal_: apt-cache depends wine09:08
ar71kkezzawd:twice without closing workspace09:08
unreal_thanks for the replies all.09:08
ar71ksudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa09:08
ActionParsnipar71k: some apps prefer the older versions, you need to check the appdb for compatibility09:09
Axlinunreal_: oh, i forgt the command line, if you're interested: apt-cache depends <package>09:09
kezzawdar71k: not happening for me - just getting default screen-edge behaviour for Unity09:09
ar71kActionParsnip: o my bad lol09:09
Axlinuh.. yeah, what llutz said. sorry09:09
usalabsnope, dragging the icon from the launcher, to the workspace only puts it back in the launcher, tried it with different icons09:10
ar71kusalabs:talking about in gnome 309:10
kezzawdar71k: OK - talking Unity here09:11
unreal_axiin, cool.  what I am really looking to do, is uninstall all the wine dependencies, and then reinstall them.09:11
ar71kkezzawd: LOL this whole time?09:11
unreal_so I appreciate the info.  :)09:11
ar71kgnome 3 is still pretty buggy tho09:12
ar71ki wana put it on my parent's computer for them but its too unstable i think09:12
nothingspecialmiddle click on the icon09:12
stixHi guys. I just upgraded to 11.04 but I don't like unity. How can I start Gnome again?09:12
kezzawdar71k: Yeah well norbert_ was certainly talking about Unity when he was referring to opening more than one instance of an app - jeez09:12
Axlinstix: log out and select ¨ubuntu classic" as the session09:13
ar71kkezzawd: I am elevated right now you'll have to forgive me09:13
stixAxlin, I cannot select anything at the bottom of the login-screen as I used to09:13
nothingspecialTo open a new instance in unity09:13
brandonc503How would I make sure that my sftp users can only access there home directory?09:13
red2kicbrandonc503: What else than to test it yourself? ;o09:14
ActionParsnipbrandonc503: it uses the unix permissions in the filesystem09:14
ActionParsnipbrandonc503: so you can set the access they get with chmod and chown as if they were local :)09:14
botcity!classic | stix09:14
ubottustix: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.09:14
usalabsstix: run the app 'Login Screen' in system settings -> system and select 'classic' in the session drop down, then restart pc09:14
llutz_brandonc503: man sshd_config (ChrootDirectory)09:15
Baskakanybody? sorry if i missed something09:15
stixusalabs, thanks, that must do it :)09:15
wolfreakI'm back,. Baskak, do you need help?09:16
ar71kI'm colorblind09:16
Baskakyes, pls09:16
Baskakhi, i have a failure following upgrade to 11.04. after the upgrade was on its way for some time, i have found the system in the following state: https://picasaweb.google.com/108748234852103512253/U1104upgradefailure#, and nearly frozen. no other option than "skinny elephants" seemed to work. now it doesn't start, halts on something called "plymouth", also in recovery mode. ps. fresh install...09:16
Baskak...is really not a possibility to me.09:16
FloodBot3Baskak: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:16
wolfreaksorry, hold on let me read this lol i had to get my water :P.09:17
wolfreakAre you using a different language intentionally?09:18
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)09:18
wolfreak@Baskak, try logging out, hitting "Ubuntu Classic" at the bottom.09:19
Baskakwolfreak, i can start the system at all, booting stops at "plymouth"09:20
wolfreakand you've tried recovery mode too?09:20
Baskakyes, no diff09:20
wolfreakthe failsafe graphics mode in recovery mode?09:20
Baskakit doesn't reach the recovery mode menu09:20
blackbitbut he does reach the grub item 'rescue mode' I guess09:21
DbuggerHello. How can I add more workspaces in natty?09:21
wolfreakThat's, strange.. I would go ahead and give it a reinstall, unless you already have. surely if it's a fresh install you haven't downloaded much to lose09:21
Baskakblackbit: ubuntu (...) 2.6.38-8-generic rescue mode (at least that's how it probably sounds in english)09:22
Baskakblackbit: trying again now09:23
Baskakwolfreak: it was an upgrade, not a fresh install09:23
blackbitbaskak: upgrades are being a curse09:23
Baskakwolfreak: during my linux history i did some 20 fresh installs, and i am totally fed up09:24
QuarterstaffI keep getting the same error message whether I attempt to update by Terminal, synaptic or update manager. the message reads. E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/htt could not be found. Should I re-install?09:24
blackbitbaskak: just be prepared in case something fail. have a burned ISO of the 11.04, backup of data, home and so on...09:24
wolfreakI understand how you feel. I created a new partition for my home and usr since I reinstalled it so much.09:24
wolfreakso rather than losing my files and whatnot, it just reset the system files, excluding my home folder and application files.09:26
ActionParsnipwolfreak: your backups will prevent data loss09:26
Baskakblackbit: sorry, it doesn't seem an option for a workstation... maybe for testing alphas and betas. i need to repair. update: now the system loops on "failed to enumerate usb device..."09:26
wolfreak@ActionParsnip Yeah I know, but I mean like when you go reinstalling ubuntu you have to format the partition, so I have a dedicated partition to my home folder. :P09:27
wolfreak@Baskak, try posting a post on http://reddit.com/u/ubuntu09:28
Baskakwolfreak: thanks, you think no appropriate expert here?09:29
Baskakor try again here another time?09:29
blackbitbaskak, try ubuntu forums and google, I bet the online community will be able to help you09:30
wolfreakNo some are experts here, but it's night at the US and other places.09:30
Baskakwolfreak: ps. this address http://reddit.com/u/ubuntu is wrong...09:30
wolfreakhttp://reddit.com/r/ubuntu that's it, sorry haha.09:30
Baskakwolfreak: i see :)09:30
wolfreakdon't try ubuntuforums, they don't ever help, they just leave you hanging then mark you solved even tho it wasn't. use linuxforums.09:31
Baskakthanks for advice and concern anyway :)09:31
wolfreak@baskak but yeah I'd go ahead and make a post on reddit, that's a very popular site and you'll be sure to have quite a few replies inthe morning =]09:32
ActionParsnipwolfreak: if you drop the @ symbol it will highlight the text09:32
ActionParsnipwolfreak: the drive can still fail, then no manner of seperate partitioning will save you09:33
usalabsTo remind everyone, there is a bug in Natty seahorse that prevents uploading an SSH key to remote server, it has been reported09:33
wolfreakwhat do you mean highlight? lol.09:34
wolfreakand I know i can lose my stuff but I do back it up once every month or so.09:34
blackbitwolfreak: just use 2 hard disks in raid :)09:35
blackbitor simply 2 hard disks manually mirrorer09:35
andeeeukhi everyone09:35
wolfreakI'm not that concerned about my data.all I really do is use firefox, listen to music on grooveshark, and download porn. I'm not like running a server or anything lol09:36
andeeeukis it possible to edit the panel at the top and also the menu?09:36
jattandeeeuk: no, it's not possible to edit the top panel in unity09:36
andeeeukjatt ok thanks09:37
fardadI don't have an ICEauthority file and I can't log in into gnome-shell, what should I do?09:37
wolfreakandeeeuk: not in unity, but if you log out, hit "ubuntu classic" at the bottom, you'll get the classic gnome look.09:37
ActionParsnipwolfreak: I guess, just warning :). Groovshark FTW09:37
andeeeukjatt does that go for the menu also?09:37
jattandeeeuk: yes, you cannot move it for example09:37
andeeeukwolfreak yeah, I do like unity so was going to stick with it for a while09:38
wolfreakYour choice haha.09:38
andeeeukjatt i know you cannot move it i was just thinking of transparency and stuff like that09:38
andeeeukits all good09:38
andeeeukwas suprised how good unity was09:39
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usalabsandeeeuk don't know what he's let himself in for lol, unity?, yeah right!, I use gnome classic and always will :)09:41
ActionParsnipusalabs: gone09:41
fardadhow can I regenerate the .ICEauthority file?09:41
ActionParsnipfardad: did you delete yours?09:41
kezzawdusalabs: you are assuming that there will always be a 'gnome classic'09:41
ReBootHi guys.09:41
ActionParsniphi ReBoot09:42
wolfreakActionParsnip: haha heck yeah, if you have a GS account feel free to add me man, http://grooveshark.com/#/user/wolfreak/3512811?src=509:42
ReBootAm I at the right place asking technical questions about Ubuntu?09:42
fardadActionParsnip: I didn't have it in the first place09:42
ActionParsnipwolfreak: nar I just use it, no account09:42
serhat2Hi. I am using Ubuntu 10.04, and I accidentally wrote "sudo rm -rf /var/*" and pressed enter. I had used sudo recently so it didnt ask for a password either, and the command ran for about 10 seconds till I woke up: )  So, How do I prevent executing commands like "sudo rm -rf /*" or with /usr/*   /var/* etc..  even with sudo ? thx..09:42
fardadActionParsnip: And now it say can't update /home/username/.ICEauthority09:42
ReBootSo, I can't install it. Or I can, but not really. Let me explain.09:42
fardadActionParsnip: s/say/says/09:42
usalabswell, if Ubuntu completely removes gnome, then it's time to move to either Mint, OpenSuse, or one of the others09:42
ActionParsnipfardad: its a standard file09:42
ActionParsnipfardad: try touching the file09:43
fardadActionParsnip: tried it, still says can't update09:43
ReBootThe latest Ubuntu seems not to install the boot manager. I have Windows 7 installed, told Ubuntu to install side by side with 7, the installer runs through, at the end where I'm supposed to press Enter to restart, I press enter09:43
ActionParsnipusalabs: just use a different DE...09:43
red2kicserhat2: "sudo rm -rfi" -- Or add that to your alias so bad things don't always happen to nice people.09:43
ReBootAnd after the reboot, there's no sign of Ubuntu at all. No boot manager, nothing.09:43
helpmenowpleasehi. I have the black screen problem when upgrading from 10.10 to 11.0409:43
red2kicI took a big risk assuming you're a nice person though.09:43
helpmenowpleaseI've googled and found some misc solutions09:43
helpmenowpleaseis there some official solution/fix?09:44
serhat2is there a way to prevent that kind of misdeletion with SELinux or something?09:44
usalabsReboot, try installing Ubuntu with wubi09:44
ReBootDid it09:44
ReBootThe performance is horrible09:44
ReBootI'd like to go native09:44
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ReBootI was also going to wipe Windows if Ubuntu meets my needs09:45
ReBootSo I'd like not to use Wubi09:45
ActionParsnipfardad: as far as I know, that should be generated when you first login09:45
red2kicReBoot: Try Ubuntu LTS 10.04 if you want to go native. >_>09:46
brandonc503ActionParsnip: they can only manipulate files in there home directory as is, but they can see the entire file structure on computer09:46
ReBootCan I upgrade from that to the latest Ubuntu then?09:46
usalabsReBoot: you could try installing Ubuntu inside a virtual machine to try it out, using free VMware player09:46
fardadActionParsnip: so there should be a problem with permissions?09:46
red2kicReBoot: Sure. (Many people hate upgrades though).09:46
ReBootHm. Will try that later.09:47
ReBootWhat's the downside of upgrading?09:47
th^^new problems all over again09:48
helpmenowpleaseanyone with 10.10->11.04 black screen problem fix?09:48
th^^jatt: not like it's forced or anything...09:48
ActionParsniphelpmenowplease: may help www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html09:48
ojiihow do I move a window to another workspace in unity? In 10.10 I'd just right-click->move to workspace X09:48
helpmenowpleasethanks, will take a look09:48
usalabsojii: right click the app title bar09:50
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ojiiusalabs, right click does nothing there09:50
usalabsmmm, I just tried it on Xchat title bar, and I have a selection of move to another workspace, and has a choice of 2,3,409:51
ActionParsnipbrandonc503: http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/howtos_sftp_scp_only.html   maybe09:51
bromiumdear colleagues, please help configure dansguardian with privoxy on lubuntu 10.10 - i've done accroding to howtos, but either privoxy isn't used or doesn't let me go through it. i suspect there arte problems with iptables rules09:52
ma2How do you run Terminal in English interface while i am using a locale other than English?09:52
jattLANG=en_US.utf8 gnome-terminal09:53
usalabsojii: if the app is full screen, then click the 3rd icon on the left of the title bar to come off full screen, then you should be able to right click the apps title bar09:53
JenniferB2After upgrading to 11.04, I have run into several issues.. first one was that the / would not mount and could not start the computer... now that Ive solved it, I am logged in but my gnome panel is gone.. and windows has no frame with X,...09:54
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popupwhat's the besic differences of nautilus elementary?09:55
blackbitjeniffer82: what do you mean by no frame?09:55
bromiumhow to make lubuntu automatically connects to wi-fi network on my eee pc 701?09:55
ojiiusalabs, wow that's *really* intuitive :(09:55
ActionParsnipbromium: you set it in network manager (or whatever app you use)09:55
JenniferB2blackbit: no window frame where the x (to close the window is ) ... also the gnome panel menus are gone09:56
ActionParsnipJenniferB2: press ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace09:56
brandonc503restrict SFTP to a user's home directory do i need a chroot enviroment, or can it be down with permissions?09:56
JenniferB2but those I have been able to start by running gnome-panel from console09:56
usalabsojii: on the left of the title bar you have a red x, a minus and a squarre,,, click the square to come out of full screen09:56
ActionParsnipJenniferB2: that bit is called the window decorator09:56
llutz_brandonc503: you'll need a chroot09:56
JenniferB2ActionParsnip: thanks...09:56
JenniferB2will I have to do that everytime I start the computer ?09:57
blackbitjeniffer82: of course not. If something didn't went well after upgrade (common occurrence) then burn an iso of 11.04, backup your data and do a fresh install09:57
ActionParsnipJenniferB2: seems you ae having issue with compiz, do you use an nvidia video chip?09:57
ojiiusalabs, I know how to get out of full screen mode (I prefer double-rightclick), I just find it really odd that I have to do that to move it to another workspace, ideally I'd be able to drag it but maybe that's asking too much09:57
ActionParsnipblackbit: probably not needed, lets see09:57
JenniferB2ActionParsnip: yes..09:58
bromiumActionParsnip: thanks, u'r right. it was simple & done09:58
ActionParsnipJenniferB2: uninstall the nvidia driver and reboot, then install it again and it may be better. Proprietary drivers aren't very good when people change release and they usually come round when you boot to the new kernel branch and install them09:58
bromiumcan sill anybody help me with privoxy? my comp is connected to a wi-fi network (i'm using a wifi router). i wnat to set up on my kids' comp privoxy and dansguardian. but no success so far09:59
usalabsojii, I just tried the drag method it works, but only if the app is windowed09:59
ojiiusalabs, didn't for me :(09:59
ojiiguess I'll just stick to single-workspace mode10:00
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)10:00
mutanteWhats the way to go to update php-gd ? I need a newer GD, but i dont necessarily need to touch the PHP version itself...10:00
maxillusionistwhat is this called privoxy should i google it10:00
maxillusionistcoz i have not used such things10:00
kellnolait's a proxy.10:00
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maxillusionistok kellnola10:00
ojiialso, is there any hack out yet to move the damn 'unitybar'? I have a 4 screen setup + synergy. now the bar is in the middle of my screens and hard to 'activate'10:00
kellnolabromium, what is the problem? been a while since I used it, but it's pretty basic ...10:00
bromiumwell, i've read articles and manuals accroding to them squid is slower than privoxy10:01
dxdemetrioucan I have the old-per-window-menubar back in unity to be the default? (http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/27688/)10:01
bromiumthe problem i doesn't work10:01
kellnolabromium, hmm. privoxy is not the heavyweight program squid is ... it might be faster for a little lan10:01
bromiumlooks like i've got to set up iptables, too. done as in manuals - no connection, no internet or no proxibiting bad sites10:01
tuhinmy usb to ps2 mouse+keyboard converter sometimes dont work , but works after restart. Is there any command to re-caliberate/reinstall certain usb keyboard/mouse without restarting computer?10:01
maxillusionistkellnola it is squid proxy then bromium wats the prob10:02
usalabsojii, click on the workspace switcher, then drag the windowed app across to a workspace,, it works for me that way too10:02
eevarmy dist-upgrade is currently "installing the upgrades", and lists "About 15 hours remaining". top/vmstat output here: http://pastebin.com/56Cp9hd1 -- any suggestions?10:02
ActionParsniptuhin: could try removing then reloading the modules, it would need a keyboard though...10:02
tuhini m on laptop10:02
kellnolabromium, but squid is simple enough to configure with dansguardian10:02
tuhinbut use external keyboard, mouse and monitor  ActionParsnip10:03
eevarthe disk does seem very slow most of the time. crappy laptop10:03
bromiumi need privoxy only for a local machine to make it work with dansquardian10:03
maxillusionistbromium could you tell me why u need privoxy10:03
ojiiah thanks usalabs, still seems a bit too hard for such a trivial task, but that's nicer10:03
usalabsglad I could help10:03
kellnolabromium, my brief experience with privoxy about ten years ago was that it is flaky10:03
bromiumkellnola: privoxy is also simple in settings, but nothing works. i even tried tinyproxy. looks like i'm doing something wrong. i suspect i can't setup iptables correctly10:03
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bromiumok, any suggestions? i know that privoxy works as an adblock, too. what i need is a lightweight simple solution for parental control10:04
MrokiiCan somebody tell me how I can use indicators in 11.04 (adding them to the menubar)? I don't seem to find anything about it.10:04
kellnolabromium, yes, well when you're doing things like this it's best to disable the firewall temporarily until you get everything working10:04
bromiumbut this seems to be a pain in the ass on ubuntu10:04
bromiumtried several things, though10:04
jattMrokii: which indicators?10:05
bromiumfirewall? what firewall i'm not using any unless there's a preinstalled one in lubuntu10:05
kellnolabromium, you mentioned iptables10:05
mutantebromium: iptables -vL should show you counters, like how many packets are actually filtered by the rules.. you can start that, try doing stuff, and watch the counters changing,, so you know if its that or not10:05
maxillusionistfirewall is already installed with it10:06
kezzawdMrokii: if you apt-cache search indicator you'll see a number of packages that yopu can install to give you indicators - there are also a number of ppa's for third party indicators at http://bit.ly/mTLbRa10:06
maxillusionistwith all linux10:06
JenniferB2blackbit: yes.. but the problem with an approach like that I usually all the config files in various places will eb lost ... it is never that simple ..10:06
ActionParsnipbromium: there is but its unconfigured so lets everything in and out10:06
ArneyThrottleling seems to be broken in my computer.10:06
Mrokiijatt, kezzawd: the problem is not "installing" but actually "using" them. I have installed a sysmonitor-indicator but I don't know how I can make it show up.10:06
ActionParsnipbromium: well, by default anyway10:06
usalabsojii: you can also use the same method for full screen apps too10:07
maxillusionistwat is that called throttle in linux10:07
ojiioh nice10:07
ArneyMy computer runs fine when it is plugged, but lags its shit off when its running on battery.10:07
jattMrokii: you mean applets? like weather or system monitor applet?10:07
FahmidaHi, where does Ubuntu temporarily store videos from Youtube and similar sites?10:07
Mrokiijatt: Aren't they called indicators in 11.04?10:07
kellnolaFahmida, /tmp I believe10:07
ojiiusalabs, thanks a lot, that's how i want it ;-)10:07
Mrokiijatt: And yes, that is what I mean.10:07
ArneyMrokii: where do I adjust those10:08
maxillusionistfahmida it is in temp i guess10:08
kezzawdMrokii: just search for it as an application and execute10:08
maxillusionistgo to file manager then to temp10:08
usalabsojii: yw10:08
Fahmidakellnola maxillusionist: Yeah, it was in /temp at first, but currently I see nothing in directory. :S10:08
Mrokiikezzawd: okay, I will try that, thanks.10:08
ArneyHow can I make my comp go hard core all the way?10:08
FahmidaSorry, /tmp10:08
MrokiiArney: That was my question :)10:08
kellnolaFahmida, make sure you do "ls -a" or enable viewing hidden files in nautilus10:09
bromiumso in order to run a browser through proxy just changing browser settings doesn't work10:09
maxillusionistfahmida u doewnloaded those with firefox ??10:09
Mrokiikezzawd: Thank you! That worked. Not too intuitive method though, but oh well.10:09
NAAAAWWMy computers batery last longer in windows then in Ubuntu (Linux) Why is that?10:10
Fahmidakellnola: I did perform ls -a, nothing. maxillusionist: yeah.10:10
maxillusionistbromium have u tried foxyproxy10:10
ActionParsnipbromium: you can export the variables http_proxy and ftp_proxy and it should be ok, there's also the proxy app in preferences which may help too10:10
NAAAAWWWhy does ubuntu drains my batery ? :(10:10
kezzawdMrokii: np - like you say, not too intuitive10:10
FlannelNAAAAWW: Because using your computer drains your battery.10:11
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)10:11
jibadeehaFlannel, :)10:11
NAAAAWWI get about 5-8 hours on windows and 3-6 hours on ubuntu :(10:11
maxillusionistthen could u see where firefox did the download just go to edit >preference>general easy fahmida10:12
HukkaSomething happened, and my ipv6 setup broke at home. I'm using Hurricane Electric with freebsd end tunnel here. The tunnel can ping any ipv6 address, and my Ubuntu laptop is getting right ipv6 address, but is unable to ping anything else than link local addresses. Any hints?10:12
bromiumi don't think i have to look at anoither server cause the problem in setting, imho. on lubuntu there is no an applet to change proxy setting for chromium, i change it form the command line, and it seems to be fine. still don't understand why i enter internet bypassing the privoxy10:12
NAAAAWWDoes anyone know any way to get longer standby time in ubuntu... Like disable wlan, bluetooth etc10:13
Fahmidamaxillusionist: It is not like that I think. I just watched that video, didn't download it. I watched with Firefox.10:13
ArneyMrokii: How did you fix the clock of your comp?10:13
Fahmidamaxillusionist: In past, when I used to watch videos from those kind of site, Ubuntu stored it in /tmp10:14
Fahmidamaxillusionist: but currently, I see nothing in that directory. So, I am wondering where it is getting stored.10:14
usalabsIf anyone is interested and wants to auto hide the unity side bar, this site explains how:- http://maketecheasier.com/autohide-unity-launcher-in-ubuntu-natty/2011/04/2010:14
ActionParsnipFahmida: use a browser addon/extension10:15
NAAAAWWI'm going to reinstall my Linux install and use Wubi to install Ubuntu, Witch version of Ubuntu is the best?10:15
bullgard4NAAAAWW:  There is a program available in Ubuntu made by Intel to analyze the power consumption of Linux computers. Get it installed. Analyze the power consumption of the components. Then read about ACPI and what you can do about it.10:15
MrokiiArney: I didn't have any problems with the clock. What are you talking about?10:15
FahmidaActionParsnip: I can, but I like that way.10:15
FahmidaActionParsnip: Actually, I have one. ;)10:15
NAAAAWWWhat is the diffrence between Ubuntu and Ubuntu Netbook? Does a acer laptop with 500 gb harddrive, 4 gb ram, 1.3 gb Pentium Dualcore processor run best with ubuntu or ubuntu netbook?10:17
jibadeehaNAAAAWW, ubuntu10:18
NAAAAWWokey, and what is the diffrence?10:18
Exposuredeadkeys got enabled after natty upgrade, how do I disable it?10:18
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ActionParsnipNAAAAWW: its just the gui which is different, you can use either10:18
sunitI am trying to run the  cron job */10 *  *   *   *   ${installdir}/MagentoCreate/magentocreate.sh > /tmp/magentocreate.log 2>&110:18
NAAAAWWOkey, I will download ubuntu 11.04 - desktop ... with Wubi :)10:19
llutz_NAAAAWW: netbook was "optimized" for low resolution displays10:19
sunitbut I am getting error in log file as opt/backup/execute/02056/MagentoCreate/schedule.sh: 1: */10: not found10:19
NAAAAWWThanks for your help :)10:19
bullgard4Exposure: System > Preferences > Keyboard > Layouts10:20
usalabsFahmida: firfox stores video and temp files in it's own cache folder located at /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/<a bunch of random letters.default>/Cache10:21
Fahmidausalabs: I see lots of folders named 1 2 3 4 5 A F D H ...10:22
FahmidaIn which one? Or I have to check 'em all? :S10:23
usalabsFahmida: check them all10:23
ActionParsnipFahmida: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54784810:23
tasslehoffUbuntu is close to excellent on my MacBook Pro, but the Norwegian Layout is wrong. Which forum/channel should I post/talk to if I want to help this? Don't think I have the time/skills to do it on my own, but I can at least describe what's wrong :)10:24
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Fahmidausalabs: I see 30/40 folders in each one. :(10:25
usalabsActionParsnip: that link is not firefox specific, and assumes all browsers store their temp files in /tmp, but FF doesn't10:25
maxillusionistsee in usr folder10:25
FahmidaIt becomes impossible to check for one single video. :S10:25
kezzawdtasslehoff: which mbp model do you have ?10:26
tasslehoffkezzawd: 6.210:26
usalabsFahmida: if you know the name of the video, you could try using a terminal and type sudo find / -name <video name>10:26
kezzawdtasslehoff: OK - thanks - I have a 7.1 but can't get Ubuntu to install on it10:27
frogarmorHi. I'm trying to open some old text files from 1993 in Gedit. It's complaining about character encoding and not displaying anything.10:27
frogarmori remember opening this file on windows just fine..10:27
ActionParsnipfrogarmor: save the file as a different filename and it may help10:28
aLeSDsomeone know how could I deactivate the load of gnome-panel at startup ?10:28
ActionParsnipfrogarmor: you may need to use dos2unix to make them ok10:28
ActionParsnip!info dos2unix10:28
ubottudos2unix (source: dos2unix): convert text file line endings between CRLF and LF. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.1.1-2 (natty), package size 39 kB, installed size 224 kB10:28
susundbergthats not the case if it complains about character encoding10:28
llutz_!info iconv10:29
ubottuPackage iconv does not exist in natty10:29
vakHow to get Eclipse and its icon pinned to Launcher in Ubuntu Unity?10:29
frogarmorActionParsnip: Thanks I'll look for that.10:29
llutz_susundberg: use "iconv" (from libc-bin package)10:29
maxillusionistfellas it is text files ok nothing technical10:29
susundbergi guess problem is that it has some weird encoding -- "What Windows terminology calls "ANSI encodings" are usually single-byte ISO-8859 encodings, except for in locales such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean that require double-byte character sets."10:29
Fahmidausalabs: Is there a graphical search panel?10:29
usalabsvak: open Eclipse and in the launcher, right click Eclipse and check the option 'Keep in Launcher"10:30
vakusalabs: it doesn't work any well10:30
gedOHey guys10:31
gedOII have problem with touchpad10:31
vakusalabs: 1. after the logoff-login it disappears10:31
Garryhi everyone! Can somebody help me.How to convert avi to mp310:31
maxillusionistwhat prob10:31
gedOIt dosn't working after log in10:31
gedOI'm using 11.0410:31
maxillusionistgarry use vlc10:31
vakusalabs: 2. I can't assign the correct icon (the question mark is shown instead)10:31
gedOAny Idea how to fix this??10:31
Garrymaxillusionist. oh yeah let me try. Cheers10:32
tuhini m on laptop, but use external keyboard, mouse and monitor  ,   my usb to ps2 mouse+keyboard converter sometimes dont work , but works after restart. Is there any command to re-caliberate/reinstall certain usb keyboard/mouse without restarting computer?10:32
usalabsvak: open your apps icon in the launcher, find Eclipse and drag the icon to the launcher10:32
maxillusionisttry and tell garry10:32
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gedOHey guys. I'm having problem with my touchpad. After log in it dosn't works, but until I log in it works perfectly. any idea hoe to fix?10:33
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)10:33
vakusalabs: thanks for the tip about the icon, gonna try it! But what about disappearing of pinned application after logoff/login?10:33
maxillusionistged0 install the latest driver10:34
gedOmaxillusionsit: How?10:34
gedOmaxillusionsit: How I can get them?10:34
usalabsvak: not sure of that one, but I tried the drag method, and the icon stays in the launcher after loggoff/logon10:34
dijonyummyis there a way to install a package, say with apt-get, or synaptic, or aptitude but also have it add an icon to the gnome app panel?10:34
maxillusionistfirst download them ged010:34
ElvisWangI have the same problem with you. Touch pad powered by Synaptics10:34
ejvdijonyummy: most popular apps will populate the app list with an icon10:35
gedOmaxillusionsit: From where?10:35
usalabsFahmida: click on the circle above the launcher and click on 'Find Files' icon10:35
ElvisWangI don't think it is the problem of the driver10:36
ElvisWangThe kernel I think10:36
ejvwhy don't you start by providing some vendor/model information10:36
ejvthe help you get is only as good as the detail you provide.10:36
dijonyummyeven apt-get, ok, i see, so its the apps fault, thanks10:36
jetienneq. is it possible to install ubuntu 11.04 on virtual box ?10:37
ejvjetienne: of course.10:37
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jetienneejv: any doc on it ? my install is stuck10:37
ojiifor some reason the interface language in my login screen is in japanese, but after I login everything is in English (as it should be), how can I change/fix the language in my login screen?10:37
jetienneejv: have you tried to install it ?10:37
ejvjetienne: i suggest joining #vbox for support10:38
Guest54795why is it the color of my movie is different10:38
jetienneejv: hehe10:38
jetienneanybody tried to install 11.04 in virtual box ? how to get it thru ?10:38
maxillusionistjet i guess you have not tried vbox LOL10:39
maxillusionistever LOL10:39
ejvjetienne: type /join #vbox10:39
jetienneejv: i understood what you meant10:39
jetienneejv: right now i need help on ubuntu. so i ask here10:39
ejvubuntu doesn't support virtualbox. it's offtopic here.10:39
jetienneejv: this is ok if you dont wanna help10:40
jetienneejv: and installing ubuntu is ontopic10:40
maxillusionisti have used vbox in win but not in ubuntu10:40
jetiennemaxillusionist: to install 11.04 ? any special option ?10:40
maxillusionistu mean what ??10:41
jetiennemaxillusionist: you said you used virtual box on win, did you try to install ubuntu 11.04 with virtual box ?10:41
KM0201jetienne: if you're putting it in vbox, i would download the alternate cd ISo...... since vbox doesn't support 3D out of the box.. a lot of people had trouble using the Live ISO in vbox (during the beta, not sure if thats changed)10:41
maxillusionistno dude i have not downloaded it LOL10:42
maxillusionistit is still beta version i guess10:42
KM0201maxillusionist: no, 11.04 is fina;10:42
maxillusionistwhat is the download size10:42
jetienneKM0201: ok... this is for the install... once it is installed with the alternate cd, is it possible to run it (even with the 3D issue) ?10:42
jetiennemaxillusionist: 700mbyte10:43
usalabsmaxillusionist: I prefer to use the free VMware player it has a lot more features than vbox10:43
KM0201jetienne: as far as i know.. yes... because once you get tot he sign on screen (don't set auto login) you can choose to default to gnome classic.10:43
jetienneKM0201: oh ok10:43
maxillusionistuselabs i personally use vmware workstn LOL10:43
KM0201usalabs: thats not gonna help his problem, vmware player doesnt support 3D any better than vbox.10:43
jetienneKM0201: so the rewritten X requires 3D cards....10:43
jetienneKM0201: anyway to try the new ubuntu without dedicating a computer to it ?10:44
KM0201jetienne: for now, because the live CD (at least in my experience.. and thus why so many folks are having trouble w/ live cds) doesn't default to a 2D desktop yet, if 3D desktop fails.10:44
maxillusionistvmware player needs and virtual machine to play10:44
KM0201jetienne: well, there's virtualbox, if your computer has the juice for it.10:44
usalabswhen I use VMware player, I have played a windows 3D game (need for speed) with no problems10:44
usalabsVMware player can create a VM, one doesn't need the workstation10:45
KM0201jetienne: have you tried booting the live CD?10:45
mah454I need libpoppler7 for naty .10:45
mah454I need libpoppler7 for naty .10:45
jetienneKM0201: hmmm maybe miscommunication... you said 'unity' stuff requires 3D card and that vbox doesnt support 3D cards... so how could i use vbox10:45
maxillusionistyeah now one can do that userlabs10:45
jetienneKM0201: live cd == dedicating a computer to it in my words10:45
kellnolavbox supports 3D. Don't know how well10:45
KM0201jetienne: by doing what i said, using the alternate cd to install in vbox, then booting the 2d desktop10:45
KM0201jetienne: no, thats not what it means.. live cd, means booting the OS from the cd, and running it from the CD10:46
kellnolathis whole "requiring 3D" was an enormous mistake10:46
jetienneKM0201: and '2D desktop' = gnome ?10:46
KM0201jetienne: yes.. 2d-  as of now, = Gnome10:46
jetienneah ok10:46
jetienneso i need a dedicated computer to install it10:46
jetienneor i can use ubuntu server10:47
KM0201kellnola: i agree.. i'm thinking when 11.10 rolls around.. it'll have a default 2D fallback again10:47
jetienneKM0201: ok thanks for the help10:47
KM0201jetienne: why do you keep saying you need a dedicated computer?.. you don't10:47
maxillusionistyeah jet why not10:47
skiwithpetehi, I've removed ubuntu from a computer I want to sell, but grub continues to load10:47
skiwithpetehow do I get rid of grub?10:47
jetienneKM0201: just wording i guess10:47
maxillusionisterase the hdd10:47
KM0201skiwithpete: you need to rebuild the mbr of your machine...10:47
kellnolaskiwithpete, it's on the MBR10:48
mah454add-apt-repository ppa:gloobus-dev/covergloobus10:48
kellnolaskiwithpete, any other OS will overwrite that10:48
mah454excuse me ... !10:48
skiwithpetehow do I rebuild the mbr - its a netbook so I don't have the windows CD10:48
jetienneKM0201: impossible to run current stable ubuntu on virtual machine === require dedicated computer10:48
KM0201!dualboot | jetienne you don't need to dedicate a machine to ubuntu10:48
ubottujetienne you don't need to dedicate a machine to ubuntu: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:48
maxillusionistboot from pendrive and erase the HDD sliwithpete10:48
skiwithpetePS I don't have the CD, so I want to start using XP which is on the HDD10:48
KM0201jetienne: no.. its not impossible, you just can't do 3D(out of the box anyway).. .big difference10:48
zvacetskiwithpete: http://members.iinet.net.au/~herman546/p18.html#MbrFix.exe10:48
mah454I need libpoppler7 for ubuntu-11.04 ...10:48
mah454I need libpoppler7 for ubuntu-11.04 ...10:48
usalabsor, there is a DOS utility that can be run from a pen drive, called MBRtools10:48
skiwithpeteI have a pen drive currently it has Mint on it10:49
* KM0201 loves mbrfix10:49
skiwithpeteis there anything in there that can help me?10:49
ActionParsnip!ppa | mah45410:49
ubottumah454: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.10:49
skiwithpetembrfix?  KM020110:49
KM0201skiwithpete: no  windows mbr, is a windows mbr problem10:49
skiwithpetefreedos have it?10:49
KM0201skiwithpete: its a utility to rebuild the MBR of windows, you were given the link above...  http://members.iinet.net.au/~herman546/p18.html#MbrFix.exe10:50
zvacetskiwithpete: if you still have windows read link I posted to you10:50
KM0201skiwithpete: i'm not familiar w/  freedos... but fixmbr and fixboot, are standard dos tools, so i would think so.10:50
jetienneWARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages <- they mean "supported by third party"10:50
maxillusionistskiwithpete pull the HDD from the pc you need to sell then erase all10:50
kellnolaskiwithpete, "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1" will delete the MBR (from linux, where "hda" is the drive you want to erase it on - make sure you get the right device)10:50
jetiennenot nice to say other arent mataining their package10:50
ojiihow do I change the language of my login screen?10:50
KM0201skiwithpete: if you want a pretty GUI app to rebuild your MBR.. google "Easus Partition Editor"... the freeware version has a easy to use MBR rebuilder10:50
ThinkT510mah454: why do you need libpoppler7? libpoppler13 is available in the repos10:51
jetiennewhere is the iso of the alternate install ?10:52
mah454ThinkT510 tnx :)10:52
skiwithpetewhoa kellnola will that reinstate it as windows?10:52
skiwithpeteKM0201, am going to try your solution first I think10:52
kellnolaskiwithpete, no it will delete the MBR completely10:52
jetiennehttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download <- alternate install got no .iso only .torrent ?10:52
KM0201jetienne: no, there's links to just the ISO10:52
zvacetjetienne: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/10:53
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ThinkT510!find libpoppler13 | mah45410:53
ubottumah454: Found: libpoppler1310:53
zvacetjetienne: np10:53
KM0201jetienne: just keep in mind, thats a completely text based installer, but since you're putting it in vbox, it won't matter, just take the defaults for everything.10:53
ThinkT510!info libpoppler13 | mah45410:53
ubottumah454: libpoppler13 (source: poppler): PDF rendering library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.16.4-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 661 kB, installed size 1724 kB10:53
mah454OK tnx :)10:53
zvacetKM0201: it is not that hard to install from alternate cd10:54
KM0201zvacet: its not difficult, but some find it more intimidating.10:54
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jetienneKM0201: my goal is double 1. to install 11.04 to be able to maintain my ppa 2. to experiment rewritten X stuff10:55
zvacetKM0201:  just not eye  candy that is all10:55
KM0201jetienne: understood10:55
KM0201zvacet: i'm very familiar with it... and if you've been here any amount f time, there's moer than one user who did not want to use the live cd... so my point was valid.10:55
KM0201*alt cd10:55
jetienneusually i test in vm, it is simple, fast, easily removable if needed10:56
zvacetKM0201:  I believe that you are familiar with using alternate cd no argue with you about that10:56
KM0201zvacet: my point is, its not hard(i agree w/ you there)... however, a new user who knwos nothing about linux partitions, setting up their drive, etc.. it's going to be intimidating10:57
jetiennefeedback "unable to test new stable ubuntu without dedicating a box to it"... wasnt a good idea10:57
drdozerhi - I just finished upgrading to natty and rebooted, and now I have: symbol not found: `grub_env_export´. and am at the grub rescue prompt10:57
KM0201jetienne: you keep saying "dedicating a box to it"... maybe there's a translation thats not coming across wel.. you don't have to dedicate a box to it.. you can dual boot the machine easily.10:58
jetienneKM0201: ok suppose you boot on 11.04... can you use the box for somehting else ?10:58
KM0201jetienne: dedicate implies that ubuntu would be the only OS on the computer... dual booting (between linux and windows, or various linux distros) is very easy10:58
drdozerwhat can I type into the grub rescue prompt to resurrect this machine?10:59
zvacetKM0201: Ithink that new users ask for more eye candy stuff until now alternate was only able to do upgrade10:59
KM0201!dualboot | jetienne10:59
ubottujetienne: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:59
jetienneKM0201: when running 11.04, your box is doing only that, so it is dedicated to it10:59
jetienneKM0201: im well aware of dual boot :)10:59
KM0201jetienne: thats not really what that means... that would be a dedicated install, because the computer is stil capable of booting other OS's..10:59
KM0201jetienne: dedicated=only10:59
liunxhow to show the tray on unity?11:00
jetienneKM0201: just a matter of working11:00
KM0201jetienne: well.. sorry, how you're saying it is not correct.11:00
liunxi want to use iptux etc, but when i close it, i can not see the tray on the up right frame.11:00
jetienneKM0201: 'when running 11.04, your box is doing only that, so it is dedicated to it' <- seems correct no ?11:00
KM0201jetienne: just as an example... if you were coming here asking for install help.. and you told thenm you were dedicating a machine to ubuntu.. you'd get instructions to completely wipe the drive and install only Ubuntu"... if you wanted to dual boot, you would lose windows.11:01
drdozerhow can I get my machine working again?11:01
ThinkT510jetienne: not quite, you can install vms inside 11.0411:01
jetienneThinkT510: hehe :)11:01
KM0201zvacet: the alt cd has been an installer for a long time.11:01
KM0201or did i misunderstand?11:01
jetienneKM0201: i understand your definition of dedicated.11:01
jetienneKM0201: relax this is just a matter of wording11:01
KM0201jetienne: its not my definition of dedicated.. its the english language definition of dedicated.. there's a huge difference in what you're saying, and the word dedicated... i just didn't want them confused.11:02
jetienneKM0201: 'when running 11.04, your box is doing only that, so it is dedicated to it' <- seems correct no ?11:02
KM0201jetienne: no, that is not correct11:02
jetienneKM0201: ok no arguement11:02
ThinkT510jetienne: stop trolling11:02
jetiennei gave my feedback11:02
KM0201that would be a dedicated install (that does not require windows to run)... as i said....11:02
jetienneThinkT510: stop insulting11:02
jetienneThinkT510: seriously, im being kind and all11:03
jetienneThinkT510: so dont insulte me11:03
KM0201jetienne: a dedicated machine... is a machine(ie, entire computer) that is dedicated to ubuntu.11:03
KM0201i don't know how much more clear i can make it11:03
jetienneKM0201: relax i understood. you just considere the drive of the box11:03
jetienneKM0201: im considering the cpu this is nothing11:03
ThinkT510jetienne: i didn't mean to insult you, i apologise; but you are misusing the term dedicated11:04
manu_44Hello, could someone let me know where I can manage the FTP default handler on Natt Narwhal please ?11:04
KM0201jetienne: no i don't... i think there's a communicatino barrier here.. maybe you don't grasp what the word "dedicated" means11:04
jetienneKM0201: hehe ok11:04
jetienneThinkT510: forgotten11:04
jetienneKM0201: no need to argue11:04
dtsI keep getting my unity bar on the left frozen open, this sucks because a maximized window is covered by it on the left side. Any ideas how to reset unity and how to keep it from happening?11:04
KM0201jetienne: not arguing.. just telling you.. you're the one who has continued to push it.11:05
KM0201dn't need to argue when you're right..lol11:05
ActionParsnipdts: http://maketecheasier.com/autohide-unity-launcher-in-ubuntu-natty/2011/04/2011:05
KM0201i actually liked the unity launcher docked.11:05
manu_44is there a special channel concerning Natty Narwhal issues ?11:05
ActionParsnipmanu_44: here11:05
jetienneKM0201: cool, so we disgaree :)11:05
KM0201manu_44: you're in it.11:05
jetienneinstalling with alternate11:05
KM0201jetienne: well, i've got webster dictionary on my side, so im comfortable with what i've said..11:06
jetienneKM0201: we are both confortable11:06
manu_44Firefox has been set as default FTP handler11:06
ActionParsnipjetienne: alternate iso just instals the desktop OS in a text environment rather than gui11:06
manu_44I just would likee Nautilus instead11:06
manu_44anyone able to help me ?11:06
KM0201manu_44: you mean the old gnome? (like in 10.10?)11:06
ActionParsnipmanu_44: li11:07
ActionParsnipmanu_44: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31351511:07
KM0201manu_44: log out, and on "sessions" choose ubuntu classic11:07
mikebeechamhi guys...is it possible to change the GDM in 11.04?11:07
rzx237why network-manager indicator on natty can't display multiple configuration of my wireless connection? is it a bug?11:07
jetienneActionParsnip: yep,  i need it to install on virtual box apparently. some issue with ubuntu requiring 3D cards and virtual box not providing it11:07
mikebeechamnever really liked the purple/orange stock one11:07
sachini need help in installing gnome 3 in ubuntu 11.0411:07
dtsActionParsnip I like that it dodges windows, that setting is actually good, but it stops working after a while11:07
manu_44KM0201 : I did that already11:08
KM0201ActionParsnip: i don't think he actually wants nautilus (as unity uses nautilus)... i think he wants gnome 2.211:08
misse-mikebeecham: do you just want to change the wallpaper for gdm or the whole theme?11:08
KM0201manu_44: and..?11:08
ActionParsnipjetienne: it can be enabled, its not going to be amazing 3D performance11:08
skiwithpeteKM0201, areyou there?11:08
mikebeechammisse-, didnt know I could do either :D  How?11:08
KM0201skiwithpete: yes..11:08
jetienneActionParsnip: oh ? you tried ? or got successfull story on it ?11:08
ThinkT510!gnome3 | sachin11:08
ubottusachin: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.11:08
manu_44ActionParsnip : browsed this page already, without success, the ftp key doesn't appear and when i manually add it, it doesn't even work11:08
jetienneActionParsnip: or link. anything :)11:08
ActionParsnipjetienne: its going to be poor against a native linux app or even one running via wine11:08
g4is there an issue with 3d support in compiz for 11.04? I upgraded to 11.04 but it broke my old desktop.11:08
geektech713Need up getting Ubuntu 11.10 to install on atom CPU11:09
skiwithpeteI've looked at the instructions... one thing concerns me - on the netbook partition 1 is actually a recovery disk11:09
ActionParsnipg4: what video chip do you use?11:09
manu_44KM0201 : and Firefox is the default FTP handler11:09
skiwithpeteI want it to boot to partition 2 - XP11:09
manu_44can't manage to get Nautilus back instead11:09
liunx hello,11:09
sachini know but f they have provided the ppa,then there must be solution to run it.properly ,i guess11:09
g4ActionParsn: ati with ati catalyst driver11:09
KM0201skiwithpete: ok...11:09
skiwithpeteis there a command to do that?11:09
liunxhow can i show the tray in the titile bar when i use iptux etc.?11:09
ActionParsnipg4: uninstall the catalyst, then reboot, then reinstall it. Proprietary drivers don't usually work after release changes11:09
g4ActionParsn: ok, thanks for the top11:10
KM0201skiwithpete: answer your PM.. i don't really follow what you're saying11:10
ActionParsnipmanu_44: so the solution by lamelos doesn't solve it?11:10
sachin@ubottu-i know it,but why they provided it if it will break it.11:11
ActionParsnipsachin: if you drop the @ character, it will highlight users correctly. Adding it makes it not work11:11
amalgamahello... i want to download a program, they give a ppa, which i add, but it says that it cant find a package with that name (after an update of course)... any ideas of what i might be doing wrong?11:12
OfficiallyPCCan I get the ratings and reviews in the Software Center in Maverick?11:12
manu_44ActionParsnip : no it does not11:12
sachinubottu-i know it,but why they provided it if it will break it.11:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:12
vibhav<amalgama> please describe the problem more11:12
vibhav<amalgama> maybe i can help you11:12
misse-mikebeecham: you can either do it with some gconfhacking, but I think this is the easist way: gksudo -u gdm gnome-appearance-properties11:13
sachinthinkt510-i know it,but why they provided it if it will break it.11:13
g4ActionParsn, you wouldn't know easiest way to uninstall catalyst? Is it thru apt or do I need to run a script?11:13
manu_44the gnome ftp handler rule seems to have moved somewhere, but I can't figure out where11:13
heroafter upgrading to 11.04 chromium fails to start. here's the error http://pastebin.com/whbabZEg I tried reinstalling ttf-mscorefonts-installer but still get this error. Also reinstalled chromium again but didn't help.11:14
mikebeechammisse-, I get this: (gnome-appearance-properties:22592): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :011:14
dasfefgi love gnome 3 more than unity11:14
g4nevermind, I found it, seems you can do it in "Aditional Drivers"11:14
dasfefgdo you agree ?11:14
misse-mikebeecham: well that's wierd. hang on11:14
amalgamai want  to download a music player called foobnix. I add the ppa they give (add-apt-repository ppa...etc), i run an update, but afterwards i cannot find the program in order to install it.. After adding the ppa, it returns :11:14
amalgamaExecuting: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80/ --recv 1B9943C993BD8BC4DDC71C05EE7C02C4940617CB11:15
amalgamagpg: requesting key 940617CB from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com11:15
amalgamagpg: key 940617CB: "Launchpad PPA for Foobnix" not changed11:15
amalgamagpg: Total number processed: 111:15
FloodBot3amalgama: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:15
ThinkT510sachin: you can install it, but its not guaranteed to work and you won't be able to get support if you do install it, as for why they provided a ppa it must have been requested by a few people, but is experimental (use at your own risk)11:15
mikebeechammisse-, will do11:15
rzx237manu_44: try ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list11:15
dasfefgi love gnome 3 more than unity11:15
dasfefgdo you agree11:15
manu_44me too11:15
amalgamasry for the cp/pst ppl11:15
misse-mikebeecham: http://www.ubuntu-tennessee.org/tutorials/205/ <-- that will make your loginscreen spawn the gnome-appearance windo, so just change the background and login, afterwards you can remove the .desktop from the folder11:15
juniorsahi, I'm running 11.04 on a amd based hp laptop and it works fine, but then freezes when left unattended. it seems like the fan is on but it might be the power management, any suggestions?11:15
ezrafreeif i upgrade to 11.04 will i have to use the Unity sidebar thing?11:15
misse-it's all in the tutorial11:15
ezrafreeor can I disable Unity?11:15
drdozerhello?? my upgrade to natty has broken grub - I can´t boot11:16
drdozerhow can I fix this?11:16
dasfefgi love gnome 3 more than unity11:16
dasfefgdo you agree11:16
g4ezrafree: you can do an apt-get remove unity but I would excpect some more work to get things back to normal again11:16
manu_44rzx237 : it's not located there11:16
ThinkT510!classic | ezrafree11:16
ubottuezrafree: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.11:16
amalgamavibhav:  i want  to download a music player called foobnix. I add the ppa they give (add-apt-repository ppa...etc), i run an update, but afterwards i cannot find the program in order to install it..11:16
mikebeechammisse-, thanks11:16
misse-drdozer: I would try to boot the install-cd again and look for a repair grub option11:16
dasfefgi love gnome 3 more than unity11:17
dasfefgdo you agree11:17
ezrafreeoh unity is a WM? (window manager?)11:17
g4That Ubuntu Classic login is not true, it didn't work for me11:17
ezrafreei see, thanks for the input11:17
drdozermisse-: I didn use the cd - I used the on-line update tool11:17
g4I had to remove unity as well11:17
dasfefgi love gnome 3 more than unity11:17
dasfefgdo you agree11:17
vibhav<amalgama> try sudo apt-get install foobnix11:17
misse-mikebeecham: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jackyalcine/5381411916/ <-- gdm wallpaper suggestion11:17
ThinkT510dasfefg: do you have a problem that you need help with? if not can you take that to #ubuntu-offtopic11:18
geektech713any help with USB Ubuntu live CD /install?11:18
misse-drdozer: hmkay. either you burn a cd or you create an usb startup disk. Either way, you'll have to boot from some other medium to repare grub11:18
amalgamavibhav: i did.. also cache search ... nothing... and it seems wrong since i cannot find some1 having a similar problem with the ppa of foobnix11:18
dasfefgThinkT510: i installed gnome 311:18
phoenixsampraswhen i did an UPGRADE the laptop CRASHED, LOST ALL INFO11:19
mikebeechammisse-, thanks, now to get xchat issue sorted ;D11:19
ThinkT510dasfefg: congratulations11:19
drdozermisse-:  ok - it isn something I can fix by typing into the grub prompt?11:19
misse-mikebeecham: here's a solution for you: irssi11:19
misse-drdozer: depends on the grub error11:19
amalgamavibhav: after adding the ppa it returns http://pastebin.com/BjiTSYEQ11:19
drdozererror: symbol not found: `grub_env_export´.11:19
drdozergrub rescue>11:20
KM0201phoenixsampras: unfortunately, thats a danger of any upgrade, not just Linux.. there's plenty of documentation on bricked Windows installs from upgrade fails also.11:20
drdozermisse-: that´s all it says11:20
misse-drdozer: uhm. I wouldn't know what to type in the situation11:20
mikebeechammisse-, irssi?11:20
phoenixsamprasKM0201: never my Windows got bricked11:20
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
mikebeechammisse-, thats' ugggg-llllyyyy11:21
ThinkT510!grub2 | drdozer11:21
ubottudrdozer: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:21
KM0201phoenixsampras: you're lucky... i've fixed more than one bad upgrade of windows11:21
misse-mikebeecham: my irssi aint ugly :P11:21
mikebeechammisse-, screen me up :D I'm an interface designer, so I'm feircly critical :D11:22
vibhav<amalgama> did you try sudo apt-get update?11:23
misse-mikebeecham: http://ender.misse.org/irssi.png11:23
drdozergrrr - how can natty be released and have problems like mine?11:23
mikebeechammisse-, thanks11:23
amalgamavibhav: yeah i did11:24
ThinkT510drdozer: are you at a grub rescue prompt?11:24
misse-mikebeecham: an interface designer ey, have I seen any of your work?11:24
drdozerThinkT510: yes11:24
juniorsaanyone else have problems with an amd laptop when screensaver comes on sometimes it freezes, fan stays on?11:24
mikebeechammisse-, depends whether you use either Android, Plex on the Mac or XBMC11:24
misse-XBMC :'||||11:25
misse-and android11:25
ThinkT510drdozer: shall i walk you through how to boot again?11:25
mikebeechammisse-, http://mikebeecham.deviantart.com/gallery | http://behance.net/mikebeecham11:25
Fleckanyone can install fglrx on natty?11:25
drdozerThinkT510: that would be awesome11:25
mikebeechammisse-, I designed MediaStream, have redesigned the DoggCatcher Podcast App, and a few other things...Aldiko, etc11:25
ThinkT510drdozer: first do you remember which partition you installed ubuntu to?11:25
drdozerThinkT510: HDB but I can´t remember the number11:26
tasslehoffis there a way to toggle the meaning of the fn button?11:26
susundbergmikebeecham: wow!11:26
ThinkT510drdozer: no worries, we'll find out11:26
mikebeechamsusundberg, ?11:26
ThinkT510drdozer: type ls11:26
susundbergthose your works, they are very nice11:27
ThinkT510drdozer: what do you see?11:27
misse-mikebeecham: wow indeed :D11:27
agronholmhi, does anyone know how to make the unity launcher permanently visible?11:27
drdozer(hd0) (hd0,msdos5) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1)11:27
agronholmit doesn't always show when I move my mouse cursor to the left side of the screen11:28
agronholmso I would prefer it to be visible at all times11:28
ThinkT510drdozer: ok, type ls (hd1,msdos1)/11:28
agronholmI just can't find any setting to make that happen11:28
ThinkT510drdozer: what do you see?11:28
drdozerThinkT510: error: unknown filesystem.11:29
drdozerThinkT510: it seems to print that for all others11:29
ThinkT510drdozer: really? you tried them all?11:30
booti install the latest version of ubuntu  but when i try to browse site i am getting Java Script Disabled on your browser. Please Enable it.11:30
agronholmah, it was in compiz-settings.11:30
booti check the firefox java is enabled in it11:30
agronholmboot: java has nothing to do with javascript11:30
drdozerThinkT510: oh - it prints stuff out for: ls (hd0,msdos1)/11:31
=== root is now known as Guest38698
boothow to solve this problem11:31
rzx237agronholm: I think I found it, gconf-editor to /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/option/autohide_animation, set launcher_hide_mode to "0"11:31
ThinkT510drdozer: what does it print out?11:31
agronholmrzx237: yeah it can be configured graphically too11:31
agronholmrzx237: http://askubuntu.com/questions/35963/how-to-make-unity-dock-always-visible11:31
dasfefgi love gnome 3 more than unity11:31
dasfefgdo you agree11:31
agronholmfrom what I've heard of it, gnome 3 is a train wreck11:32
booti even install java11:32
bootbut the problem is till the same11:32
agronholmboot: are you not hearing/reading me11:32
drdozerdrdozer: ./ ../ lost+found var/ etc/ ........ boot/ ...... home/ .... and so on - looks like a unix fs root11:32
slideIm having problems with xchat + unity bar, it keeps launching new copies instead of bringing the existing one to the front11:32
booti don't have the problem with he older version of ubuntu11:32
agronholmboot: I already said java has nothing to do with javascript, so how do you figure installing Java would help with Javascript issues?11:32
ThinkT510drdozer: excellent, bear with me we'll type some commands..11:32
bootso what to do11:32
Error404NotFoundhow do i restore burg to be bootloader after grub overwrites it due to an update?11:33
agronholmboot: enable javascript in settings11:33
agronholmboot: in the content tab11:33
bootit all ready enabled in firefox11:33
jibadeehaslide, strange mine doesn't do that11:33
agronholmboot: then the website is probably doing something wrong -- what site is this?11:33
ThinkT510drdozer: first type: set prefix=(hd0,1)/boot/grub11:33
ubuntuhello - I installed ubuntu 2 times to my hard drive but after restarting my computer always windows is starting - no chance to select ubuntu somewhere.. any ideas?11:34
KM0201mikebeecham: little late to the party, but good job on the wallpapers... :)11:34
ycathi! does anyone know of a software/script showing the status of KVM/libvirt/virsh for apache?11:34
bootthe site address is this http://edudel.nic.in/mis/MisAdmin/frmMisLogin.aspx11:34
popois there a photoshop equivalent for ubuntu?11:34
mikebeechamKM0201, thanks man...they were a little while ago now11:34
bootuse any id and passwordsto login11:34
drdozerThinkT510: done - nothing displayed11:34
ThinkT510drdozer: then type: set root=(hd0,1)11:34
bootu will get the error Java Script Disabled on your browser. Please Enable it.11:34
agronholmboot: yeah the website seems broken11:34
agronholmnot much you can do about it11:34
drdozerThinkT510: done11:34
madsailorpopo: gimp11:35
bootbut the site is working good in windows11:35
madsailorit's great11:35
agronholmboot: in firefox?11:35
ThinkT510drdozer: yeah, it shouldn't display anything yet, next type: insmod linux11:35
popois there a good site for ubuntu compatible software?11:35
bootone more think i check the addons in firefox ubuntu there is no java there11:35
drdozerThinkT510: error: symbol not found: `grub_mm_base´.11:35
bootbut in windows firefox java is there in addons11:35
agronholmboot: for the last time, this has nothing to do with Java11:35
geektech713I need help with USB disk install of Ubuntu11:36
bootas opera chrome both are giving the same problem11:36
madsailorpopo, you can find apps that do most things you's need in the software center under applications==>Ubuntu software center.  Many windows specific apps can be run under wine11:36
popodo i need to mount ausb  drive in ubuntu?11:36
ThinkT510drdozer: ah.. i don't know how to fix that, looks like grub needs to be reinstalled11:36
geektech713I did run the USB drive after restart11:37
drdozerThinkT510: ok, and it can´t be reinstalled from within grub?11:37
geektech713did load up some but missing some files11:37
agronholmboot: the website has an error -- it's looking for the "txtPassword" element when it should be looking for "txtpassword"11:37
ThinkT510drdozer: not from a rescue prompt, as far as i know11:37
naikeI have trouble finishing installing my ubuntu 11.04 I get this error at the end: Unable to install GRUBB in dev-sda (i created main partition and swap, I also have windows and other partitions on the hdd, totaling 5 partitions)11:37
agronholmboot: a simple programming error11:37
geektech713saying Casper/filesystem didnt mount11:37
agronholmnot the fault of your browser11:37
bootbut in windows the site is working perfectly ok11:37
agronholmboot: in firefox?11:38
bootin windows firefox,chrome,opera site is working perfectly but in ubuntu it is not working11:38
drdozerThinkT510: thanks for trying to help - I guess I now have a 4 hour wait for the iso to download11:38
jheyeshi, should i upgrade my ubuntu distribution to natty 11.04? any issues i should worry about before upgrading?11:39
slideIs anyone else having problems with xchat + unity bar? XChat doesnt even show up at all11:39
naikeyes jheyes what motherboard do you have11:39
agronholmboot: I just tried in Firefox 4.0.1 on Windows, it does not work11:39
agronholmboot: I get the same error11:39
jheyesnaike: how do i find out?11:39
vibhav<jheyes> I recommend a fresh install11:39
jheyesvibhav: why a fresh install? does the upgrade not work very well?11:39
naikejheyes if you dont know chances are you dont have the same motherboard i have :P11:39
KM0201jheyes: upgrading always poses risks.11:39
bootit is working 4.0.1 in windows11:40
jheyesKM0201: do you recommend i stick with what i am running right now?11:40
agronholmboot: not for me11:40
agronholmboot: I don't get the error on IE8 though11:40
ThinkT510drdozer: no worries, i got stuck at a rescue prompt too, so i found the ubuntu wiki helpful, thats where i was getting the info to help you from11:40
vibhav<jheyes> It did not work well with me11:40
KM0201jheyes: no, i just recommend you always be prepared BEFORE upgrading.. so if something happens... you won't cry for days over lost data when you have to reinstall11:40
vibhav<jheyes> A fresh install is better11:40
drMikehow can I restore all databases into mysql from one that was backed up via: mysqldump -A --add-drop-table -u root | gzip > $OUTFILE11:40
jheyesKM0201: you mean do a backup first?11:40
bootu need java version Version 6 Update 2511:40
vibhav<jheyes> yes11:41
bootthen it will work in windows11:41
KM0201jheyes: i mean if you have important data on the machine, yes, back it up befor eupgrading11:41
* KM0201 thought that was computer 10111:41
vibhav<jheyes> A fresh install has less chances of failure11:41
jheyesvibhav: okay i will back it up first11:41
jheyesthanks for the warning everyone!11:41
KM0201jheyes: but i do agree vibhav i always clean install.. i've not "upgraded" linux in 10yrs11:41
ActionParsnipKM0201: you'd be suprised how many have "important" data but zero backup11:41
jheyesKM0201: it is tempting to click that upgrade button though :)11:42
KM0201ActionParsnip: lol. it's obviously very "important"..lol11:42
ActionParsnipKM0201: exactly..people love learning the hard way11:42
vibhav<KM0201> A fresh install always gives you that "new computer feeling"11:42
KM0201jheyes: well, gotta use common sense.. remember, all computer problems start w/ the bozo pounding on the keys... :011:42
jheyesKM0201: what are you running?11:42
KM0201jheyes: lubuntu right now... i might switch back to debian, but i'm kinda digging lubuntu righ tnow11:43
jheyesKM0201: cool11:43
agronholmboot: fails here on firefox 4.0.1 with java 6 update 2511:43
jheyesKM0201: i'm on kubuntu 64-bit...11:43
jheyesKM0201: everything is working nicely so i don't want to ruin my setup by upgrading to 11.0411:44
bootbut on my side in windows site is working perfectly but in ubuntu not11:44
KM0201jheyes: well, it really doesn't amtter what you're upgrading, if its linux or windows, or DOS.. you shoudl always backup prior to doing it11:44
agronholmboot: I cannot fix the site for you -- try any other site and you will see that javascript is enabled and working fine11:44
KM0201boot: can you providce a link?11:45
agronholmKM0201: http://edudel.nic.in/mis/MisAdmin/frmMisLogin.aspx11:45
KM0201boot: well, i get a User ID/Password screen.. but that does little good to check the problem11:45
ActionParsnipagronholm: loads here in Windows + Chrome11:45
agronholmKM0201: try any combination11:46
bootin internet explorer 8 the site is alo working perfectly ok11:46
ActionParsnipagronholm: Java Script Disabled on your browser. Please Enable it.11:46
agronholmActionParsnip: so it doesn't work on chrome after all?11:46
KM0201agronholm: yup, thats what i got11:46
champ__Hello everybody. I am running ubuntu 10.10 with restricted exras installed. my problem is i am unable play videos apple.com,etc11:46
bootcan u also check the site in internet explorer11:46
ActionParsnipagronholm: is that what you get? I'm on Chrome here11:46
agronholmActionParsnip: yup, javascript disabled please enable11:46
agronholmon any browser other than IE11:47
Jasonnchamp__: Do you have flash player installed?11:47
ActionParsnipchamp__: add the medibuntu ppa and install w32codecs (I assume 32bit OS)11:47
munif i've changed my ubuntu one password, how do i change it on my desktop? i can't seem to find a way to logout in the preferences.11:47
KM0201you really shouldn't need medibuntu anymore, but it works just as well..11:47
Jasonnchamp__: Is it enabled??11:47
booti check again only in internet explorer site is working11:47
KM0201boot: hold on11:48
agronholmboot: that's what I thought too11:48
champ__<Jasonn> yes11:48
booti don't know what the problem11:48
agronholmboot: I already explained what the problem is11:48
agronholmdid you miss that line?11:48
Jasonnchamp__: And you are sure you dont have more than one flahs "player" installed?11:48
bootso whyt site is working in internet explorer11:48
bootinternet explorer 8?11:48
ActionParsnipagronholm: check with: http://www.isjavascriptenabled.com/11:48
champ__Jasonn: how do i check it ?..11:48
agronholmActionParsnip: not my problem...I'm helping boot out here11:48
KM0201boot: hold on a second.. jeez.. learn a little patience11:48
Jasonnchamp__: go on the browser and type this in in the addr bar: about:plugins11:49
agronholmboot: because internet explorer works case insensitively with document.getElementById()11:49
agronholmthe others do not11:49
bootso the main is with site11:49
agronholmmain what?11:50
champ__Jasonn: it shows a list..11:50
Jasonnchamp__: Yeah, look for flash player, and make sure it is enabled11:50
bootso the problem is with the site11:50
agronholmboot: yes, like I told you already.11:50
agronholmI don't understand why people use Internet Explorer so much in India11:50
agronholmand China too11:51
Jasonnagronholm: Because there is a lot of people xD11:51
agronholmJasonn: that has what to do with browser market share?11:51
booti am using firefox for more than 3years11:51
champ__Jasonn: could u be more specific ?11:52
bootbut if the creator don't create the website supporting it11:52
KM0201boot: has it worked previously with linux?11:52
agronholmboot: yes but clearly that site was only tested with IE11:52
bootwhat can a normal user do11:52
=== Guest9856 is now known as literally_barry
agronholmboot: nothing really11:52
Jasonnagronholm: Yes, because many people dont bother installing another one11:52
literally_barryHey all, just got a quick question about the Ubuntu 11.04 installation process?11:52
booti am using firefox for more than 3 years11:52
agronholmyeah we heard you the first time11:52
literally_barryI've booted into the Live CD, and run the "Install Ubuntu" icon on the desktop.11:53
Jasonn!enter literally_barry11:53
Jasonn!enter | literally_barry11:53
ubottuliterally_barry: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:53
literally_barryIt gets to the page where it says "Preparing Ubuntu installation" page, I click next, and nothing happens. grub-mount maxes the CPU (see here: http://i.imgur.com/CmLxd.png) and I've been sitting here about 15 minutes waiting for some progress. Any suggestions?11:54
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:54
sec_goatI am currently using Lubuntu 10.10 if I click upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 does that change what ever makes Lubuntu more light weight?11:54
Jasonnsec_goat: This is the Ubuntu channel, we dont support Lubuntu11:55
KM0201sec_goat: no, it upgrades you to lubuntu 11.0411:55
ActionParsnipliterally_barry: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?11:55
sec_goatJasonn: my bad, I did realize there was a difference11:55
bootand how to enable root11:55
Lopyshokpeople hi how i can open TCP and UDP port 6112 for play dota ;)11:56
Jasonnsec_goat: Nah, its alright mate, its just made by a different comany11:56
literally_barryYeah, I've checked, the torrent also did re-checking, and it matched.11:56
literally_barryboot: you only need to set a password for root to enable it (iirc) like this: sudo passwd root11:56
ActionParsnipliterally_barry: ok and are you using CD or USB to install?11:56
KM0201boot: ubuntu doesn't use root11:56
KM0201!sudo | boot11:56
ubottuboot: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo11:56
sec_goatjasonn: i guess thats where I am confused, I really can't tell the difference, except it works better on this POS laptop11:56
ActionParsnip!noroot | literally_barry11:56
ubottuliterally_barry: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.11:56
literally_barryActionParsnip: I am using a CD.11:56
Lopyshokpeople hi how i can open TCP and UDP port 6112 for play dota ;)11:56
KM0201boot: is this your first venture into linux?11:56
bootand can i browse my windows partition from ubuntu11:57
bootyes KM020111:57
KM0201boot: most of the time, yes.11:57
EClaessonIn 10.10 which i ran until about now, dropbox showed an icon in the top right of my screen which showed its status and had a drop down menu. Now in Narval, i don't know how to get it there. In 10.10 the icon automatically appeared when i started dropbox.11:57
ActionParsnipliterally_barry: DON'T tell people how to mess up their systems with root passwords and such in future11:57
JasonnLopyshok: On your Ubuntu machine11:57
literally_barryActionParsnip: Sorry, I wasn't fully aware of the rules here.11:57
ActionParsnipliterally_barry: did you burn the CD as slowly as you were allowed?11:57
ActionParsnipliterally_barry: did you make the CD chec itself for defects once the boot starts?11:57
bootand how to install ati 5770 drivers11:57
literally_barryActionParsnip: I did not. I'm going to let this idle, return to another system and do that. Cheers for the help. I'll be back if I don't have any success. =P11:58
ActionParsnipliterally_barry: did you test your RAM?11:58
literally_barryActionParsnip: RAM is tested, it's ECC. This system is only about a month old.11:58
KM0201boot: ati can be tricky11:58
bootas i dowloaded the latest drivers of ati 577011:58
pagzwhois pagz11:58
bootbut it is not installing11:58
literally_barryI'm going to re-burn slower. Thanks for the advice ActionParsnip.11:58
ezrafreehow should i upgrade to the latest ubuntu?11:58
dupondjersnapshot       ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL11:58
KM0201!upgrade | ezrafree11:58
ubottuezrafree: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade11:58
ezrafreethank you11:58
ActionParsnipezrafree: you can only upgrade from Maverick, otherwise you will need to upgrade to the intermittent releases to get there11:59
dupondjersnapshot       ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL => If I have this in sudoers, rsnapshot should be able to run sudo command without giving the password right ?11:59
bootbut when i enable the restricted drivers ati 5770 it is working and enabled11:59
g4after doing an upgrade, emerald doesn't seem to work and I'm missing window decoration. Any advice on how to add window decoration again?11:59
bootis this driver is as good as the driver available on ati site?11:59
tbfis it somehow possible to directly view the patches ubuntu applies to some package? e.g. there: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/qt4-x11/12:00
KM0201boot: the drive in additional drivers, should work fine i would think (at least it does w/ nvidia)12:00
ThinkT510boot: its recommended you stick to what ubuntu provides12:00
AFDAnyone mind helping me with a repo problem I have?12:00
celthunderboot: open source drivers for ati are better than catalsyt for 9/10 things12:01
AFDI get 404 errors for what appear to be legit repos when performing an apt-get update12:01
slideIs there a channel for Unity?12:02
g4it seems to be that compiz has lost all the setting. Is it possible to revert compiz to default settins?12:02
ThinkT510!unity | slide12:02
ubottuslide: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity12:02
celthunderb 2112:02
AFDany help re:repos pls...12:04
=== mike is now known as Guest35019
celthundermadradavid: you're here...whats the problem12:05
uwexmadradavid: its "/help"12:05
Anax192Hello, people. I'm really sorry for just barging in here and writing like this. I'm kinda short with time and need a little help. Is there anyone available? Again, sorry for no introduction or anything. Oh, and if I have broken any rule by writing like this, sorry about that, too.12:05
=== mike_ is now known as Guest52019
celthunderAnax192: whats the prolem12:06
ActionParsnipAnax192: instead of writing all that you could have just asked...12:06
madradavidthanks umex12:06
red2kicWhen you assign a new launcher on gnome-panel, where is the file stored? I know it's in ~/ -- but I can't remember/find it.12:06
tasslehoffis ~/.Xmodmap used by Ubuntu?12:07
Anax192Well, my dad started updating his Ubuntu 8.10, and he interrupted the update while it was upgrading components, I think. I'm not sure. Now he can't boot up. It just stops at the Ubuntu flash screen with four orange dots underneath it.12:07
madradavidJOIN #ubuntu12:07
ActionParsnipAnax192: boot to root recovery and run: apt-get -f install12:07
red2kicmadradavid: Welcome to #ubuntu!12:07
=== Dreki_ is now known as dreki
AFDhelp apt-get12:08
uwexmadradavid: every command starts with "/"12:08
ezrafreecan Compiz be used in 11.04 with GNOME?12:08
Anax192I'm sorry, can you just explain what root recovery is? Do I choose that from that list that appears every time I start up my computer?12:08
knightstalkerHello,I've tried to install gnome shell on 11.04(Yeah,I know that was experimental),and now when I try to login the monitor will go black for a second and then I am back to login page(Well,I tried removing gnome-shell),I could however,use recovery mode to startx into root's KDE12:08
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knightstalkerhowever,the same method doesn't work for my regular user and KDE will not load12:08
AFDcan anyone help with my repo 404 errors please12:08
tatzenblogdeAnax192, the Recovery Mode is a special mode to boot ubuntu in a special mode where you have a root-shell12:08
celthunderAnax192: boot to init 1 (add a 1 to the end of the kernel line in grub)12:08
rafi_Hi friends12:08
ActionParsnipAnax192: reboot and press ESC when grub starts to load, then select recovery mode, then select root12:09
=== phearme is now known as feAR`
Kingsy101I am assuming my ubuntu pc is using dhcp.. however in /etc/network/interfaces there is only two lines --> auto lo      iface lo inet loopback        shouldnt there be another two lines regarding eth0 and dhcp ?12:09
ojiiis there a way to change the shortcuts in the launcher? I won't ever need "view photos", so I'd like to replace it with something that is useful to me12:09
Kingsy101i.e am I looking in the wrong file ?12:09
itguruCan anyone recommend a good offline blog editor to use in? I'm trying to go Ubuntu exclusively for my social media needs :)12:09
Anax192Ok, thanks a lot people! I'll try! :)12:09
rafi_I have a problem with nvidia proprietary drivers with ubuntu 11.0412:09
ActionParsnipKingsy101: not if you want network manager to manage the interface12:09
rafi_All of the functions keys work(fn)12:10
champ__cannot play apple .com videos12:10
ActionParsnipchamp__: did you get the plugins installed ok?12:10
Kingsy101ActionParsnip - so what would you advise is the easiest way to get it on a static ip ?12:10
celthunderrafi_: that's a problem?12:10
champ__ActionParsnip:which ?12:10
Gileswhat package contains unity_support_test?12:10
feAR`the thing is that, after i created raid device on /boot, it now says raid device12:10
ActionParsnipKingsy101: you can set it in network manager if you want, if it will forever be on static IP then you can use the interfaces file12:10
rafi_but brigthness fn key doesn't work12:11
ActionParsnipchamp__: the ones from the medibuntu repo, like I told you earlier12:11
Kingsy101ActionParsnip - ok I will try..12:11
champ__ActionParsnip:wait checking .....12:11
rafi_Could you please help me?12:11
ActionParsnipKingsy101: it will make the OS boot faster (not have to start network manager) and the OS run lighter (no network manager service running)12:12
GilesDoes anyone know  what package contains unity_support_test?12:12
elisa87how can I run matlab2011 in ubuntu?12:12
ActionParsnipGiles: run:  dpkg -S unity_support_test12:12
champ__ActionParsnip:si it safe ?12:12
champ__ActionParsnip:is it safe ?12:13
ezrafreecan anyone tell me if Compiz be used in 11.04 with GNOME?12:13
rafi_celthunder: Could you please help me?12:13
ActionParsnipchamp__: yes12:13
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | champ__12:13
ubottuchamp__: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:13
=== bismarck is now known as Guest57288
Guest57288Hi guys, got a wireless network problem with ubuntu 11.04 and a broadcom card12:15
Kingsy101ActionParsnip - what is the difference between network and gateway ? when I am specifying them in the interfaces file ?12:16
Kingsy101I cant see reference to either in a ifconfig12:16
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)12:16
pauruHi all, whats up? :) guys i have a problem, when i plug in any external storage USB when i want to remove it i press safely remove but after a while the window pops up again and i have to remove it again in order to stop working, why? does anyone know what is happening?12:16
celthunderKingsy101: network is  your subnet gateway is your way out of the network (usually your router)12:16
Kingsy101celthunder - how do I find out my subnet ?12:17
KM0201Guest57288: di you know which broadcom chipset?   there's several12:17
celthunderKingsy101: you at home on a home network with stock settings it's likely
rafi_I just installed nvidia proprietary driver in ubuntu 11.0412:17
Guest57288Yeah i just lost the info saying wichone, ill need to dig it up again 2sec12:18
Kingsy101celthunder - I thought that was the subnet mask ?12:18
Kingsy101sorry mask12:18
rafi_but brigthness fn key doesn't work12:18
daemonkol123hey anyone please help me12:18
Kingsy101celthunder - so if thats the case what do I put for "mask" ?12:18
stixHi guys. I want to grep something a match the word "Ring" followed by a whitespace. grep 'Ring\s' is not working. What should I use?12:18
KM0201daemonkol123: state your question, if someone can answer your question, they will.12:18
champ__ActionParsnip:did this udo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update12:18
celthunderKingsy101: nvm sorry12:18
KM0201Guest57288: are you sure its not an lp-phy ?12:19
jribstix: [:space:] (see "man grep")12:19
daemonkol123i want to install gnome-terminal-3.0.1 to my backtrack 412:19
daemonkol123but how12:19
Guest57288I wouldnt know how to tell12:19
KM0201daemonkol123: you need to get help in backtrack support channels12:19
ThinkT510!backtrack | daemonkol12312:19
ubottudaemonkol123: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition12:19
KM0201Guest57288: post exactly what  lspci | grep Broadcom            says12:20
daemonkol123but how to get this channel12:20
KM0201daemonkol123: "/join #backtrack-linux"12:20
jcmarinimy cd burner will recognise a blank cd but NOT a blank dvd... anyone know why not?12:20
Kingsy101can someone tell me where I find out    network and gateway  for the interfaces file? I cant see mention of them in ifconfig...12:20
daemonkol123k thanx12:20
AFDI need help with my repos - getting 404 errors when performing apt-get update12:20
cdavisAFD: Are you using Natty?12:21
Guest5728803:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)12:21
xskydevilxHow do I upgrade from Maverick to Natty using the CD?12:21
AFDcddavis: I'm on 10.1012:21
jrib!upgrade | xskydevilx12:21
ubottuxskydevilx: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:21
jribxskydevilx: you must use the alternate cd for that12:21
AFDcdavis: I'm on 10.1012:21
celthunderKingsy101: i'm doing too many things at once atm ignore me12:21
KM0201Guest57288: ok... what have you done to try to get it to work?12:21
AFDcdavis: Here is my output (I posted on askubuntu with no joy) http://askubuntu.com/questions/36115/repo-errors-when-doing-apt-get-update12:22
tjaderMy numpad is misbehaving: it is sending weird key combinations instead of the expected ones12:22
ikoniaAFD: look at the errors, it's complaining about your external repos12:23
stixjrib, thank you it worked :)12:23
tjaderIt only happens after I log into X, VTs and GDM work fine12:23
ikoniaAFD: you've got a ton of external repos in there that are nothing to do with official ubuntu repos12:23
KM0201Guest57288: what have you done to get that to work?12:23
AFDikonia: there are external repos yes, but the maverick/main Sources are getting 404 errors too12:24
Guest57288KM0201: I wouldnt really know tbh, ive been around on forums and wiki pages trying to sort it out, driver compiling and stuff.12:24
ikoniaAFD: then your interenet connection / dns is not working12:24
cdavisAFD: remove the repo for nilarimongard and then apt-get update12:24
KM0201Guest57288: answer your PM12:25
tjaderEverything looks fine on gnome-keyboard-properties12:25
AFDcdavis: I'll give that a go now - thanks12:25
Abhijitduanedesign, ping12:25
AFDikonia: I believe my dns/network is fine... I can do everything else12:25
duanedesignAbhijit: pong12:26
Abhijitduanedesign, hey what do you use to tune violin?12:26
Abhijitduanedesign, lingot is not useful.12:26
Abhijitits pointer keeps chaning very freqently.12:26
pauruHi all, whats up? :) guys i have a problem, when i plug in any external storage USB when i want to remove it i press safely remove but after a while the window pops up again and i have to remove it again in order to stop working, why? does anyone know what is happening?12:27
andaihw d y chnge the cbrd sttngs12:27
andaihf th cys r gne!12:28
madsailorAbhijit, you can change it's sampling rate under settings12:28
Abhijitmadsailor, i 'can' change. but i dont know what value i should to change to?12:28
andainy qbrd s fqt12:28
Kingsy101can someone tell me where I find out    network and gateway  for the interfaces file? I cant see mention of them in ifconfig...12:29
AFDcdavis: that seems to have cleared up all but one 404 error12:29
Garryi still having problems with converting AVI.2MP212:29
madsailorAbhijit, under adjustments tab, calculation rate I think12:29
Abhijitmadsailor, ok12:30
TyredHaving issues with ath9k on Xubuntu x86_64, Slow speeds12:30
AFDcdavis: just the nightlies.videoland.org one is 404 now... I'll try removing the repo and re-adding12:30
TyredCan anyone help? :)12:30
AFDcdavis: thanks for the help btw ;)12:30
Toiletbowlguys hows the performance of 11.04?12:31
KM0201Toiletbowl: well, unity is getting mixed reviews, but other than that.. it seems to run great to me12:31
wagnorhelp, i've stopped apache server using /etc/init.d/apache2 stop , but the server is still standing - when i get onto i still see "It works!" and port 80 is still taken. How can i check what occupies that port ?12:32
wagnori try netstat -a | grep 80 but i see no apache2 there - in fact i see nothing on that port12:32
andaimy keyboard  is completle12:33
jcmariniis there any reason why a blank dvd is not recognised but a blank cd is?12:33
Abhijithow to tune violin in linux?12:33
bindiyou don't have a dvd drive? :D12:33
viddywagnor: try grep http12:33
TyredAny help please?12:33
sipiorTyred: easier if you just ask your question directly.12:34
andaimy keyboard  is completely messed  up, how do i reset layout12:34
Vishal_I got an issue with the new ubuntu... I can't get into the gui. The new bar on the left keeps blinking as if it's constantly reloading. Is this a known bug? Any body know of a fix?12:34
wagnorviddy: it shows nothing12:35
champ__ActionParsnip:installed win32codec from medi ubuntu rep. still no use . cannot play video sfrom apple.com.12:35
Tyredsipior: I did do that, just didn't get any respos, anyway having issues with ath9k on Xubuntu x86_64, problem is slow speeds12:35
Abhijitanyone expert using lingot?12:36
Vishal_anyway to revert my 11.04 upgrade back to 10.10??12:36
ActionParsnipchamp__: try: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg12:36
ActionParsnipVishal_: reinstall maverick12:36
tasslehoffhm. I don't like that shotwell started creating a library from the Pictures folder even before I had told where I wanted it to look..12:37
champ__ActionParsnip:gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is already the newest version.12:37
ActionParsniptasslehoff: the first dialogue had a tick box to add pictures from $HOME/Pictures   you must have missed that12:37
pauruUbuntu has become really crappy you know?12:38
tasslehoffActionParsnip: Could be. I'll delete the config dir and start over12:38
pauruMan i miss the old distros12:38
Vishal_it's becoming more like windows and mac... using up alot of resources..12:39
ActionParsnippauru: don't use it then, there are plenty of linux based distros around to choose from12:39
ActionParsnipVishal_: use LXDE instead of gnome, uses very little then12:39
jattslackware is still around12:39
Vishal_i'll check it out action.12:39
sipiorTyred: yes, but what's the question. i mean, what qualifies as "slow speeds", what have you tried to fix the problem, &cet. "i'm having problems" doesn't give us much to go on, i'm afraid.12:39
ActionParsnipcould also try BSD12:40
Vishal_i need gui for exam week. shiet...12:40
Vishal_i shouldn't have upgraded yet...12:40
andaipauru why12:40
sipiorTyred: also, what wifi chipset are you using?12:40
Vishal_something to do with my video settings... got an issue with loading up gnome properly.12:41
ActionParsnipVishal_: you fixed something which wasnt broken12:41
=== wolf is now known as wolf__
ActionParsnipVishal_: tried a clean install?12:41
tasslehoffActionParsnip: starting it again, it begins "updating library", though I haven't added any pictures. it doesn't show any pictures either, so I`m not sure what it is doing :)12:41
m13OK, made oops on Ubuntu 11.4. I was playing with Compiz_config_manager to see if i could enable the cube.  Now the top of windows have gone, the left bar and super button don't work.12:41
wolf__how can i start cam on pidgin12:41
pauruActionParsnip, you can't deny that its getting really crappy compared to the old ubuntu distros12:41
m13What do i need to do to get functions back :(12:41
Vishal_ActionParsnip i upgraded from 10.10... i don't wanna just clean install.. I got data on here.12:41
Vishal_i'm trying to make that my last resort.12:42
wolf__how can i start cam on pidgin12:42
Tyredsipior: Alright, fair enough. I have an TP-LINK Wireless N Card, Currently is having issues. And Atheros AR500812:42
ActionParsnipVishal_: then use your backups...12:42
andaipauru: define crappy :p12:42
Garrycan anyone help me with converting media avi2mp312:42
ActionParsnipVishal_: if you use a seperate home partition its easier12:42
Vishal_if only i configured those...12:42
paurui will w812:42
FloodBot3m13: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:43
Vishal_ActionParsnip u mean put a new clean install on a separate partition?12:43
naikecan anyone help me with 11.04?12:43
LcawteHi, I'm in the process of upgrading to 11.04, but my PC crashed near the end of the installing new packages section, and I try to boot back in, but I just get flahing lights on my keyboard, how can I complete teh upgrade or fix it?12:43
sipiorTyred: which version of ubuntu are you running, by the way?12:43
m13naike: what have you done?12:43
chandru_inI have all permissions enabled on a file for all users. Yet when I try to cat the file as another user, it says 'permission denied'.12:43
eik3_deI'm using the chromium-daily PPA and since the latest update (13.0.752.0) chromium can't connect to SSL sites with self-signed certificates anymore. When I click "proceed anyway" nothing happens. Any clues?12:43
ActionParsnipVishal_: no the same, wipe clean and reinstall, then restore backups12:43
naikem13 I get the error: Unable to install GRUBB in dev-sda when installation is almost complete12:43
Tyredsipior: It is not operating like it should be. Limited to a max of 25KB/s at max. I am running 11.0412:44
LcawteHi, I'm in the process of upgrading to 11.04, but my PC crashed near the end of the installing new packages section, and I try to boot back in, but I just get flahing lights on my keyboard, how can I complete teh upgrade or fix it?12:44
m13naike: not my bag..12:44
naikem13: ok :(12:44
naikeAnyone else know the solutionf or this error: Unable to install GRUBB in dev-sda12:45
naikelcawte we ened to know what caused the error12:45
Vishal_ActionParsnip i'll try what you're saying... i have no backups setup though...12:45
Lcawtenaike: and how can I tell you that?12:45
Vishal_ActionParsnip does ubuntu have a backup process in the installation?12:45
Crazyhello everyone12:45
sipiorTyred: perhaps this is useful: http://www.qbie.com/?p=43112:45
naikeno idea lol :s are there any logs or something i never used ubuntu for more than 10 mins12:46
sipiorTyred: looks like a more recent driver might solve the problem for you.12:46
Crazymy chrome can't open video12:46
naikei hope you backed up your system, upgrades come with risks12:46
champ__ActionParsnip:it says gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is already the newest version.12:46
Vishal_naike :D I wish I was more responsible.12:46
LcawteHi, I'm in the process of upgrading to 11.04, but my PC crashed near the end of the installing new packages section, and I try to boot back in, but I just get flahing lights on my keyboard, how can I complete teh upgrade or fix it?12:46
ActionParsnipchamp__: you said earlier, and I saw earlier12:47
zvacetnaike: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling from LiveCD and see if it helps12:47
Tyredsipior: Yea, was thinking of same. I have tried disabling power management incase that was effecting it but unfortunately no dice...12:47
thienI create a launcher for a shell script file. How to make it run silently - without the box "Do you want to run..." (Run in Terminal/ Display/ Cancel/Run)12:47
pauruMore and more people are having problems with the 3 latest ubuntu releases, and i am one of those. i have seen so many bugs in these last releases that i felt like i would jump out of the window xD12:47
naikezvacet: thanks12:47
Vishal_Lcawte, u and I are on the same boat!12:47
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)12:47
LcawteHi, I'm in the process of upgrading to 11.04, but my PC crashed near the end of the installing new packages section, and I try to boot back in, but I just get flahing lights on my keyboard, how can I complete teh upgrade or fix it? Syslog: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/602225/12:48
Vishal_I bet there have been a ton of graphics related issues yea? With the whole unity thing and docky crap.12:48
sipiorTyred: hopefully that page will have the drivers you need to get up and running at decent network speeds.12:49
biffsharpyup sure has been alot of probs12:49
pauruI really prefere the old ones like i.ibex and seems like i will change distro again. i loved ubuntu and i still love it but it gets really crappy12:49
Tyredsipior: Yea, just read it hehe... Was just about to attempt that after researching it myself, Thanks12:49
Vishal_pauru what distro u gonna try?12:49
Dr_Willisthien:  make sure your script is executable, and has a proper #!/bin/bash (or whatever is needed) line at the start?12:49
antiheroWhat are the primary mirror sites for the UK?12:49
LcawteHi, I'm in the process of upgrading to 11.04, but my PC crashed near the end of the installing new packages section, and I try to boot back in, but I just get flahing lights on my keyboard, how can I complete teh upgrade or fix it? Syslog: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/602225/12:50
antiherogb.archive or gb.releases?12:50
ActionParsnippauru: what is your issue with it?12:50
naikezvacet: the ubuntu installer already performs those commands, I don't think that is the problem12:50
Dr_WillisLcawte:  flashikg caps lock/numpad light? thats not a good sign. Does a live cd work in the system?12:50
pauruRight now i have problems with my usb drives12:50
ActionParsnippauru: have you logged a bug?12:51
francielhow i can reinstall the default profileof unity?12:51
pauruwhen i plug in any external storage USB when i want to remove it i press safely remove but after a while the window pops up again and i have to remove it again in order to stop working, why? does anyone know what is happening?12:51
thienDr_Willis: it has #!/bin/sh and executable12:51
LcawteDr_Willis: scroll lock and caps lock, yes, I'm running the latest live CD I have (9.10) at the moment12:51
GeorgeJHello, folks. I've just updated to 11.04 and kinda dislike Unity. I've installed gnome-shell, but now I'm having an issue with .ICEauthority, I have both chowned the file and chmodded it to 777. Still getting the error, what should I do next?12:51
jjlee I just reinstalled my OS.  I'm using same home dir, OS release (ubuntu maverick), hardware -- only change is the disk I booted from.  Old install: kaffeine works fine, flashplayer-nonfree (Adobe Flash ns plugin) works fine.  New install: no sound from kaffeine, nor flashplayer-nonfree.  On new install, aplay -Dplughw:1,0 random.wav works.  On the old install, I believe I didn't need the -D argument.  On the new install, apl12:51
jjleeay hangs without that argument.12:51
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity12:51
naikei have my hdd partitioned in 3 primary partitions, and I want to install ubuntu on the unallocated space left12:51
Dr_Willisthien:  instead of a launcher you could just make a soft link to it perhaps.12:51
naikebut i get this Unable to install GRUBB in dev-sda12:51
ActionParsnippauru: have you logged a bug?12:52
jjleeSo why no sound from kaffeine / flash player?  Where should I be looking?12:52
pauruActionParsnip, You mean if i have reported a bug?12:52
ActionParsnippauru: same thing, but have you?12:52
LcawteDr_Willis: Any ideas then?12:52
thienDr_Willis: i make a link, but it show that box, too12:53
champ__ActionParsnip:any help?12:53
jcmarinimy burner will burn cds but not dvds?12:53
ActionParsnipchamp__: dude, seriously. I have no further advice. Can't you take a hint?12:53
champ__ActionParsnip:thank u12:53
naikeHow does WUBI work? does it install ubuntu like if i would use a live cd or does it somehow install it as a simulation actually in windows or something?12:53
ActionParsnipchamp__: did't you pick that up at all when I wasn't replying to you??12:54
jjleejcmarini: what are you doing to try to burn DVDs?  What happened when you did that?12:54
pauruActionParsnip, nope12:54
Dr_Willisthien:  sounds like more security stuff they put in.. sort of annoying.12:54
champ__ActionParsnip:slow learner12:54
Dr_Willisthien:  testing it with differnt extensions now.12:54
LcawteHi, I'm in the process of upgrading to 11.04, but my PC crashed near the end of the installing new packages section, and I try to boot back in, but I just get flahing lights on my keyboard, how can I complete teh upgrade or fix it? Syslog: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/602225/ (Its scroll log and caps lock flashin)12:54
Crazycan anyone help me??12:54
ActionParsnippauru: then how do you expect the developers to know there is an issue if you haven't told them?12:54
GeorgeJI'm having an issue with .ICEauthority, when logging into the gnome-shell it says it cannot update it. I've both chowned it to myself and chmodded it to 777. still nothing12:54
thienDr_Willis: how?12:55
Dr_WillisLcawte:  if a live cd works. I would suggest backing up your impiorntant stuff and doing a clean install.12:55
Crazymy chrome can't open video12:55
LcawteDr_Willis: seriously? Is there not another way?12:55
Crazywho knows why??12:55
Dr_Willisthien:  testing with script.sh vs script  and so on..  wonder if it does it with more then just bash scripts12:55
Dr_WillisLcawte:  its going to be very hard to tell what got messed up and take a lot of time.. and perhaps 40 min to do a reinstall..12:55
ActionParsnippauru: if people don't report bugs then things don't get fixed12:56
Dr_WillisLcawte:  the keyboard leds flashing is the kernel not loading, or some major crash going on.12:56
rach0Crazy, open a chrome tab and type about:plugins. See if the flash plugin is located and loaded12:56
LcawteDr_Willis: There is now way I can back it up, I have the one disk, and I'm not messing with partitions and have LAMP running... is there not a way I can get the upgrader to finish?12:56
Flippo_Hi ! After adding a user with useradd, is there a way to create the default folder ~/.kde or ~/.gnome ?12:57
jjleeLcawte: you don't have a backup already?12:57
Dr_WillisLcawte:  its going to be very hard to tell what needs upgraded now. You could try chrooting into the installed system and reruning the upgrade commands. but i wouldent put much faith in that working.12:57
Lcawtejjlee: not of my stuff or anything on the server, no12:57
jjleeLcawte: that's unfortunate12:58
Crazyrach0: it seems have nothing12:58
Dr_WillisLcawte:  You should of made backups befor you even started.12:58
ActionParsnipFlippo_: when they log in it will be made12:58
Flippo_I want to do it before they log in ActionParsnip  :p12:59
pauruActionParsnip, Thats true, but why i haden't ha d these problems with other distros?12:59
Crazyrach0: it is blank12:59
jcmarinijjlee: braseo and gnome burner give message; no media when i put blank dvd in12:59
Dr_WillisLcawte:  You could try live cd and chroot in, and rerun update manager.  but ive no idea if that can work.12:59
Crazyrach0: how did it happen?12:59
LcawteDr_Willis: I don't have the disk space or the knowledge to play around with partitions, I would backup if I could.12:59
pauruAnyway, i'll change because i need a realtime kernel so ubuntu won't do for me anyway13:00
jjleeLcawte: get that knowledge13:00
Dr_WillisLcawte:  not like its really hard to plug in a extranal usb hard drive and copy imporntant files over.. thats about all the backup i do.. or use the UbuntuOne stuff for a few things.13:00
graunjaljhello , im goingo to do a home server and i like to know opinions , who is better debian or ubuntu server ?13:00
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Dr_Willisgraunjalj:  totally depends on what the server is doing. I imagine both will do most of what you need fine.13:01
pauruI will always love it as it was the distro that started my Linux Journey :)13:01
joakim_Hey guys. I'm having a problem when trying to use the update manager for 11.04.13:01
joakim_W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/deluge-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found , W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/deluge-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found , E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:01
LcawteDr_Willis: Not everyone has money to spare on the latest gadgets, and Ubuntu One is no where near big enough quota13:01
Dr_WillisLcawte:  now you got some tough decisions ahead.13:01
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Dr_WillisUSB hd is a latest gadget? heh..13:01
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:02
graunjaljokey , tx Dr_Willis13:02
rach0Crazy, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree and then "sudo cp /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins/13:02
zvacetjoakim_: disable all third party repos before upgrade13:02
rach0Crazy, then restart Chromium13:02
jjleeLcawte: do you have actual data on there (databases, files), or just configuration?13:02
Crazyrach0: ok,let me have a try13:02
Lcawtejjlee: on my disk? Databases, files and configuration13:02
LcawteDr_Willis: I have chrooted, now what command do you reckon13:03
Dr_WillisLcawte:  whatever commands the update-manager needed.. i rarely use updates. i do clean installs mostly13:03
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:03
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jcmarinijjlee: do some blank dvds just not get recognised because of some reason in manufacture?13:04
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paurujoakim, if you want to post outputs of a terminal etc it would be  a good idea to use pastebin.com13:04
ActionParsniprach0: could symlink instead, saves space ;)13:04
madPJKfanhi - have a bug in Empathy - won't let me add new contacts - this is a known bug, there doesn't seem to be a fix - just wondering if anyone knows how to manually add a contact - been trawling thru directories, can't seem to find a config file for this stuff...13:04
joakim_zvacet: thanks :)13:04
jjleeLcawte: sounds like you have access to your files?  Back them up now.13:05
shomonhi, where can I get pdf2swf? on ubuntu 10.10 that is13:05
vakHow to get Eclipse and its icon pinned to Launcher in Ubuntu 11 Unity?13:05
shomonis it in a package?13:05
Lcawtejjlee: I can't, I don't have the storage space or the knowledge of safely playing with partitions, I've already said13:06
jjleeLcawte: no playing with partitions is needed.  Just back up *your* data -- not the whole OS13:06
ActionParsnipvak: run it, when it appears in the bar, right click it and select 'keep in launcher'13:06
Dr_Willisvak:  ive seen that asked by a few other people in here. Not seen a good answer. Perhaps check/ask on the http://askubuntu.com site.13:06
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Dr_WillisI was thinking eclipse had issues with that. because of how it had a lauincher that launxched other scripts.. or somthing liek that. :)13:07
jjleeLcawte: if you don't have *any* other storage (CD-R?), get a gmail account, tar it up, and mail it to yourself, or something13:07
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Lcawtejjlee: do you expect me to go through and grab all the config files, my photos, my databases and everything? I don't have the space to do that13:07
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vakActionParsnip: No, it doesn't work any well -- 1. after the logoff-login it disappears. 2. I can't assign the correct icon (the question mark is shown instead)13:08
vakDr_Willis: Thanks13:08
c4pthi i was wondering if someone could help me with compiz fusion desktop effects with ubuntu natty 11.04 ive tried to use a workaround from a few different sites but i am still stuck with the problem of compiz not working right by either crashing or not working properly (i am currently using ubuntu classic instead of unity)13:08
naikeUnable to install GRUBB in dev-sda  help me cant install 11.0413:08
Dr_Willisvak:  searching tha site now.. not seeing an answer.  You may want to post the question.13:08
jjleeLcawte: If *you* don't expect yourself to do that, you're likely to eventually lose all of those things13:08
GeorgeJUnity is bad.13:08
c4ptGeorgeJ, lol yeah13:08
Dr_WillisGeorgeJ:  demand a refund.13:08
* Dr_Willis wonders if we need a #ubuntu-complaints channel.13:09
pauruLcawte, You have to get a big external drive, this thing will save you many times and its a must13:09
GeorgeJI'm not making a complaint, just a remark.13:09
ojiihow do I change the language of my login screen?13:09
blackbitLcawte: Thats not good. We are talking about an ubuntu problem I guess, but make your first priority to backup your data as IF your hardware should fail for whatever reason, your data would be lost anyway. This applies to Windows, to Linux and to every other Os.13:09
bazhangGeorgeJ, any support issues?13:09
abhinav_singhis there any charting tool for ubuntu which read the excel files and chart time..openoffice chart interface is not good as compared to mac office and windows13:10
Dr_WillisHard drives - i find - are the weakest part of the hardware  these days.   They seem to get worse every year.. but they are getting much more denser and compelx i guess.. and cheaper.13:10
vakDr_Willis: http://askubuntu.com/questions/35625/how-do-i-make-unity-remember-which-applications-are-in-the-launcher13:10
dd214is there a way in 11.04 to disable Unity?  It appears to be causing problems with my VMWare Workstation13:10
ojiidd214, yes13:10
GeorgeJNot related to Unity, no. Unity works just fine13:10
Dr_Willisvak:  it does work with otehr apps? just not Eclipse?13:10
ojiidd214, on login you can select whether to boot into unity or plain old gnome13:10
pauruojii go to system/Administration/language  support13:10
Lcawteblackbit: I am planning to additional drives to start backing stuff up when I get some money in, but I can't do that yet13:11
GeorgeJI've had some problems installing gnome-shell, but I think I've fixed it now13:11
ojiipauru, I did, but the language i chose there is not the one showing up on login13:11
dd214ojii,  As of today, that menu at the bottom of the login screen is no longer available to me13:11
c4ptcan anyone point me somewhere , where i can get compiz fusion working properly with ubuntu classic on 11.04 ?13:11
m4khow do I connect with windows pc with its name from ubuntu13:11
ojiipauru, my language after login is English (as it should be), but in login it's Japanese13:11
ojiidd214, oh, you can change the default in the login screen settings though13:12
ramshotHeya, 11.04 seems great but I'm flipping out because I can't find where to change the shift-alt-up shortcut, which is basically "expo for current workspace only"13:12
Dr_Willisc4pt:  on the login screen. i thought ther ewas a 'classic' and 'classic without effects' (or was it with effects?)  You do have the proper 3d drivers installed?13:12
ActionParsnipm4k: can you expand on "connect"13:12
ramshotAnyone know where I can change it, if anywhere?13:12
Dr_Willisramshot:  it would be a setting in the CCSM tool.13:12
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz13:12
Crazyrach0: it didn't work...13:12
vakDr_Willis: with applications that are installed with Ubuntu it works fine.13:12
dd214ojii, once I've logged in, where can I disable Unity?13:12
ramshotDr_Willis: Yeah, I have that, but I can't find it anywhere. I can only find the super+w one under the expo plugin, but that does expo for all apps.13:12
pauruojii there is a small box which says Apply system wide, did you push that? xD13:12
champ__running ubuntu 10.10 with restricted extras amd medi ubuntu win32codec installed . problem is i cannot paly videos from apple .com13:12
jcmariniwhy is a blank dvd not showing on desktop but cd is ok?13:12
c4ptDr_Willis, yes i am using ubuntu classic (the one with effects) and the nvidia binary driver from nvidia (with the module recompiled for the current 11.04 kernel)13:12
hamneggayou need to install the plugins packages for compiz13:13
ActionParsnipdd214: log in to gnome classic and it won't load13:13
Dr_Willisvak:  So you may want to post a eclipse specifc question. I think its how eclipse sets up its env. and launches thats teh issue.13:13
vakDr_Willis: in contrast, Eclipse was just a unpack-and-go java application13:13
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c4ptDr_Willis, but when i enable compiz it doesnt run properly or it crashes13:13
GeorgeJOh, I'm still having problems with my .ICEauthority file after installing the gnome-shell. I've chowned it to myself and also chmodded it to 777. It still complains that the file cannot be updated. Deleting it does not work either. What could I do next?13:13
hamneggaanyone here use pyrit with the latest available kernel?13:13
m4kActionParsnip: actually My  SVN server is on windows machine I'm not able to checkout with pc name, and the network is using DHCP13:13
dd214ActionParsnip how do I do that?13:13
Crazyrach0: it says my shockwave flash has collapse13:13
c4ptDr_Willis, or i get a skewed desktop13:13
Dr_Willisc4pt:  interesting. Im using nvidia drivers from the repos. I had the compiz stuff with no changes needed I think.13:13
zvacetdd214: under sessionchoose ubunut classic13:14
ActionParsnipdd214: login screen, click your username then select gnome classic frmo drop down13:14
smartuxany software that mimics a marker board?13:14
hamneggaDr_Willis, man up and use the real nvidia drivers13:14
champ__running ubuntu 10.10 with restricted extras amd medi ubuntu win32codec installed . problem is i cannot paly videos from apple .com13:14
ShawnRiskI am using 11.04 and there are a few adjustments I want to make but can't figure out how.  First how do I remove the dock on the left side, and leave just which windows are open?13:14
ActionParsnipsmartux: gpaint maybe13:14
Dr_Willishamnegga:  i dont need to for my 6150SE in this box..13:14
hamneggadownload mplayer plugin for firefox ShawnRisk13:14
ActionParsnipShawnRisk: log off and log into gnome classic13:14
c4ptDr_Willis, did you install 11.04 clean or did you run a dist-upgrade from update-manager -d ?13:14
dd214I guess no one read where I stated that menu "Does Not" display from my login screen13:14
Dr_Willisc4pt:  i almost always do clean installs.13:14
dd214is there an alternative to Disabling Unity "Other than the login screen"?13:15
Dr_Willisc4pt:  so these are clean13:15
c4ptDr_Willis, this is on a dist-upgrade (-d)13:15
blackbitdd214, first selet a user13:15
rach0Crazy, does it loads other plugins?13:15
blackbitdd214: then menu should appear, as long as the password box appear13:15
Dr_Willisdd214:  start a differnt window manager via editing your .dmrc perhaps. :)13:15
c4ptDr_Willis, on the alpha 3 compiz was working13:15
satahow to install ati 5770 dribers in ubuntu 11.0.413:15
dd214blackbit, thnx will verify13:15
Dr_Willisc4pt:  i even do clean reinstalls from beta. Just to keep things cleaner.13:15
c4ptDr_Willis, i reinstalled to 10.10 and now 11.04 final came out and i ran dist-upgrade compiz broke after the install13:15
champ__running ubuntu 10.10 with restricted extras amd medi ubuntu win32codec installed . problem is i cannot play videos from apple .com13:15
blackbitdd214: It will work ;)13:15
c4ptDr_Willis, any suggestions? :/13:16
ShawnRiskActionParsnip: I can't do this with the current one?13:16
zvacetdd214: so you have no choice on login screen13:16
satathe driver is not installing13:16
sataany help13:16
Dr_Willisc4pt:  not really. Ive had no issues with the drivers. or compiz here.13:16
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hamneggac4pt did compiz really break or did you not have a startup item for it anymore, like compiz.real --replace13:16
blackbitzvacet, the menu in wich you can choose gnome or unity appear only when you select a user from the list...13:16
rach0Crazy, open a terminal and type -> chromium-browser --enable-plugins13:17
c4pthamnegga, like i said compiz broke even with the startup item i made compiz --replace & in startup13:17
hamneggastrange, even with driver workingn still13:17
AzizeHello, witch package is necessary to install to enable personal file sharing?13:17
ActionParsnipAzize: samba13:17
c4pthamnegga, i tried pulling all the compiz packages out and reinstalling them i get a skewed desktop or it panics or i get strange effects that its not supposed to do (abnormal activity from it that is a pita)13:18
gaurav_helppen drive is getting disconnect when i put in my system ubuntu 10.1013:18
zvacetblackbit: ok but he is telling there is no such thing13:18
blackbitzvacet: wait for he to report back ;)13:18
Dr_Willisc4pt:  clarify what you mean by Skewed.13:18
zvacetblackbit: and that is strange13:18
ojiipauru, yep, several times13:18
AzizeI already installed samba and smbfs packages, but chackbox still disabled.13:18
c4pthamnegga, and i dont really feel like going back to ubuntu 10.10 (since downgrading means really a clean install) i rather keep moving forward instead of backwards13:18
hamneggac4pt, I would try recompiling my driver manually, since you probably are using a different one with an updated kernel13:19
champ__running ubuntu 10.10 with restricted extras amd medi ubuntu win32codec installed . problem is i cannot play videos from apple .com13:19
c4ptDr_Willis, like on terminal the top of the menu bar disappears and i cant move the window or it rips icons out of firefox making it a major pita to use13:19
hamneggachamp__ you were the one I meant to say download mplayer plugin for firefox13:19
Flippo_Hi ! After adding a user with useradd, is there a way to create the default folder ~/.kde or ~/.gnome (before they log in) ?13:19
Crazyrach0: i typed chromium-browser --enable-plugins in the terminal ,it opens another chrome windows13:19
pauruojii, damn...maybe its a bug then xD13:20
hamneggamkdir I mean13:20
rach0Crazy, yes it does, now in the new window can you run flash videos?13:20
ojiipauru, also some shell commands (eg mysql/postgres) show Japanese UI13:20
pauruojii thats cool xD13:20
ojiipauru, it is, and most of the time I don't mind13:21
Crazyrach0: sorry ,it can't ...13:21
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adzyhello all13:21
ojiipauru, but when other people try to do shit on my machine they're usually a bit confused13:21
zvacetFlippo_:  I don't know what are you need it for because every user make his home folder13:21
pauruojii nice ;)13:21
bazhangojii, no cursing13:21
c4ptDr_Willis, hamnegga i had it working for a moment a few hours ago when i made  a new user account but when i enabled composite and opengl in compizconfig-settings-manager it broke again13:21
ojiibazhang, oh, sorry13:21
janolap1Hi everybody, I have a problem with one of my ubuntu 8.04 server. Someone has done something (maybe she has delete a file) and now the server doesn't boot, showing the error : grub loading please wait error 15. And the server is configurated with LVM. I have booted with rescueCD but don't know what to do. Can you help me, please ?13:21
ojiipauru, I probably should just look at it as a security "feature" ;-)13:22
Crazyrach0: it also says the plugin of shackwave flash is collapse13:22
pauruojii ;)13:22
Dr_Willisjanolap1:  some user with sudo rights has accidently deleted some system files?, are you sure of this?13:22
hamneggayeah, your just enabling a plugin that it can't handle c4pt, you need to find out how to clear your plugin selections or remove, purge your compiz packages and replace13:22
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GeorgeJI'm getting an error when trying to login, "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/gjiglau/.ICEauthority". How could I fix this?13:22
chingwahey, can any one help me on how to download ubuntu packages13:22
ojiichingwa, what's the problem?13:23
janolap1Dr_Willis : I really don't know what the user with sudo did (and she's not here until thursday).13:23
ojiiis there a way to change the shortcuts in the launcher? I won't ever need "view photos", so I'd like to replace it with something that is useful to me13:23
ActionParsnipGeorgeJ: run:   sudo chown gjiglau:gjiglau /home/gjiglau/.ICEauthority13:23
zvacetchingwa: you don't have internet on Ubuntu comp13:23
GeorgeJjanolap1: try checking out .bash_history in her home folder13:23
adzy anyone know how to remote control my server? its only got windows 2008 and i want ubuntu server edition on it but i dont have a screen13:24
lemoreki try to upgrade ubuntu 10.10-11.04, and python2.7-minimal could not be upgraded because "E: pycompile:240: Requested versions are not installed". i only change maverick to natty in /etc/apt/sources.list13:24
Crazyrach0: now what can i do?13:24
Dr_Willisactually dosent sudo have some sort of logging feature to show all sudo-ran commands?13:24
janolap1GeorgeJ : I would like to, but I don't know how to mount lvm volume in rescue CD... I did lvm and lvdisplay13:24
ikonialemorek: that's your problem then13:24
milen8204sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda6 /home13:24
milen8204mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda6,13:24
milen8204       missing codepage or helper program, or other error13:24
milen8204       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try13:24
milen8204       dmesg | tail  or so13:24
GeorgeJActionParsnip: That doesn't solve the issue, nor did chmod 777, nor deleting the file. I should mention that I've just installed gnome-shell after upgrading from 10.10 to 11.0413:24
FloodBot3milen8204: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:24
abhinav_singhhello guys..hows the 11.04....did any one try?13:24
ActionParsniplemorek: that's not how you upgrade13:24
shomoncan I get pdf2swf on ubuntu 10.10 within an apt package?13:24
ActionParsnip!upgrade | lemorek13:24
ubottulemorek: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:24
ikonialemorek: that's not how you upgrade13:25
bazhangabhinav_singh, yes13:25
Dr_Willisadzy:  you can ssh into a server and controll it that way. or set up vnc/freenx/other things13:25
ikoniaabhinav_singh: it's fine13:25
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smartuxis kde more powerful than gnome?13:25
hamneggawhy does everyone insist on attempting to upgrade instead of reinstalling, your bound for trouble13:25
Dr_Willissmartux:  more flexiable and configurable..13:25
zvacetlemorek: and you didn't update maverick before upgrade?13:25
lemorekok, so i revert to maverick, and use the synaptic13:25
bazhangsmartux, #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss13:25
adzyDr_Willis, what do i need to ssh?13:25
Dr_Willissmartux:  also easier to get lost in. :)13:25
c4pthamnegga, bbiab13:25
abhinav_singhbazhang ikonia are you using ubuntu for development purpose?13:25
jcmariniblank dvd not showing- but cd is-why?13:25
Dr_Willisadzy:  a ssh server. and know how - of how to use ssh.13:25
ActionParsnipsmartux: no, its equally powerful13:25
viksudisks alternate in 9.0413:25
MagePsychohi guys..13:25
Dr_Willis!ssh | adzy13:26
ubottuadzy: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)13:26
MagePsychoi am new to ubuntu13:26
lemorekhamnegga: because it is proper way of using OS13:26
c4pthamnegga, cube and rotate cube are working but my open windows like xchat and terminal are missing the very top of the window like where you would grab with the mouse to move the window13:26
ActionParsniplemorek: if you upgrade in a bad way you will get issues, there is a method to upgrading13:26
ActionParsnipshomon: is it not in the partner repo?13:26
adzyDr_Willis, thanks doc ;)13:26
lemorekActionParsnip: what method ?13:26
shomonsorry ActionParsnip I wouldn't know... I'm just looking at http://designbye.wordpress.com/2010/02/23/installing-swftools-and-pdf2swf-on-ubuntu-linux/13:26
hamneggayou need to enable window decoration plugin c4pt13:26
shomonI did sudo apt-get install swftools and it found nothing13:27
c4pthamnegga, thanks13:27
c4pthamnegga, now the top of the window is back but i cant physically move the windows around13:27
MagePsychoubuntu official site?13:27
bazhangMagePsycho, www.ubuntu.com13:28
janolap1GeorgeJ : Can you help me to mount lvm to access files ?13:28
ActionParsnip!upgrade | lemorek13:28
ubottulemorek: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:28
hamneggac4pt think a little, move windows plugin maybe?13:28
Dr_Willisweird that all those plugins are disabled..13:28
ActionParsnipshomon: add the repo and you will be able to install it like any other app13:28
chingwazvacent, I have internet. I fail to play mp3 files. When i try to search for some packages online, errors occur. What should I do?13:28
MagePsychoso i need to download from that link: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download13:28
abhinav_singhbazhang ikonia are you using ubuntu for development purpose?13:28
GeorgeJjanolap1: http://www.brandonhutchinson.com/Mounting_a_Linux_LVM_volume.html13:28
MagePsychoand make it bootable and install?13:28
milen8204a little help whit that: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda6 /home13:28
AzizeIs there any other package to be installed to enable personal file sharing. I installed samba and smbfs.13:28
hamneggaYeah, I only noticed it in my last install (having to re-enable all the plugins in compiz)13:28
milen8204i cant mount it :(13:29
MagePsychoi am new to ubuntu so13:29
Dr_WillisMagePsycho:  you burn the iso to disk properly. and it will be bootable.13:29
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto13:29
shomonthanks ActionParsnip13:29
janolap1GeorgeJ : thank you ! I'll read it !13:29
milen8204anyone can help ?13:29
c4pthamnegga, :( ?13:29
zvacetchingwa: from ubunutu software center install ubuntu restricted extras13:29
hamneggac4pt:  what?13:29
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Dr_Willismilen8204:  any error messages?13:29
MagePsychoany pre-requisites for installing in Dell Studio 1569 ?13:29
c4pthamnegga, selecting move on the window doesnt help either (not in plugins but actually right clicking and selecting move)13:29
Dr_WillisMagePsycho:  it sould work in most machines.. the cd is also a 'live cd' you can test befor you install13:30
rpkI can't seem to connect to application servers hosted on my machine from other machines, however, I can connect from my machine to other machines.  any ideas?  I can ping remotely to my machine though.13:30
hamneggac4pt did you enable the move windows plugin?13:30
c4pthamnegga, i see it13:30
milen8204Dr_Willis, yes wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda6, missing codepage or helper program, or other error13:30
rpk(worked on 10.10, broken when updated to 11.04)13:30
c4pthamnegga, yes makes sense13:30
milen8204so on13:30
c4pthamnegga, lol13:30
GeorgeJjanolap1: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/how-can-i-mount-lvm-partition-in-ubuntu-569507/ might also help13:30
c4pthamnegga, thanx13:30
Dr_Willismilen8204:  thats the generic 'it failed' message13:30
hamneggamay need to also select resize window, etc.13:30
ActionParsniprpk: what are you connecting to achieve? "connect" doesn't tell us much13:31
milen8204Dr_Willis, sudo fdisk -l : /dev/sda1   *           1        6687    53709824   83  Linux13:31
milen8204/dev/sda2            6687       60802   434674689    5  Extended13:31
milen8204/dev/sda5            6687        7781     8787968   82  Linux swap / Solaris13:31
milen8204/dev/sda6            7781       60802   425885696   83  Linux13:31
FloodBot3milen8204: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
c4pthamnegga, thank you13:31
Dr_Willismilen8204:  could be a bad/currupted filesystem also. fsck it perhaps.13:31
c4pthamnegga, ill bbl or bbiab13:31
rpkActionParsnip: trying to connect over java rmi, or to a weblogic application console (port 7001)13:31
hamneggarpk, maybe you need to setup port forwarding on your router13:31
c4pthamnegga, i appreciate it thank you!13:31
hamneggano problem13:31
milen8204Dr_Willis, /dev/sda6            7781       60802   425885696   83  Linux13:32
rpkhamnegga: it worked on 10.1013:32
ActionParsniprpk: can you telnet to the port from ubuntu? Can you ping the server system's IP?13:32
Dr_Willismilen8204:  try without the -t also.13:32
milen8204Dr_Willis,  ok13:32
shomonhmm ActionParsnip - sorry but what repository should I turn on? I'm in synaptic, trying to get swftools...13:32
chingwaojii, I cant play videos and audio files13:32
hamneggathere are many different scenarios for that issue.  Are you trying a dns resolve?  Do you use dns services that need to be refreshed?  Maybe your public ip has changed, etc.13:32
marelI've upgraded to 11.04, however I don't like the main toolbar being on the left, is there any way to change back to the old toolbar ?13:32
milen8204Dr_Willis, i think I did it :D13:32
rpkActionparsnip: I can ping the server machine, yes13:32
c4pthamnegga, i knew compiz did desktop effects but i didnt realize it grabbed control of the entire desktop like that and if its a totally fresh config or a non working config; i didnt realize stuff like that had to be selected since i am used to installing enabling two or three things and usually leaving it the way it is13:32
ActionParsnipmarel: log off and log in to gnome classic13:33
bazhangmarel, choose classic at login window13:33
hamneggamaybe you need to chown your apache directory or whatever service your running13:33
mikeatvillageI have dual boot (xubuntu & lubuntu) and want to swap the default in Grub2. I have tried a couple of Grub managers but can't get them to make the change... any recommendations?13:33
GeorgeJshomon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SWFTools13:33
ActionParsniprpk: can you telnet to the socket?13:33
milen8204Dr_Willis, Could not open location 'file:///home/millen'13:33
shomonthanks GeorgeJ13:33
rpkActionParsnip: just a sec, trying to find a vm that has telnet installed13:33
ojiichingwa, locally? try `sudo apt-get install smplayer`13:33
drMikewould line 7 work?13:33
drMikethis is a 10.04 LTS issue13:34
milen8204Dr_Willis, if I reboot my PC may crash :D13:34
ojiichingwa, do no videos work or only some?13:34
ActionParsnipmikeatvillage: why do you have the OS installed twice, you can have lxde installed on xubuntu and choose lxde at login time13:34
drMikemost solutions I see are suggesting http://blog.roberthallam.org/2010/06/sshd-not-running-at-startup/13:34
drMikestart on filesystem and net-device-up IFACE=eth013:34
mikeatvillageActionParsnip: I want the 2 OS to be completely separate.13:34
ActionParsnipmikeatvillage: reasonable, ive seen folks do it, just wasnt sure you were aware :)13:35
janolap1GeorgeJ : I think she did a recursive rm... too bad !13:35
gaurav_helphow i sniff usb traficc in ubuntu13:35
bazhanggaurav_help, usb traffic?13:35
GeorgeJdrMike: If you are having problems with SSH not starting at boot. Try checking if /etc/init.d/ssh is executable13:35
mikeatvillageActionParsnip: I wasn't actually aware :-)  But, what I've done is what I need for the moment.13:36
rpkActionParsnip: Can't telnet either13:36
gaurav_helpbazhang, like usbmon13:36
janolap1GeorgesJ : There is nothing (or so few) in the system. Thank you for your help...13:36
drMikeGeorgeJ:  this is a standard bug for 10.04 I think13:37
GeorgeJjanolap1: My suggestion would be to backup everything you have and do a complete reinstall13:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 216847 in openssh (Ubuntu) "sshd will not start at boot if ListenAddress is set, because network interface is not yet up" [Low,Confirmed]13:37
GeorgeJdrMike: SSH not starting? Doubtfull13:37
drMikesee link :)13:37
janolap1GeorgesJ : I have to do this... but what a waste of time !13:37
milen8204Dr_Willis, noting happend13:38
GeorgeJdrMike: You could always listen on all interfaces and filter the interfaces you want out by using iptables13:38
hamneggayou could just have the interface you want setup correctly in interfaces and then update-rc.d for networking13:39
rpkoh, and ActionParsnip, its only remotely, I can connect fine to services on the same pc13:40
Laurencebhi, im trying to get integrated webcam working on a lenovo thinkpad sl51013:40
rpk(from that pc)13:40
Laurencebcan anyone help?13:40
GeorgeJYes, you should have your interface in /etc/networking/interfaces. I'm not positive but it would be best to check13:40
LaurencebGeogeJ: auto lo iface lo inet loopback13:42
milen8204Any one can help? I had preinstaled my ubuntu. And now I am trying to mount old /home folder, which was on different partition, to my new /home folder. What should I do?13:42
ActionParsnip milen8204 I'll give you the line from my fstab for you to add13:44
brontosaurusrexhow does dolhin differently behave when it comes to ssh locations than nautilus? what should i read to understand?13:44
ActionParsnipmilen8204: UUID=43beb8fe-c819-4ec4-9909-c0cc658d7a9b /home           ext4    defaults,user_xattr        0       213:44
ActionParsnipmilen8204: the UUID will be different13:44
GeorgeJmilen8204: You could replace the UUID from ActionParsnip with the path to the partition you want mounted13:45
m4kI have my SVN server in windows server and the network runs on DHCP how I can checkout with pc name .... ubuntu is not able to connect with PC name13:46
GeorgeJm4k: I think you need samba to resolve windows machine names13:47
ActionParsnipm4k: does the windows system have a firewall?13:47
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)13:47
GeorgeJm4k: Do you have connectivity with the machine, does ping work?13:47
m4kActionParsnip, no13:47
ActionParsnipm4k: I'd add a resove for the name in /etc/hosts so the name resolves to the ip13:47
m4kGeorgeJ, i can ping with ip but not machine name13:47
ActionParsnipm4k: the hots file will make it resolve13:48
m4kActionParsnip, LAN is DHCP so ip changes every day13:48
GeorgeJm4k: Either add a line in /etc/hosts to add an allias to that machine as ActionParsnip suggested or isntall samba.13:48
milen8204ActionParsnip, I dont understand much13:48
ActionParsnipm4k: a server on dhcp, weird13:48
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m4kcan install samba if that works13:49
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hatchetjackI can no longer move programs in my task bar in 11.0413:50
hatchetjackany ideas what happened?13:50
GeorgeJm4k: See http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/nmbd.8.html13:50
ActionParsniphatchetjack: it broke is my guess13:51
drMikehow to check if a daemon is up?13:51
rpkActionParsnip: I installed ssh, and can connect from windows into my ubuntu machine13:51
m4kActionParsnip: yes will change it soon I just joined them13:51
drMikeps aux | grep mysqld ?13:51
antiherosince upgrading to natty, I don't have an nvidia kernel module, and X11 will not start. Any ideas?13:51
milen8204ActionParsnip, it is UUID unique for every device ?13:51
drMikehey Drduck :)13:51
hatchetjackI am getting use to something breaking when I upgrade ubuntu13:51
ActionParsnipmilen8204: yes13:51
* hatchetjack sighs13:51
antiheroChanging the X11 Module to "nv" gets X running but I don' tthink it has hardware accelleration13:51
ActionParsnipmilen8204: sudo blkid   will show you yours13:51
drMikearen't we too peas in a pod :)13:51
ActionParsniphatchetjack: ask a silly question....13:51
GeorgeJhatchetjack: That's ubuntu's new replacement shell called Unity13:51
milen8204ActionParsnip, It is the same for sta1, sta2 and others ?13:52
ActionParsnipantihero: remove the driver, reboot, install driver, reboot13:52
ActionParsnipmilen8204: any storage device, yes13:52
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity13:52
milen8204ActionParsnip, I see it is the same for different partition :D thanks13:53
drMikeGeorgeJ: btw13:53
antiheroActionParsnip: Will do.13:53
drMike-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3899 2010-05-19 20:30 /etc/init.d/ssh13:53
drMikeit's executable13:53
rootkill -9 /bin/laden13:54
drMike$ no pid to kill13:55
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rpkanyone else want to give it a go?  Have one ubuntu machine, one windows machine.  Can ssh / ping both ways.  Can't connect to server running on ubuntu machine from windows machine.  Server is fine when connecting from ubuntu to itself.13:55
DrduckI have a problem. I am on my touch so bare with grammar please. I just updated to the new version of ubuntu. My problem is that I am unable to get any sort of wifi connection. When I run my finger across the wifi button, it won't even turn on. Once again, sorry for the grammar.13:55
ActionParsnipGuest35861: running an irc client as root is REALLY bad idea13:55
Crazymy chrome 's plugin (shockwave flash) is collaspe13:55
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Crazycan anyone help me13:55
GeorgeJrpk: sudo netstat -anl13:55
Guest35861i'm on windows in fact atm, ActionParsnip .. my user account happens to be named "root" :)13:55
antiherodpkg-reconfigure nvidia-current followed by reboot seems to have done the trick13:55
antiherono unity though :S13:56
enavHELLO.... this is my work station  http://is.gd/I3Ncla , im using 2 video cards  to connect all those displays... ica can use them all together as a single virtual desktop and move windwos among them... but i CAN'T activate compiz effects .... no matter what i do compiz wont work.. .Suggestions?13:56
ActionParsnipCrazy: what is the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep swf; dpkg -l | grep gnash13:56
misse-rpk: what kind of server?13:56
GeorgeJdrMike: Can you see any messages related to sshd in /var/log/messages?13:56
rpkmisse-: Weblogic13:56
drMikeone sec :)13:57
misse-dunno what that is. but "sudo netstat -anp | grep <port number>" and "sudo iptables -nvL" might help out rpk13:57
CrazyActionParsnip: No LSB modules are available.13:57
CrazyDistributor ID:Ubuntu13:57
CrazyDescription:Ubuntu 10.1013:57
FloodBot3Crazy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:57
rpk GeorgeJ: http://pastebin.com/GMRmcQBJ13:57
drMikeno messages13:58
drMikeI had to reboot the vps container13:58
drMikewell, Xen container13:58
CrazyActionParsnip: Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 19:00:26 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux13:58
GeorgeJrpk: What port is your service listening at?13:58
drMikethen the damn container was stuck13:58
drMikethat's when I did sbin/shutdown -r now13:58
rpkweblogic http is at 700113:58
sss314How do I check last-modified date with command line?13:58
rpkand the java rmi server should be available at 9099.13:58
Fuchssss314: touch13:58
Fuchssss314: or ls -l13:59
ActionParsnipCrazy: put the whole thing in a pastebin, use http://pastebin.com13:59
ipgdgreat :p13:59
ActionParsnipCrazy: when you make the paste, copy the url and paste it in here13:59
sss314Fuchs, thanks14:00
misse-rpk: looks like 7001 only listens on tcp614:00
CrazyActionParsnip: ok...did i type lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep swf; dpkg -l | grep gnash into terminal14:00
GeorgeJrpk: The service on port 7001 is listening however the 9099 one is only listening on ipv6 localhost14:00
ipgdwow it seems all expert here .....14:00
ipgdgreetings everyone14:01
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enavWhat is the ubuntu bug report channel?14:01
milen8204ActionParsnip, what-for  I should write in fstab :  defaults,user_xattr, I just want to know\14:01
rpkGeorgeJ: not sure what to do with that...  problem is definitely in ubuntu, all of this worked 2 days ago before upgrading to 11.0414:01
aLkyguy, my touchpad is not working properly - it moves the cursor to random places and randomly clicks/rightcliks (using acer aspire & ubuntu 11.04)14:01
rpkso where should I look to fix it?14:02
GeorgeJrpk: If the service on port 9099 is running under a JVM, I recall there is a problem related to ipv6 sockets not listening on ipv4 aswell as configured14:02
rpkGeorgeJ: yeah, its running under a jvm.  Is this a new issue for 11.04?14:02
driller_anyone familiar with vsftpd working against a mysql database?14:02
enavdriller_: that have no sense14:03
GeorgeJrpk: I think the issue is related to this bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=56005614:03
ubottuDebian bug 560056 in openjdk-6 "net.ipv6.bindv6only=1 breaks java networking" [Important,Open]14:03
driller_how come enav?14:03
enavdriller_: vsftp is a FTIP client/server14:03
driller_well, mysql database - it reads the users from it (virtual users)14:03
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zepherinUnity bricked my laptop14:04
GeorgeJrpk: If you search google for "bindv6only" you mght be able to find out more about your problem14:04
No_one_at_allunity ... unity...sounds familiar but I can't place it, zepherin.14:04
jillsmitwhere can i get manuals about zte ax226 4g modem usage under ubuntu 11.04?14:04
rpkGeorgeJ: hmm, I'm running the Oracle JVM, and it works on localhost though.  Was 7001 http bound to ipv6 only as well?14:05
zepherinhehehe, my laptop sucks too much to run it14:05
jatt[ 2613.617845] chrome[19759]: segfault at 74656ebe ip 06a16cad sp bfda70d8 error 4 in libgcflashplayer.so[6429000+b64000]14:05
rpk(and wtf, how is this an open bug)14:05
jillsmitwhere can i get manuals about zte ax226 4g modem usage under ubuntu 11.04?14:06
zepherinso time to download and install an older version and send a nasty gram to ubunut which will be sent to the email trash can14:06
GeorgeJrpk: Ofcourse it works on localhosts, since the service on port 9099 is listening to the localhost ipv6 address only. The service on 7001 is listning on  aswell, yes14:06
ArtarianLESSON OF THE DAY: Dont ever ever upgrade your ubuntu to 11.0414:07
Artarian11.04 is not the system we are used to use and love14:08
Finn-Gentlemen. I just updated to 11.04, and now as I boot and login, my desktop is not loading. I had this problem before, but solved it with the uninstallation of compiz. However, it is not installed, and the problem is back. Any ideas?14:08
bullgard4How does MetaCity change if I assert in gconf-editor: apps->metacity->general->compositing_manager? (I did read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing)14:08
Artarianthat makes me mad because i had so many cool things set, now everything is messed graphics and menus and...14:08
Artarianpff nvm14:08
GeorgeJArtarian: Ubuntu is perfectly awesome, just not Unity14:08
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rpkGeorgeJ: ah ok, people in that bug were commenting it wasn't working in localhost either. And it does seem everything on 7001 is all tcp6 :/14:08
PiciArtarian: Feel free to pick Classic Ubuntu from the login screen.14:08
Finn-I only get the Ubuntu Desktop guide, bun none of the keyboard shortcuts work.14:08
zepherinis there a way in console without ther internet to disable unity?14:08
zepherinand bring up old gnome14:09
Guest9190kb ?14:09
Picizepherin: Feel free to pick Classic Ubuntu from the login screen.14:09
zepherinno keyboard access in login screen14:09
GeorgeJrpk: If netstat says tcp6 and listens to a ipv4 address that means thats a ipv6 socket with ipv4 fallback afaik14:09
zepherinor mouse14:09
kellnolazepherin, then you don't have it installed somehow14:09
zepherinI have to alt prtscreen RE14:09
enavwow the channel is a Unoity mess today14:10
GeorgeJrpk: So a telnet/nc to 7001 from outside should work14:10
GeorgeJzepherin: shift+alt+114:10
GeorgeJzepherin: ctrl+alt+1 sorry14:10
rpkGeorgeJ: ok, I'll try that.  I can definitely connect, but have no idea what to do from there14:10
zepheringeorgeJ: hrmmm, give me a minute14:10
GeorgeJrpk: You only telnet to test the connectivity not to issue actuall commands, unless you want to talk HTTP14:11
rpkGeorgeJ: ok, running telnet from windows loads an empty command shell14:11
GeorgeJrpk: Telnetting to 9099 from outside will probably not work since the service is only listening on localhost, its quite simple14:11
rpkso it looks like it worked14:12
zepherinno response for ctrl alt 114:12
rpkbut I still can't open ip:7001 in an external browser14:12
zepherinjust an error saying my hardware isn't good enough and to choose ubuntu classic14:12
IdleOnezepherin: ctrl - alt - F114:12
GeorgeJzepherin: Ctrl+Alt+ F1 sorry, yes14:12
zepherinstill no response14:12
Finn-Ah, selecting "Gnome classic" seems to work. Now I just have to make sure that it selects it automatically the next time, or at least until Unity is fixed for me.14:12
ActionParsniprpk: do you specify http (or https if it is secure)14:13
zepherinbut I can't select gnome classic14:13
GeorgeJzepherin: CTRL+ALT+ F1 trough F8 should cycle you trough different console screens14:13
ActionParsnipFinn-: the OS remembers the last session14:13
Finn-most excellent14:13
rpkActionParsnip: yeah, http://myip:7001/console14:13
zepherinnone of that works. I get no response except by dumping myself into terminal14:13
Finn-thanks for the mental support, if nothing else :)   bye~14:13
dejan_after the update from 10.10 to ubuntu 11 I cant access settings in emphaty messanger14:13
GeorgeJzepherin: Is that not what you wanted?14:13
=== Douche is now known as derp
dejan_also can't access settings in pidgin messagnger14:14
jillsmithelp me please to configure and enable zte modem in ubuntu 11.0414:14
dejan_how to access this settings now14:14
dejan_and how to access system settings14:14
zepherinI want to make ubuntu classic my default from terminal, without the internet14:14
rpklet me try restarting my server with the java param to prever ipv414:14
GeorgeJdejan_: Read the 11.04 Ubuntu Manual14:14
enavHELLO.... this is my work station  http://is.gd/I3Ncla , im using 2 video cards  to connect all those displays... ica can use them all together as a single virtual desktop and move windwos among them... but i CAN'T activate compiz effects .... no matter what i do compiz wont work.. .Suggestions?14:14
GeorgeJenav: You linked to an empty 1px x 1px image.14:15
dejan_GeorgeJ, hwo to acces emphaty settings14:15
dejan_why I can't access them14:15
enavGeorgeJ: try again14:15
mikeatvillageActionParsnip: re my dual-boot... StartupManager seemed to work after I ran it under _both_ o/s All OK now.14:15
ActionParsnipmikeatvillage: ahhh, nice14:16
zepherinthats not a promising sign14:16
thienhow to adjust(decorate) alt+tab screen in ubuntu?14:16
fredrik_#join ubuntru.se14:17
fredrik_#join ubuntu-se14:17
LjLfredrik_: /join #ubuntu-se14:17
zeroserver destiny.sg.galaxynet.org14:18
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dejan_help me plsafter update to ubuntu 11 I cant access emphaty settings14:18
GeorgeJFor people having problems with Unity, you can switch to the gnome-classic shell. More info here: http://scottlinux.com/2011/03/05/ubuntu-11-04-change-from-unity-to-classic-gnome/14:18
antiherohow do I re-enable the network manager applet14:18
zepheringeorgej: how do I do that from terminal?14:19
cxoupdate-alternatives --config gcc, says error, no alternatives?14:19
GeorgeJzepherin: Do what?14:19
cxoI need gcc-4.3 on 11.0414:19
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rpkGeorgeJ: okay, I can hit my weblogic console, but rmi still isn't running on my ip, only:  tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      8362/java14:19
cxo(already installed, just need to get the alternatives switched)14:19
zepheringeorgej: switch to classic gnome14:19
zepherinor hell just run classic gnome14:19
antiheroIn my aptitude list, network-manager-gnome is listed with "iB", how do I fix this14:20
LjLcxo: try --config cc14:20
GeorgeJrpk: That means it is listening on all itnerfaces. Including outside ones14:20
GeorgeJzepherin: Can you not access the gnome login screen?14:20
rpkGeorgeJ: oh, but still no connection :(14:20
GeorgeJpaste netstat -nl please14:20
cxoLjL, it says there is only one alternative link group for cc14:21
LjL!info gcc14:21
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.98ubuntu3)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.2-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB14:21
LjL!info gcc-4.314:21
ubottuPackage gcc-4.3 does not exist in natty14:21
purveshcan some one tell me is there any difference in alternate iso and normal desktop iso ?14:21
LjLcxo: i'm afraid gcc-4.3 is just not available in Natty14:22
GeorgeJrpk: Paste netstat -nl please14:22
LjL!alternate | purvesh14:22
ubottupurvesh: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal14:22
cxoBut i installed it with apt-get?14:22
rpkGeorgeJ: http://pastebin.com/F4UR0uyh14:22
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
LjLcxo: what did you install, exactly? the package "gcc-4.3" does not exist14:22
GeorgeJrpk: Thats an Unknown paste id14:22
cxo"gcc-4.3 is already the newest version."14:23
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LjLcxo: did you add a PPA or something?14:23
einseenaiguys, is there repository for classic gnome in 11.04? or is classic desktop entry from gdm menu the same that classic gnome? or it's just fallback?14:23
cxoNope. Clean install from the desktop iso14:23
rpkGeorgeJ: http://pastebin.com/LUGSf5ay  ...not sure what happened to the first one14:23
purveshLjL, so via that i can also install on some pc right ?14:23
LjLpurvesh: what do you mean?14:23
LjLcxo: output of "apt-cache policy gcc-4.3" please14:23
GeorgeJrpk: The machine should be accepting connections on both port 9099 and 7001 now14:24
dejan_help me plsafter update to ubuntu 11 I cant access emphaty settings14:24
purveshLjL, if i install ubuntu via alternate cd on some hard disk then there will no any changes between normal setup and alternate cd setup ?14:24
LjLpurvesh: the end result is the same, at least if you select "Ubuntu Desktop" on the alternate cd14:24
dejan_how to access emphaty settings in new update14:24
rpkGeorgeJ: hmm, let me redeploy on both the client and server with a new build and see if that randomly fixes something14:25
LjLpurvesh: you might also want to consider using the "minimal" cd, which is only about 10 or 20 megs and downloads everything from the internet while installing14:25
cxoLjL, http://pastebin.com/a0mv1Ujy14:25
rpkStill not sure why it would work locally and not remotely though.14:25
purveshLjL, only difference is this is text mode and normal cd have GUI mode right ?14:25
LjLpurvesh: basically yes, which means the installer is also different14:25
GeorgeJrpk: You should be able to establish a connection to port 9099. However you might get disconnected almost instantly when connecting with telnet14:26
LjLcxo: so you have it installed but it's not available, weird. maybe it was available in the CD you installed, did you install a beta ISO or the final? anyway does the command "gcc-4.3" work?14:26
purveshLjL, but after all installation completed all the content are same like normal14:26
LjLpurvesh: yes14:26
purveshLjL, no minimal is not preferable in my case net speed slow or dis connect internet many times :(14:27
cxoLjL, downloaded release ISO from website, gcc-4.3 command works14:27
LjLcxo: --config cc doesn't really work for me either, i think you will just have to export CC=gcc-4.3 when compiling things14:27
thienhow to make a windows show up, if i've click "hide" button. i use ubuntu 11.04. i can see no icon in the tray.14:28
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purveshLjL, Thank You for ur reply and support :)14:28
cxoI'm going to downgrade to 10.04. Dont want to mess with it14:28
s0168656hi, I just upgraded to ubuntu 11 but my wireless doesn't work anymore.. with ubuntu 10 it worked out of the box, first "lshw -C network" said my wireless was disabled, with "ifconfig wlan0 up" I enabled it (the wireless light on my laptop is also on) but no wireless :(14:29
s0168656anyone an idea what might be wrong?14:29
s0168656or how to downgrade?14:29
remoteCTRL2hi guys!14:29
antiherothe network manager applet only shows up on one logged in user :S14:29
s0168656rfkill list all shows "soft blocked" for one wireless lan section14:30
remoteCTRL2i have just installed natty on a dell latitude d820 with an nvidia G72M [GeForce Go 7400] (rev a1) adapter, unfortunately i don't get a working driver here, always says driver activated but not in use...?14:30
s0168656(its maby a bit strange that there 're 2 wireless lan sections -- because i think there's only one wireless card14:30
GeorgeJIs there any news on Nvidia Optimus support?14:32
drMikeGeorgeJ: different issue14:32
icerootGeorgeJ: not working with current stbale kernels14:32
drMikegetting 'Sorry no PTY14:32
icerootGeorgeJ: should be fixed with 2.6.3914:33
drMikeNo more PTYs, Sorry, could not find a PTY14:33
drMikeif I do screen on anything14:33
GeorgeJiceroot: Awesome, when is it due to release?14:33
icerootGeorgeJ: kernel.org14:33
icerootGeorgeJ: i dont know14:33
GeorgeJiceroot: Allright, thanks. Will it be able to switch without rebooting? If so, that would be great!14:33
icerootGeorgeJ: yes, that is the current error 2.6.39 should fix14:34
slipkid08osama got caught!14:34
icerootslipkid08: #ubuntu-offtopic14:34
bazhangslipkid08, offtopic14:34
lcb!info osama14:34
ubottuPackage osama does not exist in natty14:34
slipkid08anyway im here if someone needs help14:34
slipkid08sorry about that14:35
GilesHi, I am trying to get unity to work, here are the results of unity_support_test: http://pastebin.com/n8kXeP3a14:35
Hoythhow can i install gdm theme ?14:35
GilesHowever when I log in as a new user it says I don't have the hardware to support it.14:35
GilesAnd when I log in as myself, it reverts to the classic desktop.14:35
antiheroHow do I get the nm-applet to display for multiple users?14:35
remoteCTRL2where has the desktop effex dialog from appearance gone?14:35
cxoLjL, Looks I did go from Beta1 to release. My mistake14:36
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drMikeCannot open your terminal '/dev/ttyp0' - please check.14:37
drMikecrw-r--r-- 1 appuser tty  3,  0 May 25  2010 /dev/ttyp014:37
drMikeI changed it from that to 644 and root:root14:37
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drMikeany suggestions?14:37
purveshLjL, one more thing bro can you tell me that ubuntu 11.04 Desktop edition is capable to work on intel P4 2.4ghz 1.5gb ram ? or i have to download netbook version ?14:37
s0168656"sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" shows a lot of networks but i can't connect to any of them with the network applet(;14:38
bazhangpurvesh, there is not a netbook version for 11.0414:38
purveshbazhang, ya just now i had seen its torrent link is broken14:38
gnosisfor a 2yo toshiba laptop with 4gb of ram, would it be better to go with 32bit or 64bit ubuntu?  Does 64bit have more driver or application issues?14:38
purveshbazhang, but ill try 10.04 netbook version if necessary14:39
sipiorgnosis: 64-bit will be just fine for you.14:39
voozegnosis, i run 64 no problem.. no driver problems or anything14:39
voozeit all works out of the box14:39
sinistradI upgraded to Natty, and wine isn't working quite right. I asked in #winehq, and they told me not to run compiz. I read that Unity needs compiz to run, I'm not quite sure what to do. Any ideas?14:39
remoteCTRL2hello? desktop effects? any ideas where they went, please?14:39
stimpiesinistrad: log out and try using the 'classic' sesion14:39
gnosisalright, was concerned about driver problems with the older laptop.  installing for my 60yo father, so trying to make it as painless as possible14:40
purveshLjL, you there ?14:40
gnosisthanks vooze and sipior14:40
sinistradstimpie, Thanks! Will that be deprecated anytime soon?14:40
stimpiesinistrad: probably not14:40
sinistradstimpie, Thanks. I'll try that out and see how it goes.14:41
comeonhi dudes, i have  been trying to install opencv on ubuntu 11.04, and there is error saying videodev.h is not found14:42
elisa87when I write the sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop command can I run other commands in the black window which apears?14:42
comeoninstead there is videodev2.h14:42
comeonhow can i make that work14:42
H4x0rshi all14:42
GeorgeJAs a developer, whnat would you choose? Unity, Gnome3 or KDE?14:42
Gileswhat controls whether unity is enabled or not?14:42
purvesh can some one tell me that ubuntu 11.04 Desktop edition is capable to work on intel P4   2.4ghz 1.5gb ram ?14:42
GeorgeJGiles: Unity is not something you enable. You can choose to use it or not, at the login screen14:43
lcbpurvesh, all14:43
comeonvideodev.h is not there ?14:43
mksystems-onlinehello all14:43
comeoninstead videodev2.h14:43
GilesGeorgeJ: okay, so I choose to use it at the login screen but It doesn't give me the unity desktop.14:43
comeonopencv is just not installing14:44
purveshlcb, it will not hang my p4 right ?14:44
allu2Is it normal for ubuntu 10.10 to go black after selecting "Try Ubuntu"14:44
lcbpurvesh, you have enough ram and good cpu14:44
purveshlcb, so netbook iso is for what ?14:44
velcroshoozGiles, unity requires 3d, does your video card support it?14:44
Gilesvelcroshooz: http://pastebin.com/n8kXeP3a14:44
purveshlcb, it is only for single core or what ?14:44
Picicomeon: There are a number of opencv packages in the repositories, is there a reason you have that you need to compile your own?14:45
lcbpurvesh, what type of machine do you have?14:45
velcroshoozGiles, dunno why it wouldnt be working then. there were no additional drivers required or anything?14:46
purveshlcb, i have 2 cpu one is Intel P4 2.4GHZ with 1.5GB ddr1 Ram, and other AMD Quad Core 64Bit with 2gb ddr2 ram14:46
groundupI am having problems upgrading packages: http://pastebin.com/XmnYnpaX14:46
lcbpurvesh, download 11.04 desktop edition14:47
purveshlcb, Thanx for suggestion :)14:47
Picipurvesh, lcb: There is not 11.04 netbook edition anymore anyway. They have been consolidated into one version.14:47
Gilesvelcroshooz: nope, I uninstalled nvidia-current, as a distro upgrade always seems to pull that in, but my machine doesn't have an nvidia card.14:47
chtipowaHi please i need someone who know Nomachine NX Server, is there anyone here ?14:48
remoteCTRL2Pici: could you please tell me where the desktop evects vanished to?14:48
GilesremoteCTRL2: mine is gone too.14:48
PiciremoteCTRL2: Mine work fine.14:48
dasfefghello i  dont like gnome 3 and unit14:48
dasfefgwhat alternativess14:48
lcbPici, thanks, that's why i told to dld desktop...14:48
Picidasfefg: Pick Classic ubuntu from the login screen.14:48
GilesremoteCTRL2: Press F2 and type compiz --replace14:49
H4x0rsdasfefg, Do you have shift or Caps on your keyboard?14:49
remoteCTRL2Pici: where are the settings? there is nothing in appearance anymore14:49
purveshlcb, there one more thing if i have installed 11.04 64bit desktop version on my quad core 64bit cpu and now i want to put that hard disk to my p4 which is 32 bit cpu so it will work or not ?14:49
PiciremoteCTRL2: I had ccsm installed, made my changes from there. /shrug14:49
Picipurvesh: No. It will require a complete reinstall.14:49
GilesremoteCTRL2: that enables the desktop effects temporarily14:50
dasfefghello i  dont like gnome 3 and unit14:50
dasfefgwhat alternativess14:50
Gilesdasfefg: unity?14:50
stimpiedasfefg: gnome2, xfce, kde, e1714:51
purveshPici, ohk ...14:51
remoteCTRL2Giles: erm... that didnt work so well... ubuntu tried to fire up unity which just froze my dektop...?14:51
grandpaprizGood morning, I just upgraded Ubuntu 10 to 10.04 and now can not boot.  I get an error message "out of range", can it be fixed?14:51
GilesremoteCTRL2: oh thats one up for me, unity just doesn't work.14:51
H4x0rsgrandpapriz, throw it.14:51
GilesremoteCTRL2: s/for/from/14:52
bazhangH4x0rs, pardon?14:52
remoteCTRL2Giles: well that could have to do with the fact that nvidia just doesn't work...14:52
GilesremoteCTRL2: do you have an nvidia card?14:52
H4x0rsgrandpapriz, Do you have laptop?14:52
grandpaprizI  am on a laptop now, my problem is on the desktop, and thanks for the comeback14:53
remoteCTRL2Giles: in this device that i am currently attempting to fix there is an nvidia card, yes... VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72M [GeForce Go 7400] (rev a1)14:53
H4x0rsgrandpapriz, Crash the desktop and stay with laptop14:53
lcbpurvesh, i don't think so. Besides, I think you don't get the performance benefits of running true 64bit code on the kernel.14:53
bazhangH4x0rs, thats not helpful14:53
GilesremoteCTRL2: dunno then, I had to remove nvidia-current to get 3d working (I don't have an nvidia card)14:54
purveshlcb, so the whole data and software and Ubuntu OS will remain same and work perfectly?14:54
grandpaprizall was well untill I upgraded.....I dual boot the desck top14:54
remoteCTRL2Giles: whut??? :D14:54
GilesremoteCTRL2: a distro upgrade always pulls in the nvidia drivers for me for some reason..14:55
lcbpurvesh, you can NOT move 64 to 32 software14:55
grandpaprizI do have nvidia drivers :-(14:55
DrDuckHello, guys. I have a problem with the new release of ubuntu with my wifi connection. Before installing, my wifi was working just fine, but now I can't turn it on when I swipe my finger over the wifi button. I can swipe my finger over it to turn it on at boot up, but once I get to my login menu, my mouse wont move. Any insight into what my issue is would be great.14:55
remoteCTRL2Giles: jockey-gtk does NOT report on it's own that it found drivers like it usually does, but when i fire up jockey manually it says it has the 173 and the current [recommended] one, both of which produce the same output, ie. driver is activated but currently not in use14:55
ojiiis there a way to replace the 'show photos' shortcut in the launcher with something that is useful for me?14:55
purveshlcb, so my installed softwares will not work ?14:55
H4x0rsgrandpapriz, that's helpful http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10740987&postcount=514:56
lcbpurvesh, you can backup your home dir and restore it. some .configs you might need to adapt to your machine14:56
remoteCTRL2Giles: although lsmod | grep nvidia say that it IS in use14:56
GilesremoteCTRL2: I check which hardware I have using lspci.14:56
purveshlcb, k....14:57
lcbpushpop, in other words, only data should be backed up14:57
remoteCTRL2Pici: still, if your desktop effex do work you need to be able to en and disable them somewhere... do you happen to know where? because it is not in the appearance dialog anymore...?14:57
grandpaprizI would hate to have to re-install both Debian and Ubuntu..any help ideas?14:57
GilesremoteCTRL2:  no.14:58
remoteCTRL2Giles: so did i just a minute ago, i could also use lshw but i doubt that that will help me any further...14:58
GilesremoteCTRL2: nor do I know how to get unity working.14:58
GilesremoteCTRL2: I don't think I want unity.14:58
remoteCTRL2well 2-3 upgrade went well reecntla now its a total mess once again... rrrrrrrrrrrrr14:58
BlaDe^how can I resave all the files in a directory?14:58
GilesremoteCTRL2: but I would like desktop effects back.14:58
BlaDe^I've just done a mv dir2 dir --- and dirname(__FILE__) in php returns dir2, until I nano, and overwrite the file... Some weird bug.14:59
remoteCTRL2Giles: i couldnt tell; i haven't seen it yet :D14:59
GilesBlaDe^: ???14:59
zepherinbah I think I'm going to migrate to suse for a bit14:59
BlaDe^Giles ?14:59
remoteCTRL2Giles: well apparently not even the channel geniouses do currently know how to ...14:59
GilesremoteCTRL2: seems so.14:59
remoteCTRL2zepherin: i feel you dude...14:59
GilesBlaDe^: I think this must be because your php program is using an old file handle?15:01
remoteCTRL2Giles: one thing i do know for sure: i will NOT migrate my two institutes to natty, two computers, twice total havoc... this really s..........!!15:01
grandpaprizI guess I will try the Debien forums15:01
grandpaprizthanks anyway15:01
BlaDe^Giles no -- it's just a require ( dirname(__FILE__) . '/file');15:01
* Giles is not a php hotshot15:01
rchavikhi, a quick question, to upgrade 10.10 to 11.04 via CD, i can only use the alternate iso file. is that correct?15:02
a111Is there a way to limit cpu load and memory used per user?15:02
DrDuckWould someone mind giving me some insight into why the new release has issues with wireless connections?15:02
GilesBlaDe^: I    ???'ed you though because i dont know what you mean by "how can I resave all the files in a directory?"15:02
BlaDe^Giles: i did find . -exec touch {} + ---- this has mostly fixed it15:02
BlaDe^I think it's possibly APC caching the old file15:02
H4x0rs      May 201115:02
H4x0rsSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa15:02
H4x0rs 1  2  3  4  5  6  715:02
H4x0rs 8  9 10 11 12 13 1415:02
H4x0rs15 16 17 18 19 20 2115:02
H4x0rs22 23 24 25 26 27 2815:02
GilesBlaDe^: yeah touch will update the timestamps.15:02
FloodBot1H4x0rs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:03
DrDuckAlso, I'm wondering if it's possible to go back a version. (10.04).15:03
zepherinrchavik: don't do it it's a trap15:03
GilesBlaDe^: but it does not "resave" the file, that thinking is just wrong.15:03
BlaDe^Giles I didn't say it did15:03
kaiyin every time i open a file in midnight commander (inside xterm), i.e. reading a pdf file with evince, the application would feedback some info into xterm, and clobber the mc interface. Has anyone ever exprienced this?15:03
bazhangH4x0rs, dont paste that here15:03
BlaDe^resaving the files ALSO updates the access times15:04
rchavikzepherin, upgrade process not smooth ?15:04
BlaDe^which is what I needed to do, it appears15:04
kaiyinVery annoying. Otherwise i might make mc my main file manager.15:04
GilesBlaDe^: to resave the file you would have to save the same data over the old file15:04
H4x0rsbazhang, i did not paste, it's a command exec -o cal15:04
BlaDe^Giles - I know.15:04
GilesBlaDe^: that can't be what you mean.15:04
bazhangH4x0rs, this is the wrong place for it15:04
BlaDe^Giles why are you telling me what I mean?15:04
zepherinrchavik: My laptop broke because of it. So I have to reinstall15:04
GilesBlaDe^: Well is it what you mean?15:05
zepherinunity is not your friend15:05
BlaDe^Giles -- resaving the files was updating the access/last modified times.. APC seems to cache files by that. Resaving was fixing it, but what I needed to do was just touch all the files15:05
BlaDe^find . -exec touch {} +  fixed the issue15:05
rchavikzepherin, okay.. thanks for the heads-up! i will wait then.15:05
clbram I right that it's not possible to get an bootable ubuntu live installer usb stick image without already having a working ubuntu installation (and the startup disk maker)?15:05
GilesBlaDe^: yes, but you are not "resaving" the file, you are just updating the timestamps of the file.15:06
bazhangclbr, unetbootin has windows version amongst others15:06
BlaDe^omg? are you reading what i'm saying/15:06
BlaDe^I'm fully aware what touch does, and what overwriting a file in nano does15:06
velcroshoozclbr, that would be wrong. there are other programs to copy the iso to the usb stick.15:06
BlaDe^please - stop talking. It's fixed and you aren't reading...15:06
GilesBlaDe^: good ;)15:06
bazhangclbr, unetbootin.sourceforge.net15:06
lcb"<zepherin> rchavik: My laptop broke because of it. So I have to reinstall" it doesn't mean it will happen to everyone...15:06
clbrbazhang: thanks, i'm trying15:06
lcbzepherin, how did it brake, anyway?15:07
asmithI have a vps, I'm trying to setup pptp on it. I need localip. by ifconfig, under eth0, I get my machine ip. I thought it must be something like 192.168...  should I enter my machine ip as localip?15:07
zepherinlcb: Can't get into computer can only get into terminal15:08
zepherinwell can't bring up gui15:08
zepherinunity tells me my computer sucks too much to use it and that I need to use classic, and then locks up my keyboard and mouse so I can't choose classic15:09
rchaviklcb, yes.. but i can't spare my laptop now, i'll wait until my load cools down a bit..15:09
lcbzepherin, did you upgrade following instructions? was your system up-to-date and fixed? did you interrupt the upgrade proccess?15:09
H4x0rsbazhang, I feel you are looking carefully to my posts.15:09
DrDuckI'm sure I'm not the only one having wireless issues with the new version of Ubuntu, right?15:09
bazhangH4x0rs, ubuntu support issue?15:09
velcroshoozzepherin, you choose classic at the login screen, unity should not be running15:09
zepherinvelcros: can't keyboard and mouse are frozen15:10
velcroshoozi see.15:10
zepherinI can't exit into terminal15:10
H4x0rsbazhang, Hhh , anything.15:10
zepherinlcb: system was up to date, problem has to do with intel integrated video card15:10
bazhangH4x0rs, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please15:11
zepherinthere is a fix but I can't get internet to do the fix15:11
illsciHey is there anyway to fix the white screen of death with the latest upgrade?15:11
H4x0rsbazhang, I don't shit chat.15:11
lcbzepherin, rchavik, if upgrade was interrupted: try going to recovery (SHIFT | - select the 2nd kernel  option from the top = recovery mode | go to the end of the new menu and select "root prompt" and type ' sudo dpkg --configure -a ' see if that helps. In any case, do the same but go to the grub menu and run dpkg, grub and failsafeX (choose to use default drivers)15:11
rchaviklcb, thanks for the pointer.. will take note.15:12
carandraugI want to report a bug but I don't know to which package I should. What's the application that organizes the windows? The one that "reads" the "Always on top" option of windows (in GNOME). Is it metacity? I'm still using 10.0415:12
Arowanahi everyone15:13
lcbrchavik, good luck with that.15:13
edbiancarandraug: If you have effects on it's compiz.  If not it's metacity.15:13
lcbArowana, i prefer mathematics :o15:13
carandraugedbian, I don't have. So it should be metacity. Thank you15:13
rchaviklcb, now downloading the alternate iso so hopefully i can do it in the weekends..15:13
edbiancarandraug: Careful!  They are on by default.  To be extra sure look at gnome-system-monitor or ps -e15:14
lcbrchavik, for fresh install?15:14
H4x0rsbazhang, Bin laden is dead.15:14
rchaviklcb, no, upgrade from 10.10 -> 11.0415:14
bazhang!ot > H4x0rs15:14
ubottuH4x0rs, please see my private message15:14
lcb!info Bin Laden | H4x0rs15:14
ubottuH4x0rs: 'Laden' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable15:14
bazhanglcb, stop that15:15
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zepherinshift doesn't do anything I can't get to recovery panel, is there a terminal command that I can use to do a recovery?15:15
AbababAny ideas why I'm having this problem with irssi: when you type a long line and the time changes, the text is split into multiple lines15:15
lcbbazhang, please is a good word too15:15
lcbbazhang, no private pls, my wife don't like it.15:16
edbianzepherin: If you can boot to a terminal you don't need a recovery boot15:16
zepherinok. but I can't get into my gui15:16
edbianzepherin: Can you explain in more detail?15:17
edbianzepherin: What can you boot to?  What happens when you try to boot the GUI normally?15:17
zepherin"It seams that you do not have the hardware required to run Unity. Please choose Ubuntu Classic at the login screen and you will be using the traditional environment."15:17
edbianzepherin: Do that.15:17
zepherinthen my keyboard and mouse lock up15:17
edbianzepherin: Do you know how?15:17
Gileshmm, sudo apt-get install unity15:18
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zepherinand I have to hop into terminal15:18
ojiidoes anyone here know how to *UN*install amazonmp3? `sudo apt-get remove amazonmp3 --purge` does not work, but /usr/bin/amazonmp3 is still there and the unity launcher finds it :(15:18
carandraugedbian, I did. metacity is running15:18
ActionParsnipzepherin: you need to install or configure your display drivers15:18
k5673Hello! Somebody have vmbuilder config file for ubuntu? i want to call vmbuilder with vmbuilder -c /path/to/config/file15:18
edbianGiles: He has the software.  Missing the software15:18
zepherinno internet15:18
edbiancarandraug: :D  excellent15:18
ActionParsnipojii: what is the output of:  dpkg -S amazonmp315:18
edbianzepherin: How do you hop into terminal if your keyboard and mouse are frozen?15:18
zepherinI don't know how to do the internet through terminal15:18
ActionParsnipzepherin: what video chip do you use?15:18
zepherinedbian: alt prntscreen15:19
ActionParsnipzepherin: you can always log off then log into gnome classic which will run on anything15:19
durrrrrrrrrdespite setting chrome as my default browser, firefox keeps opening when i click links15:19
zepherinactionparsnip: no I can't15:19
masakhi, Ubuntu user here. is this an appropriate channel to ask for help with installing the Perl module XML::LibXML on Ubuntu?15:19
zepherinintelxtreme2 integrated laptop15:19
ActionParsnipdurrrrrrrrr: what app are you clicking the links in?15:19
Arowanahi masak15:20
durrrrrrrrrxchat, empathy, basically everything that isn't a browser15:20
andrewd13how do I get scripts to run on resume?15:20
Gilesedbian: no, I didn't have unity installed, thats why it didn't work...15:20
Arowanause cpan command to add modules15:20
zepherinso what I need is a terminal command to allow me to run classic ubuntu15:20
Arowanacheck it out on google15:20
masakArowana: I'm using cpanm, but the problem is the same regardless.15:20
ActionParsnipdurrrrrrrrr: but in default apps you set it as chrome?15:20
zepheringoogle failed15:20
AbababIe. it does this: http://i.min.us/inx6ro.png . It has something to do with the terminal I think15:20
andrewd13/etc/pm/sleep.d and /etc/acpi/resume.d no longer working in natty?15:20
edbianGiles: I was talking about zepherin you're clearly talking about yourself!  Sorry :P15:20
masakArowana: getting this error: "looking for -llibxml2... libxml2 not found"15:20
edbianzepherin: Log out.  Click your name, go to the bottom panel and change the session to Ubuntu Classic.  Type your password and log in.15:21
Arowanamasak well I had to use it once only15:21
ActionParsnipzepherin: gnome-session-save --logout15:21
masakArowana: I've already installed libxml2-dev through apt-get, so I'm surprised it doesn't find it.15:21
durrrrrrrrrActionParsnip: well, there's the problem... i guess that setting can't be changed via chrome's options15:21
pseubodothi, I just upgraded a desktop running 10.10 to 11.04 and now I lost video. I know the machine boots (g15 driver kicks in and sets up the keyboard properly) but I cannot get network or a working display15:21
Gilesedbian: yeah, no one else was able to help me, so I was explaining what I had wrong...I expected unity to be installed by default after the distro upgrade!15:21
ActionParsnipdurrrrrrrrr: look in system -> prefs15:21
H4x0rsGod Bless You Bin Laden15:21
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durrrrrrrrrActionParsnip: yeah i just fixed it, thank you15:21
edbianGiles: It should have been.  STrange15:21
sipiorH4x0rs: enough.15:21
_joeytwo applications I need on linux: real player and soapcast15:22
pseubodotIs there a way I can force X to work minimally at boot?15:22
_joeywhat packages do I install?15:22
pseubodotalso, I don't see the grub screen either, so cannot go into single user mode15:22
jribpseubodot: what does "force X to work minimally" mean?15:22
zepherinaction: warning unable to start: cannot open display15:22
Arowanamasak: have u googled it?15:22
Arowanaand which ubuntu ur having15:22
zepherinedbian: I can't log out. no mouse or keyboard15:22
sipiormasak: sorry, how did you install the perl module?15:22
zepherinI can only get into terminal15:23
edbianzepherin: Don't log in in the first place?15:23
zepherinit does it automatically15:23
masaksipior: I used 'cpanm', a minimal version of the cpan installer.15:23
edbianzepherin: Do you mean tty1?  Run this: sudo killall Xorg15:23
Arowanawell perl was already there15:23
masaksipior: but the error is not in cpanm, but in the module dependencies.15:23
Arowanatry cpan only15:23
sipiormasak: how about grabbing the module via the ubuntu repository?15:23
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zepherinno processes found15:23
Arowanahmm havent tried that15:23
Arowanaare u behind proxy or direct connection15:24
pseubodotjrib: the display is black, so given that the machine boots, I can't see it, and I have used both the onboard and the PCIe (ATI) card ports, and not seen anything15:24
pseubodotjrib: it seems to be configured for some display, just not one I can see, apparently15:24
sipiormasak: "sudo apt-get install libxml-libxml-perl"15:24
edbianzepherin: Does Xorg show up in ps -e ?15:24
jribpseubodot: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:24
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Arowanamasak: wait le me google it again15:24
masaksipior: hm, but that module is only a means to an end. I really want Test::XML::Valid.15:24
elisa871How can I install "Nvidia Driver"????15:25
pseubodotjrib: can't get to a shell on the box, can't ssh into the box (network not working post-upgrade)15:25
jribpseubodot: ctrl-alt-f1 does not work?15:25
pseubodotjrib: guess I would need a boot disk or something15:25
masakArowana: thing is, I always get stuck on this step. generally, I go and ask the Perl people how to do this, but they're often not too sure how to do it on Ubuntu.15:25
pseubodotjrib: trying15:25
masakbut libxml is almost always a pain to get working the first time.15:25
alex_ivaylovany ideas how to fix my touchpad random clicking on acer aspire?15:25
zepherinxorg does not show up15:25
sipiormasak: is that not in libtest-xml-simple-perl?15:26
denndaWhere do you deactivate the effect that you get if you press Meta+W?15:26
ActionParsnipalex_ivaylov: which model?15:26
Arowanahi sipior, well masak, maybe he has got a point15:26
alex_ivaylovaspire 531015:26
masaksipior: no, but maybe that'll do. I'll try it.15:26
pseubodotjrib: screen goes green post-boot15:26
zepherinso format reinstal for me15:26
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zepherinand a nasty gram for ubuntu15:27
jribpseubodot: what did you do differently?  Wasn't it black before?15:27
edbiandennda: I have no idea what meta + W does for you but you configure it easily using CCSM.  It's a package (compizconfig-settings-manager)  I'm not sure on the placement of those hyphens15:27
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ActionParsnipalex_ivaylov: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=430932815:28
Arowanamasak: good luck with that15:28
masakthank you for your help, Arowana, sipior.15:28
Arowanaand btw masak: are u using root user15:28
Arowanamasak: welcome15:28
masakI'm using 'sudo', yes :)15:28
pseubodotjrib: ctrl+alt+f1 changed it15:28
ActionParsnipalex_ivaylov: scratch that, just add these boot options: i8042.reset i8042.nomux15:28
Arowanay not use su15:28
pseubodotjrib: didn't stay green long tho15:28
denndaedbian: Yes, i have that, but i have no idea what the effect is called15:28
edbiandennda: What's it look like?15:29
alex_ivaylovActionParsnip, do you do that in grub?15:29
ActionParsnipArowana: because the root account is disabled so su will fail15:29
zexewhois zexe15:29
ActionParsnipalex_ivaylov: yes add it as a boot option and it seems to help according to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=657788615:29
Arowanano action: y not try from terminal15:29
UngikaOla penguinz!15:29
Ungikaikonia && Pici bruder hoszi!15:30
pseubodotjrib: going to take out ati card, and use on-board video15:30
ActionParsnipArowana: ok, what is the password for root considering I have never set the password and the account is disabled15:30
masakArowana: no. in fact, I thought in Ubuntu there was no user 'root', just sudo.15:30
ActionParsnipArowana: I am ready to type15:30
masakArowana: but maybe I'm wrong on that count.15:30
Arowanahmm gr815:30
siddhantchdguys i have ubuntu 11.04 installed aand cant get the 5.1 channel to run on it...... the Audio device is: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)15:30
ActionParsnipArowana: i tried my password which is the only account on my system and it didn't work15:30
sipiormasak: the user exists, but the login is disabled by default.15:31
ActionParsnipArowana: in Ubuntu there is NO root password, the account is DISABLED. It doesn't work15:31
ArowanaAction: you can go to terminal issue a sudo passwd  it will ask auth. pass of 1st user created while installing and then new root password15:31
jattsudo su15:31
ActionParsnip!noroot | arand15:31
ubottuarand: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.15:31
jattchange root password15:31
noes1sHello, any guru here knows where the nm-applet stores/saves the networks? (I want to delete that file every time i reboot to stop autoconnects)15:31
ArowanaAction try it15:31
ActionParsnip!noroot | Arowana15:31
ubottuArowana: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.15:31
Pici!root | Arowana masak15:31
ubottuArowana masak: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:31
ActionParsnipArowana: I am fully aware of HOW it's not advised nor supported nor necessary15:32
bsodmikethis is the wierdness I'm having with PTY15:32
masakPici: :)15:32
bsodmikewhen I ssh15:32
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bsodmikeI connect to ttyp0, if I do echo foo > /dev/ttyp0 it'll echo 'foo' back to my session15:32
rumpe1noes1s, why not just disable autoconnect for the networks via the gui?15:32
Arowanathanks guys15:32
ActionParsnipArowana: sticking to sudo gives control of whom can use admin access as they need adding to the group which gives sudo15:32
bsodmikebut when I do screen it'll say No PTYs left15:32
constlIsn't there any functionality like expose in the new Unity desktop ? (or any plugin mechanism...)15:33
ActionParsnipArowana: the ubuntu community advocates sudo and it is setup as such by Linux users who I am very sure know a lot more than you, think about it.15:33
siddhantchdcan anyone help ???15:33
zzecoolArowana,  just a small tip if you want to use for a long time in console the root acc = sudo -s so you dont actually need to type sudo every time15:33
ActionParsnipArowana: you can set it on your own system if you want but enabling the account is not default, which is why su doesn't work15:33
ArowanaI accept... thank you will keep in mind15:34
ActionParsnipArowana: you can also achieve the same root console with: sudo -i15:34
eternicodejnettop is giving me this output: http://dpaste.com/538049/ what's up with that, and how can I find out more?  I checked out netstat, but it didn't show anything bound to  This "connection" has been doing 100-300Kbps for about 5min (dropped to 20-40 in the last minute, though)15:34
ActionParsnipArowana: this keeps the root account securely disabled15:34
alex_ivaylovActionParsnip, man, I dont know how to thank you! this fixed it!15:34
ActionParsnipalex_ivaylov: np bro :)15:34
bsodmikesudo -i doesn't use your env's settings15:34
Arowanawill follow now on15:34
noes1srumpe1 thanks for reading my lines, well, i was doing it using the GUI, but i would like to do it from command line, or editing the file. I use a lot of networks everyday and my list keeps increasing bigger and bigger on every city i visit, its a pain to manually edit 50+ networks while you travel15:34
ArowanaI just hate to type sudo each n every time15:34
zzecoolsudo -s is the way15:34
ActionParsnipalex_ivaylov: those options are great for pesky touchpads, i8024.nomux=1 works a lot of the time on Vaio laptops ;)15:35
Arowanathanks zzecool:15:35
abrakadabraxhi all15:35
ActionParsnipArowana: use:  sudo -i   and it will be just like you 'su'15:35
alex_ivaylovwhat does nomux mean?15:35
bugoone philosophical question. Why packet manager firstly downloads ALL the packets and THEN installs them all. Cannot this be done simultaneously? It could download packets with no dependencies first and then install them while downloading others.15:36
ActionParsnipalex_ivaylov: no idea but it makes stuff work15:36
PromilleQuestion; Is there reported any problems/bugs/known data loss with upgrading to natty with Update Manager? Would like to know15:36
ActionParsnipbugo: submit it as an idea on http;//brainstorm.ubuntu.com15:36
abrakadabraxapt-proxy Q: trying to add a backend for ppa.launchpad.net freenx-team. keep getting a 503 error when apt-get update on client. is there any howto on adding custom backends to apt-proxy?15:36
jattit wouldn't necessary makes everything faster15:36
alex_ivaylovawsm :)15:36
bsodmikeActionParsnip: need your help mate15:36
edbiandennda: ?15:36
bsodmikeI connect to ttyp0, if I do echo foo > /dev/ttyp0 it'll echo 'foo' back to my session15:36
ActionParsnipbugo: i advise you grab apt-fast too, its great :)15:36
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ActionParsnipbsodmike: ask the channel15:37
bugoActionParsnip, i am 100% sure they have thought about it.15:37
bsodmikeI have15:37
bugobut i will try apt-fast15:37
ActionParsnipbugo: it does make sense15:37
rumpe1noes1s, well.. you could try a "grep -R <nameofanaccesspoint> /home/username"  to look for config-files containing the name of the accesspoint15:37
bugothats why i think those smart guyse thought about it15:37
cdavisIs anyone aware of a simple network load balance router project?15:37
bsodmikeNo more PTYs, Sorry, could not find a PTY15:37
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bsodmikehow do I find what ttyp I'm on?15:38
sipiorbsodmike: what does "tty" return in your ssh session?15:38
ActionParsnipbugo: I'd still report it, just in case15:38
bsodmikesipior: exactly!15:38
bsodmikeit returns /dev/ttyp015:38
noes1srumpe1 thanks, ill do a bit of research for it15:38
bsodmikeand screen wants to connect to the same15:38
denndaWhere do you deactivate the effect that you get if you press Meta+W? It shows all the open windows15:38
siddhantchdanyone who can help????15:38
sipiorbsodmike: what sort of machine are you connecting to?15:39
facelessloseranyone having problems with there laptop not coming out of sleep on 11.0415:39
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:39
abrakadabraxanybody willing to help with mentioned apt-proxy issue?15:39
bsodmikesipior: 2.6.18-028stab089.1 #1 SMP Thu Apr 14 13:46:04 MSD 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:39
zzecoolfacelessloser, yes i have it destroys my unity launcher15:40
bsodmikesipior: I only have ssh access15:40
PromilleHey. Anyone here updated to Ubuntu Natty(with Update Manager) and encountered any problems like data loss/bugs/etc?15:40
zzecooli have to switch between viewports as a temp fix15:40
sipiorbsodmike: are there any entries in /dev/pts?15:41
bsodmikeis that a file15:41
rumpe1Promille, bugs yes (it's a brandnew release), data loss no...15:41
sipiorbsodmike: a directory, in fact15:41
bsodmikeit's empty15:41
sipiorbsodmike: how are you invoking ssh? any command switches?15:41
Promilleok. could you specify the bug please?15:42
bsodmikeno switches15:42
bsodmikecan I force a different tty?15:42
bsodmikessh user@ip15:42
facelessloserzzecool: that sucks15:42
zzecoolPromille, there many small glitches that depend on situation  go on15:42
zzecoolfacelessloser, they gonna fix it soon15:42
Promillezzecool: kk15:43
facelessloserzzecool: thats good to hear thanks of the help15:43
zzecoolctrl + alt + left or right or up or down key15:43
zzecoolto navigatite between viewports15:44
zzecoolthis is the default shortcuts15:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:44
phoenixsampras1help i get an error15:45
bsodmikesipior: ideas?15:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:45
Promille!help | phoenixsampras115:45
ubottuphoenixsampras1: please see above15:45
ZiberHm. So, my sound, on ubuntu 10.10, seems to be having an issue. My computer seems to be emitting some weird sound when a skype alert pops up...15:45
angawarHey, is it possible to move ubuntu to a smaller drive, from 250GB normal hdd to a smaller 160GB SSD?15:45
angawarwithout trouble? :P15:45
phoenixsampras1HELP W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com natty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B515:46
* adit melihat15:46
ActionParsnipangawar: you can use dd or rsync15:46
angawari've tried using ddrescue, the dd_rescue -v /dev/sda /dev/ssd command15:46
bsodmikeActionParsnip: can you assist?15:46
jattor maybe you need to import some public keys some how15:46
ActionParsnipbsodmike: unfortunately not15:46
bsodmikeoh ok15:46
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras1: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B515:46
angawarhave ddrescue installed, what command do u recommend to use15:46
s093294Hello, if im in a folder "Project" , and i want to copy the file test.tex into all subfolders and rename it to the {subfolders name}.tex - what command can achive this15:47
phoenixsampras1ActionParsnip: W: GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com natty Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192 Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>15:47
angawarcould someone help me please :(15:48
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras1: is that the reply you got?15:48
jribs093294: use find (hint: -type d -exec)15:48
phoenixsampras1ActionParsnip: after i did your command, i did apt-get update, and got that error15:48
ActionParsnipok, run the same command, just change the last bit15:48
noes1sWhere are network-manager networks saved?15:48
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras1: I have it as a script so I can run: sudo getkey codehere15:48
s093294jrib, mind giving me the full command, cant figure it out15:49
jribs093294: what did you try?15:49
angawarHey, is it possible to move ubuntu to a smaller drive, from 250GB normal hdd to a smaller 160GB SSD? What command to use with ddrescue? since normal clone didn't work properly15:49
phoenixsampras1ActionParsnip: W: GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com natty Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192 Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>15:50
s093294jrib, find . -type d -exec cp test.tex {}/ \;   i dont know how to rename to the subfolder name15:50
phoenixsampras1still getting the same error15:50
mtlifeangawar: you could use norton ghost :p15:50
OinsKann mir jemand sagen, wie ich bei zwei Moitoren einen als Default (für das Unity Panel) ändern kann.15:50
angawardont have windows15:50
Pici!de  | Oins15:50
ubottuOins: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:50
siddhantchdanyone please help15:51
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras1: can you pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get update     Thanks15:51
angawarHey, is it possible to move ubuntu to a smaller drive, from 250GB normal hdd to a smaller 160GB SSD? What command to use with ddrescue? since normal clone didn't work properly15:51
jribs093294: checkout "basename"15:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:51
ActionParsnipangawar: look into rsync15:51
rumpe1angawar, you also have to adapt the system to the new drive besides the pure cloning (fstab-entries, bootloader)15:52
s093294jrib, the command i ran dindt work. guess i will do it manual then15:52
metaperlI have successfully done "sudo apt-get install postgresql" --- now I'd like to get further information on setting up my postgresql server on ubuntu 1115:52
angawarnever done this before xP15:53
phoenixsampras1ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602295/15:53
SuperstarHow do I check what UDMA mode my hard disks are using in 11.04?15:53
ActionParsnipSuperstar: look into hdparm15:54
rumpe1Superstar, first thought:  dmesg | grep UDMA15:54
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ActionParsnipphoenixsampras1: let it finish, then pastebin15:54
Superstarrumpe1 thank you! just what i was looking for15:55
Fodi69hi, I have a problem with the top menubar, it does not shows all the available menu items15:55
phoenixsampras1ActionParsnip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/602298/15:55
janolap1Hi, I have a problem with grub on my ubuntu serveur. Let me explain: I had to restore the filesystem (backed up with a tar.gz). But my system is on LVM. When I restored it using system rescue CD, I have to do a "grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/fcroot --recheck --no-floppy /dev/virtual12/root" where /mnt/fcroot is where the lvm is mounted and /dev/virtual12/root is the / of my server. But...15:56
janolap1...grub says : "/dev/virtual12/../dm-0 does not have any corresponding DOS drive". Any ideas ?15:56
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras1: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 3E5C1192; sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 437D05B515:57
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165700415:57
justashave windows xp and linux on same computer , i want to keep only linux , maybe is simply way how delete windows (simply means - like any file , or just format hard ((but i have only one disk C ))?15:57
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras1: or try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1043201515:57
sipiorbsodmike: sorry, got called away.15:57
bsodmikeoh np15:58
Promillewow the mirrors for the upgrade seems to be pretty fucked. i'm downloading with 60kb/s on a 15/15mbit fiber cable line15:58
Fodi69I use Mysql Workbench on unity, and the menus are disappeared from top. how can I get it working?15:58
bsodmikeon my working machines ssh connects to /dev/pts/X15:58
lucasHi! How can I connect remotely to another computer on the same LAN?15:58
sipiorbsodmike: is it possible this machine has a kernel compiled without pty support?15:58
allu2lucas: you mean X or ssh ?15:59
bsodmikeit was working for the past year sipior15:59
bastidrazor Promille what do you expect when thousands of people are upgrading at the same time.15:59
bsodmikesame instal15:59
mallorylucas: ssh username@remotehost15:59
lucasallu2: with ssh all is ok. I want X if possible a gnome desktop15:59
sipiorbsodmike: suddenly stopped working, with no recent updates/changes?15:59
allu2lucas: if you want to have remoete terminal connection the computer you want to connect must have ssh server running15:59
SuperstarIs there any way I can make Ubuntu check for updates every hour?15:59
bsodmikeafter we restored the container15:59
bsodmikefrom a backup15:59
bsodmikehad to cause things just went wrong few days back after the server died16:00
bsodmike(physical machine)16:00
bastidrazorSuperstar: learn to use the cron.16:00
nishttal2hi I just upgraded to 11.04 and the panels on my 2nd Xscreen are gone.... how do I fix this?16:00
Fodi69I use Mysql Workbench on unity, and the menus are disappeared from top. how can I get it working?16:00
sipiorbsodmike: if you invoke ssh with the -v switch, does it say anything about pty allocation?16:00
ActionParsnipSuperstar: run: sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule; gksudo gnome-schedule16:01
OinsPici: ah sry, got wrong channel ;)16:01
peeps[lappy]does anyone know how clock drift settings work?16:01
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phoenixsampras1ActionParsnip: same error :(16:01
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allu2lucas: most simply for ssh on the computer you want to take remote connection run apt-get install openssh-server, after it installs do on the computer you use "ssh user@ip.of.your.destination16:02
nishttal2also, i am not able to find the administration menu16:02
nishttal2someone please help16:02
sipiorbsodmike: does it work as the super-user, by any chance?16:02
johnny77After installing 11.04, when I log into Ubuntu, all I get is a background image. I think Unity is not loading.16:02
rick_2047hey people mount manager corrupted my fstab file. is there anyway I could regenerate the file?16:02
naveednishtta1@: Ubuntu10.04 or latest 11.0416:03
ActionParsnipjohnny77: if you press ALT+F2 do you get the run dialogue, or if you press CTRL+ALT+T do you get a terminal?16:03
bsodmikecan the container dictate PTY support?16:03
AdamantusI'm trying to install ubuntu but can't resize my 320gb windows partition. If I click on change during install I just get "Edit partiion" "use as", "mount point", how do I resize?16:03
ActionParsnipAdamantus: what version of windows is it?16:04
Adamantusthere's only change delete revert16:04
TheRedOctoberDoes anyone out there have experience with ncomputing thin devices on ubuntu 10.04?16:04
gxblaryhello. Does anyone has a idea why I can't modify files mounted via sshfs since I upgraded to ubuntu 11.04? The filesystems are mounted, I can browse them, open, delete, write files but I can't modify existing files16:04
OinsHow can I make one of my two monitors as default, especially for the unity panel, that it is on the right (main) one16:04
AdamantusActionParsnip: 716:04
sipiorbsodmike: the running kernel is the critical element. are we talking solaris containers, here?16:04
ActionParsnipAdamantus: win7 can resize it's own partitions16:04
AdamantusUbuntu 10.1016:04
AdamantusActionParsnip: So just use windows disc?16:04
bsodmikeparallels plesk16:04
johnny77ActionParsnip: I know alt+f2 does not work. Have not tried ctrl+alt+t, but would assume it does not work as well.16:04
ActionParsnipAdamantus: do it in windows then install ubuntu to the free space16:04
bsodmikemedia temple servers16:04
ActionParsnipAdamantus: no, boot to windows and you can do it in windows16:04
bsodmikeno idea of actual setup16:05
AdamantusActionParsnip: Windows is wrecked, says not genuine, I just want to install ubuntu alongside at the moment.16:05
GuitarMan517I recently updated to 11.04 and tried to move to Gnome 3..now I can only get in via LXDE..how can I restore to base 11.04?16:05
ActionParsnipAdamantus: then thats probably why you can't resize, the partition hasn't been unmounted properly16:05
sipiorbsodmike: at this point, you might want to contact your provider, and explain the problem. it's possible they changed something...16:05
AdamantusActionParsnip: I did try unmount in gparted but not available. Also won't boot due to failed install of Linux Mint, now trying to install Ubuntu instead.16:06
ActionParsnipGuitarMan517: remove the gnome3 ppa then you will need to tell the OS to reinstall a TONNE of packages. I'd reinstall, the resulting OS will be more stable16:06
ActionParsnipAdamantus: they are pretty much the same so trying them both is pointless, one is based on the other16:06
GuitarMan517ActionParsnip: I removed the Gnome3 ppa...how is the best way to reinstall? I am a bit of a noob..and don't want to loose any of my data.16:07
ActionParsnipGuitarMan517: then your backups will save you16:07
GuitarMan517ActionParsnip: ?16:08
rafi_hi my friends16:08
ActionParsnipGuitarMan517: if your data is important, you will have made backups16:08
rafi_i have problem with brightness fnkey,who can help me please?16:08
swebnatty have a lots of bug, when can i download it as a stable version ?16:08
sipiorbsodmike: is the provider using Linux Containers (LXC), by any chance?16:08
rafi_i have problem with brightness fnkey,who can help me please?16:08
constlsweb: Tomorrow16:09
DciteGuitarMan517: In the event where you cannot access a graphical interface, the command line should still work.16:09
milen8204help to mount a partition to a /home folder please16:09
milen8204I did some tutorials16:09
milen8204but cant make it16:09
KM0201milen8204: ar eyou doing it from a live cd?16:09
milen8204KM0201, no16:10
GuitarMan517Dcite: I can still..I just wan't to reinstall the original packages without wiping everything. Is there a relatively simple way?16:10
jubobawhere can I download wubi for 10.10?16:10
GuitarMan517want* :D16:10
swebconstl, i ask some question on IRC, askubuntu without get answer. test natty on VBox and Linux Netbook with lots of bugs. http://askubuntu.com/questions/38159/install-on-asus-eeepc-with-stupid-big-problem16:10
KM0201milen8204: thats your problem... you have to do that from a live cd, becuase the drive is mounted.16:10
raviyu can download wubi from the software center itself16:10
rafi_please help me!i have problem  with brightness fn-keys on ubuntu 11.0416:10
milen8204KM0201, I dont understand16:10
ravielse check out www.ubuntu.com16:10
KM0201milen8204: if it didn't give you information that simple, i would stronglly suspect the info on that page16:10
TimothyAhow do I stop the shell from flashing when I'm press tab for filename-completion and there are alternative spellings?16:10
DciteGuitarMan517: Assuming the dependency check in place.. you can try to install the ubuntu-desktop package and hope that the relavent packages are pulled back in?16:10
KM0201milamber: you cannot partition a drive, that is mounted.. so in order to partition it, you're going to have to boot a live cd or usb (so the drive is not mounted) and partition it from there16:11
ravii dont think natty narwhal is that cool.. any views?16:11
swebconstl, one of big prolem is gnome change to basic theme and i can't change the appearance from list of theme16:11
sipiorravi: this isn't really the place for such a discussion.16:11
GuitarMan517Dcite: What are the commands to do this?16:11
constlravi: You are wrong sir16:11
rafi_someone please help me16:11
milen8204KM0201, I have delete my 10.10 ubuntu and installed 11.04 instate16:11
swebconstl, so how can i trust to download it tomorrow16:11
DciteGuitarMan517: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:12
raviconstl: pls elaborat16:12
ActionParsnipravi: this is support, casual chat / opinions are for #ubuntu-offtopic16:12
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KM0201milen8204: so you're doing a clean install of 11.04?16:12
DciteGuitarMan517: This is only an attempt and I can't gurantee the results.16:12
constlravi: You first16:12
agrabI know ubuntu isn't using gnome shell, but there must be lots of users running it. I just wonder if there's anything one can do to run fglrx in shell?16:12
slipp3dso if i want to copy some videos from a camcorder (canon zr900) what software would I use?16:12
raviconstl: oh ok16:12
jubobawhere can I download wubi for 10.10?16:12
DrDuckHey, guys. I've run into an issue while trying to install gnome3 on ubuntu 11.04. When trying to log in, I get an ICE authority error about how it couldn't be updated. I'm hoping there is a fix to this.16:12
milen8204KM0201, I have done it :D16:12
raviconstl: thanks16:12
KM0201juboba: why on earth would you want to use wubi?..16:12
GuitarMan517Dcite: Ok, could it result in loss?16:12
KM0201milamber: ok.. whyd idn't you create a separate home, while installing?16:12
ActionParsnipjuboba: grab wubi.exe and put the MD5 tested 10.10 ISO in the same folder16:12
milen8204KM0201, I didnt format the partition which was /home for 10.1016:13
gxblaryHello, who could help me with my sshfs issues?16:13
milen8204durig 11.04 instalation16:13
DciteGuitarMan517: No, there is no chance of loss that I can tell, most it will do is nothing. That will not touch your /home16:13
KM0201milamber: oh ok.16:13
GuitarMan517Dcite: Ok, I'll give it a go16:13
DciteGuitarMan517: Best case, original packages pulled in and restored, worst case, GUI dies data stays intact16:13
KM0201so you ahve a separate /home partition (from 10.10)... but its not being used for 11.04(it has its own home).. is that right?16:14
TimothyAHow do I stop ubuntu trigger seizures in people?16:14
milen8204KM0201, and now I am trying to make partition which was 10.10 /home folder to be 11.04 /home folder16:14
liminal_can the cp command create directory structures? eg: cp /home/myfile /home/newdirectory/myfile16:14
KM0201milen8204: i have no idea16:14
jahrendsDoes anyone on here have experience setting up a stand alone irc server?16:14
milen8204KM0201, ok thanks for the help16:14
TimothyAI would like to have Ubuntu stop triggering a seizure on anyone who comes within viewing range -_-16:14
Dciteliminal_: try cp -a path/from path/to   for such  copying16:15
johnny77ActionParsnip: I know alt+f2 does not work. Have not tried ctrl+alt+t, but would assume it does not work as well.16:15
sipiorTimothyA: you appear to have confused ubuntu with voodoo.16:15
Crazyi wonder is all you from different contoury?16:15
KM0201TimothyA: clever, but not really for this channel16:15
GuitarMan517Dcite: In LXDE if I try to pull up the udate manager I get - 'E:Type 'ain' is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-natty.list'16:15
TimothyAKM0201: then what?16:15
Dciteliminal_: cp -a = preserves dates too, cp -r = recursive copy, loses dates.16:15
ActionParsnipjohnny77: try it, might just work16:15
TimothyApartial filename + tab = seizure-triggering blink16:15
liminal_I get this error16:15
TimothyAI wish to disable the seizure-triggering link16:15
liminal_cp: cannot create regular file `/home/newdirectory/': Is a directory16:15
ActionParsnipGuitarMan517: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file please16:16
jubobaI know how to use it16:16
Crazywhere are all of you from?16:16
jubobabut I want to download wubi for ubuntu 10.1016:16
user82can i replace maverick with natty without upgrade? (and keep windows dualboot undamaged)16:16
KM0201user82: sure.16:16
GuitarMan517ActionParsnip: Sure16:16
ActionParsnipjuboba: as I said, grab the ISO, test it then put the file in the same folder as wubi.exe16:16
shomonjahrends, just turn off your firewall ;) no, actually this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23314616:16
liminal_the bash in ubuntu doesnt seem to allow directory creation with cp16:16
KM0201user82: i believe its actually an optin when you install it'll ask you to 'clean install natty over a previous version of ubuntu" or something like that16:16
Mali[19:16] <Mali> hi there... I wish to mke a usb disk but have no ubuntu nor windows, only arch linux.. how do I go about it?16:17
Dciteliminal_:  cp -r /home/myfile /home/newdirectory/   <-- try that?16:17
yuskhanzabhello, i need to use gyachi.. how can i install gyachi via terminal?16:17
Mali[19:16] <-- toogreen_ has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).16:17
Mali[19:16] <Mali> unetbootin for some reason is not allowing to make me choos emy usb disk LOL.. any other ways than unetbootin (eg. dd?)16:17
jubobaActionParsnip, even if it is for 11.04?16:17
Mali[19:16] <-- andevell1cus has left this server (Client Quit).16:17
FloodBot1Mali: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:17
Mali[19:16] <jbeatty> Can we get an op in -offtopic? We have a flooder and a derailer.16:17
Mali[19:16] <-- pizzaman has left this server (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).16:17
user82good to know..i did not want to but now my maverick's nearly broken compeltely why no16:17
TimothyAKM0201: I'm serious here, bash is giving me a headache and making me temporarily blind whenever I tab for file completion16:17
user82KM0201, can i clean install and only keep /home/myfolder or is that wanted too much16:17
DrDuckAhh. I think I can fix it now. ctrl-alt-f1 brings me to the terminal. :D16:17
ActionParsnipjuboba: should be fine as far as I know16:17
sipiorTimothyA: turn off "Terminal bell" in your gnome terminal preferences.16:17
liminal_Dcite, no i get the same error16:18
KM0201user82: you might be able to do that w/ an advanced set up, but for the "guided" part, where it does it all for you, thats probably asking to much16:18
yuskhanzabcan someone tell me how to install gyachi via terminal?16:18
PudabudigadaHi, I've upgraded to 11.04, and several things have broken. Most importantly, sound, it is incredibally choppy.16:18
TimothyAsipior: I have... it's still blinking16:18
jahrendsshomon: I ask because for like hybrid I can't find any good docs that explain all the different configuration options ;)16:18
ActionParsnipyuskhanzab: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gyachi-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty-using-ppa.html16:18
ActionParsnipyuskhanzab: have you not seen that??16:18
KM0201yuskhanzab: to my knowledge, there's no repository w/ gyachi in it.. do ome googling, i found some instructions a long time ago to install it in 10.10.. probably still works for 11.0416:18
ActionParsnipKM0201: ^16:18
KM0201ActionParsnip: wow, hadn't seen that.;16:19
yuskhanzabim using maverick ver,16:19
ActionParsnipKM0201: bing and google's websites work here...16:19
KM0201ActionParsnip: lol, id idn't google it.. i was going off memory... i have no use for gyachi.. if he's not willing to google, i'mn ot doing it for him.16:19
shomonah I've never done it myself, sorry. but they have an irc channel16:19
yuskhanzabKM0201, im using maverick ver.16:19
ActionParsnipyuskhanzab: it has gyachi for maverick in the same ppa16:19
PudabudigadaHi, I've upgraded to 11.04, and several things have broken. Most importantly, sound, it is incredibly choppy.16:19
shomonjahrends, shown here http://www.ircd-hybrid.org/support.html16:20
ActionParsnipKM0201: thats pretty much what this channel is a lot of the time16:20
ActionParsnipPudabudigada: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*16:20
jahrendsshomon: been there... I must be blind... don't see docs. ;)16:21
ActionParsnipyuskhanzab: that ppa also has thunderbird, so if you use that it MAY upgrade that too16:21
shomonI was pointing you to their irc channel16:21
shomonalso their mailing list is there so you could ask on there.16:21
yuskhanzabowh, isee.. thanks ActionParsnip :)16:21
liminal_can the cp command create directory structures? eg: cp /home/myfile /home/newdirectory/myfile16:21
sipiorliminal_: "man cp"16:21
shomonor try here by specifying what config option you are stuck at, but it may be less helpful than their own irc channel16:21
jubobaActionParsnip, It started downloading the 11.04 image16:22
ActionParsnipjuboba: hmm, i'll try find you a maverck wubi16:22
yuskhanzabyeah, its working.. thx ActionParsnip !!16:22
PudabudigadaActionParsnip, That's helped a bit, but it's still chopped up every so often.16:22
ZiberOn ubuntu, is there any way to group different windows of the same application together, like in windows?16:22
jubobathanks achromat16:22
jubobathanks ActionParsnip16:22
khrmi want to use my mobile as modem for using net on ubuntu16:22
ActionParsnipjuboba: try this: http://people.canonical.com/~evand/wubi/maverick/wubi-r197.exe16:23
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mindkeepHello, using Unity 11.04, how do I make the launcher execute multiple instances of a program (such as gnome-terminal)?16:23
nick87720zJust tried update-initramfs -u -k all, and got line: "grep: /boot/config-2.6.32-26-generic: No such file or directory". Usually i remove old kernels, for now i have 2.6.32-31 for generic and preempt. Of course, initramfs file is created. I removed item in /lib/modules, but it is helpless. I have nothing installed with version 2.6.32-26*16:23
DoctorPepperis anyone  using Global menubar extension for firefox ?16:23
nick87720zCan't find help in web search16:23
ActionParsnipmindkeep: you can press CTRL+ALT+T for multiple terminals, or use tabs in terminal16:23
bastidrazormindkeep: ctrl+shift+t will add a tab16:24
Dciteliminal_: After trying, I got right idea. but NO, cp can't do that to my knowdlege, please use mkdir first?16:24
mindkeepActionParsnip: I don't want tabs, I want seperate windows16:24
ArowanaHi Every116:24
GuitarMan517ActionParsnip: You just want me to open that file as text and copy the contents?16:24
mikebotWhat is the default font in Libreoffice called?16:25
Malihey, how can I make the ubuntu live usb when I don't have ubuntu (no, an dno windows)16:25
jubobathanks ActionParsnip16:25
compdocLiberation Serif16:25
sipiornick87720z: why not simply omit the "-k all" switch?16:25
liminal_sipior: "man get a personality"16:25
KM0201Mali: you'll probably have to do it manually   check out Pendrivelinux16:26
mindkeephmm, nevermind, I guess that seems to do what I want. Thanks ActionParsnip bastidrazor16:26
ZiberHow can I get the menu that allows me to chose standby, hibernate, shutdown, etc?16:26
DciteMali: unetbootin should be close to what is needed?16:26
mikebotcompdoc: yes?16:26
donkeyinspacehello, where to download trustable experimental packages?16:26
compdocLiberation Serif is the default font16:26
Arowanahow is 11.04?16:26
KM0201Dcite: if you follow what he's saying, he's using arch.. unetbootin doesn't have a version of arch16:26
ActionParsnipArowana: fine16:26
bastidrazorZiber: you're running openSuSe?16:26
DciteKM0201: Ah.. lets see.16:26
sipiorliminal_: that was the best you could manage?16:27
mikebotcompdoc: Oh, thanks16:27
Ziberbastidrazor: No, ubuntu 10.10.16:27
ActionParsnipdonkeyinspace: you can enable the proposed repo if you feel brave16:27
mikebotcompdoc: Is that available for windows?16:27
Arowanaperformance wise?16:27
kyle__So, anyone explain ubuntu users and groups (groups part)16:27
KM0201Dcite: or if it does, i don't know about it (don't really use it anymore)16:27
dusfi am trying to open http://www.getdeb.net/app/Songbird (click install) but firefox keeps trying to open it with software centre which says it cannot find it16:27
dusfcan someone please see if it works for them?16:27
MaliDcite.. ye .. my unetbootin is playing up though and wo't show my usb disk sigh... hehe.. ah well I will put theiso on my hard disk and boot it from there I guess16:27
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compdocmikebot, dont think so, but its probably matching a windows font with a different name16:27
GuitarMan517ActionParsnip: This what you wanted? - http://pastebin.com/NyFJUexd16:27
bromiumanyone still who can help me with my troubles regarding setting up dansguardian , privoxy on lubuntu,16:27
Arowanaany experience with mrtg??16:27
Malian ntfs partition of all things lol16:27
ActionParsnipdusf: did you install the getdeb deb to add the repo?16:27
mikebotcompdoc: OK, thank you16:27
nick87720zsipior: it just seems, that something gone wrong for that version. I would like to find source. As for me it is not blocking thing16:27
TomThumbSo, anyone explain ubuntu users and groups (groups part)16:27
dusfActionParsnip: i am trying to install it by clicking it16:28
ActionParsnipGuitarMan517: ok and what is the error?16:28
KM0201Mali: there should be a solutjion out there.. you'll probaly just have to do it manually16:28
DciteMali: Do you have yaourt installed or access to auR.archlinux.org? They have a pkgbuild for unetbootin there.16:28
ActionParsnipdusf: the deb or songbird?16:28
TomThumbfor example the is a group called bluetooth, i have no tick next to group but i'm still able to use.  Why so?16:28
dusfActionParsnip: firefox tells me it must be opened with an ap, and the only app it recommends is software centre16:28
GuitarMan517ActionParsnip: An unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.  Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:  'E:Type 'ain' is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-natty.list'16:28
ActionParsnipdusf: you need to add the ppa by installing the deb, you can then use those links16:28
dusfActionParsnip: the deb is for songbird, i cannot separatre them16:28
DciteMali: It... won't see the stick? Can't you pick by device in /dev? Or nothing at all?16:28
dusfActionParsnip: where is the option to install the dev?16:28
bastidrazorZiber: right click the panel > add to panel> Shut Down16:29
dusfActionParsnip: i tried right clicking on the install link and saving link as16:29
dusfbut it just saved as html16:29
ActionParsnipdusf: in software centre16:29
Maliit only finds my linux partition on an external hard disk16:29
Maliyes, it's weird.. I don't get it.. first time I see it16:29
dusfActionParsnip: when i search software centre for songbird it doesn't find anuything16:29
ActionParsnipdusf: cd; wget http://archive.getdeb.net/install_deb/getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb; sudo dpkg -i .//getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb; rm .//getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb16:30
Maliwhich is why I am in such a hapless position :p although actually hwen I think of it, I can install grub2 somewhere and launch an old livecd with grub2 (IM on arch2) i mean with the usb creator (i have a lubuntu 10.10 and a mint 10.10 iso on the ntfs partition16:30
PudabudigadaActionParsnip, The command didn't help.16:30
Malialthough I forgot about it.. haven't used them in ages16:30
ActionParsnipGuitarMan517: you can delete the top 3 lines of that file as you will be using the web to update. Should fix the file16:30
dusfActionParsnip: i searched software centre for deb and it found and is installing gdebi package installer, same as your link?16:30
jahrendsI still think it is odd that ubuntu installs by default with no compiler... ;)16:30
ActionParsnipdusf: the command I gave will install and add the getdeb repo, you can then install as you expect16:31
KM0201Mali: yeah, if you can boot an ISO of ubuntu or mint 10.10  they both have reliable usb creation tools.. that would be a good alternative16:31
ActionParsnipjahrends: think of the target userbase of Ubuntu....16:31
jahrendsThat makes it even more odd... :)16:31
Maliwell they failed in me in the past alwasy KM0201 which is why I ended up putting isos on my hard disk bt anyway, here I go... thanks!16:31
GuitarMan517ActionParsnip: Aren't the first three comments?16:31
dusfActionParsnip: your command gives errors16:32
KM0201Mali: ok, good luck16:32
ActionParsnipPudabudigada: not sure then, I don't use wubi personally. If you are using Win7 you can resize the windows partition and install a REAL install of Ubuntu which will run better and be easier to fix16:32
DciteGuitarMan517: please pastebin this file too /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-natty.list16:32
ActionParsnipdusf: seen this: http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/11.04#how_to_install16:32
dusfActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/Q1TXmQbJ16:32
toehio2is it possible to install a new version of ubuntu without formatting a partition (to preserve the data in certain directories like /home, /var, etc.)?16:33
PudabudigadaActionParsnip, I am running it normally.16:33
Dcitecamille: You might be in the wrong channel? What is your support question?16:33
numbah1hax0rcan directx 9.0 run on ubuntu16:33
numbah1hax0rlike for a game?16:33
juncoHi I'm having a terrible time since upgrading to 11.04 with compiz going nuts and freezing half my interface... how can I find out if this bug has been reported already? google isn't helping much.16:33
Dcite!wine | numbah1hax0r16:33
ubottunumbah1hax0r: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:33
GuitarMan517Dcite: http://pastebin.com/uGFw0icW16:33
GuitarMan517Dcite: I think thats the problem.. :)16:34
numbah1hax0rso Dcite16:34
Malinumbah1hax0r: thatwould have to be through wine (or a vm)16:34
PudabudigadaActionParsnip, I wouldn't get anywhere with virtualisation on this!16:34
numbah1hax0rright,but does wine have it preinstalled?16:34
durandoso guys this unity thing does anyone actually like it? and is there going to be a time when ubuntu classic isn't possible because if there is than i may need to switch distros in the future16:34
numbah1hax0ror do i have to install directx via wine?16:34
ark0nzanumbah1hax0r: checkout playonlinux too16:34
dusfActionParsnip: getdeb is installed, but when i click on the 'install now' option it is still only offering to open it with software centre16:34
Dcitenumbah1hax0r: Wine has impleted directx 9.0 to a certain degree and most modern games should work, please check your game in appdb.winehq.org for a better insight16:34
EClaessondurando, i like Unity. On a first look it was rather annoying. But i'm really starting to like it now16:35
ArowanaHi Action: can I put .exe in folder and share it on samba and run in ubuntu's mem. space?16:35
DciteGuitarMan517: Yes, you nailed, it, please make the correction to it? :)16:35
donkeyinspace2ActionParsnip , enabled proposed repo but still dont see the wanted package16:35
ark0nzanumbah1hax0r:  I use playonlinux to run Steam... HL2, Team Fortress 2, Fallout 3 etc16:35
GuitarMan517Dcite: Remove line 3?16:35
numbah1hax0rwhats playonlinux?16:35
durandoEClaesson: I have attempted to give it a fair shake honestly but all that unity has managed to do for me is use my android tablet more...........16:36
DciteGuitarMan517: Yes place.16:36
ArowanaI have done 1st part and not sure about 2nd running in ubuntu mem space16:36
juncoI think unity needs a lot of work but has potential16:36
dusfActionParsnip: 'there isn't a package called 'songbird' in your current software sources'16:36
numbah1hax0rark0nza, what's playonlinux?16:36
Dcitenumbah1hax0r: playonlinux is a script which happens to use wine, I won't say it is needed but some people seem to like it16:36
sipiordurando: this is a discussion more for #ubuntu-offtopic16:36
durandosipior: thanks for that resource16:36
lvhHi. I'm on Ubuntu 11.04. I'm running into a particular problem with compiling python2.6/2.7 from source which I can only reproduce on 11.04. I installed build-deps python2.7. When I make, it's giving me the usual Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules: line, except with sqlite and zlib in it, which I don't understand because I have zlib1g-dev and libsqlite3-dev.16:36
ark0nzanumbah1hax0r: Google it mate, or search the software center... basically a collection of preconfigured wine setups for games16:36
jillsmithow to enable zte wimax device in ubuntu 11.04?16:36
mbn_18Hi, how can I change the mirror I use to get the updates / new apps?16:37
juncoSo, no one else having problems with compiz and ubuntu 11? I get freezes almost every hour it sucks16:37
GuitarMan517Dcite: It wont let me edit it o_016:37
ArowanaI want to recompile squid for MAC support16:37
numbah1hax0rthanks ark0nza :D16:37
DciteGuitarMan517: use a command line editor like nano or vi or vim16:37
KM0201mbn_18: in synaptic.. go to settings/repositories.. then where it says "Select servers".. choose Find best server..16:37
GuitarMan517Dcite: Ok16:38
ark0nzanumbah1hax0r: Even got adobe CS54 working on it, np :)16:38
mbn_18KM0201: thx16:38
MonkeyDustjunco: you're free to use gnome (Ubuntu Classic)16:38
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DciteGuitarMan517: sudo vim /path/to/file16:38
ark0nzanumbah1hax0r: CS4 even16:38
dusfActionParsnip: i did exactly what you asked...16:38
KM0201mbn_18: actually, i think its "settings repositories, then where it says download from, choose other, then click select best server16:38
klnjoin #awesome16:38
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donkeyinspaceActionParsnip , is pkgs.org a trustable site?16:38
juncoMonkeyDust: I suppose that's true.. but I'm thinking someone (developers) would want to know about my problems somewhere?16:38
Maliok added ubu natty to my ntfs partition , will see if it works... if not I guess I will be back weeping :p16:39
MonkeyDustjunco: you're not the only person who dislikes Unity, I don't like it either, so I don't use it16:40
denndaWhat in gods name happened here? http://the-space-station.com/~dennda/tmp/unity_screwed.png16:40
donkeyinspacewhy is not to possible to force some package s version?16:40
juncoMonkeyDust: I'm not sayign I don't like it. I'm saying it freezes the system... it's buggy. I'd use it if it didn't break my computer every hour.16:40
numbah1hax0rwhich version is 10.0416:41
sipiorjunco: if you're experiencing constant crashes, a bug report would be very helpful.16:41
KM0201dennda: well, you should have set screenshot to delay about 2sec..lol, but i'd say something went hairy16:41
ayeceenumbah1hax0r: lucid lynx16:41
denndaI just did an update; Now my system is totally screwed and unusable. I still get the unity dock but everything is acting very very weird16:41
sipiorjunco: might be interesting to see if gnome-classic shows the same problem.16:41
dusfcan somebody please help me open the install now link on http://www.getdeb.net/software/Songbird - gdebi is installed16:41
numbah1hax0rso lucid?16:41
ayeceenumbah1hax0r: yes16:41
numbah1hax0rThanks man.16:41
denndaKM0201: yeah i am not talking about that. but why am i having that weird gtk theme and all those weird framebuffer issues e.g. when i switch to another viewport16:41
batti3004Hi, i use ubuntu 11, and i have some problems, videos dont play in fullscreen, can anybody help out?16:41
sipiorjunco: in other words: does the problem lie with unity, or the video card driver.16:41
juncosipior: I'll try classic for awhile and see.. then I'll do a bug report. I assume I'll be able to find that pretty easy on ubuntu.org (how to file a bug report)16:42
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KM0201dennda: no clue.. :)16:42
sipiorjunco: yeah, let me see if i can find that factoid...16:42
sipior!bug > junco16:42
ubottujunco, please see my private message16:42
denndathis unity thing doesnt exactly seem to be stable16:42
juncosipior: got it thanks!16:43
dusfcan somebody please help me open the install now link on http://www.getdeb.net/software/Songbird - gdebi is installed16:43
numbah1hax0ris a 3 GHz processor good?16:44
numbah1hax0rlike for ubuntu?16:44
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sipiornumbah1hax0r: just fine, yes.16:44
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Arowanaperformance improverment via Swap space??16:45
sipiorArowana: yes.16:45
GuitarMan517Dcite: Ok, thats working. Ran ppa purge on the Gnome3 ppa16:45
DexterFI set up 10.10 with encrypted home - basically for testing. now I need that box to auto-login a user and so that contradicts. question: how do I permanently decrypt that home?16:45
sfstikkunHi, I thought I was accessing XChat and I was switched over to freenode.  Is there a reason for that?16:46
DexterF(or *can* I have enc. home and auto-login? tho it's bogus)16:46
GuitarMan517Dcite: Should I try sudo aptget install ubuntu-desktop now?16:46
KM0201DexterF: i don't think so.. (but you might be able to)..16:46
envygeeksDexterF: Try -- http://www.satansgarden.org/2010/03/05/removing-encryption-from-home-directories-in-ubuntu-9-10/16:46
Maliok yay.. it only took  amin and I had the ubu natty on the ntfs partitin working.. sorry I forgot about my own boot system :P16:46
Malistrange, the livecd is in fallback mode?16:47
Maliif only it remained like so ^^16:47
Malitook me longer time to figure out this empathy thing ;/16:48
KM0201Mali: fallback mode?16:48
Maliwell I booted the iso and well it looks like old gnome, not unity16:49
KM0201oh ok.. Mali you're lucky.. most, the screen just goes black...lol16:49
Malion the live cd?16:49
KM0201Mali: affirmative.16:49
KM0201when the graphis drivers aren't working properly, that is16:49
MaliI have launched the iso from disk.. ah ok, nah works like a charm, crispy gfx even .. although this is HOW I want ubuntu. not unity/G3 but ah well16:50
GuitarMan517Dcite: Made those changes..rebooting. Thanks for your help16:50
DexterFenvygeeks: thanks!16:50
GuitarMan517ActionParsnip: Thanks16:50
Malilast time I tried to do that, it ended up crashing my whole system, so I left ubu for a while  but that was beta anyway16:50
lcbKM0201, have you been lost in action?? :o good to see you ;)16:50
Sandeep_Kr_FOSSCan anybody help me ?? My "Me menu" disappeared from the Indicator area.16:50
KM0201lcb: :)  been hanging out in xubuntu/lubuntu  (for obvious reasons.16:50
lcbKM0201, good ;)16:51
philip_tips on how to debug ubuntu 11.04 install on mac? ubuntu cd starts to load, shows a little man/keyboard (i think) at bottom of screen for a moment, then shows a prompt (to left) and stays16:51
sfstikkunAnyone know why sound on Ubuntu is so compromised on a regular basis.  Right now, I cannot use my Ubuntu program to play my music files.16:51
Malithis is the godo thign about keeping grub on an oem partition , independent of installs.. as long as one has ONE grub2 livecd (Which I didn't but was logged in on arch with grub1 and just installed grub2) and I was set.. phew16:51
KM0201sfstikkun: do you get an error of some type?16:51
Sandeep_Kr_FOSSCan anybody help me ?? My "Me menu" disappeared from the Indicator area.16:51
Sandeep_Kr_FOSSEverything is working normally,but i cannot see only the Me Menu16:51
Malisandeep I *suspect* a lot of new bugs will be abundant due to quite a 'paradigm' in gnome2- gnome 3 (and unity fo rthat matter)16:52
sfstikkunKM0201, I nothing...no error message, no nothing.  I checked to see if a card was installed and it is.  Still nothing16:52
mariomanHow can i get see the short url16:52
KM0201sfstikkun: so you're not getting any sound at all, right?16:52
sfstikkunright, KM16:52
KM0201sfstikkun: ok, well thats a little different than music not playing16:52
Malioops, I think the installer is trying to unmount the iso partition LOL16:53
researcher123how to reach an application in 11.04 rapidly?16:53
KM0201sfstikkun: first, what is your sound device...  if you don't know, open a terminal and type "lspci" w/o quotes, and hit enter, and find your audio controller16:53
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wiehanguys, hi. Installed 11.04. I like it. But, I have very glitchy graphics issues. Nvidia 7300 graphics card (not great, but surely able to run 3D games etc.) On the Nvidia (Reccommended) drivers my desktops loads and shows a desktop (e.g. wallpaper, unity panel, etc.) but nothing happens, funny enough I can interact with the system, it is just now showing it. On the old Nvidia 173 drivers, my system runs OK. But There aren't much effects in unity and not able16:53
Malir0hit: are you form sloth?16:53
wiehan to do much graphics wise... please help.16:53
mariomani need help16:53
Malislough or16:53
StravHi. I wish to periodically run fsck on my raid5 array to check for bad sectors. My raid is formatted as ext4, would a normal fsck.ext4 do the job for this? (I cannot seem to google a clear documentation about running fsck on a raid array, if anyone can point one out, it'll be much appreciated)16:54
KM0201marioman: all the mind-readers have left for the day16:54
sfstikkunKM0201, I'm going to do that now. BB in bit16:54
KM0201sfstikkun: uh.. ok16:54
r0hitMali, no, just an fglrx user16:54
Malidamn , of all the millions of rohits, I hoped for a random encounter with an old bud ;)16:54
PudabudigadaAnyone know about Natty sound issues? My computer is now useless for any media.16:54
yuyu[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   yuyu Anubisss markin lance__ theshadow rzx2371 cheshire_fox dupondje stjohnmedrano selits r0hit Guest71011 lubuntu researcher123 robin0800 jatt Strav toad mbeierl rzx237 lousygarua rumpe1 wiehan shamino_ kamikaza lcb El-Kodar pelirrojo_ m16:55
yuyu[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   Devon_ slackin fedora_newb irvie batti3004 cryptonome Kardos_ Ericounet eiriksvin larstov mbn_18 multipass_ pteague_work lvh bibinou_ ukev Stormx2 donkeyinspace numbah1hax0r coolbhavi DrShoggoth durando toehio2 camille chrisccoulson Steve16:55
yuyu[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   Lesterwood kancerman oCean toastyjustice LuisCosta Pudabudigada yuskhanzab sharkbird mikeea xiong dajhorn torchie Logan_ czardoz DrDuck agrab h0ller lsp megh ckrailo Sterist user82 brianchidester v-himanshu shentino x1o LLStarks daws cps016:55
yuyu[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   BKTech86 DrHouse|Hyperion SimonP86_ astra05 hobbsc vgusev vivid llua asavard tremolux www2 Morten_ MadAGu TheRedOctober raju rbunny BiDOrD Jinxed-- evilsushi H4VK hwilde alex_ delinquentme d3vic3 Jareth ecanto qbert zzecool afman bsodmike16:55
yuyu[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   PhoenixSTF Belea Sansui350A joe75 bfiller CardinalFang SA-Geoff cmagina clbr fumanchu182 lborda jeija Ababab cannonball linux_probe HelloWorld321 stephan_ debes BlaDe^ The_Pugilist aleran_ x1sc0 bresta voodoo123_ zaid_h envygeeks mounir d16:55
r0hitSASL or SSL? :p16:56
wiehanand when I open additional drivers (restricted drivers thingy) It says the Nvidia [recommended] drivers is installed (green light next to it), but beneath it says it is not enabled. Please help16:56
ikonialets just move along please.16:56
sipiorstrav: yes, that should be fine. fsck operates on the filesystem; raid is more or less an orthogonal issue.16:56
delinquentme^^^ false alarm right ??16:56
MaliSASL of course: Sassy Anti-Secure Layer!16:56
delinquentmethat was not official?16:56
philip_all tips for installing ubuntu on intel macs welcome, or how to debug a stuck prompt issue during ubuntu cd load16:56
r0hitsince vboxvideo doesn't support OpenGL (2.0 ?), running Natty in virtualbox and expecting Unity to pop up is futile right?16:58
oCeanr0hit: I run 11.04 in vbox16:58
oCeanr0hit: with unity that is16:59
PimmetjeHi all, I am having a question about dualscreen & Displayport on intel hd graphics, i have dualboot (11.04) on windows both screens work fine. On ubuntu one screen has all colors messed (more green & red). I used PowerStrip to get the settings for xrand but no luck. Maybe anyone here can help me?16:59
r0hitoCean, any quirks or fiery hoops you had to jump thru to get that working?16:59
PudabudigadaAnyone know about Natty sound issues? My computer is now useless for any media.16:59
oCeanr0hit: install the guest additions in natty, and enable 3d-acceleration in vbox settings for that vmachine, that was all16:59
r0hitFiery, sorry false alarm :)16:59
Maliprobably a lot of loops on fire yesh.. like a midsummer night's lady of the night's erm treasurebox17:00
Fieryheh no problem r0hit17:00
PudabudigadaThe sound cracks in any media player I try17:00
PudabudigadaWorst in Vlc17:00
Malipuda , you on alsa or?17:00
wiehanWhen I start my computer I get a black screen (way before X starts) that just says "error: parse file not allowed" - I presume it might have something to do with the face that I used my old install partition as my /home. but How do I fix it?17:01
KM0201Pudabudigada: vlc is a mess in 11.04 right now, not sure why... i've had really good luck w/ Parole Media Player17:01
r0hitoCean, funny i did that. it bails out with GL_EXT_copy_texture being not supported... VBox 4.0.6 btw17:01
Maliblah, sound slike 11.04 is like 10.04.. not the best version17:01
oCeanr0hit: yep, 4.0.6 here too17:01
samzor_I have updated my station from 10.04 to 11.04 and i cant get unity to work and i think it's due to the nvidia drivers anyone have any pointers ?17:01
cheshire_foxGot a problem with my wireless.  With in the last 12 hours network-manager suddenly refuses to connect to any wireless network (password protected or not_.17:01
KM0201Mali: 11.04 is fine.. it just has some issues... but with such heavy changes, thats to be expected17:01
quielanyone got the battery indicator working in 11.04?17:02
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Maliye KM0201: fair enough, but I came back here for stability issues... but perhaps hmm,17:02
Stravsipior: thanks17:02
bradlandi'm looking for help interpreting this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-application/+bug/56927317:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 569273 in indicator-application (Ubuntu Lucid) "memory leak in gnome-power-manager" [Medium,Triaged]17:02
Maliah man I been distro hopping for 2 months now... what a nightmare :p17:02
PudabudigadaKM0201, Parole isn't working at all.17:02
Stravsipior: I'll just schedule one and see what happens.17:02
bradlandit looks like lucid is marked as "won't fix", but it's an LTS release, so I'm kind of confused.17:02
PudabudigadaIt's not even starting to play.17:02
ksbalajiThe Desktop icons defaults to -keep aligned- everytime I start the pc. Can't I permanently set it otherwise please?17:02
wiehansamzor_ also having issues17:02
KM0201Mali: honestly, if you want ultimate stability, look at something other than unity.. you might even consider xubuntu or lubuntu or kubuntu.. just a lot of changes on the gnome side right now17:02
samzoriowiehan did you manage to fix it ?17:02
r0hitoCean, your graphics hardware?17:02
Maliye lubuntu is cool17:02
lubuntuyes i know :)17:03
wiehansamzorio: no, no one is helping here.17:03
Malitrue KM0201: but I also wanna get used to G3 , might as well as frikking  as kde has alwasy crashe don me since 200017:03
lubuntubut i have problem with gdesktoplets17:03
Malihehe lubuntu :p17:03
lubuntuits blin17:03
Malicompiz + lxde any nifty?17:03
KM0201Mali: i just haven't been able to embrace gnome 3 yet (on ubuntu anyway)17:04
lubuntui dont use compiz17:04
MaliKM0201: it is why I left ubuntu (unity + G3) although unity actually was a bit nicer I guess17:04
Younderto get unity to work with nvide try sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager17:04
PudabudigadaKM0201,  Ahh, it works now! Thanks!17:04
KM0201Pudabudigada: what does?17:04
YounderIt has some settings that might help17:04
Malibut gnome man.. I loved them for a decade.. and well if ONLY I can bring down the menu bar back onto the windows I guess I can deal with it :p17:04
PudabudigadaKM0201,  I can play music17:04
KM0201oh, well, thats a relief17:05
MaliI HATE moving my mouse up to the top for each little bl**dy thing I gotta do17:05
PudabudigadaKM0201,  The odd skip, but it's much better.17:05
coz_Mali,   then log off and log back onto classic gnome17:05
lubuntuMali,  in gnome you can take down17:05
Malilubuntu: I wa shoping so, but couldn't figure it out, ende dup deleteing the whole menu.. how?17:05
CombatjuanThis might be a dumb question, but what happened to xorg.conf in natty?  Did X get replaced by that zany new fangled thing?17:05
Malicoz_: when i did that I couldn't log back in to my system, had to reformat and went arch linux instead17:06
lubuntuMali then you log out you see on down combobox to choose a classic ubuntu17:06
PudabudigadaOk, audio seems to work as long as I don't touch the pc while it's playing.17:06
Maliit's actually AWESOME but pacman is still a lil unreliable17:06
jattCombatjuan: it's configured automatically however you can generate a xorg.conf if you want17:06
KM0201Pudabudigada: lol17:06
KM0201Mali: i like pacman17:06
Malinope lubuntu when I enabled fallabck on (beta) it entirely crashed couldn't log in in any X17:06
torchiewhat's sasl17:06
Combatjuanjatt: I need to adjust some touchpad options that aren't present in the gui.  How do I generate an xorg.conf?17:06
MaliKM0201: so do I , but it isn't reliable17:07
coz_Mali,   ?? seriously?  all you needed to do    is log off,, type in your password  and before hitting enter change the session to Classic.. or in UNity,, although I dont reccoment this,, open a terminal and type   gnome-panel & disown17:07
Maliand typically, when I try and fix things, it gets itself stucjk and breaks my system, hehe17:07
Malinope coz_ I COUDN'T I am trying ot tell you now17:07
KM0201Mali: lubuntu doesn't have a fall back,b ecause it doesn't support 3d17:07
Maliaka beta bug I guess... or alpha 3... either way.. KDE as well crashed every 3 mins17:07
lubuntulxde is super light and very speed17:08
Mali\so I left ubuntu17:08
jattCombatjuan: Xorg -configure17:08
Combatjuanjatt: Thanks.17:08
Maliyesh, but I like my compiz effects ;) although I saw a very nice layout on youtube with compiz + lxde tbh17:08
lapionhow do I disable application restart upon crash ?17:08
Malianyway, I wrote a post install script for archlinux and I'm at the nightmare now of seieng if I will implement wm + de combos17:08
Malior just stick to some basic confs17:09
oCeanMali: chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please17:09
Maliye ok.. sorry :)17:09
Malinot a single channel on the planet I don't get showve dinto offtopic ;)17:09
MrADzHi guys, My web cut out whilst downloading 11.04 and now when I try and run the installer it fails to fetch packages??17:09
wildc4rdafternoon all17:09
MaliMrADz: that sounds like a potentially broken ISO , have you checked the mda5sum?17:10
MrADzSorry I have no idea what you're talking about17:10
BinaryManhi. upgraded to 11.04 and started using xfce. it's not respecting the keyboard shortcuts I have set up.17:11
coz_MrADz,  there is the mini install cd  19 megs,, little to get corrupted,, however it is NOT a live cd..17:11
MrADzNo, I'm just trying to install the upgrade in update manager17:11
coz_MrADz,  ah ok17:11
xadhoomwhy can the ubuntu installer only use predefined mountpoints?17:12
Omega!md5 | MrADz17:12
ubottuMrADz: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:12
coz_MrADz,  is it necessary for you to upgrade,,, cannot backup?17:12
BinaryManxadhoom: it doesn't. you can specify your own mountpoints.17:12
MrADztbh I could backup but for easier upgrade17:12
xadhoomBinaryMan, i can not type in text17:12
BinaryManxadhoom: you don't have to. when you get to the partitioning screen, set the mountpoints by hand.17:13
coz_MrADz,  the only reason is that I generally do not ask people to upgrde,, ubuntu upgrades are consistently inconsistent,, clean installs give you ,, at the very least,, the confort that any problems are not related to the upgrade itself17:13
xadhoomBinaryMan, yes but i can only select from a dropbox17:14
xadhoomBinaryMan, i can not type /blahblah into it17:14
Omegacoz_: Most problems we have to deal with here come from upgrades.17:14
coz_Omega,  this I have seen over the years  for sure17:14
coz_upgrades can be a PITA  to troubleshoot17:14
BinaryManxadhoom: that's because /blahblah isn't a recognized mount point.17:15
giacomobuona sera a tutti17:15
coz_giacomo,  salve :)17:15
oCeancoz_: no need for such acronyms I think17:16
thevishyi had given upgrade command earlier and went for work17:16
coz_oCean,  you mean the pita thing?17:16
giacomovorrei chiedere se e possibile come installare office 2007 nel mio portatile  grazie17:16
thevishyhow do I know if Natty is installed ?17:16
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases17:16
oCeancoz_: indeed :( One leads to another etc etc17:16
sipiorcoz_: i wouldn't worry about it.17:16
cheshire_foxFor some reason network manager isn't running17:17
coz_oCean, this I have also seen over the years... generally not thar particular one is at fault though :)17:17
thevishyhow do I know my  current ubuntu version17:17
coz_thevishy,  in terminal      lsb_release -a17:17
thevishyit says maverick17:18
thevishyhow do I upgrade to natty17:18
coz_thevishy,  that is 10.1017:18
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:18
cheshire_foxEarlier  it decided not to work with any wifi ap, then it said my wireless card wasn't working because the firmware wasn't in place, and now the applet says network manager is not working at all.  Help?17:18
The-Kernel_hi, is there a way to get iptables to drop ONLY rtpevents? I googled and didn't find anything.17:18
coz_thevishy,  is it important to upgrade or can you clean install with no issues?17:18
dualcorei installed ubuntu 11.04 and now i am getting 403 - Forbidden for all my lighttpd vhost? help!?17:19
thevishyI think clean issue is also fine coz_17:19
=== The-Kernel_ is now known as The_Kernel
thevishybut I need to use USB then right17:19
giacomoscusate scappo ci sentiamo dopo17:19
coz_thevishy,  is this a netbook ?17:19
thevishyis natty significantly better than maverick17:19
thevishycoz_ yeah17:19
sebsebsebthevishy: for some users yes, for other users no17:20
noes1sIm doing a script, can someone do "ls .gconf/system/networking/connections/*" and tell me the output?17:20
coz_thevishy,   oh ! mm I have absolutely no experience with netbooks other than knowing there is no cd in them...sorry17:20
thevishyI did USB install initially17:20
brassWhat is the preferred method of setting up a desktop terminal server?    I used to use xdmcp, but that seams impossible with ubuntu.  I've read about a vncserver and freenx.  Anyone have an opinion?17:20
sebsebsebthevishy: altough it seems quite a lot aren't that happy with the new Unity interface in 11.04 for example17:20
coz_thevishy,  i would probably ,, in your place,  do the same with 11.04..17:21
thevishyYeah I was against Unity interface btw :)17:21
sebsebsebthevishy: you should be able to try from the Ubuntu website now17:21
sebsebsebthe Unity 2D17:21
sebsebsebin a web browser17:21
codingenesiscan any one tell me that, can we design our own architecture of a computer??17:21
fi103910hi all - I'm very unexperienced with Linux (know some, but not much...) and ran into a problem after updating to 11.04. For some reason, the "default boot" option doesn't work. Can someone help me with this... ? :)17:22
trailoryoHey, what do i do to paste this line automatically every time I start XChat? "/msg NickServ Identify trailoryo xxxxxxxx"17:22
dimkinhello! i want to install ubuntu server @ via c3 700Mhz mitx mobo. do i really need recomended x64 version ? ;)17:22
coz_fi103910,  ah what shows up when you try to boot?17:22
sebsebsebfi103910: I guess upgrading broke your booting,  may just be some issue with Grub 2, but Grub 2 isn't that easy to configure, espesaily as a newbie17:22
smwtrailoryo, I suggest you set the server password to trailoryo:xxxxxxx17:22
rajutrailoryo:  click freenode at xchat network list and edit give the password server password17:22
sebsebseb!grub2 | fi10391017:22
ubottufi103910: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:23
PromilleWhy is the update to Natty so extremely slow(100kb/s average). I can theoretically do 1.85mb/s, and I usually max it with the update manager17:23
fi103910well, it's strange - if I choose the "use older version" option, but choose the same 11.04 version - it works just fine...17:23
roastedHey guys - has the Unity bug with dual screen monitors been fixed so I can have my right-side monitor as the main with Unity's bar on it?17:23
thevishyMaybe I can also stick with 10.10 for some time and switch too17:23
sebsebsebfi103910: ok so it boots up with an older kernel?17:23
codingenesiscan any one tell me that, can we design our own architecture of a computer??17:23
trailoryoThanks smw & raju17:23
smwtrailoryo, that can be done by clicking on freenode in the list. and then clicking edit17:23
oCeanPromille: the servers still might be hitting a lot of traffic17:23
sebsebsebroasted: no don't think so17:23
smwtrailoryo, np17:23
coz_roasted,  which video card do you have on that system?17:23
ActionParsnipcodingenesis: i'd ask in ##hardware17:23
roastedcoz_, nvidia 9600gt17:23
fi103910yes and no - it's the same kernel, but throught the "use older version" option...17:23
roastedsebsebseb, bummer. :(17:24
rajutrailoryo:  welcome :S17:24
PromilleoCean: ye, maby. but should be possible to have to options to switch mirrors, so the traffic can be dealt better between the mirrors17:24
sebsebsebroasted: altough to be honest  not that sure what bug your reffering to, but I guess since 11.04 is security updates only, no is the answer to your question17:24
Krupteinis it fine to install the 2.6.39 rc4 headers in natty?17:24
Krupteinor will it cause problems ? (never update my kernel manually)17:24
dimkinhello! i want to install ubuntu server @ via c3 700Mhz mitx mobo. do i really need recomended x64 version ? ;)17:24
roastedsebsebseb, when you are running 2 monitors, you can't move the unity bar anywhere else EXCEPT on the far far left.17:24
fi103910it's a bit confusing, sorry - but I just checked, the kernel versions are exactly the same on "default" and the one I can choose from "older version"17:24
coz_roasted,  well   I dont think the launcher or even the upper panel can be moved,, the opton with nvidia,,of course is you could make the monitor on the right the primary monitor but that would be awkward to work with17:24
roastedsebsebseb, I want it on the left of my main screen (which is on the right)17:25
sebsebsebKruptein: why upgrade the kernel manually? oh and espesaily why to a release candidate?17:25
codingenesisActionParsnip : yes !!17:25
ActionParsnipKruptein: can't see why not, your kernel and kernel issues will not be supported here as you are using an unofficial kernel17:25
roastedcoz_, it has to be moveable, as Im sure half of the dual screen world is screaming about it now.17:25
BinaryMandimkin: only if the server your going to install it on has 64-bit hardware17:25
sebsebsebroasted: I think that's something that won't be fixed untill maybe the next release, for what your reffering to17:25
thevishyis my netbook 64 bit ?17:25
codingenesiscan i theoretical do it and then implement it ??17:25
ActionParsnipcodingenesis: don't see why not17:25
roastedsebsebseb, LOL. you gotta be kidding. Next release = fail if that's how long it will take.17:25
coz_roasted,  well if it can be I have not found a way  on my dual monitor set up...i simply put the launcher panel into auto hide and replace with cairo dock17:25
codingenesisActionParsnip: :)17:25
sebsebsebroasted: well 11.04 is security updates only as far as I know, so don't expect any Unity fixes in it17:26
trailoryoworking fine;)17:26
Krupteinsebsebseb, ActionParsnip well  I read on the ubuntuforums that my slow internet connection is the cause of the 2.6.38 kernel and that I should either upgrade or downgrage17:26
roastedsebsebseb, I mean within a month or so would be nice to see the feature there... a feature that should have been there since day 1 if you ask me.17:26
Krupteinmy internet connection was fine in 10.10  and in windows 7 (dual boot) also,  but since I upgraded to natty it is terrible slow17:26
roastedsebsebseb, I can understand being limited on feature set, but at least keeping the potion for dual screeners out there... that just *makes sense*17:26
dimkinBinaryMan, but somewhere in faq i found , that x64 will be same or beetter, comparing to x86 :)17:26
sebsebsebKruptein: well don't upgrade to a releae candiate of the next one, and you shoudn't need to install another kernel yourselfl ike that17:26
ActionParsnipKruptein: then natty may not be the release for you17:26
guy24my computers went of in the middle of a ubuntu distro upgrade17:27
sebsebsebroasted: well that's not how Ubuntu works, a release comes out, and useually only gets security updates after woulds17:27
dimkinit's too confusing to my mega CPU :D17:27
coz_roasted,  well at least that is correct... a month or so should have most of the glitches worked out,, if you find a way to move the Unity launcher let me know :)17:27
trailoryoAnyone knows why im not allowed to make new partitions in GParted?17:27
guy24im trying to read my encrypted hard drive17:27
roastedcoz_, certainly will. thanks.17:27
guy24sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /media/sda1 crypt117:27
guy24Cannot open device /media/sda1 for read-only access.17:27
codingenesisActionParsnip: can you tell me why don't mobile phones can have faster and more powerfull processors?? It's limitation ??17:27
fi103910sebsebseb - shouldn't the boot be exactly identical, regardless of which way I boot ? Default or "older version" - as long as the version I select is the same kernel version ?17:27
sebsebsebcoz_: roasted they will continue work on Unity for 11.10 yes, but don't expect those changes to end up in Unity in 11.0417:27
ActionParsniptrailoryo: is the drive in use, or partitions you are trying to manipultae mounted?17:27
Krupteinsebsebseb, ActionParsnip well I have upgraded already :D so would downgrading be dangerous?17:27
ojiiis there a way to change the shortcuts in the launcher? I won't ever need the "view photos" one so replacing it with something which is useful to me would be nice17:27
ActionParsnipcodingenesis: power consumption17:27
roastedsebsebseb, that sounds so fail. hate to sound negative but, that's really bad.17:27
coz_sebsebseb,  that also makes sense17:27
ray24hi, how do you auto-authenticate wireless keyring?17:28
codingenesisActionParsnip: Is that it's limitation lies in hardware??17:28
trailoryoActionParsnip, yes17:28
ActionParsnipcodingenesis: more mhz = more power = shorter battery life17:28
ActionParsniptrailoryo: then thats why17:28
codingenesisActionParsnip: ya that is a main point.17:28
guy24sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /media/sda1 crypt117:28
guy24Cannot open device /media/sda1 for read-only access.17:28
trailoryoActionParsnip, oh, so what do I do then lol.17:28
guy24does anybody has a clue ?17:28
ActionParsnipcodingenesis: you can clock / underclock rooted android phones buy the battery life will go seriosly down if you make it faster17:28
sebsebsebroasted: well Ubuntu isn't a rolling release like....  well there are people here who don't like other distro's being mentioned in here,  but one does come to mind, when it comes to getting security updates, but also proper later versions of programs when stable enough.17:29
coz_guy24,   is /media/sda1  a partition ,, what is it?17:29
ActionParsniptrailoryo: get the partitions freed. If you are trying to manipulate the partitions and disk you are booted to it won't work. You will need a livecd environment17:29
sebsebsebroasted: of course as far as I  know Unity is pretty much Ubuntu only at the moment though, because of certain technical reasons17:30
codingenesisActionParsnip: so designing such an architecture for mobile phone which is power efficient is the key thing right ???17:30
trailoryoActionParsnip, ok :) thanks17:30
ActionParsnipcodingenesis: if you can make the same app need less speed to run, or improve battery life then you can push CPUs faster17:30
roastedsebsebseb, well, I'm sure that has potential to change once ubuntu gets off of the guinea pig test-drive that they're currently doing with it.17:30
Pici!ot | codingenesis ActionParsnip17:30
ubottucodingenesis ActionParsnip: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:30
ActionParsnipcodingenesis: that is one way too yes, many use ARM CPUs as they are pretty good with power17:30
KrupteinI'm defintly not the only one who notices this speed issues17:31
sebsebsebroasted: no it will probably remain a versions distro, that only tends to get security updates, for well many years to come yet17:31
codingenesisActionParsnip:  thanks  :)17:31
roastedsebsebseb, I have no idea what you just said. I'm referring to Unity on other distros.17:31
KatronixSerfHi all, I think I changed what my swap partition is, is there an easy way to verify the server is using the new swap partition?17:32
sebsebsebroasted: well  a guy from Fedora tried to do just that and even get it into the main repo's, and another guy tried to provide it for OpenSuse, but yep some technical issues.  Anyway this is going off topic now.17:32
codingenesisActionParsnip: for that nano technology is the key technology to develop such an efficient architecture ...17:33
Picicodingenesis: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. Please move the coversation to pm, or to another channel.17:33
codingenesisPici : ok sorry for that...17:34
fi103910is there any difference between 2.6.38-8-generic-pae & 2.6.38-8-generic ... ?17:34
intuitionHey all17:34
denndahttp://the-space-station.com/~dennda/tmp/error.png -- ideas?17:35
ayeceeKatronixSerf: I think "swapon -s" shows what's being used for swap.17:35
fxgot a big problem, And im stuck on with troubleshooting. SSHD on my box wont let me in, Nothing bad in log, Even replies to netcat17:35
KatronixSerfthanks ayecee17:35
lapionI have a problem with an application constantly restarting.17:35
fi103910that's the only difference between the kernels I use - one works (generic), the other doesn't (default boot, generic-pae)...17:35
teegee543hey, i upgraded to 11.04 and now evolution tasks aren't showing up in my calendar applet :( however, a subscribed calendar does show up in the applet17:35
coz_fi103910,  the PAE kernel will allow a 32 bit system to see and use  more than 3.5 gigs of memory17:35
bluelfhi guys I recently upgraded to 11.04 I am not able to install xbmc is it something to do with latest ubuntu , I cant even find it in synaptic package manager17:35
fi103910coz- is that the only difference ?17:36
fi103910since that one doesn't work for me - it doesn't boot at all17:36
TomThumbNew install ubuntu 11.4, when using Software Centre it says "Check your internet connection", I am online..  How do i fix this?17:36
Omegadennda: fresh isntall?17:36
fxSSH problems : http://paste.ubuntu.com/602371/17:36
sdwrageHey all17:36
KM0201TomThumb: thats amazing17:36
ayeceefi103910: it may be that your processor doesn't support the PAE extension.17:36
sdwrageHow do I prepare Grub for a Windows 7 install?17:36
codingenesishow can i become an ubuntu developer??17:36
fi103910ayecee - any idea how to fix that... ? any updates I should do ?17:37
lapionI started mythtv frontend, but since the backend is of a different version the frontend ends with an errorlevel 251, and ubuntu keeps on wanting to restart the mythtv-frontend17:37
* KM0201 goes to google for Ubuntu 11.4 can't find it17:37
sdwrageI need to dual boot Windows 7 on my laptop that already has Ubuntu 11.0417:37
ayeceefi103910: err.. fix what?17:37
iceroot!download | KM020117:37
ubottuKM0201: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:37
codingenesisso for that what i have to do???17:37
intuitionI'm having a problem starting up eclipse in ubuntu 10.04. It worked fine for months until yesterday. Today when i launch it i get this window http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/2776/screenshotuvb.png . I will also not get any additional info when i try to launch it from terminal. I already tried reinstalling it but ... well.. it's ubuntu.. not windows :P Can anyone tell me how could i possibly solve this issue please ?17:37
KatronixSerfhow can you resize your / partition?17:37
TomThumbKM0201: OK, you have any idea how to fix?17:37
sdwrageis there an easy way to setup boot to where I dont have to recover grub?17:37
OmegaKM0201: We're not here to make fun of people.17:37
coz_bluelf,  I believe there is a 11.04  ppa for xbmc,, let me see if I can find it17:37
KM0201iceflatline: you obviously don't get satire... i'm using 11.0417:37
codingenesiscan any one tell me how can i become an ubuntu developer???17:37
KM0201oops, iceroot see above17:37
icerootcodingenesis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess17:37
KatronixSerf(to make it bigger)17:37
ayeceecodingenesis: what do you want to develop?17:37
fi103910ayecee - sorry, my linux skills = close to zero... what I mean is, is there something comparable to driver updates I should do ?17:37
ayeceefi103910: I don't understand what you want to accomplish.17:38
icerootKM0201: and what is the problem about going to ubuntu.com and download it?17:38
denndaOmega: not anymore, but not too old17:38
coz_bluelf,   I found a beta2  version 10.0  ppa if you want to give it a try17:38
ayeceefi103910: if a PAE kernel doesn't work on your system, don't use a PAE kernel :)17:38
coz_bluelf,    http://www.techdrivein.com/2010/09/xbmc-100-dharma-beta-2-released-how-to.html17:38
KM0201iceroot: read what i said again, and really put your thinking cap on17:38
Omegadennda: Did you change anything recently?17:38
omid-ohi.sorry for my weak english. i have windows 7 and open suse 11.4 installed on a lenovo thinkpad.after installing ubuntu 11.4 i cannt use open suse.although i can see it in grub but during the boot up nothing happens.i didnt have this problem when using ubuntu 10.10.17:39
fi103910ayecee - alright, but since that is the default option - is there any way to change that ? Now I have to go through "older versions", and choose the non-pae kernel17:39
ark0nzais anyone successfully running Unity less zeitgeist?17:39
icerootKM0201: i dont get what you want17:39
sdwrageCan anyone help me with my above issue>17:39
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ayeceefi103910: should be enough to remove the pae kernel, then the non-pae one that you have will be the default.17:39
ayeceesdwrage: sorry, they've already scrolled off the screen.17:40
sdwrageHow do I prepare Grub for a Windows 7 install?17:40
sdwrageI need to dual boot Windows 7 on my laptop that already has Ubuntu 11.0417:40
fi103910oh, ok - and really testing your patience now, but how do you do that...? :)17:40
sdwrageis there an easy way to setup boot to where I dont have to recover grub?17:40
KM0201iceroot: id on't want anything... you obviouskly didn't get it, and explaining it to you would just make you laugh at yourself.17:40
sdwrageayecee, ^^17:40
KrupteinHey does anyone know where to set your router mode to b/g instead of n  with dlink? :D17:40
icerootKM0201: yeah just stop your strange conversation here17:40
bluelfcoz_ I tried that dint work17:40
KM0201iceroot: i did.. you kept it up17:40
coz_bluelf,  oh ok17:40
PiciKM0201: This channel is for serious support requests, joking around with helpers and those that need help is not on-topic here.17:40
Krupteinsome people suggest that natty has problems with the n setting17:41
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TomThumbNew install ubuntu 11.4, when using Software Centre it says "Check your internet connection", I am online..  How do i fix this?17:41
KatronixSerfcan I unmount the / partition while in gnome make the partition bigger, and then mount it again?17:41
ayeceefi103910: sec, I think ubottu has an entry for removing extra kernels.17:41
codingenesisayecee: i want to become an active member in ubuntu's development process...17:41
coz_sdwrage,   well you can ,, using a live cd reinstall grub after installing windows7.. although I dont know if any particular attention has to be made with windows7.. you may want to go to t he #grub channel and discuss it there,, unless someone here knows for sure17:41
omid-osdwrage i think you better install windows 7 first.but anyway u can use Gparted and create an ntfs partition and install windows.after the installition of windows u can use the ubuntu live disk to repair the grub and multiboot ubuntu and windows17:41
Picicodingenesis: Heres a good start; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment17:42
lapionomid-o, when you installed ubuntu you got extra partitions on the drive, then the partition numbers change, so you need to modify the SUsE  fstab to use UUID instead of /dev/sd??17:42
MarconMhow know how to delete temporary file on unity17:42
coz_bluelf,  then I am not sure,, have you googled  ubuntu 11.04  xbmc  ppa  to see if others are available and have been tested...yes?17:42
ayeceefi103910: I can't find it. It should be like removing any other package, remove it with apt-get remove or synaptic17:42
lapionhow to stop an application on natty from restarting each time it gets killed17:43
omid-olapion no. i created 2 seprate partitions one for " / " and one for "home" . i did the same during the installition of ubuntu 10.10 and 10.04 and didnt have that proplem.17:43
ayeceefi103910: the package name will start with linux-image. Make sure you don't remove the kernel that's actually running, though the package tools should warn you about that.17:43
fi103910ayecee - alright, thanks, that's a good tip - I'll try to investigate more !17:44
lapionomid-o, you said the suse installation did not boot anymore ?17:44
coz_lapion,   apparenlty save session  must be enabled ,,  let me see where that is in 11.0417:44
ark0nzacodingenesis: Canonical has some home-based international job openings for software engineers... Think its for working on ubuntu17:44
KrupteinI'm just going to install the 2.6.39rc417:44
teegee543hey, i upgraded to 11.04 and now evolution tasks aren't showing up in my calendar applet :( however, a subscribed calendar does show up in the applet17:45
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coz_I cant find it17:45
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lapionomid-o, win7 uses exact partition numbers, ubuntu is more flexible and uses UUID, however suse might still be using exact partitions instead of UUID.17:46
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lapioncoz_, does save session work during a session or only at login of a session ?17:46
teegee543the dates are bolded but clicking on the date doesn't show the list of events for that day17:46
coz_lapion,  well yeah if you save the session while in it,, that particular session should start up during log on even reboot I believe17:47
lapioncoz_, I have not closed the session..17:47
=== irvee is now known as irv
lapioncoz_, this is during a session17:48
coz_lapion,   oh!!17:48
coz_lapion,  then I am puzzled17:48
omid-olapion do you think i need to reinstall suse? and besides that after installing suse it cant detect ubuntu  atomatically and i must set the grub manually which i always fail to do.17:49
lapioncoz_, the mythtv closes because the backend is still an old version, however the os restarts is stating that mythtv crashed with errorlevel 251..17:49
lapionomid-o, no you do not need to reinstall17:49
coz_lapion,  ah ok,, I have no experience with that at all17:50
rafii have problem with fn-brightness key in ubuntu 11.04,it dosent work,help me please17:50
lapionomid-o, all you need to do is edit the /etc/fstab file of suse and change the partions to the correct ones17:50
Guest27469rafi try to makenewshortcut for that key17:50
lapionrafi, when you click on the button use the mouse wheel to change the brightness17:50
rafihow?help me please17:50
rafiyou know!it's dosent work17:51
lapionrafi, click on the button and roll the mouse wheel you will see how the bar changes17:51
rafiwhen i look for error in log file17:51
omid-olapion i dont have much gnu/linux experience. i'm not a programmer nor a geek and i only do my things in graphical imvironment.so how can i do so?17:51
rafii se this message:can not determine display17:51
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lapionrafi, are you using a laptop ?17:52
rafii have same problem in ubuntu10.4, but when i install nvidia driver,it fixed17:52
Guest27469rafi use pastebin and show me dmesg17:52
lapionomid-o, then know is the time to start trying to get things done.17:52
rafiw8 a minute plz17:53
lapionso rafi do you have nvidia driver installed ?17:53
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denndaAny idea why my internet connection is SO slow under ubuntu on my macbook pro? Under OSX is fast, and for another computer it is also fast. Both wifi and wired connections are affected17:53
rafithe log is:May  2 21:23:32 rafi-HP-Pavilion-dv3500-Notebook-PC pkexec: pam_unix(polkit-1:session): session opened for user root by (uid=1000)17:54
rafiMay  2 21:23:32 rafi-HP-Pavilion-dv3500-Notebook-PC pkexec: pam_ck_connector(polkit-1:session): cannot determine display-device17:54
rafiMay  2 21:23:32 rafi-HP-Pavilion-dv3500-Notebook-PC pkexec[2359]: rafi: Executing command [USER=root] [TTY=unknown] [CWD=/home/rafi] [COMMAND=/usr/sbin/gnome-power-backlight-helper --set-brightness 8]17:54
FloodBot1rafi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:54
ActionParsniprafi: if you upgraded with the nvidia driver installed it may not work, so you'll need to pull it out, reboot to the open driver then reinstall it17:54
RavenHursTis it just me.. or would if have been faster to just freakin' kill my VM and install 11.04 clean?? ugh..17:54
ActionParsniprafi: you may need to run: sudo nvidia-xconfig   to make an xorg.conf file17:54
HalzenRavenHursT: What's up?17:54
Halzenhi uwe__17:54
lapionActionParsnip, upon upgrade to natty al third party software disabled so he is not using nvidia17:55
superMariohardcohi)  I have a problem installing a graphics tablet "Trust 5300". I have not found the forums decent  answers  ...  Could  you help me?17:55
Halzenrafi: sudo nvidia-xconfig solved my display issues.17:55
ActionParsniplapion: sure but the nvidia driver is in the ubuntu repos17:55
RavenHursTHalzen.. This update process has taken like, 6 hours....17:55
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rafiyes,it say VALIDATION ERROR17:55
lapionActionParsnip, it is restricted ...17:55
rafiVALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.17:55
rafi                  Device section "Default Device" must have a Driver line.17:55
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HalzenRavenHursT: Are you doing a sudo apt-get upgrade with 10.04 in a virtual machine?17:56
RavenHursTHalzen: And now.. it's stuck w/ 2min remaining w/ the message "Setting up udisks (1.0.2-4ubuntu1)..."17:56
Guest27469rafi learn to use pastebin17:56
ActionParsniplapion: I see, not seen that myself. The driver has always attempted dkms and been ok but the reboot always sucks so I have to pull it out then put it back in17:56
lapionok sorry ActionParsnip17:56
RavenHursTHalzen: I just did it throught he GUI when it asked if I Wanted to upgrade.. yes on the VM.. and 10.10 on the version..17:56
Guest27469or something else17:56
rafisorry,but i am new in linux,plz tell me what is patebin17:56
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Pici!paste | rafi17:57
ubotturafi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:57
RavenHursTrafi: pastebin.com17:57
lapionrafi, go to the page people are giving you and check it out..17:57
coz_ActionParsnip,  does this channel have a max "line" paste policy,, before going to pastebin,, 2  maybe 3 ?17:57
HalzenRavenHursT: Hmm...well, it's possible that the VM network emulator is doing something that apt-get doesn't like.17:57
Guest44344is anybody ubuntu 11.04 i need to clear recent open files17:57
numbah1hax0ris there any way to run daemon tools on ubuntu17:57
RavenHursTHalzen... thinking I'm just gonna nuke my VM and start a new one..17:57
superMariohardcohey anyone!17:57
lapionwe are all new to something in here rafi that's why we try and try and investigate untill we have a clue17:57
HalzenRavenHursT: Before you do that, try restarting the machine and doing sudo apt-get upgrade again.17:58
RavenHursTHalzen.. alright.. I'll give it a shot..17:58
rafitnkyou,so give me a min..17:58
coz_superMariohardco,  I am not familiar with that particular graphics tablet,,, is it wacom based?17:58
Guest27469numbah1hax0r, why??? linux has build-in "daemon tools"17:58
numbah1hax0rit does?17:58
xiambaxCanadians! GO VOTEEEEE!17:58
Pici!ot | xiambax17:59
ubottuxiambax: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:59
Guest27469numbah1hax0r,  well inux can natively use iso files etc17:59
xiambaxPici hates democracy17:59
superMariohardcoyes coz_17:59
numbah1hax0rbut i need to emulate them17:59
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LjL!mountiso | numbah1hax0r17:59
ubottunumbah1hax0r: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:59
numbah1hax0rlike mount one on top of the other17:59
coz_superMariohardco,   then it should be picked up automatically unless the manufacturer has somehow made it not be recognized as wacom17:59
Guest27469numbah1hax0r, yes you can do it18:00
ileadoes anyone know how can i install pclinuxos in dual boot with windows?18:00
numbah1hax0rhow do i emulate an iso on ubuntu?18:00
LjLilea: this is the Ubuntu channel18:00
rafiok,that is url:http://paste.ubuntu.com/602382/18:00
ActionParsnipxiambax: how is that related to democracy?18:00
LjLnumbah1hax0r: you type sudo mount -o loop filename.iso /mnt/whatever18:00
ileai asked on the pclinuxos and nobody answers18:00
ItzDippieDooCould anyone help me with .tar.gz extentions?18:00
Halzenilea: The installation process should include a partitioning option. Shrink your Windows partition to make room, then install in the free space with the PCLinux live CD.18:00
ileaand are only 22-25 there18:00
LjLItzDippieDoo: type tar xf filename.tar.gz to extract it18:00
Guest27469numbah1hax0r, well you dont  have to "emulate" it. what you want to mount18:01
ActionParsnipItzDippieDoo: ask away18:01
xiambaxIts voting day in Canada18:01
xiambaxLike actually government voting day18:01
ileaok i will try18:01
ActionParsnipxiambax: that is offtopic here. This is ubuntu support ONLY18:01
LjLilea: well we can't really help you with other distros here, sorry18:01
ItzDippieDooActionParsnip : Managed to extract it, now what? :)18:01
rafii solve same problem in ubuntu 10.04 with installing nvidia driver,but in 11.04,ican't solve it18:01
ActionParsnipItzDippieDoo: what filename was it?18:01
ItzDippieDooActionParsnip : .tar.gz18:01
xiambaxok well in the case i want to port me ubuntu to run on my tandy, with no lose of features.18:01
xiambaxcan you help?18:01
ActionParsnipItzDippieDoo: no, the full name18:01
superMariohardcoin the terminal  constantly  get an error about the version, although  I would point out its true   coz_18:02
ileai got a little help from halzen and i managed to make room and now i install18:02
ActionParsnipxiambax: what cpu does it use?18:02
numbah1hax0rIsn't their an easier way? :/18:02
Halzenilea: Good to hear. :)18:02
coz_superMariohardco,  the version of the driver  or the tablet itself?18:02
lucashi everyone! Using putty logged into my server via ssh. Can use x applications. How can I start a whole gnome session in a window?18:02
LjLnumbah1hax0r: seems easy to me18:02
xiambaxit runs on sunshine and rainbows18:02
numbah1hax0rlyl i'm a noon18:02
LjL!info gmountiso | numbah1hax0r18:02
ubottunumbah1hax0r: gmountiso (source: gmountiso): This is Gmountiso, a PyGTK GUI to mount your cd images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 16 kB, installed size 176 kB18:02
PudabudigadaIs there a way to roll back to 10.10?18:02
ItzDippieDooActionParsnip : Oh, didnt think that mattered. ' mupen64plus-bundle-bin-32-1.99.1.tar.gz '18:02
ActionParsniplucas: I wouldn't bother, just run the apps you need18:02
ileaby the way pclinuxos with the enlighment desktop looks so cool18:03
PudabudigadaOr are 11.04's issues likely to be fixed soon?18:03
superMariohardcoof the driver coz_18:03
numbah1hax0rso ljl18:03
ActionParsnipItzDippieDoo: ok just curious, what files do you have? Is it source?18:03
LjLItzDippieDoo: it matters because a .tar.gz file is simply a compressed archive (like ZIP files). what you do with it entirely depends on what's in it18:03
numbah1hax0rsudo apt-get gmountiso18:03
HalzenGuys, don't deny support to people that use Ubuntu derivatives. Linux Mint and PCLinuxOS are just as compatible as Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, etc.18:03
coz_superMariohardco,  mm.. hold on let me see if there is a linuxwacom channel18:03
lucasAcuinParsnip: Just seems cool to do remote administration using the entire GUI18:03
LjLHalzen: they also have their own support channels, and they're not official derivatives. we support official Ubuntu here18:03
milen8204what shuld write mor e ?18:03
coz_superMariohardco,  there is indeed  just type   /join  #linuxwacom18:03
ileathats the word halzen18:03
fxSo, SSH wont connect, yet is running18:03
gsp2009hey there folks. Unity and notifier. Do they play nice? Dropbox, printer, skype. None show up in top panel. Anyone seen this?18:03
lucasActionParsnip: Just seems cool to do remote administration using the entire GUI18:04
ileawe should help each other no matter what distro we have18:04
llutzmilen8204: "defaults"18:04
ActionParsniplucas: its really inefficient18:04
HalzenPudabudigada: Unfortunately, there is no way to revert other than a backup and clean install. Minor fixes in 11.04 will come regularly, but major changes will have to wait until 11.10 is released in October.18:04
LjLHalzen: we have no idea what they *may* contain or how they may actually work18:04
coz_superMariohardco,  I have never frequented that channel so I have no idea when or how many are online at any given time18:04
LjLilea: yes, in ##linux, not here. here it's about Ubuntu18:04
ActionParsnipgsp2009: my dropbox does, try resetting panels to defaults, may help18:04
milen8204llutz, and then after ","18:04
HalzenLjL: The same can be said to someone (like me and many of the other users here) that uses Ubuntu with a custom kernel. Uncertainty to custom installs will always be.18:05
numbah1hax0rhey LjL18:05
gsp2009ActionParsnip, deleting .gnome, .gnome2 etc?18:05
superMariohardcothanks coz_18:05
LjLHalzen: as a matter of fact custom kernels aren't really supported.18:05
ActionParsniplucas: install something like lxde and you can run LXDE over the ssh18:05
ItzDippieDooActionParsnip :  Nevermind, found out there was an executeable in it. Sorry for wasting your time :p18:05
ActionParsnip!panels | gsp200918:05
ubottugsp2009: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:05
numbah1hax0rHow do I run I run gmountiso??18:05
coz_gsp2009,   there is a fix for the dropbox showing up hold on let me get link18:05
PudabudigadaHalzen, Thanks.18:05
LjLanyway it's the channel rules, no use arguing them really. if you really want to, #ubuntu-ops18:05
gsp2009ActionParsnip, nice. Thanks.18:05
ssharm200gsp2009: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html18:05
ActionParsnipItzDippieDoo: its fine, if you look at the data you have before asking you can fix yourself ;)18:05
rafiplease,someone help me,i cant change my display brightness with fn key18:05
LjLnumbah1hax0r: alt+f2 and type "gmountiso"18:05
HalzenLjL: This sort of crap is part of what's making me switch to Fedora when my SSD gets here. xD18:05
coz_gsp2009,     http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html18:05
Guest27469numbah1hax0r, mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk18:06
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gsp2009coz_, ssharm200. cool. thanks.18:06
milen8204llutz, I have to add defaults,...(some user i didn't remember the name)18:06
ActionParsnipgsp2009: I recommend you learn cli confg, then you can script stuff and make life a lot easier rather than slow GUIs18:06
ssharm200coz_: we had the same link.. :) thanks18:06
Guest27469numbah1hax0r, you dont need to install anything mount command works too :)18:06
coz_ssharm200,  cool18:06
ActionParsnipgsp2009: also add the -C option to the connection, it will enable compression18:06
sipiorHalzen: i imagine they'll tell you the same thing, in their support channels.18:06
scoffinis there some secret magic needed to get samba to share files? [11.04]  I can connect from a remote machine, but 11.04 does not offer the shares I have set up...  any ideas?18:06
coz_gsp2009,   there are a few tricks there worth trying out18:06
Halzenrafi: That's a driver issue. Start by typing sudo gedit /etc/default/grub into a terminal, then tell me once you have that open.18:06
cafarooooHow can I grow an mdadm raid1 array using a live-cd? I cannot use it from my system, because the raid has to be unmounted before I can resize it.. I'm not sure what steps to follow, before i can issue the "mdadm --grow" command on the live cd....18:06
numbah1hax0rGuest27469, but I don't understand the command.18:06
ActionParsnipscoffin: is samba installed?18:06
numbah1hax0rWhat goes in /mnt/?18:06
ItzDippieDooActionParsnip : My bad, overlooked it ;)18:07
Morten_Hi, can anyone recommened a newsgroup reader?18:07
travisjandreauHow come if I run a graphical application that uses sound, it works, but as soon as i run a console application in the terminal or in the console, there is no sound, I checked alsamixer and the volume is raised so no problem there.18:07
milen8204ActionParsnip,  UUID=71ec6a02-10f0-4ee7-85bd-dea3aa9fbb2d /home ext4 defaults,(what have to type here ) 0 018:07
llutzMorten_: nn, slrn18:07
Guest27469numbah1hax0r, what there you dont understand? read "man mount"18:07
ssharm200I'm trying to have my AutoKey icon display in the topbar, can anyone please help?18:07
rafiyes it is opend18:07
sipiorMorten_: pan was quite nice, but i haven't used it in quite a while...18:07
LjLMorten_: bot says "The BESTEST newsreader is pan, because 2 people (67%) said so! Follow in order, thunderbird (1 votes, 33%), nn, trn, knews, slrn, tin, knode, cone, newsx" #ubuntu-bots18:07
scoffinactionparsnip: yes, samba installed, and machine will allow another machine to connect, but just gives a blank screen where I expect a bunch of shares18:08
ActionParsnipmilen8204: UUID=43beb8fe-c819-4ec4-9909-c0cc658d7a9b /home           ext4    defaults,user_xattr        0       218:08
ActionParsnipmilen8204: that's mine18:08
Halzenrafi: Good. Now change the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" into GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=Linux"18:08
Morten_hehe, thanks llutz, sipior and LjL :)18:08
numbah1hax0rGuest27469, Where do i find the article?18:08
spotterit appears 11.04 broke preferred applications for web/email18:08
noes1sWhat is the file/script used every time that i connect to a network?18:08
spottercan no longer specify a custom program18:08
HalzenOnce that's done, type sudo update-grub into the terminal. A reboot may be necessary.18:08
LxndrDear Ubuntu: How can I make the launcher work like older editions? I'm frustrated that I need to alt-tab to get to my various windows, and would like to actually see tabs for my various windows on the bottom, as I used to do. Is there a setting that allows this, or am I stuck alt-tabbing forever?18:08
omid-olapion how can i  edit the /etc/fstab file of suse and change the partions to the correct ones18:08
jibadeehajust noticed some new updates come through for unity and scrollbar18:08
LjLLxndr: you can use the old, "classic", login18:08
spotterLxndr, login from gdm with "classic"18:09
LxndrLjL: Sounds good. How do I get to that? Will I need to log out and back in?18:09
rafiok,i did18:09
numbah1hax0rLjL, I have no idea how to use this command.18:09
LjLLxndr: yes18:09
milen8204ActionParsnip, thanks alot :D18:09
numbah1hax0rIs there an article?18:09
LjL!classic > Lxndr    (Lxndr, see the private message from ubottu)18:09
rafiand now what should i do my friend?18:09
LjLnumbah1hax0r: use gmountiso then18:09
researcher123is anybody here using 11.0418:09
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LjLnumbah1hax0r: *sigh* i told you how. hit alt+f2 and then type "gmountiso"18:09
Guest27469numbah1hax0r, write in terminal man mount18:09
guy45is there anyway i can find out the type of encryption i used when i installed ubuntu?18:10
guy45Device /dev/sda1 is not a valid LUKS device.18:10
Halzenrafi: Once that's done, type sudo update-grub into the terminal. A reboot may be necessary.18:10
numbah1hax0rCould not open location 'file:///home/alex/gmountiso'18:10
LjLnumbah1hax0r: it's probably also in the Applications menu somewhere18:10
numbah1hax0rError stating file '/home/alex/gmountiso': No such file or directory18:10
LjLnumbah1hax0r: let me see18:10
LjLnumbah1hax0r: wait, i think we forgot the step where you'd install it :P18:11
rafiit is done,should i reboot my laptop?18:11
numbah1hax0rlol :P18:11
LjLnumbah1hax0r: open a terminal, and type "sudo apt-get install gmountiso" (or alternatively, get it from Synaptic if you prefer the GUI)18:11
MrADzBest backup software?18:11
Halzenrafi: Try adjusting your brightness. If it isn't working now, then yes, reboot.18:11
LjLnumbah1hax0r: but it's easy to do it from the terminal really, just type the above verbatim18:11
dpis there a way to tell apt, when I'm doing 'apt-get --reinstall install <package>' to reinstall all Deps as well?18:12
LjLdp: no18:12
rafimay i add you as a friend?18:12
MrADzBest backup software?18:12
mastaofdisastahey guys, I just got a new laptop and installed ubuntu on it.  But I want to migrate the my user data from my old ubuntu machine to the new laptop.  Is it safe to just copy the user home directory exactly to the new laptop18:12
numbah1hax0rI prefer an inferface.18:12
dpLjL: ok. thanks18:12
PudabudigadaI want to try reinstalling ALSA, Pulse etc, but my synaptic doesn't work, any clues?18:12
numbah1hax0rIs there a version with interface?18:12
LjLnumbah1hax0r: then get it from Synaptic, but i can't help you there.18:12
ActionParsnipMrADz: there is no single best software for anything18:12
rafihalzen:may i add you as friend?18:12
LjLnumbah1hax0r: i don't use Synaptic, i don't even use GNOME18:12
coz_dp,   not sure about that unless you did  sudo apt-get autoremove --purge,, that should remove dependecies that are NOT used by other applications18:12
ActionParsnip!backup  MrADz18:12
Guest27469numbah1hax0r,  you should read more man pages "man command"18:12
ActionParsnip!backup | MrADz18:12
ubottuMrADz: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:12
numbah1hax0rWhat is Synaptic, LjL?18:13
LjL!synaptic | numbah1hax0r18:13
ubottunumbah1hax0r: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:13
ActionParsnipMrADz: it's as intelligent asking "What is the best colour?"18:13
ssharm200I'm trying to have my AutoKey icon display in the topbar in 11.04, can anyone please help?18:13
MrADzI see18:13
Guest27469numbah1hax0r,  you should read more man pages "man command"18:13
RavenHursTHalzen: Nope.. no dice.. wouldn't even boot.. Nuking VM.. Downloading the install image..18:13
PudabudigadaI want to try reinstalling ALSA, Pulse etc, but my synaptic doesn't work, It gets errors with any operation.18:13
gsp2009coz_, ssharm200, ActionParsnip: sweet, I am all fixed up. Thanks again, you made my day alot easier.18:13
wyxi've some troubles with ldap an postfix. my postconf -n looks like http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/400159/ and my ldap-aliases file http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/400160/ ... when i run postmap -q tux1@tuxdomain.local ldap://etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf i get the uid but postfix doesn't know the recipient when i try to send a mail to tux1@ŧuxdomain.local18:13
MrADzActionParsnip, Let me put it a different way. What would you use?18:13
osse_Can anyone help me make Ctrl+Shift act as the AltGr button?18:14
mastaofdisastahey guys, I just got a new laptop and installed ubuntu on it.  But I want to migrate the my user data from my old ubuntu machine to the new laptop.  Is it safe to just copy the user home directory exactly to the new laptop18:14
coz_gsp2009,   very cool :)18:14
ActionParsnipMrADz: each solution has strengths in differnt areas, read up on a few and see which suits your needs18:14
numbah1hax0rLjL, can I use the Ubuntu software center to get the version with interface?18:14
milen8204ActionParsnip, how I can see type of the mounting volume ?18:14
HalzenRavenHurst: Well, that sucks. Be sure to make a small partition for it if you're doing a hard disc install.18:14
mastaofdisastaI have the NFS mount ready but I don't know if it's copy to copy everything exactly18:14
ActionParsnipMrADz: i use a cron'd cp job, dirty and simple18:14
alfaLThi all, maybe somebody can help me with setting eth card speed? somehow it does not communicate with ftth switch by default18:14
econdudeawesomeIf I boot into a command line, and I have my default desktop set up so that if I use "startx" to begin the GUI, how would I instead boot into something like LXDE?18:14
LjLnumbah1hax0r: probably, but i'm not sure the software center has everything. try.18:14
ActionParsnipmilen8204: sudo parted -l18:14
ssharm200gsp2009: np..glad to be of help!!18:14
econdudeawesomeIf I boot into a command line, and I have my default desktop set up as Gnome so that if I use "startx" to begin the GUI, it begins GNOME, how would I instead boot into something like LXDE?18:14
numbah1hax0rthanks LjL :)18:15
econdudeawesomeThat was the question I meant to ask :-D18:15
RavenHursTHalzen: Why a "small" partition?18:15
coz_econdudeawesome,  did you install lxde?18:15
ActionParsnipecondudeawesome: no, just log off, then cick your username. At the bottom of the screen change it to lxde, then log in18:15
robin0800uwex fail18:15
jribecondudeawesome: create ~/.xinitrc with what you wish to run.  Why aren't you using gdm though?18:15
JosesordoI have a ATI Radeon HD 2600 dedicated.. in ubuntu or xubuntu is better install the driver with the "Install driver tool" or download the .run file from ATI ?18:15
bahamashello. im using ubuntu 9.10 and, for some reason, i cant switch between languages. it worked at one point, but i cant do it anymore with the shortcut that i setup. also, the language has disappeared from my panel, and i i dont know how to bring it back. any advice?18:15
deeztekhello all, having an issue with ubuntu 11.04. I just installed it on a dell inspiron 1520 which previously had ubuntu 10.10 and worked fine. Unfortunately, with 11.04 I cannot get the wifi to work. I have ensured that the propritary drivers are loaded and active but still no wifi18:16
econdudeawesomeActionParsnip: I don't have a login option--only running tty shell18:16
jrib!9.10 | bahamas18:16
ubottubahamas: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.18:16
HalzenRavenHursT: Well, I doubt you wanna clear your existing install just to try another OS out. Until you're sure it's what you want to use primarily, give Ubuntu about 20GB to play with.18:16
econdudeawesomejrib: I set it up to boot into a tty shell instead (very old computer)18:16
TomThumbNew install ubuntu 11.4, when using Software Centre it says "Check your internet connection", I am online..  How do i fix this?18:16
milen8204ActionParsnip, thanks18:16
econdudeawesomecoz_: lubuntu-desktop is installed18:16
coz_josephoenix,  personally I know nothing about ati situations... if no one here knows go to #radeon channel18:16
siddhantchdhelp please guys http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174705218:16
jrib!here | siddhantchd18:16
ubottusiddhantchd: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com18:16
coz_econdudeawesome,  then I would echo ... why aren't you using gdm?18:16
xanguabahamas: better to upgrade because 9.10 will stop being supported soon ;)18:16
bahamasjrib: that might be so. i just upgraded to it.18:16
guy45how can i know what kind of encryption my partition has?18:16
bahamasxangua: ^^18:17
uwexrobin0800: thx man18:17
jribbahamas: you should upgrade to at least 10.0418:17
sirnicholashi, I've got a process 'http', hogging lots of system resources. anybody know what it is?18:17
econdudeawesomecoz_: because I'm booting directly into a tty shell. GDM only lets me boot into GUI options--I like booting into the command line18:17
researcher123I cant listen to music on 11.04 until I was on 10.04 it was fine18:17
bahamasjrib: i have a pretty old computer. will the newer version work properly (not crawl like a snail)?18:17
coz_econdudeawesome,  ah I see18:17
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Josesordocoz_, ok.. thanks for the info18:17
jribbahamas: I don't know.  How much ram do you have?  What cpu?18:18
RavenHursTHalzen.. My previous version was just sitting in a VM on a Win7 box.. I'm just creating a new VM18:18
mister_mI upgraded to 11.4 and now my wireless doesn't work on my laptop18:18
milen8204ActionParsnip, what does reiserfs means ? :D18:18
deeztekRaveHurst having the same exact issue with a dell inspiron18:18
coz_ok lunch break..be back a bit later :)18:18
bahamasjrib: sempron 2600+. 512 mb ram18:18
Guest27469milen8204, fs = filesystem18:18
HalzenRavenHurst: Suit yourself. I hope that one works a little better.18:18
rafihalzen:it did not work my friend18:18
jribbahamas: should work fine18:18
erikaI am using xubuntu. When I log out the login screen says that I am currently logged in, why?18:18
RavenHursTHalzen: We'll see...  lol18:19
siddhantchdi have installed ubuntu 11.04 and i m not able to setup the 5.1 channel i am only getting 2.1,,,, i have Gigabyte G31-ES2L motherboard with the following audio device:Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)18:19
rafiwhen i reboot,the nvidia logo appeared but brightness fn key still dosent work18:19
Halzenrafi: Well, I'm not sure what to tell you. Try creating a thread on Ubuntu's hardware forum, and be specific about what hardware you have.18:19
mister_mwhy would my wireless stop working after an upgrade to 11.4?18:19
bahamasjrib: hmm, ok. ill upgrade to the next version when i have the time. it takes a couple of hours which i dont have right now. thanks anyway18:19
researcher123after I upgraded to 11.04 my sound stopped18:19
milen8204Guest27469, what  reiser means then :D18:19
ActionParsnipmister_m: different kernel, different driver builds18:19
PudabudigadaAfter the generously-named 'upgrade', my synaptic isn't working, which I want to use to try to fix my sound, any help?18:19
Halzenmister_m: Because Natty may be stable, but it's about as usable as Debian 3. I call it Ubuntu Vista.18:19
Guest27469rafi, lspci tells what nvidia you have18:20
HalzenPudabudigada: Did you upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?18:20
mister_mhalzun, ugh. wish I knew better and waited :(18:20
PudabudigadaHalzen, Yes.18:20
Guest27469milen8204, wiki reiserfs :)18:20
ActionParsnipHalzen: its only as unstable as it is because its so young. Give it a month or so and it will be fine18:20
deeztekproblem with wifi 11.04 dell inspriton. Worked fine with 10.0418:20
HalzenPudabudigada: I never recommend that. I would back up your home folder and do a fresh install of 11.04.18:20
ActionParsnipHalzen: considering it's not even being a week there are still some issues from the beta stages still around18:21
Guest27469milen8204, best file system is ext418:21
Halzenmister_m: If you upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, I would back up your home folder and do a clean install. That often fixes issues caused by a distro upgrade.18:21
PudabudigadaHalzen, Will I keep installed applications that way?18:21
ActionParsnipGuest27469: there is no best filesystem18:21
mister_mHalzen, may I ask why its better to do a fresh install instead of an upgrade?18:21
mouzilwhich is the reverse command for add-apt-repository?18:21
ActionParsnipmouzil: pp-purge18:21
ActionParsnipmouzil: ppa-purge18:22
rafiit is driver problem,i have same problem in ubuntu 10.4 but when i install driver,it fixed18:22
HalzenPudabudigada: No, but there are a couple of ways to back up your apt list for an easy redownload.18:22
mouzilthank you guys18:22
Guest27469ActionParsnip, yeah there are systems where you can use only ext2 etc...18:22
milen8204Guest27469, ok but mine /home FS is reiserfs18:22
ActionParsnipmouzil: or you can use software centre to remove them that way18:22
siddhantchd??? anyone can help18:22
PudabudigadaAh, okay, how would I do that, Halzen?18:22
rafiGuest27469:it is driver problem,i have same problem in ubuntu 10.4 but when i install driver,it fixed18:22
ActionParsnipGuest27469: what about jfs, xfs and ALL the others available18:22
namzezamdpkg: error processing linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic (--remove):18:23
namzezam Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should18:23
namzezam reinstall it before attempting a removal. more see18:23
namzezamhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/598867/  , also can not report it by ubuntu-bug linux it claims non existing package. This a long lasting bug and it not allowing upgrading.18:23
FloodBot1namzezam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:23
HalzenPudabudigada: head over to http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/ and enjoy. :P18:23
PudabudigadaHalzen,  Thanks. This'll be fun...18:24
mister_mhalzen, and if its bad to do an upgrade, why did ubuntu prompt me to do one?18:24
Guest27469ActionParsnip, they are oldsystems18:24
dpdpkg is complaining that gconf2 could not be configured because a subprocess post-installation script returned exit status 127. how can I find out what script failed?18:24
ActionParsnipGuest27469: if you think there are only ext2, ext3 and ext4 you are mistaken: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems18:24
Halzenmister_m: It's a Debian concept (remember that Ubuntu is based on Debian). Debian stable upgrades work just fine. It just isn't as effective for Debian's child.18:24
improveuponi was running ubuntu lucid and it kept not coming back after the screen saver came up. this morning i upgraded to natty. it wouldn't come back after the screen saver. i went to a command prompt and rebooted (was there something better i should have done?). now it says no init detected when i boot. ubuntu recovery mode still works, so i can be root. i am pretty novice and am floundering for18:25
improveuponideas. any suggestion would be appreciated.18:25
ActionParsnipGuest27469: they all have advantages and disadvantages, old doesn't mean bad18:25
Guest27469ActionParsnip, i know there is lot of fs18:25
ActionParsnipGuest27469: people will use the filesystem that suits their needs, so there is no single 'best'18:25
helois the proper way to add/remove indicators in unity to add/remove their packages in the package manager? i.e.- if an indicator is installed, it is automatically enabled?18:25
rafiplease,help me,this problem fixed in ubuntu 10.04 when i install nvidia driver,but not work in 11.04,is it a bug?18:25
Guest27469ActionParsnip, yeah you ue what you need;) i need ext418:26
Halzenimproveupon: You dist-upgraded to a new OS with a new kernel and package system. This will cause new problems and exasperate your existing ones. Try backing up your /home and doing a clean install.18:26
Guest27469ActionParsnip, use18:26
ActionParsnipGuest27469: sure, but that doesn't mean its supremely 'best' does it18:26
KM0201rafi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nvidia-drivers-ubuntu/+bug/77178818:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 771788 in jockey (Ubuntu) "nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not being used by jockey-gtk" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:26
improveuponthank you. i knew it should be obvious18:26
improveuponwould be18:27
trollboyso, I've heard that you can switch the new ubuntu over to default gnome instead of unity, is there a tutorial on how to do this?18:27
nothingspecialhelo: no, to enable all indicators type this <gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']">18:27
Halzenimproveupon: Well, the problem is that it ISN'T obvious. Otherwise, I'd have a fix for you. :P18:27
jribtrollboy: select "classic" at the login screen18:27
morganHey, I have a question about my wireless card. I have just installed the new Ubuntu and the wireless wount broadcast. i cant enable it in the ray icon, the drive is activated and I find ot a 'sudo lshw -C network' comand, but it does not say it is braodcasting. help any one?18:27
guy45how can i find out the type of encryption my hd has ?18:27
osse_Can anyone help me make Ctrl+Shift act as the AltGr button(i.e. 3rd level chooser)? That particular combo isn't avaiable under the keyboard preferences :(18:28
ActionParsnipmorgan: can you pastebin the output of the command you ran please18:28
improveuponi mean i was thinking, back up /, but /home does contain what's important18:28
Guest27469ActionParsnip, nope, ext4 is just super duper good and you really have to have reason if you dont use it :)18:29
robin0800guy45, disk utility18:29
morganActionParsnip: Just past it here?18:29
ActionParsnipGuest27469: doesn't make it better than all the rest, which is what 'best' means18:29
ActionParsnipmorgan: use http://pastebin.com please18:29
helonothingspecial: aww... i was hoping the default would be to enable all installed indicators, since the UI doesn't provide a method to enable/disable them18:30
heloit would make sense18:30
rafiplease tell me what nvidia driver shoul i install?173 or current.18:30
trailoryomorgan: or http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/18:30
ActionParsniprafi: what nvidia chip?18:30
nothingspecialhelo: that will do it :)18:30
rafiGeForce 930018:30
ActionParsniprafi: nvidia-173 should do it18:30
=== stefg_natty is now known as stefg
rafibut my brightness fn key dosent work with this druver18:31
Guest27469ActionParsnip, what is best fs for not losing data. i know ext3 is better than ext4 for that18:31
rafiActionParsnip: but my brightness fn key dosent work with this druver18:31
AbababI was asking earlier this earlier. My irssi is behaving weirdly: http://i.min.us/inx6ro.png It's related to long texts in the input field. The only common thing I've found is my Terminal. Irssi is fine if I connect to the server using eg. PuTTY18:32
morganActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/PC0gjwAk thanks18:32
namzezamhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/602392/ i cannot even report it, cannot remove it cannot install it  , the pain is  linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic        !!!! this is 2 weeks pain!!!! why it should be so? what could i do now for to use apt-get upgrade?18:32
HalzenGuest27469: How do you plan on losing this data? I've never suffered data loss on my ext4 systems.18:32
rafiplease someone help me,i need to change display brightness18:32
stefgGuest27469: it's called backupfs .... only requires user intervention every night :-)18:32
trollboyjrib that didn't work18:32
trollboythere was no classic option on login18:33
ActionParsnip!broadcom | morgan18:33
ubottumorgan: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:33
trollboyso how do I switch to gnome/kill unity whatever?18:33
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ActionParsniptrollboy: log off and log on to gnome classic18:33
LjLtrollboy: it comes up at the bottom after you click on your login name, before the password.18:33
sss314Is there anything I should know before upgrading Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 to 11.04 (Upgrade button in Update Manager)? And, do I need to burn a LiveCD?18:33
trollboyThere was a keyboard and a handicap symbol18:34
OerHekstrollboy, after logof, first click your name, then the GDM options will appear18:34
rafi<ActionParsnip:please help me to solve this problem,my brightness fn key dosent work18:34
Halzensss314: Don't do it! If you have to upgrade to Natty right away, at least back up your /home and do a clean install.18:34
stefgsss314: make sure to have a valid backup... there is no downgrading, so if you hate 11.04 you'll have to reinstall 10.1018:34
sss314Halzen, Don't do what? burn a LiveCD?18:34
juncohi, anyone gotten gnome-do to work with ubuntu 11?18:34
baharI have just upgraded to Natty and there is no sound at all18:34
mecoI am unable to log in as my passwprd isn't accepted in the gui login screen. However, it works when logging in at the text-based ui when booting with the recovery option. Also the gui login screen has a different look, more bluish than the usual purplish. (I'm using 10.4.2..32)18:35
sss314stefg, I want to upgrade my 10.10 into 11.0418:35
ActionParsnipbahar: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh18:35
Halzensss314: Don't use the Upgrade function within Ubuntu. That can cause a lot of trouble. A clean install with a Natty ISO is better.18:35
rafiplease!no one can help me?!18:35
g4whats the name of the cool new terminal in 11.04 under Applications > Accessories? the one with screen and nice hardstatus? Stats with a b I think?18:35
bahamasanyone have any idea what the reason is for this '** (gvim:3049): CRITICAL **: gtk_form_set_static_gravity: assertion `static_gravity_supported' failed'?18:35
saching4-what is matter18:35
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Halzenrafi: I would create a thread in the Ubuntu forums. Be specific with your hardware.18:36
sss314Halzen, Is there anyway I can keep my files when installing from a new burned LiveCD?18:36
sachinneed help in evoltion smtp18:36
rafithank you my friend18:36
stefg!backup | sss31418:36
ubottusss314: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:36
rafiHalzen:tankyou  my friend18:36
icerootsss314: why you want to do a fresh install?18:36
Halzensss314: Most of your important data is in your /home folder, so back that up first. Any custom icons and themes will be in their own folders in /usr/share/. Other than that, all you'll have to do is personalize the OS and redownload your apts.18:37
sss314iceroot, Halzen recommended a fresh install, what do you think?18:37
mecoI need help! I am unable to log in as my password isn't accepted in the gui login screen. However, it works when logging in at the text-based ui when booting with the recovery option. Also the gui login screen has a different look, more bluish than the usual purplish. (I'm using 10.4.2..32)18:37
stefgiceroot: because upgrades break more often than they work...18:37
icerootstefg: not really18:37
Halzeniceroot: I'm glad you've gotten lucky, but most dist-upgrades cause problems.18:38
LjLnothing to lose trying an upgrade, at any rate (as long as you have stuff backed up anyway)18:38
sachinneed help in evoltion smtp18:38
damiano546how could i use mysql without socket?18:38
damiano546at the moment i have mysqld.sock18:38
ActionParsnipmeco: boot to root recovery mode and set the password, may help18:38
damiano546i would connect with
LjLHalzen: what does sss314 have to lose by trying an upgrade, though?18:38
icerootsss314: 1. never touch a running system, so why you need an upgrade? 2. make a backup of /home (not only because of an upgrade), 3. just ran the upgrade manager18:38
icerootHalzen: that is not true18:38
mecoActionParsnip: How do I do that?18:38
sachinneed help in evoltion smtp18:38
HalzenLjL: Oh, of course he can try a dist-upgrade once his stuff is backed up.18:38
home-alonehi... Ubuntu 11.04 natty is still very unstable18:39
trailoryorafi: go to system->preferences->screensaver and u should be able to adjust brightness under power management18:39
ActionParsnipmeco: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root18:39
ActionParsnipmeco: then run: passwd username18:39
sss314Halzen, stefg, iceroot, LjL, I'll backup my files, but if Ubuntu's default upgrade will work would it be OK? or should I make a fresh install anyway?18:39
icerootHalzen: "most dist-upgrades cause problems" means hat more then 50% of all upgrade may break the system and that is of course not true18:39
ActionParsnipsachin: who is your mail provider?18:39
home-alonei can't enter unity without first enter ubuntu classic with no effects and install fglrx manually or from jockey18:39
LjLsss314: if it works, i don't see why you'd need to reinstall. if it doesn't, no harm done with a backup.18:40
icerootsss314: dont make a fresh install, its useless18:40
Halzeniceroot: "of course" because you have the numbers for me? I see dist-upgrade problems ALL THE TIME.18:40
trollboyGDM options do not appear, only a password box when I click my name18:40
LjLHalzen: by dist-upgrade you don't mean actual sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, surely?18:40
ActionParsnipsachin: try adding information like that rather than vagueness and you will get MORE help18:40
sipiorHalzen: on a help channel. that's a pretty strong selection effect.18:40
Halzensss314: Definitely back up your Home first. After that, you're welcome to upgrade in the manner of your choice.18:40
ActionParsnipsachin: http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/03/08/howto-set-up-gmail-in-evolution-gnomes-mail-client-and-organizer/18:40
Halzensipior: On a help channel, on multiple Linux and Ubuntu forums, and on multiple blogs. Don't fill in my sentences for me.18:41
sipiorHalzen: perhaps you should write them better, then.18:41
sachinno error while sending mail using ethernet,but problem in wifi.but that does not happen in windows outlook18:41
baharit is quite long, shall I post it here? Or just the address the output located?18:41
LjL!pastebin | bahar18:41
ubottubahar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:41
HalzenLjL: That's pretty much what the Software Manager does in GUI, right? I was speaking of both terminal upgrades and GUI upgrades.18:41
stefgsss314: depends how much time you have... if you have a working upgraded box: perfect.... if you fear first spending time an bandwidth on an upgrade, but reinstall anyway after everything broke, then reinstall. and make sure to cover your line of retreat.... 11.04 has its rough edges, so make sure you can revert18:41
sachinnot working18:41
icerootHalzen: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is of course not the recommend way to upgrade18:42
LjLHalzen: it's not really. upgrade manager does additional checks and disables some repositories during the upgrade, i believe.18:42
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trollboyOerHeks, there is no GDM options.  When I click my name, I just get the password box18:42
icerootHalzen: the update-managaer has special pre/postinst scripts18:42
HalzenLjL: A repo check makes sense.18:42
trollboyI'll try again18:42
uwexanyone using irssi?18:42
sss314I think I'll first use 11.04 as a LiveCD to check out the new version18:42
ActionParsnipsachin: DETAILS....again!!18:42
MrADzInstalled the sbackup package, but nothing shows up on System >> Administration18:42
ActionParsnipuwex: i am18:43
Halzensss314: Oh, definitely do that first. You want to WANT the new version, believe me. xD18:43
LjLsss314: note that the new version comes with a new interface called Unity, which is however not available when testing from the live CD18:43
icerootHalzen: if you just change your /etc/apt/sources.list and do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  then maybe its broken often but that case we dont care, we support the update maager18:43
icerootHalzen: so please dont tell peolpe that upgrades are broken very often18:43
ActionParsnipsachin: what happens? What bits work? What message do you get? We can't see your screen so you will have to give us more details than "didn't work" if you expect any sort of help18:43
baharthanks.. the output is located here http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=3c6e7f53f162ad01d0c2e789a6537c2b532f346118:43
ActionParsnipsachin: or do you simply expect us to guess?18:43
zvacetHalzen: sudo apt-get -dist-upgrade  will upgrade packages on your existing release but will not upgrade you to the next release18:43
Halzeniceroot: I've seen plenty of broken upgrades through the GUI mangers, both Synaptic and Ubuntu's update manager.18:44
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sachini use gmail.no problem in recieving mail but only in smtp.you see i get  no error while sending mail using ethernet,but problem in wifi.but that does not happen in windows outlook.18:44
qwerty1234[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   qwerty1234 zenguy_vm claudiomet venik slgma Guest94198 kms_ gsp2009 nm5tf gn0 malnilion_ githogori kanneblei S0lo IAmNotThatGuy zizban robinparriath nijabo oldie am0k0815 gepatino marc_ zvacet daho xangua alucardromero-w nshell32 n18:44
qwerty1234[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   sachin dsathe Baskak supton nadirvar_ elgar milen8204 andrewjames Customs morgan helo CadeSkywalker netsjanek alexei dtcummin improveupon mouzil Bigjohn mdupont mister_m irvee rafi donkeyinspace ssfdre38 avdi1 AntiSpamMeta bburhans18:44
qwerty1234[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   Tadej frimend anders_office jabirali fez Fill chris| cybrhuman pinnen__ netech Granis niekie DrColossus numique magnet_ baggar11 Vinn0 Pumpkin- Tm_T Nakkel zykes- lahwran sn0wflake ry jmknsd Westie gu3 Ejdesgaard Cueball gac mindbe18:44
qwerty1234[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   Shaun mnoyce alteregoa pseubodot trentg SpitfireWP Neo DingGGu voidmage zz_eagles0513875 antihero j0nr flax^_ ExplodingPiglets deadaim Wardje nico1038 pipeep AMAG nuderooster takamoron berefeira Newa syrinx_ booi equity MasterOfDis18:44
qwerty1234[*|NOTICE|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*]   AdmV0rl0n Halzen Acriax ghostcube S711 Laggg appi_uppi evilsushi Tuxist j_ack luis_lopez [3196 Tigger__ wyx jeija chrisccoulson v-himanshu pr0b0t GasbaKid RomD bluenemo_ CyberGabber trism BlackBinary cryptonome MrADz hashashin yzor18:44
ActionParsnipsachin: what windows does is of zero value to us18:44
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.18:44
stefgiceroot: afraid of the truth?18:44
trollboythat fixed it18:44
trollboywill that be the default now?18:45
ActionParsnipsachin: so when you are on the wireless can you recieve and not send?18:45
zizbanI really like Unity. It's the reason I came back Ubuntu18:45
ikonia  /last ikonia18:45
zizbanGreat work, developers18:45
zizbanOf course I may be the only person on the Internet who thinks this18:46
MrADzWhere is the thunderbird profiles directory?18:46
ActionParsnipzizban: i think its fine18:46
gn0I'am going to purchase a Dell Inspiron 15R with a Sandy-Bridge based Intel Core i5 2410M. After reading some bad news about Intel Sandy-Bridge and Linux, I had noticed that Ubuntu 11.04 Beta2 supports Sandy-Bridge, so, here's the real question. Does Ubuntu 11.04 stable support 3d graphics with Sandy-Bridge or at least VAAPI acceleration with mplayer or similar?18:46
zvacetHalzen: you can now upgrade from desktop cd of course back up if something goes wrong18:46
ActionParsnipMrADz: ~/.mozilla/thunderbird  (might be a capital T)18:46
stefgzizban: glad it works for you... so you obviously belong to the target audience18:46
MrADzActionParsnip, Thanks18:46
Olson_I having trouble with my wacom tablet in 11.04, I can't work it out, seems all pressure sensitivity is gone, apart from slighting on and completely ON.. i've tried uninstalling all drivers that i can find in synaptic, restarting, etc.. is there some problem I not know about?18:46
ActionParsnipMrADz: if you use firefox too, just backup ~/.mozilla and you are laughing :)18:47
zizbanI must be a target audience, go me.18:47
zizbanI cant wait for Unity2d so I can use it on geriatric laptop here18:47
stefgzizban: debian with lxde for them18:47
xangua!info unity-2d | zizban18:48
ubottuzizban: unity-2d (source: unity-2d): Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 124 kB18:48
zvacetstefg: it works for me too and I think it is hardware issues so we can expect fixes18:48
ohsixgn0: i don't know about vaapi, you can check the vaapi repo and see, it's pretty threadbare for answering questions like that; but generally the new cards are fairly well supported, engineers are working on drivers before general availability18:48
jwmtoI'm having sound problems on an IMAC running natty.  Can anyone help or direct me to a better room to seek help?18:48
zizbanoooo I can have it now? Cool18:48
ohsixjwmto: can you describe the problem?18:48
Halzenjwmto: You're at the right place. Just let us know what the problem is and we'll do what we can.18:49
jwmtoyes: the headphone jack doesnt seem to be recognized18:49
Guest54461I recently installed ubuntu and lvm, but I do not think lvm was installed correctly, for one the disk manager shows only a swap partition on the second harddrive and the rest of it empty, can someone help me figure out what i did wrong?18:49
Halzenjwmto: Could you be more specific on what kind of iMac you have? Do you know what processor it has?18:49
SuperstarCan someone help me install Cinelerra? I've added the ppa through the instructions on launchpad and I went into the package manager, hit reload, but there are no packages to upgrade nor can I find it when I search for it18:49
sss314Does 11.04 work as fast(or slow) as 10.10?18:49
ActionParsnipsachin: I asked you a question..18:49
gn0ohsix: Thanks for your help, I didn't thinked about looking for support information in vaapi repos.18:49
jwmtothe other dimension of the problem is that in trying to fix it last month I changed the naming of the computer in I don't know what file18:49
zizbansss314: if you have the right hardware 11.04 flies18:49
ActionParsnipjwmto: in BOTH /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname18:50
ZeeofuI've installed Ubuntu 11.04 on virtubox but unity is not working.18:50
zvacetstefg: you have awesome on llubuntu but I don´t like it very much18:50
jwmto24 inch IMAC, 2.8GHz dual core18:50
* zizban is biased. He loves Unity. Yes he does18:50
xanguaSuperstar: maybe the ppa is not for natty, last time it didn't even had packages for maverick18:50
ActionParsnipjwmto: open both for editing using sudo and then change both files,18:50
zizbanVirtualBox doesn't have 3d accel, thus no Unity18:50
* helo high-fives zizban 18:50
ActionParsnipzizban: it can18:50
Halzensss314: That's a bit of a loaded question. Unity 3D is a bit slower than Gnome, but Unity 2D is usually faster. KDE is still the heaviest desktop, and you still have options like Xubuntu and Lubuntu for a more lightweight desktop.18:50
rafitnx to evryone18:50
Superstarxangua it's listed for natty18:51
zizbanah, things you learn18:51
Zeeofuzizban: Will it work on vmware.18:51
sss314Is the only difference between Ubuntu and Xubuntu is the GUI?18:51
jwmtoActionParsnip.  thanks.  gimme a second18:51
zizbanah ok18:51
heloi have a relatively old setup with 1GB, athlon 64 4000+, and geforce 6700 video, and unity runs great18:51
* zizban thinks real men use real hardware18:51
xanguaLatest Cinelerra CV 2.1.5 for 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, 10.04 Lucid Lynx,  9.10 Karmic Koala, 8.04 Hardy Heron, are available from a Launchpad repo  maintained by Nicola Ferralis< it's not Superstar18:51
morganActionParsnip: I followed the instructions on the hompage to get my Broadcam WiFi to work but it did not help. i cant seam to enable wireless networking at all...18:51
Halzensss314: The change in DE (Desktop Environment) means that you'll be swapping out some apps (Gedit, for example is a Gnome text editor, while emacs is for KDE), but the core OS is mostly the same.18:52
Superstarxangua: https://launchpad.net/~cinelerra-ppa/+archive/ppa lists "1:2.1.5-0.14~ppa1~natty5" under published packages18:52
ActionParsnip!ppa | xangua18:52
ubottuxangua: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.18:52
ActionParsnipxangua: I know there is a ppa for it, find it using that link18:53
Stavacan I split a partition into two without overwriting/corrupting any data on the original partition? its my home partition with encryption and stuff18:53
Olson_does anyone on 11.04 have Wacom tablet working correctly?18:53
ActionParsnipmorgan: if you run: rfkill list      are any adapters blocked?18:53
xanguaActionParsnip: i am not searching for a ppa :S18:53
jwmtoActionParsnip: which two files  in BOTH /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname ?18:53
i_is_brokeyeah, well anyone had issues of proprietary drivers not being used after activating?18:53
Halzensss314: Of course, most apps work just fine outside of their native DE. My roommate's machine is running XFCE along with a few Gnome apps just fine.18:53
MrADzEvolution files are where?18:53
ZeeofuYes, 11.04 works fine on my hp tx260918:54
ActionParsnipjwmto: yes, change both if you want to change hostname of a system. If you change one then try to run sudo, it will fail and you will need to drop to root recovery mode to edit the other18:54
sss314Halzen, ok, maybe I'll install Xubuntu18:54
morganActionParsnip: I would like to try but now my whole pute froze up. I cant change windos. can move my mouse and type here, but not click anything. Dang...18:54
ActionParsnipMrADz: http://library.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/b17qy921.html.en18:54
SuperstarActionParsnip can you help me install it? I've added the PPA but I don't know what to do next as Synaptic doesn't show the package when reloading but it is in the repositories18:54
Halzensss314: I like Xubuntu, but I prefer Gnome on a machine that can handle Gnome. Luckily, there are guides on switching from one DE to another easily, no reinstall required. :)18:54
jwmtoActionParsnip it's not the hostname that is the problem18:55
ActionParsnipSuperstar: try in terminal. run:  sudo apt-get update    before you start18:55
ZeeofuWhich Linux os provides best unix experience.18:55
ActionParsnipjwmto: whats the issue?18:55
jwmtoi can't get the headphone jack to work18:55
ActionParsnipZeeofu: thats an opinion so is never concrete18:55
venikwhen I upgraded to thunderbird 3.1.9 I was told that lightning is not compatible with it (v. 1.02b) on 64 bit ubuntu.  What do I do?18:55
HalzenZeeofu: That's a pretty vague question. What are you looking for in particular?18:55
MrADzActionParsnip, Thanks mate. Backup running now18:55
trailoryois it possible to change from unity to classic from the terminal? and other way? Or do you have to log out18:55
ActionParsnipjwmto: ok what make and model is the systtem (if you have one)18:55
debddoes anyone know if this will work for dual boot disks?  http://e4rat.sourceforge.net/18:56
jwmtoActionParsnip: 24 inch IMAC 2.8 Ghz dual core, running natty18:56
ZeeofuHalzen: I am looking for an OpenBsd type CUI based os18:56
xanguaSuperstar: as you can see, the ppa says it failed to build packages for natty18:56
xanguatrailoryo: log out18:56
sipiorZeeofu: so...install OpenBSD?18:56
Superstarxangua it doesn't say  it's failed18:56
ActionParsnipjwmto: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh18:56
zvacetsss314: if you are looking for something light try lubuntu18:56
HalzenZeeofu: Well, this definitely isn't that. xD Try FreeBSD or OpenBSD, and look up derivatives of those.18:56
ActionParsnipZeeofu: pc-bsd is good for bsd newcomers18:57
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morganActionParsnip: Nopp no adapters are blocked.18:57
peepsis there a way to turn off automatic maximizing in unity when window is dragged toward the top18:57
ActionParsnipmorgan: ok and if you run: sudo iwlist scan    do you find access points?18:57
trailoryoxangua, you can do changes in gdmsetup, but there is No way to apply them from the terminal? :|18:58
jwmtoActionParsnip:  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4ba8bfdb76d7de3a7989d4199fbc56923ab6b20f18:58
morganActionparsnip: I get the following - http://pastebin.com/HKrimZCg18:59
Olson_oky it seems people who having installed fresh 11.04 rather than upgrading from 10.10 are not experiencing problems with tablet sensitivity and such, anyone know where I might start to fix the problems I'm having without a full re-install?19:00
peto_how can I recover the night and day zones worldmap I had in the clock & date applet on previus versions of Ubuntu?19:00
peto_I miss that map much19:00
xanguapeto_: use 'classic' desktop19:01
Guest54461anyone on here know anything about lvm?19:01
jwmtoOne thing I need to accomplish is changing my "snd-hda-intel: model=macpro" back to IMAC, does anyone know where this is done?19:01
HalzenOlson_: Normally, I would recommend upgrading to a new kernel or switching to Liquorix, but I haven't been keeping up on Natty kernels...19:01
JamesMasonhi, don't suppose anyone can help me with a problem with my hp tc1100 wireless?19:01
ohsixpeto_: are you using unity? that thing at the top isn't a panel and that isn't an applet; the old one still exists but it lives on a panel D:19:01
peto_xangua, 'classic'?19:01
ActionParsnipjwmto: try adding: options snd-hda-intel model=mbp55    to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf    you appear to have options snd-hda-intel model=asus-a7m  and options snd-hda-intel model=macpro  currently which is weird19:01
xanguapeto_: yes, on your login screen19:01
Olson_Halzen, new kernel arrived today via synaptic, it hasn't cured problem19:02
ActionParsnipmorgan: all I can suggest is reboot and run:  dmesg | less     and read through to se what's shaking19:02
peto_ohsix, yes I'm using Unity19:02
jwmtoThanks ActionParsnip.  I'll get back to you.  Should I reboot to know if it's working?19:02
peto_xangua, but, can I keep Unity?19:02
ActionParsnipjwmto: yes, just commant out the current texts so you can roll back easily19:02
ohsixActionParsnip: it's not weird when people have been trying random model options and not reporting bugs :D19:02
debddoes anyone know if this will work for dual boot disks?  http://e4rat.sourceforge.net/19:02
morganActionParsnip: Should i run dmesg | less in terminal as a command?19:03
HalzenOlson_: That sucks. Give Liquorix a shot: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/how-to-install-liquorix-kernel-in.html19:04
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JamesMasonanyone, any ideas on hp tc1100 wireless issues?19:05
ActionParsnipmorgan: yes it will show the kernel messages as hardware is detected19:05
Olson_Halzen, thanks, but I dont fancy having to go throught the thing of also compiling kernel modules for video card and such ideally19:05
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morganActionParsnip: What do i do with this massive amount of text then? I have no idea what it all means.19:06
HalzenOlson_: I've never had to do anything like that, but I don't have your hardware. I can understand why you wouldn't want to repeat such a chore.19:06
spartan-11510Hi! I'm sorry for my english but i'm french. I search how to work on Ubuntu source code. I've already searched but i don't found it19:06
spartan-11510Can you help me please19:06
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mongyany ssh experts here.  I have done this before and sure it worked..but basically I have encrypted home, I made the /etc/ssh/user folder and copied my ssh to there and fixed perms to 755 folder 644 for the file, changed sshd_config to use this folder, and I am loggin in passwordless but its not decrypting my home.  what am i missing19:06
Picispartan-11510: apt-get source packagename19:06
Olson_Halzen, it must be something to do with X configuration though, to be honest, perhaps I can just kinda reset everything19:06
amnon__i have a panasonic nv-mx500 and i can't get it to work! it's identified in USB (dmesg, lsusb) but kino and other programs say they can't identify a camera. help please.19:07
schweegii can't mount my external hdd on the live disc. it seems to be mounted one second and then is the external hdd removed. what can i do to solve this problem?19:07
HalzenOlson_: typically, Xorg will reconfigure itself independent of your kernel choice. Just give it a shot. If Liquorix gives you trouble, you can always boot back into the generic kernel you had before.19:07
jwmtothank Oh619:07
spartan-11510Pici, yes but i don't know where i can begin...19:08
Olson_Halzen, perhaps I will try that, you've given me idea to have a go with first though, and that is to try removing video card drivers, reset X and start over with that19:08
spartan-11510What package?19:08
Picispartan-11510: You want to contribute to Ubuntu?19:08
HalzenOlson_: Always worth a shot. Good luck. :)19:08
Picispartan-11510: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment19:08
Olson_Halzen, cheers. I bookmark your link for sure19:08
Olson_see you on the other side19:08
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jaszandrehi . I have a problem with my gedit in ubuntu 10.10. maybe anyone could help me please19:10
sine_hi guys, is there an ftp where i can get the latest ubuntu for my i7 64bit laptop19:10
Halzenjaszandre: I love Gedit! What problems are you having?19:10
LjLsine_: why does it have to be an ftp?19:11
jaszandrewhen I write Gedit in the Terminal .. I have an alert message19:11
sine_ljl it doesnt but i have filezilla open and thought it would be nice to have resume if needed19:11
morganActionParsnip: I have all the text, but can't really make out where stuf whent wrong. Have tried to go through it. What am I looking for?19:11
LjLsine_: you can resume on http just fine19:12
amnon_i have a panasonic nv-mx500 and i can't get it to work! it's identified in USB (dmesg, lsusb) but kino and other programs say they can't identify a camera. help please.19:12
Halzensine_: If you want pause/resume, try a torrent: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent19:12
trailoryojaszandre, try writing gedit, not Gedit19:12
uwexjaszandre: try lowercase19:12
Halzenjaszandre: Does Gedit work in the alt-F2 prompt?19:12
bsamsonHas anybody else had trouble with full screen flash video freezing the xserver in Natty?19:13
ubunubwhen i turn on my netbook, it loads grub and then it pauses for a while. after that it goes to a shell, and if i type in 'exit' it then loads ubuntu. im setting up this netbook for  friend, and i dont want it to tdo that everytie he tuns on ubntu.19:13
Halzenbsamson: That is a known Flash issue. Try opening your Flash preferences and disabling hardware acceleration.19:13
ubunubhow do i fix it? the error message shown is somehing about it not finding root, whatever that is.19:14
jaszandrein fact, gedit works ... but I'm worried  because of the message.. could you see the message ? I have it  in paste.ubuntu19:14
bsamsonHalzen: thanks ^^ you have a link to a case or anything?19:14
trailoryojaszandre, the terminal is case sensitive. thats why you get error msg when typing Gedit. alt+F2 wont run Gedit neither.19:14
Halzenbsamson: Google fullscreen flash linux and you'll have millions of hits.19:15
trailoryojaszandre, link?19:15
ShockDocanyone here? :)19:15
wang_hello.. is there a way to make the menubar on the top of the screen static? so that it shows up even if you don't hower over it?19:15
HalzenShockDoc: Plenty here. :P19:15
bsamsonHalzen: yeah most of those are ancient though :/19:15
ActionParsnipShockDoc: nobody at all19:15
ubunubi am!19:15
ShockDocdoes anyone know how I can make ubuntu 11.04 boot in verbose mode?19:15
SuperstarCan anyone help me install Cinelerra please? I've added the PPA, I've ran apt update, but still nothing?19:15
pseubodotis there any way I can force my ubuntu desktop to boot only to console?19:15
Dr_Williswang_:   You mean the left side launcher bar?19:15
Halzenbsamson: Ancient, but still very relevant. The problem has not been solved on even the newest version of Flash, the newest version of Ubuntu, and the newest Linux kernel.19:15
ubunubShockDock yes19:16
Dr_Willispseubodot:  grub  has a 'text' option that does just that.19:16
ActionParsnipShockDoc: press ESC when plymouth shows and you can watch the boot messages19:16
ubunubre you on the computer your using?19:16
ShockDocI don't want to press ESC every time19:16
ActionParsnipShockDoc: alternatively you can run:  dmesg | less    and read them once you log in19:16
Dr_Willispseubodot:  edit /etc/default/grub and replace splash quiet with 'text'19:16
wang_Dr_Willis, the top one.. by default is shows the name of the application you're on.. if you mouse over it it will give you the menu bars.. how do I make the menubars permantent19:16
pseubodotDr_Willis:recovery mode, correct?19:16
jaszandrelook at this please http://paste.ubuntu.com/602419/19:16
omidphey guys how can i solve this problem? You must have GTK+ 2.10.0 or newer development headers installed to compile19:16
ShockDocI've tried verbose19:16
ShockDocdidn't look19:16
ActionParsnipShockDoc: then remove the boot options: quiet splash    in /etc/default/grub19:16
DrDuck`I would like to convert from gnome 3 back to unity for the 11.04 distribution. Any insight on how to go aboutdoing this would be great.19:16
Dr_Williswang_:  ahh you want the global menu to always be shown. Not notced a way to do that yet...19:16
ActionParsnipShockDoc: you will need to rn: sudo update-grub    to apply the change19:17
Dr_Williswang_:  the webupd8 blog site had a list of tips and tweaks - it may be in there19:17
ShockDocI'll try using text instead of verbose19:17
ShockDocthanks for the help ;19:17
spyhermitso, anyone been able to use 11.04 inside virtualbox?19:17
pseubodotDr_Willis: but I would have to run update-grub, no?19:17
ShockDocyeah,I know19:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:17
ShockDocthanks ActionParsnip19:17
Dr_Willispseubodot:  'text'  option is not the same as revovery mode,. and you always hacve to run update-gruvb after editing the configs19:17
DistressHello, im having major issues with the sound input on my fresh ubuntu 11.04 install. The sound is really distorted, and when i make test recordings the audio gets randomly looped on the track.19:17
hadorhuornHi, Since I have two monitors and since I upgraded to natty all my notifications appears on the one on the right so I miis them all. any way to make them appear on both monitor or to follow focus ? thank you.19:18
bear_            hi19:18
pseubodotDr_Willis: right. I don't get the grub screen at boot (goes right through it), and my X is messed up after the 10.10>11.04 upgrade, so am trying to get back to cli to diagnose and fix19:18
wang_Dr_Willis, webupd8?19:18
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pseubodotDr_Willis: am working off an install cd, and can edit files19:18
Halzenhadorhuorn: As I understand it, Unity has not yet been properly optimized for multiple monitors. Gnome might serve you a bit better for that, imo.19:19
jaszandrethis is the message when I write Gedit. I don't know why is this happening  http://paste.ubuntu.com/602419/19:19
noes1sHow can i run a script when i connect to a wifi?19:19
Halzenjaszandre: Are you using an up-to-date version of Ubuntu with Gnome?19:20
jensphey there, I'm having some trouble with sharing a printer with samba. The printer doesn't turn up in my samba shares, but the other shares do. When I restart samba the printer is there. There seems to be some kind of race condition where samba gets started before cups and doesn'T find the printers19:20
jaszandreI'm using ubuntu 10.1019:20
jenspcan I make samba depend on cupsd or something like that?19:20
jenspoh yeah I'm running 10.1019:20
Dr_Williswang_:  check   http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html19:20
hadorhuornHalzen : yeah, I've googling for this problem for an hour or so, and I'm afraid there's nothing I can do :(19:21
Dr_Willispseubodot:  if grub  menu is hidden. you tap the shift key to make it show up19:21
jaszandrethat message's been there since yesterday19:21
andeeeuk_hi everyone19:22
Halzenhadorhuorn: Unity is very young, and is proprietary to Canonical and Ubuntu. Gnome and KDE, on the other hand, are very established for all desktop purposes. That's just a reality at the moment. =/19:22
andeeeuk_does anyone know how to setup single window mode in gimp ubuntu?19:22
pseubodotDr_Willis: trying19:22
jaszandreHalzen . did you see the link?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/602419/   please .. any idea to sove the problem??19:23
ubunubwhen i turn on my netbook, it loads grub and then it pauses for a while. after that it goes to a shell, and if i type in 'exit' it then loads ubuntu. im setting up this netbook for  friend, and i dont want it to tdo that everytie he tuns on ubntu.19:23
ubunubhow do i fix it? the error message shown is somehing about it not finding root, whatever that is.19:23
ShockDocI'm back fellas19:23
ShockDocusing the "text" option drops me down to a shell :/19:23
Halzenjaszandre: I saw it, but I'm not sure how to solve it. I would try Googling one or two of the error lines.19:23
ruffleShi guys. i'd like to ask you a question: will that swappiness trick still work on ubuntu 11.04? i've got 4gb ram and i'm considering making it swappiness=0. will that improve my OS responsiveness? oh, a 'free -m' tell me none of my 250mb swap is being used, by the way...19:23
enlight22omg my system is screwed19:23
trailoryoI remember in one version when you swapped workspaces there was a cube turning around. Is it possible to get this in 11.04? or atleast is it possible to keybind(or something) workspaces?19:24
HalzenruffleS: I have no reason to think that the swappiness won't still work.19:24
enlight22why does my seperate x screen not accept keyboard input but i can paste to it, worked fine on 10.10, broken on 11.0419:24
macojensp: you can edit /etc/init/smbd.conf to add a dependency on the cups service19:24
jaszandreok halsen.. ,.. I was looking for something similar ,too ..but I haven't found anything about it19:24
ruffleSandeeeuk_, i guess u'll have to have gimp 2.7 beta19:24
ShockDocActionParsnip, any ideas for my grub issue?19:24
hadorhuornHalzen : Yeah, It works perfectly when launching in classic mode (and always have). Anyway thanks for the advice ;)19:25
envygeeksjaszandre: check your /.gtkrc-*.* file and see that those variables are TRUE OR FALSE19:25
envygeeksjaszandre: sorry, 0 or 1 not TRUE OR FALSE19:25
Halzenhadorhuorn: Long live Gnom- Uhh, I mean, no problem. :P19:25
andeeeuk_ruffleS i used to have it on 10.10 but since the upgrade it has not worked19:25
ActionParsnipShockDoc: i'm not good with grub19:25
jaszandreok.. here I go envygeeks19:26
ShockDocanyone else know how can make 11.04 boot verbose?19:26
ruffleSHalzen, given 'free -m' tells me none of my 250mb swap is being used at the moment, do you think making swappiness=0 may improve my OS responsiveness/overall speed??19:26
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varunthackerI tried installing gnome319:26
HalzenruffleS: It often improves system responsiveness, but remember that suspend and hibernate depend on swap by default.19:26
JWayI assigned caps lock to switch keyboard language and it worked perfect in 10.10, however in clean install 11.04, I am sometimes forces to press caps lock twice or thrice before it switches layout. Why does this happen?19:26
varunthackerI keep getting the .ICEauthority error19:27
pseubodotDr_Willis: okay, I used the shift key as you said, then changed the grub cmd line part from 'quiet splash' to 'text'19:27
ruffleSandeeeuk_, i'm not sure where you can get it, sorry.... maybe a PPA...19:27
pseubodotDr_Willis: I'm seeing multiple errors on boot,19:27
Sharpshooter761hello everyone19:27
jenspmaco: thanks, just noted this has already been reported as #49414119:27
pseubodotDr_Willis: looks like the machine borked, since the boot process doesn't finish, and I don't get a login prompt19:27
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:27
varunthackerapparantly If i install lxde then boot into it once and then log back in gnome shell it works. The problem is how do i install lxde19:28
ChrisBuchholzHey guys. How can i install python 2.7 in ubuntu 10.10 ?19:28
varunthackerI logged in through command line19:28
ChrisBuchholzIs there some ppa i can use? (have looked but not found)19:28
varunthackerhow do i connect to my home network19:28
HalzenChrisBuchholz: You will likely need to build that from a tarball source, since the PPA version is up to 3.119:28
pseubodotDr_Willis: thanks for the help. I'm going to rebuild the box on another hd and use this one to recover19:28
ruffleSShockDoc, i think i do... try editing /etc/default/grub and remove quiet and splash from this line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"19:28
ShockDocI tried that ruffleS , but is doesn't work :/19:29
ChrisBuchholzHalzen: damn, thats unfortunate19:29
Dr_Willisvarunthacker:  i do sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop here. :) but i noticed the lxdm login m,anager has issues.. and use gdm instead19:29
variablemy mouse is uncalibrated on my laptop. I need to click above the spot I want to actually do anything. Where can I fix this?19:29
andeeeuk_http://ppa.launchpad.net/matthaeus123/mrw-gimp-svn/ubuntu ruffleS that was the PPA i have used19:29
HalzenChrisBuchholz: It's highly unusual that you specifically need Python 2.7 for a project. Are you sure you can't roll with Python 3.1?19:29
spyhermitso, installed 11.04 in virtualbox, installed guest additions, unity works, but the icons are huge and blocky and the text in the title bar is also huge and blocky.19:29
enlight22is there any reason why i would no longer be able to type in seperate x screen but could in 10.1019:29
morganHey. I cant seam to enable my Wireless Device in my system tray. It seams my Broadcom device is not broadcasting. The drives are activated but I can't find it via my system tray icon. http://pastebin.com/PC0gjwAk19:30
andeeeuk_has anyone else got gimp in single window mode19:30
ruffleSShockDoc, did you try running: update-grub19:30
Halzenenlight22: Frankly, I don't think Unity is ready for use on multiple windows. =/19:30
ShockDocyes ruffleS19:30
spyhermitinstalled compizconfig-settings-manager, set icons to not grow,19:30
spyhermitthey look good. The text is still nasty. any ideas?19:30
varunthackerDr_Willis: How to connect to my network from command line ?19:30
enlight22Halzen: im using classic mode... unity it seems isnt ready for use at all19:30
Dr_Willisvarunthacker:  depends on how you are connected.. wirerd or wireless..19:30
ruffleSShockDoc, someone here just said you could maybe try 'text' here: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"19:30
ruffleSmake it: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text"19:31
varunthackerDr_Willis: wireless19:31
Dr_Willisvarunthacker:  theres various commands you use. I dont use them enough to rember them.19:31
Halzenandeeeuk_: In the new GIMP 2.8, single window mode is activated via a checkbox in the Windows menu.19:31
ShockDocjust tried that ruffleS , didn't work, then it booted into a shell19:31
Dr_Willisvarunthacker:  iwconfig and a few iw*  i recall.19:31
Halzenenlight22: Haha, I hear you. Well, are you using an Nvidia or ATI video device?19:31
variablemy mouse is uncalibrated on my laptop. I need to click above the spot I want to actually do anything. Where can I fix this? -> any ideas?19:32
mongyany ssh experts here.  I have done this before and sure it worked..but basically I have encrypted home, I made the /etc/ssh/user folder and copied my ssh to there and fixed perms to 755 folder 644 for the file, changed sshd_config to use this folder, and I am loggin in passwordless but its not decrypting my home.  what am i missing19:32
andeeeuk_Halzen yeah I had that before, did you get it from that repo?19:32
Mopsyi'm havin trouble installing ubu 11, first it always boots into gnome when liveusbing, second i choose to install grub on a partition cuz i'm having truecrypt bootloader in the mbr, i want dualboot, any hints?19:32
tasslehoffDo any themes for 11.04 also work on launcher/dash/panel? none of the ones I've tried so far change the look of those.19:32
Dr_Willistasslehoff:  i dont think so.19:33
ruffleSShockDoc, there's another thing you can try... i don't know if this would apply to ubuntu anymore but i would try finding out  how to switch the runlevel19:33
Dr_WillisUbuntu dosent really use runlevels any more. the 'text' option shoud get to a TExt only login.19:33
sine_is there gparted in the cd of latest ubuntu so i can resize my partition19:34
morganI have just insalled the 11.04 and the wireless is not working.19:34
usalabsmorgan: if you're using unity, there is no actually system/task bar that is needed by most apps, I often use cryptkeeper, but running it, does not show it anywhere, but in ubuntu classic, it is shown in the system tray19:34
Halzenandeeeuk_: I no longer use GIMP, but when I did, I used this repo: http://ppa.launchpad.net/matthaeus123/mrw-gimp-svn/ubuntu maverick main deb19:34
ShockDocI edited my /etc/default/grub about 20 times, still no verbose boot19:34
Dr_Willissine_:  yes. or you could just apt-get install it..19:34
enlight22im ready to die, i had 10.10 working so well, why did i ever upgrade to 11.04... every time i upgrade ubuntu nothing works right19:34
ruffleSShockDoc, run this command and reat its output: man /etc/default/grub19:34
[PanzeR]DzaDze /msg nickserv register dzadze_23 dzadze.david@gmail.com19:34
Halzenandeeeuk_: Use this authentication key line: sudo apt-key adv - recv-keys - keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 405A15CB19:34
andeeeuk_Halzen yeah that is what i use19:34
sine_Dr_Willis: aptget install it in livemode19:34
ShockDock ruffleS , just a sec19:34
tasslehoffDr_Willis: ok.19:34
Dr_WillisShockDoc:  you did run update-grub? if its still not working. could be grub is installing to the wrong place. and you are using an old grub.19:35
andeeeuk_Halzen i have that all done, what do you use?19:35
Halzenandeeeuk_: If that is updated, you should have a single-window option.19:35
Dr_Willissine_:  you can install packatges on a live-desktopp session.. they will get lost after reboot ofcourse :)19:35
ShockDocnah Dr_Willis , the grub is brand new :p19:35
andeeeuk_Halzen i think i need to update my repos first and then it will upgrade19:35
Dr_WillisShockDoc:  it could be from an old er install, or differnt update-grub. ive had grub installed on 3+ hd;s befor.. that caused issues one day for me..19:35
pepeehi. so I had this problem: I couldn't open some websites. by changing the MTU, could make it work for some, but others didn't open..19:35
andeeeuk_Halzen, do you use photoshot now then?19:36
envygeeksDr_Willis: it depends remember, USB Sticks are considered live systems but you can alter it to be persistent too.19:36
Halzenandeeeuk_: Yes, I have Photoshop CS5 running smoothly under Wine.19:36
pepeeso I (hope) think finally I've found the solution: http://serverfault.com/questions/235965/why-would-a-server-not-send-a-syn-ack-packet-in-response-to-a-syn-packet19:36
Mopsyany idea why it boots into gnome?19:36
Dr_WillisShockDoc:  you could also cut/paste a kernel entry from the /boot/grub.cfg to /etc/grub.d/40_custom and make it have the text option only.19:36
andeeeuk_Halzen, nice one!!19:36
Dr_Willisenvygeeks:  I do 'full' normal installs to my usbs :)19:36
envygeeksHalzen: You have a link to the tutorial you used to get CS5 to work smooth?19:36
Guest54461can lvm act as a RAID drive and reduce disk read time?19:36
ShockDocDr_Willis, ??19:36
andeeeuk_Halzen, do you have any problems with it at all?19:36
Halzenenvygeeks: Check the comments in the WineHQ AppDB.19:37
Dr_WillisShockDoc:  if you are ediing /etc/default/grub nd the changes are not takeing effect. then somthing very weird is going on.19:37
envygeeksThanks Halzen, will do19:37
Halzenandeeeuk_: For a while, I had a couple of glitches, but my own tweaks and a new kernel have it running silk.19:37
DistressAnyone else having issues with audio input in 11.04?19:37
ShockDocwell I think something is wrong with the nvidia drives is what is causing the issue Dr_Willis19:37
HalzenDistress: I've been hearing audio input problems all day. You're not alone.19:37
andeeeuk_Halzen good stuff, I had cs4 running without any problems19:38
morganusalabs: Well, i have the icon for network in the upper right corner (system tray right?) . I have connected via my cellphone externally to get to Internet. So the ordinary wired network works. I have ticked the 'Networking Enabled' options and in the Ubuntu 10.04 I had before had one for wireless to be ticked too. I don't have it. Can I enable my wireless card in any other way? The drives are installed and the hardware switch is19:38
morgan set to on.19:38
McNulty_Just installed 11.04 inside a Virtualbox and it's not picking up my second ethernet adaptor - what can I do to debug it? I've added a line for eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces19:38
andeeeuk_Halzen, was really good19:38
Guest54461Why is everyone ignoring me?19:38
Dr_WillisShockDoc:  that would not be affecting grub.   some options in grub can fix the plymouth/nvidia issues that often are a problem19:38
Halzenandeeeuk_: If you're willing to pay up for it, CS5 is a great upgrade over CS4. I actually upgraded from good old 7.0 xD19:38
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
ShockDocah, well I'm out of options Dr_Willis  ;)19:38
Dr_WillisGuest54461:  perhaps pick a real nick. and  rephrase the question.19:39
andeeeuk_Halzen, I would do but it does dost a lot19:39
pepeethere are very strange problems in linux, and one has to guess how to fix them19:39
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ShockDocnow I have GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""19:39
Dr_WillisShockDoc:  you could try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' and see where grub is isntalling to.. make sure its the same hd you are booting.19:39
ShockDocI'I'm sure of that Dr_Willis , installed to the MBR19:39
Halzenandeeeuk_: Yes, it's definitely costly. I'm a professional graphic designer, and GIMP just wasn't cutting it for me. However, I do use Inkscape in place of Illustrator. I think GIMP is coming along just fine, too.19:39
Dr_WillisShockDoc:  save it. rerun 'sudo update-grub'  then check the /boot/grub.cfg to see if the options tool affect.19:39
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
ChessTeachIf I have two hard drives, can I use LVM to divide data between them similiar to RAID drives?19:40
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:40
ShockDocupdated, Dr_Willis19:40
myrmidettehello, I'm having trouble burning the 11.04 iso to a usb stick19:40
ShockDocshall I reboot?19:40
Dr_WillisShockDoc:  grub.cfg has the changes in it?19:40
Halzenmyrmidette: Can you be a bit more specific? What OS are you trying to burn it with?19:41
andeeeuk_Halzen, yeah for a pro i can see why, I have been uding gimp for a while now as well and have found it a great tool. Really bad without single window mode though19:41
myrmidetteHalzen, ubuntu 10.0419:41
Dr_Willismyrmidette:  what tool are you using to put it on an usb?19:41
Halzenmyrmidette: Ah, yes, Lucid gave me a hard time with the built-in tool. Unetbootin worked fine, though.19:41
ruffleSShockDoc, the splash screen is probably hard coded into the kernel.. if i were you i would try both googling and reading 'man /etc/default/grub'19:42
ShockDocuh yes Dr_Willis19:42
myrmidetteit only gets to the bootloader (syslinux) and then freezes19:42
ShockDocit used to be so easy to get a verbose boot :/19:42
ShockDocwell I'll have a reboot, see what happens19:42
Dr_WillisShockDoc:  so.. if you reboot and the grub menu does not show those changes.. well that would point to your grub some how using some other configs.. which would be weird.19:42
Dr_WillisShockDoc:  i just edit the grub menu on the fly and put in the 'text' option19:42
ShockDocyeah I know, that works Dr_Willis , but that's not what I want, the text thing actually boots to a command line19:43
ShockDocbrb, gonna reboot19:43
Halzenmyrmidette: Try installing Unetbootin and burning the USB with that. Make sure to format the USB with the tool before writing to it.19:43
_jeffwhenever i turn on my system and type my username and before i enter a password, the login screen appears to quick drop down to a shell and asks me to enter my username again and this second time i can enter my password. is gdm crashing?19:43
myrmidetteHalzen, how do I format?19:44
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bsodmikeany one know how to diagnose a PTY issue?19:44
habrieli have a mistake and show message habriel@master:~$ sudo cfgmaker public@localhost > /etc/mrtg.cfg19:44
habrielbash: /etc/mrtg.cfg: Permiso denegado19:44
ShockDocstill nothing guys ._.19:44
habrieli can't do it19:45
tasslehoffOne cannot run Gnome 3 and Unity side by side on 11.04, right?19:45
saveAnyone think they can help with some FFMPEG issues i'm having?19:45
_jeff whenever i turn on my system and type my username and before i enter a password, the login screen appears to quick drop down to a shell and asks me to enter my username again and this second time i can enter my password. is gdm crashing?19:45
Halzenmyrmidette: Oh, my bad. Use Gparted to format the USB drive to ext4. Be VERY careful when selecting the device to format. If you're careless, you risk wiping one of your system partitions.19:45
jensphabriel: the redirection ">" happens with your normal right, not with "sudo" priviledges19:45
jensphabriel: sudo -i and run the command again19:45
myrmidetteHalzen, will rm -rf /media/D286-1AD2/* work too?19:45
habrielok i will try19:46
Halzenmyrmidette: If you have the right media name, and it was ext or fat32 before, then sure.19:46
nerdshelltasslehoff: tes19:47
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
myrmidetteHalzen, how do I delete all the hidden files?19:48
patrunjelguys, I have to mount some movies in .iso format, can someone please tell me what application should I use? :) (something equivalent to Daemon tools on windows)19:48
_jeffwhenever i turn on my system and type my username and before i enter a password, the login screen appears to quick drop down to a shell and asks me to enter my username again and this second time i can enter my password. is gdm crashing?19:48
Halzenmyrmidette: a format will delete all nonessential files.19:48
ChessTeachDoes FakeRAID provide any preformance benefits?19:48
spyhermitpatrunjel: mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk19:48
xcyclistokay, I just had a disaster installing 11.04.  Please suggest what to do next.19:49
nerdshellmyrmidette: rm ".*"19:49
spyhermitthen you can access it like any other dvd19:49
icerootChessTeach: its the same performance as software-raid19:49
xcyclistI should say, upgrading to 11.04 from 10.0019:49
antidolboslavhi all19:49
ChessTeachiceroot: which isn't much?19:49
icerootChessTeach: if you dont want a dualboot with windows (and windows is also on raid) there is no single reason to use fakeraid19:49
antidolboslavi am trying to install ubuntu 11.04, but gparted doesn't see my partitions in hdd19:49
xcyclistIt resized my window and gave me new menu settings I do not want.19:49
icerootChessTeach: there are only contras with fakeraid19:49
HalzenChessTeach: Software RAID of any kind is nowhere near as beneficial as a hard array controller.19:50
W43372I just upgraded to Natty from Mav. I'm digging the new unity interface, but I'm wondering if I am still able to use panel applets on the top panel without switching back to the Gnome gui?19:50
antidolboslavwhat can fix it out?19:50
ChessTeachiceroot: ok thanks19:50
xcyclistDon't Install 11.04!!  It's a disaster!!!19:50
ChessTeachHalzen: my bios doesn't support the hard array19:50
_jeffwhenever i turn on my system and type my username and before i enter a password, the login screen appears to quick drop down to a shell and asks me to enter my username again and this second time i can enter my password. is gdm crashing?19:50
patrunjelspyhermit, I mean, I don't just want to mount the .iso, because then I would have Audio_TS and Video_TS (or something similar), I would want to autoplay the image :)19:50
Picixcyclist: Feel free to use Classic Ubuntu from the login menu if you don't care for Unity.19:50
Dr_Willispatrunjel:  vlc can play iso files.19:50
HalzenChessTeach: Well, that sucks. Raid is very hardware-dependent, so not everyone gets to enjoy it.19:50
spyhermitpatrunjel: yep. vlc is your best bet.19:50
ChessTeachHalzen: it isn't possible to download a new bios that will support RAID, correct?19:51
icerootChessTeach: there is no need to buy a hardware-raid-controller, just use softwareraid (not fakeraid)19:51
patrunjelDr_Willis, spyhermit vlc is on linux too? wow :) Nice, thanks guys19:51
icerootChessTeach: hardware-raid is only needed on servers19:51
Dr_Willispatrunjel:  err.. of course.19:51
xcyclistPici:  So, I am default logging in.  There is an item on the login menu that allows me to choose?19:51
Picixcyclist: Yes.19:51
ChessTeachiceroot: i thought you said there isn't any benefits to it19:51
Dr_Willispatrunjel:  I think it may of been on linux befor i was on windows.19:51
HalzenChessTeach: It's rare. Raid controllers are hardware, so a BIOS update would mean that it was ON your board, but disabled for some reason.19:51
Dr_Willispatrunjel:  many many years ago19:51
xcyclistPici:  Thank you Pici.  That is very helpful.19:51
icerootChessTeach: i said there is no reason to use fakeraid19:51
bsodmike'Try adding/removing udev as thats normally the prime culprit'19:52
ChessTeachiceroot: but software raid is worth it?19:52
RavenHursTAnyone here get VBGuestAdditions to work w/ 11.04 yet?  Curious how long it took for the main module to build.. mine seems to be hanging... but unfortunately there's no way for me to know... :-(19:52
bsodmikewhat does this mean?19:52
icerootChessTeach: softwareraid is ok for desktop-machines, no need to buy a hardware-raid-controller (150€)19:52
bsodmikeI'm getting 'No more PTYs' when doing screen19:52
spyhermitRavenHursT: installed, took about 5 minutes for the main module to build.19:52
HalzenChessTeach: Honestly, I don't think Raid arrays are very useful for personal computers. Secure servers, yes, but not desktops.19:52
elliot_My VBGuestadittions worked well on mi Ubuntu 1119:52
ShockDocstill nothing :'(19:52
darkfrogUnity stole my window borders. :p19:52
bsodmikeif I do tty when I ssh in, it says /dev/ttyp019:52
Soothsayeranyone on Ubuntu 11 with a dual monitor setup ?19:52
icerootChessTeach: remeber one thing, raid is NOT a backup, so why you need a raid?19:53
bsodmikeinstead of /dev/pts/X where X is some number19:53
ChessTeachiceroot: preformance19:53
darkfrogI have no controls on any of my windows anymore for resize, close, move, minimize, etc.19:53
icerootChessTeach: so you want raid0 (strip)19:53
RavenHursTspyhermit: you do it through the window GUI or throught he commandline?19:53
elliot_Where I can find Administration Menu on Ubuntu 11?19:53
ChessTeachiceroot: yes19:53
spyhermit4 nines!19:53
Picibsodmike: What release of Ubuntu?19:53
icerootChessTeach: if one drives fails, everything fails19:53
andeeeuk_I must say that I am so pleased with ubuntu 11.0419:53
ChessTeachiceroot: i know, i bought a backup external in case that happens19:53
icerootChessTeach: what about an ssd instead of raid0?19:53
spyhermitRavenHursT: gui, but it's just running the command line anyway19:53
ChessTeachiceroot: what is ssd?19:53
Picibsodmike: Please prefix your responses with my nick so that I can see them easier.19:53
andeeeuk_works soo well, initially I was having doubts about unity19:54
icerootChessTeach: solid state disc (flash drive)19:54
Picibsodmike: Let me take a look at something, one moment.19:54
bsodmike@Pici sure:)19:54
cousin_mariowhat is it doing unity-window-decorator running in my ubuntu-classic session?19:54
ChessTeachiceroot: oh, yeah i guess that would of been better19:54
HalzenChessTeach: Sounds like you want a solid-state drive, or SSD. It is full flash memory with no moving parts, and is exponentially faster and more stable than traditional hard drives.19:54
ChessTeachiceroot: but i already have the two hard drives19:54
W43372I just upgraded to Natty from Mav. I'm digging the new unity interface, but I'm wondering if I am still able to use panel applets on the top panel without switching back to the Gnome gui?19:54
icerootChessTeach: then build a software raid 019:54
RavenHursTspyhermit: dangit.. mine says "The headers for the current running kernel were not found.  If the following module compilation fails then this could be the reason. Building the main Gues Addistions module" and then it just sits there.. grrr..19:54
cousin_marioW43372: you poor man19:55
elliot_SDD are already very small :(19:55
HalzenChessTeach: I'm buying an OCZ Vertex 2 50GB SSD very soon. It should be able to boot Fedora for me in under 12 seconds.19:55
ChessTeachHalzen: how much is that though?19:55
zerwasI wanted to create a backtrace for a crash of nautilus, but when i entered "run" in gdb, X crashed19:55
spyhermitChessTeach: sadly, with standard pc hardware, no dedicated raid card, software raid, you're looking at maybe 10% speed boost.19:55
W43372cousin_mario What?19:55
HalzenChessTeach: I'll be spending about $100 USD on mine. The price goes up quite a bit by storage capacity.19:55
ChessTeachspyhermit: I guess I will take what I can get19:55
zerwasHow can i debug this X crash now?19:56
spyhermitRavenHursT: well, it took 20 minutes on my spare machine19:56
HalzenChessTeach: If you want to shop for an SSD, look not just at capacity and price, but also at read and write speeds. The Vertex 2 can read over 275MB/s.19:56
elliot_Dear friends.. please.. any idea where I can find System Administration Menu on Ubuntu 11?19:56
ChessTeachHalzen: if I could return my drives, I think I would, but I do not have the recipts\19:56
Wipsterdue to an unfortunate mistake I issued 'unity --replace' while in the classic desktop environment  now I dont have a classic heh, how can I restore the defaults?19:56
zerwaselliot_> press the power button in the upper right corner, there you will find a menu item "settings" or so19:56
darkfrogelliot_: Windows Key then type what you want to do19:57
W43372cousin_mario Do what?19:57
HalzenChessTeach: Well, all upgrades cost money. For what it's worth, I think it's a very worthwhile upgrade.19:57
ChessTeachiceroot: So I need to get the alternative Ubuntu CD to do the software raid right?19:57
icerootChessTeach: no19:57
ChessTeachiceroot: what do I need19:57
icerootChessTeach: you can build a software raid everytime19:57
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cousin_marioW43372: because you upgraded to natty. I've been fighting the urge to toss my computer out of the window since I did that.19:57
spyhermitChessTeach: yeah. A single SSD is going to blow away your array... if you don't need a ton of space, you can get a pretty fast ssd for 100$ or so19:57
icerootChessTeach: you can build a software-raid in an already installed system19:58
ChessTeachiceroot: how?19:58
trailoryoHave anyone experienced bugs or crashes with Transmission?19:58
trailoryoactually its making everything crash right now. wow.19:58
ChessTeachspyhermit: I am still considering that idea19:58
Picibsodmike: Are you missing anything else in /dev since your rebuild?19:58
elliot_darkfrog:  Thank you my friend!!19:58
iceroot!raid | ChessTeach19:58
ubottuChessTeach: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:58
darkfrogwow, I guess the unity-window-decorator crashed....restarting it fixed my troubles. :o19:58
HalzenChessTeach: Google is your friend: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID19:58
darkfrogthat's a bit disconcerting19:58
bsodmike@member:Pici I've not touched /dev19:58
bsodmike@Pici I mean19:58
iceroot!google | Halzen19:58
ubottuHalzen: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.19:58
darkfrogat least that it didn't auto-restart itself19:58
Dr_Willistrailoryo:  used it for a few hrs over the last few days . no issus19:58
W43372Cousin_Mario well I've only been using it for less than an hour so far. I'm liking it. I just need to know if i can use panel applets still. I'm on battery power and I can't find the applet to let me change my processor speed so my battery is draining faster.19:59
xskydevilxHow do I restore GRUB2 using the live cd/usb?19:59
Dr_WillisW43372:   thers alternative indicator-applets for a lot of the old applets.19:59
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | xskydevilx19:59
ubottuxskydevilx: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:59
Halzenubottu: Your auto-detection could use some revisions.19:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:59
W43372cousin_mario and I also can't find force quit19:59
spyhermitso.... anyone have experience with graphical glitches in unity? still trying to sort out my absurd font issues19:59
icerootChessTeach: but remeber again, if one drive fails in raid0 your files are gone19:59
spyhermiticeroot: he's already said he has external backups, he knows the risks.20:00
ChessTeachThanks again guys20:00
W43372cousin_mario: Oh, and when I want to switch between windows I can't use Super + Tab to switch between them with the fancy animation that was in Mav.20:00
Dr_WillisW43372:  thats a compiz setting/plugin thats proberly disabled by default20:01
icerootspyhermit: losing all data is worth to mention again, dont you think?20:01
Dr_Willissuper key is used for lots of other things these days :)20:01
spyhermiticeroot: 4th time might be the charm. ;)20:01
W43372Dr_Willis properly disabled?20:01
icerootspyhermit: it was the second time20:01
Dr_WillisW43372:  many compiz plugins dont play well with Unity.20:01
ultraxhi im having issues with package apt-proxy in lucid _and_ natty. unfortunately there is no active apt-proxy irc channel.is somebody willing to help?20:02
Dr_WillisW43372:  install ccsm and play with them  if you want.20:02
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:02
W43372Dr_Willis so the super + tab animation won't work with Unity?20:02
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spyhermiticeroot: wish he'd read up on what he was trying to do before he just put the cowboy hat on, though.20:02
erika_I have installed ffmpeg-thumbnailer on xubuntu, but get no thumbnails for video files20:02
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erika_pdf, images, etc all work20:03
Dr_WillisW43372:  no idea. its not enabled by default..  notice if you hit the windows/super  keys. the launcher gives #'s to the icons.. the  super key has a lot of other things it does under unity.20:03
elliot_Thank you all you!!!  U re a great comunity!!20:03
thevorIs the final release of 11.04 now available?20:03
dKingstonok, so20:03
dKingstoni just tried gnome 320:03
icerootthevor: yes20:03
spyhermitthevor: yep20:03
Dr_Willisthevor:  has been fo a few days20:03
dKingstonand it sucks20:03
Lcawte|SortingOSSo I'm using a 11.04 live CD to repair my  broken upgrade, but I seem to be missing my boot loader partition, what should I do to install it (the upgrader keeps failing when it gets to it), I need to know flags, name and format of it...20:03
Soothsayerthevor: well yes.20:03
dKingstonso i'm trying to use apt-get install20:03
dKingstonand it still sucks.20:03
SoothsayerdKingston: really?20:03
dKingstonwhat do20:03
Halzenelliot_: Yeah, we are. We're thinking of renaming it Halzenbuntu. :P20:03
Hedgehog456After switching from Unity to GNOME, and editing a Compiz setting, everything is messed up.20:03
dKingstonSoothsayer: it's literally broken for me.20:03
Wipsteranyone know how to get the default classic login back? I accidentally issued 'unity --replace' in it :(20:03
dKingstoni followed instructions exactly20:03
Dr_Willisnight all20:03
thevorthank you20:03
dKingstondidn't work for this20:03
SoothsayerdKingston: is that a gnome3 issue or apt + ubuntu issue ?20:03
dKingstonSoothsayer: everything20:04
elliot_11.04 worked great for me!20:04
chotazHow do I change the permissions of a folder and all the sub-folders and files inside at the same time?20:04
W43372Dr_Willis Then I'll check out ccsm and use a different key combination. Thanks.20:04
andeeeuk_whatever you do do not install gnome 3 over unity its skrews everything up!!! not worth it!!20:04
spyhermitWipster: install compizconfig-settings-manager, run ccsm, and disable the unity plugin. :)20:04
SoothsayerIs it possible to have a Windows 7 like taskbar at the bottom (and preferably across dual monitors) with Unity in 11.04?20:04
andeeeuk_I made that mistakte!!20:04
icerootchotaz: chmod -R20:04
Lcawte|SortingOSSo I'm using a 11.04 live CD to repair my  broken upgrade, but I seem to be missing my boot loader partition, what should I do to install it (the upgrader keeps failing when it gets to it), I need to know flags, name and format of it...20:04
jibadeehaelliot_, ditto for me ... best version of Ubuntu yet20:04
chotaziceroot: ty20:04
icerootchotaz: but you dont want 777, correct?20:04
alkemannthis new integrated launcher in natty. is there a known problem where it is laggy? after typing a character, it freezes for a few seconds before responding20:05
ultraxalkemann: just apt-get --purge remove and all problems are gone... ;)20:05
HalzenGuys, if you don't want Unity, I wouldn't install Natty 11.04. Wait for 11.10 or Linux Mint 11.20:05
W43372Dr_Willis I just tried an apt-get for ccsm and terminal told me it was unable to locate20:06
lolmaticusing broadcom sta wlan drivers. and i cant connect to any wlan. tried wpa2, wpa, wep and open wlans. it doesnt work :(20:06
ultraxHalzen: 11.10 will have unity only20:06
icerootHalzen: noone is forcing you to use unity20:06
alkemannultrax: as in remove everything?20:06
KM0201lolmatic: whats your wireless device?20:06
Wipsterspyhermit, hmmmm everything unticks and I have no idea whats needed to replace20:06
BlouBloualkemann: new? it isn't new, it haven't changed for years20:06
SANGKEUNas I know, you can change from unity to gnome20:06
Halzeniceroot: I'm perfectly aware of that. I was responding to people encountering issues replacing Unity in their Natty install.20:06
Lcawte|SortingOSSo I'm using a 11.04 live CD to repair my  broken upgrade, but I seem to be missing my boot loader partition, what should I do to install it (the upgrader keeps failing when it gets to it), I need to know flags, name and format of it...20:06
ultrax_wow i got disconnected...20:07
maddieCan someone please help me with my problem with the unity launcher?20:07
alkemannBlouBlou: you must be talking about something completely different20:07
BlouBloualkemann: yep, I missread20:07
mecoIt appears my gui is broken since after the login screen it just goes black. Should I try a reinstall?20:07
ultrax_nobody with expierience in apt-proxý's advanced config?20:07
BlouBloualkemann: sorry ;)20:08
xcyclistSay, why do I only have 1024x768 resolution now on my laptop with the 11.04 upgrade?  This makes it very frustrating to use?20:08
Hedgehog456Why does Natty have to mess so many things up?20:08
* Hedgehog456 sighs20:08
maddieMy launcher settings in Unity reset every time I log in . Does anyone have any idea of what could be wrong?20:08
xcyclistI would have been much better off not upgrading with this fubar.20:08
Halzenxcyclist: That means that your graphics configuration is not complete. What video device are you using?20:08
alkemanni have an updated beta of natty, is there any difference in reinstalling the release?20:08
g0rbyHello, If i want last to display all logins for a particular user, which file should the -f switch point to20:09
xcyclistHalzen:  Can I find that out from proc?  I don't know where to look.20:09
RavenHursTgrrr... anyone have any idea why the building of the module for VBGuestAdditions would just hang everytime I try to install it??20:09
Halzenalkemann: As I understand it, you'll need to switch to the released version to get all of the future updates.20:09
geekbridoes anybody know of good documentation to setup outgoing mail with postfix on ubuntu 10.04 LTS?20:10
HalzenI gotta go, guys. Take care, and good luck with all of your Natty issues.20:10
mecoIt appears my gui is broken since after the login screen it just goes black. Should I try a reinstall?20:11
g0rbyIf i do "last (username)" it only displays logins from the beggining of the day (it says wtmp starts then) how do i get it to go further back?20:11
g0rbyim pretty sure i got hacked over the weekend as i saw the same ip in my ssh log as in the xsender ip in some hotmail emails i didnt send20:11
user82hi. i installed natty and it failed to install the bootloader(omg). so i would do a grub-install device manually but two questions: a) will it detect my windows partition b)how do i find out where to install(raid controller..so /dev/sda is just one of two raid discs, natty is on /dev/dm-4. where does it go best?)20:11
g0rbyi want to find out what they did =/20:11
igi69_hello, I have 2 ubuntus in my pc in one is working the bluetooth in the other not, can you check this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743353 or this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/bluez-does-not-connect-my-headset-nokia-bh-104-a-875959/ and help me, please. I believe is a question of configuration. one of the ubuntu is fresh install the other is upgrade. I think the problem is with the upgrade.20:12
user82or how do i find existing grub's(the old one loads but goes to rescue mode)20:12
Omega!grub | user8220:12
ubottuuser82: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:12
graunjaljhello , im trying to connect with ssh with noip and i can´t do it console says "Write failed: Connection reset by peer" , what can i do?20:13
mnassifHi , i tried to install ubuntu 11.04  but it freeze in timezone window. I am using a Dell t740020:13
ultrax_g0rby: what was the username used?20:13
g0rbyultrax: gorby20:13
ultrax_well, execute 'history'20:13
g0rbyyeah ive done that, it looks fine20:14
BrutusI have problem with sound, i was uninstall gnome(im using xfce) and after this sound is broken, in preferences dont see any device(i had my 2soundcards and usb camera in preferences), i try uninstall pulse audio,alsa, and then install oss or other, no change, pls help me!20:14
Hedgehog456Upon disabling the Compiz Unity plugin is it required to reactivate it to access Unity?20:14
ultrax_but if it's a proper hacker he probably redirected history to /dev/null or else20:14
=== brianl|a is now known as brianl
g0rbyultrax: but it cant be coinsidence that i see that ip in my ssh log, and in the bad emails in hotmail20:14
mecoIt appears my gui is broken since after the login screen it just goes black. Should I try a reinstall?20:14
ultrax_g0rby: thats no coincidence,no20:14
ultrax_g0rby: update your system, fix your firewall, make your system stronger instead of searching what he might have done20:15
g0rbyultrax: can i use last some how to display all logins within a particular date range?20:15
Froqis there a reason why screen sharing (VNC) doesn't work on 11.0420:15
Froq?  mine never seems to work, when I connect, I just get a black screen....20:15
ultrax_g0rby: afaik no20:15
igi69_hello, I have 2 ubuntus in my pc in one is working the bluetooth in the other not, can you check this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743353 or this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/bluez-does-not-connect-my-headset-nokia-bh-104-a-875959/ and help me, please. I believe is a question of configuration. one of the ubuntu is fresh install the other is upgrade. I think the problem is with the upgrade.20:15
W43372Dr_Willis I just tried an apt-get for ccsm and terminal told me it was unable to locate20:15
Hedgehog456Upon disabling the Compiz Unity plugin is it required to reactivate it to access Unity?20:16
Hedgehog456I disabled it20:16
kyubutsumeco: are you able to see the login screen?20:16
Hedgehog456To get Unity back do I have to reenable it?20:16
user82so how do i find out which /dev is my raid? (i suppose the grub needs to go there)20:16
W43372Someone on here just suggested that I install ccsm. This is what I got in terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602449/20:16
wadSince I upgraded my laptop to 11.4, my fan runs all the time. It's quite hot. Is this a known issue?20:16
BrutusI have problem with sound, i was uninstall gnome(im using xfce) and after this sound is broken, in preferences dont see any device(i had my 2soundcards and usb camera in preferences), i try uninstall pulse audio,alsa, and then install oss or other, no change, pls help me!20:17
namzezamlinux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic  !!!!!!!!  It it more than 2 weeks a big bug on the kernal!! Who could do here something, and  if not here where? see http://paste.ubuntu.com/598867/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/602392/  https://tor-proxy.net/proxy/express/browse.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fanswers.launchpad.net%2Fubuntu%2F%2Bsource%2Fupdate-manager%2F%2Bquestion%2F149709&b=2620:17
xanguaW43372: first run: sudo apt-get update  , try again20:17
namzezami did20:17
mecokyubutsu: Yes, sorta. It has changed its appearance, but it is graphical... But after that it all goes black20:18
namzezamlook in the links for the results20:18
igi69_hello, I have 2 ubuntus in my pc in one is working the bluetooth in the other not, can you check this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743353 or this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/bluez-does-not-connect-my-headset-nokia-bh-104-a-875959/ and help me, please. I believe is a question of configuration. one of the ubuntu is fresh install the other is upgrade. I think the problem is with the upgrade.20:18
W43372xangua still got the same error20:18
namzezami even can not report it20:18
JWaywhen putting full load on the wifi connection (copying a file via wireless) ubuntu 11.04 lags every 200-500 miliseconds20:18
ultrax_man where did i join to...20:19
soreauI selected classic ubuntu and it worked. Selected unity again, it switched. Now after this, classic ubuntu session is still unity, even after several restarts. Why is it broken?20:19
xanguaW43372: you want to install 'compiz-settings-manager' not 'ccsm' since it does not exist20:19
W43372xangua ohok20:19
sine_hi there people. i have a new asus laptop with windows 7 64 bit. there are two partitions one with windows and i suppose a spare one. when resizing with gparted for an ubuntu install i will use the second one20:19
BlouBlouxangua: it's compizconfig-settings-manager20:19
BrutusI have problem with sound, i was uninstall gnome(im using xfce) and after this sound is broken, in preferences dont see any device(i had my 2soundcards and usb camera in preferences), i try uninstall pulse audio,alsa, and then install oss or other, no change, pls help me!20:19
xanguaBlouBlou: tell that to W43372, not me20:20
roastedDumb question - I'd like to report a bug I found with an Atheros wifi card in 11.04. Where's the best place to do that?20:20
BlouBlouW43372: Try 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager'20:20
namzezamwhat is this mean?  dpkg: ../../src/archives.c:809: tarobject: Assertion `r == stab.st_size' failed.20:20
Customshow do i create an external ip address on my linux machine so i can access it from a different computer??20:21
namzezamUnpacking replacement linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic ...20:21
roastedCustoms, you don't create it. It's assigned to you by your ISP.20:21
genii-aroundroasted: Do you know the driver name the card uses?20:21
roastedCustoms, if you go to "www.whatismyip.com" you'll be shown your external IP.20:21
namzezamBlouBlou: it this to me?20:21
Customsroasted: but thats only for my router isnt it??20:22
roastedgenii-around, oh man. I'm not sure.20:22
BrutusI have problem with sound, i was uninstall gnome(im using xfce) and after this sound is broken, in preferences dont see any device(i had my 2soundcards and usb camera in preferences), i try uninstall pulse audio,alsa, and then install oss or other, no change, pls help me!20:22
roastedCustoms, what is your intention? to host something on the web and provide a link to others todownload it?20:22
Customsyeah :)20:22
BlouBlounamzezam: I have no idea what it mean20:22
roastedCustoms, then you need to log in to your router, which is done through your gateway. most common is Once in there, you'll need to forward port 80 to whatever IP your computer is using that you want to host the material.20:23
Lcawte|SortingOSSo I'm using a 11.04 live CD to repair my  broken upgrade, but I seem to be missing my boot loader partition, what should I do to install it (the upgrader keeps failing when it gets to it), I need to know flags, name and format of it...20:23
BookmanI have an ATI Xpress200 video card and 3D worked very well under 10.10.  Now I've upgraded to 11.04 and I cannot get it to work at all.  Any help?20:23
roastedCustoms, then install apache2 (sudo apt-get install apache2).20:23
Customsroasted: what if my router doen't support port forwarding??20:23
roastedCustoms, then, using root nautilus (gksudo nautilus) I'd create a folder in /var/www that you have rights to. I created 3 or 4 in there, such as ghost, mist, skynet, etc.20:23
BrutusI have problem with sound, i was uninstall gnome(im using xfce) and after this sound is broken, in preferences dont see any device(i had my 2soundcards and usb camera in preferences), i try uninstall pulse audio,alsa, and then install oss or other, no change, pls help me!20:23
roastedCustoms, I've never heard of a router that didn't support port forwarding. But if it does not support it, I have no idea how else to work around it.20:23
BlouBlouCustoms: port forwarding = router firewall20:24
Customsah okay :)20:24
roastedCustoms, what you are doing is basically allowing one system on your network to have port 80 access. Port 80 is HTTP access, hence the http://your.external.ip.address and then being able to see what you have hosted.20:24
roastedCustoms, so forward port 80 to your box with the IP your box is using, and then create a folder in /var/www, something like public or storage or whatever.20:24
TheRedOctoberGreetings all.  I am trying to ssh into a remote box that keeps giving me this error: "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host20:24
roastedCustoms, then go to http://your.external.ip.address/storage (or public, or whatever you made it)20:25
=== lance is now known as Guest88917
mecoIt appears my gui is broken since after the login screen it just goes black. Should I try a reinstall?20:25
roastedCustoms, once there, you should see the contents on a relatively blank white page.20:25
peepsis there a way to turn off automatic maximizing in unity when window is dragged toward the top20:25
TheRedOctoberDoes anyone know what causes that?20:25
roastedCustoms, I find it very handy to use instead of sending files to dropbox for friends to download. That way they can leech directly from my box.20:25
bubbahi: lurking to see what I might learn. :)20:25
NeuralJackis there a way to install Natty WITHOUT that cursed "Unity Desktop"?20:25
BlouBlouTheRedOctober: it means that the server (host) isn't allowing your connection20:25
envygeeksTheRedOctober: that can be caused by many problems, check out this page and see if it helps you http://edoceo.com/notabene/ssh-exchange-identification20:26
Customsroasted: ah thankyou :) would you know anything about the social engineering toolkit??20:26
TheRedOctoberNeuralJack: You can select "Classic Gnome" from the lower bar at the login screen20:26
W43372i need to change my processor speed in Natty but I'm not sure how to do that without the panel applet20:26
BlouBlouTheRedOctober: Most probably due to bad indentification (as error says)20:26
xanguaNeuralJack: or try kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu20:26
roastedNeuralJack, Unity is not cursed, and I advise you take an open minded standpoint on it and use it like I did. Likewise, there's Ubuntu Classic available at hte login screen which will allow you to use Gnome 2.X panels for that session.20:26
TheRedOctoberThanks envy and blou!20:26
roastedCustoms, I apologize, I am not aware of that toolkit.20:26
BlouBlounp :)20:26
michele_list of channels20:26
Pici!alis | michele_20:27
ubottumichele_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*20:27
genii-aroundroasted: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs using ubuntu-bugs, likely for package network-manager20:27
Customsroasted: its okay thanks for helping anyway :)20:27
xrhstarashelp !20:27
Pici!ask | xrhstaras20:27
ubottuxrhstaras: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:27
roastedCustoms, good luck. You might find interest in reading about port forwarding so you can understand how it works. IT's one thing for me to say, oh forward port 80 to your internal IP so you can access it externally, but understanding WHAT it's doing is far more valuable. ;)20:27
xrhstarashelp , after updating the ubuntu 11.4 fresh installation  i get a message while im booting , it says something about it cannot mount crypto fs ?20:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:27
igi69_hello, I have 2 ubuntus in my pc in one is working the bluetooth in the other not, can you check this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743353 or this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/bluez-does-not-connect-my-headset-nokia-bh-104-a-875959/ and help me, please. I believe is a question of configuration. one of the ubuntu is fresh install the other is upgrade. I think the problem is with the upgrade.20:28
xrhstaras!ask help , after updating the ubuntu 11.4 fresh installation  i get a message while im booting , it says something about it cannot mount crypto fs ?20:28
Customsroasted: thanks allot you really helped L:)(20:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:28
xrhstaras!ask| help , after updating the ubuntu 11.4 fresh installation  i get a message while im booting , it says something about it cannot mount crypto fs ?20:28
ubottuhelp , after updating the ubuntu 11.4 fresh installation  i get a message while im booting , it says something about it cannot mount crypto fs ?: please see above20:28
roastedgenii-around, I'm not sure if it would be network-manager related. I was comparing two wireless cards, one atheros one intel, and the atheros one was SIGNIFICANTLY slower, but only with security. If I took security off, suddenly the atheros was on par with the intel card.20:28
BlouBlouxrhstaras: please don't20:28
thanosany one know if gnome applets will be converted to regular apps or indicator applets. I'm thinking Byzanz Recorder and  Clipboard Enycryption applets20:28
NeuralJackRoasted:  I've spent 2 days on Unity, can't find anything easily, the programs are less organised and every time I look for something, I get Advertisements for what's available for download.  so far, I haven't found a single way how it makes anything easier.20:28
roastedgenii-around, in 10.10 this was not the case, as both cards were very fast. in 11.04, it was the atheros that suffered. Another user on the forums confirmed a different atheros card is doing the same thing for him.20:28
W43372i need to change my processor speed in Natty but I'm not sure how to do that without the panel applet20:29
BlouBlouxrhstaras: There is no need to spam bot with a lot of commands, just ask in here and if someone knows, will answer you :-)20:29
* bubba is still making up his mind about unity.20:29
roastedNeuralJack, I apologize this was not that easy of a transition for you. I'm just trying to make it aware that a lot of people devoted a LOT of time and energy into Unity, and it actually is a very very intuitive interface. Different? Oh yes. So different it may be frustrating. But once you get used to it, it's amazing how nice it is to use.20:29
genii-aroundroasted: This is why, if you you know the drivername you can look up what package it is in on packages.ubuntu.com and then file the bug against that20:29
=== Phoenix][_ is now known as Specialist
diskinin /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, is it the same what to use: "-" or "_" in module name (e.g. "options snd-hda-intel model=dell-m81")?20:29
TheRedOctoberbubba: I made up my mind.  Im running xfce.20:29
roastedNeuralJack, I hated Unity for many weeks when I used it during the beta process. But it grew on me, and over time I began to see its benefits. I'm just suggesting that you try it for an extended period of time, and instead of trying to do things the old way, find a new way to do them. AFter all, that's the only way to learn in a new environment, in my opinion.20:30
roastedgenii-around, I'll fire up my other laptop here with the atheros card in it and see. But I cannot comment on what the other user was using for his atheros card that gave him issues.20:30
lsolesenUpgraded to 11.04, but only have a black screen.20:30
Lcawte|SortingOSSo I'm using a 11.04 live CD to repair my  broken upgrade, but I seem to be missing my boot loader partition, what should I do to install it (the upgrader keeps failing when it gets to it), I need to know flags and format of it...20:30
=== QaDeS_ is now known as QaDeS
xcyclistHalzen:  Video chipsets: Intel HD Graphics 256MB NVIDIA® Quadro® NVS3100M20:31
lsolesenHow can I solve this?20:31
BlouBlouroasted: anyways, I really prefer classic-desktop :P It happens when you're using it since 2007 hehe20:31
NeuralJackSure, roasted, I understand.  I"ll give it another try in the future.20:31
xcyclistHalzen:  This is on a Thinkpad T410 lenovo.20:31
NeuralJackthanks for the answers, everyone.20:31
xrhstarasi got strange message on the booting after updating the 11.4 ubuntu20:31
roastedBlouBlou, I got ya beat. Ive used classic since 2005. :P20:31
xcyclistHalzen:  It's a laptop.20:31
BajKstupid apache2 -.-20:31
BajKwhy does it REQUIRE /var/log/apache2 to start??20:31
xrhstaraswhen i boot it tries to mount a crypto device ? fs ? i dont know . it says press S to stop mounting. it appeared after i updated the ubuntu 11.4 installation20:31
roastedBlouBlou, that's the power of linux though. We users have choice. Love or hate kde/lxde/xfce/gnome2/gnome3/gnomeshell/unity/full blown command line terminal, we have choice20:31
ScottR3After installing 11.04, some of my keyboard shortcuts aren't working, and I can't find where they might be bound in CompizConfig Settings Manager.20:32
mnassifHi , i tried to install ubuntu 11.04  but it freeze in timezone window. I am using a Dell t740020:32
roastedScottR3, keyboard shortcuts are under the system settings menu. did you look there?20:32
BlouBlouroasted: yeah, you're right. And now.. dinner time, see you soon! :)20:32
ScottR3roasted: Yep, and they're bound just like they were in 10.10 before I upgraded20:32
roastedgenii-around, It's the ath9k driver. Shall I file with that?20:32
igi69_Hello,  I have 2 ubuntus (2HDD) in my pc in one (ubuntu 10.10 is working the bluetooth in the other not ubuntu 11.04, I am geting the following error" "Connection refused (111). how may I copy the configuration of the bluettoth that is working in the one that is not working? what files should I copy?. I have already posted in  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743353 or this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-620:32
roastedScottR3, oh wow. no kidding? What keys in particular is this?20:32
roastedBlouBlou, take care!20:32
Customsroasted: are you a network administrator??20:32
ScottR3roasted: Mod4 + T (Mod4 = windows key)20:32
bubbachoice!!  yes. We can change just for the challenge of it.20:33
roastedCustoms, network administrator? No. I'm a system technician though, waiting for this Windows install to finish up.20:33
igi69_Hello,  I have 2 ubuntus (2HDD) in my pc in one (ubuntu 10.10) is working the bluetooth in the other not (ubuntu 11.04), I am geting the following error" "Connection refused (111). how may I copy the configuration of the bluettoth that is working in the one that is not working? what files should I copy?. I have already posted in  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743353 or this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubunt20:33
lsolesenBlack screens on update seems to be quite common :(20:33
ScottR3roasted: what's more, Mod4+E still works as originally bound...20:33
roastedlsolesen, update... or UPGRADE?20:33
Customsroasted: In americ?20:34
roastedCustoms, yes20:34
Customsroasted: in america*??20:34
lsolesenroasted: I upgraded via update-manager20:34
Customsroasted: awesome20:34
lsolesento 11.0420:34
roastedlsolesen, from 10.10 to 11.04?20:34
roastedlsolesen, then that's considered an upgrade.20:34
igi69_Hello,  I have 2 ubuntus (2HDD) in my pc in one (ubuntu 10.10) is working the bluetooth in the other not (ubuntu 11.04), I am geting the following error" "Connection refused (111). how may I copy the configuration of the bluettoth that is working in the one that is not working? what files should I copy?. I have already posted in  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743353 or this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubunt20:34
W43372i need to change my processor speed in Natty but I'm not sure how to do that without the panel applet20:34
roastedlsolesen, I cant offer any help, as I've never trusted upgrades on any OS platform. Ever upgrade from XP to 7?20:34
roastedtalk about a nightmare20:35
Nastyjust installed latest ubuntu using the windows installer. during install i set aside 100gb for ubunto. install cmpletes great. restart, select ubuntu from boot menu, and i get a progress bar that its finishing the install. this is when i get the error "no root partition is defined". tells me to use the partitioning utility. dual boot with windows 7 ult 64, cant wipe the hdd20:35
JoshDreamlandWhat has changed about GNOME and Bonobo in 11.04 that would cause my applet to stop working?20:35
vaulHello, human beings. Is there a way how I can install proprietary Nvidia drivers on the Ubuntu 11.04 live CD?20:35
JoshDreamlandPanel applet, I Mean20:35
lsolesenroasted: yep, sorry about the wrong word. Just thought Ubuntu would cut it :/ I have upgraded from 9.04 - 9.10 - 10.04 - 10.10 without any issues.20:35
roastedvaul, nvidia drivers require a reboot to activate, so I'm doubtful that's possible.20:35
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lsolesenBut obviously not this time.20:35
ScottR3JoshDreamland: you logged in to Ubuntu Classic and not Unity, right?20:36
Customsroasted: ive found the guide to setting up port forwarding on my router, its asking what i want to port forward and it gives me the option, remotely possible server. Should i select that option??20:36
muneebCan't we change file permissions of file residing on NTFS partitions?20:36
JoshDreamlandScottR3: correct20:36
lsolesenroasted: how do I boot just to the command line?20:36
vaulroasted: That really is not good.20:36
roastedlsolesen, you could try recovery console, which is in the boot menu20:36
lsolesenProbably soething about gnome / unity or something?20:36
ScottR3JoshDreamland: which applet exactly, and what's not working about it?20:36
roastedlsolesen, it's possible, but I'm not too sure.20:36
vaulroasted: Maybe a log in/log out will be enough?20:36
vaulroasted: Or a X restart?20:36
roastedCustoms, I'm not sure. I've only port forwarded 80 and called it that. I have a *very* basic router though which is very limited on functionality.20:37
IsonyxHey could someone help me out. I'm trying to make a bash script that checks if anything that prevents tor from running is open and then kills the process. The script is. # if any relevant processes are running, inform the user and exit cleanly20:37
Isonyxfor process in tor vidalia polipo privoxy20:37
Isonyx        do pid=`pidof $process`20:37
Isonyx        if [ -n "$pid" ]; then20:37
FloodBot1Isonyx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:37
roastedvaul, an X restart might do it actually... but I'm doubtful log in/out would fly.20:37
SeleanДобрый день20:37
Seleanвернее вечер20:37
Customsroasted: would you say im setting up a server for people top connect to though??20:37
OerHeks!ru | Selean20:37
ubottuSelean: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:37
roastedCustoms, not necessarily. what you're doing is very basic... it doesn't sound like you want authentication or loggins or anything like FTP often requires.20:37
blzhello!  I made an ubuntu minimal install, but I can't seem to get the wireless working.  i've installed wireless-tools, but iwlist scan returns the following error:   "wlan0     interface doesn't support scanning:  network is down".  I initially followed the instructions here:  http://www.mini-itx.com/projects/xbmc-ion/module/820:38
roastedCustoms, I just accept whatever I put in that public/storage folder in /var/www that I created COULD be on the web for anybody to see.20:38
roastedCustoms, so if I post a picture in there and link it to somebody, I accept it might be public forever now.20:38
roastedCustoms, but I do it in an intelligent manner. I just use it to host files temporarily for friends or to help me out with something at work. I don't use logins or anything like that.20:38
vaulroasted: Well, I'd rather give it a try. Could you hint how to do it? "Additional Drivers" thing won't find them, unfortunately.20:38
xcyclistLooks like I've lost my contact for 11.04 video resolution degeneration help.  My video is:  Video chipsets: Intel HD Graphics 256MB NVIDIA® Quadro® NVS3100M20:39
igi69_Hello,  I have 2 ubuntus (2HDD) in my pc in one (ubuntu 10.10) is working the bluetooth in the other not (ubuntu 11.04), I am geting the following error" "Connection refused (111). how may I copy the configuration of the bluettoth that is working in the one that is not working? what files should I copy?. I have already posted in  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743353 or this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubunt20:39
muneebCan't we change file permissions of file residing on NTFS partitions?20:39
blzI should mention that the computer in question is presently connected to an ethernet cable and I'm working via ssh20:39
roastedvaul, I'm not sure, as that's the only way I've installed them. I think nvidia drivers come from the web site in a .sh format, which if you grant it executable rights and sudo ./nameoffile.sh you might be able to install there. That's just me talking out loud though.20:39
Customsroasted: i would need to set up a static ip address on my linux machine though wouldn't i??20:39
mecoIt appears my gui is broken since after the login screen it just goes black. Should I try a reinstall?20:39
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roastedCustoms, you wouldn't *need* to, but if you don't, you might have to log into your router pretty often to change the IP in the forwarded setting since port 80 would be bound to a specific IP. So if your boxs IP changes, your apache functionality is gone till you change it.20:40
=== royce is now known as royceremer_
vaulroasted: I currently don't have anything better than you talking out loud, so that will have to do. Thanks.20:40
roastedCustoms, VERY quikc fix, but very annoying too. I personally give myself a static IP.20:40
=== royceremer_ is now known as royer
roastedvaul, good luck!20:40
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Customsroasted: ah im starting to understand now :) thank you20:41
=== roycer is now known as testing134
roastedCustoms, no problem. and now that my windows install is within 30 seconds of being done, I must go. take care!20:41
varunthackerI tried installing gnome 3. After a lot of hassels I managed to run it. turns out i would prefer unity . So i purged the ppa. How to get back unity ?20:41
=== testing134 is now known as royce
TomThumbNew install ubuntu 11.4, when using Software Centre it says "Check your internet connection", I am online..  How do i fix this?20:41
=== royce is now known as roycer
roastedvarunthacker, the GNome 3 PPA is currently a "one way upgrade." I do not know of a way to reverse it once it's installed, besides reinstalling.20:42
roastedvarunthacker, It's just the nature of the beast considering Gnome3 and Unity are both *very* new and reverse-uninstalls haven't been figured out yet.20:42
diskinhi all, in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, is it the same what to use: "-" or "_" in module name (e.g. "options snd-hda-intel model=dell-m81")?20:42
varunthackerroasted: so i'm stuck with lxde ?20:42
varunthackeri have logged in from it20:42
Customsroasted: is it a UDP or TCP i waqnt??20:43
roastedvarunthacker, without reinstalling, I'm not sure there's any hope to bring Unity back. At least right now.20:43
varunthackerroasted: also can i get gnome 2 back easily ?20:43
roastedCustoms, I'm not sure which protocol it uses. A quick google search might show you the answer. I think I have a wildcard entry to use both UDP and TCP though on my router.20:43
JShubert683Anyway to try out Unity via a pinguyos install?20:43
hcaineHello. I want to install a global spell checking with 11.0420:43
roastedvarunthacker, again I'm not too sure offhand. All I've read says once you install Gnome3, there's no going back without a reinstall. Not yet, anyway.20:43
blzhello!  I made an ubuntu minimal install, but I can't seem to get the wireless working.  i've installed wireless-tools, but iwlist scan returns the following error:   "wlan0     interface doesn't support scanning:  network is down".  I initially followed the instructions here:  http://www.mini-itx.com/projects/xbmc-ion/module/820:43
GeekyAdamif anyone from ubuntu.com is here, the 11.04 netbook torrent file link is bad (or the torrent file is bad?)20:44
Customsroasted: anyway thanks for your help cya now :)20:44
GeekyAdamheres the address: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent20:44
roastedvarunthacker, I know not everybody has spare boxes sitting around, but I have an older one just for situations like this. I depend on my desktop for *a lot*, so downtime is a big hassle for me. So I install whatever OS I'm planning on using and use it/break it and see what happens. That way by the time I install it on my main desktop, I'm not feeling like a fish out of water...20:44
alkemanndoes anyone have any tips to fix the new natty search/launcher when it is very laggy (at start, after first character, it takes noticibly long to show first results)20:45
varunthackerroasted: have a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/22946/how-do-i-install-the-latest-version-of-gnome-320:45
varunthackerroasted: the top answer at the end of the post says how to remove gnome 320:45
roastedvarunthacker, this is news to me.20:45
GeekyAdamQUESTION: with the 11.04 release (with UNITY as default desktop), is there still a netbook edition? or is desktop with UNITY the same as netbook edition (so netbook edition not necessary now)?20:46
roastedvarunthacker, would an apt-get install unity work?20:46
roastedvarunthacker, that's the best I got.20:46
mnassifHi , i tried to install ubuntu 11.04  but it freeze in timezone window. I am using a Dell t740020:46
TomThumbNew install ubuntu 11.4, when using Software Centre it says "Check your internet connection", I am online..  How do i fix this?20:46
britta_GeekyAdam, as I understand it there is no netbook edition from now on.20:46
varunthackerroasted: It says unity is already the newest version20:46
roastedvarunthacker, nad you're still black screening on bootup?20:47
varunthackerI ran a apt-get update and dis-upgrade20:47
varunthackerNo i get the login screen20:47
TheRedOctoberGeekyAdam: There doesnt appear to be (my mirror doesnt have it)20:47
tfrojdHi i have managed to install a bitnami lamp stack image based on ubuntu on an amazon ec2 instance, I have sshed in and want to put 2 scripts running in nohup mode. However contrary to my mac I dont get a shell back after executing "nohup command &". Am I doing something wrong?20:47
varunthackerbut no unity option20:47
tfrojdinstead script runt as usual until i press enter and I get back to bash but my program is not running20:48
TheRedOctobertfrojd: what happens if you ctrl+z?20:48
ayeceetfrojd: nope, that sounds right.20:48
IsonyxHey could someone help me out. I'm trying to make a bash script that checks if anything that prevents tor from running is open and then kills the process. The part of the script that works is printf "\n$process is already running as PID $pid\n\n" however if I do kill $pid it comes up with kill 11: Operation not permitted. Could anyone assist?20:48
botcity!nbr | GeekyAdam,20:49
ubottuGeekyAdam,: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.20:49
tfrojdcntrl-z does nothing20:49
ayeceeIsonyx: use kill -9 instead20:49
tfrojdayecee: so how do i start two commands in the background that still will run after i hang up20:49
IsonyxWhat is kill -9? I want to kill the process specified in printf20:49
ayeceeIsonyx: or, the process is running as a different user than your kill script.20:49
TheRedOctobertfrojd: can you ssh into another instance and pgrep $yourcommand?20:50
IsonyxThat could be the case.20:50
roastedwhere should I report ubuntu bugs at? The link on launchpad keeps routing me to using ALT+F2 to report bugs, but I want to post it to launchpad directly.20:50
USFTWRevealed Osama Dead Photo: http://img862.imageshack.us/i/osamadead.jpg/20:50
ayeceetfrojd: you're doing it the right way. I don't know why it doesn't work.20:50
GeekyAdambotcity: thx20:51
icerootroasted: use the alt+f2 method please20:51
cheddarsok ubuntu we know your different but more the window buttons back to the right please!20:51
tfrojdTheRedOctober:  I try, but you mean a new ssh  connection on the same instance right?20:51
TheRedOctobertfrojd: this is not the right answer, but might be a workaround.  use screen and detach it instead of nohup.20:51
GeekyAdambritta_: thx20:51
GeekyAdamTheRedOctober: thx20:51
Bookman I just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 and now my ATI Xpress200 video card is not working in 3D.  The Additional Drivers does not show anything as being available.20:51
roastediceroot, oh I thought alt+f2 was gone in 11.04. My bad.20:51
icerootroasted: ubuntu-bug packagename20:51
TheRedOctobertfojd: yeah, i realized that made no sense after i typed it.20:51
roastediceroot, it's not a "package". I've isolated it to being a brand of wireless card. What should I choose?20:51
xcyclistIs there a fixit list somewhere for Thinkpad Lenovo T410 to undo all the things 11.04 breaks on that kind of laptop?20:51
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
icerootroasted: create a bug against the package with the wifi-driver20:52
Superstar_Does Ubuntu 11.04 support biometrics?20:52
roastediceroot, so ubuntu-bug ath9k?20:52
icerootroasted: creating a bug against hardware is not a good idea20:52
icerootroasted: if that is the package, yes20:52
roastediceroot, says the package does not exist.20:53
JoshDreamlandScottR3: Sorry, I didn't notice your reply. The applet is one I made myself. You can download it for x64 from its project page here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/quickdrawer/ . It worked perfectly on Lucid, but cannoy spawn more than one instance on Natty.20:53
roastediceroot, should I use network manageR?20:53
icerootroasted: what is the bug exactly?20:53
icerootroasted: its a driver issue?20:53
roastediceroot, this atheros card is very very slow with using WPA/WPA2 security. I replaced it with an intel and directly compared, and the intel is about 10-12x faster on speed tests. If I remove security, the atheros card is on par with the intel.20:54
IsonyxThank you ayecee. The issue was the process was running as root. Know anyway I can have it automatically check if the process is running on root or my user and if so get elevated access automatically with a preset password and then close the process?20:54
roastediceroot, it's only with 11.04. 10.10 did not exhibit this problem.20:54
roastediceroot, as my laptop dual boots 10.10 and 11.04 on independent partitions.20:54
roastediceroot, I have no idea where it falls under. I'm just trying to post a bug to it asap so I can do my part to help out and get outa here today :)20:54
Froqwhat application launcher do you guys recommend?20:55
brontosaurusrexwhat does it mean: "This driver is activated but not curently in use" ?20:55
snikkerhi, i've got a problem with ethernet in natty, the lan cable is connected and the led on the switch turn on/off without keep a connection (under windows fine). Any hints?20:55
chotazHey everyone, can anyone tell em a good GUI alternative for SQLYog on Ubuntu 11.04?20:55
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IsonyxThank you ayecee. The issue was the process was running as root. Know anyway I can have it automatically check if the process is running on root or my user and if so get elevated access automatically with a preset password and then close the process?20:56
tfrojdsuddenly the nohup gives me shell back!?! just seemed that it took some time20:56
JoshDreamlandWhen the applet tries to load another instance, I just get a Bonobo gripe, The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:QuickdrawerApplet"20:56
tfrojdthanks guys seem that it is working now20:57
disappearedngI am using a new wireless driver on my macbookpro but then I am seeing massive packet loss: 29 packets transmitted, 8 received, +21 errors, 72% packet loss, time 28040ms20:58
disappearedngrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 72.704/96.187/132.188/25.590 ms How should I go about fixing it20:58
=== irvee is now known as irv
blzsudo iwlist scan outputs my access point's ESSID (among others), but when I type "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <my router's ESSID>" I get the following error:  essid:  unknown host20:59
blzwhat gives?21:00
=== wolf is now known as wolf__
sakuragnohi! someone know how to modify application menu in Xubuntu10 like the old menu editor alcarte?21:01
sakuragnoin other words.. is there in xubuntu10 any kind of menueditor like alcarte?21:01
=== jthomas is now known as TheDracle
dlbass_Hello everyone! I am trying to setup a server with two network cards. They are both recognized by ubuntu, and one is working properly as an LTSP port, but the other one will not connect to the internet.21:01
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
dlbass_sakurango, I am not familiar with the new Xubuntu, but can you right click on the Application launcher and choose to edit?21:02
sakuragnonope :D21:03
sakuragnoi just can modify propriety... not the list21:03
Ring0`How can I remove partially installed software?21:03
Picisakuragno: You can try asking in #xubuntu if you don't get an answer here.21:03
sakuragnoi'm in xubuntu but noone there answering21:03
vrlnhow can I add a gdm session? GDM in Natty does not do anything even if I add a new file to /usr/share/xsessions21:03
vrlnI have a .desktop file there, but nothing happens21:04
osseDoes anyone know how to make Ctrl+Shift act like AltGr?21:04
Fodi69how can I use my F9 key with unity?????????21:05
dlbass_I see that I forgot to actually ask my question in haste, does anyone know how I can get the network card to connect. I have tried manually setting it up to work with DHCP, but it still doesnt do anything.21:05
jibadeehaanyone here using clementine and would you recommend it21:05
vaul!restore grub21:06
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:06
electushi, anyone know what the process [flush-9:0] does? hits top of my 'top' often21:06
cheddarshello guys. im using the gparted tool in the livecd (cool!) i have made 100 GB free for use in ubuntu. do i restart the computer and then choose install or do i still do it from inside the livecd desktop21:06
electusubuntu server 10.0421:06
victorhugo289Guys, in Unity, in the "Files and Folders" thing, it says "Search files and folders" but it doesn't actually look for anything./21:08
BajKcheddars: I think you can install ubuntu directly from the live cd21:08
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
victorhugo289I've tried looking for something and it only opens my most recent files..21:08
royceremercheddars: partitioning has been built into the ubuntu livecd for some time, you don't have to reboot to install, the changes take effect as soon as you apply them21:09
victorhugo289You press the Windows key, you get this black black background thing, you try to search for a file, no searching at all!21:09
cheddarsok cool21:09
vaulcheddars: Of course you can, just go to the System->Administrationn->Install Ubuntu21:09
victorhugo289"Search files and folders" why doesn't it worjk?21:10
SoothsayerIs it possible to have a Windows 7 like taskbar at the bottom (and preferably across dual monitors) with Unity in 11.04?21:10
cheddarsand that will allow me the option to use the unpartitioned space that i have free and leave my windows 7 install in tact, and also put like grub or something so i can dualboot21:10
Soothsayervictorhugo289: hmm i dont think that bar is for seraching for files21:10
genewitchI just installed 11.04 off usb (alongside windows) and it won't boot, it goes to busybox shell... how do i uninstall and tell it to use a 1tb partition?21:11
Soothsayermost recently used files, then yes.21:11
kingahey there, anyone have any experience with IFS on ext2 volumes ?21:12
kingafrom windows21:12
ThaTJGreeN@kinga yes I have21:12
snikkerhi, i've got a problem with ethernet in natty, the lan cable is connected and the led on the switch turn on/off without keep a connection (under windows fine). Any hints?21:13
GreeNtooTHifconfig eth0 up21:14
genewitchsnikker: unplug and replug21:14
GrimmVarghey guys, I just upgraded from 10.10. to 11.04 on my macbook pro and there seems to be some issues realting to kbd. the crash pop up tells me to provide the output here --> http://pastebin.com/LDHGqzfb any help would be appreciated :)21:14
snikkergenewitch: i've already do it without success21:14
genewitchGrimmVarg: what's it doing?21:14
genewitchsnikker: ifconfig eth0 down && ifconfig eth0 up && dhcpcd eth021:15
GreeNtooTHdhclient eth021:15
GrimmVarggenewitch: the screen freezes for a few minutes, then showing almost 100 popous about the crash. saying i crash occured provide the output of etc.. :/21:15
genewitchGreeNtooTH: sorry :-)21:15
GrimmVargoh :P21:16
=== zane_ is now known as chaospsychex
chaospsychexI just installed 11.04 and I am having some kind of display problem21:16
chaospsychexThe GUI is 'garbled' . i didn't have this problem with 10.1021:17
jahrome_hi room21:17
genewitchGrimmVarg: what's your layout? norway?21:17
jahrome_why is my ubuntu so slow after upgrading?!?21:17
snikkergenewitch: nothing to do21:18
chaospsychexIntel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller is what i have21:18
genewitchsnikker: i made a mistake you want to type dhclient eth021:19
guntbertjahrome_: how should we know? In what way is it slow?21:19
lsolesenchaospsychex: that is better than my completely blank login screen except the mouse cursor :)21:19
chaospsychexdamn dude21:19
chaospsychexgotta figure this out21:20
jahrome_guntbert: after upgrading to 11.04 i have to unplug my USBmous after boot and plug it in again, so it works and my internet connection is very slow, file copy too21:20
tgm4883How can you make Ubuntu not disable unofficial repositories during a distro upgrade?21:20
GreeNtooTH11.04 is not stable and is still under development21:21
snikkergenewitch: doesn't work21:21
LjLtgm4883: you are determined to break your upgrade?21:21
jribGreeNtooTH: no, 11.04 has been released21:21
ikoniaGreeNtooTH: please don't talk nonsense21:21
tgm4883LjL, no, I am determined to upgrade to 11.04 from a local mirror :)21:21
GreeNtooTHoh sorry my mistake21:21
guntbertjahrome_: are you talking about slow network? what kind of network? wlan?21:21
area51pilotupgraded to 11.04 and there is no graphic desktop ... how do i start from term21:21
jahrome_GreeNtooTH: will it ever be stable and will the errors ever be fixed? or is my whole installation broken now?21:21
kingahey there, anyone have any experience with IFS on ext2 volumes ? on windows21:22
jahrome_guntbert: yes, wlan atheros chipset (pci)21:22
chaospsychexcan i 'downgrade' back to 10.10  without having to download 10.10 ?21:22
blzI'm trying to connect to a WPA/WPA2 network from the command line.  I have wpa_supplicant installed.  I can get wlan0 up and "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid myssid" succeeds silently.  However, when I type "sudo iwconfig wlan0 key <HEXKEY>" I get the following error:  "error for wireless request "Set  Encode" (8ZB2A) : SET failed on device wlan0; Invalid argument.21:22
ikoniajahrome_: the release is a stable release21:22
blzany ideas ?21:22
jibadeehaGreeNtooTH, 11.04 is very stable on my netbook .. infact it is the first release that works without any tweaks21:22
beta___hello, can someone help me? I'm having random 'freezes' with Ubuntu 11.0421:22
chaospsychexiknoia: 11.04 is stable?21:22
ikoniachaospsychex: it is a stable release, yes21:22
LjLtgm4883: there's a hacked solution here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-763925.html21:22
guntbertjahrome_: atheros? I haven't heard about any problems yet21:22
genewitchGrimmVarg: it's a bug in xkeyboard-config, there's no fix yet that i can see21:23
celthunderbiz is key the right arguement for that?21:23
chaospsychexikonia: can you help me? i am having an issue with my GUI being 'garbled'21:23
jahrome_guntbert: i had no problems before upgrading to 11.0421:23
chaospsychexikonia: wasn't like this in 10.1021:23
celthunderchaospsychex: what graphics drivers/gui are you using21:23
ikoniachaospsychex: no idea without investivation,21:23
GreeNtooTHyour connecting to wpa/wpa2 doesnt use hex psk21:23
chaospsychexcelthunder: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller21:23
blzcelthunder:  it's an "L" not an "i" =)  Just so i see the red text pop up next time.  Regarding your question, I'm not sure.  It didn't work for a regular text key21:23
tgm4883LjL, Thanks, I'll test it out21:24
chaospsychexcelthunder: i guess the installation picked what driver to use? How can I view the installation log?21:24
guntbertjahrome_: please ask the channel again, my own experience with natty is rather limited, but mention wifi slowness and atheros from the beginning21:24
jahrome_so question is now, whether i should wait for the fixes to appear or whether i should install my system again.21:24
area51pilothow do i start graphic desktop from term?21:24
celthunderchaospsychex: lsmod |grep i91521:24
celthunderarea51pilot: startx21:24
LjLarea51pilot: sudo start gdm21:24
celthunderarea51pilot: or telinit 521:24
Bookman I just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 and now my ATI Xpress200 video card is not working in 3D.  The Additional Drivers does not show anything as being available.21:24
area51pilotcelthunder: fails21:25
chaospsychexcelthunder: what does that command do?21:25
celthunderarea51pilot: do you have X insatlle?21:25
blzGreeNtooTH:  I used the output of wpa_passphrase... the second psk line21:25
area51pilotcelthunder: connection refused21:25
ikoniacelthunder: init 5 is no longer needed, upstart changes the run levels21:25
celthunderchaospsychex: searches loaded module for i91521:25
blzGreeNtooTH:  was that not the right thing to use?21:25
celthunderikonia: ok good to know21:25
area51pilotcelthunder...upgraded 10  to 11.0421:25
chaospsychexcelthunder: so I need to load i915?21:26
celthunderarea51pilot: what did it fail with?21:26
celthunderchaospsychex: that's the most common intel driver (including the one I use)21:26
R3dydoes ubuntu use some special file other then /etc/profile21:26
jahrome_when i'll have to reinstall because of "upgrade is not stable" i will not install ubuntu again21:26
R3dyI'm trying to add directory to the PATH and it's not working21:26
CustomsHack the Planet!!!\21:26
beta__yeah, that whas an other freeze21:27
chaospsychexcelthunder: ok it's showing up. how do I load it? what's the command to see what driver is currently loaded?21:27
ikoniaR3dy: how are you adding it ?21:27
ikoniaCustoms: don't need that sort of nonsense in channel please21:27
area51pilotcelthunder:(EE) fglrx(0): firegl_SetSuspendResumeState Failed -9 ddxSigGiveUp: Closing Log21:27
R3dyikonia: two lines21:27
ikoniaR3dy: how are you trying to add it, please show me21:27
genii-aroundR3dy: After you add the path are you doing: source /etc/profile      ?21:27
R3dyexport PATH21:27
CustomsHack the Planet!!!21:27
blzanybody k now what this iwconfig error means:  Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) :21:27
blz    invalid argument "newfagscanttriforce".21:27
blz   It occurs when I try to "sudo iwconfig wlan0 key <mykeyhere>"21:27
GreeNtooTHtry passphrase 1st 1 down21:27
nixotGreetings, all.21:27
nixotI have run Ubuntu off a live USB stick on my tablet computer. However, the touch screen behaves erratically - in different ways for different versions, too.21:27
nixotIn version 10.10, no presses are detected by the computer, unless I press with two fingers, at which point the cursor will jump to one of the fingers, but not click.21:27
ikoniaR3dy: and what's failing21:27
beta__pleased if someone could help me. I know how to work with kernel, ppa, etc.21:27
nixotIn version 11.04, the pointer moves with one finger but still doesn't click. Sometimes it clicks but only on a few controls.21:27
beta__Installed latest xorg, intel gpu21:27
R3dyI have executable scripts in that directory21:28
nixotIn both versions, plugging in a mouse didn't work - the mouse merely moves around, with clicks not at all being noticed.21:28
R3dybut Iam not able to run them21:28
area51pilotcelthunder: unable to connect to xserver: connection refused21:28
ikoniabeta__: if you know how to work with the kernel - take a stack dump from it21:28
nixotIs there any software or things available to rectify this situation? Thanks in advance for any answers.21:28
guntbert!enter | beta__21:28
ubottubeta__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:28
GreeNtooTHblz is it wpa21:28
SoobNauceThe latest ubuntu update just bricked my laptop (I think it ate the filesystem) -- I left it running and when I was back the netbook was very hot and frozen.  Had to manually power off.  Can someone help me recover the filesystem?21:28
area51pilotcelthunder: xinit: server error21:28
ikoniaR3dy: what is the name of one of the scripts21:28
R3dygenii-around: thanks21:28
R3dythat helped21:28
celthunderarea51pilot: ok21:28
blzGreeNtooTH, yes21:28
chaospsychexwhat's the command to show what video driver is currently loaded?21:28
celthunderchaospsychex: lsmod21:28
R3dydo I need to run that everry time I reboot21:28
blzGreeNtooTH:  wpa_supplicant is installed as well21:28
beta__sorry, will not do that again :P hmmm @ikonia, can you show me that?21:28
kingahey there, anyone have any experience with IFS on ext2 volumes ? on windows21:28
brontosaurusrex./.local/share/Trash was always at this path?21:28
GreeNtooTHyou cant connect wpa from term use wicd or ndiswrapper21:28
R3dycause I thought after I killed my terminal and started a new one it would autmatically re-read the profile21:29
genii-aroundR3dy: No, only when you add something to the /etc/profile or so on after being booted21:29
R3dygotcah sweet21:29
R3dythanks all!21:29
chaospsychexok i915 is loaded for video and I am having issues with the GUI being garbled21:29
blzGreeNtooTH:  ndiswrapper is for using windows drivers, isn't it?21:29
lubuntuGreeNtooTH,  are you use wicd ?21:29
SoobNauceNo one knows?21:29
GreeNtooTHgo to wpa supplicant 1st 1 down then enter phrase21:29
celthunderarea51pilot: what graphics card are you using that fglrx is fubared21:29
Froqso i install gnome-do, but it won't let me change the keyboard combo to bring up away from "space"21:29
GreeNtooTHwicd alot better21:29
area51pilotcelthunder...any clue or clueless?  :P21:29
Froqso now when I type anything, my space bar bring gnome-do up to the forground... crappy!21:30
lubuntuGreeNtooTH,  then i use wicd its give error error filename21:30
chaospsychexhow can I load another intel video driver?21:30
blzGreeNtooTH:  i'm not sure what you mean by "go to wpa supplicant 1st 1 down then enter phrase"21:30
area51pilotcelthunder: not sure21:30
beta__I've now installed the package linux-crashdump.. Just wait till an other freeze comes?21:30
celthunderchaospsychex: rmmod <current driver>;modprobe <new one>21:30
GreeNtooTHinstead of psk go to passphrase should work no problem21:30
area51pilotcelthunder: can i list from term?21:30
lubuntuGreeNtooTH,  its work on lxde but i wonna run on openbox without panel and give thos error21:31
chaospsychexcelthunder: how do i list the available drivers that can be loaded?21:31
celthunderarea51pilot: are you uing proprietary drivers for your card?21:31
area51pilotcelthunder: I believe so21:31
celthunderarea51pilot: switch to th open source ones then try21:31
blzGreeNtooTH:  iwconfig:  unkonwn command "passphrase"21:31
nixotMy touch screen isn't working on my tablet computer (clicks aren't registered) and attaching a mouse I can't click either... any help please?21:32
celthunderchaospsychex: what gui are you using and what's currently loaded?21:32
area51pilotcelthunder: ok ... im going into failesafe mode now21:32
chaospsychexcelthunder: gnome, i915 is loaded21:32
celthunderchaospsychex: go into fallback mode does that work?21:32
celthunderchaospsychex: perhaps your card can't handle gnome 321:32
beta__can nobody help me here?21:33
GreeNtooTHedit your "wpa_supplicant.conf" then retry21:33
chaospsychexcelthunder: it can, didn't have this issue with 10.1021:33
sine_hi guys. i just installed ubuntu but it said i do not have the hardware to run unity. i have just bought a new asus with i7 8GB RAM and nvidia geforce gtx 460M21:33
ubottubeta__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:33
ikoniabeta__: take a stack trace on the kernel21:33
chaospsychexcelthunder: you mean 'safe mode" ?21:33
ikoniabeta__: you know how to work with the kernel, take a stack trace21:33
celthunderchaospsychex: i mean gnome3 in fallback mode21:33
nixotMy touch screen isn't working on my tablet computer (clicks aren't registered) and attaching a mouse I can't click either... any help please?21:33
chaospsychexcelthunder: do i select that from the login screen ?21:33
beta__@ikonia: thanks for the reply. I didnt understand that correctly, so what must I do?21:34
celthunderchaospsychex: no21:34
mnassifHi , i tried to install ubuntu 11.04  but it freeze in timezone window. I am using a Dell t740021:34
chaospsychexcelthunder: how?21:34
Froqmnassif, how long does it freeze?  have you let it sit there for a while21:34
nixotMy touch screen isn't working on my tablet computer (clicks aren't registered) and attaching a mouse I can't click either... any help please?21:34
guntbert!repeat | nixot21:34
ubottunixot: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:34
buck_workHow do I disable Unity and go back to the standard Gnome UI?21:35
lubuntubuck_work,  must logout21:35
chaospsychexi am just going to install 10.1021:35
beta__I've find this here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/3051/how-can-i-get-a-kernel-core-dump, but this only seems to work, when there is a freeze, right?21:35
lubuntubuck_work,  and set classic gnome21:35
mnassifFroq, a let an hour21:35
vhozardI just install Ubuntu 11.04 and have a question21:35
guntbert!classic | buck_work21:35
ubottubuck_work: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.21:35
mnassifFroq, it is realy freeze21:35
vhozardHow can I make my 23"the default monitor ?21:36
celthunderchaospsychex: delete gnome-shell or if you can accss the menu's of the garbled ui go to gnome-control-center. Open System Info > Graphics. Change Forced Fallback Mode to ON.21:36
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Froqo wow... well do you have an internet connection on the machine?  also, did you perform a CD check before coming on here (it is an option when you first laod up the CD)21:36
celthunderVhozard: xrandr21:36
blzGreeNtooTH:  this is my wpa_supplicant.conf:  network={        ssid="loldongs"        #psk="newfagscanttriforce"        psk=c9359d509dd9f61e7bc3991ff258e1f89fba92723be387f613fd6f5d1756a166}   what needs to be changed?21:36
Vhozardcelthunder, I configured it via ATI catalyst suite21:36
beta__I've also checked that it actualy no freeze, I can still press CTRL+ALT+F1/F321:36
celthunderVhozard: ouch?21:36
ios32i have a script that i need to have run automatically each time  a cd is inserted or ejected. is there a best practice way to do this?21:36
Froqmnassif, yes to both or one or the other?21:36
mnassifbut i'm using a pendrive21:36
Vhozardon windows it could set the 23" screen the default (instead of the tiny 15" laptop screen)21:37
celthunderios32: autofs i think has a way to do that21:37
mnassifcan i check the pendrive?21:37
Froqmnassif, o that would make a difference, can you check the pendrive?  I have no idea on that since I have never used one... sorry, well i gotta take off sir anyways.  Peace21:37
mnassifi dont try it21:37
Froqmnassif, idk if you can or not...21:37
beta__@mnassif: when you press the caps/num lock keys, do they go on? Also can you press CTRL+ALT+F2?21:37
GreeNtooTHblz thats all correct21:37
jwtiyarhow to upgrade from .ISO file to 11.04 ?21:38
mnassifi verified the donwload with the md5sum21:38
mnassifand its ok21:38
blzGreeNtooTH:  so these commands should all work, right:  sudo ifconfig wlan0 up, sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <YOUR WIRELESS ROUTER's ESSID>, sudo iwconfig wlan0 key <YOUR KEY>, sudo dhclient wlan021:38
VhozardI already tried going to Monitors and selecting the 23" as default21:38
VhozardIt asks me to log out, which I do21:38
Vhozardwhich has no effect21:38
GreeNtooTHcorrect blz21:38
DrDuckHello, guys. I've downloaded ubuntu 11.04 and things work fine. The problem is, I swapped to the Classic Gnome theme, but don't like it at all. I would like to swap back to the Unity theme, but I'm unsure of how to do this. I tried to go to the login screen settings, but did not see an option for switching back to the Unity theme, unfortunately.21:39
jwtiyarhow to upgrade from .ISO file to 11.04 ?21:39
mnassifthe mouse is working21:39
FalsAlarmhow do i install gcc c++ compiler on my ubuntu?21:39
blackbitburn iso, reboot, start the livecd21:39
beta___Goodnight all21:39
blzGreeNtooTH:  and just to make sure i'm not doing anything wrong, what exactly needs to go in the <YOUR KEY> section of "sudo iwconfig wlan0 key <YOUR KEY>" ?21:39
blza hex key?  passphrase?21:39
blackbitthen it will ask you if you want to install or just upgrade21:40
celthunderFalsAlarm: build-essential21:40
lubuntuDrDuck,  are you first write user name then change desktop then write password and ok21:40
guntbert!info buildessential | FalsAlarm21:40
ubottuFalsAlarm: Package buildessential does not exist in natty21:40
guntbert!info build-essential | FalsAlarm21:40
mnassifi saw an error about cant read the ntfs partition21:40
ubottuFalsAlarm: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu1 (natty), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB21:40
jibadeehareally liking the Faenza icon set - fits really nicely with unity21:40
blzGreeNtooTH:  because I'm still getting Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A):  SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.21:40
buck_workWell, that was an odd lag spike.21:40
GreeNtooTHsudo ifconfig wlan0 up &&iwconfig wlan0 essid (essid) key (psk)21:41
blzGreeNtooTH:  ok trying that...21:41
DrDucklubuntu: I didn't quite understand what you said. Could you rephrase it?21:41
GreeNtooTHtry like ive put sudo ifconfig wlan0 up && iwconfig wlan0 essid (essid) key (psk)21:41
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lubuntuDrDuck,  i say when you write user name the combobox to choice desktop will be active to change21:42
blzGreeNtooTH:  SET failed on device wlan0; operation not permitted21:42
lubuntuthen you choice unity21:42
buck_workNot sure if you guys got my question the first time, so I'll be bad and repost it: How do I disable Unity and go back to the traditional Gnome UI?21:43
botcity!classic | DrDuck, just select ubuntu instead of classic ..21:43
ubottuDrDuck, just select ubuntu instead of classic ..: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.21:43
xanguabuck_work: select 'classic' desktop on login screen21:43
DrDucklubuntu: I think my problem is that I installed gnome 3. I need to uninstall it so that I'll have the Unity option again. Unity is broken with gnome 3.21:43
buck_workAhhh, got it. Thanks lubuntu, xangua21:43
lubuntubuck_work,  you must logout from ubuntu and then change on classic desktop = gnome21:43
lubuntuDrDuck,  maby sudo apt-get install unity ?21:44
GreeNtooTHiwpriv wlan0 set AuthMode=WPA2PSK21:44
DrDucklubuntu: Thanks. I will try it. First I'm going to try to figure out how to uninstall Gnome3.21:45
blzGreeNtooTH:  that's a command?21:45
blzGreeNtooTH:  wlan0     no private ioctls21:45
GreeNtooTHsudo nano /etc/network/interfaces21:46
chaospsyhcexcelthunder: there is not 'system info' in the gnome-control-center21:47
blzGreeNtooTH:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/602488/21:47
Malierm hey, I mounted a ntfs partitoin it seems with -o loop and it won't umount.. and I can't install natty because of it... now when I killed the handle with fuser.. I now get stale bla bla NFS thingy21:47
sine_hello guys. when i started ubuntu it says i do not have the hardware to run unity. what is unity and what is it about my geforce gtx 460m with i7 and 8gb of ram that wont run it21:48
blzGreeNtooTH:  i see no mention of wlan0 in that file...21:48
binoyubuntuone not working. please help.21:49
GreeNtooTHreplace the lot with this21:49
GreeNtooTHauto wlan021:49
fcuk112what params do i pass ls to just get the file/folder names?21:49
botcityunity | sine_21:50
blzGreeNtooTH:  the entire file should be replaced with "auto wlan0" ?21:50
GreeNtooTHiface wlan0 inet dhcp21:50
botcity!unity | sine_21:50
ubottusine_: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity21:50
blzGreeNtooTH:  could you pastebin it please?  I'm afraid i"ll miss a line21:50
GreeNtooTHhow you do that new to this21:50
Mahjonggwhen using unity, is there a way to get a list of running applications, similar to task lister in gnome applets?21:50
blzGreeNtooTH:  sorry?21:51
lubuntuMahjongg,  you can write i search21:51
blzGreeNtooTH:  oh I understand.  go to paste.ubunto.com and type out what you want me to replace my file with.  Then press "paste" and give me the link21:51
lubuntuMahjongg,  in*21:51
GreeNtooTHgot it21:51
blzGreeNtooTH:  and thanks for your help, btw!21:51
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lubuntuMahjongg,  write 'monitor'21:51
xanguaMahjongg: they appear in the launcher21:52
profundoI have just upgraded to 11.04 and on unity there are no toolbars anywhere, I just see a desktop. Moving the mouse to the edges of the screen doesn't do anything. I am using an nvidia 8600M GT. Is this a known problem?21:52
Mahjonggxangua, launcher?21:52
Mahjonggxangua, oh the panel on left. No some of them don't appear there21:52
watsoncjprofundo: I had to reboot once after installing before unity came up21:52
Mahjonggxangua, try xchat with iconize on close enabled21:53
profundooh right, I have rebooted quite a few times, but still not seeing it21:53
blzGreeNtooTH:  how's it working out?21:54
Braiamprofundo: try changing to gnome classic21:55
blzGreeNtooTH:  is this what you wanted me to change my /etc/network/interfaces to?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/602491/21:55
buck_workWell, one problem solved, way too many more to go. *sigh* I'm back in Ubuntu classic, and nothing works on my second monitor.21:55
buck_workI get the top and bottom bars, and my desktop, but no window manager, no widgets (they all crash and won't reload)...21:55
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buck_workApplications I launch there won't get focus so I can't use them...21:55
profundoBraiam: I am on ubuntu classic now and that works fine. But it would be nice to be able to use unity21:55
sine_ubottu: thanks, i will start now, i think its because i did not choose to install third party and thus nvidia drivers so it would not work21:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:56
sine_fingers crossed21:56
Mahjonggliked unity a lot! it needs bug fixes though...21:56
Buddhaczsine: you have to install nvidia drivers 4 sure21:57
Buddhaczsine: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-current-modaliases nvidia-settings21:57
zerwasWhich file should be edited for changes to fglrx from Ubuntu 10.10 upwards?21:58
Trackymaniacanyone care to help? I can't pick "Ubuntu Netbook edition" in the windows Wubi installer. The version is 11.04. Anyone have time? thx21:58
blzGreeNtooTH, ok trying that now.  and then I run the same command?21:58
GreeNtooTHno then run dhclient wlan021:58
zerwasShould a file be created in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ to add xorg.conf options for my graphics card?21:59
BuddhaczTrackymaniac: there is no Netbook edition21:59
TrackymaniacNo netbook edition of the 11.04.. or?21:59
sine_Buddhacz: i have them installed now. i have rebooted but i cant see any difference i will check out the website to see how this baby rides21:59
BuddhaczTrackymaniac: http://ubuntu-with-wubi.blogspot.com/2011/04/no-more-netbook-edition-on-natty.html21:59
sathamurkahi guys21:59
Trackymaniacthank you Buddhacz.. hadn't noticed21:59
blzGreeNtooTH:  and the 'yourpsk' line... is tthat the hex key or the passphrase?21:59
Lagggi needs the help21:59
BuddhaczTrackymaniac: no Netbook for Wubi21:59
BuddhaczTrackymaniac: noprob22:00
zarathazAnyone know why my C++ code won't compile (just hello world program) I type g++ test.cpp -o test into the terminal, then ./test.cpp and I get errors.."using: command not found" .. but there aren't any in the source22:00
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Lagggim on 11.04 and i chose 'ubuntu classic'22:00
Lagggand now ... no compiz?22:00
sathamurkai tried to install gnome3 on 11.0422:00
sathamurkait is messed up22:00
vanguardhow can I disable password strength checking so that I can use "hello" as a password?22:00
sathamurkaplease any once help22:01
vanguardsathamurka: via a PPA?22:01
GreeNtooTHsudo /etc/init.d/networking restart22:01
BuddhaczTrackymaniac: I have tried Unity on my netbook and I was not very satisfied either...22:01
GreeNtooTHsudo dhclient wlan022:01
vanguardsathamurka: what do you mean with "messed up"?22:01
Mocqueroelise11.04.. wireless not working.. trying to connect.. but cant.. any solution?22:01
sathamurkahi vanguard22:01
profundozarathaz: should it not be ./test rather than ./test.cpp22:01
sathamurkacould not update ICEauthority file22:02
Buddhaczvanguard: sudo passwd user22:02
sathamurkaim getting this message22:02
sathamurkaafter reboot22:02
Buddhaczvanguard: root can set whatever password to any user22:02
vanguardBuddhacz: right, root can do everything :-)22:02
Lagggyeah i got those errors when trying to downgrade22:02
Buddhaczvanguard: sudo rm -f /bin/laden :D22:03
TrackymaniacBuddhacz the problem is that the 11.04 runs pretty slowly on my netbook..22:03
sathamurkaafter upgrading to 11.0422:03
zarathaztried ./test.cpp, same thing22:03
sathamurkait unity is sucks22:03
profundonot ./test.cpp, just ./test22:03
sathamurkagnome3 is killing me22:03
Trackymaniacwhich newest version is sans unity?22:04
vanguardsathamurka: unity seems to be a pretty polarizing issue :D22:04
profundoyou made the output file test didn't you? with -o test22:04
sathamurkaguys help me in resolving this issue22:04
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sathamurkacould not update ICEauthority file /home/user/.ICEauthority22:04
blzGreeNtooTH:  and the 'yourpsk' line... is tthat the hex key or the passphrase?22:04
YankDownUnderIf Gnome3 is killing ya, there's a tweak util that will put yer Gnome3 back to the same (basically) as Gnome222:05
sathamurkai don't want to reinstall again22:05
blzGreeNtooTH;  ok better change that22:05
BuddhaczTrackymaniac: I have switched back to 10.04 and replaced kernel with 2.6.38-8 and nVidia with 27022:05
sathamurkai have already about 5 time22:05
sathamurkafor different issues22:05
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andreas-aaai have problem with my ubuntu22:06
sathamurkaany help guys please22:06
Mocqueroelisecd /bin/laden ~/Desktop XD22:06
andreas-aaahelp with grub22:06
Buddhaczandreas-aaa: not booting?22:07
heloanyone know if banshee can upload music to zune devices?22:07
Lagggyeah so22:07
Lagggnow i have no way to move windows22:07
Lagggand my windows borders are gone22:07
Laggg11.04 (classic mode)22:07
zarathazthanks profundo, got it working!22:07
profundozarathaz: no prob22:07
sathamurkaguys please help me in resolving "could not update ICEauthority file /home/user/.ICEauthority" issue22:07
blzGreeNtooTH:  ok now i'm getting DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval <x>22:07
GreeNtooTHblz this first sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart22:08
blzGreeNtooTH:  i did that22:08
Trackymaniacok Buddhacz, good to know. Just to clarify: does the 10.04 LTS download on the ubuntu website allow for me to pick the "netbook edition" from the wubi installer?22:08
Buddhaczprobably yes22:09
blzGreeNtooTH:  I get the following output from the restart command:  wlan0 no private ioctls   failed to bring up wlan022:09
GreeNtooTHifconfig wlan0 up22:09
YankDownUnderTrackymaniac, Did you download the netbook ISO, or the desktop ISO?22:09
BuddhaczI am using classic Ubuntu, not Netbook version22:09
blzGreeNtooTH:  still the same output22:10
GreeNtooTHwhat card you got22:10
Nrogasðóññêèå åñòü?22:11
LjL!ua | Nrogas22:11
blzGreeNtooTH:  not sure.  it works out of the box on the regular ubuntu desktop install.  this is a minimal install22:11
LjL!ru | Nrogas22:11
ubottuNrogas: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:11
GreeNtooTHcheck your additional driver and install22:11
Nrogas :@22:12
blzGreeNtooTH;  how do I do that?22:12
blzGreeNtooTH:  this is cli-only... i usually use jockey-gtk22:12
dob_what will i have to allow in iptables to remove this log message: IN= OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=84 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=47324 PROTO=ICMP TYPE=0 CODE=0 ID=15983 SEQ=222:14
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity22:15
dob_thought INPUT icmp 0 and 0 will be enough22:15
dob_and 822:15
dob_SRC is my server22:16
=== sathamurka is now known as nanuganga
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IsmAvatarHey guys, my NVidia driver is "Enabled but not in use". How do I put it in use?22:18
nanuganga>guys please help me in resolving "could not update ICEauthority file /home/user/.ICEauthority" issue22:19
nanugangaon 11.0422:19
boogingahey all i haev a question about the calanderserver package. I just installed version 11.04 and im having some python lib issues... I would really like to get this working and prevent my company from buying a mac and wasting money and overall causing me headaches. Is there a version of ubuntu where this package is working without additional configuration? I would also like to avoid installing it from source so i can install updates22:19
icerootbooginga: do you get errors at the installation?22:20
icerootbooginga: or errors when starting?22:20
botcityIsmAvatar, additional drivers22:20
boogingananuganga: have you checked the permission of that file... not to be weird i just had a bunch of issues with that recentyl22:20
boogingaiceroot: its during start up22:20
jonrafkindis anyone else suffering from 'gain calibratino timeout' errors due to bad interactions between powernow-k8 and ath5k?22:21
VhozardI really like Unity, but I can't get it working right with multi-monitor22:21
compliencecan the cp command create new folder directories?22:21
VhozardIs there a way to use Unity without compiz ??22:21
IsmAvatarbotcity: yes, that's how I found out that it was activated but not in use.22:21
jonrafkindcompengi, cp -a22:21
boogingaiceroot: first it was missing libs from python web 2 installed that then said that the dav lib could not be found22:21
lucasIsmAvatar: I use jockey (system-administration-additional drives)22:21
complienceeg: cp file /home/newfolder/22:21
complienceis that possible?|22:22
jonrafkindi dont think so22:22
nanugangayes booginga22:22
icerootbooginga: i guess its a good idea to open a bug about the missing files/libs22:22
icerootbooginga: ubuntu-bug packagename22:22
irulemy ubuntu upgrade made my pc unbootable, only safe mode thing and startx gives me X, how may I fix this?22:22
nanugangai have given full 777 on user/.*22:22
icerootbooginga: thats the easiest way to get it fixed22:22
Vhozardso is it possible to use Unity without compiz ?22:22
IsmAvatarlucas: you'll have to forgive me, I can't for the life of me figure out how to navigate unity, and I've never heard of that before.22:23
boogingaiceroot: sorry new to the ubuntu community have been using centos where is the correct place to post something like that22:23
AxlinVhozard: you can install unity-2d after installation. apparently unity 2d will replace gnome as the fallback version for 11.1022:23
Vhozardoh :(22:24
raminhey guys, I've googled this question and everything but is there any way to install gnome 3 without screwing up my unity 2d/3d installation?22:24
lucasIsmAvatar: just type in a terminal jockey-gtk22:24
VhozardAxlin, thanks I will try that22:24
=== KNUBBIG is now known as n4zroth
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lucasIsmAvatar: As of unity, I really don't like it... Makes my laptop like a BIG cellphone ;)22:25
IsmAvatarlucas: tell me about it, lol22:25
botcityIsmAvatar, additional drivers has a button to press to activate it22:25
IsmAvatarlucas: jockey-gtk takes me to the Additional Drivers window that botcity already got me to22:26
icerootbooginga: just run "ubuntu-bug packagename" its a wizzard for creating a bug22:26
IsmAvatarbotcity (and lucas): It's already activated, as I said. It's just "not currently in use". So the "Activate" button doesn't say activate, it says "remove"22:26
sine_anyone here have an asus g53j22:26
nanugangadon't go for gnome322:27
raminwhy not?22:27
lucasIsmAvatar: why don't you try in a terminal sudo nvidia-xconfig22:27
nanugangai have messed my system22:27
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ramini have all my stuff backed up22:27
lucasIsmAvatar: You have to reboot for the changes to take effect22:27
ikonia!away > zz_eagles051387522:27
ubottuzz_eagles0513875, please see my private message22:27
IsmAvatarlucas: I haven't made any changes yet...22:28
nanugangayou will end up with "could not update ICEauthority file /home/user/.ICEauthority" issue22:28
ramindidn't you like gnome 3 over unity tho?22:28
genewitch11.04 doesn't ever get to desktop after install, what can i do to troubleshoot?22:28
IsmAvatarlucas: it was already this way22:28
IsmAvatarlucas: http://pastebin.com/YF14057Z22:28
sine_im getting no sound on my laptop22:29
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nanugangaok guys22:30
wolfreak_99Hi guys, I came to ask a question (I've googled around beforehand for about 10 minutes).. You know how programs get installed to the /usr/bin file? Would there be any way of making it install into the home directory? (Not the settings, the entire program, say /home/joe/MyPrograms/Firefox)22:30
lucasIsmAvatar: you didn't run with sudo!22:30
IsmAvataryou didn't tell me to, lol22:30
nanugangait is time to reinstall ubuntu 11.0422:30
IsmAvatarlucas: didn't help. Moment while I pastebin.22:31
nanugangai guess i don't have any other option :-922:31
raminI have a radeon x30022:31
IsmAvatarlucas: http://pastebin.com/dye9yRD922:31
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raminwas wondering if gnome 3 will run faster or unity22:31
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gardneranybody have info  on how to reinstall an older version of firefox (3.6.17)?22:31
nanugangathat was my guess22:31
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: you can install/extract anywhere22:32
nanugangaim frustrated with ubuntu11.0422:32
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gardnerprobs running the *.bin file22:32
lucasIsmAvatar: OK! Now you HAVE to reboot!!!22:33
IsmAvatarnanuganga: join the club >_>22:33
Buddhacznanuganga: you can reinstall 10.04 and then replace some packages - you get nearly the same22:33
pi0tr313hi ! is it a reboot party ?22:33
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: I mean like with deb files or synaptic. I want to install my entire programs into my home folder so when I have to reinstall ubuntu (I do it often) I won't have to lose my programs. (I have /home on a seperate partition)22:33
IsmAvatarlucas: this isn't going to kill my display, is it? That validation error isn't a concern?22:33
pi0tr313can i join ?22:33
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wolfreak_99Who was asking how to install an older firefox?22:33
raminthe whole concept of going on the sidebar to change windows is such an annoyance22:33
brontosaurusrexwell, kinda happier now, when i decided that unity is not for me ...22:33
KM0201ramin: just takes getting used to.22:33
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: you can symlink the entire folder22:34
MustardCUso i need /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:02.0 to change ownership from root to me.  I used chown but after i restarted the ownership went back to root.  Any ideas on preventing it from going back to root?22:34
IsmAvatarramin: especially when the darn thing keps hiding22:34
nanugangaafter 7.0422:34
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: or set it to a special partition (probably not an option)22:34
raminI don't want to get used to ineffeciency22:34
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jMCgHello happy people.22:34
lucasIsmAvatar: for what it is, the new xorg.conf is written. could you pastebin the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?22:34
Atlantic777Hi! How can I limit network traffic for an interface for all processess? Some CLI app would be the best. :)22:34
nanugangabig turn down22:34
BuddhaczMustardCU: cannot be done22:34
botcity!cloning | wolfreak_99,22:35
ubottuwolfreak_99,: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:35
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: I mean I want to have 2 partitions, one for the ubuntu system, and one for home, I like trying alot of programs and I don't want to run out of space and choose between documents and programs22:35
BuddhaczMustardCU: it is a system device, it is always rooted22:35
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: use gparted22:35
IsmAvatarlucas: http://pastebin.com/6tcnDc1122:35
sine_how can i get a list of my hardware22:35
sine_lspci ?22:35
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sine_i want the soundcard22:35
Atlantic777sine_: and lspci, lsusb, lshw22:36
raminfuck it, i'll install gnome 3, if I don't like it, I'll go back to gnome 2 since unity will be broken22:36
nanugangaguys buy22:36
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: / set as 16 GB or so, swap = 2 GB, /var may be for 5 GB and /home for the rest22:36
=== rodrigo is now known as robrrt
jMCgSince my upgrade to Natty, this laptop of mine suffers ... uh... Not being able to move or switch between Windows. (Rrunning GNOME, I tried to use the other stuff.. What's it called again? But I have no idea how to use that...)22:36
nanugangareinstalling :-(22:36
Buddhaczsine_: lspci22:36
MustardCUbuddhacz i only need it so I can change the brightness to my computer automatically (everything i try but that for the brightness is not working).  Could I change were the file is to say, /home/<user>?22:36
IsmAvatarlucas: I don't see any nulls, so I'm guessing it's good to go22:36
robrrtwhere is the topic?22:36
lucasIsmAvatar: yes! I think everything is ok now22:36
IsmAvatarlucas: ok, thanks, brb22:37
Atlantic777jMCg: it's called unity and you can still switch to the classic way of using it. Just choose it in login screen. ;)22:37
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: I thought programs install to /usr/bin?22:37
lucasIsmAvatar: so cross your fingers and reboot!22:37
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BuddhaczMustardCU: not sure for this one22:37
BuddhaczMustardCU: /sys cannot be moved or linked22:37
MustardCUbuddhacz, not even a subdirectory of it?22:38
jMCgAtlantic777: the classic way of using it is what's screwed: I cannot *move* windows. I cannot switch between two Windows, which makes it pretty hard when I start a console and a firefox. I'd have to kill off one, to use the other.22:38
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: not exactly22:38
Atlantic777jMCg: ok, do you see the title bar on windows?22:38
jMCgAtlantic777: what's screwed with Unity is that I don't know how to --- good point.22:38
jMCgoh.. great... Alt+F2 doesn't work either..22:39
spoonerfree the fish22:39
MustardCUjMCg, could you run programs from the terminal still?22:39
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/09/linux-file-system-structure/22:39
jMCgw00t. That works. I can switch with the menu bar thingy.22:39
jMCgPlease be gentle. I'm GUI-capped.22:39
BuddhaczMustardCU: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/09/linux-file-system-structure/ same for you22:40
jMCgI use servers, and trust that my GUI stuff will at least allow me to connect to these.22:40
MustardCUBuddhacz, okay thanks22:40
BuddhaczMustardCU: very good website for knowledge IMHO22:40
jMCgSo what's a good reason for Windows to not be movable?22:41
IsmAvatarI'm back. Which is good news and bad news. Who was helping me?22:41
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: I mean, look.. I download a bunch of documents (songs, porn, movies, etc), but I also download a bunch of programs (linux multimedia studio, jackd, etc) and even some that aren't in the synaptic. Everytime I do a fresh install I keep my songs porn and movies but I have to reinstall my other programs every time and it gets tedious. I have 250GB, and 60gb is for my windows (FL Studio), I have 120gb for my home, but with ha22:41
IsmAvatarlucas, that's right22:41
lucascould someone tell me what sound settings I can use for wine? It loses sound constantly22:41
psaldenjMCg: I think a problem with the window-manager can cause that22:41
lucasIsmAvatar: Is everything ok?22:41
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: MintBackup22:42
genewitchbusybox/boot errors say ata5:link is too slow to respond, please be patient... ubuntu itself never loads... what can i do?22:42
IsmAvatarlucas: good news is I'm back, and I can see the screen. Bad news is the Additional Drivers says that it's still "activated but not in use"22:42
Atlantic777jMCg: maybe window manager/decorator screwed something up. Try compiz --replace or metacity --replace.22:42
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: and you have to backup you source list (or maybe you can use ubuntu-tweak)22:42
psaldenwasn't he using unity? would be unity --replace then I think22:42
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jMCgI think I'll first try to rm -rf ~/.gnome* That usually helps. NOt like it's that hard to recreate my config.22:42
lucasIsmAvatar: could you run glxgears on terminal?22:42
genewitchand a bunch of device not ready errors, 6 partitions eventually show up22:42
jMCgoh joy.. there's a core file... core: ELF 32-bit LSB core file Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), SVR4-style, from 'metacity --replace'22:43
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: Will that transfer my install folder to the home though? I'm not wanting to backup. I fuck up my computer too much to restore every time.22:43
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: for backing up, I have some scripts on my git: mxd.cz/git22:43
IsmAvatarlucas: sure, after I install it22:43
=== andrea is now known as Guest81188
BuddhaczI have 2 scripts for backing up and restore22:44
genewitchcan someone help me mount /dev/sda5/6/7 from busybox ash?22:44
lucasIsmAvatar: it is on a package called mesa-utils22:44
Buddhaczsure you have symlink some Apps folders and move it to your /home22:44
IsmAvatarlucas: aware22:44
IsmAvatarlucas: It's running in at about 1900 FPS, and seems to have a bit of lag22:44
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: I'll just keep looking through the interwebz for ways, and if it comes down to it, I'll use that script you gave me and back it up. Thanks for trying to help me however.22:44
ZykoticK9wolfreak_99, it's very unlikely that you find a method to install to non-standard location I'm afraid.  Best of luck.22:45
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: the best backup solution is dd :) but takes time to create and to restore22:45
IsmAvatarlucas: it's certainly not the fluid animation I'm used to when I see glxgears on a good graphics card+driver22:45
saurabhhow to use how gcc graphics22:45
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: It's just that my compiz fucked up and I can't figure out how to fix my xorg file so I'm wanting to do a reinstall and I just reinstalled it 3 days ago and I don't want to take even more backing up and restoring.22:45
BuddhaczZykoticK9: symlinked folder could work - as root of course22:45
ZykoticK9Buddhacz, unlikely, you'd need to symlink a lot of different folders (libs, bin, etc)22:46
lucasIsmAvatar: hmm... Maybe you have the nouveau driver in use. Tell me, did you see the Nvidia-logo upon booting>22:46
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: I setup /media/BACKUP symlink to an external drive and then use my scripts - works great22:46
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: https://github.com/fifunja/Linux-shell-scripts22:47
IsmAvatarlucas: Depends, when would I see it? Because I think my card displays itself at about the same time as my bios. Then I get Grub, and then the purple screen for several seconds, and then the login screen.22:47
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: Thank you but, again, I'm not looking to back up my programs. I'm just wanting to fix this problem without having to reinstall all my shit yet again.22:47
jwtiyarthe upgrade its not exist while booting to upgrade frrom 10.10 to 11.04??22:47
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: when something happens, just boot Live flash, restore to / and reboot22:48
lucasIsmAvatar: That's the nouveau driver already. Could you run glxinfo | grep vendor ?22:48
wolfreak_99Better yet, would anyone possibly know of a way to fix an xorg.conf without needing to reinstall linux? I've tried the dpkg configure thing but it didn't work.22:48
jMCgmuuuuch better.22:49
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: nVidia?22:49
jwtiyarthe upgrade its not exist while booting to upgrade frrom 10.10 to 11.04??22:49
robrrthow can i plai a AIF file?22:49
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: you can google for some xorg.conf files for your card22:49
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: wait, restore, will that erase the system, or will it just overwrite any existing files?22:49
IsmAvatarlucas: http://pastebin.com/Hk2aV3ut22:49
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: restore - erase / and restore back from the backup22:50
ZykoticK9wolfreak_99, dd will replace EVERYTHING at a low level (proceed with caution), rsync is at least at a file system level, and more common for backups22:50
zetsuboudevAny idea if there is any plan to change the appearance of the corner grab for window resizing in Natty? It overlaps buttons and text buttons, even in the default programs, looking very inconsistent with the rest of the OS. Even in the appearance window, there is distortion where the button is in the theme previews.22:50
lucasIsmAvatar: well as it seems you are using glx from Nvidia. Which card do you have?22:51
wolfreak_99Okay, drop the whole backup thing, I have another idea.. If I was to stick my live cd in and install it onto the / partition, will it erase any files or directories, or will it just replace the existing files?22:51
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: my friend had a problem with a new monitor so I have written the xorg.conf from scratch, fixed something and it works22:51
arandzetsuboudev: I would guess so. Inly way to make sure if to report a bug, after looking to see if it already exists.22:52
jwtiyarthe upgrade its not exist while booting to upgrade frrom 10.10 to 11.04??22:52
sburwood1I'm quite happy with natty22:52
wolfreak_99I don't want it to replace /usr/bin/(anything in here) to be replaced with /usr/bin when it's blank.22:52
IsmAvatarlucas: it's on-board, and I believe it's the GeForce 9200.22:52
ZykoticK9IsmAvatar, to find your gfx card "lspci | grep -i vga"22:53
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: well - the best is to create a backup first22:53
IsmAvatarZykoticK9: aware, thanks22:53
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: I think that Live CD install erases the /22:53
IsmAvatarlucas: 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C79 [GeForce 9200] (rev b1)22:53
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: yeah that's true, just for safety reasons, I might do it then test to see it.  But about the Xorg, what was happening was just one day my compiz randomly took a shit. When I hover over the notifications to the right (11.04 with "ubuntu classic" so it's gnome 2), they vanish rather than becoming transparent., and my windows don't wobble.22:54
ikoniawolfreak_99: control the language please22:55
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: hold on, I'll give you a copy of what the terminal says when I start compiz22:55
JasonOHello. I am having a problem with the Update manager so I decided to update with the Terminal and I received this output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60251822:55
wolfreak_99ikonia: okay, sorry22:55
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: oki doki22:55
ZykoticK9Jasonn, close any update / synatpic / usc windows22:55
lucasIsmAvatar: Are you on Natty?22:56
JasonnZykoticK9: ??22:56
IsmAvatarlucas: yes, hence why I was complaining about Unity earlier22:56
xanguaJasonO: first close the package manager/software centre22:56
lucasIsmAvatar: Another thing we could try is in a terminal galternatives22:57
JasonOxangua: I have.22:57
xanguaJasonO: run the command again then22:57
IsmAvatarlucas: something else I need to apt-get22:58
s0126hi was able to use somebody's wifi  without the key  using ddwrt as repeater ?  how in the world is this possible22:58
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: have ya tried to purge compiz and then reinstall?22:58
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wolfreak_99Buddhacz: I'm back, sorry about that. http://pastebin.com/ASHz2SQG22:58
IsmAvatarlucas: ok, I'm looking at G Alternatives. Not sure what you want me to do with it?22:58
cheapieIs anybody here available to help me get an application to build?22:59
wolfreak_99umm brb running that removed my window decorations, i has no exit so brb.22:59
lucasIsmAvatar: search in the left column for gl_conf22:59
buck_workSo does anyone running 11.04 have a fully-working Seperate X Server configuration? (Nvidia card) I was using this in 10.04 and 10.10 with no issue, but 11.04 has totally broken it.22:59
funnylookinhatAnyone know of a text editor similar to Coda for Mac OS X?22:59
IsmAvatarlucas: right side says nvidia-current (already selected) or mesa.22:59
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: try this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172483523:00
lucasIsmAvatar: Well, now you got me... Your driver is well in use... I don't know what else could be the cause...23:00
JasonOxangua It's updating in the Terminal. Wonder why it gave me that output the first time. Thank you.23:00
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: BTW you do not have to sudo compiz...23:01
JasonnWhat are the major updates in 11.04 from 10.10??23:01
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: compiz runs with your privs. only X11 runs as root23:01
OmegaJasonn: Unity is a big change23:01
OmegaFirefox 423:02
BuddhaczJasonn: new kernel, LibreOffice, Unity23:02
Jasonnunity is a music player?23:02
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity23:02
Omegaunity is the desktop shell23:02
OmegaJasonn: New music player Banshee too!23:02
BuddhaczJasonn: makes headaches for many...23:02
JasonnAnything else?23:02
Omega!ot | bonhoffer23:02
ubottubonhoffer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:02
Omega!ot | Buddhacz23:03
ubottuBuddhacz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:03
nabiin ubuntu 11.04, I changed compiz settings, and now hidden desktop and title menu windows!!!23:03
BuddhaczJasonn: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/whats-new23:03
Omeganabi: You want to revert the changes?23:03
IsmAvatarlucas: think I found a bug on the matter: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/77178823:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 771788 in jockey (Ubuntu) "nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not being used by jockey-gtk" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:03
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: http://pastebin.com/7w11T0eg23:03
JasonnBuddhacz: Its updating, web browser unavailable D:23:03
lucasIsmAvatar: This is a bit extreme... You could go through synaptic and reinstall nvidia-current. Then in a terminal do a sudo update-initramfs -u23:03
lucasIsmAvatar: and then reboot again23:03
ios32does anybody know how to get a program listed in the media handling list in ubuntu with cli23:03
JasonnBuddhacz: What can I do to make my system fasteR?23:03
Omeganabi: Do you want to undo all your changes to compiz?23:04
=== pie is now known as Guest79885
nabiOmega: How?! I can not access to any menu ! don't show menu bar and icon menu left side bar ! :(23:04
Rehansup all23:04
FoolsRunHi, did something change since 10.04 to prevent connecting to an X display using DISPLAY=0.0 <command> ?23:04
Omeganabi: enter this in a terminal: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-123:04
bob__anybody know where xfBanker stores your files?23:04
Jasonn!spam | jwtiyar23:05
Omegajwtiyar: What is the problem?23:05
BuddhaczJasonn: there are possible some tweaks to the fstab, newer kernel23:05
cheapiebob__: Have you checked in your home folder?23:05
jnlsnl_anyone here have experience with xrandr ?23:05
jwtiyarthe upgrade its not exist while booting to upgrade frrom 10.10 to 11.04??23:05
Jasonn!abuse | jwtiyar23:05
ubottujwtiyar: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:05
jwtiyarOmega,Jasonn   the upgrade its not exist while booting to upgrade frrom 10.10 to 11.04??23:05
Omegajwtiyar: you upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, but what happened?23:05
JasonnBuddhacz: I mean what can I tweak in the system to make it run faster, or make it use less CPU23:05
Omegajwtiyar: What language do you speek?23:05
jwtiyarOmega, i didnt because the upgrade button does not exist23:06
bob__cheapie: there is a translog... there - is that it?23:06
atpa8acan i get the "busy" pointer back?..23:06
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: as you can see, your Intel driver is not capable of compiz, neither Unity as it is a plugin to compiz23:06
cheapiebob__: Maybe. I have no experience with that.23:06
bob__cheapie: thanks23:07
Omegajwtiyar: try running: gksudo update-manager -d23:07
Jasonnjwtiyar: What is your main language (or the one that you understand the most) ??23:07
BuddhaczJasonn: http://blog.mxd.cz/clanky-2011/ubuntu-asus-eee/ubuntu-asus-eee-en23:07
nabiOmega: I press alt+ctrl+f2 and put command in new tty, but when I put  startx, don't com back on graphic mode and get me error23:07
jwtiyarJasonn, my native is kurdish i can understand both of arabic and english23:07
JasonnBuddhacz: Web browser not working23:07
BuddhaczJasonn: this article applies to any latest Ubuntu as well23:07
lucasIsmAvatar: Maybe you are affected by this bug too...23:07
Omeganabi: run unity --reset from a tty23:07
wolfreak_99But It was working for me before hand23:07
jwtiyarOmega, but its need internet , i have iso image23:07
BuddhaczJasonn: oops23:08
Omegajwtiyar: oh, you're booting from a live cd?23:08
xanguajwtiyar: burn it then23:08
jwtiyarOmega, yeah23:08
ShwaiilHi ppl23:08
ZykoticK9jwtiyar, you can only use the Alternative CD, and NOT the LiveCD for upgrading23:08
BuddhaczJasonn: check it later then - there are pictures on my site23:08
xanguajwtiyar: run the live cd and it will ask you if you want to upgrade, that only if you use Maverick23:08
ShwaiilQ: I installed Umbrello from Ubuntu software Center. but It doesnt show up in applications. What can I do ? Thanks23:08
jwtiyarZykoticK9, where is thealternative ?23:08
wolfreak_99buddhacz: It was working for me before, well, before I tried to install gnome 3, it didn't let me choose themes though.. Maybe it might have been from me installing gnome 3 and then reverting back to gnome 2?23:08
OmegaZykoticK9: afaik the livecd also works23:09
Omegajwtiyar: You don't have internet in 10.10?23:09
jwtiyarxangua, iam using maverick and didnt show the upgrade button23:09
IsmAvatarlucas: I believe so. Someone reported on that bug that they were using GeForce 9300, and I'm getting lag like they describe.23:09
ZykoticK9!alternate | jwtiyar Omega23:09
ubottujwtiyar Omega: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal23:09
jwtiyarOmega, i have23:09
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: The vesa driver is not capable of running Compiz, you need to install  the proper driver for your graphics card.23:09
xanguaZykoticK9: you can now upgrade with live cd, since natty23:09
FoolsRunDid something change since 10.04 to prevent connecting to an X display using DISPLAY=0.0 <command> ?23:09
ZykoticK9xangua, oh, then the !alternate factoid needs updating ;)  thanks good to know.23:09
OmegaZykoticK9: Note the word 'also'23:09
ZykoticK9Omega, as well as being a text mode installer it's "also" capable of updates23:10
xanguai believe you need to press the install icon to appear the upgrade option jwtiyar http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/ubuntu-live-cd-will-let-you-upgrade-to.html23:10
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: I have tried checking the additioanl drivers and I only seen my wifi driver, there was no graphics card driver.. and My manufacturers are too lazy to make ubuntu versions, and I doupt running a driver installer under wine would effect ubuntu23:10
ShwaiilQ: If we install a program and if this program doesnt show up in "Applications" what can we do to access it ? It was installed from ubuntu software center. Thanks for looking23:10
jwtiyarxangua, i dont want to downlaod again23:11
wolfreak_99I think I got an idea.. I'll be back in a few minutes to report if I succeeded or not23:11
xanguaZykoticK9: the alternate is still good if you can not boot the live cd23:11
wolfreak_99Buddhacz: Thank you for all your help, I really appreciate it.23:11
Buddhaczwolfreak_99: nope, wine is not an option here23:11
shcherbakShwaiil: What program?23:11
lucasIsmAvatar: The only thing I could think about is that your initrd has not been updated. Maybe that causes trouble23:11
SirScottMy bluetooth device was recognized in with the 10.10 live CD, yet after installing, it's not recognized.  Not even sure what it is in the lspci output..23:11
nabiOmega: Thanks a lot, I  try gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1 and then restart system and resolve the problem, :X23:11
Shwaiilshcherbak,  tks for looking. The program is called Umbrello (UML modeler )23:11
lucasIsmAvatar: I am running on a 8600m gt and glxgears gives something like 14000 fps23:12
jwtiyarxangua, this option not shown in my case23:12
botcity!info  Umbrello23:12
cheapieYou know, I'm still waiting for help...23:12
=== ross is now known as Guest66494
Shwaiil!info umbrello23:13
ubottuPackage Umbrello does not exist in natty23:13
ubottuumbrello (source: kdesdk): UML modelling tool and code generator. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 2106 kB, installed size 6628 kB23:13
BuddhaczSirScott: pastebin lspci here23:13
Shwaiilso, how can I access umbrello then ? restart the system maybe ?23:14
IsmAvatarlucas: I'm familiar with the speeds glxgears usually runs at for decent graphics cards. Obviously 1900 fps is slower than would be expected, especially of a geforce 9200.23:14
shcherbakShwaiil: try: which umbrello, and use alacarte to hook it up to menu23:14
shcherbakShwaiil: Or: locate umbrello to get path to binary23:15
IsmAvatarlucas: I've subscribed to the bug, so maybe a fix will come around some time in the near future. Like after they get done making unity not suck >_<23:15
Shwaiilshcherbak, I came to unbuntu from windows 6 months ago. I do that on terminal ?23:15
shcherbakShwaiil: which umbrello23:15
Shwaiilfound in usr/bin/umbrello23:16
Shwaiiland know i've oppend alacarte23:16
Shwaiilwish seems easy to use23:16
Shwaiillet's see23:16
SirScottBuddhacz: http://pastebin.com/5ZLKttMS23:16
robin0800Shwaiil, you may have to log out and back in23:16
SirScotthcitool dev is empty23:16
lucasIsmAvatar: You are right... Who knows? the current nvidia driver has been made in a hurry as I can imagine, since some distros switched to xorg 1.10. My card seems to cope with it. Maybe there will be a new driver soon. Why don't you check on the nvidia site directly?23:16
shcherbakShwaiil: Alt-F2 and umbrello , should start program too.23:17
RoastedI found a bug with a specific wireless card/driver. Where do I submit the bug report to? ubuntu-bug network manager???23:17
lucasIsmAvatar: The whole idea of unity sucks I think. I like the classic desktop as it is.23:17
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morissetteSo I just installed slim login mgr and rebooted in 11.04 and the menu is not loading23:18
KNUBBIGmaybe some1 should add a !whine-ubuntu factoid :>23:18
lucasIsmAvatar: Maybe they try to have some concurrence to gnome 3. As to show them that they can do better ;)23:18
ShwaiilHow can I access alacarte from menu ?23:18
IsmAvatarlucas: I get where they're going with it, but I think they it just got crapped on when Gnome decided they didn't want any part in it.23:18
BuddhaczSirScott: it is not there listed23:18
ShwaiilI'm asking because I wont remember next time :P23:19
SirScottBuddhacz: what's my best bet, re-run the live CD, grab the output from there and come back here?23:19
vanguardI just did a suspend to RAM and now my USB speakers do not play any sound any more23:19
shcherbakShwaiil: System > Pref > Main menu23:19
BuddhaczSirScott: isn't it USB?23:19
Shwaiilshcherbak,  tks23:20
IsmAvatarlucas: read shuttleworth's blog and I think you'll have a bit more sympathy for unity. The bad idea wasn't so much unity, it was deciding to ship despite dropping gnome support.23:20
lucasIsmAvatar: One of the reasons I never could get well with KDE. I like classic desktops... And on top of all, I like the command-line ;)23:20
BuddhaczSirScott: like mine --- Bus 008 Device 002: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)23:20
jnlsnl_anyone have some experience with xrandr? I can't detect my external monitor, and synchmaster 244323:20
SirScottBuddhacz: don't honestly know.  brand new laptop i'm trying to get running23:20
BuddhaczSirScott: try lsusb and pastebin here23:20
SirScottBuddhacz: lsusb has a few things listed, but nothing jumps out as being bluetooth23:21
buck_workI'd be a lot happier if they hadn't broken seperate X server dual-monitor mode while they were busy "innovating"23:21
Rehanis there a reason my desktop display is on VT 8 instead of 7? Ubuntu 11.0423:21
SirScottBuddhacz: http://pastebin.com/M1Baz0Qf23:21
SirScottBuddhacz: i'll fire up the liveCD and get the output there.  bbiab23:22
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shcherbakRehan: Most likely X has restarted, see logs23:22
BuddhaczSirScott: yeap, oki23:22
Rehanshcherbak: which log?23:22
ShockDochey guys23:23
morissetteunity-2d-panel: [CRITICAL] Gtk: IA__gtk_widget_size_request: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed23:23
LAcanhey guys I want to setup a remote GUI terminal from my windows box to my ubuntu box. what am I looking for?23:23
morissetteany ideas on that?23:23
ShockDocanyone know how I can make ubuntu 11.04 boot verbose?23:23
shcherbakRehan: /var/log/Xorg.log , also messages23:23
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TomThumbWhere can i find the show desktop icon on the new version of ubuntu23:24
shcherbakShwaiil: You mean with no spalsh?23:24
Rehanthanks shcherbak. Is there a way to determine which VT i'm on at bootup?23:24
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BuddhaczLAcan: you mean = I want to run remote Ubuntu Terminal on my Windows?23:24
shcherbakShockDoc: ^^^23:24
LAcanBuddhacz, yes exactly23:24
morissetteShockDoc, install startupmanager and uncheck show splash23:24
JasonnBuddhacz: Can you send the link of how to make your comp use less CPU again, please and thanks :D23:25
BuddhaczLAcan: mmnt, my memory...23:25
ShockDocit is unchecked morissette23:25
BuddhaczJasonn: mxd.cz - asus eee english link23:25
ShockDocit still shows me the ugly purple23:25
morissetteit should all be logged in messages23:26
morissettejust type dmesg23:26
BuddhaczLAcan: PuTTY23:26
morissettebrb, rebooting23:26
pepehello every one23:26
OmegaTomThumb: There isn't an icon23:26
LAcanBuddhacz, that has a client for windows I'm guessing?23:26
KNUBBIGLAcan: yes23:26
backtrack333backtrack is the power23:26
BuddhaczLAcan: PuTTU is a telnet/ssh client for Windows23:26
LAcanKNUBBIG, Buddhacz and it uses SSH or some other encryption...?23:26
BuddhaczLAcan: just ssh23:27
RoastedWhere can users post feature ideas to Ubuntu? I think (to avoid future issues when Ubuntu is released) that the installer CD should ask users if they want Unity or Gnome Shell upon installation, similar to how opensuse and Mandriva ask about KDE/Gnome during the install process. Where can I submit and push this?23:27
KNUBBIG!putty | LAcan23:27
ubottuLAcan: PuTTY is an !SSH client for Windows. Please see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage and downloads. See also !scp (Secure CoPy)23:27
LAcanBuddhacz, ok but itll let me do a remote desktop.. im not much on the command line...23:27
envygeeksRoasted: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/23:27
Shwaiil!info argouml23:27
ubottuPackage argouml does not exist in natty23:27
Roastedthanks envygeeks23:28
BuddhaczLAcan: remote desktop = teamviewer23:28
vanguardI just did a suspend to RAM and now my USB speakers do not play any sound any more. How can I fix/diagnose this?23:28
Buddhacz!teamviewer | LAcan23:28
pepeany one had trouble with 11.04?23:28
pepei did23:28
=== PolarPanda is now known as grickit
vanguardpepe: yeah, it does not seem too perfect :-/23:28
KNUBBIGubottu doesn't listen to Buddhacz :(23:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:28
KNUBBIGI know! :D23:28
BuddhaczLAcan: www.teamviewer.com/23:29
BuddhaczKNUBBIG: he just does not know :)23:29
pepei know, i thought it was going to be awesome, but i had to go back to 10.1023:29
KNUBBIGyy I know :)23:29
BuddhaczLAcan: another option is RealVNC but takes more time to setup23:29
KM0201teamviewer is deadnuts simple to use.. also avoids opening router ports, etc23:30
Omegaand propietary23:30
envygeeksIt depends, on my router I do need to open up the ports for teamviewer because I refuse to enable PnP on my router23:30
BuddhaczKM0201: right (Lacan)23:30
KNUBBIGenvygeeks: I need neither PnP nor open ports23:31
=== onpea is now known as fuk_ushima
SirScottBuddhacz: and of course, it's going to make a liar out of me as now when i'm running the liveCD, still no BT devices are found.23:31
envygeeksKNUBBIG: for some people it can use the "skype work around" to avoid firewalls but not on my network :P23:31
BuddhaczSirScott: sometimes things die... or get stolen :)23:31
OmegaLAcan: Try using VNC23:31
KNUBBIGenvygeeks: ah okay :)23:31
Buddhaczenvygeeks: I am behind 5 routers and teamviewer works23:32
KM0201Buddhacz: 5 routers?23:32
OmegaWhy mention teamviewer when we have plenty of great open source alternatives?23:32
envygeeksBuddhacz: Oh I got teamviewer to work, I was just saying how I have to manually open up the ports on my network, just adding that some people might need to (mostly people with locked down networks like mine)23:32
KNUBBIGBecause teamviewer is just very simple and userfriendly23:32
OmegaAnd VNC isn't?23:33
KM0201Omega: did you not follow the discussin? because it doesn't require opening router ports (which is something some people dn't know how to do, or can't do due to not being able to log in to a router)23:33
invisiblekteamviewer also requires you to be able to see the display you plan to connect to23:33
KNUBBIGNot that easy23:33
envygeeksVNC isn't as easy as teamviewer, with teamviewer it's nothing more than login and press a button (almost literally)23:33
OmegaKM0201: Did you not follow? envygeeks said himself that he needed to open ports.23:33
KM0201invisiblek: no it doesn't, you can set it to "auto log in"23:33
BuddhaczKM0201: exactly - not very nice to portforward tons of ports on any router/AP in the network23:33
invisiblekwas not aware of that, or i guess i was under the impression that was a "premium" service23:33
KM0201Omega: not for teamviewer.. if he has to open ports for teamviewer, he doesn't know what he's doing23:33
OmegaKM0201: Yes for teamviewer23:34
KM0201Omega: i'm not gonna argue with you, i know better.23:34
LAcanok so VNC it is23:34
Omegaok, ignore the anecdotes, you know better!23:34
vanguardI just did a suspend to RAM and now my USB speakers do not play any sound any more. How can I fix/diagnose this?23:34
envygeeksKM0201: I have to open up router ports because that is how I designed my network. Not because I don't know what I'm doing...23:34
Omegaenvygeeks: Ignore him, he knows better!23:34
LAcanvanguard, reboot23:35
vanguardLAcan: already did twice23:35
KNUBBIGOk guys maybe we're done now?23:35
KM0201envygeeks: then you did that intentionally, the average person, you download teamviewer, install, and it works,.23:35
Buddhaczvanguard: killall pulseaudio ?23:35
KM0201envygeeks: obvioiusly if you did that intentionally, then why are you even using teamviewer?..23:35
Buddhaczgotta go, see ya round :)23:35
KNUBBIGbye :)23:36
vanguardBuddhacz: hmm, still no sound23:36
OmegaVNC is much more versatile too, there are even VNC clients that work on phones.23:36
xcyclistOkay, here is my list of problems I am having with 11.04.  I'll provide notificatioins here as I add to the list:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/602528/23:36
envygeeksKM0201: Because I don't think all proprietary software is bad? I never have and I never will. Free is free but I don't mind paying.23:36
KNUBBIGOmega: Teamviewer does work on iOS + Android23:36
KNUBBIGbut that23:36
KNUBBIG's all !ot23:36
KM0201envygeeks: i don't like "paying" for software omega was the one who was hung up on it not being open source23:37
Omega!ot | KM020123:37
ubottuKM0201: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:37
ShockDochmmm, why can't I get my grub to run at the correct resolution? :/23:37
KM0201KNUBBIG: it's par for the course for him23:37
LjLeverybody back on the topic train! chooo chooo23:37
KNUBBIGShockDoc: did you check if that resolution is supportet23:37
KNUBBIGLjL: thanks23:37
vanguardanyone any ideas on the USB speakers?23:38
ShockDocit should be KNUBBIG23:38
envygeeksRepeat your question please vanguard23:38
vanguardI just did a suspend to RAM and now my USB speakers do not play any sound any more. How can I fix/diagnose this?23:38
peto_how can I "Show Desktop" in Unity? (super + D doesn't work anymore)23:38
RavenHursTAnyone got a solution for the following? http://pastebin.com/A3YHzUxQ23:38
LjLpeto_: silly question maybe, but what *is* there to show? isn't everything empty with Unity?23:38
KNUBBIGpeto_: you could use http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/show-desktop-icon-for-ubuntu-unity.html and then bind it to a key combination via !ccsm23:39
peto_Llj, I mean that I want to minimize all open windows23:39
Omegapeto_: an easy way to see your desktop is to go to another workplace ctrl+alt+arrow23:39
envygeeksvanguard: Hmmm...I've never had that problems before, let me see if I can find a bug for it, you might need to submit one.23:40
RavenHursTTrying to get a shared folder to mount from my hsot OS... but the VBox module doesn't seem to be loading for some odd reason... http://pastebin.com/A3YHzUxQ23:40
peto_KNUBBIG, I prefer a key combination, better if it where the classic super + D23:40
KNUBBIGpeto_: you can bind the script to a key combination23:41
yaaari just installed libapache2-mod-suphp on 10.04LTS server, removed the symlinks at /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf and php5.load, created two for suphp.conf and suphp.load, and edited them to add support in userdirs. but i see that there's a section that turns off SuPHP for /usr/share ...which means my phpmyadmin installation doesn't work. but enabling php5.conf/load doesn't fix it, and...23:41
yaaar...it breaks the suphp stuff. can anybody explain to me how this is supposed to work?23:41
peto_Omega, that might work tough I'd prefer the key combination23:41
peto_ok Knio23:41
peto_ok KNUBBIG23:41
RavenHursTAnyone here have exp getting Files shared between a host OS and VM?23:41
taco_the_pacoE: Couldn't find package liblzo123:42
taco_the_paco halp please23:42
yaaaralso, in /etc/suphp/suphp.conf i have docroot=/var/www:${HOME}/public_html ...but the userdirs don't work unless i also put check_vhost_docroot=false ...shouldn't that :${HOME}/public_html bit make the userdirs work?23:42
jnlsnl_DISPER IS AWESOME <323:44
KNUBBIG!caps | jnlsnl_23:44
ubottujnlsnl_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:44
jnlsnl_But, i'm too happy for lowercase!23:45
bear_what re you shouting for ?23:46
xcyclistAnybody see that?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/602528/23:46
lucasSomeone who knows about ssd drives... Please... I have dd'ed on a drive. It disconnected without reason, and now after reconnecting it it shows the partitions I had before dd and is mounted read-only. What can I do?23:46
xcyclistI'd be glad to submit bugs, but launchpad isn't getting me to the new bug menu today, so I'll have to pass.23:47
LjL!bugs | xcyclist23:47
ubottuxcyclist: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:47
xcyclistThank you LjL.23:48
FHtrainhelp i want the clock to show the seconds. i click on 'time & date settings' and nothing happens23:48
tensorpuddingi'm running lintian on a package, and it's giving me "section-is-dh_make-template", but i don't know what it means and it doesn't seem to exist in lintian's documentation23:48
toadwhy oh why does Ubuntu 10.04 log me off?23:49
toadit seems different each time23:49
toadthe amoutn of time that is23:49
FloodBot1toad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:49
Ubuntuuser2011I have a strange problem with sleep. When my laptop wakes up from sleep some gtk apps do not work correctly. e..g parts of an app does not respond to mouse clicks. If I log out and log in back everything works fine again.  Is this an known issue?23:50
KNUBBIGtoad: it happens for me on 11.04 because sthing (Unity) crashes23:50
toadit shows a black screen prior to logging off, that shows some white text, it usually happens to fast and too random for me to really see whats happening23:50
toadrhrmm Knio23:50
RavenHursTArg.... can someone please help me get to the bottom of this? http://pastebin.com/nzch1SjY23:50
toadcould it be a result of something  crashing? Where could I look to check?23:50
RavenHursTI've created the folder through the vbox menus...23:51
cache_surplusquestion - i would like to know why exactly why 8.04 LTS loaded successfully while 10.10 did not on an older laptop. could someone enlighten me?23:51
Ubuntuuser2011cam some one help me?23:51
RavenHursTand I can see it in the bottom of the vbox window...  yet ubuntu can't see it..23:51
CamUbuntuuser2011, don't highlight me23:51
cache_surplustook 2 days to finally get install of Linux on a laptop23:51
jephey guys, my ubuntu boot isn't detecting my pcix ethernet card. when i do 'lshw -C network', it as well as the board's nic show up as 'DISABLED'. I do a 'sudo ifconfig eth1 up' (eth1 is the pcix nic), but still nothing and rebooting makes it disabled again. /etc/network/interfaces only contained the two 'lo' entries so i added ones for eth0 and eth1 (before reboot). Any ideas? I've been out23:51
jepfor like a week now.23:51
LjLCam: was obviously a typo.23:51
CamLjL, REALLY? Thanks captain obvious.23:52
LjL!attitude > cam    (cam, see the private message from ubottu)23:52
KNUBBIGRavenHursT: /sbin/mount.vboxsf exists?23:52
Ubuntuuser2011I have a strange problem with sleep. When my laptop wakes up from sleep some gtk apps do not work correctly. e..g parts of an app does not respond to mouse clicks. If I log out and log in back everything works fine again.  Is this an known issue?23:53
bear_FHtrain, try to system restart23:53
CamLjL, don't private message someoen without asking.23:53
KNUBBIG!attitude > Cam23:53
ubottuCam, please see my private message23:53
CamAnd LjL, I am here to help people too.23:53
LjLCam: this is the norm to use the bot in this channel. if you don't like it, leave.23:53
Cam!attitude LjL23:53
LjLCam: and it's NOT the norm to bash people for making a simple typo. pick a better nickname.23:53
Cam!attitude > LjL23:53
ubottuLjL, please see my private message23:53
RavenHursTKNUBBIG: I would assume so... I get this when I do sudo vboxsf.mount: http://pastebin.com/TUrNELBQ23:54
html_inprogressi do it all the time23:54
KNUBBIGsorry c&p in Putty23:54
html_inprogressso do i23:54
Ubuntuuser2011I need help23:55
H4x0rsbazhang, you23:55
html_inprogressthis is a place  for help, and comfort,23:55
jepshould I make a pastebin?23:55
KNUBBIGRavenHursT: hm looks like /mnt/host-fs is somehow non-existent, sorry, can't help you there23:56
CamSelf righteous punk.23:56
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cache_surplusRavenHursT: is mount.whatever actually there?23:56
bear_ FHtrain  try to update n restart23:56
Ubuntuuser2011can some one help me?23:57
Ubuntuuser2011I have a strange problem with sleep. When my laptop wakes up from sleep some gtk apps do not work correctly. e..g parts of an app does not respond to mouse clicks. If I log out and log in back everything works fine again.  Is this an known issue?23:57
cache_surplusRavenHursT: i dont know if you know, but you need to create the Directory first, then mount to it :)23:57
jephey guys, my ubuntu boot isn't detecting my pcix ethernet card. when i do 'lshw -C network', it as well as the board's nic show up as 'DISABLED'. I do a 'sudo ifconfig eth1 up' (eth1 is the pcix nic), but still nothing and rebooting makes it disabled again. /etc/network/interfaces only contained the two 'lo' entries so i added ones for eth0 and eth1 (before reboot). Any ideas? I've been out23:57
jepfor like a week now.23:57
soobNauceCan someone please send me a PM?  I need help decrypting and recovering data from my /home folder because the ubuntu 11 update bricked my netbook.23:58
html_inprogress...ohhh i havent dealt with that in years... but will try23:58
cache_surplusRavenHursT: are you working with VirtualBox?23:58
FHtrainbear_,  i just updated and restarted23:58
Ubuntuuser2011no one can help me?23:58
html_inprogress i said yes23:58
html_inprogressUbuntuuser2011,  how long have you  but using linux?, ar you new ?23:59
RavenHursTcache_surplus: yeah..23:59
cache_surplusRavenHursT: in cmdline only? i know its a pain sometimes, however, it works well if you get the syntax working right. what are you trying to do? explain? we know your mounting, but Vbox should already see those mounts once fired up. are you doing Headless ?23:59

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