
mandelmorning all!08:18
=== karthick1987 is now known as karthick87
karniGood morning!09:23
psypher246does anyone here know how to backup the full ubuntuone folder, configs and cache to another drive. i need to transfer all my data over quickly as the old drive is failing09:25
mandelpsypher246: is it really necesary to cakup that folder, I mean, if you re-add the new hd it will be downloaded again09:26
psypher246not really an option09:26
mandelpsypher246: oh, so it would be lots of data you mean09:26
psypher246yes :)09:26
mandelpsypher246: do you just have the u1 folder, or do you also have shares and folders outside?09:27
psypher246and i know it works, if i moved my whole home folder it will work, just don't want to do that09:27
psypher246no folders or shares outside09:27
psypher246just u1 and my userdetails and the cache so it doesn't reindex and want to upload everything again09:28
mandelpsypher246:  ok, you credentials are in the keyring, those you should be able to copy, although it should not be a problem09:28
psypher246thats not so much of a worry09:29
psypher246if i copy the right stuff and just log in it should all be there anyway right, regardless of the details being uin the keyring09:29
mandelpsypher246: second thing to think about is the metadata and the file, I believe (although I have not tired) that if you just copy the folder as it is you should have not problems, karni can you confirm this09:30
karnimandel: I think this is correct. Although I'm thinking if copying the metadata folder would even further improve the process09:30
mandelkarni: yes, I was about to comment that… is in a hidden folder, right?09:31
mandelpsypher246: ^09:31
karnimandel: :)09:31
mandelkarni: thx!09:31
karnimandel: np!09:31
psypher246so just copy ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon and Ubuntuone folder?09:31
mandelkarni: I've been to long focusing in other parts of the code that I forgot where those paths are hehehe09:31
karnipsypher246: if you turn on syncdaemon, I think it should do a local rescan, server rescan, and compare and see that things are the same09:32
mandelpsypher246: yes, that should do the trick, but you should be careful regarding the order, I mean, make sur you copy the data before you start the syncdaemon09:32
karnipsypher246: I haven't done this before, but I'm quite sure this is what you need09:32
karniright! turn off the syncdaemon first09:32
karnipsypher246: ↑09:32
karnipsypher246: u1sdtool -d disconnects from u1, u1sdtool -c connects09:33
mandelpsypher246: so the order is, turn of daemon (if you already got new creds in the new hd) copy metadata and u1 folder, turn on sd09:33
mandelpsypher246: but I'd back up everything first ;)09:34
karnimandel: does he need to copy the credentials? can't he just copy meta + content, and then add the machine to u1?09:34
psypher246ok so i should log in to the new hd but once it;'s logged in sto[p the syncd and then copy09:34
karnimandel: (I'm not proficient in this either ;) )09:34
mandelkarni: yes, creds should not be needed, sso will launch to ask them09:34
karnipsypher246: have you added the machine to u1 already?09:34
psypher246no not yet09:34
karnipsypher246: if not, the syncdaemon won't start :)09:34
psypher246it has the same name09:35
karnipsypher246: so yes. log in, u1sdtool --disconnect, copy meta, copy content09:35
mandelpsypher246: yes, but since it does not have the creds, it will ask for them again, it always check in the keyring09:35
psypher246thanks guys09:35
karnipsypher246: log in to u1, and (if you need manually), u1sdtool --connect09:35
mandelpsypher246: np09:35
mandelask if you have any problems, if we are lucky rye would be here09:36
mandelhe is waaaay better than karni or me on this things09:36
psypher246yeah he's a wiz09:36
karniyeah :D he knows pretty much anything you'd ask09:36
psypher246but i think thisis right09:36
mandelhe pushes the limits of u in the userspace all the time, we are just code monkeys ;)09:36
mandelsome of us we are more monkey like than the others hehe09:37
mandelkarni: wil you be at uds?09:39
karnimandel: sadly, but no :<09:40
mandelkarni: oh, Iguess that is because you are at mobile, am I right?09:40
karnimandel: yes well, they're sending me to Buenos Aires and London, and I reflected a little late on UDS09:40
mandelI really will just be there to complain and scream: NO NO NO, that will brake the windows port!!!!09:41
karniin theory I could sponsor myself and go, in practice I have some arrangements already, and I have to keep up with college as well (I was focusing mainly on the Android app heh ;P )09:41
karnimandel: hahah :D09:41
mandelkarni: oh, true I've heard about you and college, if you do not finish it I wont talk to you again 'til you do hehehe ;)09:42
karnimandel: hahah :)09:42
mandelkarni: I was holding a spoon while I typed that09:42
karnimandel: is it a metaphor or I should read it litterally ;] ?09:43
karniI'm not *that* good at English :)09:43
* karni scans the inbox09:43
mandelkarni: litterally, I do kill people with spoon while they are sleeping, I've threaten most of the team already, I think _cparrino and _Chipaca are the only ones left by now :)09:44
czajkowskimandel: how charming!09:44
karnimandel: hahah, now I'm afraid of your spoon as well o_O09:46
mandelyou should be (evil laughs)09:46
duanedesignmornin all10:07
karnihi duanedesign10:11
psypher246mandel: hi, syncdaemon keeps reconnecting by itself and now this pc wants to upload 1000's of files which i strated copying over10:14
mandelpsypher246: do you have the credentials on the machine?10:15
mandelpsypher246: remove them, that way the daemon wont be able to connect, copy the files and laucnh the guy10:15
psypher246so how o i remove them?10:15
mandelpsypher246: launchit with no credentials so that it asks for new ones10:15
psypher246delete all the u1 folders and keyring and starrt again?10:16
mandelpsypher246: via seahorse10:16
mandelpsypher246: yes10:16
mandelI'd do that, as long as you have a back up of your files we are save to play this way10:16
mandelI dont want to d anything that would make you loose data10:16
psypher246yeah the old files and partition is still there10:17
ralsinagood morning11:07
ralsinamandel; ping?11:07
mandelralsina: pong11:07
ralsinahola manuel11:07
mandelralsina: hola, q tal? ya en i horario11:08
ralsinamandel: no, con insomnio nomás11:08
mandelralsina: ups bad typing there :)11:08
mandelralsina: ouch, fancy some reviews :)11:08
mandelthat will make you fall sleep11:08
ralsinamandel: so, I have been useless as help for you on actual coding :-(11:08
mandelralsina: by the way, we really need to consider to simplify our code at some point11:08
ralsinamandel: I feel like crap about that11:09
ralsinamandel: oh, yes11:09
ralsinamandel: I even think both things are somewhat connected ;-)11:09
mandelralsina: dont worry too much I can cope with that, you not coding too much :P11:11
ralsinamandel: but I let you down, and all I can say is that I am sorry and I will make it up eventually11:11
ralsinamandel: in any case, where are we riight now?11:11
mandelralsina: but a careful though about what the hell we are doing would be nice, there seems not to be a clean global design and people keep adding abstracion layers for things that are not reused and will not change11:12
mandelralsina: we are at me getting sd running with sso and doing sync after lunch, also finding a nice way to add funny paths to windows via this technique: http://www.java2s.com/Open-Source/Python/Windows/pyExcelerator/pywin32-214/com/win32com/test/testStorage.py.htm11:12
ralsinamandel: I would love to discuss this with everyone in a session, either on the full team sprint or at UDS11:13
ralsinaso... a friday release of some kind is possible?11:13
mandelralsina: it will just work in NTFS systems, but if you are using FAT you should be insulted by as many people as  possible :)11:13
mandelralsina: yes, even today with no control panel :)11:13
ralsinatoday with no cntrol panel would be good11:13
ralsinaI can explain having no control panel ;-)11:14
mandelralsina: then today with no control panel it is, anyway we only have the mock up from clarita and no work from lissete yet :)11:14
mandelralsina: yes, mothers day :P11:14
ralsinaI will be leaving for budapest tomorrow11:15
mandelralsina: I'll paste the branches to review in a pm message11:15
ralsinabut I will try to work in actual code today, mgmt be damned11:15
mandelralsina: are you taking the entire family with you?11:15
ralsinathey are going to estambul in 2 weeks11:15
ralsinaand I meet them there11:15
ralsinathen I go from estambul to london for the sprint11:16
mandeloh, nice11:16
ralsinait's actually our honeymoon11:16
ralsinawith kid and mother in law, but hey, it's better than nothing ;-)11:16
mandelralsina: really? I mean the actual honey moon?11:16
ralsinawe didn't have one when we got married11:17
mandelralsina: oh, well at least you have one now11:17
mandelralsina: by the way is fagan on holidays?11:17
ralsinahe's not supposed to be ;-)11:18
ralsinahe was not feeling well last week, maybe he's sick11:18
mandelralsina: oh, well, we will miss his reviews11:18
* ralsina gets the rubberstamp11:18
mandelralsina: haha dont worry too much a package can be made and just say it has not landed yet, not big deal11:19
ralsinayes, we can work on your branches11:19
ralsinaas long as we don't taangle them again11:19
mandelralsina: everything should be nice now… I think :)11:20
mandelralsina: FYI Hungarian currency is forints11:20
mandelfrom aq hahaha he tried to get eurs :P11:20
ralsinajust saw the email :-)11:20
ralsinaI am taking dollars. Everyone likes dollars and I am arriving on a working day so there should be open exchanges11:21
ralsinabesides I suspect the peso/forint exchange here is not going to be good11:21
ralsinamandel: what day are you arriving at budapest?11:22
mandelralsina: sunday  few hours before the canonical talk11:22
mandelralsina: by the way if you have time, can you gem me a sim card for that country?11:23
mandelwith data and all the typical things :)11:23
mandelralsina: muchas gracias!11:23
ralsinaThat's pretty much my plan for wednesday: change money, get sim cards :-)11:23
mandelralsina: I've decide to make a small collection of them so that if I even go back to that country I already have it11:24
mandelalthough I dont think it will happen again...11:24
ralsinaI have everything (coins sim card and oyster card) in a nice "London" envelope :-)11:24
mandelralsina: I did the exact same thing, and all that in my laptop bag11:26
mandelif we get more and speaking spanish whenever we get in the USA they will think we work for a cartel of some kind11:26
ralsinawe the isle of man cartel, bro!11:29
mandelralsina: I'm really considering that, here taxes or people that work are going crazy we have up to 20% of unemployment, and someone has to pay for that...11:30
ralsinawell june is a reasonable time to do it ;-)11:30
mandelindeed… thankfully this is in eng and on irc, and as numb3rs mentioned, there is no way to know what we talked about11:31
* mandel waves at the spanish authorities11:32
ralsinaoh my god,I heard a screenshot being taken!11:32
duanedesigndid i hear eschelon connecting?11:33
mandelralsina: shit, I hope the do not have time to write a GUI in VB o track our ip!!!!11:33
ralsinaI think they are trying to cnnect boxes into a larger box as in swordfish111:34
mandelI'm preaty sure that is how they caught bin laden11:35
duanedesign<.<  >.>11:36
mandelduanedesign: your breasts look funny11:37
mandel'cause that are breasts, right?11:38
mandelI mean not fisically, but the ascii thing…11:38
mandelyou know what I mean11:38
* mandel maybe broke several parts of the code of conduct,,11:38
duanedesignalmost spat my coffee on the computer screen11:39
ralsinaok, I am taking the kid to school, then reviews?11:39
duanedesignmandel: was printing the group pic from laast UDS. I should of stod on the pillars with you guys, or got closer, can barely see me.11:40
mandelralsina: sure, did you get them through the private message?11:42
ralsinayep, got'em11:42
mandelduanedesign: yes, I even jumped and nearly killed myself hehe11:43
faganhey all11:43
* mandel looks at the dog, he just puked yellow on mandels foot11:43
* mandel goes to clean floor11:43
faganralsina: im off today its a national holiday11:43
duanedesignhello fagan11:43
faganmandel: :/11:43
faganhey duanedesign11:43
ralsinahi fagan, ok11:44
ralsinafagan: do you have access to canonicaladmin?11:44
faganralsina: I dont know11:44
faganI havent tried11:44
ralsinafagan: good answer :-)11:44
ralsinafagan: if you do, you are supposed to load the national holidays there11:44
ralsinaif you don't then you are not ;-)11:44
faganralsina: could you pm me the link11:45
faganill give it a try11:45
faganralsina: whats the url of the admin site or is it just canonicaladmin?11:48
faganill give it a look and see if I can use it11:49
faganralsina: ok looks like I cant get in11:50
ralsinafagan: then forget about it, but remember to send me an email11:51
ralsinasometimes I forget things if I just see them on IRC11:51
faganralsina: sure11:51
faganI forgot about it myself11:51
* mandel walks god & tries to find food12:00
teknicomandel, I didn't know he/she needed to be walked ;-D12:00
* karni duanedesign anything new from Veronika? did she make contact?12:02
psypher246mandel: hi, i have now copied all the data over and started the login process, all it states is syncing in progress, no data is uploading or downloading. if you check here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602208/ u will see some more info and a sample of the log12:09
duanedesignpsypher246: what do you get from:  u1sdtool --waiting | wc -l12:11
psypher246hi duanedesign, i get : 2900012:14
psypher246find ~/Ubuntu\ One/ -type f | wc -l12:14
duanedesignpsypher246: yeah waiting is a combination of both the content and metadata queus12:15
psypher246so will it just see that all the correct data is there and re-upload everything?12:16
duanedesignpsypher246: did you replace the contents of your Ubuntu One folder?12:18
psypher246yes, i copied .local/share/ubuntuone and Ubuntu\ One over from old drive and logged into U112:18
psypher246shit i emant NOT re-upload everything12:19
psypher246i thought it was just going to log in, see nothing has changed and be synced, this re-indexing isworrying me12:20
duanedesignpsypher246: and your ~UBuntu\ One folder?12:20
psypher246yes, i copied .local/share/ubuntuone and Ubuntu\ One over12:21
psypher246used rsync -ar12:21
duanedesignThe Ubuntu One folder in your Home12:21
duanedesignyou need both the metadata and the data12:21
psypher246Ubuntu\ One12:22
psypher246but when i first tried i had already logged in once then, did u1dstool --disconnect and u1dstool -q and started the copy, then by itself syncdaemon came on(i have12:25
psypher246and started syncing12:25
psypher246the i killed everything12:25
psypher246removed my saved creds12:25
psypher246and deleted all u1 folders and staretd all over again12:25
karniI'm here12:26
* karni reads12:26
psypher246then i copied first and then logged in and thats where i am now12:26
karnipsypher246: ok, so - what you want to avoid is removing ~/Ubuntu One when syncdaemon is on. there was a bug once (I think it's fixed but not sure)12:27
karnipsypher246: in this situation it thinkgs you deleted everything, so it starts wiping your cloud storage12:28
karnipsypher246: so, I think that it's a good idea if you would12:28
psypher246oh yipee12:28
karnidisconnect your ubuntu one on your primary computer first12:28
karnipsypher246: to make sure it doesn't start to sync "removing stuff" to your primary computer12:28
karnipsypher246: let me look at the logs, brb12:28
psypher246whats disconnects it for good?12:28
duanedesignto disconnect for good you can remove the token12:29
karnipsypher246: good question, I didn't expect it to pop on on it's own :/12:30
psypher246token in seahorse?12:30
duanedesignfrom Password and Encryption Keys12:30
karnipsypher246: yes12:30
psypher246k did disconnect and deleted key12:30
karnipsypher246: are the ubuntu version the same on both computers?12:31
psypher246yes both natty12:31
karnipsypher246: ok, if you removed the token on your primary computer, your data is now safe locally.12:31
karnipsypher246: did you remove the ~/Ubuntu One folder from the secondary computer?12:31
karnipsypher246: did you log in with U1 on the secondary computer?12:32
karniok. what's the status of copying meta and content to the secondary?12:32
karniall in place? some gone when syncdaemon kicked in ?12:33
karniI did see some unlink(s) in the log, which worries me a bit (That's why I wanted to disconnect your primary computer)12:33
psypher246ok wait, primary is the one i am trying to get working right, secondary is the old backup?12:33
karnipsypher246: let's call primary the one you have your original data on, secondary the one you want to set up now12:34
karnipsypher246: the new implementation of u1-client on natty should notice your data is already in the cloud - so that's what we're aming at12:34
karniduanedesign: I'm thinking if we should copy the meta data. Perhaps u1 could do the local rescan on it's own. It shouldn't upload anything that is already in the cloud.12:35
karniIt would reindex everything and compute the hashes as well.12:35
karnirye: you might be on holiday (or not), but we could use some of your super powers12:36
psypher246ok just to clarify, the primary computer is still in tact. i ahve not deleted or logged into that session, since doing this12:36
karnirye: question: user wants to copy 35GB of data into another computer's Ubuntu One folder12:37
psypher246no don't make rye work on holiday12:37
karnipsypher246: perfect. we want to keep your data safe.12:37
karnipsypher246: did you copy the data over to the secondary?12:37
psypher246did i use the right rsync command, maybe loose some info whihc triggered the rescan12:37
psypher246yes i copied al with rsync -ar12:38
karnipsypher246: what's u1sdtool -s ? disconnected?12:39
psypher246State: READY12:39
psypher246    connection: Not User With Network12:39
psypher246    description: ready to connect12:39
psypher246    is_connected: False12:39
psypher246    is_error: False12:39
psypher246    is_online: False12:39
psypher246    queues: WORKING12:39
karnifirst line was enough ;)12:39
karnipsypher246: did you copy the metadata as well?12:40
karnipsypher246: sorry, phone calls. I would suggest connecting to ubuntu one and let it go. you can track u1sdtool --status and --waiting-meta12:44
psypher246so the unlink message are nothing to worry about?12:45
karnipsypher246: and if the tail of log file that you have attached to the pastebin contains any "unlink" strings, you can u1sdtool --disconnect and let us know12:45
psypher246it does yes12:45
karni1 sec12:45
psypher246they are all unlink12:46
karnipsypher246: can you confirm in the webUI that files have been removed? any of the once contained in the log?12:46
karnipsypher246: https://one.ubuntu.com/files12:47
karnipsypher246: oh, btw. next time try u1sdtool --waiting instead of u1sdtool --waiting-meta (sorry, this is deprecated)12:48
karnipsypher246: ok, call me by nick if you have any more info on that. sucks a little so many ppl are on holiday today.12:52
psypher246it's all directories, for now those directories are still there12:52
ryelooks like it is stuck, based on pastebin12:53
ryewhich is really weird12:53
karnipsypher246: was this a tail or head of the log file? (I see a C^ at the end)12:53
ryei am now investigating a boot issue in bug #756564 which has took me half a day yesterday to investigate so I am living in the VM during the national holiday12:54
ubot4`Launchpad bug 756564 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ater Maverick to Natty upgrade, grub won't boot and displays "symbol not found : 'grub_env_export'" (affects: 6) (heat: 28)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75656412:54
karnirye: :D12:54
karniohhh crap, that looks nasty12:54
ryereproduced on the VM12:56
ryeInstallations with two hard drives are affected12:56
ryeseverely affected12:56
ryei'd say this is a real showstopper12:56
karnirye: =<12:57
psypher246rye thats the end of the file12:58
psypher246full log12:58
ryekarni, see here: http://u1.rtg.in.ua/p/q37/12:59
ryekarni, i am going to mail about this host details to ubunet discuss soon, this is my attempt to see how filenames can be used in public files, it just proxies the u1 public files13:00
karnirye: sweet13:01
karnirye: you know how to force local rescan with hash recomputation? is deleting metadata a good idea?13:03
ryekarni, hm, --refresh-volume=volume-id maay trigger the sync, but looks like local rescan is only performed on startup13:03
karnipsypher246: you only use ~/Ubuntu One (no other synced folders), right?13:03
ryekarni, and --refresh-volume='' for root volume13:04
karnipsypher246: go to your secondary, and try u1sdtool --refresh-volume=''13:05
karnipsypher246: let me know if it complains that it's disconnected13:05
psypher246which volume?13:06
karnipsypher246: volume '' means ~/Ubuntu One13:06
ryepsypher246, '' = "" = empty string for ~/Ubuntu One13:06
karniu1sdtool --refresh-volume=''13:06
* rye upgrades from maverick to natty then...13:07
psypher246u1sdtool: error: --refresh-volumes option does not take a value13:07
ryepsypher246, sorry13:07
ryepsypher246, --rescan-from-scratch=volume-id13:08
ryekarni, ^13:08
* rye is wired to grub now13:08
karnirye: ah that's what I had in mind! :) thanks13:08
karnipsypher246: u1sdtool --rescan-from-scratch=''13:08
ryepsypher246, by the way, so you know all the removals of the files that come from the server are result in local files being moved to xdg trash folder, not unlinked completely13:11
ryethis can be changed in the config but i think it will be described during this or next week in a big blog post from joshua13:11
duanedesignkarni: sorry neighbors dog got out. Chased it for 3 blocks :P Thanks for taking over with psypher.13:11
duanedesignmorning rye13:12
ryeduanedesign, morning13:12
duanedesignrye: hope your feeling better this week :)13:12
ryeduanedesign, have you seen reports about bug #75656413:12
ubot4`Launchpad bug 756564 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ater Maverick to Natty upgrade, grub won't boot and displays "symbol not found : 'grub_env_export'" (affects: 6) (heat: 28)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75656413:12
ryeduanedesign, yes, and today is a holiday and I am chasing this ^13:12
duanedesignrye: ahh, i think we had a fellow in #ubuntu-beginners last night with this13:13
ryeduanedesign, not a beginner issue at all :(... do you recall whether he indicated he had 2 hard drives?13:15
ryeor more13:15
duanedesignrye: darn [s]he did not say.13:20
karnipsypher246: so, if you've done this, I would try to reconnect to u1 and see what's u1sdtool --waiting (meta is what is of interest to you) and if it's unlinking any files (it shouldn't)13:26
karnipsypher246: I don't know much more than this TBH13:26
psypher246kami: that outputs a lot of stuff13:32
karnipsypher246: good. you just have to watch out for unlinks logged by syncdaemon once you connect13:33
psypher246yes they are all unlinks13:33
karnipsypher246: I guess you'll have to wait for a non-holiday day when rye is out of VM and has more time. Will you make it 1-2 days without U1 ?13:39
karnipsypher246: I did my best, but this is as far as I can help.13:39
psypher246yeah man no problem13:40
psypher246thats anyway13:40
karnipsypher246: please keep your U1 disconnected on primary computer, if anything is gone from the cloud, I wouldn't want it to sync down and remove your stuff.13:41
psypher246cool will do13:42
ralsinadobey mandel thisfred standup in 10'13:50
ralsinanessita is on a plane, fagan is on national holiday13:50
* dobey is on a boat13:50
* ralsina is on a chair13:51
mandeldobey: so zombies can't swim, right? I knew it!!!13:51
thisfredmandel: they can walk along the bottom of the ocean very slowly though13:52
mandelthisfred: but I though they needed air, don't they?13:53
thisfredDon't think so13:53
dobeywhy would the dead need to breathe?13:53
thisfredI've never seen someone fight zombies by putting plastic bags over their heads13:53
dobeywell plastic bags tear pretty easily13:54
mandeldobey: why do dead need to eat? I don't know...13:54
dobeyand they aren't as fun as shotguns13:54
mandelbut we all agree they can\t float, right?13:54
dobeydo they weigh the same as a duck?13:54
mandelif it is a zomby duck yes, otherwise it weight a little less than the original animal13:55
mandelso, a zomby cat < cat, zomby dog < dog13:55
thisfreddo ducks have souls?13:55
dobeya witch! a witch!13:55
thisfredI'm glad we got this important issue worked out before standup13:56
mandelyes, it has been in my head most of the weekend13:56
* alecu goes fetch the backlog13:57
mandelunless some bastard makes a tv show called 'the swimming dead'13:57
alecugood day, all!13:57
mandelthat would be a tragedy!13:57
mandelalecu: morning13:57
* dobey writes a script and sells it to hollywood13:58
ralsinaalecu: forgot to invite you to standup. BTW: standup is now? ;-)14:00
ralsinamandel, go?14:02
mandelDONE: More IPC on windows. Wondered why we have some many layers and dbus interfaces in our code.14:03
mandelTODO: Finish the creds management tool port to windows (yes, there is another sso abstraction). Create first installer of port with no control panel.14:03
mandelBLOCKED: no, but had a serious WTF when obama/usama was killed.14:03
mandelthisfred, watch out, cachier zomby on your right14:03
thisfredDONE: not sure TODO: Prepare for UDS, depending on what sessions get accepted. (do we need to do something more to get them approved?) BLOCKED: no, let me know if I can help anyone with anything NEXT: ralsina14:03
ralsinaDONE: not much, except administrivia and trip preparation14:04
ralsinaTODO: it doesn't fit in this margin14:04
ralsinaBLOCKED: slightly but it's all my fault14:04
dobeyλ DONE: bug #77365414:04
dobeyλ TODO: finish nightlies fixes, maverick/lucid SRUs14:04
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:04
ubot4`Launchpad bug 773654 in tarmac "Should count 'Pending' reviews, for use in votes criteria (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77365414:04
dobeynow alecu14:04
alecuDONE: FRIDAY! got repeatedly punched in the face by python-evolution while playing with a contact-picker lens prototype. On the plus side got the germ of it kinda working.14:05
alecuTODO: canonicaladmin. Then, discuss blueprints? find sightseeings in budapest? more prototyping?14:05
alecuBLOCKED: no14:05
alecuNOTE: I'll be out around 15.30ART (18.30GMT) for about 2.5 hours14:05
* karni walks the dog14:05
thisfredalecu: did you get some/any of your blueprints accepted? I wonder if I'm missing a step14:08
aleculet's check14:08
thisfredmaybe I'm just impatient14:08
dobeyi'm impatient14:09
thisfredlooks like no14:09
mandelnot the greatest song ever, but within the topic14:11
alecuthisfred, right: no blueprints approved yet. We should ping jason14:11
dobeywhy did people create blueprints on ubuntuone projects?14:11
* ralsina goes to finish his darn blueprint14:11
thisfredI wondered if I should, but I did everything under ubuntu14:12
ralsinadobey: you mean jono?14:12
dobeyit's supposed to be on ubuntu14:12
dobeyralsina: no, i mean chipaca, urbanape, and alecu; though the one alecu made there doesn't really need a blueprint. it's more just a bug.14:13
ralsinadobey: ok14:13
mandeldobey: do you know where I can find a good glib documentation for avahi?14:14
dobeybut urbanape's and Chipaca's are approved14:15
dobeymandel: /usr/share/doc/?14:15
dobeyi don't know, i'm just guessing.14:17
mandeldobey: I did look at that one and is kinda shit, I was wondering if there was a more in depth one… well I can do with that14:18
dobeymandel: i have no idea; but i doubt it14:18
mandeldobey: I'll ask rodrigo_ where he found more info..14:19
dobeythisfred: i see lots of approved blueprints on the schedule now14:20
thisfreddobey: ours, though?14:21
dobeythisfred: yes14:21
thisfredstill wondering if the blueprints were filed differently from mine and alecu's then14:21
thisfredor if we're just in the backlog14:22
dobeythisfred: i don't know what you mean, but yours and alecu's are on the schedule14:22
dobeythisfred: are you looking for one in particular?14:22
thisfredoh, because the blueprints all say New and Undefined14:22
* thisfred looks in the right place14:23
dobeythisfred: if there is a green check next to the "uds-o" under "Sprints" on the blueprint page, it has been approved for the sprint14:23
dobeythisfred: the rest of the stuff is supposed to be discussed and defined at UDS :)14:24
thisfreddobey: well only one of mine has that14:24
thisfredbut at least I know I didn't do it wrong then14:24
karniI'm back.14:25
dobeyi only see one of mine too14:26
alecuthisfred, it looks like they are being approved as we speak14:26
urbanapedobey: what's wrong with it?14:27
dobeyurbanape: it's on ubuntuone-servers instead of ubuntu; but i suppose for yours it doesn't matter really either, since it's a roundtable discussion thing14:28
urbanapeyeah, its abnout the APIs we want to expose.14:29
urbanapeIt should probably be tied to a non-private project, though.14:29
urbanapeI agree14:29
urbanapeanyhoo. gotta run. I'll be back on shortly.14:29
dobeyalso; you should probably subscribe to the blueprints you registered with "participation essential" on :)14:30
thisfreddobey: yeah, I noticed that too late, but I can't seem to change it now14:31
thisfreddobey: ah nevermind, you can do it with unsubscribe14:33
dobeyyeah, the UX for it sucks but it's possible ;)14:37
rodrigo_mandel, what you want to ask me?14:48
mandelrodrigo_: I was looking for docksof the avahi api in glib14:48
rodrigo_mandel, not much really available14:49
rodrigo_http://avahi.org/wiki/ProgrammingDocs is what I found14:49
mandelrodrigo_: yes, kinda crappy14:49
mandelrodrigo_: one more thing, I think you forgot to use avahi_set_allocator (avahi_glib_allocator ());14:50
rodrigo_best thing is to look at the source code examples14:50
rodrigo_yes, probably14:50
mandeli think you need to tell avahi to use g_malloc and g_free14:50
mandelrodrigo_: want me to do a small branch with that?14:50
mandelis a one liner :P14:50
mandelso adding a new branch might be an overkill hehe14:51
rodrigo_mandel, yes, please :-)14:51
rodrigo_just a patch is enough14:51
mandelrodrigo_: ok, will send it later by mail14:51
dobeywhy are you guys discussing avahi at all? :)14:56
dobeyman, why don't people take 30 seconds to research names before starting projects?15:11
fagandobey: what name is bugging you?15:16
faganI hate projects named after peoples names15:16
dobeyfagan: oh i just saw a media player called pogo15:17
dobeywell music player15:17
dobeyit lokos like norton commander in gtk+15:17
faganthats not so bad :)15:17
dobeysure it is15:18
dobeyconsidering pogo.com15:18
dobeyalso, pogo sticks have nothing to do with music15:18
thisfreddobey: well, unless you like very bouncy music15:19
thisfredsay gabber :)15:19
dobeygabber the jabber client?15:20
fagandobey: you obviously have never been to a club there they bounce up and down15:20
dobeyfagan: i have, and they don't play arcade fire at said club15:20
thisfreddobey: gabber the extremely bad Dutch style of "house" music15:20
CardinalFangI adore the language "Go".  If only Google Inc has some way of searching for name badness...15:20
dobeypo' go15:21
thisfredis that the language with fried oysters?15:21
CardinalFangbeuno, did the file scan ever finish, to extract metadata from music?  I'm looking at bug #741066 .15:28
ubot4`Launchpad bug 741066 in ubuntuone-servers "Some songs aren't scanned and show up as unknown (affects: 7) (dups: 3) (heat: 46)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74106615:28
beunoCardinalFang, no, we need to kick off a re-scan, and look into why some songs aren't scanned properly15:28
beunoI've delegated that over to pfibiger15:28
CardinalFangbeuno, okay.  I'll add a note in the bug.15:29
CardinalFangkarni, it looks like the target for the files app is disappeared from the Android SDK now.  2.0 and 2.0.1 are gone.  Docs don't say why, but list them under "Other Platforms".  Should we bump this to 2.1 now?  It could be possible to go back to 1.6 maybe.  Several code changes to make though. :(15:50
karniCardinalFang: w00t, that's new o_O Is today 4th of April? No.. what the heck15:51
karnilet me think15:51
karniCardinalFang: yes, we're using some code from 2.0 . I'd say, let's do this for 2.1 and then do some backward compatibility work for 1.6 (this is possible, but indeed needs some changes)15:53
CardinalFangkarni, really, over 1.6, AFAICT, only some Service methods and constants are unique to 2.0+.  stopForeground()  startForeground()  Service.START_STICKY.15:53
karniCardinalFang: right, and GD works fine on 1.6, I just can't tell from the top of my head if I haven't used a 2.0 bit somewhere else as well. Yes, I'm for doing this for 1.6, just not at the moment. If we're ready for release, then we can take 1-2 days to play with backward compatibility.15:55
karniCardinalFang: How about that?15:55
karniWhy the heck I can't override stopSelf(). Android is sometimes trying to be way to clever.15:57
CardinalFangBe sure to use @Override decorator.15:57
CardinalFang...for warnings.15:57
karniCardinalFang: yes, I'm using them. (on a side note, stopSelf() is final and for a moment I was considering using an IntentService with a twist - two threads)15:58
karni*I will do my best to use them15:58
karniEclipse sometimes complains about these Overrides, I have *no* clue why.15:59
dobeylunch time, bbiab16:35
mandelalecu: ping16:36
faganmandel: so any reviews for me I dont mind doing it today if you need something16:55
mandelfagan: there are a couple, but I wont let you work on a free day, you can do them tom :)16:56
faganhah mandel well I missed work today I was just reading a book so bored :D16:56
faganalthough I could be busier in work but hey I cant complain16:56
mandelfagan: spend the day doing anything but work, at some point you will start working to much and you will hate the dammed thing16:58
faganmandel: hah yeah your right :d17:11
mandelI'm off for some coffee and to wlak the dog, I'l be back later17:16
faganthat reminds me I need to buy some coffee17:18
hallynrye: hi, for ecryptfs files workign nicely with ubuntuone, I opened up bug 773260.  Can you confirm one more time, is it the IN_CLOSED_WRITE event that the ubuntu one client looks for to initiate a sync?17:35
ubot4`Launchpad bug 773260 in linux (Ubuntu) "ecryptfs never releases the lower file (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77326017:35
ryefacundobatista, ^17:36
CardinalFangRock.  "gtk+2.0-2.24.4/modules/other/gail/gailtreeview.c:2309:idle_expand_row: code should not be reached"  Aborted17:45
facundobatistarye, creepy (?)17:45
facundobatistarye, also, tried to do the same steps, but did "python -m pyinotify" in the src directory, then did "echo hi > g", and it started receiving a zillion events like:17:46
facundobatista   <Event dir=False mask=0x2 maskname=IN_MODIFY name=vteGN9JUV path=/tmp pathname=/tmp/vteGN9JUV wd=1 >17:46
facundobatistarye, but always with a different name17:46
ryefacundobatista, python -m pyinotify <directory>17:49
ryefacundobatista, vte thing is gnome-terminal's17:49
facundobatistarye, mmm.. see: https://pastebin.canonical.com/47006/17:50
facundobatistarye, I received the close write ok17:50
hallynfacundobatista: that's with writing to tgt/gg ?17:52
facundobatistahallyn, no, src/gg17:52
hallynfacundobatista: ah, ok.17:52
facundobatistahallyn, if you do "sudo mount -t ecryptfs src tgt"17:53
facundobatistahallyn, which is the encrypted dir?17:53
hallynsrc is the encrypted lower dir17:53
hallyntgt is the plaintext one meant to be used17:53
hallynso i have src under Ubuntu\ One, and tgt elsewhere17:54
facundobatistahallyn, and your idea is to have tgt somewhere, no matter where, and put src under Ubuntu One17:54
facundobatistathat, exactly17:54
facundobatistaah, exactly, reproduced the situation with "python -m pyinotify ."17:55
hallynit's what i've been doing for months.  but contents don't get synced very often :)17:55
facundobatistanop :p17:55
hallynnever heard of 'python -m pyinotify' - that's pretty cool17:55
hallyni gotta run for awhile, bbl17:56
=== hallyn is now known as hallyn_afk
ryefacundobatista, http://paste.ubuntu.com/602380/17:56
facundobatistarye, yeap17:58
dobeyapparently i have a lot of pending updates to install :-/18:23
duanedesigndobey: ugh, glad you said something. I have been putting mine off for a couple days. Better do them know before it gets any worse18:40
duanedesignrye: ping18:40
dobeyduanedesign: yeah, it is downloading pretty slowly here :(18:44
* alecu will be back in 2.30 hours aprox.19:37
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
CardinalFangRock.  SEGV in JRE.21:24
karniCardinalFang: relating to SEGV - I managed to crash Android with one null passed to notification service.21:59
dobeylater all22:07
=== hallyn_afk is now known as hallyn

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