
ScottLckontros, i'm around now and inside for the evening, hit me with what you need00:54
ScottLholstein, that's the problem, i think only schotastic has access to the content on the website00:54
ScottLholstein, other than that he would need to update the -website package00:54
holsteinScottL: we need you to be able to give access to the site01:17
holsteinespecially when we have a willing volunteer01:17
holsteinckontros: o/01:24
holsteini think everyone really likes the new splash screen ckontros 01:24
ScottLholstein, we need to be clear what access we want to grant01:28
ScottLif someone wants to change the structure of the site, i.e. the .php files etc then that i believe is the -website package, anyone can propose a change to that, it's open to anyone01:28
ScottLif someone want to edit content, then they need to ask for it from canonical, i can't control that01:29
ckontrosIs the new logo used in the new splash? Screenshots? :)01:47
ckontrosSome tinkering: http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/1209/screenshot0501201108493.jpg I found a XFWM theme that was close to the old Studio one. I'm just tinkering with it. Not gonna use it for final. I still wanna maintain the GNOME one but add a XFWM one that matches perfectly. But this is pretty much the layout for AWN Im thinking. Everything is already packaged. Just have to see how to set defaults.01:55
ckontros(still not set on an icon theme)01:57
ckontrosScottL: Will you prep something for planet regarding the switch to XFCE or would you rather I do it?02:00
ckontrosScottL: I have also subscribed to the xubuntu-devel list to announce our move and pick their brainz.02:03
ckontrosTime for bed. Ill stay connected for msgs.02:19
ScottLckontros, i can do the planet post02:42
ScottLit's just been a rather full weekend, but i can do it during this week02:42
ckontrosScottL: I need to know what cmd you use to push to ubuntustudio-default-settings. "bzr push lp:ubuntustudio-default-settings" wont work and If I look at the code page on LP is says I cant upload. Please look into if I need some new permissions. Or maybe my push code is wrong. IDK.03:43
ScottLckontros, do you have the correct ssh key?03:44
ScottL    bzr push lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-default-settings/UbuntuStudio03:45
ScottLtry that ckontros 03:45
ScottLckontros, when i had trouble pushing in bzr it was because i didn't have a current sshkey, i had to make a new one04:05
holsteinScottL: you still up?05:06
holsteini just wanted to give kokito a chance to update that information05:06
holsteinwe keep getting email list comments05:06
holsteinand i think we are the last to not have our site updated05:07
holsteinfor 11.0405:07
ScottLholstein, kokito cannot have access to the website at this point05:12
ScottLholstein, he will need to contact canonical to be given access05:12
ScottLholstein, the same method that i am attempting to go through05:13
holsteinScottL: i see05:13
holsteinyou're trying to get it05:13
ScottLif stochastic doesn't come through soon on updating it then it will probably be when we go live with the new, updated website on our own hosting before we can update the news05:13
holsteinthats cool05:13
ScottLholstein, i've BEEN trying to get it for since last release05:13
ScottLit's madening05:13
holsteinScottL: not cool05:14
ScottLor maddening05:14
holsteinmaybe we should get a graner on the case?05:14
holsteinask amber to get loud or something05:14
ScottLi'm going to update the request this week and make that same comment "i applied for access last release because we needed to update the website to people knew we had released, and now i STILL need access for the next release"05:14
holsteinyeah, *this* release05:15
ScottLgetting amber involved would be cool if she can poke somebody hard enough05:15
holsteinScottL: i'll mention it to her05:15
holsteinsee if she knows a string to pull or whatever05:15
ScottLheh, true "....STILL need access for the current release"05:15
ScottLholstein, but don't go half cocked...they sent me a pgp message but it was with an old pgp key i had and then i asked them to resend it05:16
ScottLthey don't deserve holy hell, but really though, six months and i got one attempt and then nothing again ?05:16
ScottLsad thing is that luis had one on there that was years old and they cleared that one out when they sent me the one message05:17
ScottLokay, going to be...getting up in 6.5 hours :/05:17
holsteinScottL: i'll just mention it to amber05:18
holsteinsee what she says05:18
holsteini pinged her in our LUG channel05:18
holsteinand said what was up05:19
holsteinshe'll probably catch it in the AM05:19
ckontrosoff to work.11:34
holsteinscott-work: question14:45
holsteini was listening to an interview on the ubuntu UK podcast14:46
holstein*i really that that podshow by the way14:46
holsteini was wondering if you would like to be interviewed?14:46
holsteinif i could ask and make that happen14:46
holsteinim trying to think of some awareness rasing easy things we can do14:47
holsteinwe were talking about ubuntustudio and XFCE a bit on the last OSMP show14:47
holsteinand i mentioned getting you on there again14:48
holsteini was thinking that show and the ubuntu UK show14:48
holsteinalso, i want to catch jono sometime in a PM14:48
scott-workholstein: i'll make myself available to anyone if it helps ubuntu studio :)14:49
holsteinand ask him to do ANYTHING in ubuntu14:49
holsteineven it its just importing a final mix into audacity14:49
holsteinand spitting it right back out14:49
scott-workholstein: lol14:49
holsteinthen, blog about having done somthing in ubuntustudio14:49
scott-workholstein:  yeah, that would rock as well...good publicity14:49
holsteinit would be nice to have the higer-ups using these tools14:50
holsteinguys like that14:50
holsteinwith such popular blogs14:50
holsteinas of now, his blog implies that ubuntu is not appropriate for audio production14:50
holsteinwhich sucks :/14:50
holsteinwouldnt take much to change that on paper though14:51
holsteinim still working on how to approach that14:51
holsteinand not be pushy14:51
scott-workholstein: that is very true15:05
scott-worki wonder how much of his reasoning for using logic or pro tools or whatever is truly justified for objective reasons15:05
scott-workor how much is a subjective "this is what i like" sense15:06
holsteinhe and [lsd] got into it15:06
holsteini dont want to get into it at all15:06
holsteini just want him to help us15:06
holsteinhowever that can happen15:06
scott-workholstein: yeah, that would be nice for him to help15:22
scott-workeven if it was just some constructive criticism15:22
scott-worki tried to engage him in such a similar manner and he really shrugged it off15:23
holsteinim not going to stop :)15:23
holsteini'll just bother him in the news channel15:23
scott-workhehe :)15:23
holsteinwe need it15:24
holsteinwe need him talking about it15:24
holsteinif he were here15:24
holsteintalking about why he cant use the tools15:24
holsteinhe could plausibly stir up enough interest to fix the tools in question15:24
holstein*assuming they need to be fixed15:24
holsteinits probably like anyone else15:25
holsteinjust UI15:25
holsteinand being comfortable with other tools15:25
holsteinwhich, like lsd said15:25
holsteinis fine15:25
holsteinjust dont say we dont have the tools15:25
holsteinthats ever worse15:25
holsteinhere's a guy recording and making music15:25
holsteinspecifically stating he needs to use tools other than FOSS15:26
holsteinthats not cool*15:26
holsteinhe's going to have to take one for the team15:26
scott-workan interview would be cool to get him to explain why he doesn't like it ;)15:39
scott-worksomewhere public15:39
scott-workit would be cool to do it in such a way that others could offer their opinions as well in real time, either to support his views or contrast them15:40
scott-workand having it public i would expect it to generate more interest and involvement15:40
scott-workespecially with someone like jono15:40
scott-worki'm hoping this week to do a few things related to ocelot15:43
scott-worki'd like to make a planet ubuntu post about xfce15:43
scott-workbut also maybe email a few places like linux outlaws and hopefully have them mention it in their podcast15:43
scott-worki'm thinking about asking kokito help with some PR since he mentioned something similar15:43
holsteinscott-work: PING16:48
holstein10:50 < akgraner> holstein, he needs to talk to Kate Stewart, Ubuntu Release Manger at Canonical - she is skaet on freenode16:48
scott-workholstein: thanks :)  i know skaet, we talk frequently towards the end of each release18:00
holsteinscott-work: jono didnt have time for a PM20:17
holsteinso i sent an email20:17
holsteini'll keep you posted :)20:17
scott-workholstein: i wish you luck with it :)20:18
scott-workholstein: i really hope he does take you up on the offer20:18
holsteini laid out a couple ideas20:21
holsteinfrom, totally switching him to FOSS20:21
holsteinand just talking about how awesome ubuntustudio is everynow and then20:21
holsteinand linking to your blog or the site :)20:21
holsteinif he'd just talk about it20:21
holsteinthat would be plenty20:21
scott-workholstein: i would really like him to offer some constructive criticism20:38
scott-workbut i have another lead for that that i need to follow up on20:39
scott-workholstein: when you get your wiki page ready for membership and you need testimonials, let me know, i look forward to giving you one :)20:46
holsteinscott-work: thanks20:52
holsteinhopefully this month i'll get on my wiki20:52
* ckontros waves22:36
scott-workcory, i'm almost through with my blog post...i mention:22:43
scott-workunity not conducive to work flow22:43
scott-workunity might not be stable22:43
scott-work'classic' gnome desktop not shipping in 11.1022:44
ckontrosWell, make sure you mention "our" intended workflow. Bot make it a blanket statement.22:44
scott-workgnome3/unity released meaning gnome-panel will suffer bit rot22:44
scott-worki say the advantages are that i provides a familiar desktop expereince22:45
ckontrosKeep it positive but just that we feel Unity and GNOME dont fit our direction. Or something to that effect.22:45
scott-workwe would expect xfce to be more resource friendly22:45
scott-workand the chance for us to develop a working relation with xubuntu devs22:45
ckontrosBut dont mention things like "radical UI change" or anything as we intend to change a bit also.22:45
scott-workalso that this might yield graphical installer and live dvd22:46
ckontrosSure sure. Sounds good.22:46
scott-workre: work flow...rereading i see that i said "typical Ubuntu Studio user's work flow"22:46
scott-worki'm about to leave soon, later after i get home and the kids settle i'll reread it fresh, edit, and post it22:47
ckontrosScottL: Sure. Get home, chill, do whatcha gotta. We'll get together later. Geek out a bit.22:49
ckontrosI just got home my self. Gotts wind down. Eat. Ill try to sort this BZR issue.22:50
ckontrosscott-work: I will say I'm missing Nautilus but this should work out great. I wanna make the transition ASAP so we can work out any bugs.22:52
scott-workckontros:  i agree totatly about moving forward as quickly as possible to give us as much time as possible22:56
scott-workckontros: hey, i can work on some milestone dates if no one else bites on the email22:56
ckontrosI'm subbed to the xubuntu-devel list now. I'm gonna write something up about our intentions.22:56
scott-worki'm kinda disappointed that someone new to the team or even not on the team wants to help22:56
scott-workyeah, i should probably join that mailing list too22:56
ckontrosscott-work: Sure sure. I dont wanna keep you. We'll chat tonight.22:57
scott-workoh, it's not about keeping me out...but i shoudl probably be aware on where their development is heading22:57
ckontrosNo. :) Re-read what I sait. :)22:58
scott-worklol :)  22:58
* scott-work is heading home22:58

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