
cbx333hey all00:09
cbx333wow long time since I been in here00:09
cbx333is 11.04 ubuntu studio...out/00:10
cbx333the website seems pretty out of date - is ubuntu studio still being actively maintained?00:10
=== frederickjh is now known as frederickjh_away
Ice_Is there any way to get a full install so that all programs are included during install?20:41
Ice_Because i do alot of all around work, 3d, gimp and audio stuff20:42
Ice_and it asked me to choose :(20:42
charlie-tcadid you try selecting all of them?20:44
Ice_How would i do that?20:46
charlie-tcaspace bar on each one, I think20:46
Ice_they could have told me :)20:46
Ice_if it works it would be a pretty nice distro20:47
charlie-tcaI think it will, but I haven't run the install in a while20:48
holsteinIce_: you can do it afterwards too20:51
holsteinjust open up whatever you use to install software20:51
holsteinand search ubuntustudio20:51
holsteinsudo apt-cache search ubuntustudio20:51
holsteinor whatever*20:51
holsteinyou hit tab to navigate20:51
holsteinand space to select20:52
holsteinbut its easy to fly right past it :)20:52
Ice_I wish there was some tab or something on the software center though20:53
Ice_but the terminal should work fine20:53
holsteinshould be in software center too20:53
holsteinsynaptic for sure20:53
orngjce223OK, so I know I've spammed this before, but one of my friends is basically teetering on the edge of getting in or not getting into this competition thing so it's worth one more push: http://neilgaiman.bookperk.com/engine/Details.aspx?p=V&c=29933&s=7777122&i=1&m=X#SD21:05
holsteinorngjce223: i must be logged in to vote :/21:06
orngjce223Well, you use the Facebook thing or else sign up with a throwaway address21:07
holsteinO I C21:07
azmorngjce223, she has like over 1500 votes while others have under 2022:16
azmi think she is already finalist22:16
azmI did not check all22:17
orngjce223Well, it's the top 20 and she's against other people who have 1500 something votes22:17
azmI dont see some list of it22:17
orngjce223It's top 20, I think, and voting ends at 5PM today22:17
orngjce223...It's closed already?22:19
orngjce223Oh cool!22:20

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