
=== robins is now known as robinsmidsrod
wraidenany core upstart developer here?14:32
SpamapSwraiden: you should just ask your question.. somebody smart enough to answer should be on sometime today. :)16:42
wraideni'll write an email to the list and are allready up to implement the things i wanted to get opinions on...17:01
wraideni need to set the signal that is uses to stop the exec job ...17:02
wraidenfor slapd (openldap)17:02
wraidenit needs sigint and will eat the directory-database if it gets stopped by sigterm or sigkill...17:03
wraideni'll implement a stopsignal stanza ...17:03
wraidendefault value for it is term17:04
wraidenbut can get be set int, usr1 or usr2 also17:05
SpamapSwraiden: right, in that case, pre-stop is needed17:05
wraidenpre-stop ?17:05
SpamapSno need for a new stanza17:05
SpamapSsend your sigint in pre-stop17:06
SpamapSand wait for slapd to shutdown, then TERM will never be sent17:06
wraidenand upstart will supervise the slapd pid and will not respawn it?17:07
SpamapSThere is an open bug against upstart to provide custom actions, so that reload could be changed from HUP to USR1 or something like that17:07
SpamapSyes, at that point, the job's goal will be "stop"17:07
SpamapSso no respawn takes case17:07
wraideni plan to implement that also17:07
SpamapStakes place17:07
wraidenbut that needs a change in initctl to hand over the actual signal sending to the job to upstart itself17:08
wraideninitctl doesn't parse the job configs so there is no way to change the behavior without that...17:08
SpamapSI'm not sure the best way to spin and wait for it to die.. its not pretty but just watching status would work I *think*17:09
wraideni'll go and test that ...17:11
wraidenbtw: the stopsignal stanza is a rally low hanging fruit17:11
wraidenot: is the copyright / legal stuff still needed to contribute to upstart?17:12
SpamapSwraiden: not OT at all, but its not clear either. ;)17:32
SpamapSwraiden: stopsignal seems rather.. coarse. I'm thinking Keybuk will prefer something a bit more elegant. Like  'action stop signal INT' rather than 'stopsignal'17:33
wraideni've implemented "oom score value" support (patch is on mailinglist) so thats no problem as im familar with the stanza parsing now ... :)17:37
wraidenan rfc mail for scott to read is also out to the mailinglist ... i'll wait until he has time to respond to it...17:39
wraiden*reguarding the stopsignal stuff17:39
wraidenanyway, time to go home for me now... bye17:40
wraidenand thanks for your hint with the pre-stop hack for slapd :)17:41
wraidenhello again...18:54
Keybukwraiden: hi19:20
JanCwraiden: I think Keybuk doesn't require copyright/legal stuff since yesterday anymore, but best he answers that himself  ;)19:31
wraiden@ keybuk: Mailinglist...19:31
JanCah, you asked there too19:31
Keybukwraiden: you have a question?19:32
wraidenin the mail ...19:32
Keybuksorry, I don't have lots of this channel, so am missing context19:32
* wraiden == Marc19:32
Keybukah, hi!19:32
* Keybuk = Scott19:32
KeybukI did just reply to your mail19:33
Keybukwraiden: did you want to follow up on the copyright assignment bit? it seems there is a confusion there from JanC's comment19:34
wraidenmhm, if it's not needed anymore...19:38
Keybukso let me clarify19:38
wraidenJanC was in the channel before i made my way back home from work and i asked it here ...19:38
KeybukCanonical Ltd require Copyright Assignment for projects under their stewardship19:38
wraidenso i think JanC yust wanted to let me know19:39
Keybuksince I was employed by Canonical Ltd for the past seven years, that policy applied to Upstart too19:39
Keybukhowever I left Canonical in January, and now work for Google Inc, who do not require copyright assignment19:40
Keybukso the 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 releases have contained patches for which copyright was not assigned by the authors19:40
Keybukincluding myself, and google19:40
wraidenah, ok, they allowed you to take the project with you?!19:40
Keybukthey released the project under the GPL19:40
wraidengerman law is crazy about such things...19:40
wraidenbut the copyright...19:41
Keybukthey don't need to have "allowed" me19:41
wraidenthe GPL is clear on that19:41
Keybukso I continue to maintain Upstart19:42
Keybukfor the past six weeks, I was in discussions with Canonical about an appropriate way forward19:42
Keybukbut we had agreed a time limit (end of April) for those, and that was reached without an agreement19:43
Keybukso things revert back to Upstart continues as a GPL project without any form of assignment19:43
Keybuk(one of the options was a relicense to Apache 2.0 so Canonical could continue to release private versions)19:43
wraidengood to hear that19:44
Keybukso yeah, don't worry about it ;-)19:46
wraidensome of Lennarts FUD blogpost doesn't state the right information than...19:47
wraidenpretty onesided function mentioning in his post as he doesn't looks out of his sandbox and just looks what of systemds functions were implemented in other inits...19:53
wraiden*writing kill signal code*19:55
Keybukit's Lennart, I would expect nothing less19:56
wraidengot that impression the day he introduced his audio stuff to gnome...20:08
JanCpulseaudio is mostly useful (now)  ☺20:19
wraidenyeah, now...20:27
wraidenfirst hack send to list now20:32
wraidengot rid of the signal == 0 then send sigkill as its clearer to just send SIGKILL as param in system_send_signal...20:33
wraiden*reading on xen-devel list*20:34
wraidentestsuite errors on my system on this:21:05
wraiden...with error after modification of job21:05
wraidenBAD: wrong value for file, expected (nil) got 0xeb2a1021:05
wraiden        at tests/test_conf.c:709 (test_source_reload_job_dir).21:05
wraidenFAIL: test_conf21:05
wraidenit's totaly unrelated to my changes as i tested an upstream version and get the error there also...21:07
* wraiden goes and gets som sleep...22:50
wraiden... updated patch is out to the list now...22:50

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