
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
beardygnomehi all, can anyone tell me why natty has stopped mounting external fat32 drives as executable?01:53
charlie-tcaGood morning15:01
micahggood morning, my xubuntu installs seems messed up, icons on left, can't pull up setting for window manager, can't add workspaces (natty)16:04
charlie-tcatry Alt+F2, xfsettingsd16:04
charlie-tcado you have a wallpaper?16:04
charlie-tcagot window title bars16:05
micahgyeah, but no menus and the title bars are blank16:05
charlie-tcaAlt+F2, xfwm416:05
micahgxfwm4 won't run, my checks why16:07
charlie-tcaor maybe, Alt+F2, xfce4-settings-helper16:07
charlie-tcaxfwm4 might already be running16:07
charlie-tcathat seems wrong16:08
charlie-tcapretty sure you need it16:08
micahghmmm --replace worked16:08
charlie-tcais gnome window manager running?16:08
* micahg wonders what wm was running and why16:08
charlie-tcaI don't the answers no more16:08
micahgwell, buttons/settings are back at least16:09
micahgthanks charlie-tca 16:09
charlie-tcaYou are welcome16:09
charlie-tcaonce in a while a remember the commands mr_pouit makes me run when I screw things up16:09

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