
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: ping01:30
ScottKdebfx: grab-merge pkg-kde-tools works.01:33
DarkwingDuckI hate this track system... just lemme search keywords. :P01:34
dantti_funny how qsharedpointer can make some stuff slower... apper is much faster with pk-qt2 which doesn't use it..02:15
DarkwingDuckHas the personal participation schedule ever worked on the UDS schedule page?02:19
DarkwingDuckTo download the ical02:19
* ScottK prods maco about the installer spec.03:41
ScottKrbelem: How's that mobile spec coming?03:41
valorieDarkwingDuck: if you recall though, the timeslots change like once per hour03:43
valorieso it doesn't do much good to dl the ical03:43
ybithey guys... i've made a video on kde, it's filled with stuff i think would help improve kde04:04
ybitthe kubuntu experience04:04
ybitjust uploaded it04:05
valoriefffffffff -- still no flash for youtube04:07
ScottKybit: We need code, not videos.04:08
ScottKFWIW, for all my kvetching about rekonq, I was glad to have it last night.04:08
ybitScottK: heh, you're right04:09
ScottKI went through chromium, firefox, and then to rekonq before I found a browser that would give me sound for Obama's speech.04:09
valorienone works for flash for me04:20
valoriedidn't try konq04:20
ScottKrbelem: Are you going to make a new file sharing spec and do we need a session at UDS to discuss it?04:22
c2taruncan anyone please suggest me a good softphone application for kubuntu?05:04
ybitc2tarun: er06:29
c2tarunybit: ??06:29
ybitthere are two that i can recall06:30
ybitbut can't remember the names of them :)06:30
ybitand something else06:31
c2tarunybit: I got that :) twinkle worked fine for kubuntu :) thanks06:31
ybitand i used linphone when i needed video about 2 years ago :)06:32
ybitmost people use skype 06:33
ybitor google talk06:33
ybitearlier when i complained about the kde start menu icon... i know exactly what it should be now06:43
ybitthat nice icon on kubuntu.org06:43
valorieybit, then we wouldn't have our lil KDE button anymore!08:10
valorieI would miss it08:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellninjas: is 4.6.3 going to be packaged for maverick?08:29
yofelwell, we still don't have kdeedu and kdeplasma-addons to package for natty/oneiric so that wasn't really a question yet. Although I think it would be nice to backport it, but only if we can get 4.6.3 into natty-updates so we don't break upgrades again08:38
Riddellyofel: are you able to review and commit to bzr the 4.6.3 packaging done by c2tarun?08:42
yofelsure, can do that now, I don't know how much for now since I'm sitting in the train right now08:43
Riddellwobbly train wifi08:43
yofelnope, 3G  over my n900 :P08:44
yofeleven wobblier08:44
Riddella volunteer is needed for kde-l10n too, I can supply ec2 machine if needed08:44
* Riddell wonders if bambee will volunteer :)08:49
bambeeRiddell: sure. I can package it this evening. (I am at work)08:50
bambeeit's okay ?08:50
yofelwell, c2tarun volunteered, but someone needs to merge the packaging branch update 08:50
yofelsince kde-l10n requires comitting08:51
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Party! | Merges https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html | Oneiric open for development
RiddellI wonder if it's safe to add him to kubuntu-packagers08:52
RiddellI'm not convinced he understands the whole packaging process though08:52
yofelnope, I would prefer him at least to learn how to do proper merge requests before that08:54
yofel(and I hope he's read the debian-policy by now)08:55
bambeewhat is merge ? (merges.ubuntu.com) 08:56
RiddellI'm worried he's not checking for new files when packaging08:56
Riddellbambee: ah hah, that is the most exciting thing one can do, you'll love it :)08:56
Riddellbambee: at the start of the cycle we merge back all our packaging with debian08:57
bambeeRiddell: ohh08:57
Riddellso you take the debian package, work out what changes there have been in ubuntu since the last debian merge08:57
Riddelldecide which need to be kept08:57
Riddellput those changes into the debian package, test, check, and upload08:58
Riddellprobably best to start off with one of the simpler universe packages if you're starting it https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html08:58
bambeemhhh interesting...09:01
bambeeRiddell: we have accesses to debian archives, for that ?09:02
Riddellyes, they're on the secret server that is git.debian.org09:04
Riddellfor the main KDE SC modules anyway09:05
Riddelllesser known packages you can just get from packages.debian.org09:05
bambeeJontheEchidna: ping. you need to ask the kdeadmin maintainer (or ask on the kdeadmin ML)  if you want userconfig on upstream. (because you're the upstream developer)09:06
bambeeyou or yuriy09:06
Riddellbambee: I expect both JontheEchidna and yuriy would be happy for you to take over as the upstream developer and propose it yourself09:06
bambeeI cannot do it myself since I am not the upstream dev, I am just a contributor for now :)09:06
Riddellbambee: userconfig has a section on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O, do we need to register a spec for it09:07
bambeeRiddell: I already proposed it myself, yesterday evening. I said that I was not the upstream dev :\09:07
bambee(on #kde-devel)09:07
Riddellbambee: just because pinotree says it on #kde-devel doesn't make it true :)09:09
bambeeahhh... I don't know :)09:09
Riddellbambee: I'm pretty sure there is no kdeadmin mailing list09:09
Riddelland didn't you say you had e-mailed the module maintainer and couldn't get through to him?09:10
bambeeapparently not, at least I did not find a ML...09:10
bambeeRiddell: right. apparently his email does not exist anymore09:10
Riddellso it's unmaintained, free for all! :)09:11
bambeeRiddell: have a look at trunk/KDE/kdeadmin/AUTHORS09:11
Riddellthat file is 6 years old, bero is not the maintainer09:11
bambeeOMG. you're right o_O09:11
* apachelogger has no laptop anymore09:11
* bambee hugs apachelogger09:11
apacheloggerScottK: also the performance issues with kwin and my netbook either were related to blur or oxygen09:12
Riddellbambee: I recommend you e-mail the main authors of the 5 programmes in kdeadmin (one of whom is me!) along with kde-core-devel to propose that userconfig replaces kuser09:12
Riddellbambee: I predict that will come to no resistance, however KDE is in feature freeze so it can't go in for 4.709:13
Riddellbut it can go into kdereview09:13
bambeeI agree, looks a good idea09:13
Riddellbambee: then one day you can quietly update the AUTHORS file and put yourself in there and be king of kdeadmin!09:13
bambeeRiddell: so it will go in for 4.8 ;)09:13
Riddellapachelogger: did you install visual studio on it?09:13
yofelapachelogger: just blur? for me it's not only blur (intel)09:15
apacheloggerRiddell: on the laptop, yes, now microsoft has taken it away from me :(09:15
bambeeRiddell: firstly I will propose userconfig via emails and on ML. then I need to ask for a svn account09:15
apacheloggeror rather dell09:15
apacheloggeryofel: blur certainly had the biggest impact09:15
bambee(if it's accepted...)09:16
apacheloggeryofel: though I then went on and removed everything I did not need09:16
yofeltrue, but for me I had to remove all 5 effects that don't work with xrender so opengl was usable again09:16
yofelthe newer intel driver from edgers didn't help though, maybe I'll add whole edgers to my other test system09:17
yofelwell, bbl09:21
Riddellbambee: so is a spec needed for userconfig at UDS?09:23
bambeeRiddell: write a kauth helper (in cpp probably) , the dbus helper works but the kauth framework is faster and easier imho (and designed for that!). Also finish the ldap backend...09:25
bambee(we could write the helper in cpp and keep the rest in python)09:25
Riddellbambee: so that's a yes?09:26
bambeeRiddell: that's a yes09:26
bambee3 specs:  1) propose it to upstream, 2) use kauth, 3) finish the ldap backend09:28
Riddellthat can all be covered in one spec easily enough09:28
Riddellvoila https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-userconfig09:28
bambeelovely :D09:29
Riddellapachelogger: does kubuntu council need a whole spec?  can it not just be covered by community?09:29
apacheloggerthat you will have to ask ScottK, though I personally believe that we should not spec such large piles of related stuff at all09:31
apacheloggerit sorta takes away focus and whatnot09:31
bambeeRiddell: I need to wait the approval to send an email to the ML ?09:32
Riddellbambee: approval of what?09:33
bambeeRiddell: approval of the spec09:34
bambeethere is a field "direction: Needs approval", for this spec. that's why I am asking this question :P09:35
bambee(I don't know how the whole process works... so I am a bit confused)09:36
bambeefeel free to blame me if my question is stupid :D09:36
apacheloggerbambee: no one really knows how it works because launchpad never ever heared of user experience or help :P09:38
Riddellbambee: we discuss the spec at UDS, come up with a todo list, then kubuntu-council can approve that09:39
bambeeRiddell: ok09:40
bambeeapachelogger: even lord users ? :P09:40
apacheloggerthey dunno anything09:41
apacheloggerthe whole point of being what they are really09:41
apacheloggerbambee, ScottK: one of the many reasons why cpp  is supreme http://pastebin.com/mqb8aaHF09:46
bambeeapachelogger: I already know that cpp is supreme :)09:48
bambeeapachelogger: and ? it's just a backtrace :)09:48
apacheloggerit is a backtrace of something that would not ever happen in a compile time type complete language09:49
apacheloggerand currently prevents a user to manage printers at all09:49
apacheloggersurely he appreciates the fact that developing the software required 10% less time but has a 100% greater risk of PITA issues09:50
Riddellafiestas: you'll be pleased to know I set you as drafter of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-installer :)09:58
apachelogger"Wired and wireless Internet is available; there is no need for a username, account number or password."09:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^^^ it is european luxury10:00
yofelgrat, profs sick10:00
* yofel goes back reviewing packaging10:00
afiestasRiddell: iirc I'll have to make a wiki page explaining the idea, right?10:02
apacheloggercome to think of it, who wants to be my roomie?10:03
yofelmy wishes for ubiquity-o: get the partitioner the possibility to add custom mount options and add a 'are you sure' dialog to the 'install now' button on the partitioning page10:04
Riddellafiestas: we don't tend to do that now, it's just a todo list that comes out of it10:05
yofelhm... these *should* be in kdebase-runtime-dev right? http://paste.kde.org/48871/10:08
yofelhm, no, that doesn't even exist10:09
apacheloggeragateau: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-menubar/+bug/701527 if you could take a look at this please :)10:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 701527 in plasma-widget-menubar (Ubuntu) "Some Qt applications freezes Plasma-shell on start with plasma-widget-menubar enabled" [Undecided,New]10:10
yofelhm, why do I see stuff from not-installed in --list-missing o.O10:15
apacheloggeryofel: those are 2 different systems10:20
apachelogger--list-missing is utter shit, which is why the other foobar was created10:20
apacheloggerwhich reminds me that I need to port the other foobar to dh710:20
Riddellyofel: indeed no, see debian/not-installed10:20
afiestasRiddell: ookz10:20
debfxyofel: you'd have to pass all those files with -X to dh_install10:21
yofelyeah, but the stuff in the pastbin I just posted is in not-installed, so what does --list-missing show me that... grrr10:21
apacheloggeryofel: cause it does not use not-installed10:22
apacheloggerthe cdbs list-missing does10:22
debfxafaik the new dhmk build system has a list-missing target (like cdbs)10:22
apacheloggersaves me the porting then I guess10:22
yofelah, great..10:23
debfxScottK: I'm sure it works but I'd like to have a branch which contains the history of debian and ubuntu commits10:23
yofeldebfx: do you remember if the kubuntu_123_effectframe_glflush.diff you added to kdebase-workspace is in 4.6.3 ? (the nvidia flip switch patch)10:27
* yofel goes fixing the other things c2tarun dropped there by mistake10:29
yofelwhich reminds me we need to update the Vcs entries in bzr10:30
debfxyofel: should be, I grabbed it from the 4.6 branch10:30
apacheloggerNightrose: no one wants to be my roomie at UDS, apparently shadeslayer told everyone that I only go to bed at 3 and then hack till 4 :(10:33
yofelyep, it is10:33
Nightroseapachelogger: -.-10:33
apacheloggermaybe ScottK wants to be my roomie, he also goes to bed at 3 :P10:33
* apachelogger just noticed that it is like 4 minutes from the train station to the hotel \\o/10:34
bambeeRiddell: check your inbox. did you receive something ? apparently the email failed... but I am not sure :\10:35
jussiapachelogger: I put down that I'd nbe fine sharing a room with you ;)10:35
jussiand where is shadeslayer? havent seen him for a few days :D10:36
apacheloggerhe is "busy" I suppose :P10:36
apacheloggerjussi: will you hold my hair while I throw up at 4am?10:36
Riddellbambee: I got a Subject: Userconfig e-mail10:36
jussiapachelogger: of course :P10:36
apacheloggerjussi: deal10:36
Riddellbambee: I assume one of the people you are sending it to no longer exists10:37
jussioooh!! 10:37
jussi* Hotel facilities:*10:37
jussiGym and Spa are complimentary10:37
bambeeRiddell: ok thanks. yes apparently l.d.anderson cannot be contacted10:37
Riddelljussi: any sauna?10:38
jussiRiddell: I dint note one... but lets see10:38
jussithe one in florida was rubbish tho10:38
apacheloggerall good .prn movies start in a sauna10:39
jussiapachelogger: !!!10:39
Riddellapachelogger: I think you just insulted his Finish culture10:41
* jussi huggles Riddell10:42
apacheloggerwell, I did not produce them movies10:42
apacheloggerI just pointed out a fact10:42
* apachelogger wonders what to enter as company at he uds regsitration page10:44
apachelogger"Holy Church of Java"10:45
apacheloggerjussi: now that you are insulted, do I need a new roomie? :S10:49
jussino :P10:50
jussiapachelogger: dont worry, Ill just accidentally spill a bucket of water on you at like 6am... :P 10:50
apacheloggerat 6am we are well awake10:50
apacheloggerroomie schedule: 5am shower, 6am gym, 7am tanning, 8am laundry, 8:45am breakfast, 9am borign stuff, then cofee, then more boring stuf, then lunch, then even more boring stuff, then coffee, then sleep, then dinner, then out dancing, 3am bed time, 4am sleep time10:52
apacheloggersurprisingly enough that whole schedule is built around GTL :P10:52
Riddell(not sure I want to know)10:52
apacheloggerit is so ludicrous it made me cry ^^10:53
yofel*sigh*, if the ubuntu folks put something like "Updated gdm.conf to fix gdm in single user mode (LP: #436936)" when fixing kdm.conf then I wonder if it was a good idea to give them commit rights...10:53
Riddellyofel: that bug is for both gdm and kdm no?10:53
apacheloggeryofel: complain to person who made the change and ubuntu-devel and kubuntu-devel :P10:54
apacheloggermake them feel bad muhahaha10:54
yofelI didn't look at the bug, I just see that the diff for kdebase-workspace r495 have a modified kdm.conf and that changelog entry10:54
yofel*has a 10:54
yofeltrue, it's against both10:55
apacheloggerdoesnt make the changelog entry more meaningful10:56
arpanapachelogger, Riddell: on kubuntu download page, mobile technology preview link redirects to 10.10 images.11:03
apacheloggerRiddell: ^11:03
* apachelogger also still does not have an account :P11:03
Riddellapachelogger: an account where?11:13
Riddellapachelogger: we can fix that easily :)11:14
Riddellarpan: apachelogger will sort it for you :)11:15
arpanRiddell: thanks :)11:22
Riddellah, rickspencer3, can you approve specs?11:43
rickspencer3Riddell, tbh, I'm not certain :/11:44
rickspencer3if you paste me a link, I can try11:44
Riddellrickspencer3: all the ones here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O11:45
Riddellsome are already approved11:45
rickspencer3Riddell, I think they are all accepted now11:50
yofelmaco: where did you get the pykdeuic4 patch from for kdebindings?11:51
yofelit changes 3 lines, one of those changes is in 4.6.3 now, the other 2 not, can you check if we need them?11:53
yofel(c2tarun dropped the patch unintentionally, so you'll need to get it from bzr)11:55
ScottKapachelogger: Turning off blur seems to give me reasonable performance.  I gather mgraesslin gave up on capability detection.12:13
ScottKRiddell and apachelogger: IIRC we've had a spec for it in the past.  It's scheduled late in the week, so if we don't need it for that, I'm sure something else will come up.12:13
ScottKRiddell: I can approve specs (I figured you'd have other things to do, so I arranged for the power).12:15
RiddellScottK: the next question I have is how to schedule them12:19
ScottKRiddell: I'm workingon that now (I can also do that).12:19
Riddellooh lovely12:19
ScottKshadeslayer: Please don't mark yourself essential for specs at a UDS you aren't coming to.  It confuses the scheduler.12:35
sheytanHey, just an idea12:39
sheytaninstead of hardly coded plasma UI for netbook/desktop, add a step to the installer where user chooses which one to be default12:40
sheytanadd simple description and a screenshot12:40
sheytanwould be better imho :)12:40
ScottKsheytan: Since it's trivially changeable after install, I don't think we should ask a question.12:46
ScottKI think all the specs are scheduled in a reasonable way at the moment.12:46
sheytanScottK sure it is, but begginers don't know about it :)12:47
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ScottKsheytan: I think the installer is not the place for education.12:48
sheytanScottK you will not teach users there, you will give  them a possibility to choose the right desktop before they start using kubuntu12:50
Riddellhow would they know the right one before trying?12:50
ScottKFirst run choosing is, unfortunately, not something upstream supports.12:50
ScottKIt makes it a bit problematic for us poor distro people.12:51
apacheloggerScottK: well, martin's time is definitely better used producing awesome rather than working around broken software that tries to prevent awesome12:51
ScottKapachelogger: I think we're in hardware limitations on the netbooks.12:52
apacheloggerScottK: about shadeslayer being essential... apparently someone suggested that remote participants need to do that or something12:52
apacheloggervalorie did the same thing yesterday and told me someone suggested that12:52
ScottKWho did suggested it?12:52
apacheloggervalorie: ^12:52
ScottKFortunately it's fixable.  You just subscribe them again as not essential.12:53
apacheloggerIMHO the essentiallity should be explained12:54
apacheloggeras in: "this will tell a scheduler that it should not ahve sessions overlap where you are marked essential"12:55
apacheloggeror something12:55
* apachelogger wonders if the phonon is the memleaking12:55
ScottKWell, it's actually "Don't schedule when you are not available" and "Not attending" is not available.12:57
ScottKHey Quintasan.12:57
ScottKI've been subscribing you to specs too.12:57
QuintasanI will try to read up on stuff12:57
QuintasanI can't figure out what's going on with my connection12:57
apacheloggerQuintasan: when are you the arriving in the land of spas?13:00
Quintasan8th at approx. 11:0013:01
QuintasanAnd you?13:01
apachelogger11am? :O13:02
* apachelogger has train options at around 1500 and around 170013:02
apacheloggerthough I suppose there are earlier ones13:02
apacheloggeryet for those I would have to get up before 9 -> not gonna happen13:02
ScottKWould someone please merge avogadro.  There's a backports request for
Quintasanapachelogger: well, that's what the ticket says13:03
Quintasandeparture at 9:35, arrival at 11:1013:03
QuintasanGuees I will be in the hotel at about 1213:03
Quintasanapachelogger: Why? Shuttlebus takes about 50 minutes to arrive13:04
apachelogger+ getting out the aiport13:04
apachelogger+ actually getting a shuttle :P13:04
Quintasan13:37 then13:04
apacheloggerroger that13:04
apacheloggerand then?13:04
Quintasanand then what? I will be playing games as UDS kicks off at Monday, doesnt it?13:05
Quintasanapachelogger: want me to bring two stepmania mats?13:05
* apachelogger wonders if Quintasan is allowed to drink the alcohols in the land of spas and monopoly money13:05
QuintasanI'm 1813:06
QuintasanSo I guess I can13:06
apacheloggeroh my13:06
apacheloggerif you are drunk by the time I arrive you get a beatin'13:06
QuintasanIf you are drunk when you arrive there you get a beatin' too13:06
apacheloggerI am in a train for like 5 hours13:06
apacheloggerwhat else is there to do13:06
Quintasandude, I will be playing stepmania, I can drink either water or beer13:07
bambeeapachelogger: watch a serie ?13:07
bambeeapachelogger: programming ? :P13:07
apacheloggerle boring13:07
Quintasan>apachelogger: 13:07
bambeeor just sleep :)13:07
apacheloggersince I dont have a laptop anymore13:07
Quintasandoes not compute in a train13:07
apacheloggerand intel graphics is le suck13:08
bambeearrrf... you haven't a laptop... I forgot that... :\13:08
apacheloggerI do not believe I coudl do watching nor programming13:08
* Quintasan borrowed a laptop from his brother13:08
QuintasanI ain't buying a one just for UDS13:08
apacheloggerQuintasan: dont forget DS13:08
apacheloggernintendo desktop summit13:09
apacheloggerin the land of bratwurst and bretzn13:09
QuintasanI ain't got one13:09
apacheloggerand sauerkraut13:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: why not?13:09
apacheloggerhow is that?13:09
apacheloggerisn't it like around the corner for you?13:09
QuintasanCause I'm a poor high school student?13:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: so? KDE doesnt wanna pay?13:09
QuintasanWhat the hell are you talking about now? @_13:10
* Quintasan got lost all of sudden13:10
apacheloggerQuintasan: about the desktop summit in berlin in early august13:10
Quintasanoh I see13:10
Quintasanduuno, we will see13:11
QuintasanI'm a poor high school student, I can't go EVERYWHERE13:11
apacheloggerI see that I did not yet ask for money back for fosdem13:11
apacheloggerno wonder I am broke all the time13:11
apacheloggerQuintasan: it is not everywhere...13:12
apacheloggereverywhere would be if you went to kde.in and camp kde in SF and fosdem and whatnot13:12
QuintasanLand of Bratwurst is the last country I want to go to13:12
apacheloggerdont forget the sauerkraut!13:12
QuintasanUDS IN JAPAN13:12
apacheloggerthat would be one long flight13:13
Quintasannah, Japan++13:13
Quintasan1Gbps internetz13:13
* apachelogger would have a broken liver by the time of arrival13:13
Quintasanimagine the transferz13:13
apacheloggerQuintasan: yeah, that does not help if all the important serverz are like on the other side of the globe :P13:13
apacheloggersurely launchpad is even more slow in japan13:13
* apachelogger is scared just thinking about it13:14
QuintasanLaunchpad is slow no matter where you go13:14
ScottKBut there are various values of slow.13:15
apacheloggeryeah, but if the singalz need to travel all through the earth core it would be even slowerererer13:15
ScottKI do think it's fair to say it's less slow now than it used to be though.13:15
apacheloggerit would be like microsoft.com13:15
QuintasanScottK: It's no like it can get worse than 500 error13:15
apacheloggerQuintasan has a point there13:16
Quintasannot like*13:16
apacheloggerlike wiki.ubuntu.com is slow, incidentially it also 500's a lot13:16
ScottKWell, I never claimed it wasn't slow, but LP is not w.u.c slow.13:16
QuintasanWiki is uber slowest13:16
Quintasanapachelogger: what the hell is sauerkraut anyways?13:17
apacheloggerso, wuc is failing slow and lp is slow13:17
apacheloggerQuintasan: ask the wik0pedia13:17
apacheloggerkubotu: wp sauerkraut13:17
kubotuResults for sauerkraut: 1. Sauerkraut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauerkraut | 2. Sauerkraut Days - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauerkraut_Days | 3. File:Schupfnudeln mit Sauerkraut.jpg - Wikipedia, the free ...: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Schupfnudeln_mit_Sauerkraut.jpg13:17
kubotu[1] Sauerkraut (pronounced /ˈsaʊərkraʊt/ in English; German pronunciation: [ˈzaʊ.ɐkʁaʊt]  ( listen), Yiddish pronunciation: [ˈzɔi̯.əʀkʀɔi̯t]), directly translated from German: "sour herb" or "sour cabbage", is finely shredded cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria, including Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus.[1][2] It has a long shelf-life and a distinctive sour fl...13:17
Quintasanapachelogger: downloadan Kubuntu Natty to install on mah laptops13:18
apacheloggerit is not your laptops!13:18
Quintasanapachelogger: hmm, is it tasty?13:18
Quintasanapachelogger: mine for the time being13:18
apacheloggeryou even haz it in poland13:18
Quintasanu kidding me?13:19
apacheloggerthe wackopedia sez so13:19
apacheloggerPolish Sauerkraut (Kiszona kapusta)13:19
QuintasanOH GOD13:19
* yofel wonders why he bothered going to uni today, very unproductive day..13:20
QuintasanKiszona kapusta is full of awesome13:20
apacheloggeroh it is raining again *sing*13:20
yofelanyway... Quintasan: do don't knows ze sauerkraut??13:20
apacheloggeryofel: you never ever do that... go to uni that is13:20
Quintasanapachelogger: sup, it was 27*C yesterday and now it's 2*C13:20
Quintasanand snowing13:20
apacheloggerutter pointless13:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: lulz13:21
apacheloggerit was like flipping 10 degree tonight13:21
apacheloggerI thought I was going to freeze13:21
QuintasanI got up today13:21
apacheloggereventually I started cuddling with my overheating laptop13:21
apacheloggerworked out well I must say13:21
QuintasanLooked trough the window, went SERIOUSLY WTF for a momend13:21
Quintasanrubbed my eyes two times and still13:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: all screwed up the weather is13:21
apacheloggerand you know is responsible? right, GWB!13:22
ScottKI blame global warming for the snow.13:22
yofeltrue, they said it might be freezing this night here too :S13:22
apacheloggergeorge the double u bush13:22
apacheloggerhe had to go to war and blow tons and tons of gas out of the tanks and the aircrafts and whatnot13:22
apacheloggerever since that global warming cannot be stopped no moar and we are all doomed13:23
* apachelogger likes how one always gets to blame GWB for everything ^^13:23
apacheloggerin austria we blame everyone for everything13:23
* yofel goes finishing kdebase-workspace mess13:23
apacheloggermuch less stressful for the invidual person13:23
apacheloggerScottK: what I like is when people on telly go like "uhhh, global warming is all a lie, we had snow in like october, how is that global warming!!!"  :D13:24
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Work! | Merges https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html | Oneiric open for development
Quintasanhow come apacheloggerz can change the topic and I can't?13:26
apacheloggercuz I am the apacheloggerz13:26
apacheloggerrumor has it that phonon gstreamer 4.5.1 is in the making13:26
apacheloggerScottK: is phonon covered by the KDE SRU policy thing?13:26
Quintasancrap, gotta add Telepathy and Gluon to packaging13:27
arpanjust added Bug #776341, if anyone can help with that.13:27
ScottKapachelogger: No.  Perhaps it should be.13:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776341 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nvidia drivers produces unusable black window/dialogs in kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77634113:27
ScottKapachelogger: Does it have a sane upstream that really only does bug fixes in point releases?13:27
apacheloggerwell, history suggests otherwise anyway13:28
apacheloggerprobably can be changed though13:28
ScottKI think once there's some history of that, it could be added easily enough.13:28
apacheloggerok, I'll propose it to the phonominals13:29
ScottKNow that there's an official KDE policy for point releases, you could just follow that.13:30
Quintasankmix eats 700mb of ram13:33
ScottKAdjusting volumes is very complicated.13:34
QuintasanVeromix ++13:34
ScottKI seem to recall some discussion of that being fixed for 4.6.3 or 4.13:34
QuintasanThere is virtually no support for Pulse Audio in KMix13:34
ScottKWorks for me.13:37
apacheloggerQuintasan: sure there is13:37
apacheloggercolin is working on it13:37
apacheloggerevery now and then again13:37
ScottKActually Natty is the first time since I can't remember when I can do a fresh install, install skype, and it just works with no tweaking.13:37
ScottKThat's progress.13:37
apacheloggerisnt PA sweetest if set up properly ;)13:37
macoin natty's plasma netbook, is firefox supposed to work with the menu plasmoid?13:38
QuintasanKaption > KSnapshot13:38
macoim being told the menu plasmoid is disappearing when my friend uses firefox, but the menu's also not showing in firefox13:38
apacheloggerQuintasan: kaption?13:38
macoso she's having to do the chrome-ish "press alt+f to see the menu"13:39
apacheloggerwhat is it13:39
apachelogger!info kaption13:39
ubottuPackage kaption does not exist in natty13:39
yofelwell, appmenu seems to have issues with firefox both in gtk and qt from what I hear13:39
Quintasanapachelogger: crap, gotta go, look at kde-apps.org13:39
yofelmozilla in general13:39
apacheloggerback when I was actually doing stuff we would have had it in the archive already13:39
apacheloggermaco: WFM13:39
yofelmaco: maybe check if firefox-globalmenu is installed13:40
Quintasanapachelogger: Version 0.0.9, I don't want it in archive until it's somehow complete13:40
macoyofel: she said if she alt+f then the menu appears all scrunched up in the corner, which sounds like it is going into the menu plasmoid, the menu plasmoid is just playing hide-n-go-seek13:40
apacheloggerQuintasan: back when I was actually doing stuff we would have had it in the archive already13:41
Quintasanapachelogger: http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/uploads/kaptionc11356.png13:41
yofelI'm clueless then13:41
Quintasanif that's support then thanks13:41
apacheloggermaco: maybe a rendering bug13:41
ScottKmaco: Menu works fine here with other apps, so I suspect blaming the menu thing is the wrong place to look.13:41
macothink i need to see over her shoulder13:41
Quintasan+ 700mb for KMix is like "lolwtf13:41
macomaybe i can get an imagebin from her13:41
ScottKYou'll be glad to know that VNC doesn't work with compositing enabled.13:42
apacheloggerQuintasan: there is a lord memleak13:43
apacheloggernot particularly kmix' fault13:43
ScottKapachelogger: Could you perhaps consider extending our Dr. Konqi patch to know about finding dbgsym packages?13:47
yofelwth is a 'vritual thunk' ?13:50
yofel  #MISSING: 4:4.6.3# (c++)"virtual thunk to Solid::Control::Ifaces::ModemGsmSmsInterface::~ModemGsmSmsInterface()@Base" 4:4.5.8013:50
macoRiddell: being the assignee on a bug doesn't subscribe you? how weird13:51
kubotumaco meant: "blueprint?"13:51
maco2 lines before that, silly bot!13:51
ScottKmaco: No.  Creating it doesn't either.13:51
apacheloggerScottK: you mean kubuntu-debug-installer?13:51
ScottKapachelogger: Yeah.  That one.13:52
yofelhm, true, would be nice if that could add ddebs repos13:52
apacheloggeryeah, just thought about that yesterday ^^13:52
apacheloggerthing is that the logic is not terribly easy to get right13:52
apacheloggerI belive libqapt has a parser for the sources.list[.d] now, so that should make things better13:53
ScottKWould it help if we got it added to the default sources.list?13:53
apacheloggerScottK: well, a user might already have it in sources.list.d (IIRC the wiki on debugging gives a cmd sequence for that)13:54
yofelwell, I would only vote for that if you could easily disable it in software-properties..13:54
ScottKyofel: I was thinking in the sources.list, but disabled by default.13:54
apacheloggerScottK: that does not make much a difference13:55
apacheloggerthere are 2 approaches to the whole thing13:55
apacheloggera) persitent b) not so much ;)13:55
apacheloggera) would add ddebs and leave it there, whereas b) would add ddebs, try to get stuff, and then remove ddebs again13:55
ScottKOne of the issues would be that the ddebs repository has a different key that's not included in the standard install.13:56
apacheloggerlatter is probably more expensive as we'd need to update the cache every time13:56
apacheloggerbut better default behaviour13:56
apacheloggerit could be a config option somewhere I suppose13:56
ScottKmaco: Just installed firefox on my netbook and the menu thing appears to work.13:57
nigelbapachelogger: you all lost shadeslayer. He's playing with Unity and "loves it!"14:00
ScottKWe'd have lost him to back problems due to his large laptop soon anyway.14:00
apacheloggernigelb: he's making a broken browser, clearly he should love a broken desktop shell :P14:02
ScottKapachelogger: Apparently broken browsers are all the rage.14:02
apacheloggerI wonder why though14:03
nigelbapachelogger: he's also working on telepathy which is a broken too :p14:03
ScottKHistorically non-broken browsers are pretty tough to find.14:03
apacheloggernigelb: true14:06
* apachelogger pokes the shadeslayer14:06
lucidfoxSay, do we want the community-supported Qt Jambi?14:08
apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: when are you arriving in the land of spas?14:08
lucidfox(I see the old Trolltech 4.4.x version was removed)14:08
apacheloggerlucidfox: if it is well maintained14:08
ScottKapachelogger: Apparently I am scheduled to be at the airport at 0930.14:11
apacheloggerwoosh, also that early14:12
Riddellapachelogger: sunday evening14:12
apacheloggerScottK, Quintasan: fancy some sight seeing or stuff in the afternoons?14:12
apacheloggerthen I'd be trying to catch an earlier train14:12
ScottKPerhaps.  Depends on my fatigue level.14:12
nigelbapachelogger: he's fixing ffriend's unity14:17
* jussi is arriving to budapest at 0950 on the sunday14:21
apacheloggerjussi: sightseeing?14:22
jussiapachelogger: likely. 14:22
* apachelogger could be in budapest around 1pm14:22
apacheloggerwell, actually I could be there earlier, but that is the earliest fast connection ^^14:22
jussias long as I get a chance to ump my bags somewhere - Im not hauling them around...14:22
yuriybambee: pong14:25
yuriybambee: i'm all for userconfig going upstream14:25
yuriybambee: but as Riddell said, i'm not really maintaining it and it would be great if you could take over14:25
bambeeyuriy: great!14:25
bambeethanks ;)14:25
apacheloggerjussi: surely we could drop them at the hotel14:27
Quintasanhmmm good idea apachelogger14:27
Quintasanthough I got a bunch of stuff I want to read but that can be done in sleeping time14:28
apacheloggerwell, just a suggestion14:28
Quintasanjussi: 0950? woah. earlier than me :D14:28
apacheloggerI have no problem getting up at 9 and arriving at 15 :P14:28
apacheloggersupposedly arriving at 1500 is still enough time to conduct proper sight seeing :P14:29
* apachelogger finds most european cities rather dull14:29
ScottKjussi: I'm scheduled to arrive at 0930, so maybe I'll see you at the airport.14:29
QuintasanI bet we will end up in a bar or restaurant drinking beer if we go with you apachelogger14:29
jussiScottK: sounds good 14:29
apacheloggeroh my, how did you know ^^14:30
ScottKjussi: You should add yourself to the wiki page of Kubuntu attendees.14:30
jussiScottK: oh?14:30
apacheloggersight seeing with apachelogger: before 10am = coffe; after 10am = pub14:30
ScottKjussi: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O14:30
QuintasanYou sound like it was THAT hard to guess :P14:30
jussiapachelogger: where do the fluffy sights fit into that? 14:30
apacheloggerQuintasan: you dont even know me IRL, I have been told I am much worse than one would imagine :P14:31
* Quintasan is really considering brining two mats for Stepmania14:31
apacheloggerjussi: if you are drunk you dont need to walk a lot too see fun things14:31
Quintasanapachelogger dancing to YMCA would be a hillarious sight14:31
jussiQuintasan: oh, definately do so14:31
apacheloggerjussi: besides, a city must e judged by its pubs14:31
ScottKapachelogger: I'd have said you're much 'more' in real life, not necessarily worse.14:31
Quintasanjussi: You got some simfiles? I have mostly Japanese and a few so-called irish songs14:32
apacheloggerplease study14:32
jussiQuintasan: no, Ive got nothing... but when going to uds, multiples are always appreciated.14:32
apacheloggerwe need to dance at UDS 14:32
* jussi must remember lots of salmiakki14:32
jussisalmiakki kossu14:32
Quintasanjussi: Got a camera? We gotta really capture this14:33
QuintasanDEM BONES14:33
* apachelogger hugs ScottK14:33
ScottKmaco: BTW, I renamed your accessibility spec so it would display reasonably on the schedule.14:33
* apachelogger practises14:33
QuintasanIT'S FUN TO STAY AT THE....Y. M. C. A.14:33
apacheloggersing that with DVCS14:34
apacheloggerthen think of bzr and it all makes so much more sense14:34
QuintasanIT'S FUN TO STAY THE... D. V. C. S.!14:35
macoScottK: ok14:38
* Quintasan gotta start washing stuff14:44
apacheloggerQuintasan: GTL?14:49
* apachelogger roflz14:49
QuintasanPlz, stop spouting random nosense at me14:49
apacheloggerdont your read the backlogs14:49
apacheloggerQuintasan: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=GTL14:49
Quintasanoh lawd14:50
Quintasannah, just laundry :P14:50
apacheloggerbro, you need to stay fresh! :P14:50
QuintasanYeah bro14:52
* apachelogger giggles away and falls off his chair14:52
Quintasanapachelogger: http://www.maniacworld.com/internet-bro-fist.jpg14:52
apacheloggeroh myz14:53
snikkerin natty i'm unable to login in failsafe mode, and alse other virtual console (ctrl+f1, ctrl+f2, ecc) are disabled. this is a normal thing? it's because i've set a kde private folder?15:12
jjessesnikker you might want to try in #kubuntu for help15:23
snikkerjjesse: i've already asked there :-)15:23
ScottKIf you're using the encrypted home directory, yeah, that wont work.15:27
snikkerScottK: ok, thank you15:37
apacheloggerScottK: did canonical do anything WRT screen setup stuff for natty actually?16:09
apacheloggerdidn't see anything in the news16:09
ScottKapachelogger: I think so.16:10
* apachelogger is getting majorly annoyed with krandrtray and is pretty close to rewriting it himself16:10
ScottKDebconf on my server that runs natty is now purple.16:10
yofelpurple, aubergine sounds somewhat nice and I don't like that16:11
apacheloggerwe could adopt the fluffy color scheme16:11
apacheloggerintroducing a mighty force against the aubergine16:12
* yofel turns the red color channel to 016:12
yofelyep, looks nice now :P16:12
* apachelogger has a mighty migrane again16:13
bambeehttp://imageshack.us/f/820/wtfjz.png/  <--- wtf ? o_O16:19
bambee(see the directory icon)16:19
apacheloggernew le icons16:20
jussiyou know, i think kubuntu's grey scheme is horrible. can has some beautifulness pls?16:23
ScottKIt's not Kubuntu's.  It's KDE's.16:24
jussiScottK: its both. but still, its ugly.16:24
* jussi attempts to fixor...16:25
ScottKSince we have ~no one doing artwork, following upstream is best.16:25
bambeeapachelogger: what ?16:25
apacheloggerdon't beat me to stress my french here16:30
apacheloggermy oh my16:30
apacheloggerceux qui sont les icones nouvelles de dossier16:30
apacheloggeror something like that16:30
apacheloggerat any rate they are the new folder icons, though I would wonder why you've got them16:30
apacheloggerthey ought only be in the rocking new oxygen16:30
apacheloggergreat, my qt refuses to do the compiling16:32
zanoiSince natty the sidebar in Miro (which is a gtk tableview) has a rendering error when using Kubuntu. Is there a known gtk list view rendering bug in kubuntu natty?16:32
zanoisorry, tableview, not list view16:33
bambeeapachelogger: I don't know why I got them... o_O16:33
apacheloggerzanoi: do you like have a snapshot or something?16:33
bambeewell, back to home16:33
zanoiapachelogger: the error is less bad, but it happens with the old miro in the repository as well16:34
zanoiapachelogger: i'd really like to fix it before we release the new 4.0 though16:34
yofelzanoi: how to reproduce?16:35
apacheloggerkubotu: order painkiller16:35
* kubotu slides awesome pain killing painkillers down the bar to apachelogger. Good ride!16:35
zanoiyofel: apt-get install miro16:36
Quintasanoh snap16:36
Quintasangrub is borked on mah lapotopz16:37
apacheloggerit is not your laptopz!16:37
zanoiyofel: beware though, it installs lots gnome-ish stuff16:37
yofelnah, I have half of gnome installed16:37
yofelzanoi: looks like this here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/miro.png16:37
zanoiyofel: interesting, so it doesn't happen with you16:38
zanoiyofel: thx a lot16:39
Quintasansudo grub-install /dev/sda16:40
Quintasan/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat 'aufs'16:40
jussiQuintasan: dont you need to specifit the --root-directory=/16:40
* yofel blames the live disk ^^16:41
yofeljussi: not sure, I never do that, but I always chroot16:41
apacheloggereither dragon or pvlc or libvlc or all 3 of them are broken16:41
jussiyofel: never works without it for me16:41
jussiapachelogger: all of them!! :P16:41
apacheloggerzanoi: what is broken there?16:41
zanoiapachelogger, yofel: http://bugzilla.pculture.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1720916:41
ubottubugzilla.pculture.org bug 17209 in Sidebar Items "Rendering error in Kubuntu Natty" [Major,New]16:41
c2tarunmy system freezing whenever I am trying to connect to any wifi network :( I switched to gnome's network manager, but its also not working :(16:42
zanoiapachelogger, yofel: i can even reproduce it on a fresh natty install16:42
apacheloggerzanoi: that line thingy?16:42
Quintasanyofel: ur right16:42
Quintasanits broken16:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 700910 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Unable to install GRUB2 to the same device as contains aufs in natty" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:42
apacheloggerah righto16:42
ScottKc2tarun: Then it's not really Kubuntu specific.  It's probably a kernel issue and your wifi driver.16:42
zanoiapachelogger: yes16:42
yofelc2tarun: not sure if that would help... if your system freezes I would blame either driver and/or kernel itself16:43
apacheloggerzanoi: quite honstely that looks to me like the theme overload is incomplete16:43
c2tarunScottK: which is the appropriate channel for this?16:43
apacheloggeror whatever one would call it16:43
ScottKc2tarun: #ubuntu16:43
apacheloggerzanoi: try to get hold of someone in #oxygen they make the gtk oxygen theme and surely could tell you what might be going wrong there16:43
zanoiapachelogger: it happens with other themes as well16:43
apacheloggerthen it is hardly kubuntu specific16:44
apacheloggerbut rather a general issue with the GTK class16:44
zanoiwell it works in ubuntu :/16:44
apacheloggerthat does not make sense16:44
apacheloggerwhat are other themese then?16:44
zanoiapachelogger: oh, sorry you are right. it's oxygen16:45
apacheloggersee :P16:46
zanoistupid me forgot to change the theme in GTK appearance16:46
zanoiapachelogger: i'll talk to oxygen, thanks a lot16:46
apacheloggeryw, good luck16:47
ScottKOnce again apachelogger has demonstrated that Kubuntu is total crap as KDE distros go.16:50
apacheloggerthe worst ever16:51
claydohis it just me, but as a long time KDE user who has seen many changes over the years,  and is n ot afraid of that,  or is Unity and/or gnome shell just pure *meh* ?17:16
claydohor am I just jades by the awesomeness that is Kubuntu?17:17
apacheloggerpeople hate the change17:21
apacheloggermust be part of the reason why I am not actually giving on mars or something17:22
yofelclaydoh: well, I find it somewhat usable, unity more than g-shell actually. My problems are that you can't really configure anything, and that 3D desktop and 2D desktop look totally different17:23
yofelKDE ftw!17:23
claydohyofel: I just find them boring, though that may be a good thing17:24
claydohthey both do the job as far as i have used them, just dull17:24
apacheloggeryofel: I find unity-2d more usable than unity17:25
yofeltrue, -2d works at least, 3d gave me compiz crashes most of the time17:26
apacheloggerclaydoh: better to get the job done than to have a bazillion widgets of which 90% memleak and 30% crash the whole freaking desktop :D17:26
claydohapachelogger: what are *you* using? :) 17:26
yofelthat would be funny if it weren't true...17:26
claydohthough I must have the better luck, I seldom have crashes or the like17:27
apacheloggerclaydoh: windows xp17:27
apacheloggerdell took my windows seven away :(17:28
yofelit's not like w7 is any better than xp, so who cares17:28
apacheloggeroh but it is17:28
yofelwell, ok, the panel is ince17:29
apacheloggernot just the panel17:29
claydohthe mrs is currently using vista, somehow she gets no crash, no virii, nada. so I can't convince her toi go back to KDE17:29
apacheloggerpwrshell also rox my world17:29
apacheloggerplus visual studio 2010 behaves like utter shit on xp17:29
apacheloggerclaydoh: vista is just the slow17:29
apacheloggerother than that a perfectly fine OS17:29
apacheloggerclaydoh: that said you could hook her up with them fine KDE on windows apps17:30
claydohdunno, I won't touch it anymore since I installed it for her17:30
apacheloggerlike gwenviewy17:30
apacheloggerI am sure agateau would appreciate that :D17:30
yofelhm, guess I should try powershell sometime..17:30
claydohshe only uses ff/ie and yahoo chat, about 95% of the time17:30
claydohwhich she could do on her phone17:30
claydohthen I could have me 2 laptops17:30
yofelsounds like ubuntu target user17:30
apacheloggeryoubuntoo looks like a bole of dirt compared to windows17:31
apacheloggeryou can say about the blista what you want but the default theme's colors are just insanely well chosen17:32
claydohapachelogger: color/theme wise, yeah17:32
apacheloggerwin even even more so IMHO17:32
QuintasanKubuntu > *17:32
yofelnah, KDE > *17:32
Quintasanoh yeah17:32
QuintasanPulseAudio ---17:32
Quintasan--------- even17:32
Quintasan~karma Quintasan17:33
kubotukarma for Quintasan: 217:33
Quintasan~karma apachelogger17:33
kubotukarma for apachelogger: 1117:33
claydohoh yah, pulse. her usb headset Just Works in vistar, 17:33
yofel~karma 17:33
kubotukarma for yofel: 617:33
Quintasan~karma pulse17:33
kubotupulse has neutral karma17:33
yofel~karma lp17:33
Quintasan~karma PulseAudio17:33
kubotukarma for lp: -117:33
kubotukarma for PulseAudio: -117:33
QuintasanThat's good17:33
yofel~karma bzr17:33
kubotukarma for bzr: -417:33
apacheloggeras the pirates use to say17:33
Quintasan~karma Riddell17:34
kubotukarma for Riddell: 1317:34
apacheloggerclaydoh: it ought to work in the youbuntoo17:34
apacheloggerQuintasan: oh, wanna bet17:34
apacheloggerkubotu: karma c17:34
kubotukarma for c: 21217:34
apacheloggerthere we go17:34
yofelmeh, you beat me to it ^^17:34
Quintasan~karma c17:34
kubotukarma for c: 21317:34
claydohapachelogger: well she won't go for it17:34
Quintasanno wonder17:34
apacheloggerclaydoh: I wouldn't go for it either :P17:34
QuintasanThat's cheating btw.17:35
* claydoh waits for some catastrophic crash17:35
Quintasanapachelogger: ^^17:35
apacheloggerclaydoh: except vista starts the slow17:35
apacheloggerwinseven pwns the vistarr17:35
apacheloggerQuintasan: no it is not17:35
Quintasanit is lol17:35
Quintasan~karma C++17:35
kubotukarma for C++: 117:35
apacheloggernah, you could just as well go cpp17:35
Quintasan"C++" ++17:35
Quintasan~karma C++17:35
kubotukarma for C++: 117:35
claydohapachelogger: win7=$$ vistar dvd came with my lappy, so i put it oh her OS-less used lappy17:35
apacheloggerbut people choose c++ to mention that C is ++17:35
Quintasan~karma C++17:36
kubotukarma for C++: 217:36
claydoh~karma for karma:-617:36
kubotukarma:-6 has neutral karma17:36
apacheloggerclaydoh: see, that was the fault right there... if you had installed the kyoubuntoo everything would be fine :P17:36
Quintasan~karma karma17:36
kubotukarma has neutral karma17:36
jussikarma ++17:36
jussi~karma karma17:36
kubotukarma for karma: 117:36
yofel~karma git17:37
kubotukarma for git: 117:37
claydohapachelogger: I did, but she wanted yahoo IM interface, and the "better" skype17:37
apacheloggershe got a point there17:37
* apachelogger actually wanted to make a better skype for the linux last year17:37
jussihas skype open sourced its front end yet? 17:37
apacheloggerbut to get the 3rd party api shit you need to sell them your sole and stuff17:38
claydohshe IS using libreoffice at least :)17:38
apacheloggerjussi: that was just a marketing scam I am sure17:38
jussiapachelogger: bah17:38
apacheloggerif anything they'd opensource their crap linux UI and stop developing it17:38
apacheloggerskype has as much idea about the powa of the free society as rms about the awesomeness of visual studio17:39
jussismooth tasks is great and all, but "show a launcher for $app when its not running" is borked....17:39
apacheloggeryou are weird17:42
apacheloggersmooth tasks is like the most broken implementation of a broken usage idiom that I have ever seen17:42
bambeeSomeone could merge this branch into kubuntu-packagers ? https://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/kubuntu-dev-tools/kde-l10n-common-4.6.318:15
bambeealso I have updated the wiki (to point to the kubuntu-packagers repositories)18:15
yofelthanks, looking18:16
yofelbtw, you have a gpg-agent running?18:16
bambeeI have18:17
bambeewhy ?18:17
bambeeprobably because I will push many times...18:18
yofelwell, a few dozen packages * 2 password queries for debsign18:18
yofelthat's a lot!18:18
yofelgpg-agent = 1 password entry18:19
yofelhm, I guess I'll start the -natty branch18:19
yofelbambee: created https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-dev-tools/kde-l10n-common-natty18:27
yofelI'll update the wiki18:27
bambeeyofel: thanks, btw18:37
bambeedoes anyone moderate kde-core-devel ML, here ?18:50
bambee(just to get things done faster)18:51
Riddellno but it's well enough maintained, just have some patience if you've posted to it18:51
c2tarunthe merges link https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html, can we do these merges too?18:54
Riddellc2tarun: best to start with universe if it's your first time18:54
c2tarunRiddell: where can I get list for universe?18:55
yofels/main/universe/ ;)18:55
kubotuyofel: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"18:55
bambeec2tarun: https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html ?18:55
c2tarunthanks bambee :)18:56
c2tarunhmmm... there is no option on that page to mention that I am taking the merge work. This may double the work if someone else started it. :/18:57
Quintasanapachelogger: turn of s/lol/wut19:03
kubotuyofel: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"19:03
apacheloggerkubotu: help sed19:03
kubotuFix the previous sentence using regexp and a sed-like syntax. Supported delimiters are /|,! and the modifier "g". Grouping is supported via parens, and backreferencing is done via \1 \2 and so on. You don't have to directly address the bot. Examples: <nick>hello <nick>s/e/u/19:03
* yofel hits kubotu with a tux statue19:03
apacheloggerkubotu: youarebrokenbeyondrepair19:05
Quintasankill it with fire19:06
apacheloggerwas however came up with that package name on crack or something?19:09
apacheloggera spaceship is more intuitive than that name19:09
* shadeslayer pokes apachelogger back19:12
shadeslayersomeone broke my dear natty19:14
shadeslayeri demand to know who it was19:14
yofeldefine "broken"19:15
shadeslayeryofel: broken as in keyboard-events-appear-as-weird-characters-hence-i-cannot-login19:16
shadeslayerwinduhs works fine19:16
shadeslayerso its not a problem with the hardware19:16
QuintasanI'm bored and I have to prepare my laptopz for UDS19:16
shadeslayerQuintasan: prepare?19:17
shadeslayerlike have stickers of unicorns and stuff19:17
Quintasanshadeslayer: install Youbuntoos etc19:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: i held one of these in my hand today : http://www.perfectpetzzz.com/_Layouts/Resources/PerfectPetzzz/Images/ProductDisplay/All/StBernard.PP91.04BV6.jpg19:17
shadeslayerit's like a ball of fur i tell ya19:18
* Quintasan wishes he could bind KMenu to Winkey19:20
* yofel bound krunner to win+space19:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah ... i wish i could do that too19:22
shadeslayeratmost it lasts for one session19:22
shadeslayeroh also ... keyboard magically fixed19:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: it better be .prn19:42
apacheloggerright it wasnt19:42
apacheloggerwhat a waste of the time19:42
shadeslayerit's not19:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: you poked19:43
bambeeyofel: then I need to upload kde-l10n to kubuntu-ninjas ?20:26
bambee(I don't find it in kubuntu-ninjas...)20:26
yofelno, you wait until release and then upload to the release PPA20:26
yofelthat would be far too much to copy20:26
bambeeyofel: the script upload-l10n.sh contains "dput ubuntu $change"20:27
bambee(so I need to change it for the upload)20:28
bambeeok I wait until the release20:28
yofelbambee: you don't use that20:31
yofelthat's for oneiric, and you need to be a kubuntu-dev to use that20:31
yofelyou just build, debsign, and dput to the ppa by hand (*.changes works)20:31
Riddellfor natty you want to just upload kde-l10n-xx to ubuntu20:33
Riddellfor maverick to the PPA20:33
yofelyou're thinking one release backwards20:34
Riddelloh hmm20:34
Riddellfor Oneiric you want to just upload kde-l10n-xx to ubuntu20:34
Riddellfor natty to the PPA20:34
Riddelllike that? :)20:34
bambeemhh ok20:37
bambeeso I've to debsign each packages by hand ? because all of them are unsigned actually20:38
bambee(using gpg-agent of course)20:38
yofelif you use gpg-agent, you'll run debsign *.changes, be asked for the password once and then watch as it magically signs all20:38
yofelto use a gpg-agent you add 'use-agent' to ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf and log out20:39
yofeland you'll need pinentry-qt420:41
shadeslayeragateau: around?20:44
shadeslayeroh noes20:45
shadeslayervalorie: Happy Birthday!!! :D21:06
shadeslayeryofel: Quintasan ever stitched 2 images together in GwenView?21:06
yofelnot yet21:06
shadeslayerhmm... because i can't find a way to do that :P21:07
ScottKDoes  it do that?21:09
Quintasanno idea21:10
QuintasanNever seen that option before21:10
shadeslayertime to install gimp then21:12
debfxScottK: got some time to sponsor a cmake merge?21:15
ScottKHow fiddly is it?21:16
ScottKIf it's an easy one, sure.21:16
ScottKIf it's really painful, let's make apachelogger do it.21:16
debfxScottK: fairly easy, http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/cmake_2.8.4+dfsg.1-2ubuntu1.debdiff21:16
* apachelogger likes the pain21:17
ScottKI'll try to have a look in a bit.21:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://i.imgur.com/0Xgpb.png21:29
valoriethank you, shadeslayer!21:59
droidslayerRiddell: it seems irn bru is trending on twitter :)22:04
Riddellhow does one see trending on twitter?22:06
Riddelloh aye.  well that's an interesting non-debate and now I want some irn bru22:08
DarkwingDuckRiddell: can you setup RAID on the live CD? Because I've only been able to via the alt installer22:14
Riddellno you can't22:14
Riddellnor LVM22:14
DarkwingDuckThere's the argument for keeping the alt installer around then :P:P22:15
ScottKDarkwingDuck: None of those are things that non-tech users need.  You can use the Server installer and then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.22:41
ScottKRiddell typically does, I'd guess, 80% or more of the ISO testing, so either more testers have to magically appear or we have to test a lot less stuff.22:42
debfxScottK: the alt image also provides full disk encryption22:44
ScottKAlso I think not a non-tech user scenario.22:44
ScottKEncrypted home directory is good enough for most.22:44
ScottKLive CD supports that.22:44
ScottKWe can argue this at UDS.22:44
ScottKMaybe guilt ev into implementing some of it for the Live CD.22:45
debfxScottK: do you want to eliminate the alt images completely or just demote them to cdimages.ubuntu.com?22:49
debfxi.e. calling them unsupported22:50
ybiti just submitted 6 feature requests and 5 bugs, go me22:52
ybitwhoops, wrong channel :)22:53
rbelemScottK, at work we only use kubuntu alternate images23:14
ScottKrbelem: Why?23:14
rbelemScottK, mainly because of full disk encryption23:15
ScottKI used to only use the alternate too, but for several cycles I've been using live and it seems to work out pretty well.23:15
rbelemScottK, but to update the system too23:15
rbelemScottK, does live encrypt the entire disk?23:16
ScottKNo, just /home directories.23:16
rbelemwe have really slow internet connection here23:16
ScottKRight, but with a local mirror you could still just download once.23:17
ScottKIt'd be interesting to see how much stuff can be added to the live image.23:17
ScottKBTW, you can use the live image for upgrades, AIUI.23:18
rbelemso, to make a command-line installation and then download the entire kubuntu stack is not viable23:18
ScottKNot even from a locall mirror?23:18
ScottKdebmirror or such is easy enough to set up.23:18
rbelemScottK, we dont have a dedicated server as local mirror, then i setup one i my laptop23:19
ScottKDoesn't need to be dedicated.  Any server/workstation with a persistent connection would do.23:20
ScottKIn any case, I think it's worth discussing or getting the people that want the alternate to stick around to commit to testing it.23:21
rbelemScottK, the situation would be even worse when there is only dial-up internet connection23:22
rbelemthe small cities in the middle of the amazon rain forest23:22
ScottKSo you need full disk encryption + upgrades, right?23:22
ScottKI think upgrades you can already do.23:22
rbelemi did not tested yet upgrading via live cd23:23
rbelemScottK, i really would like to help to maintain the alternate image, but i think i would not manage  to do the image testing and the other tasks :'(23:27
ScottKCould you do that this week so we'll know.23:27
* rbelem needs gtd skills23:29
QuintasanGood night!23:50

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