
bigbrovarSIR_Taco: the general held view is everything intel is good for linux. but of recent things have been quite unstable for me. being using linux for close to 3 years now. times like this I start to wonder if its really worth it.  I just want my pc to work.  I had to get a new laptop recently cus the last one gave crappy kwin performance even though its  a recent hardware (dell xps m1330) sigh00:00
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iconmefistowhen playing DVD in vlc, dpms powersaving switches off my monitor. vlc has always prevented this happening in the past (at least in fullscreen mode). anyone else getting this behaviour?00:04
SIR_Tacobigbrovar: have you tried disabling some and/or all of the desktop effects?00:04
bigbrovarSIR_Taco: I would have to do that for a long time, cus the issue comes up randomly00:05
bigbrovarlast time it happened was 5 days ago00:05
bigbrovarand before that was 2 weeks ago00:05
bigbrovarI cant reproduce it00:05
bigbrovarit just happens00:06
Magnussonhas anyone had any bad experiences with 64 bit as opposed to 32?00:06
SIR_TacoMagnusson: not in 5 years00:06
iconmefistoMagnusson: same here. no problem at all00:06
Magnussonwell i more meant with 10.10 and 11.04 :D but cool good to know00:07
bigbrovarSIR_Taco: Thanks for ur help, its past midnight here , been at this for close to 3 hours googling and stuff. need some sleep.  night guys00:07
Magnussonthought i'd read something about flash not playing nice with 6400:07
SIR_Tacobigbrovar: not a problem00:07
SIR_TacoMagnusson: plays fine here... there are some annoying things, but it's the same all around (32 and 64 bit00:08
Magnussonahh ok, well as long as it's not discriminating hehe00:08
Magnussonjust found out i can run 64 bit so i'm debating reinstalling00:08
Magnussonwanted to minimize my headaches ahead of time00:08
iconmefistoMagnusson: there is a 64bit flash player (still in beta, I think) but the 32bit one works fine on 64bit so I never even bothered to try it00:09
SIR_TacoMagnusson: I would doubt that you'd find a difference between the two00:09
Magnussoncool cool, all good to hear00:09
SIR_Tacook... now trying to get back on the Letterman show lol00:10
sequoiaany one know how to make files download to ubuntu00:10
Magnussonfor those of you that are using, is the speed difference significantly noticable in 64bit?00:10
iconmefistocan someone tell me what version vlc is in 11.04 natty?00:11
czesiuhello i have problem with my desktop some times ago i install something and now my cursor is cross and i havent butons for minimalize closed window and etc.00:11
czesiuthis is like mac os00:11
SIR_TacoMagnusson: honestly can't say. I haven't used an equivalent 64-bit and 32-bit processor side by side00:11
SIR_TacoI know that "back in the day" it was a nice improvement00:12
Magnussonlol yeah00:12
czesiuany help me?00:12
iconmefistoMagnusson: you could try googling for benchmark tests comparing 64 vs 32 in kubuntu00:13
Magnussoniconmefisto> good idea00:13
iconmefistoMagnusson: my guess is some things will be faster (video encoding, realtime audio processing), but most things will be much the same00:15
SIR_Tacoczesiu: what did you install?00:15
czesiui don't now exacley but i wont change desktop viev i remember it was something with os x in name00:17
SIR_Tacoczesiu: so you changed a desktop theme?00:18
czesiuits big problem becouse every time when i startup my ubuntu i always myst go to preferences of desktop and i must change visual efect when i do this button is viev and cursor is normal not cross00:19
czesiui must startup ubuntu in safe graphic mode00:20
LinkmasterAnybody know how to fix a sound card? I was using skype, and the first problem that happened is that Kubuntu stopped recognizing my mic. Now, when I was using skype to chat with someone, it royally screwed my sound card. It makes abnormal and not natural sounds for everything00:20
czesiusir_taco i have cross as my cursor00:21
SIR_Tacoczesiu: when you change it, does it stay that way?00:22
czesiusir_taco yes when i change a visual efect the coursor make a normal but when i restart my system coursor is stil a cross00:24
SIR_Tacoczesiu: what cursur "theme" is it set to?00:24
czesiuand when i install new ubuntu 11 i havent acces to menu00:25
Magnussonoh can someone clear something up for me? so when it comes to backups, is it true that all i have to do is move my entire home folder to a backup location and then replace it upon reinstall, and then all my stuff will be just as it was? or is there more to it, etc00:25
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:26
SIR_TacoMagnusson: more-or-less yes. That will save all your configuration files (customizations and settings for KDE and other programs) plus your personal folders.00:27
czesiusir_taco ambiance00:27
MagnussonSIR_Taco> yeah so as far as all my customizations go, (except for installing specific programs) it'll save all my settings for everything including those programs00:28
SIR_Tacoczesiu: what if you set it back to the default?00:28
Magnussonhow effiecient, go linux :D00:28
czesiuits still this same problem00:29
SIR_TacoMagnusson: how do you plan on backing them up?00:29
Magnussonmoving to another partition or external drive00:29
czesiui thing i install something and now i forgot what00:30
SIR_Tacoczesiu: perhaps try this: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3112235.000:30
iconmefistoMagnusson: keeping your home folder on a separate partition is the easy way to do it. follow that link ^^00:30
SIR_TacoMagnusson: should work fine. The only odd problem you may run into is permissions and symbolic links... but really 90% of settings should be fine00:31
Magnussonyeah actually i had it set up that way on my last computer but when i installed linux again after a few years using vista, i thought it would just be a little hobby, didn't forsee it taking over my daily computing as it has00:32
Magnussonawesome, thanks guys :)00:32
SIR_Taconow back to trying to get on the Letterman show.... if czesiu is done... lol00:33
iconmefistoSIR_Taco: what? you mean as a guest? or just trying to watch it?00:35
SIR_Tacoiconmefisto: oh, no... i mean watch :P00:35
SIR_Tacohave to call back and answer trivia, to get tickets... going to NY next week00:36
iconmefistowhen playing DVD in vlc, dpms powersaving switches off my monitor. vlc has always prevented this happening in the past (at least in fullscreen mode). anyone else getting this behaviour?00:37
SIR_Tacoiconmefisto: it happens to me too, in every video program, it's a pain in the butt and I've mentioned it to developers00:38
SIR_Tacowould be nice to have a "while playing.... disable powersave/screensaver00:38
iconmefistoSIR_Taco: the workaround I'm using now is in menu editor, I put xset -dpms && vlc %U && xset +dpms00:39
iconmefistoSIR_Taco: there is a vlc setting to disable screensaver, but doesn't seem to affect screen powersaving00:40
SIR_Tacoiconmefisto: because I think the API has changed if I remember correctly00:42
Walzmynhow can I send quassel to the tray now that it's inside this message center thingy?01:02
bazhangWalzmyn, tried in #quassel ?01:03
clashingwaveHello Umm I seem to be having a problem where my wlan doesn't auto connect to my network at boot up any more, can anyone give my a hand with this or a workaround for now?01:04
Walzmyni figured the message center is the thing that's goofing me up01:04
Walzmynclashingwave: you got "connect automatically" checked?01:04
clashingwaveYes, I have it checked, but it doesn't seem to work01:05
iconmefistoclashingwave: but it does connect manually?01:09
clashingwaveYes it connect manually with no problem01:10
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anggiatHaloo semua................01:35
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia01:37
rizvanhi, does java applets work with rekonq in Natty?01:42
rizvanthe default browser (rekonq on natty) here doesn't run java applets, but firefox does! why?01:45
clashingwaveHello Umm I seem to be having a problem where my wlan doesn't auto connect to my network at boot up any more, can anyone give my a hand with this?01:46
iconmefistorizvan: is java support enabled (in configure > webkit)01:47
rizvanhttp://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp (only showing blank area, where the applet should be)01:49
iconmefistorizvan: not working for me on rekonq either (I'm running maverick)01:52
clashingwaveHello Umm I seem to be having a problem where my wlan doesn't auto connect to my network at boot up any more, can anyone give my a hand with this?02:05
iconmefistoclashingwave: have you tried creating a new connection to see if it autoconnects?02:07
clashingwaveiconmefisto umm yes I tried that and it still doesn't work02:08
rizvanIconmefisto, sorry, was busy with other stuff.02:09
rizvanthanks for confirming02:09
rizvanthe default browser does not work with java plugin!02:09
rizvanlibqtwebkit issue perhaps02:10
jacghello i have problems sync google calendar with kontact02:14
FanfareHi @ all: Q: Since upgrade to Natty i don't hav Sound anymore. Which Soundserver does Kubuntu use now? Is it PulseAudio now?02:19
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:19
Fanfarethx genii-around02:20
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khindenburganyone notice increase in crashes krdc in 11.04?03:59
ybitis there a kubuntu dev channel?04:01
ybiti could find out...04:01
ybitbut.. :)04:01
ybitfound it04:03
cosmo18 I have a wierd issue, when I double click on downloads in firefox on like a video file it opens it in vlc but it also opens a dolphin window, is there any way I can get it to stop opening the dolphin window?04:21
KeshlTry single-clicking?04:23
KeshlMy bad.04:23
KeshlI'm not absolutely sure this is the issue, but maybe Firefox somehow got confused and decided to always open files in a file browser rather than autorunning them, so to speak. It might be burried under FF's options, but I don't know, I haven't used FF since 3.5.11. Worse than IE now x.x04:24
KeshlIn terms of speed at least.04:24
cosmo18I'm using 4.004:25
zusis rekonk still  a file browser04:28
zusthis place is quiet tonight04:35
shane4kubuntudoes anyone know where the sftp key, or finger print is stored?  I tried to sftp from dolphin across lan to my other box, and it refused, because I reinstalled, but used the same user name, but the fingerprint has changed, new install.04:38
mr-richshane4kubuntu: IIRC, sftp uses ssh?04:39
shane4kubuntumr-rich: that is what I thought, when I ssh'ed into the box, I moved the ~/.ssh/know_hosts because of the same fingerprint error, and I can ssh over without a problem now04:40
mr-richshane4kubuntu: well, that shoots down my idea ...:(04:40
shane4kubuntumr-rich: however when I tried sftp in dolphin it complained and wouldn't go, said to contact the system admin, lol and that is me. :)04:40
mr-richshane4kubuntu: have you googled something like "sftp fingerprint file" or somesuch?04:41
shane4kubuntuno, that is a good thought, let me check that out, I was hoping someone knew off the cuff what the problem was. :)04:42
mr-richshane4kubuntu: I always google first ... 85% of the time I can find my answer there ...04:43
shane4kubuntumr-rich: yes, usually I do too, but sometimes I ask to see if someone knows right off hand.04:43
shane4kubuntumr-rich: or to see if I overlooked the obvious. :)04:44
mr-richI was hanging out here (and #dbus) because a dbus-daemon issue was kicking my ass ...04:44
Whoguys my pc crashed because of power cut, now Kwin is telling me that it can't enable desktop effects because they are slow04:45
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Keshlo.O Kinda the same deal here.. But instead, I upgraded to KDE
KeshlOn another distro, just thought I'd say that. Oh, he left.. nevermind me. x.x04:55
LinkmasterWho: Keshl said something important here for you:<Keshl> o.O Kinda the same deal here.. But instead, I upgraded to KDE
Linkmaster<Keshl> On another distro, just thought I'd say that. Oh, he left.. nevermind me. x.x05:00
KeshlWell, not important. I just commented that I have the same issue.05:00
KeshlSo if anyone helps Who, could they make sure they ping me or something, please? <.<05:01
Whowell i found a fix myself05:01
WhoKeshl: which graphics card you have ?05:02
KeshlnVidia 9800 GTS mobile.05:02
Whowell i fully removed and reinstall my drivers and it solved the problem05:03
Whoyou can give it a try05:03
KeshlOhhhh no no o_o'05:03
KeshlSee, on Sabayon, we do things weird.05:03
c2taruncan anyone please suggest me a good softphone application for kubuntu?05:03
KeshlDoing that would mean having to rebuild my kernel, twice since I'd be reinstalling the driver.05:03
Whoah i see05:04
mr-richc2tarun: skype05:23
KeshlGot it! just had to do "eselect opengl set nvidia"05:33
KeshlSomehow it set Xorg as the default graphical driver, didn't even load nVidia at boot ^w^'05:33
cosmo18 I have a wierd issue, when I double click on downloads in firefox on like a video file it opens it in vlc but it also opens a dolphin window, is there any way I can get it to stop opening the dolphin window?05:38
mr-richcosmo18: try a single click only ...05:39
mr-richcosmo18: also, edit your prefs to ask you what to do with a file instead.05:40
cosmo18it does nothing if I single click and right click and open file causes both programs to be opened05:40
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c2tarunbigbrovar: ping06:28
bigbrovarc2tarun: hi, just in time06:29
bigbrovarwas just about to shut down06:29
c2tarunbigbrovar: oh....06:29
c2tarunyou remebered that you helped me with my wifi card?06:29
bigbrovarc2tarun: were u able to solve ur wifi card06:29
bigbrovarsure I do06:29
c2tarunbigbrovar: my system got extremely slow and I had to reinstall :(06:30
bigbrovarand did the performance improve after a reinstall?06:30
c2tarunbigbrovar: my wifi card was working fine till now but suddently my network manager again stopped detecting wifi connections :(06:30
c2tarunbigbrovar: yup performance improved after reinstall.06:30
bigbrovarc2tarun: thats the network manager plasmoid right? just to rule it out: are u sure the wireless section of the network manager is enabled?  its just a check button06:32
c2tarunbigbrovar: yup its enabled06:32
bigbrovarc2tarun: some people were reporting issues with the network manager plasmoid. on 10.10 I had issues with it too and had to result to using the gnome frontend to network manager which worked pretty fine.  How long as this been. and have u tried connection to the wireless manually. ?06:34
bigbrovarlike the way u would connect to a hidden wireless access point06:34
c2tarunbigbrovar: actually right now I am on wired connection so I am not getting hidden wireless access point option there.06:35
c2tarunand what do you mean by gnome frontend to network manager?06:35
bigbrovarc2tarun: the gnome network manager applet. its the network manager used in ubuntu and xubuntu.06:36
c2tarunbigbrovar: earlier when I was using ubuntu I never faced this problem, I think gnome n/w manager applet may work for me. How can I install it?06:37
bigbrovarc2tarun: sure u can always try it out, and if things gets jammed u can always revert.06:37
c2tarunbigbrovar: how can I switch to gnome network manager applet?06:38
bigbrovarc2tarun: frist u have to remove the network manager plasmoid sudo apt-get remove plasma-widget-networkmanagement06:39
c2tarunbigbrovar: well are you sure, because that may disconnect me from internet. :(06:39
KeshlNot trying to interrupt, but I've had the same issue. Oddly, if you tell it to connect twice (While it's still trying to connect, connect again anyway exactly as you did before), it connects for me. Not sure if this is acceptable to you, but it worked for me.06:39
bigbrovarc2tarun: nope its wont as long u have a wired connection06:41
c2tarunKeshl: I tried to connect several times but stil not able to connect :(06:41
bigbrovarand its set to dhcp06:41
KeshlAnd, to connect manually with no GUI manager, just connect a wire and type "dhclient". Might have to do it as root.06:41
bigbrovarKeshl: he can't even see the wireless connection06:41
Keshl*connect a wire, open a shell and type..06:41
Keshlbigbrovar: Oh, didn't see that, sorry.06:42
c2tarunbigbrovar: what after removing plasma-widget-networkmanager.06:42
c2tarunKeshl: no prob :) thanks for trying to help06:42
bigbrovarc2tarun: yeah if u happen to  disconnect dhclient as Keshl suggested would get u back06:42
c2tarunbigbrovar: what if I first install gnome's n/w manager and then remove mine?06:42
bigbrovarsudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install network-manager-gnome06:43
c2tarunbigbrovar: that's good :)06:43
bigbrovarc2tarun: that would install the gnome network manager without the unnecessary dependencies and stuff06:43
bigbrovaronce installed06:44
bigbrovaru then go to systemsettings and under startup and shut down, go to the autostart section06:44
bigbrovarc2tarun: select add program and add nm-applet06:45
bigbrovarKeshl: which version of kubuntu are u on?06:46
c2tarunbigbrovar: I am going to reboot now.06:47
c2tarunbigbrovar: should I?06:48
bigbrovarc2tarun: good luck and remember if i does not work for u. use dhclient to connect in case u dont have a connection on boot06:48
c2tarunbigbrovar: sure :) thanks06:48
Keshlbigbrovar: None, I use Sabayon.06:50
Keshlbigbrovar: But a friend of mine had an issue with Kubuntu so I had to ask for help here before.06:50
bigbrovarKeshl: wow and how is that going? been telling myself I should try a gentoo based distro06:51
Keshlbigbrovar: Don't try it if you're not willing to fix problems nobody else has.06:51
Keshlbigbrovar: You *cannot* Google your way outta situations like you can on Debian. Gentoo pakcs a bigger punch, but it's like C and C++.06:51
bigbrovarKeshl: lol coming from u I will take that to heart :)06:51
Keshlbigbrovar: With C, you shoot yourself in the foot with a handgun. With C++, you nuke your foot.06:52
bigbrovarKeshl: yeah so I heard06:52
c2tarun_bigbrovar: its working like a charm :) thanks a lot06:52
bigbrovarKeshl: what version of kde are u running there?06:52
Keshlbigbrovar: And with Java, by the time you import hand.gun.with and object.trigger*so, you just forget what you wanted to do anyway, like windows..06:52
bigbrovarc2tarun_: u are welcome :) .. so the gnome network manager is working fine no problem? like u are able to detect wireless and connect easily?06:53
bigbrovarKeshl: lol06:53
c2tarun_bigbrovar: yup :)06:54
bigbrovarKeshl: I was just talking to a friend the other day about the need for kde apps to have systemwide smooth scrolling06:54
Keshlbigbrovar: I'm not sure what that is, mind explaining, owo?06:54
bigbrovarKeshl: scolling especially in systemsettings and dolphin can be a pita06:55
Keshlbigbrovar: Works fine for me o.O06:55
bigbrovarKeshl: scrolling presenting is very jumpy in many kde apps, esp with system settings it seems to scroll 2 pages at a time.06:56
Keshlbigbrovar: Oh, you mean how it just goes, it doens't like, have a scrolling animation of things going by?06:56
bigbrovarKeshl: not so much the animation. but the usability it brings06:58
Keshlbigbrovar: No idea what you mean then. I only notice the animation.06:59
bigbrovarKeshl: this bug report explains it https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7608206:59
ubottuKDE bug 76082 in general "smooth scrolling in all apps" [Wishlist,New]06:59
bigbrovarKeshl: some kde apps like kmail and kopete have it implemented hence scrolling there is less painful07:00
bigbrovarKeshl: and plasma apps too have it by default07:00
Keshlbigbrovar: Just have it scroll, not, a line at a time. When I use my mouse wheel, it scrolls 2.9 lines, not 3.07:01
bigbrovarc2tarun_: u back?07:01
bigbrovarKeshl: is there a way to set the scroll setting for kde? systemwide07:02
c2tarun_bigbrovar: yup07:02
Keshlbigbrovar: No idea, but I figure since you're on Linux, it shoudln't be too difficult to change programs and recompile them to scroll 2.9 rather than 3 <w<07:03
bigbrovarKeshl: I actually found something in the input section of systemsettings07:04
bigbrovarc2tarun_: u got disconnected so I was scared we celebrated too early :p07:04
c2tarun_bigbrovar: actually we celebrated after reboot :)07:04
bigbrovarc2tarun_: btw the kde frontend of network manager is still under very heavy development and as not had a stable release afaict . what distros ship with are development snapshots. unless the gnome network manager which is very stable and packs more features like support for bluetooth tethering and better mobile broadband card support07:06
bigbrovarc2tarun_: so u are better off with it anyway :)07:06
bigbrovarc2tarun_: and u might wanna blog about that too :) linking me to ur blog07:07
c2tarun_bigbrovar: sure :) I'll do that07:07
c2tarun_bigbrovar: also kde n/w manager is not detecting any dsl connection, but gnome's detected ;)07:08
bigbrovarc2tarun_: I meant give me ur blog link too (not linking me to ur blog reading that again didnt come out as I wanted )07:08
bigbrovarc2tarun_: no surprises there. In fact am anxious looking for a reason to switch to the gnm but so far the network manager plasmoid as not given one :)07:09
c2tarun_oh... wait :) I'll give you link, but still I didnt blogged about it07:10
bigbrovarc2tarun_: its ok just generally. I would add it to my rss and add it to my blogroll07:10
c2tarun_bigbrovar: http://www.tricksfind.in/07:11
bigbrovarc2tarun_: take it u are from india?07:11
c2tarun_bigbrovar: yup :)07:11
bigbrovarc2tarun_: cool! I have couple of friends from there :) well maybe more than a couple07:13
c2tarun_bigbrovar:  thats great :)07:13
bigbrovaranyway heading to work now guess we catch later.07:13
bigbrovarKeshl: was nice talking to u. cheers07:14
KeshlBais, owo07:14
valorieoh lord, I was trying to remove the vlc and phonon packages, to force Amarok to use the stuff I've built from git07:46
valorienow muon is removing all of KDE07:46
valorieand I don't know how to stop it07:46
valorieI can't even take a snapshot of the error screen I'm seeing, because I guess ksnapshot is gone07:47
valorieit's asking whether or not to stop the kdm daemon07:48
valorieI have no clue about which is worse07:48
Keshl*Lord <.< Sorry, I get this really sick feeling if I don't at least do that considering everything else I do online.    Anyway, I'm not sure how to help you, but I think you can still take a screenshot if you press the Print Screen button and paste into an image editing program.07:51
valorieI'll try that, thanks07:52
valoriedo you have to use another key with that?07:55
valorieit seems to do nothign07:56
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u19809akonadi no longer wants to start on my KDE session. when I open kontact I get a dialog with error messages, akonadi being unable to lock ibdata1 or something. claiming another version is running.  when I run akonadictl status no servers are running,  when I run akonadictl start I get error that dbus already something registered ...07:59
tonkSo I'm currently installing Kubuntu 11.04 and it stopped at "Installing system 74%" with CPU1 and CPU2 both at 100% use. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot or continue?08:14
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tonkknotify4 and ubiquity are the processes using all the power, but I don't see no notification window anywhere08:16
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tonkOkay never mind. I killed knotify4 and the install process continued. kthxbye08:18
valoriekeshl, once it stopped, I asked for a full upgrade, and it's doing that08:28
valorieso all is not lost08:28
KeshlSorry for afkness.08:29
KeshlAnd good, maybe that'll help.08:29
KeshlAlso, when you hit print screen, nothing will appear to happen. Just paste anyway.08:29
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renzcan any body help me?08:37
valorie!ask | renz08:37
ubotturenz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:37
renzabout on how to install08:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:38
Nightrosecan anyone help me figure out why my wireless doesn't work anymore since yesterday?09:10
Nightrosei am on maverick09:10
Nightrosethe enabled wireless option in the plasmoid is greyed out09:11
Nightrosei tried booting into the previous kernel but that didn't seem to change anything09:11
Nightrosethe hardware switch is set to enabled09:11
* Nightrose looks at apachelogger09:12
apacheloggerNightrose: I believe there was a bug once where nm's software switch was broken09:14
apacheloggerparticularly after a suspend or hibernate it would not let itself turn on again09:14
apacheloggersomething like that09:14
Nightroseapachelogger: hmmmm ok - any way to fix it?09:15
Nightroseand i don't think i did a suspend or hibernate in well ages09:15
apacheloggerNightrose: there is a file somewhere09:18
apacheloggerI have no idea where or what or when though09:18
apacheloggerprobably in /var09:18
apacheloggerNightrose: /var/lib/NetworkManager/ possibly09:19
Nightroselet's see if that gets me anywhere09:19
Nightroseapachelogger: i have two .state files in there09:20
Nightrosecan i just erase them?09:20
Nightroseand reboot09:20
apacheloggerNightrose: likely yes09:24
apacheloggerNightrose: though09:24
apacheloggerNightrose: moving them is certainly saver ;)09:25
apacheloggerotherwise you might end up with no connection whatsoever09:25
Nightroseapachelogger: nope :(09:29
apacheloggerNightrose: no clue then, sorry ... maybe try #ubuntu09:29
apacheloggerthat said09:30
apacheloggerNightrose: maybe install network-manager-gnome, start nm-applet and see if that can turn on wifi again09:30
apacheloggerknm is rubbish at times09:30
Nightroseapachelogger: says it is already running...09:33
apacheloggeryou need to nuke knm09:34
apacheloggerand possibly also stop the kded module09:34
bigbrovarHi guys. at work this morning after setting up a network printer via ipp. everything worked fine. But when I decided to setup another printer I get this error dialog box http://i.imgur.com/XYyub.png and when try starting it from terminal I get this  http://pastebin.com/mqb8aaHF09:39
Nightroseapachelogger: ok i seem to be too dump to kill it :(09:39
apacheloggerNightrose: delete network-manager-kde and login again09:39
bigbrovarnow I just cant fingure out a way to use the printer AT WORK :s09:39
bigbrovarI tried rebooting but that didnt help09:40
Nightroseapachelogger: package not installed so not removed09:43
Nightrosewth is going on09:43
apacheloggerso it has some other name09:43
himcesjf"Network Management disabled" KDE?09:43
apacheloggerNightrose: dpkg -l *network*09:44
himcesjfIf so ..Check ifconfig /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state -> see if disabled -> change fasle to true (kdesudo kate /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state) else remove .state file  restart knetworkmanager -> kqui knetworkmanage && sleep 1 && knetworkmanager (else sudo restart network-manager)09:44
* bigbrovar for the first time in 4 years. I am seriously considering running windows for work. so tired of the circle of irc/ bug report/ walk around and ... sigh 09:44
apacheloggerthe trick is not to use python software09:47
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apacheloggerbigbrovar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PrintingCupsWebInterface09:48
Nightrosehimcesjf: when i set it to true there it gets set back to false09:50
himcesjfNightrose: Do you get this error - "Network Management disabled" KDE?09:50
* apachelogger thinks the hardware switch is not on then :P09:51
Nightrosehimcesjf: where would i get that?09:51
Nightroseapachelogger: it is and the wifi light is on09:51
bigbrovarapachelogger: if thats the case it should be added to the release note!! so I dont have to waste my morning at work trying to figure out why a printer config that worked some minutes ago suddenly stopped working.  if its buggy it should not be included imho. I read that lots of bugs were fixed on the printer config gui.  its messed up when a bright mood is killed off by a bad software experience.09:53
apacheloggerbigbrovar: it is not broken per se, it has a bug, something completely natural for software09:55
himcesjfNightrose: What does <kqui knetworkmanage && sleep 1 && knetworkmanager> say?09:56
* apachelogger notes that the networkmanager in 10.10 is a plasmoid09:56
apacheloggerisn't that what I said?09:57
Nightrosehimcesjf: i don't have kqui or knetworkmanager09:57
himcesjfNightrose: Sorry, my bad09:58
himcesjfHold on09:58
Nightrosestill don't have knetworkmanager ;-)09:59
bigbrovarapachelogger: link to the bug report?10:00
himcesjfNightrose: sudo restart network-manager?10:00
Nightrosehimcesjf: "network-manager start/running, process 1946"10:01
apacheloggerbigbrovar: you'll need to report one so that I can give you the link ;)10:03
apacheloggerNightrose: check ksystemlog10:04
himcesjfChanging and removing that .state file doesn't help either?10:04
bigbrovarapachelogger: That would make the upteen bug report am making. I still have to report the one about X randomly crashing for reasons I can reproduce.  then this one for printing ..  am just so frustrated atm .. sitting at work just staying at the screen wondering what to do. trying to calm down the boiling point.10:06
bigbrovarI have to put in soo much to get things to work to this point. filing bugs and documenting along the way.10:07
apacheloggerI always grab a cup o coffee in such situations :)10:07
himcesjfDo you see wlan0 and its HWaddr in ifconfig, Nightrose?10:07
apacheloggerbigbrovar: you frustration is understandible10:07
Nightrosehimcesjf: no10:08
Nightroseonly eth0 and lo10:08
Nightrosebut it is in iwconfig10:09
himcesjfNightrose: Usually changing the state of NetworkingEnabled to true solves the problem. Hold on10:09
bigbrovarapachelogger: there is this report I filed concerning the menubar plasmoid. I even tried finding the maintainer to report it to him. never got a reply back never even got any activity for the bug  bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-menubar/+bug/701527 and the issue still exit in 11.0410:09
bigbrovarapachelogger: anyway talking to u helps .. :)10:09
bigbrovarat least I can smile again :)10:09
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himcesjfDo you see such options in .state file NetworkingEnabled=true WirelessEnabled=true  WWANEnabled=true or only NetworkingEnabled=true ?10:12
himcesjfNightrose: ^10:12
Nightrosehimcesjf: networkingenabled = true and wirelessenabled = false and wwanenabled = true10:13
himcesjfAnd changing the wirelessenabled = false state reverts back to false?10:14
Nightroseit did previously yes10:14
himcesjfConfused now10:14
himcesjfWondering why delteing the state file and relogin not helping10:15
Nightroseapachelogger: what am i looking for in ksystemlog?10:15
Nightrosei'm not seeing anything helpful so far10:15
apacheloggerlook through all the logs and filter for net10:16
apacheloggerwlan maybe10:16
apachelogger(hal could also spit out something)10:16
himcesjfwlan and hal, I suppose10:17
apacheloggerNightrose: btw, after removing the state files you will need to restart network-manager rather than reboot10:17
apacheloggeror actually best would be to stop nm, then remove the state files and then start it again10:17
Nightroseapachelogger: set's it back to false in the state file10:18
himcesjfapachelogger: That is what I asked for :)10:18
himcesjfDid you update the conman package recently?10:21
Nightrosenot that i am aware of10:21
bigbrovarapachelogger: I have reported the issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeadmin/+bug/77622410:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 776224 in kdeadmin (Ubuntu) "system-config-printer-kde tool won't start on Kubuntu 11.04" [Undecided,New]10:21
Nightroseapachelogger: himcesjf: http://paste.kde.org/4891310:22
himcesjfapachelogger: Can wicd help?10:22
apacheloggerunlikely but possible10:24
apacheloggerNightrose: I believe reason 2 is hardware related though10:24
* apachelogger looks for source10:24
rdallarmihi, all of a sudden the desktop effects do not work anymore using opengl, but just trough xrender (they used to work fine) I am not sure I have done anything, but is there a way to restore it to the default behavior?10:26
apacheloggeractually wrong10:27
apacheloggerNightrose: according to that output your device should be up10:27
apacheloggerreason 2 ... NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_NOW_MANAGED = 2,10:27
Nightrosedamn it10:27
apacheloggerso it is bringing the device up because it is managed10:28
snikkermy usb 3.0 port doesn't work in ubuntu, how can i fix this?10:28
Nightroseapachelogger: ok - upgrade to natty - good or bad idea in this case?10:30
apacheloggerupgrade is always a good idea :D10:30
himcesjfMaybe reinstall?10:30
himcesjfupgrade may mess10:30
Nightrosehimcesjf: certainly not10:30
apacheloggerNightrose: possibly the knm in natty is less rubbish and manages to do more useful things10:30
Nightroselet's give this a try then...10:31
himcesjfNightrose: Alright, upgrade.10:31
faLUCEI created a shared directory with swat. I created it by accessing swat http server with root user (if I access with myuser I cannot create a share, therefore I used root). Now: I can make the shared resource accessible to all, without a password. How can I configure it in order to be accessible only for the users which have permissions to the directory, so that remote login is required?10:31
himcesjfNightrose: What was the last update before this problem occurred?10:33
Nightrosehimcesjf: ufff no idea10:33
himcesjfNightrose: Sorry, hopefully upgrade will fix it10:34
snikkerxorg.conf was removed in natty?10:39
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Riddellbigbrovar: would you mind reporting bug 776224 to bugs.kde.org ?10:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776224 in kdeadmin (Ubuntu) "system-config-printer-kde tool won't start on Kubuntu 11.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77622410:43
GeorgeJHello folks10:45
GeorgeJI've recently upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 from 10.10. I'm really dissapointed by Unity and Gnome3. They are really not suitable for a developer. And now I'm thinking of switching back to KDE permanently.10:46
GeorgeJAre there any issues or problems I should be aware of before switching to Kubuntu 11.04?10:47
arpanGeorgeJ: you should try live mode of kubuntu image and you will come to know about any problem specific to your hardware, if any.10:50
zeroedoutI *still* can't get unity to run but gnome3 so far is pretty sweet10:50
arpanGeorgeJ: I upgraded my desktop and laptop to 11.04 kubuntu and it works fantastic for me!10:51
GeorgeJAwesome, can't wait to be able to use a decent, familliar GUI again10:51
GeorgeJI really feel Unity and Gnome3 shell are not suitable for desktop computers, but only mobile platforms, maybe10:52
arpanGeorgeJ: Good luck.10:52
GeorgeJI've seen some reviews on KDE 4.6 and noticed that its also starting to orbit around mobile platforms, but I like that they haven't destroyed the desktop interface like the others did10:53
GeorgeJarpan: Thanks :D10:54
Peace-GeorgeJ: actually plasma runs on nokia10:54
Peace-GeorgeJ: infact you can try plasma-mobile10:54
Peace-een on a computer10:54
GeorgeJPeace-: I know, but I'm not forced to, like Unity or Gnome :D10:54
Peace-well unity is very bad for me10:55
arpanGeorgeJ: there's one kubuntu-mobile image available as well but i can't suggest it to anyone as i haven't tested it on any device10:55
Peace-arpan: you don't need that10:57
Peace-arpan: just install plasma-mobile10:57
apacheloggerGeorgeJ: teh difference being that the plasma frontend is redone to suite other form factors10:57
apacheloggersuch as mobile phones10:57
Peace-arpan: and choose plasma mobile at kdm time10:57
apacheloggerthey are essentially different products really10:57
arpanPeace-: oh! thanks!! I didn't know that!! :)10:57
apacheloggerarpan: it would only work on the bealgeboard, pandaboard and n900 anyway ;)10:57
Peace-arpan: :)10:57
apacheloggerin particular only the n900 is a tier 1 platform right now10:58
GeorgeJI really hope ubuntu will adopt KDE as their default GUI, Unity and Gnome3 are, IMO, horrible for a desktop user, especially as a developer10:58
arpanapachelogger: thanks!! That's what i thought of it and thus never tried.10:58
Peace-GeorgeJ: nope that will not happen10:59
arpanGeorgeJ: but kubuntu will stay there for all of us!! :)11:00
GeorgeJHmm, I've just downloaded the iso and tried runnign Kubuntu Live, however the boot sequence freezes, modprobe seems to throw an error11:01
Peace-GeorgeJ: try to install from another iso11:02
Peace-GeorgeJ: alternate i guess11:02
arpanGeorgeJ: check the md5sum of the image/cd and make sure it is downloaded correctly and completely.11:05
GeorgeJPeace-: Doesn't the alternate iso just replace the installer method? I'm getting a "Bad EIP value" which, as far as I can tell, should be followed by a kernel fault(but is not), indicating hardware failiure11:05
GeorgeJI'm getting the same error when trying to check disc for defects. I'll check the md5 sum, just a moment11:07
taiyalyou might want to try fresher optical media too11:08
arpanGeorgeJ: if md5sum of image matches with the one provided on website then try creating live-usb, that would be faster than CD11:12
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arpanGeorgeJ: but remember, creating live usb erases everything from your usb media11:12
GeorgeJarpan: The md5 sum matches. I don't think booting from the usb will work either. But I'lll give it a try anyway11:15
GeorgeJI haven't tried booting Ubuntu 11.04 either, I've upgraded from 10.10, so there might be another problem, not related to Kubuntu11:16
GeorgeJ"Natty Narwhal 11.04 is having issues with USB drives from SanDisk that have U3 Launchpad" Oh man, how unlucky can I get?11:18
arpanGeorgeJ: I have SanDisk cruzer purchased last year and it boots flawlessly, so u may want to give it a try11:22
GeorgeJI have no need for theU3 part, so I've removed it.11:23
GeorgeJAnother question, does anyone have any news on the Nvidia Optimus support?11:24
arpanGeorgeJ: good luck, hopefully you'll be able to boot this time11:24
arpanGeorgeJ: no idea on that one.11:24
taiyalhow do I enable newly created keyboard shortcuts?11:25
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Peace-GeorgeJ: well you could try anyway if you believe it's a kernel issue do as you wish11:46
kavurtmy kubuntu doesn't even respond sometimes when I try to turn the computer off. Is it only my kubuntu, or is it a common issue?11:54
Peace-kavurt: well11:55
Peace-kavurt: you actually have some problems with acpi11:55
Peace-kavurt: i mean the kernel has problems with your bios energy stuff11:55
Peace-kavurt: please fill a bug report11:55
Peace-kavurt: btw ...11:55
Peace-kavurt: could you try to turno off your computer with these comands on shell ?11:56
Peace-kavurt: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/04/bash-close-kde-with-bash-using-dbus/11:56
Peace-kavurt: if it will work you can create some lauchers11:56
kavurtPeace-: i already filled a bug report. but it's the same in all my three compters. when i go through terminal, "shutdown -h now" or "reboot" everything's normal.11:59
Peace-kavurt: ok try with qdbus please11:59
kavurtPeace-: i tried qdbus, it worked perfectly.12:03
Peace-kavurt: ok well12:03
Peace-kavurt: you can do a laucher now12:03
Peace-kavurt: with that12:03
Peace-so you have solved the problem12:03
Peace-i am sorry but  i dunno the cause about your problem12:04
kavurtPeace-: thank you12:04
* Peace- happy that his blog is used12:04
Peace-kavurt: at least you have a workaround12:05
kavurtPeace-: and at least i had someone to help :)12:06
snikkerhow can i add a custom dpi size? in the sistem settings i've only 96 and 120 dpi...12:09
snikkerno one?12:16
Peace-let me see12:16
arpanPeace-: so i installed plasma-mobile but don't see it in kdm menu12:18
Peace-arpan: have you rebooted?12:19
Peace-arpan: you clicked on the arrow?12:19
arpanPeace-: yes, had only 3 options there, default, previous and plasma workspace12:20
Peace-arpan: try installing kubuntu-mobile12:21
Peace-maybe something is missin on kdm12:21
arpanPeace-: ok12:21
Peace-snikker: i guess you have to modify some configuration files12:23
Peace-to get the dpi you want12:23
Peace-snikker: i hav found an old article for kde3 http://fixunix.com/debian/134007-kde-xorg-dpi-setting.html12:23
Peace-snikker: found this too http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/changing-kdes-dpi-setting-351926/12:24
GeorgeJI'm still getting stuck while booting Kubuntu 11.04 :(. Modprobe returns with status 0x0009, I can't see the full stacktrace12:25
snikkerPeace-: thanks, now i try12:25
arpanPeace-: no luck with kubuntu-mobile as well12:27
Peace-arpan: this is not possible12:28
Peace-arpan: try this run on konsole :  kbuildsycoca412:28
arpanPeace-: thanks! let me try that12:29
arpanPeace-: do i need to sudo it?12:30
arpanPeace-: ok12:30
Peace-wel you could try with sudo too12:31
Peace-this is only a try12:31
arpantrying sudo is gives error of current owner12:31
arpanwithout sudo it works12:31
Peace-log out12:32
arpanPeace-: now rebooting12:32
FloodBotK1Peace-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:32
arpanPeace-: that didn't work12:33
Peace-arpan: dunno man12:34
Peace-arpan: it should appear12:34
Peace-on the menu12:34
arpanPeace-: that's ok... i can live without that :D12:35
arpanPeace-: just wanted to test it12:35
Peace-arpan: you can try this xD12:36
Peace-pkill plasma-desktop && plasma-mobile12:36
Peace-it should work12:36
arpanPeace-: shouldn't reboot fix that?12:36
Peace-arpan: maybe but maybe not xD12:37
Peace-arpan: anyways if you get some problems just PRESS alt f212:37
Peace-pkill plasma-mobile && plasma-desktop12:37
arpanPeace-: just logged in after a reboot12:37
arpanPeace-:  now will use pkill12:38
arpanPeace-: i hope plasma-netbook doesn have to do anything with it12:40
arpanPeace-: because i use netbook workspace12:40
Peace-arpan: plasma-destktop , plasma-netbook , plasma-mobile12:41
Peace-are the layouts12:41
Peace-if you use kubuntu desktop you use plasma-destkop12:41
Peace-if you use netbook kubuntu you use plasma-etc etc12:41
arpanPeace-: yeah i am aware of that. on my desktop i use plasma-desktop and on laptop i use netbook workspace12:42
arpanPeace-: but this mobile thingy not shown anywhere12:43
Peace-arpan: on konsole you can run plasma-mobile ?12:43
* Peace- note that running plasma-mobile should kill plasma-desktop12:43
arpanPeace-: i'll give it a try12:44
arpanPeace-: yes i can run that in konsole12:44
GeorgeJWhy is kde so awesome?12:45
Peace-arpan: you you can even try plasma-mobile with konsole12:46
Peace-just remove panels and you will get the layout12:46
arpanPeace-: yeah made panel auto-hide to get it full screen12:47
Peace-arpan: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/03/plasma-desktopmQ1685.jpg12:47
da2ce7_laptopI have a quick bug report for kubuntu 11.0412:51
da2ce7_laptopthe user gpg.conf dosn't automaticaly load up gpg-agent12:51
Peace-da2ce7_laptop: run this ubuntu-bug NAMEOFPACKAGE12:52
da2ce7_laptopyou need to add the use-agent line into the ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf file12:52
topylihmm, did anyone figure out how to add google calendars and address books in korganizer yet?12:54
topylipreferably using software that's already released. i know there's something cooking in the shaky builds12:55
ubuntuHi, I've installed kubuntu, but hwhenever I boot up, my mnitor saya "Mode not supported"13:14
ubuntuI even tried with a different monitor13:14
Peace-ubuntu: how did you installed it?13:14
ubuntuIt does not even show the grub menu13:14
Peace-ubuntu: aside gnome?13:14
ubuntuFrom the live CD13:14
ubuntuNo Kubuntu13:14
Peace-ok press shit at the boot time13:15
ubuntuPeace-: Afresh13:15
PiciPeace-: *shift13:15
Peace-grub should appear13:15
ubuntuok i will  try13:15
Peace-xD Pici ty13:15
ubuntuHi I even tried pressing "shift"key during bootup, Now it says, "loading Frub", but again goes into "Mode not supported" after that13:21
ubuntuIn the paste I've had kubuntu10.04 and debian running fine.13:23
ubuntuI don't know what is wrong, I do not even see HDD activity after I leave it in  "Mode not supported mode"13:23
ubuntuAny ideas what might be wrong, or what to look for thanks13:24
ubuntuPeace-: ^^13:24
ubuntuIts a amd64 bit version, if that matters, and this is the first time installing a 64 bit OS.13:27
* ubuntu goes for a second try at installing kubuntu13:30
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16WAADU6Fsomeone good at apache virtualhost?13:43
ruai updated ubuntu14:04
ruabut now flash player doesn't work14:04
ruahow can i fix14:05
darkrex1986rua: install kubuntu_restricted_extras14:05
=== vojta is now known as VojtechFranc
darkrex1986!info kubuntu_restricted_extras natty14:06
ubottuPackage kubuntu_restricted_extras does not exist in natty14:06
Pici!info kubuntu-restricted-extras14:06
ubottukubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Kubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 42 (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB14:06
ruainstalling now14:07
darkrex1986Pici: thx ^^14:08
ruait works on chromium browser14:11
ruabut it isn't working on mozilla14:11
darkrex1986rua: did you run FF4?14:12
darkrex1986rua: sry FF4 = FireFox414:12
ruai use ff4 :)14:13
darkrex1986rua: ok you said that you have updated your ubuntu, check if you have install gnash Flash. If its still installed remove it using apt.14:14
darkrex1986rua: Cause if its still installed FF4 will use gnash Flash instead of Adobes flash14:15
ruaty darkrex198614:16
ruai'm trying now14:16
GeorgeJCan I setup a shortcut to move a window from a workspace to another_14:17
GeorgeJI've allready setup shortcuts to move trough workspaces., I just want to be able to move windows across them aswell.14:18
darkrex1986rua: np14:22
amundsenwhat's going to happen with QT now that Nokia seems abandon this platform ?14:22
amundsenwhat could happen ?14:22
amundsenis it possible a fork ?14:23
amundsenis qt 100% gpl compatible ?14:23
HouseMD42, 42, 42.  There :P14:23
Nightroseapachelogger: fail :(  wireless not fixed and desktop effects are immediately suspended14:30
apacheloggerNightrose: you really should buy canonical certified hardware14:36
brian_rennerDo not know if this is the place to post this but I don't know who edits the page at "http://www.kubuntuguide.info/index.php/Natty#General_Notes" but if you know who let that person know to change the title from Kubuntu 10.10 (Natty Narwhal) to Kubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal).  I registered to edit the site but the title is locked.14:36
Nightroseapachelogger: not helping...14:36
apacheloggerNightrose: well, one option would be to try wicd instead of networkmanager14:36
apacheloggersurely there is a page on wicd at help.ubuntu.com14:36
apacheloggerbrian_renner: no idea who maintains that14:37
apacheloggeractually it is the first time I ever hear of that site ^^14:37
BluesKajNightrose, wifi or ethernet ?14:39
NightroseBluesKaj: wifi14:39
BluesKajbraodcom or atheros ?14:39
BluesKajerr broadcom14:39
Nightroseno idea sorry14:40
BluesKajNightrose, open a terminal , sudo lshw -C Netowrk14:42
BluesKajoops Network14:43
wolshe has a ath9k supported device. http://paste.kde.org/4891314:43
Nightrosewols: she ;-)14:43
wolson the internet, everyone is a dog. or a 50 year old fbi agent with a beer belly. both male. take your pick14:44
NightroseBluesKaj: so yeah - atheros14:44
BluesKajNightrose, has anyone given you any other terminal commands to run ?14:46
Nightrosevarious ;-)14:46
Nightroserestarting network manager among them14:46
BluesKajsudo ifconfig wlan0 up14:46
NightroseBluesKaj: "SIOCSIFLAGL: operation not possible due to RF-kill"14:47
Nightrose"SIOCSIFFLAGS: operation not possible due to RF-kill"14:48
Peace-Nightrose: ok14:49
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Peace-Nightrose: rfkill -list14:49
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Peace-Nightrose:  sudo rfkill unblock all14:50
NightrosePeace-: that seems to be the wrong usage14:50
NightrosePeace-: still giving me the same for ifconfig wlan0 up after that :(14:51
Peace-Nightrose: ok14:51
Peace-Nightrose: laptop ?14:51
Peace-ok please check if you have some switch button for wifi14:51
Nightrosealready have - it's in the right position and the wifi light is also on14:52
Peace-Nightrose: iwconfig14:52
BluesKajPeace-, , that's a strange message "SIOCSIFFLAGS: operation not possible due to RF-kill"14:52
BluesKajPeace-, , that's a strange message "SIOCSIFFLAGS: operation not possible due to RF-kill"14:52
Peace-BluesKaj: :P14:52
NightrosePeace-: ok - what am i looking for there?14:52
Peace-Nightrose: name of thw wifi ? ath0 wlan0 ?14:52
Peace-sudo ifconfig wlan0 up ?14:53
Peace-sudo iwlist wlan0 scan14:53
Peace-of course yes xD14:53
Peace-then atheros ?14:53
BluesKajNightrose,  sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid , see i you're getting any output14:54
NightrosePeace-: same error as aboe14:54
Peace-Nightrose: this     sudo ifconfig wlan0 up14:54
Peace-Nightrose: gives     SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 132 ?14:54
BluesKajPeace-, what would be doing an RFkill14:55
NightrosePeace-: no that gives SIOCSIFFLAGS: operation not possible due to RF-kill14:55
BluesKajwifi isn't even tryng to broadcast or receive14:55
himcesjfNightrose: Did you try wicd?14:55
Peace-Nightrose: it's an atheros?14:55
BluesKajNightrose, sudo modprobe ath014:56
Peace-Nightrose: ok14:56
Peace-Nightrose: you need to check if witha voltage reset you could get some stuff14:56
Peace-Nightrose: lsmod | grep ath5k14:56
Peace-BluesKaj: i guess ath5k is the problem14:57
Peace-BluesKaj: some time it doesn't work properly14:57
NightroseBluesKaj: fatal: module ath0 not found14:57
NightrosePeace-: hmmm ok - how? :D14:57
Peace-Nightrose: lsmod | grep ath5k14:57
NightrosePeace-: nothing14:58
Peace-Nightrose: lsmod | grep ath14:58
Nightrosevarious ath9k stuff14:58
Peace-Nightrose: ok14:58
Peace-Nightrose: so i got it14:58
Peace-Nightrose: you have an atheros , the new atheros use ath9k14:58
Peace-instead of ath5k14:58
Peace-alternate driver could be madwifi14:59
Peace-if you want use ath9k you could try this14:59
Peace-i have found this solution for ath5k long time ago ...14:59
Peace-but it could not work for you14:59
Peace-Nightrose: ell turn off the computer … and disconnect the plug now press the computer’s button which should turn on your computer … that should consume the residual voltage. and now start the pc. this fucking atheros works again with ath5k14:59
tdnWhat is the ~/.local dir used for? Is it safe to exclude it from any backups?14:59
* BluesKaj makes a note of that ...when daughter returns my laptop14:59
Peace-because of i am a bit busy you can find the whole story15:00
Nightrosei will try this15:00
Peace-Nightrose: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/06/kubuntu-904-atheros-communications-inc-ar242x-80211abg-wireless-pci-express-adapter-rev-01/15:00
BluesKajPeace-, . pls ..language :(15:00
Nightrosesounds super strange15:00
Peace-BluesKaj: i know15:00
Peace-BluesKaj: i was pasting xD15:00
Nightroseif this works you're the hero of the day15:01
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Peace-Nightrose: no it's not you think , a printer hp 4500 wifi fi you don't use it on windows , the first time, you can't get it on linux15:02
Peace-that is a very strange behavior15:02
Peace-Nightrose: if doens't work , you could install wicd-kde15:03
Peace-BluesKaj: hey after i did a tutorial to create a pakcage of wicd-kde it comes on natty repo15:04
NightrosePeace-: same thing still :(15:04
Nightrosewicd-kde next...15:04
* BluesKaj repeats , I detest network manager15:04
darkrex1986tdn: some informations from your applications are stored there for example your trash bin and vlc files, I wouldnt exclude15:05
NightrosePeace-: but lsmod still shows 9k btw15:05
Peace-Nightrose: normal15:05
Peace-Nightrose: ath9k it's the driver15:05
Peace-Nightrose: but15:06
Peace-Nightrose: rfkill list15:06
Peace-what does it says ?15:06
BluesKajNightrose, I used wicd for a while before knetwork manager finally got fxed ,.. it's always behind the curve on some wifi drivers15:06
tdnvlc files? What does vlc keep that I need in the future? Trash is not something I would backup.15:07
NightrosePeace-: ideapad_wlan softblocked yes15:07
Nightroseamong others15:07
Peace-Nightrose: mm we need to unblock them15:07
Peace-or it doesn't work15:07
Nightroseany idea how? :)15:07
Peace-wait a moment15:08
Nightroseit also lists phy0: wireless lan as soft and hard blocked15:08
Nightrosethe rest is not blockd15:08
Peace-Nightrose: could you post all the stuff?15:08
Nightroseok sec15:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:08
NightrosePeace-: http://paste.kde.org/4927315:11
Peace-Nightrose: sudo rfkill unblock wifi15:11
Peace-Nightrose: redoo the comand rfkill list15:12
darkrex1986tdn: the ml.xspf is stored there, and your .desktop files which ware used by plasma, so if you exculde this directory it might be that your desktop icons will be lost and if some of your programs check for the .desktop files it could crash.15:12
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Peace-Nightrose: try now to gget your wifi working15:12
Peace-Nightrose: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan15:12
tdndarkrex1986, ok. What is ml.xspf?15:12
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Peace-Nightrose: btw you have 2 wifi ?15:12
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Nightrosei'm not aware of two but...15:13
Nightrosesudo iwlist wlan0 scan15:13
BluesKajNightrose, are you in an office with wifi ?15:13
snikkerin natty i'm unable to login in failsafe mode, and alse other virtual console (ctrl+f1, ctrl+f2, ecc) are disabled. this is a normal thing? it's because i've set a kde private folder?15:13
Nightrose^ no scanning because network is down15:14
Peace-Nightrose: ok15:14
NightroseBluesKaj: ? i'm at home atm if that matters and i have an access point15:14
Peace-sudo ifconfig wlan0 up15:14
BluesKajNightrose, ok , had to know15:14
Peace-Nightrose:then again :    sudo iwlist wlan0 scan15:15
NightrosePeace-: same as before - not possible because of rf-kill15:15
Peace-nope here there is something of weird15:15
Peace-lscpi | grep -i Network15:15
NightrosePeace-: do you mean lspci?15:16
darkrex1986tdn: if i remember right vlc use this file in cooperation with the local playlist15:16
Peace-Nightrose: yes15:16
NightrosePeace-: ok - two results15:17
Nightroseone network and one ethernet controler15:17
darkrex1986tdn: ok :D google says vlc will crash if something worng with this file ^^15:18
BluesKajNightrose, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid ..paste that pls15:19
olskolircI just made a usb creator start up disk to install natty and when I boot into it, I get a prompt that says, boot:  what do I type here to begin the install please?15:19
NightroseBluesKaj: wlan0  interface doesn't suport scanning: network is down15:20
Peace-Nightrose: you have to give me the string15:21
Peace-i have to check the wifi card15:21
Peace-Nightrose: i guess you card should work15:21
Peace-i am pretty syre15:21
NightrosePeace-: which string?15:21
Nightroseand yeah it did work before... ;-)15:21
arpanolskolirc: probably hitting enter should work for you, try it15:22
olskolircof course arpan15:22
NightrosePeace-: http://paste.kde.org/4929115:23
Peace-Nightrose: sudo rmmod ath9k15:24
Peace-Nightrose: sudo modprobe ath9k15:24
Peace-that is remove driver from the kernel15:24
Peace-and put again the driver on the kernel15:24
NightrosePeace-: ok done - first command gave me a "wireless hardware enabled" popup and second one a "wireless hardware disabled" one15:25
Nightrosewth is happening here?15:26
Peace-Nightrose: a weird configuration15:26
Peace-let me check this15:26
Peace-Nightrose: cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf | grep false15:27
Peace-Nightrose: and this cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state | grep false15:28
Nightrosefirst one: managed=false15:28
Peace-Nightrose: ok we need to edit that stuff15:28
Peace-Nightrose: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/05/15/network-management-disabled-after-suspend-to-ram-kubuntu-10-04/15:29
Peace-Nightrose: try to read that15:29
Nightrosesecond one "WirelessEnabled=false"15:29
Peace-Nightrose: maybe we got the problem15:29
Nightrosewicd it is15:31
Nightroseat least for a try15:31
Peace-have you read that stuff?15:31
Peace-i mean you need to put all false15:31
Peace-*replace  ==> true15:31
Nightrosei did that in the second file earlier15:32
Nightroseanyway - one sec15:32
bitgandtter_why my kubuntu dont change screen brightness15:32
Peace-bitgandtter_: kernel doesn't handle well your acpi15:33
bitgandtter_exist any solution to this problem?15:34
Peace-depends on the hardware15:34
Peace-and your configuration15:34
bitgandtter_any tutorial or doc i can read to try fixit?15:35
wolsfirst thing is to google for your notebook model under linux15:35
wolsmost chance of success15:36
Peace-bitgandtter_: google http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=kubuntu+dont+change+screen+brightness&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 : >>>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142294715:36
bitgandtter_thanks i will try15:40
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rahimfaka with holland?15:54
BluesKaj!nl | rahim15:56
ubotturahim: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl15:56
NightrosePeace-: ok :/ i'm still exactly where i was before it seems16:00
Nightrosedid what the blog said - didn't help16:00
Nightrosedoes anyone have any ideas what to do next?16:01
Nightrosethis is frustrating :(16:01
BluesKajNightrose, wicd16:01
NightroseBluesKaj: ok - just install wicd-kde and then?16:01
BluesKajNightrose, i didn't realize there was a specific kde version , but yes16:02
NightroseBluesKaj: ok - running16:03
Nightroseand now? :D16:03
BluesKajdid you open wicd from the kmenu16:03
Nightrosethe kde client yes16:04
Nightroseand it starts in the systray16:04
Nightrosebut there doesn't seem to be anything for wifi16:04
BluesKajok , right click and choose edit , then wifi tab16:05
Nightrosethere is no edit16:05
Nightrosejust connection infos16:05
Nightrosehelp and quit16:06
LibreManhi, I'm trying to set up an apt-cacher server for both kubuntu and debian ... I read that debian and kubuntu could have packages with the same name but different content, is that still the case?16:06
BluesKajI'm not familar with kde gui , is there a configure option?16:06
LinkmasterWhats the best way to upgrade 10.10-11.04 using an .iso image and USB? Would I simple use the startup disk creator, then plug in the .iso, tell KPackageKit to upgrade using the CD? And should I use the alternate CD or the regular download?16:06
Nightrosethere is a preferences window - let me see16:06
BluesKajLinkmaster, why bother with the usb , it's flaky , just try the livecd16:07
LibreManbecause afaik the policy regarding packaging in k/ubuntu is that either it is exact copy of debian package or there is "ubuntu" appended to the name if it's modified, no?16:08
darkrex1986Linkmaster: use apt :)16:08
NightroseBluesKaj: ok doesn't seem to keep my connections16:08
FloodBotK1Nightrose: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:08
BluesKajNightrose, is there a wifi tab option in prefernces ?16:09
NightroseBluesKaj: no16:10
darkrex1986Linkmaster: ive done this => https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades/Kubuntu works great for me :)16:10
Nightrosebut as it's not keeping my preferences anyway...16:10
BluesKajNightrose, you could try rebooting ..I'm at a loss as to how to help , Peace- seemed to be on the right track , but dunno where he went :(\16:13
BluesKajNightrose, for what it's worth , I'd research wpa_supplicant method , it worked with my ralink usb wifi adapter , when no other network manager would . It takes a lot of patience and it's a bit tricky, but if you get the sertings right with the right atheros driver it can work very well16:17
Linkmasterbecause at the moment I have no CD/external CD play BluesKaj, and darkrex1986 apt doesn't work here at my school since its slow internet, and16:18
Nightrosehmmmmm i was really hoping i can avoid that16:18
Nightroseand jeeez i spend way too much time on this already16:20
Nightrosei need to go and do grocery shopping16:20
Nightroseand about 100 other things16:20
BluesKajNightrose, ok16:20
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:22
BluesKajBBL...stuff to do16:25
decusgeekI have a question about rekonq. When I go to some sites, it wants a plugin for text/html. Does such a thing even exist? If not, how do I get rid of the message?16:40
c2tarunbigbrovar: ping16:40
c2tarunmy system freezing whenever I am trying to connect to any wifi network :( I switched to gnome's network manager, but its also not working :(16:43
RussellAlanis there a way to play windows left and right like with windows 7?17:17
wolsRussellAlan: you need to be a bit more specific17:21
RussellAlanwols, having a windows open, and using a keycombo to align it to the right of the screen or left.17:22
Peace- BluesKaj hey17:54
nlsthzn-work:( KWin and full-screen Flash (Youtube etc.) still not playing along nicely I see17:58
BluesKajhey Peace-17:58
BluesKajnlsthzn-work, did you install kubuntu-restricted-extras?17:59
Peace-BluesKaj: the guys with wifi rfkil stuff ?18:00
BluesKajit's a girl/woman , Peace- ... Nightrose , you busy ?18:01
BluesKajPeace-, what irc client are you using18:01
Peace-BluesKaj: konversation18:02
BluesKajsee you're using konversation there Peace- , there's all kinds of info available about nicks if you want to look :)18:03
nlsthzn-workBluesKaj: Yup, it plays fullscreen but with desktop effects enabled it will crash when going from fullscreen back to windowed mode18:04
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Peace-Nightrose: so what ? have you fixed?18:04
Peace-i mean wifi18:04
NightrosePeace-: no still not working :(18:05
Nightrosecurrently getting my logs to apachelogger18:05
BluesKajnlsthzn-work, which graphics card , if it's nvidia be sure to update, a new kernel module came down the pipe18:05
Peace-Nightrose:  mm18:05
Peace-Nightrose: rfkill list still says you have wifi blocked?18:05
* Peace- he is tired rigght now has worked so his english will be a little more italian xD18:06
nlsthzn-workBluesKaj: Intel 945 (or something like that)... laptop18:06
NightrosePeace-: yeah blocked again18:06
Peace-Nightrose: have you replaced false with trure?18:07
Peace-Nightrose: one thing18:08
Peace-Nightrose: post faster stuff http://blip.tv/file/4876138?filename=Nowardev-PostareUnoScreenshotVelocementeConKde4625.m4v18:09
Peace-Nightrose: on the channel18:09
Peace-Nightrose: see the video18:10
apacheloggerPeace-: tip regarding screencasts: if you lower your display resolution you can loose the magnifier, cause it does not really help at all18:11
katsrcwhat's a working KDE application that handles Firefox's video content?18:11
NightrosePeace-: i know the past plasmoid ;-)18:12
katsrcis Kaffeine still developed?18:12
NightrosePeace-: also i'm irc'ing on my desktop - not on the netbook with the problem18:12
yofelkatsrc: yes18:14
BluesKajkatsrc, FF installs the available plugins like flash for video and java automatically , if you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed18:14
alx__hi everybody! how do i search for a file extension with strigi? "*.odp" doesnt work =(18:16
BluesKajkatsrc, if it doesn't work, then install flashplugin-installer18:16
katsrcBluesKaj: ok, thanks18:16
shane4kubuntuOk, I seem to have the same problem as I saw on here by another person, I have a nvidia card, I activated the "Addictional Driver"  howeve r the additional driver shows, "This driver is activated but not currently in use"  ??? Any ideas??  is there a bug with the additional driver thing?18:22
Peace-shane4kubuntu: how did you installed before?18:22
Peace-i mean i hope you didn't use run18:23
mfraz74kubuntu 11.04 is seriously messed up. If it goes into screensaver mode, when I go to use it again I can't get wireless to start back up18:23
shane4kubuntuPeace-: no I installed it through the additional drivers thing.18:23
BluesKajshane4kubuntu, did you reboot after installing the driver?18:23
Peace-mfraz74: ok read this18:23
Peace-mfraz74: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/05/15/network-management-disabled-after-suspend-to-ram-kubuntu-10-04/18:24
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: yes, rebooted, then I configured my dual monitors, perhaps overwrote the xorg.conf, so I removed the driver (same way) and re-installed it, and it gives me that.18:24
shane4kubuntucurrently dual monitor is not configured, as I'm just trying to get the driver thing working, although it seems as though it is activated, and being used reguardless of what it says, how can I tell?18:25
mfraz74Peace-: thanks for that. Not sure it will work as it isn't suspending to ram, just bringing up the screensaver18:25
Peace-mfraz74: try18:25
rdallarmi_hi, desktop effects using opengl have suddenly stop working (still can use the xrender) where do I find a log file to find out more info on why it stopped working? (any log or something?)18:25
BluesKajwhy did you remove the driver after configuring , shane4kubuntu ?18:26
Peace-rdallarmi_: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/03/plasma-desktopBs1685.jpg18:27
BluesKajrdallarmi_, /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:27
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: ok, 1st I installed the driver and rebooted, then I configured dual monitors, overwrote the xorg, rebooted a few days later, xorg ran in low graphics mode, so then I removed the additional drivers thing, and re-installed it, now dual monitors is not configured, and it says driver is not being used.18:28
shane4kubuntuThe reboot was just today, and the removal and re-installation of the driver was all today.18:29
BluesKajremoved the additional drivers thing, shane4kubuntu ? why? that only hides it from the menu18:30
christopher__does anybody use a dell studio 1558 with 11.04?18:30
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: no, sorry, not the additional drivers thing, I removed the driver through that app.18:30
shane4kubuntuand re-installed the driver, I figured that would reconfigure whatever I messed up.18:31
mfraz74Peace-: that seems to have worked18:31
christopher__I am asking because up until this kubuntu release I have been using a patch to fix the backlight and Im wondering if there is a better fix for this release18:31
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: I only know the gui frontend of that thing, what is it in command line, and I can purge it and re-install it to make sure it is reconfigured correctly.18:31
BluesKajshane4kubuntu, ok , pastebin the output of your graphics card after running : lspci -v | less ..need to know which driver is in use18:32
mfraz74Peace-: i may have spoken too soon. when I came out of the screensaver saw the kde splashscreen, got 6 akonadi errors and no wireless18:33
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/602898/18:34
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: it is a Geoforce 9500 GT18:35
mfraz74looking in dmesg, i see things like deauthenticating from **:**:**:**:**:** by local choice (reason=3)18:35
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: sooo, according to that, seems as though the driver IS in use?18:36
BluesKajshane4kubuntu, the output says your nvidia  is in use , which is the nvidia-current driver and that's the correct one18:37
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: ok, so I can safely ignore what the "Additional Driver" app is reporting that it isn't in use.18:38
BluesKajwe;ll, shane4kubuntu if everything is working ok , i wouldn't concern myself about that18:39
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: brb, I'm going to reboot, and make sure it is fine on the reboot,  then I will reconfigure dual monitors18:39
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: ok, thanks!18:39
keeline_Is there a plasma widget to show latest messages from irc client like quassel?18:41
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=== keeline is now known as keeline_
mfraz74So far on my netbook with 11.04 - Plymouth is in text mode, wireless keeps dropping when I use rsync, wireless stops working if I use the screensaver18:44
asraniel_hi, anybody knows if 11.04 still has that kmail bug where you copy some text from a mail, when you paste it it becomes html code'18:45
voozeWhat is the fastest way to upgrade from ubuntu 11.04 to kubuntu 11.04 ?? :)18:49
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: ok, reboot was fine, one more question if you don't mind, here is my xorg created by the nvidia dual monitor, however the first identifier thing was the current xorg before I setup dual monitors, I manually merged the two files, what is the first part??18:51
Riddellvooze: install kubuntu-desktop18:51
asraniel_vooze: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop18:51
voozeokay, thanks :)18:51
voozewant to try kbuntu after unity sucks ass ;(18:52
voozekubuntu *18:52
Peace-Riddell: are you living kubuntu ?18:52
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:52
Peace-Riddell: leave18:52
shane4kubuntuvooze: I too jumped boat from Ubuntu, I was tinkering with kde before the update though.18:52
AloneaI was wondering, I always get this error on startup right before the splash. Just now my screen went black and I got this error and had to power off.18:53
RiddellPeace-: I'm working on other things for 6 months18:53
Peace-Riddell: ok i have read about that xD18:53
Peace-i was just curious18:54
voozeshane4kubuntu :) do you know if danish language is avaliable in the OS?18:54
Aloneaerror says: plymouthd: ply-keyboard: 384: ply-keyboard_watch_for_input: Assertion 'keyboard != ((void *)0)' failed18:54
shane4kubuntuvooze: not sure, but I would think it would be.18:54
voozeyeah okay, not because I have a problem with english, just wondering ;)18:55
shane4kubuntuvooze: was it availabe in gnome?18:55
voozeshane4kubuntu, yes18:56
shane4kubuntuvooze: then I'm going to take a guess that it probably is also in kde.18:56
voozegreat :)18:56
shane4kubuntuI would be surprised if it was in Gnome and not in KDE.18:57
voozeshane4kubuntu, yeah, would be weird, but you never know :) i'll be back in 15-20 mins to tell you :P18:58
AloneaI found some bug reports on that plymouthd thing, but no answers as to what it means18:58
shane4kubuntubrb, going to reboot18:58
voozetaking a while to DL with slowpoke internet18:58
mfraz74can someone running 11.04 try this. Setting > System Settings > Display And Monitor > Screensaver. Select a screen saver and click on test. move mouse and tell me what happens19:05
voozekubuntu still use openoffice and not libreoffice?19:05
mfraz74vooze: kubuntu should be using libreoffice19:06
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Nor8Hi, anyone can answer, how can i fix permanent lags in Kubuntu 11.04?19:08
mfraz74both computers i've tried it on have either had no wireless after or have not been able to do anything with19:08
voozemfraz74, okay, just the kubuntu.org still says openoffice :P19:09
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shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: Appreciate the help, seems as though all is working good now with the driver and dual config.19:30
kothzAnyone else notice hangs when scrolling in rekonq in kubuntu 11.04?19:32
voozeHey, i just upgraded from ubuntu 11.04 to kubuntu 11.04, but when i login i have no "menus" or anything.. just a a desktop image and a few desktop icons.. any ideas what could cause this?19:32
kothzI mean it eventually comes back... but it's prone to nice, error-free freezing19:32
shane4kubuntuvooze: when you login there is a little arrow on the side, you need to select the kde desktop when you login19:37
shane4kubuntuvooze: to logout, you can hit;  ctrl-alt-f2  login and type sudo reboot to reboot your system.19:38
ryan-cI'm getting the "Failed to activate desktop effects" on KDE under kubuntu 11.04 - anyone know how to get it fixed? I'm using the nvidia binary driver.20:05
olskolirc_I'm on natty narwhal installed today and I can't seem to install  kde-plasmoid-cwp_1.2.0_i386.deb.  It's looking for a path that doesn't exist /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/control there is no tmp.ci directory or control file. Any luck anyone?20:08
KapitanInsainoHow do you shut off the KDE startup sounds?20:11
KapitanInsainoCan't find it in Systems Settings20:11
yofelKapitanInsaino: system settings -> application and system notifications -> even source: kde workspace20:12
yofel*event source20:13
KapitanInsainoyofel: Thank You!!!  Cou'dnt find it at all20:13
yofeltrue, it's well hidden20:14
KapitanInsainoLove KDE, but it does seem a bit hidden20:14
KapitanInsainoNo matter, its all set now.  Gracias!20:15
renato_hi, can anybody help?  the desktop effects used to work, they stop (no action from my part) I bood from the cd and they work, I reinstall and they do not from the installed system. I have an ati 577020:23
Whorenato_:  follow this steps, http://goo.gl/gJdK0 then reboot then try to re - enable the desktop effects20:25
Whoit worked for me20:25
renato_Who: the effects worked great without the fglrx installed20:26
BluesKajrenato_, take look in  kmenu/apps/system/ additional drivers if there is a choice of ati  recommended driver to install for that card20:26
renato_and they do not, still without. I am downloading fglrx now out of desperation20:27
Whorenato_:  i know what i meant was reinstall the ati opensource driver20:27
Whojust follow those steps,  i had the (almost) same problem with my ATi card20:27
ryan-cgot disconnected a minute - anyone know how to fix desktop effects?20:28
Whoryan-c:  ati card ?20:28
ryan-cnvidia with the binary driver20:28
Whowell reinstalling the drivers seems to do the trick for me20:29
Whobut i have a Ati card so can't say20:29
ryan-cIt seemed to stop working after I changed my xorg config20:29
Aloneaanyone else have a plymouthd error on startup?20:31
vanguardwould I gain anything by using Debian+KDE instead of Kubuntu?20:31
BluesKajnvidia binary , ryan-c , why , did some well meaning helper tell you yo use the proprietary .run driver which is recommended by the nvidia website , but doesn't work ?20:32
ryan-cBluesKaj: My display configuration is entirely unsupported by free drivers and I will not argue with you about it.20:33
wolsryan-c: that's not what he asked. he asked if you have installed the kubuntu provided nvidia driver or the one from the website? (same software, different ways to install)20:33
wolsif you used the one from the website: congrats, you borked your installation. isn't that great?20:34
ryan-cI used the kubuntu installer.20:34
ryan-cvia the 'addtional drivers' tool20:34
BluesKajryan-c, argue ? who said anything about argue...you said it stopped working after your xorg.conf was changed. Maybe you should change it back20:35
ryan-cChanging it back would cause me to lose half my screen real estate20:35
wolsyou can use glxinfo to see if direct rendering is enabled ryan-c20:36
ryan-cit is enabled20:36
BluesKajryan-c, have you tried the recommended driver ? , I have to ask.20:36
ryan-c"kwin(5855): Couldn't find framebuffer configuration for depth 32 (no ARGB GLX visual)!"20:36
ryan-cBluesKaj: the one i'm using is the one listed as "recommended"20:37
ryan-cinteresting, since I think I set my display depth to 24 bit20:38
BluesKajryan-c, recommended by ?20:38
ryan-crecommended by canonical20:39
tdnI have a fairly fast system with 2.5 GHz core2 duo and an nvidia Quadro FX 570M and an Intel SSD. But when I play HD movies it does no go smoothly. I have installed the proprietary nvidia driver as well as the ubuntu-restricted-extras. How do I fix this so that I can get decent video playback performance?20:39
ryan-clet me see if setting 32 bit display modes breaks or fixes anything20:40
erik333did you use the nvidia tool to genereate your xorg config file or did you do it by hand?20:40
ryan-cby hand20:40
ryan-cthe nvidia tool didn't seem to handle what I'm doing20:41
ryan-ci will pastebin it20:41
ryan-chttp://pastebin.com/qbs7WPD2 - I have three monitors, two of them rotated20:42
jmuthi. when I am doing software upgrades. isn't it better not to be inside KDE or it doesn't matter20:42
ryan-cbrb, restarting x and expecting it to break20:42
BluesKajjmut, what are you using to upgrade ?20:43
jmutwell I prefer to use some console command. but in this instance I got Software Updates gui opened20:44
jmutasking for best practices20:44
BluesKajjmut, IMO , you're better of using the konsole , and disabling the software update manager , it's flaky20:45
jmutBluesKaj: so should I go tty1  service kdm stop  and then apt-get ..something?20:46
BluesKajtdn, proprietary nvidia binary driver ?20:46
renato_hi, the cleansing did not work, I am still stuck with  no desktop effects :(20:47
Whorenato_:  :(20:47
Whodid you try to enable the effects ?20:47
renato_what bugs me is it was working, with or without fglrx (actually better without) now it does not work either way20:48
renato_and I do not recall doing anything20:48
Whowhen you try to enable them do you get Kwin is slow or something ?20:48
renato_moreover, booting the 11.04 cd brings them back and then the fresh installation does not have them20:48
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renato_Who: I cannot enable them, the checkbox is disabled20:49
BluesKajjmut , open system settings / startup and shutdown/ service manager , uncheck kpackagekit service20:49
BluesKajjmut, then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:50
renato_and there is no more xorg.conf to play with :(20:50
jmutBluesKaj: kudos. and isn't it better to quit KDE before I do apt-get upgrade  or doesn't matter20:51
BluesKajjmut, no only if you are installing apps that affect kdm or X20:53
BluesKajjmut, where did you get the idea to drop out of kdekdm to upgrade ?20:53
Whorenato_:  nothing happened, i mean you nothing like powercuts or crash somehting20:54
erik333windows :P20:54
jmutBluesKaj: well I donno. when some kde related package is upgraded..it might do some locks etc..and to be better not to be inside KDE while upgrading20:54
jmutBluesKaj: I guess not true  :)20:55
BluesKajjmut if you run into locks just make sure you aren't upgrading in adifferent package manager at the same time as the konsole and vice versa . they both use apt . kde has nothing toi do with upgrading in either of them20:57
renato_Who: All I get is a rock solid desktop with no effects. The checkbox to enable them is  disabled and no explanation is given20:57
renato_let me log off and log on, just installed some actualisations20:58
kavurti removed pulseaudio, but updates reinstalled it. is there a way to tell updates not to reinstall it?20:58
Whorenato_:  go to advance20:58
BluesKajkavurt, purge it that removes the conf files and the updates won't see it so it won't install20:59
vanguardhow can I use IMAP's expunge with KMail?20:59
Whotry to change the COmposting type20:59
kavurtBluesKaj: what's the command for that?21:00
DarthFrogAh, it felt so good. :-)  sudo apt-get remove `lspkg | grep gnome`21:00
BluesKajkavurt, sudo purge pulseaudio21:00
kavurtBluesKaj: thank you21:00
BluesKajoops sudo apt-get  purge pulseaudio21:00
renato_ok, I am back, still no improvment21:01
BluesKajkavurt, let me rephrase that : sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio21:02
Whorenato_:  nothing happened when you tried to change the composting type ?21:02
kavurtBluesKaj: i got it, thank you again21:02
renato_Who: I cannot get there, the whole desktop effects section is disabled21:02
renato_Who: so basically I am prevented from making any attempt21:03
renato_Who: do you have any idea   what would disable the whole desktop effects thing?21:03
renato_or where to look for clues21:04
Whowell just one more thing , in that panel does it say "Desktop effects are temporarily disabled" ?21:04
renato_no, there is a blue "I" sayiung Desktop effects are not available on this system for the following reason:    .... and then nothing21:05
tdnBluesKaj, the one installed via jockey or whats it called.21:06
ryan-cso compositing is broken because I'm running at 24 bit color depth instead of 32 bit.21:07
lainhi @ all :-)21:07
jmuthi. I have nVidia G84M   video on my ThinkPad R61.  Problem is on website specs I see native resolution is 1280x800 but current driver does not seem to support it. xrandr output is http://paste.kde.org/49681/    So I have all setup on highest resolution and I think that might be the reason why all feels very slugish21:07
Whorenato_:  well in that case , i could say read this topic , posted on kde forums http://goo.gl/mVeEH21:07
Whosee if it helps you or not21:07
jmutany pointers? howto change/check for another driver perhaps.21:07
ryan-cthe config options i'm using for screen rotation and whatnot (see the config i pastebin'd) do not work with anything other than 24 bit color21:08
ryan-cso I *think* the way to go is to not have the nvidia driver doing the rotation and instead do it in xrandr21:08
ryan-canyone wanna help me port my config? :p21:09
BluesKajtdn, that's not a proprietary driver , proprietary drivers are dribers you download and install from the manufacturers website and yje are usually .bin (.run) files21:10
wolsBluesKaj: not true21:10
tdnBluesKaj, ok. How do I fix this problem?21:10
ryan-c"The Composite extention can't be used simultaneously with xinerama"21:11
BluesKajwols ..well in this case it is for our purposes , to keep things clear and understandable.21:11
vanguardhow can I start a terminal with the keyboard?21:11
ryan-cdo ati cards work with xinerama + composite?21:11
wolstdn: you need a vdpau enabled videoplayer. that way, the videoplayer uses your videocard for decoding21:11
tdnwols, I have tried mplayer, vlc, smplayer.21:12
ryan-cactually is that a general issue?21:12
wolstdn: mplayer and xine support it. might have to set certain options tho. and I dunno if kubuntu supports it directly21:13
lainSo, I just updated to 11.04 and my system keeps freezing.... does someone have  a clue where to start?21:14
BluesKajtdn, , make sure you have libpau1 installed21:14
tdnNo packages found matching libpau1.21:15
ryan-cokay, so apparently i have to pick between xinerama and compositing21:15
ryan-cthat's annoying21:15
BluesKajerr libdvpau121:15
BluesKajsry tdn , libvdpau121:16
BluesKajmy eyesight is failing me again21:16
tdnii  libvdpau1             0.4-5ubuntu1          Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (libraries)21:16
tdnSo what is next step?21:18
BluesKajsudo apt-get install libvdpau1 , tdn , if it's already installed then there's something else causing the problem21:19
tdnBluesKaj, as 'ii' indicates above, it is already installed21:19
BluesKajdo all the movies in HD have the same problem ?21:21
tdnBluesKaj, yeah21:21
=== marco is now known as Guest13479
tdnBluesKaj, if I start mplayer with -framedrop, it is somewhat better, but this should really not be needed. Also -framedrop is not enough21:21
Guest13479qualcuno sa se è possibile aggiornare kubuntu  10.10 a 11.04 con il dvd??21:22
BluesKajVLC tdn ?21:22
tdnBluesKaj, vlc also have the problem.21:23
[Po]lentino!it | Guest1347921:23
ubottuGuest13479: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:23
tdnIt runs smoothly for a while, but then it starts going slow...21:23
Guest13479thank you.21:23
[Po]lentinonp :)21:23
ybitjust trying to figure out why i don't see the icons for the desktop in folder view21:26
ybityou can see a demonstration of this in the video above21:26
ybiter below :)21:26
FloodBotK1ybit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:26
BluesKajtdn sry , dunno what else it could be, are these movies on the ssdrive or playing back thru a bluray?21:29
olskolircanyone know how I can get my card to capture on natty please?  I can record but can't hear if its even recording at all21:30
olskolircI'm on Natty21:30
BluesKajolskolirc, open alsamixer , f4 turn up the capture ctrls21:31
olskolircok Blue I did that but it says I'm using pulse audio on Natty.  If I had a choice I'd like to just use alsa if thats possible21:33
tdnBluesKaj, ssd drive21:33
tdnBluesKaj, so I/O should not be the problem.21:34
BluesKajolskolirc, then purge pulseaudio and try again21:34
olskolircsudo apt-get -purge remove pulseaudio? BluesKaj  and it will default back to alsa?21:35
BluesKajolskolirc, yes21:35
BluesKajtdn, RAM , graphics card memory ?21:37
tdnBluesKaj, 4 GB, 256 MB21:37
tdnOr 512 MB, I forget.21:37
tdnIow. enough :)21:38
tdnFor playing video at least.21:38
BluesKajolskolirc, sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio, is best21:38
jmutI got my driver setup. But when I run jockey-kde I see it says.."Your driver is activated but not currently in use". how come?21:38
jmutvideo driver I mean21:38
ryan-cokay... so maybe using AIGLX will make stuff work for me?  Anyone know how to do that?21:39
gogetais it just me or does the kde ubuntu have less newbs21:39
BluesKajregular video tdn, hdvideo takes a lot more ...21:39
tdnBluesKaj, still,  not 256mb videoram and 4 gb sys RAM.21:40
BluesKajjmut, did you reboot after installing21:40
tdnBluesKaj, it plays hd video just fine in Windows. And it also did in earlier versions of ubuntu.21:40
gogetayou said windows21:41
BluesKajtdn, you could have said so earlier21:41
jmutBluesKaj: yep. and system is way more responsive. something happened for sure. but that sign kinda bugs me21:41
tdnBluesKaj, not sure when it stopped working, but probably around 10.04 or 10.10.21:41
tdnBluesKaj, I thought it was a given, that the hardware was fully capable of playing hd video.21:41
gogetatdn: turn off compiz heh21:41
jmutBluesKaj: xrandr still not showing 1280x800 resolution but shows way more options. how do I test I have 3D enabled and graphic card using it?21:42
tdngogeta, I tried. It was not enough.21:42
BluesKajjmut, if everything is working well, desktop effects etc , mobies flash , then doin't worry about a message that could just be a small bug21:42
jmutBluesKaj: yep all seems working. system much much better than before21:43
gogetatdn: slower video preformance humm21:43
gogetatdn: unless your talking flash21:43
gogetatdn: flash linux is a system eater21:44
tdngogeta, mplayer. not flash21:44
BluesKajjmut, glxinfo | grep direct , glxinfo | grep 3D21:44
gogetatdn: lol ohhhhh change its render mode21:44
gogetatdn: i think it uses a slower one be defult21:44
tdngogeta, I have tried mplayer -vo xv -framedrop21:44
gogetatdn: try like opengl or something21:44
c2tarunbigbrovar: ping21:45
tdngogeta, it is somewhat better, I think, but still after a while it cannot keep up.21:45
tdngogeta, is that -vo opengl ?21:45
gogetatdn: that or ogl i thinl21:45
gogetatdn: i just used the genaric ui'21:45
tdngogeta, just tried. Now I just hear sound, but no video21:46
bigbrovarc2tarun: hey , missed ur ping ealier21:46
bigbrovarheard something about the wireless problems u were having21:46
jmutBluesKaj: yep. seems about right. thanks a lot21:47
BluesKajjmut, ok np21:47
c2tarunbigbrovar: my system is freezing when trying to connect to any wifi connection :( and I am damn sure this time that it is due to my kernel :(21:47
tdnVO: [vdpau] 1280x720 => 1280x720 Planar YV1221:47
gogetatdn: lets see21:47
bigbrovarc2tarun: whats so special about ur kernel? and has this problem always been there or it just started?21:48
c2tarunwell first I had this problem with beta1, then with beta2 and now. system works fine with a new installation but after sometime it starts freezing :921:48
tdngogeta, it was just -vo gl, but still too slow: Too many buffered pts:  4.030 ct:  0.032   0/  0 282%  4%  2.4% 236 021:49
gogetatdn: i see try gl2 opengl221:49
gogetatdn: for newer cards21:49
bigbrovarc2tarun: and it is triggered by u trying to connect to wifi? does this always happen?21:49
tdngogeta, hmm... That seems a bit better.21:50
c2tarunbigbrovar: always with wifi, wired connection is working fine21:50
gogetatdn: xv is supposed to be the fastest21:50
tdngogeta, but after a while it starts dropping frames as well :(21:50
gogetatdn: sounds like its a buffer issue21:50
tdngogeta, yeah, I thought so. I have tried xv, but it cannot keep up.21:50
tdngogeta, so I am thinking something else is causing it.21:50
vadraoHi all, I am on a DELL latitide 6500 laptop. It has a physical button to enable wifi. on Kubuntu 10.10 it was working perfectly. Now that I have updated it to 11.04, whenever I try and turn the wifi on, I get a status message that my wifi is enabled. But the led indicator does not glow. and I could not find my router nor any other routers in my building.21:50
gogetatdn: yea seems the buufer is falling behind21:51
gogetatdn: easer if you where using the ui i but you need to turn ff dubble buffer or maybe turn it on21:51
tdngogeta, the ui? You mean smplayer?21:52
bigbrovarc2tarun: do u know the name of ur wireless chip? btw I believe u applied my fix right?21:52
gogetatdn: no the normal ui21:52
gogetatdn: or kmplayer21:52
gogetaon a kde system21:52
c2tarunbigbrovar: well it is a fresh install, and I thought your fix was for kde-network-manager, right now I am using nm-applet21:53
bigbrovarc2tarun: well its doesnt matter which manager :)21:53
c2tarunbigbrovar: so I should apply your fix first?21:53
vadraocan any one help me in getting my wifi on ?21:54
tdngogeta, I will install kmplayer. It suggests vdr and xawtv, should I install these?21:54
bigbrovarc2tarun: I had the same issue with xubuntu which uses the same gnome network manager u are using. its a problem of a bad module which causes the kernel to act weird and stuff21:54
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bigbrovarc2tarun: yeah I would advise u do21:54
gogetaxawtv is just a tvguide app21:54
bigbrovarc2tarun: cause this issue is more underthehood, and not a UI problem21:55
c2tarunbigbrovar: ok, i am in the middle of building a package, I'll do it as soon as I finish it :)21:55
tdngogeta, cannot find anything about double buffers in the settings in kmplayer21:55
borogulhi everyone, i am trying to change system language on my kubuntu 10.10 but from when i selected apply it says °updating system configuration° for more than 30min now with the progress bar to fill plenty of times.  is that normal that it takes too long?21:55
gogetatdn: should be in the settings mplayer21:55
gogetatdn: from there you should be able to set the video modes bufgfering etc21:55
tdngogeta, but where in the prefs to find it?21:56
bigbrovarc2tarun: aight try that :)21:56
gogetatdn: man been forevefr21:57
tdngogeta, http://i.imgur.com/1iMCA.png21:57
tdngogeta, this is the window21:57
gogetatdn: maybe in output21:57
gogetatdn: but thers the cace size21:58
tdngogeta, here http://i.imgur.com/yUhhs.png21:58
gogetatdn: wrong tab but i would enable those21:58
gogetatdn: uses more prosser for video21:59
tdnenable what?21:59
tdnpostprocessing filters?21:59
gogetatdn: postprossing21:59
tdnOk. But doesnt that require even more CPU?21:59
gogetatdn: yep21:59
gogetatdn: anyways back to genral option then its output tab22:00
gogetatdn: well its on auto see how it behaves with a video22:01
tdngogeta, just tried, the same22:01
gogetatdn: same resuts with vlc?22:01
tdngogeta, yes22:02
gogetatdn: sounds like you dont have enough pc then22:02
gogetatdn: cpu power22:02
tdnI have in Windows.22:02
tdnI have en earlier versions of kubuntu22:02
tdnThis might have happened since I changed from 32bit to 64bit.22:03
gogetatdn: ahhh22:03
gogetatdn: yea thats couse of 32 bit emulation22:03
gogetatdn: uses mre cpu22:03
tdngogeta, no, 32bit was when it worked :)22:03
=== coaboa is now known as coaboa|afk
tdngogeta, I am on 64bit now22:04
gogetatdn: yea i knoe but  to run 32bit stuff you rmulate it22:04
gogetatdn: its slightly slower22:04
gogetatdn: linux 64bit is not all that great22:04
gogetatdn: unless you have more then 4gb ram its kinda pointless to run it22:05
gogetatdn: i dont knoe if mplayer even has a 64bit version22:06
tdngogeta, amd64 has security features.22:06
gogetatdn: all64 bit is is extra excution threds22:06
gogetatdn: but after emulation of 32 they moot22:06
tdngogeta, I work for a security consulting firm, so it was a bit awkward to be the only one not running 64 bit.22:06
gogetathey are22:06
gogetatdn: your probly using a 32 bit video plugin and the overhead of ia32 is slowing down playback22:07
tdngogeta, how to fix it?22:07
gogetatdn: cant22:07
gogetatdn: try giving it like a mb of cachie22:08
gogetatdn: see if that offsets the issues22:09
gogetatdn: thats in the mplayer tab22:09
tdngogeta, I have tried giving it 8 mb.22:09
gogetatdn: no lucks?22:09
gogetatdn: try the diffrent video mode i think i used x1122:10
tdngogeta, ok, but isnt that the slowest one?22:10
tdngogeta, I will try.22:10
gogetatdn: dunno they say ones slow then it winds up working better on some setups22:10
gogetalike open gl22:11
gogetatdn: thers like 3 diffrent xv as well22:12
keelinetdn: which color scheme is that? Seems well balanced.22:14
tdngogeta, I will play some more with it tomorrow. Need to get some sleep.22:20
tdngogeta, the color scheme is one I made myself. If I can export it somehow, you can have it.22:20
gogetatdn: i didnt ask someelse did22:21
keelinetdn: its me, nvm I got htb and madethe background slightly darker.22:21
tdngogeta, oh, sorry22:27
tdnkeeline, the color scheme is one I made myself. If I can export it somehow, you can have it.22:27
tdnkeeline, here is a full screencapture: http://i.imgur.com/72PVt.png22:27
delacit seems that it is possible to grab and drag windows from other areas than the title bar. this however causes more harm than good. any way to disable it?22:27
keelinetdn: thanks.22:28
tdn_keeline, dropped the connection22:30
tdn_keeline, if you want the color scheme drop me an e-mail on the address thomasdn at Gmail.22:32
keelinetdn: np, I figured it out using an existing theme htb.22:32
tdn_keeline, ok22:32
t3rminat0r_how may I capture application output and print it in a C programme?22:50
bigbrovarNight everyone22:50
sithlord48hello kubuntu pplz22:52
sithlord48t3rminat0r_:  myprogram > outputhere22:53
t3rminat0r_sithlord48: well....that's in the shell23:14
sithlord48t3rminat0r_: thats how we cheat :P23:14
t3rminat0r_I am talking directly on the development of some code23:14
t3rminat0r_I know... but this time, I develop something for me23:14
sithlord48can't we use the terminal to brige the gap?23:15
t3rminat0r_no :(23:16
=== daniel3_ is now known as daniel3
keelineWhy doesn't the aurorae theme work properly in kubuntu?23:31
James147isnt that the engine thats used for allot of themes?23:36
James147including, i think, the default oxygen one... though I could be wrong23:37
keelineyes, when I used to use KDE with debian, there was an option to switch to Aurorae theme engine from Oxygen. But here in Kubuntu 11.04, there is no option to switch theme engine.23:37
James147keeline: what version of kde was debin using>#23:37
keelineand When I directly apply the the aurorae decorations it shows up ugly23:37
keelineJames147: Well, I do not remember but I was running on Debian Testing.23:38
keelineJames147: It seems KDE SC 4.4.323:38
James147keeline: from waht I know aurorae theme engine has been included as the default theme engine since about kde 4.4 ^^23:39
James147keeline: so oxygen uses it ^^ and most other themes do as well23:39
James147keeline: where theme where you suing that looked ugle? (link if possible)23:40
keelineBut why does it look so ugly (the titlebar flickers and so does the bottom panel)?23:40
James147what theme ^^ ...23:40
keelineJames147: All aurorae themes I have tested till now.. Ambiance, Chrome, Kdust, OS X, Perfection, uniq.23:42
keelineactually the theme colors doesnt not reflect on the windows, but it seems to try hard to atleast apply them theme to titlebar, but it vain (flickers)23:43
keelineJames147: Argh.. I had the Compositing disabled, Everything's perfect now.23:45
nnn0keeline: in xorg.conf ?23:46
James147keeline: not sure why that should make a difference (they should work withpout it) ^^ though the refresh of kwin caused by enableing it might...23:47
keelinennn0: No, in Settings > Desktop Effects23:47
James147keeline: what happens if you disable it again? does ti revert to its buggyness?23:47
James147(cannot seem to replicate it here)23:47
keelineJames147: NO!, when I disable it back, the aurorae themes remain perfect23:49
James147keeline: guess it was jsut a refresh bug ^^ kwin not appling the theme properly23:49

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