
e2096Hi,  can somebody tell me if there is a way to boot up Lubuntu without generating the locales?00:15
GnuSense1What are the hard drive requirements for 11.04 lubuntu.? I have Hardy xubuntu on 2.5 GB ext3, but 8.04 won't be supported anymore.  /dev/sda5     ext3    2.5G  2.2G  177M  93% /00:20
KM0201GnuSense1: 2.5gb is bare, bare minimum.00:20
GnuSense1I figure I can strip out LibreOffice and any games, that should give me enough breathing room to get updates and install a few packages I use.00:22
GnuSense1I saw something on the release notes about pcmanfm having gvfs/gio.  Does it now support browsing network shares like xfce 4.8 Thunar?00:25
KM0201GnuSense1: i dunno... minimum install, is 2.1gig00:26
KM0201and... i don't know about browsing network shares, hang on00:26
GnuSense1I guess LibreOffice isn't on the CD, Gnumeric and Abiword are, but they are pretty small.00:26
KM0201GnuSense1: i don't see browsing network shares00:27
KM0201GnuSense1: i don't think you're gonna get much out of 2.1gigs to be honest00:27
GnuSense12.5, but yes, its a tight squeeze.  I've been running Hardy Xubuntu since 2008, though.00:28
KM0201GnuSense1: i'm surprised honestly00:28
GnuSense1Sometimes I have to update some packages, do a 'apt-get clean', then update the rest.00:29
GnuSense1And obviously immediately clean up any old kernels00:30
KM0201wow.. i think i'd spread it to about 4-5gigs, to make it much easier00:31
GnuSense18 year old laptop, small hard drive, the Windows partition only has a spare 1.9 GB, and even though I never use it, I figured I paid for it and out to keep it.00:33
KM02018yrs old? for crying out loud, nuke windows00:33
GnuSense1I guess I should.  I only boot it to update it and it was never super stable, but it is nice to have a Windows install to use as a model to support Windows using friends and family.00:35
GnuSense1It doesn't look like there is too much extra to strip out of the base install, Ace of Penguins, gnumeric, maybe Sylpheed, Transmission and xchat (since it has pidgin), but then I need to install flash and codecs.  I like the package choice (audacious is my favorite music player, mtpaint is great, pcmanfm is light but has tabs, GPicView is one of my favorite graphics browsers (along with Geeqie)00:40
KM0201GnuSense1: i dunno.. seems awful low on space00:46
GnuSense1I could probably nuke my 2.2 GB /home partition and give myself a bit more overhead without a dedicated /home, but I run straight Lucid Ubuntu on a Dell Mini with a 4 GB ssd and it works OK.00:48
GnuSense1Boots to GDM in something like 10 seconds, too, with an Atom CPU00:49
mrowleyHello, is this where I can get help configuring my system? I just switched from Ubuntu to Lubuntu, and have a few quick questions.01:27
WiZwhat would you like to do?01:30
mrowleyThanks! I just want to disable touch-clicking on my touchpad. Stray clicks bother me. I have the synaptics touchpad package installed (by default, apparently), but the keyboard and mouse settings in the menu are very simple and include no touchpad features.01:32
mrowleyI just installed 11.04, and the synaptics touchpad driver worked for the same laptop on ubuntu 10.8.01:34
szczurmrowley, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145705302:06
mrowleyThank-you szczur. I read about setting MaxTapTime=0, but didn't know where to do it. I'll give this a try now!02:15
szczurno problem :)02:17
KM0201is there an eay way to change lubuntu's login screen wallpaper?03:26
Unit193KM0201: sudo nano /etc/lxdm/default.conf and put your pic in /usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers/ (with correct permissions)03:34
MK``Where can I get the previous versions of Lubuntu and the alphas?06:51
KM0201MK``: previous versions?.. probably on lubuntu.net would be my guess.. the alphas for 11.10 probably aren't out yet06:54
MK``it lists md5sums for them but the isos/torrents are not linked06:55
Unit193MK``: One second from posting that...06:55
KM0201man, thats slower than christmas06:56
MK``I mean that only has the recent ones D:06:56
bioterrori have a secret stash!06:58
bioterrorphillw, give kids some alphas ;)06:59
AscavasaionI just looked at http://www.linoob.com/2011/04/lubuntu-11-04-final-released/ for minimum requirements.  I am running an AMD Duron 1300MHz, 384Mb RAM and 20Gb HDD which is well within the minimum requirements there.  I was wondering if anyone here has run lubuntu on a similar or older machine and if they can tell me if it is really worth it.07:08
* Unit193 walks it on 500MHz07:08
AscavasaionUnit193: Walks it?  As in 11.04 runs okay on it?07:09
Unit193It's not as fast as it is on newer computers. Your computer will run it just fine!07:10
AscavasaionUnit193: Thank you buddy... I appreciate it.  I am capped by my ISP, so I tend to be a scrooge with large downloads of ISOs.  But if you say it will be fine then I will go ahead and download the ISO.07:11
Unit193Ascavasaion: I have never tested it on a computer in that range, only faster and slower07:12
AscavasaionUnit193: I am just looking for a machine I can play MP3s on like a uke box, run a small internal IRC server, and leave conenctions onto international IRC connections, MSN, etc.  runngin 24/707:13
MK``sounds fine07:14
phillwMK``: they al on my server area :P07:14
MK``phillw: can I has?07:15
Unit193Ascavasaion: I run it 24/42 (so far ;) ) with irssi and some other programs07:15
Ascavasaionthank you guys.  I appreciate it.  Let me get downloading :)07:16
AscavasaionUm, another thing... is lubuntu 11.04 a LTS version?07:21
Unit193Not that I know of07:21
AscavasaionOh :(07:22
MK``Ascavasaion: it's not an "official" LTS but the community is providing support for it as if it were07:23
MK``due to 10.10's dropping of support for i586 processors07:23
MK``10.04 I meant07:23
AscavasaionMK``: Aaah, thank you :)07:23
MK``11.04 is not an LTS.07:23
phillwMK``: 10,04 is on the documentation07:24
MK``phillw: is this server area public? :P07:24
phillwMK``: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp#10.0407:25
MK``the HD I was going to install xubuntu and lubuntu on has 33 bad sectors :(07:27
phillwI'm not too sure how many torrent feeds you will find, if none then use my server but it is throttled on iso uploads.07:27
phillw33 is not too bad :)07:28
Unit193"The team are committed"?07:28
phillwUnit193: it was a very sort exchange of emails once we became aware of i586 being dropped from 10.10..... We will support 10.04 as if it was an LTS (even though for us it was not).07:30
MK``phillw: doesn't seem to have any torrents :P07:50
Unit193MK``: I *think* this might be what you're looking for: http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-10.04.iso.torrent07:52
MK``I was looking for the alpha and beta torrents/isos, Unit19307:53
MK``Seems phillw has the natty ones, I will have to search around for the lucid and maverick ones07:54
Unit193Then I think wrong...07:54
phillwMK``: I have the majority of the lubuntu alpha and beta releases still on my server, if you tell which one you are after I'll check and see if it is there.07:57
MK``all the ones listed here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/md5sum.txt07:57
phillwMK``: what, you want them all?07:57
MK``I want to make an archive :P07:58
head_victimI have 10.04, 10.10, 10.10 Alternate, 11.04 A1, A2 A3 B1 B2 and Final Release seeding ATM.07:58
phillwMy server provider would fry my delicate parts were I to do that!07:59
head_victimMy 11.04 is nearly at a ratio of 10 already08:00
Unit193MK``: If you get them, screenshots of all the default desktops?08:00
MK``can you send me the torrents head_victim08:00
head_victimWould have been better but I forgot to switch it on properly release night08:00
MK``sure Unit193 :P08:00
head_victimMK``: pm me an email address?08:01
MK``can't dcc?08:01
head_victimOn a different pc08:01
phillwMK``: there is an archive, fully backed up of every iso uploaded to my server in Canada, which is where my server lives (I'm in the UK).08:04
phillwThe company were kind enough to allow the shared server be allowed to be a direct download fall back for lubuntu iso's.08:05
head_victimMK``: so they're all the ones I still seed anyway.08:06
head_victimLet me know if there's  a problem08:06
head_victimIt's currently open as much as my residential connection allows. If anyone starts gaming it gets slowed right down though. So just a heads up they will still seed, just the speed goes up and down sometimes.08:07
MK``yeah that's fine, no rush08:07
head_victimI have a 50GB plan at home here that I generally only use 20 or so of a month. The rest I try and donate to Lubuntu by seeding (uploads count towards my quota)08:09
phillwhead_victim: even as the direct server for lubuntu, I'm still classed as a 'light' user by the company I use for my server.08:12
MK``Once I got them all I will seed them08:13
MK``my ISP introduced data caps yesterday, actually heh. Previously unlimited.08:13
Unit193I still have unlimited08:14
phillwMK``: only 10.04 and 11.04 need seeding08:14
head_victimI was actually going to clean up my torrent stuff this week now that the new release is out08:15
head_victimI would have deleted all those alphas and betas in that process08:15
MK``Seeding 11.04 now.08:16
head_victimNice to see oneiric popping up in the repositories today.08:16
head_victim(I noticed it when running my daily rsync of a Ubuntu mirror)08:17
phillwhead_victim: as we are comitted to support 10.04, that should still be available. 10.10 does not really need to be used with the release of 11.0408:17
head_victimphillw: yeah that's what i was thinking.08:17
head_victimI was going ot keep the iso08:17
head_victimNever know when having an old release is handy. The testing ones I was going to ditch08:17
MK``I'm that guy that hordes files08:18
MK``so, yeah08:18
phillwhead_victim: bioterror keeps my server up to date with all the releases, heck I only have 1 TB of space and still rattle around like one bean in an empty can :P08:19
phillwJust to hit 20% would be great :)08:20
head_victimHah, mirror a Ubuntu release and archive server - that's just under 700GB as of today :)08:20
MK``i'm on my way08:20
phillwhead_victim: once the new dedicated server is set up, I have something like 10 TB on it... Even that young crazy Australian will not need two accounts to store his pornogaphy DVDs on :P08:23
phillwHoly crap, we're on the support channel. :(08:26
* phillw moves to offtopic08:26
MK``Well I'm getting to bed. Night guys.08:27
lubuntuhow run Bluetooth in lubuntu ?12:43
ubot5For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup12:43
lubuntui know but where is icon of BT default is off12:45
lubuntuin tray12:45
bioterroryou need to run it12:45
lubuntuok i have12:46
bioterroradd to startup or something12:46
MrChrisDruifBluetooth isn't a systray but an indicator these days12:46
* bioterror still prefers cable12:46
lubuntui preffer too but BT is easy to send one file ;)12:49
MrChrisDruifIndeed :)12:51
MrChrisDruifOw, have we managed to create a distribution which can finally talk for itself? =-O12:51
head_victimThe SII is among us!12:59
lubuntuwhat program is good on ubuntu  for nokia phone ?13:03
bioterrorI used pcmanfm with my N97 mini13:04
bioterrorfor file management :D13:04
lubuntui use too but something like pcsuit is on linux ?13:16
lubuntufor internet connection 3g?13:16
bioterrorI know a finnish guide13:17
bioterrorhow to make your pc dial thru phone13:17
bioterrorbut nowdays phones can work as a wlan AP13:17
lubuntumy n73 dont have wifi13:18
lubuntuits possible to use internet from usb ?13:18
lubuntuon phone13:18
bioterrorpppon pppoff and so on13:20
bioterrornow I remember13:29
bioterrorI used network manager for calling to internetz!13:29
bioterrorfew months ago13:29
bioterroryou choose your ISP and click next next next13:29
lubuntuthx, i try14:42
lubuntui download rar file and dont unrar default in system? ;)14:43
MrChrisDruifRar isn't an open format afaik. You can install it with Synaptic14:51
lubuntuyes i do it15:00
lubuntuits unrar free and not free i see in synaptic15:00
stlsaintroom poke17:40
KM0201something kinda strange i've noticed with lubuntu... if you got o yoru desktop preferences to change your wallpaper, and choose in wallpaper mode "Fill with background color"... you'll immediately go to a black screen w/  acursor... i tried running some commands, but there's no prompt, just a flashing cursor.  Did it twice.. had to reboot to get back to my normal desktop.17:55
KM0201not a huge deal, just a heads up.17:56
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi
=== Mohi is now known as M0hi
stlsaintlubuntu: yes18:11
stlsaintKM0201: if that is repeatable then that is a bug that you can file with launchpad18:11
lubuntuwhat yes?18:11
KM0201stlsaint: well, definitely repeatable... but my launchpad password isn't working for some reason.. lemme check and see if they mailed me a new password.18:12
KM0201i signed up for a new one a fwe days ago18:13
kill3Why can't I find Lubuntu alternative install iso?18:15
lubuntubecouse instalator dont take too much18:15
KM0201kill3: they're out there...18:16
kill3I need one, but I could not find18:16
kill3I burned normal cd but my old computer can't handle it really18:17
KM0201hang on, someone posted a link to the server yesterda18:17
KM0201maybe there is no alternate, i thought there was18:18
ubot5The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal18:18
KM0201that goes to ubuntu18:18
kill3Kinda funny that Lubuntu alternate cd is hidden or there is none18:19
KM0201kill3: that really is strange18:19
bioterrorthere's none afaik18:19
bioterrornoone has made it yet :D18:19
KM0201wonder if you could do a minimal install cd (with ubuntu) and install lxde?18:20
kill3Should I wait for it or use my 10.10 alternate cd?18:20
KM0201kill3: is it lubuntu 10.10, or ubuntu?18:20
kill3Lubuntu 10.1018:20
ubot5The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:20
KM0201eh, nevermind18:20
KM0201that wouldn't work, becasue thats just gionna download gnome or whatever min. cd you downloaded.18:21
kill3Is there going to be released one?18:21
KM0201i was thinking it let you choose your GUI.18:21
KM0201kill3: i would certainly think (and hope) so18:21
kill3So should I use Ubuntu 10.04 minimal install or Lubuntu 10.10 minimal install?18:22
KM0201kill3: i'd use the 10.10 minimal, install, update, then upgrade lubuntu to 11.0418:23
KM0201thats just me though.. kind of a long way to go about it though18:23
KM0201well, looks like my bug is "known"... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm/+bug/71834318:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 718343 in pcmanfm (Ubuntu) "whole session crashes on setting wallpaper mode to "background color only"" [Medium,Triaged]18:24
kill3Do I need to download all 10.10 updates before upgrading to 11.04  Lubuntu?18:25
KM0201kill3: hm, i'm not really sure...18:25
KM0201kill3: i would think so.. but i really don't know... of course, it also seems logical that 11.04 upgrade, will pull in appropriate pcakages18:26
KM0201well theres your answer. :)18:26
kill3I could not find my Lubuntu cd and my Ubuntu cd is 64bit so I guess I just wait if somebody makes a minimal iso for Lubuntu 11.04...18:35
MK``head_victim: I am now downloading the torrents18:38
szczurkill3, you can download this iso http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso19:04
szczurand then follow these steps https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall19:04
WiZkill3: - http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso19:08
KM0201WiZ: pretty slick...19:18
=== wizonesolutions2 is now known as wizonesolutions
KM0201WiZ: i take it that will also work w/ Lubuntu?19:19
KM0201sorry.. lubuntu 11.0419:19
=== |WiZ| is now known as WiZ
lubuntulubuntu 11.04 is grate ! :)19:40
lubuntuhave some problem with gdesklets but its ok19:41
KM0201WiZ: yeah, i realized that after i posted that question.. that was specifically about lubuntu..lol19:44
lubuntuwhy in lubuntu radiotray info is so big?19:45
bioterrorlubuntu, we like it things big!19:56
lubuntuyes but it soo big ;) 100px height;)19:56
KM0201stlsaint: i'm trying it in vbox now.20:12
KM0201so far, so good.. but its just now installing the base20:13
stlsaintYea well i was too excited to go with vbox so now i have to download the full iso to do a live install20:13
* Unit193 Installed LiveCD in VBox than added Liquorix :)20:13
KM0201i just wanna see if thosee instructions work.. where did you fail?20:13
KM0201what is the "--no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop"... can you change that to "yes"... ? and install the codecs and what not? (i guess ic an try20:14
stlsaintKM0201: i dunno it stalled and i rebooted and BORK20:15
KM0201guess we'll see, i'm only about 6% instaling the base system now, so i got a ways to go20:15
KM0201now it's cooking, its extracting and installing.. :)20:19
KM0201Unit193: liqurix?20:20
* KM0201 has no idea what that is20:20
Unit193KM0201: Bleeding edge kernel (It's a bit faster)20:21
KM0201oh ok20:21
KM0201i don't do bleeding edge, unless i have a really good reason.. a bit faster wouldn't qualify20:22
Unit193Faster really does it for me (And it's only currently in a VM)20:22
KM0201oh ok.20:23
KM0201i probably would've tried it there.20:23
kill3szczur: I cannot use ethernet connection20:28
kill3So I guess I just wait if alternate install iso appears20:30
kill3or should I try installing from USB, does it need same a mount of memory? Strange that 256MB is not enough to normal live cd installation btw...20:33
KM0201kill3: i take it the alt. cd doesn't recognize your wireless device?20:33
kill3I didn't manage to get it work even before install in 10.10, drivers, drivers...20:36
KM0201kill3: hmm.. well, so far so good.. i'm at 83% on instaling the base now.. when thats done, i'll restart the virtual machine and follow the instructinos, see what happens20:40
* KM0201 wonders how long could it possibly take to "prepare linux-headers".20:52
KM0201lol.. and now it moves20:52
KM0201slowly but surely.. now at 91%20:52
KM0201uh oh, 93, and it looks like its really running now..lol20:53
KM0201configuring apt.. almost there20:55
=== lubuntu is now known as summer
=== summer is now known as bedzie_lepiej
GulfstreamIs there a Lubuntu Mac PPC .iso?23:38
Unit193Gulfstream: You may be able to install lubuntu-desktop from the !mini iso23:40
Gulfstreammaybe that'll work. thanks23:40
kosaidpo| is it possible to install the 11.04 from my usb but iwanna keep these apps and games i have23:46
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo|: Not sure, with Ubuntu you get the option to upgrade your current install. Don't know if it's the same with Lubuntu23:50
kosaidpo|wht abt cp my game folders from the sytem 's folder and past it late23:51
kosaidpo|wud that wok ??23:51
MrChrisDruifI don't know what you mean, not would I know if that'll work23:52
kosaidpo|MrChrisDruif: well i have for ex X game in the /usr/bin place so ill copy it23:56
kosaidpo|then when im done installin 11.04 ill past it their again23:57
kosaidpo|MrChrisDruif: you got me now : ]23:57
MrChrisDruifYeah, kinda :)23:57
kosaidpo|hahah so wht you think wud that work ??23:58

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