
head_victimAny rsync people here? I've noticed a few odd things with my rsync of the Ubuntu mirror (empty folders in weird places, etc). To correct this I was thinking of maybe adding a --delete flag to the options currently used. This would make the command rsync -vtlrh --progress --stats --delete source destination02:57
head_victimI just hate the concept of a --delete option in anything but I'm starting to think it's needed.02:58
Octaronshould be safe to use rsync --delete have a look at this (scroll 2/5 of the way down) http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/09/rsync-command-examples/03:11
Octaronthat combined with gnome schedule gui for cron jobs makes a good partner :)03:14
blahdeblahhead_victim: Adding --delete every now & then would be a good move, i think.03:39
head_victimblahdeblah & Oct<tab><tab>Ithinkehe'sgone  cheers05:02
head_victimFor the confirmation of --delete05:03
* blahdeblah finally works it out05:03
blahdeblahI'm a bit slow today05:03
head_victimIt's ok, I'm a bit slow most days.05:05
head_victimOk --delete is actually deleting a bit, there must have been a mix up at some stage.05:06
head_victimI was wondering why it seemed a lot larger than before.05:06
head_victimNice work, I'm seeing oneiric already coming up today05:18
=== ubuntu is now known as twenty
=== twenty is now known as vigar
vigaranyone around that can help a first time Ubuntu user?11:30
head_victimvigar: what sort of problem are you having11:31
vigarUSB port on my laptop seemed to of failed, PC guy said this may be a windows issue and to try Linux11:31
vigarso im here running Ubuntu to see if i can connect to my external harddrive via the usb ports11:32
head_victimvigar: unlikely but worth a shot, the easiest way to do this would be to use a livecd and then plug something into the problematic porta nd see if it's recognised11:32
vigarit should automatically recognise the external harddrive when plugged in like windows would?11:33
head_victimYes, most drives "just work"11:33
head_victimIf you can bring up a terminal window (Ubuntu menu>Accessories>Terminal) then run the command "dmesg" without the " and paste the output into a pastebin and link us how that goes11:34
lubotu2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:35
vigarwell the auto run dikdn't work for either external hard drive or usb pen stic11:36
vigargive me a sec to work on what you just recomended11:36
head_victimAh ok well the dmesg command should show if anything was plugged in at all11:36
vigarthink i worked it out though it might not of got it all11:46
head_victimThat looks like it all and it looks like nothing has been plugged in11:52
head_victimCould be a hardware failure11:52
head_victim(assumingn you didn't just plug in a wireless USB card?)11:52
vigarnope no wireless usb, well laptop goes back to toshiba then11:54
vigarthanks for your help head_victim, very much appreciated11:55
head_victimNo worries, should use Ubuntu for a while and see if you prefer it :)11:55
vigarpretty keen on running it after this windows 7 providing to be a pain 11:56
head_victimWell we're always here to help if you need it11:56
vigarhow easy is it to wirelessly lan to my misses macbook?11:56
head_victimAlso you might want to check out the wiki and mailing list11:56
head_victimvigar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2681631&postcount=3 seems to suggest it's pretty easy :)11:58
vigargahh and to think i wasted 2 nights trying to get the mac to read windows 712:00
head_victimHah I honestly haven't used windows7 long enough to have an opinion. 12:00
vigarim still only gamblling if my fie backed up...12:01
head_victimAh that doesn't sound good12:03
head_victimAre you using a livecd or have you installed Ubuntu?12:03
head_victimIf you're using a livecd you can use that to transfer files off the installed windows 712:04
vigarlivecd, but i have already done a window restore, so its gone anyways12:06
head_victimAh fair enough, I've used the livecd heaps to save people's data so was just checking12:06
head_victimYou should still be able to get documents and photos and stuff off it though12:06
vigareven after a factory restor?12:08
head_victimAh so that wasn't a windows reset but a factory reset? I thought windows resets just rolled back to a specified date and kept all documents, etc12:10
vigarnah this was pretty much, wipe the whole thing and start again12:12
head_victimCool, just making sure, no point loosing data if you don't have to.12:12
vigarwill ubuntu be able to read the windows file i copied onto the misses mac when i copy them back12:13
head_victimDepends, what sort of file?12:13
vigarphotos, music and a heap of other stuff12:13
head_victimPhotos and music no problems, the other stuff as long as it's not proprietry formats you should be ok. I believe OpenOffice and LibreOffice can both read .docx files, etc ok now12:14
head_victimTest it out now with the livecd if you like12:16
head_victimIf you copied it to the mac, follow the instructions I posted before and see if you can read them ok12:16
vigargood point12:17
head_victimI like to make sure of things before relying on them12:17
vigarlooks like i would to chase down some plug ins for most of them12:24
head_victimWhat file extensions?12:25
vigaravi, m4a, mp312:25
head_victimmp3 is pretty easy, avi depends on what codec but should work, looking up m4a now12:25
lubotu2For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:26
vigarhow does ipod connectivity go?12:30
head_victimI think it depends on what generation but a lot do work apparently12:30
head_victimhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod has some info12:31
vigarcool, everything seems pretty simple12:33
head_victimThere are heaps of places to get help to. I started with Ubuntu ages ago now but I learnt that help was only a quick google away. Then I found IRC and it got even easier.12:34
head_victimThe team mailing list is another place for assistance as well as any number of different IRC channels, wiki pages, help pages and forums12:34
vigarcool, looks like ill have to look into how this filling sytem works though12:36
head_victimYeah, it's been a while since I had to work on windows so I can't really remember how it was different12:39
vigarthanks for your time head_victim, but im off to bed12:42
head_victimNo worries mate, have a good one12:42
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