
hakeonhello ~ first timer here... my MS/Mac friends are getting blank slides of any ppt i submit... what's up?00:23
hakeonBTW, i have used openoffice and now use libredoc00:24
starcraftmanhakeon: can you send me this file and I'll have a look.00:28
hakeongreat ~ whats the best way to send it?00:29
starcraftmanhakeon: hosting on a site like megaupload or yousendit would be best I suppose.00:29
starcraftmanhakeon: ^ or any other download link service00:30
hakeoni'm on it... thx... give me just a minute or two and i'll let ya know - thx00:31
starcraftmanhakeon: roger ping me, doing few things00:34
MrChrisDruifWhat's wrong?00:37
MrChrisDruifstarcraftman: ^00:37
starcraftmanMrChrisDruif: history > http://pastebin.com/D2FpwXVN00:37
MrChrisDruifAlright....is the file shared? :P00:38
starcraftmanMrChrisDruif: waiting, also back in a minute. I go for snack and see dog00:41
yax51is there an easy way to update the programs I have installed in ubuntu?00:41
MrChrisDruifyax51: Depends on HOW you've installed them ^^00:42
yax51aaah ok, that makes sense, if I use synaptic then I would upgrade via there and so on......got it00:43
MrChrisDruifyax51: If you install software via ppa, it gets automatically updated :)00:43
yax51not familiar with ppa?00:44
MrChrisDruifAnd apt/synaptic/Ubuntu software center all do the same00:44
MrChrisDruifSo you can update your software via all those and even update manager00:44
MrChrisDruifUpdate manager is just a GUI for sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:45
starcraftmanyax51: basically unless you installed software manually by a standalone deb or compiling it should upgrade.00:45
yax51aaah ok cool00:46
MrChrisDruifIndeed, that was my next step: manually installing via deb or compiling from source (but I guess the latter you won't have done, or even heard about :P)00:47
yax51no I haven't had to compile much from the source, but the one I have there isn't any upgrades for it... yet ;)00:48
tepsterquick question - is it common practice to encrypt the home directory? it that what most users do?01:11
MrChrisDruiftepster: For mobile settings (like a laptop) I personally would recommend it more then on a desktop system. HOWEVER: even I don't do it on my flappie :P01:12
pleia2it's really only people who are particularly concerned about security01:12
MrChrisDruifWhich is a laptop, you've guessed it right ;)01:13
* pleia2 has never done it, and she travels a lot with a netbook ;)01:13
tepsterso if someone stole my laptop, there is no way they can retrieve any data in /home?01:13
MrChrisDruifNot easily anyway01:14
pleia2actually if they stole the laptop it would be pretty easy to access the home directory if it's unencrypted, they could just boot into a livecd and mount hte disk01:16
pleia2so whether you encrypt depends on how concerned you are about the data you store and how worried you are about the laptop being stolen, it turns out most people dont worry about either very much01:17
pleia2I simply avoid keeping sensitive or irreplaceable data on my netbook01:17
tepsterah ok. i chose to encrypt it when i installed ubuntu today. I hope it's not too much of a  performance hit01:17
MrChrisDruiftepster: Only at boot up if I remember correctly...it only needs to unlock it01:18
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hakeon__can anyone help w/ 11.04 libreoffice compatibility?02:23
yax51does anyone know about the asusg50oled daemon? or if I can change the notification output of empathy to utilize that?02:36
hakeon__libreoffice presentation blank slides when opened by MS or Mac... help?02:52
yax51I would think it would be a file format issue if anything02:57
yax51what are you saving it as?02:59
yax51hakeon: what are you saving it as?03:00
holsteinhajour: libreoffice on the mac and PC?03:01
jepHi, I'm on Ubuntu 10.10 and my ethernet adapter is not working (the same one i'm using with windows now). It shows up in 'lshw -C network' as disabled. Any ideas?03:26
holsteinjep: is this a new thing?03:26
holsteinor did it ever work?03:26
jepwell a different adapter worked, but it stopped as well03:27
holsteinjep: but the one in question never worked?03:28
jepno, it's new. but i am using it in windows right now.03:29
jep(dual boot)03:29
holsteinjep: thats the only way you can get online with ubuntu?03:30
holsteini would like to suggest that you update03:30
holsteinincase there is a kernel update that would help03:30
holsteinother than that, we'd just have to search for a bug relating to your specific hardware03:31
holsteinand go from there03:31
jepThe bug would have to be across 2 different hardwares03:31
jepbut how would I update? burn an ISO?03:31
jepI mean I could just download it on this partition and run it from Ubuntu03:32
holsteinjep: ive never needed to do that03:32
holsteinits usually wifi that doesnt work03:33
holsteinand i just wire up and update03:33
holsteinand get fixes03:33
holsteini had a network adapter that wouldnt work03:33
holsteinbut i have a bunch of parts03:33
holsteinso i just put another one in03:33
jepusb wifi and pci-x ethernet no work :\03:34
holsteinwhats the wifi?03:34
holsteinmaybe you can DL what is necessary to make it work03:34
holsteinthat should only be a few packages*03:34
jepit used to work lol, i dont have it at the moment anyways03:35
jepseems very strange03:35
jepmaybe i could reinstall from my os disc? i dont want to lose my data again, already did that once03:35
holsteinwhen you get on the machine03:36
holsteinrun lspci03:36
holsteinand paste that in somewhere03:36
holsteinand we can look for bug reports03:36
holsteinno reason why you should reinstall03:36
holsteinunless you just want to03:36
jepok, it shows the controller info for the pci-x adapter... it just doesnt work03:36
jepit says Marvell...03:37
holsteinjep: did you just disable networking?03:37
holsteinin the net applet?03:37
jepi hope not !03:37
holsteinjep: you can always burn live CD's03:37
holsteinand boot those03:38
holsteinsee if the network works03:38
jepbut it is listed as disabled yes (i.e. network *DISABLED)03:38
holsteinthen, you know if its your install, or linux in general that is not supporting your hardware03:38
jepbut 'sudo ifconfig eth1 up' enables it03:39
jepand i still get nothing03:39
jepI guess I should try the live CD? How can I check the net applet?03:40
holsteinjep: try the LIVE cd first03:40
holsteini think thats going to be very telling03:41
jepok i will do that hopefully tonight.03:41
jepthank you. i've been asking around and not getting help03:42
holsteinwell, come back if you need03:42
holsteinwhen you get the results of that03:42
holsteinand we'll try some more stuff :)03:42
Error404NotFoundok im having a problem with firefox05:19
Error404NotFoundwhen i open it a small blank box pops up in it05:19
Error404NotFoundwith an x to close it05:19
Error404NotFoundany ideas?05:19
holsteinError404NotFound: i would try a different browser05:21
Error404NotFoundcan you get ie for linux?05:21
holsteininternet explorer?05:21
holsteinyou dont want to do that though05:22
holsteinyou could try getting rid of the config directory05:23
Error404NotFoundive always hated firefox05:23
Error404NotFoundand would much rather use ie05:23
holsteinError404NotFound: OK05:23
holsteintry some others05:23
holsteinsudo apt-get install chromium-browser05:23
Error404NotFoundive used chrome opera05:23
Error404NotFoundthey all suck05:23
holsteinopera is nice in linux05:23
holsteinreally fast05:23
holsteinthats odd05:24
Error404NotFoundsafari for linux?05:24
holsteini find ie to be not only at the bottom of my list of browsers05:24
holsteinbut just kinda bad and slow in general05:24
holsteinBUT, you can try to get it working05:24
Error404NotFoundwell i dont know what its like in linux05:24
holsteinError404NotFound: there are SO many browsers05:25
Error404NotFoundbut for windows i thought it was the best by a mile05:25
holsteinyeah? what did you like best about it?05:25
Error404NotFoundnever crashes05:25
Error404NotFoundfirefox always crashes on me05:25
holsteinwe have had different experiences for sure05:26
holsteini remember i updated someone to IE805:26
holsteinand their printer wouldnt work anymore05:26
holsteintook a lot of trouble shooting and googleing to sort that out05:27
holsteinanyways... try some other browsers05:27
holsteinopera really is quite nice in linux05:27
holsteini dont use it*05:27
holsteinbut its crazy fast05:27
holsteinanyhow, i gotta crash05:28
holsteinError404NotFound: good luck :)05:28
Error404NotFoundim sure ill need it05:28
Error404NotFoundok what is package format?05:30
Error404NotFoundtar.bz2 or tar.gz05:31
Error404NotFoundhow do i get rid of firefox05:42
bioterrorsudo apt-get purge firefox05:46
Error404NotFoundi used synaptic05:50
Error404NotFoundty though05:50
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sdollinsHave you guys had a higher than normal amount of complaints about things breaking after upgrades?08:38
head_victimsdollins: not that I've noticed09:08
sdollinsAfter some recent updates today (i upgraded to natty a couple days ago) several things broke :<09:09
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HillBillyRockCan anyone help me with a problem please?12:38
s-foxHillBillyRock,  Please state the problem.12:39
HillBillyRockI have apparently installed cd-circleprint but I can't find it to run it12:39
s-foxHillBillyRock,  Open terminal.12:42
s-foxHillBillyRock,  Run: cd-circleprint12:42
HillBillyRockOk.  Great.  Thank you12:43
s-foxGlad to be of service HillBillyRock12:48
rajuduanedesign:  ping14:13
AbhijitDaniel0108, ping15:07
Abhijityofel, ping15:09
Abhijityofel, is that you who i have talked some weeks ago and you play violin or some other music intstrumnet? you showed me your video with your friend playing????15:10
yofelnope, not me15:10
Abhijityofel, nvm. sorry.15:10
Daniel0108Abhijit: yes?15:17
AbhijitDaniel0108, do you play any kind of musical instrument?15:18
Daniel0108Abhijit: I played keyboard a few years ago ;)15:18
Abhijitis that yoou who have showed me your video on youtubhe playing your partner on piano and violin:?15:19
Daniel0108nope :P15:19
MrChrisDruifAbhijit: It wasn't me either15:24
AbhijitMrChrisDruif, :-/15:24
MrChrisDruifI do play music and sing thou15:26
AbhijitMrChrisDruif, play what sort of music? which instrument?15:30
shadowlemonHi; I've put a static ip on a server in /etc/network/interfaces; on /etc/init.d/networking restart it gets the right ip, but after x amount of time it's ip changes. The pc is not being turned off,  and the ip is random, am i missing something?15:37
holsteinshadowlemon: that is odd15:38
holsteinSO, you set it to something like
holsteinand it seems to be OK with that15:38
holsteinand then changes to 192.168.1.x ?15:38
holsteinnot .100?15:38
holsteinthen, is it functional?15:39
shadowlemoni can connect to it from ssh15:39
shadowlemonso i'd say it is15:39
holsteinthat *should* do it15:39
holsteinat my skill level15:39
holsteini would probably just try restarting15:39
holsteinand see if its still doing it15:39
holsteinthen, really look at the information in that config file15:40
holsteindouble check it*15:40
holsteinwhich im sure you have15:40
holsteinso triple-check :)15:40
shadowlemoni double checked, but my knowledge of editing such files is not very high, but i found it whilst googling15:40
shadowlemonand it gives the right ip on restart15:41
shadowlemonanyways i'll go to the server now15:41
holsteinshadowlemon: pastebin the config if you want15:41
holsteinand we'll look15:41
holsteini can pull up the one i have15:41
holsteinon my server15:41
holsteinthat is static, and functional15:41
shadowlemonok let's see15:42
holsteinnot much going on in there though15:42
shadowlemoni know15:42
shadowlemonbtw question: would you be offended if you ask a really obvious question at your coworkers, and he responds in a mail 'please rtfm: <link here>'?15:43
shadowlemon /random15:43
holsteinshadowlemon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602806/15:43
holsteinshadowlemon: hmmm, i guess that would depend15:43
holsteinif it was the 9th time that week15:44
holsteinthat the same question came up15:44
holsteini probably would expect it ;)15:44
shadowlemonone of my coworkers apparently don't know how to connect to IRC, and expects me to explain him15:44
shadowlemonso i just sent something back like15:44
shadowlemonplease rtfm: link15:44
holsteinshadowlemon: i like those freenode webchat links15:44
holsteini send those to our local LUG15:44
holsteinand ubuntu loco mailing list15:45
shadowlemonwell it wasn't webchat i sent, just a guide to xchat or so15:45
holsteinyeah, this is click and you're in15:45
holsteintoo easy15:45
holsteinIF it comes to that*15:45
holsteinits challenging sometimes15:45
holsteinlike in here15:45
shadowlemoni got something back like: you can't tell me to RTFM, things that are obvious to you might not be to others15:45
holsteini want to be helpful15:46
holsteinBUT, i also want to try and leave it vague enough15:46
holsteinso that the user might look up a little on their own15:46
holsteinand learn how to find the information15:46
holsteinwhich is in my opinion, better than just doing it for them15:46
shadowlemoni'm always helpful.. too helpful, and too considerate. heck. I might even code something for someone else whilst he's sitting there.15:46
shadowlemonso i'm trying to change my policy :)15:46
shadowlemontoo drastically15:46
shadowlemonbut if you can't find on your own how irc works, then RTFM is justified15:47
shadowlemonif you are an IT'er15:47
holsteinsome of the particulars can be challening15:48
holsteinregistering nicks15:48
holsteinpassing the /commands15:48
holsteinbut, just getting in an ubuntu support channel is usually pretty simple15:49
holsteinand from there, you should be able to sort it out15:49
holsteinassuming you read topics and RTFM ;)15:49
holsteinwhich some dont...15:49
holsteinanyways, you see how simple my config is shadowlemon15:50
holsteinim not sure what could be going on there15:50
shadowlemontrue but15:50
shadowlemonall they had to do is open xchat, and join the channel. no fancy stuff :p15:51
holsteinwhen i first joined15:51
holsteini installed xchat15:51
holsteinand when i started it15:51
shadowlemonip changed from to
holsteinit auto-joined something15:51
holsteinmaybe #ubuntu ?15:51
holsteinsome ubuntu channel15:51
holsteinshadowlemon: what is giving you that IP ?15:52
holsteinis this a router on your home network?15:52
shadowlemonit's in a school network, which i  fear might be the problem15:52
holsteinthats my vote15:52
shadowlemonhowever, i should have enough power to set a static ip15:53
holsteindepends though15:53
holsteinare you sure its a free address?15:53
holsteinand whats assigning them...15:53
holsteini would say thats plausible15:53
holsteinthats literally all i did on my end15:53
holsteinbut, thats my router and all other equipment15:54
holsteini suppose, to troubleshoot15:54
holsteinif you have a router15:54
holsteinyou could temporarily set up a little network15:54
holsteinand check that the machine gets and keeps a static IP15:54
holsteinthen, you can stop fiddling around where you are15:55
holsteinand move onto the other services15:55
shadowlemoni compared the config15:56
shadowlemonit's the same except that i have a broadcast field too15:56
shadowlemonbut idk if it's neccessary15:56
* holstein shrugs15:56
holsteincomment it out15:56
holsteinand try15:56
holsteinas long as you have physical access still15:57
holsteinand dont get stuck with a headless box you cant get to15:57
shadowlemonwe still have access, i commented it out16:02
shadowlemoni guess there's nothing ic an do atm16:02
shadowlemonanyways holstein, thanks for your help/assistance16:02
shadowlemonI very much appreciate it16:02
holsteinyeah, i say its on the network side16:03
holsteinim sure you'll sort it out though16:03
holsteinshadowlemon: good luck16:04
HillBillyRockDoes anyone know of a program for making and printing cd labels and covers please16:45
holsteini mean, you could do that with any graphics program16:46
holsteinshould be able to find templates around the net16:46
holsteinlook for one in a comfortable format for you HillBillyRock16:46
holsteinyou should be able to pull that off in anything from inkscape to libreoffice16:47
HillBillyRockholstein:  I've tried Koverartist but it only seems to deal with covers not labels16:47
holstein*in theory16:47
holsteinthe gimp is popular16:47
holsteini would look for a gimp template16:47
HillBillyRockOk. Thanks. I have that16:47
holsteinand the gimp supports a lot of formats too16:47
holsteinmight be a little overkill16:47
holsteinbut, you can literally do anything with it16:47
HillBillyRockHolstein:  Great thanks.  I'll give that a go16:48
jledbetterHi sebsebseb16:53
sebsebsebjledbetter: stlsaint hi16:54
stlsaintsebsebseb: sup sup16:54
sebsebsebstlsaint: not much, going to do some stuff on the computer16:55
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IdleOnecprofitt: thanks for the radio stations :)17:33
eiriksvin is there a way to get tranparent windows in Natty? i want to be able to see through any windows  i have up18:08
holsteineiriksvin: i would probably start in classic mode18:09
holsteinand mess with the compiz settings18:09
bioterrorI would avoind that kind of candy, might first look good but after a while you will notice it just annoys you ;)18:10
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi
=== Mohi is now known as M0hi
eiriksvini have, but compiz dont keep the settings going into natty18:10
holsteineiriksvin: alt+scroll-down seems to be a way to do it on-the-fly18:10
holsteinbioterror: agreed :)18:10
eiriksvini want the see through, its how i had my Maverick set up18:11
holsteineiriksvin: try doing what you did in maverick18:11
holsteinin the classic mode18:11
eiriksvinhmm, my goal is to get empathy, file browser and whatnot to run Transparent all the time18:13
eiriksvinhow do i get and send jabber msgs?18:14
eiriksvini have jabber set up, but i only see empathy doing facebook18:14
holsteinmaybe http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/IRC18:16
eiriksvinholstein do you have jabber set up through empathy?18:18
eiriksvinbioterror im just trying to get the most out of my Overglossed theme18:19
eiriksvini just cant find the cool white sensor bar he has18:20
holsteini dont use jabber or empathy18:21
holsteini use tweetdeck sometimes18:21
holsteinand for irc, i use irssi in screen18:21
eiriksvindoes someone have jabber set up through empathy that can send me a message?18:24
eiriksvinyeah, i was thinking about that, but it seems to conflict with the Unity plugin somehow18:25
holsteini would say someone in the IRC channel i linked might eiriksvin18:26
eiriksvinhow do i stop  the stuff from disappearing on the top bar in natty?  like in xchat how XChat   View   Sever   Settings   Window   Help       all disappear when i move the mouse away from it18:33
eiriksvin<holstein> ur still one of the best helpers here:)18:34
tepI'd like to know that too :)  I don't understand why they chose to hide menus like that.18:34
eiriksvinsilly huh:)18:34
tepbaffles me hehe18:35
eiriksvinthats like the huge question of, why didnt they let you choose where to put the luancher, and be able to move it on a drag or something18:36
eiriksvini would love it to be on the bottom of my screen, sending all the menus up and out toward the right:)18:36
tepI don't mind it on the left actually but yeah, it should be movable.18:37
eiriksvinor maybe to the left... or maybe put it on the right side and everything goes to the left:)18:37
eiriksvinmaybe they should have made a button to shrink it instead of either makeing it stay or letting it slide away18:38
tepI also wish that you can hover over the icon to show all the open windows...like in WIndows 718:39
eiriksvini would love to be able to make it a circle, i could click with one click and it would blow up in the center of my screen, then select my choices from a set of concentric rings that hid other rings as i progress deeper into them18:40
eiriksvinsliding through the whole way18:41
eiriksvinbut menus pop out along the circle18:41
eiriksvinnow that would be awesome, with the little foot in the middle18:42
eiriksvinoops off topic... sorry18:42
eiriksvinwe should give linux that customizable feel, i know thats what drew me into Maverick18:44
eiriksvinthinking i might go back18:44
holsteinthanks eiriksvin :)18:45
eiriksvinur welcome:)18:46
holsteinpersonally, im still running lucid 10.04 on most everything i have18:46
holsteinbut, id say, if you can give it some time18:46
eiriksvinsend my a screenshot?18:46
holsteinlike a week or so18:46
holsteinyou might get used to the new direction18:46
holsteini would run 11.04 on my netbook with unity18:47
eiriksvini like it, but i wish it were more open to customization, i want that glowing windows back:(18:47
holsteinand live in it for a while18:47
holsteinbut, there seems to be a bug with my wifi18:47
holsteinand i havent had time to track that down18:47
holsteini tend to look before i leap :)18:47
holsteineiriksvin: you can always run whatever DE you wish18:48
holsteinmaybe XFCE would be more like what you are used to18:48
holsteintheres classic mode18:48
holsteinand gnome318:48
holsteinall kinds of options right now18:48
holsteinbut, the idea of unity is quite well thought out18:48
holsteinim still not sure its right for my workflow either though18:49
eiriksvinyeah, i have read about them, but i like unity, just want the pretty eye candy18:49
holsteinits still early18:49
eiriksvinthis is 2011, we should be able to have our cake, and eat it too:)18:50
holsteinim sure there will be some customization happening soon18:50
holsteineiriksvin: hehe18:50
eiriksvinwhere are the sounds located?18:52
eiriksvini want to set up my Beep18:52
eiriksvinum, notify18:52
holstein /usr/share/sounds ?18:53
eiriksvincan you type my name?18:57
holsteinits good?19:01
holsteincool :)19:01
holsteinalright.. im out for a bit... laterx19:01
eiriksvini cant seem to use .ogg?19:01
eiriksvinthey all sound staticky19:01
eiriksvinbut .wav works fine:)19:01
holsteinyeah, i wouldnt lose sleep over it19:01
holsteinyou can always convert an ogg to wav if you want19:02
holsteinas a work-around19:02
holsteinand sudo cp it in that /dir19:02
holsteinit would be nice to track that down though19:02
holsteinand have a proper bug report about it is suppose19:02
holsteinif you feel brave enough to take that on :)19:02
holsteinanyways... BBL19:02
mang0hey guys!19:45
mang0Hey guys, I'm having trouble installing Ubuntu. This is my problem: http://www.pasteall.org/21230/text . Please PM (/query mang0) cos I will be afk. Thanks!19:45
mang0(c&p from #ubuntu lol)19:45
holsteinmang0: hey20:11
kristian_hi all20:11
kristian_hurm, I have an installation on a hdd that my bios won't see20:11
kristian_there's another hdd in the box, which bios *will* see... it's blanked by DBAN20:12
kristian_what to do?20:12
holsteinmang0: ubuntu has no issues with broadcom chips20:13
holsteinbroadcom didnt used to suply information for drivers to be written*20:13
holsteinthat has changed20:13
holsteinmang0: i would try and take the path of least resistance and plug it in20:13
mang0<holstein> mang0: ubuntu has no issues with broadcom chips20:14
holsteinyou can work around that though i you wish20:14
mang0since when?!20:14
holsteinmang0: right20:14
holsteinsince forever20:14
mang0orly? I was told differantly...20:14
holsteinubuntu would have no issue supporting any vendors devices that its allowed to support20:14
mang0what do you mean the path of least resistance?20:14
holsteinmang0: its a matter of wording*20:14
mang0holstein> mang0: i would try and take the path of least resistance and plug it in20:14
holsteinand i wanted to be clear20:15
* mang0 confused face20:15
holsteinthat its not ubuntu's issue20:15
holsteinwith broadcom20:15
holsteinit was the other way around20:15
holsteinthat has changed recently20:15
mang0AAAAhhhhaa! I getcha now20:15
mang0what version?20:15
holsteinand we are all glad about that20:15
mang0(of ubuntu, do I need)20:15
mang0I have the liveCD of 10.10...20:15
holsteinthats fine20:15
holsteinthats up to you to decide20:15
attackulzholstein I need your almighty wisdom.20:15
mang0why is it not connecting then?20:15
holsteinattackulz: ;)20:16
attackulzbut finsih your conversation.20:16
holsteinmang0: you should be able to install without have the internet connected20:16
mang0well then the only problem20:16
holsteinand then, plug it up real quick and get the broadcom driver20:16
holsteinyou could do that20:16
holsteinfrom the live CD20:16
holsteinplug it in real quick20:16
mang0is that it won't mount my drives20:16
holsteinget the broadcom driver20:16
holsteinand install20:16
holsteinmang0: im not sure about the drive issues20:17
holsteini would want to test them20:17
holsteinand i would probably just format them20:17
holsteini have a lot of drives laying around for testing purposes20:17
mang0talking in #ubuntu someone said (ages ago) that it was my sata-raid controller20:17
mang0but I d k what to do about it20:17
holsteinkristian_: i had a bad IDE cable that 'acted' like that once20:18
mang0wait, brb in 5 mins, you can talk to attackulz for a bit20:18
mang0he/she wanted your help20:18
mang0I think20:18
holsteinmang0: thats plausible20:18
holsteinmang0: try the alternate installer :)20:18
holsteinattackulz: whats up?20:18
attackulzflash is all messy. colors all messed and it only loads half of the loadable portion20:19
attackulzall updates are good\20:19
attackulztried reinstall\20:19
attackulztried every googled solution20:19
holsteinattackulz: what about the graphics?20:19
holsteinwhat graphics device?20:20
attackulzwhat about them20:20
attackulzit is an older computer.20:20
attackulzbut it plays dvds fine20:20
attackulzdidnt figure it would be something of that nature.20:20
kristian_hi holstein20:21
holsteinkristian_: o/20:21
kristian_hurm... now the sata is seen20:21
attackulzand when I had xp on this computer youtube ect. worked20:21
kristian_lesson learned: avoid discount hardware20:21
holsteinyeah, but that supports the graphics driver issue attackulz20:21
holsteinkristian_: lol20:21
attackulzeverything else workes fine graphic wise on the computer20:22
attackulzaccept for modern flash applicacions20:22
holsteinattackulz: do me a favor...20:23
holsteintry the opera browser20:23
holsteinif you dont mind installing it..20:23
holsteini find it lighter than most in linux anyways20:24
holstein*although i personally use chromium-browser20:24
bioterroropera is horrible20:24
attackulzI hate opera20:24
bioterrorif you go to facebook, it will eat lots of CPU20:24
holsteinbioterror: it seems to do flash differently though20:24
attackulzI use google crome now20:24
bioterrorchromium <320:24
holsteini thought it might be a decent troubleshooting step20:24
attackulzill download chromium and opera and try20:24
holsteinattackulz: midori too20:25
* holstein gotta run again20:26
holsteinattackulz: im not exactly sure what that will tell us20:26
holsteinhow flash responds in opera20:26
=== camsone is now known as tepster
XylchHow do I change the Unity appmenu close/min/max to my themes default?22:06
holsteinXylch: you changed the theme?22:07
holsteinand it had no effect?22:07
tepsterthis natty release stilll has issue with changing cursors...arg22:10
XylchYea, I am using a different theme than one that came with natty, and it is displaying like placeholder buttons in the appmenu22:10
Xylchthey appear fine on the actual window when not maximized22:11
holsteinXylch: that might just be a feature of unity*22:12
holsteinim sure there will be more customization options on the way soon22:12
=== [1]coalwater is now known as coalwater
Froq__does anyone know why VNC in 11.04 is so bad?23:06
UndiFineDFroq__,  i think that is unity 2d vs unity 3d on the desktop23:11
UndiFineDbut i am just guessing here23:11
Froq__UndiFineD: what do you mean?  So how can I improve it?  I didn't realize there was a 2d v. 3d difference...  how do I know which dimension I am in?23:12
UndiFineDdirectly on the desktop you'd work in 3d, but over vnc that transports blocks of the parts of your screen, you would be working in 2d23:14
Froq__UndiFineD: appreciate your guess. it is better than mine!23:14
Froq__UndiFineD: so would that result in uber slow, never refreshing connections or justa  difference in appearance?23:14
UndiFineDthere are differences we encounter in accessibility here23:15
UndiFineDvnc transports small blocks of bitmaps, of vncserver rendered screen23:15
Froq__o got ya.  well I guess I will be patient and wait for it to be fixed/ improved upon... I just use VNC over SSH so much...23:16
UndiFineDthese block often fit within a tcp frame23:17
Froq__ok, so do they not fit in the tcp frame now?23:17
UndiFineDand in the past with slower network connections you could actually see it being build up and where the frame did not fit the tcp frame23:17
UndiFineDthey fixed that mostly23:18
Froq__UndiFineD: so if they have been able to make the pixel changes always fit the TCP frame, why is it never refreshing as I move my mouse over the frame?23:26
UndiFineDhmmm, I am thinking you might need to grow the width of the side panel23:28
UndiFineDbut that too is just a guess23:28
UndiFineDand the ugly look comes from loosing bits in the vnc protocol, normally 24 bits make up the color and location of a pixel23:29
UndiFineDbut here they need to compress for speed, so they fit it in less23:29
UndiFineDloosing color distinctions23:30
Froq__Now that looks interesting... appears that Unity is just a cover for Compiz... is that true!23:31
UndiFineDthat is true23:31
Froq__so if I desire VNC, I need to disable Unity... interesting...23:33
UndiFineDthere are others like vnc23:40
ubot2VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:40
UndiFineDI think they also used something like this to do a web evaluation of natty23:41
Froq__UndiFineD: yea, I think I might just go with Gnome 3... looking @ it... it is very appealing!23:42
Froq__a web evalution?  what does that mean/>'23:43
UndiFineDwell I have issues with both unity and gnome3, they do not seem to be as productive as my current 10.10 desktop23:43
Froq__UndiFineD: o man, you are still rocking 10.10... I think I should have stayed with 10.04... but Unity looked so nice! :)23:44
UndiFineDmy current desktop looks like this http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7607669/desktop/Screenshot-15.png23:45
Froq__Wow!  That try-ubuntu idea is freaking sweet!  have a few VMs running and allow VNC over port 5800?!23:45
Froq__UndiFineD: kinda gray and boring :)23:47
Froq__haha, but more functional than unity! lol23:47
UndiFineDI change a lot: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7607669/desktop/Screenshot-1.png23:47
Froq__UndiFineD: you just did that... right?  b/c I saw that Desktop a few days ago23:48
UndiFineDthat was my winter theme23:48
MrChrisDruifThat's an old screen :D23:48
MrChrisDruif25th of December, woow23:49
Froq__well peace guys gotat study23:50

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