
genii-aroundstaticsafe:   the bottom file of natty-pics.tar.gz is a tarball of all the individual shots on that page00:24
staticsafegenii-around: thanks!00:25
genii-aroundstaticsafe: This is coming off a box in my office so may be slow d/l00:26
staticsafegenii-around: that's fine00:26
staticsafeim putting it on my dropbox's public folder if anyone else needs it00:26
genii-aroundstaticsafe: You manage to get those pics?02:06
staticsafegenii-around: yep02:06
genii-aroundstaticsafe: Cool. Apologize in advance, most are horrible02:06
staticsafeheh np02:07
=== Madpilot changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam channel! Welcome! | http://www.ubuntu-ca.org/ | WikiPage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://canada.ubuntuforums.org/ | S.V.P utilisez #ubuntu-qc pour soutien en français | Meeting info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings
dscasselThanks, Madpilot.06:18
Madpilothey, no problem. I added the Election Day note last night; call it my token get-out-the-vote effort06:19
Madpilotan interesting election, too06:20
dscasselThat it was.06:20
MadpilotMy riding has a most unique MP. Quite stoked.06:21
dscasselYou're in Saanich Gulf Islands?06:22
dscasselCongrats. :)06:22
MadpilotI am. A very cool moment. (plus, the Con incumbent was... meh.)06:23
dscasselI was kinda hoping Emma Jane would do well in Bruce Grey Owen Sound, but in the end, she didn't even place.06:23
dscasselWhich is sad.  It would have been cool to have an Ubuntu member in parliament.06:24
Madpilotthat would be awesome. Still, May convincingly beat Lunn. I'm actually surprised at how big her majority is.06:24
MadpilotI suspect a lot of swing voters thought about it and said something to the effect of, "Fuck it, let's make some history" or words to that effect :)06:25
dscasselI respect that as motivation. :)06:25
Madpilotand I see the CBC has finally stopped describing her party as "OTHR" now. Congratulations on finding the green pixels, CBC.06:26
hypatiahaha.  recycled pixels for everyone!06:30
dscasselHi, hypatia :)06:32
Madpilothi hypatia06:32
dscasselhypatia: Are you going to mini-Maker Faire this weekend, or packing for Budapest?06:33
hypatiadscassel: packing for moving to ottawa on friday, and flying to budapest... saturday06:33
dscasselAh, busy weekend.06:34
hypatiayeah, seriously06:34
Madpilotso go flat out for a day or three then sleep on the plane?06:36
hypatiaMadpilot: basically!07:13
dscasselMorning, BluesKaj16:12
BluesKajhi dscassel , how's things ?16:14
dscasselKind of depressing, but I'm getting over it. ^^;16:43
dscasselI'll refrain from littering the place with politics. :P16:44
dscasselOtherwise, I am very tired.16:45
BluesKajyeah, I was up late, not much energy today either16:48
=== bregma is now known as bregma|away

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