
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== Nolar_ is now known as Nolar
Garo_Hello. I'm planning to build a grsecurity enabled kernel for ubuntu 10.04 running inside EC2 EBS root instance. So far I haven't found any good pointers how to build an EBS root based ubuntu kernel for the ec2. Are there any good pointers and/or guides on compiling ubuntu for ec2?07:19
flaccidGaro_: just use pvgrub, you can run any kernel you want07:20
Garo_flaccid: thanks for the tip, I'll start with reading over this http://backdrift.org/xen-pvgrub-howto07:23
flaccidthe official docs are fine07:23
lethalduckHi all, been a while since I've been on irc. I'm playing with the idea of putting a mongodb instance and a node.js server on a single amazon EC2 micro instance. It's just for a self promotional services site. I now it's generally not a good idea to run a database in a DMZ, but I'm aiming to do this cheap, without having to lease multiple instances of EC2 machines. What are your thoughts on the potential security issues around07:40
lethalduckthis idea?07:40
flaccidlethalduck: just don't open ports to the world07:41
lethalduckYeah, common sense stuff.08:16
kim0Morning everyone08:58
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* Blulix waves13:34
BlulixAll these people and everyone idling? xD13:36
kim0Blulix: hehe hey o/13:47
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koolhead11kim0, hey15:08
kim0koolhead11: hey :)15:19
koolhead11kim0, back to work?15:20
koolhead11cool!! saw the updates :D15:22
kim0any idea how to merge the docs with the wiki ?15:22
kim0what did you say the source format was15:22
koolhead11kim0, as of now its plain html but we will have it in LAteX15:23
koolhead11kim0, my boss will be the correct person to answer and give more details on same :)15:25
kim0yeah I'll ping him15:25
koolhead11hey TeTeT15:34
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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BlulixHey guys, if I have my controller and node controller on the same router which is also connected to the internet, would that be a problem?18:08
Blulix(using EUC CD Install)18:09
obinoBlulix: nope. It should all be dandy. Are you seeing problems?18:11
BlulixSort of yeah, I used automatic network setup in the install for the controller and the Node still cant see the controller on the network.18:12
BlulixI tried having them on the same machine instead but that just posed more problems.18:12
BlulixSo now I'im  down to trying them both on seperate VMs on my pc to see if i can get it to work at all.18:12
BlulixI think I'm missing a step, i install the Controller (I use automatic network setup) and call the hostname 'controller', wait for the install to finish and use 'sudo apt-get update' then 'sudo apt-get upgrade'.18:17
BlulixThen reboot it. Then I install the node on the other system with hostname 'nodecontroller' and when it gets to "Select cloud installation node" it says "No Eucalyptus clouse controller was found on your network".18:18
BlulixIf i type in the controller name it says it finds it but that it doesnt find walrus.18:18
Blulixeven though i chose to install everything (except node controller) onto the controller.18:19
Blulix( i chose standard guided partitioning btw, not the one with LVM, does that make a difference? )18:20
=== daker is now known as daker_
obinoBlulix: the autoregistration is based on avahi18:45
obinoare the machines on the same subnet?18:45
Blulixsame subnet?18:45
obinowhat's your network setup?18:46
BlulixThey're both connected to the same router via eth018:46
obinoCLC/CC sits on the router right?18:46
obinorouter or switch?18:46
BlulixWell switch to the router18:46
Blulixone sec18:46
Blulixinternet <-> router <-> switch <-> Controller(eth0)/NodeController(eth0)18:47
Blulixthough thats basically internet<->router<->Controller(eth0)/NodeController(eth0)  to the computers.18:47
BlulixThe controller has an eth1 if i need it.18:48
Blulixbut atm its unused18:48
obinoand you for the CLC/CC/SC/Walrus installed correctly?18:50
obinodid you get to the webUI?18:50
BlulixIt didnt error when installed so i guess so18:51
Blulixand the webui hsould come up one sec18:51
Blulixah its running vm atm so i dont know18:51
Blulixand apparnently Walrus didn't install (or so the nodecontroller install says)18:52
Blulixand offers to be the walrus controller itself18:52
BlulixGunna start up the one i made on the hardware and see if the webUI works18:54
Blulixhow can i tell (from the controller side) if they've all isntalled correctly?18:55
obinofor the front-end you can check if the webUI is coming up18:56
obinothen check under configuration if walrus, sc and cc are registered18:56
Blulixapparently the web ui isnt coming up18:56
Blulixwait what18:57
Blulixi put in the local IP without the port 844318:57
Blulixand it said "Ubuntu enterprise cloud - redirecting"18:57
Blulixthen goes the to local IP but with the port18:57
Blulixand nothing comes up18:57
Blulixso the redirect works, but the ui itself doesnt :s18:57
Blulixand now it works... the WebUI is up now o.O18:58
BlulixIt asks for cloud Host IP i have no idea if its need the LAN IP or WAN IP18:59
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BlulixSo with the WebUI up do I do anything?19:10
BlulixThe DNS config is set to localhost, shouldnt i put that as the router gateway?19:16
BlulixThe ubuntu tutorial conviniently forgot to tell me how to set up walrus and cluster on the webUI x.x19:18
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk
obinodid you install walrus?19:22
BlulixI ticked it on install yes.19:22
BlulixNow I@ve been into the WebUI I registered Walrus with host ip as the controllers LAN IP.19:22
skizza1anyone need hosting?19:23
obinoit should be the 'public ip' name19:23
BlulixMy internet IP?19:23
skizza1Anyone need hosting?19:23
BlulixShould that go for the controller IP is asks for too?19:24
obinoBlulix: do you have a home router?19:24
BlulixThat's what I'm using19:24
obinok, then not the public IP, just use the IP you have19:24
Blulixi told the controller to start broadcasting walrus and it says it's already doing it :s19:24
skizza1need any hosting?19:25
BlulixUh not really i guess x3 I like hosting my own stuff personally.19:25
smoseroneiric builds on EC2 now!19:29
smoser$ lsb_release -a19:29
smoserNo LSB modules are available.19:29
smoserDistributor ID: Ubuntu19:29
smoserDescription:    Ubuntu oneiric (development branch)19:29
smoserRelease:        11.1019:29
smoserCodename:       oneiric19:29
smoser$ cat /etc/cloud/build.info19:29
smoserbuild_name: server19:29
smoserserial: 20110503.119:29
BlulixI am so confused19:30
BlulixThe ubuntu tutorial puts the 'install node controllers' which is supposed to automatically connect to the controller BEFORE setting everything up in the WebUI... o.O19:31
obinoBlulix: yes19:33
obinoyou can check if the nc is been polled looking at the log file19:34
obinoon the NC machine, look at /var/log/eucalyptus/nc.log19:34
obinoyou can use tail -f nc.log and see if it is been polled19:34
Blulixtail: cannot open '/var/log/eucalyptus/nc.log' for reading: No such file of directory19:38
Blulix(just incase i forgot to mention, Walrus CC and NC are all on the same machine)19:38
Blulixwoos bad that19:39
Blulixnot NC19:39
BlulixEverything BUT NC is on the controller macine xD19:40
BlulixSo Cloud controller, walrus, cluster controller and storage controller.19:40
BlulixAlso I don't get what 'polled' is.19:40
obinothe CC polls regurlarly each NC19:43
obinoyou should see both in the cc.log and nc.log the results of it19:43
obinoyou can see errors on the CC side or NC side or no errors at all :)19:44
Blulixwolud running the NC on a virtual machine from my PC on the same network work for a test?19:44
obinoNC will need to be on hardware19:44
obinoit will need to interact with the hypervisor19:44
obinoto start/stop instances19:44
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BlulixSo I could run the...Cloud/Cluster/Walrus Controller on a VM?19:45
obinoI discourage that19:45
obinoit is possible in theory but debugging is harded19:46
BlulixThis is jsut for testing atm mind.19:46
obinoif you are going to test the full functionality, I would recommend to to use 2 machines19:46
BlulixI'm in a bind and I have a PC with windows on which uses a RAID0 that linux refuses to install to an ext partition on.19:46
obinodo you have 2 machines?19:46
obinogot it19:46
BlulixI do yes but as I said, linux cant partition open space on my RAID019:47
BlulixNo idea why19:47
Blulixit sees it as nvidia/mapper/<load of garbled text, probably an ID>19:47
BlulixI just wanna get the whole procedure down for when I install the real cluster x.x19:48
* Blulix wishes it could all be done on multiple VM's on Virtualbox19:48
obinowell, have you read our documentation?19:48
obinoyou can put the NC on the bare hardware19:48
obinothen you can put the front end on the VM19:49
BlulixI'm afraid all I have read so far is the official ubuntu tutorial which does not help.19:49
obinoremember that this is not fully supported19:49
obinogo on open.eucalyptus.com19:49
obinothen disable the autoregistration19:49
Blulixthe front end being the Cloud/cluster/walrus controller?19:49
obinoactually tell you what19:49
obinoas first try no need to disable autoregistration19:50
obinomake sure that the VM is brdiged on your network19:50
BlulixSorry I cant keep up I'm on open.eucalyptus.com on my PC and now I'm confused19:50
obinoso that is reachable by the NC19:50
obinoI wanted to give you where the full docs are19:50
BlulixAll my VM's are connected to my network by default via a virtual adaptor on my pc.19:50
obinoin case you need them19:50
Blulixoh ok19:50
BlulixI wish the server had a WUBI installer xD This'd be sorted already19:51
obinothere was cloud on a stick19:52
obinodustin kirkland produced it19:52
obinosame thing as a live-cd ideas19:52
obinolimited functionality19:53
obinoif you just need to play as a user have you tried the ECC?19:53
BlulixNope no idea what that is19:54
BlulixVirtualBox has 'bridged adaptor feature, am i useing that?19:54
obinocheck the testdrive on open.eucalyptus.com19:54
BlulixWill runnign the bridged adaptor give my Vm it's own IP? x319:57
BlulixWhy does the install have Walrus Storage Service and Storage Controller both installed? They sound like they do the same thing.19:59
obinothey don't20:00
obinowalrus is like S320:00
obinoand the SC provides EBS20:00
obinoso you need one SC per cluster20:01
obinowhile you have one walrus per cloud20:01
BlulixAh oki20:01
BlulixWell i dont know what S3 and EBS are but i follow20:01
obinoS3 is a get/put storage20:03
obinoworks putting and getting full 'buckets'20:03
obinoEBS instread exports block devices  to running instances20:04
obinoinstances will see them as new disk drives20:04
Blulixah oki20:04
BlulixOh nice, bridging the VM  does give it it's own IP ^^20:05
BlulixWish i knew that earlier20:05
BlulixOh um20:14
BlulixIt always asks for a Mail anem and later on a domain name.20:14
BlulixNo idea what to put there20:14
Blulixoh you have got to be joking...20:26
BlulixI think my FrontEnd and NC were different ubuntu versions >.>20:27
* Blulix facepaws20:28
Blulixfacepalms* even20:28
Blulixand NOW it sees it21:07
Blulix... darn21:07
Blulixsorry x.x thanks for helping me though~21:07
=== Nolar is now known as CoffeeNazi
=== CoffeeNazi is now known as Nolar
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
vorlovhello im looking for some help with amazon ec2 help? and latest ubuntu natty release22:03
vorlovim having problems with natty ami - reboots fine, but after first shutdown it never recovers22:09
vorlovon an m1.large22:09
vorlovhere's the syslogs http://pastebin.com/Acv87Cdr22:09
hallynsmoser: i'm trying to create an ec2 image using vmbuilder, and it's getting hung up on dependencies for linux-image-virtual.  Does that sound at all familiar to you?22:29
hallynzul: ^ actually you did the vmbuilder-ec2 prototype, so maybe i should be asking you22:33
hallynI see, I shouldn't install a kernel pkg.  but i want to.22:34
=== MennaEssa is now known as m3ss4
Kyle__How does one go about building a windows 7 image for UEC?23:50

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