
popeyDaviey / james_w` https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2011-May/thread.html00:54
popeydid you know you're spamming the techboard mailing list?00:55
james_w`popey, erk01:01
james_w`not sure how to fix that right now01:02
james_w`it's something to do with the membership of teams in LP01:03
james_w`which is not something to try and fathom at 8pm :-)01:03
popeynor at 1AM01:03
popeyowner is the tech board01:04
popeythats why01:04
popeydunno what changed though01:05
akgraneryeah I got an email that the news team was spamming a list as well01:16
akgranerbut we haven't sent anything today so I wasn't sure what was going on nor have I had the opportunity to look into right now01:16
akgranerjcastro, guess who I get to meet in June - none other than jef spaleta - he's going to be at SELF this year...01:21
akgranerjust tweeted - @jspaleta OMG! I can't belive it finally I get the opportunity meet you! See you @selinuxfest! http://is.gd/T6Oo22 #01:21
akgraneroh the tag was #bucketlist01:22
nhandlerakgraner: Poke me with the details and I can look into that (re: news team spamming)03:05
akgranernhandler, not sure I know all the details yet - I can forward you the email I got - it will tomorrow before I can get back to you on that..but I will :-)  thanks nhandler03:07
nhandlerakgraner: That is fine. Thanks.03:08
kim0morning everyone08:54
Davieypopey: the TB don't get enough spam.. :)09:43
dpmhey kim0, hey all10:00
kim0dpm: howdy o/10:01
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duanedesignmorning all11:47
salgadomhall119, hi there. I hope you haven't forgotten about my summit branch? :)11:54
mhall119salgado: not forgotten, just busy13:43
salgadomhall119, ok, just checking as we don't have too much time left.  will you let us know if you feel you won't be able to do it, so that we can look for alternatives before it's too late?13:56
mhall119salgado: how comfortable are you with these changes?14:07
salgadomhall119, thinking long term they're far from ideal, but they're the least intrusive way we had to achieve this so I'm pretty much convinced they will not introduce any regressions14:10
mhall119salgado: I'm trying to run it with SUMMIT_LINARO=1, but the schedule page isn't showing any of the slots I had created, is this the correct behavior?14:14
salgadomhall119, it will omit all slots/rooms that don't have Linaro sessions14:15
mhall119ok, so it won't be used to edit the schedule?14:16
salgadomhall119, yeah, we'll have to ask the track leads to use summit.u.c to do that, but I don't think it's a big deal14:18
salgadocan they break things badly if they end up trying to edit the schedule on summit.l.o?14:19
mhall119I don't know, but chances are they won't be able to, because it won't show slots that aren't already filled with Linaro sessions14:21
mhall119okay, I added a meeting to a "linaro-testing" track, but it's still now showing up on the date view of the schedule, what am I missing?14:22
salgadomhall119, the meeting has to have 'linaro' on its name/specurl IIRC. /me checks14:25
mhall119salgado: okay, my track is "linaro1", my meeting name is "linaro-testing"14:26
mhall119I put it "room1" which has the "linaro1" track assigned to it14:26
salgadomhall119, we look for the 'linaro' string only in the spec_url14:26
salgadoIOW, the blueprint name in LP must contain 'linaro'14:27
mhall119salgado: I'm manually adding records to my database, not pulling from LP14:28
salgadomhall119, right, but you can set the 'spec_url' field to something that contains the 'linaro' string, can't you?14:29
salgadoI mentioned that it's the blueprint name that matters just fyi, should've made that clear, sorry14:30
mhall119okay, yeah14:30
mhall119now I'm getting an attrubute error, something is None that shouldn't be14:31
mhall119God I hate render.py14:33
mhall119if throws errors when optional fields are empty :(14:33
mhall119okay, I've got it working now14:33
mhall119salgado: approved and merged14:34
mhall119but I'm blaming you if summit.u.c dies the week before it starts ;)14:34
mhall119and if you're not around, I'll blame popey14:36
salgadomhall119, thanks!  don't worry, there's just no way it will die because of these changes (famous last words. ;)14:36
mhall119I'm pretty sure render.py could die even if you just changed a comment14:37
mhall119or looked at it funny14:37
nigelbmhall119: james_w` and I went to a bit of trouble becauxse we forgot something when we landed cjohnston's changes14:37
mhall119or if the moon in the right position14:37
mhall119nigelb: uh oh, what did you break?14:37
cjohnstonyou talking about url.py?14:38
nigelbmhall119: nothing. we forgot the to restart mod_wsgi ;)14:38
cjohnstonthats why the instructions for  updating say to restart14:38
nigelbinstructions. pfft.14:39
salgadomhall119, I guess now I should bug Daviey to roll out the changes while we all hope that venus, jupiter and the moon are aligned so that we have a chance that render.py won't break?14:39
mhall119lol, yup14:40
cjohnstondont forget mars.. we still need pad.ubuntu.com14:40
salgadooh, crap, then we better hurry. I think we only have a few minutes left14:41
mhall119okay, I approved james_w`'s merge proposals too14:41
nigelbI was supposed to do that14:41
nigelbforgot :p14:41
mhall119nigelb: have we gotten any update from IS about having a pad server available?14:41
nigelbmhall119: nope. last night Daviey said no reply.14:42
nigelbI'm still working on the patch :\14:42
mhall119also, david_m says the guidebook app is working now, has the schedule and the hotel floorplan14:42
salgadoDaviey, hi there.  when you have a moment, can you pull the latest summit changes onto summit.u.c?14:42
cjohnstonI can confirm that guidebook is looking good14:44
cjohnstonI got from elmo, "we are still trying to set it up. it should be fine"14:46
mhall119Daviey: if you want to just let me know the steps for updating summit.u.c, I can take over that part14:56
dpmjcastro, thanks for the heads up, yeah, IRC timed out on me...15:06
jussiwhen registering a blueprint, I just put "ubuntu" as the project, right?15:08
* jussi fears the jorge... :P15:08
akgranerjcastro, did you see the email this morning about the testing session?15:08
akgranerjcastro he made it and he's now good to go for the next session15:09
akgranerjust wanted to let you know15:09
jcastrook I was trying to find fagan to see if we could switch15:20
jcastrough, who switched him?15:20
jcastrothat's a crap thing to do to someone15:20
akgranerjcastro, I haven't found out yet?...15:41
akgranerjcastro, also I need to drop offline for about an hour...15:41
jussijcastro: btw, if you have time, could you approve the ircc blueprint? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-irc-council15:44
jcastrojussi: I don't approve, you need bacon15:48
jussihehe, ok, thanks15:48
jcastroakgraner: btw it was always scheduled at 150016:02
jcastroit's never been moved16:02
jcastroso wires crossed there16:02
akgranerhmm guess that's my fault then...sorry about that16:03
Technovikingnew open source broadcomm driver working great, but throwing a ton of kernel errors into dmesg. heh16:06
JFoTechnoviking, I am intrigued16:14
JFocare to share some of the dmesg in a pastebin?16:14
JFothis is the bcmwrl-source driver yes?16:15
TechnovikingJfo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/77643816:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 776438 in linux "Kernel error when connecting to WPA/WPA2 Enterprise" [Undecided,New]16:15
TechnovikingJFo: believe so, the broadcomm driver that comes in Ubuntu 11.04 OOTB16:16
popeyTechnoviking: is this on your mbp?16:17
Technovikingpopey: yes16:18
* popey points16:18
* popey laughs16:18
popeyHave that!16:18
popey<- gets that a lot16:18
Technovikingthe wireless work, better than the STA driver, but the errors are odd16:18
joeyjcastro: howdy. what can you tell me about http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/plenary-o-linaro-introduction/ ?16:20
jcastrojoey: that's the "everyone in linaro stay here and listen to kiko"16:21
JFoTechnoviking, I am told that there is a patch in either proposed or pre-proposed that should address thatr16:21
jcastroand platform takes off16:22
JFoTechnoviking, wait... nm16:22
JFoone sec...16:22
TechnovikingJFo: k16:22
JFoTechnoviking, I have asked one of the driver gurus to look at it :-)16:23
TechnovikingJFo: awesome, you guys rock16:23
JFonot me, I just know people who know people ;-)16:24
Technovikingwini wink, nudge nudge, say no more16:24
JFofor instance, I know people who have heard of people who know jcastro16:26
JFothat's how important I am ;-P16:26
jcastrojoey: what UDS FAQ?16:28
TechnovikingJFo: :D16:28
JFoalways 6 degrees from greatness16:29
joeyjcastro: hmmm well shoot there is. They told me there was on and I didn't lok16:29
JFoTechnoviking, here is what I just got: tgardner> JFo, alright, this is the staging driver brcm80211 in 2.6.38, not the binary blob. I'm not seeing any stable updates, but it might not hurt to have him try -preproposed16:30
Technovikingwill try, that16:30
JFoawesome, let me know how that goes please :)16:31
Technovikingwill do, saw this also http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10729117&postcount=13516:32
jussibah, no jono when I need him16:32
salgadomhall119, is http://paste2.org/p/1397062 the traceback you saw earlier today?16:32
JFoTechnoviking, intricate, that is probably what is in -preproposed16:32
JFoI hope, anyway16:33
joeyjcastro: for plenary-o that are not in the plenary slots... can I just change that to Linaro-other-o so it shows up with the Linaro graphic?16:33
jcastrojoey: sure16:33
jcastrojoey: everything linaro-* belongs to you as far as I'm concerned, whatever brings your side value feel free to make it16:33
joeyk thanks16:34
jcastrojoey: also as far as I know, we don't have a UDS FAQ?16:34
joeyjcastro: hmm ok. thanks.16:34
jcastrocan you ask them what they are referring to?16:35
jcastroif there is indeed a FAQ somewhere I'd like to know, heh16:36
mhall119salgado: yes16:36
joeyjcastro: the just didn't want that cool hacking the url feature to be lost somewhere16:36
mhall119you need a priority on the meeting records16:36
salgadomhall119, missing priority, right?16:36
joeyjcastro: salgado just clarified that for me. It just needs to have "linaro" in it so I don't need to change it.16:42
TechnovikingJFo: install, reboot booting now16:43
JFoTechnoviking, ok16:44
TechnovikingJFo: I think that may have fixed it16:45
paultagthanks jcastro. I talked with him online and stripped you and jono in the reply earlier16:50
JFokeep an eye on it if you don't mind and let me know if you see any odd behavior over time. :-)16:50
JFoTechnoviking, ^^16:50
* JFo always forgets to put nicknaes16:50
paultagjcastro: jon was going nuts, he took it as this big insult :)16:50
TechnovikingJFo: no error in dmesg for the last 5  minute, will keep an eye on it, but will close bug for now16:50
JFosweet, glad that got you solved :)16:50
paultagheyya JFo16:50
JFoheya paultag :)16:51
paultagJFo: what's new? :)16:51
JFoNatty :-P16:51
paultagheh :)16:51
* JFo is having a rotten day otherwise16:51
JFoI'm thankful for small mercies... like Technoviking's fixed(now) wireless16:52
paultagJFo: oh noe! Beer-O-Clock coming earlier today? ;)16:52
JFoI hope so :-D16:52
* JFo has beer in a cooling device 6 steps away.... but best not to swell on that :)16:52
paultagJFo: good man :)16:52
Technovikingdamn it, started again16:53
JFoTechnoviking, seriously or are you messing with me?16:55
paultagOh jesus, sorry guys16:55
paultagwrong window16:55
JFoTechnoviking, did you grab the pre-proposed kernel or did you grab that driver from the forum?16:55
JFopaultag, no worries :)16:55
joeyjcastro: hi again. Another item for you. Kiko wants to know if we can move that session I spoke of earlier out of the TAS, which holds only 50 and is too small, and into a plenary room? I'll assume the answer is yes but I don't know how to reflect that in Summit. Ideas?16:59
jcastrojoey: I thought that was going to be in the plenary room16:59
jcastrojoey: the plan is jono, mark, george17:00
jcastrofor a plenary17:00
TechnovikingJFo: the pre-proposed kernel, need to study the forum suggestion17:00
jcastroand then everyone in linaro stays in the plenary17:00
jcastroand then platformers go to sessions17:00
joeyjcastro: that's the idea but it's showing up in TAS17:00
JFoTechnoviking, so it is happening again?17:00
joeyjcastro: maybe that's just for the schedule though so everyone knows17:00
TechnovikingJFo: seems less, but it still happens17:01
jcastroit is17:01
jcastrowe can delete it up to you17:01
JFoTechnoviking, ok17:01
jcastrowe're planning on just telling people during the keynotes "don't leave if you are linaro"17:01
jcastrojoey: also, anything about that lltng session?17:01
joeyjcastro: I've emailed for the kernel one. Nothing on the wayland, and the tracing tool I think is ubuntu not Linaro. Let me recheck17:02
joeyjcastro: yeah that's an ubuntu one as well, like wayland17:02
joeyso only the kernel one is mine and I've emailed paul m about it and mounir17:03
JFoTechnoviking, do you have linux-firmware 1.52 at least?17:05
JFoapparently that is a factor17:05
JFo1.52 is the released version for natty17:05
JFobut something could have happened to it17:05
joeyjcastro: *sigh* I hate not having the expertise and having to ask questions. I feel a big bar tab piling on.   Next item. I listed busy times in http://summit.ubuntu.com/admin/schedule/attendee/1840/17:10
joeyjcastro: will the scheduler pick that up during the next run?17:10
jcastroI have no idea17:15
jcastroI've never done that17:15
jcastrojoey: oh man, you're not manually inputting his private session slots into that to see if that works are you?17:15
jcastrohaha, brave man17:15
joeyjcastro: that's the way I was told to do it by james_w`17:15
jcastrooh ok, well if it works then that would be awesome17:16
jcastroI don't know what it will do next run17:16
jcastroif it does work, try to drag a session he's required in to that slot17:16
jcastroand the box will be like "Hey someone is missing!" or something like that17:16
jcastroie. it should be obvious when it works17:16
joeyjcastro: yeah I see a conflict now that is not showing as a conflict.17:16
jcastrowhen did you add the hours?17:17
joey8 to 10 UTC or 10 to 12 Hungary time,  Tues, Wed, Thurs17:17
joeyand on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/2011-05-12/  I see him scheduled for a kernel talk at 1017:17
joeyin fact I see a few conflicts during those times17:18
joeyon tuesday as well17:18
joeyyou said it runs every hour? So in 40 minutes or so I should see a new schedule17:18
TechnovikingJFo: sorry, was AFK, yes I do17:25
JFoTechnoviking, ok, we hae assigned your bug to the Broadcom guy. Let's see what he says17:27
TechnovikingJFo: coolness, \o/17:32
paultagjcastro: yo, dude, coming to OLF next september?17:43
jcastrono I will be in Florida17:43
jcastrogotta take a year off17:43
paultagjcastro: good man17:43
paultaggreg-g: whatabout you, heading to OLF this next year>17:44
paultagsed s/>/?/g17:44
greg-gpaultag: as of now, if I'm around, I'll probably go17:54
paultaggreg-g: sweet :)17:54
greg-gyeah, you?17:54
paultaggreg-g: I'm thinking I might, not sure if I'll be in Ohio in september atm17:54
paultaggreg-g: but yeah :)17:55
paultaggreg-g: we're just getting plans together17:55
paultaggreg-g: so we were thinking of doing an ubuntu-locos (general) booth, if -mi or -ny wants to send some help (cds, man-hours)17:55
paultaggreg-g: not that I'm asking you officially17:57
paultaggreg-g: I'm not even contact, just bullshitting :)17:57
greg-gpaultag: yeah, that'd be great!17:59
greg-gI'd definitely send some cds and some persons to provide hours ;)17:59
paultaggreg-g: I'll be sure we get you guys into the loop when it crops up :)18:01
dpmsee you all tomorrow!18:10
salgadoDaviey, where are the etherpad links supposed to be?18:13
Davieysalgado: compare it with summit.ubuntu.com18:13
Davieysee the icon next to where the linaro one is?18:13
DavieyOn each session18:13
salgadoyep, I see that, top left corner of every slot18:14
Davieyseems the linaro site is showing alt text :/18:15
salgadobut I see them on the linaro site18:15
jcastroDaviey: oh hey, speaking of etherpad ...18:17
jcastroDaviey: oh nm, you are there tomorrow18:17
salgadoDaviey, just tried on a different browser with cold cache and it worked fine as well18:18
jcastroalso guys, Guidebook is updated18:18
jcastroso the mobile schedule is live18:18
joeyah ok thanks salgado and Daviey18:18
joeyjcastro: james_w` - bad news. the busy time didn't update in the schedule18:20
joeyhmm well I take that back18:23
joeyit looks like it did work18:23
joeylooks like it worked for those that he was marked as required but not all when marked as optional18:23
joeyand it doesn't show him as unavailable on those that weren't moved18:24
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Davieymust be my crappy net connection salgado :)18:24
Davieypage reload, worked fine - so yeah - sorry for the alarm!18:24
salgadono worries18:25
salgadoDaviey, thanks for the help!18:25
Davieysalgado: np!18:26
james_w`joey, it will only complain if someone is essential when they are busy18:27
joeyjames_w`: yeah figured that just moments ago. i.e. it's acting as designed18:27
* Daviey shakes his fist at mhall119 18:28
* mhall119 blames salgado 18:29
joeywith all the learning I'm doing I hope I can do this for next UDS. I'll be trained up by then :-)18:29
Davieymhall119: you have an email, detailing what you broke :)18:30
* salgado blames it on planet misalignment. it was working earlier when they were all aligned18:30
Davieysalgado: nah, it's either mhall119's fault... or in the worst case popey's.18:30
salgadoit must be popey's; I hear everything that happens lately is his fault, isn't it? ;)18:31
mhall119actually I think it's james_w`'s branches18:31
Davieymhall119: hmm... bzr shows you as author.18:32
mhall119it's a merge from him, I was just lazy and didn't use --author18:32
Davieymhall119: then i blame you... :)18:33
james_w`which change?18:33
Davieyjames_w`: edge removal i suspect18:33
mhall119either trackfix or removing edge18:33
mhall119the non-edge url was valid...is the data different?18:33
Davieyjames_w`: ^^18:34
Davieymhall119: it's lpupdate, so not trackfix.18:35
james_w`well, that looks transient to me, and I'm not sure how it could cause that18:35
mhall119yeah, 503, maybe Launchpad was just down?18:37
Davieyjames_w`: seems it was18:38
Davieyran it manually and it worked18:38
* Daviey offers his apologies for misblame.18:39
* mhall119 hands the blame back to Daviey for next time18:39
* Daviey passes the blame back to LP.18:39
mhall119works for me18:39
jono_jcastro, is it confirmed that all the platform track leads have t-shirts? could you check with Marianna?18:44
nigelbetherpad is the craziest application I've ever worked on :\18:59
nigelbjava and js gets coupled in a way I scream.18:59
joeyjames_w`: man this busy time request is painful :-)19:23
joeyjames_w`: still around?19:44
joeyjames_w`: I'm tired of bothering jcastro with issues :-)19:44
james_w`joey, yeah, but on vacation and packing for Budapest19:44
joeyjames_w`: ah well then nm.19:44
jcastroalways with the problems!19:44
joeyjcastro, http://summit.linaro.org/admin/schedule/meeting/16197/ is set for 2 slots but it's only occupying 1 slot on the schedule19:44
jcastrojoey: what can I help you with?19:44
jcastrook so I don't even have access to that19:45
joeyjcastro: the end goal is to have that session go for 2 time periods19:45
joeyit's configured under Scheduling details in that url19:45
joeybut the scheduler doesn't seem to respect it19:45
joeywhat's the process/task list I should follow to make that display the way they want it to?19:46
james_w`joey, try dragging it somewhere else and back again in the schedule19:49
joeyI hate all this cowboying stuff on a production system.19:50
joeyof course, I'm from Colorado, I should be used to it :-)19:50
cjohnstonjoey: one of our plans for this next session is to fix all that stuff and do it the right way...19:50
cjohnstonjoey: james_w` we are planning a summit session at uds.. would be great if you could attend19:51
joeyjames_w`: that worked!19:52
joeycjohnston: yeah and he should share with you my ever growing list of enhancement requests :-)19:53
cjohnstonYou know where the file a bug button is and where the bzr commit/bzr push lines are :-P19:54
duanedesignnigelb: i thought i had a file with the U1 syncdaemon Dbus API ...i am still looking. I will let you know if i find it19:54
joeycjohnston: :-)  https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/Infrastructure/Specs/SummitEnhancements19:55
cjohnstonjoey: please update to reflect https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/66487919:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 664879 in summit ""previous day" and "next day" links on schedule would be nice" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:59
cjohnstonjoey: ref #10, you mean when you hover over the session you see your name?20:00
joeyI'd like to let James's team sort through them since Linaro would be funding for them20:04
cjohnstonOne already has a bug filed that isnt referenced, the other I'm trying to get clarification20:05
joeycjohnston: btw, in case it's not clear, I'm *very* happy you're helping!20:07
cjohnstonIf #10 is saying that I think it is, your name probably has a green check next to it because your the approver20:07
joeycjohnston: yeah20:08
joeyit might be the way I scheduled it20:09
cjohnstoncould you give me an example?20:10
joeycjohnston: actually, it seems not to be happening any more so I'll remove it20:12
cjohnstonOk.. I'm looking at the blueprints.. all but one you scheduled.. about 2/3's you subscribed and marked yourself essential.. the others you just subscribed...20:12
mhall119joey: Daviey: jcastro: is the linaro summit going to be sharing the same crew as the ubuntu  summit?20:13
joeyalthough jcastro hasn't made me a crew member yet ;-)20:14
* joey laughs.20:14
cjohnstonthat can be done joey :-P20:14
jcastrojoey: we're perma-crew20:14
mhall119I should probably plan for my open week session tomorrow20:18
jcastrojoey: all this schedule stuff you're doing now? I used to have to do that in the 5 minutes inbetween sessions20:19
Pendulummhall119: or you could wait until an hour before?20:20
joeyjcastro: :-)20:20
mhall119Pendulum: you mean like the last one I did>?20:22
Pendulummhall119: sure :)20:22
mhall119heh, I want to at least make sure that the commands I'll be telling people to use actually work20:23
Pendulumgood point :P20:24
jcastrocjohnston: hey20:26
jcastrotry guidebook20:26
jcastroit's totally awesome and up to date now20:26
cjohnstonjcastro: hey20:26
cjohnstonI looked at it earlier :-)20:26
Piciguidebook and summit look better than the Google IO app and web schedule.20:27
jcastrosomeone have time to blog it?20:29
jcastroso we can tell people about it?20:29
cjohnstonjcastro: I'm working on a blog for all the summit updates20:30
cjohnstonsince there is quite a bit... hoping that we do get the pad20:30
jcastrohey do QR codes for the app install20:38
jcastroand then I'll link to your post in my final scheduling update to -devel20:38
=== jono_ is now known as jono
jcastroAlanBell: hey!20:54
cjohnstonAnyone good with taking screenshots and then drawing on them?20:58
jcastrouse Shutter20:58
jcastroit's amazing for that20:58
AlanBello/ jcastro21:28
* popey pokes Technoviking and pleia2 21:42
* pleia2 waves21:42
popeyexpecting flak tonight21:46
mhall119popey: what did you shut down now?21:47
pleia2I'm happy to stand firm in the decision, we've gotten overwhelming "yay shut down" from the wider community21:47
popeyI'm okay with people giving feedback21:47
pleia2they can say we "ignore the community" all we want, but we got lots of complaints privately21:48
pleia2s/we want/they want21:48
pleia2Technoviking said he'd chair21:48
mhall119is this more flak about sounder?21:48
pleia2mhall119: yeah, one of the sounder participants added it to the agenda21:49
mhall119tell them if they keep complaining, popey will shut down all of freenode21:49
Technovikingnever ran MootBot though21:51
pleia2Technoviking: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot21:51
jcastrojono: I can do a call whenevs21:51
jcastrojoey: you got Andy's mail about  moving that session?21:52
jonojcastro, you need a call?21:52
jcastroyeah, it's not emergency but it's not "can wait until UDS" either21:53
jonojcastro, ok one sec21:53
popeyTechnoviking: do you need me to chair?21:53
popeyor i can tell you the commands in pm as you need them :)21:54
jonojcastro, skype21:54
jonojust tried calling you21:54
Technovikingif you want21:54
* popey shrugs21:54
Technovikinglooks easy enough21:54
Technovikingpleia2: you want to do Governance Boards (staffing, feedback/reports)21:55
pleia2I forget why I added that21:56
pleia2ah, I think I was adding from a list of dholbach's stuff21:56
pleia2we can defer that to UDS21:56
Technovikingjust sounder, yay?21:57
popey__   __21:57
popey\ \ / /_ _ _   _21:57
popey \ V / _` | | | |21:57
popey  | | (_| | |_| |21:57
popey  |_|\__,_|\__, |21:57
popey           |___/21:57
joeyjcastro: got it.22:12
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk

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