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hyperairpitti: are SRUs which add indicator support accepted? (seeing as some applications just fail to work without their notification area icons, now that unity has that stupid whitelist)00:15
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tepsternew user here - is it common practice to encrypt the home folder? is that most people do?01:06
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bcurtiswxkenvandine, OK hit me up tomorrow and we can chat about it04:59
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pittiGood morning05:38
pittihyperair: for SRU I'd rather whitelist them; please file a bug against unity, we just need to keep the pressure up :)05:38
hyperairpitti: heh, okay. i've just uploaded a quicksynergy port to application indicators. if that's not okay, please reject it05:39
hyperairand i'll upload it to oneiric instead05:39
pittiit shoudl be fixed/tested in oneiric anyawy05:40
hyperairpitti: reject it from -proposed then05:42
TheMusoHey pitti.06:03
RAOFHm.  I wonder if vmbuilder is waiting for input or whethere it's really bootstrapping a maverick vm.06:04
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RAOFMaybe these VMs will be built by the time I get back from posting this stuff :).06:21
brycehRAOF, what are you working on?06:24
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RAOFbryceh: bug #742683 - the dvorak {deadkeys,nodeadkeys} keymaps conveniently swapped names under us.06:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 742683 in xkeyboard-config "on upgrade, keyboard config changed to use deadkeys" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74268306:29
brycehhuh, weird06:29
brycehyou know, it's funny, there is a noticeable drop-off in the quality of bug reports that come in post-release compared with pre-release06:30
RAOFThat's pretty much expected, isn't it?06:30
bryceh(come to think of it, there's a similar drop between alpha and beta)06:30
brycehyeah... just surprising how sudden it is06:30
RAOFAnyway, me→post office.06:31
pittibryceh: do you have a "Hello, IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?" canned response?07:52
brycehpitti, now that's a great idea08:03
brycehpitti, actually, in fact I do have some plans in work to rejigger the X apport scripts a bit to try walking people through a bit of preliminary debugging08:04
tjaaltonthere are some great examples of that, like for audio and general kernel bugs08:04
tjaaltonthough I guess you still need to know what package to file it against08:05
brycehyeah I have something there that kicks in if you run 'ubuntu-bug' without specifying a package and select 'graphics'08:05
brycehbut it's kind of shallow, I think it can be expanded on better08:06
tjaaltonah, right.. never seen that before :)08:06
brycehyeah that's one reason I want to unify all the apport/failsafe stuff into one package, so I can make stuff like that be more widely used08:07
SweetsharkMorning all!08:23
brycehheya Sweetshark08:24
Sweetsharkbryceh: penalvch posts a lot of "Hello, IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?"-messages for incomplete LibreOffice bugs like here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/758773/comments/5 and I am very thankful for that.08:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 758773 in libreoffice "soffice.bin crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,Incomplete]08:30
Sweetsharkpitti: do you know were doko_ is? I was repeatedly trying to get him to prevent my LibreOffice Packaging membership to expire but and still am unsuccessful. I just got the "expires in 24 hours" email.08:40
pittiSweetshark: hm, he's not shown as being on holiday; so no idea, I'm afraid08:41
brycehSweetshark, awesome :-)08:49
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jbicharodrigo_: hi09:11
rodrigo_hi jbicha, how are you?09:11
jbichathe gnome-session build for the gnome3 PPA failed, I think debian has fixed the build-deps09:12
jbichaso I was going to try to play with merging their changes but I can't figure out how to do it09:12
rodrigo_oh, it failed?09:13
rodrigo_it built ok here09:13
rodrigo_jbicha, debian has its own svn -> http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/09:14
rodrigo_jbicha, so you can check it out, and diff it with the ubuntu branch09:14
rodrigo_and then apply the diffs that make sense09:15
rodrigo_the parts that make sense, that is09:15
jbichawell I've never merged before and was I don't know what diff command to use09:15
Sweetsharkit seems a lot of people are reading http://planet.documentfoundation.org judging by the reaction on twitter ...09:15
pittiSweetshark: ah, you got some feedback to your post?09:15
jbicharodrigo_: I was trying the lp branch but the svn looks better so let me see09:16
rodrigo_jbicha, not sure if it's the correct way of doing it, but I just use diff command (diff -upr ubuntu_branch_dir debian_branch_dir > tmp.diff) and then review the tmp.diff file and apply what I want09:16
Sweetsharkpitti: nah, just a lot of retweets on how to enable lo-menubar. Bracing for the (bugreport) impact right now ;)09:17
pittiheh, good luck!09:20
jbichaalso something in gdm3 reduces my $PATH to only /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin09:31
Sweetsharkpitti: I have two topics I would like to discuss: 1) SRUs for openclipart, openoffice.org transitionals, lo-menubar, libreoffice 2) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen and how to handle them for uds. Maybe we should mumble sometime today?09:54
pittiSweetshark: we can do that right now if you want (in some 3 minutes when I finished my current merge)09:55
chrisccoulsonunity is so simple, even my 18 month old daughter can use it!09:56
chrisccoulsonshe's now associated the super key with the dash opening ;)09:56
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: f3ar the day when your cat starts to use it ...10:00
pittiSweetshark: will you come back to mumble?10:04
pittidid I fall off the planet or Sweetshark ?10:05
pittiSweetshark: back?10:11
Sweetsharkpitti: I only hear static from you.10:11
pittiSweetshark: still no luck understanding me?10:12
Sweetsharknope, no joy10:13
* pitti blames the UMTS here10:13
pittibut it worked just fine a few minutes ago until you disjonied10:13
Riddellpitti: who can approve specs?10:21
chrisccoulsonlinking chromium is immensely painful on my laptop :/10:27
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pittiSweetshark: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+addspec11:44
pittiRiddell: (sorry, had long phone call); by default, the team's tech lead; for Kubuntu specs, you are the de-facto TL, so you can approve them as well11:47
pittiRiddell: if it's one of your specs, you can also ask someone else in the Kubuntu community to review it, like Scott or Harald11:47
Riddellpitti: actually I ment who can accept them for uds-o11:48
pittiRiddell: ah; I think ~uds-organizers11:49
pittiRiddell: throw me some URLs, and I'll accept them11:49
Riddellhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O  but I think rickspencer3 is going to do it11:50
rickspencer3Riddell, I think it's done11:50
pittiRiddell: they are all accepted for uds-o already11:51
Riddellthanks pitti, rickspencer3.  now how do I schedule them?11:52
pittirickspencer3: Sweetshark will also add a couple; same question, will they be picked up magically, or do we need to kindly ask someone?11:52
pittijcastro mentioned an auto-scheduler this time11:52
pittilunch, bbl11:55
sorenWhen I bring up the Unity dash and type stuff in the search field, what file indexing service does use to present me with file and directory results?13:17
rodrigo_ok lunch, bbl13:19
sorenIt it only stuff from Zeitgeist or does it find everything?13:19
GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin, Considering that language-selector is broken in Natty for Turkish users, how about an SRU while waiting for pygobject-2.28.4? https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/natty/pygobject/pygobject-proposed-lp-74779613:52
pittihey GunnarHj13:59
pittiGunnarHj: yes, I'll backport the patch as soon as it's approved upstream13:59
GunnarHjpitti: Ok. Will the branch be useful, or should I delete it?14:01
pittiGunnarHj: once it gets ack'ed upstream, it will be useful14:01
GunnarHjpitti: Cool.14:02
chrisccoulsonhmmm, but 643899 is causing me a real headache now :/14:02
chrisccoulsoni wish someone had a way to reproduce it :)14:02
* pitti needs to disappear for a couple of hours to buy some furniture14:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - i have this vision of you sitting on the floor of an empty room with just your laptop, hacking away ;)14:12
ratcheerOn my main Ubuntu Natty installation running Gnome3 and gnome-shell, my Firefox icon keeps turning to a generic icon. Yesterday, I fixed it by changing my icon theme from adwaita to unity-icon-theme, logging off, and logging back on. However, I had to reboot this morning, and the Firefox icon was back to generic. How can I fix the icon, permanently?14:18
ratcheerIs anyone here?14:28
ratcheerOn my main Ubuntu Natty installation running Gnome3 and gnome-shell, my Firefox icon keeps turning to a generic icon. Yesterday, I fixed it by changing my icon theme from adwaita to unity-icon-theme, logging off, and logging back on. However, I had to reboot this morning, and the Firefox icon was back to generic. How can I fix the icon, permanently?14:31
chrisccoulsonratcheer, you would be better off asking your question in #ubuntu14:34
chrisccoulsonthis is a developer channel14:34
ratcheerchrisccoulson: Sorry. It says on the Launchpad Gnome3 Team page to ask questions, here. I didn't realize I'm not invited.14:36
chrisccoulsoni didn't say you weren't invited. just that this probably isn't the best channel to get support ;)14:37
ratcheerchrisccoulson: Ok, thank you.14:38
rodrigo_pitti, seb128: can I add specific work items (specific to a patch in a package) to the gnome3 blueprint?15:36
seb128rodrigo_, hey, sure15:37
rodrigo_it's because some patches need some work, so I'm disabling them for now15:38
seb128rodrigo_, not sure that I like to disable them, it reduces the motivation to port it since it doesn't block the upload15:41
rodrigo_seb128, well, I'm disabling them because the functionality that was patched is no longer present or has been totally rewritten, so needs really a complete rewrite, maybe even in some other module15:42
rodrigo_the others, I'm just rebasing them, that's why I'm taking longer to do uploads from the gnome3 ppa15:42
seb128rodrigo_, ok, we should have an UDS session about those15:42
rodrigo_yes, that's why I want to add them somewhere so that they don't get forgotten15:43
seb128i.e review what got dropped and what we should do about it15:43
rodrigo_so, can I add them then to the blueprint then?15:43
tabbernukSorry to bother you, but does anybody know a proper answer to http://askubuntu.com/questions/37843/where-do-i-place-a-file-for-bookmarks-for-all-users ? Ubuntu adds its default bookmarks to Firefox 4, but what mechanism is used ? I checked /etc/firefox/profile/bookmarks.html is definitely not used anymore...15:44
seb128rodrigo_, yes15:44
rodrigo_seb128, ok, thanks15:44
seb128rodrigo_, which one is that?15:44
rodrigo_seb128, for now, 33-datetime-service-ubuntu-ntp.patch and 45_support_new_video_key.patch in g-s-d15:45
rodrigo_seb128, but I have a couple more in gnome-power-manager15:45
seb128they both got fixed upstream no?15:45
rodrigo_I think the ntp thing yes, the other not sure, the code is completely different, and can't really find where that thing is supported15:46
tabbernukIf I'm asking in a wrong channel, please redirect :D15:47
seb128rodrigo_, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62322315:49
ubot2Gnome bug 623223 in media-keys "Handle video out keys in media-keys" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:49
seb128rodrigo_, that's the video key bug15:49
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok, one less then :)15:49
seb128rodrigo_, drop the ntp patch and add a workitem to check ntp is working as it should15:50
rodrigo_seb128, ok15:50
seb128tabbernuk, try #ubuntu15:50
seb128rodrigo_, you need a ":" after the workitems lines15:54
rodrigo_ah, sorry15:54
seb128no worry15:54
seb128rodrigo_, the format is "title: status" where status default to "todo" when not written15:55
rodrigo_yes, right15:55
rodrigo_ok, hopefully now g-s-d is ok for an upload16:01
* rodrigo_ builds16:01
rodrigo_seb128, can I ask for a review, just in case I missed something or dropped some patch that should stay?16:01
seb128rodrigo_, can it go alone or does it need to go at the same time as other things?16:10
seb128rodrigo_, having a review for desktop components could be nice16:11
rodrigo_seb128, I think g-s-d can go alone16:11
rodrigo_seb128, you synced libgnomekbd right?16:11
seb128rodrigo_, yes16:12
seb128rodrigo_, well I'm not sure if the 2 libgnomekbd versions conflict16:13
seb128well it's early in oneiric so we can break things ;-)16:13
rodrigo_they conflict indeed16:13
rodrigo_you can only have one of them installed16:13
rodrigo_but yes, we break things now or never :)16:13
rodrigo_ok, it builds ok, so pushing to a branch16:14
seb128feel free to push to ubuntu-desktop vcs16:15
seb128we can review it there16:15
rodrigo_ah, ok then16:15
rodrigo_seb128, do I also upload?16:16
seb128rodrigo_, if you want feel free but if you want a review before uploading that's fine as well16:16
rodrigo_yes, i want a review, but I guess I can do any upload later with fixes16:17
rodrigo_but yes, I'll wait for a review better16:17
rodrigo_seb128, ok, pushed16:19
rodrigo_as for the build dependencies, seems all are already in oneiric/natty, so I think it can be uploaded, after the review16:20
rodrigo_also, bzr bd starts complaining about 'oneiric' on changelog, so what was the file to edit to add it?16:21
ricotzrodrigo_, i think libgnomekbd isnt ready at least not for amd6416:21
rodrigo_ricotz, oh, why?16:21
rodrigo_ricotz, running 3.0 here16:22
ricotzyou are running the ppa version?16:23
rodrigo_ricotz, yes16:23
rodrigo_seb128, so, debian only has 2.91.92 then?16:23
* rodrigo_ checks16:23
rodrigo_right, only 2.91.9216:24
rodrigo_we have 3.0 in the ppa, so I guess we need to sync to debian and then back from debian?16:24
ricotzrodrigo_, there are a lot of packages waiting for dependencies16:25
rodrigo_ricotz, in oneiric you mean?16:25
ricotzyes, oneiric :)16:25
ricotzwhich might cause trouble with some build depes16:26
rodrigo_seb128, so, what did you sync? the ubuntu-desktop branch still has 2.3216:26
seb128rodrigo_, sync what?16:32
seb128rodrigo_, yeah, syncing is a direct archive copy so it leave the vcs behind16:32
seb128I didn't update the vcs for the stack of syncs I do16:33
seb128usually we import the current version in the vcs when we need to divert again16:33
seb128no point to keep a vcs in sync for autosyncs16:33
seb128rodrigo_, do we need a newer version than 2.91.92? debian seems to be fine with that one16:34
seb128rodrigo_, do you plan to rebase on Debian?16:36
rodrigo_seb128, well, we have 3.0 in the ppa, although no changes really different than debian, except for the version updates16:37
seb128rodrigo_, http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gnome-settings-daemon.html16:37
dpmheya seb128. We've got a few Nokia Qt people coming to UDS and I've been in touch with them. I e-mailed jasoncwarner to see if you guys wanted to have any sessions scheduled with them, but he hasn't come back to me yet. In the meantime, we scheduled a Qt catch-all discussion session -> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-qt-panel/ - do you guys need another session with them, or them to be subscribed to any of your existing sessi16:37
rodrigo_seb128, yes, g-s-d upstream just asks for libgnomekbd >= 2.91.116:38
seb128rodrigo_, http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/g/gnome-settings-daemon/current/changelog16:38
rodrigo_so should be fine16:38
seb128dpm, not sure, ask dx and Riddell I guess16:38
seb128ubuntu-desktop doesn't really use qt out of unity-2d for next cycle16:39
seb128rodrigo_, well rebasing on debian is basically taking their version, summarizing what we do different and listing those in one changelog update16:39
rodrigo_seb128, ah16:39
seb128see what I did for eog16:39
rodrigo_seb128, I thought it was merging the changes16:39
seb128usually I diff the debian and ubuntu debian dirs16:40
seb128take the debian one16:40
seb128reapply changes we need and describe those as I go16:40
seb128it give you basically debian with only real diff over debian and a summary16:40
rodrigo_I thought we wanted to keep our history16:40
seb128we can often take their packaging cleanups etc16:40
seb128well people do merge the changelog and keep the old ubuntu uploads mixed in there16:41
seb128but we start each cycle by merging on debian16:41
rodrigo_seb128, ok, I get it16:41
seb128that's what https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html is about16:41
rodrigo_I'll do it that way16:41
Riddelldpm: who's coming?16:41
Riddellfrom Qt?16:41
seb128it's a bit extra work but if we do rebase on them once a cycle we divert16:41
rodrigo_seb128, yes, makes sense16:41
dpmRiddell, the folks listed at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-qt-panel/16:42
jcastroseb128: if you see jasonwarner can you remind him to check the incoming blueprints in launchpad? He's got a bunch we need to get on the schedule since he started travelling17:26
seb128jcastro, will do, I've not seen him yet17:27
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kenvandinejcastro, just mention him on twitter, he retweeted robbiew a few minutes ago :)17:35
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vishpitti, seb128: hi, could you change the description in this BP: s/Humanity/Light : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-gtk3-gnome317:54
vishLight theme is the murrine based GTK theme17:54
lateniteHi, how do I add a "auto included footer" to emails in evolution?18:12
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Laneygrabbing the gimp merge18:55
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jorekHi, I'd like to know if it is possible to switch the hotkey for the terminal with the one for trash yet the [CTRL]+[ALT] is a pain for me.19:21
Laneyhow far does this delta reducing initiative go?19:50
Laneyi'd like to drop one or two largeish changes in this merge:     - List dependencies one line per dependency &     - Add ${misc:Depends} to all packages19:50
cyphermoxLaney, sounds reasonable to me, too19:54
LaneyI just discovered that emerge-files is great for doing merges19:57
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ftajcastro, do you know if someone is working on adding a progress bar for the transmission icon in the unity launcher?20:22
jcastrofta: I think kklimonda?20:22
XylchHow do I change the Unity appmenu close/min/max to my themes default?22:05
jbichaXylch: I don't know much about that, but that looks like a bug to me that Unity only draws Ambiance or ugly22:09
jbichafor the window buttons22:09
jbichaat least Radiance should be supported22:10
Xylchyea, I am using shiki-colors theme, and I have an ugly placeholder close/max/min icon when maximized22:12
zniavreXylch,  you should find this how-to interesting to use your own button with unity22:15
zniavrethe idea is to replace ambiance/radiance metacity files form their folder22:15
zniavreooops sorry forget the link22:18

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