
Captainkrtekhey jbicha01:05
jbichahi, how are things02:17
j1mchi jbicha02:27
j1mchey all - would appreciate input on this blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-ubuntu-docs-strategy02:53
j1mci'm putting together another one for short-term goals, and will provide that link shortly.02:53
Captainkrtekill take a look j1mc02:56
j1mcthanks, Captainkrtek02:56
CaptainkrtekI have a little bit of feedback in terms of on-disk v. online02:58
CaptainkrtekI think all of it (or most) should be on disk02:58
Captainkrtekin regards to all things UI, and stuff like connecting to the internet02:58
Captainkrtekbut for other documentation involving online technology it should be online02:59
Captainkrtekto save space and only include necessary files, and maybe offer on installation levels of documentation you want included02:59
Captainkrtekjust a few ideas02:59
j1mcthanks, Captainkrtek02:59
Captainkrteksure :)02:59
Captainkrtekalso think the team needs more meetings03:00
Captainkrtekbut i've only been here a week ;)03:00
Captainkrtekdo we have a sort of calendar?03:00
Captainkrtekwith deadlines (aside from release deadlines)03:01
j1mcthe only thing we have is something that identifies the string freeze deadline.03:02
j1mcbut we should have one once we set our goals for the release.03:03
Captainkrtekmaybe do some more time management to have it all planned out along the way03:03
CaptainkrtekIE: get all Unity docs done by x/y/yy03:03
Captainkrtekand so on03:03
Captainkrtekoh also, when I get done with some other work I'm going to get to work on some more ubuntu docs, anything specific you need done or where I should focus my time?03:05
j1mchmmm... i suppose that now that we're in a soft string freeze...03:07
j1mcit would be good to look ahead a bit03:07
Captainkrtekis a oneiric branch up yet?03:08
j1mcmaybe review the oneiric goal wiki page and start thinking about what areas may interest you.03:08
Captainkrtekokay :)03:08
j1mcthere is a link to it from the blueprint03:08
Captainkrtekalso have we decided on what to do with the server area?03:08
Captainkrtekerr server docs03:08
j1mcyes, it looks like they'll be in their own branch03:09
Captainkrtekdo we have a team for them already03:09
j1mci think it's mostly one person03:10
Captainkrtekhmm might be interested in joining them03:11
CaptainkrtekI know a little bit about Ubuntu Server03:11
j1mcsounds good. it can be hard to find your niche at first, so . . . it's ok to try a couple of different areas.03:14
CaptainkrtekI like technical writing03:14
CaptainkrtekI'm a writer for a site that gets a few million hits a month, that plus helping people is what I do :)03:14
j1mcwhat's the name of the site?03:14
Captainkrteksite gets roughly 10,000 new members a day03:15
CaptainkrtekIm also site staff their (Senior Moderator)03:15
Captainkrtekif you need your phone rooted :)03:15
Captainkrteklet me know03:15
Captainkrtekyou use android?03:15
j1mcyes, but just have a tmobile mytouch. it's almost two years old, and is slow.03:16
j1mci need to work on that other blueprint, but i'll be back later.03:16
Captainkrtekput CyanogenMod on it03:16
Captainkrtekk :)03:16
Captainkrtekmdke, is work needed on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/oneiric-testing03:22
jbichaCaptainkrtek: also, GNOME upstream can use a bunch of help03:26
Captainkrtekjbicha, where is that located03:26
jbichathere's quite a few apps that don't have Mallard help yet, and we use almost all of their stuff so it definitely still helps Ubuntu03:26
CaptainkrtekI'd be glad to help :-) just point me in the direction03:27
jbichahttpshttp://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-user-docs is their User Guide03:27
Captainkrtekahh git03:27
CaptainkrtekI actually prefer bzr over git03:27
jbichabut help for individual programs is spread ouut03:27
jbichaI thought you said you preferred git?03:28
Captainkrtekafter using bzr I like bzr better I think03:28
jbichaand if you have questions, see #docs on irc.gnome.org03:28
Captainkrtekokay great03:28
Captainkrtekis it integrated into launchpad?03:28
jbichano, not really, not for this03:29
Captainkrtekoh nevermind, found em03:29
jbichaI think it would be best to work in git rather than through a layer of abstraction03:29
j1mcCaptainkrtek: it is a different irc network, but you can join the #docs channel on irc.gnome.org03:29
j1mcCaptainkrtek: also: http://live.gnome.org/DocumentationProject03:30
j1mclook for apps that need user help03:30
j1mcrather, updated user help03:31
Captainkrtekthanks :)03:31
jbichaa Fedora 15 VM can help you see which Gnome 3 apps have the older help too03:31
Captainkrtekill set one up shortly03:32
Captainkrtekso we are good for now though in ubuntu-docs?03:32
jbichayou might be able to clean up net-wireless-troubleshooting-device-drivers03:33
jbichait's the final page in the wireless troubleshooting guide03:33
Captainkrtekwasn't that a clone of another file or something like that?03:34
jbichaI believe that's what you should be using to fill in that page03:34
Captainkrtekso just format it for mallard03:34
jbichabasically and make it work nice, j1mc ported the rest of the guide for the docs I believe03:35
Captainkrtekyeah I'll include links and such03:35
jbichaand then you could use that as your first patch to gnome if you like03:37
Captainkrtekmy launchpad only shows work in Gnome-Documentation03:38
j1mcCaptainkrtek: that's because we've been doing the ubuntu docs under the gnome-user-docs branch03:48
j1mcthat will change for the next release when we move the docs over to ubuntu-docs03:48
Captainkrtekokay gotcha03:50
Captainkrtekwas a bit confused03:50
Captainkrtekwow 40 karma in a few days!03:51
Captainkrtekjbicha, almost done porting the last wireless guide04:44
Captainkrtekhey jbicha quick question05:18
Captainkrtekwriting up the doc, and ran into a little bump, im trying to add a little code block, but the block has <tags> in it05:18
Captainkrtekand mallard thinks they are actual tags05:19
jbichawhat do you mean tags? why are you using them?05:19
Captainkrtektrying to do05:20
Captainkrtek<p><code> blacklist <drivername> </code></p>05:20
Captainkrtekbut <drivername> is the actual text05:21
jbichayou can't use < >  in xml, you have to substitute it, let me look up the code05:21
CaptainkrtekI looked in mallard05:21
Captainkrtekcouldn't find much05:22
Captainkrtekthanks ;)05:27
Captainkrtekwhere'd you find that?05:27
jbichathere's 5 special ones you have to watch out for in XML05:27
jbichanear the bottom of https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Character_encodings_in_HTML05:27
Captainkrtekif you're going to be around for 20~30 minutes ill have this page committed05:28
jbichaok cool05:32
jbichaI'm tracking down a bug I found in the gnome3 packaging05:33
Captainkrtekfun :P05:33
Captainkrtekim actually almost done with this doc. eta 1 minute heh05:33
Captainkrtekdamn this was a huge doc to port05:36
Captainkrtekjbicha, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~steven.richards/+junk/gnome-help/revision/156105:42
CaptainkrtekIm off to make some dinner, brb ~20 minutes05:42
Captainkrtekjbicha, how's that bug coming?06:30
jbichaslow, something in GDM 3 is messing with my $PATH06:30
Captainkrtekthat sucks06:30
jbichasomething with Xsession06:30
CaptainkrtekI committed the last troubleshooting doc to my repo06:30
jbichayes I saw and I'll commit by morning06:31
Captainkrtekokay great :)06:31
Captainkrtekback to tex06:31
jbichaif I don't figure the bug out I at least have enough info for someone else though06:31
jbichait's kind of fun when I'm able to figure them out, I've fixed several gnome3 Ubuntu things06:32
Captainkrteknice :)06:32
Captainkrtekbug hunting is fun06:32
Captainkrtekim editing the ubuntu manual now06:32
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j1mcmdke: your day job ... you're a lawyer of some sorts, aren't you?21:31
j1mci know phill bull is a physics ph.d. student21:31
j1mcand shaunm is a professional mastermind documentation hacker21:32
j1mcgodbyk: do you have a day job? i'm trying to get info about our diversity for the open week session21:32
godbykj1mc: Of a sort. I'm a PhD student.21:38
issyl0Hi there.21:47
j1mcgodbyk: cool. what are you studying?21:49
issyl0Ooh, the Open Week session is 17:00 UTC on Thursday?  I should be able to attend then.21:50
j1mcissyl0: great!21:50
j1mcgodbyk: i will mention the ubuntu manual in the session. even though you're a separate project, you all still write user help for Ubuntu.21:51
issyl0And if you want another for your "docs team diversity": college student, studying computing and French, interested in documentation, the English language, programming.21:51
issyl0(Though I don't know if I'm considered a member of the docs team...)21:51
j1mcissyl0: cool. i can include that, too.21:52
issyl0(I'm probably not [yet, sadly].  I'm involved in the Ubuntu Manual though!  :-))21:52
j1mcfair enough :)21:52
issyl0I do try.  :-)21:53
Captainkrtekhey j1mc23:16
j1mchi Captainkrtek23:30
j1mci am headed out to get some pita bread and then listen to bob dylan at a friends house. :)23:32
Captainkrteksounds good23:33
Captainkrtekenjoy your day :-)23:33
j1mcyou, too!23:33
Captainkrtekthanks :)23:33
Captainkrtekhey JasonO23:35
JasonOHi Captainkrtek23:36

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