
zg3409__Does ubuntu ireland have any tux/ubuntu stickers to go over the windows key on desktop keyboards? Dan17:08
=== Gary_ is now known as Guest33808
sciviHi any1 here familier with running a web application server i need a 101 session21:41
tdr112scivi: i have played around with tomcat23:38
scivitdr112, im just interested about whether i should set up a limited user to run the apps and where apps should be on the filesystem (by convention)23:41
tdr112i put them in the webapps folder , scivi i would have a chat to the people in #tomcat , they would know more on conventions23:45
sciviwell ill google tomcat first i had dissmissed it b423:46
scivithanks tdr112 it might be usefull ill find out 2 moorow i suppose23:56

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