
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== plars_ is now known as plars
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
zulwho is suppose to be running the meeting today?16:53
* kirkland waves o/17:00
kirklandzul: smoser i think17:00
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
kirklandaccording to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting, smoser is up17:05
kirklandand zul after him17:05
kirklandperhaps zul might take over for smoser?17:05
MootBotMeeting started at 11:05. The chair is zul.17:05
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:05
zullemme just pull up the agenda17:06
zul[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting17:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting17:07
zulI wasnt here last week so was their anything in the agenda?17:07
zulif not ill move on17:08
zul[TOPIC] Oneiric Development17:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Oneiric Development17:08
zulif you have blueprints get them registered for next week other than that17:08
zulDaviey: anything?17:08
zuli guess not :)17:09
kirklandzul: this is going to be a quick/easy meeting :-)17:09
zuli intend it to be :)17:09
zul[TOPIC] Ubuntu Server Team Events17:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu Server Team Events17:10
zulduh....uds is next week17:10
zulanything else?17:10
zulopenstack and puppetcamp were last week..17:10
zulwhich brings us to17:11
zul[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)17:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)17:11
zulhi hggdh if you are around17:11
Daviey(sorry people, currently on a train - poor net access)17:11
zulpoor excuse :)17:12
zulwe'll come back to hgddh17:12
Davieyzul: Can i just jump back to development whilst we wait for hggdh ?17:12
DavieyMerge, Merge, Merge!17:12
DavieyThis is a great time for anyone to get involved in development.17:12
hallyndo we have a place to list things we want synced?17:13
kirklandhallyn: generally speaking, merges.ubuntu.com17:13
zuli got a script that tells you which to merge17:13
DavieyThere are lots and lots of things to be done!17:13
Daviey(note, some merges can be simply dropped and sync'd)17:13
kirklandhallyn: see https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html and https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html17:13
Davieypah, beat me.17:14
RoAkSoAxzul: share the scrip please17:14
Davieyzul: Is that the script i worked on with you last cycle, or a different one?17:14
* kirkland waves at Daviey as he's 2 steps behind :-)17:14
zulheh already behind17:14
hallynsweet, thanks17:14
Davieykirkland: I have an excuse, went through a tunnel! :)17:14
hallynI still have a backlog of bugs that were waiting for o to open :)17:14
zulDaviey: same one17:14
Davieyzul: cool17:14
zulDaviey: can you put that script up somewhere17:15
hallynhas anyone on the team ever looked at netcf integration?  (might consider it for oneiric)17:15
Davieyzul: It's on a box @ home which is off... so not until after UDS.  Do you have yours handy?17:15
Davieyzul: Including the changelog output?17:15
zulDaviey: not the changelog output one17:16
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/versions.py17:16
RoAkSoAxzul: 011-05-03 12:17:11 ERROR 403: Forbidden.17:17
zulDaviey: is that all you have?17:17
zulok moving on17:18
zul[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)17:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)17:18
zulhi smb if you are around17:18
smbI don't have any highlights but I am around if there are questions17:19
zulanyone has any questions?17:19
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
zulok then thanks smb17:20
zul[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community17:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community17:20
zulkim0 is not around17:20
zulso moving on17:21
zul[TOPIC] Open Discussion17:21
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion17:21
zulanyone has anything they want to get off their chest?17:21
RoAkSoAxzul: I think we should welcom adam_g for oficially joining the ubuntu server team17:21
RoAkSoAxas of today17:21
zuloh right...adam_g around?17:22
adam_ghi :)17:22
zuloooh freshmeat is around :)17:22
zulhi welcome17:22
adam_gthanx, zul. excited to be here17:22
jamespageadam_g: o/17:23
zulanything else?17:23
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
DavieyHi ad!17:24
zul[TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time17:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Announce next meeting date and time17:24
DavieyHi: adam_g, rather17:24
zulsince its uds next week there wont be a meeting next week since we will all be destroying our livers, i mean at uds17:24
zulthanks for coming17:25
RoAkSoAxzul: +117:25
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:25.17:25
RoAkSoAxwhere's SpampS17:25
Davieyshort meetings ++17:25
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: zul was just talking about destroying livers next week xD17:25
SpamapSAh good17:28
* SpamapS has a few ideas for the best ways to do that17:28
SpamapSI thought the meeting had been cancelled.. oops17:28
zulnext week i think17:29
hggdhDaviey: sorry, taking care of my wife17:35
Davieyhggdh: no worries... that is more importiant than trying to QA oneiric atm :)17:38
Daviey(well at any time for that matter)17:38
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
highvoltagestgraber: derp. isn't 20:00 UTC 16:00 for us now?20:12
stgrabermaybe my zimbra is wrong :)20:13
stgraberhighvoltage: yep, it's in 47 minutes ... bad zimbra ;)20:13
charlie-tca19:13 UTC now20:13
=== leoquant is now known as Guest70205
Andy80hi all, is the EMEA Ubuntu Members meeting confirmed ?20:58
popeyhello Andy8020:59
popeyshould be on momentarily :)20:59
* stgraber waves20:59
the_eye_Greetings from greece21:00
Andy80ok, thanks :)21:00
michael_kHello from Greece, too21:00
jim137Hello from Greece, too21:00
dim0sHello!(From Greece!)21:01
Andy80hi AndreaAzzarone :)21:01
highvoltagedo we have quorum?21:02
* popey called czajkowski, her phone is off21:02
* popey tickles ogra 21:03
popeyyay, hello iulian21:03
iulianHey there Alan!21:03
highvoltageI can't chair, I have another issue that I'm dealing with at the same time.21:04
popeyok, i can21:05
MootBotMeeting started at 15:05. The chair is popey.21:05
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:05
popeywho is here form the EMEA Board?21:05
stefanosHello from Greece, again21:05
stgraberok, 4/7, we have quorum21:05
* ogra_ laughs21:05
popeyWe will go through the people on that list in order21:05
* popey hugs ogra 21:05
popeyand ogra_21:05
stgraberhey ogra_21:06
iulianogra: That was a delayed laugh.21:06
popeyAndy80: you're up first, can you please introduce yourself?21:06
Andy80popey: sure :)21:06
Andy80my name is Andrea Grandi, I'm 30 yr old and italian. I use Ubuntu since its first version in 2004 and I'm a Linux user since 1996.21:07
* iulian notices loads of italians on the agenda today.21:07
Andy80I'm president of "Pistoia Linux User Group", a local (Pistoia is the city where I live) Linux user group, founded in 200121:07
Andy80we meet once a week and people come to our location and we help them directly for any Linux problem/question21:08
popeywow, once a week!21:08
Andy80(tell me when it's enough and I've to stop introducing myself :) )21:08
Andy80yeah... we have the luck to have a room with some PC, internet connection and lot of space (we also have a dedicated room where we make tutorials/courses ecc...)21:09
popeyAre you involved in the Italian testing team at all?21:09
popeyThey seem very successful.21:09
Andy80popey: not exactly..... I neither use the italian version of the operating system21:10
* highvoltage has not questions21:10
Andy80I prefer to use the english version for a main reason: when I've a problem, it's easier to google the error message in english :)21:10
popeyYou can still test the English version :)21:10
iulianAndy80: Except the LUG stuff, what are your contributions to Ubuntu?  Are you a member of a LoCo team?  In what ways are you contributing to Ubuntu?21:11
Andy80when I find some bug I like to report it, test the fix ecc.... but, as I already said, I'm mainly active in helping people directly here at our LUG21:11
ogra_it would be good if you could list your bugs on the wiki21:11
* iulian nods.21:11
Andy80iulian: well.... reporting bugs mainly... spreading Ubuntu during conferences we organize ecc..... and no, I'm not member of a LoCo team21:11
Andy80oh... I just linked my Launchpad profile https://launchpad.net/~andreagrandi it should contains all my contributions.... does it?21:12
popeyyeah, i posted that earlier, no problem21:12
popeyAny more questions?21:12
* iulian has no more questions.21:13
* ogra_ neither21:13
popeyWe're going to vote in a moment on Andy80's membership, only those in the EMEA board are to vote.21:13
popey[VOTE] On the membership of Andy8021:13
MootBotPlease vote on:  On the membership of Andy80.21:13
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:13
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:13
MootBot-1 received from popey. 0 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -121:13
highvoltage+0 [ Good enthusiasm and free software contributions, but no documentation of sustained and significant contributions within Ubuntu yet ]21:13
MootBotAbstention received from highvoltage. 0 for, 1 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now -121:13
popeyI'm not seeing a evidence of a significant and sustained contribution on the wiki page.21:14
stgraber-1 [ Would have liked some testimonials and more documentation ]21:14
MootBot-1 received from stgraber. 0 for, 2 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now -221:14
ogra_+0 [some testimonial would be good and some more details about contributions]21:14
MootBotAbstention received from ogra_. 0 for, 2 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now -221:14
MootBot+1 received from AndreaAzzarone. 1 for, 2 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now -121:14
iulian-1 from me - I would very much like to see more contributions to Ubuntu.  I see that you're doing loads of good work in organizing meetings and that kind of stuff but it's not enough.21:14
MootBot-1 received from iulian. 1 for, 3 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now -221:14
popeygrrr AndreaAzzarone21:14
MootBotFinal result is 1 for, 3 against. 2 abstained. Total: -221:15
AndreaAzzaronepopey, why? :)21:15
popeyok, not successful this time Andy8021:15
highvoltageso that's really a -3, right?21:15
popeyAndreaAzzarone: only members of the EMEA board are to vote21:15
popeyi.e. not you :)21:15
iulianAndreaAzzarone: <popey> We're going to vote in a moment on Andy80's membership, only those in the EMEA board are to vote.21:15
Andy80ok, thanks anyway :)21:15
popeythanks Andy8021:15
popeyvalix is up next, are you here?21:16
highvoltageAndy80: thanks, I'm sure we'll see you be an ubuntu member one day21:16
valixpopey, yes21:16
AndreaAzzaronepopey, sorry!21:16
popeygreat, please introduce yourself valix21:16
valixHi, my name is Alberto Russo aka valix, and I'm Ubuntu-it Member since March 2010.21:16
highvoltageah so that's where Puglia is21:16
valixMy wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlbertoRusso and my account in launchpad is https://launchpad.net/~valix.21:16
valixI contribute in several Ubuntu Italian Community projects, like the Ubuntu Italian Marketing Team and the Ubuntu Italian Testing Team.21:17
valixIn particular I'm a Administrator of Italian Newsletter and Italian SpreadUbuntu Project.21:17
popeyNice testimonials you have there.21:17
iulianhighvoltage: Puglia?21:17
valixI finished.21:17
totopalmaAlberto is very active in the Ubuntu Italian Marketing (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione), particularly in the projects Diffondi Ubuntu (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/DiffondiUbuntu) and Newsletter Italiana (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/NewsletterItaliana); further, he actively contributes in the Gruppo Test (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoTest). Therefore he really deserves the membership, in my opinion! :)21:18
valixhighvoltage, Puglia is a region of South of Italy21:18
popeyhttp://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoTest/Casi/Svolti/11.04 shows the work valix has done on the Italian Testing Team21:18
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoTest/Casi/Svolti/11.04 shows the work valix has done on the Italian Testing Team21:18
highvoltagevalix: if you could change one thing in Ubuntu, what would that be?21:19
valixhighvoltage, nice question21:19
popey"switch to xfce" by the look of the testing you've done :D21:20
ogra_geez, thats an impressive test list21:20
* ogra_ has no questions21:21
* iulian has no questions either.21:22
popeyvalix: still there?21:22
popeyor typing a massive answer... :)21:22
valixhighvoltage, I don't like banshee as default player, I would rather get back to rythmbox21:22
* stgraber is ready to vote21:22
* highvoltage too21:22
popeyagain, we're going to vote. ONLY EMEA MEMBERSHIP BOARD MEMBERS VOTE (pretty please)21:23
popey[VOTE] on valix's membership21:23
MootBotPlease vote on:  on valix's membership.21:23
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:23
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:23
MootBot+1 received from popey. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:23
MootBotAbstention received from iulian. 1 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 121:23
highvoltage=1 [ goot testing and documentation/marketing efforts ]21:23
popeylove the testing work, nice testimonials from your team21:23
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 221:23
ogra_+1 [not only for the banshee comment ... ]21:23
MootBot+1 received from ogra_. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 321:23
popeyhighvoltage: what's that? :)21:23
highvoltage+1 [ good testing and documentation/marketing efforts ]21:23
MootBot+1 received from highvoltage. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 421:23
stgraberhighvoltage: you probably want a +21:23
highvoltageyeah yeah21:23
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 421:24
popeywelcome valix and keep up the fantastic work!21:24
iulianvalix: Congratulations!21:24
highvoltagevalix: congratulations and welcome21:24
popeynext up is the_eye_ , are you around?21:24
warp10rock on, valix! \o/ /me waves an italian flag21:25
highvoltagethe_eye_: I visit your blog *very* regularly21:25
iulianwarp10: Haha, nice one.21:25
popeythe_eye_: please take a moment to introduce yourself.21:25
warp10iulian: :)21:25
the_eye_Greatings from Greece, my name is Dimitrios Ntoulas,21:25
the_eye_I'm 32 year old. I use Ubuntu since since 2006 6.06.21:26
popeythat is the _most_ testimonials I have ever seen on one page21:26
the_eye_I am a member of a local club for open source. klug.gr21:26
the_eye_We have a public lab with pc running ubuntu making install fests,21:26
the_eye_presentation, etc. We also have a local support forum. http://klug.gr/index.php?option=com_kunena&Itemid=2821:27
iulianhighvoltage: I think it is the most visited blog in the entire world.21:27
popeyyou made http://troubleshooting.ubuntu-gr.org/ ?21:27
popeyfantastic idea, love it21:27
the_eye_Also I contribute in ubuntu-gr.org forum as o moderator/ administrator and server co administrator (over 7000 members). I recently fix the new ubuntu look theme.21:27
the_eye_I am good with php ;)21:28
the_eye_I also write some articles in online magazine ubuntistas. http://ubuntistas.ubuntu-gr.org/21:28
simosxiulian: i did some editing on the_eye_ blog (to correct the English text), and I messed up the blog URL. i am at fault for that one ;-(21:28
the_eye_and as you can see in launchpad I help to translate some project to my native language.21:28
simosxiulian: i did some editing on the_eye_ wiki page (to correct the English text), and I messed up the blog URL. i am at fault for that one ;-(21:28
highvoltageNo questions from me21:29
stgraberme neither21:29
ogra_neither here21:30
* iulian is ready to vote.21:30
* ogra_ is impressed by that wikipage21:30
ogra_and ready too21:30
popey[TOPIC] vote on the_eye_'s ubuntu membership please21:30
MootBotNew Topic:  vote on the_eye_'s ubuntu membership please21:30
highvoltage+1 [ local forums work and local community groundwork ]21:30
popeygreat work, rocking the Greek team!21:30
iulian+1 - brilliant work!21:30
ogra_+1 [go hellas !]21:30
michael_kThx! on behalf of tema21:31
* popey tickles stgraber 21:31
ogra_heh, popey messed it up21:31
popeyi did?21:31
popeyoh, i did21:31
stgrabersorry :)21:31
popey[VOTE] vote on the_eye_'s ubuntu membership please21:31
MootBotPlease vote on:  vote on the_eye_'s ubuntu membership please.21:31
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:31
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:31
highvoltage+1 [ local forums work and local community groundwork ]21:31
MootBot+1 received from highvoltage. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:31
MootBot+1 received from popey. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:31
ogra_+1 [go hellas !]21:31
MootBot+1 received from ogra_. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:31
iulian+1 - brilliant work!21:31
MootBot+1 received from iulian. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 421:31
popey(still great work)21:31
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 521:31
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 521:32
highvoltagethe_eye_: congratulations and welcome21:32
popeySorry about that21:32
the_eye_;) thankssss !!!21:32
popeyCongratulations the_eye_ !21:32
popeyKeep on rocking!21:32
michael_kWell done the_eye!!!21:32
the_eye_keep ubunting ;)21:32
iulianIndeed. :)21:32
popeymlazzari2: you're up next! Are you around?21:32
mlazzari2Hi there,21:33
popeyCould you take a moment to introduce yourself please21:33
mlazzari2i'am Matteo Lazzari , an italian locoteam member ( https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-it-members ).21:33
mlazzari2I joined Ubuntu on November 2007 with Ubuntu 7.0421:34
mlazzari2I started to contribute to the end of 2008 in Documentation Italian Team.21:34
mlazzari2Now I'm an Administrator of *Ubuntu Italian Documentation Team* → https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-it-doc/+members#active and coordinator of three projects an *Ubuntu Italian Marketing Team* :21:34
mlazzari2* Ubuntu Pre-installed:( http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/VenditoriUbuntu )21:34
mlazzari2* Consumer Associations:( http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/AssociazioniConsumatori )21:34
mlazzari2* Spread Ubuntu: ( http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/DiffondiUbuntu )21:34
mlazzari2More info on my pages:21:34
mlazzari2LP → https://launchpad.net/~mlazzari221:34
mlazzari2Wiki EN → https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MatteoLazzari21:34
mlazzari2Wiki IT → http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/MatteoLazzari21:34
mlazzari2Wiki IT → http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/MatteoLazzari/Prove021:34
* popey lols a bit at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gastro-team21:35
mlazzari2Finish  ;)21:35
totopalmaMatteo is very active in the Ubuntu Italian Documentation (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoDocumentazione), reviewing several community-made guides. He is also active in the Ubuntu Italian Marketing (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione), particularly in the projects Associazioni Consumatori (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/AssociazioniConsumatori), Venditori Ubuntu (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/Vendito21:35
totopalmariUbuntu) and Diffondi Ubuntu (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/DiffondiUbuntu); therefore he really deserves the membership, in my opinion!21:35
* popey joins21:35
mlazzari2popey yep21:35
warp10popey: extremely important team, let me say :)21:35
popeymlazzari2: what activites do you do to market Ubuntu in the Marketing Team?21:36
mlazzari2i'm coordinator http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/VenditoriUbuntu21:37
mlazzari2and http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/AssociazioniConsumatori21:38
popeyany more questions?21:39
* popey tries to get the right mootbot incantation21:39
popey[VOTE] on mlazzari2's Ubuntu membership..21:40
MootBotPlease vote on:  on mlazzari2's Ubuntu membership...21:40
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:40
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:40
iulianReady to go.21:40
highvoltage+1 [ loco team and community involvement ]21:40
MootBot+1 received from highvoltage. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:40
MootBot+1 received from popey. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:40
MootBot+1 received from ogra_. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:40
MootBot+1 received from iulian. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 421:40
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 521:40
popeygreat loco work, keep it up!21:40
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 521:40
highvoltagemlazzari2: congratiolations and welcome21:40
Claudinuxmlazzari2, congrats \o/21:40
mlazzari2thanks at all, i'm very happy  :-)21:41
popeymlazzari2: awesome stuff!21:41
valixmlazzari2, congrats \o/21:41
warp10mlazzari2 FTW! \o/ /me waves the italian flag again21:41
mlazzari2warp10,  thx my friend21:41
popeythat flag is getting some use this evening!21:42
* iulian nods.21:42
popeyricsipontaz: you around, you're up next.21:42
ricsipontazhi all21:42
ricsipontazMy name is Richard Somlói and I'm from Hungary. I'm 23 years old.21:42
highvoltageis that why I'm feeling like eating italian ice-cream tonight?21:42
ricsipontazMy hobbies are the sports (mostly ball games), the music and the IT.21:42
highvoltagewhat kind of music?21:43
popeyreally nicely documented wiki page21:43
ricsipontazthanks :)21:43
stgraberricsipontaz: are you going to be at UDS next week ?21:43
* highvoltage is excited about Hungary21:44
* ogra_ too ... i hope i'll find my way :)21:45
* ogra_ comes by car21:45
* popey will miss you all21:45
ogra_you dont come ?21:45
stgraberogra_: hehe, how long a drive is that ? (not really on topic but as you started it ...)21:45
highvoltageogra_: with the red "porche"?21:45
ogra_highvoltage, i upgraded ... its a white one now21:45
ogra_anyway, i didnt want to distract21:45
popeyricsipontaz: on the subject of full circle, does a Hungarian version of the PDF get generated?21:46
ogra_and have no questions21:46
popeyricsipontaz: or is it just the articles that get translated individually?21:46
highvoltageI could ask ricsipontaz lots of questions but I've already made up my mind21:46
* ogra_ too21:46
ricsipontazYes, we generate hungarian PDF, but now our page (http://fullcircle) doen't works. :(21:46
popeyok, thats cool21:46
ricsipontazbut you can find it at the official homepage too.21:47
popeyah, ok21:47
popeyok, lets vote...21:48
popey[VOTE] on ricsipontaz's Ubuntu membership please21:48
MootBotPlease vote on:  on ricsipontaz's Ubuntu membership please.21:48
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:48
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:48
highvoltage+1 [ great translations and loco team involvement ]21:48
MootBot+1 received from highvoltage. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:48
ogra_+1 [great translation work<921:48
MootBot+1 received from popey. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:48
MootBot+1 received from ogra_. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:48
MootBot+1 received from iulian. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 421:48
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 521:48
popeyGreat work, well documented, a great example21:48
highvoltagericsipontaz: congratulations and welcome, and say hi to us at UDS!21:48
ricsipontazokay, thanks all :)21:48
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 521:49
popeywell done21:49
highvoltage4 new members, that's a good meeting!21:49
popeyrock on!21:49
ogra_Andy80, you too btw21:49
popeyyeah, thanks to everyone for coming21:49
ogra_(say hi at UDS i mean)21:49
Andy80let's hope next time :)21:49
popeysame time next month :)21:49
ogra_stgraber, according to google its 1000km ... 8-9h21:49
Andy80by the way... I don't think I'll change much :\21:50
popeyAndy80: my recommendation is update the documentation on your wiki page and get involved in the loco :)21:50
iulian+ testimonials.21:50
ogra_and if you are at UDS and contribute you should link the specs that result from this21:50
Andy80I already spend lot of time in the activities I described, so.... it's difficoult I'll find more time to contribute Ubuntu directly :(21:50
popeythat also21:50
Andy80ok, I'll join a LoCo at least ;)21:50
stgraberogra_: good thing it's Europe and not the US ;) 1000km in 8-9h is quite fast :)21:50
MootBotMeeting finished at 15:51.21:51
ogra_well, thats what google thinks ;)21:51
popeythanks again everyon!21:51
Andy80see ya at UDS guys :)21:51
ogra_thanks popey for chairing21:51
ricsipontazthanks all, bye!21:51
highvoltageyep, thanks popey indeed21:51
stgrabersee you all at UDS (for these who'll be there)!21:51
stgraberthanks popey21:51
popeyMake O-O (can't spell it) rock!21:51
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Technovikingwho do we have here from the CC?22:00
* pleia2 waves22:00
TechnovikingI don't think we will have a quorum, but we will go ahead and start22:01
* popey query mdke22:01
MootBotMeeting started at 16:01. The chair is Technoviking.22:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]22:01
pleia2we can defer the first item to UDS, since we will have a session there to review22:01
Technoviking[TOPIC] Community Council Meeting 3-May-2001 Chair: Technoviking22:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Community Council Meeting 3-May-2001 Chair: Technoviking22:02
Technoviking[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda22:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda22:02
Technovikingis nathan-bahn here?22:03
Technovikingwe will give him a few minutes.22:04
Technovikinganything for the CC while we wait for nathan?22:05
popeyhi mdke22:06
mdkeheya, sorry I'm late22:06
Technovikingno problem22:08
Technovikingok looks like nathan will not be here.22:09
pleia2I think that's all we really had22:09
TechnovikingI feel discussed the Sounder ad-nasuem last time, and I feel the wider Ubuntu community is very ok with what happened22:10
Technovikinganything else?22:10
mdkefor what it's worth, I thoroughly agree on that subject - I wasn't at the last meeting but have followed the issue22:11
popeywell, I'd expected more people to turn up to be honest22:11
popeyI was anticipating more people to come to this meeting and voice their concern/objections22:11
TechnovikingWe were willing to discuss it agin, so I think all time zone have been covered well22:12
* ogra_ is surprised as well, given the noise on ubuntu-users this causes recently22:12
amedee(test... is my message on channel? It's been a while since I used irssi)22:13
amedeesorry for the test. popey invited me22:13
ogra_amedee, it is22:13
amedeeI came here for the sounder topic22:13
popeyyou're welcome to speak freely amedee22:14
amedeethank you, popey22:14
amedeefirst I would like to say that I agree with a lot of what was said in the last meeting (I read the log): sounder was getting out of control22:15
amedeeIt's just that the solution to the problem seemed a bit drastic. Suppose I read an article in my local newspaper about some government agency that is switching all of their computers to Ubuntu, where can I make some sound about that? In the current situation it's not allowed on ubuntu-users, because it's not technical.22:17
popeyWe have marketing mailing lists.22:18
popeyThere's actually mailing lists, forums, irc channels and other communication mediums for pretty much any topic you want to discuss that would have been discussed on sounder...22:18
amedeedo you? That's good to know. I may have looked over them, the page with all the mailing lists is really long22:19
mdkethat would also be suited to the UWN22:19
popey... except religion, politics and history.22:19
pleia2and ubuntu-news-team for sending articles to be included in ubuntu weekly news22:19
pleia2or on ubuntu-news.org22:19
amedeepopey: why wasn't moderation considered? For example you moderated here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-April/243224.html22:19
popeyIt was used on a few occasions.22:20
popeybut it got to the point where there were only a few people talking, and those few people repeatedly abused the 'rules'22:21
amedeeI wouldn't mind if it had been used a bit more. You know who I'm talking about. It was always the same people that brought up religion etc22:21
popeySure, and to some degree I agree with you.22:21
popeyBut it would have ended up being a ghost-town22:21
popeymaking it somewhat pointless22:22
envygeekspopey: why would they not have just been banned from the list?22:22
ogra_well, it was a good garbage can for ubuntu-users ...22:22
amedeeperhaps, perhaps not. We'll never know.22:22
popeyanyway, that wasnt the actual reason I called for it to be shut down22:22
ogra_and its noticeable missing as that function now22:22
mdkefor me, and I may take a more extreme view than some other CC members (I don't know), I'm really not concerned that the concept of the list serves a justifiable purpose for the community, quite apart from the issue of whether posts were on-topic there or not22:22
popeythe reason I called for it to be shutdown was because it didnt fulfil its original function, it wasnt needed anymore22:22
amedeeogra_: I disagree. Garbage shouldn't be put on the internet in the first place. If people can't have some restraint then they have no place online.22:23
pleia2I haven't really noticed the sounder traffic moving to -users all that much (there is some unity discussion, but I don't see that as horribly off-topic for -users)22:23
ogra_amedee, i wasnt meaning to praise that function at all :)22:23
popeyogra_: thats fair comment. but I dont believe we should provide garbage bins for people22:23
mdkeogra_: having a "users bin" isn't really a good justification for having a separate list22:23
popeythere are plenty of other places people can chat22:23
ogra_popey, totally now22:23
popeyAs one friend of mine often says "Goodbye and enjoy the rest of the internet"22:24
ogra_what I#m saying is that we now end up with a lot of offtopic stuff on -users22:24
popeythe internet is big, Canonical/Ubuntu isn't obliged to provide a forum for everyone to discuss everything22:24
amedeepopey: could you please remind me of the original function?22:24
mdkeogra_: the answer is just to deal with that, rather than shunting it off22:24
popeyogra_: sure, we do, and I really appreciate the amount of work you've done on that list recently22:24
popeyamedee: take a look at the archive, look at the first few months of the list22:25
ogra_mdke, i'm not saying its good to have a grabage can list :)22:25
ogra_its just something i noticed ...22:25
mdkeogra_: I may have misunderstood you then22:25
amedeefeel free to give the boot to people who go off topic on ubuntu-users, after some fair warning22:25
popeyamedee: we have done that as you pointed out22:25
popeyI've set two people to moderation in the last week on -users22:26
popeyi try to keep the moderation low, and not publicise it too much otherwise you end up with gargantuan threads about moderation22:26
ogra_heh, yeah22:26
popeyI do think it's somewhat telling that nobody at all turned up to the last cc meeting22:26
popeyand you are the only person who has turned up to this one22:27
NoOp_NoOp (Gary Lee) requesting permission to comment re: sounder list22:27
popeyNoOp_: go ahead22:27
ogra_NoOp_, just speak22:27
popey(okay, may that two)22:27
ogra_no formalities here :)22:27
amedeeI'm taking a look at22:27
popeyamedee: that's it.22:28
amedeepopey: I understand. You already have the reputation of being the list-nazi for some people. ;-) I know what it's like. I have moderated a forum for a couple of years.22:29
* ogra_ thinks popey does an awesome job22:30
* popey will miss ogra_'s hugs at UDS22:30
* ogra_ will miss you too :'-( 22:30
amedeelots of technical topics on sounder in august 2004. Seems like it didn't service any additional purpose back then either.22:30
mdkeamedee: the month before ubuntu-users was created, it looks like :) But the Ubuntu community doesn't bear much resemblance now to then, so it is quite difficult to make comparisons. I think we need to assess whether sounder had value for the current community22:30
mdkeand our conclusion was that it didn't22:31
* ogra_ wonders if NoOp_ will say something :)22:32
amedeemdke: don't worry, in the broader perspective I tend to agree with the decision, or at least I understand the motivation.22:32
popeyI know I got a lot of flak for this, as if it was entirely my decision (or for some, that it was Canonical's decision) but neither of those are true.22:33
* mdke nods22:34
popeypeople have other places to go.22:34
popeythere's the new bikeshed google group which has 38 or so people on it, mostly refugees from sounder22:34
mdkeit's a shame popey took flak for this, because it was unanimous on the part of the CC afaics22:34
popeybear in mind some interesting numbers...22:34
popey20-25 people spoke on sounder regularly22:34
popey400 people subscribed22:34
amedeeWell then, I guess I was the only 'regular' user from the mailing lists that made an effort to be heard on irc. I don't want to start about religion but there's this story about a city that's going to be burned to the ground and about a number of righteous men. :)22:34
NoOp_sorry - small irc glitch. For the record I think that sounder was out of control. However I also think that early moderation could have prevented that. Whilst it may have ended up a 'ghost town' the end result would have been better than simply shutting it down.22:35
pleia2thanks for coming and voicing your thoughts, amedee :)22:35
popeytake another random mailing list - the ubuntu loco list, has 700 members! the sounder list just flat out wasn't representative of the project, in any way.22:35
popey*ubuntu-uk loco22:36
mdkeI have to say that if I had thought that the list served a useful purpose in the community, I would also have looked for another solution. Shutting a valid list down is not a solution. But I don't think the list served or could serve a useful purpose22:36
pleia2mdke: +122:36
amedeepopey: I used to be on the ubuntu-be loco list a couple of years ago :)22:36
sladensounder was of a time and place... a time and place where everyone involved in Ubuntu was on it22:36
mdkeso for me, moderation wasn't a solution22:36
mdkesladen: agreed22:36
lmarioanyway, ubuntu-users is now full of OTs...22:37
amedeesounder became sodom, and we all know how that ended :)22:37
mdkeit can sometimes be hard to let that sort of history go, but it's also healthy22:37
amedeemdke: pruning of branches to let the flowers grow, to use a gardening analogy22:37
ogra_lmario, as i stated above, -users is missing its grabage can now, but that points out a problem with -users (that it actually needs a garbage can)22:38
popeyits not full of OT22:38
popeythere are some22:38
amedeeogra_: I think the only good garbage can for a mailing list is moderation22:38
popeyand I anticipated this after sounder shutdown22:38
ogra_not full, but more than there were two months ago22:39
mdkeI think the -users issue, if there is an issue, can be discussed and dealt with as a separate topic. Perhaps more moderators are needed22:39
lmario@ogra: that is some kind of moderation?22:39
popeyperhaps we'll try and calm that down a bit after a while22:39
* ogra_ just doesnt want to end up with two merged lists 22:39
Technovikingthinking we need to build a Mailing list community, like the forums and irc have22:39
popeyamedee: you may or may not be surprised to hear there aren't many volunteers to help with mailing list moderation!22:39
ogra_where one exists through the OT tag22:39
* mdke nods at Technoviking 22:40
popeyTechnoviking: yeah, I have pondered that also22:40
pleia2I agree that this should be picked up in a separate topic and handled as a -users issue22:40
mdkeogra_: agreed, the topic of the users mailing list should also be defined and applied properly22:40
popeya bunch of people who run listadmin regularly and keep on top of the threads22:40
pleia2popey: *nod*22:40
mdkewho is doing that now?22:40
popeybut it's also worth noting that the -users list has also had a lot of unity traffic22:40
popeymdke: o/22:40
popeymaybe a topic for UDS?22:41
amedeepopey: I already said that I was a forum moderator for a couple of years. Let me add that I was the _only_ moderator for 5 years on a forum with >6000 registered users and >100 active users/day. I *know* the problem.22:41
pleia2I am listed as one of the list admins, but I think it just landed on my lap because I didn't step back :) I don't actually have the time to help with moderation22:41
* ogra_ suspects that will go on for a while 22:41
popeya blueprint for mailing list admin team?22:41
mdkepopey: why not22:41
JanCamedee: you want to be the moderator of sounder?  :P22:41
amedeeand there we have the person who gave me an Ubuntu coaster back in 2004. Hi JanC!22:42
JanC(I can confirm amedee was the only really active moderator on that forum)22:42
amedeeOr was it 2005? Never mind, it was a long time ago.22:43
JanCat some point  ;)22:43
popeyI have slacked off the moderation of -users over the last month, as a result of sounder closure, and unity release.22:43
NoOp_previously on the users list when subjects became too OT, but still Ubuntu related (Unity for example), one could suggest taking the conversation to sounder. That is no longer possible. Now the options got to forums or usenet.22:43
popeyit would be great if there was a team who could jump on the OT and wild topics on -users, for sure22:44
amedeeI'll have to watch my words now, because JanC knows me IRL. :)22:44
pleia2popey: blueprint sounds good22:44
mdkeNoOp_: but that's just an extension of the dustbin argument; there should be a list to pick up all the stuff that doesn't fall on topic of other lists; that's not a great concept for a list!22:44
popeyThere are nearly 5000 people on -users compared to ~400 on sounder!22:44
mdkea list should have a topic, not an un-topic22:45
pleia2I think we're getting into a loop now and we should probably wrap up :)22:45
popeyok, I'm happy to create a blueprint for UDS22:45
popeybut someone at UDS will need to drive it22:45
* popey flutters his eyelashes at 22:45
popeyand/or pleia2 :)22:46
* Technoviking whistles22:46
pleia2I'm a bit overwhelmed at UDS already, if Technoviking could that'd be great, I'll attend and help22:46
TechnovikingI can22:46
mdkegood call22:46
* ogra_ will attend if schedule allows22:46
TechnovikingSo, Popey will write out a blueprint and I will try to get it on the schedule and drive it at UDS22:47
mdkeon the -users issue.22:47
pleia2sounds good22:47
TechnovikingIf nothing else, I'm sure we can discuss at an community roundtable22:48
mdkeAs for the sounder issue, if anyone has any comments and wasn't able to attend the meeting, we can follow up by email if necessary22:48
popeywell, general mailing list moderation22:48
popeyfocussed on -users22:48
amedeeJanC: no I do not want to be the moderator of sounder. You know what will happen! ;-)22:48
ogra_popey, well, that should be announced at -users (with a link about remote participation at UDS)22:48
popeygood point ogra_22:48
TechnovikingI will ping -user, when I get a session scheduled22:49
mdkethanks for driving that popey and Technoviking22:49
Technovikingok is there anything else people want to discuss with the CC22:49
NoOp_mdke: but on occasion the dustbin does pick up some good bits. anyway, looks as it there isn't anything further re: sounder - thanks for allowing comments.22:50
pleia2thanks for coming, NoOp_22:50
popeyif anyone has further comments, do please send them to us directly22:50
mdkeyes, thanks all22:50
MootBotMeeting finished at 16:50.22:50
amedeethanks for listening to NoOp_ & myself22:51
ogra_thats what the CC is there for ;)22:51
Technovikingno rpoblem22:51
mdkethanks for the constructive discussion22:51
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MrChrisDruifCommunity Council meeting moved?23:29
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PendulumMrChrisDruif: I think it was an hour ago23:34

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