
reyeryshswhat is the differnces between ubuntu-server vs ubuntu enterpise cloud server???00:02
SpamapSreyeryshs: there's no real difference. UEC is just the integration of Eucalyptus with Ubuntu Server00:04
reyeryshsanyone know  a guide/pdf for free on web for ubuntu server and for ubuntu epnterpise cloud00:08
reyeryshsI've guess I should just install ubuntu server00:17
habriel hello i am installing mrtg and i have it problem Use of uninitialized value $first in hash element at /usr/bin/indexmaker line 35300:36
habrielcould you any help me please00:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #775993 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.17-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77599300:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #776020 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.3-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77602001:31
DAVdaBRAVHello. I got another stupid question.01:41
DAVdaBRAVanyone on the channel?01:42
andygraybeal_i'm here but most likely i am to new to help01:48
andygraybeal_shoot though.. i got nothing else going on.01:48
andygraybeal_i want to hear your problem01:48
twbandygraybeal_: a veteran would just say "!anybody" :P01:55
andygraybeal_nice, is it a prompt for someone not to ask about anybody?01:57
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:00
DAVdaBRAVhow come whenever I login to my server it displays a time that isn't correct even thought it gets the last logged in time perfect?02:22
twbWhat does date --rfc-3339=seconds report?02:26
DAVdaBRAVthe correct time.02:33
DAVdaBRAVeastern US02:33
Angryfurbygood evening guys i loaded up my site on ubuntu 10.10 server with a godaddy cert upload and configured the sites-available to the best i could and i still get the selfsigned cert not the gd oone02:34
twbDAVdaBRAV: not sure which time is wrong, then02:36
DAVdaBRAVwell it seems to know what time it is at least.02:37
twbAngryfurby: /etc/apache2/conf.d/security02:37
Angryfurbytwb: ok what do i look there02:39
twbAngryfurby: er, where it refers to snakeoil certs?02:39
Angryfurbytwb: want me to pastbin it02:39
twbMaybe it doesn't by default02:39
twbMine apache2 config is a little odd02:39
qman__it used to be in the ssl site config02:40
qman__but I don't know on the latest stuff02:40
DAVdaBRAVtwb: it says: Linux computername 2.6.32-28-generic-pae #55-Ubuntu SMPP Mon Jan 10 22:34:08 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux02:41
DAVdaBRAVI guess that's not reporting the time. :S what is it?02:41
twbDAVdaBRAV: that's UTC time02:41
twbUTC = GMT = +000002:42
DAVdaBRAVAny idea why I can't do: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop ?! >:{02:44
qman__not without the error message02:44
qman__also, that method is being deprecated02:45
qman__the service command works with both sysvinit and upstart, so that's what I recommend02:45
DAVdaBRAVwell what am I supposed to do then? I have no idea how to use the service command to stop mysql I try and it returns unrecognized instance or some such.02:46
qman__then it's not running02:46
qman__at least not as a service02:46
qman__also, `sudo service [service] [start|stop|restart|...]`02:47
DAVdaBRAVany idea how to show running sevices so I can get what it's called?02:47
qman__ps aux | grep mysql02:48
qman__also, service has tab completion02:48
qman__in fact, most things have tab completion now02:48
qman__it's incredibly convenient02:48
Macerqman__: i noticed that heh. pretty nice to have02:49
Macertab ftw02:49
DAVdaBRAVwhat is tab completiong?02:49
qman__start typing something in a shell and press tab02:49
qman__it's only the most useful thing ever02:49
qman__tap it twice to show ambiguous results02:49
DAVdaBRAVyou're a freaking genius qman! :D02:50
qman__that's just shell 10102:51
qman__though if you've never learned from a book, class, or another person, I guess you wouldn't have known02:52
Macerit  is odd because i am right in front of my kubuntu desktop and i am still using my phone  for irc02:54
DAVdaBRAVnow: mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & doesn't work.02:54
qman__I prefer screen + irssi, and I use an ssh app on my phone02:54
Macerme  too02:55
qman__running xchat here because I'm too lazy to configure it on this computer02:55
Macerthat is what im doing02:55
Maceri havent used a  ui irc client in  years02:55
qman__set it up like five years ago and haven't touched it02:55
Macerever since ircii02:55
DAVdaBRAVany ideas how I can start mysql server w/o password now?02:56
qman__IIRC there is an external password reset command02:56
qman__but I haven't used it in a while, don't know off the top of my head02:56
MacerDAVdaBRAV: try  #mysql02:56
Macerthey might know more than us02:57
Macerother than setting up a quick db for wp i never really  used it02:57
Macerbut i have been where you are and it sucks to lose the root pw to mysql02:57
qman__for future reference, "it doesn't work" isn't very useful without the error message or other output you get02:57
qman__that's critical to finding out why02:58
Macerandroid sure has come along since my old g1 :)02:59
DAVdaBRAVfor future reference, it was "command not found"02:59
qman__find / | grep mysqld_safe03:00
qman__locate mysqld_safe03:00
qman__it's probably /usr/sbin, but it could be somewhere else03:00
qman__I don't have time to look for it myself right now03:00
DAVdaBRAVit is there03:03
qman__then try it with the full path, `sudo /usr/sbin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &`03:04
DAVdaBRAVit says starting :D03:04
DAVdaBRAVI tried without sudo the first time. thanks.03:05
qman__ah, yeah, daemons need root03:05
DAVdaBRAV(How can I be such a noob not to always do sudo when it doesn't work the first time)03:05
DAVdaBRAVthanks qman_. there's no one in #mysql, and this tutorial (http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/recover-mysql-root-password.html) didn't work, so unless you have a clue why, do I need to re-install Ubuntu or just mysql?03:12
qman__if you purge and reinstall mysql, it should solve the problem03:14
qman__simply removing it will not, though03:14
DAVdaBRAVwhat's the difference?03:15
qman__removing software leaves configuration files and databases behind03:15
qman__purging deletes them03:15
DAVdaBRAVcan you please tell me how to purge mysql and phpmyadmin so that I can reinstall them correctly?03:16
qman__pastebin the output of `dpkg -l | grep mysql`03:16
qman__or just list the package names03:16
DAVdaBRAVO_O pastebin?03:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:17
DAVdaBRAVdpkg -l | grep mysql03:17
DAVdaBRAVdang wrong keyboard03:17
qman__you just need the package names it lists03:17
qman__then `sudo apt-get purge [those package names] phpmyadmin`03:18
qman__then install again after that's done03:19
qman__it should start the debconf bit over and ask you for a new root mysql password03:19
DAVdaBRAVok... this will take a while... but thanks :)03:19
DAVdaBRAV" then `sudo apt-get purge [those package names] phpmyadmin`" including phpmyadmin?03:20
qman__if you want to start over with phpmyadmin as well03:21
qman__if not, don't03:21
DAVdaBRAVwait, don't I have to purge mysql and phpmyadmin separately?03:21
qman__you can apply any number of package changes in one action03:21
qman__that's the benefit of a good package management system03:22
qman__it's not bulletproof, bugs do happen03:22
DAVdaBRAVEven if I didn't use apt-get to get myadmin?03:22
qman__but it's designed so that you should be able to03:22
qman__if you didn't, you should delete the files you installed and use apt to reinstall it03:22
DAVdaBRAVeverywhere except here says not to use apt-get03:23
qman__the biggest benefit to doing it that way is when updates happen, you get them03:23
qman__that's because most other places aren't ubuntu and debian centric03:24
qman__and most other distributions don't have a nice package to make it easy03:24
DAVdaBRAVso even though the project hasn't been updated if 4 versions apt-get is actually better for updates o.O ?03:24
qman__as a system administrator, the more you can use apt-get, the better03:24
qman__that's not always black and white03:25
qman__it may be an older version, but it's likely that the ubuntu package has been patched separately03:25
twbNot so much using apt-get, as using apt and dpkg with official packages03:26
qman__for example, php03:26
twbYou lose a large part of the benefits if you go around installing PPAs from e.g. webmin or zimbra03:26
DAVdaBRAVok then. :)03:26
qman__the current PHP version in ubuntu is not the same version as on PHP's site03:26
twbBecause they do not adhere to the strict packaging policies that Debian has created to ensure that packages work well together03:26
qman__it's a couple behind, but it has a -ubuntu1 or -ubuntu2, etc on the end03:26
qman__because the ubuntu maintainers patched the holes03:27
twbqman__: and performed integration testing03:27
qman__once in a while you run into something that is packaged but horribly out of date03:27
qman__but it's not very often, and it's definitely not the case for popular software like phpmyadmin03:27
DAVdaBRAVphpbb3 guys said the 4 versions thing.03:28
twbIMO you shouldn't be performing administration from a web UI03:28
twbEspecially not for a database, especially not from PHP03:29
qman__you can go the other route, but then it's up to you to update the software manually each time a patch comes out03:29
qman__with apt, you can just run it in one sweep with your system updates03:29
qman__less work and still reasonably up to date and secure03:29
DAVdaBRAVso you think I should ditch the wget version of phpbb3 too?03:30
qman__I would, but I have a lot of servers to maintain, and not much time to maintain them03:30
DAVdaBRAVI will do the easy way too then.03:32
qman__most of the security holes that get patched can be mitigated by good practice anyway03:32
qman__and if you're really paranoid, just pull the admin panel out of the web root when you're not using it03:33
qman__or use some other authentication method, or restrict hosts that can connect03:34
qman__something like that03:34
qman__anyway, I must be going, good luck with your server03:35
DAVdaBRAVthank you.03:36
Angryfurbygood evinging guys i am having a issue with apache loading the default self signed cert and not the cert i configured for. on ubuntu 10.1004:53
ckrailoall: for ubuntu server 11.04, what's the best way to start a program in screen on boot?05:35
wjlafranceIs there a way to install Ubuntu Server on a headless box?05:51
twbwjlafrance: yes05:53
wjlafrancetwb: care to give me a pointer?05:55
twbOr just install it normally then transplant the HDD05:57
wjlafranceCool, thanks.05:57
micahgis there a metapackage to install ubuntu-server from a minimal install?06:20
twbmicahg: er, just don't install anything.06:21
twbmicahg: it probably enables ubuntu-standard by default, but you can opt out of that06:21
twbThe ubuntu-minimal package, plus a kernel, should be enough to boot and install additional packages06:21
micahgyeah, I've got minimal and I can install stuff06:22
twbOh, I misread your question06:22
twbservers are diverse enough that a single "server" metapackage wouldn't be helpful (cf. "ubuntu-desktop").06:23
twbYou can run tasksel or aptitude to see separate tasks for e.g. www or dns server06:23
micahgtwb: ok, was just a misconception in my head then, np06:25
DAVdaBRAVcan I use apt-get to install to a particular directory? like: /var/www so that I can use URL: Http://<domain>/phpBB3/ and actually see phpBB3?06:35
twbDAVdaBRAV: /var/www is not used in Ubuntu06:39
twbDAVdaBRAV: rather, apache2 (assuming you use that httpd) will be told in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ to serve specific filesystem trees for specific HTTP dirs/vhosts/whatever.06:40
DAVdaBRAVtwb: Huh?06:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #513486 in unixodbc (main) "select query did not return correct uid datatype" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51348606:43
DAVdaBRAVok, but how?06:43
twbDAVdaBRAV: so for example phpbb3 will install itself to somewhere like /usr/lib/phpbb3/bin and /usr/share/phpbb3/data, and apache will be told to serve the former as cgi-bin and the latter as /06:43
twbexactly how will depend on how the package maintainer has set it up06:43
twbTry reading the README.Debian in /usr/share/doc/<package name>/06:44
DAVdaBRAVwouldn't I need to read apache docs instead?06:45
twbThose too06:48
STFhi i even installed ubuntu-server, when start the system i have now the problem, that i have the english layout, but i need the german one07:00
STFhow to change this now (and permanently)07:01
twbSTF: on the console?07:02
twbSTF: dpkg-reconfigure console-setup07:02
twbGood luck typing it tho :-)07:02
STFehm that doesn't help me07:05
STFthere i cannot change the language, i need qwertz support not qwerty07:06
twbSTF: there should be an option to pick the keyboard type07:14
STFis the change immediately?07:15
STFor does it need a reboot07:15
twbIt's immediate if you're in the tty07:17
twbIf you're in screen, no07:17
twbRun "tty" and see if it reports /dev/tty[1-6]07:17
STFit do07:17
twbNot sure then07:18
twbIt should be immediate07:18
STFit isn't and it is not after restart07:18
twbI suppose you might not have the relevant packages installed, but unless you've gone through removing things, you should have them07:18
twbIIRC they would be console-setup, xkb-data, and kbd or console-tools07:18
STFi chat with you over the secondary pc07:19
STFi give it up07:25
twbToo bad07:25
twbSorry I couldn't help07:25
STFtwb; you wasn't totaly wrong, but it is console-data, which need to be installed an reconfigure ;)07:37
twbAh, sorry07:38
STFwait, it wasn't permanent, oh man that so stupid#07:38
twbIt's console-setup in debian sid07:38
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: pong08:19
twbWhen using libvirtd on a headless server, and a remote virt-install with qemu+ssh://twb@theta/system, how do you convince virt-install the disks are on the server, not the client?08:26
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twb--disk pool=default,format=qcow2,size=108:32
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uvirtbotNew bug: #776194 in ntp (main) "Error mails after changing the ntp server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77619409:21
ChrisBuchholzHey guys. On my ubuntu 11.04 server, when i add a ppa, via add-apt-repository, apt-get doenst use it. Or, not fully anyways. As you can see here: https://gist.github.com/952345 I add the repository and update, but its not on the list over loaded repos. I did a strace that shows it actually does "see" the repo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602496/09:40
ChrisBuchholzCan you guys help me out?09:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #776202 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77620209:41
=== TeTeT_ is now known as TeTeT
twbPlease make logs with LC_ALL=C so they're in English10:02
pracrashhow to make a bootable usb drive for windows 7 from ubuntu10:02
twbpracrash: last time I looked, Windows did not support booting from USB10:02
pracrashtwb, really but my cd rom doesnt works is there any other solution10:03
ChrisBuchholzpracrash twb: sure you can make a windows 7 usb pen (or drive)10:04
ChrisBuchholzbut i dont know about doing it from ubuntu10:04
pracrashChrisBuchholz, twb i searched in google there r but im a new user n ubuntu so i don kno10:05
ChrisBuchholzpracrash: but it can be done. This guide shows how to make an usb-pen installer for windows, and how can you make an usb pen "bootable": http://www.intowindows.com/how-to-install-windows-7vista-from-usb-drive-detailed-100-working-guide/10:06
ChrisBuchholzmaybe it can help you10:06
pracrashChrisBuchholz thanks man10:06
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pracrashChrisBuchholz, but is there any way to make it from ubuntu10:12
pracrashChrisBuchholz, cuz the link u gave only has how to make from windows10:13
twbReally oneiric ?  Do you expect the unwashed to even be able to SPELL that correctly?10:14
* twb grumles10:15
maxbMark Shuttleworth is expanding our vocabularies, one adjective at a time? :-)10:16
twbAt least it's not another synonym for dapper10:16
twbGOod heavens, natty's installer has a magenta background instead of blue10:18
maxbThat amused me too :-)10:18
ChrisBuchholzpracrash: as i said, i dont know how to make from ubuntu. But it can might give you some ideas10:18
twbI would use lucid except fb=false is broken in lucid d-i :-/10:19
twbCan you do an oem install from d-i?10:19
twbWhere's the syslinux file from a conventional install CD...10:20
twbLooks like I just ensure the preseed installs oem-config10:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #776226 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: проблемы зависимостей -- оставляем не настроенным" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77622610:31
twbOR, I include oem-config-udeb in the installer component list10:33
pimperleafter installing 11.04 server and selecting de:nodeadkeys during installation, the keyboard layout is set to us per default. How can i fix this?10:39
pimperleis this a known issue (i couldn't find anything related on lp)10:39
twb16:37 <STF> twb; you wasn't totaly wrong, but it is console-data, which need to be installed an reconfigure ;)10:43
twbpimperle: dpkg-reconfigure console-data10:43
pimperletwb: console-data is not installed10:43
twbThen I guess you need to install it10:44
pimperletwb: after installation i could select the correct layout, but it didn't change / fix the problem10:46
pimperlenow i tried reconfigure and it worked... lets see, if it sustains a reboot10:46
pimperleafter a reboot the changes are gone10:48
twb16:18 <twb> I suppose you might not have the relevant packages installed, but unless you've gone through removing things, you should have them10:48
twb16:18 <twb> IIRC they would be console-setup, xkb-data, and kbd or console-tools10:48
pimperlethe box was freshly installed, so i can say i didn't manually remove them10:56
pimperlei'll check if they are installed10:57
pimperleall are there10:57
pimperlei already noticed this behaviour on the betas and it didn't vanish10:57
pimperle#740818 is the same issue10:58
pimperlebut it doesn't seem to get a lot of attention10:58
KreamHi all, when I try and boot Ubuntu Server 10.04.02 LTS I get the error : No common CD-ROM drive was detected . anyone know how I can fix this?11:41
twbput a CD in?11:48
Kreamits a bug11:59
Kreamthat first came up in 8.0411:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #776297 in libgoogle-collections-java (main) "Sync libgoogle-collections-java 1.0-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77629712:06
amerodoes anyone have any idea why rsync seems to always fail to files/dirs permission12:42
ameroam i missing something?12:43
pmatulisamero: dunno, never tried --chmod with rsync, i'm guessing you don't have the permissions to do that13:09
amerodon't have the permission? im syncing folders in the same user acc as i run rsync with13:11
pmatulisamero: use --verbose to get more info13:12
pmatulisamero: --chmod will have no effect if --perms is not also used13:15
ameronot much useful info. just list of folder/files being synced13:16
ameroand these13:16
amerosent 31787052 bytes  received 755 bytes  21191871.33 bytes/sec13:16
amerototal size is 31780310  speedup is 1.0013:16
amerothat's what it showed with the verbose flag13:17
pmatulisamero: what is the complete command you're using?13:18
ameronice -n 19 rsync -r --chmod=Duo+rwx,Fa+wr --delete --delete-excluded --size-only --verbose --exclude-from '/home/user/serverfiles/sync_exclude.txt' syncthis/ /home/user/rsynctest/13:20
pmatulisamero: right, so use --perms13:24
pmatulisamero: this is the global directive to manage permissions13:25
pmatulisamero: usually used to preserve source permissions13:25
pmatulisamero: but if you're creating your own, you still need that option13:25
ameroaha it works now :)13:30
amerois it possible to exclude or auto delete empty dirs in the dest dirs?13:31
amerotheir contents get excluded by the exclude list but rsync created those folders anyway13:32
pmatulisamero: probably, read the man page (that's how i answered your first question)13:33
hggdhmoi zul13:43
zulhey hggdh you are up early13:43
liekzomganyone tried luks on raid5? i'm getting like 1/6th non-encrypted performance. any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.13:58
patdk-wkliekzomg, luks is limited to a single cpu, per luks volume14:05
liekzomgpatdk-wk: it's only using like 5% cpu in top14:05
STFhow can i manipulate the keymap.sh in that way that i have my german layout14:11
RoAkSoAxlynxman: howdy! So I was looking into the orchestra stuff and I was wondering if the import script should be setting the preseed automatically?14:16
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: hey :)14:16
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: it does set the preseed automatically afaik14:17
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: there's an import-isos script that takes care of that, I think it's not running on install though14:17
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: we're working towards having orchestra stable for next week's event14:18
RoAkSoAxlynxman: cool. I have installed it yesterday (only the provisioning server) and seems stable enough to me so far14:18
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: we're still missing some pieces, rsyslog and collectd and also polish a bit the puppet integration14:19
RoAkSoAxlynxman: and importing mini ISO's is not setting the preseed automatically because the script imports mini.iso's. But I'll take care of that ;)14:19
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: yeah, that's the bug we filled up, I think you're following that one up right?14:20
RoAkSoAxlynxman: yeah but i've seen you guys have done quite a bit already so I don't think you'll have major issues.14:20
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: yeah the week with kirkland was extra fruitful14:21
RoAkSoAxlynxman: yeah I already release a fix for the mini iso import though, the issue is given when trying to create repos. Since the mini.iso does not have any info about it, then we still have to import it by specifying breed and os_version, and we need to speicfy kickstart too14:21
STFhi i need to know how to manipulate my ubuntu-server that i have my de-latin1-nodeadkeys and not the stupid, through bugs in the install routine setted, qwerty-default14:30
STFcan anyone of you give me a step-by-step introduction, cause reconfigure console-data, or sth else doesn't work14:32
zoopsterSTF: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" will allow you to select the keyboard you want if you chose the wrong one during the install14:45
dob_somebody using mysql with ipv6?14:48
dob_I am using ubuntu 10.04 and want that my mysql server listens on the ipv6 interface.14:49
STFzoopster: you don't listening to me that doesn't work, and i am do not know why, in the procedure of console-setup, i won't get the question after layout it self14:50
zoopsterSTF: you are right. I'm reading and you never said you used dpkg-reconfigure console-setup so good luck.14:51
STFzoopster: sry for failing information14:52
Steve[cug]question for you guys.  anyone happen to know the success rate offhand of upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 using do-release-upgrade?14:53
zoopster50% - either it works or it doesn't14:54
zoopsterjust kidding...doubt there are metrics on it - it's word of mouth14:55
zoopsterin testing they likely need a pretty high success rate14:55
Steve[cug]yeah well I have been burned in the past when trying to go LTS to LTS14:55
Steve[cug]im hoping going from release to release is a bit easier14:56
zoopsterthere are many factors as you know so your mileage may vary14:56
zoopsterI've not had much trouble, but my setup is rather simple14:56
Steve[cug]most of my VMs are pretty simple.  the only thing even marginally complex is the KVM server14:56
Steve[cug]KVM + LVM for disk14:56
zoopsterit's impractical to test all of the possible scenarios14:57
zoopsterSTF: if you know the layout, then just change /etc/default/console-setup and restart it15:01
STFzoopster: where need i change /etc/default/console-setup15:04
zoopsterSTF: in my 10.10 server the last section is the keyboard configuration section but I don't know the exact syntax you need for your keyboard layout so you'll need to search on it  - that's why using the reconfigure option helps with it's picklist15:07
STFzoopster: i am not sure if did the right things in the right order, or if had only luck. now i have my german layout15:11
zoopsterSTF: well...computers don't know about luck so you must have done the right thing.15:13
STFzoopster: first i had edit the /etc/default/keyboard, than i run dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration, after this i run dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, and now it is fine15:14
STFzoopster: maybe and here i am not sure, but i also the reconfigure of console-setup at beginning, but this i think should not have any effects on the following commands15:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #488696 in autofs5 (main) "syntax error in nsswitch config near [ syntax error ]" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48869615:32
dob_is there already any 5.5 backport for mysql?15:40
MTecknologyIs there much difference in performance between Ext4 with journaling turned off and Ext2?15:48
patdk-wkdamn :( imp 5.0.2 broke :(15:53
patdk-wkmtecknology, yes, but not much, mainly just extents15:53
patdk-wkoh, performance :)15:54
ikoniawell, my session with Ungika went nowhere, it ended with him saying "I'll hack the ban and change ip"16:02
ikoniaoops, wrong channel16:16
ppetrakiMTecknology, you're assuming that EXT4 hasn't made any improvements in other areas in the meantime.16:25
ppetrakiMTecknology, best way to find out is test16:26
ppetrakiMTecknology, just for the sake of supportability, you might want to stick with the newer incarnation of the filesystem16:26
MTecknologyppetraki: the system we're dealing with defaults to installing with ext2; that's why the curiousity16:27
ppetrakiMTecknology, it's a curious observation, though short of an FS expert, the next best way to get the requisite data is to test, or ask on the ext mailing list16:29
Angryfurbymorning guys i am having a issue of apache on ubuntu 10.10 not loading the correct certificates16:29
Angryfurbyeven though the  configs are correct16:29
axisysit does not look like motd gets updated..16:38
axisysit is showing old message16:38
axisys20 packages can be updated.16:38
axisys7 updates are security updates.16:38
axisysI already updated them few days ago16:38
axisysit is 10.04.2 LTS16:38
Angryfurbydoes anyone know what ubuntu renamed the httpd binarys too17:05
=== ahs3 is now known as ahs3-afk
Angryfurbyhow do i run the httpd -S command on ubuntu17:11
Angryfurbysorry newbie question17:11
zulapache2 -S17:26
tsrkWhen I try to "modprobe amd64_edac_mod" I get this error: "FATAL: Error inserting amd64_edac_mod (/lib/modules/2.6.38-8-server/kernel/drivers/edac/amd64_edac_mod.ko): No such device". Why is this happening?17:26
RoAkSoAxkirkland: where you able to test squid-deb-proxy?17:28
kirklandRoAkSoAx: arg, no, i had to reinstall my desktop yesterday17:30
kirklandnijaba: are you filing (or have you filed) blueprints for PaaS stacks for UDS?17:30
Angryfurbyanyone know how to fix apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}17:31
RoAkSoAxkirkland: no worries ;). just let me know if you want me to work on something related before UDS17:32
kirklandRoAkSoAx: how about a wiki page in http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cobbler ?17:32
kirklandRoAkSoAx: with a step-by-step how-to on getting Cobbler running on 11.04?17:32
* RoAkSoAx checks17:32
kirklandRoAkSoAx: *that* would be outstanding before UDS ;-)17:33
RoAkSoAxkirkland: sure I can do that17:33
kirklandRoAkSoAx: poke me as soon as you do, and I'll walk through the instructions and enhance as necessary17:33
RoAkSoAxkirkland: will do17:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: rock17:41
koolhead17zul: ping17:49
zilleplusany1 who could help with configuring a ircd-hybrid server?17:55
zulkoolhead17: pong17:58
koolhead17zul: saw your blog regarding cobbler install on natty.17:59
zulkoolhead17: cool18:00
koolhead17I am also following http://michaeldehaan.net/2009/09/17/travelling-linux-lab-controller-in-a-box/ blog. i wanted to know do i have to manually install dhcp server?18:00
koolhead17i am not touching koan as of now :P18:00
koolhead17i just need to see PXEinstall running via virtualbox enviornment18:00
koolhead17i find the GUI for the same overloaded with infos so what will be your suggestion :)18:01
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: as a matter of fact I'm in the process of writing documentation on how to get cobbler up and running, and importing ISO's18:03
=== ahs3-afk is now known as ahs3
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: deploying VM's with koan in KVM18:03
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: cool. when is it coming?18:04
koolhead17wanna give it a try on virtualbox right away :P18:06
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: I expect it to have it finished in the next couple of days18:08
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: nice. but can you suggest me if i really need to install dhcp server saperately? i don`t want koan to run pxe install i suppose. koan creats a virtual bridge as well18:10
BlulixUm hey.18:10
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: koan uses a virtual bridge18:11
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: yes. i want to know in order to use simple PXEinstall(without koan) do i need to install dhcp server as well on system which has cobbler installed?18:12
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: in KVM for example, you need to PXE from a VM that uses br0 (the bridge), while with koan, we can make the VM use both, the bridge (br0) or NAT (virbr0)18:12
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: yes you would need a DHCP server somewhere, not necessarily in the machine running cobbler18:13
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: however, you need to tell that dhcp server that the PXE is the machine running cobbler18:13
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: /etc/cobbler/settings18:13
uvirtbotNew bug: #776558 in tomcat6 (main) "Sync tomcat6 6.0.32-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77655818:14
koolhead17and i can use the dhcp template available with cobbler to run my dhcp server at same time18:14
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: by default in the installation you won't need a dhcp server18:14
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: for example, in my case, my DHCP server is a router running dd-wrt. For it to allow me to PXE, I need to tell my router's DNSMasq that the PXE server is *another* machine18:16
koolhead17hmm but when am defining my system i have to tell it the IP it should use?18:16
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: so, I added this as additional DNSMasq options = "dhcp-boot=pxelinux.0,,192.168.X.X" where 192.168.X.X is the address of my cobbler server18:16
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: so, I added this as additional DNSMasq options = "dhcp-boot=pxelinux.0,,192.168.X.X" where 192.168.X.X is the address of my cobbler server18:17
koolhead17it mean i should not install saperate dhcp server18:17
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: if you don't have a DHCP server already somewhere in the network, yes you need one18:18
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: if you *do have* one already, then you don't need one. You just need to tell it to use the cobbler server as the PXE server18:18
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: i will install one, then and put the same credentials in inside the cobbler settings file.18:19
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: i haven'18:20
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: https://answers.launchpad.net/cobbler/+question/155633  i also have this issue18:20
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: i haven't personally used cobbler with DHCP, but let me know how it goes!18:20
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: doing right away18:20
koolhead17i will simply install cobbler not koan though :P18:20
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: that's nothing to worry about18:20
koolhead17ooh ok18:21
koolhead17lemme install cobbler then18:21
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: aah. my modem has dhcp server running. :)18:25
BlulixIs there anyone here with the time to help me sort of a problem or two with this cloud/cluster setup?18:26
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: ahh that might be a problem if you are not able to tell your DHCP server that the PXE server is your cobbler machine18:26
RoAkSoAx@ask | Blulix18:26
RoAkSoAx!ask | Blulix18:27
ubottuBlulix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:27
BlulixUh okay? Just wondered since this is ubuntu-server, but there's not many active people in ubuntu-cloud18:27
RoAkSoAxBlulix: yeah just ask your qestion and if someone knows the answer we'll be happy to help ;)18:28
koolhead17Blulix: :)18:28
* koolhead17 is on ubuntu-cloud too :P18:28
BlulixEhehe, I'll try to summarise then.18:28
koolhead17sure :P18:28
marruslRoAkSoAx, o/18:29
BlulixBasically I have my controller and node controller connected to my router which is on the internet but during node controller install it refuses to see the controller and if i type in the controller host name it then sees it but says that walrus isn't running or something, even though the controller has everytbign except the node-controller installed.18:30
* Blulix just realised that isn't actually a question. xD18:30
koolhead17is it eucalyptus18:30
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: o/18:30
RoAkSoAxBlulix: have you tried to register everything manually?18:31
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: how's it going?18:31
BlulixRoAkSoAx: Yes, and that causes another myriad of problems where it sees the node but refuses to connect to it becuase the creds are missing even though they arent. >.>18:32
RoAkSoAxBlulix: what ubuntu release are you running?18:32
RoAkSoAxBlulix: uhmmm I think that the keys are synced in the wrong place then18:32
RoAkSoAxI remember seeing something similar18:33
RoAkSoAxthough I don't recall what was the exact fix18:33
marruslRoAkSoAx, things are good.  busy but good.  you?18:33
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: pretty good actually, not as busy as you I pressume :) (at least not yet)18:33
marruslRoAkSoAx, haha.  well, it comes in waves sometimes.  it's gotten quieter since our sprint.  if only there were no customers calling.18:34
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: by any chance i have to disable apparmor in order to get dhcp working without any issue :D18:34
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: hehehe I guess that's one of the benefits of being in my position (not having to deal with customers as much as ytou do :))18:35
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: I don't really think so18:35
marruslactually, speaking of that I have a question (for anyone really)...  /etc/network/if-up.d/ethtool.  it seems like it's not running at all or at the right time on boot up.18:35
jdstranddhcp should work just fine with apparmor enabled (client and server). if not, file a bug18:36
BlulixActually, is there possibly another system I could use for a cluster running client VM's?18:36
marruslthey're trying to apply HARDWARE_DMA_RING_ rx 512 via /etc/network/interfaces18:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #776579 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77657918:36
marruslit doesn't apply on boot, but if you ifdown and back up, they apply.18:36
marruslmight be a question for #upstart :)18:36
koolhead17jdstrand: sure18:37
marruslugh.  i didn't even look for a bug first.  maybe I should do that first. :)18:37
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: are you using web interface for your work? i find it with soo many options :)18:38
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: I use both (command line and the web interface)18:39
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: you going to UDS this time?18:47
InYourGroovecan anyone help me with a ubuntu server ec2 instance?18:49
patdk-wkInYourGroove, dunno18:55
marruslRoAkSoAx, yes!  leaving on saturday.18:56
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: cool, same here18:56
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: I'm actually flyiung to NY first18:56
marruslRoAkSoAx, are you flying from JFK saturday night?18:57
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: morning... flight to budapest leaves afternoon18:57
=== medberry is now known as med_out
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: flight to budapest leaves at 6:40, maybe we are in the same flight?18:58
marruslRoAkSoAx, aha.  yup.  same flight.18:58
marruslRoAkSoAx, Roberto from presales will be there too.18:59
marruslRoAkSoAx, so we'll have company trying to figure out what the heck is going on when we get there :)18:59
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: there's quite a few other ppl18:59
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: I know of at least 2 other ppl from florida in the same flight. One is community member though18:59
marruslRoAkSoAx, ah, right... makes sense.  i'm so lucky I have a single direct flight  :-D19:00
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: hehe yeah you're lucky as most flights to europe are either from JFK or Ohare19:01
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: as long as my bags don't get lose I'm fine with layovers19:02
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: last time coming from austing I left like 9.30 and arrived to MIA like 10.3019:02
marruslRoAkSoAx, that's the danger I guess.19:02
* RoyK just setup a nice quad-server-box, 2U thing from supermicro with 4 mobos with 64GB and 2 x 12-core opterons - COOL19:02
marruslRoAkSoAx, yes.   I also had a *grueling* 43 minute flight from NY to MTL for the sprint.  so tired after that.  ;)19:03
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: hehe well I guess those just oour "occupational hazards"19:04
RoAkSoAxs/our/our only19:04
marruslRoAkSoAx, yep.  actually UDS this time will be my first big jet lag for work.  i've been lucky so far.19:04
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: don't sleep when we get there. Try to stay awake you wont be jetlagged the rest of the week19:05
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: I did that when we went to Belgium...19:05
RoAkSoAxand had an amazing, not jetlagged week19:05
marruslRoAkSoAx, nice.  I will give it a try.19:06
marruslI can't reproduce my customer's ethtool error it seems.  grrr.19:07
RoAkSoAxthe weirdness of upstart19:07
* marrusl zips lip.19:08
remix_tjhi guys! anyone working with vmware esx?19:09
remix_tjevery time i upgrade kernel of a vm i need to reinstall vmware tools... any idea on how to avoid this?19:09
zulmarrusl: i usually go walk around the hotel when i get there19:11
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: btw.. where you guys able to test the CLC HA??19:12
marruslzul, my walk will probably go as long as it takes to find a good bar.19:12
* RoAkSoAx wants to check the city19:13
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
zulmarrusl:  to each their own ;)19:13
marruslRoAkSoAx, I haven't.  You might ask TREllis or TeTeT.19:13
marrusl:-/  sorry!19:13
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: well I guess it doesn't make muchg sense now since Eucalyptus will release their own HA stuff19:14
marruslzul, maybe I'll hold off right off the plane though, it will be morning.  :)19:14
zulmarrusl: heh hasnt stopped me before19:14
marruslRoAkSoAx, well, there's that.  bet you learned more than you wanted to know about Euca working on it!19:15
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: yeah you can say that hehe19:16
RoAkSoAxmarrusl: i think they probably learned more about HA after doing that19:16
RoAkSoAx(after I released the blogpost and saw that it is simple to do HA ;) )19:17
marruslok, off to do some dishes before my wife gets home!19:20
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk
RoAkSoAxmarrusl_afk: hahah enjoy!!19:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #768296 in cloud-init "Setting hostname via config is not reflected in /etc/hosts" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76829619:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #776632 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77663219:46
bastidrazori'm using unbound to serve my LAN with dns resolving.. if i get a servfail on a well known website *facebook.com ..how do i tell it, hey stupid facebook is at IP: ......19:53
ahs3bastidrazor: there's probably several ways to do that with unbound.  i think i'd find out why you got a servfail first, though.20:00
bastidrazorahs3: how might i accomplish that?20:09
Defusal_hi everyone, can anyone tell me how you deal with your servers dns suddenly dying, even though the dns servers are still functional?20:09
ahs3bastidrazor: dig is your friend -- e.g., dig @server A www.facebook.com20:13
uvirtbotNew bug: #776642 in php5 (main) "segfaults from  5.2.4-2ubuntu5.15" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77664220:16
benccI think I'm hitting max open file descriptors limit in my server20:23
bencc"sudo cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr" gives me "1024 0 38001" and it doesn't go over 102420:23
benccI thought that the 1024 limit is per user20:23
benccon my server several users are using the file descriptors so how do I hit the limit?20:23
alamardepends on your configuration? limits.conf or cgroups20:24
bastidrazorahs3: weird. all is working well now. i was using dig beforehand as well.20:25
benccalamar: in /etc/security/limits.conf I have "root hard nofile 30000" and "root soft nofile 30000"20:25
benccalamar: "ulimit -a" gives me 102420:26
alamardid you login as root?20:28
benccalamar: no, but I'm using sudo20:28
=== med_out is now known as medberry
ahs3bastidrazor: very possible.  unbound does pre-fetching of some entries and does some other optimizations so it's possible that it took a bit for the cache to fill20:33
alamarbencc: as root you can change the ulimits anyway. as user you cannot define your ulimits. ulimits are set on LOGIN. so sudo doesnt change your limits20:35
benccalamar: I didn't know that20:37
benccalamar: I still don't understand why am I hitting the 1024 limit if each user uses only part of it20:38
benccI thought the 1024 limit is per user and not a global limit20:38
bencc"more /proc/sys/fs/file-max" gives me 3800120:38
alamarbencc: depends on the limit configuration in your limits.conf20:39
alamarand or other restrictions by your environment (like openvz/cgroups or whatever)20:40
benccin /etc/security/limits.conf I have "root hard nofile 30000" and "root soft nofile 30000"20:40
benccI'm running ubuntu on slicehost. not sure about openvz/cgroups20:40
RoyK 21:45:48 up  5:00,  2 users,  load average: 24.51, 24.42, 22.6420:45
JanCRoyK: cool  :P20:47
JanC(well, probably things are getting hot instead)20:47
RoyKJanC: it took those scientists a couple of hours to fill all the new compute nodes to the rim20:48
RoyK96 cores in 2U is rather nice :D20:48
JanCRoyK: wait, how many cores do you have?  :P20:48
RoyKit's four 2x12core + 64GB RAM servers in 2U20:49
JanCso 24 is 30% usage or so?  ☺20:49
RoyKJanC: no, that's per node20:49
RoyKso a total of 96 cores and 256GB RAM in 2U20:50
RoyKpretty dense20:50
JanC24 cores & load 24 is nice20:50
RoyKwe have another 24core pizzabox and an older 16core pizzabox (1U both)20:51
JanCso, you playing Doom on it?  :P20:51
RoyKnah - met models, mostly20:51
RoyKbacked by 60TB of storage, perhaps half of it in use atm20:52
JanCRoyK: when I talked to some guy from sara.nl some years ago, they also did "mostly" scientific stuff, but also an occasional game of Quake in their VR room to "test" it  ;)20:53
RoyKperhaps I should try that ;)20:53
JanCthey do have slightly more computing power than you have though20:53
RoyKI can guess - I'm working for nilu.no - not too much compute power needed here yet20:54
RoyKbut the more they get, they more they crave....20:54
JanCRoyK: not using graphics cards for computation?20:55
RoyKa year back, we had something like 10% of what we have now, but then, the more power, the better the models get, and the more data they feed the models, the more CPU power they need, et cetera, et cetera, ad infinitum20:55
RoyKJanC: we're not there yet, a lot of the models are still based on old f77 code. they're working on rewriting that20:56
sorenJevons paradox20:56
sorenWhen you acquire or discover more efficient ways of doing "stuff" you just end up doing more of it.20:56
JanChttp://www.engadget.com/2009/12/14/university-of-antwerp-stuffs-13-gpus-into-fastra-ii-supercompute/ --> 12 teraflops on a 6000 € "supercomputer"20:57
sorenNot *exactly* the same, but very much similar.20:57
RoyKsoren: well, I'm not sure that's the case - in a met model, if you can use smaller cells, you get far better results20:58
RoyKbut I know - GPUs are the best way as of now - we just don't have the code for it (Yet)20:59
adam_gwindow 620:59
RoyKadam_g: add a / to that20:59
adam_gof course!20:59
JanCRoyK: in theory GPUs aren't as fast as possible, but they easily beat other vector processors in price/performance because of volume21:00
JanCbecause of volume of sales21:00
RoyKJanC: I know, and modelling windfields, which is the thing they mostly do, is the perfect application for GPUs21:01
JanCputting a GPU-like processor on a multiprocessor bus instead of on PCI/PCIE would make them even more performant  ;)21:02
RoyKpci-e is pretty fast, though21:02
RoyKso long as you have enough local memory for the GPU21:03
RoyKhm... running at 100% for an hour or so, these half-width 1U units show a system temperature of 53 degrees C (2x12-core opterons)21:06
RoyKnot that bad21:06
JanCthat's inside the case?21:07
JanCnot bad21:07
RoyKJanC: as reported by IPMI21:09
RoyKaka ILOM aka ALOM aka iLO21:09
RoyKaka BMC...21:09
RoyKsupermicro ILOM is pretty neat - remote console to all four machines earlier today with vitual media - an .iso file with ubuntu 10.04 server x64 - installing all of them in less than an hour - all at once21:12
RoAkSoAxkirkland: is the approach to use cobbler assuming that there's already a DHCP server on the network, or use cobbler as the DHCP too?21:12
JanCRoyK: my SuperMicro board doesn't have ILOM, but then again, it's a workstation board, not a server board  ;)21:15
RoyKall (or most) of supermicro server boards have IPMI21:15
JanCthere is software-based IPMI for the workstation boards21:16
RoyKI have two supermicros without it, one is two years old, the other with a desktop board21:16
RoyKthat doesn't count :P21:16
JanChardware-based would have been cool, but probably somewhat uncommon for a desktop  ;)21:16
RoyKno need for that for most desktops, though21:17
JanCRoyK: it could be useful in large companies21:17
JanCwith centralised IT21:17
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: around21:17
RoyKJanC: there are some systems for that - centralised desktops - get a 1U system with  VGA over TP and centralise it all21:18
RoyKeven for high-end graphical workstations21:18
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: yes21:18
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: am having strange issue in configuring the standalone dhcp server21:19
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: how so21:19
JanCRoyK: well, I have played FPS games on a multiseat...  ;)21:19
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: no subnet declaration for eth0(ip) and also not configured to listen on any interface.21:20
JanCunfortunately that's getting more & more complicated since XGL is abandoned...21:20
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: you might wanna follow: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/dhcp.html and add the following to point to the cobbler server:21:21
RoAkSoAx next-server; filename "pxelinux.0"21:21
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: in different lines. anyways I'm off to lunch21:22
* RoAkSoAx starving21:22
RoyKJanC: what about aigxl?21:22
JanCRoyK: that's not a nested X server that supports GL21:23
RoyKJanC: sorry, I don't get it - what's the difference?21:24
JanCRoyK: putting different users on each head of a multi-head graphics cards21:24
JanCcurrent max. is 14 users on 7 dual head nvidia cards; and only Asus has a mobo with 7 16x PCIE slots21:25
RoyKperhaps redhat comes up with a solution for that for just $1k per user per year :P21:25
JanCAFAIK  ;)21:25
RoyKJanC: IIRC supermicro has one too21:26
RoyKor at least 6x21:26
RoyKwe have a few of those21:26
JanCthere are several that have 6x21:26
JanCbut my knowledge might be outdated21:27
JanCI remember telling the owner of the company that sells Ubuntu multiseats here in Belgium about the 7x mobo last year21:28
JanC(he's a sponsor of our locoteam)21:28
RoyKthat current max, is that om XGL or AIXGL?21:29
RoyKon AIXGL, what would you get?21:30
JanCprobably 721:30
RoyKwtf did they change that?21:30
JanCAIGLX never was a nested X server21:31
RoyKI'd guess you could go even further with a proper board21:31
JanCand xephyr & xnest don't support GL21:31
JanCand ATI graphics cards don't support XGL (they have triple head cards)21:32
JanChttp://www.multiseatcomputer.be/multiseat-voor-twaalf-gebruikers.html to see some pics of a 12-seat machine  ;)21:32
RoyKI don't get it - what's the point of something with X not supporting GL nowadays?21:32
JanCit's not that simpel I guess21:32
JanC410 W for 12 users21:33
RoyKif XGL did it, and the source is open, it should be pretty simple to redo it21:33
RoyKheh so < 40W per user (minus the monitor, I guess)21:33
JanCwell, somebody was working on GL support in Xephyr last year, but...21:33
JanCRoyK: including the monitors AFAIK21:34
* RoyK still guesses redhat will come up with a 'genuine solution' soon that will cost a lot21:34
talcitehi. Is there any way to show the differences between a config file from a repo package and the current config file?21:36
RoyKtalcite: if you've installed the package and then changed the config, not directly, but you could move the config file to somewhere else and reinstall the package (apt-get remove --purge xxx; apt-get install xxx), or perhaps install the source code for the package (apt-get source xxx) and find the config file and look for changes21:38
talciteRoyK: ah. Can't do that. It's a production server21:38
RoyKtalcite: then install the source and look for the config file21:38
talciteRoyK: hmm I can do that. Thanks!21:39
RoyKthe source will install in current directory (from where you run apt-get source)21:39
talciteI see. I'll keep that in mind.21:39
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vorlovcan anyone help me w/ a slight problem on aws>22:03
vorlovthere seems to be a problem with the new natty ami22:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:05
vorlovI have an ec2 setup with natty ami , 64bit EBS... whenever i "stop" (shutdown) the instance, it can never recover again22:06
vorlovit loads up with mounting problems and then kills itself restarting again and again...22:06
vorlovhere's the startup log excerpt: http://pastebin.com/Acv87Cdr22:07
vorlovany ideas how to battle that?22:07
vorlovreboots work fine, until the first shutdown... from the first shutdown one cannot recover...22:08
vorlovi forgot to mention this is done on an "m1.large"22:09
koolhead17jdstrand: apparmor is creating the issue with permission denied mknod22:19
teb7030hi. I was wondering if anyone had some input on my installation problem : Im trying to install ubuntu server 11.04 on a brand new HP DL380G7 via a usb key. Under the installation menu, if i select installl or boot via usb, i get a screen blink, then nuthing happenes.. anyone have any idea?22:20
metalf88011teb7030 how long are you waiting and what did you use to make the USB installer?22:24
teb7030metalf88011 : i used that tool ubuntu linked on their website22:26
teb7030metalf88011 : the menu came up straight after boot, install, boot via usb.. etc.. both blink with a flash (tried 10.4 too) same issue22:26
metalf88011There are 2 did you use Unetbootin?22:27
metalf88011did the flash driving come with U3 on it?22:27
teb7030metalf88011 : used Universal usb installer22:30
teb7030metalf88011 : no u3 on it22:30
jdstrandkoolhead17: ok, please file a bug against the source package (dhcp3 or isc-dhcp) and add the 'apparmor' tag. please include your dmesg/kern.log as well and if it is a non-standard configuration, your dhcpd.conf22:32
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metalf88011teb7030: Did you check the MD5SUM of the Ubuntu ISO after you downloaded it? This is most likely not the problem since you tried 2 different version but it still worth looking at22:33
koolhead17jbernard: i will confirm it once from my side before reporting it as bug :)22:33
teb7030metalf88011 : ill check that, and ill check with another usb key and another "burner" program22:38
metalf88011I've had problems using USB drives for installing software in the past when with the same hardware a CD has work just fine22:39
vorlovhave you guys encountered a "no instance data found in start-local" trying to start ec2 w/ ubuntu22:39
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping22:40
metalf88011vorlov: I haven't sorry22:41
RoAkSoAxkirkland: never mind :)22:41
vorlovmetalf88011: thanks anyways!22:41
metalf88011sure thing good luck22:41
kirklandRoAkSoAx: howdy22:42
RoAkSoAxkirkland: haven't yet finished but is comming together22:43
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sweet ;-)22:43
RoAkSoAxkirkland: should be assume a DHCP server is in the network or should cobbler be the DCHP serveR?22:43
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm, well, that's a toughie22:43
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i don't think we can automatically be the DHCP server22:44
kirklandRoAkSoAx: we should debconf that, eventually22:44
kirklandRoAkSoAx: perhaps even check on the network if there's already a DHCP server22:44
RoAkSoAxkirkland: i;ll just add a pointer that if there's an external DHCP to configure it to point to cobbler as the PXE then for now22:44
kirklandRoAkSoAx: and set the default answer in debconf accordingly22:44
kirklandRoAkSoAx: right22:44
kirklandRoAkSoAx: we could put a screenshot for something like dd-wrt, and pointers to how to configure other DHCP servers22:45
RoAkSoAxkirkland: will do22:45
RoAkSoAxkirkland: and yeah, maybe autodetecting a DHCP server and configuring accordingly would be awesome22:45
metalf88011teb7030 Ubuntu has it's own program for making Live USB keys called " Startup Disk Creator" but I think you need to be running Ubuntu or another version of Linux to be able to use it22:56
apocalipsysHi everyone23:47
apocalipsyshave anyone tried to install mysql cluster?23:49
SpamapSapocalipsys: yes23:58
SpamapSapocalipsys: I'm guessing you had problems because it conflicts w/ the mysql clients / libraries23:59
apocalipsysactually i'm wondering to have a good guide to beging a test with 3 mysql server23:59

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