
JonathanDMorning PA10:52
rmg51morning JonathanD10:56
teddy-dbearmorning JonathanD10:57
JonathanDHi rmg5110:57
JonathanDand teddy-dbear of course.10:57
JonathanDslow morning, rmg5112:48
JonathanDhello andrew, toggles13:15
InHisNametoggles:  Buy everything bacon here http://www.thinkgeek.com/caffeine/bacon/13:50
PennBotTitle: ThinkGeek :: Caffeine & Edibles :: Bacon (at www.thinkgeek.com)13:50
togglesmmmm bacon.. how i miss thee...13:53
andrewmission accomplished14:08
andrewccsm -> unity plugin -> (super -> shift+super)14:08
andrewnow gnome-do works again (super+space)14:08
andrewand I can lock the screen with super+l14:09
togglesmission accomplished would be getting gnome-3 installed14:11
andrewbut until then14:29
andrewI also like that I can finally choose the "Span" option for desktop wallpaper14:29
InHisNamewhat is a "Span" option, andrew ?14:33
andrewInHisName: When one has a dual-screen setup, it's nice to be able to have one image spanned across both screens, enabling the use of wallpapers like: http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/Df79dcc3/01120_mossbraefalls2_3360x1050.jpg14:37
InHisNameHave you tried taking your own big pictures like that one ?    There is a waterfall north of Doylestown that could look pretty spiffy in one of those long pictures.14:39
andrewInHisName: This was my 3-screen wallpaper for a while: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ahotw/4632293571/14:49
PennBotTitle: Mt Tammany | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (at www.flickr.com)14:49
andrewThere's also this one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ahotw/4632292769/14:49
PennBotTitle: Sunfish Lake | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (at www.flickr.com)14:49
InHisNameI like the first one better, but 2nd is pretty nice too.14:50
andrewInHisName: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ahotw/tags/panorama/14:50
PennBotTitle: Flickr: ahotw's stuff tagged with panorama (at www.flickr.com)14:50
andrewInHisName: a few more there ^14:52
InHisNamethe snowy one has some character but doesn't trim well to rectangle.   I still like st one best so far....14:53
andrewsnowy one?14:54
InHisNameNo snow just jagged white space below rocks.14:55
InHisNameCould be,  I used to hang out around there 35 years ago cave exploring alot.14:56
andrewThose photos have names14:57
andrewone says "seneca"14:57
InHisNameSo I see now14:57
andrewI'll most likely have a chance to redo that photo this summer14:57
InHisNameIf you catch a blue sky day, I may want a copy too.14:58
andrewI'm planning on spending a few days in the area, so we'll see14:59
andrewMy brother is Interning a few miles away this summer14:59
InHisNameWell maybe do it on a cloudy day for comparison.  Greens maybe lots better on cloudy days.15:00
InHisNameI found the rainy wet miseralble biking camping days had the most gorgeous greens ever, If I could remember to lift my head up and look now and then.15:01
andrewI've tagged a few more photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ahotw/tags/panorama/15:02
andrewand I've got a couple here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ahotw/tags/stereographicprojection/15:03
ChinnoDoglamalex: so how did it go?16:26
lamalexi got home around 4:3016:26
ssweenynow we don't get to hear16:44
andrewoh well16:52
InHisName1test box graphic back working...    system>preferences>monitors shows "unknown" for monitor name.    HOW To fix ?17:55
InHisName1It used to work in earlier version, now its 10.1017:56
InHisName1trying something ....    reboot ...18:15
InHisNameGrr, disk drive check18:18
togglesahh yeah, gnome shell.. thank $deity18:19
InHisName1last item: needed an xorg.conf to force monitor recognition18:35
InHisNameWish me luck,  I started down the path of upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 on the test box.19:14
togglesInHisName: good luck...  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/64818019:43
PennBotTitle: Bug #648180 in unity (Ubuntu): “Unity is not an adequate replacement for Gnome2 (and sucks a little bit less then it used to)” (at bugs.launchpad.net)19:43
jedijfall those kind of reports are invalid until trying for like 6 weeks....humans hate change...try it a bit, realize what it said on the wiki, that they just wanted to get it out there with some 'best choice' defaults...19:46
ssweenyyeah i'm using both gnome 3 an unity (on diff machines) and both have taken a lot of getting used to19:47
jedijfand let's see what happens19:47
jedijffirst night i couldn't stand the up/down workplaces....i've mellowed19:47
jedijfwhen my 82 year old buddy said he's kinda liking it, after initial 'i hate it', it gave me hope19:48
jedijfand honestly...i am being more temperant because of team members and their work lamalex++ ssweeny soon.....19:50
jedijfnow, it's personal19:50
* ssweeny will not be on the DX team, but some stuff i do may end up in ubu eventually19:50
jedijfi'll buy the watch or the toaster ;)19:51
jedijfor the MarkPad19:53
ChinnoDogSo is there a place to buy an eCAFE Slim HD yet?20:05
JonathanDI've been seeing a lot of unity bashing. It's unfamiliar, but on my test box I don't find it that bad...20:43
andrewI've started to learn to bend it to my needs20:44
ssweenygenerally you're going to hear mostly from people who are having problems20:44
ssweenythe people for whom it works have less incentive to talk about it20:44
JonathanDAlso this isn't an upgrade, for me, this is a clean install on a clean box.20:44
andrewSo, I think I'm going to awaken my blog with a post about what changes I made to overcome my problems20:44
JonathanDI'm carrying my T41 as a spare now, so I might install it on that next20:45
JonathanDif the video card is up for it.20:45
ssweenyunity-2d is actually pretty slick20:47
ssweenyit's good for non-3d-enabled hardware20:47
JonathanD(no more dual booting, I'll just carry two laptops. Now thats progress ;) )20:47
jedijfJonathanD: llavins installed on t4120:52
JonathanDIt's got an ATI something or other.20:53
jedijfandrew: a blog post on how you resolved issues during a transition would be great20:53
JonathanDI do think the app finding is a little awkward.20:54
JonathanDI like tree-ing menus.20:54
jedijfandrew: prolly good idea to follow all the admistriva channels; especially for this issue20:54
JonathanDfigures I just got the 41 setup nicely though.20:55
JonathanDI should have waited :P20:55
jedijfJonathanD: wait for andrew's post...and then gnome-do will make you love it20:55
* jedijf applies pressure20:56
andrewjedijf: You can tree, to an extent20:57
JonathanDI'll install windows ME in the meantime while I'm waiting for andrew's blog post.20:57
JonathanDjedijf: is that suitable pressure?20:57
andrewJonathanD: no, install slackware20:57
andrewso far, all my tweeks have been fairly standard settings, nothing that includes scary anti-ubuntu stuff20:59
andrew("What? wget and run this script from the intrawebs? OKAY!!!")21:00
andrewjedijf: http://www.ahotw.com/2011/05/03/ubuntu-11-04-tweaks-and-hints/21:57
JonathanD"padre" doesn't appear to work for me on 11.0421:59
JonathanDeh, known bug too22:02
PennBotTitle: [ubuntu] Padre won't start after distro upgrade (lib missing?) - Ubuntu Forums (at ubuntuforums.org)22:02

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