
Shadow__Xoh boy02:07
Shadow__Xjdong beat them to the punch what 2 years ago?02:07
=== zenrox_ is now known as zenrox
jdongShadow__X: they did do it better, but I wish I published a paper :)06:52
kim0Hi folks 11:41
s-foxHello kim0 11:45
s-foxHow're you ? 11:45
kim0s-fox: hey :)11:47
kim0I have a quick question11:47
kim0Someone had posted a few days back 11:47
kim0a port on the forums regarding an openstack book11:47
kim0and the forums admins considered this spam or something and blocked him11:48
kim0actually that guy, had written the post working with ubuntu and donated all the text to live on the ubuntu wiki ..etc11:48
kim0it's all CC licensed text11:48
kim0thus IMO there's nothing spammy about it11:48
kim0can we unblock him ?11:48
s-foxusername? thread? 11:50
kim0s-fox: I think the thread was http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174240211:51
kim0which is now blocked11:51
kim0the guy's name is Murthy raju .. not sure of the username11:51
s-foxThat link is incorrect.  If the user wishes to protest the action of the moderation staff then a thread should be started in the resolution center - http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=12311:54
kim0s-fox: but he's already blocked .. he'll still be able to post there ?11:56
kim0s-fox: please confirm, if so I'll direct him there .. Thanks a lot for the help12:01
kim0s-fox: I think the username is   murthyraju.manthena12:02
s-foxkim0,  No he will not be able to.  I will speak with the administrators when I see one next.12:04
kim0s-fox: great thanks .. I'll remain here if anything is needed please ping me .. Thanks12:04
s-foxI have located the threads btw kim0, just to let you know.12:06
kim0s-fox: great thanks12:07
s-foxkim0,  I have sent a query to the administrators. I am awaiting response.  I can do no more until a reply is received.12:17
s-foxOh yay, I'm the only mod online.  LMAO.12:17
kim0s-fox: thanks man .. again ping me if anything is needed12:25
messin20cant launch software center in natty 11.04 help17:38
kim0messin20: ask in #ubuntu17:46
rsleventhal_am I in the right place to talk about a Natty curiosity?20:03
zenroxya you can20:36
Shadow__Xjdong: sure but you did it to amuse yourself and i am sure you did not spend as much time on it as they did20:36
=== pankaj is now known as pankaj_sharma

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