
psypher246hello all, is anyone here?07:26
mandelmorning all!08:21
psypher246morning mandel09:11
mandelpsypher246: good morning!09:11
mandelpsypher246: did you have any luck with what you wanted to achieve?09:11
psypher246mandel: so that backup I did yesterday, didn't work, my pc did a local rescan, deleted EVEYTHING from the cloud and now wants to re-upload 25GB :/ this is not good09:11
mandelpsypher246: oh dammed!!!09:13
mandelpsypher246: can you let me know the steps you followed? It would be nice to have a wiki or something with it so that other users don't have that problem09:13
mandeloh, and sorry :(09:13
psypher246yeah. so whats the chances of rolling back the data on the cloud and migrating my original backup folder over again as if I just moved my home partition, surely there is a missing file or copy method that must be sued so that the client does not think everything is new?09:14
mandelpsypher246: hm, let me ask to the server guys to see if a roll back of your cloud data is possible09:14
psypher246cos if i moved my home partion this would not be an issue, what whats diffrent between my old install and the new install09:14
psypher246sequence was like this:09:15
mandelpsypher246: indeed, we must have done something wrong09:15
psypher246log in to new pc's ubuntuone09:15
mandelpsypher246: FYI, I've asked in the canonical private irc for a server side guy to help09:15
psypher246disconnect using u1sdtool -d and stop using u1sdtool -d, started copying ~/.local/share/ubuntuone and ~/Ubuntu\ One using rsync -ar, during that time the cliejnt started up byitself and suddenly started sycning some of the files I will busy copying. I think this mistake has caused all of this09:18
mandelpsypher246: yes, it looks like you are right, the client should have not started, there might be a bug….09:19
psypher246after that i deleted my key in seahorse, removed the ubuntuone and Ubuntu one folder and staretd the copy again. after it finished i logged into ubuntuone again and then is started with the rescan09:19
psypher246left it to rescan as per guys suggestion on here, took all night, but this morning I checked and all the files have been deleted09:20
mandelpsypher246: you do have the local backup right?09:21
mandelI mean just to be on the save side here09:21
psypher246yes I still have the original copy on my old drive, i have not logged into it since i started tjhis priocess09:21
psypher246will keep it safe09:21
mandelpsypher246: cool! that is good news09:21
mandelpsypher246: lets do the following, I have tried already to contact someone from the server side, but nevertheless it would be nice to have this as a private bug that only canonical employees can see09:22
psypher246i will log it09:22
mandelpsypher246: we should explain your problem and what you wanted to achieve (ie: do not re-download) and the steps you followed09:23
psypher246log it under : ubuntuone-client09:24
mandelpsypher246: also add you accounts email (NO password!!!)09:24
mandelpsypher246: that way, we will know who to try to roll back the data09:24
mandelpsypher246: were are you, in terms of time zone/country?09:25
psypher246MR Shuttleworth's home town :) Cape Town, South Africa gmt +209:26
mandelpsypher246: hehe ok, I'm just had a chat with the other canonical people and apparently we think we can revert your problem manually so that you do not have to re-upload everyhing, but we are not 100% because we work in other areas09:27
psypher246ok cool09:28
mandelpsypher246: so, once you have the bug, assign it to me (mandel in lp)09:28
psypher246so must i log under ubuntuone-client09:28
mandelpsypher246: yes, ubuntuone-client we will move it if necessary :)09:29
mandelpsypher246: as soon as the people from the American side get back to work I'll have a chat with them and will try to solve the problem asap09:30
mandelpsypher246: if you are not around, we will replay to the problem in the bug comments09:30
psypher246ok cool, thanks09:30
mandelpsypher246: one question, what plan do you have in u1? and is the upload of the client to slow for you? or is it more a problem of bandwidth09:33
mandelor patience ;)09:33
psypher246I have a 40GB and the mobile account. Well 2 things really, one this should just work, it should not be a requirement to have to redownload your data no matter how big it is. Secondly, bandwidth is a pricey commodity in my country, even if I had unlimited bandwidth it would take a couple of days to re-upload this data, and then have it re-download 25GB down again to my other computers. Not really feasible with such a large amount of data09:38
mandelpsypher246: ok, cool, I just wanted for info so I could push the right buttons for the server side guys, you know is better to have a good argument of why not uploading :)09:41
psypher246yeah true09:41
mandelpsypher246: nevetheless I do agree with you, there should be a nice way to migrate for one hd of machine to another in a lan09:41
mandelit would be a nice feature to have09:41
psypher246offline lan sycning , like dropbox can do,is really a sorely required feature IMO09:41
mandelhence the bug :)09:41
mandelpsypher246: we have uds soon and we are planning things, I will bring it up to see how hard it would be09:42
psypher246yeah i have been requesting it for a while, as I always have so much data, when i add new pc's it's always a pain, if it could detect local lan ubuntuone clients and instead sync the data locally and then confirm online thn i would be very happy09:43
mandelpsypher246: do you know if there is a wishlist item for this in lp:ubuntuone-client?09:43
psypher246i am not sure, but i have been told: we are looking at this09:44
mandelpsypher246: oh, have you? I will poke around people to find out09:44
mandelafter UDS I will give you a decent update :)09:45
psypher246ok cool09:45
mandelpsypher246: did you add the bug about your problem? may I have the bug number?09:47
psypher246still typing :)09:47
mandelhehehe ok09:47
JamesTaitGood morning, people!09:52
faganmandel: so I hear you need some merges reviewed09:58
mandelfagan: yes, let me find them for you10:02
mandelfagan: this is the first one of them: pass_main_to_ipc_root10:08
mandelI had a copy/paste fail :P10:08
faganill get onto it10:09
faganmandel: how many do you have?10:09
mandelfagan: atm, only 2, I'm looking to get you the second one (I had to propose it)10:12
mandelfagan: but I wil probably get a third one fairly soon10:12
mandelfagan: the second one is this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/provide_credentials_management/+merge/5974310:12
fagancool that shouldnt take that long to review and then I can pop away and pay my landlord10:13
mandelthat is always a good thing to do ;)10:14
faganmandel: yeah its a shame I dont do it often :D10:16
psypher246mandel: the bug nr is 77622110:17
psypher246not sure how to assign to you?10:17
mandelpsypher246: I can do that, no worries10:18
psypher246cool thanks10:20
faganmandel: Hate to say it but for the second branch the tests dont work10:51
faganmy bet is you are using something from a different test module again10:52
mandelfagan: you do not have ubuntu_sso installed in your system and it cannot find it10:53
mandelfagan: get lp:ubuntu-sso-client and do a python setup.py install10:53
* fagan forgot about that 10:54
faganIve been testing it but never installed it :D10:54
faganmy bad10:55
faganmandel: where is clientdefs?10:56
faganooooh I remember10:57
faganyou forgot to move it again10:57
faganwell it has to be moved I mean10:57
faganok tests pass10:59
mandelfagan: yes, if you manually execute a subset of tests you have to do that manually with runtests is automatic11:01
fagananyway done with those two things ill be off for a little while and you should have another branch ready for me when I get back11:02
* fagan -> errands11:02
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
fagan:/ payroll didnt come in yet11:30
* fagan back11:30
duanedesignmorning all11:47
karnihi everyone12:02
duanedesignit's karni!12:04
karniit's duanedesign! =D12:04
karnigood day12:04
duanedesigngood daya friend12:04
karniI was hacking till 2AM yesterday! Man that was crazy12:04
karniContext menus mainly12:05
fagankarni: nice12:05
fagandid you get good work done12:05
karniyo fagan!12:05
karnifagan: yes, I've certainly have good progress12:06
faganim going to do some bug reports unless there is something better for me to do12:06
karniwe've got separation between meta and content, so users can browse files whilst they are (in non-blocking way) download files (or also uploading, but REST API is missing this yet)12:06
fagankarni: and thats big :)12:06
karniI've got national holiday, but I'll just have a hop on Eclipse for a while12:07
fagankarni: I had one yesterday but wanted to work a bit12:07
karniThere's some work left, but finally I'm up on speed when I have something to work with stable! (REST API)12:07
faganand today im tired so its kinda funny I was well up for work when I wasnt supposed to be and today im tired and am supposed to work12:08
karnifagan: xD12:08
fagantoo much fifa and halo12:08
karniI've stopped playing games like 5 years ago (excluding GTA IV which I did play a few times, I like it :) )12:09
karnior 6 maybe12:09
faganI cant wait for LA noire :)12:10
karnibasically, in high school. I was way to interested in algorithms and started competeing in Polish Olympiad12:10
karni*in Informatics12:10
fagankarni: yeah I was interested in Girls and not working12:11
karnifagan: I was interested in programming xD I sometimes look down on myself in that perspective :P12:11
fagankarni: hah12:12
karniduanedesign: if you happen to spot the guy from yesterday who wanted to copy 35GB (25GB?) to the other computer to ~/Ubuntu One, ping me please :)12:18
karniduanedesign: unless you remember his hick so I would setup a hilight12:19
mandelkarni: dont bit yourself up, I started with 8 and using tapes :P thankfully I found rugby which is a good sport for my size and bitter personality :)12:20
mandelkarni: he ahd some problems and filled a bug, let me find it for you12:20
mandelis bug #77622112:20
ubot4`Launchpad bug 776221 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "backup/move of ubuntuone folders failed and deleted all cloud data (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77622112:20
karnimandel: syncdaemon was issuing unlinks12:20
karnioh cool, thanks12:21
mandelkarni: yes, I think is a bug or at least a path we have to watch out for, If you sopt the server people before I do, can you ask them if there is anything they could do12:21
karnimandel: what did you mean by 8 and tapes? I didn't catch that12:21
mandelkarni: programming, I started when I was 8 and I had to use tapes to store the programs :)12:22
karnimandel: O_O!!! awesome12:22
mandeland a pencil to rewind them hehe12:22
karnimandel: freakin awesome12:22
karnimandel: I did play games from tapes when I was a kid12:22
karnimandel: and I did see a program on perforated paper, but never programmed that way12:23
karnimandel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ/SettingUpAnExistingAccount12:23
mandelkarni: so I guess you know the pain hahaha it was good cause you could start the tape, get a chocolate cup and get back and you would not miss a thing12:23
mandelkarni: ouch! so we told him to do the wrong thing...12:24
mandelperfect time to walk the dog and hide hehe12:24
* mandel walks dog12:24
karnioh man... this sucks12:25
karni"This morning when I checked my files on the cloud server all the data had been deleted and my pc had started re-uploading my 25GB's worth of data."12:25
karnimandel: yeah, it was my fault12:25
mandelkarni: no ones fault, we can get his data back, just try to contact beuno or jdo or one of those gurus12:26
mandelneed to go, bbl12:26
karnimandel: I think rye is good at undeletions12:26
karnimandel: ok!12:26
duanedesignkarni: The users name was psypher24612:30
karniduanedesign: yup, commenting on his bug report. thanks12:30
* karni added hilight12:30
duanedesignkarni: looks like mandel already talked with him this morning12:31
karniduanedesign: ah.. I was disconnected :<12:32
karniwell, I'm apologizing in my own name then :P12:32
karniduanedesign: you know the undelete link for web ui of files?12:32
karnipsypher246: hey man, I was just commenting on your bug report12:33
karnipsypher246: all right, apology sent. yes, we do have an undelete option. I just don't remember the link, let me look around.12:34
karnipsypher246: by the way, why the heck I was so sure you did disconnect the syncdaemon. I didn't expect that bastard to connect on it's own and delete all your data...12:35
psypher246mandel: hi mandel, ok thanks12:35
psypher246well i have to admit i have seen this behaviour a few times, you disconnect and stop tbhe deamon, but it alwasy statrt up by itself again12:35
karnipsypher246: I believe the real way to kill it is to remove the tokens. I will ping the syncdaemon guys about this.12:36
psypher246karni: i think the last we spoke was to let is connect and run and see what happens, we didn't know what to do further anyway12:36
karniYou shouldn't have to delete tokens to shut the syncdaemon.12:36
psypher246hey it's not so much of an issue, none of my data is gone, but yeah I don't mind working with you guys to solve this, for future people12:37
karnipsypher246: ah. I did remember the talk went silent. I wanted to make a local rescan, connect and see if it wasn't deleting more of your files :( (and disconnect)12:37
karnipsypher246: thanks!12:37
* karni looks for the link12:37
psypher246i would prefer not to have to upload again and know how to properly move data like this in future12:37
psypher246karni: we did the rescan and then on startup all i got was unlinks again but at the time nothing wasbeing deleted so i left it12:38
psypher246karni: was "hoping" that it just did a scqan, saw all was ok and be done, guess not :)12:38
karnipsypher246: :(12:39
karnipsypher246: all right. I don't have the link handy. as soon as I'll see ry-e around, I ask for the link to undelete your content in the cloud. I'm sure it will have the same metadata, the only question is how to safely "connect" new computer (secondary one). Probably we'll have to remove the metadata I told you to copy and let it make a local rescan on it's own.12:40
karnipsypher246: So, I'll keep my eyes open for suitable people on IRC12:40
psypher246ok cool12:40
psypher246thanks dude12:40
karnipsypher246: no problem. I'm cleaning up the mess I did ;)12:42
psypher246no worries12:43
psypher246shit happens12:43
psypher246i'm curious, are there many customers that have more than 10/20GB of data?12:44
* fagan takes a proper break not really being productive at the moment12:44
karnipsypher246: I'm not authorized to answer that question. But I'm pretty sure that there recently was (or will very soon be) a blog post how many users we have :)12:46
karnibrb guys, gotta switch for a short while onto the second laptop12:46
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
psypher246karni: I saw that article you mentioned but it did not seems to relate to my issue, from the way it's written it seems that if you are backing up stuff do not copy that directory else your empty Ubuntu\ one folder will cause it all to delete, since I didn't have an empty Ubuntu\ one folder it made sense to copy it and the .local/share/ubuntuone folder13:10
karnipsypher246: right. that is why I have e-mailed Joshua with your problem and I hope to get some answers as well13:12
psypher246karni: ok cool, thanks a lot13:12
karnipsypher246: no problem at all13:12
* karni @ lunch13:12
faganmorning ralsina13:30
ralsinahi fagan13:30
ralsinaI am only going tobe here about 45 minutes because I have to leave for the airport and related things (like buying meds and stuff)13:30
ralsinamandel: ping?13:30
faganralsina: cool13:30
nessitahello everyone!13:42
fagannessita: hello13:42
nessitahi fagan13:45
dobeynessita: my hovercraft is full of eels!13:46
nessitadobey: I'm all jetlagged, so if that was a joke, I didn't get it :-)13:46
* nessita is in Madrid right now13:46
faganooooh im going to look down the list of blueprints and see what ill like to chime in on13:47
dobeyoh, madrid is not budapest13:51
dobeynevermind then13:51
* fagan images someone going to the wrong country 13:51
mandelralsina: pong13:52
mandelsorry I was out with the dog13:52
ralsinano problem13:52
ralsinaI am leaving in a few minutes13:52
ralsinagot my message about the italians?13:52
nessitahi ralsina!13:53
ralsinahi nessita! In Madrid?13:53
nessitadobey: I'm traveling to budapest tomorrow13:53
nessitaralsina: yeap, absolutely sleepy, but safe :-)13:53
ralsinanessita: cool13:53
mandelnessita: tell then t take you out to malasaña, a pub called la via lactea13:53
mandelralsina: no, what with the italians?13:54
mandelwas it a mail?13:54
ralsinamandel: I need a two-line description of the task for them13:54
ralsinathe IPC using named pipes one13:54
mandelralsina: like that? two lines?13:55
mandelralsina: to your mail?13:55
ralsinayes two lines, to my mail13:55
mandelok, doing it right now13:55
ralsinaThe text is: 'blabla will deliver...' and your description13:55
mandelralsina: no need to give hints or anything like that, right?13:59
ralsinanah, you do that in person later13:59
mandelralsina: ok, sent, feel free to remove any garbage14:01
ralsinamandel: thanks14:04
mandelralsina: np, tell me if it is good enough14:04
thisfredDONE: UDS prep TODO: UDS prep, whatever else anyone throws my way BLOCKED: no OOOK: mandel14:04
nessitahi alecu14:04
mandelDONE: Implemented the creds management on windows for sd. Modified bin to launch sd on windows.14:04
mandelTODO: Fix some bugs with the above implementation. Bundle it and release initial version with no ui (where do I place this monster?)14:04
mandelBLOCKED: no.14:04
mandelI dont know who is next :(14:04
dobeyλ DONE: started looking at bug #566292 and bug #746592 again14:05
dobeyλ TODO: finish aforementioned bugs14:05
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:05
ubot4`Launchpad bug 566292 in ubuntuone-music-store "Show fewer pages at a time on the My Downloads page (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56629214:05
ubot4`Launchpad bug 746592 in libubuntuone (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Many songs in My Downloads can block UI (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74659214:05
nessitaDONE: traveling TODO: sleep, catch up with email BLOCKED: no NEXT: alecu14:05
alecuDONE: played with lenses, lots of reading14:06
alecuTODO: not much14:06
alecuBLOCKED: no14:06
alecunessita, already in budapest? is it nice?14:07
nessitaalecu: I'm in Madrid, tomorrow I'll be traveling to budapest14:07
nessitaalecu: I had gnoquis for breakfast! I'm confused :-P14:09
alecunessita, ñoquis en madrís? that's weird. I would have expected sanguche de tortilla!14:10
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
alecufrom the UDS-O wiki: *Laundry*: Paid for. Please contact the hotel reception to arrange that.14:11
nessitaalecu: greeeeat! though I would have use dthat info *before* packing14:12
alecunessita, it was added today (I'm suscribed to the wiki changes)14:13
mandelnessita: that is weird, as a spaniard that has lived in Madrid 20 year I cannot believe you, are you sure they were  ñoquis?14:16
nessitamandel: yeah, my friend cooked them14:16
mandelque raro :P14:17
mandelnessita: I'd would have gone for churros from 'el brillante'14:17
nessitamandel: where is that? remember my friend is argentinian14:18
mandelnessita: the one I know is in quevedo, let me get you a map14:19
faganoooh crap sorry me14:19
mandelnessita: here: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/spain/madrid/restaurants/snacks-tapas/el-brillante14:19
mandelnessita: is close where I used to live, but I dont know if they serve food you like :(14:20
fagan* did 2 merge requests from mandel14:21
fagan* Looked down through some blueprints for u1 and subbed the ones I like14:21
fagan* do UOW talk14:21
fagan* do notes on blueprints14:21
fagan* nope14:21
faganwas talking with my housemate for a minute and forgot about standup14:21
ralsinaok, bye people, gotta pack and stuff.14:22
mandelnessita: also, around that area, there are really nice pubs, very madrileños, metro tribunal, and the street is called Manuel de Malasaña, on the way to 'el 2 de mayo' is where pedro almodovar used to go out14:22
mandelwhen he was in the group, magnamara14:22
ralsinamandel: a quick private talk?14:22
* mandel feels old 14:23
joshuahoovermandel: you pinged?14:24
nessitamandel: I'll pass the advice, though I plan to sleep tonight :-D14:24
mandeljoshuahoover: yep, can you give a hand with this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/77622114:24
ubot4`Launchpad bug 776221 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "backup/move of ubuntuone folders failed and deleted all cloud data (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]14:24
joshuahoovermandel: ummm...who told the guy to move over his ~/.local/share/ubuntuone folder???!!!14:25
mandeljoshuahoover: you can blame me… I was there but I cannot recall14:26
joshuahoovermandel: heh14:26
joshuahoovermandel: fyi...never, ever do that14:26
joshuahoovermandel: or it will do what it did to this user14:26
mandeljoshuahoover: yes there is a reason why I should not deal with the users....14:27
joshuahoovermandel: heh14:27
psypher246is ok :)14:27
mandeljoshuahoover: psypher246 is the poor user :)14:27
joshuahooverpsypher246: sorry about that14:27
psypher246so u think that if i rcover the files on the server and JUST copy Ubuntu\ One over everything will be ok?14:28
joshuahooverpsypher246: i can recover your files in your ~/Ubuntu One folder14:28
joshuahooverpsypher246: did you have other folders synced with u1?14:29
joshuahooverpsypher246: phew! good!14:29
* mandel dances in happiness 14:29
joshuahooverpsypher246: because i don't have a good way to recover other folders right now14:29
psypher246i am still nervous about those other folders, o i symlink everything14:29
joshuahooverpsypher246: i'm looking up your account now so i can run the job to recover deleted files...one moment :)14:30
psypher246i always find new an interesting ways to break ubuntu one :)14:30
joshuahooverpsypher246: is your computer connected to u1 right now?14:34
joshuahooverpsypher246: k, good14:34
joshuahooverpsypher246: i'm trying to see why the job to recover deleted files is erroring out right now on your account14:34
psypher246joshuahoover: so am i correct in understanding, as per this article (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ/SettingUpAnExistingAccount) that if i was to just copy my Ubuntu\ One folder over as is and nothing else and just link up my account for the 1st time, u1 will see nothing has changed and just be ok?14:39
joshuahooverpsypher246: that's the idea :)14:39
psypher246ok, cos i saw that article before but i was confused as it wasn't clear if this was to restore all data with or without having to download the stuff from the cloud again. might be an idea to just mention that you just have to copy the Ubuntu\ One folder and perhaps a good rsync command which will preserve permissions and data stamps14:43
thisfredpsypher246: I use 'rsync -avz --delete host1:/path/dir1/ host2:/path/dir2' which I think preserves everything14:49
thisfrednote the slash after dir1 and the absence of one after dir214:50
psypher246yeah that is what i used usually14:50
psypher246i add r as well14:50
psypher246i find sometimes it does not copy recursively with just a14:50
psypher246so i do rsync -arzv14:50
psypher246yeah that little missing slash at the end is key huh14:51
thisfredhm, it does for me, but maybe not some special cases. I use this to back up my music collection, so I don't care about dot files etc.14:51
psypher246ok, yeah i think it might have something to do with .14:51
faganI really need to do a post about what I learned so far15:13
jamiiI run into this error: WARNING:root:Pid file does not contain int: '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'15:18
jamiiI found some other reports on the ubuntu forums but no solutions other than reinstalling ubuntu15:19
faganjamii: where are you getting this error?15:20
jamiiI've already tried purging ubuntuone*, desktopcouch, couchdb-bin. Deleted desktopcouch and ubuntuone folders in .config and .local/share. Killed all running beam vms and ubuntuone processes. Reinstalled everything and still get the error.15:20
faganCan you give steps to reproduce it?15:20
jamiifagan: Repeatedly, on running ubuntuone-preferences15:20
dobeythat is certainly odd15:21
jamiiAs far as I can tell - just running ubuntuone-preferences. I had the same bug last year and gave up on it. I suspect there is a broken pid file hiding somewhere from last year, hence all the purging15:21
faganjamii: well the good news is you can install the Ubuntu one ppa and get the control panel instead and that will make it work for you15:22
dobeyjamii: is there a pid file in ~/.cache/desktop-couch/ ?15:22
jamiidobey: yes15:22
dobeyjamii: remove it :)15:23
jamiiDeleted it and now get15:23
jamiiWARNING:root:Pid file does not contain int: '\n\n'15:23
jamiiApache CouchDB has started, time to relax.15:23
jamiiWARNING:root:Pid file does not contain int: '\n\n\n'15:23
jamiiwhich is progress, i guess15:23
dobeyjamii: what version of ubuntu are you on?15:23
dobeyjamii: interesting. and you have all the updates installed, yes?15:24
jamiiah, i think i found something15:24
jamiijamie@alien:~$ cat .cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.stderr15:25
jamiieval: 1: /usr/bin/erl: not found15:25
dobeyoh that is odd15:25
jamiii have a source install in /usr/local/bin (because ubuntu ships erlang without debugging symbnols ...)15:25
dobeyit sounds like maybe you need to do an "apt-get -f install"15:25
dobeythis seems to be the cause of your problems, as couchdb apparently expects it in /usr/bin, and you broke the packages :)15:26
faganok so when dobey is finished debugging with you to fix it you can install the newer version of Ubuntu one by running (without quotes in terminal) "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuone/nightlies;sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade;sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-control-panel"15:26
dobeyfagan: please do not keep telling people to do that15:27
fagandobey: why15:27
jamiiok, i just softlinked it and it seems to have fixed it15:27
faganthats cool15:27
dobeyfagan: because nightlies is an unstable PPA which updates quite often, and it is not a means to fix any problems necessarily15:28
fagandobey: ah ok why did we stop doing the other ppas anyway for the stable series and all that15:28
dobeyfor instance, it would have solved nothing in this case, but may have introduced more problems15:28
fagandobey: yep point taken I wont do it anymore15:29
dobeyfagan: because they aren't automated, or easily automatable, and i haven't had time to keep updating them while doing a million other super urgent things all the time15:29
fagandobey: true15:29
dobeyalso, we can't just throw everything in stable/beta15:29
dobeynot especially15:30
fagandobey: well its interesting to me since I didnt really think of it that way15:31
jamiithe failure when the password changes is not very user friendly15:31
jamiiServerError: (401, '')15:32
dobeyjamii: i don't know what you're doing exactly, but that is what you get from a web server when authentication is required or failed.15:33
jamiidobey: running ubuntuone-preferences. i assumed that the password is wrong but deleting it from the keychain and signing in again didnt help15:34
jamiiwant the full trace?15:34
dobeythat is an error from desktopcouch, not ubuntuone-preferences15:34
dobeyprobably because you deleted .local/share/desktop-couch and .config/desktop-couch15:35
dobeyjamii: remove the "Desktopcouch" entries from your keyring also15:35
jamiiI did that before reinstalling desktopcouch. Ill try removing the keyring entries15:35
jamiiheres the full error https://gist.github.com/95344015:38
jamiiI can see futon just fine.15:40
dobeyright. you removed the keyring entries and restarted ubuntuone-preferences and it still fails?15:42
jamiiYep. My desktopcouch doesn't have any users in the users table (just the _auth design doc). Is that normal?15:43
dobeyi think so15:45
dobeyand you have no data stored in it i presume, given the previous pid failures?15:45
jamiinothing at all except for the _auth design doc in the users table15:46
dobeyjamii: ok, let's do this then; shut down all the u1 and desktopcouch services, remove all the desktopcouch entries from the keyring if there are any new ones, rm -rf ~/.cache/desktop-couch ~/.config/desktop-couch ~/.local/share/desktop-couch; then start ubuntuone-preferences again15:49
dobeymandel: ping. you will definiately want to RT my last twit15:50
mandeldobey: yes, I saw it, great one! as I said, you just got a drink of me for that15:51
jamiidobey: sorry, still the same error15:51
dobeyjamii: you did make sure that couchdb/beam.smp/etc... were all stopped too?15:52
jamiiyep, pkill couch; pkill beam; pkill ubuntuone and then scanned through the process list to make sure i got them all15:52
mandeldobey: I have to admit I did retweet it, but for me the how said it is irrelevant, the sentence stands, I would have prefer to get the guy alive and place him in a TSA screening for the rest of his life15:53
dobeyjamii: that is very odd :-/15:54
jamiidobey: https://gist.github.com/95347215:54
dobeythisfred, CardinalFang_: ping. do you think you guys might be able to help jamil a bit more with is desktopcouch authentication issue?15:54
* thisfred reads backlog15:55
* CardinalFang_ looks.15:56
CardinalFang_jamii, is there 'desktopcouch-service' running?  Stop that too.16:00
jamiiCardinalFang_: No. It would have been killed by pkill couch anyway16:02
CardinalFang_Would it?  Eww.16:03
* CardinalFang_ considers 'pkill -9 e' .16:03
jamiiyeah, ive made a rule of never running pkill on a production server16:04
jamiikillall is better behaved16:04
karnipfibiger: anything new on your problem solution?16:06
pfibigeri don't know what problem you're talking about.16:07
karnipfibiger: tab fail, sorry!16:07
karnipsypher246: ↑16:07
dobeyjamii: you really don't want to run killall on a solaris server :)16:09
dobeyanyway, ok, time for me to get some lunch16:09
CardinalFang_jamii, okay, so first, let's kill beam again, edit ~/.config/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.ini  and set   log level=debug16:10
CardinalFang_jamii, then, when you get an HTTP 401, paste  ~/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.log.116:10
psypher246karni: no, joshua is still looking into it16:11
karnipsypher246: okey16:12
jamiiCardinalFang_: ^^16:12
jamiiCardinalFang: Any luck?16:27
jamiiCardinalFang_: Any luck?16:27
CardinalFang_jamii,  $ grep JOpUdzHVaJ ~/.config/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.ini16:28
jamiiJOpUdzHVaJ = lPphSmQnCW16:29
CardinalFang_jamii,  $ apt-cache policy couchdb-bin16:31
jamiijamie@alien:~$ apt-cache policy couchdb-bin16:31
jamii  Installed: 1.0.1-0ubuntu316:31
jamii  Candidate: 1.0.1-0ubuntu316:31
jamii  Version table:16:31
jamii *** 1.0.1-0ubuntu3 016:31
jamii        500 http://hk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main amd64 Packages16:31
jamii        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status16:32
CardinalFang_jamii, so strange!  Okay.  Now please paste ~/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.stdout.1 from the start16:36
jamiiCardinalFang_, https://gist.github.com/95355816:37
lore20i have a problem with the web contacts manager16:44
lore20i can't void  (set to blank) any field16:44
lore20if i erase the content of a field (middle name) and then i save, i still have the old middle name16:45
CardinalFang_jamii, what are the chances that your erlang you installed earlier from source broke something?    $ sudo apt-get install --reinstall couchdb-bin16:48
thisfredCardinalFang_: jamii: since you installed a couchdb version from source, could it be that that version was > than what's in maverick? In that case it could well be that the version in maverick can no longer read the databases after downgrading16:49
thisfredah erlang, not couch16:49
jamiithisfred: not couchdb, just erlang16:49
jamiithisfred: because the ubuntu erlang doesnt have debug symbols16:50
thisfredstill, that's my suspicion16:50
jamiiso you can't build a dialyzer plt with it16:50
jamiithisfred: i can reinstall the ubuntu erlang if it might help. still, I'm suspicious that it would break the auth16:51
jamiiCardinalFang_, same error. I'm going to try installing erlang from ubuntu again16:51
thisfredjamii: well, if it was the same version but with debug symbols, probably not. If it was a newer version than what's in ubuntu, it's very possible, I know there were incompatibilities between 13 and 1416:52
jamiithisfred: fair enough16:55
jamiiAnyway, while I wait for erlang to install, this is the reason I originally came here: https://tbe.taleo.net/NA3/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=23016:55
thisfredjamii did you send a letter? :)16:57
jamiithisfred: planning to. i wanted to try out ubuntuone first and then ran into problems...16:58
thisfredah, right16:58
thisfredjamii: do you have a lot of erlang experience? (Just interested, I am not in charge of hiring at all ;)16:59
thisfredthough if you do, I'd definitely mention it in the application16:59
jamiithisfred: yep, python and couchdb too17:00
faganAn hour till my UOW talk can I get some of you guys in chat helping out with it?17:03
faganim looking at most of the team here :D17:03
fagan(like not actively participating but there is there is something that I cant answer)17:04
mandelfagan: sure, I'll be there17:07
mandelfagan: but ping me or I'll forget17:07
faganmandel: nice17:07
mandelfagan: I might not be able to be there long, but I'll try17:07
faganmandel: well i should be able to answer a few questions on the windows client if they dont go too deep on it :)17:08
mandelfagan: if the ask about using it on wine, tell them not to be stupid17:08
faganmandel: but you know that the ubuntu one windows client will be so awesome that they would want to use it on linux too17:09
faganweird question is there anything an external developer can use to push a folder to u1?17:22
faganlike an API or whatever17:22
faganI havent looked at any of that and the idea came up on ayatana because of a blueprint I have at the last UDS17:23
dobeyuhm, depending on what you mean, yes17:23
fagandobey: I mean like can a developer go import u1filesync and then just give a path to a folder or do a dbus call or something17:23
dobeyto synchronize a local folder to the server? or to make a folder that is not synchronized locally?17:24
fagandobey: sync it to the server17:24
dobeyyes there is API for that17:24
mandelthat is what she said17:25
mandelfor both of you17:25
dobeyyes she did17:25
mandelwhere is the bot?17:25
faganmandel: you havent set it up yet17:25
mandelfagan: are you sure?17:26
dobeymandel: it is a damn good thing the bot is not self-aware17:26
faganmandel: hah17:27
mandeldobey: there is not diff between using the —fixes option and linking the bug from lp or is there?17:30
mandelI forgot to link one, and now I can force a commit, but would like to know if it is worth anything17:31
dobeymandel: there is17:31
jamiithisfred, progress after purging and reinstalling erlang: https://gist.github.com/95366917:32
dobeymandel: using the lp ui to link doesn't alter the branch history17:32
thisfredjamii: ah, that's no longer desktopcouch. dobey any idea about that ^ traceback?17:32
mandeldobey: oh, ok17:33
dobeythisfred: looks like syncdaemon failing to upgrade corrupt metadata. a question for verterok or someone perhaps17:35
verterokthisfred, jamii: hi, looks like something is broken in syncdaemon metadata. is this a fresh install? which version of the client?17:37
jamiiverterok: fresh install but the metadata may have been trashed by the previous problems. latest version from maverick17:39
verterokjamii: do you restored your home from a backup/previous install?17:40
jamiiverterok: yes, the home dir is carried across from my last machine.17:41
jamiiverterok, if deleting the metadata will fix it I won't lose much17:41
faganoh you have a merge mandel17:41
faganneed me to look at it?17:42
verterokjamii: do you have any files synced in ~/Ubuntu One or other synced folders?17:42
mandelfagan: on sec, I need to fix a small screw up I did :)17:42
jamiijamii: nope, fresh account17:42
jamiiverterok, nope, fresh account17:42
faganmandel: cool ill look at it after the session17:42
verterokjamii: ok, so. we can just wipe the metadata and start fresh. :)17:43
verterokjamii: stop syncdaemon: u1sdtool -q17:43
verterokjamii: then, rm -Rf ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/17:44
verterokjamii: and mv ~/Ubuntu\ One ~/Ubuntu\ One.old17:44
verterokjamii: or just rm -Rf ~/Ubuntu One if it's empty17:44
jamiiverterok, ok, done17:45
verterokjamii: after that, start the client: u1sdtool --start17:45
mandelfagan: super lame review for this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/ping_url_issues_windows/+merge/5979917:45
verterokjamii: and try to open the preferences app again17:45
faganmandel: oh so its small17:45
mandeldobey: if you have time, can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/ping_url_issues_windows/+merge/5979917:46
jamiiverterok, everthing looks good. thanks17:46
mandelfagan: yes, is a very stupid bug, and was kind of hidden the little bastard17:46
faganmandel: +117:47
mandelfagan: th17:47
dobeymandel: eww17:47
faganok so session in #ubuntu-classroom chat in #ubuntu-classroom-chat in 1517:47
dobeyfagan: parse error.17:47
fagandobey: ?17:48
dobeyfagan: sentence not well formed17:48
faganahhh ok17:48
* fagan needs to learn how to use ,.;: in sentences 17:48
mandelthat is what she said17:49
faganso what I meant to say was im doing a session in #ubuntu-classroom and the chat is in #ubuntu-classroom-chat17:49
faganin 10 minutes now :)17:50
faganoh and just to explain its on Ubuntu one in general so ill be going over a bit of everything17:52
faganfrom a users perspective17:52
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi
=== Mohi is now known as M0hi
=== CardinalFang_ is now known as CardinalFang
CardinalFangjamii, thisfred, the log files of couchdb server and desktopcouch client match credentials, so a mismatch of config information isn't the problem.18:43
thisfredCardinalFang: I think the desktopcouch issue was resolved by reverting to the ubuntu erlang18:44
CardinalFangjamii, thisfred, I think the only thing left to try is to reinstall the debian/ubuntu erlang and cripple ....18:44
jamiiCardinalFang, The auth problem was down to using a different erlang version. The config trouble came after.18:44
jamiiCardinalFang, but its a happy ending. Couchdb hardcodes /usr/bin/erl which is where the ubuntu version is. The new version from source is in /usr/local/bin so its first on the path for my own stuff18:45
CardinalFangjamii, if I were you, I'd use "apt-get source erlang", change the debian/rules and debian/changelog, and build a new package that will work as you want and as couchdb needs.18:48
jamiiCardinalFang, I need R14 for work and it doesnt seem to be compatible with desktopcouch18:49
jamiiI think this way is best18:49
* nigelb hugs fagan 18:58
* fagan hugs nigelb back :D19:03
nigelbSo, has the SDK for U1 come out yet?19:03
dobeynot sure i understand that question19:04
dobeynigelb: we have had many usable APIs for some time now19:06
nigelbdobey: I thought I heard someone say SDK like thingy at the ubuntu developer day in Bangalore.19:08
nigelbProbably that's the API that you're talking about :)19:08
mandelnigelb: we are indeed working in an API, but is a hard thing to do, I think aquarius would be able to give you more details etc...19:09
mandelnigelb: an in theory, it would be multiplatform, which is a PITA for me :P19:09
nigelbmandel: sure :) Recently someone presented me with a challenge of having a client side software thta would sync lots of data. The first solution in my mind was something using u1 APIs19:10
mandelnigelb: which should do the trick :)19:11
nigelb(sync files for a book distributing NGO. They wanted all the Adobe Indesign synced across their servers)19:11
mandelnigelb: the main idea is to provide all the work we have to other devels so that they can have fun, since everything in their side sis open, they should be able to do some really cool things19:11
nigelbI shall explore the documentation and ask you folks for help19:11
dobeyi think saying "we are working on /an/ API" is a bit missing the point19:11
mandeldobey: yes, there are plans, more than we are working in19:12
dobeywe are working on MANY APIs, and we are also working to unify documentation for them in a central web location19:12
mandeldobey: do we have much already?19:12
dobeymandel: no, there are APIs we already have, as well as ones we're working on publishing soon or in the future19:12
nigelbcan we help with the documentation bit?19:12
dobeymandel: everything we ship in Ubuntu is an API, pretty much.19:12
mandeldobey: well, yes, but there are some very ugly ones19:13
dobeybut i think people like to confuse the term with "REST API" which is a separate set of APIs to interact with the same service19:13
dobeymandel: yes, well, Python does tend to do that ;)19:13
mandelspecially they are not uniform (example some dbus calls do take callbacks other dont etc...)19:13
mandeldobey: might not be the lang… ;)19:13
dobeyyes, they aren't necessarily well designed APIs, but they are APIs none the less19:13
dobeyanyone can go anad use them19:13
dobeyto say we don't have any APIs is complete BS19:14
mandelwell, yes, like a language, is not well designed, but it does work19:14
mandeldobey: I think we do provide way more than dropbox in terms of usable code, but the docs are missing19:15
mandel+ some clean up19:15
dobeyfagan: you know, it is possible to put extensions on filenames to give *some* indication of what format they might actually be :)19:17
nigelbbut erm, how much of documentation is there?19:17
dobeydepends on which API you're wanting to use :)19:18
dobeythough i don't actually kno whow complete the libsyncdaemon API is. i always just end up reading the code anyway, since i'm already having to fix bugs or write code with it :)19:18
dobeyyou know what's annoying. i notice the notify-osd notifications when they are going away; not when they appear19:25
CardinalFangdobey, we need some way of replaying them back in time.  Double-tap, hold the Super to scan backwards in time.19:27
CardinalFangMy machine's sync daemon has been stuck for days.  State: SET_CAPABILITIES  connection: With User With Network  description: checking capabilities   is_connected: True  is_error: False  is_online: False  queues: WORKING19:32
CardinalFangHuh.  "ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - WARNING - Client mismatch while processing the request 'caps_raising_if_not_accepted', client (<ubuntuone.syncdaemon.action_queue.ActionQueueProtocol instance at 0xab3830c>) is not self.client (None)."19:42
fagandobey: ooooh sorry im on Ubuntu so it just sees things without an extention as a thing that can be opened in gedit19:59
faganI was going to do them in html with formatting but I thought it would be ok19:59
fagandobey: did all the links work?19:59
fagan(other than the one I fecked up)20:00
fagani spent the day thinking about all that stuff so I thought id get all of it down like that20:02
faganso hopefully it will be a bit helpful :)20:02
faganoooh im bad I miss read one of the titles so instead of the music discovery service I did one on improving music discoverabily in the music store and in banshee20:05
faganstill a good excersise :D20:07
dobeydoh i forgot to review mandel's branch20:08
faganit was pretty trivial :)20:08
dobeyyes, but i don't like it20:09
dobeyit doesn't seem correct20:09
mandeldobey: why not?20:12
faganI wonder what people think about my ideas on the ML20:13
dobeymandel: those are tests for the IPC callbacks right?20:13
faganI think I did some good points if not sounding completely insane :)20:14
mandeldobey: which branch?20:14
dobeymandel: one on sso-client that you asked me to review that casted some QString to str()20:14
dobeyi guess i don't understand why they are QStrings in the first place, instead of unicode20:15
mandeldobey: well, there are QString because those callbacks are executed via a QtSignal that is owned by a QWizard, since QSignals are meant to be shared with C++ (so that you can reuse widget written in python) there are defined as sirnagl(QString, QString)20:16
mandeldobey: so, what happens here is that because the var is a QString, when is passed to the callbacks, which are platform agnostic, they have to be forced to be str, otherwise some method wont work20:18
mandelin this case QString.find(':') within oauth20:18
dobeyyeah ok20:18
mandelmain reason, str + QString == QString20:18
mandeldobey: I guess I should have added more context in the merge proposal20:19
dobeyi approved it anyway20:20
dobeyugh, i need 50,000 miles to get first class one way. boo20:25
nessitaalecu: ping20:42
alecunessita, pong20:42
nessitaalecu: this is fixed, right? can you please do the follow up? bug #77566220:42
ubot4`Launchpad bug 775662 in ubuntu-sso-client "Support new secret-service API (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77566220:42
nessita(hi there!)20:42
alecunessita, yes, it was fixed. Probably not released yet, I'll check.20:45
nessitaalecu: no, not released. Can you please close as dup of the former bug, if that's the case?20:47
dobeyit's not entirely fixed20:56
nessitadobey: can you please be more specific?21:00
dobeynessita: there are some other changes in the secrets api that alecu's one branch did not take care of21:01
* nessita opens21:02
nessitahum, the patch does not have tests21:03
dobeyit also doesn't do a bunch of other stuff, which is why i marked it needs fixing21:03
dobeyand if it doesn't have tests then i guess it wasn't tested before, or he didn't run the tests21:04
nessitaalecu: ^21:04
dobeynessita, alecu: btw, he is "bigon" on freenode21:09
nessitaok, too late for me, I'm off22:11
dobeylater all22:17

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