
charlie-tcaGood morning15:13
cody-somervillecharlie-tca, Do you want to take over admining the xubuntu-users ml?20:28
cody-somerville(too late, its yours now :P)20:30
TheSheepcody-somerville: hehe, the latest outburst tipped it?20:31
* cody-somerville just wants to stop receiving the moderation and admin e-mails for it, haha20:32
charlie-tcaI suppose it's too late for No, I don't really want it20:34
charlie-tcabut, okay20:34
charlie-tcaA nice review by someone well known - http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/441252-xubuntu-1104-solid-sleek-and-speedy22:30
ochosicharlie-tca: up to now the comments/feedback/reviews (that i read) have all been really positive about xubuntu natty22:34
charlie-tcathat's what I have seen too. And both the theme and wallpaper are getting good reviews22:35
ochosiyep, actually i also haven't ready any complaints about the switch to gmusicbrowser22:35
ochosiwhich is a rather good sign22:36
ochosiusually people start shouting when default apps are changed22:36
charlie-tcaHaven't been any, yet. I think everybody did a great job!22:36
ochosii kinda expected that22:36
ochosi(i mean i expected the shouting)22:36
ochosiyeah, same here!22:36
charlie-tcaMaybe they are so upset with Ubuntu/Unity, the rest is not enough to shake anyone?22:36
ochosinot unlikely22:36
ochosibtw, would you mind collecting those reviews (or at least links to them) in the wiki?22:37
ochosiat least the extensive reviews22:37
charlie-tcaWe should be able to22:37
ochosito be able to check later in the comments whether there were suggestions we want to consider22:37
charlie-tcastick em in something like /Xubuntu/Marketing/Reviews?22:38
ochosicharlie-tca: yeah, that'd make sense22:39
charlie-tcaI like that idea22:40
ochosiokeydokey, gotta go22:40
ochosinight everyone22:40

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