
pacy_got it thanks00:00
GnuSense1What are the hard drive requirements for 11.04 xubuntu.? I have Hardy xubuntu on 2.5 GB ext3, but 8.04 won't be supported anymore.  /dev/sda5     ext3    2.5G  2.2G  177M  93% /00:17
charlie-tcaI installed it in 3GB, I did not try less than that, though00:18
GnuSense1I'm thinking maybe lubuntu might require less.  The image is a bit smaller.00:19
charlie-tcayes, lubuntu is less00:19
Dice-Mandoes xfce support watercooling ?00:23
KM0201Dice-Man: does your water cooling require windows software to run?00:45
jpohlafter upgrading to xubuntu natty when i try to shutdown or restart it just takes me back to the login screen01:28
charlie-tcaThat is a reported bug in Xfce. As stated in the release notes, you can shutdown or restart from there and everything is fine01:29
jpohlcharlie-tca: thanks!01:34
jpohlbut another problem, when i get back to the login screen the mouse is dead so i can't get to the shutdown button01:35
charlie-tcaNow that's a little harder to fix01:36
charlie-tcaOnly suggestion I got left then. Use Ctrl+Alt+F2 to switch to tty, login, enter either     sudo shutdown -r now     to restart  or      sudo shutdown -P now     to shutdown01:37
jpohli tried that, it locks up the computer compleytely about half the time01:37
charlie-tcahm, seems like more wrong than just the shutdown/restart bug.01:38
jpohlyeah, but it was working fine before upgrade01:38
charlie-tcatry just hitting logout from the panel, and shutdown/restart from GDM?01:38
jpohlcan't shutdown from gdm because the mouse is dead01:39
jpohlbut when i log back in, the mouse comes back!01:40
kupferjpohl: which part locks up the computer?  Ctrl+Alt+F2 or running shutdown from the tty?01:40
jpohlactually i didn't try shutdown command only "reboot" command01:40
jpohlit locks up after the shutdown statrts01:41
jpohli just tried shutdown, locked up again01:42
jpohl(i'm on a different computer here)01:42
kupfereek, dinner awaits, gotta go.01:42
charlie-tcalet me find the keypresses to shutdown from gdm01:43
KM0201whats that hard reset of X.. something like ctrl + sysrq + K  ?01:44
KM0201or something like that01:44
charlie-tcaYou are welcome01:45
jpohlsysrq? what key is that?01:45
KM0201jpohl: under prtsc, most of the time01:46
jpohloh i see it now01:46
charlie-tcacan't find the keypress to shutdown in GDM01:49
jpohlall i found was a bug report, that was labeled "invalid"01:52
charlie-tcabug 71157101:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 711571 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu Natty) "xfdesktop4 crashes on exit with xorg-server 1.10" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71157101:53
charlie-tcajpohl: ^ ^ ^01:53
JwSLuGThis will most likely be a very simple question: How do you burn a CD in xubuntu?02:00
xubuntu868hi all02:00
xubuntu868noob here xD02:00
JwSLuGOr is it best just to use Xfburn?02:01
charlie-tcait works well.02:02
charlie-tcaif you are not on 11.04, look in multimedia for brasero, use it to burn02:03
JwSLuGIsnt there a way to do it by just adding the files and selecting "burn to disk" somewhere?02:03
charlie-tcadon't think so02:03
JwSLuGI added a file to a blank disk by just "copying" it the blank disk however when I eject the cd it says I have a file waiting to be written. But I have no one to write it to the disk that I can see.02:05
JwSLuGI think I will just use Xfburn instead.02:08
saganbytehi there02:11
saganbytei m getting an error: Error opening terminal: unknown. while accessing a file via nano using sudo nano default02:11
saganbytewhat could be wrong02:11
saganbyteok dont bother, i got the solution... thanks anywy :)02:13
KM0201is there a log that logs like system updates, upgrades, etc.. so you can see what you have upgraded/updated?02:21
Unit193Only one I can think of off hand: cat /var/log/dpkg.log02:23
KM0201thats a biggun..02:26
KM0201lol, thanks02:26
Unit193Usage of grep will help there02:28
Josesordosomeone know how to set a login screen image?.. like ubuntu02:40
KM0201Josesordo: i'm not 100% sure, but i imagine if you can find the "default" image.. you could put your own image in its place (just rename your image to whatever the name of that image is)02:47
JosesordoKM0201, where is that image in xubuntu 11.04?.. xD03:00
KM0201Josesordo: now that, i have no idea.03:00
JosesordoKM0201, haha.. ok =/03:00
KM0201i'm just telling you how you could logically go about it.03:01
KM0201Josesordo: i know its possible.. unfortunatelyl i nuked xubuntu in favor of lubuntu a few days ago03:04
Josesordoyou using lubuntu now? o_O03:04
KM0201yep.. :)03:05
KM0201Josesordo: this says to use ubuntu tweak... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172673303:05
KM0201i'm not sure i'd go that far.03:05
KM0201but.. it is an option03:05
Josesordomm.. will ubuntu tweak works on xubuntu?..03:06
Unit193Josesordo: They both use GDM for login03:07
KM0201Josesordo: i would think it does, but i would consider tweak a very last option03:17
Josesordowell, I just installed ubuntu tweak in xubuntu.. xD..03:25
Josesordolets see03:25
KM0201that login screen must be really important to you03:26
Unit193Josesordo: Did it work? If not, this is what I found: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602588/03:41
Josesordowell, is a image that inspire me when I login... this one --> http://bit.ly/kZYBpu03:42
Josesordowell, ubuntu tweak run in Xubuntu 11.04 without problem..and I could change my image! :D03:42
Josesordofalse alarm.. image failed.. lol03:46
Josesordowhat are the commands to change a permission of a file?.. chmod?03:50
Unit193chmod {options} file03:51
Josesordowell, what are the options?.. the one with the read and write privilege ..03:52
Unit193rwrwrw = User rw, group rw, other rw03:59
=== zenrox_ is now known as zenrox
uofm49426having small problem with 11.04 and my thinkpad x4105:30
uofm49426stalling in screen saver05:31
zenroxafter resumeing??05:32
zenroxyou could change it to a blank screen only05:33
uofm49426is xubuntu come with compiz by default sense 10.1005:33
zenroxcould be hanging on the 3d screensavers05:33
zenrox11.04 compizwiz is installed05:35
zenroxdont know about 10.1005:35
uofm4942610.10 didnt have compiz05:35
zenroxbut 11.04 has it for shure05:36
uofm49426is it depended on anything can i remove it05:37
zenroxuse synaptic to find that out it will tell you05:37
uofm49426is there a command i can use to see if its even running05:38
uofm49426ok it gone ill reboot see if it helped05:40
uofm49426well if it does it stall in the night ill post i didn't work if it did ill launchpad i915 get ride of compiz05:47
Seqisdoes compiz run well under Xubuntu/xfce?05:58
zenroxi am running it with my nvidia 8200m06:04
KM0201i didn't think compiz worked w/ xfce06:11
zenroxits running or at some of the effects like shadows are working06:15
zenroxthare is even an option to turn it on or off06:16
zenroxant thare06:16
zenroxyou dont have major configing of it under xfce but you can d/l the controle panel for it and config the heack out of it06:19
Seqisgood to know that it works06:31
SeqisEven if Xubuntu moves to GTK 3.x, that doesn't mean the XFCE shell is changing any right? No unity coming to XFCE?06:33
Seqis..or I suppose I should say Unity replacing the current XFCE shell06:34
zenroxif xfce moves to gtk3 i dont think xfce devs will change there shell that shell is the apeal06:35
SeqisI hope not06:35
zenroxso i dont think thay will do a unity style crap06:36
Seqisit's the whole reason I left Ubuntu proper06:36
zenroxi left gnome long time ago06:36
SeqisXubuntu was my back door out of Unityville06:36
SeqisI like the gnome shell06:36
Seqisand I like a lot of the gnome based apps06:36
Seqisthe 2.x shell, that is.06:37
zenroxit was big an bloated ( it seemed like it) like it was going the way of kde but xfce was lighter and allowed be to squeeze a few extra hp out of my cpu for games and high entansty app06:37
SeqisI just didn't want to hope onto the Xubuntu train only to find that the Unity disease has spread to it06:38
zenroxit wont spreed06:38
Seqiswell a lot of the GTK libraries reside in Xubuntu06:38
Seqisin fact all of them I think..06:38
zenroxxfce dev devloped this shell to be lighter and have it own unique look06:38
zenroxthay do06:39
zenroxjust the 2.x gnome enterface was slower06:39
Seqisya .. but to see Gnome & Canonical both go the way of the "supersized smartphone for the desktop interface" makes me nervous about other shell devs06:39
zenroxxfce wont do that06:39
zenroxspecaly since a lote of gnome/unity users a jumping ship to xfce06:40
zenroxnight all must get sleep06:40
KM0201later zenrox06:51
jpohlwhen i log out of the desktop, the mouse cursor on the login screen is no longer visible07:06
jpohlthe mouse actually still works, i just can't see the pointer07:06
jpohlso i'm thinking maybe to change the gdm theme would help07:06
jpohlbut i can't see how to do that either07:07
jpohlso how do i change the gdm theme?07:08
jpohlor does everybody in here just like blue? ;-)07:09
jpohloh dear it looks like all xubuntu users have died of a bug overdose07:10
duendehay alguien por acá??07:24
duendeque me pueda ayudar??07:24
Unit193!es | duende07:26
ubottuduende: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:26
duendetank you Unit19307:27
foodstampwill compiz work with xubuntu 11.04?07:30
foodstampand anyone have any suggestions on getting internal & external mics configured in xubuntu 11.04? i've tryed just all the settings i can think of07:32
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duende_i have a problem whit video in xubuntu07:45
foodstampduende- im just a user & dont know about video but hopefully someone will be here shortly that can help you07:47
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mAcOdInHey, anyone here that might be able to help me grasp exactly how to use the xubuntu installer, specifically the part where it asks if you want to install alongside windows, replace windows or other?09:00
Sysicould you be a bit more exact?09:02
mAcOdInYeah one sec.09:02
mAcOdInSo the first time I tried the installer I just chose install alongside windows, that is exactly what I wanted, was allowed to choose the size to allocate for both OSes and the install carried on from there, except that my USB stick had problems mentioned in one of the forum threads09:03
mAcOdInSo the install failed.  Not an issue though, new stick, new try and off I go, however, now when I try I do not get a choice at how much to allocate which worries me, I don't understand why it would give me different behavior the second time.09:04
mAcOdInI'm generally uneasy with installers doing there own thing without at least telling me what they're going to do, so I stopped the installer as soon as it didn't let me choose a disk and saw that it was now using an empty hard drive on my system.09:05
Sysii guess it uses the old space if installer crashed later09:05
Sysiyou could try "Something else"09:06
mAcOdInThat's possible, I did use gparted to give the space all back to the windows partition but I suppose there's a way it could see.09:06
Sysimanual partitioning isn'n very hard, you need 10GB or bigger for " / " and swap and if you want, separate partition for /home09:08
mAcOdInThat makes clear my other problem, I'm pretty much a beginner so I'm not sure exactly how much space to give the partitions.  I've found lots of examples but they're all with much smaller hard drives.09:08
mAcOdInDoes the boot need to be labeled as a primary?  If so I was thinking something like 12GB for "/", 10GB for "swap" and the rest for "home", on a 500GB HD all to itself would that be a good idea or should I up the root partition more?09:09
Sysi12GB is good if you don't install very much very big software, swap don't really need to be bigger than about your RAM09:11
Sysiprimary partitions are nice but you can only have four09:11
Sysiif you have logival partitions inside extended partition, you can't later change their size outside extended partition09:16
mAcOdInIs it actually necessary using the installer to have a separate root and home partition?  Truthfully, if I'm going to give this whole drive to Xubuntu I'd rather not have to worry about partitions on it.09:16
Sysiwell, with separate /home you can reinstall with little worries09:17
mAcOdInIt was only when I was planning to install alongside Windows 7 on the same drive that I was worried about the space, but now that I wiped the other drive if I can go that route I'd prefer it, I just can't choose install alongside Windows and then choose which HD to install to.09:18
Sysiand that 12GB should be quite plenty, mine is about half of that09:18
Sysi(but i'm not doing things where you need more, like version upgrades)09:18
mAcOdInI see, my problem stems from the ignorance of not knowing where things actually install and go in linux, sounds like Home can be smaller while Root should be the partition I make bigger09:19
mAcOdInOr is that backwards, lol09:20
Sysiall programs are in root, all your data in home09:22
mAcOdInOk, that makes perfect sense, thanks, I think I got enough to go the something else route now.09:24
mAcOdInYep, satisfied the installer so I'm good to go thanks.  I ended up foregoing separate home and root partitions for this install because I don't have any clue exactly how much space I'd use for either so since I have the time I figure I'll just get it up and running, install everything and see round abouts how much space everything takes and then wipe it and start over with a better plan.09:29
mAcOdInAnd it's already almost done, that's fast.  Thanks again for the help!09:36
Sysisomebody willing to use compiz with xfce? somebody should try compiz plugin to get window decorations, apparently unity isn't using any separate app for it09:40
bin_bashis it possible to change the login screen wallpaper in natty?09:56
Sysibut the default is great :P (i never see it)10:01
dahaichello people :)10:04
dahaic[natty] could someone point me, where should I manually add the xfce4-panel to start on the startup without all the error messages? [I upgraded from the maverick]10:06
dahaicsaving of the session wasn't enough, inserting it to the startup programs as well [it runs, but error messages [or warnings?] pop before it starts10:07
serpentologistis there a way to get __pseudo__ transparency in xfce-terminal?11:45
dahaicI solved it - by clearing ~/.cache/sessions and restarting without "save current session"12:05
Ungikabazhang bruder ola!14:05
UngikaOla Pici bruder && ikonia bruder14:06
UngikaAllah accompany you on your way jarnos brother!14:48
UngikaAllah accompany you on your way hobbsc brother!14:53
hobbsci suspect a spambot, but thanks14:54
mnemochi, in 11.04 (updated) the "Places" menu fails to mount/umount the remobable devices because it misses exo-mount/exo-mount. where are those supposed to come from?15:20
charlie-tcashouldn't be a places menu in 11.0415:23
charlie-tcathe plugin was not included, since it is not compatible15:23
mnemocso I have to remove manually the xfce4-places-plugin 1.2.0-1ubuntu1 I have?15:24
charlie-tcano, but I can't tell you how to fix it either.15:25
charlie-tcaRemovable devices should be getting mounted from gvfs, I think15:27
* mnemoc hates auto-mounting15:27
mnemoci do get stuff mounted, yes. and then I have to start umounting them all to be able to work :-/15:30
charlie-tcaMaybe they would know more in #xfce on freenode?15:31
charlie-tcaI haven't heard of a way to not mount them on startup, though15:31
mnemocin 10.10 it not that annoying using the places menu15:32
mnemocbut without that functionality it's a real pain in the ..15:33
mnemoci'll go an ask at #xfce, thanks :)15:33
bin_bashMy computer freezes randomly in the middle of the night, usually on the screensaver and I have to hardboot it. Sometimes the fan is working overtime, and sometimes not15:35
charlie-tcabin_bash: Mine freezes on the gl screensavers, but works fine on the others. Haven't found the cause, though15:37
bin_bashhmmm really.15:37
bin_bashcharlie-tca: it doesn't happen all the time15:38
bin_bashlike, if I start the screensaver myself it's ok15:38
charlie-tcaoh, mine is very consistent15:38
bin_bashyeah it seems like when I start it myself15:39
bin_bashit doesn't freeze15:39
bin_bashAlso, since it's happening when I'm asleep, I have no idea what could be triggering the freeze. It could be the screensaver or it could be something else.15:40
charlie-tcaanything in ~/.xsession-errors ?15:41
charlie-tcaIf you had to reboot, might be in ~/.xsession-errors.old15:41
bin_bashis that in /var/15:41
charlie-tcano, ~/    is        /home/USER15:42
bin_bashoh I didn't see ~/15:42
bin_bash>just woke up and not wearing glasses15:42
bin_bashthis is the last error15:44
bin_bash(xfce4-indicator-plugin:1249): Indicator-Messages-DEBUG: Resizing icon from 48x48 to 16x1615:44
bin_bashlisted about 20 times15:44
charlie-tcais there anything for xscreensaver?15:45
charlie-tcaThat makes it a lot harder15:48
bin_bashshould i look at my logs? and if so, which ones?15:49
charlie-tcaMaybe if there is someting in the /var/log/xorg.log or /var/log/xorg.log.015:49
charlie-tcaIf it is screensaver or video related, it should be in there15:50
bin_bashthis is the last line15:51
bin_bash[   160.939] (EE) intel(0): [DRI2] DRI2SwapComplete: bad drawable15:51
bin_bashMay  1 06:53:36 Jack kernel: [159421.582994] EXT4-fs (sda4): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=015:52
bin_bashMay  1 06:53:28 Jack kernel: [159413.134794] EXT4-fs (sda4): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=60015:52
bin_bashAnd as far as timestamps say, that's right around the time it froze15:53
charlie-tcaI think that is the screensaver failing for some reason, isn't it?15:53
bin_bashit looks like an ext4 probably15:53
charlie-tcarun a manual fsck on the drive?15:54
charlie-tcaand if it still happenb15:54
charlie-tcaand if it still happens, report a bug against linux, using ubuntu-bug linux15:54
charlie-tcafsck is back in the recovery menu, too15:55
bin_bashok so sda4 is this partition15:55
bin_bashit looks like there's some kind of mount problem15:55
bin_bashhow do i run an fsck15:57
charlie-tcagrub menu by hitting any key after bios checks,15:57
charlie-tcarecovery or rescue mode, another menu comes up with run fsck in it15:58
bin_bashso reboot into recovery mode?15:58
charlie-tcaYou can not fsck an active partition15:58
bin_bashso at the grub menu i'd choose "ubuntu recovery mode"15:59
bin_bashand then what15:59
charlie-tcayeah, and hit enter, another menu will come up in a minute or so, choose fsck from that menu16:00
charlie-tcawhen it is done, it will come back to the menu, choose the top one, and reboot from the prompt16:00
surreal7zIf you want to use Emerald once again, on 11.04 there are several solutions available on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emerald/+bug/72622916:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 726229 in emerald (Ubuntu) "emerald crashed with SIGSEGV in decor_quads_to_property()" [High,Triaged]16:08
surreal7zthx, charlie-tca  for your effort related to bug regarding emerald :*16:11
charlie-tcano problem16:12
charlie-tcaglad it got us a way to use it, at least. Now if I can just get the fix into the thing... :-)16:13
bin_bashnow i'm having a problem with xfce16:15
bin_bashworkspaces don't work16:16
bin_bashand when i open certain things the menu bar doesn't show and i goes all the way to the top of the screen16:16
charlie-tcawill Alt+F2 work?16:17
charlie-tcaalt+F2, xfwm416:17
bin_bashhow weird16:17
surreal7zjep, popup menu of panel - Places always goes on top of the screen16:17
bin_bashcharlie-tca: so I ran the fsck16:17
bin_bashnow what16:17
charlie-tcaNow we wait to see if it happens again16:18
bin_bashwhat exactly does fsck do?16:18
charlie-tcafixes things that were not in the right place on the drive16:18
bin_bashah ok16:18
bin_bashSomething else weird16:20
bin_bashidk if you can help16:20
bin_bashwhen i restart the computer16:20
bin_bashconky loads, but it shows the old wallpaper16:20
bin_bashbehind conky16:20
bin_bashbut the rest is the new wallpaper16:20
bin_bashand like, when i login16:20
bin_bashit shows the splash screen16:20
charlie-tcaI can't fix conky, I have it working on one computer, but not the other one16:20
bin_bashand then loads the panel16:21
charlie-tcaThat appears to be over my head16:21
bin_bashand then shows the splash screen again16:21
charlie-tcaMaybe the panels are auto restarting, for some reason16:21
bin_bashhmm maybe16:21
davlefouSOS, i have swap beetwen ubuntu to xubuntu but now i have lost the user list in gdm!16:22
davlefouCan you help me?16:22
abraHow to remove a little triangle in right down corner of xfce4-terminal? :D http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5624413/Terminal_014.png16:57
abraIt's not a big problem :)16:58
charlie-tcaThat's a GTK resize grip. It is not removable16:58
Sysimake scrollbar visile so it doesn't look that bad :P17:00
drcabra: But you can somewhat change the "look" of it by changing the Style in Appearences17:01
abrait helps17:07
foodstampcan anyone help me get my mic working in xubuntu 11.04? it was working in 10.10---is there a way to take out alsa and put in pulse17:36
Sysiyou propably have pulseaudio already, install pavycontrol to set it up17:36
foodstampthnkx Sysi17:37
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foodstampSysi  just jumping back to let you know that worked--thank you17:51
foodstampi have another question --when i click on the home folder launcher it list under each folder the option to open in terminal--is there a way to remove this feature17:55
analyst_Hey everyone ... Im looking for a file extension that will allow someone to double click a downloaded .sh file and run it rather then execute it from command line. Does such a file extension exist in xubuntu?19:26
Soupermanim sure a desktop kind shortcut shoudl do it19:26
analyst_It doesn't ... It default opens in mousepad. The reason I am looking for a new file extension is for ease of use on the users side of things. I don't want to have them manually have to switch the executable program19:28
Soupermani dont know, have you seen how people at emesene does stuff, you download and double clic19:30
drcanalyst_: Is the .sh file marked as executable?19:30
analyst_The problem is that people will be downloading it from the internet and it doesnt retain its executable status because of umask19:32
drcAh, you didn't say that.  That's a "horse of a different color"....19:35
Soupermananalyst_, https://github.com/emesene/emesene/tarball/v2.11.419:40
Soupermandownload that and see how they do it19:40
analyst_thx, checking now19:41
Soupermananalyst_, you see inside the tar there is a folder and there are 3 folders, in the one there is a folder called emsene, whit a python file that executes the whole program at double clic19:46
HazukiHow do I tell Ubuntu (apt-get) to use packages stored in /var/cache/apt/archives/?19:50
analyst_Thanks for the input ... We may try that approach ... It still requires the user to take additional steps but its a little easier then the current process19:50
TheSheepHazuki: it does so by default19:51
Hazukicould've fooled me. I have all of xubuntu-desktop's packages sitting in there and it still insists on downloading19:52
Hazuki...oh. derp. They're x64 and this is an x32 machine19:52
TheSheepHazuki: it probably wants newer versions19:52
TheSheepHazuki: you can tell it what version to install19:52
* Hazuki puts her dunce cap on and sits in the corner <|X(19:53
TheSheepHazuki: what are you trying to do?19:53
Hazukirolling out Xubuntu 11.04 for my office19:53
HazukiUnity has just...utterly broken any last shreds of respect I had for Ubuntu proper19:53
* Hazuki would use a Gentoo master fanout server if she had her druthers, but noooooo~19:54
henk__have one of you also that the multimediaplayer shows a moment that he makes a usb-connection and then its lost en he begins charging te battery. I cant read/write files becouse he is not mounted. Someone knows how to solve this?19:56
* drc advises Hazuki of the old saying "Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutan"19:56
Hazuki"'ware, Emperor, Death salutes you?"19:57
* drc thinks it's applicable when Management overrules IT19:58
* Hazuki is the entire IT staff @_@19:58
drcHail Caesar, We who are about to die salute you.19:58
HazukiHehe ^^ Well, I don't know much Latin...so yeah19:59
bin_bashhow to import music into gmusic?20:02
drcbin_bash: I don't use it so I don't know, but if you don't get an answer here, there is #gmusicbrowser, and the dev usually hangs out there (and he's actually helpful).20:14
bin_bashi got it20:16
pophokHello! I just installed Xubuntu 11.04 for the first time but I'm having some problems. First of all, my session is saved every time (even though /xfce4-session/general/SaveOnExit is FALSE). Do I need to change something more?20:22
drcpophok: I know if I leave some things running at close (like pidgin, rhythembox, etc) they show up on the thext start.  You might want to look at Menu>Settings>Settings Manager>Session and Startup> Session.20:25
KM0201drc: i had that problem to.. when the app is running, to to startup session, applications.. find the app, right click and choose "never"20:27
KM0201man this install is crawling20:33
drcKM0201: No more ldxe?  What now?20:33
KM0201drc: oh no, using lxde20:34
KM0201following some instructions to use the minimal ISO in virtualbox20:34
KM0201i just wanted to try it20:34
KM0201no real rhyme or reason20:34
drcah...typical KM0201  ;)20:34
KM0201drc: well, the other thing, soemone said it "failed".. and i just wanna see the problem.20:35
pophokdrc: None of (my) programs are set up autostart except Docky. There's also only Docky and xfce4-settings-helper-autostart in ~/.config/autostart. I just tried what the xfce faq said (delete files from ~/.cache/sessions) and it did not work either. Something strange also just happened: the background disappeared and it's now brown and cannot be changed. :(20:40
drcoh snap!20:40
charlie-tcaAlt+F2, xfwm420:41
philippe_anyone else get windows tearing with 11.04?20:56
Seqisplaying video?20:57
philippe_Just on scrolling on firefox and dragging windows20:57
Soupermanphilippe_, do you have updated video drivers?21:01
Souperman>sudo jockey-gtk21:01
philippe_I am using the radeon driver that came with 11.0421:03
philippe_Can I get xubuntu no effects with 11.04?21:07
charlie-tcaturn off compositing in settings -> window Manager Tweaks21:08
philippe_Hmm Doesnt seem to help21:11
philippe_Would uninstalling compiz help?21:11
charlie-tcaprobably, since compiz adds it's own effects21:12
philippe_Ok I try that21:13
Soupermanso now thunar stoped showing previews for image files21:16
Soupermanoh but doing sudo thunar does display them, again, i always have this problem21:17
Sysidon't use sudo with GUI, always gksudo21:17
Sysifor some reason, my netbook instaled from random daily image, works better than this desktop installed from final21:18
Soupermannah it was just to tets21:18
Soupermanoh wait, now it works21:19
Steve^Hey guys, I'm just trying to boot the 11.04 disc and it's not able to boot it. I end up at a prompt that says   "boot:"  and wants the name of a kernel21:46
Steve^Am I doing something wrong? I've never had problems with any ubuntu disks in the past21:47
Steve^The second time I had some error with bootlogo and invalid format21:49
charlie-tcaSteve^: usb or cd-r?21:52
charlie-tcaburn at a slower speed, I think21:53
Steve^really? strange21:53
charlie-tcayeah, I think it did something wrong with the burn21:54
Steve^I'll give a regular ubuntu 11.04 a spin and see if that's ok21:54
Steve^I might be back!21:55
Steve^The ubuntu CD worked ok, so I'll burn again22:20
Steve^It's funny that my error seems mostly with USBs and not CDs22:20
arbobonjour a tous, mes premiers instants sur xubuntu :)22:21
Steve^hello to you too22:21
charlie-tcaSteve^: I got that error using usb-creator, but UNetbootin worked good22:24
Steve^wish me luck with the new disk!22:29
belakIs there a way to remove memtest and the recovery kernel from the boot menu22:31
ryan-cI've got multiple monitors and when i log in to xfce on natty it mirrors them. How can I fix this?22:56
Steve^Thanks charlie-tca the new disk worked out great23:05
Steve^must have been a faulty burn!23:05
KM0201ryan-c: whats your gpu?23:06
KM0201ryan-c: did you enable the driver in additional drivers?23:07
KM0201ryan-c: ok, go to nvidia-settings under the admin menu23:07
ryan-cFWIW, the displays are not mirrored at x login or if i use kde23:07
KM0201i can't remember exactly what sub menu it is where its set to "mirror".. but i believe its where you set your resolution23:08
ryan-cthe nvidia driver isn't mirroring23:08
KM0201thats usually what it is.23:08
ryan-cxfce is doing it23:09
ryan-cmy cursor isn't mirrored23:09
ryan-cand i have three monitors which the nvidia driver isn't capable of mirroring23:09
ryan-ci can't open the display settings control panel in xfce - it rebuffs me due to no XRANDR23:12
ryan-cthere's got to be some config file option i can set23:13
ryan-cscrew this23:20
ryan-cnew video card time23:20
ryan-cwe'll try ati23:20
KM0201ryan-c: ati is even worse...23:21
Steve^my experience is nvidia all the way for linux23:21
Steve^and I use disper for multi-monitor stuff23:21
KM0201yeah, i don't know what his issue is.. i've neer had a single probs w/ dual screens and nvidia... it's obviously a configuration problem23:21
Steve^I often have problems23:22
Steve^and can't change many options, but I've had very good luck with disper for changing displays23:23
Steve^haven't tried mirroring23:23
KM0201never heard of disper, i just use nvidia settings to set imne up, and it works flawlessly23:23
thebritisheditorGreetings all23:28
thebritisheditorOn this here lovely Xubuntu, how can I set up dual moniteres?23:29
thebritisheditorI don't see any options to do so23:30
Soupermanyou need to have 2 monitors23:30
thebritisheditorI have that, lol23:30
thebritisheditorThey're mirrored.23:30
thebritisheditorMuch to my dismay23:31
thebritisheditorI have Xubuntu 11.04 right now.23:32
Soupermanyou have updated video drivers?23:32
KM0201thebritisheditor: whats your graphics device? and do you have the drivers installed23:33
thebritisheditorOne moment.23:33
belakIs there a way to remove memtest and the recovery kernel from the boot menu?23:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:42
thebritisheditorI installed that driver23:42
thebritisheditorBroke everything.23:42
Soupermanwhat driver?23:42
KM0201thebritisheditor: i take it was ati?23:43
thebritisheditorI FLIPPING HATE ATI SO MUCH23:43
Soupermanlol ati23:43
thebritisheditorI know I know23:43
KM0201should've told us what your device was before friggin disappearing23:43
thebritisheditorSorry. Ubuntu told me to install this one. :P23:44
Soupermanbelak, you can edit the grub configuration file, but before you do read, read a lot.23:44
KM0201thebritisheditor: ok.. did you get back to a GUI?23:44
Soupermanalso i never used ati23:44
KM0201Souperman: honestly, me either.. but i've heard its much smarter to download the driver from ATI's website... don't know how true that is23:45
thebritisheditorAlready tried that23:45
thebritisheditorIt does exactly the same thing23:45
KM0201which ati device do you have?23:45
thebritisheditorAnd it's harder to install23:45
thebritisheditorOne sec - what's the terminal command again23:45
KM0201lspci    should show you23:45
thebritisheditorATI Technologies Inc RV770 [Radeon HD 4870]23:46
thebritisheditorLegacy saphire23:46
thebritisheditorBuilt this computer ages ago23:46
thebritisheditorI'm not in the mood to spend 100+ $23:46
KM0201thebritisheditor: well, you have your answer.. buy an "older" Nvidia card.. 7900's work great23:46
KM0201thebritisheditor: u in the US?23:47
thebritisheditorHow much would a use one of them cost?23:47
thebritisheditorI am23:47
KM0201hold on23:47
KM0201no need to go used reallyu23:47
KM0201what do you have, PCi-E, PCI, AGP?23:47
thebritisheditorPCI I.. THINK23:48
KM0201how many years ago did you build it?23:48
thebritisheditor6, I think, lol I don't even remember23:48
KM0201well, first, you need to verify if you have PCI-e or PCI or AGP.. cuz 6yrs ao, thats gonna put it very very close on PCI-e23:48
KM0201do you know your mjotherboard model?23:49
KM0201bin_bash: how come everytime you come here.. you arrive, immediately leave, then come back.23:49
KM0201i've noticed that23:49
KM0201it happens everytime you come here23:50
bin_bashwhat are you talking about?23:50
knomebin_bash, you should leave some time to allow the cloak to be set23:50
thebritisheditorI don't know off hand, no23:50
knomebin_bash, or alternatively, set your freenode pass as the server password, so you'll get the cloak on connect23:50
thebritisheditorI believe it's PCI23:50
bin_bashknome that doesn't work23:51
KM0201bin_bash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/603017/23:51
thebritisheditorGosh I'm loving Xubuntu over Ubuntu 11.04 <_<23:51
bin_bashalso, it automatically connected when i opened my computer since I hadn't quit23:51
KM0201thebritisheditor: if its PCI, you're gnna get out of this super cheap23:51
thebritisheditorF yes23:51
thebritisheditorAny way to be certain?23:51
thebritisheditorAlso, will these older NVIDIA cards be decent enough for some Minecraft and Alien Swarm?23:52
thebritisheditorAnd the occasional Portal 223:52
KM0201thebritisheditor: yes, open your case and look, or if you have your motherboard model.. google the specs23:52
knomebin_bash, better :)23:52
KM0201thebritisheditor: now i don't know anything about that23:52
bin_bashit only happened because my client was open when it connectd to the interwebz23:52
KM0201bin_bash: oh ok.. it happens everytime you sign in to the room23:53
KM0201thebritisheditor: here's a 6200, for 59   http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7106288&CatId=160323:53
KM0201thebritisheditor: but thats standard PCI.. not PCI-e.. you need to verify which one you have23:53
KM0201thebritisheditor: depending on how old the board was when you bought it, it might have an AGP slot23:54
thebritisheditorAlright, I'm going to switch over to my Windows 7 install and I'll get back to you guys23:54
thebritisheditoris there ANY chance these drivers'll get fixed?23:55
charlie-tcasure, but it took three releases for intel23:55
charlie-tcavideo drivers are really hard to get working, for reasons I fon23:56
charlie-tcadon't understand :-(23:56
thebritisheditorWell, I hate ATI.23:58
thebritisheditorSo yeah.23:58

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