
ijbgreeni have an issue over Unity01:48
ijbgreenvware in all his flavors not runs over Unity always crash01:49
purveshmy top bar had gone after applying unity in ccsm so it means i cant control windows even cant move some where + alt and Tab not working in ubuntu 11.0406:24
BigWhaleWhat happens if you press CTRL-ALT-T?06:25
purveshBigWhale, nothing ... even alt+ Tab is not working06:27
purveshBigWhale, first Thanx for reply :)06:27
BigWhaleCTRL-ALT-F1 should probably work06:28
BigWhalethen login and restart compiz06:29
purveshthat brings me to normal terminal type window06:29
BigWhaleyes... login06:29
BigWhalethen do export DISPLAY=":0.0"06:29
BigWhaleand compiz --replace06:29
BigWhaleif this doesn't help... then I'm out of ideas :)06:29
purveshBigWhale,  how do i restart compiz ? and where is export display06:30
BigWhaleafter you login with your username just enter06:30
BigWhaleexport DISPLAY=":0.0"06:30
BigWhalecompiz --restart06:30
BigWhalecompiz --replace06:30
purveshif i do "compiz restart" then it shows unknown job and if i try compiz --restart then also it showz "compiz (core) -warn : unknown option 'restart' and in second link compiz (core) -fatal : unknown option 'couldn't open display' "06:39
purveshBigWhale, if i do "compiz restart" then it shows unknown job and if i try compiz --restart then also it showz "compiz (core) -warn : unknown option 'restart' and in second link compiz (core) -fatal : unknown option 'couldn't open display' "06:39
BigWhaleit is compiz --replace06:40
purveshBigWhale, k06:40
purveshBigWhale, let me try06:41
purveshBigWhale, couldn't open display !06:41
BigWhaledid you export DISPLAY=":0.0"06:42
purveshBigWhale, even i had tried repair wizard of ubuntu06:42
purveshBigWhale, nope once it accept restart or replace then i put06:43
Omegatry this06:43
purveshBigWhale, or i can put directly export ?06:43
Omegasudo killall -9 compiz && unity06:43
BigWhaleyou have to type export DISPLAY=":0.0" before everything else06:44
Omega^ is my swiss knife of compiz crashes06:44
Omegaunity does that for you06:44
Omegait does all the magic for you06:44
Omegastarting compiz, setting the display :)06:45
purveshOmega, BigWhale, really what should i try tell me, m confuse ?06:45
BigWhalewhat happens if you're running two displays? :>06:45
Omegapurvesh: sudo killall -9 compiz && unity06:45
BigWhalepurvesh, do what Omega suggested. :)06:45
Omegado that in the TTY (ctrl-alt-F1)06:46
BigWhaleAnyway, I'll bbl... :)06:46
OmegaIt's almost 2am here, I gotta go to bed soon.06:46
Omegadid it work purvesh?06:48
purveshOmega, thanx for that command it is automatically set to only :0  not to :0.006:50
purveshOmega, but my problem not solved should i restart ubuntu or what ?06:51
purveshOmega, because without top bar i cant work, i can even move any normal window as well as any application windows it stick to top only automatically06:52
Omegawhat did you change in ccsm?06:52
Omegapurvesh: do you want to reset what you changed in ccsm?06:54
purveshOmega, i had click on first cube desktop then after that clicked on Unity which i had seen here first time on ubuntu 11.04 then it shows some conflict some flip n all i had not read at that time bcz at that time only window stick to top so some text are hiding beside that06:54
purveshOmega, ya if it is set to normal default view then also its fine06:55
Omegagconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-106:55
Omegaunity --reset06:55
Omegathat will reset app compiz settings06:55
purveshOmega, ohk thanx let me try06:55
purveshBigWhale, Omega, at there i can't type any command bcz it stuck at unknown 9791 error some i can't type07:02
purveshOmega, i had tried at ctrl+alt+F107:03
purveshBigWhale, Omega, should i restart my both this gui and that display ?07:05
purveshOmega, you there ?07:07
Omegayes, restart07:09
OmegaI need to sleep now though07:09
Omegatry asking for help in #ubuntu07:09
purveshOmega, Thanx a lot for helping me !07:11
* LLStarks sighs07:31
LLStarksanother fitt's law bug07:31
LLStarksmanually closing the ctrl+f search in firefox will invoke the trash bin in 90% of attempted mouse-overs of the X to close it07:32
LLStarkswhile one could ctrl+f and then press escape, this is not ideal or user apparent07:32
LLStarksubott, i demand you to educate everyone about bug 77693007:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 776930 in unity (Ubuntu) "Attempted mouse-overs for the Firefox back button and Find box close button will bring up the Launcher (Fitts's Law)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77693007:42
oSoMoNgood morning08:00
LLStarksgood morning08:00
larsemil1st. thanks for wonderful unity, best thing that happened to ubuntu IMO.08:25
larsemil2nd. :) What to do if unity bar does not minimize, stays open. anything to do about that08:27
larsemilnjpatel: you know you are my favourite developer, i asked a friend to give you biggest hug next time he runs in to you over at canonical08:27
larsemilso you know why next time aswede hangs around your shoulders08:28
njpatellarsemil, hah, thank you :)08:34
larsemilnoone got an idea on what to do when unitypanel does not want to minimize?08:35
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larsemilits a reboot then09:03
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kzmdmzkHi, is anyone able to comment on the status of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#Treatment%20of%20hardware%20device%20detection ?10:15
jayneilhey all..i have Intel dual core processor, 2.5gb ram, nvidia geforce 7600(256Mb) and still I am not able to run Unity.12:18
jayneilso any suggestions..?12:19
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cgI was wondering if I could get some help. I upgrade to Natty the other day, and now my ctrl-f in all applications that support searching, does not work. Has anyone else experienced this?17:05
elriclcg Do u mean super key +f?17:15
davidcallejcastro, i'm reading on Linux Journal that you demonstrated the Books Lens at Penguincon. THANK YOU!17:15
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iggyology_hi people17:42
iggyology_I'm having bug issues with Unity17:43
iggyology_the app icons are broken17:43
iggyology_anyone here?17:45
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iggyology_anyone here?17:49
iggyology_that can help me with unity17:49
iggyology_I'm debating switch to xubuntu because ubuntu's unity seems to be bugged without support17:50
iggyology_so come one people aren't these bots messaging your iphones or something???17:50
jamaltaiggyology_: why don't you try asking in #ubuntu? There's usually more actives ready to help there.17:52
iggyology_I am17:52
iggyology_everyone hates unity and ubuntu17:52
iggyology_they say it's too new and not that great17:52
iggyology_and it's bugged and no one is supporting it enough17:52
iggyology_to which I am learning that they are right17:53
iggyology_even though I like the look17:53
iggyology_so far most people prefer the XFCE environment17:53
iggyology_it seems to be better refined17:54
iggyology_less of a weekend project than Gnome17:54
iggyology_this is my first impression people.... take it for that17:56
iggyology_not for an experienced position17:56
iggyology_sorry if I offended someone17:59
iggyology_I'm just trying to understand the billion faces of Linux18:00
cyphermoxiggyology_, if you're running into bugs, I guess the best is for you to file a bug report against unity to let the developers know, and ask specific questions if it may be worked around18:02
cyphermoxiggyology_, but support questions would usually go better in #ubuntu18:02
iggyology_cyphermox, I'm in #ubuntu, but strangely enough there are a lot of xubuntu users! Gof figure!18:03
cyphermoxheh, you can still ask questions18:03
hallis there a list of more serious "known problems" with the unity environment? it is hard searching bug reports for the troubles i have (basically, it does not work at all)18:04
cyphermoxhall, not sure if there is, but my guess is that would be on wiki.ubuntu.com or just in the bug reports against unity18:04
halldriver issues, system requirements, that kind of thing18:04
cyphermoxif it doesn't work, you can probably track that down to the graphics card though18:04
hallit starts up and draws stuff all over the place, menus are invisible and applications only use half of the screen no matter what18:05
cyphermoxhall, or file a new bug, and developers can go mark it a duplicate afterwards if necessary ;)18:05
hallyeah, i guess18:05
cyphermoxhall, are you using multiple monitors?18:05
hallexternal monitor, VGA18:06
halllaptop with X3100 graphics18:06
cyphermoxso yeah, the laptop with an extra external monitor18:06
hallyes, but i'm only using the external, not the laptop one18:06
cyphermoxoh ok18:07
cyphermoxso yes, I'd assume it's best you file a bug. don't forget to use "ubuntu-bug unity" to do so18:07
iggyology_cyphermox, can you tell me how to fix an icon in the launch bar that isn't working. Someone in #ubuntu said that it's got something to do with getting away from sudo and going to gksudo.18:08
iggyology_I have no idea how to do that18:09
cyphermoxiggyology_, which icon?18:09
iggyology_Firefox and Thunderbird18:10
iggyology_the other ones work fine18:10
iggyology_like LibreOffice Writer18:10
cyphermoxI don't think any of them really has anything to do with sudo18:10
iggyology_or Ubuntu Software Center18:10
iggyology_that works18:10
cyphermoxis there a white arrow on the left side of the firefox icon?18:10
iggyology_no white arrow18:11
iggyology_it's not open18:11
iggyology_sys-mon flickers when i click on the Firefox icon, but nothing opens.... no process18:12
cyphermoxthen please put what you see in the file .xsession-errors in a pastebin -- like paste.ubuntu.com18:12
iggyology_everything works when I open a command window18:12
iggyology_You mean what I see when I do a command window?18:13
cyphermoxthere should be a hidden file called .xsession-errors in your home directory. that will likely contain messages if firefox can't be started by unity, telling us why18:13
cyphermoxbut it can be pretty big and verbose, so don't just paste it in the channel, use a pastebin18:14
iggyology_I'll have to find it, I'm not familiar with that stuff18:14
iggyology_I've never used pastebin either18:14
iggyology_can you walk me through getting the hidden file18:14
cyphermoxopen a command window and type:  gedit ~/.xsession-errors18:15
cyphermoxthen open a browser, go to paste.ubuntu.com, copy and paste all that stuff in there, and give us the link18:16
iggyology_got the document...18:17
iggyology_wow, yeah, it's big :)18:18
iggyology_I see what you mean18:19
iggyology_so the link is18:19
iggyology_I wondered what was going on in #ubuntu when people kept posting hyperlinks to that website18:20
iggyology_What a good idea18:20
cyphermoxiggyology_, er.. so I guess this is a netbook? can you open software center or does that one also not work?18:22
iggyology_software center works fine18:22
iggyology_yes, it's an acer aspire one18:22
cyphermoxiggyology_, did you change the firefox launcher in any way, or is this a new install?18:23
iggyology_I wanted to know if pasting my .xsession-errors exposes confidential information like the stuff on my keyring?18:23
iggyology_This is a new install18:23
iggyology_actually I uninstalled and reinstalled twice already18:23
cyphermoxiggyology_, no, it should be just error messages18:23
iggyology_I'm assuming that it's taking you a little while to sift through the document for signs of trouble?18:24
cyphermoxi'm not sure, there's quite a lot of stuff there... if you press the windows key on your keyboard and type firefox (or click on the firefox icon in the dash), can you start it then?18:24
iggyology_yes i can start it from there18:25
iggyology_can I clear the errors and redo the issue?18:26
cyphermoxok. in that case is the firefox icon still not showing an arrow, or is there a second firefox icon in the launcher?18:26
cyphermoxiggyology_, no need, the log is fine18:26
cyphermoxiggyology_, is the firefox icon still not showing an arrow, or is there a second firefox icon in the launcher?18:28
iggyology_... now the icon is gone from the launcher18:30
cyphermoxbut firefox is running?18:30
iggyology_and when I try to drag a new one in... the new icon disappears... no firefox isn't running18:30
cyphermoxI thought you were able to start it from the dash18:31
iggyology_i can only start it from terminal or18:31
cyphermox<cyphermox> i'm not sure, there's quite a lot of stuff there... if you press the windows key on your keyboard and type firefox (or click on the firefox icon in the dash), can you start it then?18:31
cyphermox<iggyology_> yes i can start it from there18:31
cyphermoxso what I suggest is, right click the firefox icon from your launcher and uncheck "Keep In Launcher"18:32
iggyology_this thing you call the "dash" is the problem i think18:32
iggyology_i did that18:32
cyphermoxthen start it from Applications or wherever you manage to start it from, and once firefox starts and the icon appears, right click on the icon and check Keep In Launcher again18:33
iggyology_for some reason it's busy working on something18:35
iggyology_just a sec18:35
iggyology_so I have a Firefox window open on the desktop, but there is nothing in the "dash"18:36
iggyology_program open, but no icon in dash....18:37
cyphermoxiggyology_, well, in that case I'm not sure what else to try18:37
iggyology_wait, aren't you a unity developer?18:38
cyphermoxiggyology_, I did *some* development on unity, but I can't say I know it inside out ;)18:38
iggyology_is the Firefox icon supposed to show up in the launcher when there is a window open?18:38
cyphermoxyou could always restart your session, or try to reset the compiz and unity settings (that's "unity --reset")18:39
cyphermoxyes, if it's open it should show up18:39
cyphermoxit might not be at the top if you removed the original launcher icon, but it will appears somewhere in the launcher18:40
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iggyology_nope, it's nowhere in the launcher even though I'm looking right at the open firefox window18:41
iggyology_it's showing on the sys-mon though18:41
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iggyology_ughhhhh I think I'll uninstall the damn thing and try over18:42
spikebyeah, that's a known bug i believe :(18:42
iggyology_I wonder who's working on unity, because it seems like someone is having some premature release issues :) lol18:43
iggyology_at least call it a beta!18:44
iggyology_that way people can stick with something like XFCE until the beta is done18:44
iggyology_or at least help people switch to gnome classic until the bugs are squashed18:44
iggyology_This all smells like people who have jobs trying to use noobs to fix their projects so they have shi* they can impress their bosses with and get promotions18:47
iggyology_one guy said that he spent a whole year getting xubuntu where he wanted it... then the next 3 doing tweaks18:48
iggyology_he was in #ubuntu scraping his knees on the floor trying to get help18:49
iggyology_Windows is sitting on a pile of our money laughing at us as we fudge ourselves with this stuff18:49
iggyology_and the virus's are so bad now... it's like I say... If we're the smartest creatures on the planet... than the Earth is fu**ed.18:51
iggyology_:) coming from the genious that spelled viruses "virus's" :)18:53
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