
AfCGood morning00:00
ckontrosjames-w: Could you look into this for us. It's gonna make it damn hard for the  Studio team to hit the ground running for Oneiric. :) I'm unsure why this was done in the first place. I might not be around when you are so I'll have ScottL (current Studio lead) catch up with you.00:02
ckontrosDarn. Did the name wrong. james_w` ^^^00:04
ckontroslifeless: Thanx to the help. I'll get it sorted.00:06
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jam2morning all07:36
=== jam2 is now known as jam
lifelessjelmer: :( I didn't fix the build after all07:38
lifelessjelmer: (subunit dailies)07:38
vilahi all !07:44
vilajam, jelmer, spiv: stand up ?07:44
jamvila: in 1 hour07:44
jamI would guess jelmer isn't awake yet, but I could be wrong07:44
vila8:00 UTC ?07:45
vilaspiv: is that ok for you ?07:45
jamvila: that is what the schedule says07:45
* vila nods07:45
jamI'm usually not on until 7:00, but I'm here now07:45
viladoesn't mean we can't adjust ;)07:46
jamSo today I'm fine moving it07:46
spivvila, jam: if jelmer's around, now suits me08:05
* vila acks08:05
jamsame here, but I think jelmer is still sleeping08:05
spivOtherwise I'll head afk for a bit and be back for the standup08:05
jamis poolie gone today, then?08:05
Pengvila: pm?08:07
vilaPeng: sure08:07
KaleetosI'm having some trouble installing bazaar on my computer, anyone available to help me out?08:15
vilaKaleetos: OS/bzr versions ?08:17
Kaleetosi'm on mac os 10.5-- bazaar 2.3.1. It installs but when I try to run the bzr it tries to execute from a version of python I don't have anymore (2.5)08:18
spivvila, jam: see you in 40 minutes or so.08:18
vilaspiv: ack08:18
Kaleetosis there a way for me to have bazaar execute from 2.608:18
vilaKaleetos: you deleted the OSX provided python ?08:18
Kaleetosas per the instructions on python.org, yes08:19
vilaKaleetos: hmm, interesting, do you an URL for that ?08:19
vilas/you/you have/08:19
Kaleetosthis was a long while ago when i was having problems with programs defaulting to the 2.508:19
Kaleetossection 4.108:20
Kaleetosthe second bullet point08:20
vilaKaleetos: yup, reading08:20
vilaso, I wasn't aware of that but it's interesting, see bug #776523 for a related issue (a bit reversed to yours but your experience may help decide on how to fix it)08:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 776523 in Bazaar Mac Installers "launchpadlib tests requires python 2.6" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77652308:22
vilaKaleetos: now, what is the precise issue you're having ?08:22
vilai.e. what does 'bzr version' says ?08:23
Kaleetosvila-- if its necessary I can put that version of python right back where it was (i stored backups), it just causes headaches when running certain programs08:23
Kaleetoswhenever i run bzr anything it says this: -bash: /usr/local/bin/bzr: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Resources/Python.app/: bad interpreter: No such file or directory08:23
vilaok, and what does the first line in /usr/local/bin/bzr says ?08:24
Kaleetos-bash: usr/local/bin/bzr: No such file or directory08:25
vilaKaleetos: the first line *in* the script08:25
Kaleetosi'm sorry-- i have no idea what that means =(08:25
Kaleetoswhat script?08:26
vilaKaleetos: 'head /usr/local/bin/bzr' will display the first few lines in the script08:26
Kaleetos# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Canonical Ltd08:27
vilajust a sec, searching for a 10.5 mac08:27
vilano, not that, a line starting with #!08:28
vilayup, that one08:29
vilathis instructs OSX to use the python located at that path08:29
Kaleetosahh. so just change that path and thats it?08:29
vilathat would be a first try but there could be fallouts08:30
Kaleetoswell before i do that08:30
KaleetosI'm going to put that backup of 2.5 back in place to see what happens08:30
Kaleetoswould it matter much if I was running bazaar on the older version of python?08:32
vilaif you put your backup back in place, everything should be fine08:32
vilaKaleetos: quite the contrary, the installer is build against the system provided version08:32
Kaleetosoh ok08:33
vilaKaleetos: out of curiosity, do you plan to upgrade your mac to 10.6 or 10.7 ?08:33
Kaleetoswhen money permits08:34
Kaleetosi would love to now, but I don't have the money and I'd rather not deal with upgrading this old guy08:34
KaleetosI want to get a new mac08:34
vilawhich model is it ?08:34
Kaleetosmacbook pro08:34
Kaleetosok so now I'm getting this message08:35
Kaleetosshould I paste it right in here or do you guys have a pasting page?08:35
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:36
vilaKaleetos: the installer should have installed bzrlib in /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/bzrlib08:39
Kaleetoshm... i'll reinstall08:39
vilaKaleetos: either it's not there anymore or some other setting (PYTHONPATH ?) is borked08:39
vilare-installing is the safest route08:40
Kaleetosnope, same deal08:40
vilado you have /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/bzrlib ?08:40
Kaleetoshmm no. and according to my backups I haven't had a Library/Python since October(before I started using python)08:44
KaleetosI don't even see a library/python directory now08:45
vilaare you sure you'looking at /Library not /Users/xxx/Library ?08:46
Kaleetosmaybe the backups don't save that particular directory?08:46
Kaleetosyup all there08:46
Kaleetosincluding the bzrlib08:47
vilaha, better08:48
Kaleetosshould I manually add that directory into the PYTHONPATH?08:48
vilayou shouldn't have to08:48
vilatry: python -v /usr/local/bin/bzr08:49
Kaleetossame error08:50
vilapastebin output ?08:51
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:52
vilayou're using 2.608:53
Kaleetosis it seraching in 2.6 now?08:54
vilabut /usr/local/bin/bzr points to 2.5 so using this script should do the right thing, try python2.5 -v /usr/...08:54
Kaleetospython2.5 -v /usr/...08:56
Kaleetosoops hold on08:56
vilause the full path to the bzr script, I was lazy ;)08:57
Kaleetosthis directory right? /usr/local/bin/bzr/08:59
vilathis file  /usr/local/bin/bzr08:59
vilano trailing /08:59
Kaleetosyea just figrued that out heh. ok so it did a bunch of stuff, should i paste that?09:00
* jelmer waves09:00
vilaif it doesn't end with the list of basic bzr commands, yes, paste the output09:00
* vila scratches head09:02
vilaKaleetos: python2.5 -c 'import sys; print sys.path'09:03
vilaKaleetos: otp, be back later09:05
jelmervila: can you hear me?09:06
vilajelmer: yes, but you don't seem to hear me ;)09:06
Kaleetosvila when you get back here is a copy of my bash_profile: http://paste.ubuntu.com/603145/09:07
Kaleetosincase maybe something is wrong in there09:07
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
spivvila: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/67061a280d79e806c089681dd8b4a524.html09:18
jelmerjam, vila: did somebody say they were going to review spiv's branch?09:34
jamjelmer: the one he just put up? I already reviewed it09:35
jamwas there another one?09:35
jelmerjam: Yeah, the parents provider smart request one.09:35
jamI looked at it09:36
chriscauservila: Many thanks for the tip (about wt.has_changes().) It seems to shave about .1 second off the script running time (.5 seconds to .4). Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to check for unknowns. Is there a similar method to check if the tree has unknowns? (I can't seem to find one.)09:36
jelmerjam: I haven't seen your reply yet, I guess Launchpad is still in read only mode09:36
vilachriscauser: glad you see my message, you were gone when I posted it09:39
vilachriscauser: as for unknowns, let me check09:39
chriscauservila: Yeah, I went back and checked just now in case I'd missed anything09:39
Kaleetosquestion. If I write a python script containing this : print os.environ['PYTHONPATH'].split(os.pathsep)  ---(after importing os)--- and run it through terminal, shouldn't I get back the PYTHONPATH?09:42
vilachriscauser: if wt.unknowns() should do09:43
vilaKaleetos: yes, but better use sys.path which will already include PYTHONPATH09:44
chriscauservila: Thanks. That was what I was originally using. The only problem with that is that it doesn't shortcircuit (i.e. It finds all unknowns, even though it returns an iterator)09:44
Kaleetoshm.. when I do exactly that, i'm getting a key error09:44
vilaKaleetos: exactly what ? The snippet above ?09:45
Kaleetosi created a script called test.py containing what I wrote above09:45
Kaleetosthen i run it through terminal and i get a key error09:45
Kaleetosif i run it through textmate's built in terminal i get a PYTHONPATH referring to the textmate installation09:46
Kaleetosbut directly through terminal gives the key error09:46
chriscauserKaleetos: What happens when you type in 'export PYTHONPATH="/imaginary:/second_imaginary"'' before running from the terminal?09:47
vilaecho $PYTHONPATH ?09:48
vilapython -c 'import os; print "\n".join(os.environ["PYTHONPATH"].split(os.pathsep))' works fine here09:48
vilaor python2.5 -c 'import os; print "\n".join(os.environ["PYTHONPATH"].split(os.pathsep))' works fine here09:48
vilain your case09:48
Kaleetosthe echo thing just shoots back a question mark09:49
Kaleetoschris, should I copy and paste that exactly?09:49
chriscauserKaleetos: Everything in the double quotes exactly09:50
vilaKaleetos: python2.5 -c 'import sys; print "\n".join(sys.path)'09:50
Kaleetosand vila09:50
Kaleetosi get the same key error09:50
Kaleetosthe last thing u gave me worked09:50
chriscauserKaleetos: * single quotes09:50
vilaKaleetos: then PYTHONPATH is not in your environment, 'env' will tell you what is defined09:50
Kaleetoschris, I get the same keyerror09:52
vilaKaleetos: because PYTHONPATH is not in your env, try the 'env' command in a terminal without the single quotes09:53
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:53
vilaKaleetos: right, no PYTHONPATH there09:54
Kaleetosis that the problem?09:54
vilapython2.5 -c 'import sys; print "\n".join(sys.path)'09:54
vilaKaleetos: you shouldn't have to modify PYTHONPATH, /Libray/blah blah should already be added automatically by python, if it's not, something weird is going on09:55
Kaleetosperhaps i broke something at some point?09:56
vilals -l /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages09:57
vilacan you re-paste the output of: python2.5 -c 'import sys; print "\n".join(sys.path)'10:03
vilameh, nm10:03
vilaKaleetos: the weird thing here is that you have site-packages directories below /System instead of /Library10:04
Kaleetoswhat would happen if i tried installing the osx10.6 bazaar in my 10.5 (because 10.6 bazaar installs to python 2.6). would that create all sorts of disaster?10:04
chriscauservila: I've pushed your suggestion to lp. Thank you so much for the help. I hope the script will be of use to other people.10:05
vilaKaleetos: that's would be a useful experiment, it may well work10:06
Kaleetosor what about installing the version intended for osx 10.4 (designed specifically for python 2.6 downloaded directly from python.org)10:07
vilaKaleetos: try un-installing the 10.5 version first if only to limit the clutter10:07
vilaKaleetos: there two things here, python install and bzr install10:07
vilaKaleetos: AFAIK, the bzr installers assume that you're using the system installed python but I don't think they check10:08
Kaleetosthe OS is not relevant?10:08
vilawell, the OS is indirectly relevant10:08
vilaAFAIK it's python version that matters10:08
Kaleetosok, i'll try to install the one for 10.610:09
Kaleetosthe uninstaller doesn't work for me =/10:11
Kaleetosany other options?10:11
vilaKaleetos: :-/10:15
Kaleetosok so 10.6's installed10:15
Kaleetosand same thing10:15
vilafor which value of same ? ;D10:16
Kaleetos same != good10:16
vilaright, that leave many possible causes opened :)10:16
Kaleetosi've been trying to get this to work for so long10:17
vilaI'm starting to suspect that the OSX python and the python.org python may have different ideas about how sys.path is built...10:17
vilaKaleetos: *what* is failing with the 10.6 one ?10:17
vilaKaleetos: keep in mind that we have many users on both 10.5 and 10.6 with working setups so I'm trying to help you find what is different in *your* setup and how the installers can be fixed...10:18
Kaleetosi get the same "please check the directory containing bzrlib is in your PYTHONPATH"10:18
vilathen paste the sys.path output for 2.610:19
lifelessjelmer: hi10:19
lifelessjelmer: what do you think is the right way to fix the subunit recipe10:19
Kaleetosi understand, i'm just worried maybe i broke something when i first installed python 2.610:19
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:20
Kaleetossorry, second one is easier to read10:22
vilals -l /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages10:24
vilals -l /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages10:25
vilaKaleetos: ls -l /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages10:26
vilahere we are :)10:28
vilaok, so indeed, sys.path is built differently10:29
vilawhich explain both failures10:29
vilaso, PYTHONPATH is indeed the way to fix that10:29
Kaleetosi hope you know how to do that too, because I sure don't :)10:30
vilaso, let's start with what is installed currently:10:31
vilahead /usr/local/bin/bzr10:31
vilaarf :)10:31
vilapython -V10:31
vila/usr/bin/python -V10:31
KaleetosPython 2.6.610:32
Kaleetosto the second10:32
KaleetosPython 2.5.110:32
vilaerr, that's weird but let's see if we can deal with that:10:33
vilaPYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages bzr version10:33
Kaleetosit paused for a second and then printed out some text from bazaar10:34
vilarhaaaa no10:34
vilaerr, yes10:34
vilagood that text should mention bzrlib: a_path_here10:35
vilaa_path_here should be /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/bzrlib10:35
vilaKaleetos: pfew, here we are10:36
vilaso, the "funny" thing is that you're using the bzr script installed for 10.6 but still using the bzrlib installed for 10.510:36
vilasince the script is the same except for the #! line, it doesn't really matter10:37
Kaleetoswell that would have only occurred just now when I installed the 10.6 version right?10:37
vilanow you need to set the proper PYTHONPATH which is tricky since you still want to use 2.6 for other reasons, so let's try something else:10:38
vilafirst, change the first line in the bzr script by adding '2.6': /usr/bin/python2.6 then try10:39
vilaPYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages bzr version10:39
Kaleetoswait.. how do i change the bzr script?10:39
vilawith a text editor10:39
vilawhich one do you use usually ?10:40
vilaha, you may need admin access10:40
chriscauservila, Kaleetos: Sorry to butt in, but perhaps a bash alias could help here? (eg. "alias bzr='PYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages /usr/local/bin/bzr")10:40
vilado you know how to launch textmate as an admin ?10:40
vilachriscauser: worth a try10:41
Kaleetosno i don't10:41
chriscauserSorry guys, I'm messing up my quotes here10:41
vilaalias bzr ='PYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages python2.6 /usr/local/bin/bzr10:41
Kaleetosshould i paste that then?10:41
vilaalias bzr ='PYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages python2.6 /usr/local/bin/bzr'10:41
vilaKaleetos: startup a fresh terminal so we better control where the alias is defined10:42
Kaleetosit says not found10:42
chriscauser*"alias bzr='PYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages /usr/local/bin/bzr'"10:42
Kaleetosdouble or single quotes10:42
vilachriscauser: nope, we want the 2.6 version so specifying python2.6 ignores the #! line10:43
chriscauserEverything in the double quotes10:43
chriscauservila: Sorry. I was just trying to correct my quoting rather than anything else10:43
vilachriscauser: np :)10:43
chriscauserKaleetos: Do what vila says only remove the space between bzr and =10:43
vilaargh, good catch ;)10:44
Kaleetosshould it be 2.5 or 2.6?10:44
vilaalias bzr='PYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages python2.6 /usr/local/bin/bzr'10:44
Kaleetoscan i just say10:45
Kaleetosthat i love both you10:45
Kaleetosjoy kill10:45
vilanow you need to record that alias to avoid typing it every time you want to use it10:45
Kaleetoshow do i do that?10:46
Kaleetosby record are you talking some special command I don't know about, or just copy and paste it into a text file for future reference10:47
vilaha, good question, I can never remember which file is right for that on OSX to cover all cases10:48
vilaKaleetos: I mean adding it to a file that all shells will read so you don't have to type it again10:48
vilait's one of .profile, .bashrc or .bash_profile10:49
vilaKaleetos: to you have one of those in your home directory ?10:49
Kaleetosi have the bash_profile10:49
Kaleetosits open in the terminal for editing now10:50
vilathen just add that alias command there10:50
vilasave the file and start a new terminal10:50
Kaleetosit worked10:51
vilaKaleetos: *now* you can rejoice ;)10:51
Kaleetosthank you so much for your patience, and thank you chris for that solution10:51
Kaleetosi'm rejoicing by downloading what i've been trying to get for all these hours lol10:52
vilaKaleetos: it would help if you could file a bug explaining your issue, setup and workaround10:52
Kaleetossure I'll do that. Although I'm not sure if it was a bug, my removing the built in insallation of macpython and then putting it back might have broken something. So maybe it was a one time issue10:53
vilaKaleetos: the root issue is that the installers don't play well with pythons installed on top of the system one but there should be a way to address that without forcing the users to define an alias10:53
vilaKaleetos: I'm afraid your setup is a bit unclean by now and sorting that out may be tricky10:54
vilaKaleetos: keep an open eye about weird behaviors still, read your ~/.bzr.log if in doubt for further clues10:54
Kaleetoswell one thing i wanted to ask actually10:56
Kaleetoswhen i installed the 10.6 version, the action was set to "update"10:56
KaleetosI'm guessing that would have over written a significant amount if not all of the previous installation?10:56
vilaKaleetos: hmm, if you still have /Library/Python/2.5/bzrlib (and I think you do), then file *another* bug for that10:58
Kaleetosyup i do10:59
Kaleetosso i should write a bug stating that the update did not remove the previous install10:59
vilaif only because you asked here ;)11:00
Kaleetosi have 3 different copies of bzr lib in here now 0.011:00
vila3 ?11:00
vilawhere ?11:00
vilathat's the two I was expecting :)11:02
vilawhere is the third ?11:02
Kaleetosoh no, one of them was being repeated in my file search for some reason11:02
Kaleetosi just closed the finder window and tried again11:03
Kaleetosits only 211:03
vilaI prefer that ;)11:03
Kaleetosshould i leave the copies alone or can i delete one(whichever one not being used preferably lol)11:03
vilaanother way to address the problem could to create a symlink in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages11:04
vilato tell the python.org python about the bzrlib installed by the OSX 10.6 installer11:05
vilathe alias won't be needed then and this may be more robust than the alias11:05
vilaKaleetos: you could probably delete the 2.5 one11:06
Kaleetoshmm i just noticed11:09
Kaleetosbzr: warning: some compiled extensions could not be loaded; see <https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+faq/703>11:09
Kaleetosi'm getting that warning when i load bzr11:09
vilathat's bad11:09
Kaleetosanything I can do about that?11:10
vilabzr version11:11
vilaagain ?11:11
vilathe extensions are .so files in the bzrlib directory11:12
vilathey enhance the performances but we provide python fallbacks so it's a problem only if you're dealing with big projects11:13
KaleetosI see the .so files, are they supposed to be associated with WINE?11:13
Kaleetosthey're all whine bottles11:14
vilanoo, they are regular .so OSX files11:14
Kaleetoswell whine has decided to take over the show for me11:14
vilaKaleetos: any more details in ~/.bzr.log (~ is a shorcut for /Users/Carlitos11:14
jelmerlifeless: sorry, missed that earlier - looking at the recipe now11:14
Kaleetosi get permission denied without sudo11:15
Kaleetosand command not found with sudo11:15
jelmerlifeless: the previous packaging branch probably patched debian/rules to always run the autotools chain11:15
spivjam: an idea that just occurred to me for "bzr branch --stacked"11:18
spivjam: BzrDir.sprout, which would do the fetch, also knows if it needs to create a working tree11:18
vilaKaleetos: it's a text file, open it with a text editor11:18
vilaKaleetos: it's the bzr log file11:19
spivjam: in which case it may as well fetch the tree contents up front, because that data is going to be needed anyway11:19
spivjam: so it wouldn't make "bzr push" of a new stacked branch any larger, but would make "bzr branch --stacked $remote local" more efficient11:20
jaminteresting idea11:20
Kaleetosi can't find that file vila11:22
Kaleetosis it hidden in the folder?11:22
vilaKaleetos: yes, it starts with a dot (.) so the finder doesn't show it by default11:22
Kaleetosgot it11:24
lifelessjelmer: my packaging rules had11:24
lifeless        [ -f configure ] || autoreconf -fi11:24
lifelessjelmer: (in debian, not just recipes)11:24
Kaleetosvila: you want a copy of the whole the11:25
jelmerlifeless: in clean: ?11:25
Kaleetos*the whole thing11:25
jelmerlifeless: that's the only target that gets run by the recipe builder11:25
vilaKaleetos: only the end should be relevant i.e. the last few commands11:26
Kaleetosthere's a snipit of the en11:28
lifelessjelmer: build:11:29
lifeless        [ -f configure ] || autoreconf -fi11:29
lifeless        INSTALLDIRS=vendor $(DH) build11:29
lifeless        make distclean || true11:29
lifeless        rm -f configure11:29
lifelessjelmer: so clean will trigger the rules to build when the package itself is built11:29
Kaleetosand bzr is not working for me :( I'm trying run a command to download some files, but I'm getting this: ERROR: Unable to import library "subvertpy": bzr-svn: Unable to load subvertpy extensions.....11:29
lifelessjelmer: I suspect this is also lost in your changes11:29
jelmerlifeless: there's no dependency on build in clean?11:29
lifelessjelmer: no, why would there be?11:30
jelmerlifeless: the recipe builder only runs the clean target, it doesn't run any of the other targets11:30
Kaleetosvila: i guess the compiled stuff is indeed necessary11:30
lifelessjelmer: right, I don't see the problem though11:30
vilaKaleetos: if you're talking to a remote svn server, yes11:30
lifelessjelmer: at least not with my packaging rules11:30
lifelessI haven't looked at what you did in -2 yet11:31
Kaleetosvila: would this problem have anything to do with whine being associated with all of those .so files?11:31
lifelessah, I know11:31
lifelessI didn't delete setup.py again, I should have.11:31
lifelessthe debhelper stuff wrongly runs setup.py11:32
Kaleetosvila: and if so, should i associate it with something else or just remove the association?11:32
vilaKaleetos: I dunno what whine is, but no, associations shouldn't come into play there11:32
Kaleetoswhine is an x11 wrapper for windows programs on mac. basically lets me run .exe's directly on mac osx11:33
vilawine you mean ?11:33
Kaleetoshah yes, wine11:33
vilano worries11:33
vilaKaleetos: ls -lR /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/bzrlib11:34
lifelessjelmer: ok, fixed branch pushed11:35
lifelessjelmer: on the collab-maint packaging11:35
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:35
jelmerlifeless: I don't see any changes?11:35
vilaKaleetos: nope, you've added tests11:36
lifelessjelmer: you've preserved this in your -2 patch anyway11:37
lifelessjust updated it, which is good.11:37
lifelessneed to add a nuke of setup.py there so that it doesn't need to be a delta in the branch11:37
vilaKaleetos: err, or you lost the beginning11:37
Kaleetosvila: you lost me?11:37
jelmerlifeless: ah, found it11:37
jelmerlifeless: thanks for fixing it11:38
lifelessde nada, I broke your fix in my confusion11:38
vilaKaleetos: your paste started in bzrlib/tests, it doesn't contain the part I want :-/11:38
Kaleetosah sorry11:38
Kaleetosi restarted the terminal to clear it out11:40
Kaleetosnow i'm getting that there is no such file or directory11:40
Kaleetoswhen i run the command ending in daily-builds11:40
vilaKaleetos: you copied the wrong line11:41
vilals -lR /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/bzrlib >~/topaste11:42
vilaand then copy the content of the ~/topaste file11:42
vilaKaleetos: lucky you nobody pasted sudo rm -fr / :D11:42
Kaleetosi'm not THAT lost11:43
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:47
Kaleetosthere you go11:47
vilahmm, so the .so are right there :-/11:48
vilaPYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages python2.6 -c 'import bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx ; print bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx.__file__'11:50
* vila blinks11:52
viladarn, probably means the 10.6 extensions can't be used on 10.5 :-(11:53
Kaleetoswhat if I11:53
vilaPYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages python2.5 -c 'import bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx ; print bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx.__file__'11:53
Kaleetoschange the alias to point to the 2.5 bzr11:53
vilayup, if you haven't deleted it yet :-}11:54
Kaleetosin the trash11:54
Kaleetosi can restore it11:54
vilapfew, almost11:54
KaleetosPYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages python2.611:56
Kaleetosshould i change both to 2.511:56
Kaleetosor just that first one11:57
spivhttp://webnumbr.com/bzr-active-reviews is a bit alarming11:57
Kaleetossince the bzr script head is still 2.6?11:57
vilaspiv: yup, time for me to patch pilot for good ;-}11:57
vilaKaleetos: PYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages python2.5 -c 'import bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx ; print bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx.__file__'11:58
vilaboth 2.5, we'll worry about the bzr script later11:58
spivHmm, I guess I should plot merged reviews too so we have something positive to enjoy :)12:00
vilaKaleetos: geee, what the hell is wrong with your setup !!!12:00
Kaleetosvila: Its fixed!12:00
vilaKaleetos: what ? how ?12:01
Kaleetosi just restarted terminal, reloaded bzr12:01
Kaleetosand no error12:01
Kaleetosand the download worked too!12:01
* vila blinks twice12:01
Kaleetosusing the 2.5 change in the alias of course12:02
vilaKaleetos: may I recommend you some goats&chikens providers for your daily sacrifices ?12:02
Kaleetosyea, haha. that terminal session was still using bzr for 2.612:03
Kaleetosso when i restarted with the alias in place it switched12:03
vilaKaleetos: pfew, so hopefully you're an happy sailor now12:03
Kaleetosso I have one last question to harass you with12:03
Kaleetoswhere did the file i downloaded go??12:04
fullermdI would suspect that a .so built for py2.5 would get all cranky running on 2.6 (and vice versa)...12:04
vilafullermd: nope, tested it locally12:05
Kaleetosyea, that makes sense now that I think about it12:05
fullermdThat creeps me out more   :p12:05
vilawell, 2.6 can load 2.5, I didn't test the opposite12:05
Kaleetosvila, does bzr have a specific directory it downloads to?12:05
vilaKaleetos: what command did you issue ?12:06
Kaleetosbzr co http://infiniteplatformer.com/dev/Infinite8BitPlatformer/12:06
Kaleetosi found it12:07
Kaleetosit went to my home folder12:07
vilaKaleetos: that's where you issued the command then12:07
Kaleetosoh ok, so whatever directory i'm sitting in when i issue the command12:07
Kaleetosthats where it goes12:07
vilaKaleetos: yup12:09
Kaleetosthank you so much for all your help vila12:10
Kaleetosnow its 7am here and I started this journey at around 12am. so I seriously need to crash, but I will write up that second bug report first thing in the morning12:10
Kaleetosthanks again!12:10
Riddelljelmer: thanks for approving, what happens to it next?12:16
jelmerRiddell: no problemo. I guess you don't have PQM access yet; I can submit it for you12:17
vilaKaleetos: thanks12:18
Dr_Alvila: Yesterday, you provided some very helpful informal review comments on my first attempt at writing some test code.12:20
Dr_AlI (think I) have taken into account everything that you said; would it be possible for you to have another look and see what you think now?12:20
Dr_AlThe latest revision diff is here: http://tinyurl.com/6556fg512:21
Dr_AlMy saved copy of your review comments (for reference) is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60319512:21
jelmerRiddell: submitted - it's now in PQM and should land on lp:bzr when finished. You can see the progress here: http://pqm.bazaar-vcs.org/12:21
vilaDr_Al: seems correct, but just add your new class to test_switch, no need to create a new file (files under blackbox are ~named after the command they are testing)12:23
vilaDr_Al: blank line missing after the class name to comply with pep8 too12:24
vilaDr_Al: but more importantly: do they *fail* now ?12:24
Dr_AlThe lightweight one passes and the heavyweight one fails (as expected)12:25
vilaDr_Al: and otherwise, feel free to make a merge proposal even for early feedback, you can set the mp to 'work in progress' once you get it12:25
vilaDr_Al: great !12:25
Dr_Alvila: On another note, should I test "bzr branch --switch" separately to "bzr switch --create-branch" or can they be assumed to be functionally identical?12:25
Dr_AlAlthough I guess that would mean splitting the tests between test_switch.py and test_branch.py12:26
vilaDr_Al: it doesn't hurt to add such tests (especially if you manage to parametrize a bit more your script to easily vary for such cases)12:26
vilaha, sorry, misread12:26
vilahmm, have a look at their implementation in builtins.py and decide from that12:27
* vila goes to lunch12:27
Dr_Alvila: They look sufficiently different to me to seem to need to be tested independently12:28
Dr_AlIf I move the tests into test_switch and test_branch, should I move assertParentCorrect into TestCaseWithTransport instead of having two copies?  I don't want to start editing parent classes without checking here first!12:33
jelmervila, jam: Aren't parents supposed to be tuples? Tree.get_parent_ids() confusingly returns a list in some case13:37
jamjelmer: I don't think we've ever been perfectly strict on it13:38
jamget_parent_map, IIRC, always returns tuples13:38
jamthere have also been some odd cases with stuff-being-built vs stuff-read-from-disk13:38
jamI'm fine if we want to change it to always be a tuple of revision_ids13:38
jelmerjam: I'll submit a MP to change it to a tuple13:39
jelmerjam: Thanks13:39
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vilaDr_Al: hmm, not on TestCaseWithTransport, it's too specific for that, better put it in blackbox/__init__.py may be13:52
Dr_Alvila: It would be the only assert.* in there if that's the case: is that okay?13:53
vilaDr_Al: hmm, blackbox/__init__.py is indeed almost empty...13:56
vilaDr_Al: just make an mp and we'll discuss it there,14:00
Dr_AlAnother point for discussion (perhaps this should be in a merge proposal as well, but it's a bit further down the line):14:00
Dr_AlWhen doing "switch -b" on a bound branch, a new branch is created and I'm changing the parent of that new branch to match the source branch.14:01
Dr_AlI'm also thinking that I should set the parent location of the heavyweight checkout to match that of the branch to which it is bound.14:02
Dr_AlDo you agree?14:02
vilaDr_Al: re-reading your last proposal, I think assertParentCorrect can be further simplified, ideally the split shouldn't be needed at all if you were providing the right expected parents (and the None case would be also covered in this case)14:03
Dr_Al(As background, the reason for me obsessing about this is that I want to get the submit panel working in Bazaar Explorer... according to the comments in view_workingtree.py there are some other issues that may also be resolved, but I'll come to those next...14:03
vilaDr_Al: yeah, better to address these issues one by one so that the controversial bits don't block the others14:04
Dr_AlOkay, the reason it came up was that my current test (which obviously can be fixed) is checking the parent of the bound branch rather than the master branch!14:04
vilaDr_Al: and all these discussions are easier with code and tests to explain the issues14:04
Dr_AlGood point14:05
vilaDr_Al: and mps also track the discussion which help14:05
Dr_AlOkay, I'll throw a merge proposal in with a few controversial things and we'll see where we go from there!14:06
Dr_Alvila: Merge proposal created: https://code.launchpad.net/~abudden/bzr/switch_parent_513709/+merge/5992414:33
vilaDr_Al: ok14:33
vilajelmer: move-more-more ? You already did move-more or is it just showing your enthusiasm ? :D14:34
jelmervila: I think I already did two move-more's so I thought it was time for more-more :)14:35
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vilamaxb: around ? I just pull hydrazine and get an AttributeError for web_link ??15:01
vilamaxb: while using feed-pqm that is15:01
maxbvila: Hello15:02
maxbAs a first step, I would try purging your launchpadlib cache.15:02
vilamaxb: hi ! (Sorry, where are my manners...)15:02
maxbCached stale wadl could produce that error15:03
vila.cache/launchpadlib ?15:03
vilamaxb: or is there a command to do that ?15:04
maxbrm -r :-)15:04
vilahehe, right, but is it the right directory ?15:05
maxbI'm unsure, I think it moved in natty too15:05
maxbI don't have that directory15:05
maxbvila: Are you on natty?15:10
vilaand what is this new access scheme, feed-pqm now trigger a dialog with lp asking to confirm access for my host instead of hydrazine only ?15:10
vilayes, migrated a couple of days ago15:10
maxbIf so, ~/.launchpadlib/api.launchpad.net/cache/15:10
maxbThis new access scheme is about authorizing your Unix user account rather than individual apps.15:10
vilaweird and what if I want to give read access to some apps ?15:11
vilaha, at least purging the cache addressed the issue at hand, thanks maxb !15:11
maxbI believe the party line is that if you trust the apps to not go and search for a write-enabled credential somewhere else on your machine, you can just trust them not to write15:12
maxbOr, for that matter, steal your firefox cookie and grant themselves a new credential headlessly15:12
vilawell, I wasn't in the paranoiac mode, more in the idiot-proof mode ;)15:13
maxbFWIW, I disagree with the arbitrary changes to the launchpadlib API to ram the new authentication scheme down the throat of existing apps15:13
vilaI guess people were getting tired authorizing so many apps...15:14
maxbI do agree with the overall idea, at least for most purposes15:15
maxbI was actually emulating the "one token per host" model using symlinks long before natty15:16
vilamaxb: wow, I should report you to the good citizen police ! :-P15:18
vilasomeone is monopolizing pqm ;)16:12
vilathe good side is that it will reduce the review queue...16:14
vilahey poolie !16:14
pooliehi vila16:14
poolienice to see you at this time of day16:14
poolieare you piloting today?16:14
vilaindeed :) see pqm ;)16:15
vilapoolie: and land lp:~mbp/bzr/rules (or tell me to do it ;)16:16
doppiabeoHy guys16:17
poolieheh, i'll see about that16:17
pooliehi doppiabeo16:17
pooliei have some lp branches to push too16:17
poolielanding there is a bit scary16:17
doppiabeoI'm in trouble. My situation: I pulled from a tree... a created a new bzr-working-copy-tree, and now I must update the main tree with my changes, and I'd like to keep my history along with the main history.... is it possible to merge in this case?16:20
doppiabeoThanks in advance16:20
Dr_AlHello all16:21
Dr_AlCan anyone tell me: is there a way to get an equivalent of revisionspec.RevisionSpec.from_string("submit:") for the parent branch?  In "bzr help revisionspec" it says that "submit:" will return the parent branch if there is no submit branch, but what if you want the parent branch and there IS a submit branch?16:22
vilaparent: ?16:23
vilaerr or is that ancestor: instead ?16:23
Dr_AlI've tried from_string("parent:") but that produces Unsupported protocol for url "parent:"16:23
Dr_Alvila: From the help, "ancestor:" looks like a parent revision rather than a parent branch.  Maybe I'm reading it wrong16:23
vilawell, it's the common ancestor between the branch and its parent IIRC16:24
Dr_AlOkay, I guess I need to separate the two implementations for submit and parent.  I'll see what I can figure out.16:28
pooliedoppiabeo, one way is:16:30
poolieactually, just let me check first16:30
poolieyou have your own branch with multiple committed changes, and now you want to commit a merge of them onto trunk16:31
pooliehi jelmer, jam16:31
bialixstrange, poolie around at this time :-) hey pooliw16:31
bialixhey poolie16:32
pooliehi bialix16:32
pooliei'm pretty close to you now, in Budapest16:32
poolierelatively speaking16:32
bialixyep, that's very close :-) UDS-O?16:33
doppiabeoI made the mistake to create a new repository at the beginning...16:33
doppiabeocompyng files from the main one... (I didn't know how bzr work)16:33
poolieactually in a directly neighbouring country, i see (i wasn't sure if that was true)16:33
doppiabeoand now I want to merge it back in the main one16:34
bialixpoolie: yes, that's correct16:34
pooliedoppiabeo, there's a good quick tutorial16:34
poolieat, say http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html16:34
bialixnext time Canonical can choose Kiev for this event ;-)16:34
doppiabeothanks poolie16:34
doppiabeoas you know, is it possible to do what I want to do?16:35
poolieso you just copied the directory?16:35
poolieor you copied across particular source files then edited them16:35
doppiabeofiles inside directory in a new one, then I added them to a new repo16:36
jelmerhey poolie16:36
doppiabeo(so know I have two different trees without common ancestors)16:37
viladoppiabeo: how many commits in the smallest branch ?16:37
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doppiabeobut if I find out howto merge different bzr repositories maybe I can recover more history from another working dir... evenif the most important are the two that I'm trying to unify now...16:45
doppiabeomaybe I found something http://www.cuberick.com/2009/02/merge-bazaar-repositories-with-no.html16:46
ams_cshi all17:09
ams_csI push a commit to a launchpad branch this morning, and now somebody else has overwritten it (presumably by mistake)17:10
ams_csI'm trying to fix it up, but 'bzr merge' now says "Nothing to do."17:11
ams_csany suggestions how to fix it?17:11
maxbThis suggests you are not merging what you think you are merging17:11
maxbWhat is the branch in question?17:12
ams_csI merged lp:~ams-codesourcery/gcc-linaro/compound-conditionals into lp:gcc-linaro/4.6 this morning17:13
ams_csit was committed at 10674017:14
ams_csthen at 14:29 UTC+0100 I got a notification saying "1 revision was removed from the branch."17:15
ams_csand two more commits have been pushed at the same time by somebody else17:16
ams_cspresumably they used --overwrite by mistake?17:16
ams_csso I did bzr pull --overwrite to sync my local tree17:17
ams_csand then tried the merge again, but it won't work17:17
maxbHmm, that sounds a little odd17:18
maxbI'm grabbing the branches to have a look, but of course, they are huge, so it's taking a little while17:18
ams_csvery huge17:19
pooliedoppiabeo, still here?17:20
pooliei see what you mean17:20
ams_csI'm doing a fresh branch from lp:gcc-linaro/4.6 to see if that works better17:20
ams_csinit-repo should mean it's all cached, but is that likely to defeat the 'freshness' I wonder?17:21
maxbIt should not matter.17:21
maxbJust how big is this branch, I'm > 200MB already ?17:21
ams_csmaxb: a compress tarball is like 50MB17:22
ams_csmaxb: sorry, I'm wrong, it's 7MB17:23
ams_csmaxb: sorry, I'm wrong, it's 70MB17:23
ams_csthis is not a small project17:24
pooliedoppiabeo, do you know ,or can you work out, which revision of trunk you started from?17:24
poolieif so, perhaps you can17:24
pooliebranch from thta17:24
pooliecopy over your work into that working tree17:24
poolierun diff to see what you actually changed17:24
pooliethen merge that in17:24
doppiabeoI'm here but working, so I look here every now and then17:25
doppiabeoyes I know the revision17:25
ams_csmaxb: I get the same failure when I try to merge into my fresh branch :(17:28
maxbams_cs: OK, I have the branches locally17:37
maxbbzr is telling you there's nothing to merge because there really isn't17:37
maxbYour branch is merged to the current 4.6 branch in 106741: Richard Sandiford 2011-05-04 [merge] Resolve conflicts.17:37
pooliehi maxb17:37
maxbSo, what has happened is that Richard Sandiford has merged 4.6 into his local work branch, and then pushed the result to replace the shared 4.6 branch17:38
maxbhi poolie17:38
ams_csmaxb: oh, I see, very not-intuitive :(17:38
maxbSo, there's two things we can do here17:39
maxbOne, there's a flag, append_revisions_only, that you can set on a branch which will make bzr refuse to push revisions which move existing revisions off the mainline17:39
ams_csmaxb: ok, I want that - how?17:39
maxbTwo, we can straighten out this history goof if we act before any more commits land on the 4.6 branch17:40
maxbIf your local bzr is new enough, "bzr config -d lp:gcc-linaro/4.6 append_revisions_only=True" ought to do the trick17:40
* ams_cs examines history more closely17:40
ams_cshmm, bzr: ERROR: unknown command "config"17:42
maxbTo straighten out the shifted history, you would need to branch from your original landing commit, and then merge the current tip of 4.617:42
ams_csI'll try a different machine ....17:42
ams_csmaxb: ok, I've found a bzr new enough to do the config thing17:43
maxbpython -c 'from bzrlib.branch import Branch; Branch.open("bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~linaro-toolchain-dev/gcc-linaro/4.6").set_append_revisions_only(True)'17:43
ams_csI'll leave the history as is17:43
maxbwould be an alternate way to do it17:43
poolieams_cs, hi there, i saw your mail17:44
ams_csI disapprove of rewriting history enough without doing it myself17:44
poolieams_cs, _cs, do you have the mail launchpad sent you?17:44
pooliecould you forward that to mbp@canonical.com?17:45
ams_cspoolie: sent17:49
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m4n1shin which package is "launchpad-login" for bzr provided?19:12
m4n1shor is it the part of the main bzr package?19:12
lifelessits part of the launchpad plugin which is included in the main tree19:23
m4n1shlifeless: if my ssh key is uploaded19:29
m4n1shto launchpad19:29
m4n1shthen using some bzr extension can I file a bug19:30
m4n1shusing my ssh key?19:30
m4n1shto authenticate?19:30
lifelessthe ssh key is used to authenticate for bzr uploads/downloads only19:30
m4n1shthe use-case is19:30
m4n1shfirefox is crashing19:30
lifelessyou can file a bug using the API (which apport/ubuntu-bug do)19:30
m4n1shevery time19:30
m4n1shand apport collects the data19:31
m4n1shbut you need to submit it19:31
lifelessso the upload is not done with firefox19:31
m4n1shbut you cant open firefox as it keeps on crashing19:31
lifelessyou can take the url it opens and open it in a different browset19:31
m4n1shbut launchpadlib uses oatuh19:31
m4n1shthat is there19:31
m4n1shdifferent browser is the only solution there19:31
lifelessIts an interesting case19:32
lifelessI would change the defa...19:32
m4n1shlifeless: yes it is19:32
m4n1shthis is as I heard a wishlist on apport19:32
theAdibhi all. simple question: I run into conflicts. Can I simply rename the foo.h.OTHER file to foo.h?21:33
abentleytheAdib: Sometimes you can, but usually you need to combine the changes.21:39
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hbeckhi folks, having some trouble figuring out the proper usage - for a given URL to a repo, I check a specified 'download' directory; if it doesn't exist as a bzr (branch, checkout?) I want to get a specified revision from a master repository and stick it in the specified location. If it's already there, I want to overwrite it with the revision specified.23:55
hbeckI think checkout/update are the appropriate things to use here, but not sure?23:55

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