
ScottKdebfx: I'd like to see if we can get rid of them entirely.  The main goal is to reduce the amount of ISO testing we have to do.00:19
ScottKdebfx: I just subscribed you to a spec that may lead to full disk encryption with the live CD being possible.00:20
ScottKrbelem: ^^^ you too.00:20
rbelemScottK, awesome :-)00:21
rbelemScottK, so a dvd live image would replace entirely the alternate00:22
ScottKI think raid is the only think that isn't being considered.00:23
rbelemScottK, i think that would be nice to add raid support, but with lower priority00:27
ScottKrbelem: Maybe you know someone there at work that would be willing to help implement it.00:28
ScottK(the encryption/lvm part)00:28
dantti_natty nvidia's driver is sooo broken :/04:52
Tm_Thmmm, I keep getting kernel scheduler panics06:48
jussiTm_T: I had a kernel panic the otherday....? 07:04
jussiobsidian coast is such a nice theme, but I really hate that my documents get themed dark... I still want white pages dammit!07:14
Tm_Tjussi: hopefully this 38.9 doesn't have those anymore07:15
jussiTm_T: I reported a bug 77543207:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 775432 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77543207:16
Tm_TI had different kind of panic07:19
debfxgood morning bambee08:43
bambeehi ;)08:43
debfxapachelogger: UDD wants you to merge the natty-proposed changes into oneiric: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/oneiric/phonon-backend-gstreamer/oneiric-201105022311/+merge/5972008:43
jussiQuintasan_: did you find a workaround for that aufs probloem? 08:45
yofel_jussi: the pages in libreoffice?08:47
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jussiyofel: see #ubuntu-devel08:48
yofeljussi: I meant re [08:14] <jussi> obsidian coast is such a nice theme, but I really hate that my documents get themed dark... I still want white pages dammit!08:48
jussiyofel: yes08:50
jussiin libreoffice08:50
yofeltools -> options -> appearance -> set page background to white instead of automatic08:50
yofeler, document background08:51
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Quintasanjussi: yes I did09:02
QuintasanHello by the way09:02
jussiQuintasan: yeah, cjwatson just told me how to sort it (chroot) 09:02
Quintasanjussi:remember to mount /dev and /proc via mount --bind09:02
jussiQuintasan: yeah, I did  :D09:03
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jussiyofel: all nice to do that, but then I have to go start changing default font colours and loads of stuff. I wish it would "just handle that"09:22
bambeeQuintasan: it's useless to bind /sys ?09:22
Quintasanno idea09:22
QuintasanI couldn't install it without mounting /sys09:23
bambeeusually I mount proc, dev and sys... but I am not sure about sys :\09:23
* bambee searchs on google09:23
tsimpsonsome programs need /sys, I mount /dev, /dev/pts, /dev/shm, /proc, /sys and /tmp09:26
yofeljussi: really? I just have only the background set to white, everything else is set to automatic and it works as expected09:27
jussibambee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#METHOD%203%20-%20CHROOT09:28
jussiyofel: yeah, i get white on white :(09:28
jussiperhaps I need to restart it...09:28
bambeeindeed 09:29
jussiyofel: nope, restart of LO didnt help :(09:29
jussiyes, somewhat strange.09:33
Tm_Tjussi: on every app, or in some particular?09:34
jussiTm_T: I only tested in writer so far09:34
jussilibreoffice writer09:34
Tm_Tah, same thing to me (:09:34
jussisame for calc :(09:34
Tm_Tbut yea, OO/LO is problematic with dark themes09:35
Tm_Tit's very annoying09:35
jussiI wish Calligra was useable...09:35
Tm_Tjussi: been usable when I have tried it (built from git)09:35
apacheloggerdebfx: why me? I only followed the lead of jr on this09:37
* apachelogger sees a conflict of interest having upstream work on their software downstream09:38
* jussi would use it in a heartbeat if it actually did propper MSOffice compatibility and had a format painter...09:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: is your telepathy done yet? can I use it yet? :O09:39
apacheloggerI am not sure what I seen on them screnies but it looks hawt09:39
apacheloggerScottK: not that I'd want to stir up shit, but the choice of words at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-qt-panel is disturbing and shitty09:42
apachelogger"such as making Qt a first-class citizen in the Ubuntu main repository"09:42
apacheloggerimplying that we did not take good enough care of it the past 5 years09:42
apacheloggerjussi: oh, come to think of it ... given the new nokia strategy we probably will never see a calligra with proper ms compatibility :S09:44
apacheloggerNightrose: do you have a SOK student for KHC yet btw?09:46
Nightroseapachelogger: i have one who is interested but not really experienced so will not do it alone09:47
Nightrosealso i am still missing a mentor09:47
apacheloggerNightrose: when is application deadline?09:47
Nightrosewell end of july but i'd really like to have it all sorted in the next week or two09:48
apacheloggerNightrose: actually, did you ever think about like trying to build a team to work on a large project for SOK09:49
Nightrosedude... of course ;-)09:49
apacheloggerlike 4 people all working on KHC, I imagine that to be quite the experience09:49
Nightrosethe problem is: finding the right students and mentor09:50
apacheloggeryeah, students gotta be world class09:50
apacheloggerfor students one could like select the students with perceived best proposals and interview them or something ^^]09:51
apacheloggerthen run a 5 minute test to get an idea of the potential and then "upgrade" 4 of them to a team ;)09:52
apacheloggeranyhow, I need to run me debugger around the block now :P09:52
apacheloggeranyone seen kded4 go wild on natty?09:54
yofelme, every time I loose my network connection when connected over my n90009:58
Tm_Tapachelogger: have heard it happens09:58
yofelthe trace showed some ntrack related lookup getting stuck, didn't file a bug though yet09:59
apacheloggerI didn't loose network though09:59
apacheloggeralso I noticed I had 2 kded4 for one reason or another09:59
apacheloggerone stuck and one not09:59
Tm_Tsomeone in our LoCo said this bug is resurfacing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/33394409:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 333944 in kdelibs "Kubuntu jaunty: kded4 at 100% of CPU load" [High,Confirmed]09:59
yofelhm, no, different trace than me09:59
apacheloggerTm_T: jaunty? :O10:00
apacheloggerI doubt it is the same bug10:00
apacheloggermy 3rd thread looks interesting enough10:00
apacheloggerif one io class gets stuck that coudl easily be the reason why the other io class (QFileSystemWatcher) gets stuck10:01
apachelogger#9  0x0085d39f in QObject::~QObject (this=0x93a0ee0, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at kernel/qobject.cpp:94610:02
apachelogger#10 0x074325ab in ?? () from /usr/lib/libsolid.so.410:02
apacheloggerof course the fact that apparently solid is directly deleting a qobject is a bit fishy too10:02
apacheloggerought to use deletelater really10:02
debfxapachelogger: you've uploaded to oneiric without including the changes from natty-proposed10:09
apacheloggerbut why are the changes from natty proposed not in oneiric?10:13
debfxapparently no one copied the package after oneiric opened10:15
apacheloggeroh oh oh10:33
apacheloggerdebfx: I deem this unnecessary work10:33
apacheloggerpgst 4.5.1 is being prepared for release and has an upstream fix for that proposed change10:34
valorie apachelogger, do you know that when one proposes to uninstall phonon-backend-gstreamer10:46
valorieKubuntu-desktop will go too?10:47
valoriethis caused me no end of jollity last night when i didn't notice that10:48
valorieand by jollity, I mean GRRRRRR10:49
yofelwell, it needs *one* backend installed, so kdebase-runtime depends on them10:49
yofelah wait, kubuntu-desktop does go indeed10:49
valorieI have a hand-built one10:49
valorieand was trying to make the package go away10:50
valoriein any case, that is disconcerting, to say the least10:50
yofelwell, dpkg --force-depends then, a backend should be installed from a packaging perspective10:50
yofellp #77128110:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771281 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Natty) "kubuntu-full not installable in Natty" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77128110:51
jussi!info kubuntu-full10:51
ubottukubuntu-full (source: kubuntu-meta): Full Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.222.1 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 56 kB10:51
* valorie goes to bed10:52
jussihow is that different from the -desktop package? 10:52
yofelmeant for the -dvd I think with some extra packages10:52
yofeljust wondering why downgrading -desktop to .122 resolves that10:53
apacheloggertoday must be moron day or something10:53
* apachelogger waves fist in the general direction of morons10:53
yofelhm, no, that's aptitude confusing me10:54
yofelI'm not really convinced that -desktop should *depend* on pgst either though...10:55
apacheloggerapt-cache show kubuntu-desktop |grep phonon-backend10:55
apacheloggerDepends: alsa-base, alsa-utils, anacron, ark, bc, ca-certificates, cups, cups-bsd, cups-client, dc, dolphin, foomatic-db-compressed-ppds, foomatic-filters, genisoimage, ghostscript-x, inputattach, kde-window-manager, kde-zeroconf, kdebase-workspace-bin, kdemultimedia-kio-plugins, kdepasswd, kdm, khelpcenter4, klipper, kmix, konsole, ksnapshot, ksysguard, kubuntu-netbook-default-settings, language-selector-kde, lftp, libpam-ck-connector, 10:55
apacheloggerlibsasl2-modules, libxp6, nvidia-common, okular, openprinting-ppds, phonon-backend-gstreamer, plasma-desktop, plasma-netbook, pnm2ppa, rfkill, smbclient, software-properties-kde, systemsettings, ttf-dejavu-core, ttf-freefont, ubuntu-extras-keyring, unzip, wireless-tools, wpasupplicant, x-ttcidfont-conf, xdg-user-dirs, xkb-data, xorg, zip10:55
apacheloggeryofel: it should recommend it10:55
yofelthat I agree with, but not depend on it10:55
apacheloggerI can also see how depend makes sense actually :P10:55
apacheloggeronly pgst is supported on our end10:55
apacheloggerinstalling e.g. phonon-backend-xine (Which btw should be removed from archive) would render the system non-kubuntu10:56
apacheloggeras it is not supported by kubuntu or upstream or anyone10:56
apacheloggerso, not sure what to do with it10:56
apacheloggerlike I actually think kmix is less a dependency than pgst, as we have other supported mixers in main10:57
yofelwell, you're right, -desktop represents our default set after all10:57
mfraz74Can anyone else confirm Bug #777019. Warning you may loose anything you're working on and your wireless connection.12:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 777019 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "kdm crashed when coming out of screensaver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77701912:02
* ScottK hasn't seen that one.12:17
* ScottK would tend to blame X for that one though.12:18
mfraz74ScottK: is it worth looking at the x error log then?12:46
ScottKIf there is one, yes.12:47
mfraz74would a problem with x knock out wireless? or is it that as x is restarting it isn't restarting wi-fi?12:47
ScottKI'd guess the latter.12:48
ScottKI've had trouble getting wireless back after an X crash in natty.12:48
mfraz74OK, i've logged into the laptop via this computer and I'll monitor the xorg log file and see what happens12:52
mfraz74looking at .xsession_error instead: X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) 1012:56
mfraz74I've added a text file to the bug with the xsession-error file13:08
ScottKYou should add xorg-server to the affected packages.13:11
tazzdoes one have to be invited to join https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O ?14:18
jjesseno those are the people who are going to either be at UDS-O or remotely participating14:20
jjessefeel free to put yourself down14:20
lucidfoxHow does one remotely participate?14:20
jjessevia irc and th VOIP numbers, there should a wiki page on it someplace14:25
yofellucidfox: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-N/RemoteParticipation, there should be a page for UDS-O soon14:26
ScottKyofel and lucidfox: It's at http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/14:27
ScottKjjesse: ^^^14:27
yofelah, thanks :)14:27
jjessethanks ScottK14:27
bambeeall email sent to kde-core-devel need an approval  ? or it's just for beginners ? (I am just curious)14:27
ScottKJust for beginners.14:28
yofelScottK: the schedule isn't yet final right?14:28
ScottKyofel: The schedule isn't final until UDS is over.14:28
ScottKStuff moves all the time.14:28
yofelah heh14:28
lucidfoxugh, Twitter :S14:29
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apacheloggerbambee: you could like bribe someone to get whitelisted :P15:54
bambeeapachelogger: ?15:57
apacheloggerfor kde-core-devel15:57
bambeeohhh 15:57
bambeeapachelogger: my request will be probably approved this evening15:59
bambee(I mean the email)15:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: define working17:26
shadeslayerand define " done yet "17:27
apacheloggerplays .prn17:27
shadeslayernot done yet then17:27
apachelogger too bad :(17:27
* apachelogger uses his software then, which incidentally is working and done :P17:28
shadeslayerand it probably never will be according to that standard ^_^17:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: your GSoC proposal?17:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: finish mine too while you're at it ^_^17:28
apacheloggernot while I am watching .prn17:29
shadeslayerafter it then :P17:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: you realize after .prn is wine time?17:33
c2tarunthere is a package named dares, there was a patch to fix binutils-gold error. Debian developer just included this patch in its newer version. No other changes and patch is also not applied in source code, just included as a patch. Is there any need of sync in this case?17:47
shadeslayerc2tarun: yes, if the ubuntu vs debian diff is null]17:48
shadeslayeror if all ubuntu changes have been applied upstream 17:49
* apachelogger alsmost has a SRU17:49
apacheloggeranyone remembers how SRU works?17:49
shadeslayerubottu probably knows17:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about probably knows17:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: its probably something along the lines of "Fix  something on your system and hope it works for everyone else"17:50
Riddellapachelogger: file a bug, add debdiff to bug, upload to natty-proposed, ensure bug has test case on it, ensure fix is also in onieric17:51
Riddellmake sure the bug is nominated for natty and onieric17:51
apacheloggerRiddell: what I am wondering about, say the package in natty is a bit crapy (got .debhelper.log), would I get a beatin' for having that in the diff?17:52
* apachelogger has no idea how someone got a source package with a .debhelper.log file these days17:52
ScottKapachelogger: For SRU the diff should be small, so maintaining existing non-critical crappage is actually encouraged.17:52
apacheloggeryeah, well17:53
apacheloggerI have no idea how to maintain the crappage17:53
apacheloggerdpkg-buildpackage eats it away17:53
apacheloggerhence the wondering how it got there to begin with17:53
Riddellshould be ok then just explain it in the bug17:53
apacheloggerok, thanks17:54
apacheloggerScottK: I believe we should have like an outlook session first thing monday, quickly listing all known points we will talk about throughout the week and maybe toss around some initial thoughts ... so that everyone knows what the plan for the week looks like and maybe think about one or two things while $brain is idle :)18:19
ScottKapachelogger: We have an very early session on general packaging (which shouldn't take long).  We could do it as part of that.18:20
apacheloggerok, good enough18:20
bambeeapachelogger: do we receive notifications when the email has been moderated ? 18:36
apacheloggerno idea18:37
apacheloggerI don't think so18:37
apacheloggeryou only get a notification if it got rejected18:37
apachelogger(mind rejected, not discarded ;))18:37
bambeemhhh, ok18:37
apacheloggerbambee: lists.kde.org will know18:37
apacheloggerbambee: nothing in my inbox anyway18:38
apacheloggeramazon wants me to buy my mom a kindle though18:38
bambeearrf, so not moderated yet18:38
apacheloggerbambee: poke like dfaure, he surely has mod access ^^18:38
apacheloggertalking about the kindle18:38
apacheloggerthe kindle app for android is pretty neat18:38
apacheloggerin fact, except for their shitty format it is the best reader app I have yet seen on android18:39
bambeedfaure is not connected18:39
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ScottKapachelogger: Is there some way that we can disable Dr. Konqui reports about kwin problems in Natty?  mgraesslin's getting a bit overwhelmed with dupes.19:39
apacheloggerI can make .prn create moving pictures, I can do anything :D19:40
apacheloggerOTOH I could also guide someone to do it...19:42
ScottKapachelogger: It would make mgraesslin happy if you could find a way he wouldn't be drowning in intel related dupes.19:43
apacheloggerjust intel related?19:43
apacheloggerthat is gonna be tricky19:43
mgraesslinkde bug 25281719:44
ubottuKDE bug 252817 in general "KWin crashes on intel/mesa glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)" [Crash,Resolved: upstream] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25281719:44
apacheloggerturning off drkonqi for good is a no brainer, but only intel...19:44
mgraesslinbut we get the crash from all distros to be honest19:45
mgraesslinwe just got hit by the Ubuntu wave ;-)19:46
mgraesslin(always fun to see how you can notice distro releases in your bug reports)19:46
apacheloggerstupid kubuntu having so many users :P19:46
yofelwell, at least you can measure the user count like that :P19:47
apacheloggermgraesslin:  in phonon we do not notice, we tend to have good quality upstreams :P19:47
yofelwell, users with intel cards19:47
mgraesslinapachelogger: 10.10 hit us badly because we fixed a crash a few days after 4.5.1 - we still get the duplicates for it ;-)19:47
apacheloggerwell, we could like digg into dr konqi and check the backtrace for duplication with $reference, if match just hide the report button or something19:48
mgraesslinthat could work19:48
apacheloggera bit tricky though19:49
mgraesslinI still would like to get DrKonqui changed in a way to recognize if the driver crashes and redirect to bugs.freedesktop.org :-)19:49
apacheloggerlast time I looked at drkonqi I only saw a [] operator usage without first checking that a qlist actually had content19:49
apacheloggervery eww19:49
apacheloggermgraesslin: now that would be awesome19:49
apacheloggermore semantics for the debugger \o/19:49
* mgraesslin is in front of the tv watching football19:50
* apachelogger is watching jersey shore :D19:51
debfxapachelogger: we have a new pkg-kde-tools import branch \o/19:52
debfxI'll just delete the old ubuntu one if you don't mind19:52
apacheloggera new?19:52
apachelogger"ubuntu one"19:53
* apachelogger giggles19:53
apacheloggeryou cannot delete ubuntu one, bro!19:53
apacheloggerthat isn't cool19:53
apacheloggerdebfx: does it work now?19:53
debfxapachelogger: yes, the question is for how long19:54
shadeslayerwait ... u1 was supposed to work?19:54
apacheloggersoftware that breaks when something changes on one well defined end19:54
apacheloggerin the name of kent beck!19:55
* apachelogger is not ever going to fall in love with the pyth0rnz19:55
apacheloggerjavaz ftw!19:55
ScottKI thought the definition of Ubuntu One working in Kubuntu was apachelogger got paid for his GSoC project.  By that standard I'd imagine it works great.19:57
apacheloggerit like works19:57
apacheloggerit just isn't upstream19:57
debfxwell then just fork it. ubuntu two?19:58
apacheloggeras a matter of fact the notification part of my statusnotifier is pretty useless these days as new u1 actually (thanks to upstream cooperation) emits notifications from the syncdaemon directly19:58
apacheloggerdebfx: lolz19:58
apacheloggerbefore I fork pyth0rnware kent beck himself needs to order me to do so19:59
apacheloggerso never gonna happen19:59
* apachelogger actually has a feeling that one day u1 will be usable on kyoubuntoo20:00
apacheloggerblieve it or not, ubuntu-sso with GTK should be working form natty-proposed20:01
apacheloggerit is like a miracle or something20:01
apacheloggerprogress at last20:01
debfxthen it just needs to gain support for client-side encryption in order to be useful20:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: GSoC 2011 New Student Info: Tax Forms, Proof of Enrollment, and Welcome Packages20:01
shadeslayergo see20:01
debfxScottK: how is the cmake sponsoring going?20:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh and can you help me out with something?20:02
ScottKdebfx: I completely forgot.20:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: dude, is deadline like tomorrow?20:02
ScottKdebfx: Where is it?20:02
apacheloggerif not, it can like wait20:02
shadeslayerThe deadline to submit these forms is Friday, 20 May, 2011*20:02
debfxScottK: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/cmake_2.8.4+dfsg.1-2ubuntu1.debdiff20:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is not even soon :P20:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: people were going all crazy ^^20:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude .. need halp with KAction20:03
* apachelogger is highly annoyed from the traffic on the gsoc list20:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: it is like qaction, just with a k20:03
apacheloggersounds dirty, I know20:03
apacheloggerwhat is the prob20:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/51169/20:04
* apachelogger was about to watch skins20:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://i.imgur.com/Bsewj.png20:04
shadeslayerfor some reason my title and KLineEdit are not displayed :S20:05
shadeslayeri think i know why20:06
ScottKdebfx: Done.20:07
apacheloggerthis code is all weird20:07
debfxScottK: thanks20:07
ScottKdebfx: Did you send the multiarch patch to Debian?  They'll need it soon.20:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: why do you parent the klineedit to the button20:07
apacheloggerlike that is probaly not what you want to achieve20:07
apacheloggerthough I am not quite sure what your angle is actually20:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: i've tried parenting it to the KAction, but that doesn't work20:07
apacheloggercourse not20:07
apacheloggerit does not work like that20:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: you want it in the menu?20:08
shadeslayerso what should i parent it to? ^_^20:08
apacheloggerthen you will probably have to overload kmenu20:08
debfxScottK: Riddell forwarded it20:08
apacheloggerI do not think a kaction can hold a line edit by default20:08
ScottKOK.  Good.20:08
apacheloggerso you will have to overload kmenu and like inject it in the layout relative to the qactions20:08
apacheloggeror kactions for that matter20:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: I'd like to urge you to think about this though20:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: what you are doing is sorta breaking the idiom20:09
apacheloggermenus are not editable20:09
apacheloggerif you insert an editable element into a menu that is confusing20:09
shadeslayeroh ... but it's for setting a custom status20:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: i'll probably rewrite the whole darn thing20:09
shadeslayeronce i get more time20:10
apacheloggersure, I mean it depends on how you display stuff20:10
shadeslayerthe current implementation is quite cluttered20:10
apacheloggerbut as it is now, where the klineedit would look like another action, it woudl be confusing20:10
shadeslayerthey had radio buttons in there before i fixed stuff :320:10
apacheloggerif you can visually distinquish the lineedit from the actions that is sorta good20:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://i.imgur.com/0Xgpb.png20:10
apacheloggermind that mixing actions and editable stuff is still not quite the win situation 20:11
shadeslayeri think it's distinguished20:11
shadeslayerusing "Set Message .... "20:11
apacheloggerwhat I'd do is like have a qaction that goes "custom status" and when you click it the element in teh menu actually gets replaced with the lineedit20:11
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apacheloggerthat way you cleanly stick to the menu idiom while having your sorta compact setup for custom stuff20:12
apacheloggernot terribly important as stage I suppose though ^^20:12
shadeslayeroh good idea20:13
* shadeslayer will do that20:13
* apachelogger goes back to skins then :P20:14
yofeldebfx: are you going to merge kile? (you were the last uploader). If not I'll do it20:29
debfxyofel: feel free to do it, I don't have time for it at the moment20:31
debfxthat reminds me, I wanted to upstream the dependency changes20:31
debfxyay, bzr didn't explode while merging the debian branch20:32
* bambee is watching "Kick-ass" => this movie rocks your socks! seriously...21:16
apacheloggersounds like .prn22:09
apachelogger!info phonon-backend-xine oneiric23:08
ubottu'oneiric' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable23:08
apacheloggerjussi: ^23:08
apacheloggerdebfx, yofel: could one of you like file a removal request for that thing23:09
apacheloggerthat is me as upstream talking :P23:09
debfxwhy don't you, as downstream, file the request?23:10
* apachelogger has a conflict of interest23:10
apacheloggerjust because I as upstream feel it needs to go, does not necessarily mean it is the right choice for ubuntu23:10
Quintasandebfx: make him do it23:11
Quintasanno matter what he says23:11
* apachelogger is not going to do it23:11
apacheloggerthe occasional fix is as far as I'll go23:12
QuintasanYou will do it apachelogger23:12
debfxwell if you don't think it's good for ubuntu I'll deny your upstream request :P23:12
* apachelogger does not have an ubuntu opinion on things he works on upstream23:12
Quintasandebfx: I really wonder how far can one advance without doing nothing :D23:13
apacheloggerthat never ever works out23:13
apacheloggerlook at any shit suse has worked on in the past23:13
apacheloggeras soon as you work upstream and think about downstream it is gonna be shit for others23:13
debfxwhat's wrong with the xine backend anyway? unmaintained?23:14
Quintasandebfx: apachelogger got lazy and went "wtf who care bout xine anyways?"23:15
apacheloggerwell, I was thinkin about giving it some attention (meaning try to get on issues *we* caused), no movement there, so I think unmaintained is the about the right word23:15
apacheloggerQuintasan: if you want to maintain a badly concurrent system, be my guest23:15
debfxQuintasan: why don't you take of that? i'm busy playing minecraft with ~10 fps23:16
Quintasanno thanks23:16
debfx*take care23:16
Quintasandebfx: busy packaging stuff for Gluon and Telepathy-KDE23:16
Quintasanshadeslayer: do it ^^^^23:17
Quintasandebfx: That's how work distribution works23:17
apacheloggerthat is how lazy works23:17
apacheloggerdebfx: what is the minecraft deal anyway23:17
QuintasanSaid the laziest man out all of us - apachelogger23:17
apacheloggerthe pgst head developer is also all over that stuff23:17
* apachelogger personally doesn't quite get it23:17
apacheloggerthen again I am also not into star craft 2 and get hatin from all sorts of people :D23:18
QuintasanMinecraft is overrated IMO23:18
* Quintasan played it and got bored of it23:18
debfxit's the first half-decent game that runs on linux (at least if you consider 10 fps running), isn't that reason enough?23:18
Quintasandebfx: Heroes of Newerth?23:19
apacheloggerdebfx: that is what my kwin does, so :D23:19
apacheloggerdebfx: actually I found darwinia a jolly game23:19
apacheloggerthough I sorta hoped for a second part or something, you could do much more with the idea really23:19
ScottKQuintasan: It's nixternal, not apachelogger.23:20
apacheloggerwhere is rich anyway23:20
ScottKApparently lazy enough he forgot to /join.23:21
debfxQuintasan: sounds like an RPG which I don't really like23:21
QuintasanScottK: Seriously? I always thought that apachelogger got all prizes in "The Lasiest Developer" category23:21
ScottKNo.  Not even a contest.23:22
debfxapachelogger: never heard of it23:22
apacheloggerdebfx: should check it out23:22
apacheloggerinsanely short campaign, but the idea and impl is very neat23:22
apacheloggerQuintasan: you realize membership disappears in like 3 clicks? :P23:24
Quintasanapachelogger: I ain't really bothered by not being in you Launchpad Fangroup23:24
apacheloggerwhich reminds me that I am not running for KC again23:24
apacheloggerand I want non-developers on the council23:24
QuintasanWe have people like that?23:25
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck, valorie ^^23:25
Quintasanhm DarkwingDuck23:25
apacheloggerclaydoh: ^23:25
* valorie is as far from being a developer as one can get23:25
claydohapachelogger: yes, master?23:25
Quintasanoh god.23:25
Quintasanapachelogger: Teach me.23:25
* claydoh reads up23:26
Quintasanapachelogger: How did you make claydoh call you "master"?!23:26
apacheloggerQuintasan: respect23:26
abkdeQuintasan: someone just ordered a beer :D23:26
claydohhe sends me beers23:26
apacheloggerand beer :D23:26
Quintasanabkde: I did!23:27
claydohtho he doesn't remember that i don't ususally drink :D23:27
Quintasanbeer is the Drink of Gods23:27
* claydoh definitely isn't a dev, but KC material, Idunno23:27
apacheloggeractually guinness is23:27
apacheloggerbut whatever23:27
Quintasanapachelogger: Ain't Guinness a beer?23:28
apacheloggerclaydoh: pretty sure you'd be awesome on the KC23:28
apacheloggerQuintasan: how dare you!!!!23:28
* apachelogger notes that Quintasan just scored a beatin' at UDS23:28
QuintasanWhat the hell?23:28
claydohapachelogger: i would try to, at least23:28
abkdefree beer for all kubuntu developers, Quintasan will pay ;)23:31
QuintasanNo way lol23:31
Quintasanapachelogger: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4003/4274708600_891eba369a_o.jpg23:32
apacheloggerapachelogger like payed half the kde drinks at the fosde beer event23:33
apacheloggersuch a nice chap he is23:33
apacheloggerI like him23:33
Quintasanapachelogger: We all like you23:34
Quintasanclaydoh for KC23:37
Quintasanapachelogger: poke23:37
* apachelogger hugs Quintasan23:38
apacheloggerno beatin for Quintasan after all ^^23:38
* Quintasan hugs apachelogger back23:38
Quintasanapachelogger: When are you going to show up @ UDS?23:38
QuintasanI mean, at what time approx.23:38
apacheloggerstill not settled23:38
apacheloggerif you tell me to show up at 1300 I 'll be there23:38
apacheloggerotherwise it will be either 1500 or 170023:39
QuintasanI'll be there at 13 so,23:39
Quintasanwell, whatever, we don't have to rush to go for a beer, do we?23:39
apacheloggerdepends on whether you can stay up longer than shadeslayer was able too :D23:40
* apachelogger hugs shadeslayer23:40
Quintasanapachelogger: stay up longer?23:40
Quintasanapachelogger: talk to me in numbers bro23:40
apacheloggerdunno, I think ScottK and I usually turned in at 2 or 3 or something23:41
RiddellQuintasan: first rule of UDS is 9 o'clock sharp starting23:42
Riddellsecond rule is work hard and play hard23:42
QuintasanRiddell: getting up == no problem23:42
Quintasangoing to sleep == hard stuff23:42
apacheloggergoing to sleep on time to get up in time is hard, trust me23:43
Quintasanapachelogger: hell, like I don't know that already23:43
* valorie managed it a couple of times though23:44
* apachelogger usually got to breakfast at like 8:45 ^^23:44
apacheloggerworked out fine though I must say23:44
QuintasanIf I overdo stuff and have to get up early like today I set up three alarms23:44
valorieit was impressive considering that you had already hit the gym and done your laundry23:44
apacheloggervalorie: and tanning23:45
valorieoh, I forgot23:46
apacheloggeryou gotta stay fresh, man23:46
apacheloggerlike seriously23:46
valoriethe tanning evidently didn't ...... take23:46
Quintasanit's bro23:46
apacheloggerif you don't tan the package is off23:46
Quintasannot man23:46
apacheloggervalorie: I am austrian23:46
apacheloggerthat is like german23:46
apacheloggerthe best I could hope for is looking like a lobster23:46
* apachelogger winks at Nightrose23:47
QuintasanShould I take my awesome hat of not so awesome?23:47
Quintasanalso apachelogger's gonna do Stepmania when he arrives23:47
apacheloggeras long as I can fist pump I am down for it23:48
valorieQuintasan: I'm confused by the hat23:48
apacheloggervalorie: oh you too...23:48
* apachelogger continues watching skins while drinking some wine23:50
Quintasanapachelogger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WhXKb7HB6k23:50
Quintasanapachelogger: You're gonna dance to that23:50
QuintasanPROTIP: see lirycs23:51
apacheloggeryo, bro, this is all messed up23:51
apacheloggeryou cannot fist pump to this23:51
QuintasanI know23:51
QuintasanThat's why I downloaded it23:51
Quintasanfist pump? lol23:51
Quintasanapachelogger: show me a song to which you can fist pump to23:52
apacheloggerask youtube, I am watchin skins23:52
Quintasangood night23:57
Quintasanlike, three hours of sleep23:57
QuintasanI wonder if there is any sense in going23:57
Quintasanto bed23:57
Quintasanapachelogger: ^23:57
apacheloggerQuintasan: in my experience, no23:58
Quintasangonna read a book then23:58
apacheloggeranything <4 hrs is worthless as you will be more tired after that23:58
Quintasan"War And Peace", here I go23:59

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