
sithlord48keeline in system settings00:08
keelinesithlord48: ? You mean to ask something so that I can verify?00:10
tunguskakeyboard configuration for 11.04 and kde is not working. The language on system settings is set to portuguese brasilian, but my keyboard is US and I want to type apostrofe plus c to get cedilla, but it s not working.00:22
keelineIs there a way to disable Menu Bar (Ctrl + M) of all the applications (atleast kde apps)?00:22
ybitalt-f2, oxygen-settings... widget style > scrollbars, scrollbar width...00:23
ybitsomeone please tell me what the default setting is :)00:24
slinker1ybit: 1500:25
keelinetunguska: there is keyboard layout app, which can switch between many keyboard layouts00:25
tunguskatried that. not working.00:26
tunguskaI just need one keyboard layout, and the one that should - us alternative internatioinal with dead keys - it s not working whatsoever.00:26
cirdanhey all. how does kubuntu mount things with dolphin? I just upgraded my dad's box to 11 and his usb drives seem to be unreadable by anyone but himself00:29
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katsrcso i just setup ownCloud, now what?00:48
James147katsrc: its a web service ^^ you access it through your webbroweser mostly00:49
James147(assuming you have apache running)00:49
katsrcJames147: is it like only developers preview?00:50
keelineJames147: I did not get the part where they tell that it runs on our own hardware, then why the web service?00:51
kavurtcirdan: anyone means other users on the same computer?00:52
cirdanalso, automount on the external drive would be great00:55
cirdanit's a shared media drive00:55
kavurtcirdan: you should add them into the /etc/fstab to automount00:55
cirdankavurt: that's the only way?00:56
cirdanwhats the best way for uuid?00:56
kavurtsudo blkid00:56
James147katsrc: I think its now more then a developers preview... but you have to ask if you need it... its designed to run on an server to sync up servral other computers (kind of like dropbox... but where you run it yur self rather the relying on dropbox, as well as syncing kde related stuff)00:58
ScuniziHow do you add a radio stream from a local radio station to Amorak 2.3.2??00:59
kavurtcirdan: i don't know whether there's another way to do it00:59
katsrcJames147: it seems like a good service, we probably need it today00:59
kavurtScunizi: do you have the url?01:00
James147katsrc: ??01:00
katsrci'm wondering if there's a way to use local directories01:00
Scunizikavurt: yes01:00
cirdankavurt: can he easily unmonut the drive from kde or gnome?01:00
cirdanif it's mounted with fstab01:00
katsrcJames147: meant owning and running your own cloud01:00
James147katsrc: yeah :) though thats only useful if you have the hardware to do it (ie a server type computer)01:00
Scunizikavurt: I've got it playing now.. but I want to either bookmark it or add it as a stream to the "Internet" tab01:01
James147cirdan: not if mounted by fstab01:01
katsrcJames147: it's good for sharing files with friends and family01:01
James147cirdan: though "sudo umount <drive>" should do it01:01
cirdanJames147: but my dad doesnt use the terminal01:02
James147cirdan: whats he trying to unmount?01:02
cirdani need it mounted and readable by everyone, until he unmounts it and takes it away01:03
cirdanexternal 2tb drive01:03
cirdanit used to work fine if he mounted it himself, but now ubuntu makes it readable only by him01:03
James147cirdan: what if you make it user mountable and not auto mounted (user,noauto  in fstab).. might show up in dolphin01:04
cirdani'll try that01:05
cirdansomething changed in hal's config, tht does the automount01:06
James147katsrc: for basic instruction of setting it up ^^ http://owncloud.org/index.php/Installation  ^^ though it is basically install it use your browser to configure it (http://localhost/owncloud)01:06
zoeHi, I just installed a fresh natty narwhal, and I'm having a strange problem. When I click on the desktop, my windows and panels disappear. I can create a new panel that shows up, and if I choose select "keep above others" for a window, I can see it. Clicking on the desktop makes both disappear again. Disabling desktop effects ends this, and all panels and windows show up. Any ideas what it is in desktop effects could do this?01:21
dirk_how do I nuke my kde workspace and rebuild it from scratch? At the moment01:26
dirk_it is so messed up it won't even accept keyboard input.01:26
James147dirk_: kde configs are in ~/.kde ^^ I would start with ~/.kde/share/config and rename the files in there that sound like they are responsible for the problem01:28
James147^^ app data is in ~/.kde/share/apps01:29
dirk_thanks I'll try that.01:32
dirk_well that kinda worked. moving ~/.kde/share/config at least gave me back a working kde enviorment01:40
dirk_I have a dual screen setup and on one screen kde is ignoring keyboard input.01:41
dirk_I have them set as seperate X-server screens in hopes of getting fullscreen games to work properly again.01:42
dirk_in xfce4 keyboard input is accepted in the other screen.01:43
James147dirk_: I dont think kde fully supports seperate screens yet01:44
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dirk_James147: not supported? but it hsa a configuration section and everything for it.01:47
James147where? I dont remember see one01:47
dirk_Display & Monitor01:49
James147dirk_: thats designed for open drivers that use randr extensions... not seperate screens in nvidia or ati01:49
dirk_of course it doesn't seem to believe in my second monitor anymore.01:49
* genii-around watches Washington try to tie with 1:01 remaining02:13
genii-aroundoops, misdirect :)02:14
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DragnslcrHas anyone else had grub drop into a shell instead of showing a menu since upgrading to 11.04?02:28
DragnslcrOr had their session crash repeatedly for no apparent reason?02:31
dirk_no but I do have grub issues since the last few updates.02:32
dirk_this was before 11.04 though. One of the regular updates caused it.02:33
dirk_fixing the grub menu manually worked.02:33
DragnslcrDid I miss something you said before that?02:34
dirk_possibly, my telepathic module has segfaulted again.02:36
dirk_no but I do have grub issues since the last few updates. this was before 11.04 though. One of the regular updates caused it. fixing the grub menu manually worked.02:36
dirk_did that repost help?02:36
DragnslcrI thought I had run grub-mkconfig, but I'll run it again02:38
DragnslcrThe new one is identical to the existing one, but we'll see what happens02:41
dirk_I think the auto generated one is the problem.02:41
dirk_I modified mine by hand.02:42
DragnslcrAre the menu options in yours showing a root of (hd0,msdos1)?02:42
DragnslcrThat doesn't seem right to me02:42
dirk_doesn't seem right to me either but I do think that's what it showed, let me check.02:47
dirk_yup. set root='(/dev/sda,msdos1)'02:48
dirk_I think it is because the drives are formated to use dos type partitions.02:48
dirk_you know the whole thing of up to 4 primary partitions and x logical partitions.02:49
DragnslcrAnd that root works for you?02:50
DragnslcrDo you remember what you had to change in grub.cfg?02:55
plastelineТут есть рускоязычные ?02:59
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:00
Dragnslcrdirk_- http://aaron-kelley.net/blog/2011/04/grub-prompt-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-04/ suggested doing grub-install and update-grub, and that seems to have modified grub.cfg03:01
dirk_thanks. As you can tell I have not been paying much attention, fixing my own system :)03:04
DragnslcrGuess I'll see if it worked next time I reboot03:05
sigrasup guys03:22
shane4kubuntudoes kde sync wih palmos?  I was thinking the kpilot package was dropped and searching for the package it isn't there.03:41
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yarjarI just installed and my performance is pretty sluggish04:18
yarjarwindows take longer than they should to minimize/maximize04:18
yarjarand I have very decent hardware with a good graphics card04:18
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keelineyarjar: may be graphics card issue. Try installing vendors driver?04:25
yarjarI installed the nvidia driver04:27
yarjaralso, my dragonplayer playsback videos with negative colors04:43
yarjarblue people :x04:43
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:51
dan_I'm trying to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04.  I get the error message "distribution upgrade process exited with code 1".  Has anyone ever seen that?04:54
salaahcan someone help me please...06:18
salaahi install kubuntu after ubuntu,06:19
salaahafter almost every release06:19
salaahadjusting the antialiasing fonts in kubuntu always messes up global fonts,06:19
salaahi need some help06:19
Keshlsalaah: Patience is a virtue. -- You don't need to install Ubuntu before Kubuntu, but I can't help you with your fonts. Just figured I'd tell you that it's kinda pointless to install Ubuntu, then Kubuntu.06:30
salaahi actually like to use ubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu and unity06:33
salaahman, this font this is driving me crazy.06:34
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mr0wlHas there been an influx of users switching from Ubuntu to Kubuntu recently?06:53
mr0wlIs anyone keeping count?06:53
Tm_Tmr0wl: try asking in #kubuntu-offtopic07:00
elijahWhat is the feature called where you drag the window to the left/right edge and it tiles it vertically?07:35
jussiok, I have kontact/kmail with 4 dimap accounts. When I check email I want it to only check the inbox for new email (not the other folders, like archives or trash). How can I do this?07:37
jussielijah: you mean "window snap"?07:38
elijahjussi: yeah that sounds right07:39
elijahjussi: is that what it is called, officially?07:39
jussielijah: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase-workspace/kcontrol/windowbehaviour/index.html07:40
elijahjussi: I am not sure if that it is07:54
elijahI mean where if I drag a small window full to the left/right a outline will appear that perfectly separates the screen in half vertically and if I let go of the mouse in this spot then the window will take on that the new dimensions.07:56
jussielijah: ahh, yes, hang on, now I know what you are after07:56
elijahthanks jussi08:03
faLUCEhi. how can I encrypt a samba share?08:04
darkrex1986faLUCE: what did you mean with encrypt ?08:08
faLUCEdarkrex1986: encrypt the network data stream08:09
jussielijah: ahh, electric borders: http://community.kde.org/KWin/Screen_Edges08:11
darkrex1986faLUCE: hmm good question, sounds like MitM ;) did you tried it in bt4-channel?08:14
elijahjussi: sweet, that is very much appreciated!!! I am so in love with electric borders!08:17
elijahWhat is kinda nice is that Windows 7 has this feature too now so whenever I have to work on my bosses computer I can still use them and there is also a paid app for mac that has this too. However, KDE still has it best as the corners don't work on the other systems...08:18
jussielijah: you are most welcome :) - if you just feel like chatting and espousing how awesome kde/kubuntu is, come join us in #kubuntu-offtopic08:19
elijahahh, good to know about that channel, I didn't know!08:20
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nicolaslarahi there, is anyone else having problems with mouse and keyboard in X after upgrading to natty?08:49
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nicolaslaraconnecting a usb mouse gets it to work. It's just the built-ins that don't08:53
nicolaslarastill x is quite useless without keyboard08:54
bigjoolshi.  I upgraded to natty a couple of weeks before the official release and I've got a problem with the kwallet not remembering any passwords any more, everything is re-prompting.  Is this a known issue?  How can I debug this?09:13
Tm_Tis there some tool or way to control when touchpad is on? I would like to keep it off when I have usb mouse plugged in09:31
darkrex1986Tm_T: use the fn+FKey on your Notebook ;)09:38
Tm_Tdarkrex1986: this one doesn't have any such option for the touchpad09:38
space_madness200in peoples opinions whats a good music media player for kde? aside from amarok09:39
Tm_TI'll try synaptiks09:40
Tm_T...actually, I don't (:09:40
well_laid_lawnTm_T:  try   http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad Synaptics09:45
well_laid_lawnTm_T:  try   http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics    there's a howto on there09:45
darkrex1986Tm_T: if it is a synaptic touchpad you can disable it in Systemsettings, there is an option for touchpad09:45
SLruanhow to mount ntfs by root's password in kde?????????????09:46
Tm_Twell_laid_lawn: thanks09:46
SLruanhow to mount ntfs by root's password in kde?09:46
well_laid_lawnsudo mount maybe09:46
Tm_Tdarkrex1986: if you can point me the exactly where there, I have spent plenty of time trying to spot such switch in that module09:47
SLruananyone can help me09:47
Tm_TSLruan: patience, please09:47
SLruanWhen i mount ntfs in gnome,then remind me to need root password ,but nothing in kde .09:49
darkrex1986Tm_T: I found it09:49
darkrex1986Tm_T: you have to click on the triangle in the taskabr right down near the colck then synaptics09:51
darkrex1986Tm_T: this opens a window there you can find the option disable touchpad on mouse connect09:52
Tm_Tdarkrex1986: I don't have anything synaptics-related in the systray09:52
well_laid_lawnyou can set things up so if you hit a key the touchpad turns off and turne on again if the keyboard isn't used for so many seconds09:52
Tm_Twell_laid_lawn: aye, there's an app to do that, but I rather turn it off entirely when another mouse is connected09:53
Tm_Twill do some digging with the drivers, thanks for the help09:53
SLruanhow to mount ntfs by root's password in kde?????????????10:00
crashevafter upgrading to 11.04 bightness control stopped working - anyone know how to fix it ?10:01
alquimistahello Im a new Member linux ;)10:36
Peace-alquimista: well10:39
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rahimSoo tell me10:40
rahimwhat are you doing:D?10:40
LhademmorHey, I've noticed something weird: In Amarok in natty, I'm unable to edit the details of a track unless I start Amarok as root using sudo... is that really supposed to happen that way?10:41
rahimomg all of you are nurds10:41
rahimme out10:41
MadRobotHi all.11:03
Peace-hi MadRobot11:07
MadRobotI have just install Kubuntu-desktop inside my current Ubuntu installation. And for some reason, after doing that, I started having a problem running my Django project (which is in a virtual environment).11:08
bigjoolshi.  I upgraded to natty a couple of weeks before the official release and I've got a problem with the kwallet not remembering any passwords any more, everything is re-prompting.  Is this a known issue?  How can I debug this?11:17
Peace-bigjools: mm11:21
Peace-i have no issue with kwallet11:21
bigjoolsmy other machine is fine too11:21
bigjoolsit's only the one I upgraded early11:22
DragnslcrHas any else had problems with their session crashing a lot for no apparent reason since upgrading to 11.04?11:43
bios_Hey, I have problem with my webcam and its built-in mic: When webcam & mic are running at the same time, there is some kind of noise in the mic channel, if the webcame is off, everything is working perfectly11:46
mfraz74Can anyone else confirm Bug #777019. Warning you may loose anything you're working on and your wireless connection.11:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 777019 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "kdm crashed when coming out of screensaver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77701912:00
sobczyk_is there a way to control externally multihead configurations? I have an external screen at work connected to my laptop, kde always forgets the right config, I'd like to create a shortcut with the configuration I use12:02
BauldrickI've been having problems booting Kubuntu of late. I had/have windows with 2 partitions C:&D: - I shrank D: and installed Kubuntu there, trouble is sometimes when switching PC on neither OS boot, just get a black screen and have to pull the plug, I thought it may be bootloader, but heres a screenshot - is it the partition type causing problem?  It does boot if I go through recovery, reboot to fsck (mostly)12:10
Bauldrick http://img59.imageshack.us/i/snapshot1uj.png/12:10
bios_Hey, I have problem with my webcam and its built-in mic: When webcam & mic are running at the same time, there is some kind of noise in the mic channel, if the webcame is off, everything is working perfectly12:12
HouseMDis there a known workarround for eliminating random pixels with the nvidia driver? (desktop effects already disabled, much better but I can still see a few random pixels)12:15
gribouilleis there a replacement for kmix ?12:44
asraniel_gribouille: why would you want to replace it? there is always the pulseaudio interfacethat you can use12:46
gribouilleasraniel_, because it freezes constantly12:47
asraniel_gribouille: ah ok. never had that problem. any idea what is causing it? i never heard of anybody that had a similar problem12:48
asraniel_i hope you reported it!12:48
James147gribouille: there is the widget "veromix"12:48
James147dont think there is a package for it yet: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Veromix+-+A+Pulseaudio+volume+control?content=11667612:50
gribouilleJames147, does it work well ?12:50
James147gribouille: working fine here (after a logout)12:50
gribouilleJames147, let me try it12:51
gribouilleJames147, I've unpacked it and typed make, but I get an error12:52
James147gribouille: thats not how you build software12:52
gribouilleJames147, there is no configure script12:53
James147try this: http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/plasma-widget-veromix12:53
James147gribouille: not all software has a configure script and usually you cannot just run make12:54
James147most have a readme or install file to tell you how to buiold them12:54
James147gribouille: but i think with this you just run "plasmapkg -i <downloaded file>"12:55
gribouilleJames147, I didn't know that command12:56
James147assuming you have the dependencies installed12:56
gribouilleI've installed it with dpkg. do I have to restart kubuntu ?12:56
James147gribouille: right click the systray > system tray settings > checck "veromix" in the "extra items" section if its there... if not logout and back in and try again12:58
gribouilleJames147, which systray ?12:59
James147any ^^12:59
James147though you dont normally have more the one12:59
gribouilleJames147, I don't know what you mean by systray, sorry13:00
gribouilleJames147, there is the K menu, the panels, etc13:01
James147The widget in the bottom corner of the screen where kmix and such application sit]13:01
gribouilleJames147, I don't thhink the systray is related to plasmoids13:02
gribouillethe systray is for normal applications13:02
James147gribouille: no... the system tray can hold some plasmoids...13:03
gribouilleJames147, I don't see veromix in the systray configuration13:04
gribouillele me log in again13:05
simion314the systray is a plasmoid like any other, it is not a container for other plasmoids13:06
gribouillehi again13:23
gribouillethe is something I find extremely annoying : every day, kpackagekit offers me to upgrade to natty. how can I disable this ?13:26
shane4kubuntuI was going to install some spanish dictionaries, myspell aspell through the software manager (kpackageit?) however it wanted to remove my english languages?  I usually install both, in kopete the spanish letters don't show up correctly on incoming messages.13:27
noaXesshey.. my ff 4.0.1 and flash ar not friends.. flash 10.2... if i see a flash graic, eg. from http://piwik.org/ - online demo... any idea?13:27
mfraz74seriously considering going back to 10.1013:29
noaXessmfraz74: ??13:29
noaXesshad that also in 10.1013:29
mfraz74noaXess: Lots of things don't seem to be working properly in 10.1013:30
noaXesshm... i don't have a lot problems..13:30
noaXessbut i have problems in ff4 with flash since ff413:30
mfraz74how have you installed Flash?13:30
asraniel_oh, i was just about to upgrade to 11.04 to get rid of a few 10.10 bugs. so its not ready yet?13:31
mfraz74asraniel_: I've upgraded 2 laptops from 10.10 to 11.04 and on one laptop wi-fi keeps dropping and plymouth looks ugly and on both xorg crashes after coming out of the screen saver13:32
asraniel_ok, that sounds bad13:32
mfraz74still have 3 desktops and a netbook on 10.10 and don't want to risk it13:32
asraniel_going to wait a few weeks then until 11.04 gets some updates13:32
mfraz74asraniel_: what problems are you having with 10.10?13:33
asraniel_mfraz74: copying text in kmail copies html text and not normal text. compositing does not work correctly on my gfs laptop with intel gpu, flash updates do not work (i always have to reinstall flash), somehow amarok plays the sound on the integrated soundcard and not the usb soundcard (vlc and all others do it right, phonon config is correct)13:35
mfraz74asraniel_: that copying text seems to have been fixed recently13:35
asraniel_mfraz74: not here at least... so i was hopping it was in 11.0413:36
mfraz74have you got any of the kubuntu ppas enabled?13:36
bigbrovarasraniel_: I would advise u wait a bit for things to stabilize before u try 11.04, lots of things are been fixed as I speak.13:36
shane4kubuntuno one know of kopete and spanish characters?  Google doesn't have a whole lot of info either.13:37
asraniel_very good :) is there a timeplan? 1 week? 1 month?13:37
mfraz74still have 4 more computers on 10.10 don't want to risk breaking them too13:38
bigbrovarasraniel_: usually a month 2 months is a good time to upgrade, then most bugs would have been identified and fixes and walk around released13:38
bigbrovarasraniel_: this should not mean u should not be involved in bug reporting and fixing . if u have a spare machine u can always help out. just might not the wise to upgrade on a walk machine where stability is top most priority13:39
mfraz74i've filed some bugs, a couple have been fixed, but the rest haven't13:41
mfraz74even things like Launchpad no longer knows what version of Ubuntu you're using if you use Firefox14:02
noaXessnoone a idea about ff4 and flash on kubuntu?14:07
NaBoonoaXess: did You upgrade to new distro?14:08
noaXess11.04.. but i had it also on 10.1014:09
noaXesssince ff414:09
NaBoonoaXess: did You try simply: apt-get install flashplugin-installer14:10
NaBoonoaXess: or: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer14:10
noaXessNaBoo: i have flash but poor qulity.. or.. if i mousover over a flash grafic, like that one from piwik.org i can't see any flash popup information14:11
NaBoonoaXess: maybe probles is in Your X1114:11
NaBoonoaXess: which graphic card have you?14:13
noaXessNaBoo: nvidia..  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 240M] (rev a2)14:13
alexb1Hi, I cannot use the external microphone to record sound. Can anyone help me?14:14
noaXessalexb1: wowowow... not a easy problem :)14:14
alexb1I know :( I tried to solve it for some time now14:14
NaBoonoaXess: which driver have You installed? from nvidia site or from distro?14:14
noaXessNaBoo: hm.. letmecheck14:14
NaBoonoaXess: check this file /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:16
noaXessNaBoo: and what to check? there is nvidia, i know ;)14:17
noaXessdriver "nvidia"14:17
noaXessNaBoo: check this.. http://bit.ly/ilvHJh14:18
noaXessif you go over tha flash grafic.. can you see popup info?14:18
NaBoonoaXess: ok14:18
noaXessNaBoo: "Last visits graph"14:18
NaBoonoaXess: ok i see14:18
noaXessNaBoo: so on your browser it works?14:19
NaBoonoaXess: it`s look like problem with flash application14:19
noaXessNaBoo: so also no popup info..14:19
NaBoonoaXess: works but there is little problem14:19
NaBoonoaXess: that`s right14:20
NaBoonoaXess: use rekonq instead of firefox14:20
NaBoonoaXess: :)14:21
jedixI have the 11.04 amd64 release downloaded, the md5 sum matches what is on the page, but there's an error on the disc14:21
jedixI tried burning it twice, the second one I verified with the boot option to verify14:21
jedixit says 1 error found14:22
tertl3maybe bad media?14:22
noaXessNaBoo: crash... if i use rekonq for piwik, rekonq crashes ..14:22
NaBoonoaXess: on my kubuntu works well14:22
jedixI've never had a bad cd before14:23
noaXessNaBoo: ... ok i don't really use rekonq..14:23
NaBoonoaXess: what`s you mean?14:24
noaXessNaBoo: think its a ff4/flash/X11/nvidia issue ;)14:25
noaXesschrome works fine.. hm.. so ff seems to have a problem14:25
NaBoonoaXess: so You must to wait :)14:26
NaBoonoaXess: for ff to fix this issue :)14:26
NaBoonoaXess: ok i back to this ugly perl programming :D14:27
noaXessNaBoo: and i to openerp/python ;)14:27
NaBoonoaXess: have a nice day :)14:27
noaXessNaBoo: we see us...14:28
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contrastgreets, everyone... anyone else missing the KPackageKit option that allowed all users to install upgrades without being prompted for authentication?14:39
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contrastHey BluesKaj, how goes it? :)14:44
BluesKajhi folks14:44
BluesKajhi contrast , ok nd you ?14:44
contrastPretty good. Just finished tweaking the hell out of Plasma+KWin - http://i.imgur.com/cohBk.png14:45
contrastI was so pleased with how it came out I just had to show off. :D14:46
contrastBluesKaj: Are you using 11.04 yet?14:47
BluesKajyes, been using it since alpha14:48
contrastDo you still have the option in KPackageKit to allow all users to install upgrades (without being prompted for a password)?14:49
BluesKajcontrast, sorry dunno ...i normaly dump packagekit and replace it with synaptic (my only nod to a valuable gnome app )...mostly I use the konsole for upograding , since I'm the only user14:52
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contrastthat's exactly the way i did things for the longest time... not sure why but i've just been feeling tempted to do things "the normal way" lately. haha14:53
jedixI think it's the laptops cd rom drive14:54
BluesKajnormal to me is the cli :)14:54
jedixit's the second time I tried to use it14:54
jedixthe first, I had to send it back14:54
contrastyeah... i don't generally shy away from the cli (yakuake is always the first package i install), but given how often i'm adding different repo's, disabling/re-enabling them, etc., the GUI tools have started to prove quite convenient.14:57
tertl3is thier a kubuntu-offtopic channel?15:13
Linkmastertertl3: Yeah, its #kubuntu-offtopic15:15
tertl3Linkmaster: is it very active?15:16
tertl3seems kinda dead with only 30 people15:16
LinkmasterIts fairly active, though it helps if more people get in it15:17
LinkmasterI mean, the last post was today at 10:14, and its an ongoing discussion, so its pretty active15:17
zeldaIn Kubuntu 11.04 there is no option to select/change/mute fron or back mic.15:19
zeldaAll I see are 4 tabs named "playback device", "capture devices", PLayback streams" and "capture streams"15:19
zeldaHow should I say to kmix to mute thr front mic and only allow back mic?15:20
zeldaAlso I used to have many channles to modify in debian kde, like  PCM, line in, CD. where are they in Kubuntu Kmix?15:21
BluesKaj!alsa | zelda15:23
ubottuzelda: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:23
BluesKajzelda, open alsamixer in a terminal , and set your controls there ..it will change them ,kmix is just the gui15:25
BluesKajand not very representative of all that alsamixer can do15:26
zeldaBluesKaj: Thanks even the "gnome-volume-control" has no options, alsamixer has everything.15:27
BluesKajyup zelda , and you can use the M key to unmute/mute various ctrls15:28
zeldabut still wondering why debian kde kmix has all the controls alsamixer shows, but here in kubuntu it is not15:28
zeldayep I am figuring it out thanks.15:28
BluesKajzelda, I think you can install a gui that is an alsamixer gui clone , but I forget the app's name15:29
zeldathat would be cool, since I often need to adjust fron and back mics, and falling back to console is abit uneasy for me15:31
zeldahey but no wrrries, I am really liking alsamixer, it si very simple to use actually15:31
marcin_19883hello, I'm a new kubuntu 11.04 and I'm wondering how to install windows fonts? please help15:32
BluesKajzelda, and,  sudo alsactl store , is supposed to save one's alsmixer settings in the config file , but I'm not real confident about it ,... seems to lose it's settings after upgrades , so keep an eye on that15:33
contrastzelda: there are a couple plasmoids you might want to look into... compacting the url's now :)15:34
marcin_19883hello, I'm a new kubuntu 11.04 and I'm wondering how to install windows fonts?15:35
zeldaBluesKaj: Sure I will keep an eye on it.15:35
contrastVeromix: http://is.gd/uUTIUu and ALSA Volume Control: http://is.gd/5L2paL15:36
contrastzelda: Those are both just scripts, so you can install them via Get Hot New Stuff (no compiling necessary)15:36
zeldacontrast: wow thanks, they are super handy.15:37
contrastVeromix is awesome. It's the one and only thing that really sold me on PulseAudio. I disabled KMix months ago (add "AutoStart=false" to ~/.kde/share/config/kmixrc and disable KMixD in System Settings -> Service Manager) and haven't missed it at all since.15:39
BluesKajcool contrast , that's the gui I was referring to http://is.gd/5L2paL15:39
BluesKajI disabled pulseaudio :)15:39
contrastI always did too back when I was still playing games on Kubuntu... You know if it still give headaches in that department?15:40
snikkerhow can i disable the touchpad while using the keyboard on notebook?15:43
BluesKajcontrast, depends on the soundcard , pci cards benfit from PA ,but mobo/integrateds not so much IME15:44
contrastsnikker: What release of Kubuntu are you using?15:45
snikkercontrast: natty15:45
contrastsnikker: synaptiks; it should be installed by default.15:46
snikkercontrast: yes synapiks is installed, but i don't have the option for disable the touchpad while typing on keyboard15:47
contrastsnikker: http://i.imgur.com/ODoF7.png - Or do you mean you see the option but it's greyed out?15:49
snikkercontrast:  mine is a little bit different... i don't have "touchpad management"...15:50
contrastsnikker: Are you in System Settings? Because you won't find it there. You have to run synaptiks directly (Kickoff -> Applications -> Utilities)15:51
snikkercontrast: ah ok... i was in system settings... (blush)15:53
snikkercontrast: thank you15:53
contrastNo prob ;)15:53
BluesKajsynaptiks should be in system settings tho , it's the logical place for it15:54
charolastrahi, after the upgrade my dragon player doesn't play videos from a samba share anymore (black screen in player and media doesn't load); any idea what's wrong or if there is a logfile or status display somewhere?15:55
contrastBluesKaj: KCM's always have to have their own .so file, correct?15:55
contrastIn order to show up in System Settings, I mean.15:56
BluesKajcontrast, could be..never really looked into it16:14
contrastThat reminds me, actually; anyone know of how to get BasKet integrated into Kontact? I read somewhere that this is working in SVN, but it wasn't when I tried it (unless this requires a nightly build of KDEPIM as well).16:17
* BluesKaj removed kmail and kontact ...became too difficult to connect to my ISP since it contracted out to hotmail's servers16:19
contrastOuch... I'd be moving to a new area if that's what it took to get an ISP that doesn't do some garbage like that. :P16:20
BluesKajI did , it became webmail , so now it's similar to windows live or een gmail , so I use gmail instead and my old email addy is still on the webmail server16:22
contrastSo... Sometime ~shortly before Beta 1 of Natty came out, some of PowerDevil's functionality went out the window on my laptop, namely automatically changing the screen brightness based on the loaded profile and custom power button/lid-closing actions. Any ideas?16:27
BluesKajohh, thanks for the warning contrast , I did see some compaints about no control over screen brightness and power settings , but dunno if there are fixes . Daughter is using my laptop right now til she gets settled in , then we'll deliver her Imac when ready. I'd better keep my eye on that problem for when my laptop is returned to me.16:31
contrastwell, i'm still able to manually change the screen brightness, so it's not that bad... just kinda sucks that the 5 minutes i spent setting up power profiles is now a waste.16:33
BluesKajcontrast, yeah, even back when I had lucid installed on the laptop , the power preofiles were real flaky16:34
contrastthey've pretty much always worked perfectly for me... i guess there has to be at least one thing with each release that doesn't go smoothly for me though.16:36
BluesKajcontrast, the biggest problem I've seen here with laptops is wifi drivers16:37
contrasti did have an issue with that at first when i was upgrading my mom's laptop, but "sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer" took care of it.16:38
atdprhspeace and graf_wasterholt!!!16:43
atdprhs#join overflow16:44
BluesKajatdprhs, ??16:44
atdprhs#join thing is a mistake...16:44
Piciatdprhs: /join #channel16:45
atdprhsI figured it out, everytime i join a channel, I have to make that mistake first then I use the right one "/"16:45
PiciSeems many people do.16:45
atdprhsnot used to the IRC... :S16:46
contrastThe "#" isn't even needed in Konversation. Not sure about Quassel though.16:46
genii-aroundcontrast: Not needed in Quassel either16:53
contrastIt might just be because Konversation was the first IRC client I used, but Quassel always felt so clunky to me... Its tab previews are the only thing I remotely miss in Konversation.16:55
contrastAnyone know if it's possible to disable the text on KWin's titlebars? Been googling that for a while now to no avail.16:57
Peace-hi guys16:59
BluesKajcontrast, yeah quassel was always fugly to me and the sidebar tree isn't to my taste , konversation is my preference16:59
Peace-+1 BluesKaj16:59
Graf_WesterholtHi contrast and Peace-.16:59
BluesKajhey Peace-16:59
erik333I'm surprised the influx in this channel ins't larger than it is now that canonical are switching to mobile phone DE17:01
MadRobotHi all17:02
MadRobotFor some reason,  it seems I have two keyboard shortcuts for copying. How do I cancel one of them?17:03
erik333which two do you have?17:03
erik333out of pure interest17:03
MadRoboterik333, Ctrl-V and Alt-shift17:04
contrastI gotta say though, the decision to ship Quassel as a default app is nowhere near as bad as the choice to ship Dragon Player.17:04
erik333simply marking at text puts iit in buffer as well, typically17:04
MadRoboterik333, I want to cancel alt+shift because I want t o use it for changing layouts.17:05
contrastBlah... Life calls. Peace out, y'all.17:05
MadRoboterik333, as I said, I want to cancel alt-shift because it's assigned for switching layouts. How do I do that?17:06
erik333menu->computer->common appearance and behavior->shortcuts and gestures->standard keyboard shortcuts17:06
erik333mine seem to be ctrl+c and ctrl+ins tho17:07
BluesKajerik333, this a kde chat  :)17:08
erik333thats where i find it in my kde menu tho17:09
BluesKaj menu->computer->common appearance ?17:10
erik333whoups a system settings17:10
erik333menu->computer->system settings->common appearance and behavior->shortcuts and gestures->standard keyboard shortcuts17:11
BluesKajI think in the kmenu it's in system settings/input devices17:11
BluesKajerik333, what kde version and OS are you rnning?17:12
erik333ubuntu 11.04 with kubuntu-desktop installed17:13
erik333I assume that changing the layout shortcut there is clever enough to remove it from the general shortcut settings?17:16
* BluesKaj is too set in his ways ,,never ued the computer option :)17:16
erik333I'm very new to kde though, was always a fluxboxer at univ. Switched to kubuntu-desktop since ubuntu-desktop seems to angle for touchpads. (yes im aware there is a -classic mode, for now)17:21
erik333kde is actually damned nice imo17:22
Peace-erik333: you can boost it for example17:23
erik333aatleast now when i can afford proper hardware and never do any programming - so i can waste system resources all i want ;P17:23
BluesKajI prefer kde and always have , gnome has always looked like the graphics were generated by Disney or ther cartoon animators :)17:23
Peace-buhahahhahahhahahaha BluesKaj17:23
Peace-BluesKaj: i have tried unity...17:24
Peace-BluesKaj: beta software17:24
erik333I don't mind normal gnome much tbh, though i hear rumors they are going along the unity tangent in future17:24
wols_Peace-: that's too generous :)17:24
Peace-wols_: xD17:24
Peace-well i am Peace-17:25
erik333even bug free unity would be complete garbage on a desktop system17:25
BluesKajI did try Unity too, just to see what all the fuss was about ...it lasted 2 days on my other desktop :)17:25
Peace-BluesKaj: ahhahaah i have a funny video about that17:25
erik333prolly ok on a tablet pc though17:25
BluesKajerik333, ubuntu is aiming at mobile devices ?17:26
Peace-BluesKaj: look 7 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0PsJMylIpk17:26
Peace-erik333: you can install plasma mobile17:26
erik333unity desktop is, by appearances17:26
Peace-plasma netbook17:26
erik333and is the standard DE...17:27
erik333atleast ask if im on limited screen space before making that default :P17:27
erik333the damned search field covered 20x40cm screen space on my main monitor17:28
erik333I mean wtf17:28
JuJuBeeI installed 10.10 fresh and tried to install kde 4.6 using directions from http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-install-kde-4-6-kubuntu-in-ubuntu-10-10-maverick/ but am still at kde 4.5.517:28
Peace-!offtopic | Peace- erik33317:29
ubottuPeace- erik333: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:29
BluesKajJuJuBee,  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports , then update and upgrade17:29
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: dist-upgrade or apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?17:29
BluesKaj dist-upgrade, JuJuBee17:30
BluesKajstuff to do ...BBL17:45
designupanybody knows why my ubuntu 11.04 doesnt "see" my Wireless Network, which is amplified by a FRITZ WLAN repeater n/g ?? ANY other wlan is detected perfectly!! need some help please.... :(17:50
designupanybody knows why my ubuntu 11.04 doesnt "see" my Wireless Network, which is amplified by a FRITZ WLAN repeater n/g ?? ANY other wlan is detected perfectly!! need some help please.... :(17:50
setuid_w00tHow can I tell which version of grub my system was using when I am booted into a Ubuntu install CD and I have my "/" partition mounted?17:58
arpansetuid_w00t: are you trying to restore grub using live cd?18:04
darkarchonhi all, should i take 32bit or 64bit? i'm not quite sure18:37
wols_darkarchon: depends. how much RAM do you have?18:38
darkarchonor better said, is highmem support up to 64g enabled in the kubuntu kernel?18:38
darkarchon8 gigs18:38
darkarchoni find it difficult to decide, havnig a binary distro i'd usually prefer 32bit18:39
wols_yes, (k)ubuntu automatically uses a PAE kernel but with that amount of RAM I'd go 64bit18:39
darkarchonbut having 8gigs of ram makes me feel kind of meh regarding pae etc.18:39
wols_the distro is not the problem for 64bit ness. it's all the crappy proprietary software. mostly flash and java18:40
wols_and both have solutions now18:40
darkarchoni used to use 64bit a while ago in a binary distro and it was kind of a pita, changed to a source based distro though18:40
wols_maybe 3rd party software like PPAs make it harder to use 64bit. but that's all18:41
wols_the core distro is fine with it18:41
darkarchonwols_: also, regarding nvidia proprietary drivers and multimonitorsupport feat. xinerama inkluding opengl acceleration and one display in pivot, possible?18:44
darkarchoni feel like i'm the only one with such a setup18:44
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masterjpРусский канал????18:49
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contrastAnyone else experienced this bug: http://i.imgur.com/6LYuM.png ? Everytime it happens (>= 2-3 times a day), I have to manually restart Plasma.18:58
Graf_WesterholtNo, I did not experience this bug.18:59
wols_darkarchon: I can certainly say, I don't have this setup. But generally, if this works in 32bit, so it will in 64, no?19:00
wols_or what in it is 64bit specific?19:00
darkarchonwols_: this is in general, not 32-64 specific19:00
darkarchoni haven't tried yet19:00
contrastIt's pretty maddening... Just an endless stream of resource-hogging untraceable blank file transfers until I kill plasma-desktop.19:01
jozefkwhat was the KDE version in kubuntu 10.10?19:05
darkarchon4.5.4 i guess19:06
darkarchonnot quite sure though19:06
jozefkwhere I can see?19:07
darkarchonin any kde program in help - about kde19:07
contrast4.5.1 - http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/kdelibs519:08
jozefkok thanks19:08
freakxi have radeon hd3200 graphic card, lcd brightness buttons doesnt work, but when i set full brightness on battery and unplug power cable, screen is going 100% bright :D how to set it as default?19:09
freakxi've try to set profile with 100% brightness as default with connected power, but it doesnt work19:10
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GeorgeJI'm reinstalling the OS on my Asus EEpc 70120:01
GeorgeJI'm installing using netinstall20:01
GeorgeJShould I go with Kubuntu mobile?20:02
Peace-GeorgeJ: nope20:04
Peace-GeorgeJ: netbook20:04
Peace-kubuntu netbook20:04
Peace-GeorgeJ: btw use kubuntu-desktop20:05
Peace-GeorgeJ: then if you want the netbook layout you can click right button on the destkop20:05
Peace-and select searcha and lauch20:05
GeorgeJPeace-: Yeah, the netinstall doesn't seem to have Kubuntu netbook in the tasksel, only Kubuntu mobile and desktop. There is however an Ubuntu netbook edition20:06
Peace-GeorgeJ: that because kubuntu desktop is fused with netbook20:06
Peace-GeorgeJ: look at that http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/04/plasma-desktophV1404.jpg20:07
Peace-GeorgeJ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Netbook20:07
GeorgeJPeace-: Awesome! Can you post a pic with the netbook interface please?20:07
Peace-of couse20:08
amichairwhat setting needs to be set (in Maverick) in order to get the 'upgrade to Natty' notification?20:09
Peace-well i keep my panels but you ca delete that20:09
Peace-GeorgeJ: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/04/plasma-desktopzY1404.jpg20:09
GeorgeJPeace-: That looks awesome! Thanks :D20:09
GeorgeJHopefully there won't be any performance issues on the EEpc 701, its quite an old model20:10
GeorgeJI'm runing the net installer, I installed Kubuntu mobile the first time and it wouldn't start the GUI, so I'll just install a minimal console atm then tasksel kubuntu desktop20:11
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amichairwhat setting needs to be set (in Maverick) in order to get the 'upgrade to Natty' notification?20:11
Peace-GeorgeJ: i have an intel 945gm here20:11
Peace-GeorgeJ: it works fine20:11
Peace-GeorgeJ: mobile it's somethign like this20:12
Peace-GeorgeJ: xD i have just done this pkill plasma-desktop && plasma-mobile20:13
Peace-GeorgeJ: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/04/plasma-desktopG17891.jpg20:13
GeorgeJHaha, nice20:14
GeorgeJI guess mine didn't start because it lacks drivers or something20:14
Peace-ups was thsi20:14
Peace-GeorgeJ: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/04/plasma-desktopx17946.jpg20:14
GeorgeJPeace-: Love the look, is that the default?20:15
Peace-just isstalla plasma-mobile20:15
kalibhi people. I was trying to run: # aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree..20:27
kalibbut got an error exit status 13920:28
kalibhow can I fix it?20:28
kalibgot the same error when trying # aptitude safe-upgrade20:28
BluesKajkalib, sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer ...flashplugin-nonfree is included20:30
amichairkalib: no idea, but flashplugin-nonfree is being superceded by flashplugin-installer plugin20:30
BluesKajkalib, don't use the #20:30
kalibBluesKaj, amichair http://pastebin.com/DdUhUx7K20:34
kalibany idea?20:35
amichairkalib: sorry, nope20:36
amichairwhat setting needs to be set (in Maverick) in order to get the 'upgrade to Natty' notification?20:52
GeorgeJWhat utility can I use to clean up some space?21:27
lenDoes anyone know if the bug where the dolphin file chooser dialog opens behind other windows instead of in the forefront when is a KDE bug, or a Kubuntu specific bug?  Example:  Using web-based mail you need to attach a file so you press an attachment button.  A Dolphin dialog pops up and you attach the file.  You then decide to attach another file, so you hit the attach button again, but his time nothing seems to happen.  Then you realize that21:51
lenthe dialog did open, becauseyou can see it on the task bar--it just opened behind other windows where you can't see it.21:51
noaXessnormaly with selecting a text, click on left mouse button and then klick both mouse buttons in any other application, the selected text will be copied... but since 11.04 i can't do that.. is there any option to enable this?22:10
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astrocubthis guy has the best review of kde ever: http://www.youtube.com/user/bradfrenchenlocher22:57
elricCan anyone here help me update my Java?23:22
RicyCan anyone help me with Kubuntu?23:27
komodo169len: I've had that happen before when kubuntu was seeking authentication for a root action.  had to do with my edsktop effects settings23:29
komodo169the authentication dialogue was appearing 'behind' other open windows23:29
komodo169Ricy:  whats the issue?23:30
ubuntu_this irc client is unusuable23:33
komodo169len: look under desktop effects in settings and then under the 'focus' section.23:34
komodo169len: also, what version of kubuntu are you using?23:34
TheFriendlyOneswould this be the right place to ask quick questions about kubuntu??23:43
komodo169TheFriendlyOnes: yes  :-)23:43
TheFriendlyOneskomodo169: sweet!23:43
TheFriendlyOneswell i recently got rid of the plague they call unity, and then decided why not ill try kubuntu again.23:44
TheFriendlyOnesi don't need to change any apt sources do i?23:45
komodo169TheFriendlyOnes: what version are you installing?  10.04 lts or 11.04, or....?23:46
TheFriendlyOnesI went from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 then to kubuntu 11.04 all updateing no clean installs23:47
komodo169wow  O_o23:49
komodo169so hows that working for ya?23:49
TheFriendlyOnessay well its been an adventure lol23:49
komodo169i bet.  so are you having an issue with it?23:50
komodo169your OS that is?23:50
TheFriendlyOnesno not at all23:50
TheFriendlyOnesjust checking that im not installing ubuntu packages if there anydifferent then kubuntu packages23:51
komodo169oh.  i see23:52
komodo169just looking at my sources.list they are basically the same23:53
komodo169it's 'natty' that matters and not kde or gnome23:53
TheFriendlyOnesyea thats what i have23:54
komodo169i.e - the version and not the flavor23:54
komodo169now if you are adventurous you can mess around with the sources.list, BUT i would not recommend it for the sake of sanity23:54
TheFriendlyOneslol i always do, im just checking23:55
komodo169okee dokee    :D23:57

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