
wgrantsinzui: Sure.00:01
wgrantsinzui: We're on maintenance for a little longer, then?00:03
wgrantAh, I see the email.00:03
lifelesswgrant: to -dev? or squad only?01:04
wgrantlifeless: Squad only.01:16
wgrantlifeless: What's your opinion on BPB/SPRB URLs?01:17
wgrantCurrently I'm reverting BPB to +build, and SPRB to a new +recipebuild.01:17
lifelesswgrant: works for me01:32
wgrantThe BPB URL probably isn't ideal, but it's not introducing a new one so I don't care too much.01:32
lifelessyou could do sourcebuild or something01:33
lifelessbut I think recipe build is fine01:33
wgrantHmm, bigjools didn't start the mawson restore.01:34
wgrantsinzui: Did you want to talk about that bug at some point?02:23
lifelessI'm going to get tired of clicking 'one hour' soon, I can tell.02:38
StevenKlifeless: Hm?02:38
lifelesslaunchpadlib desktop integration02:38
sinzuiwgrant: hi. I do want to talk about that bug. I can now now or any time in the next two hours02:56
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #3: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 4 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/3/03:13
lifelessanyone know what translationtemplateitem.sequence means?03:22
wgrantlifeless: It's just used to preserve the POT's order, AIUI.03:23
* StevenK grumbles. I don't want to add DistroSeriesParent to the sampledata03:23
lifelessso don't03:29
lifelessI don't want you to either03:29
wgrantgetById or getByID?03:29
wgrantI think the latter.03:30
wgrantBut we use both.03:30
wgrantBut I need to change one of them to the other.03:30
wgrantSo I want more opinions.03:30
lifelessthe latter03:30
lifelessis the table convention03:30
lifelessso folk will expect that elsewhere03:30
wgrantOnly for SQLObject.03:31
wgrantFor Storm we use foo_id.03:31
lifelesswhich is 90% of our ORM objects03:31
wgrantAnd that's not camelCase anyway.03:31
lifelessselect count(*), potemplate is null from translationmessage group by potemplate is null;03:31
lifeless  count   | ?column?03:31
lifeless 17773385 | f03:31
lifelesswhere's jeroen when you need him03:31
lifeless 51852904 | t03:31
lifelessto find out why tm.potemplate is set in only some rows03:33
wgrantBah. Our Storm sugar class defines getById :/03:33
lifelessI'm looking at bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/53420303:33
_mup_Bug #534203: Timeouts on POFile:+filter (filter by person) <lp-translations> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/534203 >03:33
wgrantlifeless: I think POTemplate is only used for non-shared translations.03:34
wgrantlifeless: Shared ones use POTMsgSet.03:34
wgrant    def shareIfPossible(self):03:35
wgrant        """See `ITranslationMessage`."""03:35
wgrant        if self.potemplate is None:03:35
wgrant            # Already converged.03:35
wgrant            return03:35
lifelessso we'll eventually drop the column?03:35
wgrantI believe so.03:35
lifelessthis is a good reason not to abuse semantic fields as indicators03:36
lifelesss/reason/example of/03:36
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #4: STILL FAILING in 40 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/4/03:54
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LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #5: STILL FAILING in 41 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/5/04:35
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
LPCIBotProject devel build #685: FAILURE in 5 hr 32 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/685/07:28
* StevenK frowns at Jenkins07:28
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #231: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 4 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/231/07:29
StevenKOh, sigh. Jenkins hasn't got a clue how long windmill-devel takes since one build hasn't been sucessful yet.07:29
StevenKHowever, four slaves up and building makes me happy.07:30
wgrantBut not Canonicloud.07:30
wgrantIt probably doesn't make the cloud very happy.07:31
StevenKNo idea, TBH, but IS haven't chased me.07:31
wgrantStevenK: Linode native IPv6 is handy. My tunneled v6 routing to Fremont is apparently 10ms faster than native v4.07:33
StevenKMmmmm, I was going to jump when they fix the DNS to handle AAAA.07:33
wgrantYou can add AAAA, but the NSes don't have AAAAs themselves yet.07:34
StevenKWhich means you can't resolve v6-only anyway :-)07:34
wgrantRight :(07:34
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Down/ReadOnly 0800-0930 UTC | Merge to devel are open again | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
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LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #6: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 10 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/6/07:50
adeuringgood morning08:15
bigjoolsmorning folks09:02
allenapMorning bigjools, morning gnuoy, morning all.09:06
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #7: STILL FAILING in 6 min 20 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/7/09:19
StevenKUh oh09:20
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wgrantStevenK: codehosting is down.09:20
wgrantI suspect that's it, but haven't checked the logs.09:20
StevenKYeah, that's it09:21
gnuoyMorning, allenap.09:24
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #8: STILL FAILING in 0.53 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/8/09:45
StevenKallenap: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/603166/09:58
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #9: STILL FAILING in 0.5 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/9/10:00
StevenKBah, stop that, Jenkins!10:01
allenapStevenK: That looks beautiful :)10:03
StevenKallenap: Thank you :-)10:07
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #10: STILL FAILING in 0.48 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/10/10:15
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Merge to devel are open again | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #11: STILL FAILING in 1.6 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/11/10:30
lifelesswheee, killed my lp vm doing a full homedir backup with lmirror (OOM killer)10:31
lifelessI think I need to check the memory footprint a little :>10:31
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LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #12: STILL FAILING in 0.5 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/12/10:45
rvbawgrant: I'm working on a branch that will use the StormStatementRecorder to monitor the number of statements used by packagecopier.CopyChecker.10:49
rvbaThe goal is the measure how many queries have been added by the recently merged perm check thing ... and also to have a test to keep the number of queries under a tight leash if we add more things in the future.10:49
rvbaSteven told me you might have done something like that already ... but I can't find a test that does this ... any advice?10:50
wgrantrvba: I don't have a test for copychecker itself, but some of the methods it uses are constrained (eg publishBinaries)10:50
rvbawgrant: ok ... so I guess the work I'm doing makes sense then.10:51
wgrantrvba: Yup.10:51
wgrantrvba: We do need tests for that.10:51
wgrantJust nobody's written them yet.10:51
wgrantAnd they're pretty easy to write these days.10:52
rvbaI'll take a look at was as been done with publishBinaries.10:52
rvbawgrant: thanks.10:52
wgrantI may have misremembered. But grep around for StormStatementRecorder to see examples.10:52
rvbaI've done that yeah.10:52
wgrantI think I was going to do it, but something was still not constant enough for it to be practical.10:53
rvbaI see. My plan is to see how many statements it takes on average (after having created a bunch of sources) ... have create a test with that number hardcoded so that if a changes increases the number of queries issued a lot, one will get a warning.10:55
rvbaI can't think of a better way to do this given that checkCopy does quite a lot of things in one call.10:58
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #13: STILL FAILING in 0.51 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/13/11:00
lifelessrvba: wgrant: the worker to look for is HasQueryCount11:06
wgrantThat too.11:07
rvbalifeless: yeah, I took a recent test by Gavin that uses that as an inspiration11:07
lifelessif you're testing a page, RendersWith something or other is a wrapper11:08
rvbaI've only tested a few things ... but it does not seem to be constant (or maybe I have not properly cleaned up the cache) ... with 30 sources I've an avg of 12.23 (.23?) queries, with 300 sources the avg becomes 12.02311:11
rvbamaybe I should stick to testing small individual methods as opposed to the whole checkCopy method.11:12
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #14: STILL FAILING in 0.49 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/14/11:15
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #15: STILL FAILING in 1.3 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/15/11:30
henningeWhy is PQM rejecting my landings?11:32
henningeCommand failed!11:33
henningerunning 0 tests...11:33
henningeRan 0 tests in 0.000s11:33
wgranthenninge: What's in the attachments it sends back?11:33
wgrantWe are probably in testfix.11:33
wgrantstdout should tell you.11:33
henningeit does11:33
wgrantLooks like buildbot is a bit unhappy. I've forced it.11:33
henningewhy is that not in the mail itself ...11:34
wgrantNo idea :/11:34
henningeit used to be11:34
henningewgrant: tanks11:34
StevenKhenninge: It's because PQM is terrible11:35
henningehow have we been planning to switch to tarmac?11:36
henningePQM script success ;-)11:37
bigjoolswgrant: we can't land StevenK's changes to use DSP on prod as he's got more schema changes.  Can you think of anything that will break in oneiric if we change its parent_series for a month?11:42
wgrantbigjools: Translations might.11:43
wgrantbigjools: Although hopefully only initialisation uses that.11:43
bigjoolsit's been initialised, so ... I am looking for anything else11:43
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!11:44
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #513: FIXED in 5 hr 32 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/513/11:44
bigjoolsLPCIBot gets a woody11:44
wgrantbigjools: SourcePackage.packaging uses it...11:44
wgrantWhich may break bug linking.11:44
bigjoolseasily fixed11:45
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #16: STILL FAILING in 0.55 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/16/11:45
wgrantI'm thinking about getBuildByArch.11:47
wgrantIt's *probably* not going to matter, but it's hard to be sure immediately.11:47
bigjoolsbug 64336911:48
_mup_Bug #643369: IDistroSeries.deriveDistroSeries() should use the security adapter <derivation> <lp-registry> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/643369 >11:48
bigjoolswgrant: euargh11:52
bigjoolsthat code is gross11:52
wgrantAnd slow.11:53
wgrantDamn slow.11:53
bigjoolswgrant: wtf does it need to traverse over parent_series - it should just go backwards over versions11:53
wgrantbigjools: :/11:53
bigjoolsalthough, we didn't make distroseries.version a debversion did we?11:54
bigjoolsyeah, that will break horribly if we change parent_series.  Damn.11:54
wgrantI'm not sure the breakage will matter.11:57
bigjoolswgrant: it might break build uploads11:59
bigjoolsah it was only used for security uploads12:00
bigjoolsthe old style12:00
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #17: STILL FAILING in 0.56 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/17/12:00
wgrantbigjools: Yes.12:01
wgrantbigjools: Well, not entirely.12:01
wgrantIt only creates builds for that case.12:01
wgrantBut it will use parent_series when searching for existing builds too.12:02
wgranteg. in createMissingBuilds.12:02
wgrantBut that's probably not relevant here.12:02
bigjoolsyeah, but it relies on getBuildByArch working12:02
wgrantSince everything should be found in the series itself.12:02
bigjoolsif it finds nothing it'll start creating new builds12:02
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #18: STILL FAILING in 1.5 sec: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/18/12:15
* StevenK cleans up after that12:18
StevenKRight. Slave deleted, build scheduled.12:19
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!12:37
LPCIBotProject devel build #686: FIXED in 5 hr 8 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/686/12:37
daniloslifeless, I see you declined a request to join 'launchpad' team into malone-alpha with "a flag would be better": we do have a flag, but we've set it to team malone-alpha, and we'd like to expand that a step at a time, so if we can't have multiple team rules, can we please add it? (unless other stuff has been arranged in the meantime)12:38
daniloslifeless, and hi :)12:39
wgrantdanilos: You should be able to have multiple team rules.12:40
wgrantdanilos: Does it not work?12:40
daniloswgrant, I don't know, I never knew it was supposed to work12:41
wgrantdanilos: It will scan through until it finds a rule that matches.12:42
wgrantFrom highest priority to lowest.12:42
wgrantThere was a bug until last week that meant the 'default' scope took precedence, but multiple team rules should have worked anyway.12:42
daniloswgrant, cool, I'll try that then12:42
daniloslosa ping: hi, just to check, if we want feature flags changed/added to, I should use LPS "DB query" section or what'd be the preferred way to communicate them?13:19
mthaddondanilos: that's fine, yep13:19
danilosmthaddon, cool13:20
=== henninge-lunch is now known as henninge
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #19: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 4 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/19/13:37
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deryckMorning, all.13:51
deryckadeuring, abentley, I'll be about 5 minutes late for standup.  Sorry.13:58
adeuringderyck: that gives me time to make a coffee :)13:59
abentleyderyck: okay.13:59
deryckadeuring, henninge -- could be the wifi point I'm using14:07
deryckadeuring, I'm mooching off the church next door until att arrives :-)14:08
abentleyderyck: have you started?14:09
deryckabentley, trying to start, connection or mumble not working for me14:09
abentleyderyck: ah.14:09
deryckabentley, henninge, adeuring -- yeah, just hold the standup and I'll listen14:10
deryckif only you could hear me, henninge14:14
deryckabentley, adeuring, henninge -- thanks, guys!14:14
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Merge to devel are open again | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: abentley | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
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=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
jcsackettif i'm adding a class to something in YUI to change its display (in this instance, color), do i have to do anything beyond addClass?15:28
jcsackettah, no i do not, but it helps to get the classname right.15:31
sinzuihenninge: ping15:32
henningeHi sinzui!15:32
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #20: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 6 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/20/15:34
sinzuihenninge: +1 for your fix, but I am not sure you fixed the actual bug since your encoding line is like the original test.15:34
henningesinzui: it is testing for multiple lines now, is it now?15:35
sinzuihenninge: I think I am running the checkers in the wrong order. The text checker that sets utf_8 must run first, not last15:35
* henninge thought it did15:35
benjisinzui: I'm really happy with the improvements you suggested to the UI review yesterday, it's ready for another review when you have the time: https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/click-to-close-boxes/+merge/5981815:40
* sinzui looks15:40
henningesinzui: ah, now I see. text_check runs last.15:41
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
sinzuibenji: r=me15:43
benjigreat, thanks15:43
sinzuihenninge I can make the ordering change if you do not have time. I should have noticed my stupidity years ago15:43
henningesinzui: I can add it, np.15:44
sinzuihenninge: ping me when you want me to merge it into trunk15:44
henningesinzui: I don't think it need a test, does it?15:45
sinzuiIt does not15:45
henningesinzui: pushed, you can merge now.15:48
sinzuithanks. If the builder at available, this will arrive in the lp ppa in a few hours.15:48
bigjoolssinzui: have you seen the queue? :)15:49
maxbWhats the package?16:02
maxbOh, and that reminds me16:02
maxbWould someone like to review my lpreview-body packaging fix?16:02
benjimrevell: I added a comment to https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/771231 that asks you to comment on/approve the fix.16:02
_mup_Bug #771231: There is no confirmation of what I've done after I create a structural subscription <exploratory-testing> <qa-needstesting> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by benji> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/771231 >16:02
mrevellthanks benji, /me looks16:02
maxbYou fail, _mup_16:02
bigjoolssinzui: poke me the build ID and I'll get it building quicker16:02
maxbOh, whoops, I fail16:02
benjimaxb: heh :)16:03
sinzuibigjools: I do not think this is necessary. I think we can wait as long as a week to propagate this fix to all the ppas.16:04
mrevellbenji, That's superb. Thanks. Tag changed to qa-ok.16:04
benjimrevell: great, thanks16:04
maxbabentley: Hello. I have a review pending for lpreview-body. It has been missed because lpreview-body is not part of launchpad-project. Could you (as project maintainer) consider amending that?16:05
abentleymaxb: sure.16:06
abentleymaxb: however, I'd say the reason that branch has been missed is because it's for packaging, about which I know little.16:08
jmlsinzui: I see there's been a fair bit of discussion on bug 80902 recently. Anything I should be sticking my nose into?16:13
_mup_Bug #80902: Can't target bug report from project to distribution, or vice versa <bugs> <disclosure> <escalated> <javascript> <linaro> <lp-bugs> <questions> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by launchpad-green-squad> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/80902 >16:13
sinzuijml: I do not know. I am certain the work is harder than most people suppose, and I am certain there is a lot over lap with disclosure16:15
sinzuijml: At the worst, out work on pickers will make that bug easy to fix. at best, we fix that bug16:15
jmlsinzui: ok.16:15
sinzuiAt the worst, *our* work on pickers will make that bug easy to fix. at best, we fix that bug16:16
jmlsinzui: are you planning on starting the picker stuff while on maint?16:16
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #21: STILL FAILING in 41 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/21/16:16
sinzuiI have not committed to it, but I was looking at the timouts and ui issues in the vocabs yesterday.16:17
jcsackettsinzui: have you ever encountered in YUI work the method hasClass failing to work in if else statements?16:18
sinzuijcsackett: no.16:19
sinzuijcsackett: can I see a paste of the code16:19
jcsackettsinzui: http://paste.ubuntu.com/603311/16:21
sinzuijcsackett: I think hasClass() is at fault16:22
sinzuijcsackett: isn't it always returning True16:23
jcsackettsinzui: no. if the class isn't on the element i see false.16:23
jcsackettif i do like {{{ alert(hidden); }}}16:23
sinzuijcsackett: then you are saying addClass() does not work16:24
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
sinzuijcsackett: have you tried something simpler, like toggleClass()16:26
jcsackettsinzui: i didn't know such a thing existed.16:27
jcsackettsinzui: still, here's the thing, i can set up conditions so that hasClass comes back false.16:27
sinzuijcsackett: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/api/Node.html16:27
jcsackettbut the "true" evaulation still fires off.16:27
abentleyjcsackett: See my Javascript Learnings #3.16:29
jcsackettabentley, sinzui: i can see how toggleClass does the same thing i'm doing, but it doesn't explain why when hasClass is return 'false' the if clause is evaluting for 'true'.16:31
jcsacketti'll move on, but this bugs me.16:31
jcsackettclearly there's a gotcha or subtlety i don't get.16:31
rvbajcsackett: is hidden a boolean all right? (this bugs me too ;))16:31
sinzuijcsackett: write the if like if (hidden == true) { to determine if you are a victim of coercion.16:32
abentleyjcsackett: what is hidden_class ?  You're not defining it in the snippit you posted.16:32
jcsacketthidden_class = "adminHiddenComment"16:33
abentleyjcsackett: I wonder if hidden_class is evaluating to undefined?  I don't know how hasClass would behave with that input.16:35
rvbajcsackett: I would make sure 'hidden' is of the right type ... a boolean being 'true' or 'false' always evaluated to 'true' in a test is kinda strange.16:36
adeuringabentley: could you have alook at this (small) MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/bug-746866/+merge/59954 ?16:39
abentleyadeuring: sure.16:40
wallyworldsinzui: hi. i've recently arrived in Budapest. 38 hours with little sleep. running on caffine. gotta stay awake for the welcome dinner :-) when you have a moment, could you please take another look at this mp? i've reworked the implementation to address the issues raised with the first approach. https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/poppy-sftp-gpgconf/+merge/5915416:43
* sinzui does16:44
abentleyadeuring: r=me, but the spacing change on line 30 of the patch looks wrong.16:55
adeuringabentley: oops... I'll fix it. thanks for the review!16:56
abentleyadeuring: np16:56
sinzuiwallyworld: r=me17:17
wallyworldsinzui: thanks.17:17
bigjoolswe really need to move the "What next" at the bottom of +filebug to the top-right menu.17:28
bigjoolstalking of which, someone will get bug 777777 today17:30
bigjoolsgood night all18:03
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LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #232: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 15 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/232/19:12
sinzuideryck: do you have a few minutes to mumble?19:21
derycksinzui, I do, sure.  I had mumble issues before though.  so you can help me test too19:23
derycksinzui, I hear you19:25
derycksinzui, let me log off and work on sound and come back19:25
deryckI assumed it was bad wifi this morning19:26
sinzuideryck: My sound is set to use pulse, I do not see any hacks for the sound driver in /etc/modprobe.d  anymore19:27
dobeymaybe your wifi got stolen too, from PSN19:27
deryckah, that's it!19:27
deryckactually that does help....19:27
deryckI was hacking sound to get games running under wine with no psn ;)19:28
deryckI had forgot19:28
dobeyglad to be so helpful :)19:28
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #22: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 4 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/22/19:28
derycksinzui, right19:32
derycksinzui, I'll try again.  maybe it wasn't anything gaming related then ;)19:33
sinzuiI do not see your icon changing, My computer does not think you are talking19:33
derycksinzui, logging off while I futz with settings again19:33
lifelessflacoste: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/534203/comments/10 may interest you19:33
_mup_Bug #534203: Timeouts on POFile:+filter (filter by person) <lp-translations> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/534203 >19:33
derycksinzui, and I've got solid red lips on my end.  but the sound settings all seem ok on my end19:33
lifelessflacoste: cold cache we're 60 seconds for the relevant query19:33
lifelessflacoste: tis a miracle it works at all19:33
lifelessflacoste: the most expedient solution would be main memory > db size for all db servers.19:34
lifelessflacoste: this would scale badly because we have complete replicas, no partitioning19:34
lifelessdanilos: hi19:34
lifelessdanilos: are you still around?19:35
flacostelifeless: i'll ask charlie/elmo about what's the RAM situation nowadays with our DB servers19:36
flacostenot sure we can get more19:36
lifelessflacoste: I want to hear elmos voice when we ask about a 250GB upgrade.19:36
lifelessflacoste: so it can wait for our biweekly ISP call :>19:36
flacostelifeless: :-)19:36
lifelessflacoste: for clariry - I'm not recommending this option at this point19:37
lifelessflacoste: just noting that we're starting to hit things which we can't reasonably expect to be hot given our 3:1 db:memory ratio19:37
derycksinzui, I take it you can't hear me again19:38
flacostelifeless: on an unrelated note, we should address bug 297052 at some point19:38
_mup_Bug #297052: Webservice requests never use a slave database because last-write time is unknown <api> <lp-foundations> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/297052 >19:38
flacostegiven that we have a 2:1 API to web ratio19:38
lifelessflacoste: indeed; or change our scaling tech and obsolete that :>:>19:39
flacostenow that we support read-only API requests, we might trivially send all of them to slaves19:39
lifelessanonymous ones - for sure19:39
flacostenot sure how much of our traffic is anonymous API though19:39
sinzuideryck: https://dev.launchpad.net/Registry/ProjectReview19:40
lifelessbenji: thanks19:43
benjimy pleasure19:43
lifelessjml: btw - subunit trunk -> py3 ok19:44
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #233: STILL FAILING in 48 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/233/20:00
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #23: STILL FAILING in 41 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/23/20:09
flacostelifeless: i think i'll leave the total time column in, i do use it for sorting to see what page are high-impact (hits * mean)20:11
lifelessflacoste: high impact in what way20:12
flacostelifeless: free more resources, drop significantly our oops count20:12
flacostealthough the later could be get at by sorting on total hits on the timeout candidate report20:13
flacosteand the first one may be dubious20:13
lifelessflacoste: so, for oops count the profile of oopses in the oops summaries is more reliable20:13
lifelessflacoste: e.g. questions rarely oops (though they do) even though they have 50 second long requests20:13
flacoste(i do have the changes made on a local branch, just got doubts when about to submit it)20:14
lifelessflacoste: as a metric of footprint on the system sum of time spent processing isn't unreasonable20:14
lifelessflacoste: but it doesn't tell us much about the fat in the page20:15
flacosteand less is more20:15
lifelessflacoste: something like fat-in-page*hits would be an interesting order20:15
flacosteso let's remove it20:15
flacostehow would you assess fat-in-page?20:15
lifelessI don't know20:16
lifelesshigh sql *count* would be a reasonable first metric.20:17
lifelessso 99the percentile of sql query count * hits20:17
lifelessas a broad proxy for inefficient + high use20:18
lifeless(not 99th percentil of sql *time*, because things like bug search are not inefficient, they are slow backends - and as such not fat on page but need redesign/new systems20:19
lifeless99th% by time doesn't need the ht count multiplier to be useful I guess is my point20:19
flacosteok, i'll remove the total_time column20:20
flacostenot sure about the real usefulness of the 'Fat-in-page' column, i'll add it and let's remove it later if it's doesn't see usage20:20
lifelessit will be interesting to see if it lines up with the oops report20:23
flacostelifeless: actually, looking at it locally, it seems pretty useless :-/20:27
flacosteall the top-pages are high hits low sql statements20:27
vokoda`when I try to view a file on launchpad with a file_id param I get a redirect loop error - is this a launchpad or loggerhead bug? is there a report?20:27
lifelessflacoste: with real data?20:28
flacostelifeless: well, a subset of real data20:28
flacostelifeless: (the log of one app server)20:28
lifelessvokoda`: that would be a loggerhead bug, I think there is a bug filed already20:28
lifelessflacoste: so, that suggests that our massively assymettric app will benefit more by reducing the sql count slightly on high frequency pages than by reducing it on low frequency pages20:29
flacostelifeless: it does, yeah20:29
lifelessflacoste: its the basic input into a pareto analysis20:29
flacosteif we would want to drive DB usage down20:29
lifelessflacoste: I would like to see it for a bit, if thats ok20:30
vokoda`lifeless: yep just found it, filed just 10 days ago.. I'm sure this bug's been around much longer20:30
flacosteon the top50.html report, the lowest hits*sql statements is /+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats20:30
lifelessflacoste: that matches my intuition20:30
flacosteand the highest one is api/beta/ubuntu20:30
lifelessflacoste: cool20:31
lifelessflacoste: so this makes it useful:20:31
flacosteand api/beta/ubuntu is 276 more 'important' than the stats portlet20:31
lifeless /+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats is rare we know, and we know it has issues because the thing is in the oops + timeout candidates20:31
flacosteaccording to that metric20:31
flacostefair enough, i'll merge this change20:32
jcsackettsinzui: mumble?20:32
sinzuijcsackett: sure20:33
lifelessflacoste: so you're looking by url thre20:34
lifelessflacoste: if you look by pageid20:34
lifelessdum de dum browsers hate these pages20:35
* flacoste waits for the JS script to finish rendering20:35
* flacoste makes note to try those in chromium20:36
lifelessflacoste: Distribution:EntryResource20:37
lifeless231101 hits20:37
lifeless0.36 99th percentile20:37
flacosteBug:EntryResource ,  BugTask:+index, DistroSeries:EntryResource20:37
flacosteare the top ones20:37
flacoste(on my local report)20:37
lifeless33 statements 99th percentile20:38
lifelessthats quite a few :)20:38
flacoste132 of BugTask+index20:39
flacoste48 for Person:EntryResource20:39
lifelessBug:EntryResource 77968520:39
flacosteyeah, i think this will be interesting20:39
lifeless43 99th percentile sql statements20:39
lifelessbreakfast time20:56
lifelessabentley: bug 739921 - I think you may have missed a subtlety in the filing, I've made it more clear and reopened it21:13
_mup_Bug #739921: The link "see all merge proposals" on person/product/+activereviews 404s <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/739921 >21:13
abentleylifeless: good catch.21:25
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #24: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 12 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/24/21:28
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #25: STILL FAILING in 46 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/25/22:15
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
deryckLater on everyone22:36
=== vokoda` is now known as vokoda
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
lifelessjml: still up?23:12
lifelesswgrant: recipe + binary builds23:17
lifelesswgrant: is there any reason we shouldn't insert the binary build when a recipe finishes at the same point in the queue that the recipe was (e.g. front)23:17
lifelessI'm not sure how to qa http://launchpad.net/bugs/77326123:53
_mup_Bug #773261: The permission check for syncing packages on the differences pages (+localpackagediff) should be done on a per-package basis and not by checking lp.Edit on the series. <derivation> <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by rvb> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/773261 >23:53

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