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fmarierI think that the status on this answer should not be "answered": https://answers.launchpad.net/canonical-identity-provider/+question/15450002:31
fmarieror at the very least someone should translate that last update :)02:32
lifelessfmarier: #canonical-isd02:33
lifelessfmarier: deals with that product02:34
fmarierlifeless: alright, thanks02:34
StevenKlifeless: But the last three messages are from *our* PQM bot?02:34
wgrantThere may be a few yet to come.02:34
lifelessStevenK: see the whiteboard02:35
StevenKlifeless: Ah, but why is PQM commenting?02:36
wgrantIt got an email from spm.02:37
wgrantAnd replied because it is broken.02:37
wgrantNo idea how the email got to it, though...02:37
spmwhat the...02:37
spmoh ffs. I bet I know why.02:38
wgrantIt's in isd-hackers?02:38
wgrantThat's unfortunate.02:38
spmI assigned it to them, betcha that sends an email to their pqm.02:38
StevenKspm: But it's LP's PQM02:38
lifelessStevenK: its not all that isolated02:39
StevenKAh, right02:39
wgrantlaunchpad-pqm is in isd-hackers.02:39
wgrantPossibly because of shipit/sso.02:39
spmfmarier: in any event, no. is not answered. have reset that.02:40
fmarierspm: thanks02:41
spmfmarier: actually - try again on the creation? we do have some juju to fix that. see if I got it right. ??02:46
wgrantI wonder how long PQM is going to keep talking to itself.02:46
StevenKSounds likely02:48
fmarierspm: looks like it worked03:32
fmarieri'm logged in as dev@mahara.org03:32
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chxhello. we made a payment several hours ago and yet our project (examiner) shows expire in 10 hours.06:36
lifelesshi chx06:37
chxlifeless: hi!06:37
lifelessthe uk dudes process that sort of thing I believe06:37
lifelessso in ~ 2 hours should be able to check06:38
lifelessIMBW and will enquire06:38
chxi also sent a few mails to our intenral folks06:38
chxthey might have botched this up (forgot to apply voucher?)06:38
lifelesscould be06:45
lifelessI suggest touching base with mrevell in ~1h14m06:46
chxah it's fixed , it was our end. Sorry!06:58
chxthanks for launchpad. it's great to work with.06:58
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artfwois launchpad having some ppa problems today? i've uploaded a couple of package and they're still in "needs building" status without an estimate of the build start time12:20
StevenKartfwo: I think the majority of the PPA buildders are still out performing release duty.12:21
StevenKartfwo: Remember, that Natty thing that just happened? :-)12:21
* henninge backspaces ;-)12:22
artfworight using natty since alpha1 and kinda missed the release :)12:22
henningeadeuring: Hi! ready to switch? I am off to lunch.12:22
adeuringhenninge: sure12:22
StevenKartfwo: They should return fairly soon, hopefully.12:22
artfwooh my, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds already shows the oneiric builds underway12:23
henningeadeuring: oh, you already did ... ;-)12:23
adeuringeah ;)12:23
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sorenWhen can we expect a full set of PPA builders again?13:03
sorenCan we perhaps do it gradually? Maybe give half of them back so that queue would at least stop growing?13:04
lamont<lamont> more ppa builders are in bound (installing as of a few min ago)13:14
lamontrepeating myself in the right channel, and all that13:14
wgrantlamont: !! Thanks!13:15
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lamontyou have more builders noew13:35
lamontwgrant: in your copious spare time, I want architecture to show up in the builders() api13:35
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wgrantlamont: Oh, it doesn't already? I guess we need to expose Processor.13:41
lamontit is not.13:41
lamont        if opts.arch:13:42
lamont            # this is where we check the architecture, and continue if it is not us.13:42
lamont            pass    ## There's no way of getting by $arch just yet, you need the name,13:42
lamontthat's my current scriptage for --arch=13:42
lamontin my script13:42
lamontand it makes me cry sometimes13:42
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mfraz74what is the correct way for a browser to state what version of ubuntu it is running?14:03
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davidgilukis there any chance of a fix for the persistent oops on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=arm-porting-queue    OOPS-1950CF32414:59
davidgilukit's been broken for a few weeks, and now edge has the same timeout; I believe this is a known issue with that type of search (although I can't remember the issue number)15:00
deryckhi davidgiluk.  let me look at bugs we have and see if I can get a sense of what's involved.15:03
deryckadeuring, hey, I'll take IRC now.15:03
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adeuringderyck: thanks!15:03
davidgilukderyck: Thanks; it's a bit of a pain that one, we use it for the Linaro porting jam as a known-set-of-issues15:03
deryckdavidgiluk, I think this is that same as bug 757426.15:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 757426 in Launchpad itself "Distribution:+bugs timeout with combinator ALL" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75742615:35
davidgilukderyck: Yeh that looks like it - I remember a bug with a few pages of SQL :-)15:36
deryckdavidgiluk, let me talk to lifeless when he comes online.  if the fix is involved, perhaps we could raise the timeout on that one view.15:36
davidgilukderyck: Is there a similar view but perhaps less detailed - something that just lists the bugs with that tag but without perhaps say the importance or criticality or anything smart like that ?15:37
deryckdavidgiluk, no, unfortunately not.15:37
davidgilukah ok, I was looking for some form of workaround15:38
deryckdavidgiluk, have you tried the API?  I would guess it times out too, but it's worth trying.15:38
davidgilukmaybe, haven't done any API stuff to be honest15:39
deryckdavidgiluk, boo-yah!  Try:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=arm-porting-queue&orderby=-id15:40
davidgilukderyck: Thank you!15:40
davidgilukderyck: IOU one cookie!15:40
dpmderyck, henninge, I've just registered a blueprint for a session at UDS to present the upstream imports feature and discuss the plans for enabling it for source packages in Ubuntu. I know you are not attending UDS in person, but I'll subscribe you guys, and it'd be awesome if you could participate remotely. Also, who else is on your squad? I'll subscribe them too to make sure at least one of you guys can make it if possible16:08
dpmAnyway, it's https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-launchpad-translations-upstream-imports-presentation-and-plans/16:08
deryckdpm, great, thanks. abentley and abel are on the squad too16:09
deryckdpm, and flacoste and jml will be there in person.  one of them might like to attend.16:09
dpmcool, thanks deryck16:09
jmldpm: feel free to invite me & make my attendance necessary.16:09
dpmjml, awesome, thanks16:09
dpmdanilos, same for you if you decide to get the car and come for a couple of days to UDS ;) ^^16:11
henningedpm: the session will have to be held by noon Thursday. I'll be away on Friday and travelling dome of Thursday afternoon.16:11
dpmhenninge, ok, I'll make sure it's scheduled properly then, thanks!16:11
dpmhenninge, actually, would you mind registering yourself at https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o for the days you'll be available, even if only remotely? This way the session auto-scheduler will do the job and it's less error prone (so we don't have to schedule sessions manually)16:15
danilosdpm, thanks, I'm still pondering if I should drop by :)16:15
dpmdanilos, come on, I'll buy you a beer or two!16:16
henningedpm: sure16:16
henningedpm, danilos: I was wondering the same thing ...16:16
danilosdpm, heh, I am very strongly in favour of coming, just not absolutely sure yet :)16:16
dpmthanks henninge (you'd get a drink too! ;)16:16
daniloshenninge, heh, that'd be cool16:17
henningedanilos: wow, it's only 5 hours by car for you ...16:18
henningedpm: I guess you'd have to ask my manager to send me ;)16:19
daniloshenninge, 5 hours? I usually do it in 3 :)16:28
daniloshenninge, it's all highway, 350km, 5h is definitely too much even for others :)16:28
henningedanilos: well, google maps said 4:40 ...16:29
henningedanilos: do you know where the docs for opening translations are? jtv had found them but I failed to record it.16:29
daniloshenninge, viamichelin.com is much better for that :)16:29
daniloshenninge, not sure, sorry16:29
henningedanilos: np16:30
henningedanilos: viamichelin says 3:57 ;)16:31
daniloshenninge, yeah, it's closer :)16:32
henningedanilos: found it!16:32
daniloshenninge, cool, where was it? (I tried looking at dev.l.n)16:32
henningedanilos: no, it's on the internal wiki16:33
daniloshenninge, ah16:33
henningedanilos: would I use dogfood for step 3?16:34
daniloshenninge, why not staging?16:36
danilosanyway, gotta run, ttyl16:37
henningedanilos: bye16:37
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deryckabentley, hey.  coming up on your shift if you're ready.17:55
abentleyderyck: yep, I'll be there.17:55
deryckabentley, cool.17:55
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad Down/ReadOnly 0800-0930 UTC | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
abentleyderyck: I think we can kill the "Launchpad Down" from the topic, right?18:01
deryckabentley, yeah, I think so.18:01
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debfxabentley: can you recreate the lp:~vcs-imports/pkg-kde-tools/debian branch?19:30
abentleydebfx: I could, but I think it would make more sense if you request it.  That way, the new one will be owned by you or whatever team of yours is appropriate.19:42
debfxabentley: ok will do, thanks for your help19:48
abentleydebfx: No problem.19:48
joeyabentley: hello!20:01
joeyI found a bug20:01
abentleyjoey: hello!20:01
joeyabentley: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o?searchtext=%2520:01
joeyabentley: There's a blueprint scheduled for UDS on the 11th that appears to have a % sign in it according to the summit folks. I was trying to find it and found that oops20:02
abentleyjoey: Since it produces an oops, if you file a bug, we'll mark it critical.20:03
joeyabentley: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/77735720:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 777357 in Launchpad itself "Searches containing a percent sign generates an oops" [Undecided,New]20:05
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