
kosaidpo|good night guys00:03
kosaidpo|peace out00:03
KM0201how do i make my trashcan appear on the desktop02:59
KM0201Unit193: u know by chance?03:02
Unit193KM0201: Leafpad > http://paste.ubuntu.com/603073/ <--- paste that in and save to Trash.desktop on the desktop03:06
KM0201trash.desktop  where is that?03:07
KM0201under /home?03:07
KM0201Unit193: how come that doesn't change the icon when there's trash inside?03:10
Unit193It's how the desktop file is made03:12
KM0201i see03:13
KM0201you'd think they would have at least made a trash panel applet03:16
veovis_muaddibI just installed lubuntu and it detected my network during install, updated things, installed the restricted things, etc...  Then upon first boot DNS didn't work until I added my own nameservers in the system tray tool.  (DHCP Addresses only)  Then upon next boot I could only access my local network, but adding the proper gateway, switching to static IP, all don't wokr03:43
KM0201Unit193: is there somewhere to set keyboard shortcuts? i'd like to make one to lock the screen04:54
bioterrorprobably best way to lock screen is to run xscreensaver04:56
KM0201bioterror: thats not really a keyboard shortcut04:56
Unit193Just edit that04:57
bioterrorwanna tell me how did you plan to lock your screen then04:57
KM0201Unit193: it's a blank file.04:58
KM0201bioterror: well, i'd like to like say,l "Ctrl L" or whatever.04:59
Unit193KM0201: Command should be xscreensaver-command -lock ( bioterror: correct?)04:59
KM0201Unit193: my screen locks when my screensaver comes on05:00
KM0201i want a keyboard shortcut05:00
bioterrorUnit193, I dunno, I dont have xscreensaver installed05:00
Unit193KM0201: Did you edit /home/$USER/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml ?05:01
KM0201Unit193: i opened it, but haven't done anything yet... i'm not really sure what i'm supposed to do.05:02
bioterrorls .config/openbox/05:03
Unit193KM0201: Go down to <keyboard>05:03
Unit193KM0201: Is the file blank?05:03
KM0201no, it's got all the crap in it now.05:03
KM0201ok, i've fond keybind.05:03
KM0201lubunbu-rc.xml did it05:04
bioterror2011-04-08 00:22:27     <szczur>        oo, open the ~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml and add this lines in keybinds section.05:04
bioterror2011-04-08 00:22:36     <szczur>        http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/590973/05:04
bioterror2011-04-08 00:22:53     <szczur>        for example put these before <keybind key="A-Tab"> line05:04
bioterror2011-04-08 00:24:53     <szczur>        this will make Ctrl+Alt+L work as screenlocker05:04
bioterror2011-04-08 00:25:07     <bioterror>     i would use super-l ;)05:04
bioterror2011-04-08 00:26:54     <szczur>        then change C-A-l to W-l05:04
bioterror2011-04-08 00:27:27     <bioterror>     :)05:04
bioterror2011-04-08 00:49:53     <oo>    thanks szczur, works a charm :D05:04
bioterrorI could add that to FAQ05:05
KM0201bioterror: so add that to the keybind section.. then what C-A-1.. thats the key command, right05:05
bioterroryou should fix your font if you see l as 105:05
Unit193bioterror: Going to change it to less convo style? (And it's lubuntu-rc.xml not lxde-rc)05:06
bioterrorUnit193, yeah, I'll change. sz uses own setup, he's not using lubuntu AFAIK ;)05:06
KM0201does that stand for control alt ?05:06
KM0201and can i add that anywhere, or does it need to be in a specific part?05:06
bioterrorkeyboard section05:07
KM0201bioterror: will i have to restart for that to take effect?05:08
bioterrorsudo service lxdm restart05:10
KM0201ok.. and now.. C-A-L   that means control alt L.. right?05:10
Unit193bioterror: Next time bonny comes in sudo service lxdm restart ;D05:12
KM0201well that worked perfect05:13
bioterrorofcourse ;)05:13
Unit193KM0201: You don't have to ping me when you ask a question...05:13
bioterrorUnit193, but he likes ya ;)05:14
bioterroryou've made some name in here :---)05:14
Unit193bioterror: Can you add the FAQ page to ubot5 ?05:14
Unit193bioterror: You have made your name ;)05:14
KM0201Unit193: i do it by force of habit (being in #ubuntu)05:14
bioterrorhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ there's it is05:14
KM0201Unit193: i even tab in rooms w/ 1 or 2 people.. its just something in my brain now..lol05:15
KM0201sorry if it bothers you05:15
bioterrorUnit193 is usually sleeping around these times05:15
Unit193KM0201: No it doesn't. I was just thinking first question05:15
KM0201oh... no prob.. i'll try to remember not to do it.. it's just force of habit.05:16
Unit193bioterror: I'm sleeping at midnight? Na....05:16
KM0201bedtime folks05:18
KM0201thanks for the help05:18
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head_victimMK``: here momentarily06:24
MK``I noticed one of the torrents said "unregistered torrent pass" for linuxtracker06:24
head_victimYeah, not sure what's happening with that one, sometimes it works othertimes it doesn't. THat's the 10.10 alternate?06:25
MK``Are these all the torrents released with lubuntu or were they created afterward by you/someone else?06:29
head_victimUnfortunately I don't know enough about torrents to figure out why06:29
head_victimI haven't created any, they've all been from the Lubuntu mailing list.06:29
MK``ah ok thanks06:35
MK``are you seeing natty alpha 3?06:35
slooksterpsvI have a question about Sylpheed - won't display HTML images, even though I have the HTML plugin installed. So I'm using Claws Mail, but I have to click on the HTML button everytime to view an HTML message, should I just switch to Thunderbird or can I get Claws to automatically display mail in HTML?06:39
slooksterpsv*not html images, but html format06:39
bioterrorslooksterpsv, I'm using thunderbird voluntarely :D06:40
slooksterpsvyeah claws and sylpheed are slow too, it takes a long time for each message to load, I'll switch to Thunderbird06:41
bioterrorthunderbird has somewhat working filters06:42
slooksterpsvdo you guys use compiz with lxde?08:17
mark76I don't08:40
* Unit193 doesn't08:41
mysteriousdarrenwhy not?08:54
mark76What is this? The compiz tag team? :p09:01
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bromiumcan't make dansguardian+privoxy work on lubuntu 10.10. can anybody help, please?13:18
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Guest99458i need help with temperature monitor14:58
MrChrisDruifhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto <= you mean this?15:03
kille3So hey, I can only install Lubuntu using alternate cd, will this work: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde17:09
MrChrisDruifkille3: You could also use the miniCD/ISO17:12
kille3Well I can't17:13
kille3If I just use Ubuntu alternate cd and then download Lubuntu from software-center and use that code on psychocats?17:15
MrChrisDruifWhy can't you use the miniISO? :)17:16
kille3I need to use ethernet?17:16
MrChrisDruifBut those other instructions should work17:19
MrChrisDruifWe've got some awesome minimal install instructions thougt17:19
kille3MrChrisDruif: what do you mean with "those other instructions"?17:26
valentinexam i at right place?17:34
valentinexxubuntu vs lubuntu, i am confuse17:35
mark76What are you looking for?17:35
valentinexi am looking of such an OS which will give me super best speed on my poor computer17:35
valentinexdo all ubuntu software application work fine in lubuntu? such as netbeans17:36
mark76I suppose you're in the right place then17:36
valentinexwow :D17:36
mark76The only difference between the different *buntus is the Desktop Environment used17:37
mark76And maybe some default software17:37
valentinexdefault software chrome browser i liked developers choice17:37
mark76Like that17:37
mark76And lubuntu uses LXDM instead of GDM17:38
valentinexwhat users hated in lubuntu?17:42
valentinexi mean likes and dislikes of lubuntu users :D17:45
mark76Oh right. Dunno.17:46
mark76I only use it occasionally17:46
valentinexhow lubuntu is energy saver?17:47
mark76No idea, sorry17:47
valentinex"lubuntu is a faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu using LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. "17:48
valentinexthat line is on lubuntu site17:48
mark76You'd have to ask someone who has Lubuntu installed17:49
mark76I'm using Fedora17:49
valentinexi dont like fedora, i tried once but could not get myself to use it easily. then i switched to linux mint now heard of lubuntu from google uncle and excited to try lubuntu coz my PC is slow17:50
valentinexI tried lubuntu by creating Live disk, was good. now thinking to make it my default linux.17:51
mark76What kind of computer do you have?17:52
valentinex3.0mhz, 512ram, 80gb disk. intel 865G17:52
mark76Sounds old17:53
mark76But surely you mean 3.0 GHz?17:54
mark76Unless it's even older than I think =-O17:54
valentinexoh sorry 3.0ghz :D17:54
valentinexare u insulting me and my poor computer :(17:54
mark76Only if the CPU speed is actually measured in megaHertz :p17:55
mark76Which version of Lubuntu have you got?17:57
valentinexi have also noticed that lubuntu developers launch new versions quickly with ubuntu releases17:57
valentinexit was latest .... of yesterday17:57
mark76That should be okay17:59
valentinexyup was tasty tasty lubuntu. i opened 11 chrome windows at a time still my PC was not slow :D17:59
mark76Just to see what would happen?17:59
valentinexyup, to see when my PC would tired with lubuntu18:00
mark76Good idea18:00
valentinexMy PC dies with 3 chrome windows in ubuntu, 6 chromes in linux mint gnome.18:01
* valentinex t18:02
* valentinex waves goodbye to mark76 and others, and thanks for Lubuntu.18:03
mark76Bye for now18:03
troytophaving a bit of trouble installing on an Asus Eee PC - anyone have any experience with that?20:17
kosaidpo|troytop: if you can give more info wud be helpful so anyoone who can help will get involved in the chat with you20:19
troytophanging at the framebuffer splash screen20:19
troytopsorry, trying a few more things at the moment to see if I'm missing something obvious20:20
troytopare there any recommended settings from the initial install/boot screen (e.g. acpi=off, noapic, nolapic) that I should try as a first resort?20:22
troytopalso, I saw some forum postings that suggested 10.04 might be a better choice for this device - any known issues with older netbooks and 10.10?20:24
troytopthis is an Eee PC 4G Surf20:25
Unit19310.10? Why not use 11.04 or 10.04?20:25
troytopI'm ambivalent - happy to try 11.04 if it's stable20:25
troytopoh, wow, that's the current release - the iso I downloaded was just from a couple of weeks ago - it was current then20:26
Unit193I don't have an Eee PC, so I don't know what will work best20:26
EraserheadHello I have a question to anyone who cares to listen, downloaded lubuntu, installed awn, everything going fine except power off applet/shut down doesnt work, just typing poweroff in terminal for now, anyone have this issue?20:45
Eraserheaddoes anyone in here use lubuntu?21:00
Unit193Lots of them do21:01
friki love lubuntu :P21:02
Unit193It's great for low power computers (And others too ;) )21:03
Eraserheadhow do you shudown, i downloaded avant window navigator in place of the panel and now do not have a way to shutdown outside of terminal....21:05
friki have pentium 1 GHz with 512 mb ram , lubuntu is faster than ubuntu on pentium4 2,4 GHz21:05
Eraserheadits really weird21:06
Unit193Eraserhead: I use normal lxpanel21:06
frikmy previous computer burned, and i buy for 50 PLN (estimated 10 EUR) my new pentium 1 GHz21:06
frikand works great on lubuntu :)21:07
Unit193frik: I don't think Ubuntu is all that fast at all!21:07
Eraserheadi deleted lxpanel lol21:07
frikbig thanks for developer's !21:08
Unit193frik: They do a real good job!21:09
Eraserheaddoes anyone use a window laucher besides lxpanel?21:09
Unit193Eraserhead: Did you look at the manpage for avant? Or the website? (Never used it)21:09
EraserheadI should look at the webpage for avant. the website...is their a forum?21:10
troytopOK, I give up, can't get anything to boot from USB on this thing21:10
troytopgoing to Damn Small Linux21:11
Unit193troytop: Does the bios support it?21:11
EraserheadMy friend reccomended dsl.21:11
Eraserheadbut im addicted to the free app store....21:11
Unit193DSL isn't kept up to date (IIRC), if you must, go with puppy21:12
troytopthat's not the problem - I *think* I need to use mini.iso to boot on this device (can't handle Unity)21:12
Unit193Lubuntu doesn't have Unity21:12
troytopbut the usb startup disk creator won't recognize that iso21:12
Eraserheadi switched from ubuntu to lubuntu because of unity.21:12
EraserheadThat "thing" is awful.21:12
Unit193Gnome 3 looks way better from the screens21:13
kill3I am using Ubuntu in classic mode21:13
Unit193troytop: unetbootin?21:13
troytopUnit193 - tried that, no dice21:13
Unit193What OS are you using to make the USB?21:14
troytopwouldn't recognize the keyboard, just kept resetting the counter (waiting for addtl boot params)21:14
troytopin other news, I've tried the regular isos for 10.04 (wouldn't boot) 10.10 (wouldn't install properly) and 11.04 (wouldn't boot)21:15
Eraserheadwhat happened with 10.10?21:16
troytophung on the last frame of installation21:16
troytopI may try that again - I've seen reports that the last stage takes up to 90 min to complete on resource restricted machines21:16
EraserheadThere is a glitch...its after you put in your info, password, the forward button...it took me three times21:16
Eraserheadyou have to do it FAST21:17
troytopis there no command line install anymore?21:17
EraserheadIm just a noob.21:17
EraserheadBut the Forward button will randomly stick on the 10.10 install21:18
Unit193troytop: You could add lubuntu-desktop from mini.iso21:18
troytopthat's what I'm thinking...  if only I could create the USB image21:19
Unit193Did you look at the wiki?21:20
Unit193!usb | troytop21:20
ubot5troytop: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:20
troytopusb-creator does not recognize the smaller isos for some reason21:21
troytopsorry: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151705921:22
troytopsame problem as entropy121:22
friklxde.org - don't work ?21:23
friki have empty page21:23
Unit193frik: Use google cache for lxde21:28
friki want help to translate lubuntu to polish21:28
frikbut lxde.org don't work21:28
friklooks like all translate to polish21:29
frikgood for me :)21:30
friklubuntu have firewall ?22:17
friki do not acces to 808022:17
MrChrisDruifAloha Unit193 :)22:54
Unit193I hit the wrong channel...22:54

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