
hajourgoodnight all its 4:09 in night so i need some sleep to.03:09
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webczatIs there java-atk-wrapper in ubuntu?12:15
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=== hajour_ is now known as hajour
hajourgreat ubuntu-beginners forum is going to test out accessibility on the test forum17:16
hajourcharlie-tca, cprofitt maco TheMuso ^17:17
hajourand everyone else17:17
hajourneed to help cooking now just wanted to let you all know17:18
hajourand JanC  see above :)17:22
charlie-tcavery good17:27
hajourok back18:22
hajourgood news thought testing accessibility now on ubuntu test forum18:23
hajourwebczat, ^18:24
hajourand only because i had complained about it .i am a little surprised by that18:26
webczatWhat happens with java-access-bridge on ubuntu-10.10 and 11? it's deprecated and doesn't work due to some orbit errors whh...18:27
webczaterrors on 2 screens of a terminal18:29
hajouri don't no charlie-tca  do you now about that ^ ?18:29
hajourcharlie-tca,  will response but have multiple channels webczat 18:31
webczatI have 6 :d had 1218:31
hajourif he not know it he probably will now who do know it webczat 18:31
webczatActually the non-deprecated thing is java-atk-wrapper.18:32
hajouri am not a programmer or something webczat  i hope soon there is a usable read write program for me to learn more18:34
hajouri have size 18 fonts on irc chat18:34
* webczat is totally and irrecoverably blind :d18:35
hajoura witch program you use webczat ?18:35
hajouri have been blind several times webczat 18:36
hajouri need a program what read out loud with understandable voice.i got dislectic to most with reading18:37
hajourwebczat, 18:37
webczatIs orca seen to you as understandable?18:37
webczatI mean espeak18:37
webczatBecause orca isn't a synthesizer18:37
hajourorca is mechanical voice not yet have get prudence voice get working with open mary webczat 18:38
hajourorca do hurt my ears webczat 18:38
webczatit's espeak. if you have a synth, you can probably use it with orca if it has speech-dispatcher module.18:39
webczatif i understand that correctly18:39
hajouri now we just have get with help from AlanBell  libopenmary get working webczat 18:39
webczatI use orca and occassionally speakup.18:40
hajouri am team leader from speechcontrol webczat 18:40
AlanBellafternoon all18:40
hajourwe gor people in the team who have worked on espeak18:40
hajourand TheMuso  also is in our team webczat 18:41
webczatActually I now don't want to change espeak to anything else. after few months...18:41
webczatOr actually... I remember I didn't need to wait few months for me to promptly use it18:42
hajourspeechcontrol is read write program with voicecommand webczat 18:42
hajourit need to be usable to for light weight programs webczat 18:42
hajoura AlanBell 18:43
hajourmaybe you can help webczat 18:43
webczatdepends in what18:43
AlanBellyeah, just looking back for a question to answer :)18:43
AlanBelljava atk stuff18:44
hajouralso if webczat  is helped i would have get some help with trying to install a speechprogram on this laptop from my daughter AlanBell 18:44
AlanBellhajour: I think you need to learn to use orca18:45
AlanBellI do too, it is a big thing to learn18:45
hajouri think on this laptop it will be possible to put a speechprogram on it18:45
AlanBellI can get the openmary synth working with orca for you18:45
webczatuse orca18:45
hajourit was not possible to put it on my old eeepc18:45
AlanBelland you can use my remote openmary install, or a local one on your laptop18:45
webczatAlanBell: coding the module or wtf?18:45
AlanBellwebczat: I have a generic module that works18:46
hajourwanted to try openmary AlanBell 18:46
hajourbut we cant get prudence voice working18:46
AlanBella speech dispatcher module using the generic driver that is18:46
hajoura you mean libopenmary AlanBell ?18:46
AlanBellI have no idea what libopenmary is supposed to do18:47
AlanBelleven having read the source code18:47
hajouror was it not usable?18:47
webczatAlanBell: what about java awt thing?18:47
hajourUndiFineD,  can explain it to you or JackyAlcine  AlanBell 18:48
hajourJackyAlcine,  ping18:48
AlanBellwebczat: not sure about java atk stuff18:48
webczator about jab legacy?18:48
webczatI someday tested the atk thingy and it worked, but ubuntu still has this deprecated jab. and it even does not work.18:48
webczatbecause of orbit errors. that also prevents using it after upgrading to at-spi2 if ever done18:50
AlanBell!info libaccess-bridge-java18:50
hajourhave pinged JackyAlcine  in pm for you AlanBell 18:51
AlanBellwebczat: ok, I see what that is supposed to do18:51
AlanBellwebczat: I will have a go with that later18:52
AlanBellif that one is deprecated where is the upstream we should be using?18:52
hajournot yet have get respond AlanBell 18:53
hajourfrom JackyAlcine 18:53
AlanBellwebczat: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=53777918:55
ubot2Debian bug 537779 in wnpp "RFP: java-atk-wrapper -- An ATK implementation for Java using JNI" [Wishlist,Open]18:55
AlanBelllooks like it is not yet packaged in debian :(18:55
AlanBellI will have more of a play later, that is probably something we could bring up at UDS and get someone to package it and get it in Debian18:57
AlanBellhajour: I will help you get openmary working with speech dispatcher on your laptop later18:57
hajourok AlanBell 18:58
AlanBellhajour: does orca work right now for you?18:58
hajourAlanBell,  danielo108 will explain it to you18:58
AlanBellas in, you run orca and it talks?18:58
hajouri not get a understandable voice AlanBell 18:58
AlanBellyeah, that is fine18:58
hajourit sounds better but it mmm looking for the right english word now18:59
AlanBellbut if you run it now it should say "welcome to orca" and "orca screen reader slash magnifier frame preferences button"18:59
hajourgoing translate brb18:59
AlanBelldon't care if it sounds horrible, just want to know if it works19:00
* JackyAlcine was pinged; can't determine what exactly for.19:00
hajourorca falters19:00
hajourJackyAlcine,  AlanBell  wants to no where libopenmary is for to use19:01
AlanBellactually I am off out to water plants now19:01
hajourso its falters then repeat the font over the next font AlanBell 19:01
JackyAlcineBut yeah, libopenmary was originally designed to be used the same way libespeak is.19:02
hajourand then its not understandable19:02
hajourAlanBell, 19:02
JackyAlcineBut as AlanBell brought to the team's attention; it can also be used to create a plugin to speechd to support MARY.19:02
hajourneeded time to explain in english19:02
hajouryes i heard JackyAlcine 19:03
hajourwe need to organize a meeting soon again JackyAlcine 19:03
JackyAlcineIndeed; as soon as I can get my home system more stabilized..19:04
hajouri am switching often from pc at the moment JackyAlcine 19:04
hajouri not have a own pc anymore19:04
JackyAlcineBut meetings would be more easier for me to attend on the weekend, as school's coming to a close and I have to please my college.19:04
hajouri understand but saterday i need to go sleep early as i have to stand up at 6:00 in morning on sunday to get my plain to uds JackyAlcine 19:05
JackyAlcineOh man! UDS!19:06
JackyAlcinelol, keep forgetting about that19:07
hajourthats next week JackyAlcine 19:07
* webczat says re19:16
charlie-tcaI went to lunch and last minute shopping for travel19:25
hajourbrb need to get my kids to bed so19:29
webczatcharlie-tca: do you know something about java-atk-wrapper or jab?19:30
charlie-tcano, I don't really. I have seen a couple of bug reports about java-bridge not working19:31
charlie-tcabut that is the extent of it.19:31
webczatyeah. jab is deprecated, right?19:33
webczatI heart it's replaced by java-atk-wrapper19:33
charlie-tcayeah, to the best of my knowledge, jab is deprecated. Didn't know about the replacement.19:33
webczatyes, there is :)19:34
webczatI remember me testing it one time19:34
webczatI think ubuntu needs to replace jab with java-atk-wrapper, I heart that it's currently completed but some things need fixing. that's better than something that doesn't work at all because of some corba things.19:35
webczatIt at least does not crash the whole java thing.19:36
charlie-tcaI defer to TheMuso for that kind of stuff. I do the testing and wiki updates when I can, but I am not a developer.19:36
webczatBut there's a cool and understandable error message with a backtrace. :)19:36
webczatAnd I don't understand it cause I don't know corba.19:37
charlie-tcaLike I say, I have to let developers put everything together. I can test things and tell what does and what does not work, but I don't understand all the application interaction19:39
JanCwebczat: is there and Ubuntu bug about java-atk-wrapper ?20:22
webczatJanC: I am not really sure.20:22
JanCor maybe a bug about the one that doesn't work  ;)20:25
webczatProbably there is. I didn't check bugs, I just like asked for advice.20:27
webczator info20:28
AlanBellwebczat: I don't think there is an Ubuntu bug about it, if there is somewhere then it will just be a pointer to the debian request to package bug20:32
webczatI want to program in swing20:32
JanCAlanBell: a bug that links to the debian one would be useful though20:33
AlanBellwhat would it be filed against though?20:33
AlanBelldebian bug 53777920:33
JanCprobably against the old one?20:33
ubot2Debian bug 537779 in wnpp "RFP: java-atk-wrapper -- An ATK implementation for Java using JNI" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/53777920:33
JanCthe old library, I mean20:33
JanCseems like it's in the libaccess-bridge-java / libaccess-bridge-java-jni packages20:35
AlanBellbug 42929620:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 429296 in java-access-bridge "Does not work!" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42929620:35
AlanBellthat bug has the corba error webczat mentioned I think20:36
AlanBellwhy do we think java-access-bridge is deprecated?20:38
JanCI wonder how it's using Corba though?20:38
JanCin Natty I mean20:38
AlanBellat-spi stuff probably, doesn't really matter20:38
AlanBelljust want to file a bug against it for being deprecated20:40
JanCwhat I mean is that it doesn't seem to use any CORBA library20:40
JanCsome Java stdlib implementation maybe20:42
AlanBellcan't find any reference to it being deprecated so I am not filing a bug against it for that20:44
JanCwell, maybe it's not deprecated but just not maintained...20:44
AlanBellyeah, well it has the "doesn't work" bug already20:47
JanCdidn't Oracle tell most Sun a11y developers to find another job?  :-/20:49
JanCwell, and some by Sun itself and IBM before that apparently...  :-/20:51
AlanBellpretty much, yes20:54
JanCmayeb we need to remind them about http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/profit/features/070609-community-143624.html  :P20:54
* AlanBell added it to the discussion notes for UDS20:56
webczatAlanBell: jab is probably deprecated because it uses at-spi, not atk20:57
webczatand it's at-spi120:57
webczatubuntu has at-spi1 but at-spi1 is actually being replaced with version 2.20:58
webczatHmm, does oracle do something with java accessibility?20:58
AlanBellwebczat: I can't find a link to something saying it is deprecated20:59
webczatMasaybe. I'm sure that it's, but it's better to first be sure21:00
JanCwell, it's still needed for systems that use ATK 1.x (with bonobo)21:00
AlanBellI do understand that is uses at-spi1 and corba and thus must be deprecated, but I need something to link to if I am filing a bug against it21:00
JanCwhich includes many LTS-style distros21:00
AlanBellyeah, still might be deprecated21:01
AlanBelldoesn't mean it can't be used, just marks it as a strategic dead end21:01
webczatyes. so at least make it work :/21:01
JanCAlanBell: the lack of any developers working on it might mean nobody can mark it as deprecated of course21:01
webczatIt was to devs as a whole actually :d21:01
JanCofficially 21:02
webczatIf jab will be there but will work I won't care.21:02
JanCwebczat: you might be able to get it to work with http://rdfintrospector2.blogspot.com/2009/09/bonobo-crazy-monkeys-java-at-api.html21:14
JanCbut that's only a temporary solution for as long as at-spi API v1 is still supported  :-/ 21:15
webczatpage not found21:28
AlanBellworks for me21:32
webczatbut not for me ugh21:32
webczathmm now it doea21:33
webczatNo solution there.21:42
hajoursorry i had a long pm 22:15
MrBadWikiAloha ka po'e apau22:53
=== MrBadWiki is now known as MrChrisDruif
hajouralso already wondering what re meant23:17
webczatHmm, going to sleep, good night all!23:39
hajourstill not know what Re means23:56
MrChrisDruifhajour: Might be return23:57

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