
=== fenris__ is now known as Guest97535
=== fenris__ is now known as Guest50538
* bassem Upgrading the laptop to Natty08:46
hadenxHello bassem, xnixan ,fenris-unity08:58
bassemhadenx, morning08:58
bassemhadenx, now it's good afternoon09:00
hadenxbassem,just realized that .. :)09:02
hadenxOmar didn't get back on the pizza plans ..09:02
bassemhadenx, so it's like that last time!09:03
hadenxWe might just meet up for coffee...09:03
bassemhadenx, today you mean?09:07
hadenxbassem ,Yes.. The meetup is today right ?09:07
bassemhadenx, yeah! are you coming ?109:08
hadenxYes.. Ill be there ...09:09
bassemhadenx, who else? xnixan !!!09:14
hadenxbassem, from irc I think only bojicas will show up..09:15
TokiHey guys, I need help regarding my waterlogged laptop, any of you have experience in such cases?09:39
Tokixnixan, Haden, bassem.09:40
TokiYes, bassem?09:41
bassemremove the battery09:41
TokiBattery's removed.09:41
bassemlet it dry09:42
TokiBeen drying since last night.09:42
TokiAnother thing bugging me is that Sharjah's water are quite noticeably saltier. :/09:43
bassemToki, not enough!09:43
Tokibassem: How long?09:43
bassemput it in dry and warm place09:43
bassem2 or 3 days09:43
bassemand pray!09:44
TokiCan't do anything about warmth, but yeah it's a dry place.09:44
TokiPray?! Not definete of it working again?09:44
bassemToki, what about the sun!09:44
TokiBassem, even balcony doesn't get too much sunlight.09:44
TokiAnd it's sandy all around (industrial area).09:45
Tokibassem: Is there anywhere I can buy distilled water?09:46
bassemToki, no idea!09:46
Tokibassem: Salty water, eternal death chance increase. :'(09:46
TokiI need some compressed air as well, did not find in Mirdif City Centre yesterday.09:47
TokiBy the way, how safe is it to clean desktops with water? On UF, quite a few people has apparently done it.09:49
TokiWelcome, fenris-unity!09:49
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bassembojicas, coming today?12:00
bojicashi. yes, i'll be there12:00
bojicasbassem, what about you?12:01
bassembojicas, yeah sure!12:01
=== fenris__ is now known as Guest33188
bassemHaden, xnixan , move!15:02
=== Guest33188 is now known as fenris-
=== fenris- is now known as ejat-
bassem_mobilehi ejat- !16:33
xnixanbassem_mobile, LOL17:21
bassem_mobilexnixan: what?17:21
xnixan@ xnixan  move!17:21
bassem_mobilexnixan: and you didn't ?!!17:22
xnixanbassem_mobile, LOL again17:23
xnixanbassem_mobile, how are you?17:23
bassem_mobilexnixan: fine17:24
bassem_mobilexnixan: you?17:24
nlsthznbassem_mobile: hello17:35
bassem_mobilenlsthzn: hey17:35
nlsthznGood meeting?17:35
bassem_mobilenlsthzn: i don't know!17:36
xnixanbassem_mobile, yep!17:39
bassem_mobilexnixan: how are you?17:39
nlsthznguess we have to wait from those that attended then17:39
bassem_mobilenlsthzn: define "Good" !17:40
bassem_mobilexnixan: we are talking about you right now!17:40
xnixanbassem_mobile, i am fine, thaks17:41
xnixanbassem_mobile, about what?17:49
bassem_mobilexnixan: sponsorship!17:50
xnixanbassem_mobile, very well17:50
xnixanbassem_mobile, but i did not get any reply till now!17:50
xnixanbassem_mobile, i was dreaming to host this month meeting!17:50
bassem_mobilecause you didn't attend!17:50
xnixanbassem_mobile, wow!17:51
bassem_mobilewhy you didn't attend?17:51
xnixanbassem_mobile, should'nt be at 6th17:51
bassem_mobilexnixan: ?!!17:52
xnixanbassem_mobile, i think, it confuses me with dubai tech nights!17:52
bassem_mobilexnixan: man it's today! right now!!17:53
xnixanbassem_mobile, :(17:53
bassem_mobilexnixan: if you were member of meetup, you will receive a notification17:54
xnixanbassem_mobile, i am17:54
bassem_mobilexnixan: !17:54
xnixanbassem_mobile, and i know it is in festival city!17:55
xnixanbassem_mobile, but i thought it will be tomorrow!17:55
bassem_mobilexnixan: next time isa17:55
xnixanbassem_mobile, isa17:55
bassem_mobilexnixan: omar is next to me, do you want me to tell him anything?17:56
xnixanbassem_mobile, sure!17:56
bassem_mobilexnixan: ?17:56
xnixanbassem_mobile, i have his business card, and i called him on the number mentioned there17:56
bassem_mobilexnixan: he said that he got voice mail from you17:57
xnixanbassem_mobile, i also left for him voice mail, but i did not get any reply17:57
xnixanbassem_mobile, hehe17:57
xnixanbassem_mobile, ok, then what?17:57
bassem_mobilexnixan: what?17:58
nlsthznxnixan: say hi from me to all attending :p17:58
xnixannlsthzn, 10000000^10000000 hi for you17:58
bassem_mobilenlsthzn: no, i will not do it!17:58
nlsthznbassem_mobile: nobody asked you to do anything17:59
xnixanbassem_mobile, anyway good luck to all of you18:00
bassem_mobilexnixan: so what to tell omar?18:00
xnixanbassem_mobile, tell them all i am really sorry that i missed that meeting18:00
xnixanbassem_mobile, i had already applied on the meetup site,for the sponsorship!18:01
xnixanbassem_mobile, did not he check it?18:01
bassem_mobilelet me ask him18:01
xnixanbassem_mobile, ok18:01
bassem_mobilexnixan: he said yes he saw it18:02
bassem_mobileand we need to dicuss it18:02
nlsthznbassem_mobile: oh, I got mixed up... your at the meeting now and xnixan missed it?18:03
bassem_mobilenlsthzn: yes18:03
xnixannlsthzn, yes!18:03
nlsthznbassem_mobile: hehe, my bad... please say hi to all attending please... and wish I could be there...18:03
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
bassem_mobilenlsthzn: no, i will not do it!18:04
xnixanbassem_mobile, tell him that he is most welcome, to come and discuss it, or if he wish, i will meet him!18:04
xnixanbassem_mobile, and if he can come with any number for the group, i will be my pleasure, and the management in Al Ahli too!18:05
bassem_mobilexnixan: he will call you tomorrow and prepare a small meeting!18:06
xnixanbassem_mobile, very good!18:06
nlsthzn-workbassem_mobile: where us your spirit of Ubuntu? :)18:06
xnixannlsthzn-work, :)18:06
bassem_mobilenlsthzn-work: you are not human, you live in rwuais and use windoz!!!18:07
xnixannlsthzn-work, it that true???18:07
nlsthzn-workI am on Windows at the moment at work, and I do use windows on my desktop to play games, I am running Kubuntu on my laptop and have openSUSE on my netbook however...18:08
nlsthzn-work... not that I have to explain myself to anybody come to think about it :/18:14
xnixannlsthzn-work, you have already done :p18:15
HadenHey guys..18:55
bassem_mobileHaden: hey man! did you reach home?18:58
Hadenbassem_mobile,  Yes...19:04
Haden10 mins back...19:04
Hadenhello ejat-19:06
bassem_mobileHaden: i just left19:10
bassem_mobileHaden: i need 1 hour to be at home!!!19:11
bassem_mobileyou live in ikea?19:11
Hadenbassem_mobile, Lol.. I wish.. I live somewhere near festival city though.. takes me 10 mins..19:19
bassem_mobileHaden: great! so festival city is best meeting place for you!19:20
Hadenbassem_mobile,  Well I got home by Taxi.. so I had to pay 20 bucks...19:22
HadenI came by Metro.. took me almost an hour..19:22
bassem_mobileHaden: 20 bucks!!! wow19:22
bassem_mobilei've took taxi to deira city center and then metro!19:23
bassem_mobiletaxi costs me 12 only19:23
Hadenbassem_mobile, I thought you stay in marina...19:30
bassem_mobileHaden: yes i'm in marina19:31
bassem_mobilei'm on my way now19:31
Hadenbassem_mobile,  Sorry.. my bad.. got confused..19:31
Hadenbassem_mobile, Install natty on my friends laptop... core dupo 1 gb ram, intel graphics.. really slow.. :(19:32
bassem_mobileHaden: we didn't discuss the party!19:32
Hadenbassem_mobile, I had asked Omar.. I thought he would've have planned.. we can discuss something next IRC meet..19:33
nlsthzn-workHaden: with those specs even natty should be fast19:52

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