
=== panda is now known as Guest7646
kingargondoes anyone here have experience with jflash?07:25
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cojocarwhat is the default user and password for maverik on beagle (-netbook-armel-omap.img)?13:38
ogra_cojocar, there is none13:39
ogra_you have to run through the installer first13:39
cojocarhow do I run the installer? it's just boots and gives me the login prompt13:40
ogra_what beagle revision is that ?13:40
ogra_Cx, Bx, XM ?13:41
ogra_ah, might be that you dont boot the right kernel and initrd13:41
ogra_did you read the installation docs ?13:41
ogra_it might be booting from NAND instead of the SD13:41
cojocaroh, i've used this link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPMaverickInstall13:42
cojocarhmm, I will try to use the boot.scr file13:42
ogra_"On older Beagleboards"13:43
ogra_see that section13:43
ogra_though i wouldnt recommend running the netbook image on a C beagle13:43
ogra_it doesnt have enough ram13:43
ogra_it will run but wont be any fun to use13:43
cojocaryes, thanks13:44
cojocarthat was missing, I was booting without initrd13:44
ogra_we have a headless image for such devices in 11.0413:44
cojocarwhat does `headless' mean?13:46
ogra_ist a minimal cmdline image you can run and configure via serial ... it offers to install a desktop env during the install process13:48
ogra_so you could i.e. install xubuntu-desktop or lubuntu-desktop to have something more suited for that amoount of resources13:48
ogra_(needs network for the desktop part though)13:49
cojocaroh, network install13:51
ogra_the base system is there ... network is only used for adding desktop bits13:51
ogra_if you want to go with cmdline you dont need network at all13:51
cojocarthanks, I will try the headless image then13:53
cojocarthe steps are the same, as with Maverik?13:55
cojocarfound it :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPHeadlessInstall13:55
cojocarthanks again ogra_13:55
ogra_if you have issues, just ask again13:56
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robclarkrsalveti, hrw, have you been able to (or tried to) cross compile tools/perf from kernel git tree?15:12
rsalvetinever tried, remember we had issues with it during last cycle15:13
robclarkthere was a bit of retardness of hard-coded libelf include path in the Makefile, but that is easy enough to fix..  but now I realize that arm gcc cross compiler (at least for Maverick) doesn't have -print-sysroot..15:13
rsalveticooloney: ^15:14
hrwrobclark: can try15:40
robclarkhi hrw15:41
hrwrebuilding gcc-cross now15:43
rsalvetiGrueMaster: the magic to make BT work with ubuntu's kernel http://paste.ubuntu.com/603343/17:27
rsalvetistill not tested17:27
rsalvetithat annoying messages after booting the kernel is from bt/fm17:28
GrueMasterAh, ok.  Somethig for SRU fix?17:29
rsalvetiGrueMaster: we still don't have the proper fix17:36
rsalvetithis requires the daemon to be loaded at the correct time frame17:36
GrueMasterUnderstood.  Not saying it has to happen now.17:36
rsalvetiwould be good to have as SRU17:37
rsalvetilet's see when agreen gets the real fix17:37
GrueMasterI'm patient.  I can wait until tomorrow.  :P17:39
kingargonwhy people come here just to idle? i never understood that about irc20:08
kingargonthere are 105 people in this channel and no one has said a damn thing in the last 12 hrs.!20:09
armin76kingargon: i saw some activity before you joined20:14
GrueMasterkingargon: I just posted less than 3 hours ago.20:16
ogra_kingargon, well, do you have a question ? just ask :)20:17
GrueMasterAnd some campers (like myself) use an irc proxy to capture all conversations while they are away.20:17
rsalvetithat changes a lot of the day20:34
rsalvetiand people are buys this week preparing the stuff for uds20:35
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